Urantia Book

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Chapter 11
Beloved Archangel Uriel and Aurora - March 14, 1993

Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1993
Inspired in
Elizabeth Clare Prophet

11  Beloved Archangel Uriel and Aurora - March 14, 1993
    11.1  I AM the Witness - March 14, 1993

Vol. 36 No. 11 - Beloved Archangel Uriel and Aurora - March 14, 1993
How to Contact Angels -
Your Guides, Guardians and Friends
Only Believe!
The Sword of the Ruby Ray Separates the Real from the Unreal
"This Is Your Window of Opportunity: Go for It!"

     I AM Uriel Archangel!

     I AM come in the joy of Divine Justice and I wield, in the name of the Christ and the Buddha, the sword of the Ruby Ray from the heart of God.

     Therefore I come. Therefore I say: Let the judgment descend! And let the sword be upon those who require the separating out from darkness that they might know gladness else the everlasting contempt of the LORD God.1

     Therefore I AM come, commissioned by the Lord to bring the separation of the Real from the Unreal. And I come first to minister to the Keepers of the Flame of Life in the earth, you who are here, you who bear the Light across the planet and throughout a cosmos.

     For God would heal you! God would raise you up! God would infire you anew that you might know your ultimate destiny, that you might be rekindled in the heart and in the light of the eye and in the sacred fire rising upon the altar of being.

     You who have been faithful, I say, accept now my presence and my offering. For you have tarried long in loyalty to Saint Germain, to the violet flame, to the God of Freedom. Indeed you have.

     Therefore I, Uriel, come in this hour and I touch my feet upon this ground and there is a quickening in the earth, there is a trembling in the earth, and there is come the Prince of Light, the Prince of Peace.

     So be touched, beloved ones. So, all of you who have been faithful to our cause, be touched now and know that there is a spark divine and a hope celestial and angels who come to sing to your marred souls wherever you have been burdened and undergone many a trial.

     Know, then, that it is indeed because you have been faithful in a few things,2 you have been willing to bear your karma. And though you may have grumbled now and then, well, I say, you are here and you are keeping the flame in this city and in many cities of the earth.

     My eye spans the horizon as I see the flames of the Seventh Ray increasing, as I see you mature, ripening in your love and increasing in it. And therefore you have also gained wisdom. Some experiences have taught you the hard way and then sometimes you get so smart that you learn the easy way at last - God's own way!

     I come to cheer you, and Aurora with me. For is it not a joyous day? Know, then, that this is another hour when cycles have turned and when those whose time is up for the sowing of Evil, [inasmuch as they have not exercised their] option to renounce Evil, are thus taken [to the court of the sacred fire].

     As the planet receives more karma, the planet is yet delivered of other fallen ones who need no longer be here, for they have used up their portion of time and space and the opportunity to receive the conversion of the Holy Spirit. These are they who would not [tarry to receive the Holy Spirit], who were never in reality a part of your bands. They shall pass on in the violet flame. Peace be with them. God be upon them, for they have a hard and difficult journey ahead.

     Now, therefore, blessed ones, come into the heart of comfort and joy - comfort of the Holy Spirit, joy in your Lord and in the certain knowledge that Divine Justice does come to all.

     Divine Justice is a bounty. Truly it is a boon of grace! And unto those of you who receive the Beloved of Saint Germain, the Lady Portia, so there does come truly a soul-satisfying experience in the magnificent flames of the Sixth and the Seventh Rays, wherein you will see the commingling of all shades of violets and purples and pinks and the golden pink glow-ray of the dawn and the ruby action of the ruby fire.

     Yes, I touch you with the ruby fire and I use it also that there might be a dispensation going forth in this hour, even from the heart of Saint Germain. He has asked me to announce to you this night that he does take now a portion of his grant3 to assist you to cut free the souls of Light who are next in line, next to enter the Path and climb the ladder, even Jacob's ladder,4 to climb with the angels - ascending to God, descending again to the lower levels to go after the untransmuted karma, then by the power of resurrection's flame ascending the ladder of life again.

     And so is the process of initiation. Each time you ascend and descend the ladder, beloved ones, you complete a round of balancing karma and rising to new levels of your chakras in a heightened God-awareness. So you never know when it is the final ascent and you no longer need to descend again into the darkness of the lesser consciousness of the astral plane.

     Life moves on. Life carries you with it. Life is God. And I AM an extension of God before you as the Archangel of the Sixth Ray. Behold the Motherhood of God in my beloved Aurora and know, then, that the beauty of life is in the divine union of the Father-Mother God at every level. As you celebrate the union of your families and your children, remember it is Love and Love alone that will carry you beyond the levels of daily troubles and burdens.

     Oh, call to me, beloved! Call to me and know that I always carry the sword of the Ruby Ray, and I will let that sword fall into your midst that it might divide you from the darkness and the unreality that looms so large and real each day.

     O beloved, have pity on yourselves once in a while but not too often, for the angels weep for you and therefore you need not overindulge [in self-pity]; for on the heels of the divine pity comes resurrection's morn. Aye, prepare for it this year. Enter into your Lenten fasts5 and know that the purging, purifying power of God will bring you to the moment again and again each year of the celebration of Good Friday and your own acceptance of a few hours on the cross with Christ that you might also be with him on resurrection's morn.

     Follow the course that the saints have taken. Follow the course the Messenger has also chosen - to be crucified and to be reborn, to die daily and be resurrected - and know that resurrecting spirit, even the great Spirit of the Resurrection, who dwells in the heart of the Great Central Sun. Every spring the power of the resurrection is able to renew your bodies and minds and cells.

     Oh, it is a glorious advent we look forward to, that day of the risen Christ when you confirm your own immortality, your own freedom from sin, disease and death, your own freedom to be in this life in this body and yet not partake of the poisons of death but lead a planetary home and the legions of Light in embodiment and all souls of beauty and truth up the mountain of God, up the mount of the Presence.

     Oh, what joy to be among the angels of resurrection's flame! What joy, my beloved! For the buoyant flame of the mother-of-pearl radiance does distill the essence of your being and cast the dross into the violet fire.

     Thus resurrection flame and violet flame, purple fire and Ruby Ray and the Light of Helios and Vesta commingle that you might know yourself more alive, more filled with the spirit of love, more in the joy, each and every hour, of being the conquering hero and heroine, knowing that each and every day you are challenging, being challenged and yet God in you is always the victor.

     It is a mighty opportunity, this lifetime you have. May you experience the joy, go back to the joy and absolutely refuse to be taken down into a condition of nonjoy anywhere or anytime! Yes, beloved, be that bubbling fountain of resurrection's flame and have that essence to give to all whom you meet. People have so much pain and you have so much, with [your calls to the] violet fire, so much joy of angels to give back to them.

     I, then, must tell you that it is a moment of opportunity as Saint Germain gives dispensations to you to bring in to [the path of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters] those to whom he would also give his dispensations. It is time for new [souls to climb the] rungs on the ladder and it is time to contact new [souls who will advance on] rings of light from rings farther out. Let them come to the center and have their turn [to sit by] the fire at the central altar of God.

     Happy are ye who extend your life by wisdom, by temperance, by sobriety and peace, by not engaging in the excesses of the world. Extend your life, then, to give hope and more hope - hope to the world, hope to those of Light, hope to those who sin who can be spun around by the Holy Spirit to face their God and face their Presence and put all the shadows behind them.

     You live in a time when anything is possible and nothing is impossible with God! You live in a time of miracles and change and alchemy, when the whole world is in a state of flux. And none may know what the configuration of so many planets in mid-January 1994 shall bring.6 What shall it bring to you less than a year away and what are the signs six months before and after?

     Consider these things, beloved. Consider how quickly events move in the earth, how changes come suddenly as sudden destruction that cometh upon a people who are not prepared.7

     Saint Germain reminds me to tell you that being prepared at all levels of your life establishes profound peace and a centeredness in God and the ability to know that you will deal with any calamity, any good omen that comes your way. For, beloved, centered in God, you can make your peace and know that you will be where you are intended to be no matter what the octave, no matter what the day of the LORD's sudden appearing to the earth or the earth body.

     I speak not in any way to suggest hard times or sudden cataclysms. But I speak to you in a world that is always uncertain, a world that is rocked by karmic conditions and returning karma that comes due from ancient days and ancient peoples who have worked great darkness in the earth. Their karma must descend even as the good karma of the Lightbearers must also descend.

     So I survey the heavens and the earth and the sea and the depths of the astral plane. From the eye of an Archangel, which is the Eye of God, it is not difficult to see causes set in motion long ago coming full circle in these days.

     Thus the decade of the nineties moves on and that decade shall unfold prophecies already told, perhaps mitigated in a mighty way because some of you - I dare hope many of you - have come to the realization that there is no issue, no circumstance, no war, no cataclysm whatsoever that you cannot tackle ahead of time in concerted effort and therein win a victory for Hercules in your labors.

     Yes, you have done it before. Only believe! Only believe in the power of the Seven Archangels to assist you! Only believe in the power of Elohim. Only know that if you hear of the darkest darkness and the worst of worst calamities, there is yet hope to turn around conditions. There is yet hope to overcome the seemingly impossible, unsolvable problem.

     It simply requires the centeredness, the determination, the fire of the eye, the will, the set of the heart that says:

     I will not say die!

     I will not give up or give in!

     For the sake of my children, my household, I will not be moved.

     We will be in the heart of Moses and we will serve the LORD.8

     We will serve the LORD.

     We will know his name I AM THAT I AM and we will trust in him.

     Have that trust, beloved. Have it in all things. Fear and doubt and anxiety disturb all of your being and then you cannot precipitate, whether it be abundance or supply or even joy and happiness, because the worry, worry, worry disturbs the waters of your alchemy and you can no longer see the reflection here below of that which is above. Therefore how shall it crystallize, even by the power of the All-Seeing Eye of God?

     May you invoke [the All-Seeing Eye of God]! And invoke it again. But be certain that if that Eye is to bring into materialization, according to the nine steps of Saint Germain's alchemy,9 all that you need to accomplish your goals in this life, you must affirm:

     Peace, be still and know that I AM God!

     Speak, then, to the untransmuted self!

     Speak, then, to the undisciplined self!

     Speak, then, to your members that are not yet in the cauldron of the violet flame!

     Speak to your four lower bodies!

     Speak to those naughty habits and say:

     Peace, be still and know that I AM God!

     And when you say it, beloved, know that you are affirming the I AM Presence in yourself. Not just above you but in you, through you, as you, the LORD God does reign in your temple!

     I, Uriel, proclaim it and I say to you: Wherever you are, when you know that, you are the victor over Death and Hell, you are the victor over every circumstance and every possible karma that could come upon you. You will defeat that karma by plunging into it, balancing it, atoning for it!

     Yes, the day of atonement is at hand. Atone, then, for sin and karma. Replace it with Light! Assign yourself those calls for this Community. Let there be the binding of false teachings - false teachings in the realm of Christianity and every other world religion! Let the true Light of the Divine Manchild appear!

     Thus when there is a rumbling and a grumbling in the self, the not-self, you say to it, even to your own dweller-on-the-threshold that rears its head just above the surface of the mind:

     Peace, be still and know that I AM God!

     The God that is in you is able to overcome every lesser manifestation. Prove it now! Do not dally with the not-self! You have tarried with Saint Germain. You need not tarry with your human creation - no, not a day longer, I say!

     The violet flame is active in this place. The violet flame is active in your sanctuary. Give yourself a good soak, I say. Soak in the violet flame! Soak in that purifying fire! And emerge a new creature in Christ,10 a new bodhisattva on the Path. Emerge, I say, from your nocturnal retreat to the violet flame cauldrons [on the etheric plane].

     Yes, be washed clean and made whole [in those cauldrons] as in the pool of Siloam.11 Yes, indeed, beloved, for an angel hath troubled the waters12 this night and I AM that angel. And I trouble the waters of your emotional body to purge that emotional body of all despair and disappointment and depression.

     And I come to assist you in dealing with your psychology. Yes, beloved, you do not have to deal with it for the rest of your life every day and every hour. After all, it is an assignment that you accomplish and put behind you because you have the added input of knowing that God dwells in your breast! The Atman is here within your heart, here within my heart! And the sword of Uriel is there to protect you.

     So what have you to fear but fear itself?

     Well, I should say, another concern and a very lawful concern you should have is goal-fitting for the fulfillment of your divine plan in this life. Therefore, put into perspective everything about yourself - the lesser and the greater, those things that don't matter. And when Jesus comes to walk and talk with you, he will say what he said long ago: "What is that to thee? Follow thou me!"13

     I AM the Lord's instrument. When the Lord Christ does decree the judgment of certain fallen ones whose time has come, he calls me to his presence and he says: "Uriel, I have summoned you this day. Go forth, then! Bind that company of fallen ones with all of your hosts! For they may no longer walk the green earth nor interfere with these my little ones."

     When we receive the command of our captain, so we do go forth in the name of the Saviour for the binding of those fallen ones who may have tormented you and you for long centuries. Therefore know that the hour of the reward of the saints and the prophets is come.14 It is come, beloved, and it comes day by day.

     Rejoice to see the salvation of your God in your temple and in your soul! Rejoice that life is real and that we the Archangels move among you and that you are not alone!

     How often we hear hearts say, "I am so very lonely." I speak of those in the world who have no polestar of reality to cling to, to go to, no tree of life to hide under; for they have not knowledge, neither self-knowledge nor the knowledge of God. What a pity, beloved!

     You have this teaching locked in the locket of your heart. I say, unfold it. Be prepared to meet those who need you. Get out of yourself, I say! Get out of yourself and onto the Path, looking for those of far less comfort and joy, far less teaching and self-knowledge. Impart, impart, impart again, directed by the Holy Spirit to speak or not to speak. Yes, go forth empowered this night.

     I empower the Christ of you and the real you and the part of you that is whole and one with that Christ. For some part of that little child within and that little one who is the babe of yourself, some part of that one is already a part of your Christ. Some part of your inner adult is a part of that Christ.

     Each and every day let another crumb of self return to the whole loaf of being so that you also, in the footsteps of your Lord, might break the bread of Life - life that is everlasting, life that is holy, joyous, life that is wisdom in action, life that is love and more love and greater love.

     How does your love grow?

     It grows because you feel God's love for you and that love is so great, so profound, so merciful, so forgiving, so all-encompassing that what can you do? - what can you do with such a love except to share it with all whom you meet to heal the suffering heart, to comfort those who are under the false belief that they are alone?

     I smile, beloved, for I look upon every heart of Light upon earth. And for a moment I am saddened that some of these hearts have found no way to connect with a path that they know is somewhere for them.

     Remember when you place your head to rest upon your pillow - remember to offer that final prayer that every heart of Light on earth might find that perfect path to the heart of God and to his I AM Presence and, most of all, that these hearts of Light might know the joy flame, the violet flame that is the key to the balancing of karma and to their resurrection and ascension in this life.

     Now the Buddha of the Ruby Ray does stand at this altar, and you may now see legions of Ruby Ray angels dressed in a beauteous rose and white fire. And they come, beloved, for by the Body and Blood of Christ they are purging the earth, and our bands from all over the near universe do join them. And change is taking place in the earth.

     And happy are ye who have supported our coming and attended these meetings and listened with your inner ear and heart to the teachings of the Archangels. Happy are ye who have met again those of us whom you have known for aeons.

     We are happy, for this is the kind of forum whereby we may come to the cities and deliver the true and righteous judgments of God that life might be set free. To set life free I am come and you are come! Therefore we join together in holy purpose.

     Legions of Uriel, angels, Ruby Ray beings of Light and the Buddha of the Ruby Ray - one and all we offer to you our friendship, our pact of friendship. We bind ourselves to God and to the God within you.

     Know, then, that when we give our friendship, we do not take it away. We are loyal friends. We will never betray you but we will give you our trust. Thus, beloved, you need not ever walk alone again, for God in the person of his angels will always be at your side. Don't forget to call to us in every matter.

     So I seal this dictation and my prayer for you that you be not forgetful to entertain strangers,15 for we shall be there, we your angels. And you shall entertain our presence and we shall bond our hearts with your hearts.

     Keep the fire! And speak to the lesser self often:

     Peace, be still and know that I AM God!

     Therefore say it in the name of Uriel and Aurora.

     [Congregation affirms with Archangel Uriel:]

     In the name of Uriel and Aurora:

     Peace, be still and know that I AM God!

     Peace, be still and know that I AM God!

     Peace, be still and know that I AM God!

     The sword, beloved, is the inverted cross. By the sign of the cross and the crown we conquer, and by the sword we pierce unreality that reality might appear. So it is done! And we move on to other places in other octaves where souls of Light such as you await our coming.

     May God bless you forever!

     I seal you every one in the path of your ascension.

     Go for it!

     Go for it, for this is your window of opportunity!

     - [26-second standing ovation]

     This dictation by Archangel Uriel and Aurora with Angels of the Resurrection attending was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, February 20, 1993, during a weekend seminar, How to Contact Angels - Your Guides, Guardians and Friends Part 1, held at the Park Inn International in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The dictation followed the Messenger's lecture "How Angels Help You to Effect Personal and Planetary Change." [N.B. In this Pearl, bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under the direction of Archangel Uriel and Aurora for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom.

     "Saint Germain On Alchemy" (lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet)

     Videocassette: 2 cassettes, 3 hr. 38 min., V8607-0.

     Audiocassette: 3 cassettes, 4 hr. 16 min., S86096.

11.1  I AM the Witness - March 14, 1993

Vol. 36 No. 11 - I AM the Witness - March 14, 1993

     I AM the Witness

     Home at Last!

     Beloved Mother,

     I have never told you my story. I thought that you might like to hear it. I also wanted to tell you how much I appreciate being a member of your staff and what being a part of this Community means to me.

     I remember leaving the Mystery School a long time ago. It is a dim memory but I recall saying to my beloved that I wanted to leave. I was frustrated and wanted some excitement. I thought that I was only going to be gone for a little while. My beloved cried. He knew that it would be longer. I was proud and did not want to lose face. I insisted that I was going and so I left.

     I think that it has been many lifetimes since I have been in a Mystery School of the Brotherhood. When I left I had no idea that the journey would take me so far or that it would take so long to get back. I don't think that anyone knows this when they leave the Brotherhood or the Path. But my twin flame knew.

     As a little girl in this life, I lay on the beach one day and saw a glimpse of the greater plan. I became worried that I might get lost again and forget. I prayed to Jesus and the saints to keep me on course. From then on I looked for the Path. I longed for peace, constancy and stability. I no longer craved excitement. I had had my fill of it. It had not brought me what my soul really desired.

     Ten years ago I returned to the Mystery School in this life. It was Maitreya's Mystery School at the Inner Retreat. The same old feelings arose within me. My own dweller-on-the-threshold did not want me to stay. I did not seem to experience all the joys of the Path that other chelas did. This joy came later for me.

     At Summit University I began to understand some of the problem. In his January 27, 1985 dictation, "Remember the Ancient Encounter," the Ascended Master Kuthumi gave teaching on the dweller-on-the-threshold (1985 Pearls of Wisdom, no. 9). He explained how we have created the dweller-on-the-threshold and what it means to slay that dweller.

     Over many lifetimes, by free will in our words, actions and desires, we have created momentums that have built the antithesis of Self. Through ignorance, absence of tutoring and just plain forgetfulness, we have made wrong choices and created our own electronic belt of misqualified energy.

     Kuthumi said: "In the eye of that vortex of misqualified energy ... is the point of consciousness and identity that emerges as the collective consciousness of all misdeeds. ... Thus, the collection of actions has a collective consciousness, and the dweller is the collective manifestation of all that has been in error. It emerges as an identity. ... This identity is the impostor of the soul and of the Christ Self."

     The Ascended Masters and the Messenger come to woo the soul away from unreality so that the soul can begin to see through its own Christ intelligence what is unreal. Kuthumi continued:

     The action to deny that which is unreal is fraught with the burdens of the individual's psychology. And thus, sometimes hard lessons - burning in the trial by fire, pain in this world - must convince the soul that Life is more important and therefore that one must let go of certain situations and conditions and beliefs and comfortabilities.

     We move the soul as close to the precipice of knowledge of Absolute Good and Absolute Evil as is possible, at the same time to preserve the integrity of the soul and not to cause that one too much fear, too much awareness of the great Darkness within that opposes the great Light.

     Thus, beloved hearts, the slaying of the dweller. Not all at once but little by little. And this is something you should be aware of, though you have been told before. Each day, according to the cosmic cycles, a little bit of the head of the dweller emerges above this dark pool of the electronic belt. It is a still darkness, and one can see perhaps the head or the ear or the eye or the nose of this dweller, this self-created monster. You see this, then, in your own actions and reactions. You see it in the musings of the mind - sometimes only a telltale ripple on the surface or perhaps the tail when the beast has dived to the bottom.

     Thus, you must listen and watch what is lurking. And as soon as you find a tendency to fear, to be jealous, to become angry or whatever, go after it as the tip of the iceberg! Work at it! This work is truly a profound work of the Spirit. It is not easy always to be on the path of confrontation.

     Kuthumi offered us his assistance. He announced that he had received the dispensation and assignment from Lord Maitreya to help each of us individually in our physical health and in the healing of our psychology. He said, "From this hour, if you will call to me and make a determination in your heart to transcend the former self, I will tutor you both through your own heart and any messenger I may send your way."

     I took Kuthumi's offer to heart and called to him whenever I needed help. I found that Kuthumi's assistance was indeed ever present.

     When I first arrived at the Royal Teton Ranch, I met the person whom I was destined to marry in this life - but I did not know it at the time. I remember our first meeting. An inner voice said to me, "This is the person that you should marry." But I said to the voice, "No, I don't think so." I did not think that he was the person for me. I was still proud. I totally forgot this conversation until years later. By that time we had been married for six months. During a staff decree session to beloved Mighty Astrea, I recalled that an inner voice had indeed spoken to me when we first met.

     I stayed for two levels of Summit University. At the end of Level II you said to me, "I wish that you would not go." Perhaps you could see that if I left again I might be lost once more. I said to you, "I love you, Mother, but ..." Then I explained that there was a course of study that I thought I had to pursue. I later heard you say that recorded on many reels of your Christ mind were the words spoken by chelas: "I love you, Mother, but ..." And the "but" was the alternative to the will of God.

     Jesus and Magda dictated at the end of our quarter of Summit University, December 7, 1984. The dictation was entitled "A Torch of Responsibility" (1984 Pearls of Wisdom, no. 62). Jesus spoke of twin flames who had left the Mystery School and how the Masters have provided here at the Royal Teton Ranch what they consider to be the safest matrix for the resolution of inequities within us, the mastery of our psychology and the building of the Deathless Solar Body. Jesus gave us what he called "the great gift of our heart" - the coil of fire:

     Now I come with Magda and we offer unto you the great gift of our heart. And we desire, therefore, to explain this gift. In the past we have noted that some who have desired to give of themselves were not fitting candidates because of momentums of the human consciousness. A portion of the self desires to serve; the other portion of the self desires to be in the world, whether because of its karma or because of habit or because of desire - all of which amount to the same thing: the cause/effect cycles in Matter.

     Thus, there is an expression of a willing heart. Thus, there is the pulling back from the level of the subconscious by the not-self that will not say die. And the soul betwixt the two is not able to resolve [the dilemma]. And therefore, because of the pressure of its own karma, the soul must go forth - out the door, out the gate. It must separate itself from the fiery altar because the very not-self is so resistant to the descent of the Great God Self.

     Now, beloved ones, this presents a serious problem for the Community as well as for the Messengers. For the Messengers have no desire to wrestle with those who have not wrestled with themselves. And therefore, they cannot retain as a part of their staff and as a part of the community of co-workers those who have these unalterable divisions and these dichotomies.

     This, therefore, is our commitment and our gift - that those who find they have the division within the members, pulling this way and that - which the apostle Paul spoke of so understandingly, so personally and so poignantly - may then call to us and ask for the transfer of the coil of fire.

     Note the word: coil of fire - the coil of myself and of beloved Magda representing the Alpha, the Omega. When these are meshed, they form the divine caduceus. These two coils are of gold. They are of gold as you would visualize golden wire of the purest, finest quality of gold with no alloy.

     Thus, this brilliant, sun-fire gold coil meshed together forms the caduceus of Alpha and Omega. It is not large. These coils are precisely the size large enough to surround each one's physical spinal column from the base unto the crown.

     Now, those sincerely desiring to pass over the dark night and the astral plane of their karma and downward momentums, those who desire to transmute all of this through divine service and chelaship, those who would vow the vow of obedience, chastity and poverty may therefore appeal for this gift. We will supply it.

     And by the coil of gold, by this coil of fire, beloved hearts, and by your pursuing the path of the novitiate, of the holy brother and the holy sister of the divine order, you may reach that point, by the coil and by service, of the transmutation of those elements of being that pull in all directions as horses going in diverse corners who will not submit to the discipline of the driver.

     Beloved hearts, this has been the knotty problem. This has been the point of confusion. Thus, those who desire to give the most, often have the least to give because there is not this resolution. On the other hand, those who have the most to give and the greatest developed potential professionally often desire not to stay because their desires are to capitalize upon their attainment in the world itself. So you see, beloved hearts, there is a realization that outer attainment is a temptation away from the central altar and the central flame.

     Now, we would not interfere with free will by our message this day. We come in answer to your calls to enable you to better come into alignment with your free will by having a superior knowledge and a wisdom, a perspective spanning the ages, and a rightful equation of what truly is in the world.

     I did not apply the message. By my own free will, I left the Mystery School after Summit University. As soon as I returned home I realized my mistake. I felt that I had burned my bridges behind me. I sat on my bed and cried. I had to wait another three years before I had the funds and the opportunity to return. In the meantime I had created new obligations that had to be fulfilled. I worked hard, ran a study group for students of the Ascended Masters and had a demanding full-time job. I daily said the mantra "I refuse to be separated from the Mother of the Flame. I refuse to be separated from the children of the Light."

     Our study group held introductory classes for new students every Monday. We rotated the eight lectures from the Handbook for Ministering Servants and held a different class each week. Every eighth week I played your teachings on twin flames and soul mates for the new students. I learned them almost by heart. One gem that stuck in my mind was a statement made by Chamuel and Charity, the Archangel and Archeia of the Third Ray of God's Love, in their February 14, 1986 dictation (1986 Pearls of Wisdom, no. 26):

     "That ye love one another as I have loved you" is the word of your own Christ Self spoken unto you and to your twin flame. For painful as it might be, beloved ones, I tell you, you are separated from your twin flame for one reason and one alone: You have not loved one another as Christ has loved you individually, and therefore the karma has produced the separation.

     Let perfect Love cast out the fear of aloneness and separation and parting. Let the violet flame invoked by you be said with the promise, "O God, never again may I injure or hurt or defile or speak unkindly to my beloved."

     But if the beloved be not at your side - oh, listen, sons and daughters of God - how can you atone for the sins of anti-Love? Christ Jesus gave you also the understanding, "Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me."

     The words pierced my heart. I felt that my case was hopeless. I would never find my twin flame and even if I did, he would not want me now. Nevertheless, I applied the teaching and kept going.

     At one point I thought that I wanted to marry a certain person, who was also a Keeper of the Flame. I felt I should be married, as people often do at a certain age of life. The wedding date was set but I had the feeling that all was not well.

     Not long before the upcoming wedding I had the good fortune to talk to you. I asked you what you thought. You told me that I had free will. When I told you that I really wanted to know what you thought, you told me to do a novena to beloved Cyclopea to discover the truth or error of this relationship. You said that people on your staff sometimes wait many years to find the right person to marry and that I should call for the true representative of Saint Joseph to be my husband.

     As you talked to me I realized what I had known in my heart: this person was not for me nor I for him. I broke off the relationship. You advised me to concentrate on balancing my karma and finding the Lightbearers. I took your advice although it was hard for me. I thought I would never marry.

     Recently, I happened to see the man I had almost married. He is now happily married with children. We both laughed and agreed that it would have been a disastrous marriage.

     I know well the feeling of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I knew that I belonged at the Inner Retreat but did not see how I could make it back. If only I had not left! It is easy to get caught up in other choices and other plans when you are in the world. There is not the same sense of co-measurement. According to the world's standards, I should have been very happy and even fulfilled. I was doing worthwhile work, but I woke up every day with the feeling that I was in the wrong place for me. I went to bed with that same feeling and I was not happy.

     Finally I knew I just had to come back. It took an almost herculean effort. You graciously accepted me on staff. Shortly before I arrived back at the Inner Retreat, my husband-to-be (but he did not know it) was decreeing in a staff Astrea session and had the vivid recall of his twin flame leaving the Mystery School. She had left to look for excitement! He did not know it was me but he forgave me for leaving him. He felt a great sense of relief. Oh, the benefits of the daily Astrea session!

     I had a meeting with you before I joined staff. Right after that meeting, I bumped into the man who was to become my husband. He had been on staff for some years by then. This time we "recognized" each other right away. We both knew that we were supposed to be together! Although we had met many years earlier, we had simply been friends. Now suddenly the veil was lifted. But we did not say anything to one another - we each wanted to have El Morya's blessing.

     I do not believe that I would have recognized my future husband so swiftly this time if it had not been for your intercession and the help of the Masters. I think that you lifted the veil of karma for us so that we could see the reality of our relationship.

     This was a turning point in my life. I realized in a deeper way that God really did want me to be happy. It was not love at first sight, but it was the inner knowing that you talked about in those twin flame lectures. We fell in love a short time later, and El Morya gave his blessing for us to be married. After we were married we realized that we were twin flames. It has been a joyous path for us.

     But as the twin flame lectures told me, finding your twin flame is not the instant solution! Along the way I have had to confront the very causes that I set in motion a long time ago. I have had to go through all of the feelings that I had when I first left the Mystery School. One by one they have surfaced: resentment, anger, a sense of injustice, fear, pride and hurt. There have been times when I thought they would overtake me. But this time no matter what happened, I knew that I was not going to leave. I was going to stay and fight it out. I learned to recognize old records. By God's grace, the tools have been there to deal with them. It has not been easy, and I know it will be an ongoing process until I make my ascension.

     I have received many blessings and benefits on staff. I am a lot happier than I ever was. I know that my health and stamina have improved. I no longer have the recurrent health problems that regularly sapped my energy. It is exciting to see how God meets my daily needs.

     I no longer have that nagging feeling that I am supposed to be somewhere else, although my carnal mind and the world consciousness will sometimes try to tell me so. I am learning to distinguish between the real me and the lesser me and to understand how "aggressive mental suggestion" really works. It is a very aggressive force of anti-Love that would try to take each one from the Path.

     I have felt especially blessed in the last year. Three recent dictations - by El Morya, Lanello and Lord Lanto - have been key for me. They have answered my prayers for the Masters' assistance in dealing with my psychology.

     El Morya's teaching on anger in his December 13, 1992 dictation, "A Report" (1992 Pearls of Wisdom, no. 68), helped me tremendously. El Morya explained that some form of anger against God is present in almost everyone without exception. The elements of anger are often hidden or suppressed to unconscious levels because we will not face up to the fact that we have anger against Almighty God. El Morya said that we often transfer that anger to others - either to a spouse or to a child or even to our own inner child, or soul - or we may direct that anger against the Messenger or the Church.

     El Morya said that we may have resentment because we feel we have been dealt a raw deal in life or because events did not happen in our lives as we wanted them to. This residual anger is based on the very condition of consciousness that will not let go and will not forgive. It is part of the livid anger of our own dweller-on-the-threshold and it can take us from the Path.

     When we are stuck at this point, the anger may then manifest as passivity or resentment. It may manifest in every manner of physical disease, emotional or psychological problem, inability to function, alcoholism, sugar and drug addiction, et cetera. El Morya told us:

     [Your failure to deal with anger] is an avoidance tactic. [It is your soul] avoiding [her responsibility] to face fair and square that no matter what has ever been done to the soul, it is the soul's responsibility to deal with her own reaction to what has been done to her.

     And if that reaction be anger, anger that is stored and [not surrendered to God], anger not only against individuals who have [supposedly] wronged the soul but also against God, then I say, beloved, you do have a problem. You have a problem and this is where the Path will stop for you.

     And I promise you because I love you, because I came this day to give you this enlightenment, that if you do not deal with this unconscious anger, it will be with you until you pass from the screen of life and it will be with you on into your next embodiment and the next and you will not make [your ascension until you deal with it].

     El Morya gave us the solution to the problem:

     Thus, beloved ones, in the matter of unconscious anger and your dealing with it, I would suggest that when you are far enough along in your group or individual therapy, far enough along in the healing of your inner child, you tackle this.

     There must come a day and date in your life when you decide that you want to make your ascension, you want to balance 100 percent of your karma and, having done so, you want to be the master of your own psyche, your own soul, and of all the [karmic] levels and gradations and records of the past. And therefore, [you decide that] this is the hour for absolute resolution with your God.

     When you are ready to proceed, beloved, [with tackling your unconscious anger,] because this is a most serious condition, you will need to do so, whether in a group or individually, with a therapist who can guide you. For once you begin to open up this [compartment of the mind], beloved ones, and once you are mindful of [suppressed anger] and watchful for its [subtleties], you will be able to see [the spectre of] anger suddenly come up on the screen of your mind [to trigger your emotions].

     And this time you will know that it is not directed at you from without, but you will know that it is coming from within. It is coming up [out of the unconscious] for transmutation. And you already have all the decrees [you need in order] to work with [the momentum of anger], but you also need [a qualified professional on the spiritual path] to guide you through the labyrinth [of your unconscious] and [bring you to] the understanding that bit by bit and piece by piece, [as you consciously deal with the root causes of anger, you can transmute that anger through your surrender to God and with your diligent use of the violet flame]

     Another great blessing came on New Year's Eve, December 31, 1992. Lanello announced a thirty-three-day dispensation in which he would descend with us into "the depths of the subconscious, the electronic belt, the astral plane and the unconscious." He gave us the "Call to Lanello to Descend the Spiral Staircase" (1993 Pearls of Wisdom, no. 2). This was a timely dispensation for all of us. Lanello said:

     Yes, be the deep-sea diver! Go down to those levels and ask to be taken this night not to retreats but to the caverns and canyons of your own subconscious and astral body and the unconscious, beloved. For this is the place that you must now revisit, the place where you who have remained here [in the Community] have the strength to go.

     [Yes, you have the strength] to descend with accompanying seraphim and members of the bands of Seven Archangels and to call for the exorcism of those points of darkness, neglected, long-forgotten, that still weigh you down as though you were yet carrying a burden on your back that you carried ten thousand years ago. And indeed you are, but you have forgotten that you yet carry that burden.

     On August 23, 1992, Lord Lanto told us that we can find everything that we need for our healing and wholeness right here at the Inner Retreat (1992 Pearls of Wisdom, no. 47). He said:

     Sometimes [the planetary effluvia] becomes heavy, beloved, and if you have not decreed from the depths of your being, you feel that weight. Thus, because you, by your single lifestream, hold the balance for so many, the force will gnaw at you: it will try to eat of you and it will attempt to put so much pressure upon you that [you begin to believe] your only recourse against that pressure, your only freedom from it to know peace of mind, is to give in to it. It is then that you decide for this or that seemingly legitimate reason that it is better that you be elsewhere on planet earth[ - anywhere else but at the Inner Retreat]!

     I discuss this with you, for I know - I am convinced because I see clearly - that as you wait upon the Lord in this retreat, all things will come to you, whether it is resolution of one kind or another or the [specific] therapy you need, or a spiritual quickening and enlightenment. Whatever the seeming lack, you will find it as you rise in the rings of light that move not only outward but upward.

     For me this has been so. I have found the parenting classes and the inner child workshops invaluable. I also see a staff counsellor for help, as El Morya recommended.

     The Masters have given us the tools to deal with the feelings that emerge from the subconscious. The dweller calls, the decrees and the Guru-chela relationship are there for us to use. Although I may not speak to you each day, Mother, I know you are there to help me if I make the daily call to your Electronic Presence. When I do meet you in the way, you always speak the exact words of wisdom I need to hear in that moment. Even when you talk to us as a group at a service or staff meeting, the Holy Spirit speaks through you to touch each heart personally.

     I know that you also minister to us at inner levels. I find that I need to be a student of all life and seek answers through the next Pearl I read or teaching I hear.

     I cry tears of gratitude as I write this to you. My sense is that it has been a long, long time since I have been Home. I can understand when people leave the Path or the Teachings or the staff of the Messenger in pursuit of "other things," but I wish I could tell them how long it may take them to return. In my case it took lifetimes. The "other things" are not as important as keeping the Flame.

     Lord Lanto told us in his August 23, 1992 dictation: "Keep the flame, beloved, of the Mystery School and know that each one of you who does tarry here does actually hold the balance for millions."

     I asked El Morya before his dictation on Sunday, December 13, 1992, to give me a sign that I was doing the right thing. I felt that I was but I needed reassurance. Others had told me that I should pursue a certain course of study in which I have an aptitude. The old aggressive mental suggestion again!

     Beloved El Morya blessed all of us with his answer. He said at the end of his dictation: "Keep the flame and do not be moved by the outer mind and the lower consciousness that tells you to go here, there and anywhere: Now is the time to stay with me at the altar of our God."

     I know that many staff members and Keepers of the Flame feel that way, too. There is no more important calling.

     Mother, I am ever grateful for the heavenly hosts and for your intercession. Truly we are bought with a price.

     With deepest gratitude and love,


1 Dan. 12:2.
2 Matt. 25:21, 23; Luke 12:42-44; 19:17.
3 Saint Germain's grant from the Karmic Board and the Cosmic Council. See Saint Germain, August 30, 1992, and October 12, 1992, in 1992 PoW, vol. 35, nos. 45 and 65, pp. 561-64, 731-32.
4 Gen. 28:10-12.
5 Lenten fast. If you did not fast during the Lenten season (between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday), you can still do a fast in preparation for Pentecost. (This year Pentecost is celebrated on May 30.) Be sure to fast only under the advice of a health practitioner.
6 Configuration of planets in January 1994. On January 11, 1994, seven planets - Mars, Venus, Neptune, the Moon, the Sun, Uranus and Mercury - will form a tight "megaconjunction" between 17 and 26 Capricorn. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Astrology of the Four Horsemen, pp. 214-16. Send for your copy:
The Astrology of the Four Horsemen
7 I Thess. 5:2, 3.
8 Josh. 22:5; 24:14-24.
9 Nine steps of Saint Germain's alchemy. See Saint Germain On Alchemy, pp. 49-50, 57-78; and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, May 28, 1986, "Saint Germain On Alchemy," delivered in Portland, Oregon:
Saint Germain On Alchemy (paperback)
Back in print! (available mid-May)
10 II Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15.
11 John 9.
12 John 5:2-4.
13 John 21:22.
14 Rev. 11:18.
15 Heb. 13:2.