Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1993 Inspired in Elizabeth Clare Prophet ****** Contents ****** 1 Beloved Mother Mary - January 3, 1993 1.1 I AM the Witness - January 3, 1993 2 Beloved Lanello - January 10, 1993 2.1 I AM the Witness - January 10, 1993 3 Beloved Paul the Venetian - January 17, 1993 3.1 I AM the Witness - January 17, 1993 4 Beloved Gautama Buddha - January 24, 1993 5 Beloved El Morya - January 31, 1993 5.1 I AM the Witness - January 31, 1993 6 Beloved Hercules and Amazonia - February 7, 1993 7 The Beloved Great Divine Director - February 14, 1993 8 Beloved Lady Master Venus - February 21, 1993 9 Archangel Chamuel with Covering Cherubim - February 28, 1993 10 Beloved Archangel Jophiel and Christine - March 7, 1993 10.1 I AM the Witness - March 7, 1993 11 Beloved Archangel Uriel and Aurora - March 14, 1993 11.1 I AM the Witness - March 14, 1993 12 Beloved Archangel Michael - March 21, 1993 12.1 I AM the Witness - March 21, 1993 13 Archangel Gabriel and Hope with the Keeper of the Scrolls - March 28, 1993 13.1 I AM the Witness - March 28, 1993 14 Beloved Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst - April 4, 1993 15 Beloved Archangel Raphael - April 11, 1993 15.1 I AM the Witness - April 11, 1993 16 The Blessed Mother - April 18, 1993 16.1 I AM the Witness - April 18, 1993 17 Beloved Holy Justinius - April 25, 1993 17.1 Beloved Jesus Christ - April 25, 1993 17.2 I AM the Witness - April 25, 1993 18 Beloved Jesus Christ - May 2, 1993 19 Beloved Lanello - May 9, 1993 20 Beloved Cyclopea and Virginia - May 16, 1993 20.1 I AM the Witness - May 16, 1993 21 Beloved Peace and Aloha - May 23, 1993 21.1 I AM the Witness - May 23, 1993 22 Beloved Heros and Amora - May 30, 1993 22.1 I AM the Witness - May 30, 1993 23 Beloved Purity and Astrea - June 6, 1993 23.1 I AM the Witness - June 6, 1993 24 Beloved Kuan Yin - June 13, 1993 25 Lady Master Nada Representing the Lords of Karma - June 20, 1993 25.1 I AM the Witness - June 20, 1993 26 Beloved Jesus Christ - June 27, 1993 27 Beloved Magda - July 4, 1993 27.1 I AM the Witness - July 4, 1993 28 Beloved Hercules and Amazonia - July 11, 1993 28.1 I AM the Witness - July 11, 1993 29 Apollo and Lumina - July 18, 1993 29.1 I AM the Witness - July 18, 1993 30 Beloved Arcturus and Victoria - July 25, 1993 30.1 I AM the Witness - July 25, 1993 31 The Beloved Maha Chohan - August 1, 1993 31.1 I AM the Witness - August 1, 1993 32 The Beloved Maha Chohan - August 8, 1993 33 Beloved Paul the Venetian - August 15, 1993 34 Beloved Astrea - August 22, 1993 35 Beloved Archangel Michael - August 29, 1993 36 Beloved Jesus Christ - September 1, 1993 37 Beloved Archangel Uriel - September 5, 1993 38 Beloved Apollo and Lumina - September 8, 1993 38.1 I AM the Witness - September 8, 1993 39 Beloved Shiva and Parvati - September 12, 1993 40 Vajrasattva: Spokesman for the Five Dhyani Buddhas - September 15, 1993 41 Beloved El Morya - September 19, 1993 42 Hermes Trismegistus - September 22, 1993 42.1 I AM the Witness - September 22, 1993 43 Elizabeth Clare Prophet - September 26, 1993 44 Beloved Pallas Athena - September 29, 1993 45 Beloved Hilarion - October 3, 1993 46 Beloved Lord Brahma - October 6, 1993 47 Beloved Lord Krishna - October 10, 1993 48 Sanat Kumara Spokesman for the Seven Holy Kumaras - October 13, 1993 49 Beloved Mother Mary - December 29, 1993 50 Beloved Lanello - December 30, 1993 50.1 I AM the Witness - December 30, 1993 51 Jesus Christ - December 31, 1993 ****** Chapter 1 Beloved Mother Mary - January 3, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 1 - Beloved Mother Mary - January 3, 1993 The Dawning of Your God Reality 1 Points of Light The Heart That Is Inclined The Fire of Purging Raise Up the Banner of the Great White Brotherhood Prophecy Shall Come to Pass - Unless There Is a World Conflagration of Violet Flame Ongoing Christmas Eve Address 1992 How the heart does incline itself! How the inner ear does listen! How the soul does reach out to touch the hem of the garment of God! I come to you, beloved. Has there been another time of greater suffering in the earth or impending suffering as the Lords of Karma hold back so much? And yet they cannot hold back all. You have placed yourselves in this remote ranch and you have said with El Morya: "Here we will stand! Here we will raise up the banner of the Great White Brotherhood. Here we will make our claim for the Light-forces of a cosmos to descend to earth as though shinnying down a giant flagpole!" Yes, beloved, you have made your claim. And thus, I come, I enter. And I ratify to you that I am surely in the earth, knocking upon the door of the heart that is inclined and [appealing to] the listening ear and the soul aspiring to God. Therefore I impress upon a world my presence. I give the vision, a spherical vision, of the past, the future, the right, the left and all things coming full circle. Yes, another year in the final decade of the century is about to begin. And so you will see as the year unfolds what the Lords of Karma must bring to earth. Indeed you have tasted of the fire of purging, the fire of testing, as sacred fire, violet flame, physical fire. Now I say, know the fire of seraphim of God. Know of the white fire that extends from here unto the great white throne,{1} and yet it is not a matter of time and space. Know, then, beloved, that there has been a tilling of the sea. And the waves of the earth and the undulations that are noted in the hour of earthquake do make the earth as much a sea as the very salt sea itself. Everywhere things are in a state of flux and always in the [national] consciousness, individual by individual. How can it be that each decade proceeding from the last has an entirely different vibration, a different call to the souls of the world? And there is a conclusion, as though [a chapter in] the Book of Life closed decade by decade and year by year. The trends change, the [way people look at] life - the consideration of prophecy versus the mechanical approach to life. So many lifestreams in so many levels of consciousness! Indeed it is possible for heaven to mesh with earth and with hell as well, [even in one household]. Where will you be, then, beloved? I trust that you will always be in the heart of God, always following in the footsteps of my Son, always remembering that I may enter where you bid me enter and that I may provide for you a certain measure of [assistance for the] balancing of karma - a certain intricate formula for dealing with the [complicated] equation of life itself. I am not here to tell you that all those things I have prophesied will not come to pass. I am here to tell you that they shall come to pass unless there is a world conflagration of violet flame ongoing. You are approaching great dimensions of violet flame. I say continue [your approach], first and foremost for your very own soul; for your soul is an individual and the ascent of the soul [as an individual component of Life] is necessary. Be points of Light and candles in the dark everywhere upon the planet. Appeal to your Holy Christ Self to intensify that [violet, purple and pink] fire. And see in the flame aglow, see, beloved, an infinite number of faces who must pass through the flame in order to pass into eternal Life. To walk through fire, then, becomes the call of the hour: to pass through the flame of sacred fire and move on to other dimensions of your own Being. There are upheavals on the astral plane at inner levels as deep-seated karma in the people and the earth does rise, as though Atlantis would rise again. And indeed she shall in the return of her karma unto her people reincarnated again. But midst all of this there is hope, for "unto us a child is born."{2} The child is the Christ within you. The child is yourself, to whom you give birth. Take care, take care that you rock your inner child in the cradle of your heart, for these are the days [of Christmas], when the door to the heart of Christ Jesus is opened. These are the days when the inner child can become fully whole, fully well-rounded, fully in the arms of the Divine Mother, able to leap into the very center point of the Holy Christ Self. These are days, beloved ones, to continue the vigil that is being kept by millions of my devotees around the world. It is wonderful that some of them will sing with you my Sanctissima. It is wonderful that your voices reach to the throne of grace and echo back again into hearts that are open. It is wonderful that you prepare for the Great Night, where there is no light. It is wonderful that you have the flame, that wherever you may find yourself in the day and the hour of the Great Night, you shall have a kindling fire that shall not be quenched. May you also see to it that your soul has blended with that flame and that your heart is balanced and at peace. I bring you peace, each one. I bring you the sense of the eternality of your being as the flame and the soul as one do not separate from but do willingly and gladly enter into the [Eternal] Flame - knowing that that portion of selfhood shall be transformed yet not knowing what shall be the image and likeness of that transformation, of that transformed one. Yes, beloved, to awaken in the likeness of God, to awaken in the likeness of the eternal pattern out of which you descended shall be for you the awakening unto the unbroken stream of eternal Life even though you yet reside in these limited frames and minds and beings. To know eternal Life and eternal Peace as you walk the earth: let this be your goal! For continents have sunk, they have risen. [And they shall sink and rise again.] The surface of the earth has gone through many transformations, and you have made more entrances and exits on the stage of life than I can count. Be free in this hour! Be free, everyone, to know yourself as eternal being in God, not separate but perhaps as a bud within the whole that is only now unfolding to discover the full potential of that Reality which you are and shall become, which you are not and may not become - for it is a path of free will forever and forever. I come in a midnight hour. I come drenched in the Light of the Christ Mass, purified by the Great Central Sun. Indeed I step forth in this hour from the heart of the Great Central Sun, drenched in living fires of illumination, transfiguration - drenched in the fires of your Christhood and your point of origin. I desire to draw you, oh, so very close to that which is Real! Be not afraid of your Reality. Be not afraid of your Unreality. But know that there is a point of balance wherein you can accomplish all things - yes, magnificent things whereby you may unfurl the mighty banner of the great cause of Meru, yes, of the God and Goddess Meru. The banner of the youth of the world is unfurled. It is a banner that belongs to all who claim it, to all who recognize that their internal being and identity is the Eternal Youth, one with the Holy Kumaras. [It belongs] to all who recognize the calling in God to liberate souls, to exorcise souls, to bring so many, many into the captivity of their own Christhood, their own Buddhahood. Yes, you are our hope. And we extend at this Christmastide the calla lily of hope. We extend to you that lily as a torch, as the white-fire bliss of the all-knowing Mind that shall bring to the youth and [the youthful of] all [decades] the true understanding of life, the true integration with the heart of the earth and the sun and the stars and all paths of learning that correspond to a higher learning of higher octaves. Here [on earth] you dip in to certain paths, certain segments of developed thought and you study the disciplines. And above you there is the polarity of that [which is below]. It is the other side of [being as you know] it, which is the permanent Reality of all that you can seek and know and become by studying to show yourself approved{3} [first] here on earth [and then in heaven]. Know, then, beloved, that there is the track of learning here below [that yet allows you to] touch infinite ideas, and then [there is the track of learning] above. It has a ceiling [that does not allow you to enter] into the next [level of the] habitation of the soul [while you are yet in human form, except by dispensation of an Ascended Master]. And in that [higher track] you, at a higher level of your being, are taking in realms of the Mind of God that you could [otherwise] receive only in the universities of the Spirit in the highest etheric octaves [when you are functioning at the level of the etheric body]. Yet even here below, [where you are] seemingly deprived of these [heights], your higher being walks with you in the full glory and containment of this vast reservoir of knowledge for the conquering of both material and spiritual worlds. Thus, beloved, the banner [of the great cause of Meru] does wave in the winter breezes over this retreat. It is a sign [of hope] to many of the highest adepts of other spheres who come and see the [increasing] dedication of the few and the many upon earth to a higher order of education for all people and all children. You have only begun to integrate these methods, but as you capture them and practice them and try them out [on groups of varying backgrounds], you will refine your own soul and thereby impart refinement to children of all ages. This is the beginning of the golden age of Aquarius. It must begin with the white-fire purity [of the Causal Body], the purity of the inclined heart, the listening ear and the soul who would become one with Christ. Then the [golden] ring, [the next sphere of the Causal Body, confers] the halo of the Christ Mind. All golden ages are laid upon the foundation of the development of the Mind of God through the path of initiation of bodhisattvas, disciples, true learners from all climes. The golden age is founded upon the intelling [of the Christ], the intelligence of the Mind of God that does appear in the flowering of many souls. Continue, beloved! Continue, then. And apart from your labors in the defense of your Buddhahood, your Christhood, your Community, your Sangha and your very Buddha, Gautama, so also remember to give the calls on the Second Ray and to give them [not only for yourselves but] in defense of the Christ Mind in every soul upon earth. All may have [the golden flame of illumination to illumine the Path, but in order to have it,] all must strive to achieve it. I bring not dire prophecy, for you have heard it. I bring hope that in the very midst of any and all calamity you will be the soul prepared, the soul who has found out that reality does not consist in one's possessions but only in the fire of Being. That soul, beloved, who does bank that fire can weather any changes in the earth, any war, any burden, any dark night. Hold the candle and keep on keeping on.{4} Be the candle and thereby be one who can ignite a home, a city, a hemisphere, a world. I come with a great comfort to all those who suffer, who are burdened by terminal disease, who, on the one hand, have found through the path of walking with their infirmities a profound communion with God and who, on the other hand, have opened wide the chasm of the unconscious only to discover that [they have harbored] a hatred of God in the psyche, even as [they have held on to] a love of God [in their hearts]. No wonder the soul is not free to fly in her seamless garment! The soul must sort out these conflicting momentums. The soul must ultimately find out that only surrender [to the Christ of my Son Jesus] will bring surcease from the pounding of first one [conflict] and then the other and from the divisive elements of the fallen ones who come to tear the soul from her Bridegroom before she is able to put on the wedding garment and the bridal veil. So know, beloved, that the violet flame is able, the sacred fire is able, and you are able! When a world is teetering and tottering, when Nature is out of kilter, when toxins saturate the earth body and the bodies of the people, where do we go, Lord? "O Lord, we go to thy Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart of thy Mother. We enter our heart and there we are prepared [by our Holy Christ Self] to take the initiations of the Merciful Heart from the heart of Kuan Yin." Yes, beloved, when the world fails you, when people fail you, you need not fail but only make that attunement with the Christ in all and give your Christ-flame unto their Christ for the reigniting [of their flame], for the restoration of hope and of faith and of love in the world. Yes, beloved, you have entered these bodies and you will exit them and you have done so many times. Let us acknowledge this and get on with living, the living that is a cosmic experience, spherical in mode, whereby day by day you are meshing with the Infinite and there is no death in the past or the future but only Life ongoing. When you have that freedom from the fear of Death and Hell and you are no longer concerned [for your life], then you can dedicate your all to being in life here and now the most dynamic representative of the Divine Mother, the most dynamic chela of your beloved El Morya, concentrated and able to get those things done that must be done if these little ones shall have their day and have their say. Let us consider, then, what it is that must be done each day because it is a key in the turning of the cycles of humanity and of civilization itself. What are those things that must be accomplished, to which we must all dedicate ourselves if civilization is to go up into a golden age and not down into despair, depression and final death? We come back again and again to the flame of illumination and to education - to educating the heart, the mind, the ear, the chakras, the larger aura and frame of self. We come back to love and the gifts of love of the Holy Spirit. We come back to basics. If there is not illumination and all is in darkness, a civilization will go down. If there is not love, there is no fire for the kindling. But, beloved, if the love and the wisdom concerning the will of God be not there, if there is not a greater desire to be in the heart of the will of God than to be in the heart of some segment of another's will, then, indeed, all of the illumination and all of the love will not succeed in raising up this civilization. Many find it hard, very hard, to wrestle with and to come to grips with the surrender unto the will of God. Therefore let some accomplish it. Let some who have the vision hold the vision and hold on to the master blueprint of life, which is the will of God, [on behalf of] those who must yet experiment outside that will to finally prove to themselves one way or the other which will will become their spouse. Yes, God's will is a spouse you may choose. Your own will is a spouse you may choose. I pray you find the way to fuse the two that you may not be troubled by double images day after day. I pray you find the way. Sometimes it is a lonely, lonely path, beloved. But I shall comfort you in telling you that single individuals, solitary climbers on the path to eternal Life, have so embodied that will of God for the millions that they have counted for the millions. For, you see, one with the will of God is the empowerment. As Jesus spoke of it, "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth,"{5} so power comes when one has become the will of God. Unto this calling I send your souls this night. Angels and Ascended Masters wait now at the gates of the etheric retreat corresponding to this place.{6} They await to take you to a very special [place in] octaves of Light where you may study the archives and records of your lifestream, the original will of God that you and your twin flame did espouse. This is a place you have not been called to before, beloved. It is opened on this special occasion of this conference. It is a vast library in one of the universities of the Spirit of the higher etheric octaves. Thus, beloved, it is opened because it has been the deliberation of the Four and Twenty Elders that for you to have this information, as weighty as it might seem [and as weighty as it is], is better than for you not to have it at all. Therefore, we give opportunity not alone to you but to certain lifestreams throughout the world whose hour has come for a mighty calling and yet who are not sure they will be able to accomplish what they [have been called to] do. And [sometimes] they are not even sure what they [have been called to do]. So, then, this shall be a preview for you rather than your having to wait until your life is through and you are standing before the Lords of Karma [for review]. So, make that call to Archangel Michael this night to take you not only to the university and the library but to the special room where your archives are kept. Now you shall know at a level very close to the outer mind [something of] the vastness of your being, your point of origin and that particular degree of the 360-degree circle of your life that is the direction of your calling. We are not living merely in the twentieth century; we are living in all centuries past, present and future and in all worlds. Contemplate the vast dimensions of your own being in God and of God's residing in you, and be at peace, beloved. You will succeed if you will make daily attunement with God and obey his voice within your heart. And then again, when you are prompted by the inner Presence to move this way or that way, always obey and obey promptly that each step of obedience might find you in the right place of your highest calling in this life. Know, then, the joy of angels! Know the joy of the many levels of heaven! Know joy, beloved, for the sorrows of this world will come and go and the suffering as well but, ultimately, you must ascend to God and bring as many of my little ones with you as you can. Therefore, be at peace, beloved. And do not lean so much to those who speak in my name from this quarter and that quarter, but lean to me as I come to you directly that you might know the precincts of the Mind of God and that you might gain that vaulted ceiling of this cathedral{7} - much space, much space, beloved, to commune with all hierarchies of angels who serve with me in alleviating suffering upon earth. I AM your Mother of Lights this night even as you are my children of the one flame. I seal you in my Immaculate Heart that you might know what is the immaculate concept of God for you, which I hold for you until you are able. I bless you now in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother. My angels go with you and shall remain throughout this class, multiplying your devotions to the Divine Mother in all life. I AM always your Mary. I AM always your Mother. This dictation by Mother Mary was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Wednesday, December 30, 1992, during the five-day conference The Dawning of Your God Reality, held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. In a candlelight vigil that began before the dictation, the congregation sang hymns to Mother Mary from the Sanctissima album. [N.B. Throughout this Pearl, bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Mother Mary's direction for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom. ***** 1.1 I AM the Witness - January 3, 1993 ***** Vol. 36 No. 1 - I AM the Witness - January 3, 1993 I AM the Witness The Power of Treasure Mapping Dear Mother and Staff, I felt compelled to write this letter to witness to the power of "treasure mapping." The enclosed check for $1,000 was written approximately one year ago. I placed this check on my treasure map, which I had put together after hearing a tape of your lecture "On the Precipitation of Supply," based on the book Riches within Your Reach by Robert Collier. When I wrote out the check, I didn't even have a job. I decided to "reach for the stars" and visualize a $10,000 monthly income. The idea was that the $1,000 would be my first month's tithe to the Church. Not long after making my treasure map, I got a job for the water company. As it turns out, I do not yet make $10,000 a month, so the check is much more than my regular tithe. But as Spirit has its own ways, I find I can spare it at this time. So here it is for our Church. Also, I must mention that a number of other things on my treasure map have manifested - some even better than what is on my map! I had cut out pictures of an electronic organizer and a music production synthesizer. I now own both of these - and they are much better models than what is shown in the pictures. I had also put a catalog picture of a silk coat on my map, and I now have the exact same coat. Looking back on it, the interesting thing to me is that I did not focus much attention on the treasure map. I had put it in a place where I would be sure to see it every day and included it in my daily calls and decrees. Other than that, I didn't think too much about it. One thing that I think may have contributed to the alchemy is that I always tithed regularly. I also put on my treasure map pictures that somehow represent the spiritual mastery I am working toward. It is hard to evaluate my progress in this area but I do feel I have had some victories. So you chelas out there: treasure-map! It really works! A fellow chela, ****** Chapter 2 Beloved Lanello - January 10, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 2 - Beloved Lanello - January 10, 1993 The Dawning of Your God Reality 2 Points of Darkness Oh, the Heart of Kindness! Call to Lanello to Descend the Spiral Staircase 33 Days I Have Broken the Chain of Mortality! Call to Me: I Will Show You How to Do It! Lanello's Birthday Address 1992 "The Christmas Wind!" 'Tis good! It is New Year's Eve and we gather and rejoice. And we do not take ourselves too seriously nor the sinister forces, who take themselves all too seriously. I come, then, with my usual birthday address commemorating the birthday of the King and the day in which I followed him, descending also through the birth canal into the arms of the waiting ones, my parents.{8} Thus I reminisce on this life and many others, and I come to have a fireside chat with you this evening. And I thought I would begin by reading you one of my poems, which I wrote at Christmastime some years ago, that you might feel the stirring of my heart moving with the winds of the Holy Spirit that were soon to carry me aloft, never to return me again in the same form that I wore. Thus life moves on, and is it not the Christmas wind that carries us hither and yon, perhaps to a new place in consciousness, a new place of rest or work or play or entering in to the deepest heart of hearts of eternal Being? This, then, is my humble offering, written when I was yet in the abode of my final physical body: The Christmas Wind Each day we see a cosmic day: Eternity blends with time's own ray. Sounds of new life do fill our ears; The Star of Christ fore'er appears. The Christmas winds are blowing The whole wide world around; Immortal winds are flowing With silent, peaceful sound. This view of children ever Delights their hopeful eyes, For faith beams never sever Their contact with the skies. Just above the heads of men The rushing wind tow'rs high; Constant swishing now and then Magnetic beams draw nigh. Rising shrines of the ages Reach upward there to find Hands of heaven's angels Winging hope unto the mind. Each day a cosmic morn is born - Infinity's curtain torn Releases into waiting air Drops of Life shed everywhere. The Christmas winds are blowing Their holy flowing stream Of air's delightful knowing, Of God's own brightest dream. Each heart in bondage human, Released from burden's care, Finds fullest Christmas friendship Within the gift of prayer. The Holy Spirit streameth - Its might and main for all Enfolds the Star he beameth To answer heart's own call. This flow of Holy Spirit Delights the very air; It is the breath God raiseth To free men everywhere. The Eastern wind, a stream does flow - Christ's message it does blow, Stirring church bells with its sound And hearts that listen round. God of old so loved the world, Sent forth His Son to bloom Cosmic banner e'er unfurled Within form's narrow room. The child, the man from every place Turn hearts to God's revealing grace; No more division shall recruit, For hatred maketh all the brute. O sweeping wind of Holy Love, Thy glory mantle from above Removes mankind's beleaguered ire - Instead fills every heart with fire. Kindling thus a star of hope, Within Love's word He spoke, "Peace, be still!" to every heart For holy minds to start The movement that will ope the eye - No more the blinded mind will sigh. Today shall men a new world make For man and Christ and God's own sake. [Messenger: Let us sing the song of the Christmas wind to the Holy Spirit that streameth.] The Holy Spirit Streameth The Holy Spirit streameth Its might and main for all Enfolds the Star he beameth To answer heart's own call. The flow of Holy Spirit Delights the very air It is the breath God raiseth To free men everywhere. (sung 3 times) Blessed ones, as you enter this year filled with its promise and yet with some trepidation, wondering what might come to your doorstep next, I also come with hope. For hope is surely the star that we follow to the place where the Lord lay and where Christ is born in each heart. It is good to know that all things that come to your doorstep can be dealt with by the living fire and the fount of Love within your heart. [The key is] not to react, not to become negative but rather philosophical, to say to yourself: "Who knocks there? Whose footstep do I hear? Is it that of friend or foe? It matters not, for I give love and have plenty to spare. In this my calling in life, I shall greet all that comes to me with a chuckle, with a point of laughter, with the wisdom of the Mind of God, with my gaze fixed on him and yet kindness always flowing to my neighbor." In this stance, then, be not reactors, beloved, but know that life is full of promises and many packages wrapped, some with love and some with cords of enmity. Receive them all and deal with them justly, honorably and with that deep fire of love that has compassion for evildoers who have lost the key to the heart of God that you yet hold in your treasure chest of Love. Oh yes, beloved, do not allow yourself to be moved this way and that because of circumstances. Do not ever discount the moment of karma. For is not every particle of sand that descends in the hourglass the sign of passing karma that can be dealt with, that must be dealt with at the moment when it passes through the nexus? This must seem an impossible task - how to be there at the right point in time and space to greet your karma so that when it passes through the nexus it does not create a pile of karma beneath and therefore require you to start all over again. Yes, beloved, when you are in the right place in consciousness, you are always at the point of the nexus, the nexus of the mighty figure-eight flow that delivers to you the lightning of the Mind of God through the Sacred Heart of your Holy Christ Self. Being at that point of equanimity, you can be philosophical about tragedy and sudden loss and also hold the reins of the ecstatic [mood] when great good things come your way. In the peace-commanding presence of the centeredness of being, know wholeness. My prayer for you this year is that the Christmas wind, which is the wind of the Holy Spirit, shall bring to you peace of mind, wholeness, centeredness and, above all, charity toward yourself, toward all. Charity, beloved - for charity does engulf with flames of Love all pride and ego-centeredness that beget self-condemnation and the condemnation of others. Yes, beloved, I would have you walk the earth as the children of Wisdom{9} and I would have you deal with life and circumstance by the fiat of the spoken Word. Yes, beloved, wholeness is the goal. It is achieved through love, yes, and wisdom. But as you have been told, without God's will, without that faith, without that fire of the true-blue chela, you will find it difficult, [yea impossible, as the scriptures say,{10}] to please God. And, blessed heart, if you are not able to please God, then you will become among all people the most miserable. See, then, and understand that pleasing God does not require gymnastics of the mind or ultimate feats of this and that but simply the gentle heart. Oh, the gentle heart, the heart of kindness, the heart of Maitreya, the heart of the Bodhisattva! How great is the kindness of the Bodhisattvas! I count many of you bodhisattvas, some with a capital B, some with a lowercased b, but bodhisattvas are ye when walking the path of discipleship is the first order of the business of your life. That is when all other things come into place, all of the blocks in the building of the temple of man. Why, it is as though they would assemble themselves, beloved, drawn by the magnet of your magnanimity! Oh, the heart of kindness! Oh, the heart of kindness that is not self-sympathy or sympathy for another but true and noble understanding, judging not another's way, giving freedom to all (for that is Saint Germain's gift) and therefore moving forward in unfailing love and support for one another. I come, then, in a way [by which I might] prepare you by soundness of mind and heart and purpose for challenges that are to come. They will not be less difficult, beloved, but they should seem less difficult because you have greater mastery of the spirit. And do you not now have [sufficient] experience with us and our presence so near to you in your very midst that you have come to trust that we are indeed here? And if things come upon you suddenly, even as the fire that descended upon the feast day of Thomas Becket this week, and you ask "Why? Why, then, did Morya not stand between us and our calamity?" the answer must always be found in the utter conviction of [the Master's] unfailing kindness as he presents to the chela that which the chela must understand if he is to succeed. Therefore, no one individual is [to be singled out as] a sinner but all must consider that the trial by fire{11} does come to everyone whereby a man's works are tried as well as his spirit and his soul. This is the way of the Path. If you should be shielded from day-to-day responsibility, it should only increase the momentum of your unconscious anger against God [that you are] receiving gifts that you have not earned. Thus, to deal with challenge is the way of chelaship and the only sure way that you will have the inner resources, the wherewithal, the presence of mind, the practical know-how from [your cumulative] experience [in life] to deal with the ever-increasing challenges of the decade. And so, beloved, do not be moved by that which comes to pass but be in the position of the one who will challenge Darkness, who will offer the invocation [to God for deliverance from evil and evildoers] and who will know that those who keep the purity of the throat chakra and the vibration of peace [in the soul and solar plexus] and kindness [in the heart shall win]. These are they who, if they can withstand all onslaughts and yet remain true to the preservation of the First Ray and the First Ray chakra, will receive the empowerment [of their Mighty I AM Presence] as they exercise the science of the spoken Word. God longs to entrust you with the ultimate powers of the spoken Word. Think upon those powers{12} that were demonstrated by the great Sons and Daughters of the Solitude in all past ages on Atlantis and particularly by Ernon, Rai of Suern, who had those powers and who bequeathed them to the millions of inhabitants of what is now the subcontinent of India. Yes, beloved, [that is what he did] but they were an ungrateful lot and utterly resented their Guru. {13} You have heard of such tales, beloved, yes, indeed. Many have reincarnated this day in India and elsewhere, carrying vestiges of those powers - powers of the evil eye, powers to work magic. And [some of] these [powers] have come down [to them] again, [because they retained them in] their lifestreams. And in each succeeding embodiment where they have misused these powers, more karma has accrued to them; for they use the power of God to bind and oppress others. Now you understand the origin of the false hierarchy of India and the false gurus. [Bearing the siddhis of their Guru they come. But they have sold their souls to the seed of Satan.] These, then, feel ultimately threatened by those of the Great White Brotherhood, even by those [chelas who are] unascended, even by those in feminine form and our own dear Messenger. You must understand, therefore, that as they have misused these powers, they do not want to see you use those same powers for the vanquishing [of them and their evil works]. For the prophecy was given (which is not written in the book of Phylos the Tibetan) that there would one day arise a people who were the sons and daughters of Sanat Kumara and they would exercise the siddhis by the power of the invocation of Light. And by the power of that invocation, they would undo this chain of the descendants of those who spurned the Rai Ernon yet kept in their memory bank and in their accumulated self-knowledge the [black arts and the craftiness] of the adepts of the left-handed path. Thus, beloved ones, you are that people [of Sanat Kumara]. And what I see [in you that] is yet wanting I would desire to turn on in you in this hour. It is that deep desire to remain constant in the centeredness of Brahman, in the centeredness of the Atman, the threefold flame and the Holy Christ Presence. [For thereby you might] go about conscious that you carry within your temple a precious flame and the very personhood of Brahman, [having the mind-set, as it were, that] you carry him on a bier, carrying him, beloved ones, wherever you go. Are you not careful when you carry the newborn babe? Are you not careful about your own temple? If you can remember that the God of very gods resides in your own heart and that that God is the all-power whereby you may achieve those siddhis, [then you will achieve them]. Do you not see already, beloved hearts, that as we have given you labors [to spiritually challenge numberless demons] who rush toward the [sacred] fire, rush toward the circle of Sanat Kumara and his devotees, rush to their death, so they themselves have thus been consumed? Is this not the beginning of the return of these powers to those who deserve them? I say, indeed it is! It was not alone Ernon who brought about the sudden extinguishing of the flame of life in the Chaldean soldiers.{14} Blessed ones, in answer to his call, hosts of the Lord delivered their judgment. So it is in this day. As the Messenger does lead you [in prayer and invocation to God for the exorcism of evil on planet earth] and does have that mantle for a cosmic purpose - and as you give your calls and fiats according to the [decrees we have] dictated to the Two Witnesses, according to the cadences and the geometry of the patterns that are [embedded in the decrees that are] in your decree books - even the most aggressive [demons] and those of greatest attainment among the archdemons must flee, must abandon their purposes quickly lest they be consumed by the fire of God [you invoke]. Take heed, then, beloved hearts, for there are those among you who are conscious of having a certain momentum by their decrees, which you would call a strength or a power. Be careful, then, that you do not misuse that Word, that spoken Word, that comes through your own chakras - the heart, the throat, the mind, the third eye. Take care that now that you have learned the science of the spoken Word, you do not misuse it to control in any way, subtle or overt, any part of Life.{15} Let the power of God that you love as God's holy will make you humble - humble before your God and truly humble before the God in each and every one upon earth. Humility is the key, beloved. Be humble and let God raise you up. Always remain humble. How can you be anything but humble when the glory of God, the Shekinah, does blaze forth and you feel that Presence and you know your God, you know the Lord with each dictation that we impart? For each coming of an Ascended Master enables you to feel [with a greater surety] within yourself how the day does surely approach when you can claim certain degrees of self-mastery, small ones at first [and then greater ones], which accumulate as you hasten the balancing [of your threefold flame]. Then [gradually you achieve degrees of self-mastery] on the entire circumference of the 360-degree [circle]. Beware, then. Be watchful. Watch, then, out of the corner of the mind's eye the behavior of the untransmuted self. Be the watchman upon the wall of your own citadel of freedom, your own manifestation in this octave, and be quick to snuff out the candle of that ego which is not the Divine Ego. Yes, beloved, some of you are very ready for the exchange whereby you surrender the human ego and receive the Divine Ego. No less of a person shall you be if you do this, no less of an individual, but an individuality in God, a "God-manifestation," who is always humble and yet bears the strength of the peace-commanding presence that is begotten of the heart of kindness. Beloved ones, some of you have made great strides because you have decided to place yourselves in a [counseling] circle with one or another of our therapists. Others of you have thought, "I do not need this," and yet you are still troubled, still the house divided - not happy here, not happy there, yet not willing to pass through the [purging] fires that will eliminate the divided self and bring you into that point of wholeness. Wholeness is surely worth striving for, living for and affirming daily. Recently I gave to the Messenger the teaching she gave to some of you. It is regarding [the bad habit that people get into of] carrying around with themselves day and night, twenty-four hours a day, the consideration of all of their faults and shortcomings and burdens and worrying about them [obsessively] instead of following the path of the imitation of Christ, so clearly and beautifully set forth by Thomas à Kempis. I bid you, one and all, to read a page of that book{16} daily and to incorporate it into your life. Thus, the way of the one who is becoming the adept is to make a list of all those things that one desires to work on in one's lifestream that are not pleasing to God or pleasing to oneself. In your mind you put each one on a separate piece of paper, or you may actually take a box and put in it all of your pieces of paper [on which you have written your faults]. Each day when it is time for prayers and the recitation [of decrees] and rosaries, as you come to the altar [early or] at noon, when you stand beneath the zenith of your I AM Presence, [or in the evening], take, then, this [mental or physical] box. Open it. Draw one or more of these pieces of paper. [And as you commune with your Mighty I AM Presence], work on [your negatives] diligently by inner resolve, by will, by fire, by love, by gratitude to God for his mercy that these things might be consumed by the violet flame. Give it your best, beloved! Make your calls and fiats and when your session is through, put all these "things" back in the box. Seal it tight, put it on the shelf of the mind and leave the altar with renewed joy and zeal, and walk in the footsteps of your Lord, Jesus Christ. And as you walk, select the quality of your Christhood that you would embody and ensoul that day. Affirm that you are that Christ unfolding, surely the fairest rose of Sharon.{17} And do what I taught you to do when you saw me physically in the flesh: role-play. Play the part of the person you want to be. If it is [the part of] kindness, then practice being kind. Whatever it may be, beloved, put your whole heart into being that [part] and watch how by and by it becomes a part of the natural manifestation of your true identity and it does replace the rough places. So, beloved, do not be fooled in this month{18} into engaging in that criticism, condemnation and judgment, for it is always and always the product of human pride. Even when you condemn yourself, it is a matter of personal pride that you think you can evaluate yourself and then say, "I am not good enough for the Lord." Well, beloved, pride is a tricky thing. It is a shadow that hides from us that we cannot see unless we are astute and determined to see it. When you cease to have pride in yourself and your accomplishments, you will also cease to have that criticism, condemnation and judgment for yourself and others. And, oh, what a day of freedom it shall be for you - for you, beloved! For then, you see, you will not be embarrassed if you make a mistake, you will not be offended if someone attempts to insult you in this way or that, you will not be caught off guard. For you will know that the human self can never be perfected and that the Christ Self in you is already perfect. And as long as you are striving to reach the goal, you are received as acceptable in the sight of God. Therefore, beloved, be done with those things that are a trap. They are a mousetrap, I tell you! Truly, do not be caught in a mousetrap, for you have bigger [and better] things before you. You have promises that you have given and that you will keep. You have a life to give to God when you are ready. If you are not ready to give him your whole life, then I ask you to take stock this day. [Ask yourself this question:] "What percentage of my life will I give to God? Is it one or five or ten percent?" If you start with something, beloved, it will be the leaven and God will give back to you a multiplication of that leaven until little by little and day by day, year in, year out, you will see yourself more and more in the divine likeness. And because you are found in that likeness of God, you will say to yourself, "Why, I can give a little bit more of myself, for, after all, my self is God!" And this is the way, beloved. You cannot swallow a camel whole; do not try to swallow God whole. But because you cannot do so, do not think that you cannot swallow that morsel, that Communion wafer, that daily portion of the Body of the Lord, and that daily cup, even if it be a thimble of the Blood of the living Christ. Yes, beloved, little by little by little the mountain of God rises beneath you. And as the mountain grows and grows and grows, you will find one day that you are sitting on top of the highest mountain. It is the mountain of God-Self reality defined. Yes, then you will know yourself as the conquering hero! Take all things, then, in proper order, meticulously guarding the moments, the minutes, the hours, the days, the calendar of the years. Yes, beloved, day by day by day you have the opportunity from God to conquer yourself and to know yourself as the true Light-emanation of cosmic purpose. Is it not a wondrous thing to work on solving the riddle of being each day? ["Yes."] Do you do it? ["Yes!"] Make a note of it! The riddle is complex. If each day you solve a little portion of the riddle, write down [how you did it], because the riddle is a cosmic equation that defies memorization. So, then, in the matter of organization, this is a Church that is a citadel of freedom. Each one of you is the Church, a citadel of freedom. What is the fire in the midst of your citadel? Tend it. Do not let it go out. [It is the fire of the living Church.] Community is a very bad word in the circle of the fallen angels. They do not wish to see a community of Lightbearers succeed, for the Community of the Buddha - [consisting of] the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha - presents the equation of the equilateral triangle that is invincible because it is a threefold flame. Wherever the communities have formed round about the earth, on the surface, beneath the earth, on ancient continents and on other systems, the fallen ones have come from afar to snuff out that candle of Community.{19} Do you not realize, beloved hearts, that Community is the answer to the problems of so many - of those in ghettos in every nation and of the poor and of those who can no longer afford to live in the cities of the world, much less in the country? Yes, beloved, why do they not form communities? Because, quite simply, they argue about who is boss. They cannot even get along with themselves or the members of their own households. How can they band together by the hundreds and then the thousands to form a community where arms are locked and a mighty mesh of armour as chain mail is formed by the living bodies of the Buddhas and Christed ones and bodhisattvas and babes in arm? All of these have the fire of God within them and submit to holy purpose, to the indwelling God and therefore, because all see the same All-Seeing Eye of God, all see El Morya, all know at inner levels what is the foundation and the bedrock of Community. So the Community is a strength multiplied, geometrized by the numbers within it and by those of the hosts of the Lord who are enabled to step through the veil through you. You are not mere physical numbers. You are yourselves plus all of the angels and elementals and Ascended Masters who can work through you individually. Such is the multiplication of the Community of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Great Multiplier, beloved. Therefore understand that when your heart is a well of living fire, the multiplication of that fire is also infinite. But if there be lurking somewhere in the folds of the garment of the unconscious indeed a force of anti-Love neglected, left there long ago, which you have since sought to transmute but you have not - if this be the case, beloved, there is also a multiplication, by your tie to the Great White Brotherhood, of that substance. Thus I must warn you, before you make your first mark on the journal of 1993, that you are in a karma-making situation when you fail to pursue the inner resolution of that original ancient point of anger (and all the other Martian manifestations) that divided you from your God. It is one thing to recite these [conditions of consciousness] that they might be bound through your decrees, but it is another to truly desire it - to go after them and to exorcise them. Yes, be the deep-sea diver! Go down to those levels and ask to be taken this night not to retreats but to the caverns and canyons of your own subconscious and astral body and the unconscious, beloved. For this is the place that you must now revisit, the place where you who have remained here [in the Community] have the strength to go. [Yes, you have the strength] to descend with accompanying seraphim and members of the bands of Seven Archangels and to call for the exorcism of those points of darkness, neglected, long-forgotten, that still weigh you down as though you were yet carrying a burden on your back that you carried ten thousand years ago. And indeed you are, but you have forgotten that you yet carry that burden. Well, I wish to quicken the memory. And I wish you to offer the prayer and use this call, beloved. And this is the way it goes: Call to Lanello to Descend the Spiral Staircase I call now to my beloved Lanello, my mentor of the Spirit. I call to El Morya, Archangel Michael and the Lords of Karma, my own Holy Christ Self and I AM Presence and all who assist me on my way. Take me now, O holy ones of God, down the spiral staircase into the depths of the subconscious, the electronic belt, the astral plane and the unconscious. Take me there, O God! With covering cherubim guide my feet, guide my heart and mind. Therefore I ask for the armour of seraphim and Archangel Michael and the helmet and shield of the Lord and the sword of blue flame. And I ask to be guided by the Maha Chohan as to what I may be delivered of, and I would perform that exorcism under the living Christ Jesus, my Lord. I call, then, that day by day for thirty-three days I shall achieve the undoing of those substances that dwell within me that will not speed me on my way to a glorious God-freedom that I seek but will only hold me back. And therefore, O God, I surrender that portion of myself that helps neither you nor me. And I ask that I might be cut free from all individuals that I have ever been a part of where the will of God dictates that I ought to be cut free. And I ask to help those I may help and to remain tied to those with whom I [should remain tied according to the will of God]. And I call for the balancing of all karma by the violet flame. It is my deep desire, O Mighty I AM Presence, that I might be delivered of excess baggage now, that I might become a better servant of the Lord Sanat Kumara and that I might be free to help others - free of the schisms in my own psyche, free of all encumbrances [of the human consciousness], so that I need not withhold the perfect gift to anyone, friend or foe or stranger, who does knock at my door. I commend this prayer to the heart of God for adjudication. And I pray for the dividing of the way of the Real and the Unreal within myself that Victory might have his day through me. As a humble pilgrim on life's way, I seal my prayer this day, O God. God, help me! God, help me. God, help me. This, then, is my Christmas gift to you, this understanding and perhaps a new level of science in the approach to the problem of finite being - yes, finite being in whom there dwells the star of Bethlehem and the point of Light! - Yes, finite being that knows that it is a part of the Infinite and is willing to go for that restoration piece by piece, bit by bit, day by day, morsel by morsel, until all compartments of time and space slide into infinity and the finite one is at last free of the chains of mortality. I AM Lanello. By the grace of God and only by that grace, by the love of the blessed Mary, Morya, Kuan Yin and numberless numbers of saints and ascended beings, I have broken the chain of mortality! Call to me: I will show you how to do it! - [34-second standing ovation] This dictation by beloved Lanello was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on New Year's Eve, December 31, 1992, during the five-day conference The Dawning of Your God Reality, held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. [N.B. Throughout this Pearl, bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Lanello's direction for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom. ***** 2.1 I AM the Witness - January 10, 1993 ***** Vol. 36 No. 2 - I AM the Witness - January 10, 1993 I AM the Witness A Sign from the Chief Dear Mother, There are many precious stories to be told and numerous lessons to be learned when on the Path. This story is a few years old but its lessons are still being learned. I had been received on staff in June following nine months at Summit University, Levels I and II. My first assignment was as a teaching assistant and it was two weeks before the start of the fall session of Summit University. There had been major changes in my life in that year and I was not feeling integrated within, nor with the Teachings, nor with the Community. I had strong doubts about my ability to represent or present the Ascended Masters' Teachings to the students. That Saturday I was feeling overwhelmed by a sense of inadequacy and fear. It was a clean-up day on the campus and I was assigned to rake Excalibur Square. I was grateful to be out of the office and to work alone doing physical labor, for it provided me the opportunity to sort out my thinking and converse with El Morya and Lord Maitreya. I knew the assignment to Summit University was no mistake. I was there when the assignment was made and was part of the discussions and considerations leading up to it. Yet I was filled with self-doubt. My day's labor in Excalibur Square ended but my conversation with El Morya and Maitreya continued as I wrote them a confession letter prior to the Saint Germain service that evening. In the letter I confessed my concern about my ability to properly represent them, my fear and depression. Tears had come frequently during the day and continued while I wrote. I was not accustomed to asking heaven for favors or proof for something, but I found myself asking El Morya and Maitreya to confirm that they desired to have me as a teaching assistant at Summit University. I asked them to confirm this through the gift of a semi-precious or precious stone within the next six weeks. I was embarrassed, even ashamed at what was coming out on the paper. I smiled and almost laughed through my tears because it seemed so childish and I knew of no possible source for such a gift. I then told the Masters that such a confirmation was not really necessary and that they could be assured that I was there to serve and would do so. I said I knew that they were there for me and I was grateful. So, with the confession made, I went to the service and then home. My heart was still troubled but considerably more quiet. I shared an apartment with other staff off campus and we had a guest in the house that night whom I did not know. I am not sure if I had even met her. Early the next morning I was praying in my room when there was a knock on my door. It was our guest inviting me to go out to breakfast with her. I wondered if this was a distraction to take me from my prayers, but I decided to go. As we were leaving the restaurant, my companion stopped and said, "I didn't know how to do this, so I asked you out for breakfast. When I woke up this morning and was putting on my rings, I knew that this one no longer belonged to me. It's for you from El Morya." She then handed me a blue sapphire ring. I was stunned. It was but fourteen hours after my written request. I told her my side of the story and we both stood in awe. I was moved by this woman's attunement and her willingness to readily relinquish something as personal as a ring to a stranger. Yet, there she was, an instrument of the tender mercy of El Morya. The ring was one I might have chosen for myself. The band was fashioned like latticework, and I had been meditating on the concept of having open spaces within oneself (like latticework) for the fire of God to pass through. The stone anchored the love and the presence of beloved Morya, one with God's will. El Morya saw beyond my immediate request to a deeper need to develop trust and to know his love. Throughout the year, as I would feel the ring on my finger or look upon it, I knew my Guru's presence and it sustained me. It is a magnificent and humbling experience to be a part of the process that Summit University is. The student hears a single teaching or dictation and finds it uniquely applicable to his own life. Throughout the quarter the accumulation of the teachings, dictations and clearances, combined with the science of the spoken Word, work a sacred alchemical action in the student that is an immeasurable assist toward the goal of union with God. The student has the opportunity to contact not only the teaching but the Teacher behind the teaching - and therefore its source. Summit University is a sacred adventure in soul exploration, and it was no less so for me as a teaching assistant. El Morya's assignment was a specific challenge to points of pride and fear as my sense of inadequacy and being overwhelmed continued to reappear. The ring was and is a reminder to me to trust the assignments given to me through the Messenger. And it continues to be a reminder of El Morya's abiding presence, wisdom and love. It encourages me to surrender those elements that obstruct the work that he would do through me and to embrace the will of God. I am reminded of El Morya's words in his dictation given April 19, 1992: "The will of God is only good and it is glorious and it is supreme and it is comforting and it is enlightening and it is all things, including the restoration of your blueprint in every atom and cell of your being." Beloved El Morya, Beloved Mother, may my heart grow in oneness with your own. May I come to trust and love the will of God over all else and take courage therein. Thank you for striving with me and taking my hand. With love, Montessori International Apprenticeship Program Dear Mother, I would like to witness to you of the wonderful experience I had this summer in having a Montessori student as my apprentice. I work in construction in the ranch maintenance department, primarily as a plumber. So, for the most part, I taught my apprentice plumbing. But the young man, age eight, also learned about electrical, carpentry and household repairs. Our two big projects were to set up the shower trailers at East Gate and prepare the Heart for the class. This involved all of the gas lines, water lines and hand-washing stations. He was so excited about the work that he didn't want to stop! He was always upbeat and continually asked questions. He just loved it! He kept me going when the class drew nigh and fatigue became a challenge. It was important for me to have him as a companion. He helped me to remember what it was like to be eight years old. It was like reliving the fun I had with my best friend at that age. I believe the apprenticeship program will do more than teach the children valuable skills - it will give all of us who are blessed to work with them a chance to find our own inner child. This experience taught me patience, understanding and better ways to teach skills. We often took each other by the hand and he would teach me to see the world through his eyes. I actually began to reexperience my youth again. We are going to try to keep working together through the school year when we can. If only you could have seen him in the tool belt I gave him! He always liked to carry more tools than I did. (I've enclosed for you two photos his mother took of us.) I will be working with the foreman on developing an apprenticeship program for our children this fall. I have witnessed to many of the adults in our community of our experience and, based on their reactions, I know the program will really grow. Thank you, Mother, for this wonderful opportunity! Love, "The Best Thing I Ever Did!" Dear Mother, I want to tell you about my apprenticeship as a plumber this past summer. I learned to fix toilets, sinks and many other things. My favorite job was during the setup of the July conference in the Heart. I helped hook up the water and propane on one of the trailers. I was glad I could work for you and help put on the conference. Learning to be a plumber this summer was the best thing I ever did! With lots of love, [pearls1993-n02-fig1.jpg] [pearls1993-n02-fig2.jpg] ****** Chapter 3 Beloved Paul the Venetian - January 17, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 3 - Beloved Paul the Venetian - January 17, 1993 The Dawning of Your God Reality 3 Love: The Age-old Solution I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the Spirit of My Lord and Saviour in My Heart This Day I Offer the Initiation of Love: Take the Key to the Great Heart of the LORD God Shafts of Divine Love descend. And within and upon them, behold! angels of the living flame of Love. Love must be the cure in this opening of the new year with new opportunity. Therefore, at the focus of the threefold flame in the obelisk in Washington, {20} in the heart of the Temple of the Sun over Manhattan{21} - wherever there is the living flame of Love on the altars of the retreats of the Brotherhood throughout the earth, there Love is magnified, magnified by holy angels and saints above and those who gather at the throne of Sanat Kumara. I AM your brother Paul the Venetian. So I have come with the solution, the age-old solution to all divisions, dichotomies and all that divides one from another or the members of the individual. [And that solution is Love.] Let Love, then, be the dividing of the way of Light and Darkness, for the two cannot coexist. Let your invocation of Love, O my beloved, be for the drawing forth of the flame of the Holy Spirit through the Lord the Maha Chohan - yes, Love in government, Love in the economy, Love that is in such an intensity of concentration in your heart that it can truly break the stranglehold of the money beast upon the nations and of greed itself. Oh, such Love, beloved! It is of the heart of Christ in you. And it is the Love that can indeed heal many flaws, many cleavages in the earth. Contemplate Love. Defend Love! And begin to depend on the great power of Love for the resolution of many things. Oh, I would that you would spend a full sixty minutes in giving the decrees of Divine Love{22} so that you might sense not only the power of Love but all that is arrayed against the Love that is God's and which God releases through the newborn babe and in your hearts in love for one another, in love for the things of God and the ways of God and the path of God. Many do not embrace this path of Love's devotion because of the challenges of evil spirits who come to destroy Love by all manner of amplification of elements in the psyche and the mind. And therefore, to be a master on the path of Love is to be whole, is to seal one's aura, is to expand the heart and be fearless before any force of Antichrist that seeks to tear the child, the mature one from the infinite flow of Divine Love, from the manifestation of that Christhood which is Love. So, my beloved, Love goes abegging in the world and has many substitutes. But the Love of which I speak is a Love that you may keep if you are willing to give all of yourself to it and, as one has said, to not be offended by the assailants of Love. The greater the Love in your aura, the greater the protection you need. I bid you, then, come to my fount of Love as you follow the meditations within the Sacred Ritual of Transport and Holy Work{23} that you might arrive at the Washington Monument, the gathering place of devotees who pronounce the Ashram rituals and go forth at night for the healing [of souls] and for the defense of little ones. Yes, Love is pressing in upon the nations. And what do you think the effect will be? I tell you, it is the treading of the winepress. Yes, beloved, Love is the element of God that forces out the anger of anti-Love, and therefore Love wreaks havoc in the earth. Know, then, precious hearts, that Love is truly the initiation that I offer. And I give Love in my vast school, where devotees come and use the medium of art to paint that which is within, that which is the beautiful, that which is the pain and the record and, of course, to perfect the masterpiece that each one of you is working on - the drawing of yourself made in the image and likeness of your Holy Christ Self.{24} Therefore, let art be for healing - every form of art that is lawful. Let the art of the spoken Word, the word of mantra, of profound devotion also be for the healing of the heart. The expression of the soul through the movement of the trained eye and hand, this, then, brings satisfaction. There is art that is drama and music. There is so much that can be offered to people of all ages, whether in sculpture or the art of design or the art of creating all things that adorn the homes, the walls, the hangings - architecture itself. Art, beloved, allows the great cube, the white cube of self, to take on dimension, quality and a foundation for the soul's rising. Do not neglect this form, then. Do not neglect the art of moving with angels, commanding legions and directing forces of Love for healing. Do not neglect the art of entering in to a level slightly beyond the physical where you find Nature spirits - sylphs and gnomes, undines of the waters, fiery salamanders. Do not neglect the art of using the magnet of Love of the Central Sun to magnetize these workers in the vineyard of the Father-Mother God and in your own gardens - to magnetize them back to the centeredness of being whereby under your tutelage and that of the Ascended Masters they may earn a threefold flame and thereby have eternal Life.{25} Lo, the gift of the resurrection has been given unto them by the Saviour.{26} Now teach them the mantra of the Saviour's Love: I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the Spirit of my Lord and Saviour in my heart this day!{27} You would do well to also give this mantra that is given for elementals. For you must remember: by anger released you can in a moment easily snuff out [the flame of] the candle that you have nurtured in the heart. Thus, beloved, atone this night for all outbursts of condemnation and anger you have had even through the Christmas season, throughout the years, the decades of this life. This is the hour to come to terms with this, beloved, for that anger is death to the soul on the Path and it must be consumed. I hold in my hand, therefore, the torch of the Goddess of Liberty. And in this hour, the fire is the rose-pink and Ruby-Ray flame in swirls and undulations of Love's great power. Love's great power comes to you, then, as my angels and the angels of my mother, the Goddess of Liberty, come to you now. Receive this Love fire for the consuming of those levels of anger which, if they are not consumed, which, if you do not make the resolution in this hour, will surely remove you from the opportunity for the ascension in this life. Go not the way of the angry generation! Go not the way of the fallen angels, who have not Love and substitute for it their intellectual prowess, a brilliance that is dull by comparison to the sheen of the wings of the tiniest angel you might discover. Blessed hearts, the angry ones are out to tear you from your Love tryst in God. Do not allow it! Let Love for you be a humbling experience that you might be endowed with Love. You are potentially the chalice of the Holy Grail. Let the outline of the grail that I draw upon you in all dimensions this night be, then, as a hologram for that grail that you fill in. Yes, beloved, I fill the chalice with Love. And I say, drink ye all of it!{28} Let Love lead you and guide you to the depths and heights of being, to the fulfillment of holy purpose, to the completion of the rounds in this century. Think now - seven years and the door of this century shall close. What will you have to say for those seven years? What shall the new day bring and the conclusion of the year 2002? Yes, beloved, cycles are moving swiftly onward. Those who do not have a hold on the torch of Love - yes, mighty Love - may not see the way of the soul's perfecting. Let Love light your way each day! And remember the one who originally kindled Love in the earth, your Lord Sanat Kumara, [who came] bringing not only the physical fire again but the spiritual fire that none had retained. Oh, think of this, beloved, and be grateful for the Flame behind the flame that you hold! Now then, know that I speak to you under the disciplines of the Holy Spirit. This is a year to intensify that strictness with yourself whereby the power of Love may come to you and not leave you again. How long, how long has it been since you have held the torch of Love in your hand? How long has it been since Liberty could trust you to hold that torch? Love will try you and pummel you, sift you, grind you to powder.{29} But, beloved, Love will not leave you as it has found you but pour you into Love's own mold, the pattern of the loving, adorable Christ. Oh yes, beloved, Love is the highest and most difficult calling. Love flees so quickly in a moment's indiscretion. Let Love, then, come. Let it come to the nations! Let the people of Love in the heart of the earth know that upon them depends the victory of the violet flame and the resolution of the money systems. These are not as they should be, and the manipulations and the hoarding take from the people that which is theirs. How is it that that which is your own can be taken from you by those who have no Light at all? It is because you have first allowed the Light to go out. It is because you have first compromised Love and therefore you do not have the magnet of Divine Love that could draw to you instantaneously all Love of the cosmos because the Love of God is in you. Like attracts like and Love brings to you every good and perfect gift,{30} the meeting of all of your needs. Oh, I say, tend the flame of Love! I do not hear you call to me often nor sing to me. I seem to be one of the neglected Chohans. It is because you are busy fighting your battles and winning your battles and engaging with the hosts of the Lord. My legions come too! We come with the Buddha of the Ruby Ray and the Dhyani Buddhas. We come in all of the fierceness of ruby fire. We are there, beloved. You may depict me in the mode of artist but I am a true knight of the cross. And the numberless numbers who carry the flame of Love bear the mighty banner [upon which is embroidered] in the beautiful rose color the cross pattée. We come as legions of far-off worlds and knights of old. And we come [accompanied by] ladies marching in line keeping the torch of Love. Yes, beloved, no battle is ever won without Love. For it is the superior force, which none of those who have left off from the living flame of Love of Almighty God can have. They cannot match that flame; therefore they are overcome by it. Your love is great, for you serve devotionally, tirelessly in defense of a world and many who sleep, who when they shall awake will yet find a world because of you. Because of you they will know a new day and recognize the sun rising in the sign of Aquarius for Love's freedom won. Oh, love, beloved! Oh, love! What is the object of thy love and devotion? Not thy idolatrous self - nay, the object of thy love is the Mighty I AM Presence, the Holy Christ Self and all who so embody that living Presence on earth and in heaven. Love goes forth and connects with the Christ Self of each one that the Christ Self might give that Love - nurturing, nourishing, training, disciplining, raising up, showing the way by comfort, teaching the lessons of the Holy Spirit. Yes, Love, beloved, is always an active force. It is God in action in you, nourishing Life in all. Let, therefore, the Love of God pass through you. Open yourself now as angels of the flame of Love pass the Love flame through you. Open yourself, beloved, that the flame might consume much you have tried to bear to the altar but could not; you could not let go for want of something to replace it. Let Love displace and then fill in the pockets of those conditions that are no longer a part of you, no longer necessary, that are divisive indeed. Visualize, then, the pink rose in the heart as you receive now the fire of Love as you are able. This is the assistance you will need as you descend each night for thirty-three consecutive nights down the spiral staircase for the exorcism of compartments of consciousness by the living flame of Love.{31} Oh, such a gift of the Maha Chohan! Receive it now. [30-second pause] How gentle is Love's caressing of each and every part of the four lower bodies. The caressing flames of Love are healing rays. Sometimes you see me wear my cape with the emerald on the outside but tonight I wear the rose pink on the outside and the emerald within. And I come, as always, for Love's healing. [14-second pause] Now there is a mighty procession through the Inner Retreat on the etheric octave, close to the physical plane, of all the students who study at my retreat. They come looking like those of many centuries ago who marched with banners in the name of the living Christ. These are artists and artisans of the Spirit and you are counted among them. And you rejoice to have those hours when you may spend time in their company refining, refining the image of self that you might give to others a higher image and therefore knowledge of their own Christhood. There is a reason that they are processioning through. They have come to the Retreat of the Divine Mother. They have come to the New Jerusalem. There is, beloved, a gathering of many on each of the rays and the secret rays; and as they gather, so there is a grand meeting this night in that retreat. And when you have finished your journey to the obelisk and your ministering unto the needs of souls you may also join that convocation. You may wonder how you can accomplish so many things in a single night. But, beloved, you are in your etheric body. Yes, beloved, you can accomplish all things, including the exorcism of the compartments of being. This is a night of transition and the passing of torches. This is a night, beloved, for Love. Thus, I seal you in all the Love that I have brought with my angels. And you have a brand-new opportunity to conquer yourself, your temper and temperament by Love. Do it, beloved, for it will hasten all things, including that which you have written about to the Lords of Karma. Love is indeed the key! So take the key, beloved. One day it shall turn in the keyhole and open the door of the Great Heart of the Lord God. Prepare thyself, for the time is nigh. This dictation by Paul the Venetian was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on New Year's Eve, December 31, 1992, during the five-day conference The Dawning of Your God Reality, held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Throughout the dictation, the congregation held candles lit from the flame on the altar. The candlelight vigil continued through the dictation of Gautama Buddha, which followed. [N.B. In this Pearl, bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Paul the Venetian's direction for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom. ***** 3.1 I AM the Witness - January 17, 1993 ***** Vol. 36 No. 3 - I AM the Witness - January 17, 1993 I AM Witness "I Loved You the First Time I Saw You" Dear Guru Ma, I loved you from the very first time I saw you in London eighteen years ago. You were on BBC television with two of your children. When you were questioned about seeing our Blessed Mother Mary, you were also asked when the world would end. Your reply was: "It is only God who knows when the world will end." I turned to my husband, Cris, and said, "I must meet that woman one day!" Years passed. I did not recall this incident until a few months ago, when the memory suddenly came to me like a flash. I hadn't even remembered it when I saw you again on television in March 1987 at a Body, Mind and Spirit Exhibition in London. At the exhibition, I bought my first Chart of the Presence, pictures of Jesus, Saint Germain and Archangel Michael, the violet flame booklet, Archangel Michael's Rosary booklet, and The Science of the Spoken Word. I then inquired where I could contact someone in the Teachings. I was given an address and information about services. Soon after, I attended a Wednesday night healing service. As I looked at the I AM Presence in the Chart above the altar, I saw it spinning. After the service, it was announced that there would be a conference at the Royal Teton Ranch. The cost was £400, which had to be paid within two weeks. I prayed - and I was able to pay within the two weeks! On my arrival at the ranch, I was convinced that my search had ended. Beloved Mother, you are so kind. We met you on the road and you helped us get our luggage to the tent where we slept that night. I knew I had found my spiritual Mother. Since then, I have hoped that one day you would be my personal Guru. I am so grateful that beloved Omega has offered us the opportunity to be "a known and counted and sponsored direct chela of the Messenger." For I have never come across a person who loves as you do and who is so willing to teach others the Way. This world needs people like you. For me, you are the greatest example on this planet. I thank our Father God for the Teachings of the Ascended Masters and for the example you are to all of us. I thank you for your courage and your one-pointedness in bringing these Teachings to all you meet. I thank God and leave everything to his holy will. Your loving chela, Eating from the Same Pot Dear Mother of the Flame! I am very pleased to send herewith a cassette of Kuan Yin mantras I picked up in a Buddhist temple in Pusan, South Korea. Although the chanting is in Korean, I thought you might like to hear how the Korean devotees honor the beloved Mother of Mercy. I don't understand nor know the words but if one listens carefully, one can recognize some of the same words that are in the Kuan Yin's Crystal Rosary mantras - words like Na-mo (Hail!) and P'u-sa (Bodhisattva). Kuan Yin is lovingly called Kannon P'u-sa in Japan and Korea. In another ancient Buddhist temple I was fortunate enough to hear Buddhist prayers being recited in many, many parts of the vast interior. What arrested me the most was the way the Korean women prayed. Each time they ticked off the prayer beads in their hands, they would bow down with their arms stretched full-length on the floor (as the Muslims do). Then they would immediately get up and repeat the whole performance. A Korean friend enlightened me that for serious requests, the women pray in this manner with one thousand bows! That would sure be some request! Any deity would succumb to such devotion! I did not ask if the men performed the same ritual. (Maybe they leave all the praying to the women.) Mother, thank you very much for all the wonderful lectures. I noticed that Herman Aihara concluded his lecture "Why Is Cooking Important?" on the topic of eating from a communal pot. Here I'd like to share a story with you. More than ten years ago I knew of a well-to-do Chinese family in Bangkok. The children were all married and living in their own houses, but this big family was closely knit in one manner: Come dinnertime, the chief cook in the patriarch's shop would ladle out proportionate amounts of cooked rice into many containers. Then "delivery boys" would go through the congested traffic to each offspring's residence, bringing the containers of rice. This ritual was carried on faithfully because the father said that, although living apart, the whole family would be united by eating from the same rice pot. Not only was the family united in this way but even the workers in the shop. In those days the workers in Chinese shops were provided lunch and dinner. I believe that this is what made the workers stay on for lengthy years of service. Eventually, they came to be regarded as part of the family. Eating from the same pot was the unifying bond. On this unified note, may there be a joyous season of rebirth in our hearts and souls! Thank you, dear Mother - thank you, all you wonderful staff, for all the Ascended Master materials coming from the Royal Teton Ranch! In ever multiplying love and never-ending God-victories, I AM I Meet a False Female Guru Dear Mother, Recently I was thinking about an experience I had while I was serving at the Church's ashram in India in 1981. I wanted to share it with you because people don't always realize just how much the false gurus and teachers can manipulate and how much power they have to affect people. One day I went with a fellow staff member, who is a Sikh, to look at an outdoor lecture hall in Delhi. We were hoping to find a place where you could come and lecture. A woman guru was scheduled to speak that night, so we decided to check out the place and see what the woman was like. We arrived early, when hardly anyone was there - just a few people from India and no Westerners. I felt funny about being there and told my Sikh friend that I wanted to sit in the back, but he wanted to sit right in front. As it turned out, he was the one who stood out. Among the five or six hundred people who eventually arrived, he was the only one wearing a turban. After a while, the woman guru (I don't remember her name) came out and started speaking. She was Indian by birth but lived in England. Although she spoke English, she had made it a rule not to speak in English when she was in India. Since I didn't understand her, I basically just watched the people and listened to her voice. It had a sing-song quality and almost put me to sleep. Then I began to watch her and all of a sudden she began to change in front of me. My third eye must have opened because as I watched I saw her take on pointed features. Her teeth, her ears, her fingers and even her eyebrows became pointed and sharp. I thought I was seeing things and began rubbing my eyes, but the image didn't go away. I also noticed that her voice had changed and taken on almost a hissing quality. All her "s" words seemed accentuated. I was beginning to get really concerned but my exit was blocked by all the people around me, who were sitting cross-legged on the floor. About this time, my friend began talking to her. I did not understand the conversation but afterwards he told me that she had started to tell a story about how bad Sikhs were and how they raped and murdered, and so on. So he had interrupted and challenged her. My friend told me we had to leave, so we stepped over all the people to get out. We went to the back of the hall and stood quietly and called to God for divine justice. Then we left and began the ride home - a ten-mile journey, clear across New Delhi. We rode in a cart (similar to a golf cart), which is cheaper than a taxi. I began to feel sick and by the time we were half way home I was on the floor and couldn't sit up because I was in so much pain. I felt like someone had punched me in the stomach. My friend stopped the cart and got us a taxi for the rest of the ride home. When we arrived at the ashram I could barely walk. I went straight to the chapel and lay on the floor while everyone else prayed and gave decrees to Astrea. By the time the decrees were finished, I felt a little better. I went right to bed and it took several days before I felt normal again. I remember telling the ashram director the next morning that that was the first time I had ever met another guru besides you, Mother, and I didn't want to meet any others! I was aware of false gurus before I left for India, but I really didn't understand how they operate until I saw it and felt it myself. I wouldn't want others to underestimate their power. I thought if my story could help others to realize how the false gurus can manipulate and do harm, then you should know about it. As I said twelve years ago, I have found my Guru and my Path and I don't want any other. Love, Your chela, Gratitude for Service Beloved Mother, I am grateful for the love and protection you send to us daily. I am making an effort to become the Christ, to have a God-controlled mind, to love and serve God above all other desires. I love you and thank you for the privilege of serving in the cafeteria. Please make calls for me that I may attain the purity and wisdom to better serve others. Thank you, beloved Mother, for your presence here and all you do to save this planet. My love to you, (from an 82-year-old devotee) Gratitude from Prison Dear Elizabeth, God bless you for the books that you have provided for me here in prison. They have been a blessing to me and have helped me grow much on my spiritual path of understanding who I AM. Love, ****** Chapter 4 Beloved Gautama Buddha - January 24, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 4 - Beloved Gautama Buddha - January 24, 1993 The Dawning of Your God Reality 4 I Shall Kindle! I Wait, I Tap My Foot O Pillars of Fire in the Earth, Increase! Release of the Thoughtform for the Year 1993: The All-Seeing Eye of God Let the bells ring! Let them ring in the steeple of the heart! Let them ring throughout the earth! For the Light of God does pierce the night, does pierce the division and bring all to resolution. And the cycles unfold - And the year approaches and it is upon us. I AM your Gautama Buddha. I come in the flame of joy, For this is the tradition of our lineage - joy by the fire of the heart and the bells that ring in the cathedral of the heart. O beloved, there is joy in the heart of the earth! There is joy in your threefold flame! Joy shall rule the earth this day, For I have come and I am in the heart of all And I will not stand for the doom and gloom of the world. Nay, I will take you, I will mold you, I will prepare you! Receive me now! Oh, come closer, beloved! Be willing to come to the fount of my heart. Be not afraid. For I give you back your identity and take from you only the shadowed rags that should long ago have been consumed. I AM in the heart of the Western Shamballa. I AM in the heart of the earth. And I have come with a kindling fire, truly a kindling fire. And what shall I kindle? I shall kindle the debris that it be not there on the morrow. I shall kindle the heart of Love. I shall kindle! For that is my calling. Will you kindle also, my loves? ["Yes!"] So be seated now. How shall we ponder the weighty matters of the year? Well, we shall indeed ponder them, pound them, pummel them and place them where they belong, in the sacred fire of the Sacred Heart of God, and then receive again the return, fashioned as it was in the Beginning. This old world can be righted, but I must have pillars of fire who will to be righted! And I call upon you to be those pillars wherever you hail from, wherever you take [in your hand] the soil beneath your feet and say: This is the place I call home, where I plant my feet and where I invoke my God and where I look to the rising of the sun and the great Maltese cross of Saint Germain. This is the place that is my center of the universe. And from this point of my heart, the central sun of my being, I send forth rays of light piercing the night! [That night] is illusion, beloved. It is maya! Therefore pierce it and see the reality of the New Day. See the reality of thine own path. See the reality of the sun. See the reality of the beating heart of God within you! O mighty breath of Life - breath of Life, oh yes, immortal fire, kindle! Kindle souls in the earth. Right them, O Lord Sanat Kumara! O Cosmic Beings of Light who attend this evolution's victory: Hear my call in the name of those who gather here and there and in the Himalayas, yes, here and there in the earth where those who recite my mantras and the mantras of those of this lineage gather. So, Cosmic Beings, take note. For the devotees come, the devotees ennoble life. The devotees would know the fire of Love's giving - Love's giving of self that receives the Great God Self again and again and again as the giving goes out and the giving returns and the fashioning of a soul become a God does take place before the very eyes of the bodhisattvas, the bhikkhus and the nuns as well. O devotees of Light in the earth, be quickened, then, for you have not known the direct fire of my heart. For you have been kept apart from me by a [2,500-year-old Buddhist orthodox tradition] that is no longer satisfying nor complete, for we have moved beyond, incorporating [the corpus of the Buddha], refining [the flour], kneading the dough. And now the bread [of doctrine] is baked. And so you are given a piece of a loaf. Take it, then. Take each and every crumb and know that the teachings of the Buddha move on, the teachings of Sanat Kumara move on. And you move on, beloved, and you are grateful to be delivered of old years and crusty mold and all that has held you back. The fire of Love sweeps [across the plains] in the wake of the Christmas wind and the fire of the new year is upon all. Yes, it shall be a year of fire! And now there is handed to me the scroll of the thoughtform of the year 1993, as you calculate the cycles. So this thoughtform, beloved, is unmistakable and clear. This single thoughtform is being multiplied a billion times everywhere! You will not turn a foot in time or space without this thoughtform being present. It is the All-Seeing Eye of God, beloved - the most needed faculty of Divine Love on the part of every person and those who have not yet personhood but must win it through their own Christ Self and Inner Buddha. I AM the Lord of the World. Therefore I have something to say this night to the evolutions of earth. The [thoughtform of the] All-Seeing Eye of God is given that you might see, that you might open your eyes, that you might look through the single eye of God and know what is real and what is unreal, what is the illusion that leads you astray and what is the path that is real and necessary for your fulfillment. The question you must ask, beloved, regarding [every step you take on] your path, each and every one of you, citizens of earth, is: "Is it necessary, is it required? Or is it not?" Follow the path that is necessary. Follow the path that is the requirement for your victory, for your God-mastery. Set aside the path that does not lead you toward this goal but only to the goal of ego-satisfaction. You will take a long detour if you continue on this path, my beloved ones, and I speak to all who gather everywhere to hear my message.{32} I speak to a world, then: Your time is limited. Your space is limited. Stop your dallying, for that dalliance will cost you and cost you the ultimate price! This is an hour for the concentration in the heart of hearts - the heart of hearts of the Lord Sanat Kumara. This is a moment for the concentration of the very essence of your being - concentration, beloved, that you might discover how much of yourself is in this moment the concentrated essence of the Great God Being and how much of the rest that remains is but the entrapments, the accoutrements of the illusionary cycles. You do not need to fulfill illusion! You do not need to fulfill illusion but you do need to fulfill reality! What, then, is Reality? Reality is, first and foremost, freedom. It is beauty. It is industriousness. It is science. Reality is sensitivity to all life, allowing one's self that is God to flow into all life as the ebb and flow of the tide and to return again with the messages of millions. You think this is only the path of a Buddha or an advanced Bodhisattva. I tell you nay! If you think this, you are simply postponing the day [of heightened sensitivity to all life]. You need not be complete or an adept. You simply need a fiery heart of Love. And I will supply it! Therefore you have no excuse that you might say, "I have not a fiery heart of Love." Well, I tell you, the God who lives and breathes within you the sacred fire breath does have that mighty fiery heart of Love! And out of that fount of Love there pours forth reality. And the all-consuming Love that does receive the return of the tide to the center of being does also transmute that world energy of burden and sorrow [that the tide brings in] - frivolousness and all that goes with the human experience. O pillars of fire in the earth, increase! increase! I command all devotees unto the thirty-third level of the etheric octave of the heaven-world. I command you: Increase the pillar of fire that you are! Increase the heart of fire! Let Love and Love's reward come to you - Love's enlightenment, Love's cause for being. All that is truth is Reality and all that you are in Reality is living truth. This is Christ in you: definite, real, appearing, manifest, specific and carefully sculpted by the Divine Mind. I do not speak of ethereal things! I speak of things that are concrete and yet eternal, that far surpass the paltry - and the goals of life are paltry when limited to the development of the human potential. Let God-potential be yours by development, by pursuit, surely by a steadfastness that stems from the fire that you hear and see. Yes, you do! You see me at inner levels. Your soul does behold me and I impress upon your soul the image of your own Buddhahood. I impress it upon you. For we [who are of the octaves of Light] have come one after the other over the years to impress upon you that real God-Eye identity. And now that real God Eye shall be with you and over you. It shall uncover all things and secret places. None shall hide. For the thoughtform of the All-Seeing Eye of God is more than a thoughtform. It is the presence of the living God in the earth. Yes, God has taken up his abode in the earth. You may say, "When has he not?" Well, I will tell you when he has not. He has removed himself at times when none have kept the flame. Yes, God in the Personal Personality of manifestation may remove himself or center and concentrate himself wheresoe'er he will. Thus, by the presence of the Eye of God you know that your God is present, even the Mighty I AM Presence. And what will you do, children of Israel, when you are naughty and the I AM THAT I AM does come by the Law to deliver upon you your karma? Where is your Moses, who shall plead for you and defend you? Where, I say? Well, your Moses is in your Holy Christ Self. Your Moses is in your Messenger, who does plead for you night and day before the altar of God in and out of the body. Yes, beloved, those who know the way of Hierarchy know that, above all, those on the Path require the mercy of God. Therefore, you who have turned aside from the dazzling Light of your I AM Presence (for it is too bright for your corner where you have found your niche of comfortability), I say to you: You shall not escape the All-Seeing Eye of God nor God himself! For the Mighty I AM Presence has come down to say to you: "What? What is this trifling? What is this trifling in the human consciousness and all of its meandering ways in the delta of human existence? What is this?" Come, then! Rise to the level of your Christhood and let your identity be saved! For how else shall you be saved, wandering here and there in the dimensions of your own puny human consciousness? It will not work. It has never worked! Therefore, step out of the old mold, as has been said.{33} The command went forth. Yes, indeed it went forth. But did you step out of the old mold? I say, not entirely. Therefore stand on your feet! [Congregation stands.] Step out of the old mold that I may speak to you in the mold of your Christhood now! For I shall not tarry forever with this evolution. Therefore, have the sense of time! Now make your fiat and say: In the name of my Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self, I step out of the old mold! And then step aside and look at it, beloved - one last longing glance - until my salamanders come and consume it that you might not step back into it. You may re-create it, but you will not step again into that same mold that you step out of now. Now let's see you do it in my presence since you have not done it apart from my presence. [Congregation gives the fiat and then steps aside:] In the name of my Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self, I step out of the old mold! Come quickly, fiery salamanders, for I cannot bear the stench of the old mold any longer! Therefore quickly consume it now ere we all suffocate from the toxins! So be it! Be seated and know that the old mold is an offense to the angels of Gautama Buddha. Yes, beloved, now come into your own. This is a day and hour when you must decide. Have you heard those words before? Are you tired of them? Well, I tell you, be not weary. For if you have not made your decision, I say, you had better make it now. For you do not know what the challenges of the new year and the remainder of the decade shall be. I come to prepare you and I come to speak to you in the West as I speak easily to my disciples in the East, for they are used to the gruffness of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. They know the way of the Eastern Gurus and they know the way of the fierceness of a Bodhidharma, a Padma Sambhava, a Lao Tzu and a Confucius. They know the way of the fierceness of that mighty golden emperor. {34} Oh yes, beloved, [in the past] those [Gurus] who came to take souls to God did not have the opportunity to offer their chelas the current dispensation of the 51 percent.{35} Therefore they led them in the way of the balancing of 100 percent of their karma. And they worked with them that they might accomplish this, if at all possible, in a single lifetime, in [what was to be their] final embodiment, when every step and every thought and deed must count for entering in to the divine matrix. Poor humanity, poor children of God, so burdened and so suffocated by the stench of your own karma and the densification and calcification of that karma that finally even the Lords of Karma and the Four and Twenty Elders did take mercy upon you and give you that dispensation of the 51 percent! And what has happened since then? Some who have known of this [dispensation], who could therefore become masters of their destiny, yet take it for granted and are as spoiled children. Well, I might as well get out my paddle and give you your New Year's Eve spanking, for the babe of the New Year can receive that spanking now. So take it, beloved, for it is the fire of my heart that does impel you into the majestic geometry of who you really are here and now! I am not speaking of some lofty other world that you cannot contact! I say, you, as Gods in the flesh, do have that matrix if you would but bestir yourselves to manifest it. Beware, beloved, for I come on the heels of almighty beings of Love and I AM the compassionate Buddha of Love. And with me come Maitreya, the mighty Buddha of eternal kindness, and Manjushri, the mighty tutor of your souls. So the Buddhas come! And they are enfired with the fire of Sanat Kumara, who has sent us all to let you know that we expect a little more effort! We expect that you will do better and not repeat the same old round as though you were the deer in the forest turning round and round, nestling down to the same bed that you have nestled into for thousands of years by habit. You are not creatures of habit! You are creatures of the Divine Buddha, and you have come from far-off worlds and, indeed, trailing clouds of glory! Let that glory descend now! Fear not to let go of that old self! And do not react when I send my Messenger to rebuke you, for I will not allow the fire to be withheld from you any longer lest you be totally unprepared for the day of the spiritual trial by fire{36} that is indeed far greater than the fire that comes to bring you the suffering of physical loss. Yes, beloved, I seek the ones who are tired of waiting to become the adepts on the Path and who will now set aside their garments for the higher way. Now you may speak to your Lord Sanat Kumara from your heart, as you have spoken to him in your letters.{37} Speak from your heart and speak to him and tell him your response to my call. [Congregation speaks to Sanat Kumara from their hearts and gives their response to Gautama Buddha's call.] Yes, I do watch. I do wait. I do tap my foot as I wait, as I see that the nations of the earth are doing nothing - nothing of substance to deal with the Yugoslavian question, nothing of substance to deal with the unaccounted-for nuclear weapons and all of the matériel of war in the former Soviet Union. Yes, beloved, I tap my foot, I wait. And those of the world do not move. They are surfeited. They are surfeited in their momentums of darkness and satiated with their pleasures and desires. They are not fit to rule an anthill, I tell you, let alone their own backyard or the hemisphere! I wait, I tap my foot. What shall be done regarding the war on drugs and all that pours into the bellies and the minds of the children and the wombs of the mothers? Yes, I wait, I tap my foot. And I come to my own and I say: You have the potential to call down the fire of God. Do not be insulated! The world is yours to claim. The world is yours to defend. And you have [the decree whereby you can] call for Divine Justice [to be meted] upon those who do not care for those who suffer in the earth. Well, beloved, yours is the responsibility to call down the [sacred] fire of God to make things right. Therefore you yourselves, as you have been told, are considered to be representatives of the people in the spiritual domain, just as your representatives in your state legislatures and in your Congress in Washington and across the nations [are the representatives of the people in the domain of earth]. Yes, beloved, as they are responsible at the physical and mental levels, so you share equal and greater responsibility at the spiritual level. Therefore know what is happening and give your fiats to Sanat Kumara and the hosts of the Lord.{38} I wonder how you can weary [in well doing]{39} and cease your calls when there are so many, many crises in the earth and so much suffering. Wake up, I say! Wake up! What have we created here? An island of insulation whereby you may simply say, "We are here on the mountain, far, far removed from these burdens"? Well, you are not far from the beating of the heart of the little bird. You are not far from the beating of the heart of the little child in the womb in Yugoslavia, in the heart of the mother who has lost everything. Yes, beloved, your heart is one with the hearts of the world, with the heart of the Christ and the heart of the Buddha, and your sensitivities must increase lest you fail at the level which is expected of you. Yes, we expect you to make the call - not to work [at the altar] until you drop but to simply offer [God] the prayer of the heart, the prayer of the lips and the direction of your life. This is no time for fooling around, I say. We will march into this year! And I will tell you something. I will no longer tap my foot waiting for the responses. I will take my rod and I will poke this one and that one and the next one and the millions, and they shall know it! For I tell you, the karma shall increase in this year! It shall increase for those who do not exercise their lawful responsibilities [that are meet] at their level of evolution. So know it, beloved. I have said it. And do not direct your anger against this karma descending upon you. Do not direct it against God or God's representatives in heaven and on earth, but run to consume that potential for anger against God and replace it with love, your love for having received a chastening from the Lord Gautama Buddha - because I love you. For there can only be chastening when there is a love relationship. And mind you, I have not severed my tie to any of the evolutions of the earth, for I am in that vein of the path of the Buddhas who have preceded me. Therefore know, beloved, that I speak to one and to all, and the love that I bring is the love that begets responsibility. Let all know that each and every year brings the next level of opportunity and the next level of responsibility! You cannot simply take from your shoulders that cape of responsibility and set it aside and say, "Well, I will do what I choose to do," and have that devil-may-care attitude. Yes, beloved, I am speaking personally into the heart of every lifestream that is in embodiment upon earth. I am speaking to those preparing to embody and those who are leaving the screen of life. For I am the Lord of the World of all evolutions of the earth in all octaves whatsoever. I am simultaneously speaking at the thirty-third level of the astral plane and the very pit of Death and Hell. I stand there, beloved, and I speak! And I speak to every level [of consciousness] in all existence. I speak to the hearts and souls of all. Hear me, then! Realize the potential that is in you now, for you have the seed of the Buddha. Realize it carefully. And in that same now, that Eternal Now, leap forward to the point of the future Buddha you shall be. And there in that point of God-realization, meditate on what you shall become. And then return to the point of the seed and build the foundations and the nucleus for that which is to come. All-Seeing Eye of God, penetrate every nook and cranny and every corner - All-Seeing Eye of God! I am wiping the forehead of each one on earth who is on a spiritual path that is real, that is true, that is sponsored under Sanat Kumara, and I take a very small portion of the dullness from each one. It is very slight, beloved, for the adjustment to seeing through the third eye is very great and I do not recommend that you force it. Rather let the All-Seeing Eye of God be upon you and be a beacon in the night to show you the way, for you will not desire to see Death and Hell once you have seen the heaven-world. [Nevertheless,] you cannot see the above unless you see the beneath. Therefore guard the sealing of the chakras until God does use them to show you a vision and a calling and a direction and the way in which you must go. [5-second pause] Now in this moment, beloved, upon all the earth there does descend a fine powder. It is a dust of karma. It is a small amount, but unto every creature it comes. The entire earth receives this. It is ahead of the Dark Cycle of April 23. It comes [at the turning of the cycle of the New Year], beloved. You who have the violet flame may transmute it ere this conference concludes. Be grateful that you know of the violet flame and the science of the spoken Word. You may call on behalf of earth and her evolutions but, as you know, it is lawful for you to call [only on behalf of] Lightbearers. Not all of your calls will be answered, for all must deal with a slight weight of responsibility and get used to that weight [and the descent of] the fine powder, [the dust of karma,] each twenty-third of the month. Why, beloved? Because you must be prepared for greater things to come, far more difficult hurdles and problems in the earth body. All things are not fulfilled and there are some which as of the tolling of the bell of the new year will not be set aside. There do remain any number of matters which have been called to your attention again and again that may yet be mitigated. What rejoicing that during this conference you have the opportunity for twenty-four hours [of violet flame] in the aura of Omri-Tas!{40} Make the most of these for yourselves, your Church and earth's evolutions. For each and every third of the month, beloved, is the opportunity for transmutation of the prior cycle of the descent of the dust [of karma] and for preparation for that which will come on the next twenty-third. You can make it, beloved, if you pursue with all diligence the next step. But I caution you in this hour: Do not think that you can enter this year at the same level you have been in the past year or in the previous year, and so on. This year demands that you step up spiritually one foot, by the measurement of twelve inches. You see, it takes a little effort to step up a step that is a foot high. Yes, it will take effort. It will take saneness of mind and not insanity that takes you here and there and pulls you all over the place when there is one place to be: the place of the Buddha in your heart. Defend this Community with the living life of the fountain of your heart. Defend Community! Remember how the Tibetan community has been ravaged! Remember how rare have been the communities since the sinking of the continent of Atlantis, communities that have succeeded and produced ascensions that could justify the continuity of the rounds of earth. Too few, beloved. Remember the ravaging and the destruction of Crotona. Remember the loss of the knights of the Round Table. Remember the loss of that mystery school. Remember, beloved, what it takes to produce Community. Then position yourself as you are able. Do not judge your ability, I urge you, according to the current levels of your positioning of the psyche, but measure your ability according to the spirit that does soar with the eagles, the spirit that is real, that inhabits this temple and beats your heart. Measure your ability by a standard that is worthy of you and not beneath you or me. I AM Gautama Buddha. I have many unpleasant tasks before me this year as I deal with the adjudication of Divine Justice in human affairs. Yes, I have many unpleasant tasks, and to a number of these I send my ascended and unascended bodhisattvas and angels of Light. Many messages shall be delivered to millions of lifestreams upon earth. These messages will be for many a final warning or a final call. Yes, the cycles are accelerating and concluding. Doors are closing. Doors are opening. May you not be caught in the revolving door of the revolving human consciousness. Yes, arise and shine, and let the Light of Sanat Kumara be upon you. Be prepared for anything in the peace-commanding presence of the heart infused with love and allegiance to the will of God. You will not fail any test unless you decide to fail it by some orneriness or ignore-ance of the law of your own being. Now I open to you the vastness of all ages past, present and future for a moment's glimpse. And in that glimpse, as in the clicking of the shutter of a camera, you have recorded [in your mind's eye] now scenes of yourself in many climes and places, ages, civilizations high and low, planetary systems. This is a night to assess oneself, one's God, one's goal, then to set the jaw and move in that direction and never look back to the old mold. Now all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the lineage of Sanat Kumara salute you, each one, and send you mighty love. I AM your Gautama. Forget not to include me in your life. For I am your life, inasmuch as I am the keeper of the flame that burns on the altar of your heart, and I send the thread of Light to sustain it when you are careless and do not guard it. Yes, I AM the Lord of the World and I am grateful to be of service to the great Atman within you and to your soul and to you personally and to who you are and what you can and shall be. For I decree it! You shall become who you are! I decree it in God's name and you may affirm it: Lord Gautama Buddha, I shall become who I AM! [Congregation gives the affirmation:] Lord Gautama Buddha, I shall become who I AM! Let your words be the final words you have spoken in the old year, for with them you have bridged the new year. My peace I leave with you. Keep the peace! Purusha. This dictation by Gautama Buddha was delivered by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet in a candlelight vigil on New Year's Eve, December 31, 1992. ****** Chapter 5 Beloved El Morya - January 31, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 5 - Beloved El Morya - January 31, 1993 The Dawning of Your God Reality 5 One Voice The Cause That Is America Let the People Return to the Liberty Flame "Let the Troops March and Let the Bodhisattvas Appear!" Let the voice of America return to one voice, one sound of the will of God! Let the people of America come together in the reality of cosmic history and not a history revised. Oh, let the people return to the Liberty flame, to the hour of their nation's birth, to the moment when all stood as one, stood tall before the world and said: "We are a united people! We are thirteen colonies, no longer separate but one. And out of the one that we are shall come the many manifestations of our God - e pluribus unum." So the All-Seeing Eye of God is upon you. O America, follow its rays back to that Eye! Follow the rays to your oneness. Remove all that divides you and return to the hope, to the glory of God, to love, to union, to noble purpose and a certain simplicity of life that restores the highest virtue in each breast. I am come this first day of the year 1993. I come to salute the chelas of the will of God and those who would be and those who might be. I salute the founder of the nation. And therefore, you have seen a slice of the life of the one [George Washington]{41} who carried in his heart truly the mission from the God Star and that of the Four and Twenty Elders; and yet, all was not known to his outer mind. His early ambition may be seen as self-seeking. We see it as self-finding - finding oneself, positioning oneself that one might be of use to one's peers. Thus, beloved, be seated, then. Be seated at Mount Vernon this day and look out on the Potomac, the cold waters and the wind, and know of winter in the East and know that it is the fire of winter that inspires self-conquest. It is the fire of winter that compels sacrifice, whereby the old man is set aside, the new man is born; and that new man is one who is ready to give his all for the victory of a cause or to accept ultimate defeat. Think how much [Washington] must have loved in order to place himself and his men on the line for the crossing of the Delaware and the defeat of the drunken Hessians. Yes, beloved ones, truly [such love] is the making of the man and of the woman and of the soul and of the child. Those were the days when there did surely hang in the balance the entire blueprint for America. And that blueprint is yet there, overlaid upon the fifty states and more, overlaid upon the I AM Race.{42} Much has come between the blueprint and that which [should have manifested] in the earth, much that must be righted. Yet it can be righted, for Saint Germain has released the dispensation of the golden age of Aquarius{43} and our Mother Liberty stands tall in this hour - stands tall, beloved, to enfire every heart with its own mission. That sense of mission must be all-consuming and propelling. Take heed, then, that it is not the product of the surface mind but of that which is deep within the psyche, which has been there for tens of thousands of years waiting its season of germination. Yes, beloved, each one of you stands as an individual this day as you walk the grounds of Mount Vernon and consider the vista that Washington saw. Consider his hopes, his dreams. Consider how events themselves compelled him and how in those compelling events he, seeking to lead, did find himself at the right place at the right time. Think of the tremendous unfoldment of the Mind of Christ [that took place as he] no longer identified with a separate state or plantation but with the whole. [He held in his breast] the whole-eye vision and the entire cosmic conception [that is America]. To say, "I will not defend my home or my home state, for I have embraced the larger cause of the future of humanity" - to say this, beloved, does make you worthy to be a chela of the will of God. It is to have the vision, now enhanced by the presence everywhere of the All-Seeing Eye,{44} the vision of a larger purpose, and to have the sense of self-worth that you might see yourself as a part of that purpose, to have the sense of self-worth that knows that although your role may seem insignificant, no one's role ever is. For all count as a part of that one body, having one and several talents, each one bringing theirs to another and another, that there might be love's interchange and the rejoicing and the praising God in your midst and in your members, the praising God that all the pieces of the mighty mandala of Light may assemble to achieve the day of the cosmic morn. The cosmic morn is when the spiritual sun does rise. It rises in you. It rises in a world. We are not separatists regarding America. We say that this is the place of the experiment of the Great White Brotherhood and of the endowment of Saint Germain. We say that if the experiment fails here, it will not succeed anywhere else. For the peculiar people of ancient Atlantis and even Lemuria have reincarnated here to take up where they left off and to finish the work begun. Thus, America is more than a nation. It is yet a symbol to all people of the [ongoing] possibility for the realization of individual and world freedom. [The realization of this possibility] therefore rests upon the shoulders of those who have known freedom in the past, those who have embraced it and realized the expansion of the flame of Liberty in the heart. Oh, that mighty flame! Do you realize, beloved, that there are those in the world today who have tasted of freedom and yet cry out to return to their totalitarian regimes, to Communism and other forms of socialism? Why is it so? It is because these souls have been denied the opportunity to unfold the principles of freedom not only in this century but in many past centuries. They have not been a part of ancient golden ages. Therefore the momentum of a unique and individual Christhood is not their personal inheritance. Not all people upon earth in this hour find themselves suited to a way of life of such total independence [as can be found in America]. And even on these shores some lack the wherewithal to make right choices and to teach their children how to choose between real individual Christ-freedom and a certain license and wantonness that causes the desecration of the tree of life in every temple. I AM Morya, Chief of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood, founder of The Summit Lighthouse, teacher of the Messengers, and your own beloved Bapu. I stand with you as though at the pinnacle of the world and [at the apex] of life on this Mount Vernon property. As we survey [in our mind's eye] the capital city of the nation, we contemplate whether those who now take the reins of government shall indeed make an upward sweep into new dimensions of greatness, into the acquisition of the qualities of character of the living Christ. This we hope for. This we pray for. This we know must come to pass if America shall enter an age of self-transcendence and new birth. But we are also realists. And we see how the life-force has been spent [by those who lead or would lead] and how many who rise to positions of leadership, though they have the training, though they have the intellect, do not have the balance of heart, [of threefold flame,] or even some semblance of an inner and deep spiritual path [that would afford them a] tie to octaves of Light. What shall we do, then, as we survey [the available candidates] and the All-Seeing Eye of God does pinpoint the many lifestreams who shall take up their service full of hope, full of determination yet not always wise and not able to predict the future? For they may be politicians (and there may even be some statesmen in their midst) but they are not prophets and they do not calculate in their planning the cycles of descending karma. At no time in your personal history, O chelas of the will of God, has it been so important for you to understand the meaning of karma. And this is because so much [personal] karma of the ages falls due in this decade following the long cycle of that karma being borne by the Lord and Saviour. Karma, then, can tip the scales suddenly. On one day you have all that it takes to accomplish the feat at hand; on the next, karma descends, the stock market falls, and you realize that the optimum moment has somehow slipped through your fingers and that which you have proposed is no longer a solution. The days will be quixotic. Yes, beloved, note how events, like quicksilver, appear and suddenly disappear and you wonder where all of the planning has gone. Thus, it is good to concentrate. It is good to establish goals and meet them quickly and bring your efforts into physical manifestation so that you have something in hand to show besides many files in your filing cabinets. Many deliberations, many meetings and yet somehow the physical precipitation has escaped you. This is the kind of year you can look forward to. If you want to get something done, do it quickly, beloved, before the moment is past. Beware of delays, and beware of delays on the path of your own individual life. Delays cannot be tolerated when the timetable is short. Even if you should live to be 144 and you are now a babe in arms, I tell you, you have not a moment to lose to make the difference on planet earth. You might smile at this comment, beloved ones, for you are not used to so thinking. But I must bring you into consonance with Lord Gautama and the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. What do we do, then, when we see that those who appear to be strong and youthful and to have all that it takes to run a government are in fact at inner levels handicapped spiritually? Well, beloved ones, if we are to be our brother's keeper and our sister's keeper, then we must make up the difference! We must invoke the Light! We must call to the Cosmic Christs to descend into the temples of those individuals who have long ago lost their potential for Christhood. There is no other way when we consider that we are one body. If we are one body and we believe that where there is life there is hope, then we must invoke a mighty intercession for the descent of Cosmic Christs that they might enter the arena [of the government and the economy] to overshadow those who simply are not equal to their times. George Washington was a man who was equal to his times. But as you have understood [from the film], he had to grow into his boots, he had to grow into his uniform, he had to put on the Christ when he did not know that [what he was putting on] was the Christ or his Christhood. He put on his Higher Identity and moved forward even though he was beset with common faults that all have, thoughts of pride or ambition, desires to do this and that. Yes, beloved, he moved on, impelled by a higher guidance and the right hand of God. This is the understanding I would give to you. You cannot sit on the sidelines and be a spectator, waiting [to be perfected so that you can begin your mission]. You know that you have a mission. You must be up and doing! You must be up and doing, beloved! You must realize that in the very process of doing what is the immediate greatest necessity, you are engaging with the forces of your time, with the energies of the planetary systems and the light of the sun itself. Yes, beloved, each moment in cosmic history, each hour and day and year contains the energy necessary in order that all lifewaves of a Matter cosmos might respond [to the Higher Purpose] and bring the [distilled] essence of heart, of character, [of spirit] to that conglomerate of the Mystical Body of God worlds without end. Note well, then, that many of the world's greatest leaders who have had the ultimate victory have not achieved it [merely] by superior intellect but more by staying power, by trial and error and by Providence interceding. Sometimes, beloved ones, you could consider, without being superstitious, that there is a certain destiny for every individual. And when that set destiny does come [into focus] according to the geometry of creation, then forces work together to bring that individual to his supreme moment, his finest hour. [Isn't it interesting that] one seems never to know what is one's finest hour except in retrospect? How does one know [in advance] which of the million acts one takes towards the goal will actually be the one that is the turning point that will guarantee the victory against which no outer force can stand? One does not need to know this if one believes in God, if one lives under the shadow of the Almighty, the Mighty I AM Presence, and trusts the inner voice and cultivates the inner voice and the listening ear that is keen to know that inner voice. [But often] one simply knows. One knows apart from all physical or mental faculties. That inner knowing and divine knowing is the overshadowing [of the Christ Presence] and the descent of the totality of a man or woman or child that bonds with the soul [and the spirit of God. And so the individual] comes together and becomes a profile of heroism. This is something you can reach for and achieve! This is an hour and a day that your own Godhood must shine, lest there be no candles left in the earth that can maintain their flames against the gusts of winds that come from the fallen angels as they pass through in the point of self-disintegration. Yes, answer the question! Will you see this as an hour of self-integration in God or will you see it as an hour of self-disintegration, disassociation from the Great Central Sun and from that point in the Sun where the Matter cosmos meets the Spirit cosmos and where you yourself may pass through that nexus and obtain permanent reality in the Godhead? It will take many steps and heartbeats, many movements of the limbs, many thoughts inclined to God to find your way back over the many paths that you must retrace and the footprints [of your Guru and your karma] lost in the sands of the Sahara that you must find again. Yet [one day you] will suddenly uncover them - and then you will know the way to go and a door will be opened and another and another! Well, beloved, I speak to you of the cause that is America: it is the cause of the heart and the heartbeat of America. It is the cause of the small nucleus who make up the capstone of the pyramid of this civilization. It is the cause of those who are going through the process of etherealization, spiritualization and self-transcendence and can hold the fire of the heart. It is the cause of those who come together to join in our cause and who recognize this wilderness land [to which we have summoned you] as the place where individuality stands out against the sky and against the mountains and against the barrenness of winter. Through the valley the individual is supreme and yet he is measured, according to the Taoist concept, against the backdrop of a nature that is more vast. So God has created the vastness of [Nature's] great backdrop in order for you to be, and to be that Great Tao: this is the heart of the mystery of life! Our cause, then, beloved, must be espoused as never before! As you wed your soul to this cause, [I remind you] that it was not millions who won for America in the beginning and it may not be millions who win in the end. What counts is that spirits of Liberty [who are made] of a fire that will not be quenched [step forward and say to their general: "You can count on me!"] What matters is that pilgrims of the ages who come marching down the centuries converge in this place and take a stand against planetary Evil and Darkness, a stand for youth and old age and all people, a stand for God, as he has a right to live in a creation that is made habitable for the Lord. Thus I call you to a higher calling and a noble purpose. I call you to an ancient memory. I call you to recognize your supreme worth to my cause. I speak to you, beloved, and I do not desire to weary you in the [following] principle, but it must be said: Unseen dark ones continue to whisper in the ear and project in the mind that you are not needed [here], that our cause is somehow lost, that there are better fields and better valleys and even other mountains to climb. Ours is a holy purpose, and this Community does shine with those of you who stand [for God] and are willing to challenge forces that you cannot even calculate, whose numbers are unknown, whose energy coefficient is far beyond your awareness. You have placed your ultimate trust in God. Do not withdraw it, but continue this labor [of love] to the finish that we might be done with a major challenge to our Church. Let us look to the future. [But are ye able?] Perhaps your imagination must needs be quickened in an age when all things are drawn for you and [what was once the clean white page of] your imagination is [clogged with clutter and] not challenged. Think, then, of what you might have thought the future of America would be over the next two hundred years had you been there in 1775. Yes, beloved, you may or may not have even dreamt of the glories of technology and of the millions who would come [to her shores] and how that fire of freedom would be preserved in their hearts and how all that you stood for would travel around the world many times so that little children in every nation would know the name George Washington and the figure of the Statue of Liberty and [the document that is] the Declaration of Independence. How has [the spirit of] freedom so intensified and increased as the hope of the world even unto this hour of the [moral] decline of the civilization America? Think, then, upon what this place will be two hundred years from now, what you would see here and upon this continent and what people [will bear witness to] as the fruits of your service. [Well, I tell you,] it is either a zero or it is victory. This is what you learn in the way of a cause. Either a cause has total victory on behalf of all people - because the components of that cause were able to see a greater life beyond that human form and that human beating heart, a life on which millions unborn would depend - [or it has total defeat because the components lost the vision and did not clearly define their reason for being]. I appeal to your vision and to your sense of honor toward the centuries that are before you to see to it that there is established in the earth the clear and definite path of world religious freedom - the freedom to know God and the freedom to walk as an individual without being dictated to by Church or State or those of the Nephilim societies. Blessed ones, you may not now know it, but I will tell you that this Community is considered by the hierarchy of Light to be the seed of the great golden age. And what you do and the decisions you make and what you are able to publish and bring to the nations will determine whether a golden age will be a few square miles in Montana or cover the planet earth and the solar system and the galaxies beyond. Such is the equation of the hour. Let none remain who do not belong, in their own minds. But let all who are tempted away from the goal that is theirs to achieve right here consider [and reconsider] that they might stand and still stand and [in so doing] return to God and all lifewaves whom they have ever contacted that great glory and opportunity that is given unto them. This is my appeal to you, beloved. This is my cause! I will continue and the ascended hosts will continue. But what we do, beloved, will not count for this octave. It is what you do here today and in your lifetime that will count. It will count for everything. Therefore, I place my message to you this day upon the altar of the heart of the Lord of the World, Gautama Buddha. And I speak, then, of the tenor of his address and the fierceness of the Buddha that you have seen in him. Thus, I [for one] can do naught else but stand in his mighty aura and speak to you out of his heart and his all-great seriousness in this hour. I say to you, beloved, the Messenger is a Messenger. And if you desire to receive that acceleration on the Path, even as Gautama Buddha gave it to you last evening, you must but so signify. I recommend that you create a little sticker or a little button or [a symbolic] pin that you can wear that tells the Messenger: "I want to be pummeled." "I want to hear the Truth." "I want to accelerate." Or, "You may speak to me at any time to instruct me, to love me, to chasten me, to correct me. I am open. So receive me." [Thus each one goes on record,] and that way our Messenger will not burden any who do not desire to hear what is the word of God for them in the hour. As we have said before, let the Messenger be a Messenger. And so she shall but only by your leave, for no Guru has power [over anyone] except the power given by those who would be disciples. Was it not so with Ernon? Rejected by his people, he did withdraw. Thus it is the Law, beloved, that the people themselves must ask for and receive the assistance of the Guru, even the abilities of the Guru. I assure you that I am always your humble servant and that all of the ascended hosts stand in the Great Hall at the Grand Teton Retreat [to renew their commitment to you]. And they pledge anew their lives and all of their Causal Bodies to the success of the Lightbearers of the earth. We believe fervently, beloved, that with all Lightbearers combining forces with the heavenly hosts, this earth can be turned around, and swiftly so, in the physical octave. We urge you, therefore, not to underestimate your role in this process and not to think that if you vacate your mantle or your position, another will come to fill it. We cannot [roll out the dough and] make the proverbial gingerbread men and set them up and place them in your vacancy. No, beloved, you must understand that where each one of you is born, a star is born that is unique. There is no one in cosmos who can accomplish your assignment [quite as you can]. Only you can do it. Others may come who are second-best or third or one-hundredth, but the uniqueness of your calling is yours. Perhaps my reminding you of this fact will bring you some sense of a greater self-worth; for by the very uniqueness of your calling, you shall place the unique jewel in the mandala of the chelas of El Morya and of the Great White Brotherhood. Now, beloved, I trust you shall plan your year and order your days and bring forth victories precipitated in form that I might show these to the Lords of Karma. For whatever else you may do, it is the physical accomplishment that counts. For those in physical embodiment can see only physical things. It is as simple as that. My beloved ones, I have addressed you recently and I desire that those of you who have not heard my [December 13] dictation shall hear it. For it is also important as you go forward in the new year that you assimilate the bread of Life that I did break on that occasion.{45} I come, then, this day with all good wishes of the Darjeeling Council. I come also with mentors from our retreat who are Ascended Masters (and some who are almost ascended). They have come on a fact-finding mission, and so they enter the departments of the Church and the branches of the Church throughout the world to assist and advise you. I recommend, then, that you use my decrees recorded for you [on tape]{46} and that you make a special effort, while the days of Capricorn are here and until their passing, to make that attunement with the Darjeeling Council to seek definition and the divine will for your lifestream, to seek direction, to act upon it in a most practical and thrifty manner and to bring to pass that which shall be a thing of beauty and a joy forever. I ask you - whatever may be your business or endeavor or your involvement in this Community - to address letters to me in Darjeeling concerning your thoughts of what ought to be accomplished [through the Summit Lighthouse activity] and how. [You may send copies of your letters to the Board of Directors of Church Universal and Triumphant, chaired by your Messenger.] I ask you to also give calls to me in thirty-three-day cycles for action upon the contents of your letters. For as you know, Saint Germain is also a member of the Darjeeling Council, yet he is not the only one who has a grant, beloved. {47} But I shall not tell you who else among us of the Ascended Masters have received grants. But you shall know this in the quietness of your own heart as you, drawing closer to God and your Presence and therefore being more in sync with that Presence, will come upon the awareness that you have received blessing and grace and more wind in your sails to achieve this year what you have not been able to achieve in past years. I ask you to take up now and recite with me "The Covenant of the Magi."{48} The Covenant of the Magi by El Morya Father, into thy hands I commend my being. Take me and use me - my efforts, my thoughts, my resources, all that I AM - in thy service to the world of men and to thy noble cosmic purposes, yet unknown to my mind. Teach me to be kind in the way of the Law that awakens men and guides them to the shores of Reality, to the confluence of the River of Life, to the Edenic source, that I may understand that the leaves of the Tree of Life, given to me each day, are for the healing of the nations; that as I garner them into the treasury of being and offer the fruit of my loving adoration to thee and to thy purposes supreme, I shall indeed hold covenant with thee as my guide, my guardian, my friend. For thou art the directing connector who shall establish my lifestream with those heavenly contacts, limited only by the flow of the hours, who will assist me to perform in the world of men the most meaningful aspect of my individual life plan as conceived by thee and executed in thy name by the Karmic Board of spiritual overseers who, under thy holy direction, do administer thy laws. So be it, O eternal Father, and may the covenant of thy beloved Son, the living Christ, the Only Begotten of the Light, teach me to be aware that he liveth today within the tri-unity of my being as the Great Mediator between my individualized Divine Presence and my human self; that he raiseth me into Christ consciousness and thy divine realization in order that as the eternal Son becomes one with the Father, so I may ultimately become one with thee in that dynamic moment when out of union is born my perfect freedom to move, to think, to create, to design, to fulfill, to inhabit, to inherit, to dwell and to be wholly within the fullness of thy Light. Father, into thy hands I commend my being. As I, Morya, have written this unto my Father, so I ask you to think of me as your father and to commend your path and your chelaship into my keeping that I might guide you on the Homeward way and spare your feet descending into the pitfalls. Yes, beloved, the covenant of the Magi is an ancient commitment of those wise men, even the Sons of the Solitude, who have descended down the centuries bearing the Christ Child in their hearts. For unto us the Manchild is given. And we are the bearers of that Child and the sponsors when children are born out of that crystal fire mist that is the great heart pattern of the Divine Manchild, the living Christ. Yes, we walk the earth and we are more than three in number.{49} We are here and there in the etheric octave and in physical embodiment. We yet train our own. And I would train my own here at Maitreya's Mystery School. I am grateful to find you intact and not bruised or beaten by anything whatsoever [that has been sent against you]. I am especially chagrined for the loss and the great damage to the Tibetan strongholds. Yes, beloved, there are yet hordes in the earth and they are not isolated in the Far East, [nor are they exclusively among the] Mongols. They are in this nation. They are those who remain stripped of their life-force and of their integration in God. They are the ignorant ones who ignore [the seed of Light that is in them]. They are there, beloved, and they are the ones who trample upon civilization, who are out of the astral plane and shall return to it. See to it, then, beloved, that they do not pull the rug out from under this civilization! Mark the spoilers and call to God to deal with them. Also see to it that in the keeping of the flame of our retreat, you are not outsmarted in your own conceit but rather choose to walk the way of true and pure humility that is the highest greatness on earth. I commend you to the keeping of the flame of the Chohans and to the expansion of opportunity here. I commend you to the fight to the finish. And what is the finish? It is when the Matter cosmos is itself exorcised and merges with the Spirit cosmos and the twain are one. Until then, beloved, let us take our rest, perhaps beside the Mol Heron Creek or in Maitreya's mountain. Let us take our rest in stages and return to the line that is drawn, for it is indeed drawn and you have drawn it deep. Maintain your line and do not give up the Pure Land,{50} for this Pure Land is Hierarchy's dispensation and offering. Do not expect another and another, for it is not the time or the season. This, then, is it, beloved. I commend you to your victory and to the glory of God within. I AM Morya! Let the troops march and let the bodhisattvas appear! [41-second standing ovation] _________________________________________________ This dictation by El Morya was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, January 1, 1993, during the five-day conference The Dawning of Your God Reality, held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Before the dictation, the Messenger delivered the first hour and a half of her lecture "Ignorance of the Law Is No Excuse." Following her delivery, at El Morya's request, the congregation viewed the film George Washington - The Man Who Wouldn't Be King. This 60-minute PBS documentary presents an insightful look at the life and character of our first president. (Prod. David Sutherland, PBS Video, the History Consortium: WGBH-TV, Boston; WNET-TV, New York; and KCET-TV, Los Angeles, 1992.) The Messenger explained that El Morya would have us look to George Washington as the example and the role model to emulate in 1993. You can order your own copy of the film through your local video store or from PBS Video, 1320 Braddock Place, Alexandria, VA 22314. [N.B. In this Pearl, bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under El Morya's direction for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom. ***** 5.1 I AM the Witness - January 31, 1993 ***** Vol. 36 No. 5 - I AM the Witness - January 31, 1993 I AM the Witness Violent Death Takes a Holiday in New York City Compliments of El Morya and His Chelas It was "unprecedented," reported New York Newsday in its story "Violent Death Takes a Holiday," which appeared in the Saturday, February 6 edition. Between 7:00 a.m. Thursday, February 4, and 7:00 a.m. Friday, February 5, 1993, no major crimes were reported to the New York City police. The city had a 24-hour vacation from murder, violence and chaos. Newsday staff writer Wendell Jamieson wrote: Mayhem took a 24-hour vacation this week. In an unprecedented lull in murder, violence and chaos, no major crimes were reported to police between 7 a.m. Thursday and 7 a.m. yesterday. In a city with five or six homicides daily, the fact that all 7.3 million New Yorkers apparently survived a day and night unscathed raised the eyebrows of at least one veteran cop. "For a 24-hour period, that's highly unusual," said Det. Joseph McConville, a spokesman who tallies the city's toll of death and destruction for the media. "I don't know why everybody was good. I can't remember seeing this in 25 years." Every morning, the operations unit of the city Police Department publishes a principal case sheet listing all the major crimes of the past 24 hours. The listing - which often runs two pages - provides the basic details of homicides, serious shootings, life-threatening stabbings, bank robberies, fatal fires, suspensions of Police Department employees and other wrongdoing. Yesterday's sheet, number 35 for 1993, said only: "NO INCIDENTS TO REPORT." That left police representatives in the department's public information office with little to do. The exact time the quiet spell was broken will be known when the next principal case sheet is released today. McConville had only one possible reason for the day-long lack of crime, theorizing: "Maybe everybody found religion." For the Keeper of the Flame who first heard these crime statistics: Saturday night on the channel 11 news, the reason was no mystery. She knew who had been New York's most illustrious visitor on February 4 - our beloved El Morya, who had kept his promise to follow on the heels of Omri-Tas. In his December 13, 1992 dictation (Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 35, no. 68), El Morya had announced to the Keepers of the Flame: I wish to ... speak to you, then, of my desire to save the cities. You heard my dictation from New York [October 4, 1992] in which I stated that I would place my Electronic Presence there, everywhere in that entire city, for thirty-three days that the Keepers of the Flame in the metropolitan area might give their perpetual calls to me and we might see if I might be able to remain in that city. Well, beloved ones, these Keepers of the Flame in the greater metropolitan area did come together and they performed a mighty service. And during this period, they did also establish their own focus for their Teaching Center that the Messenger might enter the city again. Yes, they performed an excellent decree service, but their numbers are not enough. They are not enough to in fact hold me there for every day of the year. Thus, I made my commitment to them, and I make it this day, that I will be in New York the fourth of every month, following on the heels of beloved Omri-Tas. Thus, we will see what I can work for that city with the Keepers of the Flame in the area. [I am counting on them, one and all, to keep a glorious vigil on each fourth. Won't you join them and me?] I also made known to you at that time, beloved ones, that I would [place my Presence in any city] if a group of chelas would dedicate themselves to me and give my [blue-ray] decrees [as recorded] on the four "El Morya tapes" and sing my songs as a rosary to me. ... Therefore remember, wherever you are, wherever is your town or hamlet, wherever is your group of Keepers of the Flame, if you will petition me, if you will ask me to place my Electronic Presence with you, I will be there and I will remain and I will stay according to your numbers and according to the Light you invoke. ... I can place my Electronic Presence in every town. And when I do so, I place that Electronic Presence over and over and over again so that you may see literally ten thousand or ten million Moryas standing in the territory, the city limits, and holding the flame [of the will of God for that town and the Lightbearers in it]. In answer to this tremendous dispensation, we the students of El Morya in the New York City Community Teaching Center rallied to celebrate the Master's coming. Besides dedicating the third of each month to Omri-Tas' Violet Flame Day, we now also dedicate the fourth of each month to a vigil of prayers, decrees, songs and rosaries to our beloved El Morya. The alchemy for the February 4 miracle really began at 12:00 a.m. Wednesday, February 3, when Keepers of the Flame began arriving in shifts to keep the Omri-Tas vigil at our new center. The violet flame decrees and songs continued unceasing throughout the next 24 hours. At 12:00 a.m. on the fourth, the El Morya vigil began. The several Keepers who were present decreed and sang with the four El Morya tapes and the Hail to the Chief! song cassette. They offered specific invocations for the clearing of the city and also gave Archangel Michael's Rosary. By 6:00 a.m. reinforcements arrived. Some who could not come to the center decreed in their homes. During the day, local Keepers continued to arrive and join in the devotions to the will of God. Considerable numbers came in the evening for a special service from 7:00 p.m. to midnight - this in spite of the fact that many had to travel long distances on subways notorious for their danger. This finale of fiery decrees was our closing statement to El Morya of our trust in his power to save the city and rescue the Lightbearers. We the Keepers of the Flame of New York are so very grateful in our hearts for the tangible expression of his presence: February 4, 1993, is a day we will always remember. Not only did we feel El Morya's presence in the city, but many of us felt his direct intercession in our personal lives. With beloved El Morya, we wish to encourage Keepers throughout the world to band together for the saving of the cities. As our beloved Master said in his December 13 dictation: [If there are not enough numbers in your town to keep me there full-time,] I may be able to come to you one day a month. I will report back to you if you will write to the Messenger and keep her posted as to what [decrees] you are doing, what is happening in your city [with outreach] and who is decreeing. Take me up on this, beloved ones. For I know that the cities must be saved if the nations are to be saved, for what are the nations without cities? Now that we have a Teaching Center, we are finally able to begin a mighty outreach program. We await with great anticipation Mother's upcoming visit on March 13 and 14 for 24 Hours with Elizabeth Clare Prophet in New York City. We invite Keepers of the Flame to join us on Saturday, March 13, for the official dedication of our center at 1133 Broadway, Suite 204. At 9:00 a.m. we will begin the preparation of the sanctuary in the ritual of the violet flame. The dedication service conducted by the Messenger will begin at noon, followed by the dictations of the Goddess of Liberty and the Ascended Master El Morya. At 7:00 p.m. we will have our Saint Germain Service, welcoming Saint Germain for his dictation "I Release the Flame of Freedom for the Resurgence of New York." A special event, open to the public, will be held the following day, Sunday, March 14, in the Astor Ballroom at the Marriott Marquis, 1535 Broadway. At 1:00 p.m. the Messenger will conduct a workshop on "How to Plug into God Every Day." After the workshop, she will deliver a dictation from the Ascended Master Moses: "Tell Them: 'I AM Hath Sent Me unto You'." At 7:00 p.m. the Messenger will give teaching on "Meeting Daily Challenges through the Path of Divine Love as Taught by the Eastern Adepts" and then deliver a dictation by Lord Krishna: "On the Incarnation of God." We look forward to welcoming you! Omri-Tas' Day: A 48-Hour Opportunity On October 14, 1991, at the Class of the Golden Cycle in New Orleans, Omri-Tas, Ruler of the Violet Planet, announced a thirty-three-day dispensation in which he would remain on earth to give us "a boost" and multiply our decrees to the violet flame. Omri-Tas told us: It is a cycle, beloved, when you can so liberate your souls by the multiplication of my presence and my further multiplying of the violet flame that I daresay you should not miss a moment to recite a mantra even if it is between thoughts or steps or [devotional] songs you sing. ... Yes, beloved, see that you do not make karma with me by failing to take advantage of my proffered gift to you. For I desire to have complete, independent freedom to be able to give to planet earth in dire moments those dispensations and transfusions of violet flame [that are so desperately needed] .... One hundred and forty-four thousand priests of the sacred fire from the Violet Planet have accompanied me for this thirty-three-day sojourn. May you know that we intend to make our mark and to make a difference in the quality of life on earth. ... This is an experiment. If you cooperate and take full advantage of it, we shall be able to immediately build upon it and increase and multiply again in the next thirty-three-day cycle. On the final day of the dispensation, November 16, 1991, at the Messenger's request, the chelas wrote letters to Omri-Tas imploring him to remain on planet earth and offering him pledges of daily violet flame decrees. In response, Omri-Tas said that he was profoundly moved by our offering but that he could not remain on earth full-time because there were many other planets at a similar crossroads to that of earth who were in great need of his presence. However, he was so touched by our pledges that he promised to return to earth once a month on the third day of the month to render service by his Great Causal Body. The Messenger declared the third of each month to be Omri-Tas' Violet Flame Day. She said: "That is the day when walls of violet flame can come down and we can be directly in the Electronic Presence of Omri-Tas. All of our burdens, our problems can be swept into the flame." Saint Germain has told us that Omri-Tas carries such an intensity of violet flame and of the Seventh Ray in his aura that it extends far beyond the actual size of the earth. Thus, in the monthly vigil that Omri-Tas keeps with the earth, his Causal Body occupies the entire planet. Calculating the 24 time zones on the planet, we see that the third of the month spans 48 hours. In other words, for a period of 48 hours, it is the third of the month in at least one time zone somewhere on the planet. Omri-Tas is thus present with us everywhere on earth each month for 48 hours! This affords us the opportunity to increase our Omri-Tas' Violet Flame Day vigil from 24 to 48 hours. To determine when the 48-hour Omri-Tas vigil begins and ends in your time zone, see the enclosed map and chart. We have numbered the zones from I to 24, moving in a westward direction from the International Date Line. The standard time in each successive zone is one hour earlier than in the zone just east of it. Omri-Tas arrives on the earth each month when the clock strikes 12:00 a.m. (standard time) on the third on the west side of the International Date Line. This corresponds to 12:00 a.m. on the third in zone I (New Zealand), 11:00 p.m. on the second in zone 2 (Wake Island), 10:00 p.m. on the second in zone 3 (eastern Australia), and so on through the rest of the zones. Omri-Tas leaves earth 48 hours later, when the clock strikes midnight on the third on the east side of the Date Line. This corresponds to 1:00 a.m. on the fourth in zone 24 (Samoa), 2:00 a.m. on the fourth in zone 23 (Hawaii), and so on. We have calculated the times for the Omri-Tas vigil in each time zone and listed them on the enclosed chart. Find the place where you live on the map and the corresponding zone number indicated at the bottom of the map. Then check the chart to see what beginning and ending times are listed for your zone. From the chart, you can see that at the Royal Teton Ranch (zone 20) the vigil begins at 5:00 a.m. on the second of the month and concludes at 5:00 a.m. on the fourth. The times listed for each zone reflect standard time. If you are on daylight saving time for a portion of the year, during that time your vigil will begin and end one hour later by the clock. In other words, add one hour to the beginning and ending times. (Omri-Tas times his coming by the cycles of the sun, which do not change even though we set our clocks forward and back.) Some places, such as India and central Australia, are in "irregular" time zones that are a half-hour off from other zones. On the map these are shown in gray and the zones are individually numbered. For example, India is in zone 71/ 2, which means the beginning and ending times for the vigil would be on the half-hour between the times for zones 7 and 8 - i.e., 5:30 p.m. on the second to 5:30 p.m. on the fourth. On December 31, 1992, Gautama Buddha urged us in his New Year's Eve Address to make the most of our opportunity to invoke the violet flame in the aura of Omri-Tas. He announced that henceforth on the twenty-third of each month there would descend upon every creature on earth "a fine powder, ... a dust of karma." Gautama said that much of this could be transmuted by the violet flame and that "each and every third of the month is the opportunity for transmutation of the prior cycle of the descent of the dust [of karma] and for preparation for that which will come on the next twenty-third." The need for violet flame on earth is so great that the Messenger is suggesting that Keepers of the Flame hold a second 48-hour Omri-Tas vigil on the twenty-third, which is a key date because of the Dark Cycle. She would like to see if we can compel Omri-Tas to come to earth twice a month. Because there is such a great blessing to be received from Omri-Tas' presence with us, the Messenger recommends that, if necessary, you trade the time from your regular weekly services in order to devote the maximum time to the Omri-Tas vigils. If your group is not able to hold a second vigil on the twenty-third, she would like you to at least have an evening service, including two hours of violet flame, to get a head start on transmuting this karmic dust and to "help the planet deal with the descending Dark Cycle as it locks into a new level the twenty-third of each month."{51} In a dictation at the conclusion of the October 10, 1992 service at Voyages of Soul Discovery in Atlanta, Omri-Tas said: These days ahead are those of great cost [to the people] and great price [to the nations]. If there be a certain action of the violet flame carried out in daily decrees by students new and old, you can reach a crescendo - even a critical mass, as it were, of violet flame - whereby I may come, then, in answer to your call not merely on the third day of the month but on other days as well. It will be a question of "matching." Whatever you put forth I will match again and that ten times, and I will match it also by the presence of great legions from the Violet Planet. All those who are the servants of the Seventh Ray - the priesthood of Melchizedek and of the Violet Planet, Zadkiel and Amethyst, Elohim, Saint Germain and Portia, all those who invoke the violet flame in all of cosmos who are serving on any of the rays, including yourselves - all of these, beloved, can provide, then, an action of multiplication. When the events of karma are about to descend and enter the physical plane, it is too late to turn them back. This is the [cosmic moment], then, of opportunity for transmutation before these cycles are due. And due they are in the coming years of this decade, make no mistake about it. You have been successful in pushing back their timetable, but it requires more than that. It requires their obliteration, as it were, by the violet fire. This service to the violet flame will only accrue good to your Causal Body, will only be the balancing of karma for you and your accelerated freedom that you might live to serve unencumbered. Each time we have a violet flame vigil we have the opportunity to access and maximize the tremendous violet flame dispensations that have been released over the years. We must remember Saint Germain's words of May 1, 1991: "It is imperative, as nothing else you have ever heard, that you devote yourselves even for an hour or several hours a day to the action of the violet flame. I must have cups of light in concentration to bring to the Lords of Karma that I might have renewed and continuing dispensations for you." Below is a synopsis of major violet flame dispensations that you will want to invoke each time you hold a violet flame vigil. Remember that each decree you give is also multiplied by the "power of the ten thousand-times-ten thousand," according to the dispensation announced to us by Lord Maitreya on July 1, 1961. {52} Multiplication of 15 Minutes of Violet Flame Omri-Tas, July 7, 1984, the Heart of the Inner Retreat "If in all reverence, with inner attunement, a sense of yourself in your Christ Self as priest or priestess of the sacred fire, if with all your heart and deep within your heart you will take, then, fifteen minutes each day to give profound and loving invocations to the violet flame in my name (and please remember to use my name, for I am the one from whose Causal Body this dispensation comes), then we will take that offering, measure for measure as it is devoted, as it is profound and sincere, the very weight of its power and light. Therefore, by the quality of it, quality for quality, it shall be multiplied in your life ten times!" Violet Flame Reservoir over Europe Omri-Tas, February 26, 1988, Lisbon, Portugal "I, Omri-Tas, ... have come in this hour to deliver the LORD's dispensation of violet flame in the hour of the anniversary [of the ascension] of your beloved Messenger Mark Prophet. "Thus, in this hour of his ascension, beloved, know well that by the mantle of his Causal Body which you may claim, there is now a multiplication of our release of violet flame. And this violet flame is positioned as a reservoir of light over central Europe. It is a very large reservoir of light as a sea in itself; and this [light], beloved, is there for you to invoke as a direct transfusion to all Lightbearers of Europe, Eastern Europe and the entire Soviet bloc. ... "When you invoke the violet flame, it will draw forth the light of this reservoir and also maximize it, fortify it, multiply it by your own love and devotion; and therefore that light shall flow to every Lightbearer in these lands. And as it does flow to them it shall quicken them, it shall cut them free, it shall therefore transmute their spiritual and physical blindness as to those events coming. ... "This reservoir is a certain dispensation. If those Keepers of the Flame in embodiment do not make the violet flame call daily, then this reservoir will come to be used up in its entirety, apportioned then among all Lightbearers. But if the call continues to be given, the reservoir shall be like the unfed flame. It shall not fail. It shall remain full and all that goes out of it shall be returned unto it multiplied by your call." The Outline of a Maltese Cross Saint Germain, May 1, 1991, Portland, Oregon "Wherever two or three gather in my name in any city or home upon the planet, there shall be formed - and it is now being formed by my angels of Light - the outline of a Maltese cross. It is an outline only, beloved. It is an outline that can be occupied by ... priests of the Order of Melchizedek and violet flame angels of the Order of Zadkiel. "It is an outline whereby, if you will call daily to the violet flame - not missing a day, beloved - if you will give your invocations, if you will use the tapes provided by the Messenger, therefore uniting your voices with many who have gathered in the Inner Retreat, therefore drawing that Inner Retreat to your place - you will know that one by one priests of the sacred fire of the Seventh Ray will come forth to fill in the outline of the Maltese cross. And if there be no violet flame invocations, then there shall be a disintegration of the outline [and its vacating by these beings of the Seventh Ray] .... "Let us see, then, what mark those who have been with me for thousands of years shall leave upon the decade. May it be a violet flame cross, a Maltese cross, over your home and city. And may it be filled in anew each day with violet flame as angels and priests and priestesses take up the holding of that focus." Violet Flame Sea in the Heart of the Earth Omri-Tas, May 1, 1991, Portland, Oregon "I deposit in the heart of the earth a dispensation immense of concentrated violet flame. It is an intercession of the quality of mercy. It is an intercession afforded to all those who serve the Light. And through your Holy Christ Self it shall be meted out as an unguent, as an elixir. May you drink of it in your hours of need and [in your hours of] strength and keep it replenished by new calls to the violet flame. It is a giant violet flame reservoir, as a sea of light pulsating." Additional Violet Flame Dispensations For further dispensations and teachings on the violet flame, see 1991 Pearls of Wisdom, pp. 746-50, and "The Highest Gift of God to the Universe," in The Science of the Spoken Word by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, pp. 150-94. El Morya Vigil: A 24-Hour Thrust for a Purpose In addition to our keeping the Omri-Tas vigil, El Morya has asked us to join the chelas of New York in keeping "a glorious vigil" with him on each fourth of the month. This vigil would not extend beyond 24 hours because El Morya has said only that he would place himself in any city where he is called and "where there is a quorum of hearts." He has not said he would occupy the entire planet. Therefore in each time zone, the El Morya vigil would begin at 12:00 a.m. on the fourth and continue until midnight. (Keep in mind that having a vigil does not necessarily guarantee the Master's Presence in your city. This is a dispensation that must be earned through exemplary effort.) At the ranch, where the Omri-Tas vigil ends at 5:00 a.m. on the fourth, there will be a five-hour overlap with the El Morya vigil. Each time zone will have a different amount of overlap time. The Messenger suggests that during the overlap you "braid" violet flame and blue flame decrees. One effective action is to alternate decree 10.05, "O Hercules, Thou Elohim," with decree 70.18, Arcturus, Blessed Being Bright," giving each of these decrees in sets of 9, 12 or 18. Or you might prefer to divide into two groups, with one group giving violet flame decrees while the other concentrates on blue flame decrees. The Messenger is encouraging all Keepers everywhere to participate in the El Morya vigil on the fourth of each month. By consecrating all our energies to the will of God on the same day, we will be able to offer El Morya a greater chalice of Light. Again, if necessary, you may trade time from other service days in order to keep this vigil. The Messenger suggests that you evaluate how much time you are already committing to the Omri-Tas vigil on the third and how much you could realistically commit to on the fourth. She is asking that you convey this information to the leader of the Study Group or Teaching Center nearest you in your time zone. Also indicate if you have a preference for a day other than the fourth and specify the amount of time you are willing to pledge in decrees and devotions. You should include in your vigil the decrees and songs from the four El Morya tapes - El Morya, Lord of the First Ray: Dynamic Decrees with Prayers and Ballads for Chelas of the Will of God 1-4 - and the Hail to the Chief! song cassette. You may also give the Archangel Michael Rosary, the Surrender Rosary, and Ashram Ritual 3: Sacred Ritual for Attunement with God's Holy Will. Study Group and Teaching Center leaders should collect the commitments from all chelas in their area and then coordinate with other group leaders in their time zone. Calculate your offering as one complete time zone from the North to the South Pole. Once you tally the total hours, send your zone's commitment to the Office of Ministry at ranch headquarters. Be sure to also include a list of the hours of commitment per city. The total commitment may not be enough to allow El Morya to cover your entire time zone, but he may be able to sponsor several cities within it. El Morya will observe how well you keep your commitment, and at a certain point he may commit to be in your city on the fourth or whatever day you hold your vigil. Remember that his commitment is sustained by the chelas' commitment. If there is a lessening of fervor, El Morya will have less to work with to sustain his Presence in the city and you may eventually lose the dispensation. At the conclusion of each vigil, let each city send the tally of each person's time given to the Office of Ministry. If all the chelas in the same time zone will hold their vigil on the same day, the decree reinforcement will be extraordinary. This is especially true on the East and West Coasts, where there are greater concentrations of Keepers of the Flame. Whoever decrees in the same time zone as New York (zone 18 on the map) will have the multiplication factor of the Diamond Heart of El Morya because it is already established that El Morya is in New York City on the fourth. Since there really is no time or space, all chelas participating in the vigil at the same time are one in a mighty prayer force. The Messenger would like to see the chelas in the New York time zone rally to demonstrate the "I AM the Guard" consciousness for the entire East Coast and the rest of their time zone, which stretches up into Canada and down into Panama, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. The West Coast chelas (zone 21) should likewise band together to establish a guardian action on the western seaboard. The Messenger also recommends that all chelas in the same time zone as the Royal Teton Ranch (zone 20) hold their vigil on the same day in order to maximize the efforts. If all Keepers of the Flame worldwide will commit to the fourth, think of what we can accomplish! The possibilities are limitless. Each of the 24 time zones would ultimately come to represent a wall of blue flame which can effectively block the momentum of evil as it moves around the planet. As evil comes to a time zone where there is an established dedication, it will hit a wall of fire and be arrested in its course. If it runs into wall after wall after wall, the acceleration of darkness in the earth will lose its momentum. This will in turn buy time for the Lightbearers. The Messenger asks: "Do you think El Morya would go forth now with a thrust for a purpose to save the cities of the earth if it were not in he realm of the possible?" At a recent service, she spoke of El Morya's February 4 miracle in New York City: I would like to testify before you how thrilled and profoundly moved I am. Just stop and contemplate how powerful a Master has to be to control every type of crime for 24 hours. What this means is crime cannot be committed in the presence of El Morya. There is no unascended master, with the possible exception of Babaji, who could equal that - who has the power to control crime amongst 7.3 million people and to do so with the small amount of chelas there are in New York. I think El Morya was sending us a strong message: "See what a small group of chelas could do. Pick a day and give me that day and if your momentum is great enough I will be there. I want to help you - just give me the energy I need." I think we take El Morya for granted. We don't think of him as the tremendous being and Master that he actually is. El Morya has the attainment of a Buddha. I believe that he can solve every problem we are dealing with - personal, organizational, national. I believe that whatever we're handling in our psychology, whatever we're wrestling with at any level of our beings, El Morya can heal us. Morya can do anything. If Morya can hold in abeyance all of Death and Hell for 24 hours in New York City, is there anything he cannot do? Well, of course there isn't anything he can't do. But as the Master told us in his October 4, 1992 dictation, "I am not unlimited, but I am limited in my actions and my offerings to you by your responses." People must learn the lesson of what it takes. They have to have a sense of co-measurement - they have to know that they must give a certain amount of the fire of self in order to have the necessary ingredient for that tremendous relationship that El Morya is offering to each and every one of us. The Messenger has asked us to make our peace with God, with El Morya and with the will of God for our lives. She has explained that the will of God is the true will from the heart of our own Holy Christ Self. It is what we are and what we have been from the Beginning - our divine identity. We should not think that the will of God is at cross-purposes with our free will. If we surrender our human will and embrace God's will, as we are able to digest it and affirm it and understand it, we will be much ahead of the game. It is the Messenger's desire that we participate in the vigil to beloved El Morya by our own free will, for El Morya is the champion of our free will. The Messenger says: "May your hearts so burn with such great love of his gift of the will of God that you will make your statement." With a handful of dedicated chelas, El Morya worked a miracle in New York. Let's see what he can do when we work with him city by city on a planetary scale. In closing, let us reflect on El Morya's words of April 8, 1990: Let there then be no more separation between us, beloved, even though it be paper-thin or thinner. Where there is a cleavage in the rock so the fallen ones drive through, thereby toconvince the weak and the unbonded that we are not one; and therefore all manner of calamity may come upon you. And you look and you look and you say, "Where is Morya? Where is Morya?" Well, beloved, the hour has come when I would raise you up if you would pull me down. For we must be in the heart of the Lord Christ and the Blessed Mother. We must be that diamond together. ... Know this, beloved, that you must greet adversity and the adversary, welcoming the initiation and intensifying into it a release from your heart of sacred fire whereby you say: Where I stand, there is Morya! And in his name I say: Thus far and no farther! You shall not pass! You shall not tread on holy ground! You shall not enter this hallowed place! You shall not come between me and my God! My God is happiness this day. My God is holiness. My God is the divine wholeness of the Living One. I and my Father Morya are one! ... Remember that I AM here. I do not leave you. Do not leave me in vibration. [pearls1993-n05.jpg] ****** Chapter 6 Beloved Hercules and Amazonia - February 7, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 6 - Beloved Hercules and Amazonia - February 7, 1993 The Dawning of Your God Reality 6 So We Shall Come Our Labors Are Not in Vain A God Is Born Ah, the Sweet Mystery of Life at Maitreya's Mystery School Hail, Keepers of the Flame of Life on earth! [Congregation gives the salutation:] Hail, Hercules! [30-second standing ovation] The heavens and the earth are blue with the reinforcements you have invoked! They have come from as far as the Great Central Sun. Why, earth herself, the very ground and the atmosphere, is now painted in the most intense blue that you associate with the World Mother. O beloved, such a gathering of hosts and armies of God should cause a rejoicing to ripple through your beings and bring you to that subtleness of the very essence of God himself! Oh yes, our labors are not in vain. Our labors clear and penetrate the skyways in order that Lightbearers might have safe passage here and there over the galaxies. Yes, beloved, this labor is a labor that must be finished, for it does seal an era - an era and [a systematic] work on consecutive labors that you [the chelas of Hercules] have accomplished over a number of years.{53} Rejoice, then! Rejoice, then, all ye co-workers of the Light worlds without end! For this scene of [battle being waged and won from the Royal Teton Ranch], beloved, represents the crossroads of earth of which we have spoken, and many evolutions in many systems have waited for your day and your victory. Therefore we say to all: Great happiness and joy in the new year, for you shall have put these things under your feet! [30-second standing ovation] (Please be seated.) I am beholding in all Lightbearers of a cosmos the opening of the chest cavity. And in that opening we see the manger scene and there behold the Lamb of God. So the Lamb of God is born - the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world,{54} the Lamb who is risen in the Spirit of the Resurrection from the foundation of the world, the Lamb of God whom you can now identify as your very own Real Self. Oh, the strength of God! Through your calls, you have established in the earth pillar upon pillar as rods of blue fire of Elohim, as rods of Ruby Ray [of Dhyani Buddhas]. Therefore it is safe for you to pursue the birth of Christ in your heart and you may know that angels, elemental life, the Holy Family, wise men and all who gathered at that scene [of the Nativity] do also gather before the secret chamber of your heart. Yes, beloved, a God is born this day as you accept and are accepting of this realization of the essence of yourself as Brahman in each day and each hour, as Brahman through the Atman does manifest in you. How wonderful the peace, then! How wonderful the peace! It is given that you might know that deep in your heart is the essence of the living Spirit of God and that that pure essence is your identity. No more need you seek here and there for another teacher and another to give you what the last supposedly did not give you; for you have found that the teacher is within and is the pure Christ, the pure Buddha, who does nourish and unfold the flower of the Atman. You, then, know contentment in this hour even while you recognize that there are other stables to keep [wherever Christ is born. These cannot wait.] And there are other stables to clean, [beginning with] the compartments of your consciousness. These can wait. These will be there. And they will go into the flame when you are ready according to the peaceful cycles of the God of peace, who dwells in your heart. How wonderful it is for you to know the meaning of power in the sense of quietness, in the sense of the all-pervading Presence of God! When you know that God is in you as your Real Self and that no other self of you is real, then you sense that God and move with that God as God does intensify, as God does establish moving waves of light and therefore does display every aspect of that infinite consciousness [that is yours to embody]. You are seeing reflected through my eye and through the magnificent thoughtform of the All-Seeing Eye of God (which does bring God's Presence to you) all that can be mirrored here below from the Spirit cosmos. You can contain in your heart in this moment even all galaxies and all time and space, for these are also condensed in the heart when you know, with a certain knowing, that you are that God-manifestation. All things come to you because that vortex of the divine essence is present. You fear it not. You tend it. You weave the garland of roses and gardenias, lilies of the valley, orchids and all manner of rare flowers of all octaves round about that very chalice [of the heart] where the essence is sealed. Is it not a wondrous conception, beloved, to understand that all things physical are a cradle for the essence of yourself, which cannot be seen but which is there and which is the ultimate reality? Think upon these things. Think upon the space of Elohim and how our Causal Bodies do contain vast spheres of the cosmos. Think of God manifest in the aura of Elohim, as Elohim is God, the "Divine Us."{55} Then think of yourself as containing the All and of the All containing you. I am sealing you now in the God Consciousness of the Elohim of the First Ray that you might contemplate this measure of Eternal Being that you can know through our aura and thereby have a peep into infinity and into the levels of nirvana, into other planes of being, so that you do not feel so absent from God-Reality, so absent from your home of Light, so absent from the Great Central Sun. This manifestation [of the God Consciousness of Elohim], beloved, is [transferred to you] simply by our consciousness of it. Therefore think of [our God Consciousness] when you call to us and give our decree, as you have done. Think of how the spoken Word, even the very mantra to Hercules and Amazonia, {56} brings our God-manifestation into you and all around you. Is this not the consolation of the saints, who bear the burdens of world karma? Is this not the comfort that the Holy Spirit [bears to] all of cosmos [that all lifewaves might] understand the translation of self in all octaves of Being, of Light? [Therefore by the grace of the Holy Spirit, they need] not wait for the transition of the soul's deliverance from this body [to experience the God Consciousness of Elohim] but [they may] experience it here and now. It is on these foundations and these pillars of Elohim that a golden age is founded. For you become the pillar, very much aware of the God Presence [as your own], not overwhelmed, not overcome, and not in the idolatrous sense but [simply] in the sense of pure Being. You are pure Being, beloved! And we are Elohim. So it is written that out of the Divine Us the Father-Mother God created male and female,{57} the divine pair, and set upon them etheric bodies of Light that the might fulfill the millennia of their dispensations to realize the allness of God [in the Matter cosmos]. Today you wear the vestiges of these etheric bodies together with the lower vessels that were created for you [when you decided to] go away from the majesty of Lord Maitreya and the mighty Tree of Life. Now you are returning to the Tree of Life through the knowledge of your Mighty I AM Presence, through the Ein Sof and the sefirot,{58} through the mighty letters that are actually living flame of fire and that do establish the coordinates of your being through the Tree of Life, the Causal Body, the Holy Christ Self. [Do you] see, then, beloved, that you have already reached the lowest level [of consciousness and its corresponding densification in the Matter cosmos] to which you ever need descend? Think of that this night in gratitude that because you know the Law and have the Law, you need never [go back, you need never] go beneath [the present] level [of your evolution]. The deepest level to which you will descend is the deepest level of the karma you have made or of the desires you have retained. Now your beloved Lanello has given you the prayer for descending the spiral staircase.{59} Your goal, beloved, should be to fold up the staircase at the end of the thirty-three days of this exercise; for [if you have done it satisfactorily], you should not need [the staircase] again, for [with the mighty assistance of your Holy Christ Self and sponsoring Masters], you will have cleared those lower levels of being. This, then, is a period of concentration of violet flame and fiats unto the Lord and of "The Lord's Ritual of Exorcism" by the Ruby Ray within you. While you are cleaning house on this planet and midst the planetary spheres of this solar system and beyond, of course it is also time to do the clearances within and the [personal] exorcisms. Because you give so much, you can receive so very much through this endeavor. And therefore, if you proceed on the path of the ascension as you have begun and guard well that you do not descend again [to the astral plane] through thoughtlessness or being off guard, you will soon find yourselves only going up the spiral staircase and not going down again, [for no part of your being will be down, but only up, always reaching for the heaven-world of the etheric octave]. And therefore, with each succeeding period of acceleration in your life, you will be rolling up as a scroll the more dense compartments of self. So you will roll up the scroll of the mental body and the astral body and finally you will roll up the scroll of the physical body, and [you will find that] it is the etheric body of Light in which you abide. And you will retain the body of the Mind of God, the body shaped for you, woven for you as the Deathless Solar Body, which does [mesh completely with] the Ascended Master Light Body. To know the return [to Light], beloved, and yet to be able to come back [to the twilight zones of earth in order] to minister to lifestreams who do not have this attainment, this is the great joy of Hercules' God-mastery [that can be yours]. So I open the door to the Infinite to give you hope, to give you consolation, peace and comfort in this hour. All of this consciousness of God that surrounds you is coalescing around [your four lower bodies] now, establishing a very special armour of Light - light of blue fire the [royal blue] color of the garment of the Messenger, light of the blue flame of all who serve with the World Mother on the First Ray. So this garment, as an armour of Light coalescing [around you to the degree] that you have invoked [it], shall be unto you [from this day hence] unto the hour of your ascension a very strong protection against intrusion from the astral plane, from astral forces or from those identities who move with spacecraft. Know, then, that this armour, beloved, is a gift from the hosts of Light unto all who have participated in this labor. For so great is and was the labor and so great the challenge, and yet, without even a moment's trepidation, you did enter in with full heart and voice with absolute trust in Almighty God [that he would deliver you]. Do know, beloved, that this faith that you have to tackle such numbers and such powers comes down to you from your father Abraham, who walked by faith a mighty long way to ultimately bring forth the lineage of Sanat Kumara and of ancient tribes who must come again, and did so, and of the Lightbearers of the earth. Blessed ones, though some of you see not on the outer, yet you have perfect seeing on the inner; and you have beheld with great joy and wonder such a tremendous armada of hosts of the Lord and Lightbearers. You have even called forth, by your service, unascended beings from other sectors of the galaxy who have been allowed to come, for they have desired to be a part of the legions of angels, to enter that war and to be the victors and to earn the stripes that come from entering such labors. One and all have depended upon you for the spoken Word to empower them. And therefore the trust of heaven to even engage in this labor has been a trust in you our chelas [advancing here on earth] and [our chelas] in other octaves and some on other planets who do also know the science of decrees as you have it. Is it not a wondrous thing, this gift of the Great White Brotherhood, as Above and so below, that all can come together [through the Mighty "I AM" Presence], each one at his own level of attainment, seeing and knowing and having such faith that there can be such a mighty accomplishment? Is there not such a wonder and a joy and a love in your hearts burning now as you realize just how many millions of forces of Light have come together at this crossroads of earth's history to demonstrate a unity, a mighty union that the nations of the earth today and the peoples of the earth have not yet accomplished? ["Yes."] Therefore, beloved ones, we can look to this New Year's [victory], once you have completed this labor this weekend, as at least securing to the Lightbearers some reprieve and a knowledge that they will not have to deal with these forces again. Though other [dark forces] may come in other years and other months, you now have an opening for some clear sailing and clear victories of your own. With this clearance [accomplished], then, you must tend to the affairs of the Church and to the affairs of the nations as these pertain to the transmission of the spiritual message that shall enfire them and awaken them that sleep and bring them to the Light and the reigniting of the threefold flame. Many must be brought into the captivity of the Christ. And this shall happen through the Lamb of God that is a part of you, that is a part of your Christ Self - truly that Lamb of God who so loves you, the Lamb of God who is also Shepherd, who does tend you as though he tended the most precious sheep in all cosmos. The caring and the love that surrounds you, beloved, must be a confirmation to your souls that all that is not yet complete can be completed and that your souls may be perfected in Light and that in that perfecting process you can transmit from your aura so much of God to others because you love so much, because you are so grateful for the mighty gift of everlasting Life and because there wells up within you such an intense compassion, such an intense yearning to move with the Lord Christ and his legions to save that which could be lost, that which is almost lost, which requires nurturing and the return to the center of Life. We celebrate Community this day for all it means throughout the cosmos. The Community of the Lightbearers, as it has been said, is the nest where the eagles gather, where they can come together, day by day; and suddenly, from this place and that, comes the soul who has heard the call and heard the Word and recognized the sign and seen the Light of those who keep the fire on the mountain. Yes, beloved, you never know when your simple prayers and decrees [and the energies of] your fiery sessions are going forth, multiplied by us, to rescue souls who have not had an opportunity in thousands of years to come back to the heart of God. So great is the mystery of Christ! So great is the mystery of the Buddha! I speak to you in these tones that you might know just what is the resonance of Elohim, as Elohim, in the sense of being outside of God, do put on the form of worshiping God even though we are also God. Thus know that those who have great power yet retain the greatest humility, else they would not have power at all. Are ye not all in awe of the power of God that flows through you and are you not humbled by such a grace? ["Yes."] So it is, beloved. You are creating a new vibration in the earth, for you cannot help but find, through the science of the spoken Word and the hearing of the dictations, new dimensions of Reality that many lifewaves have not touched since former golden ages. How is the age of Aquarius, as a golden age to come, being brought in? Why, it comes in through the consciousness of the childlike heart and mind. It comes in because such as you put on the golden robes of a golden age and [through those vestments] consciousness is transmitted. [As Aquarius locks in,] it passes through the antahkarana{60} of many worlds. And over the [wavelength of the sound of the] Ashram rituals [which you intone], you find that the awakening [of Aquarius within you is] transmitted. It is known, beloved, that when a certain number, a quotient of lifestreams upon earth, come upon a great God-idea for a great God-manifestation, a critical mass is reached. And then the moment and the hour strikes when suddenly [the idea and its manifestation explode and] an entire world is aware of that special consciousness and dispensation that [comes forth because it] has been nurtured by the few. So it is true when inventors invent and patent [their inventions] - all of a sudden [the idea] catches on and the whole world is brought forward another notch through the ingenuity of a few minds. And suddenly the Mind of God permeating the earth does transmit that new self-knowledge, that new sound, that new art, that new industry. All things are possible when the few who form the capstone of the pyramid concentrate their minds and hearts to be the chalice of the infinite Mind of God, the chalice of the infinite Sacred Heart of the Lord Christ. Oh, it is good to celebrate the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart, for thereby you are infired! I speak to the lonely ones who feel unloved, who know or believe that their parents did not love them. I speak to you and I say: Be not lonely, for the vacuum left by parents who could not [or would not] love you or who harbored dislike [for you] is now being filled by our Father-Mother presence. We who as Elohim formed you in the Beginning in your light bodies re-form you in the Ending [that you might transcend the earth bodies you have taken on]. And we bring you to a point of transfiguration and we hold you, somewhat as your little child should hold a doll to her breast. We take you now in our arms and hold you to our hearts and infuse [the flame of cosmic consolation into] that space that appears as a vacuum but is not. And we fill it with parental love, with the love of the Father-Mother God, even with the love of your own self-parenting. For you as twin flames do parent one another, beloved, and this is also in order. For if indeed you accept that you are God in manifestation, then you realize that that which is appearing as a separate extension of the self as soul is in reality the child of the Atman, who is Brahman. And therefore, if you [as the Atman] are parent of your soul, beloved, you can love yourself truly, for truly you are made in the image and likeness of Elohim. Thus, our presence is a healing presence. And others of the Elohim complements do now add to the great sphere of Elohim of the First Ray their own [spheres], creating here below a Great Causal Body of Light. You may enter this Causal Body at any time you are in prayer in the court. Your [prayerful] thoughts may ascend to the various spheres [of our Causal Bodies]. You can start [your meditation and inner walk with Elohim] from the outermost sphere, the blue, and move toward the center. This [exercise], then, becomes another way by which you can anticipate ultimate union with your own great Dharmakaya, the Causal Body and the I AM Presence. We desire to bring heaven to earth that you might retain your zest and your zeal for remaining in embodiment and performing the labors of Hercules and all hosts of the Light. For you see, beloved, if you can have heaven on earth, then there will be no desiring to be elsewhere. Desiring to be elsewhere than where you are is a denial of your mission. It can also be a death wish - to think that through dying you might obtain eternal Life, when it is through living that eternal Life comes to you. So, beloved, if you are not happy in the heart of the earth or in the many levels of earth that are yet accessible to you though they be high in vibration, [corresponding to] the etheric octave, I bid you discover the reason and eliminate [the cause of your unhappiness] so that you will be able to have that awareness that you find in the Messenger, [her state] of absolute peace in being in this [earth] plane. As burdensome, as turbulent, as erratic as life may seem, all of that [human conditioning] is maya and illusion. Know that now with all your heart. Know that you cut through that maya and illusion with your swords, evermore sharpened by your tongues that pronounce the spoken Word of the dynamic decree. Know, then, beloved hearts, that when you find the point of ultimate contentment where you are and you are not moved by things that happen around you, you are almost to that God-realization of yourself being of Brahman, as Brahman, in Brahman, through Brahman. Is this not a wondrous saying, beloved? Is it not a surcease from [always] desiring something else, striving for something beyond the self, always reaching out to acquire, whether it is God or this or that, to find completeness? Is it not wondrous to simply let go and enjoy the God that you are? ["Yes."] All struggle ceases, beloved. I tarry with you to so impress upon you all of this. Your heaven is your aura where you are right now. This is enough. It is the aura of God. It is the aura of the Divine Mother. It is a light so sublime! If you shall continue in this walk with us, you shall surely dispel the darkness of earth, even at subterranean levels. Can you imagine how the devils tremble when so many of you around the whole world are coming into the God-realization of the living Presence within you, your only [true] identity? This is what causes the devils to panic and to flee. For all of God is sufficient to any darkness, any evil, any battle, any calamity. So reinforce heaven through your own aura, and find joy as you come together and your auras crisscross and you know new dimensions of heaven by interacting with one another and you also know a bonding as the Mystical Body of God becomes a reality, truly in the physical octave, and as the members of the Community are one, sharing one another's flame, receiving strength from one another's candle. Ah, the sweet mystery of life at Maitreya's Mystery School! The whole world is enveloped in the mighty auras of Elohim in this moment, beloved. Therefore, as a mighty affirmation and anchoring of our auras, sing now to the Great Central Sun. [The Messenger: Please stand and give your fiats to the Seven Mighty Elohim. (Congregation stands and gives fiats to the Seven Mighty Elohim.) Number 587.] Adoration to the Great Central Sun Great Central Sun, thou we adore Enfold us in thy Presence here Thou art the Light forevermore O Alpha and Omega dear. Shine on, shine on, O lovely Light Make all our discord melt away Filling our worlds with great delight As peace and happiness hold sway. O Helios and Vesta dear Draw us to thee, O Light sublime Transmuting all the shadows here 'Til all on earth becomes divine. Now once again, Great Central Sun We sing thy praises here below Help us to feel we have become That oneness we desire to know. O radiant holy Threefold Flame Expanded in our grateful hearts Belov'd I AM is thy great name In us fulfill all thou art. All glory to the Light above All glory to the Light below All glory to the Three-in-One All glory from all life now flows. We, Hercules and Amazonia, tell you, beloved, that each time you desire to reinforce the Great Causal Bodies of Elohim of Light around this place and around this earth, you need but sing to the Great Central Sun and sing to us the hymns that some among you have composed. Then make the fiats for the reestablishment of what I have established in this dictation. And if you listen to it again each time you desire the assistance of Elohim in any matter of opposition to this Church, to an individual member, or to any Lightbearer upon earth, so we shall come. This dictation shall be for you forever one that you may use to reestablish your full contact with the Great Causal Body of Elohim, whose matrix we have set over this entire place and vast miles beyond. Yes, beloved, you have heard the word of Jesus Christ: "In my Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you."{61} So the spheres of the Great Causal Body of Elohim are the mansions to which you shall one day return in the spirit but in which you may now abide here below. This [dispensation] is the mighty thanks of all Elohim to you and all evolutions of Light who have assisted and do continue to assist in this labor. Now, then, beloved, anchor the power of the All-Seeing Eye of God of the thoughtform of the year by singing to Cyclopea. One and all, we seven and the five of the white fire core of the Causal Body with our bands salute you in love and express to you our great gratitude with this our gift and manifestation. - [33-second standing ovation] [The Messenger: Please make your fiats to Cyclopea. The song is number 357. Congregation gives fiats to Cyclopea.] Beloved Cyclopea and Virginia Elohim of the Fifth Ray{62} Beloved Cyclopea, God's All-Seeing Eye Thy radiant light now floods the earth from realms on high We love thee, we bless thee, beloved Elohim We now find in mankind some souls through whom we can begin To magnetize and vitalize God's heav'nly love Released in joy from mercy's flame above. O Elohim of perfect sight and melody O blessed Cyclopea, we love thee. The perfect eye and perfect ear are thy design And thine the power, every hour, these to refine The feeling of healing is also thine to give Thy perfect resurgence, now blaze through all O make it live! Release, increase acceptance of thy every gift For such cooperation would all lift. O make us strong, all free from wrong, supplied by light O help us, Cyclopea, make things right. Expand it now through every brow, Virginia dear Thy ray of green that keeps serene, dissolves all fear To others, our brothers, and all that we pass by Blaze to us and through us the comfort that our God is nigh! Release the music of the spheres in sweetest sound That everyone may hear the world around. Draw all mankind's attention to God's heav'nly plan Held by the Elohim since earth began. O heav'nly friend of light and love, make all now free Draw all our earth and all upon it unto thee It's thrilling, joy-filling to hear about her birth The story of glory, the first creation of our earth. Thy oceans bright of cosmic light that 'round her swirled Will bring again perfection to our world. O Cyclopea, Elohim! We now implore Assistance never come to earth before! Gifts from our Sun, most holy one, from earth we call Love's blessings to thee, thy heart flame, and Elohim all Archangels and Masters and cosmic beings free World Saviours and Devas, all heav'nly hosts now bow to thee! The Sun God and Sun Goddess of our system dear Send envoys of God's love to bless thee here Through Helios and Vesta for all thou hast done All blessings from the Sun behind the sun! This dictation by beloved Hercules and Amazonia was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, January 2, 1993, during the five-day conference The Dawning of Your God Reality, held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. [N.B. In this Pearl, bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Hercules and Amazonia's direction for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom. "Keys from Judaism - the Kabbalah and the Temple of Man" Videocassette: 4 cassettes, total 4 hrs., GL92056. Audiocassette: 4 cassettes, total 6 hrs. (includes the dictation by El Morya as the Patriarch Abraham, which followed), A92050. ****** Chapter 7 The Beloved Great Divine Director - February 14, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 7 - The Beloved Great Divine Director - February 14, 1993 The Dawning of Your God Reality 7 The Offering of Myself Consecrate Your Life to Divine Direction "I Have Raised Your Consciousness to a New Level of Divine Awareness" Now comes the light of divine direction shining from a star with no disruption, beloved ones. The night sky is cleared and the aura of a planet knows relief from a battle preordained. The destiny was victory, but none could tell the end until by free will each one here made the decision to conquer self and bind the outer foe. For this, then, the Darjeeling Council, the Council of the Royal Teton and other councils of the Great White Brotherhood in the etheric octave do greet you and do give you a hearty round of applause. For [you have achieved] a victory that has made possible a future for this year and the remainder of the decade without those scoundrels who did attempt to snuff out the flame of this Community. Much has been gained, beloved - not the least, confidence among Lightbearers in the earth and across the galaxies in many home stars. There is an awakening, there is a quickening as those who have been burdened for so long now see the star of hope and are ready to raise up their own Mother Light and to join you in the maintenance of freedom on this planet and in its conveyance [to all people] and in its bestowal on many other areas [of the cosmos]. So many reinforcements have come and this victory has been a sweet taste! And it gives a taste for more victories, beloved ones, and a confidence in the Inner Brahman that this can be accomplished. Thus, the saints truly go marching in, and you may truly walk from this conference in the stature of your Christ Self and maintain that state, beloved. For you know deep in your heart that God has needed you and you have contributed mightily. God has had a need and you have supplied it. Thus, you are strengthened. You have received training, you have heard the wisdom of the Messenger and the Masters and you have seen the mighty fohat go forth from [the Messenger's] mouth. You have seen the commands go forth from your own throat chakras. Yes, you have seen what it is like when a band of angels embodied and angels in the sky and children of the Sun and sons and daughters almost ready to take the next step in the ascension all come together in a united purpose. So, blessed ones, I commend you to making a divine chart [as Benjamin Franklin did]{63} to help you summon a God-force that is equal to and greater [than that which you have summoned for this New Year's labor. Thus, by that God-force, you will be able to] systematically do away with those schisms within your own psyche. [And by this I mean] all and anything that can pop up [from the subconscious] and come upon you at any moment as an undisciplined portion of self, as an ancient record, as a karmic condition, as an out-of-alignment state. So many are the causes for incompleteness! So many are the causes for the out-of-control state! I am certain that you desire that God-control. Helios and Vesta, therefore, stand with you, sons and daughters of the Most High, and angels from among the legions of Light who have also descended into embodiment. You have made your mark and you may come bearing that record on your resume as you stand before the Lords of Karma and carefully consider ahead of time what it is you truly desire to petition for{64} - that which is practical, that which is good for one and good for all, that which is good for Community and the expansion of the Church and that which can accomplish truly the forward march in the revolution in education that we seek in America [and the world]. Yes, beloved, when seeking grants and petitioning for them, maximize your effort and contemplate how that which you can do and the grant that you might receive for [yourself] can [by your prayers] bless so many others at the same time. And therefore, by multiplying the good graces you appeal for and receive, you can also make good karma for that multiplication [of blessings to all Lightbearers on earth]. For the fire that does dart across the mind, the mental belt, and anchor the Mind of God [can and does bless the many as well as the one, when you make the call]. Oh yes, beloved, the Chohans, my sons, greet you and so many of my sons and daughters whom I have trained in the path of true divine direction. You require direction in the heart and that divine direction, beloved, comes from your Mighty I AM Presence and those of us who reinforce it. Forget not, then, the point of twenty-four - the twenty-four points on the circumference of the circle. This is the [twenty-four-pointed] star of the Great Divine Director [that focuses] twenty-four [key cosmic] elements [that I work with in the alchemy of precipitating divine direction to the evolutions of these lower worlds]. You can consider the yang and the yin of each line of the Clock. You can consider the position of Alpha and Omega in the heart of each Hierarchy of the [twelve] Suns.{65} A plan for Community, a plan for building, a plan for securing the safety of the Lightbearers in the earth, a plan for educating the children, a plan in the heart of each one that is suited to his talent and training and to his desire and calling and, above all, to the fulfillment of his karma and his dharma. Let all things come into place. And as you feel my Causal Body, feel the neatness and tidiness of the Mind that contains the divine direction for many spheres. It is, of course, the Mind of God, for which I provide a chalice. I invite you to also provide this chalice, beloved hearts. For I believe that every one of you knows that you require divine direction. And I believe that you also desire that the human direction that you take should be under the Polestar of your divinity, else what is the use, [since human life is] but [an endless] experimentation in the human equation? Let the Divinity pass through you! The Divinity will not imprison you but release you. It will release the full and fairest flower of your being. Divine direction is surely the mighty quality of the hierarchy of Capricorn and the crown chakra. Thus, I come with [the attribute of] God-Power at my command, for I have long ago passed the initiation whereby the all-power of heaven and earth{66} was given unto me. [And so this initiation] is given unto the Sons of God one by one as they prove their competence and their trustworthiness in dealing with the power of God. [For that power is] the might of the will of God and the ultimate might of faith itself, the might of the spoken Word. Yes, beloved, this is a year, as you have been taught and heard from the lips of the Messenger, once and for all to conquer ignorance, to conquer all seeds of criticism, condemnationand judgment. And to do this you must be rid of all self-condemnation, all putting down of the self and a certain [low-grade] angriness at [various] levels of the garment of being. Yes, criticism, condemnation and judgment may be based on envy and jealousy or the desire for revenge. Whatever it is [based on], beloved hearts, this is the Evil, the Absolute Evil that you must root out as the archetypal pattern [of nihilism] in the unconscious. When you are delivered, then, of this [misqualified] substance [because you deliver yourself of the nasty habit of criticizing, condemning and judging others] - and you deliver God from these vibrations that you have been imposing upon him - you shall truly know a new God-mastery. And this is that which we seek for you, for in so many [other] ways you are developing God-mastery in your field of service and in your professions. Well, beloved ones, we consider you to be career sons and daughters of God and we desire to ratify your calling, even as you choose to ratify your calling. Therefore, know well how quickly there can come to you blessings and the opening of a reservoir of genius and creativity whereby you may surely fulfill your highest destiny. Feel now the tingling of your crown chakra as golden illumination's flame does touch you, each one. For I love you! And I love you with a heart that burns with the fire of illumination, with the fire of adoration. For I AM [and I convey] the assimilation of the cosmic will and the cosmic love. And therefore I seek for you wise dominion and peace - peace in your resolution of the divinity within you, peace as I support you by the power of the violet flame and the Seventh Ray, which I also embody [specifically] for the trans-mutation of points of division [between individuals and nations]. Oh yes, my little ones - my little ones and so many hearts I love and have loved throughout the ages - you must know that the violet flame is the flame of ultimate love of God, God's mercy and such justice! Know, then, [that the violet flame as the love of God] is no secret. But the formula [for its alchemy] is itself a secret. It is the secret of surrender, beloved ones. Some see surrender as impossible. Others surrender when they have nothing [of worth] to surrender [at the altar of God] and therefore they cannot bring back from the altar that which could be a great God-portion of reality. Do you see, beloved? You must have some sense of self, some sense of self-worth, some sense of an integrated personality in God, in Brahman, in order to be able to surrender that self. [For the secret of surrender is that there can be no surrender until you have forged and won something of worth to lay on the altar of God.] It is understandable, then, that you desire to put the pieces of the cosmic jigsaw puzzle together, even the Chinese puzzle, the puzzle of the Great Tao. [For this you do] in order that you might offer upon the altar of God the perfect matrix of yourself that is worthy of surrender, so that God may receive it [as the essence of yourself] and perfect it and multiply it and increase it. And, lo! he gives back to you the identity of the God that is born in you, nevermore to be taken from you, for you have entered the Eye of God and you and the Eye are one. So understand, beloved. Build up the citadel of being. Teach your children to build up the citadel of being - from the very moment of their first breath, from the very moment of their conception, as they have been taught from the moment of their conception in the Mind of God and their going forth with their twin flame. Teach them to build a solid foundation. Give them that solid foundation! Give them joy! Give them hours of freedom, of creativity to invent, to ponder, to wonder, to be amazed, to be infilled with the joy of living! Oh, the joie de vivre! Isn't that the most fantastic quality of the child and the little child within you? I say, take recourse in that joy! And I say, build, then. Build, then, the dweller [who will dwell in] the temple of God. Build, then, the identity that you desire one day to place upon God's altar and say: Here I AM, Lord! Here I AM, Lord! You have called me forth long, long ago and I have made my rounds in the cosmos of these Matter spheres and I return now, for I have a worthy gift to offer you. And that gift and that offering is of myself, for at last I AM at peace in thy love, in thy direction, in thy clear seeing and in thy wondrous creation of my being in thee. I AM thine own because I AM thyself. I have realized thyself as myself and therefore I AM coming Home. I AM coming Home. This is the journey of many lifetimes, beloved. How, then, shall you assess just how much of Brahman you are? Brahman, the Father in the Beginning, who was with the Word. The Word, who is the Mother of creation. Well, beloved, I do believe that one test [you can give yourself] to understand how much you are bonded to your God, and therefore how much you are your God, is to determine the level of peace that you carry [in your soul, in your heart and in your mind]. For those who are at peace in God and in their identity in God are simply not moved [either by the circumstances of their karma or by the antics of humans]. They are not moved, beloved, but they do take action and a proactive position to stake their claim to reality and then to defend it and to encircle it with a wall of light through which Light and Lightbearers may enter but through which none committed to Darkness may pass. Yes, beloved, when you have not peace or the fullness of your joie de vivre, you must come to grips with a temporary reality that signifies the psyche in distress. [And, as you know,] all stress on the surface is [a signal that there is] distress beneath the surface. I tell you, by your love, by your fixing that love upon God or the God within one of the great Gurus or the Ascended Masters, you can make such steady progress that even your face and your body shall be transformed. You shall be renewed by the transformation of your mind. Try it a little bit, beloved. Try it a little bit. And so you need not give up self all at once; but little by little, as you become God, you will discard the outworn garments of self. You will say: Day by day, I AM becoming more of God. Day by day, I AM discarding the outworn garments of my former self. Here, take them away! I do not want them. They no longer represent me. I wore these when I was not the fullness of who I AM. Therefore I put upon me new garments - new garments without [the stain of] transgression, garments that day by day are becoming seamless garments as one by one the scars are healed and disappear, as one by one the lines of old age are no more and my tender feet and my tender heart are renewed in the springtime of childhood and perfect Love. Thus know the great love of the Father-Mother God and the freedom that is given to all. Thus know that this is the year to appeal to me and the hierarchy of Capricorn to [help you] plan each day, to make the most of it. And let your goal be the giving of the gift of reality to every soul on earth who has Light but does not know that that Light is Brahman nor that Brahman lives within him nor that that soul is [destined] ultimately [to be that] Brahman. Therefore, plan ways and means to teach souls how to bond with the Lord, the Most High God, with the living Christ and the living Buddha. Let all of your doings, your thoughts, your dreams, your prayers, your hopes include rejoicing in the circle of family and Community, but [let your joy] embrace the larger circle of all Light-bearers upon earth. And then, with the expansion of the mind's eye and the All-Seeing Eye of God, embrace all Lightbearers of the Matter cosmos. For they behold you now. They behold the shining ones and the victors, the warriors and those who have embodied the soul and heart of the Divine Mother, keeping the flame of the Word day in and day out. O my precious ones, O my beloved ones, in the particular state of mind you are in, I understand that you think and know that you are not yet perfected in Christ. This is a realistic assessment as long as you remember when you say it that Christ is perfected in you. And if that perfect Christ be in you and of you and if you prepare that temple of your being, sweep it clean for the coming of the Lord, you will soon know each little point of the perfecting of the self. You will observe it as though you were picking wildflowers in the field, one each day, collecting your bouquet. The perfecting process is ongoing and you are in the process of doing just this, not all at once, beloved, but day by day. [And the key is to] love the self as Brahman. Is this not the pastime of the Lord Krishna [as he communes] with the beautiful chelas?{67} [Is this not Krishna's] loving of the God Self within [them and their loving of the God Self within him]? Is this not [the Love that] every great Guru of all time and space has brought to his followers? Is it not the Love of the flame of everlasting Life? Yes, it is! And that very flame becomes the stylus that you use to define the hours and the days of your service and calling. Blessed ones, for all you do to help others, 50 percent of that should accrue to you [if you do it with a right spirit and a right heart]. For then it will come back to you to help you. And thus, you build identity in God as you enter a profession of service whereby whatever you do brings in some measure a blessing to life. Let all of you take stock and consider that this day is the first day of the rest of your life and that you must consecrate it to divine direction in every aspect. Listen well. Study hard. Meditate deeply. Walk and talk with God. Make decisions systematically by calculating the pros and cons. And do not enter into commitments lightly, for your commitments must be carefully scrutinized so that you know you are giving the highest and best energy of which you are capable to the highest and best cause. My beloved hearts, [as you are] seated in the aura [of my Great Blue Causal Body], so may you be seated there again each time you renew our tryst of this night by replaying my dictation. May you also know and find the great blue sphere of your own Causal Body and rest at peace in it until you can gather all of the pieces of self and put them back together in order. And when they are all put together, invoke the violet flame of the Seventh Ray and see how the pieces no longer show as pieces but become one true divine whole, the individed manifestation of God. I have come to raise consciousness, as have we all at this conference. I have raised your consciousness to a new level of divine awareness of your crown chakra and all that it can open for you. The opening of the crown chakra is surely the ultimate expression of the love of the Father-Mother God, who attain union [within your heart chakra] when you raise the sacred fire from the base-of-the-spine chakra to the crown chakra. In the white fire and the golden flame, all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas salute you. Keep yourself in the Eye of God and soon you shall see that Eye, be that Eye and know a greater sensitivity in your third eye. I AM the Great Divine Director. I place a clean white page before you. This is the first day of the rest of your life. Think carefully how you will write on this page and the succeeding pages of your book of life. I AM the Great Divine Director, always available [to El Morya's chelas]. Give my decree{68} and see how I will establish round about you a circle, as a hoop around your aura, [containing] the twenty-four-pointed star. With all the love of my heart, I discipline you and chasten you daily that you might come up higher and shed a snakeskin or two each twenty-four hours. This you can do. I promise you. _________________________________________________ This dictation by the Great Divine Director was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhold Elizabeth Clare Prophet at the conclusion of the January 3, 1993 Sunday evening servie during the five-day conference The Dawning of Your God Reality, held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. [N.B. In this Pearl, bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under the Great Divine Director's direction for clarity in the written word.] ****** Chapter 8 Beloved Lady Master Venus - February 21, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 8 - Beloved Lady Master Venus - February 21, 1993 The Dawning of Your God Reality 8 Courage Begets Courage Many Souls of Light Will Embody on Earth to Lay the Foundations of the Golden Age of Aquarius Seek and Ye Shall Find the Peace of Inner Wholeness My beloved ones, in your willingness to wage war against the forces dark, you have cleared the way for many souls of Venus to come to the etheric octave of earth and to assist millions of souls [on a planet in transition]. You have cleared inner space, as it were. You have cleared the way whereby many might join you, some to take incarnation in waiting homes through souls of Light and others to remain in the Retreat of the Divine Mother over this territory{69} or in other retreats of the Great White Brotherhood. Many sons have come from Venus through the ages, and daughters wise. They have been leaders in the fields of religion and science, art, mathematics, industry, architecture and in laying the foundations of golden ages and civilizations. Some have built the etheric cities of Light that are a part of the earth in the etheric octave and others have taken embodiment and have built [cities of Light on earth] in golden ages past. Indeed, much of the inspiration that came upon Atlantis and has come again in this age has been the product of the sponsorship or the direct involvement of Venusians. So you see, beloved, the book by Phylos the Tibetan{70} is pertinent to this hour, for [this is a time when] many souls can embody to fulfill their reason for being. And every one of you here knows that many souls are being kept out of embodiment simply because of the fad, of too-long standing, of aborting life in the womb. Thus, you see, beloved, those who love and those who are receptive and those who would receive these souls of Light must take up spiritual arms again and in this very court, which, as you know, has the great cathedral [of illumination's flame] superimposed upon it.{71} You must also make the calls that these individual lifestreams, now free, now released by Sanat Kumara to come here, may enter, may be loved, cherished, educated, supported and brought to the place of the divine mission. Many, many souls are determined to see to it that the foundations of a golden age of Aquarius of Saint Germain and Portia are laid in the physical octave. They have the vision, and they hold it, of the great beauty that has been in past ages and that may come again. They are fully apprised and alert to all conditions of potential war and upheaval in the planet and yet they are unmoved. They are unmoved, beloved, because they have the peace of which the Great Divine Director spoke: the peace of inner wholeness. See how necessary it is, then, by whatever means it takes, for you to reach that point of equanimity so that you may receive into your life or family or Community a soul who is whole. [It requires] that you yourself or the collective Community have a chalice of relative wholeness - of maximum wholeness - so that children might not be set back by those who have up to this hour ignored the admonishments to tackle the sublevels of being. Precious ones, these souls can do much for this Community, for America and for every nation. They can do much for education and for children. Treasure, then, this opportunity and even call that you might all be and remain watchmen on the wall of the Lord. Now that you have the thoughtform [for the year] of the All-Seeing Eye of God and all of God that comes with his All-Seeing Eye, may you watch and be observant for the protection of life and the minds of all people. May you gather in your separate committees and spheres of influence and arenas of talent and tackle one by one the problems [arising from] the saturation of the minds of the youth with all manner of dark forms. There are mothers and families on Venus who in this hour find that some among their members will journey to earth for a considerable stay to assist you and the unfoldment of the next centuries. They are bidding one another farewell. Those remaining shall keep the flame and hold the balance for those who go forth to make a stupendous effort for a victory on earth. This is quite a scene, beloved, quite a scene indeed, for many thousands of families are involved. Thus, know, even as your families here have trepidation when their sons or daughters go to war, so the separation of those on Venus is not without pain. These evolutions are high adepts, beings of great symmetry and light; they have demonstrated great talent in bringing forth the music of God. They are highly evolved and yet they have their mandalas, they have their schools and families. Some professors in the universities there will leave and others must rise to fill their places. These professors have been loved for many centuries, as time goes. And so, you see, attachments do form, [even in higher octaves]. But I can tell you one thing: the greatest attachment of all of every son and daughter of Light on Venus is to Sanat Kumara himself, to his great love and his great sacrifice. And they see all that he has given to the evolutions of earth and to all of the sons and daughters of Venus that have come [to earth in past ages to sponsor the children of Light here].{72} And they desire to see that this entire exercise that began so long ago for the restoration of the fire of the heart to the evolutions of earth shall not be incomplete, shall not be left undone. And they are absolutely determined, especially before your own determination, to see to it that Sanat Kumara's great experiment in freedom shall not be lost, nor that of Gautama Buddha nor that of all who came in their lineage, including all the Bodhisattvas who have risen from earth [who were originally of] the evolutions of Venus. Yes, they are absolutely determined that all that they have done and achieved and given to the world shall not be lost and that the children of the Light shall not be lost and that souls on the astral plane who might be lost (as Mother Mary in her wisdom has warned) might be saved. Thus, beloved, see, then, how your courage begets courage and how that which you have become and sustained can draw to you greater and greater reinforcement, as brothers and sisters and friends of Light from many planetary spheres are determined to be here on earth now in this century and in centuries to come to make good all that was begun and to fight the battles to the finish against those who would take from Sanat Kumara his mighty due.{73} O beloved, many hearts are singing, many minds are contemplating how best to meet the problems of earth! This is why it is so very important that you think, that you study, that you do research and that you bring together documents that you can send to the Darjeeling Council for their planning. It is well to keep a copy on file also at the ranch, blessed hearts. But I decree, in my office as Lady Venus, that the love of God and the creativity of God and the seraphim pure and the reinforcements who have come from cosmic heights to engage in this battle, who now have petitioned God to stay here, might surely right some wrongs. Yes, I decree that all of these put together in the presence of my sponsorship and my office might surely right some wrongs and make the difference and purge the earth of the deadly trafficking in drugs, [so burdening] the bodies of the youth. Yes, beloved, everywhere you turn on the twenty-four lines marking the divine plan on the Great Divine Director's clock,{74} there is another problem, another challenge, another seemingly impossible situation. Whether it is the plagues that are running rampant in the earth for the misuses of the life-force and the body temple [or the fighting in Sarajevo] - whatever it is, never believe that these problems are not surmountable. They can be surmounted! They can be challenged! Believe in the sacred fire and let it accrue to your chakras until you yourselves, in the pursuit of your dharma and your karma, also obtain adeptship and the siddhis. There is great love this night, great hope, great faith. Yes, beloved, I have come once again to supersaturate and charge this atmosphere, this retreat, this our home of Light away from home - that vast Retreat of the Divine Mother, which includes the Holy City itself.{75} I am determined, then, to create such an intensification of the love ray as to restore and elevate even the physical surroundings and the outer retreat with a new status, a new light and an empowerment to those who seek it diligently by personal discipleship. Now in this hour, beloved, I am sealing this conference, I am sealing your third eye and I press upon it an imprint from the secret love star, the Causal Body of Venus. My hand touches each one now. [pause] So you have received my blessing and my love and something of my vision. May the door of God's vision be opened unto you as you love to give your calls to Cyclopea. May the All-Seeing Eye of God be upon you and protect you and guard you and guide you and seal you in your divine plan! Oh, how there is rejoicing! How we move forward! We are one, beloved. And the souls are beginning to arrive here and there in the earth. So welcome them, beloved, even as I take my leave of you until we meet again in the octaves of Light and the Retreat of the Divine Mother. With Sanat Kumara we send you blessings and opportunity and strength for your victory. This dictation by Lady Master Venus was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet at the conclusion of the January 3, 1993 Sunday evening service during the five-day conference The Dawning of Your God Reality, held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. [N.B. In this Pearl, bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Lady Master Venus's direction for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom. ****** Chapter 9 Archangel Chamuel with Covering Cherubim - February 28, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 9 - Archangel Chamuel with Covering Cherubim - February 28, 1993 How to Contact Angels - Your Guides, Guardians and Friends 1 Open Your Heart to God The Initiation of the Piercing of the Heart Out of the heart of God I AM come to you! O people of Light, children of the Sun, I open my heart that your hearts might be opened. Will you open them now to your God, to your Presence, to the living Christ in you? ["Yes!"] I ask you this, beloved, for so many upon earth, even those who once carried the Light of God, have, for the very pain of it all, closed their hearts [to their fellowman, to the angels and to God]. Have ye not heard of the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of this world? {76} Have ye not heard, beloved, of the Christ crucified? Know this, then: the Lord Christ, your Mentor and Saviour, did not close his heart from the crucifixion but did open that heart to the world, did indeed unveil his own Sacred Heart as the means of the divine retribution of Love itself - Love going forth to separate the Real from the Unreal, Love going forth as the judgment of the rebel angels that the children of the Light might go free. Understand, beloved, that to avoid the initiation of the [piercing of the] heart is to avoid the path of personal Christhood. And this is the path I would speak of in this hour, for it is truly [the path of] Divine Love, the love of the compassionate Christ and the Buddha, whereby you shall conquer self and all that assails you. Therefore fear not. Fear not, but instead see now [the Sacred Heart] and call for the Sacred Heart of your own Christ Presence to descend over your heart. Call now to your Lord Jesus Christ that his heart may know your heart as one with his. Prepare your heart to receive the heart of Christ - Christ within you, Christ without. Yes, beloved, do not fear the piercing of the heart. Mary the Mother knew the piercing of the heart, as have so many saints who chose to suffer for a time that burden of world condemnation that they might enter in to the cosmic honor flame, which you know as the ascension flame. Understand, beloved, that there is an alchemy of the heart that you must know. I would tell you of it: In the heart there is a cauldron of violet flame. [And in that cauldron] there is the transmutation of pain. If you will not fear the pain of bearing some portion of the burden of world karma, I, Chamuel, promise you that the pain of the heart can be transmuted unto the joy of everlasting Life, truly the joy of Christos in the heart! Know this, therefore - that he who closes the heart to God and man will find that his heart will become as a stone, a stony heart indeed, with no mercy or love or compassion, no sorrow, no joy but simply a stone. Is this not fear? Is this not an expression of anger against God? Is this not stepping aside from partaking of the cup of the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world? Is Christ not slain in you that the door of the resurrection might be opened unto you? Fear not to take the next step on the Path. For until you do take that step, beloved heart, you will not open the door for others, thousands and then millions of others, to take courage and to take that step. Therefore I, Chamuel, with Charity, show you the great mystery of Love and how Love's fires infolding within the fire of being itself can restore to you even the gift of immortality. Whom shall God make immortal? The stony heart? Or the heart that is willing to be tried, purified, made white and restored to the living chalice of the flame of God? Be not content to wear your threefold flame at one-sixteenth of an inch in height, barely sufficient in your devotions to even maintain wholeness and healing and uprightness in your temple. I say to you, beloved, if you would increase the fire upon the altar of being, then consort with the Archangels of Divine Love and let Love lead you and take you where you would not go! Can you trust the Archangel Chamuel and Charity to lead you in that path of everlasting Love? I pray you, tell me. ["Yes!"] So, beloved, know, then, that all absence of trust at various levels of your being can be traced back to the moment not when God forsook his trust in you but when you forsook your trust in your Father-Mother God. Then fear and doubt crept in. And inasmuch as you could not trust yourself to fasten yourself to God come what may, you inverted this psychology, if you would call it that, and began to mistrust your Father-Mother God. Well, you see, beloved, there is [in reality] no mistrust in God, there is only mistrust in oneself. Therefore, analyze with me now, if you will, by the fervor of the Holy Spirit - and by the covering cherubim who stand with me now to the right and to the left of the Messenger - the path whereby you undo mistrust, beginning with [your mistrust of] your [Higher Self as well as your lower self]. You must call fearlessly for the purging fires of Divine Love and know that we of the Third Ray come as exorcists on the path of the Buddhas of the Ruby Ray. And we are ready, if you are ready, to take from you your fear and doubt - but not until you have the courage to replace these with unending, unmitigated love. We see the patterns in the earth and the patterns of souls. We come, and as we stand before you so tangibly present, know that our angels of the living flame of Divine Love come in answer to your freely given, silent assent. They now place their presence over you to see what is a burden to you, that they may remove it. Each time the angels come to bless you, beloved, you must realize that they can take from you only [that portion of your negatively qualified energy] that you can replace with Light. Be prepared, then, when you come into the presence of Archangels. For Archangels are always looking to remove from you your unnecessary baggage, that which is no part of your reality, and to replace it with some essence of your personal Christhood and threefold flame. Not all of you are prepared to replace [with Light] what we would take. Therefore we take something from each of you and we fill in [the blank spaces] by whatever momentum of prayer and devotion to God [you may have garnered over the centuries], such as it is, such as it is not. Thus, you see, in a sense of the word there is no [leveling] equality, for it is [only] by merit and personal striving that you do receive the initiations of God through the Archangels. You might consider reciting your mantras and prayers as you go to and from this place. For each and every one of us who will come to minister to you, speaking the Word of God to you, shall offer you whatever [blessings] we are able [to give you] according to the Great Law, matching that which has been your [soul's] devotion to God for centuries. Blessed ones, it is not often in the thousands of years of the history of earth that Archangels have spoken through a Messenger. And therefore some of you in your meanderings upon this planet have not heard from us for many a long century. Do not be afraid to be in our auras once again. [For in our presence] you will feel the rippling of the aura of the Central Sun, whence we have descended to address you. Be not concerned [if you feel] the stimulation of Light or even the stirring up of that element of self-doubt or self-pity or some such darkness you have picked up along the way. Indeed, it may be stirred up, but just as quickly you can cast it into the violet flame for transmutation! And therefore, even if you have never recited a prayer to the violet flame, simply follow the words that you find in your Angels booklet{77} and pour devotion into them and you will know a certain release and a certain freedom. Beloved, we ask that you be constant [in your attendance at] these sessions this weekend and the next so that we might assist you and that you might have the impartation of [Light from] all seven of our bands. Yes, we come to perform a service. For we are also grateful for all the good that you have been able to accomplish, some of you yet in [the unawakened state], some of you in the half-awakened state and some of you drawing near to the fully awakened state whereby you can see with the inner eye the ultimate glories of heaven. But that very vision requires you to also see the depths of Death and Hell where are found those who have misused Divine Love and turned it into hatred and turned it into the abuse of life. Therefore do not seek early the sight of the third eye but seek early the development of the heart whereby when you do see clearly, the heart shall be that fortress of Light able to withstand both the sights of the awesomeness of God and the sights of the infamy of the misuses of God's [energy] by the fallen angels. Now see how covering cherubim extend to all in the earth who have a [sense of] co-measurement [with God] the flame of righteousness, the flame of mercy. Mercy is the mitigating factor of the law of God and of the [intensity of] fire [that pours forth from] the flame of the ark of the covenant as it ascends from the mercy seat.{78} Mercy, then, tempering the righteousness of the Law: this is the balance that the cherubim hold. The righteousness of the Law does exact its toll upon all. And in cyclic return the cherubim come and the legions of Chamuel and Charity. Do not be amazed, therefore, to also see the cyclic judgments of fallen angels, who are loosed for a time{79} and many times [in segments] of tens of thousands of years. And so, beloved, they become cocky, and they say, "See! We may work the works of Evil and we are not chastened." Indeed, they are not chastened as regularly as are the children of God; for they have a certain time and then the Judgment [and then they are no more]. Thus, Chamuel and Charity and cherubim of God return. And this is a cyclic round for us. For the mission on which we come in this hour is a mission that comes once in ten thousand years. [Thus the cycle returns and once again we deliver] the judgment of certain of those fallen angels who have not repented of their deeds and who have wreaked havoc in society and among the people. [As a result of this judgment] you may know surcease from certain conditions troubling and provoking your youth and children. The temptations that are upon them (and in some cases their unlawful waywardness and rebellion against parents) have been magnified by the fallen angels. [Even so, let parents and teachers examine their own hearts as to their accountability in this matter.] Now then, if you would cooperate with this our mission, which is a most serious one, give your calls to us, to the Seven Archangels and especially to Michael, Prince of the Archangels, whom all the angels of heaven obey. Call for legions of angels, for we are the exorcists of Divine Love, to bind the demons who have taken your children out of your arms and into the streets - into gangs and into situations that are troubling your souls and the souls of parents everywhere. If you would contribute to this cause, give the calls to Archangel Michael and to us for the binding of the forces of anti-Love and for the protection of the youth as our legions of Light of the Central Sun go forth in this hour for the rescue of the youth of America and the world. By Divine Love we enter! And when we have the cooperation of enlightened sons and daughters of God, such as you, who are determined that God is able to overcome these conditions in the earth, then, you see, our actions can be multiplied many times over through the science of the spoken Word, through prayer and devotion and through your determination that these rebel angels shall not have their day, shall not destroy the souls of youth and children and age alike, but that [these souls] shall be restored to the sanity of the Mind of God they once knew. I, Chamuel, with Charity and covering cherubim, go forth now. We go forth in concentric rings of light and on the radii of a great circle to every corner of the earth. May your hearts be inclined to prayer for the rescue of these children and for cosmic reinforcements of angels from the throne of God that there might be a harvest of the tares that the wheat might once again [take root and] grow and prosper and replenish the earth. Remember, the Lamb of God is also within you, for that Lamb is the Son of God and the living Christ. Remember, then, ye who carry the Lamb in your breast, that it is written: "This is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." Do not fear the piercing of the world, for by the shedding of blood is the remission of sin.{80} And I speak of the Light of the Lamb of God that shall go forth from you because you have borne persecution on behalf of all people and God. And through it you have learned of the living presence of that flame of the ark of the covenant, which is the living flame of Love. And thereby, by the covering cherubim who come to protect you and the Messenger of God, you enter the bliss of God and yet walk the earth. O pillars of living fire, I address you: Call forth your I AM Presence and live to see this earth turned around! It is not too late. Be not discouraged but know the encouragement, the enfiring of your heart by all legions of the Third Ray. One and all bow to the Light of God within you. This dictation by Archangel Chamuel with the Covering Cherubim was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, February 19, 1993, during a weekend seminar, How to Contact Angels - Your Guides, Guardians and Friends Part 1, held at the Park Inn International in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The dictation followed the Messenger's lectures "How to Meet Your Guardian Angel" and "Archangel Chamuel and Charity with the Covering Cherubim." ****** Chapter 10 Beloved Archangel Jophiel and Christine - March 7, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 10 - Beloved Archangel Jophiel and Christine - March 7, 1993 How to Contact Angels - Your Guides, Guardians and Friends 2 Surrender to the Will of God Is the Key to Your Destiny Make Your Statement in This Age We Must Fight and Win the War against the Tobacco Industry! Now cometh the Angel of Wisdom! I AM Jophiel, and Christine is at my side. We greet you in these Twin Cities and everywhere in the earth where there is that individual who has vowed to bear the Light and to eschew Darkness. So I AM come. So we are one. Angels of illumination find good company in this place. Therefore they surround you at every hand and on all sides, above and beneath, even in the very heart of the earth itself. Oh yes, beloved, legions of Light gather. And the reinforcements have come. {81} And we come therefore to reinforce our message. And that message is: We have invoked and received the dispensation from the Great Central Sun for reinforcements of legions of angels of the Divine Wisdom, and that wisdom can impart to you an understanding of [how to take] wise dominion in the earth.{82} Take dominion over yourself, your emotions, your body, your mind, your soul, your spirit, your destiny! Yes, take wise dominion. Let the Wisdom of God reappear! For this was a book, beloved, that once existed{83} and it must reappear and come into the hands of all; for we did have our part in the writing of that scripture. Wise dominion in the earth must begin with those who sense the God Presence within, who know that they have the direct tie to the Central Sun, who know that they are here for a reason. You are among this people. You know your cause, your reason for being. Perhaps you would like to refine that cause and to know in greater detail just what was your assignment when you left the great throne room of the Lords of Karma and took incarnation in this life. If you would like to know this, beloved, appeal to that mighty angel whose name is the Keeper of the Scrolls. The Keeper of the Scrolls has many recording angels in his service. And you, my beloved, in addition to having your chief guardian angel [your Holy Christ Self] and many guardian angels, also have at your side a recording angel who does record not only word and deed but thought and feeling and the inclination of the heart and even your pulse and the current analysis of your physical, spiritual and mental health. Yes, beloved, you are watched over by angels with tender loving care. And often angels come to you to warn you that the direction you are taking could cost you very much in terms of your life and your mission. See to it, then, that you guard your physical life and keep your health. For you [who are visible to mankind] are needed by the emissaries of God who are invisible. You are needed to speak our teachings, to write down those teachings and to be another voice in the wilderness as a John the Baptist who does clear the way for the coming of the Christ in every soul upon earth.{84} For this indeed is the reality of the Second Coming of Christ. It is the coming of Christ into your temple as you do indeed go forth to perform works and greater works{85} in the name of your Lord. Thus, beloved ones, illumination is the need of the hour. It is a profound need, beloved! For when you have ignorance of the Law, ignorance of Love, ignorance of the inner blueprint, ignorance of what is the destiny of your soul, in which way will you walk? Where shall you go and where shall you be at the age of seventy, eighty, ninety and perhaps beyond? Will you have fulfilled your reason for being in embodiment in this life? These are the questions you must ask yourself and ponder immediately following this dictation and in the days to come, because my angels of the Second Ray will bring you to my retreat and we will go over with you the path of your personal Christhood. Yes, you can ask Archangel Michael and his legions to escort you to our retreat over China. You may come and read the record in your book of life and see what your path has been lifetime before lifetime before this one that you might understand where you have walked, centered in that living Christos. And you have even been anointed with Light so that if you could have seen yourself in some past lives, you would have seen a halo upon your head as an aura of light, for you did commune with the Mind of God. It has become more difficult in this age, for your foods are plastic and full of chemicals and rarely are they the pure foods that were brought forth in olden times when the earth was yet fertile and rich with the minerals you require - minerals being the very basic elements that allow the electrical currents to flow through the brain and the central nervous system. Thus, beloved, in some other ages you have actually made more [spiritual] progress than you have made in this life. For this life has afforded some of you only struggle day after day to keep yourselves going midst all the turmoil and all the burdens and, yes, an accelerated karma that is coming upon the people of this earth. I, Jophiel, come, then, with unfinished business and so do the angels of my bands. We require your attention! We require your involvement and your contribution to our work! Yes, beloved, we have not yet finished. And another round in this war against the tobacco industry{86} must be fought and won now, ere we lose a generation and more of children who will find their bodies so toxic that they will scarcely be able to hold their hands still from the aggravation of the nicotine factor in their bloodstreams. Precious hearts, there are many attacks upon youth. And therefore I come this day to say that with these reinforcements we open wide our challenge to those who are abusing the life and the lifeblood of children of all ages and adults as well. I speak, then, of our challenge not alone to the tobacco industry [but also to the liquor industry]. How dare they, I say, go after the little children and the youth of the world [in their advertising]! Yet they do!{87} And they should be reminded [of Jesus' admonishment] in this hour, and I speak it into the very ear and heart of their own dense bodies saturated with nicotine [and alcohol] and I say: In the name Jesus Christ, any of you who should hurt one of these little ones, it would be better for you that a millstone were hung about your neck and you were cast into the bottom of the sea{88} rather than face the karma that you will deal with for the corruption of the innocents [with the nicotine and alcohol entities]! Yes, I speak it! And when an Archangel speaks, beloved, that speaking is out of the mouth of God, for we are indeed extensions of God's being in the earth! We bring comfort to you this day and reassurance. We bring a mighty reassurance to you that you can count on us. Our request is that we might be able to count on you to remember each and every day to make a call to us that will empower us in your town and city and on every continent to go after those who would destroy the children and the youth, whether it be through child abuse - the physical abuse of [their brains and] their bodies - or their abuse by drugs, [alcohol and nicotine] in any form. I say to this government, I say to the top echelons of the government and to the presidents of the United States in recent years: You have not fought to win! And therefore I stand before God and I accuse you this day. You have not fought to win this war against drugs! And if you had determined to do so, I tell you, we the Archangels of the Second Ray and all hosts of the LORD would have been right there to assist you! You are not helping the angels in their work; therefore we cannot assist you either. And this is a stalemate [because of the involvement of] the moneyed interests of the world, and the cooperation with those moneyed interests by people in high places is a disgrace! Well, beloved ones, many of them are fallen angels and they have been disgraced ever since they left off worshiping the one God. Therefore they have been cast out [of heaven] into the earth.{89} And all of the legions of the Seven Archangels go after them daily to protect you and your children from their insidiousness, from their vicious determination to destroy the capacity of the soul to know the living Christ as her own true potential and [ultimately] to destroy the soul herself. I also speak as one crying in the wilderness. And we the Archangels did cry through the prophets of Israel! Therefore we cry out to you today through this another prophet in the land and we say to you: Let us go after [the demons of nicotine, alcohol and drugs] together! You the spiritual people of America and the world must know that the power of God is behind you. And when you daily use the decrees that we have dictated to these Messengers for the challenging of the oppressors of the youth of the world in the schoolhouses of the world, we will be there! We have the reinforcements! We have the hosts of heaven backing us, for all of heaven is poised now in this hour to determine that earth shall have the opportunity to enter the golden age of Aquarius. I say, O people of America and the world, hear my voice, seize the opportunity! For the opportunity may pass. And if it does pass because the people have already become so dense that they cannot respond to our cry, then we will see an era of darkness and grave darkness in the land. Yes, beloved, we come to that place of the Y, where all who are servants of God must choose the right-handed path of the living God and shun the left-handed path of the fallen angels. This is the hour, beloved, and I will tell you, it may seem so very simple. It has been too hard for the fallen angels, but you who are the lovers of God understand that surrender to the will of God is the key to your destiny. And the ability to surrender, beloved ones, comes from your knowledge that the will of God has been good for you from the Beginning, that once upon a time you knew that and you walked in shafts of wondrous blue fire of that will. You knew your own inner blueprint. You knew the blueprint of a cosmos. You could move here and there light-years away. You had all mastery [of the physical universe]. Blessed ones, the will of God has never ceased to be good for you. Therefore I say, meditate upon that will, apply yourselves to the Diamond Heart of your blessed mentor El Morya, a wondrous Buddha of the Spirit who guides this organization. Apply yourselves to the heart of the will of God and see how you have gotten out of alignment and why for no good reason you no longer embrace that will. Surrender to the will of God is just that. It is not surrender to a human person or to an Archangel. It is surrender to the Great God Self and to your own real being. If you can do this, you will no longer be a house divided [with your members] pulling you this way and that. Therefore examine your desires and examine your ignorance, the coatings of ignorance [from a dense] civilization that beget wrong desire, and come to that point, whether through pain and suffering or through enlightenment, where you desire only God, God, God! Yes, beloved, give the affirmation: I AM THAT I AM and I desire to be, O God, thyself in form, for I see such suffering that nothing that I could want or have could ever be more important than my desire to alleviate suffering and bring all sentient life back to thee. Oh, breathe a prayer of love to your God and then join in the march of the Seven Archangels! Join us, beloved, for we would move mountains. We would move mountains even of your karma. Do you know that when you volunteer to give your life in service to God, mountains of karma can be temporarily set aside until you serve and gain greater mastery and balance [a certain amount of that] karma in the process so that you may take up [the remainder] when you have a greater empowerment and a greater health and [thus a greater] ability to deal with it? So many opportunities are available. But I say to you today, if the children are not being ultimately ruined by what they are being fed in the schoolhouses, then they are being ruined by that which they take in as drugs [and alcohol], as excessive amounts of [nicotine,] caffeine, sugar and all manner of chemical substances whereby they do not even know who they are. Do you know, beloved, that we calculate that a very high percentage of all teenagers today are depressed, yet they do not even know they are depressed? And they have no one to talk to about the way they feel. Blessed hearts, it is a most difficult era for children to be born in, to grow up in. [It is difficult for them] to find themselves spiritually [or to recognize] the path of their own divine plan. It is a difficult era for souls of Light and even angels to take embodiment when so many [parents] opt for abortion instead of carrying those babes who come truly as saviours and teachers and those [of every calling] who want to take their place side by side with you. Why, because of the alarming rate of abortions since 1973 and even before, I tell you that many, many brothers and sisters and twin flames and those of your own bands of service have not taken embodiment. And now it is twenty years later and we see that those who should have been born have not been born and they would have been twenty years old now or nineteen or eighteen and entering the [spiritual] Path for the defense of life. I tell you there is agony on the part of many souls who have been aborted, not once but several times over. For they have so desired to join you, to come and help you [that they have applied again and again to come into embodiment only to be denied by parents who do not want them]. So you see that the divine plan for this century has been aborted because key lifestreams are not in embodiment today. Take heed, beloved, lest you become insensitive to world pain; for when you do, that is when you cease caring and cease loving. No matter what the hardness of the earth, no matter what the darkness that may surround you, let your heart be opened even as you heard [Chamuel say] last evening. So from the heart of Chamuel, let the heart be opened, even if this may cause you ultimate pain! Be willing to be wounded that you might also be found in the position of being one with the Cosmic Christ and offering that essence of your Light because you have not feared the pain of taking to your heart a suffering humanity. Yes, beloved ones, you are in your own True Self world saviours in the making. Do not think that [to so affirm is to admit to having] some kind of psychological problem, as you have been told [by some]. World saviours, I say, ye are! And the one who is saviour within you is the one true God and your Higher Self, your own Holy Christ Self. I, Jophiel and Christine, therefore declare war this day against all in government who are not doing the utmost to stop the influx of drugs in this nation, to stop AIDS, to find a cure for it and to protect the people against its spread. I am alarmed and you ought to be also. We have much work to do! And if you could see our angels today (and some of you can), you would see that we are in our battle array. We are wearing our work clothes and we are wearing our armour. And we are out in the streets and in the hospitals and we are fighting these plagues and new plagues being born through the combination of viruses in the earth. Yes, beloved, this is a critical turning point and you - remember, you, one with God - can make the difference! Therefore I have petitioned El Morya and the Darjeeling Council to allow you to replace the Sacred Ritual in your Sunday services with a ritual of our illumination decrees and the full-gathered momentum of decrees that you do know how to give for the binding of the forces of Evil in the earth. You have the calls, beloved, but they must be in your heart and they must be spoken. Try us! Prove us! I AM Jophiel and I come, then, for the opening of the hearts of people everywhere to the true mystical path of union with God. That path is service. It is surrender. It is sacrifice. It is selflessness, yes, in the truest sense of the word. It is not just parting with your monies, beloved ones; it is parting with the Light of God. And each time you give of that Light, we shall replenish it many times over and you will find yourselves not depleted but strengthened in the Lord. Who are those, then, who will stay with the team of reinforcements of angels in heaven and in the earth? Who will join forces with the angels of Jophiel? Who will go forth with us at night to rescue the children and in the day to bring the correct educational methods to their teachers and parents? Who will call for the judgment of the rebels who would take from the children the true teaching they must have and their true teachers? O beloved ones, it only takes a few to be multiplied and to become many thousands! But this is indeed a crossroads. How many months or years will be available to you and to the Messenger to go from city to city to cry out the message of the Lord I cannot say. I will only say this: the decade moves on and all the prophecies we have given through the Messenger and those given by Mary, the Mother of Jesus, will come to pass unless you who have life and form and free will decide it is now your time, now or never, to take up the cause of reversing the tide of world condemnation that sits upon the youth of the world. In my heart of hearts, humbly I bow before the Christ within you, for I AM the servant of your Light. Humbly, therefore, I ask: Will you help us? ["Yes!"] Joy to you! For it is a joy to wage war and win and to liberate souls, beginning with your own. Joy of wisdom to you! Joy of enlightenment! Joy for the freeing of our youth! Joy for the binding of the forces who feed our children in the mind and the body and the subconscious every vibration of Death and Hell. Almighty God, set them free! We shall do it. We shall respond to every prayer. Now, beloved ones, move yourselves and act before it is too late! I AM Jophiel and Christine, confident in the God in you to make your statement in this age. [34-second standing ovation] This dictation by Archangel Jophiel and Christine with Angels of Wisdom and Enlightenment attending was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, February 20, 1993, during a weekend seminar, How to Contact Angels - Your Guides, Guardians and Friends Part 1, held at the Park Inn International in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The dictation followed the Messenger's lecture "How Angels Help You to Contact Your Higher Self." [N.B. In this Pearl, bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under the direction of Archangel Jophiel and Christine for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom. ***** 10.1 I AM the Witness - March 7, 1993 ***** Vol. 36 No. 10 - I AM the Witness - March 7, 1993 I AM the Witness Patience with the Healing Process Dear Mother, Before another day slips by, I wanted to let you know that a miracle has happened and I have experienced a major physical healing in my life. As you know, for two and a half years I have had a nasal condition. Unhealed mucous membranes in my nasal/sinus area caused me much facial pain and headaches and affected my eyesight. I was unable to decree much because of the pain. Although I had tried practically every avenue of healing possible, nothing seemed to change until I received a macrobiotic consultation from Steve Acuff in August. He recommended a strict diet for me through December 15, which I followed diligently. On December 15, I also had an appointment with a staff physician, who gave me a homeopathic remedy. Mother, this time it worked! My healing took place during that very week! That week I also attended the Saturday morning Kuan Yin vigil and wrote a confession letter to you. Perhaps I was healed because there was a balancing of a particular karma I needed to bear for a while and because of the culmination of my devotions and all of your healing calls on my behalf. All I know is that during this special week, God decided to bestow his grace of healing upon me. I can tell you that my joy was full and that I felt thrilled and grateful as well as humbled before this miracle that I witnessed taking place in my life. I walked around as though I were carrying a tiny Buddha in my heart, not wanting anything to disturb the alchemy that was taking place. This healing was definitely a process that took its course and also provided a time to go within since I was unable to use my full voice in decrees. From the beginning, my sole desire to be healed was so that I could serve the Messengers and the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood in this Community in my fullest capacity and also give my full voice in decrees and invocations. I know this is my reason for being. Thank you ever so much for your calls on my behalf and your untiring love for each one of us. In the name of my beloved Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self, Archangel Michael and Mighty Victory, I claim my healing and seal the victory of this healing this day and forever! Amen. In love and gratitude, "Praise to the Enemies" Dear Mother, I was reading the book Shambhala by Nicholas Roerich{90} the other day and came across the chapter called "Praise to the Enemies," and I thought how apropos it was for our community now, even as it was for the Agni Yoga Society then. Below is an excerpt. Thanks to the enemy, A chela Praise to the Enemies And so we shall discourse! You will impede and we shall build. You will delay the structure and we shall temper our skill. You will aim all your arrows and we shall uplift our shields. While you will compose subtle strategies, we shall already occupy a new site. And where we shall have but one way, you will have in persecution to try hundreds. Your trenches will but point out to us the mountain path. And when we direct our movements, you will have to compile a voluminous book of denials. But we shall be unimpeded by these compilations. Truly, it is not pleasant for you to enumerate all that is doneagainst your regulations. Your fingers will become numb as you count upon them all the cases of forbiddances and denials. Yet at the end of all actions, the strength will remain with us. Because we dispelled fear and acquired patience, and we can no longer be disappointed. And we will smile at each of your grimaces, your schemes and your silences. And this, not because we are specially anointed, but because we do not love the dictionaries of negation. And we enter each battle only on a constructive plan. For the hundredth time we smilingly say: Thanks to you, enemies and persecutors. You have taught us resourcefulness and indefatigability. Thanks to you, we have found glorious mountains with inexhaustible beds of ore. Thanks to your fury, the hoofs of our horses are shod with pure silver, beyond the means of our persecutors. Thanks to you, our tents glow with a blue light. You yearn to learn who we are in reality; where are our dwellings; who are our fellow-voyagers. Because you have invented so many slanders about us, that you yourselves are hopelessly entangled. Where is the limit? At the same time, several keen people insist that it is not only useful but highly profitable for you to go our way, and that no one who has walked with us has lost anything, but has rather received new possibilities. Would you know where is our dwelling place? We have many homes in many lands, and vigilant friends guard our dwellings. We will not divulge their names, nor shall we probe into the habitation of your friends. Nor shall we seek to convert them. Many are traveling with us and in all corners of the world, upon the heights, flame friendly beacon fires. Around them the benevolent traveler will always find a place. And verily, travelers hasten to them. For besides the printed word and the post, communications are dispatched by invisible forces, and with one sigh, joy, sorrow and help are transported through the world fleeter than the wind. And like a fiery wall, stand the battlements of friends. ... Although you pretend to condemn those who speak of that which they do not know, yet you yourself are acting so. Where is that justice for which you have sewn such clumsy theatrical togs for yourself? When, to your joy, you believe that we have disappeared, we will be again approaching by a new path. However, let us not quarrel; we must even praise you. Your activity is useful to us, and all your most cunning schemes give us the possibility of continuing the most instructive of chess-games. "It Made My Heart Sick" Dear Murray and All, The prompting for this letter is to tell you how horrible I thought the "48 Hours" show was that aired last week on CBS. I hope you didn't put yourself through the ordeal of watching it, but I am sure you have heard about it. In trying to compare your Church to the Waco situation, the news media was bigoted in a way that shocked even me - a publisher who has seen this kind of thing for so long. It was fascist. It made my heart sick, literally and figuratively. The reporter mentioned that Mrs. Prophet had refused an interview but then apparently decided to go ahead with one. She should have followed her first instinct. The growing intensity of raw hatred in this world is difficult for me to deal with. The battle lines are drawn, aren't they? I am praying that Dave Koresh will be freed of his oppression and possession, and also the people in his group. We know what dark force must have been behind the libelous connection CBS made between your Church and these people. Although the Church bore the sharpest, most graphic persecution, all people on faith journeys to Jesus and the great I AM are suffering as a result of it because it is bringing out enormously vocal manifestations of hatred toward people of faith. More of this is going to happen. Even though I am a failure at communicating by letters, phone calls, and so on, I pray for you and Mrs. Prophet and your community every day. I visualize legions of Light Angels surrounding and protecting you, and the protective love of the Blessed Mother helping you. God Bless You All! Love, ****** Chapter 11 Beloved Archangel Uriel and Aurora - March 14, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 11 - Beloved Archangel Uriel and Aurora - March 14, 1993 How to Contact Angels - Your Guides, Guardians and Friends 3 Only Believe! The Sword of the Ruby Ray Separates the Real from the Unreal "This Is Your Window of Opportunity: Go for It!" I AM Uriel Archangel! I AM come in the joy of Divine Justice and I wield, in the name of the Christ and the Buddha, the sword of the Ruby Ray from the heart of God. Therefore I come. Therefore I say: Let the judgment descend! And let the sword be upon those who require the separating out from darkness that they might know gladness else the everlasting contempt of the LORD God.{91} Therefore I AM come, commissioned by the Lord to bring the separation of the Real from the Unreal. And I come first to minister to the Keepers of the Flame of Life in the earth, you who are here, you who bear the Light across the planet and throughout a cosmos. For God would heal you! God would raise you up! God would infire you anew that you might know your ultimate destiny, that you might be rekindled in the heart and in the light of the eye and in the sacred fire rising upon the altar of being. You who have been faithful, I say, accept now my presence and my offering. For you have tarried long in loyalty to Saint Germain, to the violet flame, to the God of Freedom. Indeed you have. Therefore I, Uriel, come in this hour and I touch my feet upon this ground and there is a quickening in the earth, there is a trembling in the earth, and there is come the Prince of Light, the Prince of Peace. So be touched, beloved ones. So, all of you who have been faithful to our cause, be touched now and know that there is a spark divine and a hope celestial and angels who come to sing to your marred souls wherever you have been burdened and undergone many a trial. Know, then, that it is indeed because you have been faithful in a few things, {92} you have been willing to bear your karma. And though you may have grumbled now and then, well, I say, you are here and you are keeping the flame in this city and in many cities of the earth. My eye spans the horizon as I see the flames of the Seventh Ray increasing, as I see you mature, ripening in your love and increasing in it. And therefore you have also gained wisdom. Some experiences have taught you the hard way and then sometimes you get so smart that you learn the easy way at last - God's own way! I come to cheer you, and Aurora with me. For is it not a joyous day? Know, then, that this is another hour when cycles have turned and when those whose time is up for the sowing of Evil, [inasmuch as they have not exercised their] option to renounce Evil, are thus taken [to the court of the sacred fire]. As the planet receives more karma, the planet is yet delivered of other fallen ones who need no longer be here, for they have used up their portion of time and space and the opportunity to receive the conversion of the Holy Spirit. These are they who would not [tarry to receive the Holy Spirit], who were never in reality a part of your bands. They shall pass on in the violet flame. Peace be with them. God be upon them, for they have a hard and difficult journey ahead. Now, therefore, blessed ones, come into the heart of comfort and joy - comfort of the Holy Spirit, joy in your Lord and in the certain knowledge that Divine Justice does come to all. Divine Justice is a bounty. Truly it is a boon of grace! And unto those of you who receive the Beloved of Saint Germain, the Lady Portia, so there does come truly a soul-satisfying experience in the magnificent flames of the Sixth and the Seventh Rays, wherein you will see the commingling of all shades of violets and purples and pinks and the golden pink glow-ray of the dawn and the ruby action of the ruby fire. Yes, I touch you with the ruby fire and I use it also that there might be a dispensation going forth in this hour, even from the heart of Saint Germain. He has asked me to announce to you this night that he does take now a portion of his grant{93} to assist you to cut free the souls of Light who are next in line, next to enter the Path and climb the ladder, even Jacob's ladder,{94} to climb with the angels - ascending to God, descending again to the lower levels to go after the untransmuted karma, then by the power of resurrection's flame ascending the ladder of life again. And so is the process of initiation. Each time you ascend and descend the ladder, beloved ones, you complete a round of balancing karma and rising to new levels of your chakras in a heightened God-awareness. So you never know when it is the final ascent and you no longer need to descend again into the darkness of the lesser consciousness of the astral plane. Life moves on. Life carries you with it. Life is God. And I AM an extension of God before you as the Archangel of the Sixth Ray. Behold the Motherhood of God in my beloved Aurora and know, then, that the beauty of life is in the divine union of the Father-Mother God at every level. As you celebrate the union of your families and your children, remember it is Love and Love alone that will carry you beyond the levels of daily troubles and burdens. Oh, call to me, beloved! Call to me and know that I always carry the sword of the Ruby Ray, and I will let that sword fall into your midst that it might divide you from the darkness and the unreality that looms so large and real each day. O beloved, have pity on yourselves once in a while but not too often, for the angels weep for you and therefore you need not overindulge [in self-pity]; for on the heels of the divine pity comes resurrection's morn. Aye, prepare for it this year. Enter into your Lenten fasts{95} and know that the purging, purifying power of God will bring you to the moment again and again each year of the celebration of Good Friday and your own acceptance of a few hours on the cross with Christ that you might also be with him on resurrection's morn. Follow the course that the saints have taken. Follow the course the Messenger has also chosen - to be crucified and to be reborn, to die daily and be resurrected - and know that resurrecting spirit, even the great Spirit of the Resurrection, who dwells in the heart of the Great Central Sun. Every spring the power of the resurrection is able to renew your bodies and minds and cells. Oh, it is a glorious advent we look forward to, that day of the risen Christ when you confirm your own immortality, your own freedom from sin, disease and death, your own freedom to be in this life in this body and yet not partake of the poisons of death but lead a planetary home and the legions of Light in embodiment and all souls of beauty and truth up the mountain of God, up the mount of the Presence. Oh, what joy to be among the angels of resurrection's flame! What joy, my beloved! For the buoyant flame of the mother-of-pearl radiance does distill the essence of your being and cast the dross into the violet fire. Thus resurrection flame and violet flame, purple fire and Ruby Ray and the Light of Helios and Vesta commingle that you might know yourself more alive, more filled with the spirit of love, more in the joy, each and every hour, of being the conquering hero and heroine, knowing that each and every day you are challenging, being challenged and yet God in you is always the victor. It is a mighty opportunity, this lifetime you have. May you experience the joy, go back to the joy and absolutely refuse to be taken down into a condition of nonjoy anywhere or anytime! Yes, beloved, be that bubbling fountain of resurrection's flame and have that essence to give to all whom you meet. People have so much pain and you have so much, with [your calls to the] violet fire, so much joy of angels to give back to them. I, then, must tell you that it is a moment of opportunity as Saint Germain gives dispensations to you to bring in to [the path of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters] those to whom he would also give his dispensations. It is time for new [souls to climb the] rungs on the ladder and it is time to contact new [souls who will advance on] rings of light from rings farther out. Let them come to the center and have their turn [to sit by] the fire at the central altar of God. Happy are ye who extend your life by wisdom, by temperance, by sobriety and peace, by not engaging in the excesses of the world. Extend your life, then, to give hope and more hope - hope to the world, hope to those of Light, hope to those who sin who can be spun around by the Holy Spirit to face their God and face their Presence and put all the shadows behind them. You live in a time when anything is possible and nothing is impossible with God! You live in a time of miracles and change and alchemy, when the whole world is in a state of flux. And none may know what the configuration of so many planets in mid-January 1994 shall bring.{96} What shall it bring to you less than a year away and what are the signs six months before and after? Consider these things, beloved. Consider how quickly events move in the earth, how changes come suddenly as sudden destruction that cometh upon a people who are not prepared.{97} Saint Germain reminds me to tell you that being prepared at all levels of your life establishes profound peace and a centeredness in God and the ability to know that you will deal with any calamity, any good omen that comes your way. For, beloved, centered in God, you can make your peace and know that you will be where you are intended to be no matter what the octave, no matter what the day of the LORD's sudden appearing to the earth or the earth body. I speak not in any way to suggest hard times or sudden cataclysms. But I speak to you in a world that is always uncertain, a world that is rocked by karmic conditions and returning karma that comes due from ancient days and ancient peoples who have worked great darkness in the earth. Their karma must descend even as the good karma of the Lightbearers must also descend. So I survey the heavens and the earth and the sea and the depths of the astral plane. From the eye of an Archangel, which is the Eye of God, it is not difficult to see causes set in motion long ago coming full circle in these days. Thus the decade of the nineties moves on and that decade shall unfold prophecies already told, perhaps mitigated in a mighty way because some of you - I dare hope many of you - have come to the realization that there is no issue, no circumstance, no war, no cataclysm whatsoever that you cannot tackle ahead of time in concerted effort and therein win a victory for Hercules in your labors. Yes, you have done it before. Only believe! Only believe in the power of the Seven Archangels to assist you! Only believe in the power of Elohim. Only know that if you hear of the darkest darkness and the worst of worst calamities, there is yet hope to turn around conditions. There is yet hope to overcome the seemingly impossible, unsolvable problem. It simply requires the centeredness, the determination, the fire of the eye, the will, the set of the heart that says: I will not say die! I will not give up or give in! For the sake of my children, my household, I will not be moved. We will be in the heart of Moses and we will serve the LORD.{98} We will serve the LORD. We will know his name I AM THAT I AM and we will trust in him. Have that trust, beloved. Have it in all things. Fear and doubt and anxiety disturb all of your being and then you cannot precipitate, whether it be abundance or supply or even joy and happiness, because the worry, worry, worry disturbs the waters of your alchemy and you can no longer see the reflection here below of that which is above. Therefore how shall it crystallize, even by the power of the All-Seeing Eye of God? May you invoke [the All-Seeing Eye of God]! And invoke it again. But be certain that if that Eye is to bring into materialization, according to the nine steps of Saint Germain's alchemy,{99} all that you need to accomplish your goals in this life, you must affirm: Peace, be still and know that I AM God! Speak, then, to the untransmuted self! Speak, then, to the undisciplined self! Speak, then, to your members that are not yet in the cauldron of the violet flame! Speak to your four lower bodies! Speak to those naughty habits and say: Peace, be still and know that I AM God! And when you say it, beloved, know that you are affirming the I AM Presence in yourself. Not just above you but in you, through you, as you, the LORD God does reign in your temple! I, Uriel, proclaim it and I say to you: Wherever you are, when you know that, you are the victor over Death and Hell, you are the victor over every circumstance and every possible karma that could come upon you. You will defeat that karma by plunging into it, balancing it, atoning for it! Yes, the day of atonement is at hand. Atone, then, for sin and karma. Replace it with Light! Assign yourself those calls for this Community. Let there be the binding of false teachings - false teachings in the realm of Christianity and every other world religion! Let the true Light of the Divine Manchild appear! Thus when there is a rumbling and a grumbling in the self, the not-self, you say to it, even to your own dweller-on-the-threshold that rears its head just above the surface of the mind: Peace, be still and know that I AM God! The God that is in you is able to overcome every lesser manifestation. Prove it now! Do not dally with the not-self! You have tarried with Saint Germain. You need not tarry with your human creation - no, not a day longer, I say! The violet flame is active in this place. The violet flame is active in your sanctuary. Give yourself a good soak, I say. Soak in the violet flame! Soak in that purifying fire! And emerge a new creature in Christ,{100} a new bodhisattva on the Path. Emerge, I say, from your nocturnal retreat to the violet flame cauldrons [on the etheric plane]. Yes, be washed clean and made whole [in those cauldrons] as in the pool of Siloam.{101} Yes, indeed, beloved, for an angel hath troubled the waters{102} this night and I AM that angel. And I trouble the waters of your emotional body to purge that emotional body of all despair and disappointment and depression. And I come to assist you in dealing with your psychology. Yes, beloved, you do not have to deal with it for the rest of your life every day and every hour. After all, it is an assignment that you accomplish and put behind you because you have the added input of knowing that God dwells in your breast! The Atman is here within your heart, here within my heart! And the sword of Uriel is there to protect you. So what have you to fear but fear itself? Well, I should say, another concern and a very lawful concern you should have is goal-fitting for the fulfillment of your divine plan in this life. Therefore, put into perspective everything about yourself - the lesser and the greater, those things that don't matter. And when Jesus comes to walk and talk with you, he will say what he said long ago: "What is that to thee? Follow thou me!"{103} I AM the Lord's instrument. When the Lord Christ does decree the judgment of certain fallen ones whose time has come, he calls me to his presence and he says: "Uriel, I have summoned you this day. Go forth, then! Bind that company of fallen ones with all of your hosts! For they may no longer walk the green earth nor interfere with these my little ones." When we receive the command of our captain, so we do go forth in the name of the Saviour for the binding of those fallen ones who may have tormented you and you for long centuries. Therefore know that the hour of the reward of the saints and the prophets is come.{104} It is come, beloved, and it comes day by day. Rejoice to see the salvation of your God in your temple and in your soul! Rejoice that life is real and that we the Archangels move among you and that you are not alone! How often we hear hearts say, "I am so very lonely." I speak of those in the world who have no polestar of reality to cling to, to go to, no tree of life to hide under; for they have not knowledge, neither self-knowledge nor the knowledge of God. What a pity, beloved! You have this teaching locked in the locket of your heart. I say, unfold it. Be prepared to meet those who need you. Get out of yourself, I say! Get out of yourself and onto the Path, looking for those of far less comfort and joy, far less teaching and self-knowledge. Impart, impart, impart again, directed by the Holy Spirit to speak or not to speak. Yes, go forth empowered this night. I empower the Christ of you and the real you and the part of you that is whole and one with that Christ. For some part of that little child within and that little one who is the babe of yourself, some part of that one is already a part of your Christ. Some part of your inner adult is a part of that Christ. Each and every day let another crumb of self return to the whole loaf of being so that you also, in the footsteps of your Lord, might break the bread of Life - life that is everlasting, life that is holy, joyous, life that is wisdom in action, life that is love and more love and greater love. How does your love grow? It grows because you feel God's love for you and that love is so great, so profound, so merciful, so forgiving, so all-encompassing that what can you do? - what can you do with such a love except to share it with all whom you meet to heal the suffering heart, to comfort those who are under the false belief that they are alone? I smile, beloved, for I look upon every heart of Light upon earth. And for a moment I am saddened that some of these hearts have found no way to connect with a path that they know is somewhere for them. Remember when you place your head to rest upon your pillow - remember to offer that final prayer that every heart of Light on earth might find that perfect path to the heart of God and to his I AM Presence and, most of all, that these hearts of Light might know the joy flame, the violet flame that is the key to the balancing of karma and to their resurrection and ascension in this life. Now the Buddha of the Ruby Ray does stand at this altar, and you may now see legions of Ruby Ray angels dressed in a beauteous rose and white fire. And they come, beloved, for by the Body and Blood of Christ they are purging the earth, and our bands from all over the near universe do join them. And change is taking place in the earth. And happy are ye who have supported our coming and attended these meetings and listened with your inner ear and heart to the teachings of the Archangels. Happy are ye who have met again those of us whom you have known for aeons. We are happy, for this is the kind of forum whereby we may come to the cities and deliver the true and righteous judgments of God that life might be set free. To set life free I am come and you are come! Therefore we join together in holy purpose. Legions of Uriel, angels, Ruby Ray beings of Light and the Buddha of the Ruby Ray - one and all we offer to you our friendship, our pact of friendship. We bind ourselves to God and to the God within you. Know, then, that when we give our friendship, we do not take it away. We are loyal friends. We will never betray you but we will give you our trust. Thus, beloved, you need not ever walk alone again, for God in the person of his angels will always be at your side. Don't forget to call to us in every matter. So I seal this dictation and my prayer for you that you be not forgetful to entertain strangers,{105} for we shall be there, we your angels. And you shall entertain our presence and we shall bond our hearts with your hearts. Keep the fire! And speak to the lesser self often: Peace, be still and know that I AM God! Therefore say it in the name of Uriel and Aurora. [Congregation affirms with Archangel Uriel:] In the name of Uriel and Aurora: Peace, be still and know that I AM God! Peace, be still and know that I AM God! Peace, be still and know that I AM God! The sword, beloved, is the inverted cross. By the sign of the cross and the crown we conquer, and by the sword we pierce unreality that reality might appear. So it is done! And we move on to other places in other octaves where souls of Light such as you await our coming. May God bless you forever! I seal you every one in the path of your ascension. Go for it! Go for it, for this is your window of opportunity! - [26-second standing ovation] This dictation by Archangel Uriel and Aurora with Angels of the Resurrection attending was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, February 20, 1993, during a weekend seminar, How to Contact Angels - Your Guides, Guardians and Friends Part 1, held at the Park Inn International in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The dictation followed the Messenger's lecture "How Angels Help You to Effect Personal and Planetary Change." [N.B. In this Pearl, bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under the direction of Archangel Uriel and Aurora for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom. "Saint Germain On Alchemy" (lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet) Videocassette: 2 cassettes, 3 hr. 38 min., V8607-0. Audiocassette: 3 cassettes, 4 hr. 16 min., S86096. ***** 11.1 I AM the Witness - March 14, 1993 ***** Vol. 36 No. 11 - I AM the Witness - March 14, 1993 I AM the Witness Home at Last! Beloved Mother, I have never told you my story. I thought that you might like to hear it. I also wanted to tell you how much I appreciate being a member of your staff and what being a part of this Community means to me. I remember leaving the Mystery School a long time ago. It is a dim memory but I recall saying to my beloved that I wanted to leave. I was frustrated and wanted some excitement. I thought that I was only going to be gone for a little while. My beloved cried. He knew that it would be longer. I was proud and did not want to lose face. I insisted that I was going and so I left. I think that it has been many lifetimes since I have been in a Mystery School of the Brotherhood. When I left I had no idea that the journey would take me so far or that it would take so long to get back. I don't think that anyone knows this when they leave the Brotherhood or the Path. But my twin flame knew. As a little girl in this life, I lay on the beach one day and saw a glimpse of the greater plan. I became worried that I might get lost again and forget. I prayed to Jesus and the saints to keep me on course. From then on I looked for the Path. I longed for peace, constancy and stability. I no longer craved excitement. I had had my fill of it. It had not brought me what my soul really desired. Ten years ago I returned to the Mystery School in this life. It was Maitreya's Mystery School at the Inner Retreat. The same old feelings arose within me. My own dweller-on-the-threshold did not want me to stay. I did not seem to experience all the joys of the Path that other chelas did. This joy came later for me. At Summit University I began to understand some of the problem. In his January 27, 1985 dictation, "Remember the Ancient Encounter," the Ascended Master Kuthumi gave teaching on the dweller-on-the-threshold (1985 Pearls of Wisdom, no. 9). He explained how we have created the dweller-on-the-threshold and what it means to slay that dweller. Over many lifetimes, by free will in our words, actions and desires, we have created momentums that have built the antithesis of Self. Through ignorance, absence of tutoring and just plain forgetfulness, we have made wrong choices and created our own electronic belt of misqualified energy. Kuthumi said: "In the eye of that vortex of misqualified energy ... is the point of consciousness and identity that emerges as the collective consciousness of all misdeeds. ... Thus, the collection of actions has a collective consciousness, and the dweller is the collective manifestation of all that has been in error. It emerges as an identity. ... This identity is the impostor of the soul and of the Christ Self." The Ascended Masters and the Messenger come to woo the soul away from unreality so that the soul can begin to see through its own Christ intelligence what is unreal. Kuthumi continued: The action to deny that which is unreal is fraught with the burdens of the individual's psychology. And thus, sometimes hard lessons - burning in the trial by fire, pain in this world - must convince the soul that Life is more important and therefore that one must let go of certain situations and conditions and beliefs and comfortabilities. We move the soul as close to the precipice of knowledge of Absolute Good and Absolute Evil as is possible, at the same time to preserve the integrity of the soul and not to cause that one too much fear, too much awareness of the great Darkness within that opposes the great Light. Thus, beloved hearts, the slaying of the dweller. Not all at once but little by little. And this is something you should be aware of, though you have been told before. Each day, according to the cosmic cycles, a little bit of the head of the dweller emerges above this dark pool of the electronic belt. It is a still darkness, and one can see perhaps the head or the ear or the eye or the nose of this dweller, this self-created monster. You see this, then, in your own actions and reactions. You see it in the musings of the mind - sometimes only a telltale ripple on the surface or perhaps the tail when the beast has dived to the bottom. Thus, you must listen and watch what is lurking. And as soon as you find a tendency to fear, to be jealous, to become angry or whatever, go after it as the tip of the iceberg! Work at it! This work is truly a profound work of the Spirit. It is not easy always to be on the path of confrontation. Kuthumi offered us his assistance. He announced that he had received the dispensation and assignment from Lord Maitreya to help each of us individually in our physical health and in the healing of our psychology. He said, "From this hour, if you will call to me and make a determination in your heart to transcend the former self, I will tutor you both through your own heart and any messenger I may send your way." I took Kuthumi's offer to heart and called to him whenever I needed help. I found that Kuthumi's assistance was indeed ever present. When I first arrived at the Royal Teton Ranch, I met the person whom I was destined to marry in this life - but I did not know it at the time. I remember our first meeting. An inner voice said to me, "This is the person that you should marry." But I said to the voice, "No, I don't think so." I did not think that he was the person for me. I was still proud. I totally forgot this conversation until years later. By that time we had been married for six months. During a staff decree session to beloved Mighty Astrea, I recalled that an inner voice had indeed spoken to me when we first met. I stayed for two levels of Summit University. At the end of Level II you said to me, "I wish that you would not go." Perhaps you could see that if I left again I might be lost once more. I said to you, "I love you, Mother, but ..." Then I explained that there was a course of study that I thought I had to pursue. I later heard you say that recorded on many reels of your Christ mind were the words spoken by chelas: "I love you, Mother, but ..." And the "but" was the alternative to the will of God. Jesus and Magda dictated at the end of our quarter of Summit University, December 7, 1984. The dictation was entitled "A Torch of Responsibility" (1984 Pearls of Wisdom, no. 62). Jesus spoke of twin flames who had left the Mystery School and how the Masters have provided here at the Royal Teton Ranch what they consider to be the safest matrix for the resolution of inequities within us, the mastery of our psychology and the building of the Deathless Solar Body. Jesus gave us what he called "the great gift of our heart" - the coil of fire: Now I come with Magda and we offer unto you the great gift of our heart. And we desire, therefore, to explain this gift. In the past we have noted that some who have desired to give of themselves were not fitting candidates because of momentums of the human consciousness. A portion of the self desires to serve; the other portion of the self desires to be in the world, whether because of its karma or because of habit or because of desire - all of which amount to the same thing: the cause/effect cycles in Matter. Thus, there is an expression of a willing heart. Thus, there is the pulling back from the level of the subconscious by the not-self that will not say die. And the soul betwixt the two is not able to resolve [the dilemma]. And therefore, because of the pressure of its own karma, the soul must go forth - out the door, out the gate. It must separate itself from the fiery altar because the very not-self is so resistant to the descent of the Great God Self. Now, beloved ones, this presents a serious problem for the Community as well as for the Messengers. For the Messengers have no desire to wrestle with those who have not wrestled with themselves. And therefore, they cannot retain as a part of their staff and as a part of the community of co-workers those who have these unalterable divisions and these dichotomies. This, therefore, is our commitment and our gift - that those who find they have the division within the members, pulling this way and that - which the apostle Paul spoke of so understandingly, so personally and so poignantly - may then call to us and ask for the transfer of the coil of fire. Note the word: coil of fire - the coil of myself and of beloved Magda representing the Alpha, the Omega. When these are meshed, they form the divine caduceus. These two coils are of gold. They are of gold as you would visualize golden wire of the purest, finest quality of gold with no alloy. Thus, this brilliant, sun-fire gold coil meshed together forms the caduceus of Alpha and Omega. It is not large. These coils are precisely the size large enough to surround each one's physical spinal column from the base unto the crown. Now, those sincerely desiring to pass over the dark night and the astral plane of their karma and downward momentums, those who desire to transmute all of this through divine service and chelaship, those who would vow the vow of obedience, chastity and poverty may therefore appeal for this gift. We will supply it. And by the coil of gold, by this coil of fire, beloved hearts, and by your pursuing the path of the novitiate, of the holy brother and the holy sister of the divine order, you may reach that point, by the coil and by service, of the transmutation of those elements of being that pull in all directions as horses going in diverse corners who will not submit to the discipline of the driver. Beloved hearts, this has been the knotty problem. This has been the point of confusion. Thus, those who desire to give the most, often have the least to give because there is not this resolution. On the other hand, those who have the most to give and the greatest developed potential professionally often desire not to stay because their desires are to capitalize upon their attainment in the world itself. So you see, beloved hearts, there is a realization that outer attainment is a temptation away from the central altar and the central flame. Now, we would not interfere with free will by our message this day. We come in answer to your calls to enable you to better come into alignment with your free will by having a superior knowledge and a wisdom, a perspective spanning the ages, and a rightful equation of what truly is in the world. I did not apply the message. By my own free will, I left the Mystery School after Summit University. As soon as I returned home I realized my mistake. I felt that I had burned my bridges behind me. I sat on my bed and cried. I had to wait another three years before I had the funds and the opportunity to return. In the meantime I had created new obligations that had to be fulfilled. I worked hard, ran a study group for students of the Ascended Masters and had a demanding full-time job. I daily said the mantra "I refuse to be separated from the Mother of the Flame. I refuse to be separated from the children of the Light." Our study group held introductory classes for new students every Monday. We rotated the eight lectures from the Handbook for Ministering Servants and held a different class each week. Every eighth week I played your teachings on twin flames and soul mates for the new students. I learned them almost by heart. One gem that stuck in my mind was a statement made by Chamuel and Charity, the Archangel and Archeia of the Third Ray of God's Love, in their February 14, 1986 dictation (1986 Pearls of Wisdom, no. 26): "That ye love one another as I have loved you" is the word of your own Christ Self spoken unto you and to your twin flame. For painful as it might be, beloved ones, I tell you, you are separated from your twin flame for one reason and one alone: You have not loved one another as Christ has loved you individually, and therefore the karma has produced the separation. Let perfect Love cast out the fear of aloneness and separation and parting. Let the violet flame invoked by you be said with the promise, "O God, never again may I injure or hurt or defile or speak unkindly to my beloved." But if the beloved be not at your side - oh, listen, sons and daughters of God - how can you atone for the sins of anti-Love? Christ Jesus gave you also the understanding, "Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me." The words pierced my heart. I felt that my case was hopeless. I would never find my twin flame and even if I did, he would not want me now. Nevertheless, I applied the teaching and kept going. At one point I thought that I wanted to marry a certain person, who was also a Keeper of the Flame. I felt I should be married, as people often do at a certain age of life. The wedding date was set but I had the feeling that all was not well. Not long before the upcoming wedding I had the good fortune to talk to you. I asked you what you thought. You told me that I had free will. When I told you that I really wanted to know what you thought, you told me to do a novena to beloved Cyclopea to discover the truth or error of this relationship. You said that people on your staff sometimes wait many years to find the right person to marry and that I should call for the true representative of Saint Joseph to be my husband. As you talked to me I realized what I had known in my heart: this person was not for me nor I for him. I broke off the relationship. You advised me to concentrate on balancing my karma and finding the Lightbearers. I took your advice although it was hard for me. I thought I would never marry. Recently, I happened to see the man I had almost married. He is now happily married with children. We both laughed and agreed that it would have been a disastrous marriage. I know well the feeling of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I knew that I belonged at the Inner Retreat but did not see how I could make it back. If only I had not left! It is easy to get caught up in other choices and other plans when you are in the world. There is not the same sense of co-measurement. According to the world's standards, I should have been very happy and even fulfilled. I was doing worthwhile work, but I woke up every day with the feeling that I was in the wrong place for me. I went to bed with that same feeling and I was not happy. Finally I knew I just had to come back. It took an almost herculean effort. You graciously accepted me on staff. Shortly before I arrived back at the Inner Retreat, my husband-to-be (but he did not know it) was decreeing in a staff Astrea session and had the vivid recall of his twin flame leaving the Mystery School. She had left to look for excitement! He did not know it was me but he forgave me for leaving him. He felt a great sense of relief. Oh, the benefits of the daily Astrea session! I had a meeting with you before I joined staff. Right after that meeting, I bumped into the man who was to become my husband. He had been on staff for some years by then. This time we "recognized" each other right away. We both knew that we were supposed to be together! Although we had met many years earlier, we had simply been friends. Now suddenly the veil was lifted. But we did not say anything to one another - we each wanted to have El Morya's blessing. I do not believe that I would have recognized my future husband so swiftly this time if it had not been for your intercession and the help of the Masters. I think that you lifted the veil of karma for us so that we could see the reality of our relationship. This was a turning point in my life. I realized in a deeper way that God really did want me to be happy. It was not love at first sight, but it was the inner knowing that you talked about in those twin flame lectures. We fell in love a short time later, and El Morya gave his blessing for us to be married. After we were married we realized that we were twin flames. It has been a joyous path for us. But as the twin flame lectures told me, finding your twin flame is not the instant solution! Along the way I have had to confront the very causes that I set in motion a long time ago. I have had to go through all of the feelings that I had when I first left the Mystery School. One by one they have surfaced: resentment, anger, a sense of injustice, fear, pride and hurt. There have been times when I thought they would overtake me. But this time no matter what happened, I knew that I was not going to leave. I was going to stay and fight it out. I learned to recognize old records. By God's grace, the tools have been there to deal with them. It has not been easy, and I know it will be an ongoing process until I make my ascension. I have received many blessings and benefits on staff. I am a lot happier than I ever was. I know that my health and stamina have improved. I no longer have the recurrent health problems that regularly sapped my energy. It is exciting to see how God meets my daily needs. I no longer have that nagging feeling that I am supposed to be somewhere else, although my carnal mind and the world consciousness will sometimes try to tell me so. I am learning to distinguish between the real me and the lesser me and to understand how "aggressive mental suggestion" really works. It is a very aggressive force of anti-Love that would try to take each one from the Path. I have felt especially blessed in the last year. Three recent dictations - by El Morya, Lanello and Lord Lanto - have been key for me. They have answered my prayers for the Masters' assistance in dealing with my psychology. El Morya's teaching on anger in his December 13, 1992 dictation, "A Report" (1992 Pearls of Wisdom, no. 68), helped me tremendously. El Morya explained that some form of anger against God is present in almost everyone without exception. The elements of anger are often hidden or suppressed to unconscious levels because we will not face up to the fact that we have anger against Almighty God. El Morya said that we often transfer that anger to others - either to a spouse or to a child or even to our own inner child, or soul - or we may direct that anger against the Messenger or the Church. El Morya said that we may have resentment because we feel we have been dealt a raw deal in life or because events did not happen in our lives as we wanted them to. This residual anger is based on the very condition of consciousness that will not let go and will not forgive. It is part of the livid anger of our own dweller-on-the-threshold and it can take us from the Path. When we are stuck at this point, the anger may then manifest as passivity or resentment. It may manifest in every manner of physical disease, emotional or psychological problem, inability to function, alcoholism, sugar and drug addiction, et cetera. El Morya told us: [Your failure to deal with anger] is an avoidance tactic. [It is your soul] avoiding [her responsibility] to face fair and square that no matter what has ever been done to the soul, it is the soul's responsibility to deal with her own reaction to what has been done to her. And if that reaction be anger, anger that is stored and [not surrendered to God], anger not only against individuals who have [supposedly] wronged the soul but also against God, then I say, beloved, you do have a problem. You have a problem and this is where the Path will stop for you. And I promise you because I love you, because I came this day to give you this enlightenment, that if you do not deal with this unconscious anger, it will be with you until you pass from the screen of life and it will be with you on into your next embodiment and the next and you will not make [your ascension until you deal with it]. El Morya gave us the solution to the problem: Thus, beloved ones, in the matter of unconscious anger and your dealing with it, I would suggest that when you are far enough along in your group or individual therapy, far enough along in the healing of your inner child, you tackle this. There must come a day and date in your life when you decide that you want to make your ascension, you want to balance 100 percent of your karma and, having done so, you want to be the master of your own psyche, your own soul, and of all the [karmic] levels and gradations and records of the past. And therefore, [you decide that] this is the hour for absolute resolution with your God. When you are ready to proceed, beloved, [with tackling your unconscious anger,] because this is a most serious condition, you will need to do so, whether in a group or individually, with a therapist who can guide you. For once you begin to open up this [compartment of the mind], beloved ones, and once you are mindful of [suppressed anger] and watchful for its [subtleties], you will be able to see [the spectre of] anger suddenly come up on the screen of your mind [to trigger your emotions]. And this time you will know that it is not directed at you from without, but you will know that it is coming from within. It is coming up [out of the unconscious] for transmutation. And you already have all the decrees [you need in order] to work with [the momentum of anger], but you also need [a qualified professional on the spiritual path] to guide you through the labyrinth [of your unconscious] and [bring you to] the understanding that bit by bit and piece by piece, [as you consciously deal with the root causes of anger, you can transmute that anger through your surrender to God and with your diligent use of the violet flame] Another great blessing came on New Year's Eve, December 31, 1992. Lanello announced a thirty-three-day dispensation in which he would descend with us into "the depths of the subconscious, the electronic belt, the astral plane and the unconscious." He gave us the "Call to Lanello to Descend the Spiral Staircase" (1993 Pearls of Wisdom, no. 2). This was a timely dispensation for all of us. Lanello said: Yes, be the deep-sea diver! Go down to those levels and ask to be taken this night not to retreats but to the caverns and canyons of your own subconscious and astral body and the unconscious, beloved. For this is the place that you must now revisit, the place where you who have remained here [in the Community] have the strength to go. [Yes, you have the strength] to descend with accompanying seraphim and members of the bands of Seven Archangels and to call for the exorcism of those points of darkness, neglected, long-forgotten, that still weigh you down as though you were yet carrying a burden on your back that you carried ten thousand years ago. And indeed you are, but you have forgotten that you yet carry that burden. On August 23, 1992, Lord Lanto told us that we can find everything that we need for our healing and wholeness right here at the Inner Retreat (1992 Pearls of Wisdom, no. 47). He said: Sometimes [the planetary effluvia] becomes heavy, beloved, and if you have not decreed from the depths of your being, you feel that weight. Thus, because you, by your single lifestream, hold the balance for so many, the force will gnaw at you: it will try to eat of you and it will attempt to put so much pressure upon you that [you begin to believe] your only recourse against that pressure, your only freedom from it to know peace of mind, is to give in to it. It is then that you decide for this or that seemingly legitimate reason that it is better that you be elsewhere on planet earth[ - anywhere else but at the Inner Retreat]! I discuss this with you, for I know - I am convinced because I see clearly - that as you wait upon the Lord in this retreat, all things will come to you, whether it is resolution of one kind or another or the [specific] therapy you need, or a spiritual quickening and enlightenment. Whatever the seeming lack, you will find it as you rise in the rings of light that move not only outward but upward. For me this has been so. I have found the parenting classes and the inner child workshops invaluable. I also see a staff counsellor for help, as El Morya recommended. The Masters have given us the tools to deal with the feelings that emerge from the subconscious. The dweller calls, the decrees and the Guru-chela relationship are there for us to use. Although I may not speak to you each day, Mother, I know you are there to help me if I make the daily call to your Electronic Presence. When I do meet you in the way, you always speak the exact words of wisdom I need to hear in that moment. Even when you talk to us as a group at a service or staff meeting, the Holy Spirit speaks through you to touch each heart personally. I know that you also minister to us at inner levels. I find that I need to be a student of all life and seek answers through the next Pearl I read or teaching I hear. I cry tears of gratitude as I write this to you. My sense is that it has been a long, long time since I have been Home. I can understand when people leave the Path or the Teachings or the staff of the Messenger in pursuit of "other things," but I wish I could tell them how long it may take them to return. In my case it took lifetimes. The "other things" are not as important as keeping the Flame. Lord Lanto told us in his August 23, 1992 dictation: "Keep the flame, beloved, of the Mystery School and know that each one of you who does tarry here does actually hold the balance for millions." I asked El Morya before his dictation on Sunday, December 13, 1992, to give me a sign that I was doing the right thing. I felt that I was but I needed reassurance. Others had told me that I should pursue a certain course of study in which I have an aptitude. The old aggressive mental suggestion again! Beloved El Morya blessed all of us with his answer. He said at the end of his dictation: "Keep the flame and do not be moved by the outer mind and the lower consciousness that tells you to go here, there and anywhere: Now is the time to stay with me at the altar of our God." I know that many staff members and Keepers of the Flame feel that way, too. There is no more important calling. Mother, I am ever grateful for the heavenly hosts and for your intercession. Truly we are bought with a price. With deepest gratitude and love, ****** Chapter 12 Beloved Archangel Michael - March 21, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 12 - Beloved Archangel Michael - March 21, 1993 How to Contact Angels - Your Guides, Guardians and Friends 4 Mother All Life Free! Come Back to the Path - The Straight and Narrow Way of the Initiate Be a Mountain Mover Hail, Keepers of the Flame of Life on earth! I, Michael, come to you in these Twin Cities. I come with legions of Light, and we do not expect to leave you or these cities as we have found you tonight! [31-second standing ovation] We come, then, in the hour of the Divine Mother. We come, therefore, that you might know the Divine Mother. Do know that millions suffer in the earth out of loneliness because they do not know the Divine Mother. O beloved hearts, when the soul has not been truly nurtured here on earth and the soul does not remember the heavenly nurturing, then it is difficult for the soul to embrace God - to embrace God as Mother or Father and to enter the Path. Therefore we come to nurture. We come to unveil to your inner sight the beautiful image of the Divine Madonna, who does care for you, does caress you. And in her presence you know no loneliness at all. Be seated, then, in the warmth of the Cosmic Virgin, even the Mother Omega. For, blessed hearts, the one true God is the Father-Mother God. So we who are the angels who enter the battles and defend life, we come in her name. We go forth from the altar of the Great Central Sun having received her benediction. So know, beloved, this is the hour to increase and tend the flame of the Mother in your own heart. I counsel you to use the rosaries that the blessed Queen of Angels has given to the Messenger for you. For this sense of mothering all life, whether you be male or female, and the sense of being mothered is what is most needed in this hour. [And you can achieve this sense through the daily rosary.] In the security of the arms of the Divine Mother, we can go forth, we can take on the enemy, we can charge into the darkness of the fallen ones across the galaxies; for we are secure in that flame, that maternal flame of eternal Life. Let your heart open, then, to be the chalice of the Mother! For all avatars who have gone before you have become the incarnation of the Word. And the Word who was with God in the Beginning with Brahman is the Divine Mother. Therefore know the tenderness, the compassion, the warmth and the teaching of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Though they be masculine in Spirit (and perhaps even in gender in their final embodiments), these have sought and found and passed through the initiations of Lord Maitreya, the initiations of the Divine Mother. The very mastery of the sacred fire does come forth out of the raising up of the Mother Light in your temple. How may I speak through the Messenger except the Messenger's Light of Mother be raised up and a Mother's heart be open to me in her and, therefore, [because it is so] you may feel the ultimate love of God and all of the legions of angels who descend from the throne of grace? This my scepter this day is known to you as the scepter of the Lord Christ. I come as shepherd in his name. I come as shepherd to guard the sheep from the wolves. [I come to guard you] from all that would defile you and dethrone you from that place of oneness centered in the heart. I come shepherding the millions of Lightbearers across the galaxies, and legions of Light join me. And we see those of you who have ties to others that crisscross the centuries and span the heavens that are far remote from here. The universes are vast. All of cosmos is still the chalice of the Mind of God, and the Mind of God is held in the chalice of the Divine Mother. Learn your lessons well. Learn the lessons of the great teachers of the ages. Learn the lessons of the Path. Do not forget the lessons learned from mistakes, costly mistakes, costly to you and to us. Do not neglect studying and restudying, for in the day and the hour of your victory, when you must come forth with only one answer, the right answer, you must know the [texts of the] Law and the ancient scriptures. And some of these you will find only in our retreats in the heaven-world, for they have been removed from the libraries of the world by rebel angels who would not tolerate your knowing [what Jesus knew]: "the fullness of the Godhead dwelling in you bodily"{106} - knowing that this is your lawful right as a son or daughter of God. Well, we will tell you in this hour that we have launched many a star from among earth's evolutions who began in a lowly place, in a humble place, and did make his way/her way up the golden stairway, up that spiral staircase, winding up the pole of being, mastering each of the chakras on the way, being filled with Light. And after all of this is through, beloved, what? I will tell you what. It is love in your heart, love of the Divine Mother that is merciful, that is just, that is kind - it is love that will win the day! And see that you ensconce that love in the tomes of the Law, the law of the will of God and the law of wisdom's might [and that with God you write it in your inward parts].{107} Yes, beloved, without Love nothing is possible to you. With Love all things are possible to you! Love, then, is that which would heal all the cracks, all the cracks in the structure of being. Only Love can put Humpty-Dumpty back together again. Only Love can reassemble the elements of your own psyche that you might look in the mirror and see not the cracked image but wholeness once again. Love is the medium of wholeness. Love is the light of the star of Venus. Love is the light of the grandest sphere of your Causal Body. So increase it. So know that it is an hour to consider the ultimate prayer of forgiveness. Truly it is an hour to let go! It is an hour to forgive the worst enemy and the best friend. It is an hour to bring to one's pillar of fire in the center, in the midst of the temple of being, all that must pass [into the flame] for transmutation. Why do I say it is an hour? Because the hours are timed and the Cosmic Clock bears witness. And as the days and hours move on, you will need, you will require, beloved, truly the gift of forgiveness as never before. Forgiveness shall liberate you. It shall separate you from those with whom you ought to have no further part. Yes, beloved, forgiveness is a letting go. It is a blessing of all life. It is a letting of God - [yes, let him] enter in and guide you each step of the way! The straight path is the straight and narrow way,{108} but you yet have treacherous paths of your own [circuitous] karma that you must walk. And because it is your karma, some of you must walk alone for a time. I bid you hasten your return to the straight and narrow way of your original convictions in God, truly the path of the initiate. You deserve to be the initiate, and yet what is lacking? Have you had an oversight? Is it an oversight that you have yet lingering in the folds of your garments - perhaps an anger that flashes forth, perhaps a pride that can yet be tempted, perhaps a rebellion that you have not silenced? Yes, beloved, all these things may you see as I place before you the starry night and the stars of the Milky Way as points [of reference]. Imagine them to be Causal Bodies of Light, each and every star and star system - Causal Bodies of sons and daughters of God who reign in the heavens and do not allow to trespass there those who follow the way of the angry generation. Come back to the Path! Come back and know, as you have been told a number of times, it is a moment, a moment of opportunity for resolution within. Go for that resolution, beloved, for if you are unresolved when the ultimate war or the ultimate enemy descends upon you, how will you meet it? You must be whole. The Divine Mother comes to assist you to become whole. The Messenger comes to assist you. Angels come, adoring ones who worship the Light of God in the heart of all whom God has made. Yes, beloved, it is a vast and starry universe. The night is midnight blue but the stars are shining. I would like to say that I can count each and every one of you as one of those stars; but some of you have chosen not to launch your star just yet, preferring rather to carry on in this dimension as though there were no tomorrow, as though there were no prophecies, as though karma should not descend and the Nature kingdom respond. All these things shall come to pass unless [you allow] the great intercessor, who is the Divine Mother acting and working and moving and praying through you [who are the very extension, the very embodiment of herself], to establish the inner discipline within your heart that will enable you to stand, to still stand, to have the power of the Word of God vested in you that you might say to the mountain: Be thou removed! O mountain of human karma, O mountain of karma of humankind, be thou removed and cast into the sacred fire this night!{109} I, Michael, declare it! I, Michael, send forth the fiat. So let the violet fire come forth! I also multiply that flame of the Seventh Ray by my Causal Body. So I say what you must one day say: O mountain of human-adversity/perversity consciousness, be gone! Be thou removed and cast into the sacred fire! For I know that I am a son, a daughter of God and I walk the Homeward path. You shall no longer stand in my way, for I am in the heart of Michael Archangel and Michael Archangel is in the heart of me! Therefore I pronounce the word of the Lord Christ: "If thou hast the faith, the faith as a grain of the mustard seed, thou shalt speak to the mountain and thou shalt say: `Remove hence to yonder place,' and it shall remove and nothing shall be impossible unto you."{110} Remember I have taught you, remember I have told you that if you do not think you can move mountains that assail the planet and the children and the people, call to us! We the cosmic seven, we come, we conquer and we obey the command of the Universal Christ. And insofar as that Universal Christ does dwell in you, then we say to the force of Antichrist dwelling in you: Be bound this day, you force of Antichrist! Be bound, you dweller-on-the-threshold! Be bound, you not-self! For we come authorized by the Christ of your being to seize and bind, therefore, that force [within you] which remains in opposition to that Christ. Abroad in the earth this day there are many [evil ones] who will have nothing whatsoever to do with angels or with God. Well, I tell you something: God and we have something to do with them and something to say to them! And we shall surely say it in the hour appointed by the Son of God and by the Holy Spirit. We shall say: Let them be bound, O God, for yet a little while, until the children and the servants of God should receive their reward and should now grow in grace and in strength and in the confidence of their [Christed] authority in the presence of the angels. Sin not, compromise yourself not, and see how you may walk with us and talk with us and even be empowered by us when you pass your tests in our retreats. There are many things that are subject to change in this hour, many I say. Where you see a problem in the earth, send forth a ray of light and the call. Remember the call to the Holy Kumaras, to Sanat Kumara to send the legions who await your command. Remember this mighty gift given on October 11 of this past year.{111} Remember the mighty action and the mighty gift, beloved. Send the legions of Light to do the bidding of the Lord Christ, and we shall! And we shall not fail and day by day you will see the mitigation of certain conditions in the earth. Others, beloved, are sorely entrenched, sorely entrenched. For these you must invoke the Elohim Astrea. You must invoke the mighty Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. You must invoke even the Ruby Ray. There is a decree and a fiat and a call and a sacred ritual for every possible situation. Therefore come and learn what is the antidote for each specific situation you face in life. God is a wondrous God! God dwells amongst and in his people. God is in the earth unrecognized. God is indeed everywhere, yet God is personified in the Atman within you. So you see, beloved, there is no time and space. There is no distance [between worlds]. Heaven is here on earth, for you have wooed heaven to this place by your love and songs, by your prayers and decrees and by your listening ear inclined to the teachings of the Archangels. It takes but the prayer of a little child to draw us to the earth. We will not leave one of these little ones. How shall we not leave you? [By sending our angels to your side - in answer to your call.] We shall not leave you who have been steadfast in the cause of Light for many lifetimes and in many embodiments. We shall not leave you, beloved, especially if you do not leave off giving your calls to the Light. Now, beloved, I speak to you of the seriousness of the hour. As others have spoken to you of the children, the blessed children, [so I also speak of them]. They must have the true and correct [spiritual as well as practical] instruction that they might grow up to know that God lives within them, that they might have their skills down pat and therefore enter institutions of higher learning, the marts of commerce and the arts, government and law, [science and health,] every area of human life and be there the presence of the living Christ. What will you do to rescue [the children] from a consciousness that is permeating the land as a stench? This consciousness is the consciousness of fallen angels who move against the youth of the world to defile their minds and hearts and souls and [bodies] to take from them the Light that is in them. O beloved hearts of living fire, be still now! Still yourself! Be still. Still your physical body, for I bring you the Light that is the antidote - I bring you the Light that is the antidote for all of these problems. But mark you well, there must be a continuity of the path of Light in the earth. Therefore pray for the youth, ere you yourself move on to other octaves and find that an entire generation is ultimately unprepared to take up the cause of Light in the earth. So it is true. So it goes back to the resolution within you of the living flame of the Divine Mother. The presence of the Mother in the earth is a necessity. I say to you, go and mother all life free! My angels stand before you now, so desirous to transfer to you that strengthening of the sword of blue flame, that action of the sacred fire whereby you can leave the stamp upon this civilization of the higher calling of the Lord and outsmart the fallen ones who have come as pied pipers to lead away the children into the darkness of Death and Hell through their foul music and other [misuses of] sound, [energy and consciousness]. Yes, beloved, receive my angels now. Receive them who stand before you, for they impart an inner knowing, an inner plan, the art of love and the design for victory. These go into your heart of hearts under the careful keeping of your Holy Christ Self. And as you meet and determine what shall be done, as you take counsel together and counsel with the angels and the Ascended Masters, so know that by and by you shall also be enlightened and empowered, within and without, to pursue this course, to make things right, to right the lives of millions because you have discovered the key whereby you may contact them and bring them back to the golden sphere of Light. That golden sphere of Light was part of a monument on Atlantis. All who embodied on Atlantis - and this includes most of those in North America today and many from all parts of the world - all remember the golden sphere of Light as a landmark and as something extraordinary, not of technology but almost as the [tangible] presence of the Light of the Son of God. Think upon that golden sphere of Light and go back to it, for it is a point of reference. And by that point of reference, you can also access your own Higher Mind and your momentums of achievement and of success in dealing with such conditions as you face today regarding the youth of the world. So, beloved, this is, after all, your world. It is your time and space. It is your one day with the Lord on the stage of life. I say, make the most of it! For only you can be seen, touched, felt. You are the ones who can love and caress. You are the ones who can care. I, Michael, charge one and all to offer prayers for the protection of this and every nation, for its government and people, for [divine direction for] a leadership ill-equipped to guide the destinies of nations in this decade and into the next. We already have our work cut out for us, beloved, for we know that unless we are there and unless you invoke us, the leadership will not be able to deliver in the face of the crises that shall yet come upon the earth. So know that we have appeared to many that in that hour when the people recognize that their leadership is incompetent, that their leadership will once again fail them for simply not having the vision or the Light or the ability to deal with the great Darkness, the people will turn in confidence to the angels of Light and hosts of the Lord, who even in those hours will become more visible that mankind might retain hope. Hope, then, is the sign of the year and the hour. Hope thou in him, your Lord and Saviour! Hope thou in your God Presence and holy angels, and be at peace. I AM Michael. Remember, I AM the mountain mover! I move mountains with you. Call to me and see what mountain we together shall remove each day. Let's do it, beloved, now! We are ready. Angels are ready. Now they touch the crown and the point of the brow and you are sealed. Thus, I take my leave, for many crises call me hither and yon. Yet, when you call, wherever I am I flash forth the ray [of blue/white light] that you might have that immediate reassurance that I AM Michael, Prince of the Archangels, servant of God and his Christ in ye all! [33-second standing ovation] This dictation by Archangel Michael with Angels of Protection and Faith attending was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, February 21, 1993, during a weekend seminar, How to Contact Angels - Your Guides, Guardians and Friends Part 1, held at the Park Inn International in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The dictation followed the Messenger's lecture "How Angels Help You to Protect Yourself and Those You Love." [N.B. In this Pearl, bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under the direction of Archangel Michael for clarity in the written word.] ***** 12.1 I AM the Witness - March 21, 1993 ***** Vol. 36 No. 12 - I AM the Witness - March 21, 1993 THE TIMES OF INDIA JANUARY 31, 1993 Svetoslav Roerich is dead [pearls1993-n12.jpg] By a Staff Reporter BANGALORE, Jan. 30: The internationally-renowned Russian painter, Dr. Svetoslav Roerich, who had made the city his home for the last several decades, died after a prolonged illness here today. Dr. Roerich, son of the world-famous master painter, Mr. Nicholas Roerich, was 89. He was born at St. Petersburg in 1904. He had worked under his father and later studied in Europe and America. While he studied in England for two years during 1918-20, he joined the Columbia University in USA to study art and later graduated at the School of Architecture at Harvard University. He migrated to India along with his father and had settled in the Kulu Valley. He moved to Bangalore and established a farmhouse, the Tataguni Estate, in the city outskirts on the Bangalore-Kanakaputs Road. The Russian painter married Mrs. Devika Rani, the grand-niece of poet laureate Dr. Rabindranath Tagore and the first lady of the Indian silverscreen during the silent movie era, in 1935. He is famous the world over for his landscapes and portraits. His paintings have been displayed at leading art galleries, museums and private collections throughout the world. His first art exhibition was held in USA in 1923 and was followed by several others in different parts of the world. In 1926, at the young age of 21, he was awarded the medal of "Sesquicentennial" composition at Philadelphia for his oriental compositions. In India, Dr. Roerich held his first exhibition at Lucknow in 1936. Dr. Roerich was conferred the Padmabhushan award in 1961. He was also honoured with the fellowship of the Central Lalithakala Academy and art academies of Bulgaria and Russia. Dr. Roerich's paintings titled 'Lush Valley of Kulu,' 'Lofty Himalayas,' and portraits of Mahatma Gandhi. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi, besides those of his father and wife, have been acclaimed internationally. Several of his art works have been displayed in the Parliament and even the Rashtrapathi Bhavan. Despite their international fame, the Roerich couple, who have been staying in a five-star hotel for the last two years due to illness, had been keeping a very low profile in recent years. The previous Bangarappa regime's move to acquire the over-45 acre Tataguni Estate and the paintings and artefacts by promulgating an ordinance hit media headlines and became a veritable controversy. The Central government is yet to clear the draft ordinance sent by the Bangarappa ministry for approval. The Roerich couple had formed a trust to preserve Roerichs' works in a bid to outsmart the Bangarappa ministry's move to acquire their property through an ordinance. The trust has 15 members, notable among them being the President, Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma, and the Russian President Mr. Boris Yeltsin. Dr. Roerich, who had contributed a lot in enlivening artistic activities in the city, had been made a lifetime trustee of the Karnataks Chitrakala Parishath's trust. He was instrumental in founding the College of Fine Arts here. The chief minister, Mr. M. Veerappa Moily, has, in a condolence message, said Dr. Roerich's paintings had made a priceless contribution in the consolidation of friendship and the development of cultural ties between the people of India and Russia. "In his death, the world and India in general and Karnataka, where he had been living for years, lost an excellent artist, humanitarian and a citizen of the world," he said. The deputy chief minister, Mr. S. M. Krishna, described Dr. Roerich as a prominent artist of this century who had settled in India despite his birth in Russia and said both India and Russia have suffered an irreparable loss in Dr. Roerich's death. The Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath president, Mrs. K. S. Nagarathnamma, has mourned the death of Dr. Roerich and said the art and cultural world, especially Karnataka, have become poorer in losing Dr. Roerich. Dr. Jeevaraj Alva, former minister and Janata Dal leader, who had been associated as one of the members of the Roerich Trust, said Dr. Roerich's death had created a void which could not be filled up. "Dr. Roerich was the gifted son of a great father, the legendary Nicholas Roerich, who painted the Himalayas as only a seer and a poet could have done. Dr. Roerich carried on his father's art in a bolder and bigger format, adding his own special touch to what he inherited," Mr. T. P. Issar, former state chief secretary and a long-time trustee of Karnataka Chitrakala Parrishath, said, suggesting that a suitable home for the great legacy of works of both Dr. Roerich and his father should be created in the city. NEW DELHI (PTI): The Prime Minister, Mr. P. V. Narasimha Rat, today expressed his profound shock and grief over the death of an internationally famous Russian painter, Dr. Syvatoslav Roerich, who made India his home. In a condolence message, Mr. Rao said in his death, India had lost a good friend and a great artist of the world. Spiritual insight shaped his genius TRIBUTE JAYANTH KODKANI Decades ago when Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was asked what thoughts crossed his mind during the landmark space flight, he replied: "I was reminded of Svetoslav's paintings." His works are endowed with the beauty of the cosmos, Gagarin had added. These words formed the greatest tribute one could pay to Svetoslav Roerich's spiritual insight and creative canvas. Even in demeanour - with his Hemingway beard, the visage of a saint and the build of an army general - Roerich radiated the ascetic calmness of a pilgrim on a journey to Plato's concept of absolute beauty. Like it is true of any artist, his motto was to be Nature's disciple. His home, too, was nestled in the outskirts of Bangalore, which "was not contaminated by the brush of civilisation." Art, however, ran in the blood. Though he was no visionary like his illustrious father, Nicholas Svetoslav followed in the senior's footsteps, by making a deep study of Oriental and Occidental philosophy. If his father's canvases were populated by the mystic figures of sadhus and Tibetan lamas, Svetoslav's works focused on common or popular Indians, and landscapes. His Shangri-la was his immediate natural surroundings. As he put it in an interview to this paper, some years ago: "Nothing can supplant nature. In following nature, one copes with the element of change-the sweep of evolution. Nature is always trying to find perfect combinations, better combinations. This can be the basis for regeneration." Another underlying factor in his approach was his staunch faith in the Christian idea of love. If his "Angels will sing again" reinforced the saying 'Love thy neighhour as yourself,' 'Triumph of Love' depicted the theme of sin in a new light. In keeping with his worldview, bolstered by the synthesis of Eastern and Western philosophy, Svetoaslav's paintings tended to exaggerate elements conveying ecstasy. His palette was intensely bright, his light effects almost expressionistic, but his thoughts were always simple but concrete. Dr. H. Goetze, in his assessment of Roerich, once wrote: "Normally he tries to convey his ideas by purely pictorial means, by a structure imperceptively evoking symbols, by a musical rhythm, by a colour not only intense, but appealing to emotions." His famous portrait of dancer Roshan Vajifdar in flaming scarlet and hard skin tones evoked a distinct sensuousness. So also his "Tribal Girl" in dark brown, set against a light green backdrop, effused dewfresh innocence. "There is no colour bright enough for me," Roerich would declare. "Colour is an important medium of portraying an idea. The more bright a colour is, the more effectively the idea can be put across." His works have been classified into many sections - landscapes, imaginative paintings, biblical and other compositions and portraits, but the last mentioned category has by far been the most avidly admired. Among those who were the subjects of his art included his father, wife Devika Rani, the first lady of the Indian screen, Jawahafial Nehru and Dr. S. Radhakrishnan. Portraiture, he believed, was a religious art. Composition, for him was best transmitted through human figures. He felt they animated the landscape, conveyed messages and imparted a sense of meaning and purpose to a work of art. Accordingly, human figures occupied the foreground in most of his other works as well. Even as connoisseurs valued his contribution to the field of art, they treasured his humanist attitudes to life. Roerich, who wrote widely on culture, was deemed to be the best ambassador of the erstwhile Soviet Union. On May 14, 1987, when the Roerichs met the Gorbachevs in Moscow, Pravda quoted the then Soviet leader as saying, "This meeting is our very old wish. If one returns to the beginning of Soviet-Indian relations, then the first flowering of friendship between these two countries is closely connected with the Roerich family." Though inactive as a painter in the dusk of his life, he retained the vitality of his vision. In that he echoed the words of his father: "The pledge of happiness for humanity lies in beauty. Hence, we assert art to be the highest stimulus for the regeneration of spirit. We consider art to be immortal and boundless." Today, after his passing away, his art will bear the torch of that belief. THE TIMES OF INDIA FEBRUARY 1,1993 Roerich to be laid to rest in Tataguni By a Staff Reporter BANGALORE, Jan. 31: The mortal remains of the internationally-renowned Russian painter, Dr. Svetoslav Roerich, who died after a prolonged illness at a private hospital here on Saturday, will be laid to rest in the Roerich couple's vast Tataguni estate, in the city outskirts along the BangaloreKanakapura highway, tomorrow. Though there was uncertainty as to whether the body of the 89-year-old world famous portrait and landscape painter will be flown to Delhi en route to Russia for funeral in his birthplace of St. Petersburg or taken to the Tataguni estate for burial for whole of today, it was decided finally a little past midnight that the funeral will be held in Bangalore itself. The body, presently kept in the Manipal hospital here, will be brought to the Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath (with which Dr. Roerich was closely associated during his lifetime and had served as its life trustee since his decision to settle down in Bangalore along with his wife, Mrs. Devika Rani, first lady of the Indian silver screen since the silent movie era) around 9 am and kept there till about 2 pm to enable his vast multitude of friends and admirers to pay their last respects. It will be later taken to the Tataguni estate and accorded a formal burial around 4.30 pm, sources close to Mrs. Devika Rani said. According to sources close to Mrs. Roerich, who herself is keeping poor health, a final decision on taking the body to Russia had not been taken as she was not in a position to travel the distance on account of her delicate physical condition. Doctors attending on her are believed to have cautioned against taking Ms. Roerich to Russia in view of her frail health, especially because of the sub-zero temperature in St. Petersburg, which is said to be in the region of minus 15 to 20 degrees C. Though Dr. Roerich, who had made India his home for well over half a century and had taken Indian citizenship despite being born in Russia, had reportedly expressed the desire when he was alive that he should be buried in his native St. Petersburg in the event of his death, there is a move to bury the body in the family's Tataguni estate, the sources said. The decision to have the burial in the Tataguni estate was taken in "accordance with madame's wishes." "Her decision is final and we have to abide by it. Madame is not in a position to fly to Russia and withstand the biting winter cold," the sources said. A high-level delegation of Russian diplomats, led by Mr. Alexander M. Kadakin, first minister and deputy chief of the Russian Embassy in Delhi, comprising among others Mr. Vladimir L. Sokolov, consul general of the Russian Federation in Madras, and Ms. Ludmila V. Shaposhnikova, vice president of International Centre of the Roerichs, Moscow, has arrived in the city this afternoon to make arrangements to take Dr. Roerich's body to Russia via Delhi. "Dr. Roerich is an eminent Russian. He is widely regarded and respected in Russia as in India and other countries. He had clearly expressed the desire to be buried in his birthplace of St. Petersburg at the St. Vladimir Cathedral in accordance with the Greek Orthodox Christian rites in the event of his death and we are keen to honour his wishes. We have made the necessary arrangements to take the body to Russia in close coordination with the Indian government," Mr. Kadakin told The Times of India. Mr. Kadakin, who has been recently appointed as the Russian Ambassador to Nepal and is due to take charge of his new post in April, said the Russian Embassy was acting in complete coordination with the highest authority in the Indian government. "We have been assured the complete and fullest support by the Prime Minister's Office and the External Affairs Ministry. We are not interested in acting against the Indian or international laws," he said, pointing out that the Russian President, Mr. Boris Yeltsin, was personally interested in ensuring that Dr. Roerich's body was brought to St. Petersburg in accordance with the latter's wishes. "We are not interested in grabbing the vast property belonging to Dr. Roerich or his wife. Our intention is to honour the wishes of Dr. Roerich and help his wife and the only surviving Roerich, Mrs. Devika Rani, whom we treat as equal to Svetoslav. We are keen to preserve the Roerich heritage, his valuable paintings, archives and rare collection of books. It is not our intention to take them to Moscow. We will fully abide by Dr. Roerich's wishes as expressed in his last will with the full consent of Mrs. Devika Rani," he asserted. The Russian diplomats have approached the chief minister, Mr. M. Veerappa Molly, to help them in carrying out the wishes of Dr. Roerich to have his burial in his birthplace and have informed him that a special plane was being flown from Russia to take the body. "We have spoken to Mrs. Devika Roni and have explained the position to her. We are waiting for the final decision from her side. The arrival of the special plane is confirmed. In the meanwhile, we have contacted our Embassy in Delhi as also Moscow," Mr. Kadakin said, when contacted over the phone late in the night. Meanwhile, Mr. Moily made it clear that the government would extend its full cooperation in fulfilling the last wishes of Dr. Roerich. "Mrs. Devika Rani and her secretary had told me that they wanted to take the body to Russia. I believe the same had been conveyed to the Centre and the Russian Embassy in Delhi. l am not aware of any change in the plans. We would like to go by the last wishes of Dr. Roerich, which had been confirmed by Mrs. Devika Roni when I spoke to her," he said. It is learnt that top bureaucrats and police officers had met Mrs. Roerich in the night to ascertain her wishes. Mrs. Roerich is also believed to be under pressure to accede to the demands of the Russian Embassy and indirectly the desire of the Russian President, Mr. Boris feltsin. "No firm decis[on has been taken yet. It will be decided tomorrow," said a senior police official after his meeting with Mrs. Roerich. But according to sources close to Mrs. Roerich, the plans for having the burial at Tataguni Estate were still valid. "We cannot allow Mrs. Roerich to suffer the ordeal of the arduous travel and the biting Russian winter cold," the sources added. Mr. Kadakin, when contacted by The Times of India over the phone after midnight, confirmed that they have been informed of Mrs. Devika Rani's wishes. "Yes we have been informed about the burial being held in Bangalore itself contrary to Dr. Roerich's express wishes. We will respect her decision. What can we do? We will pay our last respects to Dr. Roerich," he said. Mrs. Mary Joyce Poonacha, private secretary to Mrs. Roerich and the Roerich couple's general power of attorney holder, admitted that plans had been made to take the body to Russia for burial at St. Petersburg until yesterday. "But we were not aware of the climatic conditions there. After being informed about the winter climatic conditions, we cannot afford to risk madame's life. She herself decided that the burial should be held in the family Estate. After all, Dr. Roerich's father, the great master painter, Mr. Nicholas Roerich, was cremated at Kulu in India. Moreover, Dr. Roerich is an Indian citizen and it is natural that his mortal remains should remain in the land which he loved and where he lived for the better part of his life," she added. THE TIMES OF INDIA FEBRUARY 2, 1993 Roerich laid to rest with state honours By a Staff Reporter BANGALORE, Feb. 1: The world famous Russian painter, Dr. Svetoslav Roerich, who died on Saturday after a prolonged illness, was buried with full state honours at the Tataguni farm estate established by him along with his wife, Mrs. Devika Rani, in the city outskirts on the BangaloreKanakapura highway today. The embalmed body of the master painter, who had won international acclaim for his portrait and landscape paintings, was kept at a flower-decked platform in front of a picture of Jesus Christ at the Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath for public darshan and homage for over four hours this morning. Hundreds of people, young and old, including the chief minister, Mr. Veerappa Moily, the chief secretary, Mr. J. C. Lynn, and several top dignitaries lined past the body and offered their floral tributes to the departed doyen of art. Dr. Roerich, who had taken Indian citizenship and had made Bangalore his home for well over half a century, was honoured with a traditional Mysore peta on his body as a befitting tribute to the renowned artist's love for Karnataka's art, culture and people. The Russian ambassador, Mr. Anatoly Drukov, who flew to the city from Delhi this afternoon following the change in plans of taking the mortal remains of Dr. Roerich to Russia for the funeral rites at his birthplace of St. Petersburg in view of the frail health condition of the 86-year-old Mrs. Devika Rani, offered a floral tribute to the artist on behalf of the Russian government. Mr. Drukov's deputy, Mr. Alexander M. Kadakin, the first minister in the Russian embassy in Delhi, who was closely associated with the Roerich couple, Mr. Vladimir L. Sokolov, Russian consul general at Madras, and Mrs. Ludmila V. Shaposhnikova, vice president of the International Centre of Roerichs and the director of Roerich Museum at Moscow, who had come to take Dr. Roerich's body to St. Petersburg, also placed wreaths and paid their tribute to their countryman. Wreaths were also placed on behalf of the President, Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma, the Prime Minister, Mr. P. V. Narasimha Rao, and the governor. The hearse carrying the body was taken to the St. Gregorius Orthodox Church on the Hosur Road from the Chitrakala Parishath around 2.30 pm for a religious prayer service. Rev. Dr. K. C. Joseph and Rev. Dr. V. C. Samuel, the pastors of the church, conducted the prayer service in Malayalain. The artist's ailing wife, Mrs. Devika Rani, the first lady of the Indian silver screen since the silent movie era, who has been generally confined to her five-star hotel room in the city since the last two years, was present at the church for the prayer service. The Russian ambassador and other diplomats as well as several other dignitaries participated in the prayer service. The body was taken to the Tataguni estate from the church and kept in the Roerich couple's vast farm house for about half-an-hour to enable the local people and employees of the estate to pay their homage to the departed. The Russian ambassador eulogised the contribution of Dr. Roerich before the burial, which was preceded by a full guard of honour from policemen. Mrs. Devika Rani bade her farewell to her loving husband before the coffin was placed in the ground around 5.30 pm. Mr. Perikal Mallappa, minister for tourism, placed a wreath on behalf of the state government. The city police commissioner, Mr. C. Lal, and Mr. T. Jayaprakash, Bangalore rural district superintendent of police, who were present at the spot, supervised the arrangements. Remember to Call to Angels of the Word Well, angels are in the news! And I would like to testify to the improvement in my day when I call to the angels to attend me. I have a regular list each day: Angels of Victory, Healing, Rejuvenation, Regeneration, Coordination, Ingenuity - Angels of the Resurrection, Angels of the Transfiguration. One can think of many more. And when I remember to call to Angels of the Word to work through decree leaders and the congregation, is it only my imagination that there is a sudden upsurge of energy in the decree session? I think not. Praise God for the presence of the angels in our midstl But to get their full benefit we must call to them to help us. I always remember beloved Portia's September 3, 1972 dictation in which she said: Millions of angels stand ready to be invoked! Do you know, dear hearts, they are so anxious to assist you, to assist all mankind! But some among these angels have stood with their armour, their shield, their swords of flaming fire, waiting upon the hillsides of the world; and some have stood for a thousand years waiting to enter into the fray - simply because no one upon earth has invited them to join in the battle .... Send them! For they speak this day with a loud cry and they say to each one of you: "Send us! Send us! Send us! For we will to go forth to challenge injustice everywhere in the name of the Christ within each one of you." Let us remember to call to them for help in our lives and for the saving of the planet. And most especially let us make use of the recent dispensation to call to Sanat Kumara to send forth the Archangels of the seven rays, the Archangels of the five secret rays and Uzziel and their legions for the binding of all Evll opposing our youth and children and for the binding of the cause and core of Evil on the planetary body. I write this because I think that we cannot be reminded enough to do this. And let us make sure that all Lightbearers come to know of these wonderful dispensations. ****** Chapter 13 Archangel Gabriel and Hope with the Keeper of the Scrolls - March 28, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 13 - Archangel Gabriel and Hope with the Keeper of the Scrolls - March 28, 1993 How to Contact Angels - Your Guides, Guardians and Friends 5 Build upon the Rock of Christ Prepare for the Life Everlasting "I Pledge to Fight World Terrorism and to Stop War at Every Level" Ho, angels of the Sun! I AM descended into your midst. And I come with Hope and I come with angels of glory. I come with untold legions. And I come to forestall world chaos and world anarchy. Therefore, as I speak to you, so I plant my rod in the earth and I send angels of God, fully armoured in the armour of Justinius of the seraphic hosts. I send angels to the levels of the astral plane, to levels of minds insane, distorted, disjointed, minds incapable of holding to the honor flame of God - the very flame of honor, order and sanity, beloved. The defilement of the Mind of God by anyone has to do with that one's relinquishment of his point of contact with the Divine, who is the Atman, truly the inner one who is God. The Atman abides in that sacred place within your heart that is called the secret chamber of the heart. That place is the point of balance where the Threefold Flame of the Trinity abides. Do not lose that balance! Do not compromise the Power, Wisdom and Love of the Godhead focused in that flame. Do not allow your Threefold Flame to be extinguished in a moment's anger, for one day the price you will pay for this sacrilege may be the ultimate price - the loss of your soul. O beloved hearts, the effects of karma move in the earth. And the sign of the explosion at the World Trade Center in New York this day{112} is one of chaos and anarchy. It is the sign of an insanity generated by the angry ones whose anger rumbles at sublevels of the basements of the underworld, where the levels of Death and Hell pile one upon the other. Therefore I speak to sons and daughters of God, you who have been sanctified by the one whom God has sanctified: One and all, ye have known - whether in this two thousand years or ten, twenty or thirty thousand years ago - the touch, the eye, the glance of your living Saviour, Jesus Christ. You have known that contact and by that contact some of you have been sanctified, though not all.{113} Some of you - and I speak to a world and a planet and not only to those gathered here in the manger of this hotel - some of you have brushed glances with that one, the Lord and Saviour, yet you have walked on. Whether in ignorance or pride or for whatever reason, beloved, you have not locked hearts with the Sacred Heart of Jesus when you have had the opportunity to do so. I came to announce to Mary the birth by the Holy Spirit, through Saint Joseph, of that living Manchild.{114} Thus I come to you also, for as I am the herald of his coming, along with others of the Archangels who are his heralds, so I come to herald the day of Christ's appearing in you! If, therefore, ye would elevate that reality of your Christ Self, I say bend the knee in profound humility and early seek the reconstruction of your soul's association with him. Yes, reconstruct the very foundations of your being and this time build solidly upon the Rock of Christ, for now is the hour and the day of the harvest of many thousands of years of earth's karma. I say to you: Seek early the consolation of your soul and your heart by violet flame's saturation. Know whereof I speak, for we the Archangels have spoken through the prophets and the avatars of all past ages, including ages that are unrecorded in your annals. We have spoken of past and present and future. Today, instead of sounding warnings of dire prophecies to come, I would rather speak to you of your preparations for the Life everlasting. I speak to you, then, and I say: Seek early, seek early the violet flame. Offer your devotions and decrees to God in the peace and quietude of the early morning hours. See to it that on a daily basis you do not let the dust of personal or planetary karma rest upon you. Clean up that karma day by day. Set your house in order. Use the violet flame to make the chambers of mind and memory tidy and neat, fit at any moment for the guest that may knock at your door, one of the Archangels or an angel who may be our messenger going before us. Be ready at any hour for our coming. And does not the Lord also come, as a thief in the night,{115} when you least expect him? Let the heart be opened! Celebrate, if you will, the Twin Hearts - the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Carry the rituals of these devotions in your heart, as these have been enshrined at the altar of this Church Universal and Triumphant. Know, then, beloved, that it is an hour to build the strength of the everlasting Life of God within your being. For I ask you this question: Stripped of all else, what shall you be when the soul passes from this body temporal to the house of eternal Life? What shall you take with you from this life to the next? You will take the flame that you have increased, by God's grace, upon the altar of your heart. You will take the momentums of good and evil that you have sown. You will take, I trust, a soul clothed in her wedding garment, ready for the marriage to the Bridegroom, who is truly the Holy Christ Self. What else will you take with you? Nothing, beloved, nothing that you have stored of this world's goods but only your conscience and an honorable heart and perhaps the lily of Archangel Gabriel and Hope that you might lay on the altar of God when we usher you into the great throne room. Yes, I pray that many of you shall achieve high levels of your soul's integration with God at the conclusion of this life. Be not afraid! Be not afraid! Be not afraid, for I AM come with the annunciation to you this day of your opportunity for eternal Life. May you know that eternal Life flows through you over the crystal cord in this moment and daily and hourly. And the beating of your heart, one with God's heart, is the very sign and signet that he has placed within you the fire of the Holy Spirit, the sacred breath and the inner knowing whereby you know that although you may not be ready in this precise moment to face your God and your Christ, yet you can be made ready in this life for your ultimate union with the Lord and his Christ. There is no one here or on earth who does not yet have time to ready himself, to make things right, to denounce hell and the anger of hell and the fires of hell and to put out once and for all the red flames of pride and anger and arrogance that leap out of unconscious realms of the mind. I say to you, quell them! Quell them and seal them. And give them no more voice, no more entrée into your being. Carefully think through the decisions you make, the turns in the road, and do not deny the voice of your Inner Christ, but prefer it over the voices of the night. I, Gabriel, tell you, with love, with solemnity and out of concern for the vision of the future that is before me: Set all things right, beloved! Set all things right. Tidy your house and household, and free yourself of all unnecessary encumbrances so that you might serve to set life free. How many people do I see this day? Yes, millions, millions upon millions who lie suffering on beds of pain with no medications to dull the pain of their returning karma - those who have terminal diseases, those who are victims of incompetency in science, in medicine or of their own ignorance. Yes, beloved, now they turn to God. Now they desire to serve. Now they desire to atone. But they are weak in spirit and weak in body. Shall they pass on without having known the blessing of giving service to life? Some, beloved, following the example of their parents and associates, have played their games and piped their tunes and gone their merry way, multiplying money and things - and always the gay parties and the lewd laughter that has truly no foundation in reality. Therefore people live on the tip of their delusions and illusions. And they allow themselves to be the victims of an astrology (and the karma it foretells) that, if they would, they could conquer by the Light of the Sun! For I AM Gabriel of the Sun! I step forth out of the Sun that is the Great Central Sun and, yes, even out of the Sun of your I AM Presence; for every Archangel is one with your Mighty I AM Presence. I step out of your Sun and I face you. I speak to you heart to heart, as friend to friend. I have no condemnation of anyone for anything, beloved, for sin itself is its own condemnation. Therefore I come with hope - hope that is sharper than the two-edged sword. {116} For if you would have Christ in you be the hope of glory{117} and be in his glory this night, then my blessed Hope must come with her sword and separate you from un-reality - the unreality of wishful thinking, dillydallying in the doldrums, allowing the days and years to pass without marking your spiritual progress or lack of it. And yet, what have you in your hand? Is it the sign of the conquering one? I bid you understand the crucible of time and space. I bid you understand opportunity. I tell you that the laws of God have not changed. If the mores and standards and laws in the earth have changed, they have changed through the relativity of the two-eyed vision of those who are content to live in the spheres of mortality, frightened to enter the realms of immortality, for the Light is too bright there. I tell you, it is not too bright for thee! But if you would become accustomed to that Light, take a little each day - even the little Communion cup of Light that is the essence of Christ's Blood. Drink ye all of it!{118} Then place your feet in the footprints of his sandals, footprints he has left in the sands of time that will yet lead you to the image of Christ in which you were made. I announce to you all: You are made in the image and likeness of God! And who is that image and likeness? It is the image of Christ stamped upon your soul. It is the inner blueprint. Out of that image you were made: Unto that image conform yourself once again. And do not be concerned with the opinions of the world, for the world and all its worldliness, even the very body you wear, will pass away. Why are there millions of tomes on the shelves of the libraries - histories of men and women who have lived before? It is because they were all mortal! They can no longer tell their stories. Well, I bid you, tell your story today. Tell it in life! Tell it in living! Tell it in delivering the mighty Word of God! Tell it in being tender, in consoling others and in knowing the pure love of God. Do not allow any encrustations of hardness of heart to remain in you. I tell you, beloved, it is a dread disease, this hardness of heart that turns hearts to stone and ultimately is the cause of the snuffing out of the flame of life in so many. At its root, heart disease is always hardness of heart. And the heart of flesh will harden as you continue to eat foods that are not fit for those on the spiritual path. Therefore I say, become tender, tender toward every part of life, and know how with that tenderness, your voice being the instrument of your Holy Christ Self, you will break down the hardness and the veneer of those who consider themselves rough and tough - even the criminal element who, because they are out of touch with the tender heart of Jesus, can commit any form of violent crime with total insensitivity. Whence cometh this insensitivity? I AM an Archangel and I weep for those in the earth who have no more heart. For none did nurture the heart, neither father nor mother, and generations and generations have gone by and encrustation upon encrustation until the heart has no mercy for life: it is neither good nor evil, it simply is not alive in God. Is it not insensate, then? Do not the mother and the father who abort the child have to turn off the heart, turn off the tenderness, turn off their maternal and paternal instincts toward that part of life that is theirs? I tell you, in order to carry on a worldly existence, they must. But a worldly existence without God always ends in nothingness. Seek early eternal Life! Celebrate it each day at dawn! Do not postpone it unto the morrow. Increase the sacred fire breath. Increase the fire flowing within you. Live to serve others. Surrender to God's holy will. Know the service of the cross. And when you come to the crossroads of life where you choose either to accelerate and go up the mountain with the Lord Christ or to go the way of the world, stop! be silent! be still in your heart and consider: What is your goal? What would you be ten, fifty, seventy years hence? What will you be? A billionaire of great success? Or an Ascended Master in the kingdom of God, who may now give his all to tending the sheep of the far-flung pastures of the Lord? Think carefully, beloved. Think carefully. For there does come a time on the Path when the choice will be either the world or the ascent. And that ascent of Calvary and beyond leads to total soul liberation, union with God and ultimate freedom to serve millions of souls waiting for their shepherd - and to set them free. Do not take the Light you have garnered through the pain of initiation and squander it in the hour of greatest difficulty. Do not walk away from the Light in that hour of choice - the choice to be the Christ, with all the persecution that that Christhood entails, or the choice to walk the other way and become a hero in the world. Blessed hearts, some of you have forgot the very first teachings that you learned on the path of Christhood in other lifetimes in other centuries. Do not be blinded by your untoward desires. You are in my presence. I remove the blindfold of your unseeing. You have assented to my coming, therefore I have summoned my legions to bind your not-self, which blinds you. They are in full armour. They are ready to descend to the levels of dishonor and even insanity to bind the demons that lurk in your unconscious mind. Will you turn them away or will you welcome them and say to them in this hour: Come unto me, O my friends, O my angels, O legions of Gabriel and Hope! Come unto me in this hour! Deliver me of that state of consciousness that is even despicable to me and yet, for my pride, I am unable to kick it out, I am unable to exorcise it. Therefore enter, angels of Gabriel! Enter my temple now and take from me all of this useless baggage, that I might return to the heart of my own inner child {119} in response to the pleading of my soul that I should go the way of my Lord no matter what the price.{120} So my angels come to you. Wrestle{121} with them if you will. Wrestle and see - shall it be you or shall it be the angels who shall win this match? Wrestle against the angels of Gabriel. You may enjoy it for a time, but then what, beloved? What will you do when there is no longer an angel to wrestle with because you have expressed your free will in denying your God and the angels respect that will and retreat and you are once again alone? What is that loneliness that you feel? What is that apartness that separates you from Gabriel's angels? What is the meaning of your going away from the bands of angels with whom you once served? Who did turn you away from your hierarchs of Light, blessed ones? Yourselves or another? Some of you have served directly under us and yet lost your station, for you were turned this way and that by the lurings of the lower angels in these lower octaves. And your moorings in the Godhead were not strong enough to hold you against their insidious pressures. Go not their way again! How many rounds of punishment will you inflict upon yourself until you know: I will not beat my head against this rock of human pride any longer. I will, rather than keep my pride, cast myself upon the Rock of Christ and let my pride be broken{122} so that my inner child might emerge in all holy innocence and that my inner child might at last be nurtured by my loving heart, made loving by my Saviour, Jesus Christ. In the name of my beloved Mighty I AM Presence: I will love my soul free! I will liberate my soul from this naughty human ego! Yes, I will let nothing stand in my way, for I see through the eyes of Archangel Gabriel this night as he does give me to see. I see those things that could easily come upon the earth. For who can control terrorism? Who can control the misuse of deadly weapons by insane persons who long ago committed themselves to Darkness and yet are in control of the weapons of many nations? Earth is a powder keg and earth is diseased. And the diseases are everywhere, waiting to infest the bodies of the servants of God. Yes, I will let nothing stand in my way, for I see through the eyes of Archangel Gabriel this night as he does give me to see. I AM Gabriel, which stand in the presence of God!{123} I come forth from God and I speak to his own. I speak to you. And standing beside me at this altar, erected in this city, is the Keeper of the Scrolls, who has assigned an angel of record to stand at your side. This angel will remain with you for at least twenty-four hours, until he is convinced that you have absorbed at certain levels of your being an understanding of the records of your past - what you have done, what you have not done, the good works that have allowed earth to prosper and the not-so-good works that have put a brake on the divine plan of future civilizations. May you weigh and consider all matters he places before you. Take counsel with your Inner Self, that blessed Christ Presence. Take counsel with the angels of God and the World Teachers. Kneel before the Lord Christ and decide what you shall do with that precious life that you hold in your hands, that you hold in your heart. How will you spend that life? How will you spend the years and moments that make up a lifetime? Open your eyes to suffering! Consider whose suffering you may alleviate and what method is the most expedient - whether it be through the offerings of medical science or the alternatives of the healing arts or the simplicity of personal prayer and ministration. I AM Gabriel. I need not paint for you all the things that are taking place on the earth. I simply say to you: Let the piercing light of the Sun remove the glaze from your eyes so that you might see the earth and her diverse evolutions and all that is happening today with clear and accurate Christ-centered vision. Do not deny what could be coming on the earth or how tenuous life is, how tenuous the economy is and how tenuous are the people themselves. Yes, beloved, it is a fragile planet, a fragile ecosystem and fragile bodies that you wear. Therefore, make the most of life, for life somehow slips through the fingers of many. It has slipped through yours in past lives. But this life, this life can be more special than any other. For Saint Germain has brought hope - hope through the violet flame, hope through freedom in this nation, intended to be an example of freedom to all other nations, hope in the very gift of free will itself, hope in the technology that enables you to accomplish so much in so little time. Yes, hope, beloved. You enjoy a hope today that some of you have not known for tens of thousands of years. For you have freed yourselves by the violet flame and by diligent service to life; and in so doing you have freed yourselves from the drudgery of having to pay off that karma pound by pound, farthing by farthing, inch by inch. Yes, you have been a slave to your own karma. And thanks to Saint Germain and Jesus Christ and others of the Ascended Masters who have stood for you and pleaded your cause before the courts of heaven, you are still free to make right decisions and wrong decisions. You are still free to go straight to the mark of the prize of the high calling in your own individual Christhood{124} or to throw it all away because of the pride of the eye and - let's face it, the word is ambition - ambition other than the desire to know and be God in action. I say, in this seminar continue to call to the Archangels so that we might expose terrorism and its possibilities for wreaking havoc in this nation. In the past your decrees have kept it out, but it has ventured forth again. Therefore make the calls to me and my angels to expose international terrorists before the bomb explodes. For there are many in this world who consider themselves to be the have-nots, who are angry against America and all that she stands for. They will not hesitate to commit acts of terrorism if they believe that they have nothing to lose and that they must fight for their cause because their cause is not being championed by the Establishment. Let us get on with our concerns, then, and take decisive action on behalf of those who are the oppressed everywhere. Let us give them hope and a reason not to be depressed, not to resort to terrorism or, God forbid, the use of nuclear weapons to settle the seeming injustices of life. Beware, then, these groups all over the world, beloved. For many of their members are insane and they have nothing to lose, for they have long ago allowed their flames to be snuffed out and lost their souls. Pity them. But pray also that, inasmuch as they are empty houses,{125} the howling discarnates who occupy them shall not give force to a race of insane and dispossessed and disenfranchised persons. Blessed hearts, let us give the cup of cold water in Christ's name and break the Communion loaf. And remember that a piece of that loaf, that very Christhood, that Presence, is yet in you. Guard it. Multiply it that you might also break the bread of Life with those who have none, whose bodies are hungry, whose spirits are angry, whose souls are starving, as they have resentment against a God whom they believe has betrayed them. Yet long ago, even they betrayed themselves and their God, and that karma does come full circle today. In the name of the living God, I, Gabriel, with Hope and legions of Light, pledge to you once again to fight worldwide terrorism and to stop war at every level! Give us the fiats! Give us the call! Give us your heart's desire to hold the line and hold it again against the Darkness that could cover the land. Give us the violet flame decrees. We will show you what millions of angels together with such as you, our best reinforcements on earth, can do to yet save this old world for a golden age of Aquarius. I AM Gabriel and Hope. With our angels, we bow before the Light of God within you and we stand ready to answer your call at any hour of the day or night. Do not forget to make the call! [35-second standing ovation] This dictation by Archangel Gabriel and Hope with the Keeper of the Scrolls and Angels of Purity and Hope attending was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, February 26, 1993, during a weekend seminar, How to Contact Angels - Your Guides, Guardians and Friends Part 2, held at the Skokie North Shore Hilton, Chicago, Illinois. The dictation followed the Messenger's lecture "How Angels Help You to Recapture the Spirit of Joy." [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under the direction of Archangel Gabriel and Hope.] "How Your Inner Child Impacts Your Psychology, Relationships and Parenting Approach" by Dr. Barbara Ann D. Looby, 2 cassettes, 135 min., A93044. ***** 13.1 I AM the Witness - March 28, 1993 ***** Vol. 36 No. 13 - I AM the Witness - March 28, 1993 I AM the Witness My Twelve Years of Experience on the Path Beloved Mother, It has been twelve years since I went to Summit University in the spring of 1981. They are twelve years of experiences that I would not trade for anything. I would not even trade those experiences that were painful or stressful, for they have provided a crucible for change and growth. I wanted to give you more this birthday than a simple greeting. I wanted to give you a distillation of these twelve years and my commitment on the Path. Before coming to Summit University I had been involved in a psychic group for several years. The group was led by a woman who was a medium. I remember encountering her in front of a store one day. I said hello and then was struck with the realization that there had been no heart response in the woman or in me. I thought it odd at the time and wondered why. What a contrast it provided to the first time I saw you! It was during the first week or so of Summit University. You had invited the congregation sitting in the overflow areas to come into the chapel and pass by the altar. I looked at you shyly as I walked past. Upon that contact of my eyes with yours, something arced from my heart and I felt the return current from your heart. I walked out of the chapel as one walking on air and in great joy. I knew then that everything was worth that one moment. Every painful experience of the past, every penny spent for SU was worth coming home to your heart, to God's heart. I have grown over these twelve years through the grace of the Teachings and the fire of your heart and Morya's. Before I came to SU I was self-conscious to the point of stuttering and having difficulty talk-ing to people one-on-one. Even my walk was hesitant. Emotionally, I was dependent on my friends and not very even-keeled. I was disorganized and not effective at getting things done. Well, I wouldn't say that God is finished with me yet! It is still difficult for me to get up in front of large groups to speak, but small groups no longer frighten me. I don't stutter much anymore except on d's occasionally. I'm able to take actions independently of my friends and without their emotional support. I am much more harmonious and I have become a more effective worker, although I have further to go in this respect as well. The improvements are a testimony to this path. They are as much a testimony as the blissful experiences with God that I have been blessed with during these years. At one point this year I considered taking a leave of absence and going out into the world to pursue refinement in the areas of dress, hair, makeup, speaking in front of people and professional refinement/growth. I felt I could be more useful to God if I were more refined. I could not see myself becoming a minister without that refinement, but I realized someone must remain in defense of this community and your mission. And in staying there is always the refinement through the Refiner's fire! I love our community and appreciate that it is a community in the growing process, with people and things not necessarily perfect. And I am willing to stick with it and work in a constructive way toward improvements. I love you and beloved El Morya - truly the light of my life in the office of Guru. His dictation of April 9, 1982, had a profound effect on my soul. El Morya admonished us not to take for granted the Masters in our midst and suggested we review his dictations. I remember well his parting words: Would to God that you should be as some devotees of the East who in a lifetime may receive a single crumb from our table and with this they make sacrifices unheard of and their progress on the Path is great, without any gift of violet flame or any vision of the ascension. ... Changes are in order. May you change for the better. I take my leave of you, that in the silence of your own temple you might discover my absence and then perhaps seek me and find me as I truly am. The candles were put out one by one as El Morya withdrew and I felt as though the light and joy had gone out of my life. And where would I be without the comfort of the wisdom that comes through you as you give a sermon or lecture or the steadying love in times of trial and chastening? Or even your laughter (as I imagine the laughter of angels to be) uplifting the heart? I remember when you returned from Washington, D.C., after Saint Germain withdrew his presence there on November 29, 1987. Saint Germain had said: It is the last time that I shall appear in this nation's capital unless and until those who know better do better - until those who have seen my calling and heard my word respond to it and postpone not the day of our God's appearing. ... For America has abdicated her role as the nation of Christhood, the eternal Law of God, as the nation wherein The Lord Our Righteousness should raise up a standard, an ensign of the people and a two-edged sword. I was at the airport when you and the Stump team arrived in Bozeman. There was such a seriousness in your demeanor. My heart sank as I responded to the seriousness of the hour and the state of the world and I thought to myself, "This will be rough going if I don't hear her laughter again." Some weeks later we were watching a news interview with Gorbachev in what is now El Morya's Room and you were pointing out his crude hands, which he was pounding for emphasis. I looked down at my hands, which were cracked and dry from physical work and the cold. I think many people must have done the same and you sensed our thoughts and laughed a little. You can't imagine how relieved and heartened I was to hear that laugh! My birthday gift to you is my commitment to the Path, the Community and to you as my Guru and your mission. So as I wish for your dreams to come true this birthday, I pledge to work to help them come true. All my love, ****** Chapter 14 Beloved Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst - April 4, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 14 - Beloved Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst - April 4, 1993 How to Contact Angels - Your Guides, Guardians and Friends 6 Fear Not! The Stream of Perpetual Joy Become Vessels of the Word Transmute! Transmute! Transmute! All Karma Descending Accept the Gift of the Violet Flame and Use It! Fear not! For I stand in your midst to deliver to a world a momentum of violet flame as a blood transfusion - a transfusion of sacred fire, that ye might live and live again to fulfill your fiery destiny. I AM Zadkiel of the Seventh Ray and Holy Amethyst is with me. Legions of angels come for the purification of the cities of the earth and the hearts of the people. And we bring the running stream of perpetual joy - joy in the heart of the violet flame, joy in your heart, joy that is the sign that God lives in you and is greater than all else. Therefore, fear not! For changes for the good are coming your way. Change does not necessarily mean upheaval, cataclysm and the fulfillment of prophecies foretold. Change can mean the mitigation of dire prophecy by the upliftment of the one and the few and the many. Therefore, fear not! For I send violet flame into your being, into your solar plexus, into the unconscious. I send the violet flame for the consuming of the records of fear. You do not know how greatly fear paralyzes the soul and the heart. Yes, beloved, these records are covered over, for few are able to tolerate the conscious memory of fear or trauma or tragedy experienced in this and many previous lifetimes. Therefore, beloved, Almighty God has provided for you the veil of forgetfulness so that you need deal only with the things of this life - with some exceptions. For dealing only with the things of this life is not entirely possible. You are what you are and you are the sum total of all that you have ever been, and you do carry the records of this even though it be at subconscious or unconscious levels. And so some records are sealed, and some cannot be. And it is because you have those levels of nonresolution just below the threshold of awareness that the paralysis of fear does at times overtake you in the conscious mind and in your emotions. You see, you carry at unconscious levels records of all manner of cataclysm, of continents rising and sinking. These events have left their mark in the collective psyche of earth's evolutions and have caused the phobias and the neuroses that many experience today. Well, I AM Zadkiel and I say, fear not! But do something with that record of fear. And that something that you can and must do is to put it into the violet flame. Angels draped in violet garments approach each one. You may receive or reject these angels. They come freely. And each one does bear an urn and in the urn is a rising violet flame, and into that flame you may consciously place all fears known or unknown by you that have ever been a part of your experience in the earth. Simply make the call to your Mighty I AM Presence that all fear and records of fear be cast into the violet flame. Do this faithfully each day and it will be done. You have but to give the call in full faith that God through his violet flame angels is answering you hour by hour, day by day. Beloved ones, it is your choice to make the call or not to make the call. But I tell you that that pillar of violet flame rising from that urn (which is also violet, of a substance not of this earth) is being held before you now. Therefore not only may you put into the flame that which you desire to see removed - and behold it effectively transmuted from your world right now - but you may also drink of the flame itself. You may drink it in through your chakras. Won't you now joyously accept the cooling energy of the violet flame? It will bring balance to your soul, give a positive spin to your chakras and set the course of your life on a positive spiral. We come, beloved, to serve. This has been our mission from the Beginning. And therefore all angels of the Seventh Ray who stand before you bow to and acknowledge the Light of God that is yet within your heart. Know, then, that we are ministering angels and we serve as a branch of the priesthood of God. Know that you can also enter into that walk with Melchizedek {126} and don the garments of the violet flame, as so many sons and daughters of God have done. They come from other systems of worlds and they are advanced far beyond the state of evolution present on earth simply because they have accepted the gift of the violet flame and used it. They have been enlightened by Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and the anointed ones of God, even the avatars. And they have taken that enlightenment and used it for the blessing of others. They understand that it is not enlightened self-interest to at any time misqualify the Light of God and thereby lose the opportunity for the maximum use of the violet transmuting flame. So then, in this moment we seek out those who would become vessels of Light, who have had enough of the ways of the discord of the world and desire to know a harmony without ceasing and a peace that is all-fulfilling - a peace that passes even the understanding of the cognitive mind.{127} Peace, then, I say to you. Peace be unto you! For I AM come, truly in the living Light of Cosmic Freedom. I AM come, sent by God this day to minister to the people of earth. With Holy Amethyst, I am traversing the continents, the nations and the cities, accompanied by untold numbers of angels of the Seventh Ray. And we examine this day, if you will believe me, beloved, the records of five and a half billion souls or so who are evolving on earth. But this is a counting solely of those in physical embodiment; there are also many souls at inner levels awaiting birth, praying to be able to enter once again into physical embodiment through the portals of birth. Yes, they are there, beloved. And we desire to find those who have come to the place in the cycles in their lives where they are ready for the serious business of keeping the violet flame for the cities so that degeneration, disease and decay, and death itself shall not stalk the earth as the plagues of old and take from the screen of life so many whose divine plan is not yet fulfilled. Helios and Vesta, we therefore have established this point of contact through this heart (the Messenger) in this city and we are ready now with our legions positioned! (May you who are in attendance become acquainted with Helios and Vesta as the "Father/Mother" of this solar system.) Helios and Vesta, fill all our legions with violet flame! Fill them with violet flame that they might deposit a just portion with those who are ready for the spiritual experience and the spiritual path as taught by the adepts of all time. Surely this is the mystical path of the soul's deep desiring for union with God! We of the angels of the seven rays and all angelic hosts are the facilitators of that union, and no greater facilitator could we have in our hands than the violet flame itself. The violet flame works for you when you work for it. And by this I mean it works for you when you are willing to extend mercy to life even as you expect life to extend mercy to you. When you are not able to forgive yourself or others, it is a sign of recalcitrance and hardness of heart. And it means that neither are you able to receive forgiveness from God or man. Take, then, my counsel that I have already given to the Messenger: Call for the binding of the not-self{128} of individuals who perpetrate crimes against you and against humanity and especially against the children and youth of the world. You may call for the judgment of the not-self, the unreal self, of anyone and do so in the name Jesus Christ and in the name of your Mighty I AM Presence. For such calls are a deliverance to the soul of anyone who has been overtaken by the false self and can no longer be true to himself or to his God. So, beloved, you can learn to forgive the mistakes of a soul and yet hold accountable the not-self of the individual who has been the instrument of error and dark deeds. In this you can be certain that Divine Justice is meted out by God in answer to prayer. Likewise, God will mete out Divine Mercy when you pray for the wisdom and enlightenment of that soul and love that soul until it no longer has any need to vent the negatives of the not-self, the pseudo-self, or to act against the best purposes of anyone on earth. Let the violet flame now intensify! Feel the coolness and yet know that while you are in the aura of the violet flame (and you shall remain so throughout this seminar until midnight tomorrow), the violet flame is activating your soul faculties, the violet flame is cleansing, and many psychic toxins and records are passing into the flame. And therefore before your inner sight you may see coming to the surface for transmutation conditions and records long ago forgotten. Do not engage them but let them go! Let them go into the mighty river of violet flame, the all-cleansing power of that crystal-clear water of Life, which is now qualified by legions of angels with the action of the Seventh Ray, the violet flame itself. We come to deliver you! We come to give you a boost! We come to give you the joy of freedom! We come that you might understand that as the days lengthen, so the return of planetary karma does intensify. And because of this, as the decade moves on you will need more and more violet flame to maintain your position on the spiritual path, to maintain your present level of self-mastery. And if you would increase in your self-mastery, in the name of God you will have to increase your dynamic decrees to the violet flame, for such is the equation of the decade and the challenge of its descending karma. It is descending, beloved ones. This is a fact of life and it will not change. And therefore transmute! transmute! transmute! by the action of the sacred fire of God within you all that karma descending in and around you and in your cities and nations. For unless you keep up with your alchemy of daily transmutation by the violet flame, you will find it to be more and more difficult to run on the treadmill of karma. And ultimately that karma will overtake you. For it does increase quantitatively even as it intensifies daily. Surely you are in the midst of the acceleration of the twentieth century unto the twenty-first. This is the decade when many unresolved matters must be resolved and many karmas must fall due so that you may settle your accounts with your God and your fellowman and enter new spirals of attainment. You have heard from the Lord of the World that karma descends in increments each twenty-third of the month.{129} Therefore it is well to give extra calls to the violet flame on the twenty-second and throughout the day of the twenty-third that you might transmute karma before it settles into the pores of your skin, is absorbed into your bloodstream and makes its way into the marrow of your bones, the brain and central nervous system. Karma is a fine soot, beloved, and it crystallizes as it falls, deadening the soul faculties and dulling the brain. And unless you are alert, you will not recall the greater mental and spiritual clarity you had before that added layer of karma descended upon you. Do not fall away from your First Love, who is the living Spirit of Cosmic Freedom. Centered in the Great Central Sun, that Spirit of God's own freedom shoots forth mighty violet rays to all systems of worlds and into the hearts of all souls of Light. Capture the ray! Capture the flame! Be an individual in God, truly an individualization of the God Flame! Know that you are an independent identity, answerable to no man but only to your Mighty I AM Presence and your Holy Christ Self. Be complete unto yourself by seeking and finding your own blessed wholeness restored through the living Christ within you - through the living seed of the Buddha that is yours to unfold in the crown, the heart and the seat-of-the-soul chakras. Put the pieces of self back together again and let there be no seams! For when you call forth the violet flame in purest love, it will erase all divisions in your members. It will make you whole! If wholeness is what you seek, and the whole-eye vision of the Godhead, then wholeness is what you will find in the violet flame. Be one-pointed in the mind of the inner eye and know that your true Guru works through you in the person of your Higher Self. Subject yourself to your inner Teacher. Do not deny the inner voice! It is a sacrilege to do so. When the voice of God speaks in your heart and in your soul, no matter where it leads you, follow it! Follow the voice of God. Follow the secret love star. Follow it to the very heart of the goal! Accept your assignments however unpleasant. Accept them from both your outer and inner Teachers! For one assignment leads to the next and every step in which you follow your living Teachers brings you nearer and nearer the gates of absolute God-freedom. Be trustworthy. Be trustworthy before your Higher Self. If you make a promise to God, keep it! Therefore make less promises but fulfill the Law. Guard your words and let them be honorable. And thereby be the guardian of the Word. Be forthright in your communications. Be righteous in word and deed. Let all thy words be true and just, else hold thy peace. Be not argumentative. Be not proud. Be not concerned whether you win or lose a point. Do not let everyone know that you are such a clever fellow. Yes, wear the undergarment of humility and remember that it is indeed an undergarment and not one to be strutted about. Let your footsteps be careful, for when you invoke the violet flame daily you leave violet flame imprints wherever you walk. Walk in the ways of righteousness lest another weaker than thou shouldst follow in your footsteps and go the way of perdition. For when you do not invoke the violet flame but dwell in your human consciousness and toy with philosophies of self-destruction, such as existentialism and other forms of denial of the God Flame within you, your footprints lead others in the ways of nihilism. I say with Moses, ye are Gods! And all of you are sons of the Most High.{130} Therefore be the living example who embodies the God Flame I AM THAT I AM revealed to Moses.{131} Rejoice in uplifting all people and be not a weight of negativity to weigh them down. Do not put them down by verbal or psychic abuse. I say, walk in the ways of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and be true to your Inner God. Thus, what is the first step on the Path? It is to know what is your goal in this life: What is your divine plan? What karmic responsibilities for this life did the Lords of Karma place before you prior to sending you down the chute into the birth canal, into the waiting arms of father and mother? Yes, beloved, the Lords of Karma gave you an assignment. Are you fulfilling it? Are you on target, day by day? If you don't know, you ought to write a letter to God asking him to quicken your memory as to what was your assignment in the exact detail that it was given to you. (Place a copy of your letter in your Bible and burn the original. The angels will complete the ritual by delivering your letter to God.) Be certain that you understand that this life is a mission and that you must come Home having fulfilled that mission. For then it may be said of you, as the divine approbation was given unto your brother Jesus Christ: "Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many."{132} And remember the Spirit of God that did descend in the hour of Jesus' baptism. Will the Holy Ghost descend upon you and will it be said of you, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I AM well pleased"?{133} Whom are you trying to please? This one, that one? Your superiors? Your relatives? Your family members? Your city? Your town? Whom, if anyone, are you pleasing, beloved hearts? Well, I say, think about that and decide that from this day forward your desire will be to please God, to serve him only and not to serve your human pride or human ambition to the exclusion of your godly service. Yes, be pleasing unto the Lord by being helpful to many. Embrace your calling in God and do not go about here and there asking this one and that one, "What should I be doing with my life?" Blessed ones, if you do not know what to do with your life, then I say, invoke the violet flame, help others and be of maximum benefit to all who depend on you every hour and every day. And if doors start opening for you but you need more training in order to walk through them, go back to school, get more education, sharpen your mind and your skills and otherwise qualify yourselves for that job. Pursue further training that you might be of maximum effectiveness to your God, to your community, to your people - and to yourselves. It never hurts to serve to set life free, and in the process God will fulfill your needs abundantly. But, beloved ones, remember Saint Germain's teaching on anxiety and the anxiety syndrome.{134} When you retain fear and doubt in your solar plexus and you do not transmute it in the unconscious mind, you abort what you could be and what you could become. Thus, to assist you to consume anxiety, fear and doubt we have come this day. How shall you let go of these enemies of your soul? Well, beloved, if you do not know how to let go, then I say, pray to your angels to show you how! Pray to us, the Seven Mighty Archangels, to show you how to release the momentums and the conditionings of fear, doubt and human questioning, the anxiety syndrome and the records of death from your past lives. Yes, into the violet flame these must go! I come, beloved, to tell you that you have a glorious future before you. It is a future of knowing the freedom to be who you are, if you will only conquer the schisms in your being that began long ago when you decided to fear God not in awe but in anger and you decided to doubt his Word and his Maitreya and his Gautama and his Sanat Kumara and all whom he has sent to tutor your soul. Now, beloved, I bow in reverent prayer. In this moment may you elect to let go of your sense of injustice in your relationship with your God, as well as the painful records of that sense. And in deepest communion with your God may you make your decision to be free, once and for all, to fulfill your destiny. [Congregation offers prayers.] Angels of purification, step lightly now. Caress and comfort as you minister to each one, delivering them of momentums of doubt and fear. O shafts of white fire and purple and gold, violet and the roseate pinks! Come now, O angels of purification, with rays of God to comfort these souls and each one on earth whom we have contacted and marked this day as a candidate for our assistance, for our tutelage. For we would bring the many into the joyous captivity of the Seventh Ray and the Aquarian age, which is the violet flame. O beloved, in this hour consecrate your heart and mind and will to the forsaking of the vibrations of doubt and fear and the questioning of God himself. Do this, beloved. Make your determination. It can be a vow, if you will, or a promise to God - a promise not to engage again in fear and doubt and human questioning, a resolve to fear no evil, for the Lord is with thee always. {135} Fearlessly pursue what you have taken upon yourselves to do - to see to it that every soul in America who desires it has the opportunity to learn how to read, to read well and to understand the phonograms of the language and the exercises of the spoken word that lead the soul to the still waters of the Word itself. For those who can read and write, those who can set forth their ideas in logical sequence and thereby expand the molecule of self can strive to become vessels of the original Word, who was with Brahman in the Beginning. Bit by Alpha bit, you are becoming that Word, beloved. This happens as you understand and master the elements of the Word that break down into the phonograms of the Word, which make up the language of the Word. And to achieve the full incarnation of the Word as Jesus did, you must be a worthy vessel, cleansed and purified by the violet flame in the joy of true holiness at all levels of being and in all of your chakras. Is that not the goal of the son, the daughter of God? Is it not the goal to be the incarnation of that Word? I say, indeed it is! This goal is not a right, exclusive to one, but a gift unto all who will earn the gift. So know the path of the geometry of the Word and let the building blocks of your pyramid be built strong and true according to the plumb line of Truth. Yes, true and righteous are thy judgments, Lord God Almighty.{136} And in the Seventh Ray and the seventh age, you, beloved, shall see Divine Justice meted out in a manner in which you have not seen it meted out in previous centuries. Pray, then, for mercy unto those who do not give it and therefore do not receive it without your intercession. Pray for yourselves and for your children that you are able to stand in the day of judgment and still stand and be there when the man-made structures, not built on the Rock of Christ, come tumbling down and when the wicked cry to the mountains, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb!"{137} Yes, all these things shall come to pass in the octaves of heaven and earth, but you shall stand and still stand - you who have this day decided to be pillars of violet flame. Let the violet flame rise and let it be as an incense in your heart. And may you burn frankincense now and then that you might have with you and in your sanctuaries the presence of angels who tend the altar and perform rituals of the sacred fire. Holy Amethyst, in her joyous love for mothers and children, does commit herself anew to the cause of woman, to the cause of the child, to the cause of all children and the inner child of every soul, whether of male or female incarnation. Holy Amethyst does bring to woman and to women in this age the comforting, protective garment of the violet flame. As leaders on the spiritual path, let women return to the nobility of the soul and the soul's attainment of freedom. Let women lead the world in the daily practice of communing with angels and in calling upon the angels to intercede on behalf of all souls. Let them not fear to take up their calling in any profession, yet let them regard motherhood as the highest profession and calling of all. And let them mother not only the child but the earth herself and Nature spirits and angels who have taken embodiment in earth bodies to minister to life here. Therefore, let the crown of the World Mother and of the Woman clothed with the Sun rest upon the Higher Self of all who must fulfill the mission of the Feminine Ray in this hour. This calling from the Father-Mother God is to the souls of both men and women. May you know the meaning of the stature of the Divine Mother, and may you not stoop to a lesser manifestation and thereby gravitate toward the darkness of Death and Hell and the Great Whore. Yes, beloved, let the standard be raised as you raise the Kundalini upon the spinal altar. And as you do that, know that it is a magnet which shall draw to you unlimited resources of the violet flame! This I pledge to you. Let the sacred fire rise! And know that the magnet of the Mother Flame, so consecrated in your being, is able to hold sphere upon sphere of violet flame in your aura. I say to you, one and all, be there in the day of the Lord's appearing! Be there in the day of need of one soul or the millions! Be there! Be there in the mighty sphere of the violet flame and hold the balance for the many. This, I tell you, is ultimately everyone's mission. Now, you must be specific in your prayers to God and the angels about your day-to-day goals and the mission of your life, but always know that the violet flame you invoke and the violet flame you keep can be a fountain of violet light anchored in your seat-of-the-soul chakra. May you know the great joy whereby, because you have fought fear and doubt and won by the alchemy of the violet flame, children of the Light may drink from your fountain and know the taste of eternal Life. Fear not! We of the Seventh Ray and of the retreat of Zadkiel welcome you to enroll in classes at our university of the Spirit. There we shall prepare you for reincarnation in the Aquarian age if it is your mission to reincarnate again. We will also teach you the path of the ascension, which takes place at the conclusion of the life and mission of those whose hour has come for their soul's reunion with the I AM THAT I AM. Make haste, one and all! Accelerate your momentum! For the days and the hours are short. I AM Zadkiel of the flame, forever and forever the servant of the sons and daughters of God. [38-second standing ovation] This dictation by Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst with Angels of Purification and Joy attending was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, February 27, 1993, during a weekend seminar, How to Contact Angels - Your Guides, Guardians and Friends Part 2, held at the Skokie North Shore Hilton, Chicago, Illinois. The dictation followed the Messenger's lecture "How Angels Help You to Create Miracles in Your Life." [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under the direction of Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst.] ****** Chapter 15 Beloved Archangel Raphael - April 11, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 15 - Beloved Archangel Raphael - April 11, 1993 How to Contact Angels - Your Guides, Guardians and Friends 7 I Bring Healing Increase the Fire of the Heart: Receive Your Christ Your Permanent Identity in God Is Won by Your Soul's Conscious, Determined Union with Her Lord God Has Created Millions of Angels to Minister unto You! Raphael is my name! And I come into your midst, for I would bring healing to your souls and healing unto the nations. This is a time in the earth of the descent of plagues, for mankind is vulnerable. And that vulnerability comes not so much by his karma, though his karma is real and heavy, but by the pollution of the earth body itself and man's scant knowledge of the true science of nutrition and what is right for his body - a vessel made of clay, yet fit for the habitation of his God. Therefore, in profound reverence receive your Christ into your temple. And know that if your Christ does not daily abide in your temple, it is because you have yet some housecleaning to do. You have yet to raise up the Light and to know that you are capable of this and that another shall not do it for you, namely the Lord and Saviour. He comes to save by grace yet tutors your soul in the way of carrying your own burden of karma - and your own burden of Light. Yes, you have lived again and again. Look into the mirror of my aura and see all past ages before you if you can. I would remove the veil that separates you from your inner sight and yet that, too, is a karmic condition that you must balance. This condition may have been caused by the densification of the physical body through the abuse of that body. Or it may even have been caused by the misuse of the All-Seeing Eye of God through your abuse of the third eye in ancient days gone by. And thereby you would have disqualified yourself from having the inner vision and felt the need to run about hither and thither in order to know which was the way to go - "Is it this? Is it that?" Thus, in a state of human questioning and in a pretense of intellectual prowess, people seek to know the meaning of life. Yet they use so little of the capacity of their own Deathless Solar Body to mirror the Great Causal Body of God, so little of the faculties of the soul or of the intuitive powers of the heart. And therefore what do they truly know about themselves except the conditioning that has been put upon them in this life? I, Raphael, come to tear the veil from you - if you would see. But some desire not to see, preferring the layers of illusion whereby the world may still be a Disney World fantasy and they may practice denial at every hand and escape reality. Is the future and the prophecy thereof too horrible for the eye to behold? Some shield the eye, for they will not take the concentrated Light from the heart of God, knowing that the Light will reveal the ugly as well as the beautiful. Others pray the Hail Mary, desiring that every nook and cranny of their beings might be exposed, for they desire to walk in the footsteps of the saints. Our concerns are real and concrete. We look at disease that is rampant and getting worse. We look at epidemics, we look at AIDS and we wonder: When will the people become realists? When will they understand? When will they know that the food they have been putting into their bellies from birth to the present has been conditioning every organ of their bodies every day of their lives? The path is scientific and you can follow it. But you must yet wean yourself of the desire to please the palate, to be surfeited in the pleasures of eating as a social activity rather than eating to nourish the brain, to sharpen the mind, to quicken soul awareness. It is wise to drink in the light and care for the body as a temple of the Lord even as you tend the flame that burns on the altar of the heart. There is a path, and then there is another path. "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is the way of death"{138} - not only the death of the body but ultimately the death of the soul. You have been told that the soul is immortal. I tell you the soul is not immortal until she has bonded herself to her Lord, the one who is the Atman, the Higher Self, the Christ who lives within you. Therefore seek early to be the bride of that Christ and know of a truth that your permanent identity in God is won by your soul's conscious, determined union with her Lord. If you will have a round and another round in the earth of surfeiting in the pleasures of a materialistic civilization, then have it. For God has blessed you with free will, and we will not condemn a living soul for his exercise of that gift. But we will instruct you as to your options and we will explain to you that there are indeed consequences for every wrong decision you make and every wrong turn you take on the "way that seemeth right." Yes, we would instruct you as to what is the meaning of the end of the age of Pisces and the beginning of the age of Aquarius. For the karma of 25,800 years {139} is coming full circle for earth's evolutions. This karma has been descending throughout the Piscean age. Therefore, God sent you his Son Jesus Christ to assist you in bearing this burden. But the hour has come and is full upon you when the Great Law does require that "every man shall bear his own burden."{140} Thus, though your sins have been forgiven, yet you must now take upon yourselves what Jesus has borne for you for so long. This karma is reaching its fullest intensity in the decade of the '90s and to the year 2002. Indeed, the karmas are coming to their logical conclusions - with definite consequences for those who set them in motion: Some souls are being raised unto the resurrection for their good works and some, such as the fallen angels, are facing a final judgment for their evil works; for they were given times and times again to repent of their misdeeds against the LORD and his Christ, and they would not.{141} So, beloved, this earth is a crossroads. See the striking differences between peoples, between one nation and another. Citizens of a cosmos have been making their way here to find entrée into physical embodiment in order to fulfill the dates of their karma that they have made both here and in other planetary systems. You yourselves are karmically tied to souls from across the solar systems and even from beyond this galaxy. Your karma is somewhat complex; and many of you are ancient souls who have come from other worlds to this planet, while others are young souls, having come not so long ago from the Great Causal Body of God into these lower planes. You seek your First Love, who is the Lord of Life. You seek your twin flame. You seek the perfect union, and yet your karma stands between you and the very resolution you seek with the most precious parts of life, whose contact you have lost or let slip through your fingers. All of a sudden one is swept in one direction and one is swept in another, for karma takes us where it leads us and where we lead it. And karma is surely the guru of each and every one who, in matters great and small, has not commended his soul into the hands of God, the Great Guru of all. Yes, karma becomes your guru when you leave the Mystery School of Eden and go not in the way of the path of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Karma becomes your Teacher. And if you do not have ears to hear or eyes to see and you do not listen to the speaking of God in your heart, how will you know the meaning of the lightness and darkness of your karma? Well, if you listen to the prelates of the day, you will not even believe in karma! It is much easier not to take responsibility for actions of the near and ancient past. It is much easier to live as if there were no tomorrow and as if there had never been a yesterday - there had never been a cause that resulted in an effect. And yet you call yourselves scientists! Are you scientists of the matter universes only or will you become scientists of the universes of the Spirit? Will you decide to understand the laws of God, apply them to yourselves while you have your life and your youth and the ability either to make the decision to go here and there or to make the decision to enter into the inner spiritual path under the guidance of that God who lives within you? These times are much more perilous than you imagine - both for the soul and for the nation. And it is a way of life in this nation to avoid pain and seek pleasure and, rather than deal in reality, to deal in the illusions and confusions that come from the mists of Neptune and cloud the mind. For the vast majority of the people do not wish to see reality. They do not wish to see their ends as the consequences of their beginnings. And above all, they do not want to take responsibility for their correct or incorrect exercise of freedom. What can we say, then? Well, we can tell you this - that the dispensation of the violet flame, given unto this earth through the sponsorship of the Ascended Master Saint Germain and Lord Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst and all who serve on the Seventh Ray, affords you the easiest way to balance your karma when you combine the invocation of the violet flame with true and sincere service to life dedicated to the glory of God, and not to the vainglory of the human ego. There is great love in the hearts of millions in America and throughout the earth. There is great love to care for one another, for the sick and the poor and the homeless. That love in your hearts is a great gift. You have earned it. All good qualities you have have come to you because you have earned them. And therefore in your discipleship unto the God of Love, you have indeed made progress in this and previous embodiments, and you bring to the equation of your present life much good and many positive momentums. And these will carry you through where civilization has failed to inform you of the precepts of the ancient adepts, the Sons and Daughters of the Solitude who walked in Atlantis, who presided in her temples of learning and science as well as in the temple of the violet flame. There is, then, so much that we can give to you. Who among you will extend to us the cups of your chakras that we might heal them, that we might fill them, that we might write anew the message, the engram, the very code of your soul, so that you might decode it and therefore have the means and the magnet to find that other half of the Divine Whole, who is your twin flame? I AM Raphael, and the Blessed Mother stands with me. We reach out to you in our deep caring for you and for the millions who know not the way to go and allow themselves thoughtlessly to express anger toward God, when they alone are accountable for the outcome of their lives. So, beloved, in this hour we seal the earth in the Healing Thoughtform.{142} And by that thoughtform, made up of the green, the blue and the white spheres, we seal many who suffer, who are in agony, who die of diseases that never should have been allowed to invade the body, that never should have been at all. These things have descended because the people have a watered-down religion and they have not protected their souls and spirits and bodies, yes, from the venom of one Samael{143} and other evil spirits who do go forth to spread these diseases to the torment of the children of God. And this is why it is written in Revelation: "Woe to you, inhabiters of the earth and of the sea, for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath."{144} Viruses unchecked represent the wrath of fallen angels whose time is short, who move about seeking whom they may devour.{145} See that they devour not your souls nor your bodies nor your brains! See that you retain the vessel of a sound mind and a sound body that Christ might descend into your temple. For I prophesy to you that in this age you have the ultimate opportunity to become God's own son or daughter in manifestation. Yes, you can attain the fullness of the mastery of the Christed ones who have gone before you - the ones anointed of the Light of the Son of God. In an age of darkest night there is a Light shining, and that Light is the God-potential of every man, woman and child upon earth to find union with Christ and to rise to such a level in the resurrection spiral as to foresee a golden age and to see that golden age becoming physical in the earth. Well, the earth does not appear to have a ghost of a chance of entering a golden age in the near future, if the way karma comes tumbling down is any measure of tomorrow. Alas, the vast majority of the people have not picked up on the wavelength of the violet flame nor have they communed with healing angels nor do they know that the power that God has vested in them is surely the power to save a world. Millions of angels respond to the prayer of one child who kneels, taught by father and mother, to say his bedtime prayers. Will we not also respond to you? Have we not interceded ten thousand times ten thousand to spare every one of you and millions upon the earth dire calamity? We have interceded! You have not known us as we have entered your households to care for you and your families, but you have carried on with your daily tasks and affairs without so much as a thought or a prayer in our direction. So, beloved, we seek no credit for the work God has given us to do, for it is our lawful reason for being. But we seek your recognition of our presence in your midst and of the service we can render you in answer to your call. We want you to know our names, for our names in God are the keys whereby you can access our Causal Bodies of Light by a fiat you make unto us in time of crisis. Because you know our names you can say: In the name of God: Archangels Michael, Jophiel, Chamuel, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Zadkiel, Uzziel, come forth now! Save this city! Save this city and bind all forces of Darkness instrumental in this particular crisis. When you give such a call, name the crisis, whether it be psychic or physical. Yes, beloved, be prepared! Be filled with Light! And know that I, Raphael, am as near to you as the whisper of your lips in prayer. I have the listening ear and I have all of the so-called technology of the Spirit cosmos to respond to billions upon billions of souls. I tell you, the legions of angels are without number. You cannot number them, for God has created millions of angels to minister unto you! Our Messenger has taught you the law of the science of the spoken Word. You have free will and the power of the Word itself; you can take dominion in this octave. You have but to invite us to enter your life and we shall! And you will see impossible situations turned around! And therefore you will no longer be cynical and you will no longer confine yourself to a narrow worldview that comes upon you when you nourish only the mental body and you do not in fact increase the fire of the heart. The fire of the heart is the key to the illumination of the mind to the wonders of God. These can surely become visible to you beyond the narrow band in which you carry out your daily existence. Life is a very narrow room when you limit yourself to your mental body, for you have a Deathless Solar Body and you have the Mind of God!{146} There is absolutely no limit to what you can know and do if you will but bend the knee before your own God Presence, the I AM THAT I AM. Know, then, that keeping the commandments and obeying the laws of God are prerequisites to your receiving the dispensations of God. Yet, we shun no one. And we help, to the fullest extent of the laws of God, all who will simply look up to the sun of their I AM Presence and say, O God, help me! That is all you need to say. It is sufficient prayer. It allows the angels to enter your life and turn things around and set things right and direct you on your course to accomplish the mission that God has anointed you to in this hour. In this moment, then, I give to you the Blessed Mother that you might hear from her directly what is on her heart. This dictation by Archangel Raphael with Angels of Healing attending was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, February 27, 1993, during a weekend seminar, How to Contact Angels - Your Guides, Guardians and Friends Part 2, held at the Skokie North Shore Hilton, Chicago, Illinois. The dictation followed the Messenger's lecture "How Angels Help You to Heal Yourself, Your Family and Friends." [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under the direction of Archangel Raphael.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom. ***** 15.1 I AM the Witness - April 11, 1993 ***** Vol. 36 No. 15 - I AM the Witness - April 11, 1993 I AM the Witness My Mother Mary Medal Turned Gold Dear Mother, About a month ago a Mother Mary medal that I have had since I was a child turned gold. I had not been in the habit of wearing it because it was silver-colored. When I discovered it had turned gold, it had a profound impact on me. I felt it was a goad and inspiration from Mother Mary for me to try harder on my path of chelaship. I had heard that people who make pilgrimages to Medjugorje are sometimes blessed with their medals or rosaries turning gold. By this little miracle in my life I saw clearly how our community is one with all other people of a mystical inclination. It also became more deeply impressed on me how everything that I could possibly need can be found in this community. It is not necessary for me to go here or there. We have the best of everything that counts right here. I have been on staff for about fourteen years and with each passing year the baseline of happiness in my life goes up. It is very special to be part of a mystery school not only to experience blessings in my life but also to see transformations and miracles happening in everyone around me. The blessing of my medal turning gold is a physical reminder to me of all the miracles that happen here daily, seen and unseen. The greatest miracle to me is the oneness of heart that we all feel with you, Mother. The miracle of your open heart gives our faltering hearts strength and brings us to the feet of the Ascended Masters, where all things are possible. All my love, ****** Chapter 16 The Blessed Mother - April 18, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 16 - The Blessed Mother - April 18, 1993 How to Contact Angels - Your Guides, Guardians and Friends 8 I Stand By You Champion the Cause of the Child! Bear the Cross of World Karma I AM Walking the Stations of the Cross with You My beloved sons and daughters, I am grateful to be with you in this city. I am grateful that you can listen to the whisperings of my heart and that you can know the Path with me. For I have never left any one of you. Even as I stood by my Son all the way to Golgotha, I stand by you. I am there when you are on the cross and I am there when you are taken down from the cross. You have not been taught that the fourteen stations of the cross are for you to walk also. In this hour it is not only the Christ who is crucified but the Woman and her seed, for fallen angels move about in earth bodies tormenting women and children. Yes, I am here to walk the stations with you. The soul of both man and woman is feminine. The Bridegroom is Christ, your divine spouse, who is masculine. So know, then, that the soul of each and every one of you is mutable and yet it becomes immutable by love, by light, by glory, by self-giving. Therefore know the way of the bearing of the cross of world karma, for you are already bearing the cross of your own karma. You have become accustomed to its weight even though you are not always comfortable with that weight. And so you surfeit yourselves in loud and dissonant music, in TV and motion pictures that have no merit, in drugs or alcohol - anything that will silence the burden of the soul and the weight of karma, if but to escape it for a night before you must take up your burden again in the reality of the day. I, then, am the Angel Mother who mothers your soul. Each one of you can be a portion of myself. The intercession of the Divine Mother in the earth is the great need of the hour. The Divine Mother is universal and universally present with you through her ministering angels. Millions of legions of my angels respond to the prayers of all people to the Divine Mother, she the Great Goddess. Call her what you will, configure her according to any of your religious paths - the Mother is the Word, the Great Shakti of Brahman. And the Mother in her various garments does go forth to rescue her own. Now as never before the children of the world have such a profound need for mothering and nurturing. Mothers of the world, fathers of the world, I speak to you: Your children need not so much of the goods of this world and the material things that you work and work to give them to the neglect of the moments of tenderness and caring and intimacy that are paramount in their soul development. They need you and they need you every hour. Do not harm them anymore! Do not harm them anymore, even though your parents and care givers have harmed you, your soul, your inner child. And if it is possible for you to undo the harm done to you (and indeed it is!), then you will be free not to mar the souls of your children by passing on to them the pain you experienced in your own childhood. And in this age of materialism and neglect of the oneness of mother and child, let the protective arm of the blessed father give comfort and strength to both. Let the Holy Family and your family be the sign of the Aquarian age. Let tenderness be the mark of your being, your speaking, your interchanges with children and adults alike. And when you meet souls who are hollowed out, who have no sense of caring for themselves or others, no tenderness toward life, souls in whom the fire is gone out, know that so often this comes from their childhood when they suffered abandonment at some level - the emotional level, the spiritual level, the physical level. And in that abandonment, they also abandoned themselves and they left off tending the candle of identity, and the flame was snuffed out. Think how many are behind bars because they committed crimes when it was the only way they knew to get their mother's attention. Well, I tell you, one and all, they have my attention. My attention is on them. And I ask you to pray for those who have come out of dysfunctional homes and families, this dysfunction having been carried from the fathers to the sons from generations long past. {147} How shall the world be healed unless some say: I will turn this thing around! I will invoke the violet flame and the Holy Spirit! I will accept my healing in my four lower bodies. I will pursue therapy for my soul. I will resolve the schisms in my psyche. And I will come to the point of wholeness! I will stop the momentums of generations before me who have abandoned the child. And I will nurture life! I have no greater calling than to restore to every part of life the gentle communication of the Mother: "I AM here. "I have returned. "I AM with you. "I AM not afar off." These are the words of the Divine Mother. I am a mother among the heavenly hosts. And, as you know, I am called the Queen of Angels. In that office I send all angels of heaven to nurture life and to take from mothers their hardness of heart toward their children that has come from their own abuse by this one and that one and another and another. I send angels in embodiment such as this Messenger to teach them to call upon Mercy's flame, the flame of forgiveness, which is the violet transmuting flame, for the melting of that hardness of heart and for the restoration of the living, pulsating heart of fire, heart of flesh, immaculate heart of a mother's eye that sees only the beauty of her child and protects her precious one and does not allow the world to tear that child from her womb or from her breast. Of course I stand against abortion and the aborting of life and the mission of a soul! Of course I do! For I know that in every child that is aborted there is a Christ-potential and there is a mission. And therefore abortion is the aborting of the divine plan of a living soul. For God has ordained the return of each soul to physical incarnation in that special timing when that soul may come into life with her group, with the many who played their parts with her on the stages of ancient civilizations when they made good and bad karma together. There is a law of generations that governs those who are born under the common influences of the slow-moving planets and the fixed stars - generations of people who must be born together, play together, grow up together, study together and take dominion over the earth together as their elders grow old and pass to them the torch of civilization. Where are they? I cry out to you! I cry out on behalf of 29 million souls whose mission has been aborted in this nation alone!{148} I speak in their defense, for this Messenger gives me a mouthpiece and a voice. I cry out to you and I tell you, a soul is a living heart and a soul has full conscious awareness, even in the hour of the conception of the physical body, of being in life, of being alive! And have you not seen the films of the soul in her new body swimming in the womb, dancing for joy and even performing pirouettes?{149} Have you not seen this joyous activity taking place in the womb of the mother? Therefore pray for those whose hardness of heart, passed on from generation to generation, has allowed them to silence the heartbeat and the cry of the child within. This child within is part of mother, part of father, part of life: life that is sacred, life that is God. I am not old-fashioned, I am a realist. And I am telling you of the realities of the karma of abortion. If abortion has entered your life, I say, call upon the violet flame for the healing of the soul in pain for its mission cut off. Call on the law of forgiveness for yourself. Do not condemn yourself, for I, Mary, do not condemn you, but I urge you to seek early the opportunity of serving life and caring for children that you might learn to love your own inner child and balance the karma of abortion. And pray that in due course you might have a family and bring in the soul or souls whom you aborted through ignorance in an hour when you were perhaps distraught, misled, faced with choices without being given the facts about the life that was aborning in your womb - or perhaps you knew and denied what you knew. Blessed ones, America is not fulfilling her mission because millions of souls are not in life, are not growing up, are not taking their places at your side. Whose twin flame has been aborted? Whose children-to-be? Whose loved ones are not here? Do you sometimes look around and say, "Where is what's-his-name? He should be here. Where is what's-her-name? She should be here, too." I will tell you where they are. They are waiting in the wings of life in the heaven-world for parents to welcome them so that even belatedly they might take up their mission. I will not dwell upon this, for I desire not to burden you but to enlighten you. Yet this is one of the grave realities of our time, and you need to know it so that you will not incur negative karma and so that you can wake up others so that they do not incur negative karma. I come, then, in profoundest concern for all children of earth and I ask you to champion their cause, for they are the seed of the Woman clothed with the Sun. So often the child is defenseless. Who defends the child and the right of that child to breathe the air of freedom, to be carefree, to not go hungry, to learn his lessons and to grow up to enjoy life to its fullest maturity? Who will defend the child? Midst the entire population of the planet, only the child is defenseless. Yes, beloved, my angels come, Archangel Michael's angels come in defense of the child. May you come to the aid of children no matter what your profession! May you make time for children and for your own inner child! Yes, make time for the children. Make time for them, for they so desperately need your love and in their little souls and in their little hearts they pray to God for deliverance. Who will deliver them? Who will take the women and children down from the cross? Let the Light of your mission be upon you now. I blaze the Light upon your own childhood and I send waves of healing for all hurt that may have been done to you. And you who are the strong and you who are the whole, may you take in your arms many of these precious ones. For this is an age for the succoring of life. Now our angels come. They come in myriad numbers, clustering around you, tapping you on the shoulder and saying to each one: "Remember me? I am your cohort of Light. I was there when you were born. I have tended you, I have been with you. Come, I will show you the next step." Feel the love of God in the angelic hosts. We are real, I promise you. We are real, we are ready and we are determined that this civilization will not go down for this or that darkness that has penetrated. For the judgments of the Lord Christ shall ultimately come for the binding of the rebel angels, and the burdens of life will ease up as you move into the twenty-first century. But just now and in these years to come, nine years and more from this hour, you will face challenges supreme. I come, then, for the strengthening of your determination and to give you my promise that I, Mary, will come to you and care for you as I have cared for my Son Jesus. So call to me, for I AM your Mother of Love, most approachable and never condemning. No, you are not dyed-in-the-wool sinners. Yes, you may have sinned. You may be ignorant of the laws of God and you may have broken some of his laws, erring on this or that side of the Law, but in you is that Divine Being, the Atman, which you are and ever have been from the Beginning. Remember, I AM Mary. I hold the immaculate concept for your Victory. I AM your Mother cheering you on. I will not leave thee, O my sons and daughters. In this flame we seal our message to you this night. May you rejoice that your eyes are opened and that you can nurture your inner sight and therefore know and see those things which shall shortly come to pass. With Raphael, I bow before the Light within you, ever the servant of your God Flame and your soul. [31-second standing ovation] This dictation by the Blessed Mother with Angels of Healing attending was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, February 27, 1993, during a weekend seminar, How to Contact Angels - Your Guides, Guardians and Friends Part 2, held at the Skokie North Shore Hilton, Chicago, Illinois. The Blessed Mother dictated directly following the dictation by Archangel Raphael. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under the direction of the Blessed Mother.] "Life Begets Life" by Elizabeth Clare Prophet (Videocassette: 6 cassettes, 4 hr. 26 min., GP91094.) (Audiocassette: 3 cassettes, 4 hr. 19 min., A91060.) Handbook: Life Begets Life All you need to know to take up the sword of the Spirit to defend unborn life. (#1819.) New rosaries to assist you in defending the life of the unborn: The Love Mysteries: Monday, the Third Ray, A93025 The Joyful Mysteries: Tuesday, the First Ray, A93023 For a complete listing of scriptural rosaries available on audiocassette, see the "Celebrate the Immaculate Heart of Mary" order form you received with the Messenger's April 27, 1993 letter. ***** 16.1 I AM the Witness - April 18, 1993 ***** Vol. 36 No. 16 - I AM the Witness - April 18, 1993 I AM the Witness My Therapy with Cathryn Taylor Dear Mother, After nearly ten years of staff service, I left the ranch on December 10, 1992. El Morya advised me to be in group and individual therapy for six months. Three days after I left, he gave a dictation that was subsequently published in the Pearls of Wisdom (vol. 35, no. 68). On the last page of the Pearl was the Bonding Prayer to his heart. I remembered your teaching that the reason we could not experience the bonding with El Morya or Jesus was that the inner child, or soul, was separated from the loving inner adult, fashioned in the image of the Holy Christ Self. I contacted Cathryn Taylor, author of The Inner Child Workbook. The events that unfolded certainly were not just coincidences: Cathryn's publisher does not give out author phone numbers but did for me. Her phone recorder is usually on, but when I called from Montana she answered and I arranged to meet with her the following week in California. She normally would not allow new entrants to her class (a combination of individual and group therapy) but because there was a Christmas break she allowed me to catch up to three months of prior work. The remainder of the class would be six months (ending on my birthday), and she had no intention of leading this length of a class again. El Morya had left many clues! My first meditation was visualizing my Higher Power and inner adult going to an empty movie theater to view a scene from the past. I saw El Morya sitting in the row before me. I recognized the turbaned Master by his Zen comments. Wow! What a boost to start inner child work with the father's kind attention in reviewing my past! Although Cathryn is highly skilled, she believes she is not the healer; the healer is one's Higher Power. She strongly opposes a sympathetic tie to the therapist. As a facilitator, she merely teaches lifetime tools to "process" emotions - that is, to resolve one's psychology. She recognizes that we have to strengthen our tube of light (she calls it the "cylinder of light") and go vertically to our Higher Power to meet our needs, rather than horizontally to others. The term codependent was coined for those addicted to being caretakers of alcoholics. But, by definition, codependency is meeting one's needs horizontally, so many people have this problem. Most encounter groups engage people horizontally by having participants give feedback to each other's emotions. In our group, we each stayed within our own tube of light because each person must ultimately rely on his own Higher Power and inner adult to process emotions. Being within our tube of light, we can make the choice as to whether we want to act out our desires or whether we want to set a boundary. I, as well as others, had fears about being exposed in a group setting. However, we all found that a camaraderie develops because whatever one's background is, growing up has its similarities - whether one was abandoned, hated by one's schoolmates, or fell into drug addiction to avoid coping. Group work helps one to open up and receive support. We learned of each developmental stage: infant, toddler, young inner child, grade-school child, young teen, adolescent and young inner adult. One exercise was for each group member to isolate and express an internal criticism such as "I'll never succeed because I'm fat and ugly." Then the others in the group would take turns saying it, and the person would have to counter it each time. Week after week, we challenged and defused the internal dialogue. As El Morya said in his December 13 dictation, "You may have forgiven, been forgiven and shaken hands, ... but the hurt must be gone and the impressions it has made upon you." Cathryn explains that although the inner adult may have forgiven others, the inner child may not have. Early on, I became stuck in therapy, stuck in the mud. Did I want change bad enough to get out? You can be weighed down by bitterness or a lack of forgiveness and not see the end result of therapy as becoming a new person. Thus, you won't work on your key issues and won't reveal your deepest pains to another. In one of my meditations, I found that the dweller-on-the-threshold did not want to lose control, which would happen if the inner child and the inner adult were to connect and take control. Having come out of the mud, I began each week to write out a list of issues and make the calls to El Morya and Lanello to help me. When I couldn't think of anything to write, I would become anxious. But once I was in my session, the most glaring problem would surface. The Masters never failed me and would also lead me regularly to study a certain book or movie. And perhaps this daily tuning-in to El Morya helped me to get to know him. The I AM Presence also directs the healing. I noticed that each week situations would come up in our lives that would trigger issues for the particular childhood stage we were working on. Week after week, burned bridges between the inner adult and inner child were reconstructed, so that later this inner connection became instantaneous. As I began to reparent the inner child, El Morya appeared in my childhood stages as the protector. In my meditations I saw him rebuke my parents, remove me from a dangerous scene, and so on. I often wept as I came to know him as my new father. Surprisingly, I found that my inner teenager carried scars from not finding the Path. Jesus went to India as a teenager, but my teenager had her idealism crushed when life taught that the Guru was nowhere to be found (or that the twin flame was not to be found). In inner child work, the inner adult seeks out the abandoned child and reparents him. Both grieve one's past, and the loving inner adult dismisses the unloving inner adult, who was created through experiences with one's parents. I found that my three most significant problem areas were shame, low self-esteem and anger. The shameful sense of "not being good enough" leaves one feeling helpless, defective and unlovable. I have felt shame just looking into the eyes of El Morya in his portrait. The inner adult may see El Morya as loving but the inner child, who carries shame, feels unworthy. When the inner child's need is not met, it will meet it subconsciously by engaging in disobedient or self-destructive behavior. Once an unwanted act has been committed, it is the adult who suffers the shame. Shame manifests in a destructive cycle along with compulsive/addictive behavior. Inner child work gives us tools to stop that cycle, heal and transform our shame. Continuing to shame ourselves about a past event reflects anger toward God. We don't allow God to forgive us. Cathryn gave us exercises to clear up the constant self-criticisms. However, some shames are so deep that only our Higher Power can heal them, and one can be guided to clear these also. I found that low self-esteem comes from the repression of feelings. When you don't acknowledge and deal with your bad feelings, you don't acknowledge your good ones either; then you feel increasingly worthless. In my meditations, I saw a cobra coming out of my solar plexus. I called to Archangel Michael and he removed it. Then a black magician appeared. Low self-esteem is like an open wound. Dark forces occupy that hole in your aura until the Archangels come to heal it. We disown ourselves by denying our feelings and not respecting the voice of the inner child. As I began to uncover my emotions, I found that I would not become angry when I should have at an injustice. I was unable to express anger in the moment but carried it inside of myself so that later a small incident would trigger repressed anger. As El Morya said in his December 13 dictation, "Your unloving inner adult may contain it [and unleash it upon just about anyone]." Repressed anger is anger toward God, whether it manifests as a livid rage or suicidal depression. I had come full circle to understanding El Morya's message on anger against God! I saw the necessity to tackle it now so that I would not miss the ascension and have to face this anger in subsequent embodiments. El Morya said, "Thus, beloved ones, in the matter of unconscious anger and your dealing with it, I would suggest that when you are far enough along in your group or individual therapy, far enough along in the healing of your inner child, you tackle this." It indeed did take a qualified therapist to help unleash that anger. One should not just express anger to others. It can be released through inner child techniques. Additionally, one needs to give the call for the binding of the dweller-on-the-threshold and lots of violet flame. For three weeks I was assigned to some exercises in which I felt I was literally pulling out the repressed anger. I remembered El Morya's words: "You will not transmute it if you do not let it go." For me, this anger was the cause of my passivity and physical and mental problems. At some point in childhood I gave up dealing with my anger. El Morya said, "[Your failure to deal with anger] is an avoidance tactic. ... It is the soul's responsibility to deal with her own reaction to what has been done to her." Now, as I am strengthening my loving inner adult, I am learning to deal with it! No doubt El Morya saw the end from the beginning. Overcoming this anger allows one to begin taking responsibility for oneself, the Church and the education of the youth. Although this work is serious, our group had a lot of fun too. We pretended we were two-year-olds throwing temper tantrums, acted out being at a slumber party, blew bubbles in the park ... and came to love each other fondly. Each person can discover as I have that the bonding of the soul to El Morya's heart is possible not only because it is God's will but because it is El Morya's will. In gratitude, The Inner Child Workbook by Cathryn Taylor is available through Summit University Press. ****** Chapter 17 Beloved Holy Justinius - April 25, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 17 - Beloved Holy Justinius - April 25, 1993 How to Contact Angels - Your Guides, Guardians and Friends 9 You Are Not Helpless! You Can Defeat the Challenges of the Decade Seraphim of God Establish an Amphitheater of Light over Chicago with the Queen of Angels in the Center A Violet Flame Magnet to Draw More Violet Fire from the Great Central Sun Hail, flaming ones from the Great Central Sun! Welcome to the city of the heart!{150} O legions of Light, show thyselves unto all! For round about this city this day seraphim of God and angels of victory, legions of white fire and of the wisdom ray come forth. And they form by their beings of light a giant amphitheater, as it were, their light bodies providing a chalice congruent with and containing this entire city so that everyone in this city in this moment is experiencing at some level the presence of an angel of God, an angel of victory or a seraphim from on high. O six-winged ones, lo, I AM come! I AM Justinius, Captain of Seraphic Bands. And each and every angel who does enter the city does wield the great sword of sacred fire. Beware, ye hellions! Beware, ye who do not take care to be tidy in the word, tidy in the solar plexus, tidy in the mind. Come, then. Kneel before the Cosmic Virgin, Mary the Mother of Jesus, and receive from her heart a cleansing. Receive it early, for it is not every day that the Queen of Angels does present herself in the very midst of an amphitheater formed by angels of Light. Wherefore cometh these hosts, then? We come to quicken, to multiply and to celebrate the violet flame that has been invoked in this city by students of the I AM movement, by those who have followed in the wake of the Great Causal Bodies of Godfre and Lotus and all who have been a part of the cause of Saint Germain in this century.{151} Therefore, for the work of the many and the few, there is a violet flame magnet that has been placed here to draw from the Central Sun more violet fire. Therefore I give that decree with you now. For all seraphim of God would chorus with you - truly in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Mother, Mary - this their call to the violet flame. May I lead you, beloved hearts, and may you stand in honor of such a company of heavenly hosts that does grace the earth this day. More Violet Fire by Hilarion Lovely God Presence, I AM in me, Hear me now I do decree: Bring to pass each blessing for which I call Upon the Holy Christ Self of each and all. Let Violet Fire of Freedom roll Round the world to make all whole; Saturate the earth and its people, too, With increasing Christ-radiance shining through. I AM this action from God above, Sustained by the hand of heaven's Love, Transmuting the causes of discord here, Removing the cores so that none do fear. I AM, I AM, I AM The full power of Freedom's Love Raising all earth to heaven above. Violet Fire now blazing bright, In living beauty is God's own Light Which right now and forever Sets the world, myself and all life Eternally free in Ascended-Master Perfection. Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM! Now you may multiply this call by the sounding of the Om. Send the Om from your heart to the Great Source of Life, to the heart of Brahman and the Word, and see how the Om returns to you, forming a circle of light between you and the Central Sun of the Godhead. Therefore, with all seraphim of God intone the Sacred Word: [Congregation joins Holy Justinius and seraphim of God in sounding the Om:] Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm So be seated in the Light of your Presence. On this day of the celebration of the ascension of a son of God, Lanello by name, we come therefore to prophesy your victory, to prophesy the holiness of God descending upon you. Seraphim of the Central Sun, recapture, then, the spirit of Liberty in every heart upon earth! Mend the flaws! Mend the rents in the garments! And let those who are the servants of the Light close ranks. At the conclusion of this day you shall form a circle, and in the center of that circle there shall stand Mary the Mother, the Queen of Angels. And you will form that circle of oneness, reinforced by angels of Light. And you will know that it is a day and an hour when your life, consecrated by you, by God and holy angels and the Blessed Mother, can take a turn. It will be the turn that will make all the difference, the turn whereby you make an about-face and, come what may, you reap what karma you have sown, you pick up the dropped stitches of your path and onward you march to the Great Central Sun. Between now and your victory we have much work to do, for souls must be rescued and the people must have a vision! And the vision that they are given today by their leaders is not the vision of the All-Seeing Eye of God, is not the divine plan for the nations. Therefore the blind lead the blind in the highest offices of the land. And where shall we go to find the heart that rings, that rings, that rings with the heart of the Lord Christ? We shall go to the manger. We shall go to the Holy Child. We shall go to your very soul. And we shall plead before the Father - Mother God, and we shall call for those lifestreams who were aborted to be born and we shall call for others to be raised up and others still to be quickened and converted to the Light of their own God-free being. Let them hear the Word of the Lord! Let them hear that voice of the Son of God within and live henceforth according to the calling of God. Let the people rise up! For in the hearts of the people there is knowledge, there is foreknowledge, there is the vision of the future that can become reality, the vision of the violet flame covering the land and the golden age of Aquarius. That is the first choice presented by Lord Zadkiel.{152} It is yet the option! But remember this, beloved. The Blessed Mother herself has told you, unless there be an ongoing conflagration of the violet flame by the dynamic decrees you offer daily for the transmutation of world karma, there will not be the setting aside of those prophecies that have gone forth from her heart through her many mouthpieces.{153} Know that the violet flame is the key to avoiding the second choice for planet earth, which is not a golden age of Aquarius but a dark age where karma continues to fall, for the people have not received their divine intercessors. Know, then, that this day the seraphim of God make a state-ment by their very presence in this city. Therefore, on behalf of all seraphim I say, let the Keepers of the Flame who claim this city and this state as their own rise to the opportunity of presenting to the world the opening of the doors of a center of Light that shall allow those from every walk of life to enter there, to worship God and to know him intimately in the Presence of the I AM THAT I AM. Let the heart of America be strong because each chela of El Morya in this city and state is strong. Let the strength of a nation be in her heart! And therefore let the labors of your decrees be accomplished according to your initiative. And let your focus be on the records of crime and the history of criminal activity perpetrated against the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary in this city since its founding.{154} Read this aspect of the history of Chicago and then call to the seraphim, the legions of Victory, angels of the violet flame and all hosts of the Seven Archangels! Yes, call to them, beloved hearts! Call to them for the clearing of the records of organized crime!{155} Call to them for the multiplication of the action of transmutation! Call to them and make this city a city of violet flame, a city of light, a city where the I AM Presence may step through the veil and appear to the little children. Yes, children see their angels. Let them see their Mighty I AM Presence! Let them hail that I AM Light! Let them know that their God is with them - yes, one and all. Rise to this occasion, beloved ones, and let there be in America a return to freedom on the spiritual path, in the soul, in the heart, in the innermost recesses of being. Blessed hearts, throw the TV sets out the window and protect your children from violence and violent thoughtforms. They must not take these in! How shall we, as seraphim of God, create in them the sense of holiness when they know naught else but violence and more violence? This is a hideous monster in the land. It is the misuse of the technology given to the people by Saint Germain. You must stop it by your fiats! You must call to seraphim and all seven of the Mighty Archangels, who have promised to intercede for you in so many ways and especially on behalf of your children. You have come, you have heard, you have assisted at our meetings. Now know the LORD and know the full power of God to turn all these things aside and never again say, "I can't help it." You are not helpless! You are not helpless! You are not helpless - you can help what words come out of your mouth, what thoughts emit from your mind, what feelings dart forth from the body of your emotions. No, don't say, "I can't help it!" You can help your actions. You can help your words. You can help your thoughts and feelings. And you can be centered in the kindness of the mighty Bodhisattva become Buddha, Lord Maitreya. Yes, you can fulfill all things. The question is: Will you? ["Yes!"] Blessed hearts, you have said yes many times. Know, then, that the fire of your own will must engage! engage! engage! - engage and lock in to the mighty spheres of light that make up the resplendent bodies of the seraphim, engage and lock in to that life-and-death struggle against your own dweller-on-the-threshold, and engage and lock in to the struggle against the denizens of hell who move among you. Yes, you must lock in to what is really happening, what the rebel angels are doing all around you, and then go after them fearlessly with your calls, with your sword of blue flame, with your absolute confidence in Almighty God and the certain knowledge that the Messenger does reinforce you, that you can call day or night for help, that you can write for help, that you can depend upon the prayer force of this movement and of those who are gathered in the cities with you. You can depend on God if God can depend on you giving your decrees daily. Have you learned this lesson well - that you must give light in the affirmation of the Word to create a chalice whereby God can and will work unfailingly through you, and whereby his angels will come instantaneously to your side in time of danger with greater speed than the speed of light? Yes, beloved, have you learned the science of the spoken Word? ["Yes!"] Then make it work and make it work for you, beloved! For you dare not step forth and enter the battle each day unless you have called forth the light of God. Call it forth! And call the seraphim until your homes are filled with angels, not merely as decorative motifs but as guardians of the sacred fire of your heart and home and family. Beloved Alpha and Omega have sent many cosmic reinforcements for this your day, for this your year and the next and the next. Become a part of them! Band together with them, running as runners in a race. Establish a rolling momentum with them - yes, a rolling momentum of sacred fire in your chakras! For you will meet your ultimate challenges in this decade, make no mistake about it. The challenges will come. They are here. They arrive every day. And you can defeat them! I tell you, you can defeat them. I am in charge of the seraphim of the cosmos, and I stand before you offering you the armour of seraphim. If you will but call to me daily for that armour, it will be placed upon you by two aides who will come to you and dress you in that armour and infire you with the flame that is both cool and powerful so that you may go forth as pillars of fire amongst the seraphim, serving side by side with them. And by and by, you may almost pass for seraphim yourselves and you will appreciate that honor, I can assure you. So, then, know that the seraphim have come, that there is karma on a world scale to be transmuted, and that this is no time to say to yourself, "My karma is not such a heavy load. I do not need the violet flame." You need the violet flame so very much that I can hardly tell you how much you need it for the things that are coming upon the earth through the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.{156} For they ride and they still ride and they have not yet delivered the full cup of the wrath of the indignation of the LORD God.{157} And it does fall and the falling of that karma does accelerate. And therefore be not angry. Be not put out! And do not rebel against your God, for your God has decreed that you must bear your karma. Therefore bear it gracefully, honorably, lovingly and in gratitude. Accept your daily lot only for a moment; then pass the violet flame and the white fire through it! Cast it into the flame and go forth free and recharged by the power of Helios and Vesta. I bring you the message of the Father-Mother of the sun of your system, Helios and Vesta, that they desire you to give their mantras in the Ashram Ritual to the Great Central Sun.{158} Yes, beloved, the sun of Helios and Vesta is the all-consuming power of God to consume the plagues that are coming upon the earth and the darkness that is covering the land. But the people are in such darkness that they do not even see the darkness! We ask you to fight for the Light, to make your calls for the Light and thereby decelerate the accelerating karma in the earth. This you do by transmuting that karma through the action of the violet flame as soon as that karma descends. Do you not feel the karmic weight when you do not call for that transmutation? Blessed hearts, tell me! Do you not feel the weight when you do not make the call? ["Yes!"] And how many minutes does it take you to dispel that weight when you will to still your four lower bodies, when you will to be still, to not be agitated and to give your calls to the violet flame? Well, I will tell you. Fifteen minutes is a minimum, and by the dispensation of Omri-Tas that fifteen is multiplied by the power of ten,{159} counting for 150 minutes. Therefore, keep on keeping on! Keep on with the violet flame! Keep on with Omri-Tas! And you may see that total darkness may never come to earth (which darkness is the karma of her people in this time) but perhaps only a twilight where there is yet the possibility of seeing and making one's way. Yes, things could become darker, beloved. We have given the antidote. Many saints have walked in robes of violet flame in this century and contributed mightily to the staying action of the LORD God whereby greater calamities and burdens have not fallen upon America. You take for granted the protection of this nation by the full presence of the Goddess of Liberty and the sponsoring Ascended Masters. Do you not realize that this protection has come to you by the grace of Saint Germain and that America is yet vulnerable and becomes increasingly more vulnerable day by day as abortion instead of adoption is accepted as a viable alternative, as street drugs are not challenged as they should be, as children are abused and as the rock stars vent their rebellion through their sounds that can only be the sounds of hell and not the sounds of heaven? Yes, they are revving up their engines of anger. Beware of them, for that is what a rock concert is all about. It is the venting of anger by certain rebel angels who are not desirous of rising to the level of the angels of Light. And therefore because they themselves would not rise, they would pull down and they have pulled down, by the use of their amplification systems, the youth of several generations now to the lowest levels of a common denominator of darkness in the astral body and the astral plane. Go not the way, then, of those who appear harmless and yet are the instruments of great harm. Whether they themselves are harmful or whether they be simply the instruments of harm, what is the difference? The harm is done and it is done to the little children. It is done to the womb of the mother, to the seed of the father, and to the light of the eye and the crown of the halo that belongs upon your heads.{160} We are the holy ones of God! We are accompanied by legions of Victory and we come with such fierce determination, beloved hearts, as to emit a blinding light that intensifies in your auras. You are not ready to see this light, yet it is all around you now. And the light builds and it builds and it builds as a gentle snow of light descends upon this city and state. And that gentle snow of light from etheric octaves is a cleansing action. We would begin somewhere. We begin in this city where the response has been a good response on the part of the few and the many who have desired to hear the Word of the Archangels, to bask in the Light and to trust in their own I AM Presence. You who have such a sincere desire to make things right in the earth, I tell you, the Blessed Mother comforts you this day. She empowers you as you are able to receive her. And angels come and minister unto you that you might cut through - cut through, yes! - and step out of the old mold and into the new mold of your own Christhood. It is an hour when many must turn and face the Sun. Do you know, beloved hearts, concerning the sands in the hourglass, that many have lived tens of thousands of years but there does come a day in the life of every individual when he must decide either to take the opportunity for eternal Life that is offered to him by God or to wait another round of untold cycles for that opportunity to come again? Today many are being given the opportunity to accelerate the balancing of their karma and to make their ascension in this life. And if they do not take it, then they will have to face the wide circle of an unknown journey all over again. In the equation of life and death and immortality, none is given to know in the outer mind, but some know through the soul and through soul-knowing, when it is the hour that they must choose to accelerate their spiritual path, when they can no longer postpone the initiations leading to the ascension. These days are arriving for millions in this decade and some will awaken to wisdom and the joy of the Lord and everlasting Life and some will awaken to contempt and more contempt of God and his emissaries,{161} with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.{162} So, when all awaken - whether to their ancient momentums of service to the Light or to their ancient momentums of service to the Darkness - that is when the battle rages, and it is always raging round the little children, round the souls who must be protected. Our angels are straightforward, simple and direct. We know our job. We know our business and we perform it with no idle chatter but in the oneness of the Mind of God. We move as one. We are in a level beyond your own, and we make up another Mystical Body of Light: it is the Mystical Body of all seraphim of God worlds without end. Together as one we make up one magnificent chalice, and the amphitheater we have established here in Chicago on the etheric plane is but a small manifestation of the chalice that we are and that we offer unto the Light evolutions of many worlds. There is simply no excuse - when you have the knowledge of the angels of God, of divine intercession and of how to make the call - for you not to take action daily on behalf of your family, your community and your planet. How can you forsake so great a salvation? You simply cannot. Well, I take my sword now, for I have come to direct its fire to your heart! So I come to give you the spiritual initiation of "the piercing of the heart." Yes, beloved, the piercing of the heart is the beginning of the path of your Christhood in earnest. A few drops of blood will flow as drops of light, and then you will also know and be one with your Lord. Do not fear the crucifixion! Do not fear it. Many saints have passed through far greater pain. For they have endured the pain of the crucifixion for centuries as they have borne the cross of world karma. Remember, your Lord was on the cross but a few hours on Good Friday.{163} In the service of your Lord on the path of initiation many of you have remained on that cross on and off for centuries. We would take you down from the cross, for we are ministering seraphim. But first let us tell you one reason why you remain on the cross. It is because ultimately you resist the full initiation of the crucifixion. In a sense it can be said that you are reluctant to drink the full cup Christ is commanding you to drink. ("Drink ye all of it."{164}) You are not willing to let die the old man with his deeds{165} nor are you ready for your soul's full resurrection in Christ. ("Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone but if it die it bringeth forth much fruit."{166}) So you continue to walk the via dolorosa{167} as the perpetual martyr, neither dying nor being born again. And unless you drink the cup of Christ's Blood and drink all of it and partake of his Body, you cannot be taken down from the cross and be given the initiation of the resurrection, henceforth to walk the earth as a resurrected son or daughter of God. Your Lord did walk the earth in the spiral of resurrection's flame to the age of eighty-one. He did not pass from the screen of life at thirty-three but took up his abode in Kashmir and there had a great following of disciples. And the Light and the presence of the Lord Christ filled the temples, the hearts and the chakras of a people who were ready for his message. Know, then, that when the crucifixion comes to you early in life and you pass all the tests involved in that initiation, you may have a full life ahead of you of walking in the garments of the resurrected Christ, this while you are yet in physical embodiment in preparation for your ascension. This truly is the Way, the Truth and the Life, following in the footsteps of your Lord! Fear not, then. Death is the last enemy.{168} Defeat it now! Get it out of the way! And accept the glory of your eternal Life. This is my message to you. Defeat Death and Hell today and get on with living the Life everlasting here on earth while you yet enjoy being in full health in physical embodiment yet caught up in resurrection's flame.{169} Be the example! Let your Light shine! For when we see the resurrection beacon directed from your heart across the night sky, we match it with our beacon of the seraphim of God. We are ever your companions and cohorts of Light, defenders, helpers, healers. Call to us now, while you think of it, that we might be authorized to accompany you from this day forward to the hour of earth's victory - and your own. All seraphim of God bow to the Light within you. May you bow to the Light of your Father-Mother God. I AM Justinius, evermore the champion of the soul of Light! - [56-second standing ovation] This dictation by Holy Justinius with Seraphim and Angels of Victory attending was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, February 28, 1993, during a weekend seminar, How to Contact Angels - Your Guides, Guardians and Friends Part 2, held at the Skokie North Shore Hilton, Chicago, Illinois. The dictation followed the Messenger's lecture "How to Work with the Angels for Success." [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under the direction of Holy Justinius.] To augment your study of this Pearl and to learn more about the seraphim, the Messenger recommends that you meditate on the Seraphic Meditations of Serapis Bey and Holy Justinius, published in the Dossier on the Ascension, pp. 115-40. Send for your own video- or audiocassette of the Messenger's memorable reading of the Seraphic Meditations, set to angelic music: Seraphic Meditations Videocassette: 102 min., HP91034. Audiocassette: 71 min., A91044. Both include the February 17, 1991 dictation by the Maha Chohan. ***** 17.1 Beloved Jesus Christ - April 25, 1993 ***** Vol. 36 No. 17 - Beloved Jesus Christ - April 25, 1993 THE RADIANT WORD Excerpt from a Dictation by Beloved Jesus Christ DELEGATIONS FROM VENUS AND SIRIUS ARRIVING BY SUMMER SOLSTICE TO ASSESS SPIRITUAL COMMUNITIES given at the Royal Teton Ranch, Easter Sunday, April 11, 1993 Yes, we are coming with a delegation from Venus and a delegation from the God Star. These delegations, two in number, are coming to survey the spiritual communities that we have set up and that are on planet earth - from this, Maitreya's Mystery School, to those in the East to communities that you have not heard of and even to small communities within the churches where there are yet priests and nuns and those who are living together in the celebration of the Buddha, of the Christ, of Zarathustra, or perhaps they are Shaivites or perhaps they are devotees of the Divine Mother. We shall assess all communities. We shall assess all lifestreams in those communities and we will determine - given their present levels of commitment and what they are doing regularly on a day-to-day basis for the keeping of the flame of the mystery schools on planet earth - just what we will be able to do for planet earth and what we will not be able to do. Therefore the best move that each and every one of you here can make upon returning to your residences around the world is to get together with other Keepers of the Flame and communicants and to say to yourselves, "What is the level of commitment we can guarantee and we can maintain?" Do not make it too high, do not make it too low. Set your house in order. Secure whatever place will be your semipermanent place, for there is nothing permanent in this world. But secure that place that is adequate and set up your reading room, your altar, your place where people can come and receive the Teachings. Put your houses in order, beloved ones, for by this July conference, specifically by summer solstice, the delegations will arrive. We will take an accounting. We will see who and what there is that we may work with, and then we shall survey the planet and see who are the five million souls who are Lightbearers who could enter in if they were properly contacted. Therefore you ought to also consider how you will contact more Lightbearers to be a part of the path of the Teachings. ***** 17.2 I AM the Witness - April 25, 1993 ***** Vol. 36 No. 17 - I AM the Witness - April 25, 1993 living in Boston, Massachusetts. Mark visited The Summit Lighthouse group there and I was in attendance. On April 22, 1961, I heard for the first time in my life an Archangel deliver a message to humanity through a living Messenger. Before Mark returned to Washington, he presented to me Leaves of Morya's Garden 1 and said, "Morya wants you to read this." And I did. By meditating on the concepts in Leaves of Morya's Garden and continually referring back to them, I found the fulfillment of the ninety-first psalm: "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty ..." The impartation of Morya's flame throughout Leaves of Morya's Garden is a matter of the Guru-chela relationship. The purpose of these books is to give you an intimate contact with Hierarchy, with the Masters, and to quicken within you the consciousness of Morya. I would like to witness to the fact that it is the precious tie to El Morya's heart that gives me the strength not only to be a Messenger but also to face the challenges confronting our Church today. One of my most cherished memories is my lifetime as his daughter Meg when he was embodied as Sir Thomas More (1478-1535). I adored him then as I do today. I was in contact with him wherever he went, was tutored by him (as well as by tutors) in Latin, Greek, mathematics and the classics, and I observed his courage, his strength and his honor all the way through to his beheading on Tower Hill. It was this close association with Thomas More that prepared me for the severe initiations I had to undergo in subsequent lifetimes. Had it not been for my having witnessed firsthand the martyrdom of Thomas More and his determined stand for the cause he believed in, I may not have passed my tests. I commend you, then, to the heart of our beloved El Morya. I recommend that you set aside a quiet time each day to read and meditate on his Leaves and to immerse yourself in the flame of his dictations and teachings. Leaves of Morya's Garden 1 and 2, published by the Agni Yoga Society, are available through Summit University Press. Other recommended reading: R. W. Chambers, Thomas More E. E. Reynolds, Saint Thomas More William Roper, The Life of Sir Thomas More Federal Agents Arrest Mohammed A. Salameh in Connection with the World Trade Center Bombing on March 4! El Morya Cracks the Mafia in New York on April 4! "Never, Never Doubt the Chief!" After the spectacular results of our vigil to El Morya on February 4 and March 4, the New York Teaching Center was at a loss to say exactly what had been the results of our April 4 vigil. It had been easy in February and in March. As previously witnessed in the Pearls of Wisdom (vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 69-71), New York experienced a "crime-free" day on February 4. For the first time in perhaps 25 years, no major crimes were committed in one 24-hour period. This miracle repeated itself a second day that month when again the police records showed nothing to report on February 28. Then on March 4, coinciding with our El Morya vigil, a dramatic arrest was made in the World Trade Center bombing. The bombing had occurred on February 26, killing six and injuring over 1,000. Law enforcement agencies had settled in for the long haul of sifting through the tons of rubble, expecting to spend months before coming up with clues. But two days later, investigators at the blast sight miraculously recovered a fragment of metal with a vehicle identification number. They swiftly traced the number to a Ryder truck rental agency and, on March 4, arrested the first suspect, Mohammed A. Salameh, an Islamic fundamentalist. The case had been cracked. Law enforcement was amazed. After the arrest, the acting Attorney General, Stuart M. Gerson, said in Washington: "It's a remarkable day in the history of the FBI." New York magazine (15 March 1993) reported: "Plenty of people involved in the case - cops, agents, and officials alike - were floored by the sudden arrests in what had promised to be a slow, grueling investigation." Police commissioner Raymond Kelly said: "This came from out of the blue." At the New York Teaching Center, there was no doubt. This was Morya at work! Our next El Morya vigil, April 4, was Palm Sunday, and the group was well prepared with a matrix for the night. We were ending the 48-hour vigil to Omri-Tas and were looking forward to another miracle, as Saint Germain had promised there would be more miracles. In his March 13 dictation at our new center, Saint Germain said: El Morya has determined to show the world what he can do and what his chelas can do. He has done this. You have done this. You have seen and heard of the miracles. They shall continue as long as you as alchemists of the will of God produce a supersaturated solution of First Ray decrees each fourth of the month in New York and your town, planet earth! The Masters and the Messenger had said that something had to be done about the Mafia and organized crime, for they were a burden on the people and the economy of New York City. So, for the April vigil, we wrote a simple call with little more than the names of New York's five crime families. As the midnight hour approached at the Teaching Center, seven of us knelt at the altar and repeated El Morya's Bonding Prayer. One chela had prepared a special surprise. At the stroke of twelve the words, "Hail, O chelas of the will of God! I AM here and for a right good cause!" resounded over our sound system. (These were the opening words from El Morya's April 8, 1990 dictation, in which he gave us the Bonding Prayer.) It was a thrilling moment to feel El Morya's presence so tangibly at the beginning of our vigil. Then we joyously marched around the Chapel of the Threefold Flame of Liberty, singing "Onward, Christian Soldiers." The battle had begun. We followed the hymn with the Gemini Clearance. In addition to giving our call on the Mafia, we gave invocations for the clearing of the discarnate entities in the entire tri-state area of New York, Connecticut and New Jersey. The Messenger had told us during her March visit that entities and the tyrant-ego dweller were hampering the economy of the city and preventing the Lightbearers from entering the Teachings. She also warned us to bind any potential backlash to our vigil well before the vigil and to also make calls for protection for days after. With such an auspicious beginning to our vigil and the fervor that followed throughout the 24 hours, we felt the results would be phenomenal. We were somewhat disappointed when nothing specific that we could point to appeared in the news over the next seven days. Where had we gone wrong? Were we out of alignment? Were we just interested in the dramatic? Then the April 13 Daily News published a story on arrests of Mafia leaders. We thought, "We must tell Mother about this even though it is nothing to write home about." A diligent chela added the clipping to the articles she was collecting in her research on the Mafia. But it wasn't until we began putting together an "I AM the Witness" report that we realized that a major arrest had been made on Palm Sunday, April 4! Never, never doubt the Chief! Carmine Sessa, Colombo consigliere and head of the Persico faction of the Brooklyn crime family, was arrested with two other mob members outside Saint Patrick's Cathedral. The Daily News reported: "As worshipers inside received their symbolic palm, Sessa, Persico and associate Frank (Frankie Blue Eyes) Sparaco were handcuffed and taken away." Within ten minutes Sessa was singing like a canary to the FBI. And more was to come: On April 8 capo Joseph (JoJo) Russo and his cousin Anthony (Chuckie) Russo, capo Robert (Bobby Zam) Zambardi and soldier Joseph (Joe Monte) Monteleone, Sr., were arrested on charges that they conspired to murder Orena loyalists of the Colombo family. On April 12 two reputed capos of the Luchese crime family - Salvatore (The Golfer) Avellino and Frank (Big Frank) Lastorina - were arrested on murder and racketeering charges. Assistant U.S. Attorney Gregory O'Connoll said: "With the filing of this indictment, virtually the entire hierarchy of the Luchese family has either been convicted, has cooperated or is awaiting trial on federal charges." On April 19 James (Jimmy Brown) Failla of the Gambino family and five other men were indicted on murder and racketeering charges. Arraigned were Daniel Marino, Philip (Philly Dogs) Mazzara and Dominick (Fat Dom) Borghese. Agents attempted unsuccessfully to arrest Louis (Louie Fats) Astuto and Joseph (The German) Watts. Watts later turned himself in. According to government informer Salvatore (Sammy Bull) Gravano, "Failla controls the garbage industry through the Association of Trade Waste Removers of Greater New York, a trade organization he has run for the past 30 years." Gravano testified that "Failla ran the Manhattan and Queens garbage business and shared interests in the hauling business in Long Island with reputed Luchese capo Salvatore (The Golfer) Avellino." On April 20 jailed mob boss John Gotti's close friend and "adopted son" was indicted on charges that he lied to a Brooklyn federal grand jury investigating the Gambino family. The April 21 Daily News reported: "The government claims that Lewis Kasman of Woodbury, L.I., helped create a sham company - Scorpio Marketing, a Garment Center business - as a way to create a somewhat legitimate income for Gotti." Also mentioned in the indictment was Gambino capo John (Jackie the Nose) D'Amico. Victor Mirdita, Gambino family member, was arrested for the April 26 slaying of Genovese mobster Pasquale Parrello. And the arrests are continuing. The five families - Gambino, Colombo, Luchese, Genovese, Bonnano - have poisoned the fabric of this society, misusing the Third Eye of God to dominate the city. Their tentacles reach into nearly every aspect of the city's markets and industries. Their crimes divert the city's tax revenues away from the people. Their influence dominates the garment industry, construction, waste disposal and recycling, waterfront industries, food and alcohol distribution, hotel and restaurant industries, trucking and hauling, as well as gambling, pornography, drugs, loan sharking, insurance fraud and nightclubs, to name a few. Billions of dollars each year are siphoned off from the main economy by these evildoers. According to an article in the March 1992 issue of Cosmopolitan, during initiation into the Mafia each new member holds a burning picture of a saint in his palms and swears to uphold the code of omerta (silence) - never to betray the secrets of the organization and its affairs. They vow: "As burns this saint, so will burn my soul," acknowledging that the penalty for violating the code is death and damnation. We cannot begin to fathom the evil of the Mafia - these hardened criminals who have been committed to evil from the beginning. The Messenger told us in an exposé given February 26, 1983, that "the name of the Mafia is death." She explained that the word Mafia is only one letter different from Maria and that the Mafia is the perversion of the Mother. She said that members of the Mafia are the very ones (embodied again) whom Joshua and the officers and captains of the people faced. They are a breed of laggards whose allegiance is to the forces of Antichrist, and they have a murderous intent that would murder the Christ in the hearts of the people of God before he is born. The Messenger said that when Mafia members pass on, we need to call for their binding and judgment and for the binding of their astral ka and dweller-on-the-threshold. They are just as dangerous on the astral plane as they are in physical embodiment, for they can perpetuate the momentum of murder and death as they prey on unsuspecting souls. The Mafia is the epitome of anti-Life. They are Death incarnate. And they are Hell incarnate as they oppose the rise of the people in the free enterprise system. They form a conglomerate force opposing the ascension of every child of God. Their works are the antithesis of every noble deed done by the knights and ladies of the Cross. And our King Arthur has struck a blow for the LORD, the Mighty I AM Presence, and for his chelas. Police Lined the Streets of Ann Arbor Awaiting Vandalism and Rioting That Never Happened "We Give Credit to Omri-Tas and El Morya" Dear Mother, In the spirit of utter humility and with the greatest devotion, we come. The Detroit mandala has decided to spearhead the creation of the "wall of blue flame" in time zone 18 for our beloved Bapu, Morya. (See Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 77-80.) My letter is the first of our detailed reports on our efforts. So much has begun to come together for us. Do let me begin at the beginning. On Sunday, March 28, 1993, the Detroit mandala rallied in what will surely prove to be a turning point for our Teaching Center. For quite some time there had been a lack of enthusiasm among our members. This had caused inconsistent attendance at decree sessions, financial difficulties and diminishing involvement in outreach. Many services had only a few participants. Our director recently compared our center to a garden. Each day we were watching it die just a little more, for no one was watering or caring for it. We wrote to active Keepers of the Flame in metropolitan Detroit requesting their presence at a meeting we called to discuss our predicament. We planned a pep rally - including streamers, balloons and refreshments - for the revitalization of our center. Would you believe our God-victorious success? Every seat in the house was filled and a few people were actually left standing! Everyone was moved by such a show of attendance, and the feeling of enthusiasm as well as urgency was heightened. Members were overflowing with creative energy. They set forth goals and concrete plans and made numerous suggestions. One idea was to create a treasure map for critical projects such as tackling urban violence and corruption in the inner city. Since the rally, the Detroit Teaching Center has made many noteworthy efforts. Our monthly newsletter gives details regarding events at the Teaching Center and delineates the Masters' requests for our lives. Our classes and services for new members (Keepers on Lessons 1-7) provide an invaluable opportunity for those new to the Teachings to build a decree momentum and to gain insight from fellow members. One new member commented, "The classes help me become more comfortable with myself as one of Saint Germain's Keepers of the Flame. They give me guidance and support." Another said, "I have gained many new friends." We also began a study group recently for inner child work and dealing with personal psychology. It has provided a platform for personal insight and healing to many. These efforts have been gratifying. However, the most important task undertaken by the center has just begun. We have developed a two-fold plan: (1) to earn the dispensation of beloved El Morya's presence in our city and (2) to bring you, Mother, to our city. To spark commitment, we asked our members to complete pledges for the 24-hour El Morya vigil. We organized the vigil with great zeal, and sign-up sheets were quickly filled. Our April 4 El Morya vigil began at midnight April 3, on the heels of a rousing Omri-Tas' Day service. Four members maintained the momentum until 7:00 a.m. (Two additional members remained on call.) The four gave decrees and songs to Archangel Michael, El Morya and Mother Mary, intermingled with violet flame calls. This we did in order to receive the maximum benefit of the overlap with the 48-hour Omri-Tas vigil. At 7:00 a.m. replacements arrived. They gave Ashram Ritual 3 - Sacred Ritual for Attunement with God's Holy Will - and Archangel Michael's Rosary. Violet flame calls continued. In their homes, cars and wherever they found the opportunity, Keepers added to the momentum being maintained at the Teaching Center. One hundred eighty-five hours were completed for the vigil! We saw blessings immediately! As a general rule, violence of some sort usually occurs after sports events involving the University of Michigan. On April 3, the university's basketball team, the Wolverines, won a key game and police expected the usual violence. The April 4 Detroit News reported: In Ann Arbor, the overtime win released a torrent of humanity onto South University Avenue. About 8,000 fans spilled out of bars and Crisler Arena, where a crowd had watched the Wolverines beat Kentucky on huge TV screens, police said. ... Earlier, with a second left in the overtime period of the game, a bar waitress on South University quickly collected all the glasses, salt shakers and knives from the table, and police in full riot gear moved into position on the street. They were awaiting vandalism and rioting that never happened. Only four arrests were made in a crowd of 8,000 to 12,000 fans. We give credit to Omri-Tas and El Morya for their mighty Electronic Presence. According to the Detroit News, "Exultant fans came from every direction, singing The Victors and chanting `Let's go Blue!' ...`There's nobody fighting,' said Jeff Sutliff, an Owosso sophomore. `We just all have the pride and the spirit of the University of Michigan.' " However, on April 5, after the Wolverines lost the NCAA basketball championship game, violence did break out and people were seriously injured. Fist fights, bottle throwing and two stabbings were reported. We realize that we need more chelas taking part in the El Morya vigil as well as the Omri-Tas vigil in order to hold the balance in America's solar plexus chakra - Detroit. But even a small victory spurs our faith that we can and will have future victories. After the El Morya vigil on April 4, we were inspired to join forces with the other Teaching Centers and Study Groups in time zone 18. We are contacting all groups in zone 18 to assist us in forming a "wall of blue flame." We propose to publish a monthly newsletter called The El Morya Report. This newsletter will contain articles outlining zone 18's experiences with the El Morya vigil and will be sent to each group in the zone. By God's grace, may our contribution to the El Morya vigil serve to further the Master's cause. Eternally dedicated to the Light, ****** Chapter 18 Beloved Jesus Christ - May 2, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 18 - Beloved Jesus Christ - May 2, 1993 Ritual of the Resurrection Flame by Jesus the Christ O Blest Flame of Resurrection (hymn 128) O blest Flame of Resurrection Blaze through all our worlds today Let thy joyous, raising presence Now and ever with us stay. As thy purifying essence Thou dost to each one impart God's great plan divine so perfect Is revealed in every heart. Blessed Flame of Resurrection Surge through every earthly soul 'Til thy pow'r reveals within them The perfection of their goal There to be so young and lovely Healthy, happy, too, and wise Wielding Love's eternal power That brings sight to blinded eyes. Help us use thy sacred power On those friends who cannot hear Now restore that gift of hearing Ever perfect, crystal clear. May thy pow'r of resurrection Bring its balance to each mind That's confused and lost the pathway 'Mid the shadows of mankind. Thou art e'er the resurrection And the life of all we need Thy great presence manifesting All supply for word and deed. Thus thy pow'r of resurrection Is to all God's gift of love O beloved Christ within us Raise us now to realms above. The Disciple's Prayer by Jesus the Christ from Jesus' Christmas Day Address 1990) There is no more night here! For I AM the manifestation of that Holy City where I AM! And I do not procrastinate my union with my God Or with that City Foursquare Or with my Christ or with my Divine Mother. I enter the Spirit of the Resurrection now! And if in my tardiness and in my dalliance My entering in may cause me some pain, Then I welcome it! For I understand that if I would be ready, Then the spirit that is anti the living Christ in me Must be broken! Beloved Flame of Resurrection (decree 60.00) Beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, and Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, by and through the magnetic power of the immortal victorious threefold flame of Love, Wisdom and Power anchored within my heart, I AM invoking the Flame of Resurrection from the heart of God in the Great Central Sun, from beloved Alpha and Omega, beloved Jesus the Christ, beloved Mother Mary, beloved Archangel Gabriel and Uriel, the angels of the Resurrection Temple, beloved Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life - fire, air, water and earth! Beloved Flame of Resurrection, Blaze through me thy Light always; Beloved Flame, resuscitation, Make my heart to sing thy praise. O blazing white Christ radiance Of God's own I AM fire, Expand thy blessed Purity And free me from all wrong desire. Beloved Flame of Resurrection, Rise and rise to Love's great height; Blessed Flame, regeneration, Guide all men by thy great Light. I AM, I AM, I AM thy chalice free Through whose crystal substance clear All can see the Christ flame lily Of eternity appear Blazing, blazing, blazing! Blazing, blazing, blazing! Blazing, blazing, blazing! - (33x) Beloved Flame of Resurrection (hymn 129) Beloved Flame of Resurrection Blaze through me thy Light always Beloved Flame, resuscitation Make my heart to sing thy praise. Blazing, blazing, blazing! O blazing white Christ radiance Of God's own I AM fire Expand thy blessed Purity And free me from all wrong desire. Blazing, blazing, blazing! Beloved Flame of Resurrection Rise and rise to Love's great height Blessed Flame, regeneration Guide all men by thy great Light. Blazing, blazing, blazing! I AM, I AM thy chalice free Through whose crystal substance clear All can see the Christ flame lily Of eternity appear Blazing, blazing, blazing! Transfiguring Affirmations of Jesus the Christ (decree 60.01, hymn 13) Give as a decree 33 times, sing once. I AM THAT I AM I AM the Open Door which no man can shut I AM the light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world I AM the Way I AM the Truth I AM the Life I AM the Resurrection I AM the Ascension in the Light I AM the fulfillment of all my needs and requirements of the hour I AM abundant Supply poured out upon all Life I AM perfect Sight and Hearing I AM the manifest Perfection of being I AM the illimitable Light of God made manifest everywhere I AM the Light of the Holy of Holies I AM a Son of God I AM the Light in the holy mountain of God - (33x) Resurrection (from decree 1.30) Give as a decree 33 times, sing 3 times. I AM the Flame of Resurrection Blazing God's pure Light through me. Now I AM raising every atom, From every shadow I AM free. I AM the Light of God's full Presence, I AM living ever free. Now the flame of Life eternal Rises up to Victory. I AM the Resurrection and the Life of Church Universal and Triumphant! - (33x) The Disciple's Affirmation by Jesus the Christ (from Jesus' Christmas Day Address 1990) O Lord, I AM THAT I AM The fullness of thy Resurrection and thy Life within me this day! And I AM alive forevermore in Thee And in the Central Sun and in the earth! Behold, I AM with Lanello: Everywhere in the consciousness of God! And in full Faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full Power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! The Ritual of the Resurrection Flame by Jesus the Christ is recorded on audiocassette. Order your own copy and join the Messenger and devotees at the Royal Teton Ranch in giving this devotion to the resurrection flame: Ritual of the Resurrection Flame by Jesus the Christ on 94-minute audiocassette (ritual: 47 minutes) cassette includes Jesus' Easter Day Address 1992 B92040. ****** Chapter 19 Beloved Lanello - May 9, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 19 - Beloved Lanello - May 9, 1993 How to Contact Angels - Your Guides, Guardians and Friends 10 Prepare the Table in the Wilderness Climb the Spiral Staircase: Ascend to God Your Crown Chakra - A Lamp to Lighten the Way Ascension Day Address, Twentieth Anniversary February 26, 1993 Be nestled in my heart, beloved. I receive you now, one and all who seek me as comforter and teacher of righteousness. I am your sponsor. I have lived so recently among you that I yet have wife and children and grandchildren in your midst. Just as I did climb, sometimes with ease and sometimes with difficulty, so you can also climb - yes, climb the spiral staircase, securing each step and level, defending your position and being defended by seraphims.{170} Oh yes, beloved, in this day and age souls are taking their leave of earth and they are ascending to God. And when you see that ascension ritual with your inner sight, oh, what rejoicing! For you shall say to yourself: O Lanello, I will be there on that day and date, the hour appointed for my ascension. Whether in five or fifty or five hundred years, I will be there and I will be ready and I will have drunk the full cup of my life and purpose. Oh yes, Lanello, I know you and I promise you: When the hour of my ascension comes I will be ready, wearing my Deathless Solar Body, my wedding garment. I will have fulfilled all things to be one with my Lord. I will be there in gladness! I will be there in fierceness! I will be there! For I know that my ascension is the key to the ascension of every other Lightbearer in the earth who will hear the ringing of ascension's bells that shall ring for me; and they will know that the hour of fulfillment does come for each and every one. So, beloved, twenty years ago I took my leave of you, yet, spiritually speaking, I have never left you, no, not one of you - those who did not know me then and those who did. I have known you all. And I multiply myself, for this is the meaning of my mantra: "Behold, I AM everywhere in the consciousness of God!" If you make this mantra your own, you will quickly gain a new mastery. Yes, this is the exclamation of the liberated one who discovers at the moment of the ascension that he has entered the universal Body of God in full God consciousness. This is the meaning of the ascension for everyone who accepts it. In thus speaking to you of my ascension and yours, it is not my intent to lure you away from the earthly tasks that only you can accomplish. On the contrary, I give you a vision of future possibility - the possibility of your soul's union with God at the conclusion of this life lived to the fullest. Thus, even while you engage in your day-to-day tasks, I urge you to set your sights on your ascension and make it your highest priority, for there is none higher. And as you know, if you do not set a goal and then fit yourself for that goal in a program of goal-fittedness under the beloved El Morya, you may not achieve it. I urge you, then, to work toward your ascension by immersing yourself in the responsibilities of this world, the challenges, the necessities of life, the services which it is your dharma to render, the teaching that you must embody and teach by example and by exposition. Let your life be an all-consuming life, all-consuming by the ruby fire of the Ruby Ray of the heart of the Holy Spirit, by the white fire of the purity of God. Yes, beloved, since you know you are on the path of victory and there is no turning back, give it your all! Give it your best! And leave those footprints, leave those books, leave that example, leave that fire of your heart as a record, that another and another might be saved. As you take from your heart and give to another, your fire is increased. So go back to the Unfed Flame and know that if you maintain the Spirit of Love and are true to Love, you can yet escape the clutches of fallen angels who have controlled or attempted to control you for centuries. Those to whom I speak know to whom I speak. I say, then, leave off from the allure, yes, the allure of the fallen ones, and appreciate the simplicity of life in God - yes, the simplicity. Now then, beloved, you have heard a number of dictations exhorting you, cajoling you, and speaking to the most tender part of your soul, all intended to move you to a higher dimension of your being. But I come as your father, if you would so call me, or as your brother or even as your long-lost uncle. I am here as a Son of God and I am here to tell you that change will come. Change must come, for who would want the earth to remain as it is today? Change will come in a number of ways - suddenly or gradually, as God intends it. Be ready for change! Move in advance of change! Always be ahead of the wave of Light and the consciousness of Light and you will know a victory untold. But if you are forever running after the wave after it has passed you by, you will never catch up, you will never be there on the cutting edge of change, you will not recognize the winds of change. And I speak not of fads but of movements in the earth body, of karmic cycles, and cycles of opportunity, which, if not taken, will be lost. There must come upon the earth a universal change in consciousness. Some are capable of rising with the rising tide of Aquarius. Some will hold the line of that level of consciousness and others will not; these will simply pass under the bridge and out to sea with the receding tide. Yes, beloved, change as alchemy, change as transformation, change as progress - welcome all of these. But recognize that karma brings the change of disintegration and death, and this, too, is a part of the change that must take place on earth - so that new life can begin. You see much, but you do not see all. We see all the threatening woes that are not publicized for fear of public reaction, for fear of the people themselves who should rise up and challenge their overlords if they but knew what was taking place in secret. It is well that you invoke the All-Seeing Eye of God, for there are some things that must be exposed ere they become a cancer throughout the earth body, overtaking many before all karmas come to resolution in the sacred fire of God. For many this will be too late, for they will have missed the cycle when the alchemy of ordered change was an option. I recommend that you keep a prayer and decree vigil with the legions of the Fifth Ray so that at the point of your precipitation of that ray combined with the violet ray, you will be accurate in making decisions that will affect the rest of your life. You will make decisions as to where you will position yourself in the earth and what you will do with the most tremendous opportunity that you will ever have had in all of your rounds of existence - the opportunity for self-mastery and victory to the glory of God! You know of the dispensation whereby you may be given your ascension when you have balanced 51 percent of your karma. It is well, for this is a protection to souls who are pure in heart yet do not necessarily have the staying power nor the self-discipline to balance 100 percent of their karma in these flesh bodies or even to pass the initiations of personal Christhood required for "100 percent chelas." By consequence, then, of this dispensation, those who do ascend with 51 percent of their karma balanced must balance the remaining 49 percent of their karma from inner levels after their ascension. And they are the ones who most earnestly move among you to direct your course, to help you in a thousand ways to bear and balance your karma and to achieve success in all you do. This they do both out of the love of their hearts and out of the pragmatic necessity of having to balance their remaining karma day by day as they vigorously support the cause of the Great White Brotherhood on earth. Now, I will tell you that those who ascend at the 51 percent mark know the regret, as I know the regret and as you may one day know it, of not having perfected the soul, of still having human flaws that ought not to have been. For decidedly they opt to take their ascension without the full God-mastery they would have had if they had balanced 100 percent of their karma and then on top of that pursued their adeptship in physical embodiment. Yet God in his mercy has taken up into the ascension coil those of us who accepted the grace of the 51 percent that we might live as ascended beings, one with our God Presence, to assist the many who need us and so that we might not lose our salvation by tarrying any longer than necessary in the treacherous waters of earth. So you see, beloved, we have not presented ourselves at the Court of the Sacred Fire with the full mastery of a Saint Germain, of a Gautama Buddha, of the ancients such as Sanat Kumara, Lord Krishna. We have come lately, "Johnny-come-latelies," as you say, yet no less fervent in our love because of it. And we tell you, exceed us! Go beyond our attainment! Master the physical chemistry of your body and show the world an example of radiant health as the foundation of inner peace and joy and equanimity before all that would assail you. Be there! Be there to help the many who need you, who are not prepared for changes small or great. See how upset people can get when they have to deal with minor mishaps. If you are a student of life, you can see how God in his mercy does prepare the soul, as well as the soul's intuitive faculties, at the level of the subconscious mind to face tragedy. This he does by releasing to the conscious mind increments of soul knowing. On the other hand, in the case of the persecution of the Muslims of Bosnia-Herzegovina and of the peoples of other nations where life is horribly desecrated, the karma is so heavy that it bursts as a giant water balloon, releasing sudden destruction and death. Souls both innocent and guilty are exposed to raw evil in all of its hideousness. And the fires of hell are unleashed and the nations who could stop the holocaust stand by wringing their hands yet unwilling to take decisive action. Bit by bit, little by little, what is taking place in the earth is made known to you. Yet much is hidden that is not revealed. And although the gradual conditioning of the mind may preserve sanity for a season, the hosts of Light cannot entirely hold back the torrential descent of the karma of the Dark Cycle. Thus there is a need for the strengthening of the national conscience and will to deal with the rising tide of violence, street gangs, murders, children killing children and, yes, the genocide of Bosnian Muslims. These things must be exposed! The people must know. The people must rally. The people must say, "We will not stand for this a day longer! We will take action." And the hearts that are softened by the Holy Spirit will come, by necessity, by emergency, to the place where they, too, will make the call and cry out to God and summon his hosts and demand Divine Justice where there has been such a desecration of life. All in all, I am for exposure. Some of my friends on the Darjeeling Council are not necessarily entirely in favor of it, for reasons that may not be obvious to you. But I have stated my case before the Darjeeling Council: Let the people see and know how corrupt their leadership is. Let us tear off the mask of hypocrisy that parades before them. It has been good for the people of America to have certain members of Congress exposed. So let the exposés go forth from the altar once again! And let the disciples of the Ascended Masters carry the banner for Truth, for Reality concerning what is actually coming upon the earth. This way the preparation of the minds of the people can begin. This way you fortify yourselves for the victory. This way you are prepared. "Be prepared!" - the message and motto of Saint Germain. Carry it in your heart. Be prepared for any eventuality and then you will be free to be creative, for you will have set the parameters of your life and you will have thought through what you will do if and when, God forbid, there is a time of social upheaval. As you become accustomed, however, to increasing levels of crime and warfare in the streets and chaos and insanity and the aberration of minds through drugs, there is the danger that you will become too accustomed to the rising tide of Darkness - that you will accommodate your thinking to each new level and disconnect your smoke alarm. And for this reason, and also because people might enter new lows of discouragement because they allow themselves to become overwhelmed with national problems and thus lose all hope, some members of the Council have suggested that not all be revealed. But in the final analysis, we have determined that with a body of Truth-bearers such as you, who will give the calls on the Fifth Ray for Truth to be revealed, for the healing of hearts and nations, for clear seeing, for the abundant life, for supply - who will hold the balance of sanity in dark days of insanity and life's many injustices and hold that balance in fearlessness' flame - the world may yet be able to deal with that which it knows at subconscious levels but is terrified to admit consciously. Think for a moment now how delicate is the balance in the cities of any nation and how earth changes or riots or terrorism suddenly turn a scene of calm into one of chaos. By my speaking these very words to you, I am preparing you psychologically for any challenge you may have to meet in this life as part of your karma-balancing act and the means to your 100 percent victory in your ascension. This is my motive and one of my purposes in coming to you tonight. I openly declare it. So make your peace with Reality, espouse Reality but know that there is a plane of actualities in the earth that simply must be reckoned with.{171} When you reckon with those actualities, when you teach your children rules of safety in case of fire and procedures to be followed in time of civil unrest, when all are ready and know the role they must play in an emergency, then there is calm in the home and you can get on with taking advantage of that window of opportunity El Morya has given you, get on with your creative projects, get on with the development of your skills and the refinement of your hearts. Let not your hearts be dense or hard. For I come to conclude this seminar with a message for the refinement of the heart and I ask you to seek it by a physical and spiritual purification. I ask you to develop sensitivity of heart as well as sensitivity to the physical and spiritual needs of your heart. And I ask you to develop the discriminating faculty of the heart by the power of decrees and through devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. For the heart is not only the seat of your threefold flame, it is the repository of all knowledge, past, present and future. Systematically, deliberately, sacrificially, then, prepare the table in the wilderness. You bring the feast to the table. You prepare it for those who will come and say to you: "Have you any fruits? Have you any meats for us? What will you feed us? We cry out for spiritual bread and the wine of the Spirit. We are hungry. We are hungry to the depths of our souls." Yes, prepare the table in the wilderness - the wilderness of dead religion, brittle education and soul-barrenness, yet a wilderness where so many, many hearts cry out echoing John the Baptist. They are voices crying in the wilderness to know the way of repentance through understanding and a return to sanity, to honor and to the innocence of bygone yesterdays, before the hellions were unleashed on a world and made their way to establish a culture of drugs and Death and Hell mimicking the music of Satan. So, beloved, there is a highway of Light. Get on track and stay on track! Do not wander off the highway of Light and fall into the pits that lead to the depths of hell. Stay on the highway as servitors of God and you will arrive at your destination at the hour appointed for your ascension. I laud every effort that you make to contact another soul and another, for that is the way a universe is born - Light conducting Light through chakras opened, Light enhancing, Light opening the crown chakra. Now comes the crowning by angels of Light, the legions of Justinius and Victory. Now they come for the activation of your crown chakra. Some of you already know the tingling sensation in the crown. I ask you to place your left hand over your heart (thumb and first two fingers of your left hand at the center of the chest, parallel to the heart) and take your right hand to the crown and press (thumb and first two fingers of your right hand at the point of the fontanel), if you will, and press again, as though knocking on the door of the mind. Now speak to the mind and the Mind of God in you: O Mind of God in the mind of man: Be opened this day! Be opened! Be opened as a chalice of yellow fire. O thousand-petaled lotus flame, I come to bow before the Light of God. O lotus flame of my crown: Increase, intensify wisdom's Light! Thousand-petaled flame of Light, be the chalice of the Mind of God that I might leave a lasting tribute to my Lanello, to my angels, to my Masters, to my God. Yes, a lasting tribute, for I will carry the Buddhic essence in my crown chakra, I will nourish it every day with Buddhic mantras and I will water it by raising up the Light of the Mother. I will carry that Light in my crown and therefore the earth shall not be in Darkness. O my Jesus, thou hast said: "As long as I AM in the world, I AM the Light of the world."{172} Now you, as followers of our Lord, so say the same: [Congregation affirms with Lanello:] As long as I AM in the world I AM the Light of the world! My message to you this day, then, is that your crown chakra can be as the torch of the Goddess of Liberty, even the torch of your Christhood - a lamp to lighten the way and to enlighten souls. Nourish your crown chakra with Love's wisdom. Be the Light of the world as long as you are in the world, and many will follow you until the day when they too shall say, "As long as I AM in the world, [congregation joins Lanello:] I AM the Light of the world!" Therefore, now centered in this mighty amphitheater composed of light bodies of seraphim and angels of Victory, I, Lanello, start a chain reaction - a chain reaction whose sign and symbol is the mighty sunflower. Think of the sunflower; then think of your crown chakra. Think of the many sunflower seeds. Think of the thousand-petaled lotus. Did not Nature and gentle gnomes and devas bring forth the sunflower, who follows the sun and smiles at his rising and his setting, to remind you all of the crown chakra? A chain reaction, then. I come to crown you, as it were, with the crown of your own Christhood. You must enter into this ritual by pulling down the crown of your Christ Self that I may be, according to the love of Jesus and his direction to me today, the facilitator of your anchoring the Light of your crown chakra until you are that Light of the world. I bid you, then, be that Light of the world by illumination's flame! And we direct you, one and all, in your centers throughout the earth, to use Lord Lanto's Second Ray tape of songs and decrees{173} from time to time as your Sunday morning ritual. By so doing you may activate the crown of your Christ Self as well as your crown chakra and the crown chakras of your children and all Lightbearers of the world. And thereby you will be assisting Jophiel's legions and their reinforcements to rescue the youth and enlighten the people of the world.{174} Through such rituals you prepare the way for the day when the light you have raised up may be the only light that men see and see by. Remember, then, not to neglect the rituals of the sacred fire we have taught you. For the admonishment of Jesus to you is the same today as it was then: "Work while ye have the Light, for the night cometh when no man can work."{175} You see, you are preparing the mighty crown chakra to illumine a world and carry it through its dark night - the dark night of the soul and the Dark Night of the Spirit. Come out on the other side of the dark night and be a lamp unto your God! Then pass that torch. To whom will you pass it? To your own pupils, to those whom you tutor, to those whom you enflame to imitate your particular profile of Christhood. Yes, a chain reaction I begin this day in Chicago, rejoicing with beloved Godfre and Lotus and all who have ever served as Messengers of God in all ages. For it is our message to you - and our rallying point - that the golden flame of illumination should be for you that torch of Mother Liberty so that nevermore should Light go out in the earth. Now beings of great Light pass that torch of the crown and the torch of Liberty to each one. Seize it, maintain it, do not let the lamp go out! And we will see a civilization restored. We will see the skimming off of the dross by the Great Alchemist. And one day the Lightbearers shall be in the majority and shall inherit the earth. And beyond that may you inherit the kingdom. In all love of my golden pink glow-ray, I seal you now in Victory's Star. Forever and forever and forever I AM your Lanello. [34-second standing ovation. Congregation gives the salutation:] Hail, Lanello! Hail, Lanello! Hail, Lanello! Hail, Lanello! Hail, Lanello! Hail, Lanello! Hail, Lanello! Hail, Lanello! This dictation by beloved Lanello was delivered by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, February 28, 1993, in celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the ascension of the Messenger Mark L. Prophet on February 26, 1973. The dictation was delivered during a weekend seminar, How to Contact Angels - Your Guides, Guardians and Friends Part 2, held at the Skokie North Shore Hilton, Chicago, Illinois. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Lanello's direction.] At Summit University Summer Session 1992, internationally renowned macrobiotic consultant Steven Acuff gave a three-day seminar, Oriental Diagnosis: How to Evaluate Your Health. In thirteen lectures, Mr. Acuff taught how one can read the signals of disease in oneself and others. His course is an invaluable tool for those who desire to become more self-sufficient in evaluating and improving their health. The entire course is now available on videocassette. You can order all thirteen cassettes or individual lectures: Oriental Diagnosis: How to Evaluate Your Health by Steven Acuff Entire course: 13 videocassettes, total 14 hr. 36 min., GP92116. Individual cassettes: 1- "Introduction to the Macrobiotic Perspective," 65 min., HP92116 2- "Constitution," 66 min., HP92118 3- "Condition," 68 min., HP92120 4- "Facial Diagnosis," 64 min., HP92122 5- "Facial Diagnosis," 64 min., HP92124 6- "Three Practice Evaluations," 64 min., HP92126 7- "Diagnosis of the Hands," 62 min., HP92128 8- "Diagnosis of the Feet," 68 min., HP92130 9- "Diagnosis of the Eyes and Ears; Looking at Each Other," 71 min., HP92132 10- "Signs of Behavior Written in the Organs," 74 min., HP92134 11- "A Diet for Healing the Organs One by One," 53 min., HP92136 12- "Questions and Answers," 63 min., HP92137 13- "Questions and Answers," 94 min., HP92139 Messenger's note: Everyone who values the health of himself and his family must experience this course given at Summit University. Students are on stage and on camera being diagnosed by Steven Acuff, internationally acclaimed expert in the diagnosis of the face and body, to determine their health status and optimum diet. Every Teaching Center should have this course and present it to the public as well as to members. Good health is the key to your success on the spiritual path and to the victory of your ascension. Your Face Never Lies by Michio Kushi is a helpful companion text to the course: Your Face Never Lies: An Introduction to Oriental Diagnosis by Michio Kushi (paperback) ****** Chapter 20 Beloved Cyclopea and Virginia - May 16, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 20 - Beloved Cyclopea and Virginia - May 16, 1993 Easter Retreat 1993 1 In His Footprints, Walk Ye! Seven Elohim Prepare You for Right Decision Ho, legions of Light! Now assemble, for the way is cleared and the All-Seeing Eye of God shines brightly, more bright than the moon, more bright than the lights of the earth. So the Eye of God is cleared. And you, beloved, may enjoy an all-seeing view of the earth and the perspective of planets assembled three-quarters of a year from this hour as they gather as hosts, as judges holding court - seven planets in Capricorn in 1994.{176} Thus we the Seven Elohim come in this hour as a counterweight to the positive and negative momentums they deliver, that you might have the foundations established to meet this auspicious conjunction of the planets next January and that you might build upon the foundations that we will lay in this conference. You have come wisely to this retreat. You have understood: Elohim do not gather for naught. We gather to compensate for the frailties of our own chelas. We come to compensate also, as we hold the scales, for the imbalances of those who have had the Light, who have served the Light and now choose to serve their own egos. Balance is the key in this year. Thus the All-Seeing Eye of God, the thoughtform for 1993, reveals that Divine Justice must be present in your heart, truly for the weighing of the inner motives and the inclinations of the lower mind against the backdrop of the Higher Mind. You make choices. Choose wisely and well. For in many instances you will not have the opportunity to remake the choices once they have been made. For they soon become set in concrete. Thus we choose this evening to focus upon the ride of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.{177} May you know that they indeed ride, and you can see them against the backdrop of the full moon in Libra as they move across the sky, sent by Sanat Kumara. For this era of the twelve-year cycle does press on and press and press again! Read, then, of the great winepress of the wrath{178} of God.{179} Read, then, of the wrath that does descend out of the bowels, i.e., unconscious planes, of your own being as well as out of Elohim. Read, then, of this pressing in of karma upon a people and upon the chakras of a people. And there are none who are left who may escape this cosmic accounting and accountability. Though you have been told of the ride of the Four Horsemen, we speak of it again. Since you began to consider their work in the earth, as they are sent by Sanat Kumara to deliver the karma of the nations, have you not also understood a new meaning of Death, a new meaning of Hell erupting here and there out of the mouths of many who are angry? You have understood that there is a certain conspiracy of Death and Hell in the uncontrolled spread of AIDS and you have determined to confront this global challenge at this conference. So it is well, for many are suffering, burdened by the world karma of diseases that surely come under the designation "the last plagues." We see the anger of an entire lifewave turning back upon the people themselves. They are outraged that they are being consumed by an angry virus and diseases of their karma, for which they avow no accountability. Thus karma returns and the people's anger is multiplied as they rebel against the return of their own sowings. Take care, then, beloved, that you are able to disassociate the anger directed against you from the anger that comes from within. Learn to separate the two and to deal with them judiciously and dispassionately. Step aside from these momentums that are now surfacing. Enter in to your Christhood. This is truly not a time for the indulgence of human whim. The whims of many boil down to a self-pity that appears as sorrow. But the sorrow of millions is that they cannot have their fleshpots and also their God consciousness, that they cannot become Christ and him crucified and give that Christ to a world and yet revel in the sensual pleasures they have indulged in for thousands of years. Some whose time has come to exercise right choice for the path of Christhood are angry because that time has come. And thereby they stand to lose what they have gained from positive momentums of service offered in this and previous lifetimes. Choices must be made based upon reality. And I know of no greater God-Reality than that which is unveiled by the All-Seeing Eye of God. The grinding in the earth of the hoofbeats of the Four Horsemen and the grinding of the teeth where the teeth are set on edge are among the signs of perilous times, especially for devotees on the Path. I cannot underscore too sharply that these are times when there is the moment of choosing - day by day. It is impossible to sit on the fence. And in the moment of the acceleration of world karma and the tightening of the coils of personal karma people exercise their choices in desperation, and great mistakes can be made by great miscalculations, both of the cycles of opportunity and of the concluding of the cycles of opportunity. We could wish for a greater attentiveness on the part of the spiritual people of planet earth. This is the time when the All-Seeing Eye of God, focusing through the lens of the hierarchy of Scorpio, does probe deeply. If you are not ready to let go of the not-self, then I say, beloved ones, you shall know sorrow. You shall know profound sorrow. Therefore, make right choices. Now see as we look out into the stillness of the night and the days turning and the hours passing around the planet. We understand that the Four Horsemen are galloping through the time zones delivering planetary karma. All upon the planet share in planetary karma and all have personal karma. This, then, is a rare opportunity - even this conference, beloved - for you to enter into spirals of the violet flame, to invoke transmutation and to seek early the cycles of self-transcendence. Above and beyond all the hours of all the centuries of your many lifetimes, you must reconcile yourself with this hour, beloved, for it is the hour for transcending the lesser self and entering in to a true union with the Christ - the Christ Jesus, who comes in this season with the full outpouring of his precious Blood, even the Light that is the intensity of Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, in this Son of God. The Sacred Heart is open to you. And within it you also see the sword that pierces the heart and you recognize that your own heart is mirroring that manifestation of your Lord. If you hesitate and hesitate again and rationalize and rationalize again, I tell you, you will not enter spirals of self-transcendence and therefore you will be ill-equipped to meet the challenge of those Four Horsemen. For when you hear their hoofbeats, beloved, it is too late! You must prepare for the descent of planetary karma and know that it does increase. And this is an hour and a season when there is a cycle of returning karma such as has not been seen in 25,800 years. Returning karma when received with a good attitude brings out the very best in everyone. Watch how it tests the mettle of the soul and brings to the surface the very worst elements of being, that each one might be initiated and establish his own Real Identity. Thus early on we gave you the advice to pursue the taking apart and the putting together again of the components of the psyche, to study your own psychology and to raise up your soul as you nurture your child within. All these things we have pointed out for good reason. We have drawn you in this direction so that when you see through your third eye all that is taking place on the earth, you will not be moved. You will not be moved when you see the electronic belt whether of yourself or of another or of the entire population of the planet. Nor will you be moved by the glory of God, the fierceness of the mien of God, the intensity of all powers of Light who gather! And so the harvest is upon you. Blessed ones, some will go astray seeking a lesser path and miss an opportunity that is here and now for self-transcendence. Know, then, that it is through the Seven Elohim that you achieve the new birth, the new creature in Christ.{180} Are we not builders of form? Are we not the Divine Us, who have nurtured your beings? Aye, indeed. Thus we come again. We come to place you at a new level that you might be able to withstand Darkness so great, Light and Lightness so great. Cherish, then, our coming. Make use of our auras while you are in them. Know, then, that diseases will continue to multiply in the earth until one by one mankind faces his karma. And where there is no accountability, whether on the part of those who produce food for the nations that they know is not fit for human consumption or on the part of the individual chela on the Path who knows the way of the adepts yet does not follow it, such nonaccountability must be held in check! People do not take accountability for their physical body, their mental body, their desire body, their desiring to experience all things of this world and this flesh. Yes, this ambition, this pride must be held in check! Balance your mental and feeling bodies in the Libra scales that are in play as the Lamb of God of spring equinox does bring you to that point of integration with the living Christ of your being. O souls, I speak to the very depths of your beings: Be willing to rise to new planes of being, else know that if you do not, you will not be able to endure what is coming on the earth. There are no longer two choices that are viable but only one. And it is the same choice given from the heart of Moses: Choose Life and to live in the Spirit of the living God, and shun Death in all of its downward spirals.{181} You have come far on the Path in this and preceding embodiments. Yet you are still here at this juncture on planet earth. This is because you have drawn the line before, saying, "Thus far and no farther. I shall not accelerate." And therefore, denying the call of your I AM Presence to "Come up higher!" you have again and again aborted the upward spiral of your being. We have brought you a Path and a Teaching and much initiation and much light. The dispensation of teachings released by the Great White Brotherhood over the last century and more is sufficient to give you all that you need for your victory, for your renewal of your bonding to the Lord Christ. What I am saying is that all you need to know about yourself, all knowledge necessary to your victory is available. All has been set before you. It is the table prepared in the wilderness. It is a mighty feast of Light! Since you of your own free will have come to drink at our fount, you have become accountable for knowledge, for wisdom, for all that we have given to you in this and past centuries. So you see, beloved, there is indeed an accountability when you come to Maitreya's Mystery School! For the teaching that is given culminates in a path that must be chosen - to the right, to the left. Many of you throughout the earth who are not affiliated with this organization have come to the Y. The Y is the crossroads where you decide to take the right-hand path of the Christ or the left-hand path of the fallen angels. I am speaking to the souls of tens of thousands of Lightbearers of centuries gone by. And you who are in the physical octave represent many who are hearing this dictation on the etheric octave in the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood. Thus you must understand, a choice must be made. There comes a day and date in your life when it is time for you to accept the path of personal Christhood. And it begins with the celebration of the Passover feast, followed by the crucifixion and the resurrection of your soul in Christ. This is the season of the year when you determine that putting on the fullness of your Christhood, increment by increment and day by day, is your sole reason for being. And all other concerns and goals must be subject to the test of whether or not you are applying your efforts and work and service and thoughts and thoughtfulness to that goal of the internalization of your Higher Self. Many, many have foregone the ascension because they could not make this choice. The key is to know when it is your time to say: I have lived through many lifetimes when I indulged and enjoyed myself and knew the satisfaction of success, of wealth, of every aspect of human life. These things I have known. Now I am ready to drink the cup of my Lord, to drink all of it, and to live my life for the quickening of that Christ in all whom God sends to me - yes, to live my life for the enlightenment of humanity. The alternative, of course, is to take what light you have and use it for selfish purposes or for personal aggrandizement. This choice will ultimately lead you to enter the left-handed path. That is the truth. That is the fact. Some may not enjoy hearing it. For who in the course of history has looked forward to the initiation of the crucifixion? I will tell you who, beloved. Not only your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ but every son and daughter of God who has found his way to the kingdom of Light. That ultimate moment of the crucifixion, beloved, if you can understand it - and I speak not of mere persecution but of the initiation of the crucifixion itself - is surely the moment of self-transcendence. Thus I show you a mystery of Christ crucified. And I show you the glory of the crucifixion, not the sorrow of it. I show you how through that very process of Christ being crucified in you the Light of God, as symbolized and actualized in the Blood of Jesus, flows from your Christ Self for the spiritual nourishment of life. Thus when you come to understand the meaning of Jesus on the cross, you can hold in your hand the crucifix, not in the sense of death and sorrow but in the sense of everlasting Life. You can understand that as long as Jesus is on that cross, as long as the Christ of you is on that cross, the sacred fire is flowing from his Sacred Heart and from your heart that is sanctified through him as he holds the burden of Light and Darkness at the very center of the cross. And that Light does flow! It does nourish and sustain, transform and heal you! It does bring you to the point where you also may give your life, not in death but in life, for the many and the millions. This is a profound mystery. May you come to understand it through the All-Seeing Eye of God, through the single-eyed vision of your soul purified in Christ. Understand, then, that the Blood of Christ does flow perpetually to those who know and understand the mystery of Christ crucified. And they become vessels of his divine Blood, his divine Body and they imbibe the essence of what was his flesh and is his flesh in a spiritualized sense. This, then, is the crossroads of life. And this is the profound understanding that the Lord has given to your Messenger that you might have it at this Eastertide. It is the perpetual flow of Light from the Sacred Heart whereby you merge with that Christ in the alchemical marriage. You find yourself in Christ and through Christ as that Christ, one with Jesus, with him on that cross, knowing the bliss of bonding to his Sacred Heart as the flow of Light passes through you and as you bear in your etheric body and in your soul the stigmata that the saints have borne. Thus you are that point where Light and Darkness meet and the Christ of you overcomes that Darkness so that the world may not pass through the blackness of Death and Hell but because you have determined to be that Christ, many little ones will survive to know another day. You have pondered what is the best care you can give to your little ones as you have desired to teach them and nurture them at all levels of being - in their souls, in their hearts and in their four lower bodies. Neglect not to teach them the true spiritual meaning of the fourteen stations of the cross. For, if you delay that teaching, how do you expect them to receive it when their time does come? Do not spare children the knowledge that the way is hard and sometimes painful. Do not spare them the opportunity to make sacrifices early in life that they may also make sacrifices later in life. We speak from the heart of the Central Sun and from the heart of the earth. All those things must yet come to pass that are written in the Book of Revelation and yet few understand the real interpretation thereof. You understand the returning of karma. You understand the wrath of God as the white fire of the Divine Mother calling back the fire she has invested in her own, even as the Lord of the vineyard comes to collect his due. Thus the Divine Mother has endowed the earth and her evolutions with great Light. So you see her coming as the beloved Mary, as Kuan Yin, and in the many faces of the Mother Goddess. And truly the wrath of Kali is represented in that returning karma. Yet you know it need not be, for the invocation of the violet flame for yourselves, for your loved ones, for this Community and for all evolutions of the earth can bring such a mitigation of returning karma. Yet you see, beloved, if in the process of this you are not processing the unconscious anger, which you do not even recognize as anger, and all of the Martian perversions that you name,{182} then you will set aside your very tending of the flame at the altar of God and you will find yourselves not building the fiery coils that must be in place in the chakras. For the descending karma accelerates, and this cycle of the ride of the Four Horsemen surely does bring to the earth great burden. I say, then, one and all, may your burden be Light because you have listened and you have heard with your inner ear and you have applied the Teaching and the Path. Then you will discover the sweetness of the returning karma that is the Light of your own Christhood greeting you and providing you with the great multiplier, the Holy Spirit, who multiplies the momentums of your Light and enables you to be the embodiment of the World Saviour. Blessed hearts, you know the history of the final incarnation of your Lord. You know that he went on and did deliver his message in many octaves and levels of being and did settle in the East and there did live many years beyond the hour of the crucifixion.{183} Yet from that hour on, his Ascended Master Light Body superimposed upon his flesh body was the open door of the Light flowing from God that held the balance for the karma of the world. And that Light has been sustained for two thousand years. In his footprints, walk ye. In his footprints, walk ye! Know, beloved, this is the hour of a mighty overcoming, and the Seven Elohim prepare you for your right decision. Only in your own heart will you find that decision. Only in your own I AM Presence, in your own Christhood will you discover the love that enables you to enter a path of sacrifice. Only in your own being will you know the resources unlimited of the Godhead whereby you may go forth the victor this Easter. We come, then, and there is a grace that pours forth. It is the grace of all-seeing. It is the grace that allows you to see yourself in this hour as you are and as you will be in the hour of your rebirth, your self-transcendence, your Christhood. Now feel the release that delivers you somewhat of the burdens you have been bearing of late. Feel the transmutation that comes to you by your very efforts and prayers in this assembly this night. Feel the point of inner peace and from that point of peace establish your identity in God. I trust it shall not be contingent on this or that or "if" or "if not," as you still dally in the valley of indecision, but simply a matter of when. When, when shall you decide to drink the cup, assimilate his Body and his Blood and have your victory? Remember, there is no time and space; there is only the moment of the Eternal Now. By the All-Seeing Eye of God, we draw your outer vision to the point of inner seeing. Be ready with notebook in hand to write down what you see and what we shall reveal to you day by day. Now, in this hour of your rejoicing in this evening's prayers of love, and in the love returning and multiplying unto you through the Christ, we seal your hearts and bless you for all good you have contributed to the stream of the Great White Brotherhood in all incarnations. And we do multiply the good momentums so that you might know the wind in your sails that shall carry you across the sea of samsara to the abode of Light. We bow before the Light in your heart and draw you into the Retreat of the Divine Mother this night. So, beloved, you are sealed by the seal of God that is not written of in the Book of Revelation. The seal of God is upon you as protection for the alchemy that you are passing through. To the victors, to the freeborn, to those who enter swiftly the presence of the Holy Spirit, we bow. We take our leave of you in word, but we remain having established the first tier of the presence of Elohim here and in the earth. This dictation by beloved Cyclopea and Virginia was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet at the conclusion of the April 7, 1993 Wednesday evening service during the five-day Easter Retreat 1993, held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under the direction of Cyclopea and Virginia.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom. Awareness/Action on AIDS Easter Retreat 1993 was dedicated to ending the AIDS epidemic. In place of giving a series of lectures on the challenge of AIDS, the Messenger assigned conferees to read the book AIDS: What the Government Isn't Telling You by Dr. Lorraine Day, former Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San Francisco General Hospital. Conferees carried the book with them throughout the conference, reading sections during breaks and in between scheduled events. In this book, Dr. Day examines the myths, facts and government cover-up of the real dangers of AIDS. She presents information that everyone should know in order to protect themselves and their families from this fatal disease. The Messenger considers the information so vital that she is making Dr. Day's book assigned reading for every Keeper of the Flame. You can order your copy through Summit University Press: AIDS: What the Government Isn't Telling You by Dr. Lorraine Day At Easter Retreat 1993, conferees also viewed films and newsclips on the subject of AIDS and participated in a prayer vigil for the exposure of the government cover-up and the discovery of a cure. The films presented included AIDS: What You Haven't Been Told and AIDS: Everything You Wanted to Know but Haven't Been Told, vols. 1 and 2, with Dr. Lorraine Day. These can be purchased on videocassette through the publishers/distributors listed below. Please note that although Dr. Day's book can be purchased through Summit University Press, the videocassettes cannot. Order your videocassettes by writing directly to the publishers/distributors: AIDS: What You Haven't Been Told Jeremiah Films, 1 cassette, 80 min. For ordering information, write to: AIDS Action Packet, P.O. Box 1800, Hemet, CA 92343. AIDS: Everything You Wanted to Know but Haven't Been Told vols. 1 and 2 with Dr. Lorraine Day, 2 cassettes, 111 min. Rockford Press, P.O. Box 952, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270. Phone 1-800-574-2437 The following film is especially recommended for health-care workers: AIDS: Can We Believe the "Experts"? with Dr. Lorraine Day, 1 cassette, 66 min. Rockford Press, P.O. Box 952, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270. Phone 1-800-574-2437 ***** 20.1 I AM the Witness - May 16, 1993 ***** Vol. 36 No. 20 - I AM the Witness - May 16, 1993 I AM the Witness No Similarity to Jonestown or Waco Dear Reverend Gruehl: I received your "Media Update" materials regarding the attacks that are being leveled against Elizabeth Clare Prophet and Church Universal and Triumphant. In a recent article in my own local newspaper, the media had one more turn at sensationalism as it compared the Church to Waco and Jonestown. As a longtime student of the Ascended Masters' teachings, as an admirer of Ms. Prophet and as a professional trained in medicine and psychology, I can only raise one voice - as small as that might be - in defense and in reverence of the teachings of the Church. The letter to Dan Rather from Dr. Maffett, a professor of world religions at DeKalb College, said it all. I, too, have been a student of diverse religions as well as of human behavior and I was also once an active member of the Mormon Church. My leaving the bosom of Mormonism had more to do with my not finding the "prophetic" utterances (which the church suggested came from the voices of the Latter-day Prophets of the church in Utah) than any discontent with the actual doctrine. I have no ill will toward the Mormon Church or its leaders, and my leaving was more reactive to my own inner promptings to seek deeper into the more mystical and hidden meanings of the messages of scriptures - both Eastern and Western. I am also a believer in karma and reincarnation, and I felt that my deepest beliefs about these spiritual truths were invalidated by Mormon Church dogma. My leaving seemed to be more congruent with my personal philosophy that a healthier integrative nature of religious thought is needed for our time. We live in desperate times and what is not helpful or sanctifying is the divisiveness that presents itself in religious thinking and leader-ship as it exists in more traditional and formal structures. Most churches today are preaching, "Come to us and we will save you!" The underlying message is that if you do not go to them, you will not be saved. That kind of thinking lends itself to a kind of spiritual and social arrogance that was never taught by Jesus or the Ascended Masters. When I began my spiritual search, I found a deep sense of unity and integration in the written materials coming from Church Universal and Triumphant. These were exactly what I was looking for to feed an inner longing that could not seem to be filled any other way. I read the books with commitment and a longing to learn more and more. Through these experiences, my spiritual beliefs were strengthened and validated and I was healed of the many painful dealings that I had experienced in a variety of personal and professional encounters. So I became a kind of silent follower and admirer for some time. I hope to become a worthy Keeper of the Flame soon. My daughter and I make it part of our daily life to study the written materials produced by the Church. Our favorite is Lords of the Seven Rays. If you only knew how we feast on the chapters and find anew each day gems of wisdom and comfort to guide and console us in this valley of tears we are encountering. We find the comfort and answers we need in the Teachings of the Ascended Masters. To know that these wonderful and compassionate individuals are there for us each and every day is so soul building and satisfying. Not to have this information available to us would be a real loss. We play the tape Save the World with Violet Flame 1 daily to begin our day and to prepare us for whatever we will encounter. If we find ourselves rushed and do not listen to the tape or take time to read, at the end of the day we both remark how different it is to not be in touch with that core of our Divine Self. So now it's my turn to give back to you, my friends, the comfort you have unselfishly given me. You are not in the slightest way like the misguided individuals from Waco or Jonestown. Those people were reactionaries and in no way do their philosophies compare with the spiritual sanity offered by Church Universal and Triumphant. "By their fruits ye shall know them" is still the yardstick that I use to validate what is correct in principle and motive. God, our beloved Father, and the gentle and kind Ascended Masters would never authenticate, foster or support the outrages that were perpetrated in Jonestown or Waco. An enlightened being could never justify such blatant antisocial behavior. As a psychology teacher at two colleges, I have often been called upon to teach social psychology. It was in teaching these and other courses that I and my students studied cults and their characteristics and behavior.At no point in my research did Church Universal and Triumphant meet the standard of cultism; instead, the Church, in my opinion, is a valid religious movement attempting to teach principles that will unite man with his Holy Inner Nature and, in turn, with the Universal Source of Love. I find no similarity in either Jonestown or Waco. The leaders, Jim Jones and David Koresh, both fit the descriptions in psychology literature that clearly define and delineate the aberrant nature of cult leaders, intrapsychically, spiritually and socially. Their need to exercise unrighteous dominion over those who are vulnerable and in need of true service stands as the most obvious difference between their spiritual, social and psychological leadership and that of Church Universal and Triumphant. If you are comforted by my letter, then I am thankful that I was able to return in some small measure all that the Church has given me in its written materials, the support I received when I called the "Lifeline to the Presence" and the wonderful peace I feel as I become involved daily with the tape that lifts my spirit and prepares me for my walk in the physical plane. I feel a part of the Community each time I listen even though many miles separate us. So please accept my love and gratitude, my caring in your times of anxiety and stress, and my love in your hour of need. I remain respectfully, Gratitude for the Easter Conference Dear Mother, This is just a note to express my gratitude to you for the magnificent Easter conference just concluded. It was certainly a tremendous experience for me as it was for my wife and for many of the people with whom I have spoken. It left me with a heightened sense of the seriousness of the issues we face as a community and as a nation. I have never been more grateful for you and the Altar of God. Sincerely, ****** Chapter 21 Beloved Peace and Aloha - May 23, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 21 - Beloved Peace and Aloha - May 23, 1993 Easter Retreat 1993 2 The Path of True Love Legions of Peace March against the Astral Hordes of War The Empowerment of Peace Greetings from the Central Sun of Peace! Aloha in the very heart of cosmos! We come, and we come to mark that heart that is right with El Morya's heart, with the heart of the Holy Christ Self and with the heart of the Messenger. This, then, is the lineage that has descended from God through Sanat Kumara to Padma Sambhava. Being right with Morya and your own Christ Self and the Messenger, you therefore are right with the lineage that descends to the level of Padma Sambhava (whose mantle is upon this Messenger) and traces back to the heart of the Great Central Sun. You may seek and find, if you can, some other lineage but this is the dispensation for this hour. I speak, then, of those whose hearts are right with God and of those whose hearts are not right with God. This is an hour to make peace with your God. We will not allow the dalliance in the in-between state of indecision, self-pity, self-justification that becomes then the criticism, then the condemnation and then the judgment. Therefore, speak to the one who has sent the Messenger if you have a gripe with the Messenger. Speak to the Messenger herself if you think there is something not right in this organization, in this teaching, in this path, in its disciplines. Whatever may be upon your heart, have out with it. Use, then, your Franklin planners,{184} if you have them, to write down those situations of nonresolution in your life. For Peace is an all-consuming fire! Peace as a living flame of cosmic honor can restore you to the wholeness and the holiness you once knew when in childlike faith and trust in God you took the hand of the then ruling hierarch of this lineage and you did walk and talk along the way with your Lord Maitreya, with your Lord Manjushri, with your Lord Padma Sambhava, with your Lord Morya El, with your Mother. Yes, beloved, where has the peace gone? Where it has gone is into the perversion of the forces of anti-peace, astral hordes of war who put their stirring stick in your mind and cause you to lose the fervor of your first true love, the fervor you once had so very long ago for your first and unfailing Guru. There is no peace, then, in the heart, the soul, the psyche, the being of anyone when there is that nonresolution. Therefore resolve this day to establish resolution with your Inner Christ and do not assume that you automatically have it! For the standards of the Christ must be the measure of the Christ and the measure of a man or a woman as to what Christhood each one can contain. Do not, therefore, set for your Holy Christ Self, for your Messenger or for this entire Mystery School your human standards of what ought to be and what ought not to be. I tell you what ought to be and is, and that is the descent of the LORD God himself in hours when you know it not. The LORD God, even Alpha and Omega, comes as the proverbial thief in the night for the testing of souls at any hour. And these tests must be passed at the level of Christhood, not at the level of the human consciousness of compromise that says: "This is our standard. This is our human standard and it is right, and we will have our own code of honor among ourselves." And yet it is a tarnished honor, beloved ones. God has a right to test you, to love you, to chasten you, to teach you, to draw back the curtain of pride and allow you to see what is puffed up by your own ego or what is trumped up by the flattery of other egos. All of this exposure of the ego is a parting of successive veils of self-ignorance. And veils are parted and veils are parted again until you see the naked soul face to face and the inner heart, the inner spirit, the inner essence and what about each of these is real. You know that you have a high percentage of water in the chemical makeup of your physical body. Take away the water and what is left? Is there salt that is worth its savor? Is there a mind that can cogitate beyond the frame of the human brain? Is there identity that can hold the flaming torch of Peace and not be moved? Do not think in your human pride, beloved, that by some years on the Path in this life somehow you have reached the level where you can judge what Hierarchy ought to be, what angels ought to do, what Masters ought to do as you call upon them, as though you could adjudicate all matters of the organization of the Great White Brotherhood. Understand that all who serve the Brotherhood anywhere on earth or in the mystery schools are here for good reason, some to finish up unfinished business and some to balance their karma for the betrayal of mystery school upon mystery school, which has necessitated their taking the grade again and again. I say, to receive the power of Peace, to continue to walk the walk of the pilgrim of Peace, be humble before your God. Don't be a know-it-all but come to a lawful reverence for those things that ought to be revered. Have a sense of holiness in the presence of one another's Christ Self and a sense of the holiness of the flame that burns in the heart of the one that sits next to you, before you, behind you. Have a sense of awe of the temple of God and help those who do not keep their temples clean or their minds in the correct geometry of God. Peace, then. Peace is a mighty power. Do you know that the manifestation of God's peace, multiplied billions and billions of times and then in numbers beyond reckoning, is the power to consume all the warring in the members of the psyches of all the Lightbearers of the earth, to consume the wars between fallen ones who are polarized as they line up to destroy one another and demand reinforcements of Lightbearers to lay down their lives for them in their battles for supremacy? This has been going on for centuries. Yes, beloved, the momentums and records of war on planet earth remain untransmuted because many of the very ones who have the gift of the violet flame and the science of the spoken Word do not use it to transmute, first and foremost, the warring in their own members, the divisions, the schisms and all those things that they press and compress in the subconscious and the unconscious minds and allow to explode in a moment of least reckoning of the heart of God. Why does war continue? Let us begin with ourselves and our chelas. Every chela must make peace with the soul, with the Christ, with the living God, with all that is real within himself, within herself, within every child. In order to make peace with your inner being, you must declare war against the not-self. And therefore legions of Peace march in this hour against the astral hordes of war! And we look to those among you and those in the etheric octaves and those who are robed in white surrounding the throne of the Lamb of God to join us in our march. We look for those unascended lifestreams in all octaves of the Matter cosmos to reinforce our contingents that war might be no more. And now comes the Keeper of the Scrolls and there do procession behind him the recording angels, whose peace-commanding presence does give us pause. And they, numbering one million, now march up and down the continents of the earth; and they are checking off those who qualify, making a check mark in the aura of every lifestream on this planet who checks out right, whose heart is right with the hierarchy of Sanat Kumara, with El Morya and with those who wear the mantle of a disciple of Christ and whose hearts are one with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Understand, therefore, that to acknowledge the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is to have a certain relationship with the Prince of Peace. But to deny the lineage that has gone before him - Lord Maitreya, Lord Gautama, Lord Sanat Kumara - is to deny oneself access to the entire hierarchy who has sponsored him. And that hierarchy goes all the way back to the Great Central Sun. You see, at inner levels people do know that there is a hierarchy of Light upon earth. They know it well. And if they have not in some way fastened themselves to this hierarchy of Light, then you know that they have some unresolved situation in their psyches and that nonresolution may be with any one of the Ascended Masters, the Archangels, Cosmic Beings, or even God himself. Why, beloved ones, there are people in the earth today who yet have an argument with Moses! - Moses, who long ago did complete his mission in the Sinai, did move on, did reincarnate in the Far East as Lord Ling. And at the conclusion of that life, having balanced 100 percent of his karma, he did attain his ascension in the Light and today he exudes the joy of the God of Happiness and that is his title. And this Ascended Master Moses has gone here and there to make peace with those very ones who could not make their peace with him as they crossed the wilderness. Yes, beloved ones, though they sense him and even see him at inner levels, though the contact is made, yet they hold a grudge and they still gripe about the disciplines they were subject to under Moses! See that you are not counted among them, whether your argument be with Moses or Buddha or Zarathustra or an unnamed saint who today is far beyond you in the echelons of Light and yet with whom you once had a strong disagreement. See to it, then, for the sake of your own soul, that you make your peace with all people. For you cannot make lasting progress on the Path until you do. It is most disturbing, beloved ones, to see a planet of diverse evolutions where so very few understand the principle of walking in the footsteps of the hierarchy of Light. Know that God does test every living soul. Be willing, then, to pass those tests and to exercise ingenuity of heart in so doing. Sometimes it is a merciful heart that is needed before resolution can come about. Sometimes it is forgiveness, forgiving seventy times seven.{185} Sometimes it is a return to humility by the consuming of the inordinate pride of the human ego. I speak to you of this, beloved, for this is what the spiritual path is all about: It is about bending the knee before the Christ, whose seed is in every living soul. The one million recording angels (who also have the power to multiply their Electronic Presence) will have finished their assignment of checking off those who are right with God by the time this dictation is through. This, then, is the commitment of Peace and Aloha: For every individual upon earth who is right with God and right with the hierarchy of God whom he has sent, there shall be added ten thousand angels unto the bands of the legions of the Sixth Ray of the Lord Jesus Christ ministering to the peoples of planet earth. Think of it and rejoice! For every soul who is right with God, ten thousand angels shall increase the numbers of legions of Peace who move against the astral hordes of war! Realize, then, beloved, just how great a multiplication factor ten thousand angels can be in advancing the cause of Peace on earth! And these legions of Peace have volunteered to be assigned to the battlefield of earth. They have pleaded before Helios and Vesta to be allowed to come. For they see the warring on the playgrounds of life, in families, between husband and wife and brother and sister, between parties in difficult relationships. And they see how this warring on a neighborhood scale does mushroom into world wars dividing nations and causing great sorrow and pain. Yes, beloved, angels have gone before the Court of the Sacred Fire, they have gone before the councils of Sanat Kumara and they have come before us and they have said: "We would volunteer for Mission Planet Earth, not only to multiply the decrees of the students of Light and the prayers of the saints everywhere but also to engage the forces of war and overcome them. We would come and join all the forces of Peace on earth and the armies of heaven converging on planet earth for this one purpose - that the power of Peace with which our God has endowed us might be applied to the transmutation, the utter dissolution of war at every level." This, of course, is subject to the free will of heads of state, to the free will of those who direct the armies of the nations, to the free will of those who represent the people and to the free will of the people themselves. For if by free will people choose war and choose to engage in the warlike energies of the Nephilim in daily conversation that grates in the not-so-great subtleties of criticism of this and criticism of that and backbiting against this and backbiting against that, even against the Gurus we have sent, then not even all the legions of Peace from the entire Spirit-Matter Cosmos could quench the hellfires of war upon this earth. But wherever there is a heart that daily does note in his Franklin planner such nonresolutions and does determine to achieve resolution within himself and with others by sunset, there is a heart who rests in the heart of the Prince of Peace. Now, I know, beloved, that this may not be the ultimate resolution, but the resolution you can have every day at sunset is that you resolve with your God that you will not allow this difficulty, this argument, this disagreement, this war going on in your life to in any way come between you and your God or between you and the God-flame within another. And therefore you seal the schism in the sacred fire of God, in the blue lightning of God and you pursue the path whereby you look to meet each soul halfway, you look for ways to compromise, you look to achieve mutual understanding, you look to give mercy freely and to restore an injured soul to equilibrium and to a point of personal dignity. Forgive and ask to be forgiven even when you think you are not in the wrong. Do this because you live by the Master's code of forgiveness. Do it to give another the opportunity to do the same, and do it with sincerity. For there are many actions you may take in life wherein you may truly say to yourself that you will not know until you have ascended into the kingdom of God whether or not such and such an action was a compromise of the Law or was a manifestation of a love so great that you were willing to make karma to save another soul, to heal another soul even though you knew at the time that you were crossing the line of the laws of society and perhaps even the laws of God. There are complicated issues in the lives of all people and complex decisions that everyone is confronted with in a lifetime. What is important is this - that no matter what takes place, you make your resolution with your Christ Self, with El Morya, with your God and with the lineage of the Lord Sanat Kumara, by which you are personally and individually sponsored. Therefore, when all the check marks that can be given are given to those whose hearts are right with God, we will know how many companies of ten thousand angels of Peace may act to intercede for peace and against war on earth. Now you tell me, beloved ones - yes, tell me - what shall be the fate, then, of the one whose heart is right with God, who has at his side ten thousand angels of Peace? Well, you could respond in one voice, for you all know the answer. There shall indeed arise ten thousand, perhaps even more, legions of war, of fallen angels out of the pits of Death and Hell, to challenge those angels of Peace and the souls they sponsor. And therefore you must understand that because you are tied to the lineage of the hierarchy of Light because your heart is right with God, you, then, in a sense of the word are the leader of that company of angels and you have a responsibility to command them, to give decrees in their behalf even for their protection, and to offer at the altar of God such invocations as you customarily give when you are working on your labors. You, then, must be a very active participant in that which is taking place in your Community and on your planet. And that which shall take place as you stand true in the mantle of the Christed One is the defeat of these hordes of war! And at times other contingents will come to reinforce some of these companies of the ten thousand as they are hotly engaged to put an end to the forces of Darkness on planet earth. These fallen angels have been on the left-handed path a long, long time. When you see them, you may be overawed by their power. You may fear them. You may say to yourself, "What power of God have they stolen and perverted into the engines of war that they are revving up on planet earth?" And you will sometimes feel as though you were David before Goliath, and then you will remember that ten thousand angels of Peace stand behind you and they are able. They are able. You, then, must defend yourself against the machinations of the legions of war who attempt to cause you to part from the bonding of your heart in love to the God who is in you and to the God who is in another. You must remember your determination and even your vow, if you have made it, that you will not be moved from the God-centeredness of love and peace, come what may, even in trifling matters. For have not trifling matters ignited world wars? Well, I can cite many cases unknown to you that are on file in the records of the planet as well as episodes that are recorded in your history books that have turned nations into enemies overnight. So you see, beloved, when you are backed by ten thousand angels of Peace, the hordes of war will come to take from you your peace, to take from you your right heart with Morya, with the Messenger and with all who have sent that Messenger, all the way back to the throne of God. Thus the children of the Sun are initiated by the forces of Darkness even as they are initiated by the forces of Light. And so, beloved, if you lose your rightness of heart with God for some puny self-justification, for some provocation, for some sense of injustice, where shall you find yourself? You will find yourself at the mercy of the legions of war, for by your unsettled self-righteous state you will have disconnected yourself from the legions of Peace. Why, then, did Elohim of the Fifth Ray come last night? Why did you hear the call of Cyclopea and Virginia to make right choices - the right choice to be the Christ in action as Love in action, Truth in action, Honor in action, the will of God as Power in action, the mighty Wisdom of God in action? That decision allows you to maintain the strength whereby you are not moved by the hordes who assail you because you are aligned with legions of Peace - or who will assail the legions of Peace because they are aligned with you. You must understand that we the Elohim come from a number of positions in the cosmic hierarchy as we speak to you in this conference that you might understand that the decision to walk the path of personal Christhood is a very serious decision no matter who you are or where you come from. And when you make that decision with 1,000 percent of your being, you must stand and still stand and be obedient to the teachings, to the techniques, to all that we have taught you for your protection, for your sustaining of the unfailing love of the Inner Christ, day by day by day garnering that Light of God by the mantra of your I AM Presence until the mantra sings in your heart, until you hear the mantra being spoken in your mind just before you awaken in the morning. And who is giving the mantra in your mind? It is your I AM Presence. Or it is the Buddha or the Bodhisattva whose mantra you have chosen. And you have so generated a momentum in repeating the mantra and making it your own that you have come into the forcefield of that hierarch of Light, and that one has therefore brought to you the soundless sound of the inner name and the inner key of the mantra that shall keep you locked in to your own personal Christhood. Therefore, beloved, strengthen yourselves! Seek daily resolution. Put everything into the violet flame! And thereby know the peace of being escorted by the legions of Peace to our retreat of the Elohim Peace and Aloha [in the etheric octave of the heaven-world] centered over the Hawaiian Islands, extending over the vastness of the Pacific Ocean. By the power of Peace we charge that ocean with Peace, and it is surely a mighty focus of Peace in the earth. Now then, beloved, each one of you must examine the rightness of your heart daily to be certain that you have not left frayed edges in any relationship, that you have not abruptly parted from someone without resolution, that you have not left any matter hanging, such as a simple disagreement or discourtesy. Being right in the lineage of Sanat Kumara, beloved, counts for everything in this hour. Once again it is the hour of the ride of the Four Horsemen. And their cyclings are becoming a tighter and tighter coil around the planet as there is the multiplication of the descent of karma exponentially until these twelve years should pass. Your calling is to keep up with the levels of darkness and keep them transmuted by joyous, joyous call to the violet flame and to keep up the corresponding light of your own Christhood whereby each day you can bow before your God and ask that your offering might be received as an acceptable offering and that it might be purified, rectified and brought in line with the plumb line of Truth if it is not. Peace and Aloha, we come. Peace, then. Peace, then. Grade yourselves, beloved. Consider: Has the angel placed a check mark on your aura or must you now go to your rooms and sit down and ponder how you could have strayed ever so subtly with rationalization a little bit farther, a little bit farther, a little bit farther from the path of true love, the path of true love? "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend."{186} Well, if you think of your truest friend as being your Holy Christ Self, then can you not lay down the not-self, the carnal mind and the dweller-on-the-threshold for the sake of the friend who is Christ, who is your Higher Self, who is ultimately you? Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his mortal life, his not-self, that the Christ may live in him, his True Self, and walk about the earth dispensing love and healing and truth and igniting the fire of Divine Love that shall come to all when war does cease. The defeat of war by all Seven Elohim and the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood is top on our agenda. But as we have said, if the chelas of the Light do not take up the dismantling of the components of war in their own psyches and allow them to be consumed in the cauldron of Divine Love, then where shall we go? Where shall we find those, apart from these chelas here present, who shall do that job and do it thoroughly and do it painfully until pain becomes all-consuming, until the all-consuming pain becomes the all-consuming bliss of Divine Love? Yes, beloved, this is a planet of war. When have there not been the Nephilim wars upon earth? When have there not been family feuds, rivaling clans, gang warfare and rivaling political factions? Why, even heads of states and nations have had those who oppose them brutally murdered. War must cease if a golden age of Aquarius is to come. We say, begin with yourselves and use the Lord's mantra of peace and his mighty shield for the guarding of the solar plexus. Rejoice to check off each day that you have said, "Peace, be still! Peace, be still! Peace, be still and know that I AM God!" or when you can say at the end of that day, "Truly I have not allowed an incorrect vibration to emanate from this place of the sun (the solar-plexus chakra), which is the place of the golden sun of Peace." Onward, Lightbearers of this age! Onward! My teaching is for your refinement of soul and mind and heart. Depart, then! Depart, then! Depart, then, from nests of gossip and unseemly conversation. Rather be with Mary, your Mother. Rather be in her heart and know that through that Immaculate Heart all things shall be fulfilled in Cosmic Christ Peace. I bow to the flame of Peace within you. If you do not have that flame, I bid you raise it up. For I should like to come again with Aloha and find on the altar of your solar plexus a living flame of Peace to which I may bow and which I may then seal, then ensconce, then protect by rings of Light and then increase! For our goal is to give you the empowerment of Peace that was given to your Lord and Saviour. Here is the true saying: "All power of Peace in heaven and in earth is given unto me."{187} Thus his title, the Prince of Peace. May you seek, then, to be called the initiate of the Elohim of Peace. And if you seek it, we shall give it. And if we give it, receive it well, with good cheer, and jump over those hurdles and pass those tests and by and by know that same power of Cosmic Christ Peace which emanates from the Son of God. This dictation by beloved Peace and Aloha was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet at the conclusion of the April 8, 1993 Holy Thursday service during the five-day Easter Retreat 1993, held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under the direction of Peace and Aloha.] ***** 21.1 I AM the Witness - May 23, 1993 ***** Vol. 36 No. 21 - I AM the Witness - May 23, 1993 I AM the Witness Maitreya Visits His Mystery School Disguised as a Korean Buddhist Monk! Dear Mother, I wanted to witness to the living presence of Maitreya at Maitreya's Mystery School. I recently had a vivid dream. You were taking a brisk walk with a gentleman. As the two of you approached me in the dream, I saw to my surprise that you were walking with Maitreya! His face looked like the face of Maitreya on the cover of the 1984 Pearls of Wisdom. However, I was surprised because he looked quite different from the way I would have expected him to look. This "Maitreya" had a crew cut. He was dressed in an unusual silver garment that I did not recognize but looked to me like a track suit. He wore jogging shoes and was not very tall. He was very much alive, vigorous, modern, joyous, quick-witted and alert in his thinking. You were standing beside him, exactly like him in vibration. In the dream, he addressed me by name and told me to "shape up" and pass my initiations. I was surprised that he knew my name but I quickly realized that of course Maitreya knows all of us personally - it's his Mystery School! I was greatly impressed by the dream. It was so real and Maitreya was so vibrant! And yet he was so normal - just like one of us! I had no doubt he had a message for me but I pondered the ramifications of the dream. The next week, a Korean Buddhist monk visited our community on his way through Yellowstone Park. He arrived unannounced and unexpected. Several staff members welcomed him and showed him some of the ranch. Everyone who met him enjoyed his company and he fit easily into our community. I had the opportunity to meet him and immensely enjoyed the experience. You could tell that he was indeed a holy man. I happened to be standing nearby as you came to meet him. As the two of you walked off at a brisk pace, I suddenly remembered my dream and then I recognized him! He had a crew cut, wore jogging shoes and a long silver-gray robe in the Korean style. The top crossed over in front and the pants were gathered at the ankles. This was Maitreya's representative! I believe that Maitreya indeed came to teach me that he may appear to us in any form zat any time, through anyone he chooses, but we do not always recognize him when he comes. I learned a number of things from the demeanor of this particular messenger of Maitreya. He was very much a chela, cheerful and joyous yet flexible and practical. He fit in wherever he was, never took offense and had a comfortable air about him. People enjoyed meeting him and joining in his easy laughter. He liked people and it showed. He was thoughtful, humble and kind. (Maitreya's name means "loving-kindness.") He was obedient to any request made of him. He was considerate of others and nothing was too much trouble for him. He was grateful and eager to learn everything about our community. I could tell that he was used to hard work. He showed great joy as well as respect and interest when he visited our chapel. He was devoted and quite comfortable worshiping there. I heard that he was intrigued by the statue of Gautama Buddha that sits in front of the altar. He said that it was unusual for the image of Gautama to have the crown and topknot that are normally associated with Maitreya. He said the topknot and crown denote the office of a king. Interestingly, this statue of the Lord of the World was used as a focus of Lord Maitreya during the 1976 seminar Maitreya on Meditation. Even though he wore the robes of a Buddhist monk, he was modern and up-to-date in his thoughts and attitudes. He was sharp-witted and quick to learn. He gave the impression of one not easily fooled! He was not humanly perfect but someone like you and me. The night before I met him, I had been reading a Pearl of Wisdom (vol. 33, no. 23) by Mother Mary from FREEDOM 1990. After his visit,I resumed reading the Pearl and the very next paragraph jumped out at me: O beloved ones, the passageway between your perceptions and the Western Shamballa may be at times as thin as a piece of paper, a single sheet, or even a gossamer veil. You are not so very far from the heart of Lord Gautama Buddha. But you could be standing next to him and be a million light-years away in vibration. The next day, I started to see Maitreya everywhere - in the smiles on the faces of my co-workers, in their eyes, in their actions, in their kindnesses to one another, in the children at play. We get so used to seeing the "humanness" in one another that we forget to look for the divine. We tend to forget that we are all Maitreya. Why shouldn't we see Maitreya everywhere? When we give our mantras to Maitreya, we become Maitreya. Suddenly I have a joyous new vision of our community. I must be ready to meet Maitreya every day in everyone whom I meet. Anyone may be a messenger of Maitreya to me. And I must strive to be more like Maitreya. I am rereading the introduction to the 1984 Pearls of Wisdom with a renewed heart and understanding of its astounding teaching on Maitreya and his path. The introduction includes an excerpt from Maitreya's 1975 series of Pearls "On Initiation": Some of you know me as the Great Initiator, and you have already called to me most lovingly to be initiated on the path of attainment. But when I have come, you have not recognized me. In vain I have stood before you to initiate you in the law of energy flow. ... While you are waiting for the Second Coming of the Christ or for the Teacher from the East, make haste to receive the stranger at the gate, the children playing in the courtyard, and the tender lifestreams who are a part of your family and the family of God. How often you cast them aside or take them for granted - these precious ones who come in the name of the Lord, who come in the name of the law of your own karma! Receive them, one by one, in the Spirit of the Christ Mass; receive them in the name of Jesus the Christ and thereby have the reward of the Christed ones. Praise to the manifestation of Maitreya in you, Mother, and in all of us. I can hardly wait to meet the many "Maitreyas," or Maitreya in his many disguises, at FREEDOM 1993. Love, ****** Chapter 22 Beloved Heros and Amora - May 30, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 22 - Beloved Heros and Amora - May 30, 1993 Easter Retreat 1993 3 A Heart of Undefiled Love Compel the Demons to Withdraw Love Is the Empowerment You Seek Lest You Forget All things can be adjudicated by Divine Love - would you not agree? ["Yes."] Then why is it not so? Well, I will begin by telling you the story of the exorcist. The exorcist is the one empowered by Divine Love who, calling in the name Jesus Christ and the entire lineage of Sanat Kumara, can compel the demons to withdraw from an individual, can compel the binding of addictions. How is this possible for some and not for others? If you would be exorcists through the Holy Spirit by the grace of God, you must have a heart of undefiled love. This means the pure essence of Love. This does not mean you must be humanly perfect. It does not mean that you are disqualified from this calling if you have made mistakes in the past or broken the laws of God. The heart of undefiled love is the heart of Christ. It is the heart of your Holy Christ Self. So the Sacred Heart of Jesus is that heart, and to that heart you have recourse when you give the LORD Sanat Kumara's Ritual of Exorcism on behalf of one possessed with foul spirits. When you give that ritual along with Sanat Kumara's Ruby Ray Judgment Call for the binding of tormenting demons, when you give fiats for the action of the Ruby Ray, so you are moving toward that end of being the exorcist. The greatest benefit that you derive from your Ruby Ray calls, beloved ones, is that you receive at inner levels initiations by Ruby Ray Masters who come under the Buddha of the Ruby Ray and the Five Dhyani Buddhas. Thus, as you are able to give those calls and withstand the patterns of Love that begin to form around you (for the Ruby Ray can be very intense) - yes, form around you as the intricate carving of that ruby substance, be it marblelike or woodlike or substance not of this world - you find that there forms around you even the etching of the ruby outline of the great Dharmakaya, your Causal Body, your I AM Presence. Love, then, that enters your heart must be tried and tried again - tried in each and every situation, tried when you are ready to march over to someone's office and tell that so-and-so thus-and-such and so on, and pretty soon even before you tell that one off you have already begun to dilute the love of the heart. Call, then, for the Sacred Heart of Jesus to be superimposed upon your heart. Call for the Purple Fiery Heart of Saint Germain to be superimposed upon your heart. Call for the Diamond Heart of El Morya, the Magnanimous Heart of Lanello, the Merciful Heart of Kuan Yin, the Immaculate Heart of Mary! Call for these hearts of Light to be superimposed upon your heart even while you are in training (spring training, beloved) to develop that heart of hearts whereby you may call for the binding, in the name of God and his Christ, of demons infesting the souls of your children, loved ones, communities and nations. And you may know that when your heart is undefiled and it is your daily goal to seek early the way of the heart of Christ and Buddha, the legions of Light shall do your bidding, shall bind those demons as you make the call. For these legions may do so under law when you protect yourself first and foremost by your own diligence in maintaining the heart whose love is undefiled and by keeping up your daily decrees to Archangel Michael. And so you will understand that the purity of Love will come to you. You will understand it and you will know what is impure love, what is hypocritical love, what is possessive love, what is egocentric love, what is self-love and what is the pure and living presence of the Love of God that eclipses all other loves. The all-consuming fire of Love is surely the solution of the ages and of this age. The all-consuming fire of Love's Third Ray, the pink ray, has been stepped down for you by the addition of the First Ray, the blue ray; and thus the merging of the two has given you the Seventh Ray, the violet ray and the violet flame. And the various admixtures of the pink and the ruby flames with the blue do bring to you shades of violet and purple flames that are necessary for specific assignments in the alchemy of transmutation. When you invoke Zadkiel, when you invoke Holy Amethyst, when you invoke Arcturus, Victoria, Omri-Tas, when you invoke Saint Germain and Portia, they send you the qualification of the violet flame you need for a specific action. And then you can take that violet flame and, through the undefiled love of your heart, you can multiply its power and send it forth for the dissolution of many situations that burden you - from family problems to legal problems involving trials, lawsuits, money, taxes and whatever the fallen angels in the earth happen to bring upon the children of the Light. Yes, the Ruby Ray! Yes, the undefiled love of the heart! This is the key, beloved. Therefore, do as some have done, even Pope John XXIII. The night before you meet with people on any matter offer a prayer on behalf of all who will be attending the meeting. Especially call that those points of discussion you expect to be difficult be resolved harmoniously. Call for the guardian angels! Call for the Holy Christ Self of all who are to assemble! And ask that all parties who will discuss the matter on the morrow be taken to the Retreat of the Divine Mother to review it the night before in this etheric retreat situated over the Royal Teton Ranch and America's wilderness land. Then, beloved, know that the Holy Christ Self (who is often referred to as the guardian angel) will overshadow and direct each one and prepare all to reach a consensus from the highest level. And when you sit down to have that meeting the next day, simply acknowledge the presence of what Emerson called the `Over-Soul' - the overshadowing of the Higher Self. And see how in those meetings divine resolution, human resolution, legal resolution can come about because you have made your spiritual preparations. For even before retiring you have gone before your altar and spoken to each one's Holy Christ Self and then given the calls for the enlightenment of souls and the binding of the dweller-on-the-threshold (i.e., the not-self), which would deter them through pride or stubbornness from making right decisions for right action. If you anticipate having to deal with attitudes of bigotry, prejudice, persecution or racism that come from jaded minds, so invoke the violet flame the night before to consume them before they cast a spell on your meeting. I ask you to try this experiment among yourselves. Begin by setting your agenda and giving a copy of it to each one who will be in attendance. Then hold conclave at night at the Retreat of the Divine Mother and call to the Christ of each one to act as that one's guardian angel, to be there to instruct each one, to be the catalyst for bringing forth nothing less than stupendous ideas - inventions, intuitions, God-solutions to issues you will take up on the morrow. The all-consuming fire of Divine Love is a fire that burns in your heart. I place an intensified portion of this fire in the heart of the Messenger at this time as a multiplication of our own heart's love. It is a burning love. And it is because there is a burning love already present in the Messenger that I may add to it this burning, fiery Love of the Elohim Heros and Amora. And of what does this love in her heart consist? It is a burning love for each and every chela and devotee on the Path, each and every angel and Ascended Master. It is a fiery, burning gratitude for life itself and the gift of life and the opportunity to serve. It is a burning fire of love for small and simple things - simple kindnesses, friendships of the ages and accomplishments as the Community works together to the glory of the work of El Morya. The fiery heart, then, is one that you can tend. You see, you already have Saint Germain's Heart Meditations, and not a few among you have been encouraged by the Messenger to play them at any time, at any hour, at odd moments, even while you are doing other chores or making your daily preparations. Blessed ones, to not feel the fire of Love in your heart for a moment or an hour or a day or never to have felt that fire of Love - this, this is surely a waste of the gift of life and a wasteland! For that fire of Love is the burning fire of your own Christhood, which you match as you respond to that fire and are so taken up in the wonders of the glory of the Love of God (so great a Love that he did send his only begotten Son that you might be saved). And that Saviour is the Christ of Jesus, is Jesus Christ (for Jesus is that Christ incarnate) and he is that Christ who is one with your Holy Christ Self, all one and the same; for there is but one Lord, one Christ, one God. So, beloved, when you are not in the fervor of that fire, pause a moment, take your rosary beads or rudraksha beads, walk a circle around our Community headquarters or your workplace or dwellingplace and whisper the prayers of fiery love that you might have that fire - fire not only to give as love to others but fire that can become great enough that in your love for others God through you can rekindle a fire that they have allowed to go out through depression, through loss of a sense of self-worth, through the false belief that no one, including God, does love them, or perhaps through their anger against God. Yes, there are so many reasons why the fire of the heart goes out. O beloved, if you mourn for those who lose that fire, then let your mourning have a purpose, and let that purpose be to increase the fire in your own heart that you might have it when another needs it. You have been told to give a cup of cold water in Christ's name.{188} We tell you, give a cup of living Love in Christ's name that you might be the embodiment of his Love - his doctrine of Love, his way of Love, his life of Love! If you mourn for those who are empty, then fill your own cups that you might pass those cups and give of a light - a light that comes from a fount that does not cease to release the waters of eternal Life. It is the fount of your I AM Presence. It is the descending fire of the crystal cord. And as you draw it forth - even as those daughters of Jethro did draw the water at the well{189} - yes, you keep on drawing and as you draw, more and more of the fire of God descends over your crystal cord. And so you give your cups of Love and then you fill other cups at the well, catching every drop that comes, every fire of Love descending. Oh, the all-consuming fire of Divine Love! I come to acquaint you with this again and to remind you of the violet flame as the violet fire of freedom's love and to remind you that though you weary and though you labor and though you are bowed down for many situations that beset you, persecutions must come. {190} All those who walk in His footsteps must know them, must not resent them, must not resist them. They will come! And come they must. Let them find you, then, with the fiery heart of all-devouring Love that consumes all persecutions and finds you the victor, capable to now be empowered by Love as well as by Peace. Love, then, shall quickly dissolve many burdens before your very eyes. But some of you have rather dwelt upon the karmic burdens and your disagreements with the Messenger or another whom you have known in many ages past. And those disagreements become the mechanism, I tell you, the mechanism of that tyrant ego, that tyrant-ego dweller-on-the-threshold. And holding on to that and that argument with co-workers or the Messenger and that argument with God, beloved ones, is surely the undoing of a soul and it has surely been the undoing of souls for many, many, many ages. Let us not continue in the way of struggle, for it is truly the sense of struggle that makes the struggle. Pierce! pierce! pierce! the struggle by the fire of Love. Pierce! it now. Pierce! it now. Now let the piercing lines of Divine Love go forth from the Causal Body of the Two Witnesses, who stand before you. And may you know the needle rays of ruby fire from their Causal Bodies and from none other, that you might have a sense of co-measurement that there is accessible to you through the Causal Bodies of your Messengers much, much that you could use to refine your service and resolve all problems. Therefore Heros and Amora come. We have tarried in the earth. We have occupied the entire planet and beyond as we have spoken to you. We have manifested Love in all levels and dimensions - in the fire, in the water, in the earth, in the ether, in the air, beloved. So we have manifested a presence of Love. Guard that Love. Be here without fail on Mondays, the day of Love, for your noon decree sessions; for we must meet the forces of anti-Love by the fire of Love and consume them. And you must be liberated from many curses that have been laid upon you in the past, curses of anti-Love that you yourself must break by determination to rise and to be among the Bodhisattvas of Love. Therefore they invite you to their reception, for they have descended from their levels of the heaven-world to greet you in the temple of the Divine Mother this night that they might receive you, share with you their understanding of the garnering and the protecting of Love and show you how to break the curses upon body, soul and mind by the action of their ruby swords and ruby mantras. You have enough mantras of the path of Buddhism to break any and every curse that is upon you, beloved. Use them! It is why the Messenger does give you a mantra so frequently as you leave your noon sessions. Yet scarcely have you left the hall when you are no longer saying the mantra but engaging in conversation that could wait a few more minutes. The mantra of a Buddha or a Bodhisattva will carry you to his level of consciousness and attainment and it will bring that blessed one to you by purest Divine Love. Love is the fulfilling of every law of God. Love is the undoing of every counterlaw of the false hierarchy of Death and Hell. Love is the empowerment you seek. And through Love, all things will be established. O ye who are the magnanimous hearts of Lanello, O ye who are the magnanimous hearts of the Mother, receive now all angels and beings of Love! And know that Love is the force that is opposed more than all other manifestations of God in the earth. We ask you this night: Will you champion the cause of Love as never before, beloved? ["Yes!"] We shall be with you to guard you in that action lest you forget, lest you forget the treachery of the fallen ones of the bands of anti-Love. Do not forget their treachery, their intrigue. Indeed, call for their works to be bound by the Ruby Ray! In the living flame of Love, you are bathed. Now accept your wholeness and be free in Love's own healing waves. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, Amen. This dictation by beloved Heros and Amora was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet at the conclusion of the April 8, 1993 Holy Thursday service during the five-day Easter Retreat 1993, held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under the direction of Heros and Amora.] ***** 22.1 I AM the Witness - May 30, 1993 ***** Vol. 36 No. 22 - I AM the Witness - May 30, 1993 I AM the Witness "A Little Birdie Told Me to Do It" Dear Mother, I want to tell you about a miracle with a little bird. One warm spring day two years ago I was up near the Heart in a small building doing a decree vigil with another staff member. We had the door cracked to let in the fresh air. Imagine my surprise when a young fledgling suddenly flew through the door, passed inches in front of me, struck the window and landed right beside me on a small heater! I studied the little brown bird with some concern. He had hit the window with such force that a few feathers were stuck on the glass at the point of impact. He seemed to favor his right wing and I sincerely wondered if he had broken it. I decided to let him sit there for a while since the heater was off and he was stunned from his accident. Silently I offered a little prayer for the bird without missing a beat of our decree session. The little bird never once took his eyes off me and seemed to be fascinated with the rhythm and sound of our decrees. He sat through an entire round of forty decrees to Archangel Michael plus another twenty-five minutes of various other decrees. He seemed very happy and comforted by the tone of my voice. Occasionally his little head would cock as if he were trying to figure out just what we were saying. Although the little bird didn't seem the least bit frightened, I soon realized that if he decided to fly around inside the building to try to get out, he could really hurt himself. So I stopped the decrees to inform the other staff member of the presence of our little feathered guest. She immediately became concerned about how we would get the bird out of the building. We decided to give the Prayer of Saint Francis and to ask the beloved Ascended Master Kuthumi to help us. I didn't think we could go wrong since Kuthumi in his embodiment as Saint Francis had a great rapport with the birds of the air and the little forest creatures. After reciting the prayer, the other staff member suggested that we try to catch the bird in a box. "Oh no!" I protested. "That will scare him too much! I'll pick him up!" Since I had no prior experience in picking up birds with my bare hands, I thought I had better explain the rules first. Addressing our little feathered friend, I explained that I did not want him to get frightened and fly around in the room because he would hurt himself. I told him that I would not hurt him and that I was going to pick him up and take him outside. And if he was too injured to fly I knew some wonderful children at Montessori International who would love to take care of him. A moment of concern crossed my heart. If I just reached over to pick up the bird, it might frighten him into flight. My inner child came up with the obvious solution - the thing to do was to pet the bird first so he wouldn't be scared. Very gently I patted him on the head with one finger and stroked his back all the way down to his tail. Next I stroked him all the way down the right side and then the left. I was amazed (but my inner child wasn't) that the bird made no attempt to fly away! The little bird sat there calmly while I grasped him in my hand and walked out the door. Now I was really apprehensive. Since a wild bird wouldn't ordinarily let someone pick him up, I figured that my little friend had truly injured his wing and was incapable of flying. I sent him the last little prayer from my heart as I slowly opened my fingers. To my utter surprise he immediately flew off and landed in the branches of a tree thirty feet away. He gave a little chirp of thanks and darted off to join his friends in the forest, leaving me to muse about the marvelous oneness Saint Francis must have had with the creatures of the Nature Spirit. Now, Mother, I hope you will believe this. Just before retiring last night I read a chapter in Corona Class Lessons, the wonderful book by Jesus and Kuthumi. It brought to mind my joyous little experience with Saint Francis and the fledgling. And although it was rather late, I felt strongly that I should write to you about it. So I made a few preliminary notes and went to sleep. And what do you suppose happened this morning? I hadn't been at work for more than thirty minutes when I decided to go over to another office building to use a computer. As I was working, a gorgeous little turquoise-hued blue bird with a white breast and yellow collar around his neck flew up to the window about three feet away from me and fluttered and fluttered and fluttered until he had my attention. I am quite sure he was trying to convince me by his visit that I should most certainly send you my story. This was no coincidence. I've never seen such a pretty little bird before. And except for a few sparrows who like the eaves of some of our buildings, I rarely see a bird at all in the treeless area where my office is situated. Furthermore, I don't even have a window in my office! I had to migrate to the building next door so that this striking little jewel-feathered bird could come to see me this morning. Mother, I remember that you told us many years ago at Summit University that the Ascended Masters sometimes use birds as messengers - and, if I remember correctly, the blue bird in particular. I believe that this is true. Maybe that's why we have the expression "A little birdie told me to do it." Perhaps the Masters sometimes find it easier to inspire a bird to help with their plans than a person! I am certain that the "little blue bird of happiness" also came to my window this morning to convince me that I should not neglect to share the precious message of our beloved Saint Francis of Assisi, which Kuthumi so sweetly describes in Lesson One of Corona Class Lessons: My one-pointed dedication to the Path and my contemplation of the holiness of all Life ... were the keys to my assimilation of that holiness, which clearly seemed to permeate myself and everything around me. ... As my soul expanded in the transfusing light which God poured into me, I was exalted time and again by his glory expressed through the Nature kingdom. The seemingly dumb creatures of field and forest came into unity with me through God's love, and then at last I, too, could speak their language, calling them "brother." How much more should all children of the Light love one another and have reverence for the smallest part of Life (God)! I would certainly recommend Corona Class Lessons to anyone. After all, if Saint Francis could communicate with the birds and "speak their language" and the little birds can understand "our language" spoken in the beautiful decrees given to us by the Ascended Masters, we must all be on the same wavelength - God's! Mother, I am very grateful that you work so tirelessly and selflessly to bring us the teachings of Light and Truth from the Ascended Masters. I can't even imagine how life could be worth living without realizing the universal love of God and the presence of God in his creation. Perhaps many people in our modern civilization experience an inner emptiness and depression because they have not yet contacted the hem of the garment of heaven (as Kuthumi describes it) or they have not yet recognized or realized the spark of divinity dwelling within themselves. In my mind there is nothing more important to do on earth today than to help spread and share the message of God's love through the Teachings of the Ascended Masters. That's why I'm here on your staff to help you and I sincerely hope my little story may help someone. The Darkness Was Gone Dear Mother, Thank you for coming to me in the night to reassure and comfort me. In my waking dream I cried out to you that I could not go on with the heavy darkness in my heart, referring to my assumed guilt in dealing long ago with my daughter and now my granddaughter, whose identical words, "I hate you! I wish you were dead!" shook me deeply. You were standing before me in a white dress that reached to the floor. You looked like an angel, only without wings. (Later I thought, "How appropriate-without wings would signify `yet unascended.' ") "Mother, I need to know what I am doing wrong, so that I don't repeat it!" I cried. "The darkness is so great!" and I pointed to my heart. You looked at me with benevolent disbelief. You said not a word. You just looked into my eyes with all the love of God. Finally I looked down and - by inner sight, as if looking into an X ray - into my chest cavity. There was no darkness at all, only a white light filling me. Whether there was no sin in the first place, or whether it was absolved, I do not know but the darkness was gone. The guilt, the weight - gone. I thank you with all my white, shining heart. Love, Steward of the Motherhood of God ****** Chapter 23 Beloved Purity and Astrea - June 6, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 23 - Beloved Purity and Astrea - June 6, 1993 Easter Retreat 1993 4 The Sweetness of the Light The Way of Self-Indulgence Take on the Challenge of the Selfish Self "Take It or Leave It!" Oh, to know the sweetness of the Light! Oh, to know the higher octaves! When you think of Astrea, you think of the cosmic circle and sword of blue flame. You hear the buzzing sound as the concrete karmas are disturbed and pulverized. You think of intense action and you think of the puncturing of unreality. Yet when the Light descends after all of the debris loosened by Astrea is cast into the violet flame, then you know just what is the sweetness of the Light! Then you have and hold in your heart a compartment of your heaven-world, an element of your Causal Body of Light. To establish the love tie to the great Dharmakaya that you once called your own and shall again call your own, you must sustain around yourself the matrix of the circle and sword of blue flame. The action of Astrea that you have invoked over the centuries (and specifically since you have come into this organization and have had your previous knowledge of Astrea reawakened) has brought you to the place of a great opening into spiritual dimensions. It is an opening whereby you may touch certain portions of your Causal Body, but only when you approach it through your Christed intelligence, your Christ Mind. For that Mind of Christ is a barrier to your penetration of any and all worlds of perfection until you yourself are duly and properly cloaked in that perfection. In other words, it is not enough to know perfection: you must be it at a level that allows the soul to enter one of the twelve gates of the Causal Body. Do not so easily cast aside my remarks, for I come, the Elohim Purity, I come, Astrea. We are one in the fusion of a cosmos. For God is one, Father-Mother is one and the dot in the center of the circle must be the Manchild. So, then, do not say to yourself, "These words are not relevant to me, for I am so far from perfection this day." Perfection relates to you and you relate to it but only when you allow us to strip you of that sense of nonperfection, that sense of mortality that limits you. Think, then, upon the purity of the Lamb of God, who has been "slain from the foundation of the world."{191} This Lamb truly is your Real Self in Christ. This Lamb within you is slain daily and hourly. Yet you have discovered that by the "Tube of Light" decree and the violet flame decrees, the calls to Astrea and Archangel Michael, you are able to maintain within your tube of light some of the glory of God and of the Lord Christ, who is daily descending in clouds of glory. Yes, beloved! He is descending daily into the temples of those souls who have effectively prepared for his coming. And that connection with your Saviour is sustained when in loving harmony you sustain your tube of light. And so you create here below your heaven-world within that tube of light and within the violet flame and within your contemplation of the Buddhas, saints, bodhisattvas and sages who have walked before you and yet still walk behind you as they maintain a guardian action for your protection. For the whole world and cosmos is a grand processioning to the Great Central Sun! And as the whirlwind action of Astrea does descend upon you, so you are delivered of many burdens that you will not see again. For the violet flame you have invoked (even at this retreat) has compensated for, aye, transmuted, certain karmic records and misqualified energies that have come to the surface to be taken up into the vortex of the whirling circle of blue flame by millions of legions of Astrea. These legions also bind lingering entities and infesting demons that have burdened your souls for lifetimes. What, then, are these legions like? They are everyday working-folk angels, yes, indeed. They work hard on the highways of the Matter cosmos. They work hard in the streets of the earth - in your hometown, in your nation. And they work hard to bind the most vicious of dark forces who, because of mankind's state of consciousness, have been allowed into the planetary home. These dark forces come out of sublevels of the astral plane and out of pits of Death and Hell to torment the youth and tear down this civilization, its educational systems and all that is constructive that has been built by many hearts of love. Blessed ones, by your daily calls to Astrea you are assisting in the mighty work of purging the earth of the most virulent and the most vile forces that at any time can attack the human brain - the minds, the hearts, the bodies, the souls and the spirits of the citizens of earth. Your call, beloved, is a call to arms that mobilizes the shock troops of Purity and Astrea, who go forth to rescue this and that little one, millions here and other hundreds of thousands there from calamities that otherwise should long ago have befallen the people of earth. Yes, you are in the days and hours of mitigation - the mitigation of certain prophecies. You are in the days and hours of selection wherein even the Four Horsemen, who ride under the direction of the Holy Kumaras, are exercising discretionary judgment in their delivery of karma to the nations - to the people, the towns and the cities. But where the people have not relented in their stubbornness as they have raised their clenched fists and their outrages against their God, there the karma must descend. Only thus shall they learn the awful consequences of their defiance against God. Thus, karma does descend specifically and selectively. And then again, the specific selection may be the entire planetary body, so intermeshed is the karma of the nations. Therefore, as a people or as a nation you cannot remain insulated from the descending woes of world karma, but you must take into account that certain negatives that happen in every nation upon earth and in the heart of every person upon earth do necessarily result in a descent of a certain burden of planetary karma upon every lifestream{192} upon earth. Those, then, who are able to carry their own cross of karma and then some (because they are adept in invoking and directing the violet flame into burdens too hard for most folks to bear) are called upon again and again to carry an extra apportionment of world karma. As this dispensation is to the benefit of the billions of earth's evolutions, so it is to the benefit of the individual who applies for it in the spirit of invoking the violet flame of forgiveness "seventy times seven"{193} on behalf of those who "know not what they do."{194} For it can be said that the entire planetary home is as a blanket woven of all the threads of the karmas of the peoples of the earth. And so when a section of the earth goes down beneath the weight of its karma, the entire blanket goes down. And when one Keeper of the Flame raises up the blanket by invoking the sacred fires for world transmutation, the entire world is raised up a notch. Such is the power of one lifestream who commits to Saint Germain's alchemy and remains constant to his commitment daily. See how the economies of the nations are tied together. See how deadly diseases know no bounds but skip from continent to continent as in the situation of AIDS, which is the focus of your prayer vigil at this conclave. There is also a planetary depression that weighs down the population of earth. And this you must understand, for that depression is such a weight upon so many people that it does also come to rest upon the Lightbearers themselves. And some, when they feel this depression, think it is their own - just as when you feel it, beloved ones, you sometimes make the mistake of thinking it is your own. You think it is the result of your circumstances, your job or your service to the Brotherhood. And you think that if you were to change your circumstances, somehow this weight would be removed from you. Well, I tell you, it will not be removed from you except by your decrees to the violet flame, except by your call to Astrea, except by your appeal to the Five Hearts: the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Purple Fiery Heart of Saint Germain, the Diamond Heart of El Morya and the Magnanimous Heart of Lanello - and then to the Buddhic hearts of Lord Padma Sambhava, Lord Maitreya, Lord Manjushri, Lord Gautama, Lord Sanat Kumara, the Buddha of the Ruby Ray, the Five Dhyani Buddhas and, last but not least, the Avalokitesvara/Kuan Yin. So, beloved ones, there is no getting out of your present state of consciousness and on with your ascension without boring through the many layers of the weight of world depression (which is also a manifestation of mankind's karma) until finally you get through that thick layer of dark, dank, oppressive astral cloud and you arrive at the opening of the blue sky and the sun, and, lo, the heaven-world is before you! And as you squint your eyes, you see the rainbow reflected in the corona of the sun and you know that by your right heart, by your meditation on and activation of Divine Love and by your dynamic decrees, you have opened a channel to the hearts of Helios and Vesta. And you can keep that channel open daily whereby not only you but many angels of the LORD may ascend and descend, even as they did on Jacob's ladder,{195} that ladder symbolizing the initiations of the Path for every son and daughter of God. As you have given your calls to Astrea and to me this day, some good has been accomplished. But you must become used to a sense of co-measurement - a sense of co-measurement that the darkness that is darkening in the earth simply requires more fire hoses directing more of the mighty power of Astrea and all Elohim for the putting out of the fires of these karmas that are smoldering beneath the surface, then bursting into flame for reckoning and for ultimate transmutation. It is as though the entire body of the earth had open wounds releasing pus and putrefaction, dread diseases and terrible torment and spiritual stultification and all manner of foul spirits with their foul odors coming out of the pits of hell and the astral plane. For the most part, you are protected from these contagions by your servants, the mighty sylphs of the air, the fiery salamanders, the gnomes and the undines, who do their part daily for the purification of the planet. Yet, as you have been told before, they cannot keep up with the challenge of the spewing out of the anger, the hate and hate creation and all that is in the boiler of mankind's collective unconscious. These things are coming to the surface as though out of a seething cauldron about to overflow with its poisonous brew and burst into flame, igniting many lower levels of the astral plane. The inner levels of the astral plane of this earth are not shown to you that you might retain hope for today and tomorrow, that your vision of the heaven-world might dominate your horizon, that you might keep before you your goal of balancing 51 percent of your karma. When you reach that goal, beloved - and, oh, what a day of rejoicing it will be! - you also reach the place where you have a number of choices. First of all, you have the choice whether or not to embody the Light of the living Christ. If you choose not to embody the Light of the living Christ but to use the Light you have for selfish gain, then you will have entered the left-handed path and your initiators will be not the Ascended Masters but the fallen angels. This path leads to the vainglory of the world and the ultimate undoing of the soul. If you choose to embody the Light of the living Christ to the glory of God and not to the vainglory of the human ego, your initiators will be the Lord Jesus Christ and the Lord Maitreya with the participation of many other saints and Ascended Masters along the way. To move forward, then, on the path of your soul's union with God, which requires your balancing the remaining 49 percent of your karma, is your next goal on the passage through earth. However, you may forgo balancing the full 100 percent on earth and take your ascension at the time of transition (i.e., the death of the physical body). Whatever percentage of karma you will have balanced at the hour you depart this world will be the measure of your victory. But know this: You will be required to balance the remainder of your karma from the ascended state and this karma will tie you to earth until you have completed the 100 percent. Some will ask, "How could I as an Ascended Master balance karma from the ascended state?" The answer is that you as an Ascended Master could, for example, sponsor uplift movements through receptive souls in embodiment. You could inspire inventions that benefit society and tutor exceptional lifestreams in demonstrating the practical religion of the Sacred Heart. You could also intercede on behalf of those who had erred against society, that they might have the opportunity to make good. When you choose the high road of balancing 100 percent of your karma on earth, you must reckon with the aggressive challenges of the fallen angels who will seek to tear from you the self-mastery you gain with each new level of attainment. Knowing you will be challenged, you ought to put yourself in the mode of being in training to become Olympic champions, spiritually speaking. As you become the fullness of your Christhood day by day and as your soul enters in to the configuration, the very likeness, of the Lamb of God, set your mind in the mode of confronting the challengers to your sport on the lists of the spiritual path itself. So you must put yourself in training and stay in training to be a champion son or daughter of God with a will to vanquish every challenger to your Christhood. You must increase your determination and your will to attain the mark of the high calling in Christ.{196} You must seek empowerment from the source of empowerment, your own Holy Christ Self. Your life, then, will become a competition in the highest sport of all. Who will win? You or your challenger? Or will you not even try but let down your guard and say, "It's not worth it anymore - it's simply not worth it"? How many times have we heard some discouraged one say, "It's not worth it"? What is not worth it? Your Christhood? Is that what you are speaking of - the inconveniences of life and the Path that do not begin and end at the Royal Teton Ranch but continue round the world and round the world and round again? Is it worth it or is it not, beloved, to become a God-free being and to do what it takes to get there? Is it worth it or is it not to receive a spanking today from Astrea and Purity? I direct this question to the spoiled children and the spoiled adults who have been spoiled by their parents and are now themselves petulant children complaining that the Path is too hard. Well, you might as well face the reality: the Path is hard and it will get harder and harder, eliminating those who have no nerve for the fight, no love for the outcome, no concern for those who suffer and might be healed if they would only make some sacrifice to put on the mantle of their Christhood. Blessed ones, this is an indulgent civilization! And we see that even where parents have not indulged their children, their children have definitely managed to indulge themselves! Now their children are forty and fifty and sixty and seventy years old, and yet they say, "It is too hard!" and they desire to continue the merry-go-round of self-indulgences. Well, I refer you instead to the giant flame of God-Harmony, to the victory of Serapis Bey, to your victory in the base-of-the-spine chakra, whereby in the raising up of that Light you can feel the sacred fire rising and consuming the dross. Thus, as you clear the channels we may place along that spinal altar the beginning of ascension's flame. How well we remember the dictation announcing that that ascension flame had begun to rise in the Messenger Mark Prophet, enveloping his feet and legs.{197} This was the beginning. And it was to increase and increase and increase until the hour of the transition of his soul from a body that was no longer able to contain the Light he bore. And thus, called by God to his eternal home, he did take his leave from mortal form and all mortality. And that soul did merge with the living Christ and the living God. And this is an individual who was a human being and more than a human being - a soul seized and wholly possessed with the mission of Godhood for you and for all and lastly for himself. Yes, beloved ones, and how did he rise up? By not being coddled and spoiled but by coming into the realities of the depression and the loss, at age nine, of his own father by death and therefore having to make his way as an individual, as a sole provider for his mother, moving on, then, and taking his position in the United States Army Air Corps{198} and standing for the victory of Saint Germain in America. Yes, beloved, heroes are made of that stuff of children who have grown up deprived of all of the luxuries and all of the toys and all of the enjoyments with which children today are surfeited, until they expect even Serapis Bey to come and place in their laps all of their needs and wants, for they themselves have scarcely raised an arm or a hand or a finger to do anything for themselves. Such is the indulgence of parents passed on to children. And who, then, who shall inherit the earth? The indulgent ones or those who march with Serapis Bey and understand that ascensions must take place day by day? And if and when you ascend, it will be because you have seen through all of this and stripped yourself of the mewing and meowing and whining and weeping and have come to the place where you have said: I will give this life! I will give this life and I am not afraid of pain! I am not afraid of what it will cost me, for what is pain in this life but only a chimera - a shadow that passes away when the glory of God descends! And this glory I can reach out and touch, I can feel, I can bring down, I can become and I can show to the world by the fire of my chakras! And this is the person I desire to be, and not one who is merely a bag of a million excuses! Well, that is not the bag that is carried by the very special Buddha, by the very special Guru Maitreya,{199} beloved ones. So understand that this bag must contain all of the formulas of alchemy that you have memorized, all that is required to defeat those individuals who one way or another would take from you your life or life-force and your very heart's love and heart's calling. I tell you, beloved ones, it does take maximum alertness on your part to escape all of the plots and ploys that come upon you - even through minor, puny devils - to take you from your one-pointed dedication to your life's course. It is about time you did pass every test{200} and not just one now and then! It is about time that you shrugged from yourself, as Atlas shrugged - yes, shrugged off all sense of a self that is not God. No greater sin has ever been committed by you, by mankind or by anyone than the sin of the denial of one's God or one's Godhood where one stands - the denial of God as who you are and what you are made of. That denial comes each and every time there spews forth, not only from your mouth but from the mouths of all your chakras, that heavy spiral of negativity. And some of you do not even care who that spiral touches or who it comes to rest upon, such as one who can barely breathe and is on his last breath, lying on a bed of pain. You do not care that the negativity that goes forth from your mouth and your solar plexus may be the very negativity that allows that one to pass on, when your own positive force and driving momentum of the spirit could also have made the difference in that one's reaching for the resurrection. You are not an island! You are not separated out from the rest! You cannot divide yourself from the Body of God unless you wish to quit it permanently! And if you do, beloved ones, you need only petition the Lord Christ, and in deepest love he will allow you to separate yourself out that you might experience outer darkness for a time and begin to appreciate the Light and what you had before you began to misuse it in small ways and in great ways, thinking you were above the Law, allowing the lies of the fallen ones to come in and tell you that a little bit here and a little bit there will not matter. Cheat a little here, cheat a little there, and pretty soon you have so many holes pricked in the aura of being that you are a leaky vessel, leaking from every point of denial. And finally the vessel sinks and you cannot swim - you cannot swim in that sea of the astral plane and you too are taken under, a prisoner of that perilous vessel. Blessed ones, there is a way that seemeth right{201} unto a man, unto a woman, unto a child. There is a way that seemeth right, and the way that seemeth right is the way of self-indulgence! And that self-indulgence is daily being justified by those of you on the spiritual path who in previous lifetimes have known some of the Ascended Masters as your parents, as your teachers. And you were given a classical education and upbringing according to the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood, and you reached a certain level of mastery, a certain level of inner containment and contentment and God-happiness. So, beloved, you cannot take the failings of this life or the karma of this life as an excuse for nonvictory, for in many past ages you have indeed lived in ideal situations, in ideal families with ideal parents. Therefore let us get on with casting into the flame all of that which has not been ideal! Let us get on with the call to Astrea! Call to Astrea to take from you those records of the bag and baggage of your psychology - and let that call play a part in every therapy session and in every circle of those who come together to ponder the meaning of their psychological/karmic burdens. We can ponder the burdens today, we can ponder them tomorrow and the next day and every day of the year, and we can continue this for centuries! I say, when will you say: This day I have gotten the victory over this beast, this pain, this persecution! And I will not take three steps backward when my Lord, crucified on Calvary this day, does place himself upon that cross before me. No, I will not step one step backward! I will step forward! I will receive my Lord. I will take him down from the cross and I will place myself upon that cross. For I know that at any time somewhere on earth there must be one son of God who is enduring that crucifixion, who is on that cross. And therefore know this, for this is the teaching of this Good Friday 1993: You must take your turn! You must take your turn! You may say, "No, I must not. I go the other way and I back off (as you tell yourself none will see) to some corner where I may hide behind the rocks and in the caves lest the mountains fall upon me." Well, you may do that. It is your free will. But it is our free will to tell you it is the wrong choice at the wrong time in all of the cosmic history of planet earth! This is the time to kneel before the cosmic cross of white fire and to remember that the crown of victory is at the top of the cross. And if you endure your initiations, that crown shall also be yours and you shall sit with Christ in glory and know all the promises of scripture fulfilled in you. Now is not the time to falter! Now is not the time for that state of mind that says, "Well, maybe ... well, maybe," and then looks askance and says, "That was two thousand years ago. There are no more deaths by crucifixion today." Well, I tell you, indeed there are! Just look at those who are dying of AIDS. Look at them as though they were the body of Christ emaciated and their eyes glassy; and there they lie in pain. Look at many who are dying of cancer or frightfully incurable conditions of mind and heart and body. Look at many who are so bowed down by their karmas. You see, you either arrive at Golgotha, "the place of the skull," by the power of your individual Christhood, prepared for the initiation of the crucifixion, and you have your victory with your Lord on the cross, or you arrive without having attained your Christhood, wherefore though you are crucified and you go through the torment and the torture of the damned, you do not have your victory in this initiation. This was often the case in the days of Rome, when crucifixion was common as a means of capital punishment. And so what of that crucifixion which you witness today, such as in Bosnia-Herzegovina or in the horrible deaths that millions of people are going through? What is taking place? Well, if we consider the fate of the blessed who are not yet ready for the triumph over the Not-Self but have heaped up a mountain of good works, the record will tell that they have accomplished the balancing of much karma, much karma indeed, by their suffering on the cross - and that for a purpose: "that they might obtain a better resurrection,"{202} as it is written. However, in the case of those who have not raised up the sacred fire of Jesus Christ in the temple of being through purity and good works, the dweller-on-the-threshold is in command. For they have not even tackled that dweller but have preferred to dance with it, to play ring-around-the-rosy with it, to be entertained for a time by their own macho alter ego, ultimately to be gobbled up by that very dweller. And where shall they appear? Where shall they appear in the day of salvation when they have either no Christhood formed or insufficient Christhood formed, hence no soul that can say "I" and then say "I AM" and then say "I AM THAT I AM"? Can your soul truly say those words, affirming her Being one with God's Being because she has allowed herself to be devoured by the living flame of Love of the Holy Spirit? Or can she only say, "I have been devoured of my addictions, my alcohol, my drugs, my sensual indulgences, my selfishness"? Pause before your God and give answer this day. And will there come a day when as far as this life is concerned and as far as you are concerned, there is no point of identity left that can be saved or rescued by Astrea or by anyone because you have taken too long to indulge your free will, you have squandered your life-force, you are spiritually bankrupt and now there is not a thing that can be done for you, for that indulgence has turned in upon you to devour you as a spiritual as well as physical cancer of selfishness and self-love? I AM Astrea. I AM Purity. I come in that hour and I let that cosmic circle and sword of blue flame spin. And it does spin and it does draw from that which was once a living soul all negative energy, all karma. And is there anything left? No, there is not even a period at the end of the sentence of that life whereby that soul could be restored.{203} We are Purity and Astrea. We paint a panorama of the worst-case scenario so that you can paint over it the saga of your victory. Yes, you can erase all of the above with the cosmic eraser, the violet flame, but you have to do it and you have to do it now! Do you not understand that there are cycles and times ordained even unto the fallen angels, the high and the mighty, the princes of this world? They are given a time and certain times, and times again. But the day and the hour does come when the high and the mighty who have lorded it over the humble and meek do come to the end of their allotted time. And suddenly, by the cosmic timetable of the clock that does not cease to tick, the entire structure of their non-being collapses. And there is a cessation of that which has never been but only seemed to be. And the only difference between the high and the mighty and the fallen angels and you is that they know their time is short! You seem to have forgotten that your time is also short. Yes, their time is short but they are using every moment of it in seeking to devour you! And because you are not alert to hear the ticking of your own clock, they have your full cooperation as you allow precious moments you could be filling with sweet Light to be devoured by your attention here, your attention there, taking in the scenes of a make-believe world and every last movie that you can rent and see lest you miss something out of the astral plane that has escaped your gaze, lest you not be in tune with the times and not conversant with all of the mountain of rubbish that is piled up in the astral bodies of the people of this world. I AM Astrea! Shall I continually clean up the mess daily? It is very convenient to have my call, is it not? Is it not convenient that each and every day the garbage collector will come - all of my legions, my working angels will come to clean up the mess? Well, they are desirous of getting to the very core of the foundations of unreality upon which you have built the superstructure of your ego, which is about to collapse any moment! And you must understand you have no other moment in which to enshrine your Divine Ego but the Eternal Now! Thus the fallen ones know that they shall be no more and they do as much deviltry as they can. And their deviltry is aimed at none but you! Yes, guess who? You! It is aimed at you, the top Lightbearers on the planet, or you who should be. And sometimes we wonder about you when you think you are the top Lightbearers but do not act like the top Lightbearers, failing to do the rituals that would so confirm your identification with the God of all Light - sweet Light. Now, since you have forgotten that your time is also short, I am here to remind you. I am here to tell you that the choices you do not make today for ultimate reality and for kicking out that spoiled child and that self-indulgence may not be an option tomorrow. Yes, I have said it! The choices may not be an option tomorrow. Therefore, cease to behave as spoiled children. Put that particular Halloween costume aside and put on your God-Reality. Go ahead, put on the blazer of the blazing Reality of your personal Christhood! Because you can make a difference not only to your own soul, which you can now finally save, but to millions of souls. Let it be that you have heard the power of Purity this day! For Purity shall now speak to you of the calling in God, which is there for those who have ears to hear it and eyes to see it. And to those of you whose ears have waxed dull and whose eyes are dimmed for the veil of indulgence and astral substance that you have allowed to anesthetize your senses so that you no longer hear or see or feel or taste or smell the spiritual realities all around you, I say, God pity you! God pity you! God pity you and give to Elohim another dispensation whereby we might help you to truly see Reality. Remember, if you do not see Reality, it is because you will not see it, because you made a decision not to see it because you are accommodating your self-indulgences. Let a people chosen of God, then - let a people chosen of God choose their God this day! For the choice must be in both directions. To every call from on high there must be an answer, and for every answer there shall be the descent of Light when the supplicant can be trusted to hold that Light. Thus I AM Purity. And I have spoken in Los Angeles on a number of occasions through the Messenger Mark, through the Messenger Elizabeth, and I have seen how the Light of Purity has been spat upon, has been challenged as the self-doubters have heaped blame upon the Messengers, whom they see, instead of upon the Elohim, whom they cannot see, or upon the fault that lies with themselves, which they will not see. Yes, I have seen and the Messengers have seen the engines of war racing in the unconscious of millions of people. Yet I will not relent, for by the geometry of God, of which we are all a part, there is the pressing in of Light, there is the pressing in of Light. And that Light might as well be Darkness, for when it comes upon the dark ones, so they cry out against the Light and say, "What have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth, Son of the Most High God? What have we to do with thee?"{204} Thus the representatives of the Light are spat upon and spurned. And when the Light is in you, you are spat upon and you are spurned, aren't you? And every minute and every hour of the day is there not someone somewhere upon earth who is spurning your own Messenger? And what does the Messenger say? She says, "So what! So what!" Well, it is about time you said it too. If you are on the course of victory, if you know you are the best, if you know you are the winner and you are going to win, then I say go for it and have your victory! For it will take all of your Christhood, all of your I AM Presence, all of your Great Causal Body, all of your soul, all of your love, all of your heart, all of your life! But we know and we believe that you will do whatever it takes! And when you have given all that you have to give and fulfilled your round, God will give it back to you multiplied many ten thousand times ten thousand, until you see yourself in octaves of Light, having come through a planet saturated with the consciousness of Death and Hell where there was preserved for you an island of Light with a canopy to cover it and an altar where a flame did burn as in ancient days of Atlantis and has not burned since except on a number of occasions, not more than four or five, since that time when the Maxin Light went out. And you will remember that you were on that island of Light and that that flame did burn upon the altar. And the Word of God was not withheld from you, and the councils of Elohim and the councils of the Ascended Masters and Archangels were not closed to you. But you entered into those councils and you did take counsel with the Messenger and with those emissaries from the etheric retreats who did come to you and were almost physical in your midst. And you will remember how they inspired your minds with ways and means to beat the sinister force no matter what karmic situation or initiation of heaven or earth or Death or Hell you had to go through to have your victory. Yes, beloved ones, take on the challenge! For whether you see them or not, the hordes of the sinister force hurl their challenge to you: They dare you to make war against them, dare you to call for them to be bound and taken to the Court of the Sacred Fire! Yes, they are daring you. And in a similar manner in a positive way, all of the legions of angels and hosts of the LORD are in position and they are challenging you to come into your Christhood and defeat those hordes who multiply their conglomerate identity by the astral microbes and viruses on which they thrive. Yes, you have seen photographs of the drawings of those people, so-called - insectlike creatures that come in spacecraft and have no real resemblance to human life. You have seen how they have degenerated into sublevels of mechanization man, having no divine spark, no spiritual energy or consciousness, but use advanced technologies to steal the genetic codes of the creation of Elohim. Yes, beloved, this is what happens to an evolution when there is not a single son of God among them who is willing to be crucified upon the cross, having won his Christhood, having prepared for the victory of this initiation, that he might wear the crown of everlasting life and save that which can be saved from an aberrant lifewave. Yes, beloved ones, if there cease to be Christed ones in the earth holding the balance for sons and daughters of God to embody, you may see this become a planet barren of the Christ consciousness for the neglect of the four lower bodies of the earth and the neglect of the four lower bodies of the people, and for the failure of the remnant of Lightbearers to raise up the Christ in their temples that they might raise up the multitudes who cannot find their way without the Light. And if there cease to be Christed ones holding out a Light for those who have it not, then what kind of offspring should come forth? Those without the genes of the sons and daughters of God, those without the ability to procreate by the Light and to pass on a heart of flesh that can contain a threefold flame? Yes, the evolutions of this planetary home could lose the spark of life sooner than you think for that which is taking place in the pollution of the earth and all the damage to every part of life through the abuses of nuclear energy. Yes, beloved, all of this affects the continuity of the chain of life that does indeed go back to Adam and Eve. For those bodies given to Adam and Eve are the bodies that were intended for all of their offspring, and yet the bodies you wear do not reflect the original matrix. Alas, your four lower bodies have degenerated through the ages since you knew that Eden on the etheric plane and then were expelled to denser levels that necessitated "coats of skins"{205} to accommodate the earthy environment. And today we the Elohim note that the physical bodies of the people are degenerating by environmental contamination to the point where their genes will no longer carry the spiritual power they knew in ancient times. Where will you be when the choice comes for you to put on the mantle of your Christhood yet you do not even have a physical temple that is viable, balanced in the yang and yin energies, spiritually and physically worthy to be the temple of the Holy Spirit, the receptacle of the threefold flame, with clarity and strength emanating from the crystal cord and chakras? Right now you have the means to transcend yourself through the spiritual accoutrements that tie in to the physical body itself - spiritual centers, spiritual light. Spiritual light, think of it! In every physical atom, in the sun of every cell, in every particle of life, there is yet that essence of Elohim! We have come to tell you that unless those who know the Law as you know the Law make a greater effort to embody the sweet Light of their God Presence, there will be no one to pass along the dispensations of the Great White Brotherhood. There will be no one to provide the bodies necessary for souls who come after you to attain the victory of the ascension in the Light. This dispensation and you as a people mighty throughout the earth, you as the seed of Christ and Abraham, you as the seed of the great Lights of history - your generation, your children, your lives shall determine the future of this earth and whether it will be a viable place for the rescue of souls, their rebonding to Christ and their victory in God. Every example for the right has the potential to magnetize millions for that path. Every example for the left has the potential to bring down the present civilization. You have but to look at the electronic and media amplification of good and bad trends to draw the same conclusion as we have. You may scream at us and say: "We do not want to hear all of this! We do not want to hear that we are responsible, that we are accountable, that we may no longer pipe our tunes and expect the Ascended Masters to dance to them!"{206} Well, we come with reality, for we are Reality. We come with that God-Love, for we are that God-Love. We come with that God-Purity, for we are that God-Purity. We come with our circle and sword of blue flame and we say: We love you with a Love profound: It is the love of the Father-Mother God. We bow to the Light that is yet in you, that is yet to become the conflagration whereby you may be saved for the ritual of the ascension. We come to bow to the resurrection fire of the Spirit of the Resurrection, who does descend this weekend. And we say to you with all of our heart's love: This is our message of Good Friday. Take it or leave it! [48-second standing ovation] This dictation by beloved Purity and Astrea was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Good Friday, April 9, 1993, during the five-day Easter Retreat 1993, held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under the direction of Purity and Astrea.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom. ***** 23.1 I AM the Witness - June 6, 1993 ***** Vol. 36 No. 23 - I AM the Witness - June 6, 1993 I AM the Witness "I Claim the Mantle of Beloved Lady Master Maria Montessori!" Beloved Guru Ma, This year has been a year of awakening for me more than any other since I first stepped on the Path fifteen years ago. Last August, while preparing to open a new Montessori preschool program, I affirmed in a very strong way, "I claim the mantle of Beloved Lady Master Maria Montessori!" At that moment I felt the strength, the comfort, the determination and all it would take to do the work and to persevere. I felt as though I could see the victory from the beginning. I knew with her help, and only with her help, I could do it. This awakening gave me the experience of bearing the mantle of an Ascended Master. It was very real and tangible every day of the year. It was as though the Ascended Lady Master Maria Montessori had lent me her eyes to see and arrange every detail of the classroom with the beauty and order that she herself would demand. The discrimination I used seemed not to be mine but hers. It was as though she had lent me her heart to love each child in a way that would help the total child to grow the most. Through this humble and private experience, beloved Mother, I have come to see and understand more about the mantle you bear. This awakening has brought me closer to you and has made me feel more deeply indebted to you for showing the way. All my love, ****** Chapter 24 Beloved Kuan Yin - June 13, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 24 - Beloved Kuan Yin - June 13, 1993 Easter Retreat 1993 5 The Gift of Good Friday To Forgive, and to Forgive Daily Be Kind to One Another O thou wondrous Light, thou who dost defy Death and Hell! O thou Light who is Christos, now let the scales of being, from the heart of hearts, from the base chakra to the Central Sun, be fully known by the soul! O soul, feel the resonance! Hear the sound! Hear the strings of Light that restore the attunement of all that thou art with the true God-harmony of being. I come, for I AM, in a sense, the gift of Good Friday. For I AM the violet flame incarnate! The gift of Good Friday, beloved ones, is the gift of the Body and Blood of Christ, released through the Omega and the Alpha of Christ. Just as the violet flame was the foundation of the age of Pisces, so the violet flame passing through the physical blood and the physical body of Christ was the transforming power, even the transubstantiation, whereby the substance of Christ's Body and Blood was made permanent, immutable, by the admixture, the alchemy, if you will, of the violet flame. And so in anticipation of the age of Aquarius, when that flame would be universally available as the universal solvent, Jesus Christ did bring the sacred ritual of Holy Communion that by that Communion those who were devout, those who sought to embody the mysteries of Christ and even to bear his wounds and his cross might have use of the violet flame by merit centuries before Saint Germain made it available to all mankind in the 1930s. "This do in remembrance of me"{207} is a line of scripture I would cite, for the remembrance of Christ and his gift of Good Friday is the remembrance not only of the past but of the future. This means you can remember the future before it happens. You call this "foresight" and you also speak of "hindsight." But remembrance is to carry in the threefold flame of your heart the Tablets of Mem. These tablets preserve the memory of God, past, present and future, and in timeless/ spaceless realms. And who is like unto this God, who was and is and always shall be in you that continuum of being, that Divine Presence, the same yesterday and today and forever? And thus, when the disciples did partake of that Communion, they did have the foretaste of the kingdom of heaven. They had the foreknowledge of transmutation and transformation. They knew that through the Body and Blood of their Lord, the lower elements, the bestial nature of the receptive upon earth would be transmuted by the violet flame, which Christ would seal in the blest Bread and the blest Wine, that the soul might disengage herself from the lower nature and be strengthened to seek the bonding to her Lord, the living Christ. And so, blessed hearts, through the ages the saints who have loved to partake of Communion, who have done so daily - many of whom have lived on the Sacred Eucharist with no other food or sustenance for weeks and months at a time - have known that inner transformation, even the spiritualization of the soul. And therefore they have become pillars of fire in the earth, their presence holding the balance while others have simply been marking time, still indulging in the things of the world. These saints have bowed before the monstrance and had the inner conviction, the profound conviction, that that wine and that wafer were indeed made blood, made flesh by the consecration of the wine, by the consecration of the wafer here below through those ordained to serve at the altar as instruments of the Lord himself, standing just above them in his Ascended-Master Light Body. This is the sign that has been given unto you. It is a sign of the immortality of the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. That sign of immortality is a message that if you will partake not only of the Holy Eucharist in the ritual of Communion itself but also of the Word, which is Christ and of Christ, by studying his Teachings, by embodying his Teachings, by being the example of his Teachings outplayed in daily life, then you will know true oneness with and eventual empowerment by your Lord. And ultimately you will call for his Great Causal Body and his Great God Presence to come upon you, and you will put on the fullness of the Great Dharmakaya{208} of your Lord and Saviour. This should become a daily rite whereby you call upon the Lord to right all that is out of alignment within you through holy ritual. This is the true meaning of ritual - "right-you-all." If, then, the Lord can bring the alchemy of transubstantiation to the matter molecules of the bread and the wine, can he not also transform your mind, your being, your very own flesh and blood, your consciousness and your worldview? Indeed, the Word made flesh is the consciousness of God that permeates every cell and atom of your four lower bodies when through partaking of the Holy Communion of the mind and heart with the Mind and Heart of Jesus you achieve blessed oneness with your Lord. Can he not change the sadness into joy simply by the tapping of the heart? Can he not change the bitter waters into sweet waters flowing forth from your blest heart for the healing of all of the members of your body? And by this process of transmutation can he not make your body a chalice, yea, a magnet for the very Presence of your living, flesh-and-blood Jesus Christ? That flesh and blood is transformed by the Seventh Ray, by the alchemy of the violet flame. And yet in this mystery, beloved, you can know the living Christ Jesus in a body that appears to be like your own and yet has been utterly transformed by the violet flame and the sacred fire. Your beloved Jesus, then, shows you how you can walk the earth in the flesh-and-blood body and yet, by using the violet flame ritual, right all that is wrong within you. He shows you how by and by you can have a body that is stepped up from the lowest levels of mortality, free from the stain of sin and the records of sin and the sense of sin. But you must do your part by stopping the squandering of the life-force and the abuses of the body in all manner of perversion and debauchery. Yes, beloved, miracles are possible by the violet flame. For this flame, as you have been taught, is surely almost a physical flame, being in vibration the closest flame to the physical octave. Invoking the violet flame daily with gratitude and rejoicing for this supreme gift of Good Friday, you can offer your body as a living chalice for the violet flame. And day by day you will experience that transformation which was accomplished by many adepts aforetime. Make the call to the Seventh-Ray Masters that you might surely walk in a body transformed by the Seventh Ray. Carrying the vibration of the seventh age, you can live out your appointed lifetime and perhaps years or decades beyond because you have used the violet flame to satisfy certain needs of the chemistry of your body. In addition, you have understood that the chakras of your hands are to be consecrated as the chakras of the hands of Christ, corresponding to the nail prints where our Lord's hands were pierced. And as you use those hands to bless your food, to balance your food, to purify the water, to purify the air, to purify the earth and the inner and outer environment, you will understand that God made you to be on earth much longer than you anticipate. What's more, he made you to be here in the joy of your Lord and in the joyous sense of knowing you have fulfilled the fourteen stations of the cross both in the Piscean-age dispensation, wherein Jesus is the bearer of the cross of world karma, and in the Aquarian-age dispensation, wherein the Woman and her seed are the bearers of the cross of world karma. This is the Woman clothed with the Sun, who has put the moon under her feet that she might bear the Divine Manchild, the true archetypal Inner Child of every son and daughter of God. Therefore, it is the perfected Woman and her perfected seed who alone are capable of bearing the Aquarian-age cross. The perfected woman is the Divine Mother within you. Surely she ensouls both male and female who aspire to be the Word incarnate. All souls in the Matter cosmos are undergoing the initiations of the Feminine Ray whether or not they so aspire. For with the age of Aquarius come the initiations of mind and heart, i.e., the crown and the heart chakras, that they might be the receptacles of the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit and the love of the Divine Mother respectively - and alternately, the Mother's profound wisdom and the Spirit's mystical love. Know, then, that the Divine Mother is the living Word and she is made flesh in every Christed one. And so in you is that Christ, and so in you is that anointing if you come into conformity with your Christ. I, Kuan Yin, come to you, then, reminding you of the many texts that speak of me and of the challenges and the initiations whereby I did become the Goddess of Mercy. To have mercy in abundance and to have it in your heart leaping as a flame and as a fragrance of Mercy's flowers from every cell of your being - this is indeed the goal of your life! This, beloved, brings you to the understanding that if you would truly walk in my footsteps and have much mercy, so much that it is as a trailing garment always with you, it is necessary for you to forgive and to forgive daily. It would be well for you to dedicate a section of your daily planner{209} to the quality of mercy. List those situations in your life where you have not forgiven yourself or others, where you have set aside the requirement of the Law to forgive daily, to forgive gratefully and generously and seventy times seven. Then note what stones of stumbling and stones of hardness of heart you have let pile up where you have not entered in to the full flowering of Mercy's ray, sharing it with others. Blessed ones, why do people need forgiveness? I will tell you why they need forgiveness. It is because people make mistakes. Is there anyone on earth who has not made a mistake, a great mistake or a small mistake? People commit violent crimes by mistake. They commit murder and mayhem. And yet, when they are able to return to their heart of hearts and to their souls, when they are brought into balance by health practitioners who can aid them, almost a hundred percent of them will tell you that in their right mind they would not have resorted to violence. Of course there are the hardened ones who would do it again and who are capable of committing murder many times over; yet the majority of those who sin, who cross the line of the righteousness of God, beloved, have profound regret. Be there, then, with mercy - mercy as enlightenment and understanding, mercy as caring, mercy as assisting another to bear his burden. Let mercy increase because you have looked within and seen that you are also frail, that you are also human and therefore you can have compassion for those who have no tie to the Inner Christ or to Jesus, your Lord. And now that you have made him the centerpiece of your being, now that you have understood that the word Christ is truly the identification of your soul one with Jesus, not only can you become a repository of Christ's mercy and a giver of Christ's mercy but you can become humble before God, you can forgive yourself - yes, forgive yourself even as you can now be accepting of God's forgiveness. This is the key to the foundation of the path of the Bodhisattva, the path of the Buddha. Let there be a softening of hearts. Let it begin with the physical chemistry. Be certain that you accept only those foods that are for the healing of the heart, the softening of the heart, and reject those that compound the hardening of the heart. For the softening of the heart brings you so very close to the Lord Jesus. And his angels will come and they will see his halo upon you and they will know that you are indeed a friend of Christ, bearing that mercy flame, that violet flame. Mercy, then, as the violet flame is the gift of Good Friday. How could we endure Good Friday except through the science of alchemy of the Seventh Ray that brings the miracle of the transubstantiation of the bread and the wine? How could we endure Good Friday each year, century upon century upon century, and each of the fifty-two Fridays of the year, when in our rosaries we turn again to the celebration of the Glorious Mysteries as well as the Initiatic Mysteries, which include "The Crucifixion of the Lord"? We have endured and we have benefited. We have transcended ourselves many times over, for the gift of the violet flame has enabled us to assimilate that original flesh and that original blood and to understand this as a mystery of God - a mystery of God that is sealed as a formula, as sure as the formulas of Saint Germain are sealed except unto those who can be trusted with their exact configuration. I, then, come to give you this knowledge of the gift of Good Friday so that you may ponder it and ponder the meaning of taking Communion. And should you choose to do so daily for fifty days, until the day of Pentecost and the descent of the Holy Ghost, I encourage you to do so. For, beloved ones, you will find that the host itself and the wine daily transformed shall be for a great healing in your bodies. And may you also accept the gift of Mother Mary's elixir, formulated especially for you as you come to the altar. May you know the fasting of the body with holy water, even water that you consecrate yourself with the palm of your left hand under the glass and the palm of your right hand over the glass, thus establishing coils of Alpha and Omega that meet in the center to make that water holy even as you are holy. Fasting, then, on water or perhaps, as has been suggested to you before, on the special bancha tea with the special toasted brown rice, consecrating this as well, you will find new levels of consciousness appearing, excessive weight falling from the physical form, less density of the mind, and the ability to surely place your feet in the footprints of your Lord. Understand, therefore, that you have prayed and prayed very hard for the resolution, for the divine solution to the last plagues in the earth, especially that of AIDS and other diseases that are terminal or incurable. You have prayed profoundly. And thus there shall come upon you, according to your calls continuing, the flame of mercy from my heart. For I have profound mercy for those who suffer, whether they suffer for their evil deeds or whether they are victims of blood contamination, water and air contamination or food contamination. Yes, beloved ones, mercy is the light of the sun that shines upon the just and the unjust. And mercy is a gift and a quality that endures forever except it be utterly and totally rejected by such as the fallen angels who, no matter what, will not be converted to the living Christ, will not be converted to the Merciful Heart of their Lord and Saviour or become the embodiment of Mercy herself and therefore receive Mercy's reward. Thus, in the hearts of those who neither give nor receive mercy, Mercy does not endure and they reap the consequences. Mercy, then, does go forth. And as you continue to apply the Law in calling for the judgment of the fallen ones who have perpetrated the deed of the proliferation of this disease known as AIDS upon this planet, call also on behalf of those who "know not what they do." For there are always the ignorant who are used as tools by the cunning and the vile and by those who have ultimate and total accountability for the spreading of these plagues. The karma in the earth increases, as it has been said. And as that karma increases and intensifies, so those who must bear it, who have refused to bear it thus far, cry out the loudest. And they demand that society, that Almighty God, that the governments, the people, the scientists, and so forth, bear the burden of their karma. Yet this cry is not entirely unjust. For it is in truth the responsibility of the scientists, of the people and of the governments of the nations to do the research and not to exclude from their study alternative methods until they may define a cure for AIDS and other diseases. It is criminal that there are solutions and remedies for many diseases in the earth that have been denied the people by those who traffic in human flesh, by those who deny the cures. So many gifts of alchemy have been put forth by Saint Germain only to have those who have held those gifts in their very hands persecuted, imprisoned (and ultimately some have even been murdered) by the powers-that-be, who would rather enslave a race to their own diseases than liberate them. Pure and simple, this is known as population control. Population control has been popularized in many ways through scare tactics that are meant to convince one and all that there is not room enough for any more people upon the face of the earth, et cetera. In fact, population control is managed by the fallen angels for the simple reason that they do not desire to see the people of God become too numerous, too advanced in their ability to see through the fallen ones and too educated, even to the place where they shall rise up and deliver those cures, and the false hierarchy who empower the elite in the medical profession shall not be able to stop them. Ere this come to pass, you will have to determine whether you can give of your time to the weekly Wednesday evening service. For Wednesday is the day when the healing rays are released to the earth in concentrated measure. It is the day of healing, the day of the All-Seeing Eye of God, the day of the alchemy of the Fifth Ray and the day when, if they are ever going to do it, the Lightbearers must stand up and challenge the fallen ones and their abuses in all branches of healing on earth. If you are able to give Jesus' Watch and then build on that profound foundation which is laid by the Lord himself, by his father, Saint Germain, and by his mother, Mary, you, I say, will have the reinforcement of millions upon millions of angels at your altars everywhere in the world. In answer to your call, these will challenge those who serve the public health unlawfully and unscrupulously and control the medications that are dispensed to the people of earth, many of which are toxic and ought not to be given to anyone. So, beloved, you understand and we understand: You have many responsibilities. You have your children. You have your jobs. You have your homes. You have many responsibilities that call upon you and it is necessary for you to meet them. Thus Sanat Kumara has come to you, and so have the mighty Archangels, to ask you to give one or two minutes of calls each hour.{210} They have asked you to implore before the throne of grace by intense fiats to God that all his hosts might swiftly deal with the outrages of the fallen angels, who know that their time is short and who would destroy the very genetic foundations of the entire human race ere their time is up and they themselves must pass through the second death at the Court of the Sacred Fire. Yes, the hour of the judgment of many of the fallen angels is come. Therefore when we ask for your prayers and we ask for your intercession, we ask it not alone for yourselves but for your children and for the children of the whole world, for they are the inheritors of the earth. We ask you, if you will, to time your calls. Look at your watch for a hundred and twenty seconds - two minutes - and see how, when you have organized on paper the specific issues, the specific situations that must have divine intercession, you can recite calls for action on up to one hundred items in the time it takes the clock to tick two minutes. And by that call made on the hour, or on the half hour, or on the quarter hour, whichever you choose, millions of angels will obey your command, led by their captains, by their Archangels, by all the hosts of Sanat Kumara and Karttikeya and those who go forth as the armies of heaven in this day. Therefore I, Kuan Yin, say to you this. I say to you that there is not one of you who, in all of your embodiments up to the present time, has called out for mercy whom I have not answered. I have delivered to you mercy - oftentimes when you were not delivering mercy to others where you could have, and yet when it came to a problem in yourself you cried out the loudest. You hollered for mercy. And my ear, the eternal ear of Mercy, did hear you, did extend mercy to you. And for that reason, a limb was saved, an organ was saved, a body, a family, a town, a city. Yes, beloved, I think all of us can remember in one lifetime or another how we have praised God, for only God could have saved us from such a calamity, such a fate, such a harshness in the courts of the world. I ask you on this Good Friday, then, to recall the mercy of God and the mercy of the Lord Christ in his crucifixion, laying down his life and carrying the burden of your karma, world karma, for two thousand years, even the karma of nonbelievers, who in all of those two thousand years never did accept the living Jesus Christ as the Son of God and their personal Saviour. I ask you to remember this - that because he has lived and because he has set the example for many, many Bodhisattvas over the ages, I being one such Bodhisattva, mercy has been given to you and because of that mercy you are here today. Therefore I ask you not to stop up your ears and say, "We do not want to hear any more about how many decrees we must give, how many labors we must do!" Do not stop up your ears in these days of intensification of karma when the decrees are exactly what you need. Instead, become the masters of your decrees and see how you can even earn your ascension by the quality of the fiat, by your diligence by the hour, giving your calls two minutes of each hour that the people of earth might be rescued, that the cure for AIDS and all other diseases might be discovered and that all things might come to pass of joy and goodness and happiness 'mongst your families, your children, your community, your loved ones. And then let that be repeated in every nucleus of every family on the face of the earth where many suffer, where wives or husbands have been killed, where children are alone, where calamities are great. I pray, then, that the wall of light around this bastion established here in America's wilderness will not be like the wall around the community of the Buddhas, nor your bodhisattvas like the fabled bodhisattvas of old who once they were on the inside no longer paid attention to the suffering on the outside.{211} Sensitivity to others' suffering and the cultivation of my lamp and my many mantras, even making one such mantra your own - this will preserve mercy in your heart when you tend to be judgmental of another. It will preserve in you the mercy of Christ and the open door which no man can shut, the open door of mercy whereby you are ready to forgive ten thousand times ten thousand, where you are ready to bear with another seventy times seven. Yes, beloved hearts, unless there is with you always that precious, precious fruit from the tree of mercy, you will make mistakes, you will fail your tests. I ask you this day, then, to direct your mercy to your beloved El Morya. For El Morya needs your merciful heart and your aid to accomplish what is so crucial in this hour to the turning around of karma and the karmic cycles that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse deliver. I AM Kuan Yin. I give you the gift of myself, for I AM the incarnation of Mercy's flame. And I place that flame ever nearer, ever more conjoined to the finer bodies of the Messenger that this Community might be known as a place of mercy. So remember, beloved, there is no mercy without loving-kindness. Therefore, in Maitreya's name I seal you in the ever-living flame of kindness, commanding you: Be kind to one another. Whether in their presence or their absence, speak kindly to and about others and know the peace of Maitreya. This dictation by Beloved Kuan Yin was delivered by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter Sunday, April 11, 1993, at the Royal Teton Ranch. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Kuan Yin's direction.] ****** Chapter 25 Lady Master Nada Representing the Lords of Karma - June 20, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 25 - Lady Master Nada Representing the Lords of Karma - June 20, 1993 Easter Retreat 1993 6 Be Quickened to Know the Mind of God! Know What It Means to Be a Disciple on the Path Maitreya's Mystery School Is All-Important You Are the Called and the Sponsored Let the mind be quickened to know the Mind of God! Let the mind be quickened to know the Mind of God! Let needlelike rays from the sun of the I AM Presence pierce ignorance, dullness and absence of awareness of the qualities of life that must be appreciated by the heart that is refined, by the mind that is attuned to God and therefore tutored by his Christ. In these days of the descending Dark Cycle, beloved, you will be aware of a subtle density closing in and of the faculties of mind and heart and soul and spirit here below not being of the full essence and joy and penetrating perception that you once knew, even in the days of Eden when you dwelt at the edge of the etheric octave, not yet having descended into denser levels. Beloved hearts, the Mystery School is all-important! Maitreya's presence: let it be revered in your heart as you appeal to him - "Om Maitreya Om." Manjushri's presence: let it be revered in your heart as you appeal to him - "Om Manjushri Om." Thus appeal to all of the Bodhisattvas who rejoice to be in your midst, who come through this place once a day with tinkling bells and censers whereby the frankincense does permeate, does purge and purify even as it acts to exorcise those foul spirits who cannot bear to be about that most melodious fragrance of frankincense. Let, then, the altars of this retreat and the altars of Keepers of the Flame in the earth experience once a day a little of the fragrance of frankincense burning that you might also know that Morya himself steps through the veil of frankincense. Blessed hearts, when it comes to the judgments of Love, when it comes to the decisions of the Lords of Karma, I am there with the full flowering of Love. My sensors{212} go forth - my sensitivity to the heart, mind and soul of individuals who have committed grave or not-so-grave crimes. Where, then, does Love fall between Mercy and Justice? Where does Love come in the face of the All-Seeing Eye of God or the rule of Law and the rod of the Law of the Great Divine Director? Where is Love when the threefold flame borne by the Goddess of Liberty is violated? Where, then, is the balance of the seven chakras in giving opportunity or withholding it for a season because the individual has so flaunted the Law of Love? And do you know what I deem to be the greatest flaunting of the Law of Love, beloved? It is ingratitude itself, ingratitude for the simple things of life as well as for the great things that are beyond man's ability to make happen. Ingratitude, it seems to me, must be the ultimate selfishness - always wanting more yet not appreciating the vibration of Love that intensifies in your hearts as I come, or the vibration of Kuan Yin or of the Lord Christ, who will follow. To sit in the aura of the Ascended Masters is a privilege of many lifetimes, and yet it ought not to be a privilege but a right. It is truly the rite of spring and of Eastertide to know your Lord, but it is not a right that can be guaranteed by the Constitution of this nation. You see, beloved, it is a spiritual right that ought to belong to everyone but is forfeited by many. This forfeiture takes place because of the density that people have consented to have wrapped around themselves like strips of uncooked dough - yes, a dense dough that they have kneaded but not fired. Understand, therefore, that there is a moment when you lose the right to be sensitive to a Master's presence, even if you should be two feet from him. You lose that right when you begin to take for granted what it takes for a Master to lower his vibration to your level, to enter your life and world. You lose that right when you begin to take for granted what it takes to raise up a Messenger that he or she might be the nexus of the flow of Light from heaven to earth. You lose that right when you take for granted the dispensations that must be forthcoming year in, year out to maintain a Community of the Holy Spirit such as this Sangha of the Buddha. Do not take for granted what it takes to draw a circle of protection about it, a ring-pass-not of sacred fire, or what it takes to sponsor lifestreams on a path of accelerated chelaship. For there is always the tug-of-war, the whisper of well-meaning "friends": "You could be at a better place for better pay, with more opportunity to move up in this world and make a name for yourself. Think of all you're missing - the excitement, the fascinating things to do!" To draw a circle around a place and to call it Maitreya's retreat, Maitreya's mountain, Maitreya's Mystery School - this comes by law of the hierarchy of the Buddhas as well as by dispensation of the Lords of Karma. Do not take it for granted! Be not as yin insects, flitting about this way and that way, losing your tethering to your own heart of love or to the heart of Maitreya. Be one-pointed, beloved, and reassure yourselves that the true and right goal in life is union with God. For the pyramid you build, as it narrows, does culminate in the fulfillment of your mission foursquare through the All-Seeing Eye of God. It leads you to the accomplishment of that supreme goal of life whereby you place the capstone upon all other goals, which have been lawful for you to attain along the way as a means to that end of your ascension victory. The lesser goals of human existence ought to be for a very specific purpose: the ripening of the soul and the weaning of the soul. First, the ripening of the soul in the Spirit and through human experience, human education and human involvement - having families, rearing children, studying to show oneself approved to God and man,{213} preparing to shoulder community, national and global responsibilities, and making one's way in life. Second, the weaning of the soul from those very human exercises, and excesses, once the soul has fulfilled her humanness and can let go of it, climbing Jacob's ladder until earth no longer pulls her heartstrings and she is ready to go into orbit around the central sun of (1) the Cosmic Christ Maitreya, (2) the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and (3) her own Christ Self - who, at that moment of ripening, discovers the three to be one. One's goal ought to be to satisfy lawful desire: the desire to realize the full potential of one's being in Christ, the desire to realize the human potential along with that Christ potential. This is necessary lest you come to the door of the kingdom as a rubber balloon that has never been inflated and therefore never known its size or how it compares to other rubber balloons or what it might accomplish if expanded to its full capacity. It is necessary that you take steps to fulfill both your human and your divine potential early in life. Therefore, it is well to give children and young adults the opportunity for satisfaction in accomplishments that have merit and some usefulness to community, to society, to family and, above all, to themselves. For the training they receive from devoted teachers builds self-confidence and imparts skills that develop independence and a means of livelihood as well as strengthening the community. But, beloved hearts, when ambition exceeds acceptable levels and you desire to build yet another level and another level of personal gain - each without solid foundation in the soul and in the Higher Self - you must cry halt to the human ego and assess the direction your life is taking. If the structure of life you are building contributes neither to the greater accomplishment of the individual nor to the greater blessing of the community, then you know that you have crossed the line. Beware then of human pride, intellectual pride and spiritual pride, where the work of your hands and your mind is done not to the glory of God{214} but to the glory of your own self-esteem. At that point on the ladder of the pyramid of life you cease to accrue in your Causal Body practical and spiritual momentums, for that which you offer on the altar of God and humanity is no longer done to the glory of God or toward the goal of your soul's union with God but only to increase the measure of the man, the measure of the woman or the measure of the child. Thus know that attainment on the Path is to be sought and won, but it must always have a purpose and that purpose is self-transcendence. That purpose is entering in to a greater and greater level of one's Christhood, and that Christhood becomes the bread of Life that is broken and shared with others. The bread of Life is given to those who have the self-acquired gift of nonattachment. For if you are attached to the loaf of the Body of your Lord, you will not break that loaf to divide it and share it with others. Understand, beloved hearts, that too much self-preoccupation takes from you the energy that is necessary and vital to your attainment of the Bodhisattva ideal. It robs from you the dance of the hours in which you take upon yourselves in all sincerity and love the ten vows of beloved Kuan Yin.{215} When you keep these vows, you are accepted into the higher school of Maitreya in the heaven-world, where the Bodhisattvas are. You can easily attain to membership in Maitreya's Mystery School in the heaven-world, in the etheric octave, and to membership in his Mystery School here below - if the will of God is the star that leads you, if selflessness is not a problem to you. And thus I say "easily" guardedly. The reality of Maitreya's school in heaven and on earth and of your training there, literally day and night, ought to be brought to your memory now and then. For some of you forget that every day that dawns is your opportunity to greet Lord Maitreya. Each morning you ought to bow before his mighty heart and say to him: "What will you have of me this day? What may I do for you, Lord Maitreya, and for Lord Morya El, the Messenger and each precious member of your student body?" Thus the attainment of the Bodhisattva level is possible to you here on earth, but you must reason with right reason. When you are setting forth the goals of your life, you must reason with the scribe who is your very personal recording angel and be sure to include enough time and space not only to balance your karma but to fulfill your dharma and your calling among your peers in society. These things cannot be set aside for anything, for anything, I say, beloved. For if you allow all of the fruit of your tree of life to be devoured by those around you to whom you have a false sense of responsibility, then where shall that fruit appear in the day when that fruit is to be counted to see whether the twelve manner of fruits upon your tree of life have ripened and are now ready for the feast of Maitreya that they might be plucked, suitable and fit for his assimilation?{216} I tell you, the spiritual path, the physical path, the human path and the path of self-transcendence wherein you deal with your psychology can all be fitted {217} into your schedule as long as you place the proper weight on each part of your life. Chelas of my heart! You must realize that if you desire to deal justly with each aspect of your life, if you desire to be worthy of the calling that you have been called to, you may not dally in forms of entertainment that weigh the mind with unhealthy records and pollute the astral body. I speak, beloved, of your going over and over the motion pictures of the past that have played and played and played themselves out. Have you ever seen a Bodhisattva come out of a group of individuals who were movie buffs? I haven't. The desire of the Lords of Karma is for you to see that which is quality. There is much that is quality that is transmitted by satellite on certain stations. You must set up a system whereby you can record and play these programs for your members and play them again. These more effectively convey the essence of culture. I come on the ray of Divine Love. You have children in your midst already who have supreme talent in the arts and in music, who have come from Venus, who are not receiving the training that they should have, but rather you are letting them engage their attention in those things that will only corrupt the great geometry of the All-Seeing Eye of God that is abuilding in them through the cooperation of their souls' inner work with their Holy Christ Self. The time you waste in senseless endeavors, in activities that do not accrue to you one iota of the intelligence of the Mind of God - as opposed to the time you spend in the refinement of the intuitive faculties of the soul, adeptship in the control of the energies of the chakras, the practice of the spiritual arts of healing or anything else that is good, true and holy that you can name - this is what concerns the Lords of Karma. This wasting of time is part and parcel of your indulgence of your own dweller-on-the-threshold. Take care, then, beloved ones, for all things can be accomplished here. But when you let your mind stoop to the level of those motion pictures that have to do with human emotion, human sexuality, violence, ego-strutting and all kinds of distorted sounds, this, beloved, not only affects you and your chelaship on the Path but it compromises Maitreya's Mystery School. I speak, therefore, on behalf of the Lords of Karma. It is not necessary that anyone among you should be censoring movies or other entertainment. It behooves each one, in your own Christhood, to do that censoring and to realize that if too many of you continue to watch too many of these motion pictures or to engage in other entertainment that is surely below the level of your Christhood, you will see a compromise in this Mystery School of Maitreya that will not be able to be made up. It will not be made up by El Morya, by the Messenger or by a counterweight of your decrees in this court. There are some things that cannot take place on this ground if this ground is to remain holy and if you are to be supported as we desire to support you. Those of you who do not wish to surrender these lower forms of entertainment as pastimes whereby you can dull the mind and forget about the rigors of spiritual attainment ought to reconsider whether you wish to remain at the Royal Teton Ranch at Maitreya's Mystery School. For I tell you, beloved, it is an hour and a season when El Morya is fighting for the continuing dispensation not only of this Mystery School but of other orders in the East that are being attacked from without directly, such as in Tibet. Yes, beloved ones, it is the Mystery School that is the repository of the patterns to be outpictured in the Renaissance child, who shall become the Renaissance man and woman of the Aquarian age. If culture, the culture of divine love and beauty, is to be perpetuated, then I say you must make yourselves bastions, towers of the love ray of the arts of Paul the Venetian. And throw out the rubbage{218} and remove it from your files! Throw out that rubbish, beloved ones, and stop all diversions that take you downstream to the astral plane, that leave engrams in the mind and in the subconscious. And you would be surprised how long it takes you to remove the patterns of motion pictures and the amplification of modern so-called music. This is because the heavy emotions and the misqualified energy of the lower chakras projected through modern movies and music affect the emotional body and the soul with an intensity that is severe. And the younger your children are when you allow them to watch violence on TV and in the movies, the more damage that is done - for life. I tell you, parents who have been sponsored not alone by El Morya but by the Lords of Karma to bring in children of Light: Wherever you are in the world today, take heed! Guard that life! Guard those little ones and guard your minds so that we might find that clarity of the Mind of God in you every day and hour. Let your mind be the very heart of the beacon of the Lighthouse beaming to a world the cadences of the mind of Maitreya, the distillations that you have brought forth from the higher octaves of the Bodhisattvas. There are precious few places in the earth where such discipline of Love is required. I pray that you will uphold the standards and the spirit of this Mystery School. I pray that those who are considering coming here and who are ready for the rigors of the Path will not shirk, will not hold back, will not consider the comments of some others who have complained and complained about how hard it is to be at Maitreya's place. Let the complainers do their complaining elsewhere, for there are many who will fill those vacancies, who will enter in and who will not even consider that this Mystery School is as difficult as they may have thought it would be. Blessed ones, it is time to treasure the jewel of the Sangha as well as the jewel of the Buddha, who is not a silent Buddha but a Buddha who may yet speak to you through your Messenger. It is time to treasure the jewel of the Dharma, the carrying of the weight of responsibility of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood - and to do so singing "My burden is Light!" It is time to carry that weight of the Causal Body of the Great White Brotherhood and to not look back to the old days nor attempt, after you have been here for so many years, to remold yourselves or your Community after the ways of the world. The Mystery Schools are the fount of Light. Unless the fount be kept as a living flame, the flame can go out. You remember the tales of ancient Atlantis told by Phylos the Tibetan. Know, then, that the Maxin Light was withdrawn. Know, then, that all the work that was done by Jesus Christ for hundreds and even thousands of years of his tending the flame of the golden age of Atlantis did come to naught when the flame was withdrawn! Are you not astonished that in the very living, physical presence of the Lord Jesus Christ the fallen ones did challenge him in the fullness of his Godhood/ Christhood incarnate and that they were able to turn aside many from our Lord until finally the few who were loyalists to his cause removed themselves from that continent entirely and took up their abode in the land of India, the land of the Mother?{219} If in the full manifestation of the living Christ Jesus there could be betrayal and the breaking up of the Mystery School and the forfeiting of thousands of years of a golden age that has not yet returned to planet earth, think you that it is not possible for the disparaging ones, who no longer have the eyes to see the flame nor the heart to tend it, to one by one take turns at trying to disrupt and ultimately break apart this Mystery School? Remember the words of our Saviour and repeat them often as a mantra: "They shall not pass!" Beloved ones, if you will ask the Messenger if she will make her ascension in this life, the Messenger will tell you, "That is in God's hands. I do not know. I could make a mistake and that mistake could cost me my ascension." Therefore, you see, the same is true at the community level. Each member of the community of this Mystery School world-wide, every Keeper of the Flame in every city and town and hamlet the world around can elect to be a pillar in the mighty temple that ultimately will become physical here at Maitreya's Mystery School if there are those who will tend the flame in the very center of that temple. Beloved ones, nothing is secure until you make it secure with the totality of your life - the totality of your commitment. Therefore, do not be moved from your calling but recognize that, whether you have known it or not, the Ascended Master El Morya has contacted every last one of you in some way or another. And whether by density or inattentiveness or wax in the ears or dullness in the brain or the surfeiting of the senses or the saturating of the molecules of self with the wrong kind of music, you at first may not have been able to tune into his wavelength, yet you were called. You have been called, one and all, and sponsored by El Morya! You have been called, beloved! You may say, "Yes, I shall continue. No, I shall not continue." Let it be yes or no, but do not be found in that foul state, the in-between state of indecision. This is the year when out of the Causal Body of the Messenger there descends the full-gathered momentum of the God-Harmony of her being and the full-gathered momentum of the God-Power of Lanello's being, in polarity. The twelve o'clock and the six o'clock lines of the Cosmic Clock denote the raising up of the sacred fire from the base-of-the-spine chakra to the crown chakra on the spinal altar of the Tree of Life. This cannot be accomplished without the God-Harmony of the Mother and the God-Power of the Father. From the very base chakra, let your roots go deep into the Causal Body of Maitreya, who sponsors this Mystery School. And let the rings of light on your Tree of Life increase that you might become mature, that you might have the spiritual strength to reject the old self and the old momentums and the old, old dweller-on-the-threshold. Let the branches of your trees be full and flowering! May they increase and grow high that the God-Power and the empowerment under the hierarchy of the Great Divine Director and the great hierarchy of Capricorn may bring you a year of solidifying, stabilizing and determining: This is the place, this is the soil, this is the earth where I take my stand, where I have my victory, where I teach my children what it truly means to be a chela of El Morya! And I teach them from the moment they are born of that Master who loves them and sponsors them. This is where I have decided to mark my cross in the sand, to take my place and to do so with 100 percent of my being and with full joyousness. And if I am not 100 percent whole, then I shall indeed go back and heal the unwhole parts of myself until all of me is one flaming presence, one sphere of Light, whereby Maitreya might enter and be one with me and be myself and multiply my Christhood and show me the oneness I have in the Sacred Heart of Jesus! Blessed ones, this is not a time to pervert the flame of the six o'clock line. Serapis Bey is here with seraphim of God to give you the mighty disciplines of the base-of-the-spine chakra that you might raise up the white fire, nourishing every chakra, balancing every chakra and seeing yourself as a being who is individed in God, as Above, so below; and the figure eight does make the Above and the below whole. Thus, it is no time for self-pity, for sympathy with the human consciousness to the exclusion of compassion for the soul who is bonding to the Christ, the Lord of all, or for self-justification or indecision on the spiritual path - all the wishy-washy, wishy-washy stuff. This is the time, beloved, to see that victories are about to happen in every direction, victories that need your strengthening, your input and your presence. I bid you, then, read The Mahatma Letters, read the old books that Morya sponsored and that we guarded. Read of the path of the East and discover once and for all what it truly means to be a disciple on the Path. And above all, do not carve out your own concept of the Path that has nothing to do with the mahatmas. I cherish each and every one of you. I AM Nada of the flame of Love. I come to sponsor the arts. I come to sponsor love that repels selfishness, self-love, nonsurrender, nonservice. I come with the love of the Ruby Ray that can empower you unto the day of your appearing at Serapis Bey's retreat. It is not hard, beloved. You are equal to the task! Reject the spoilings that have come upon you by well-meaning caretakers, parents, et cetera. For the spoiled it is always too hard. But the course that is set is one that everyone in this worldwide community can run. Everyone can reach the finish line and survive. Yes, indeed, beloved, you can make it here if you want to. If you do not want to, then it is best that you set up your own retreat in devachan{220} as you may imagine it, as you may imagine your encounters with the Brotherhood. Yes, devachan may be your dreamworld, but do not count on outpicturing that dreamworld in your next life. Yes, this is the place - here in the concrete world, here in the compartments of time and space - where you can conquer. I, Nada, have come in the greatest love and joy of our Lord. I have spoken to you of Reality. May you not shirk from facing it. I seal you in the light of springtime. May it be for you the light of the springboard to your ultimate Victory. This dictation by Lady Master Nada was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter Sunday, April 11, 1993, during the five-day Easter Retreat 1993, held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Before the dictation, the Messenger read excerpts on personal encounters with the Masters from HPB: The Extraordinary Life and Influence of Helena Blavatsky, Founder of the Modern Theosophical Movement, by Sylvia Cranston, pp. 45, 46-47, 179-80, 200-1. The Messenger suggests that every chela own this book "as a treasure in the history of our life and the life of beloved El Morya" (available through Summit University Press, hardbound. Following the dictation, the Messenger read from The Mahatma Letters, Letter No. XLIII by the Master M. to A. P. Sinnett. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Nada's direction.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom. "The Golden Age of Jesus Christ on Atlantis" by Elizabeth Clare Prophet Videocassette: 2 cassettes, 161 min., GP91107. Audiocassette: 2 cassettes, 163 min., A91074. See also 1990 PoW, vol. 33, no. 47, p. 604 n. 10; 1991 PoW, vol. 34, nos. 29, 60, 61, pp. 382 n. 6, 659-78. ***** 25.1 I AM the Witness - June 20, 1993 ***** Vol. 36 No. 25 - I AM the Witness - June 20, 1993 INDIAN EXPRESS MARCH 7, 1993 THE VISI0N BEHIND A HIMALAYAN LEGACY When Svetoslav Roerich died recently, he left behind numerous works of art, some of which have not even been properly accounted for. What will happen to these fascinating canvases that reveal the artist's deep empathy with nature and his fellow human beings? by Marta Jakimowicz-Karle SVETOSLAV Roerich, who died last month, left behind some 2,000 paintings. Although these were frequently exhibited in India, Russia and elsewhere, not many have seen the work of this remarkable mystic-painter. The fate of his private collection, like the fate of his estate, is not yet certain. As fierce a pacifist as his father before him, Svetoslav was instrumental in the signing of the UNESCO convention for the protection of museums and art galleries from war. But how far his own works will be protected remains to be seen. In order to understand Svetoslav Roerich one has to go back to his father, Nicholas Roerich, an important Russian painter. In a certain sense, Svetoslav's work was the development of the legacy he inherited from his illustrious father. This legacy was the European Neo-Romantic ethos of the late nineteenth century, with its belief in the refined, noble and spiritually uplifting character of ancient and exotic cultures. Aesthetic, literary and philosophical inspirations gained from such sources were shaped into fairy-tale-like visions of a perfect world, superior and preferable to contemporary mundanehess. The early modernists like Degas, Gaugin, Toulouse-Lautrec or Matisse, and particularly the practitioners of Art Nouveau, transformed mainly Japanese art motifs. India, on the other hand, served as a spiritual stimulus. When the Svetoslav family left their native St. Petersburg after the Revolution, they moved to Sweden, England and the USA. In their pursuit of a mythical Shangri-la, they also undertook prolonged expeditions to the Himalayas, covering areas from India to China and Mongolia and imbibing the wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism. Eventually, in 1933, the Roerichs setfled down in an estate at Nagar in the Kulu Valley. The place, situated at the foot of the Dhauladhars, embodied for Nicholas Roerich a peaceful and joyous communion of nature, man and the divine. The close symbiotic relationship between Svetoslav and his mentor-father was to prove a greater shaping force in his artistic development than his stay at Columbia and Harvard. Even though devoid of the idols and mythological personages which populated Nicholas Roerich's sceneries, his son's first mature work retains the former's composition and atmosphere. Wide hill vistas ascend and come down in rugged, angular rhythms and float over long yet powerful slopes. The gentle or tumultuous sinuousness of Art Nouveau's flowing rhythms and the mannered arching outlines come out fully in the figural scenes of the 1940s. In fact, the relatively individual work of Svetoslav Roerich shows his dependence on quite identifiable sources which lay at the beginning of his father's idiom and which were transcended by the older painter. The son's ouevre makes the viewer recall Gaugin and the stances of his oriental nodes echoed in the vaulted landscapes Svetoslav is fond of painting. Roerich's paintings, however, have incorporated a degree of prettiness and sentimentality. The silhouettes range from a turn-of-the-century, theatricality to a mild Blake-like S-shape to 'nicely' stylised and simplified rustic beauties. The images exude the artist's delight in native types and his vision of their emotive response to nature's own moods, be it a threatening storm or a gaily unfolding spring, is just a little melodramatic. Svetoslav's ladies (one hesitates to use the word 'women') are delicate, innocently sensual, sensitive and calm. The same style is applied also to his allegorical groups of edifying content. The Himalayan phase and the decoratively dramatic Art Nouveau tradition merged during the subsequent decades, particularly the '60s and '70s. Full of saturated, bright, expressively contrasting colours, a multitude of smallish canvases depict various picturesque scenes - rocks and low hills, river valleys, rich green trees, village huts and grids of cultivated fields. Their undulating rhythms, which may resemble sea waves, bind the vast spreading forms into a sort of design. Sometimes they incline towards an almost naturalistic rendering, though, more frequently, these also tend towards the stylised and patterned. ALTHOUGH his spirit was dedicated to religious and spiritual ideals, Svetoslav Roerich walked on earth and responded directly to the people he met. More than his symbolic compositions, one appreciates some of the unpretentious studies of Indian village children, where the stylised and the decorative have imbibed elements of the touchingly real. It is portraiture proper, however, which stands witness to his involvement with actual persons. Svetoslav, the portrait painter, began from a practically 19th-century academic realism. In the 1940s, although his work was very correct and professional, it did not soar. A certain acutely finished detailing and posed directness combine there with a dose of idealisation and sweetness, which are meant to enhance physical beauty and delicacy as well as spirituality. At this point, one remembers his portraits of his wife, the legendary Devika Rani. Here, the intimacy and warmth result in pleasant images. Some of his other portraits, however, prove to be fairly conventional. He was frequently commissioned to paint portraits of Indian political leaders, probably because Roerich was by now an internationally important figure and his style of portraiture - with its hint of a western search for Indian spirituality - was much admired. Ever the realist, Roerich spoke against abstraction in art and the unnecessary distortion of natural beauty. His later portraits, accordingly, continue the previous tone, but become increasingly photographic in their idealised naturalism. The style often turns sugary, whether he depicts Devika Rani, a youthful and sensual society lady or a modest working class woman. The gently glamourous pose prevails among strong, bright colours, emphatic make-up and atmospheric background hues which may include Art Nouveau floral fantasies. Christian themes recur throughout Roerich's career, but his last years culminated in large images of Jesus, saints and angels. Their didactic message is expressed through the use of symbols and allegories, doll-like faces and heavenly colours in misty gradations. But, instead of being harshly evaluated, they should be taken as evidence of the artist's longing for a pure anchoring in life beyond death. Likewise, the phenomenon of Roerich as an embodiment of a specific kind of humanism overshadows his significance as a painter. Much respected, awarded and honoured in India and abroad, Roerich deeply believed in the transforming abilities of art. Hence, he strove to endow it with a feel of pan-natural harmony, peace, truthfulness, ethics and religious values. As he grew older, these became etched on his work and, indeed, on his very mien. He spent most of his long life on an estate near Bangalore, where he was active, being particularly associated with the Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath. Today, a representative collection of the work of both the father and son is housed here, an abiding reminder of their long love affair with this land and its people. Behind the canvas FOR years they had been out of the limelight, living a quiet life of exquisite luxury and solitude in their Tatguni Estate, 20 km from Bangalore. Then last year, Svetoslav Roerich and Devika Rani found themselves pinned under a murky spotlight of property tangles and charges of drugged senility. And it did not take long to shatter the fragile beauty of their retired life, till then carefully shaded from the glare of public scrutiny. The first lady of Indian cinema and her Russian painter husband had been, for years, in the magic circle reserved only for the top among the glitterati. Once acclaimed as the most beautiful woman of the Indian silver screen, Devika Rani had taken glamour and scandal in her stride, living her own life, not compromised by the claustrophobic norms of a hypocritical society. Belonging to the aristocratic Tagore family of Bengal (she was a grand-niece of Rabindranath) helped, especially to maintain her dignity while venturing into an area then frequented only by social outcastes. Not only did Devika Rani carve a niche for herself in filmdom, but with the unflagging support of her first husband, filmmaker Himanshu Rai of Bombay Talkies, she took on roles that other actresses shied away from. For example in Karma, the first Indian talkie in English, she created a furore with a kissing scene way back in 1933. Never mind that the man she was kissing on screen also happened to be her husband. Apart from the aura of scandal and exquisite beauty, her remarkable talents as an actress, evident in films like Achhut Kanya, added to her image as the leading lady of Indian showbiz. Even after the death of Himanshu Rai, Devika Rani refused to fall into the mould of the traditional Indian widow. She fell in love and married Svetoslav Roerich, a Russian painter who had made India his home. The Roerichs were aristocratic exiles from Russia, the name made immortal by Svetoslav's father Nicholas, an internationally acclaimed painter. It was a powerful union of souls, where two very sensitive individuals from extraordinary backgrounds built a life together. Just as her first husband had made her the heartthrob of India by putting her squarely in the limelight, Devika Rani's second husband weaned her away from it. They escaped into their spacious estate, and settled down in a quiet bungalow amidst lush green meadows and Linolae trees miles from the madding crowd's ignoble strife. The queen of the silverscreen was content to be the queen of Svetoslav's dreams alone, posing for his paintings and travelling the world. But the champagne years were bound to lose their fizz. The artist couple gave in to the demands of time, moving out of their home of 40 years in Tatguni Estate and into a five-star hotel more approachable to doctors and friends. And cornered by age and illness, they suddenly found themselves in the glare of the spotlight once again as their estate ran into trouble for no fault of theirs. They fought the Bangarappa regime in Karnataka's move to acquire their 457-acre estate along with the paintings and artefacts they possessed from a room in Hotel Ashok. For a while, they even decided to leave the country and move to Russia. But that was not to be and the "Bengali Tigress" and the Russian artist fought off the government's move to acquire the estate for Rs 5 crore, as well as a stray coffee planter's claim that he had already bought the property from them for Rs 1.5 crore. The Russian embassy intervened, showing an interest in "preserving the Roerich heritage" and the couple decided to hand over the estate to a trust, for which they consulted family friends like Mikhail Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin and S. D. Sharma. The murky affair was brought to an end when the new Karnataka chief minister Veerappa Moily decided to guard the estate on behalf of the Roerichs. And the octagenarian couple was finally left alone. But the scandal and dispute had destroyed an important aspect of their life: peace. It had dealt a stunning blow to the quiet dignity on which they had built their life together. And with Svetoslav Roerich's death, Devika Rani is left to pick up the pieces of a broken life, quite alien to the lady who epitomises grace. And this time she must do it alone. - A.D.S. Reprinted from Indian Express Sunday Magazine, March 7, 1993. Copyright © 1993 Church Universal and Triumphant, Inc., Box 5000, Livingston, MT 59047-5000, (406) 222-8300 ****** Chapter 26 Beloved Jesus Christ - June 27, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 26 - Beloved Jesus Christ - June 27, 1993 Easter Retreat 1993 7 It Is a Matter of Heart! I Summon My True Chelas I Can Save You Only If You and I Are One I come to sit with thee in glory, the glory that shines from your I AM Presence. Some bask in the radiance of the Presence while others mirror in the sometimes stagnant pool of identity that which is from beneath, that which is not real, and the soul reflects the image. Stagnation may not be recognized by you who call yourselves disciples on the Path. Thus I must come to show you that it is entirely possible for you to come up against stagnation on the path of your discipleship. For you have blocked the flowing stream, you have blocked the stream of sacred-fire waters descending from your I AM Presence and allowed a stagnant pool to accumulate where the light is qualified not, except with self-concern. And the self-concern of the stagnant pool is a toxic substance, toxic because not daily flushed into the violet flame, not carried away by tributaries of love distributing the descending water of Life to so many in need. When you cease to give forth what you have received, then what happens? The stream backs up, and so you receive less and less until the great waters of the Tree of Life descending become but a trickle. Then disease sets in, life turns in upon itself and there seems to be no purpose in living, no usefulness in dying. And even the joyous path of walking in the footsteps of my Lord Maitreya becomes a humdrum affair wherein you seek only to perform the minimum spiritual requirements, only that which is necessary to keep one foot in the door of Maitreya's Mystery School, and otherwise you seek to find some titillation for the senses, something apart from the sheer joy of living in the aura of my Lord Maitreya - or even Padma Sambhava. For it is as though you needed some surcease from the glare of your own God-Reality or relief from the rigors of the path that can lead to the summit of Being in this life. Understand the dangers of the Path. And hear in the simple poem that the Messenger read to you{221} that the days are filled and the lifetimes are filled from morning till night, from the rising to the setting sun, with the joyous service in the Lord. For much, much light descending must purify that which has gone forth before - the stream made putrid by putrid thoughts and feelings. Therefore, beloved, there is a point of joy, there is a point of laughter in every day. And I speak of the joy and the laughter of you who are my disciples as I have known you and shepherded you in my own heart as we have gathered together over the centuries, 2EN and 144 and then the other 70 and then the 144,000. And who among you can truly count who are the true disciples, ripened grapes ready to be plucked from the vine? Blessed hearts, I do speak to all of you who would return to the Tree of Life at Maitreya's Mystery School. You may be at Maitreya's Mystery School physically in the physical octave, but you may no longer be here in spirit or in the desire to increase a mighty ring on your Tree of Life by a mighty service to life. Perhaps you do not even desire to give my mantras in your heart that you might know the way of kindness. Kindness, I have told the Messenger, is truly, truly the path of conviction that in the heart of Maitreya and in the heart of myself kindness is a perfume that suffuses all things. It is an action that takes action. It is a word that speaks. It is a heart that keeps the vigil. And it is the holding of the balance of the hours whereby, because you are kindness and fulfilling all kindness, you have room to spare to give of yourself again and again; for this is the joy of the mighty River of Life descending. I AM at once your Jesus and my Father Maitreya, for "I and my Father are one." {222} You cannot meet me without meeting my Father, and so too I would have it be said of you that none can meet you without meeting me and without meeting your Grandfather Maitreya. Yes, beloved, can we not be one upon one upon one in the chain of hierarchy, as little carved men one upon the other that become a tower of power reinforcing the chelas in every octave? Is this not the sign and symbol of the chain of the Guru-chela relationship? Ever there do precede you those of greater God-mastery. And then we come to the place of our appearing, our glorious appearing through you! Who does see us? Those who can see us through you. Yet none can see us or know us save they sing, "I love to tell the story of Jesus and his love," or they sing the mantras and praises of Maitreya. Remember that, beloved, and give yourself to God to be the clear pane of glass through which many can look and see the Lord, see me as I AM! - not in paintings or in postures that do not resemble me one iota but are the sympathetic trappings of those who weep and mourn at the base of the cross, not understanding the glory of the crucifixion itself, the glory of the very process, beloved, whereby one can bequeath to a world the essence of oneself. Therefore I did proclaim upon that cross, "Lo, I AM Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending," and many other sayings not recorded save the "It Is Finished!" affirmation of my Being in God. And this prayer you do have, thanks to the receptivity of your Messenger Mark, whose profound love for me opened the channels that allowed him to hear the recordings of akasha{223} of my own voice pronouncing my soul's triumph on the cross.{224} Well, being the Beginning and the Ending, beloved, I AM the mighty circle of the T'ai Chi within the Great Tao and I AM a spherical body of manifestation of original cause. And I AM THAT I AM that One who transcends that known Causal Body and enters the unknown Source, the unformed, the Ein Sof, that which is beyond the mighty Tree of Life and the ten sefirot.{225} Come to understand, then, that upon your tree of life there be seven chakras plus one. Then there are the ten sefirot. The ten sefirot denote that there are actually ten chakras. For if you will add to the seven the two of the hands, and then the two of the feet as one, and then celebrate the Eighth Ray chakra in the uncharted sefirah, Da'at, you will have the ten plus one. This one represents the secret chamber of the heart, the place of Love's dazzling Light. Only the threefold flame centered in Da'at can consume the abyss of ignorance. Know, beloved, that your tree of life is built, is sealed, is sanctified and certified as you meditate upon the names, the vibrations and the meanings of the ten sefirot and as you realize that they are intended to be the fruit - the fruit on the branches of your tree of life, the fruit of God consciousness in the aspects necessary to lower the unformed into the formed that that formed might descend and that the tree might appear, that the Tiferet in the center might be known as the Christ and that the Christ may no longer be rejected for another. "Go here!" "Go there!"{226} Thus you will hear the people proclaiming the coming of the Messiah. "What Messiah?" we say. Why, the Messiah is the Christ of me and the Christ of you and the only begotten Son of the Father-Mother God. And yet, unless you will open your breast and show your sacred heart that your sacred heart might be the target of Antichrist, do you truly walk in my footsteps on Good Friday? Do not be afraid of pain! Be not afraid to know the pain that allows you to enter into the bliss of nirvana and total oneness with your God. Is this not your desire, beloved? ["Yes!"] Think about the deep desiring of your soul and your innermost being. If you desire to be in God and to embrace and be a part of that great Tree of Life so that the birds of the air (meaning the winged orbs of consciousness of the Mind of God) that rest in the branches of your consciousness actually become a part of you - if you really desire all of this and more, beloved ones, then you must surely conclude from the equation of being and anti-being that if you are to realize your highest imaginings of self in God, something must go: on this side of the equation something must go. And that something is anti-being. But you will look again and you will see that the LORD God has not, does not and will never deprive you of anything that is necessary to your spiritual, eternal joy, as Above, so below. Only you can deprive yourselves of joy by free will, by karma made. All of the things that you need, beloved, come to you by your recitation each day of the Lord's Prayer, the "I AM Lord's Prayer." This prayer is a declaration of the Father's love for you and of your love for the Father. This Lord's Prayer is the prayer whereby you achieve the bonding in your Guru-chela relationship with me and Maitreya and others of the ascended hosts. Therefore let us recite it now together: I AM Lord's Prayer by Jesus the Christ Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name, I AM. I AM thy Kingdom come I AM thy Will being done I AM on earth even as I AM in heaven I AM giving this day daily bread to all I AM forgiving all Life this day even as I AM also all Life forgiving me I AM leading all men away from temptation I AM delivering all men from every evil condition I AM the Kingdom I AM the Power and I AM the Glory of God in eternal, immortal manifestation - All this I AM. This is your alchemical formula for the precipitation of your Tree of Life, your goal in life, your pyramid in life! Do you not see that the Father has guaranteed to you the kingdom, the power and the glory? The kingdom is the consciousness of the totality of your being in God. The kingdom, beloved, is God's consciousness where you are. The full power of God that comes upon you is the empowerment of your Mighty I AM Presence, which you experience when you seriously embrace the Path. The Path is difficult yet not too difficult for anyone - hard, yes, but not too hard. Yes, beloved, the glory of God is the ring upon ring upon ring of your Causal Body that descends upon you when you live the "I AM Lord's Prayer." When you find the key to my heart in this prayer and many other prayers that were dictated by the ascended host through Mark Prophet, you will come to understand, beloved, that you can fulfill all of your goals - human, material, physical, spiritual, mental, psychological. Yes, you can fulfill all these goals and at the same time retain what you are in God and not lose one iota of your spirituality or your inner attainment. And the talents of your God-mastery will descend from your Causal Body in this life when you are ready to receive them and when you have balanced certain karmas that you made since you had that attainment of Light in ages past and applied it to many good works. Yes, beloved ones, if you try to do all things by yourself, you will find it is simply impossible. For the word is written and it cannot be broken: With God all things are possible! With man nothing is possible.{227} Therefore commend yourselves to God and to the glorification of God in all of your works, for your Mighty I AM Presence stands waiting to glorify you. So use all of the power at your disposal to glorify God and he will empower you. So use all of the elements of the kingdom, the consciousness of God, all of the resources, the technology and the know-how to bring about that kingdom here below as Above and you will know the glorification of God because you have done it to his glory and not to your own glory. It is a matter, beloved, of heart. It is a matter of heart! It is a matter of heart! It is a matter of heart! I say it again and again and again. If you only knew what you are doing to your hearts when you eat the strong meat that is acidic and that pollutes not only the heart and the bloodstream but also the temperament so that you do not have the tenderness of heart, the humility of heart, the mindfulness of heart, the memory of heart that are native to your Real Self! And as a result you do not have heart for the Path, for the mission! And then, because the quality of heart that is needful in order for you to keep pace with Maitreya's bodhisattvas is wanting, you set up roadblocks. You give yourself and Maitreya impossible ultimatums. You set limits to your chelaship that doom you to failure. You say, "Unless thus and thus and thus will happen to me, I will quit the Path, I will quit this place. Unless I get this, this, this and that, this is what I will do." Well, beloved ones, there is no such thing as unconditional love on the part of the Ascended Masters for the children of earth, for this would be an impossibility. Since to love a man is to love his character and his actions, we would have to love those of murderous intent, those who are of the Darkness and the left-handed path, who love not the Light, for their deeds are evil. We would have to love man's infamy against man and to love brother who slays brother. Just as Cain was rejected by the Lord Maitreya for his sin, so he would have been accepted had his offering been acceptable.{228} Nevertheless, to love the point of Light within the heart, the point of Light that is God, is to love the seed potential. Yet if a man himself love not his potential for being in God, he will not bear the fruit of God consciousness. Wherefore Jesus cursed the barren fig tree{229} and John the Baptist laid the axe at the root of the evil fruit saying, "Every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire."{230} Thus, unless a man confirm and fructify the gift of God-identity he will lose it. And man without God Self-awareness is but a flesh and blood robot who has no capacity for Divine Love, neither to receive it nor to give it. All he is capable of is the ebb and flow of human sympathy. Beloved hearts, there must needs be, however, unconditional love on your part for God and for the great spiritual hierarchy of Life sent by God to govern and teach the root races of earth. And this involves trust. For in order for you to give unconditional love to God and his hierarchy you must extend trust at times to an unknown God and an unknown Guru. Indeed, can you trust God and the hierarchy of Life enough to entrust them with all of your love and all of your heart and all of your service? Is this not where everything begins and ends - is it not in the point of trust? We remind you once again that we are not your human parents. We are not your human siblings. We are not the cause of your fractured and fragmented psychology. You are the cause of it yourself! And the longer you hang on to it, the longer it will stick to you like taffy, and as you lick your fingers and eat some more, it will stick some more. Yes, beloved ones, it is time to say, "I trust God," and to reinforce that trust daily no matter what you see coming your way that would lead you to believe to the contrary. For what you will see is your own karma tumbling down to tempt you, to test you and to make you think that God's wrath is upon you when it is your own wrath that you have delivered to another that is coming full circle according to the mathematical exactitude of the law of karma. It is then that it is well to remember that you have a right to be tested and we have a right to test you. You have heard it before and we say it again! For sometimes we must make up "nursery rhymes" using such phrases that you might learn them and repeat them and sing them to yourselves. For somehow you manage to arrive at a place on the Path where you say, "I am no longer the one being tested. I am doing the testing! I am testing El Morya! I am testing the Masters! I am testing the Messenger! And I am going to see whether or not I approve of what is going on in this place." Well, beloved hearts, it is about time that you came to a reckoning of just what is the Dark Cycle and just how it has changed your life and life-style. Oh, you have heard of it. And you have heard of it again and again! And some of you would rather not hear another dictation in which it is mentioned. And yet it must be mentioned because it surely could be your undoing if you do not raise yourselves up to the level of your Holy Christ Self and understand that in the mantle and in the Christ consciousness of your own being, you must give more decrees affirming and calling forth the violet fire. Because the Dark Cycle is upon the evolutions of earth and the earth body itself and all elemental life, the equation of the weight of returning planetary karma has changed drastically. You have to run faster on that treadmill and faster and faster just to run in place. But many of you, in fact an alarming number of Keepers of the Flame, are practicing denial when it comes to the Dark Cycle at the same time that you are drifting away from the Path because you are being overtaken by the effluvia of world karma. That is what happens when the karma of the ages descends (specifically 25,800 years of karma) and that is why such major changes take place upon a planetary home as civilization responds to that karma and as cataclysm precipitates, sometimes reducing overnight the population of a world such as this to one-tenth of what it was. The Dark Cycles are all-consuming and there is only one solution: that dark night must be lit by the candles of your heart flames and your heart chakras - by tens of thousands of Keepers of the Flame! You must understand, beloved, that to allow the desire and the density of other situations and conditions to lure you away from the altar of God, wherever you have erected that altar, is the most dangerous action, or inaction, that you can take. And you will take special note that unless you specifically ask and ask again, you will receive no advice from the Ascended Masters through the Messenger, or from the Messenger herself. For we respect free will, we respect freewill action. And that is the end of the matter. Therefore we have set up the Mystery School because it is necessary. It is necessary to have a place that is physical and tied to the etheric and the higher octaves, where it is truly yet possible for individuals to follow a path and a spiritual discipline that will lead to their souls' ascension in this life. A place where no sincere heart who is able and willing to keep our disciplines will be denied. Why would there be retreats on the face of the earth if the individual could make his ascension from anywhere - if he could achieve the goals of the path of attainment from anywhere on the face of the globe? Well, there would be no reason to have Maitreya's Mystery School if the ascension could happen so easily at the choosing and the whim of the individual who will say, "I don't like it here. I like it better over there. And so I will build my little house over there and I will make my ascension from my little house." Beloved hearts, in order for the flame of the ark of the covenant that burns upon the altar of my Church to merge with your flame, and body, to do the work of transforming by spiritual alchemy every cell of your flesh and blood for that ultimate transformation, it does take the concentration not alone of devotees but of angels who make their daily rounds to consecrate and purify this place of worship. And it does take the Ascended Masters of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood to secure a stronghold of Light such as this retreat where it is indeed possible to make the physical ascension or for the soul to ascend at inner levels. And the ascension, after all, is the goal of Life for every lifestream on earth. But who would want to ascend before doing all those things that are necessary to the realization of one's divine plan, those things that are joyous, that contribute to the building of the self and the building of one's character and the building of one's Causal Body on earth as it is in heaven? I tell you, beloved ones, very few would like to make their ascension without having done everything they could possibly do to make this world a better place. And first and foremost, the best thing you can do to make this world a better place is to raise up a focus of The Summit Lighthouse in your town (wherever two or three gather in my name{231} and in the name of Maitreya) and to visualize that beacon as a pathway that leads all Home to their Mighty I AM Presence. Then give your calls to El Morya on the fourth of the month for twenty-four hours and see to it that your group is running a decree marathon on that day and that you are giving every last erg of energy and strength and breath you have to your beloved El Morya.{232} For you do not realize what El Morya can do for you in return that will take him far less time and entanglement in the human consciousness to accomplish than it would take you. We are just as anxious as you are to get on with the day of the glory of God and the expansion of this Path and Teaching and the increase in the number and quality of Lightbearers and the increase of those in the earth who are aware of their Mighty I AM Presence and will take the books, so carefully written by the Masters and the Messengers, and read them and truly walk in my footsteps and enter the heart of Lord Maitreya and Gautama Buddha and make their ascension in this life. For the ascension is the power, and the empowerment, to raise the consciousness of the entire planetary body. And at no time in the history of planet earth since the last days of Atlantis has earth so needed, have earth's people so needed an injection of the Cosmic Christ consciousness to make them wake up, beloved ones, wake up! to the darkness of Death and Hell that they have allowed into their midst through the dissonant sounds of what passes for music, through harmful drugs and through the purveying of all manner of philosophies that are not leading the people to Life but to Death and Hell. Blessed ones, this is a time when many need an influx of Light in their beings. Well, I will tell you this. We are most happy to see you remain in embodiment even after you have earned your ascension and the right to take it. We are happy to see you defer that ascension to walk the earth with such an aura of purity that people of all kinds may see that aura and recognize the ascension flame around you and recognize the violet flame and therefore ask, "Where may I go to get to that place on the Path? Where is the fount of knowledge? Where is the fount of light? Where is the fount I have been looking for that was once in the great temple of Atlantis and is no more? I seek it. I would find it again." So, that fable of the fount of eternal youth that was sought by Ponce de Leon goes back to Atlantis. And that fountain of youth was a fountain of sacred fire and light that was there for all on Atlantis to see and use until those who were the fallen ones turned the children and youth aside from the inner walk with God they had once known and loved; and the fountain was withdrawn lest those of the left-handed path should use it to obtain longevity beyond their karmic lot (allotment). And I must tell you that when I think back upon those days I hang my head and I weep because the parents and teachers did not take up spiritual arms nor rods of sacred fire nor action of the spoken Word to defend their children against their enemies, the fallen angels. And so, desiring to be popular both with the "trend-setting" fallen angels and with their children, they sided in with both of them and walked in their ways, just as parents today imitate the fads of their children instead of setting a high standard and enforcing it. And therefore, the spoiled children of Atlantis have come again. And the spoiled children of Atlantis are here and there and everywhere in the earth, and they are not about to be intimidated by their parents. But the parents who spoiled them then must rise up now and with such fiery love, such profound love for their children and all the children of the world, toe the line! toe the line! toe the line! I can name not a few parents I know who in this life have not even considered whether their actions taken in regard to the discipline of their children should result in their children liking them or not. It is the last thing on their minds. They have determined that these children should be brought up in the way that they should go,{233} never mind the whimpering and the whining. Blessed ones, I would desire to be the father in every household on earth and instead I speak to the fathers of this Community and all in the world who feel the pulsations of my heart at inner levels: Fathers of the world, one and all, rise up now and raise the sacred fire of the Kundalini! Come into your discipleship unto me! For I will teach you the path of fatherhood. I will teach you the path of being the head of your household and being that one who does stand by your wife and the mother of your children. I will teach you how to take command of your schoolhouses, how to take command of the minds of your children. And I will teach the mothers, your wives, how to enter into this process. Look to me for guidance and understand that much that is taught today is of value and very good for your children. But there is nothing that can replace the divine example, there is nothing that can replace the example of right action, right livelihood - the example of piety, honor, the joy of a heart that is right with me, the example of working and playing with children and teaching them. There is nothing that can replace that fifteen minutes a day when the entire family prays together. And since you are on the Path and students of the Teachings, I suggest you use beloved Kuthumi's mantra, the "I AM Light" decree. Use that mantra following the "I AM Lord's Prayer" and a few others, such as the "Heart, Head and Hand Decrees." But do not allow your family to go beyond the twenty-four-hour cycle without fifteen minutes of family prayer. Set the time and respect it! I have observed Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists all over the world who have not the knowledge of the violet flame or the spiritual path of the Ascended Masters. Yet I have seen them more devout and more engaged in the ritual of prayer day by day with their children than I see some Keepers of the Flame. I tell you, parents, it does not matter and the Great Law will not excuse you simply because you have had fragmented backgrounds and childhoods that were unpleasant. You cannot be self-absorbed 100 percent of the time with your inner child! You must be absorbed in raising up your children and the souls of your children, who have perhaps been neglected by that fragmented adult. And if I have anything to say about it, I, as your Lord and Master Jesus Christ, will say it now! Therefore I say to you, O inner adult, formed by parents of yore who were formed by their parents before them: Rise up now and be healed! For I, Jesus the Nazarene,{234} come to heal you. Fathers and mothers, I come to heal your inner adult, who ought to be one with your Holy Christ Self, and I come to heal your inner child, who ought to be following your inner adult to wholeness. Take me up on this and take up the Lord Krishna, who has promised you that when you call to him to heal you of the record of your having been bruised or broken at any age, he will come to you in his Electronic Presence and he will place that Presence over you, being of the same age as you were when you were injured psychologically or otherwise. And by your giving of his mantras he will bring about that healing. Therefore I have pledged,{235} Krishna has pledged.{236} And when I, the Lord Jesus Christ, pledge, I have the entire lineage behind me of Lord Maitreya, Gautama Buddha, Sanat Kumara, the Father-Mother God in the Great Central Sun and all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who share the wavelength of each of the positions of the Masters I have named. Thus understand, beloved, you have but to call to one of us or to call to all of us. But call in the name Jesus Christ and accept me as the Lord and Saviour of your inner child, your inner adult and your inner being so that you may get on with living your life in the full joy of my Christhood and your Christhood and thus contribute positively to the lives of your children and your families. And if you are blessed not to have problems relating to the development of the psyche in your family, then I say, reach out to the children in your area through Scouting, sports, 4-H clubs and other activities that bring out the creativity of children of all ages. Yes, reach out! Work with adults and children beyond this Community, in the neighborhoods where you live. And see to it that you as parents spend that wonderful time with your children which they so enjoy. This can be in activities such as competitive sports, gardening, cooking, sewing, or drama, music and art. In all of these and more your hearts are bonding together. Reach out and teach others what you do best. Give of your talents multiplied in this and past lifetimes. Deliver them on the altar of God to the glory of God and then to the increase of your own attainment, making yourself, therefore, day by day more available to make exciting contributions to the talent pool of the spiritual Community worldwide. Blessed hearts, I appeal to you in this hour not to get stuck in your own psychology once you have seen it for what it is. Do not descend to levels of weeping, levels of sorrow, levels of indulgence in revolving and revolving and revolving and revolving the causes and cores of your psychological health. Many things may have happened to you whether through your parents or anyone in the world that may have stepped on your toes. Blessed ones, you encounter these kinds of situations all the time where you feel bruised and battered. But after all, you are bigger and better than any and all of the negative experiences you have had in your entire lifetime and many lifetimes. And beyond that, you have karma. You brought that karma with you. And you must take full responsibility for it and not blame the way you turned out on your parents or anyone else. Just call in my name that I might assist you in re-creating yourself in the image and likeness of the Cosmic Christ, Maitreya. And remember, if you are not dealing with karma, then you are being tested by the Archangels, or you are being initiated by the highest initiates of the ascended hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood. Therefore, come what may, meet life as a conqueror, meet life as a victor! And be kind. Simply be kind. Simply do not open your mouth unless you intend that what comes out of it is a kindness that is uplifting and supportive of the persons you are with. Blessed ones, you can take command of your world. But some of you have just not recognized that you can do it. Remember, you can do all things through my Christ/your Christ, who strengthens you.{237} Now, your situation is the reverse of that of the "ugly duckling" - the swan who thought he was a duck. You are like a duckling that believes he is a swan because he has lived all his life with swans, but he is still a duckling. You have not yet become that swan, that paramahansa. Yet you live among swans, the Ascended Masters, and so you take for granted that because you have studied their teachings you have the attainment of an Ascended Master, as if by osmosis and without soul labor. (Some of you will deny this, but I say it is so. And each one of you will have to ponder it in your own heart.) Yet when it comes to exercising that attainment, you behave like ducks because you are ducks - that is, you have the consciousness of ducks, though the swan is your true inner identity. Now take yourself for what you are, and no more and no less. Then look in the mirror and say: Quack, quack. I do not like myself the way I see myself. I do not like to hear my speech - quack, quack - all day long talking about nothing that amounts to anything, just making noise and getting attention and getting nothing done. Therefore I will decide to be that swan. I will decide to be that paramahansa. Yes! I will be that one, for God in me and Christ in me is that one. And I will go on a voice fast and I will pray and fast, and I will see the transforming light entering my body and I will know what it means to be a vessel for my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Blessed ones, I can save you only if you and I are one. We must be in agreement as one, in agreement on all of the major points of the Law, on direction, on the defining of being, on looking at the goalpost and saying, "That is where I am going and none shall deter me, and I will do everything I must do between here and there to get there and I will leave nothing undone." Oh yes, I am grateful that you are planning your days and keeping track of your hours. I am grateful that you have seen in Benjamin Franklin the foreshadowing of beloved Mama Ballard, as that was his final incarnation, which he even prophesied as Benjamin Franklin, predicting he would come in a new and better edition - and indeed he did.{238} And so, beloved, you have seen this fiery spirit come to earth again, determined that he would leave nothing undone but set forth the Teachings, the very teachings that have tutored your souls and established a foundation that was set after Theosophy and before the founding of The Summit Lighthouse and that has given hope and joy and the ascension to many souls. What you can do day by day is almost without limit if you plan it and waste no time, waste no breath, waste no energy on idle chatter or non-fruitful activity. Yes, we are coming with a delegation from Venus and a delegation from the God Star. These delegations, two in number, are coming to survey the spiritual communities that we have set up and that are on planet earth - from this, Maitreya's Mystery School, to those in the East, to communities that you have not heard of, and even to small communities within the churches where there are yet priests and nuns and those who are living together in the celebration of the Buddha, of the Christ, of Zarathustra, or perhaps they are Shaivites or perhaps they are pure devotees of the Divine Mother. We shall assess all communities. We shall assess all lifestreams in those communities and we will determine - given their present levels of commitment and what they are doing regularly on a day-to-day basis for the keeping of the flame of the mystery schools on planet earth - just what we will be able to do for planet earth and what we will not be able to do. Therefore the best move that each and every one of you here can make upon returning to your residences around the world is to get together with other Keepers of the Flame and communicants and to say to yourselves, "What is the level of commitment we can guarantee our Lord Jesus that we will maintain for him?" Do not make it too high, do not make it too low. Set your house in order. Secure whatever place will be your semipermanent place of operation, for there is nothing permanent in this world. Secure your altar, your study and meeting rooms where people can come and receive the Teachings. Put your houses in order, beloved ones, for by this July conference, specifically by summer solstice, the delegations will have arrived. We will take an accounting. We will see who and what we have to work with, and then we shall survey the planet and see who are the five million souls who are Lightbearers who could enter in to the path of discipleship unto the ascension if they were contacted and presented with the Teachings in a proper manner. Therefore you ought to consider a plan of action tried and true as to how you will contact more Lightbearers to be a part of the path of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters. Remember, beloved, when you converse with those of this or that religion on any continent on spiritual matters, you have the teachings of the Messenger on the mystical paths of the world's religions on videotape; you can present these as you bear witness to the mystical path of the soul and the soul's reunion with God. You have tools. You have videos. You have books. You have audiotapes. What good are they to you if you do not know their content, if you do not study them, if you do not assimilate them, if you do not drink the blood of the Son of man and eat his flesh?{239} If you do not assimilate me, if we are not one, if we are not in one body, and one in the Mystical Body of God, if you are not my twin and you are not my spouse, how can I save you and how can you be one with me to help me save others? You see, beloved, the stagnant pool is the place where people stagnate because they cannot take the next step. For whatever cowardice, for whatever lethargy, for whatever rationalization they may have, they will not enter in and become my twin and walk with me. Beloved ones, let's have a three-legged race. Let's be tied together and see how we like it. Let's see how we like running in the race together as one, pressing toward the mark for the prize of your high calling in God, in your own Holy Christ Self and in me.{240} I would call you my twin, even as I called Thomas my twin.{241} And indeed he did set forth for you teachings that are the liberating power of the Word. Think of yourselves, beloved, when you were with me two thousand years ago, when you had all of these teachings and you knew them well. And suddenly, lifetime after lifetime they were not there, and so you came under the woes of orthodoxy, the heavy weight of dogma and doctrine, which continually stripped away from your Tree of Life that strong and healthy bark of the Teaching itself, stripping and stripping and stripping. And then you awoke one day in the twentieth century, two thousand years later, only to find that some had labored long to preserve the Teachings. Some had discovered the ancient manuscripts and brought them forth. Some had translated them into modern language. And when you read them, some of the texts quickened your minds to all that you remembered of my words, and the Holy Spirit came upon you and you were comforted. Now turn around, beloved, and look at the millions behind you who did not come through the dispensation of my Piscean service. You must rise to the place of oneness with my heart that we might save them. You cannot save them alone; you need the mantle of the Saviour with you. And since you have not attained to the grace of the full mantle of Christhood in your own Christ Self, I am offering you the mantle of my own Christhood and that of my Electronic Presence as well, for the saving of the people of the world. My plea to you is great because my vision of the future is, on the one hand, the glory of the golden dawn of a God-victorious Aquarius and, on the other hand, looming large and looming near, the antithesis of a golden age of enlightenment and peace because those who had the sacred fire and the divine spark decided they would postpone their mission another decade or another lifetime. They made the choice to enjoy themselves another round before getting on with the challenge of stumping the planet until every last Lightbearer was reconnected to the Source and could receive the torch that was passed to him and move on. Yes, some of you may ascend, beloved, because you will have met the 51 percent requirement,{242} but none of you who ascend are going to be happy about ascending unless you have made the connection with the Lightbearers of this generation and the next and the next after them and you have passed the torch of the Ascended Masters' teachings and those who come after are able to carry on the traditions of the Great White Brotherhood. Notwithstanding, those of you who for any number of reasons do not ascend at the conclusion of this life will want to be certain that you have also established those ties. And if you desire to reincarnate in the twenty-first century or the twenty-second century and you desire to bring forth inventions and to fulfill various dreams you have had of following certain professions, well, then, I say, you above all people ought to be stumping to bring in the people of Light and to bring in the children of Light to the Aquarian-age Teachings of the Ascended Masters. For how else can you be certain that they will be there to give you sound bodies and minds and to reconnect you to the spiritual path you once knew so that this very path might provide for you in the future the indispensable foundation for a great mission that might be before you? Either way, beloved ones, unless the Teaching is preserved because you embody the Teaching, it will not be preserved at all. For heaven and earth may pass away, but my words shall not pass away:{243} they shall live forever in akasha and in the repository of the hearts of my true chelas! Thus, I summon my true chelas and I tell you, I am accelerating the Light in you, even as I am withdrawing the Light from those who have not seen fit to purge themselves of those conditions that they know very well are no part of their real selves or of this Mystery School. I AM Jesus in the fullness of the resurrection flame. And my angels will hound you to come back to your own right mindfulness until you speak to them the command, "Leave us! We no longer want to hear from you." This is my Easter message 1993. May you take it and cherish it, for I have delivered it to you with all of the cherishment of my heart, forever and forever. Amen. [34-second standing ovation] This dictation by Jesus Christ was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter Sunday, April 11, 1993, during the five-day Easter Retreat 1993, held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Before the dictation, the Messenger read from The Mahatma Letters, Letter No. XLIII by the Master M. to A. P. Sinnett. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Jesus' direction.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom. "Meditation for the Dissolving of Painful Memories" (27 min.) by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on 60-min. audiocassette (includes dictation by Saint Teresa of Avila, October 10, 1992) B92087. Devotions to Lord Krishna: The Maha Mantra and Bhajans 90-min. audiocassette, A92070. ****** Chapter 27 Beloved Magda - July 4, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 27 - Beloved Magda - July 4, 1993 Easter Retreat 1993 8 Roses from My Heart Meeting Your Needs at Maitreya's Mystery School The Sun of Righteousness Must Rise in You Today Malachi, Chapter 4, the Sun of Righteousness The Sun of Righteousness is your Mighty I AM Presence and the Light-emanation of the Sun of Righteousness is the Son of God, your Holy Christ Self. "For, behold, the day cometh that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up," saith the LORD, the Mighty I AM Presence, the Lord Sanat Kumara, the God of Hosts, "that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. "But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. "And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this," saith the LORD, the Mighty I AM Presence, Sanat Kumara, the LORD God of Hosts. "Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments. "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: "And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse." And this is the end of the books of the prophets. My beloved brothers and sisters, I, Magda, come to you this day in the rejoicing of my Lord, rejoicing in his message to you. I come with the sweetness of a rose, a pink rose that I place in your hand, each one. And at the conclusion of these dictations please do put it on the altar in the secret chamber of your heart, where the threefold flame does burn. I would, then, comment on this reading, for you must understand that the Sun of Righteousness must rise in you today. Therefore enter in to the ritual of the raising up of the Son of God. It behooves you, beloved, to tend to this and to see it and know it as the goal. For without the blazing sun of the Son of God within your hearts, you shall not be a Light to kindle souls caught in the Darkness. Know, then, that the day that comes that "burns as an oven" is the day of the burning of the chaff, even the chaff of the mechanization man, that robot creation that has not turned itself to worship the true and living God. Know and understand that those who do wickedly shall have all the Light of the Sun of Righteousness withdrawn from them in that certain day when the date of their judgment overtakes them. In that day shall come the Great Guru, the Lord Sanat Kumara. And his coming shall be the sealing of the books of the prophets and the Old Testament as well as the judgments handed down from the great white throne, "every man according to his works," i.e., karma. It is Sanat Kumara who sits upon the throne, "from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away," and who executes Divine Justice upon the godly and the ungodly, pronouncing the second death of the fallen angels and their godless creation at the Court of the Sacred Fire before the Four and Twenty Elders, as recorded in the Book of Revelation.{244} Even so, beloved, know that with cyclic return these days and hours do come. Do not be trapped in the maya of the seeming endlessness of hours and days and years and planetary revolutions and the setting and rising of the sun again. For worlds have changed before. Continents have sunk, continents have risen. Planetary homes have been extinguished and others have been born. And you have been through these episodes of cosmic history, yet you dare not take out the books from the unconscious and read the records of calamity that your souls have known. To those, then, who fear the name I AM THAT I AM, who are in awe of it, who love it, who place their souls beneath it, the Sun of Righteousness shall come. In those who are affixed to the God of Moses (revealed unto Moses and revealed by Moses unto the people) shall the one who is called the Sun of Righteousness, even the one whom Jeremiah called The LORD Our Righteousness,{245} abide. That Light/Sun-emanation is the Christ, who ought to be a blazing Light in your hearts even now! I say now, beloved, for the days are lengthening in terms of darkness and shortening in terms of the cosmic light. Therefore you who whine, you who complain, realize this, beloved: I am personally concerned for you, not because you whine and complain but because your whining and complaining is a sign that you have not raised up, by the great central sun magnet of your hearts' love, the Sun of Righteousness, both as Christ the Lord and as the Source, your Mighty I AM Presence. It is a sign that you have not raised up first the Son and then the Father to be the dominant figures in your lives; nor have you raised up yourselves to be one with your Lord - no matter what it takes. Some of you prefer the outer lord, the outer spouse, the outer wife, the outer child. Well, where shall the family appear when the parents themselves do not prefer the bonding to the Divine Spouse above their bonding to one another? But when they do, then in that bonding to one another they know the glory and the joy of their union as truly the union of Alpha and Omega reflected in their marriages. You give up nothing when you desire to be the bride of your Spouse. Remember this, for I am the bride of our Lord Jesus. Therefore, if you are not in the sunshine of joy, beloved, it may be because in your sensitivity to world pain you are carry-ing a certain weight of planetary karma. It is not that you are without joy but it is that you brace yourself moment by moment in order to continue to bear that karma. And you bear infirmities in the flesh that others know not of because you are so concerned about the rising tide of world karma and you recognize that your bearing a share of it can make the difference between night and day for millions of souls whose karmic load precludes their carrying even so much as an additional ounce of the world weight. At times, then, this lawful concern you carry for the karmic state of the world and her population begets a face of solemnity such as you would see on anyone who would strain at lifting a great and heavy weight. The serious mien is no sign that the joy flame has gone out; on the contrary, it is a sign that the joy flame is the very motor of your life. And that joy flame is truly great in the heart of my Lord, for he rejoices that you are willing to take on the burdens of others, even to carry some of their karma that they might yet live to know the joy of the rising Sun of Righteousness in their own beings. Thus ye shall go forth as the favored "calves of the stall." Ye shall go forth clothed upon with a Light that is electric, a spark that flashes forth from aura to aura touching the Light-bearers around the world. And so the blessedness of God shall increase, and the power of that Light in you, the Sun of Righteousness (and not of your lesser self), shall tread down the"seed," i.e., the genetic code, of the Wicked One and his line and all of the manifestations of their wickedness. For the day that cometh shall "burn them up," leaving "neither root nor branch." For their life will have been withdrawn from them by their own choice: for aeons they have chosen the path of suicide and therefore there shall nothing be left but ashes, "ashes under the soles of your feet," in the day that God does this. So it shall be. And these are the final words of the LORD God of hosts, Sanat Kumara, given to Malachi for the sealing of this book. Know, then, that the sending to you of Elijah, who came as John the Baptist and who comes again two thousand years later as the Ascended Master Elijah, is the sign of the return of the prophets of all ages that you might know that once again the true spirit of prophecy is in the land. And that prophecy has always come forth out of the flame of the ark of the covenant, which in this case does burn upon the altar of this humble sanctuary - a sanctuary made holy by the superimposing upon it of the mighty cathedral of light by myriad angels of illumination's flame.{246} And so the sign of the coming again of the prophet Elijah signifies to you that "the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD" is at hand. And the day of the LORD is the day of the dividing of the Darkness from the Light and the fallen angels from the Lightbearers. Therefore know that you can anticipate the visitation of the LORD in the day of his coming. And his coming ought to concern you to the point where you separate out from the Darkness within yourself in advance of his coming so that when the LORD does come and the day of that separation is upon you, the preponderance of your being is sealed in Light. Therefore see to it beforehand that you are no longer attached to the Darkness of the dweller-on-the-threshold, which you prefer to keep about the house as a pet, though collared and chained, and which may growl at those who come in the name of the Lord Sanat Kumara. Be done with that dweller, beloved! Be done with it! You have had enough of it! But watch out! For I prophesy to you that before you have done with it (unless you finish with it quickly), it shall turn and rend you. For I am also a prophetess and I prophesy to you that that dweller shall devour you if you do not put an end to it quickly. You must pick the time and not let it pick the time, beloved, for these are treacherous days. And so the coming of the prophet Elijah and the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood with him "shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the heart of the children to their fathers." For it is written that unless this be done, unless the people and, above all, the Lightbearers accept the intercession in their households of the great prophets, who are indeed the Ascended Masters, and unless the fathers' hearts shall be turned to the children and the hearts of the children be turned to the fathers, the LORD shall smite "the earth with a curse." And that curse is the plague, beloved. It is many plagues affecting many levels of consciousness. That curse is the judgment that will without warning separate the real from the unreal in those who have not called upon the violet flame to remove the dross from the gold in its alchemical fires. For the LORD God will not allow the division between the fathers and the children, nor will he allow it between the mothers and the children. But you see, it is incumbent upon the father to take command of the household. And to those of you who are mothers without husbands or fathers in your households, I say, call upon the Lord Christ, call upon Saint Germain, call upon noble friends who will assist you by being that father presence in your household. For the descent of the Light of the Sun of Righteousness must come to every child through the correct and proper relationship with a father figure who embodies the Law and the Lawgiver and the rule of Love and the presence of grace and joy and laughter and who sets the example of the Ascended Masters' teachings in honor. Thus, with the Ascended Masters at her side, with or without a strong friend, the mother can play her role as teacher. She can teach the child all that he must learn in order that he might grow and wax strong on the spiritual path, as well as on the path of accomplishment in those secular studies that are a necessary foundation to his vocation as an adult. So let those of you who are parents invoke the mantle of the Father-Mother God as you give the mantra "I AM Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending of all matters in this household." Blessed ones, the human family is intended to be the reflection on earth of the divine family. And the divine personages of Father, Son, Holy Spirit and Mother should be apparent in the demeanor of family members. If the children and the sons and daughters of God do not act as receptacles for the matrix of the Holy Family, where, then, shall the Light appear? Where shall the cradle for the Sun of Righteousness be? Where shall the cradle be for the next child to be born and the next if the old patterns and the old indulgences of previous generations are repeated and parents give their children human comfort but fail to give them that spiritual consolation of the Community of the Holy Spirit? The days shall wax dark. But in their midst ye shall know a Light and a great Light and a greater Light because you have loved the Lord, because you have pulled the same oars and pulled together until all things could come together and be manifest here. Therefore I, Magda, having been with Jesus both before and since his incarnation as Jesus, both on earth and in heaven, remind you that our Jesus is truly the Saviour of every soul upon earth, that our Jesus is here and now still enjoying the dispensation to help the many, to give you, his disciples, yes, some of your own karma to carry and to consume with the violet flame that you may pass your tests and prove your mastery. And, yes, he is coming again to heal you, to teach you and to give you that cosmic spanking for the chastening of your souls. Recognize his chastening as the greatest love you will ever know and as having the greatest benefit of any you have ever received. Recognize that love of Jesus and cherish it. I come to you, beloved, having been in the mystery schools that are attended by all prophets who have ever gone forth empowered with the spirit of prophecy upon this earth. This has been quite an experience. And I have been attending now for two years the school where I am presently enrolled. And so, if I sound as if I am bringing to you the spirit of the prophets, surely I am. For they and their message are engraven upon my heart and embedded in my garments, in my aura and in my mind as never before - though I, too, stood in Israel and Judah and heard the prophets speak unto the people and challenge them and tell them what was the right way when they were going the wrong way. And sometimes the people ridiculed, imprisoned and even stoned and killed their prophets, whereas at other times they listened to them and obeyed them only to find that they were saved because they had heeded the prophet's warning. So, beloved ones, if you desire an answer from God or Guru, do not be afraid to ask. If you do not want an answer but you want your freedom to go this way and that, then take your free will and fill your cup with it until you have achieved all that you desire to achieve. But remember, when you come to the end of the age, there will be a price to be paid for that set of indulgences. There will be a price to be paid indeed. I do not threaten. I do not even warn. I simply put on the blackboard the equation of 2 x 2 = 4. And what that 4 will be you will find out because God and Guru will give you your free will to experiment with right and wrong decisions and to drink of that free will to the fullest until you desire to say, "Father, not my will but thine be done."{247} My special message to you, then, beloved ones, is that as you read the scriptures such as they are, even though they may not have the 100 percent accuracy that you would hope to find in the texts recording God's word, yet the Holy Spirit does correct and refine for you the meaning of those texts. And I speak not alone of the codified scriptures of the Old and New Testaments but of the codified scriptures of all that is in print of the dictations of the Ascended Masters and all that is on audio-or videotape. Do not let the dictations and the lectures of the Messengers become rusty! I appeal to the whole world, to the entire field of this body of El Morya's chelas and I ask you to come and help with the publication of these Teachings on audio-and videotape and in book and booklet format. The Teachings cannot be assimilated, they cannot be gobbled up, they cannot be chewed up and digested, nor can the people become that Teaching, that Christ, that Word of God, unless it is in their hands. Remember, this Summit Lighthouse is a publishing society. You are here, called unto the Dharma under the Holy Order of Saint Francis and Saint Clare, to publish abroad the Teachings of the Ascended Masters. I, Magda, come to you in the urgency of the hour, when so many are in ignorance in so many quarters of the earth and in the churches - some in the very churches where I preached! And I say to you: Know that every book that you publish, every tape that you release may mean the difference as to whether a soul ascends or drowns in the astral sea. For if the soul is not taught the true teachings of the Sun of Righteousness, her mighty I AM Presence, if the soul does not know that she has a Holy Christ Self and therefore gives up in despair, unsatisfied by the husks of orthodoxy and not knowing where to look for her Bridegroom, not only may she not ascend but she may in fact drown in the astral sea. Blessed ones, let us remember who we are, why we are here in embodiment at this juncture in earth's history and what we are called upon to do. Put first things first and get on with contacting souls of Light, who, I tell you, according to the Lords of Karma, must at least touch the hem of the garment of this Path before they pass from the screen of life. For if they do, and that thanks to your efforts in outreach, they will not go down to the astral plane at the change called death but they will know that they should welcome the angels who come to cut them free and to take them at least to the kindergarten of the etheric octave, which is a far better place to be than even the highest levels of the astral plane. Blessed ones, there are many churches who have vowed to bring the knowledge of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, my Divine Spouse, to every hearth, to every home, to every soul upon earth. And they go about this with absolute conviction. Well, beloved, let your determination be to bring the Teaching of my Lord, including the knowledge of the path of the ascension, to every Lightbearer, every son and daughter of God and every child of God. For, I tell you, they will have a receptivity to it because once upon a time in ages past they touched the hem of Jesus' garment, they knew Lord Maitreya, they knew Zarathustra, they knew Lord Gautama Buddha. You must acquaint them with that one book, that one text, that one tape, that one something that will be for them the sudden opening of the eyes and the sudden opening of the heart and the sudden opening of the mind. You who have abundance and supply to spare, I pray you, bolster up this Messenger and this staff and give them what they need to get this job done! Join them! Help them! And make the necessary funds available that these Teachings shall be beamed throughout the earth via satellite to many souls upon earth before they must face the hour of transition, called death. For they may find themselves on the astral plane with no one on earth to pray for them and without having the knowledge of the science of the spoken Word to decree themselves out of the astral dilemma. I, Magda, preach to you and I plead with you to be concerned for the millions of Lightbearers on earth who can be raised up, who can yet experience the raising up of the Sun of Righteousness within them and who can yet live another day to give life and hope to those children of the Sun who have volunteered to come to earth from Venus and other systems of worlds to take embodiment here. And they come, beloved, because they believe in you! They believe in your heart, they believe in your love, they believe in your verve! They believe in your very nerve to stand up to those fallen angels. Believe me, you are winning! I am winning! Jesus is winning. And from the beginning, Morya and his chelas were winning! [16-second applause] And so as I take my leave of you, I tell you it would be my greatest joy to see many among you come to the place where, because chelaship is of utmost importance to you, your service hand-in-hand with Lord Maitreya, Saint Germain, the Maha Chohan, the Master K.H., the Master M. and my Lord are more important to you than anything else. Nothing could make me happier than to see you be tough-minded (yang-minded, as they say) and tough in every way. By this I mean that you take whatever positive or negative karma you get and you deal with it - because you understand that this is the opportunity life affords you. You deal with whatever correction you get from God, Guru or friend or foe, and through it all you come up higher. Be solid, be dependable, be there! Be there to proclaim the path that is Love's victory unto the Life everlasting. Blessed ones, roses from my heart! Roses to your heart! Roses upon roses of rejoicing! I thank you, I thank you, I thank you for every word and deed and effort and thought and prayer that you send out to God each day that empowers every one of us who serves from the thirty-three levels of the etheric octave, the heaven-world, every angel, every tiniest angel and Sanat Kumara, to do more and more and more for the Lightbearers of earth. And when Lightbearers are fully Light, as lighthouses each one, full of that Light of God and fully enlightened by his wisdom, do you not think that some of those who do not have the Light or have lost the Light will be converted? I say to you, some of them will be converted. But now let us go after those of Gautama Buddha, those of the Blessed One, who believed with all his heart and mind and soul that if he would tarry in the earth some would understand.{248} And by that statement he defeated Mara the tempter, Mara the fallen one. Yes, Mara did flee from him and he will flee from you too. So you must also say, "If I stay and hold the line at Maitreya's Mystery School, then I know the Teachings will be published and they will be cast abroad as the waters cover the sea.{249} And some will understand. Some will understand." That is all we ask for - that all who can and will understand will have in hand the Teaching that empowers them to understand. I am your sister on the Path. Hold my hand. I am with you and for you and for your victory. And I am for the meeting of every one of your needs, human and divine, here and now at Maitreya's Mystery School. [28-second standing ovation] This dictation by beloved Magda was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter Sunday, April 11, 1993, during the five-day Easter Retreat 1993, held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. The Ascended Lady Master Magda is the twin flame of Jesus Christ. At the time of Jesus, she was embodied as Mary Magdalene (see Matt. 27: 56, 61; 28:1-10; Mark 15:40, 47; 16:1-11; Luke 8:2; 24:10; John 19:25; 20:1, 2, 11-18). In her final incarnation, she was the evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson (1890-1944), founder of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel. During her entire ministry, Aimee lived in anticipation of the day Jesus would come to receive her as his waiting bride. For a biographical sketch of Aimee's life, see 1982 PoW, Book I, Vol. 25, no. 24, p. 257 n. 5. Her autobiography, Aimee (Los Angeles: Foursquare Publications, 1979), is available through Summit University Press. See also Robert Bahr, Least of All Saints: The Story of Aimee Semple McPherson (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1979). [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Magda's direction.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom. ***** 27.1 I AM the Witness - July 4, 1993 ***** Vol. 36 No. 27 - I AM the Witness - July 4, 1993 I AM the Witness "Thank You for Your Visit, Mother!" Dear Mother, I have so many things to thank you for, I don't know where to begin. Please accept my apologies for not writing you sooner to tell you how blessed it was to receive you at the Washington, D.C. Teaching Center on March 17. The whole community was overjoyed by your visit, and I am personally especially grateful to have had the opportunity to spend so much time with you. Thank you for being so kind and for putting me at ease. I always wondered if I would be nervous in your presence, but you made it easy for me. And you said so many kind and uplifting things to me. I will cherish those kind words especially because I have seen how unflinchingly honest you are, so I know that whatever you say, you mean. It is a wonderful experience to be in the presence of someone who is always truthful, always loving, always real. The only difficulty came in parting - I never wanted you to leave! I felt that my human ego couldn't come near me while I was near you; it was such a relief to have you here! Your shining example will be a polestar to guide me to the end of my mission on earth. How can I ever express my gratitude for that? Well, I think I know what your answer would be - "Become my example and teach others as I have done" - and I pledge to you that I will do so with God's help and yours, human ego notwithstanding. Mother, the thoughts and the feelings I have to express to you of my deep and abiding love for you, your family, your staff, your chelas; of my gratitude for the great, great service you render, so little appreciated in this world; of my appreciation for the magnificent job you are doing and for the priceless jewels you have shared with us through the Teachings of the Ascended Masters - well, it would take a book the size of a novel to express it all. Nevertheless, let me at least thank you for one specific thing. When I dropped you at your hotel the evening of your visit, you thanked me for being your good driver for the day and half jestingly said, "I wish I could have you be my driver at the ranch." In the same lighthearted spirit, I turned to you and said, "When do I start?" You paused, fixed me in your loving gaze and said, emphatically, "You're needed here in Washington. You have a mission here, shepherding souls." I want to tell you, Mother, that I had a good cry on the way back to the Teaching Center over that one - and I hadn't shed a tear through twenty years of my adult life, despite many heartaches. But these weren't tears of heartache but of joy and of gratitude to God beyond expression. To think that I could be a shepherd to others, that I could be serving my God and his chelas, that I had a spiritual mission! When I related this episode to my mother over the telephone, she wept for joy also. (This from a woman who used to think that she hated you!) She said, "It must have been for you almost as if God himself were affirming your mission!" Yes, God was speaking to me through his anointed Messenger. (Incidentally, for several months now my mother has been sponsoring your cable shows on her local channel!) And then to top it all off, you sent me the warmest, most detailed thank-you letter I have ever read! No courtesy was too small for you to remember and to give thanks for. As I read it, I kept thinking, "I'm the one who should be thanking you!" Mother, I am enclosing a little book I discovered recently, Embraced by the Light by Betty J. Eadie. You may have already seen it, since it's on the New York Times best-seller list, but just in case you haven't I'm forwarding this copy to you. It's a lovely account of a near-death experience that I think conveys much of the essence of the Teachings in a way that is accessible to many people, even those who might not be ready for this Path. Mother, you are always in my heart. I look forward to seeing you back in Washington, D.C. (hopefully, for a two-day seminar) in the very near future. Just let me know if you need a good driver! With all the love in my heart, "You Have Touched More Lives Than You Are Aware Of" Dear Elizabeth C. Prophet, I have been wanting to write to you for several years to try to express my gratefulness for you - one who brings Light to this confused world of illusion. I am not really even a member of your church body in a physical sense, but I share in my own way the search for Truth and Love and dearly want to bring healing to our sad earth. At this time, especially prompted by the false and vicious assaults I have witnessed on TV, I want to let you know - or rather to reassure you - that you have touched more lives than you are aware of with your guided teachings. In the past I have purchased quite a few of your books and have enjoyed watching you on Channel 33 (Cox Cable) public access TV. Also, I pray for your protection and that of Church Universal and Triumphant. I wish with all my heart that the general public would investigate for themselves instead of accepting, like a reckless flock of apathetic sheep, the garbage that the media/government gives out daily. All I can do is to continue to study the Law of the Universal Father, giving thanks and love in my daily life and, as often as I can, bring my consciousness to the I AM Presence. I use the verses and prayers in the Heart, Head and Hand booklet and the "Watch With Me" Jesus' Vigil of the Hours booklet. They have been a source of upliftment for me when I have been unable to pray. These prayers express so well what I want to send out on this earth and outward into our universe. I know that you are busy being about your Father's business so I will try not to be too wordy. It just saddens me so deeply to see those in such great spiritual need cast stones at the very thing they are in need of most - Truth and Light. I feel certain that you have seen into the future and know some of what to expect. It frightens me in a way to see just how savage ignorance and the mob mentality can be. I have often told my husband that if I were in a position financially, I would definitely go to Montana to study. Maybe I will be able to do so in the future, but for the time being I feel most fortunate to be able to study for the ministry with a rare individual who has her feet securely planted on the Path. It is my sincerest desire after my ordination in four years to serve in whatever way I am able - I know Spirit will guide. With love and prayers I leave you - Shalom. May Christ consciousness return to earth. Observations of a Summer in Kenya by a Student of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Academy Dear Mother, My name is . I went to Longfellow Academy for my eighth grade. I am presently in Nairobi, Kenya, spending my summer here and I wanted to tell you a little about it. I want to tell you because you gave me the opportunity to attend Longfellow and I was able to learn things that help me here and I can also see and understand things I never understood. Kenya is one of the advanced third-world countries but it still needs a lot of help. Here if you are white, you have money and so in restaurants you are served first. I think this is very sad. Here if you are white, you also take black people in for work not because you can't do it yourself but because this way you can help people in need. If you just give the money, it will probably be misused. Here the little street boys ask for money but this is not used for food but for glue. This glue is sniffed and it makes everything okay for a second. My aunt does not give them money but she does give them what they really need - food. Being here has showed me that my life is almost perfect compared to the lives of the Kenyan people. I have seen the slums. The houses are made of iron and steel. The rich slums are worse than many people can imagine. People tell you to leave things like this alone. How people can do this I don't know. I know I cannot, if I start imagining what my life would be like if I were one of those people. The saddest thing is that girls of seven or eight are living outside of good hotels because men in those hotels pay them to sleep with them. These girls are only left with scars and just enough to buy food. Looking at the things that happen here I can see what the Masters mean. Our world is going down the drain. It is so easy to be grateful after this experience. I again want to thank you for everything that you have done. Thanks. ****** Chapter 28 Beloved Hercules and Amazonia - July 11, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 28 - Beloved Hercules and Amazonia - July 11, 1993 Easter Retreat 1993 9 Know the Law and You Shall Conquer In Defense of the Messengers of God May You Pass Every Test of the Will of God! Beware the Dweller-on-the-Threshold To the world that is earth we go! And to the earth we say: Like it or not, here we come! For we the legions of Hercules and Amazonia are on the march! [29-second standing ovation] One, two, three, four! One, two, three, four! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight! We are marching! We are marching by the millions! And we come with that tremendous force of Helios and Vesta, of the sun of Helios and Vesta, of Alpha and Omega, of the All-Seeing Eye of God. For by your calls you are well nigh clearing false hierarchies who would suppress (can you imagine!) the living presence of the Eye of God and the wholeness of the Eye of God - the living presence of Helios and Vesta and the Sun behind the sun! Well, they become more stupid by the year, do they not? We come, beloved hearts. Yes, we come. [17-second standing ovation] We come in defense of the messengers of God. We come in defense of the chelas of the will of God. For who else can we defend except those who are in alignment with that will, that wondrous Law and that Law that is empowerment? Know the Law and you shall conquer. Know the Law divine and you shall be the advocate for all those who do not understand what it means to be on the right side of the Law. Know the Law, beloved ones, and you can defend every little one. Know the Law and you will make your ascension in the Light. Ignorance of the law of the First Ray is no excuse! And we are here to tell you, we, Hercules and Amazonia, that you must become knowledgeable of the law, human and divine, so that you are not caught and caught again by the traps of the fallen ones, who themselves are too lazy to learn the law - some of them, that is. But the archdeceivers, they are masters of the law. And therefore Satan, that archdeceiver, did quote the law to Jesus and Jesus quoted back to him the higher Law.{250} Therefore understand, beloved hearts, that to know the will of God, to know the law of God, is to love it! If you are born of God and born of the Light and have gone listing to this side or listing to that side, I tell you it is because you have not known of the riches of the Spirit of the living God and that the Law itself, as well as the Lawgiver, is power and empowerment! Now be seated, beloved ones. For you are in the presence of the Elohim of Power - the Elohim who can empower you, the Elohim who look right through you and back again. And therefore we see any out-of-alignment state in any of your four lower bodies and we desire to help you. How can you move about in ignorance of the law of your own body? How can you not know what is happening inside of your body? Well, beloved, this is the day when I say: Awake! Awake! Awake and know that you are either the master of your body or the slave of your body and of your false appetites. Come to know, beloved, that there is no greater joy you shall ever attain to than the joy of absolute God-victory over this flesh, over this heart, over these emotions, over these desires, over these feelings and over all of the clogging of the mind and the pores of your being with that substance that simply does not allow the light of the sun of Helios and Vesta to pass through. So you see, there is someone else, besides the fallen ones, who is blocking the Light of the Cosmic Christ in you. Guess who? It is you yourself, your own worst enemy! And I do not speak of your dweller-on-the-threshold. I speak of you - you, you, you, you, you, you, the very you! [7-second applause] Some of you decide to blame everything that is wrong with you on your dweller-on-the-threshold, as if it were some chained beast pacing up and down in the corner of your electronic belt who lunges to do all of these crazy things in your name, and you get blamed for them but it is not you! Well, I tell you, it is you, you, you! It is you, beloved. It is you in the nexus of free will, in the nexus of the mind, in the decision to get up in the morning or to stay in bed, to go to work or not go to work, to eat right or to eat wrong. These are decisions that you make. And therefore, by wrong decision you may increase the beast of the dweller and by right decision you may decrease it, but you must understand that that beast is not just idling in some dark corner of the mind. That beast has woven itself into the fabric of your being, and so you must fast out the beast. (Some of you have not gone through your Lenten fast. It is a bit late, but it is better late than never.) I recommend various kinds of fasts - fasting from the world and its consciousness, and fasting from the foods of the world. It is good to fast in springtime to purge your body from the denser foods of winter and to bring back life to your forces. And it is good to fast in the fall to cleanse your body of the fruits and yin foods of summer, thereby strengthening it for winter. Spring comes late in this part of the world and therefore you have an extended time to partake of the seasonal herbs. Yes, beloved, this is your temple and you will not get another until your next life, you see. And if you wait till your next life to get another temple, well, the world will pass you by. Your dweller may have grown a bit, or by leaps and bounds, and circumstances may be less fortuitous. Now is the time for you to fortify the mind by fortifying the vessel of the mind, which is the brain. Thus fortify each of your organs by the power of Light, by the power of Victory, by the power of that absolute God-conviction that by your submission to your Mighty I AM Presence your body will come into alignment and you will be enlightened concerning the causes and effects that are in your body. This is a statement well-taken, well-put, beloved. For you see, if you knew the truth, you would discover that by not holding the proper thoughts and feelings, by holding a negative attitude about yourself, by believing every suggestion someone makes (who shouldn't be suggesting at all), you do err. For sometimes if someone tells you that you have this sickness or that sickness, that you have this or that problem, you believe it as though you had gone to a witch doctor and that witch doctor had cast a spell on you and as a result you no longer had the strength to live. And so you go into this mood of morbidity - and then you are really in trouble! I tell you, in addition to the calls on the misuses of the science of healing on this planet that you ought to be giving at your Wednesday night service, there are the calls of the healing decrees themselves. You ought to be trusting in God for your healing, enlisting the support of those practitioners who are wise and able to assist you but not for one moment giving in to any verdict whatsoever whereby you are told that this, that or the next thing is wrong with you and it is incurable and you shall die, die, die! Blessed hearts, I warn you because among you there are individuals who have become hypochondriacs. Beloved ones, you are continually tending that body and taking all sorts of potions and admixtures of this and that type of supplement, vitamin, et cetera. And you are doing damage to your bodies, one by one, instead of pursuing a vigorous exercise program, getting in line with the sun of Helios and Vesta,{251} commanding your body to raise up that presence of wellness, that presence of right-mindfulness, that absolute firm conviction that declares to the body that it will not be ill, it will not say die, it will not go down until you have fulfilled your mission - and you fully intend to fulfill your mission! If you were in that frame of mind, then you would be humble and obedient before the laws of health and the laws of chemistry, which you can learn if you will take the time to listen to the expert that we have sent you.{252} And therefore you will know a life wherein your own Christ Self can enter not only your physical body but also your etheric, mental and emotional bodies and be comfortable and work through you and move through you. Blessed hearts, it is a serious matter when you accept a negative prognosis on your body and do not challenge it and do not call to your Holy Christ Self and your body elemental to reverse it and do not study what you can do yourself to reverse that prognosis and to summon the body's forces to heal itself. It is quite a thing to behold chelas of long standing succumbing to such aggressive mental suggestion. And sometimes I must bow my head to think that you, the chelas of El Morya, would so indulge yourselves in fear, fear of what the so-called experts have told you about your bodies, when you are the experts on your own bodies - when you tune in to the consciousness of your Holy Christ Self and your body elemental. At least you would be experts had you been studying the texts on health and healing that we have brought to you. Well, I AM Hercules and I have been in physical embodiment. And you have heard the tales, some of them of course very much embellished, of my labors. But I tell you, even without embellishment, those labors were difficult. And in those days I was subject to a body such as others wore and yet I had my strength, I completed my labors and I even balanced some karma that I had made along the way. So you cannot tell me, "Hercules, you don't know how it feels to be in physical embodiment." Well, not only do I know how it feels to be in physical embodiment, I know how it feels to fight against forces of Darkness bent on my utter and total destruction, even the destruction of my soul. And I know what it means, believe me, to be in this world and to summon the strength and the forces of Light that are necessary to defeat any adversary! And the adversary keeps coming and the adversary is cunning. And if you are not mentally and spiritually alert, he will insert "things" into your subconscious mind, bypassing the doorkeeper of your conscious mind. And if you do not keep the watch on the citadel of consciousness, you will not catch those "things," and those very "things" could spell your undoing. You must be watchful and recognize that even though the souls who come to you may be sweet souls, they bear the vestiges of the dweller-on-the-threshold nonetheless. And in all of those labors where I fought - fought for my life, for my victory, for my initiations and fought through my self-imposed penance to balance the karma that I had made - well, beloved ones, there was always the dweller-on-the-threshold lurking in anyone who would come my way, even in the most loving and wonderful people. So beware of this! And beware that that dweller can inject into the mind of another jealousy and envy of whatever you may have, whether it be your husband or wife or children or your possessions or your good health. And you know the stories of the evil eye.{253} It is best you keep to yourself your good fortune. Yes, beloved, remember, then, the charge Mark Prophet gave to you: "Trust no man." Now, adhering to this could make life very sad if you did not know the teaching behind the axiom. You see, it is wise not to trust the human consciousness that wavers even from hour to hour, but to trust the Christ in each one. And so you speak to the Christ in each one. You speak to that Oversoul, you speak to that guardian angel, and you go to the very heart of that which is real in all whom you meet. And you support the soul who has not quite made it to the altar to be made the wife of her Spouse. Yes, beloved, you can be everyone's friend and you can maintain a relationship of trust as long as it is God whom you trust in the individual. And since you do not trust the carnal mind, the dweller-on-the-threshold, you must examine the mood and the vibration and what comes out of people's mouths. For not that which goeth into the mouth defileth the man, but that which cometh out{254} - not only out of the mouth but out of each of the seven chakras. Shall you believe what comes out of the mouth or the chakras of the carnally minded or shall you not believe it? Well, you shall research the matter. You shall go after the cause behind the effect, the thought that preceded the word and the action. You shall leave no stone unturned as you sort out the real from the unreal but you shall guard the physical vessel [i.e., your physical body], for it is the dwelling place not only of your Christ Self but ultimately of Elohim. Therefore, the wise who befriend the souls of all put on the whole armour of God{255} by invoking their tube of light and calling to Archangel Michael for protection. Perfect the body and offer it as a chalice to God and see who among the hosts of the LORD will come and minister unto you - before you, behind you, to your right, to your left! See who will come and dwell with you and in you and be the angelic presence of God around you. When you attain to the perfectionment of self, you will have the strength as well as the softness. You will have the power of the Great Tao itself. You will know the meaning of the words of the Tao Te Ching. You will know the wisdom of those who have gone before you. You will have equanimity, you will have balance and you will not be moved by anything anyone says or does to you. You will not be moved by any condition of the flesh or the spirit. No, you will direct a ray of light from your Mighty I AM Presence into it and accept your absolute victory and your absolute God-immortality. Thus I speak to you. I speak of guarding the physical envelope, for I have been in physical embodiment, as has Amazonia. And then again, she held the balance for me from the highest realms of Light while I was in physical embodiment, overseeing our joint effort to raise up the once-magnificent race of women embodied in South America, who had entered into degradation upon degradation. Yes, beloved, it is sometimes difficult for a twin flame who is ascended or abiding in higher octaves to hold the balance for the other half of the Divine Whole, the twin flame in the earth. But the one who is in the earth does benefit greatly in having that tie to octaves of Light. And therefore do not take it for granted. If there are those among you who think your twin flame is not ascended, be not concerned. For the highest expression of your twin flame is in actuality your own Mighty I AM Presence and your own Holy Christ Self. And the other half of that pattern of the Divine Whole is vested in the threefold flame of your twin flame, who may be evolving on earth or elsewhere. Thus no matter who or where your twin flame may be, each of you has a mighty anchor in heaven and that mighty anchor is God, and his grace is sufficient for you.{256} And I say, let that grace be sufficient for you! Let it be sufficient, beloved ones, and then you won't have to be concerned with people who give you free advice; but you will remember that it is your mind, it is your heart, it is your body, and you must decide what you will do with it. And often what makes you decide is the subconscious or the unconscious mind - the psychology of the situation you are in when you feel bad about yourself and you take it out on your body by eating things that are bad for you. This may eventually even cause you to pass from the screen of life; and I tell you, beloved, you will take with you the karma of your abuse of your body and your body elemental. It's true. If you mistreat your body, you will bear the karma of that mistreatment. Do you think you will automatically reembody in a wonderful body if you do not care for the body you have? No, beloved, you will manifest in your body the karma of your last embodiment. So don't think you can get away with anything, even the misuse of the physical body. It will return to haunt you in your next life and the next until you decide to love your body and your body elemental. There are many among you today who carry weaknesses in the physical body that did not begin in this lifetime. You inherited them because you caused them in previous lifetimes. So now is the time to get to the bottom of your psychology, to get to the bottom of your eating habits and recognize that you eat not to surfeit yourselves and then collapse into a stupor, but you eat that you might live life to its fullest and serve to set life free and to enjoy every moment of it. You eat that you might fashion a body that is a suitable instrument for the ascended and unascended adepts of the entire planet. When your body is in right alignment, beloved, you will see and feel the power of God descending upon you, if you are doers of the will of God and not only hearers of the Word.{257} Those who do not do the will of God, who do not come into alignment with the laws of God, we cannot defend, we are not authorized to defend. They are out of the pale of our blessing. Thus be doers of the will of God, embody his Word and know his laws. How will you know how to do the will of God if you do not know the laws of God? Well, the answer is quite simple. You won't. If you do not know the laws of God, you are going to bungle things up. You are going to think you are doing right when you are not doing right. You are going to turn this way or that way when you should be going straight ahead. Doing the will of God and embodying his Word because you know his laws, you become the guarantor of your individual Christhood. In that mode you can set an example for your children and all who are entrusted to your care. And when you have the absolute conviction of the Law because you know and love and embody the Law - for you have studied the laws of God - then you can speak with love and kindness and a gentle warning: "No, no, do not go in that direction. There is danger in that direction, I assure you." And when you are able to speak out of profound oneness with your Inner Christ, when he who is called The LORD Our Righteousness lives in you, when you meditate upon the laws of God day and night and do assimilate the Word, as has been said today{258} (the words of the published and unpublished Teachings, which many of you have scarcely even gotten into though you have been on the Path for many years), when you know the Teaching and the Law, then you can deliberate and arrive at the right answers and be certain of your approach to every equation of life. It is those who do not know the laws of God who make the biggest mistakes and who, continuing in their ignorance, have made those mistakes for centuries, taking the wrong turn again and again. Most of you have made a number of wrong turns in life just driving your vehicles here and there. And you know how much time it can take to go all the way around just to get where you were when you made the wrong turn. Well, I tell you, some wrong turns in life can never be undone. They involve much too much - in planning one's life, in matters of money, in choices of education, of a profession, of community service, and in whatever is the next turn of the road and the next and the next. Some people do not come back to square one until it is too late, when they are no longer able to undertake the challenge of a lifetime that they should have undertaken years ago and successfully completed before they entered the next course. So we are on the march in the earth! We are marching in defense of the messengers of God. The first messenger of God that you know is your own Holy Christ Self. Your Holy Christ Self brings you the message of your Mighty I AM Presence - if you have ears to hear and a heart that is inclined to Truth. And since most people know neither their Holy Christ Self nor their I AM Presence, God sends prophets and messengers in the flesh. And they are protected by the Archangels, for they are under the mantle of God. And the saints of God are also classified among the messengers, for they deliver the mandate of the will of God and thus they too are protected. We desire to expand our area of protection. We desire to draw under the canopy of the protection of the Elohim of the First Ray many who if they knew better would do better. And therefore they need teachers - teachers of the law of karma and reincarnation, teachers of the law proclaimed by the Buddha, by the Christ, by Zarathustra, teachers who are willing to study to understand what are the elements that a soul must be aware of in order to have a glorious victory in this life. Blessed hearts, I ask you, then, to be the mouthpiece of Hercules and Amazonia, even as others of the ascended hosts have called you to be the mouthpiece of the Brotherhood. Be a mouthpiece of the law of God and enjoy that law as you would savor your favorite food or your favorite book. Yes, beloved, the Law is a living flame of Love. Justice is Love. Mercy is Love. And when you love enough to know the Law and you are able to defend the rights of your own soul, who has been persecuted lifetime after lifetime, when you know the law of the path of your Christhood and you know what ways are the right ways and you can anticipate the initiations that will come to you - on this hand from Satan, on that hand from Lucifer,{259} on this side from your own dweller-on-the-threshold and on that side from your best friends - then you are poised to accelerate and take off on life's runway. You must understand that these initiations are written in the law books of heaven and that all sons and daughters of God who are worth their salt and their mettle must undergo them and get beyond them and also heal the scars in their psyche with the glorious Body and Blood of Jesus Christ that is manifest in the ritual of transubstantiation, Holy Communion. Yes, beloved, when you understand the tests that the saints have undergone, when you put on their sandals and walk the roads that they have walked, when you understand that there is a succession of tests that you must pass - tests that are hard but can be passed - when you have studied the Law and you know the laws that pertain to those tests, then you are ready to come up higher, test after test after test. When you are totally ignorant of the Law, and you do not expect to be tested whether by God or the devil, I tell you, you are fair game. And you may simply fall in with a band of thieves or get into trouble with children in the school yard or the wrong crowd on campus or businessmen who cut corners, cheat the law, get arrested and wind up in jail. Beloved ones, when you do not know the law of the spiritual path and the laws of the nations and the laws governing everything that is a part of your life, you will soon see that your life is a hit-or-miss proposition and that you simply cannot afford to lose any more time in your state of ignorance. Beloved, there is no test that can come to you out of Death and Hell or out of God and the heavenly hosts that God has not allowed. If you are a doer of the will of God and a lover of the will of God, if you raise up the Light of the Christ and offer your simple calls for protection, then you must know that what comes to you is either for your strengthening or it is a karma whose time has come. In either case, it comes as blessing but it may seem to come as bane and only later be recognized as blessing. And because it seemed to be bane and you did not react negatively to it or to your God, nor did you curse your God for sending you some calamity, you score a certain number of points. But if when misfortune comes upon you, you rail against the Godhead, you are angry with your wife, you are angry with your dog, you are angry with your chickens, you are angry with anyone you meet wherever you go, well, beloved ones, you had better put all that aside, because you are going to get that test again and again and again until you pass it. And if you keep on hitting your head against a wall, you are never going to pass that test and you will have to reembody and you will still have that same test before you. And that is why, I tell you truthfully, some people leave the Path. They leave it early on because they see the handwriting on the wall after they have been around a few years. They see that if they don't have a mind to pass their tests daily, they aren't going to get anywhere, so they might as well leave. Or they leave the Path later because they have come to their twelfth year or their fifteenth year or their eighteenth year with the Ascended Masters and they finally say, "Hey, wait a minute! This isn't for me. I'm not prepared to make the sacrifices that are required at this level - or the surrender." What's more, they haven't defined the word surrender vis à vis their relationship to God. Well, it takes some people that long, beloved ones. And that's the way it goes when they haven't really reckoned with the rigors of discipleship on the Path. But you see, they have come to that place in their twelfth or their fifteenth or their eighteenth year lifetime after lifetime after lifetime. And this is a very, very sad situation indeed because there are only so many times you can be tested on the same point and then it is over. And then you suffer the full karma of having taken the Path and the Teaching and not having put it to good use when you had to make a decision between your lower ego and your Divine Ego. So, blessed hearts, what happens then? Why do you fail again? It is a combination of not having studied the Law and simply not having the will to be obedient to that Law and again saying no. "No, I will not pass this test! I will not even take it. I will not even be in school that day. I will be absent from the etheric retreat and I will be absent from the schoolroom where that test is being given on earth." And so, that is the story of many would-be disciples. Do not point the finger at the Messenger or the Ascended Masters, beloved. Let those who depart the Path recognize that it is almost like playing Russian roulette, because you never know when it is the last time that you will have the opportunity to pass that same test. If I were to put before you now the record of the Keeper of the Scrolls and read to you the names of lifestreams you have known and some whom you have not known, and if I were to tell you when and where they began to decide that they would not take a certain initiation, you would see that the record goes back to Lemuria and to past ages that predate Lemuria that have not even been mentioned in the texts that have been written regarding earth's early history. The failure on the part of lifestreams who lived long ago to even have the will to pass these tests stems from their original rebellion against God. And they have not relented to this hour. Beloved ones, of a truth, I must announce to you by the full authority of the Elohim of the First Ray that many of these very old souls are coming to the place in this life in this decade where they will face that test for the final time. And in their final facing of that test or in their unwillingness to face it, as their freewill choice may be, they will fall to the right or to the left; and if they fail to choose to be who they are in God, they will not be allowed to see a mystery school for many aeons. And some will come to realize that this time by their nonaction, their failure to constructively qualify the Light and multiply the dispensation they had access to, they will have lost their threefold flame. Beloved ones, I do not say this to in any way frighten or intimidate. I come as the spokesman of the Lawgiver. For you have a right to know when you are playing with the very destiny of your soul at the same time you are rationalizing that it is not necessary to take the next step and the next step of initiation but it is all right to stay on one level and remain there as long as you like. Well, you cannot remain an initiate of the Great White Brotherhood on any level if that is your conclusion. It is a faulty conclusion and it is not based upon the law of God. When you come to that conclusion and you have failed to pass that test so many times, then you are removed from the path of the Great White Brotherhood entirely and we must make room for others who have not had a preferred place, as you have had, and whose turn it now is to take those initiations from the very first steps. Beloved ones, this is not news to you. Your souls have known and been told from the day and the hour you first took up the Teachings of the Ascended Masters that the consequence of the knowledge of the Teaching and of the Path is that you must take it, take it to the fullest, drink the cup, drink all of it and keep on moving forward. Thus, as you do so, you are those who awaken to everlasting Life. If you do not, you will surely awaken to everlasting contempt {260} because you will have contempt of the Law and the Lawgiver and rail against God. And there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.{261} So understand, beloved, those who are not willing to take the initiations of the Lord of the First Ray, the Archangel of the First Ray, the Elohim of the First Ray and the Lords and Buddhas who come in the lineage of Sanat Kumara on the First Ray suffer a grave loss. And they go away in anger and that anger does increase. And perhaps sometime, somewhere, if they choose to cast it into the violet flame and beg the mercy of God, they may one day find a sponsor again. This, then, must be the understanding and this must be the self-knowledge. Thus, I AM Hercules, I AM Amazonia. We come in the joy of our love of you. For we are Father-Mother Elohim out of the seven and we have played a part in the very creation of the vehicles of your being, supplied to you at many levels, depending on the levels of consciousness where you have taken up your abode. We are very close to all evolutions of the earth and we have seen the majority go the way of their own human will. We pray, we trust and we hope against hope that they will return to the center of the path of God before it is too late. One of the initiations of the Path, beloved, is that the soul does not always know when she has the last and final opportunity. Some souls do know. And even though they know they yet make the wrong choice. What can we do but hang our heads and face the Great Central Sun and bow once again to the will of God? May you, then, support all on the Path with your joy, with your wisdom, with your love. May you support all to keep on keeping on. Just turn the corner and see the rainbow and turn the next and see how the sun dissolves all sorrow and pain. And turn the next and see how all that you desire, God is waiting to give to you, each one, as you pass every test. Thus Saint Germain has hurled that fiat to you and we do also: May you pass every test of the will of God! [28-second standing ovation] This dictation by beloved Hercules and Amazonia was delivered by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter Sunday, April 11, 1993, during the five-day Easter Retreat 1993. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Hercules and Amazonia's direction.] ***** 28.1 I AM the Witness - July 11, 1993 ***** Vol. 36 No. 28 - I AM the Witness - July 11, 1993 I AM the Witness "I Chose Life, Not Death for My Baby" Dearest Mother, Enclosed you will find my "witness story." I would like it to be considered for the "I AM the Witness" section of the Pearls of Wisdom. I also want to express my eternal gratitude to you for conveying my needs to the Ascended Masters, especially El Morya and Kuan Yin. Yes, I confirm in my heart that Kuan Yin's words in her dictation on Holy Saturday, April 18, 1992, were in reference to my handicapped child. Beloved Kuan Yin said: You know very well that today millions of people are desiring to adopt children. There is no possible excuse for abortion - none whatsoever (except, as it has already been said, in the case where the mother's life is in danger). For, beloved hearts, even if it is foreknown that a child will be born with certain handicaps and certain difficulties, as in a case that the Messenger has recently handled, that child has a right, as the Messenger counseled, to live to expiate the karma of being in that body. And if that child is to be given up for adoption, the opportunity will be given to others to care for that child and nurture in their own hearts the Mercy flame by ministering to a child who is not physically perfect but may come with a heart of great love as a sacrifice unto the nations. How will anyone tell whether a Christ might be born if children are rejected before they have even completed their gestation in the womb because some problem in that body is perceived and the doctors recommend an abortion at seven months? Mother, I would like all Keepers who read this story to know how deeply devoted you are to students on the Path. In the thirteen years of my involvement with the Teachings as a student in the field, I hadn't approached you even once concerning my personal problems. I believed in my heart that our Holy Christ Self has all of the answers to our dilemmas. This dilemma, however, was a real trial by fire. I made a few determined phone calls to your secretary and she returned my calls,telling me of your faithful support through prayers and decrees for my husband and me. (She even called me in the hospital to check on me!) I want other Keepers to know how really concerned you are for us and how accessible you are in an emergency situation. I wish I could thank you in person. There aren't words enough to tell you of my gratitude. There have been many miraculous events concerning this baby and (even though it was a horrible situation) it really points to the faithfulness of God. God is faithful to those who are faithful - and He does hear our prayers. So here is my story: I was pregnant with my fifth child when I became a statistic. I was receiving professional and regular prenatal care when a routine ultrasound at thirty-one weeks revealed that my child would be born with multiple handicaps. The prognosis was not good: the child had a spinal abnormality known as spina bifida - or "open spine" defect - which meant she would be born with a cleft, or hole, in her spinal column. (Only 2 percent of babies carried full term to birth are affected with spina bifida.) This had also caused one of her legs to be rotated at the hip and permanently crossed across the front of her body. Both of her feet were clubbed and she had excessive fluid on the brain, strongly suggesting some degree of mental retardation. She also had a piece of cartilage missing from her skull. How could a baby survive in utero or even through the birth process with such great odds against her? How could I take care of this child - crippled, incontinent, mentally disabled? Who could? Who would? Are people born like this truly happy or should they be aborted? I had been active in the pro-life movement for six years and I was asking myself these questions. I was receiving professional therapy at this time from various sources, including a genetics therapist, a neonatal doctor, a perinatal doctor, a pregnancy-crisis counselor, a priest, a preacher, friends and parents of spina bifida children. Almost all of them suggested that I immediately get an abortion. It had to be immediate, as I was half a week away from being outside of the legal limits for getting a late-term abortion in Ohio and almost every other state. The perinatal doctor who had detected the birth defects said that he could "manipulate my files" so that I would actually appear on paper to be less advanced in pregnancy than I truly was. (This is the dilemma on the medical side of it - at thirty weeks of gestational age "it" is a "fetus"; a half a week later "it" is a "preterm baby.") I had to make a heartrending decision in seventy-two hours. How did I feel about the unborn's rights? I had carried four other babies. What did I truly believe about abortion? In the preceding weeks I had received an anonymous phone call from a woman in Ohio. She talked to me as if she knew me and asked me if I would contact a private Christian adoption agency she was working with. She had heard of my situation from a close acquaintance of mine in northern Ohio and she wanted to discuss adopting my baby. She was familiar with the prognosis of my unborn child and, in fact, had herself adopted a child with similar handicaps. She and her husband were willing to take my unborn child with "whatever" her limitations would be. They had contacts with doctors who specialized in the care of these types of babies. I had a hard time believing all of this and, in fact, didn't take the call seriously until she called me a second time - even more determined to adopt my unborn handicapped child. After much internal struggle and many prayers, my husband and I decided against abortion and in favor of adoption. But we still had many trials to go through towards the end of the pregnancy. The baby's head was so large that the doctors decided that they would need to deliver her two weeks early by cesarean section. However, they dismissed me as their patient for what they said were "legal reasons." We were forced to go to another city to find a doctor who would deliver my baby and to find a neonatal surgeon who could perform the baby's spinal surgery. I have to add here that my family was being prayed for by literally hundreds of people throughout the world - including you, our beloved Messenger. Summit Lighthouse study groups prayed for me; a convent in Fátima, Portugal, prayed for me; Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, pro-life organizations, devotees of Padre Pio, Saint Gerard and Saint Thérèse of Lisieux prayed for me. I was enrolled in Mass novenas through gracious Catholic friends. My name was put in healing chalices throughout churches in Catholic and Protestant sanctuaries. During this time of great trial and emotional devastation I too had a spiritual responsibility to the child. What prayers and decrees did I offer up daily for this little one? Each day I would say three full rosaries - one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening with my four children. Between each decade I would petition your Holy Christ Self and the Holy Christ Self of various saints to intercede for me and ask for God's mercy. In the afternoon I gave a Catholic rosary novena consecrated to Divine Mercy. I prayed for mercy for myself, my husband, my unborn child and the prospective parents. I somehow knew that God's mercy would be the key element to guide me through this situation. During the last trimester of my pregnancy I was ill with a bacterial case of bronchitis/laryngitis, which made it quite difficult for me to have powerful, long decree sessions. Therefore I had to whisper many mantras, fiats and all of my decree work. However, in doing my violet flame decrees and decree number 50.02, "Christ Wholeness," I would visualize the baby's brain, spinal column and other affected areas bathed in the violet flame. During my pregnancy, I also did Ashram Ritual 3 - Sacred Ritual for Attunement with God's Holy Will - as well as decree 0.21, "Attunement" by Mother Mary. Throughout my crisis this ritual allowed me to literally "lean upon the Lord," thrusting myself into the arms of God. I did every kind of prayer, novena, fiat, decree that I could get my hands on to pull down God's will and God's infinite mercy into my lifestream. I believe that this is petitioning the Lord. This is the kind of prayer work it takes to make it through something like this without cracking up emotionally. This crisis took me to my emotional limits but not my spiritual limits, for I saw it as an expansion of my awareness in and of God. I would like to express with all of my heart that God heareth our every prayer uttered, whether it be for a miraculous healing or patience and perseverance to sustain ourselves. In my case, a miraculous healing on the preborn was not performed but the outcome of her circumstances was miraculous. On my birthday, which was close to the time I was to deliver, I received a phone call from your secretary. She conveyed to me a message from you that it was the baby's karma that had caused her abnormalities and that the pregnancy was my karma. Most importantly, she told me that El Morya had confirmed what I had known in my heart - that this baby was destined to be adopted and that this was the right decision on my part. One week before the baby was due, I received another phone call at home, an anonymous one. This phone call was from another family in Ohio. They insisted that God had intended for them to adopt this baby! (You mean there were two families out there that wanted a multiple-handicapped baby?) This turn of events, plus the fact that I was able to personally review between fifteen to eighteen resumes of families willing to adopt my child, made it apparent to me that there are hundreds of families (in Ohio alone) that target themselves as adoptive families for "special needs infants," totally eliminating the foster home experience. Yes, there are people who are willing to be the hands of mercy for God - willing to provide an option to abortion - no matter what the physicalities of the child are. I've learned this for myself, firsthand. Adoption is an option to CHOOSE LIFE NOT DEATH. In my heart, I knew that the first woman who called me was the one God wanted to have my baby. She and her husband are in their fifties, and my daughter is now their tenth child - their fourth adopted child and third handicapped child. These saintly adoptive parents feel extremely blessed for the gift of this little girl and the opportunity to care for her. She was born on March 11, 1992, with spina bifida and hydrocephalus (an enlargement of the head due to an increase in cerebrospinal fluid), as the doctors had said she would be. In addition to the deformity in her legs, her feet were twisted and wrapped around her ankles. (During my pregnancy I had noticed that I never felt her kicking.) She was also born with several allergies and a faulty heart, although this had not been detected by the ultrasound. After her birth, she was taken by ambulance to Children's Hospital, where her new parents and brothers and sisters were waiting to greet her. There she had surgery to seal up the hole in her spine and to insert a shunt into her brain in order to drain off the excess fluid. Before her first birthday, she had another operation to straighten her legs and feet, and she will likely need to undergo surgery periodically to replace the shunt. Although she has been given many developmental tests to assess mental retardation, she is too young to definitely determine her mental capacity. At seventeen months, she knows sixty-six words, which is considered about average for a one-year-old. Her mobility is better than what had been expected. She can move her toes and pull herself up into a crawling position - which the specialists say is miraculous and unprecedented. I can only attribute this to prayer. Her constitution is very delicate and her allergies often trigger seizures. If she gets too much of one kind of medicine and not enough of another, it can cause a seizure. Her adoptive parents have told me that her condition fluctuates daily, and so they treat her on a day-by-day basis. She is often in and out of hospitals and seems to have so many odds against her that every day of life is truly a miracle for her. I pray for my daughter every day. And I especially pray to Mother Mary to be with her new parents and to work with them, giving them strength and courage. They are so dedicated to this child that they have said they would lay their life down for her. They call her their "little queen" and I know in my heart that she is very happy with them. In 1992 she was chosen by a local chapter of the Spina Bifida Association as the Child of the Year. I have written this witness with the hope that it may help others. I am deeply grateful for the contact with the Great White Brotherhood and with you, their embodied Messenger. I could not have gone through this experience without that contact and without all your prayerful support. There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able, but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. - I Cor. 10:13 With gratitude, "No, Mother, I Am Not Going to Let This Stop Me" Dear Mother, You have helped me many times in my life on the Path, for which I am very grateful. One intercession took place several years ago when I was serving in a Teaching Center. There was a period of time when I was in turmoil because I felt the Teaching Center should be moving in one direction of growth and the director of the center (it seemed to me) wanted it to go in another direction. I was pulled between doing what I felt should be done and the desire to uphold the office of the director and do as I was asked. Early one morning just before rising, I found myself out of my body standing across a desk from where you were seated. We were out in the middle of a limitless cosmos with the stars all around us. There were no walls, floor or ceiling - only limitless space. You looked up at me with a smile and a joyous light in your eye and simply asked, "Are you going to let this stop you?" In the middle of this cosmos, where there was no sense of time and space limitations, problems on earth appeared rather small. I said, "No." Upon answering, I began descending through space, passing through alternating single vertical and horizontal lines that came faster and faster and I realized that I was taking on layers of time and space. After what seemed like a million miles of space and only a second of time, I landed back in my body, which felt like a dense sack of concrete. My first thought when I realized this sack was my body was "This isn't fair." From that point on, however, what had seemed to be insurmountable problems disappeared. I could laugh at the world again and carry out all requests with a song in my heart. I became unattached to all the little decisions made in the Teaching Center. I could see that problems could be approached in many different ways and it no longer mattered to me what approach the director decided to take. Since that experience, anytime I run into seeming unresolvable problems I call to mind your smiling face and the perspective of the cosmos freed from time and space and feel that freedom in my heart and say, "No, I am not going to let this stop me." The problems always disappear. As I was writing of this experience, I remembered something I had read in a book called Conversations with William Drummond. The book is a collection of conversations between Drummond and the English dramatist Ben Jonson. It recounts an incident where Ben, with his well-educated mind, was indignant that Shakespeare would have a clock strike three in Julius Caesar, since there were no clocks in ancient Rome. I could almost hear the master saying to Ben, with a twinkle in his eye, "Ben, don't get hung up on the clock. After all, time is relative." Thank you for all the steps you have led me through on my way Home. ****** Chapter 29 Apollo and Lumina - July 18, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 29 - Apollo and Lumina - July 18, 1993 Easter Retreat 1993 10 "Let the Floodgates of Wisdom Be Opened!" Wisdom's Reward Is Not Withheld How Much Do You Want El Morya's Sponsorship? So we call unto the LORD: Let the floodgates of Wisdom be opened! And so the LORD does command: The floodgates of Wisdom shall be opened unto those who have completed their training on the First Ray! - under El Morya and his Brothers and Sisters of the Order of the Diamond Heart, under Archangel Michael and Faith and the numberless number of their blue-lightning angels who wage war against the adversary of the Woman and her seed, under Hermes Trismegistus and his legions who fly under the sign of God Mercury and are the trusted faithful and true messengers of God's will, under Hercules and Amazonia and their mighty legions of the first order who empower the conquering ones and paint the sky blue, from indigo to azure, displaying the endless qualities of the blue ray reflected in the auras of First Ray initiates, under God Surya and Cuzco and the legions of blue-flame angels who by the swiftness of their flight map the highways from the Central Sun to the doorstep of every neophyte child of the will of God. Unto all of these who are obedient to the will of God and embody its virtues, let the floodgates of Wisdom be opened! Yes, in honor of the graduates who have graced and been graced by the Diamond Shining Mind of God, we echo the command of the LORD: Let the floodgates of Wisdom be opened! Therefore those who qualify for this dispensation are the trusted bearers of the Light who have passed their tests under the hierarchs of the First Ray. And since the coming of Alpha and Omega, of Helios and of Lord Gautama Buddha in a number of dictations, the dispensations of Light sent to earth by the Cosmic Hierarchy have been restricted to those who are the tried and true, the trusted bearers of the Light.{262} In his proclamation delivered May 13, 1987, Alpha so stated: Unto those who have earnestly sought and have for the most part maintained that level of Christ consciousness, going apart only out of ignorance or thoughtlessness - unto these I would speak: You who are scattered throughout the earth and in this activity, unto you is given tenfold opportunity to rise into that Christhood full, into that I AM Presence. Wherefore, no dispensation shall be forthcoming to those who have not sought a path of personal Christhood. ... Beloved hearts, the Divine Decree has gone forth that unto them who have Light, more Light shall be added; but from them who have not, this day there is taken away that Light which they have abused and misqualified.{263} Those who have squandered the Light and failed their tests shall wait until another day to receive Light and our sponsorship again. For after all, neither we, the Elohim of God, nor any other of the ascended host desire to be tied to planet earth for aeons and aeons and aeons to come! (And this would be our lot if we were to sponsor those who should squander a quotient of Light that we might give them.) This standard we have set is not "racial" discrimination,{264} beloved. This is the part of divine discrimination exercised by those eminent and benign beings who sponsor the Light and the Lightbearers in the earth. For many would-be initiates have matriculated at Maitreya's Mystery School. Others have, with the best of intentions, applied and been accepted at the etheric retreats of our Brotherhood. But often their expectations are unrealistic. Since they have been out of touch with the everyday reality of the so-called "real" world, they have even less co-measurement with the etheric octave, where the mind must take a quantum leap to equate with the realities of heaven. Thus when faced with a higher reality than they have had to face for some time, they raise up their defenses and say to their instructor: "Thus far and no farther. This is not what I bargained for. I have appointments to keep." So you see, beloved, your very sponsorship by Gurus ascended and unascended is predicated upon the willingness of Gurus to tarry with the earth and her evolutions. Thus you wonder and marvel at the presence of your Sanat Kumara and the Holy Kumaras, and we marvel also. But because the Lord Sanat Kumara has set the example, many lesser beings who are Ascended Masters, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and even Archangels have tarried with the earth. I tell you at the very commencement of our address this day that you know not what great and deep gratitude you ought to have for Sanat Kumara. For he has set the standard for all the ascended host: he has determined not to leave earth's evolutions, not yet. And all members of the Great White Brotherhood ascended and unascended have therefore followed suit. Thus I ask you to give a standing ovation to Sanat Kumara. [82-second standing ovation] Indeed, Sanat Kumara is the keystone in the arch of this entire solar system. Be seated, beloved ones, that I might instruct you in the Logos that is the logic of the Law itself. Why, then, do some have brilliance of mind? Why do some have facility in academic study, possessing an understanding of the way in which the universe works, while others do not? Well, I will tell you, beloved. In many cases it is because their love of the will of God and their submission to that will has given them qualified access to the Mind of God. For these are trusted servants who on their honor and by their inner balance and inner determination would never, never misuse the power of God, the law of God or the ray of the will of God itself. So then, beloved, the chelas who have made themselves servants of the Manus of the root races - of Lord Himalaya, Lord Vaivasvata, the God and Goddess Meru and the Great Divine Director - come to the place where the floodgates of Wisdom are opened unto them; for they have been ardent students of the Law and lovers of the will of God who meditate upon that Law day and night, as the Psalmist wrote,{265} and thus they can be entrusted with the knowledge of how things work. The "how" translates as the secrets of the mysteries of God revealed through the Cosmic Christ intelligence that issues from the Mind of God and is then superimposed upon the chakras and meshed with the human brain. Beloved, those who live in the will of God find extraordinary resources available to them through the Holy Spirit. And I speak not merely of academic learning but of the knowledge of the deep things of God,{266} for such ones have a certain depth of consciousness because they have pursued the spiritual teachings lifetime after lifetime. And to this hour their souls are deeply involved in the mysteries of God's will and the spiritual path at the same time that they are passionately concerned as to what future opportunities there may be for the Lightbearers and earth's varied evolutions. Those who have compassion, and that ultimate compassion of the Holy Spirit, and have "paid their dues" on the First Ray shall know this day in the earth, in the etheric octave, in the Ascended Masters' retreats, wherever they are, a new wisdom, a new wise dominion, a new self-knowledge, a new ability to unfold the fairest flower, the blossoming of the seed of Christ in the heart and the seed of the Buddha in the mind. Yes, beloved, wisdom is a gift that must be earned, and when it is well-earned the reward is not withheld. Some of the science and technology that is in the earth was stolen by fallen angels, who gave it not only to their underlings on the left-handed path but also to the mankind of earth.{267} Such goings on are difficult for us to prevent; for when the sons and daughters of God to whom this knowledge was originally given fell from grace and descended from the etheric octave to the physical, the very secrets of creation came under the control of the reprobate angels. These rebels against the Woman and her seed managed to perpetuate themselves and their lineage for thousands of years and therefore they were there when civilizations rose and fell and they are here for the rise and fall of many souls. And so the generations of Cain very easily injected into succeeding civilizations the know-how to turn science, invention, technology, the arts of metallurgy and even the DNA of the highest and lowest evolutions to their evil designs. So that is as it is. But they are shortly coming, one by one, day by day, century by century, to their termination unless of course they bend the knee, confess their sins, confess the Lord Christ as their Lord and Saviour and are willing to pay to the last farthing every karma that they have made. Very few are willing to do this. Long ago they followed Cain, who went out from the I AM Presence of Lord Maitreya. He left the Mystery School and many followed him. For the Garden of Eden was the place prepared for the initiation of twin flames - Adam and Eve and many others. Here they were given the dispensation to be initiated under Lord Maitreya that they might be restored to grace. But for some the pull of the classification of fallen angels called Serpent was too great. With Cain they said, "It [my karma] is too hard. My punishment [my karma] is greater than I can bear. I will leave the Mystery School. I will live out my life in misery or drunken merriment, then die the endless death from which there is no return." To this day the seed of Cain and other Nephilim gods are addicted to their tranquilizers, to their drugs, to their needles, to strong spirits, heavy meats and the perversion of the sacred fire in vile acts with man and beast. Their pleasure cult is their ultimate denial of Reality and the drowning of what was once a living soul. For them it is easier to commit suicide, ultimate spiritual and physical suicide, than to retrace all those footsteps taken on the left-handed path since they turned their backs on the Great Central Sun and decided to walk in their own shadow. Beloved hearts, know, then, the meaning of the true path of the wisdom of God and know that it is laid upon the foundation of the Guru-Chela relationship. {268} This path, which remains under the direction of Lord Maitreya, the same Lord who walked and talked with Adam and Eve and other twin flames in the Mystery School, begins with faith in yourself and trust in your Guru. I would speak to you, then, of the requirement for faith in yourself and in your ability to be a chela on the Path. For this you need a goodly portion of self-confidence, which must needs be built first and foremost on spiritual foundations - self-knowledge that you have come from God, that you will return to God and that because your soul is deeply rooted in Reality you can weather any storm, from the worst to the best of your karma, from the crucifixion to the descent into Death and Hell and back again. This is the track of your inner life. It is a path of soul initiation that you walk by faith. The track of your outer life, which also builds faith, is your accomplishment in your profession and in your interpersonal relations as a community servant meeting your obligations to family, friends, country and world. The faith you accumulate by your own consistent faithfulness becomes bricks of trust cemented in the deep foundations of being. Because you are faithful to yourself, made in the image of God, you have solid, unswerving trust in El Morya, faith in your I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self, and faith in God. Then, because you are rooted in the bedrock of your own Being, you can begin to dig up and turn over the layers of the unconscious and the subconscious. And when you uncover a heap of troubles and crosscurrents of energy, I say, take recourse in the Immaculate Heart of the blessed Mary and in the Merciful Heart of the Bodhisattva Kuan Yin. In the Immaculate Heart you discover that Mary is holding for you the immaculate concept of your reason for being fulfilled in this life. For the Immaculate Heart sees the original blueprint of the soul and understands the soul's point of origin in the perfection of Elohim. The Mother of the Saviour understands with the compassion of the Divine Mother's heart how you went out of the way of your God-Reality and how you compromised your relationship to Lord Maitreya. She will help you to untangle the tangles of your karma. She will wield her Son's sword of peace to halt the warring in your members, warring with your God, warring with the very ones you love - and hate. Great is the power of Mother Mary's intercession on behalf of your households and your families. You would do well to play the audiocassettes of her Scriptural Rosaries for the New Age upon arising. Your Mother does not mind if you recite them as you prepare for the day or drive to work, if that is the only time you have. But she urges you to sustain contact with her Immaculate Heart through the rosary, for thereby you empower her to restore your soul to wholeness. And when you also seek recourse in the Merciful Heart of Kuan Yin, you come to understand from another perspective that mercy is as mercy does - that is, if you extend mercy to life, life extends mercy to you. And if there is one thing that you can do, and that you should be willing to do, to consume as quickly as possible the remnants of pain from abuses to your soul recorded in the conscious or unconscious mind, it is this - to extend mercy to every part of Life{269} and to have such a profound, compassionate sense of mercy toward those who have abused you or gone astray that you can say to yourself: "There but for the grace of God go I. I will extend mercy to that part of Life, for no matter what problems I am going through, I know that that one needs me now. In the name of my Lord I will extend a tender, merciful, supporting presence to lift that one out of his bitterness toward parents, toward God, toward life." So you see, beloved, we have intertwined the fourteen stations of the cross being borne by the Woman and her seed betwixt these two heavenly beings, braiding the Hail Mary with the Chinese mantras offering homage to the sacred names of Kuan Yin.{270} Thus combining the Immaculate Heart of Mary with the Merciful Heart of Kuan Yin, you have the two most well-known heavenly mothers - one from the East and one from the West - to guide you in balancing your Eastern and Western karmas. There is great value in studying the origins of the mantras of Kuan Yin, for through these you center your mind in the minds of the ancient ones of China. And as you recite the mantras in purest devotion, you begin to access the fohatic keys that are locked into the formulas of the mantras. These keys release concentrated foci of Light to the pure in heart. Thus you imbibe the nectar of Kuan Yin's wisdom, as she is one with the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the cosmos just as Mary is one with the saints of Christendom and, if it is to be known, the saints of all legitimate spiritual paths. These two World Mothers take you to the Heart of the Divine Mother, who is the source of Wisdom. It is she who unleashes its floodgates. This is quite an initiation and powerful, and she metes it out measure for measure and not all at once. But the opening of those floodgates allows you to receive understanding little by little and more and more as you make it your goal to be in harmony in the will of God. And now and again the heavenly spheres of your Causal Body are opened to you where that great wisdom is stored, and the Mind of God is opened to you through your purest love for your Mighty I AM Presence. And as you pursue the powerful call to the All-Seeing Eye of God that Cyclopea dictated to Mark Prophet, not only is your spiritual eye opened but your higher mind is also opened to you, and suddenly you have knowledge that you did not have five minutes before and you know that it came from nowhere except God. Knowledge of things in the earth and of things above and beneath the earth, knowledge of prophecy of things to come in this world and in the next, the sudden mastery of subject matter that you have not studied in this life - such are the gifts of the wisdom of God that come to trusted devotees. Moving on from the disciplines of El Morya's Darjeeling retreat to your studies under Lord Lanto, the Chohan of the Second Ray, is a very important step. And you are not promoted until you have passed many, many initiations on the First Ray. Of course, because you have free will, you can appropriate the heavenly light and science stolen by fallen angels from initiates of the Holy Kumaras gone astray. This is plucking forbidden fruit all over again, justified by the justification "Let us do evil that good may come."{271} Yes, you can build your towers of Nimrod, but they will never be endowed with the flame of the ark of the covenant, the flame of the Holy Spirit. This is why much intellectual knowledge is brittle and just plain boring - then again, it can be fun and fascinating. Those who have bought it have bought it on the black market. They go in and out by the back door. They have not entered in by the door of the Shepherd, Jesus Christ - into the fold of his sheep, who are his disciples. They have not surrendered to the Mind of Christ that encompasses the secrets of the whole of the created and the uncreated worlds. Jesus discoursed on the true Guru-chela relationship when he said: He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. ... Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.{272} And so, the hireling intellect can rave on and on. It can strut about and show off its prowess, but it can only imitate the Christ Mind of the Shepherd so long. For the true disciples can see that the intellect without heart is nothing; furthermore, the intellect can contain but a thimbleful of the wisdom of the Mind of God. And what can you take with you of an accumulation of a lifetime or lifetimes of intellectual knowledge if that knowledge is not endowed with a heart flame, with the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, with the values that originate in the will of God, in the wise dominion of one's affairs and the submission of the soul to God? Now I say to you, beloved, we see in many worthy chelas that there is yet turmoil in the subconscious and unconscious planes of being. Therefore as you plow the field of the mind, turning things over, uncovering and covering, you must douse that soil and whatever comes to light with heavy doses of violet flame. Take the opportunity to give Kuan Yin's Crystal Rosary once a month on the third Saturdays, beginning early in the morning. Walk the stations of the Aquarian cross with the Woman and her seed. Enter this rosary bearing the cross of the World Mother and exit it as the resurrected Christ. Call for the softening of the heart and use Kuan Yin's mantras to transmute all hardness of heart. Open up your heart to a new love for all people. Feel the joy of Christ and Buddha coming into your soul that you can now give without reserve to receptive souls who will guard the flame of that joy on the altar of the heart. Truly, the liberated heart is the sign of the adept. The adept is the one of highest love; and because he has the highest love, he is not lacking in intellect but his intellect derives from the Mind of God. The one who has the highest love will, because he loves, acquire the knowledge of the things of this world as well as the knowledge of the things of God. Thus balanced, he is ultimately effective on the path of righteousness. I would humbly suggest - for even we as Elohim are humble before the tiny flame that burns in your heart - that having so given your honor and gratitude to Sanat Kumara, you forget not your El Morya. Realize that he carries a certain weight of your individual karmas (yet not all) that you might receive divine dispensations of mercy and justice for the perpetuation of your individual chelaship and your Community. Realize that he could do so much more for you if you would honor his day. You must not take for granted the Master who has sponsored this activity of the Great White Brotherhood. Do not distrust him when you see that those things that you are pounding your fist on the table for or stomping your feet for are not falling in your lap overnight. Do not lose trust in the Master and forget, forget, forget, as the force would have you forget, that there are tests to be passed. Thus I would remind you, beloved, every Tuesday is Morya's day. And if you really want to solve all problems in your life, then let every one of you - and especially those of you who are thinking right now that you are excluded, for I say you are not - come here to King Arthur's Court or your private sanctuaries and altars by 5:00 or 5:30 on Tuesday mornings and pour your hearts into your will of God decrees until it is time for you to tend to the work of the day. By plugging in on Tuesdays you are building momentum for the fourth of each month. {273} I tell you, beloved, if you could see how Morya El turns heaven and earth upside down for you, how he enlists his own angels in your defense as well as the angels of God Mercury and the angels of any hierarch in heaven that he can possibly call upon, you would not want to be missing from his Tuesday a.m. roll call. Why, he knocks on the doors of countless ones throughout the hierarchy, saying, "May I borrow your angels? May I take them to Montana? May I use them to wage war against the forces that would subvert the purposes of our Community there?" Beloved hearts, if you were as dedicated to El Morya as he is to you and if you knew what assignments he takes upon himself to sustain this Community, you wouldn't even think twice about retiring early on Monday so you could get to the altar on Tuesday a.m. and give him the decrees he needs to get the job done for you and the planet. And some of you, I know, will be back Tuesday evening for Morya's sake. And then on the fourth, be willing to do what you would have been willing to do before you found this Teaching. As the Messenger said to God before she found Saint Germain, "I would crawl on my belly all the way around the earth just to find the Ascended Masters and their path." Blessed ones, I speak to each of you, heart to heart, and I ask you this question: How much do you want the sponsorship of El Morya? Well, I tell you, think about it. And then think to yourself how much you as a chela will sponsor El Morya, how much you will trust him, will rejoice in him, will know that whatever he is doing he is working out the purposes of God in your life as much as you will let him! And as much as your karma will let him! I say, let us inaugurate the remainder of the spring cycle unto the July conference with a renewed dedication to that Diamond Heart of Morya, that Diamond Heart of Light that will take you, beloved, where you want to go as long as where you want to go is the will of God. [34-second standing ovation] From our home in Wisdom's retreat,{274} we counsel you to lock into the heart of your Divine Spouse El Morya, your Guru, and to determine to be in that will of God until all things in your life come into place - every piece in the puzzle. Let the Zen Master Morya have his day in your heart, and see what he can do for you and what you can do for him! We, Apollo and Lumina, seal this conference and we seal it in the greatest heart of all, the heart of Almighty God, who has given to us the heart of El Morya and his chelas. [50-second standing ovation. Messenger turns toward the portrait of El Morya and she and the congregation extend salutations to the Master:] Hail, El Morya! [Congregation joins in, clapping:] Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! This dictation by beloved Apollo and Lumina was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter Sunday, April 11, 1993, during the five-day Easter Retreat 1993, held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Apollo and Lumina's direction.] Teachings by the Messenger on the Origins of the Mantras of Kuan Yin "The Path of the Divine Mother East and West: Mother Mary and Kuan Yin," Part I, February 14, 1988. Teachings and mantras on the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Merciful Heart of Kuan Yin. Audiocassette: 3 cassettes, 3 hr. 47 min., A88059. "Teachings, Meditations and Mantras of Kuan Yin and Mother Mary," April 2, 1988. Foundational teaching on the ten vows of Kuan Yin and Kuan Yin's mantras arranged on the fourteen stations of the Aquarian cross. Videocassette: 3 cassettes, 4 hr. 8 min., GP88042. Audiocassette: 3 cassettes, 4 hr. 10 min., A88052. "Kuan Yin's Miracle," May 8, July 1, October 8-9, 1988. Teachings and meditations on the mantras of the thirty-three manifestations of Avalokitesvara/Kuan Yin. Audiocassette: 4 cassettes, 5 hr. 12 min., A88068. ***** 29.1 I AM the Witness - July 18, 1993 ***** Vol. 36 No. 29 - I AM the Witness - July 18, 1993 I AM the Witness And Jesus answered and said, "Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's, but he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life. "But many that are first shall be last; and the last first." Mark 10:29-31 Dear Mother, Thank you and the Masters for all the opportunities that have been given and will be given to me and all others who have had the Path opened to them. And thank you for the opportunity to be here as a part of your staff. I was reading the recent Pearl by Hercules and Amazonia (vol. 36, no. 28, "Know the Law and You Shall Conquer") and was thinking about all the time I have spent on staff, the years in the Teachings and all the growth that has gone on in my soul, my consciousness, my life - all the lessons I have learned and all the tests that have come my way. To be with Christ on the road to Emmaus, as the disciples who walked with Jesus were - this is what being in the Teachings is all about. To learn to discern who is Christ and when he is with us and how he guides and comforts us, and to discern that burning in our hearts when he is present with us - this is the Path. This is what we gain through all our testing and through the guidance of these Teachings and your assistance. I want to tell you how grateful I am for your being here and for the Community and staff. I recently went through a time of testing that I would like to share because I think we all go through it at various times and in various degrees as we internalize the Teachings and let go of more and more of the world and all its allure, its maya. I had a busy summer working at the ranch and was very tired as the summer came to a close. At a certain point I felt that I just couldn't handle it anymore. I wanted to leave. (Please understand that I love being here more than anything but certain circumstances, certain situations, had come together and pushed me to the point of feeling I had had enough.) I see now that it was a major test for me. It was a test of my love and really an opportunity to see how much I had grown and how much I had internalized the Teachings. I spent several days wallowing (I think that's the best word to describe it) in my own human consciousness. I was upset about the way someone was treating me, upset about conditions in my department, conditions on staff. This "wallowing" just went on and on. Finally I had had enough. I sat down with myself and said, "Wait a minute. What's going on here? This is not like you at all. You need to take a closer look at all of this." So I asked myself a few questions: "Is your interaction with another person enough to make you leave staff?" (The answer was, of course, "No.") "Is the way you interact in your department with other staff enough to make you leave?" ("Of course not.") As I sat there asking myself these questions, I went deeper and deeper into myself trying to find out what was causing me to feel the way I did. After peeling back several layers of this and that that didn't really make any sense, I finally got to the bottom - and bottom is the best word to describe it. There "it" was in all its phony glory: my dweller. Finally it had no place to hide anymore. I realized that all that was bothering me really came down to one thing. I was losing a part of myself. But what part? I had let go of my family, my friends, my job, my business, an identity that was me but not really the best part of me and I felt it was slipping away and it scared me. I realized the scared part of me was my dweller, which was losing the battle over my soul. I had two parts of me pulling in two different directions - the part of me that was on the road with Jesus and the part of me that wanted the world. This is what Paul called the "warring in the members," and what it comes down to is the Y in the road. Which part of us do we want: the desire to follow Jesus, to walk and talk with him and eventually to become him, or the desire to go the way of the world? I think that this testing comes many times in many guises. Sometimes in little ways, very subtle ways, and sometimes in major testings, but it is part of the Path. As Jesus said to Peter three times, "Do you love me?" so we also get our tests several times. Jesus asks us: "Do you love me?" And each time we answer, "Yes, Lord," but each time it gets a little harder and each time it requires a little deeper digging into the heart for the answer. And each time we need to stop and come to the point where we feel that burning in the heart that we as disciples should feel as we walk and talk with Jesus on our path home to God. Yes, this is the Path: to learn the discernment of spirits, even in oneself. The world has much to offer, but all it offers comes and goes. What God has to offer concerns our spirit, and we can receive it if we can just let go and follow Jesus, who left such a beautiful path and example and who walks and talks with us if we let him. Again, I am so grateful to be here and to have this path and this guidance all the way home. Thank you. All my love, A chela Appreciation for the Pearls of Wisdom To Whom It May Concern: May I express my most heartfelt appreciation for the publishing of the wonderful Teachings and treasures of Light from the beloved Masters! And to think I receive them in the mail once a week addressed directly, personally to me! Sometimes I have gotten behind in reading the Pearls, but every time I pick one up to read, I know my Holy Christ Self is directing me because the message is so relevant to where I am on the Path. My heart thrills and is inspired by such intimate leading of my soul by my Holy Christ Self as well as by the beloved Masters! I AM truly grateful not only for this blessing of illumination and constant comfort but also for the fact that when I recently renewed my subscription for three months, I received a gift subscription for a whole year! As I gladly receive, so shall I gladly give of the Light of God that never fails as I have opportunity to commune at the Lord's table with others. God bless you in spreading the Word! In thanksgiving and praise, I AM ****** Chapter 30 Beloved Arcturus and Victoria - July 25, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 30 - Beloved Arcturus and Victoria - July 25, 1993 Easter Retreat 1993 11 Rub the Violet Flame Lamp and See What Happens So you will decide whether the violet flame shall be for you the point of the springboard of your victory! So you will decide whether this vessel of chakras shall now be the seven openings for the flame of violet fire to pass through as you allow yourself to be Krishna's flute! So you will decide what the violet flame will be as the x factor in the turning around of your life, your economy, your outlook! Everything that happens to you in this world can be altered by the violet flame! Only you can decide. The violet flame sea is in place.{275} Omri-Tas is in place.{276} We, Elohim of the Seventh Ray, saturate the earth daily with violet flame dew. So, beloved hearts, you will decide whether the waters under the earth, whether the earth itself, whether all this pollution that is killing wildlife and killing the bodies of human beings shall be transmuted or whether it shall not. For somehow this human mind that carries the cast of the dweller-on-the-threshold and the not-self does not quite believe, even in the minds and hearts of chelas, that the violet flame can do everything - everything that you need to have done. I am going to take you on tours once again.{277} I am going to take Lightbearers who make it to the universities of the Spirit in the etheric octave on tours to the Violet Planet. I want you to see with your very eyes, your spiritual eyes and your spiritual senses, what the violet flame can do for you day by day and what you can do for planet earth. All rests in the hearts of those who become true believers in the violet flame. Now, many of you believe you are true believers. But, beloved ones, true believers will truly do more when they see daily and nightly on the news and in the papers the catastrophes that are happening everywhere. Have you been swift, then, to douse the explosions with violet flame - the most recent one having been in the Soviet Union, where there has been toxic chemicals, toxic radioactive substance spewing forth? Have you been quick to leap upon this and that situation with your violet flame decrees? Well, beloved ones, if you have not, I understand. For I see clearly that the violet flame has not sunk deeply enough into your being and consciousness to absolutely convince you that your voice giving the violet flame calls will make the difference, and that those calls shall be multiplied ten thousand times ten thousand,{278} and that your mandates shall be carried out by all legions of the violet flame and those whom you send under Sanat Kumara and the Seven Archangels according to the dispensation given.{279} Yes, beloved hearts, seeing is going to be believing. And we are going to see to it that at some level of your being, both conscious and unconscious, you shall acknowledge the miracles of the very violet flame that you invoke. When an alchemist goes to his laboratory, if he does not perform the experiment, if he does not engage in alchemy, nothing happens. Well, if you do nothing, you will see nothing! And so the experiment must include your invoking the violet flame for a certain amount of time each day until you have a momentum building in your aura. After all, beloved, you are used to paying a price for a Popsicle or a candy bar or a bottle of Coke. Why not pay the price, through giving decrees to the violet flame, for more violet flame to come along and multiply everything that is good and beautiful in your life and clean out of your life all that is not good and beautiful? The violet flame is the wonder drug of the century. It is the wonder flame! And it can make the difference as to which way planet earth goes. I don't mind if you whistle the violet flame, sing the violet flame, jump and dance to the violet flame, do circle dances to all of your music to the violet flame, create new music to the violet flame decrees. I don't mind whatever you do. Make games out of it! Do marathons with it! But whatever you do, beloved ones, you have to get busy with exciting and innovative methods to bring that violet flame into every area of your life and to bring it there at the point where it counts, with the science of the spoken Word - your word, your tongue, your vocal cords and your chakras. We the Elohim Arcturus and Victoria say to you that we could deliver this message again and again and again, but things are simply not moving in the earth the way they should be! And I think that people know that all of the problems of the world cannot be resolved by one nation, one president, one congress or one approach. The problems of the world are bigger than both of us and all of us. They are not bigger than the Elohim of God, but they are bigger than us when we have no one to contact in the earth who will make the call to the violet flame whereby we can intercede. The violet flame, then, is the very solution of the hour to get things moving in Europe, to get things moving in Bosnia, Yugoslavia, in Somalia, in all of these places you see as you sit before your TV sets and stare in wonder at the atrocities being committed. Yet have you saturated the area with the violet flame? Have you saturated the area with the Lord's Judgment Call? Have you directed the violet flame to the Serbs who, along with others, are perpetrating these horrible deeds? Beloved ones, the Lord's Judgment Call and other effective decrees that are available to you must go forth! For you know that the Serbs are tied to the Communists who funded and backed the Yugoslavian military forces in World War II. And therefore there are a number of elements at play in the negotiations that are going on and yet they are accomplishing very, very little. Whatever problems you see when you look at your home life, your family and your children, know that the violet flame can and will make the difference! We ask you, then, to make that difference and to make it now, beloved. Make it now while you have the joy of life in your heart and the opportunity to win so many points for Saint Germain. Some of you have asked the Messenger, "When is Saint Germain coming back to Washington, D.C.?"{280} Well, I will tell you, beloved. There is a very good chance of Saint Germain returning to Washington, D.C., if the worldwide membership of Keepers of the Flame decides to mount a terrific mountain of violet flame for and on behalf of the victory of liberty in this nation and every nation under God. There is a very good chance that Saint Germain will return if Keepers of the Flame take advantage of the opportunity to come together so that a Maltese-cross formation{281} may become permanent over their homes, their gathering places and their cities. Yes, there is a very good chance. But you see, beloved, Saint Germain considers that for all he has given the people of Light on earth for so many centuries, he cannot step forth and take from the dispensation he has recently received{282} and apply it to a population in general, even the citizens of the capital of this nation, without Keepers of the Flame and others who recognize the violet flame as the key taking the responsibility for the dispensation they are asking for. Thus, beloved ones, whether or not you are pleased with the actions of your representatives, no matter what the party, I tell you that Washington, D.C., needs the violet flame as much as and more than any other city. There are ghettos, there is crime, there are drugs. There are mothers who mourn the loss of their children in gang warfare and in shootings. This is happening in the major cities of the country. What will put it out? Well, I tell you, what will douse those fires of hell that are coming right up out of the bowels of the earth is the violet flame. You have the violet flame in your hearts and souls and on the surface of the earth when you invoke it, and you have the violet flame sea in the center of the earth. You have legions of violet flame at your command. Many of you have seen the film Aladdin, and you have said to yourselves, "Now, that is just what I need - I need a genie!" And then you have stopped and thought and said to yourselves, "Wait a minute. I have a genie. El Morya is my genie! El Morya will do anything for me that I ask him to do that is within the will of God and that is the will of God." Well, Saint Germain is a genie also. So you have your genies. In fact, you have ten thousand-times-ten thousand genies! For look at all the Ascended Masters and hosts of the LORD who when they hear just one command from you, when that command is qualified by the will of God, will answer your call and perform for you so long as what you are asking for is the will of God and it is in keeping with the cosmic timetable for that event. So you see, you cannot cry boohoo that you do not have a genie. You are all Aladdins and all you need to do is rub the violet flame lamp and see what happens! Are you not even interested in seeing what will happen if you turn up the violet flame decrees, beloved ones? ["Yes!"] Well, if you are the least bit interested, I would suggest that you follow the laws of the nine steps of alchemy of Saint Germain,{283} that you do your treasure mapping and that you do not weary in hearing the dictations of the Ascended Masters or even in hearing the repetition of some of these principles in dictations or lectures. You see, you would not have to hear anything repeated if you put the principles to good use, if you passed the grade you are in and we could all go on to the next grade. But when you do not, beloved, we come back and we attempt to put the same teaching in a different way so that you will not say we are boring professors. But sometimes the roles are turned and we find that our chelas are boring because they have the same complaints and they have been given the same antidotes - the violet flame decrees, calls to Astrea and Archangel Michael - and they don't use them. So, what is this stupor? What is this stupefaction? What is this thing that hangs over you, beloved, that allows you to chatter and talk about this and that, nothing of great consequence, when the very words that fall out of your mouth could be the alchemy that changes a planet? Well, you know, beloved ones, we will not weary you in this message. We have given it. It is said. It is spoken. It is true. And it will work! Our good ship leaves for the Violet Planet this night, and all of you who desire a tour can come and see for yourselves what really goes on there. And perhaps you can recruit some Seventh Ray chelas and elementals to come back to earth with you and give you that shot in the arm and remind you day by day, as they are elementals and angels and evolving souls of Light, to give your violet flame decrees. We have said it, beloved. We shall not weary the ethers or your souls. We give you wide room, therefore, to step in, to invoke the violet flame and to solve every problem that knocks at your door. Be reminded, then, that problems are not problems but initiations directly from the heart of your Lord Sanat Kumara. He, who loves you profoundly, observes what attainment you do have, how hard you do work and all the efforts you are making. He would like to elevate you to the level of adept on the Path, and he could do so if you would simply solve a few of those little personality/ psychological so-called problems and this and that of human stubbornness and get them out of the way! And see how, for the merit that you have and your long string of badges of merit, you could easily climb to a level of adeptship if you would take care of a few things that you have neglected, which things, as I have said, we have discussed again and again as they apply to all of the seven rays. And therefore, rather than weary you with any further remarks, I give to you your own voices and throat chakras and may you use them to deliver the full power of the violet flame. We are in joy, Arcturus and Victoria, ever ready to save planet earth in answer to your command! [43-second standing ovation] This dictation by beloved Arcturus and Victoria was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter Sunday, April 11, 1993, during the five-day Easter Retreat 1993, held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Arcturus and Victoria's direction.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom. ***** 30.1 I AM the Witness - July 25, 1993 ***** Vol. 36 No. 30 - I AM the Witness - July 25, 1993 I AM the Witness Tithe Joyfully with Nonattachment Dear Mother, When I became a communicant in 1989, I could not tithe for quite a while because I was not working. When I started my business in 1993, I decided to put tithing to the test and prove it. And I decided that I would definitely make it a joyful event! I had a box on my desk and every day if I made money I would put 10 percent in the box and give a big thank-you to the Masters with joy. After three weeks, I received an unexpected birthday greeting from my ex-husband. Up to that point, my tithing had been very little. I was just starting in business and had tithed perhaps $60. But what God returned to me was much more than tenfold. My ex-husband sent me fourteen checks of $700 each - one check a month for the next fourteen months. That's $9,800! It was a lot of money, and I needed it. It happened to match the amount I owed for rent and utilities every month. I am a leader of a Study Group, and I got my rent free! It was beautiful! It was really so perfect for me. My ex-husband had never given me alimony. He had seldom given me a birthday present. (In fact, I didn't even know he remembered my birthday.) He was never really a big spender or a big giver, and he didn't explain this unexpected gift. He just wrote, "Here it is! Happy birthday!" That was it. Then he added: "If you need more, just let me know." I just couldn't believe it. Since I am friendly with him, I called him and said, "What's happening?" He said, "Well, this month for some reason I started to think and my thoughts are that I have too much. I have enough, and you don't have enough. So this is for you and if you need more, I will give more." So I would like to encourage others to prove the law of the tithe. As it says in Malachi, "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse ... and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it." When I started to tithe, it was with joy but with little faith, hoping to prove that God's words in the Bible were right. Now when I tithe, it is with gratitude and complete faith, knowing with certainty that God will bless my humble contribution in unexpected ways and beyond my expectations. I believe the key is to tithe joyfully and with nonattachment. El Morya's Chalice Dear Mother, Right before I saw you this evening up at the Ranch Headquarters tree farm I was thanking El Morya for the opportunity to be in this Community, for everything that I do have, for being able to raise my child here, and for all of the blessings that God has poured out to me while serving on staff. I wished that you would walk by so that I could tell you the very same thing that I had just been telling El Morya and show you my son, whom I am so proud of. Well, you did walk by within five minutes of my communion with El Morya and you called me over to show you my son, who was with me. In my joy at seeing you (and now to my amazement in hindsight), I neglected to say to you what moments earlier I wished I could have. I hope that this letter will suffice to make up for my golden opportunity missed to express to you my gratitude. I am the witness to your love for all of us and our children, and to your being El Morya's chalice. ****** Chapter 31 The Beloved Maha Chohan - August 1, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 31 - The Beloved Maha Chohan - August 1, 1993 Initiations of the Holy Spirit from the Mount of Salvation The Ladder of Chelaship Pentecost Address 1993 From the mount of salvation somewhere in the etheric octave I descend, not alone to this place but all the way to the deepest levels of Death and Hell. For in the hour of the descent of the Holy Spirit all are touched. Some are quickened to everlasting Life.{284} Some receive the judgment of the Holy Ghost. Know, then, beloved, that to each one upon earth there is a visitation of the Holy Spirit, there is the measuring of the lifestream, there is the dividing of Light from Darkness.{285} Thus those who have climbed the mount of salvation and come to the point where the earth plane and its octaves meet infinity experience that divine union and reunion. Therefore, accompanying me tonight are the saints who have attained the bonding to the Holy Christ Self and are well on their way to full immersion by the Holy Spirit in the I AM Presence. They come that all servants of God in all octaves might see the fruits of those who have walked the path of the Holy Spirit, who have not shunned the initiations of the Holy Spirit but have entered in and known that the sacred fire must try every man's work of what sort it is.{286} Many men consider their work to be fine and noble and true, but, as El Morya says, no man knoweth the measure of himself. Thus, though one may have striven to the highest and most noble purpose and mission and work, yet there is not one among you who could not receive the Refiner's fire{287} and see how in the next round of the etherealization of the soul there can come forth an even greater work. There is no limit to the great God-mastery you can achieve. Recognize, then, the flame of the Holy Spirit as the multiplier of all good, of all righteous effort and sincere and noble purpose. Yes, beloved, know that inasmuch as you have seen in yourselves some measure of excellence and beauty as you rebuild and achieve resolution in your innermost being, you can rise again and again, transcending yourselves many times over in the cycles of being. Why, the Holy Spirit does not come to give the treadmill a spin once in a while! Why, the Holy Spirit comes to propel you upward, and usually it is with a spank - yes, beloved, a spank to wake you up to the need to move on. For you must not allow yourselves to be too comfortable where you are but know that if you have fought the good fight{288} and won today, then tomorrow you can be on the next spiral of the staircase onward and upward. It is a spiral staircase that ascends to the stars and across the interstellar spaces. Oh yes, beloved, you cannot conceive - because you have not tried to conceive in this mind that is become a vessel inadequate for the Mind of God - just what a great God-free being you can become here and now! For contrary to what men think, there is no limitation in Matter, there is no limitation in this mortal body. And the teaching has gone forth from the mouth of the Messenger that God does bypass that mental body, that mortal mind, and go directly to your heart and your spirit. Think of this, beloved! If the brain ceases to function with the cessation of the heartbeat and the withdrawal of the threefold flame, then how is it that you continue to think and move and have being and to rejoice in a new level of victory and overcoming when you pass from the screen of life? [It is because you are not dependent on the brain. And the Mind of God that is in you is not dependent on it either.] There is not a moment's interruption. Therefore the apostle did say, "You have the Mind of God,"{289} not in some future day but right now! Not only do you have that Mind but, I tell you this night, you are that Mind. Now then, visualize the dropping around you of your Great Causal Body of Light and yourself one with your I AM Presence, nestled with Christ as Mediator of that love. See how you are seated in your own Dharmakaya.{290} You need not wait until the ritual of your ascension to pull down the Great Causal Body around you day after day, to examine the spheres of light, to travel through them into an infinite cosmos that is your own I AM Presence and Causal Body as one. Yes, your I AM Presence is the Father-Mother God in balance as the Great Tao, the great T'ai Chi. As you journey through the rings of your Causal Body, do you find that some are not as developed as others? As you attempt to gain balance in the threefold flame, will you not also look to gain balance in the spheres of the Causal Body? Look, then, at the sphere that has the greatest momentum and concentration of light. This will of course be the greatest sphere of your heaven-world and the one in which you have greatest comfortability. From the lotus posture as you visualize yourself seated in the seat of that most powerful sphere of light, look now to the sphere to which you have given the least attention, the one in which you have gained the least attainment or devotion. Use the power of your maximum devotion in your greatest sphere to bring balance to the lesser one. This is why hobbies are important. This is why people have a mainstream in their lives where they move by the winds in their sails of prior momentums of aeons and aeons ago. Therefore they are able to accomplish mightily in their area of specialization. They may multiply supply. They may easily become prime movers in their fields throughout the world. This becomes the joy of one's lifework. And then, for a change, it is wise to take up an entirely different occupation, something that does not necessarily come easily to you - something that is a skill of the hands if you are a worker of the mind, or the reverse if you are a worker of the hands. Thus seek to develop those aspects of self where attention must be refined in a new focus and an understanding of the muscles not only of the body but of the spirit. So, beloved, you are even now a God-free being! And this great God-Reality that is upon you in these moments, as I sustain it with you with your I AM Presence, is what you have always been from the Beginning, past, present and future, the same yesterday, today and forever, as your Lord and Saviour is. {291} What, then, is this creation that hops upon the roller coaster and is down when things are down and up when things are up? And we can surely count on those of you who will always be up when things are up and always be down when things are down. Well, beloved hearts, I do not personally enjoy the ride on the roller coaster and neither does the Messenger. And you should decide to cut that zigzag right down the center and be centered at the point of Christ, never too high on your highs and never too low on your lows but always in the equanimity of the scales of justice, weighing and balancing your thought and feeling reactions to all that comes your way. Yes, beloved, you must surely know that there is no reality in Darkness, yet some may choose to focus on the Messenger when they finally outplay their heinous crimes and subtle psychologies and all warring within their members. {292} They cannot face up to the reality that all problems are within them. They must point the finger and say, "All of the world's ills are surely begun and ended by the Messenger - yes, all of the world's ills. We now have the scapegoat." An irresponsible, adolescent, addictive society points the finger at another. Primitive societies have their scapegoats whom they sacrifice to the gods, never willing to take accountability for their own souls. But you, beloved, know better. For you have the Mind of the Holy Spirit. You have the Mind of the Father-Mother. You have the Mind of the Son. Yes, you have the mind of the little child who shall lead you{293} and the mind of the sage. Enter in, then, to your great Dharmakaya (the Great Causal Body of your I AM Presence containing worlds within worlds of rainbow spheres of light) and be who you are. But above all be unmoved. Be unmoved by the rising and the falling of the tides of the sea and the rivers - the rising and falling of the tides of the astral plane, which are mostly rising and seldom falling except on Omri-Tas' Day, when your violet flame calls break the tide. Blessed ones, I come to liberate you by the power of the Holy Spirit this night. Yes, I come to liberate you, O souls of the beloved Lord. I liberate you from the false belief that your mortality is real, that Death and Hell are real, that there is any real transition at all since you are already in the full manifestation of God. I come to heal you, to strip you of your snakeskins. And I ask you to identify yourselves apart from your snakeskins so that you do not get caught up in those skins when you should be letting them dry up and blow away. Yes, beloved, many layers I would peel off by the sacred fire of the Holy Ghost. But if you are afraid of this fire, then I shall delay and postpone the initiations of the Holy Spirit, but I must tell you that that delay and postponement cannot go on forever. That is why those who do not elect to cast themselves on the Rock of Christ to be broken will eventually be cast upon the Rock and be broken against their will. And because they have not striven for the internal Christhood but sought always the defense of the ego no matter what, these shall find a broken ego and an absence of Christ realization. Beware, then, being oversensitive in the substance of the ego - me, myself and mine - that sensitivity, beloved, to what others say and think about you, whether it be across the TV sets or on the radios or in the newspapers or the magazines. All these things shall come and go, but my Word shall live forever. {294} My Word is in you. My Word is the Atman. My Word is the incarnation in the Messenger and in every chela whose heart is right with God. Ask yourself whether your heart is right with God. And do not practice denial. Do not suppress, do not ignore, do not close your eyes! Do not so occupy yourself that you can never look yourself in the eye and say, "Am I being honest or not honest with God and with all?" Yes, beloved, it is important to take stock. When you are in school you receive grades. Now you grade yourself. Yet another also grades you - an angel of Light, your sponsoring Master, your I AM Presence. Seek, then, to know what God thinks of you rather than to know what you think of yourself or what your fellowmen think of you. It matters not whether you are popular or unpopular. It matters that you are kind and loving and true to your course. It matters that you remember that angels of the Holy Spirit often have a fierce mien and that their gaze is stern, as is my own, for I know what the fire of the Holy Spirit can do. It can reinvigorate and give life to those who have almost snuffed out the soul yet in the last moment find the Path and the Teaching and begin to call upon the name of God. And because they call upon the name of God, I AM THAT I AM, they are saved.{295} And what is the second, what is the moment, what is the point without time in which one is saved and one is lost? Blessed hearts, if you could see how that dividing of the way comes upon people daily as they come to that last moment of choice that they will be given, you would know why the mien of the Maha Chohan is fierce. It is fierce because I know that one prayer and another in the right direction can save numberless numbers; and the dalliance in the ego and the fretfulness of the ego and the self-defense mechanisms of the ego can cause that lapse in the sustaining of the flame in the earth that we need. And this can be very costly for those souls who simply must make it in that particular round or they will not make it at all. This is why the Ascended Masters are serious about their Father's business. We see life and death daily. Sometimes we shield ourselves as the World Mother shields herself in a gossamer garment and veil of light. At other times we allow ourselves to feel pricking our bodies, as it were, a million needle points so that we might enter the life and death and coming and going and thought and feeling and anguish and cry and disease of all five and a half billion souls in embodiment and many more waiting to enter the wings of life. So you see, beloved, when you allow yourself to see all things and know all things, you must be well on your way to being the Buddha in manifestation. Never mind whether the Buddha is in manifestation in your Causal Body; see that the Buddha is incarnating within you daily. For after all, you have the Mind of Buddha. You have bodhi. You have enlightenment. You have the seed of Buddhahood. Yet, beloved, know the training of the adepts. Know the training of the Sons and Daughters of the Solitude. Know and enter the training when you come to levels where the time is nigh that you ought to be empowered. The tests are subtle. They are not obvious. And when you come to a point of certain attainment and responsibility on the Path and yet you allow yourself not to see the test for what it is and fail the test, well, beloved, you may set yourself back in training six months, a year, two years. And for infractions that you would consider not so very grave, you say, "Why can I not just apologize and begin again tomorrow and try again? Now that I know what the test is, I will pass it." Well, you see, beloved ones, we of the Darjeeling Council, we who meet in the great halls of the Brotherhood concerning the chelaship of our embodied chelas, have not in any way changed the system of the dispensation of discipleship. There have been many Ascended Masters who have lent their mantles and lent the momentums of dispensations they have received. But you know, beloved ones, this giving of sponsorship in the form of a transfer of light and energy to the chela has its limitations. For when the chela feels that he or she can go back repeatedly for more light and not be responsible for the light we give, it is time that the chela look at what the rigors of initiation were before the dispensation of the 51 percent was handed down by the Lords of Karma.{296} Before that, one had to balance the full 100 percent of his karma. Those were the days when Gurus were Gurus in the bluntest sense of the word and chelas were ready to take that bluntness. Yes, beloved, there are among you many sensitive egos that must be desensitized if you would pass your tests. And remember the mighty words of the Lord: "What is that to thee? Follow thou me."{297} That mantra of your Lord Jesus will get you centered and get rid of the need you sometimes feel to defend your person, to defend your actions and this and that. And think how much time it takes to convince everyone you know that you are in the right and someone else is in the wrong! Well, beloved, long, long ago I comforted the Messenger with the simple words Paul wrote to the Philippians, preserved in the New Testament: Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men. And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.{298} If you would follow the example of your Lord, begin by letting the Mind of God that was in Christ Jesus be in you. Then accept that the "form of God" is in you in the person of your Holy Christ Self and do not think it robbery to make yourself equal with God through your Holy Christ Self. Do not seek worldly reputation but take upon yourself the form of a servant and present yourself in the likeness of men that they might identify with you both in the flesh and in the spirit. Humble yourself and be obedient unto the death of your dweller-on-the-threshold even as you submit to the crucifixion of the soul that she may be found worthy to dwell in the house of the King forever. If you seek no reputation to be thought well of among men, you can devote all of your energies in the service of the Light and the Lightbearers and know that Jesus Christ is there with you, the same yesterday, today and forever, and that your Lord and Saviour expects you to be there, the same yesterday, today and forever, and to not be moved by the winds of change or the negative momentums of your karma that come tumbling down for your self-mastery and your dividing of the way between your Light and your Darkness. The moment you acknowledge that your negative momentums have power in your world, you are feeding those negative momentums. And you are using your decree momentum of this lifetime and past lifetimes to reinforce and reaffirm that negativity. Think, then, how you make karma in the process. Think how you waste the light you have stored in your chakras. Ask yourself where you will find water when the well runs dry. Beloved ones, discipline the mind. Give no power to evil and it will have no power! For it never was real. It was not real yesterday, it is not real today and it will not be real tomorrow. And you will not empower it to be real at any time of personal or planetary crisis, of calamity in your household, of the burden of karma or life or death. Whatever may come your way, remember: Evil is not real and its appearance has no power over you. Do not empower it with superstition, with gossip, with fear and doubt! Put it into the flame of the Holy Spirit and I promise you: I will consume it. Waste not the Word, the mighty Word of God that comes through you in your devotions. Do not pollute the stream of your dynamic decrees; for in some of you that trickle is becoming a stream, and it is sure to become a mighty river of Life for millions. You who count yourselves chelas of El Morya: Know what you are about. Know your goals, and know that the overriding goal of your life is to concentrate the light in your heart that you might maintain the equanimity of your being no matter what. Then know who is your first love and your truest love in your Mighty I AM Presence, in El Morya and in the flame of Community, and do not be moved, beloved. I tell you, the detoxification of the astral body, whether through physical fasting or with the adjunct of the violet flame, is quite a process to endure. Do not think, then, that only the physical body has toxins. You know what an experience it can be to be in a state of detoxing the physical body when you go after it with determination. Well, beloved ones, think of how much detoxing you need to do in the astral body! And so whenever you are building a momentum of violet flame decrees, especially during Omri-Tas and Saint Germain's Day, along comes the Maha Chohan to pull the plug on one or more of those lower sewers of the astral body so you can finally get rid of those pockets of toxins one by one. There is no better time to do it than when you are building such a wondrous momentum of violet flame with the multiplication power of Omri-Tas' Causal Body enveloping the earth for forty-eight hours on the second and third of the month. By this time, you should be used to this system of internal cleansing by the violet flame. But instead of just allowing yourself to be emptied so that you can be filled again and again, all of a sudden you start examining that which is passing from you into the flame as though you were examining your entrails. And therefore you get caught up in revolving the astral stuff that you ought to let go of and let go into the flame. And what happens, beloved, when you let yourself do this? You throw yourself out of balance mentally and emotionally. You begin to fear and doubt the process. You let old grudges come up, old angers, old arrogance, and you engage them. And suddenly you are in the very gall of bitterness{299} and you eat your own vomit and you reinject your toxins into your bloodstream and your lifestream. Beloved, you can detox your astral body as effectively as you detox the physical body, and this you are doing to some extent through your studies in psychology. But I tell you, it takes more than psychology; it takes the absolute violet flame transmutation of the cisterns, the wells and the sewers of the unconscious. Put all past records and their substance of putrefaction into the violet flame and know that if you don't and you let them recycle through the brain and reentertain the past, you may find yourself on the other side of the earth quicker than you can wink! For the sinister force will use that momentum to press your buttons, as they say, and get you out of here as quickly as possible, before you know that what hit you was your own subconscious. And had you put that rotten stuff into the violet flame and allowed that sewer of the subconscious to be cleaned out, you would have found yourself at the next step on the ladder of life, the ladder of your chelaship. I advise you, then, as I speak here in the heart of the Messenger and as I am also present in the Darjeeling Council chambers, to not be moved by anything! Do not think because a voice whispers here and whispers there, whether it is physical or astral, that you need be compromised in any way as your inner soul and spirit are seated on the lotus - seated on the lotus, beloved, in the heart of the Buddha, meditating upon the earth, upon the heaven and upon your own bodhisattva path to Buddhahood. My call to you, then, and my advice of the hour is this: Do not be moved. Do not be moved, beloved! You are set upon a course that is sponsored by El Morya. You are set upon a course whereby you can fulfill your reason for being and liberate the Master to assist the earth. This course is sufficient for thee, even as the grace of Jesus Christ, as measure upon measure of the Holy Spirit descends upon you, is sufficient for thee.{300} The grace of God and the service of the Lord is the rhythm of the stars and the rhythm of those who are real, those who are the members of the Great White Brotherhood as stars shining across the cosmos. Their antahkarana is strong. If you look upon the brotherhoods in the earth who fight for one another, whether it is the Teamsters or the Rosicrucians or holy orders or this club or that club, you recognize that people feel the need to band together based on their livelihoods, their trades, their spiritual paths to reinforce the commitments they have made. That reinforcement, beloved, is what the Great White Brotherhood provides. You contribute to it, even as you receive from it. And as you are right in your heart with the Messenger, with El Morya, with Alpha and Omega and all in between, so, then, you are tied tightly to this great web of light, this great antahkarana. Because you are part of the highest brotherhood there is, you receive transfusions of light when you must do battle with the sinister force, as some of you have had to do of late. And I commend you for your tremendous strength and posture as you have stood before the forces of the world who have sought to destroy you. And though you have been burdened, yet you have stood tall! I see this in you who are gathered here and in many across the earth who have not yet found the Teachings and yet are not moved, for they have a cosmic purpose and at inner levels they know it. So understand what happens when you get out of alignment with this great antahkarana, this great bracing power of the cosmic light that is the most powerful undergirding of the confraternity of Lightbearers that ever was and ever shall be. It is the manifestation of God, God, God! And you can be certain that when you maintain your allegiance to the Great White Brotherhood and the antahkarana that sustains and strengthens your tie to it, you are tied only to those sons and daughters of the Light whose hearts are right with the Guru, with the Masters, with God. [Nevertheless, you are free to work and interact with all constructive lifestreams.] Yes, beloved, for if they are not right with God and his Great Law, then they are momentarily (or else for some period of time and even perhaps for lifetimes) out of the grid of the antahkarana that binds all souls of Light to this Great White Brotherhood. And though you speak of it, yet you cannot comprehend how many magnificent beings of Light there are across the vast cosmos who have graduated from so many systems of worlds who make up our Brotherhood. Nor can you know how we know your sorrows and how we know your testings and how we know and laud your victories. After all, that is what matters, beloved. It is the victory! There are stepping-stones that you can follow. They are clear and they lead you to a certain victory. You need to study your map and mark them from where you stand to the point where you want to be in the victory of your ascension. You can do all things that your Holy Christ Self requires of you in this venture of the spirit and you can do them with joy. In fact, I would say to you that the joy flame of Jesus Christ is the gift of the Holy Spirit in this hour. For your Lord does not want to see you in a state of the absence of true spiritual joy for this or that unresolved human reason. Beloved ones, remember that the karma of the Dark Cycle descends. And if you are not transmuting that karma daily, if you are not balancing your inner and outer being, pursuing the bonding of your inner child and inner adult to your Holy Christ Self - if you are not doing these things that are so necessary, beloved, then you are apt to be depressed, you are apt to feel negative toward yourselves and others, you are apt to engage a complaining spirit. A complaining spirit has to do with the out-of-alignment state of your four lower bodies, which in turn has to do with an absence of your soul's surrender to your reason for being. It is time to take out your Surrender Rosary and give it once a month on El Morya's Day - the fourth. It is time to heal your body. For the body is complaining through your vocal cords; it is complaining about anything and everything. It is complaining because it is not happy because you have not made your body elemental happy but burdened that body elemental. There are reasons at all levels of being, beloved, why people allow themselves to affirm the negatives and to fail to stay Christ-centered. But I tell you, if you have a weak body and a weak mind and weak emotions for whatever reason of yinness or yin condition in which you may find yourself - if you are to be whole, if you are to be one with God in body, spirit, mind and soul, if you desire this, you must correct all these things. You must become a scientist of the Spirit, for you will never convince yourself by merely telling yourself that from this day forward you will be positive about everything. This will not happen unless you realign all levels of your being, balance the light of your chakras and follow in the joy of your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. For this cause, then, did he come into the world, that through him you might have eternal life{301} and that in the interval between his ascension in the Light and yours, your cup might be full with joy. You say, "How can I be joyous when I see suffering around me?" You can rejoice that the Law is good, that the Law is just and that all suffering shall be turned to Light, shall be turned to God-victory when mankind no longer have the need to suffer. And that is the fiat you make. You have no time to side in with the negatives of anyone's life. You only have time to side in with the positives and make the fiat that will send that one on his way to the sun of his I AM Presence. For then you must move on to the next person who wants to cry on your shoulder, whom you will not allow to cry on your shoulder but whom you will bring to his senses with the understanding that our God is good. This you will do by whatever means, whether by cajoling or instructing or entertaining or telling jokes, and finally by making the fiat of the LORD: "The will of God is good and it is good for you and for me!" And if God is good and we are good, then we are God. But if we are not good, we are not God. And when we are not God, we are not part of the antahkarana of the Great White Brotherhood. Either you are in or you are out, beloved ones! Either you make your peace with the will of God or you don't. There is no halfway gray area of compromise. Those who fall by the wayside of that will must pick themselves up and determine to reenter the will of God by making the sign of the cross. And this is the inner meaning of the sign of the cross, beloved ones. It is that the devotee knows that when he makes that sign in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, he is reaffirming his commitment to keep the flame of the will of God at the nexus of the cross in the antahkarana of the Great White Brotherhood. Yes, beloved, long before you are ascended you may hold an office of chelaship under the Great White Brotherhood. But you must learn to keep the balance in your soul and your four lower bodies and maintain the equilibrium within the systems of your chakras and your organs. I have come to speak to you on a number of subjects, and the points I have focused on are points of necessity in your world. Have you noticed how easy it is to make a right decision or a wrong decision? In the split-second timing when the impulse from the soul is received by the mind and the mind either accepts or rejects the counseling of the soul, you may go to the right or you may go to the left. If you deny the voice of your soul and affirm the voice of the tyrant-ego dweller-on-the-threshold, you will be taking a step on the left-handed path, beloved. And when you take that step you will attempt to convince all others that it is the way to go, that it is right and it is just. Those who have chosen to march to the drumbeat of their dweller often beat the drum, talking incessantly to justify their position. But, beloved ones, they ought to reexamine their decision; for most would never have made that decision - which was a choice to subordinate the Holy Christ Self to the dweller - had they not felt the necessity to go one more round to exercise their free will to confirm their God-given right to side in with that tyrant-ego dweller-on-the-threshold. You see, beloved, to go the way of the soul and of the inner child is to go the way of subordinating the human ego and entering into the Divine Ego of God-free being. To go the way of the soul and the inner child is to be humble, childlike and to make yourself of no reputation, but to let God take your hand and lead you as a little child. How much, how much, how much they who leave the Path do justify their leaving! That justification falls as lead weights to the ground. It has no momentum in the Holy Spirit. And when all the talking is finished and the silence comes and the soul is allowed to speak and weep and confess her true desire to know God as a little child and the chela on the Path can be still long enough to figure out how he can retrace his footsteps - how he can go back to the moment of his decision to go with the dweller, even as one rewinds a tape of the evening news and sees everything happening backwards, going back, going back, going back to the moment - if the chela can say to himself, "I remember the moment when I was an innocent child and I was free and I had only love in my heart and no desire for anything except to be one with Christ and God. That is the place I want to return to. And from that place I wish to walk forward again, not necessarily retracing my footsteps but this time doing it right," he can still save his soul in this life. Blessed ones, as long as you have life and breath you can go back to that point in your past or present life where you know you departed from God and you can undo the past by acting in the present to enter into the most efficacious service of the Lord. You can undo all that was wrong and make it right, but if you do not have humility, if you do not have inner resolution and you are not content to be the little child, you will not accomplish this feat. It is far too great for the intellectuals of the world. They cannot do it. But you can do it! There are times, beloved, when you miss steps on the path of chelaship only because you are ignorant of just what those steps might be and you are afraid to ask the Messenger just in case her advice might go against your stubborn human will. And you tell yourself that if you hear her advice, you will be accountable for having heard it; and you are correct. And therefore you make certain you don't hear it because if you did it would upset the applecart. Sooner or later you will come home to the retreat of the Maha Chohan. Sooner or later, after you have passed through the temple of Serapis Bey and the training of El Morya, you will yearn for the initiations of the Holy Spirit. I shall give them. But when I do, I shall call you back to the point of your departure from the will of God and we will pick up from there day by day. I pray, beloved, that you see the great mystery of life. The spheres of your Causal Body tell you that life for you is eternal when you are willing to be bonded to your Holy Christ Self and to do that on God's terms. Bonded in Christ, you have eternal life; not yet bonded in Christ, your soul is not yet a permanent atom in God's being. When do you know and how do you know when that bonding takes place? Well, I tell you, beloved, it may take place because you have followed the path of the Ruby Ray Masters, but you must also balance karma. Having too much karma, you cannot bond with the Holy Christ Self. Therefore the balancing of the karma of the centuries in service to the Ascended Masters has been the great device that Sanat Kumara has given to you. He has also given to you (even as he gave to us, since he came to earth and brought us with him to this planet) the device of balancing karma on a world scale to the extent that you can quickly know a new lightness. Yes, beloved, that is one of the requirements of the bonding - balancing karma. If you want the bonding, then you put yourself in that place where you have the greatest opportunity to balance karma and gain self-mastery by engaging in the Master El Morya's work. I, the Maha Chohan, tell you that there is no better place on earth to achieve this goal than at Maitreya's Mystery School. The Ascended Masters are in place. The Messenger is in place and the Messenger Lanello with her. You are in place as chelas, many of you having been accepted by and taken under the wing of a single Ascended Master whom you claim as your Master. You have made greater progress than you know and yet you fall on such foibles and little things. It is a pity, and that is exactly what our angels say, "What a pity!" For you have striven so hard and given so much and yet in a moment's indiscretion of not maintaining your own God-mastery, you slip and fall and forget that you are climbing the very highest mountains of the Himalayas and the etheric octave. One slip, beloved, can take you down many thousands of feet. So know, beloved, that you are surefooted when you walk in love, walk in truth, walk in wisdom. We have laid our claim and we have put our stake into the ground. The sponsorship is here because of you, because of the Messenger. Many of you shall seek and find your eternal home at the end of this life because you have understood that your supreme worth to the Great White Brotherhood in this lifetime is in the holding of the balance for the earth and for the Lightbearers who can come to this place on the Path only when you hold the balance for them right within your four lower bodies and your threefold flame. I commend so very many of you to keep on keeping on as you are. And yet I commend others of you to a greater striving, not a struggle but a simple loving of God and of doing what is right to the level of your potential. Blessed ones, your soul always knows what is the right thing to do. Keep in tune with that point of knowing and you will make no more left turns. You will be willing to suffer for a little while the condemnation of this world that you might enter the realms of glory and your great home of light that awaits you. And you will bring literally millions of souls with you. I, the Maha Chohan, salute you one and all. Call upon me. If you do not hear my answer, call upon the Messenger. The Darjeeling Council salutes our co-worker Rev. Annice Booth and does wish her a happy birthday. [16-second applause] Blessing of Holy Communion by the Maha Chohan [Communion servers bring the bread and the wine to the altar.] In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, I, the Maha Chohan, in the name Jesus Christ, bless this bread and this wine. Receive it now as the Body and Blood of your Lord. Receive it now as the means whereby you enter and sustain oneness with the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood through the Sacred Heart of Jesus and all brethren and sisters of the Light. After you have received Holy Communion, I, the Maha Chohan, choose to touch you, each one, on the forehead through the Messenger. Therefore pass by the altar after taking the bread and the wine. This dictation by the Maha Chohan was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, May 28, 1993, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, in celebration of Pentecost (May 30). The Pentecost service and dictation are available on audiocassette: 2 cassettes (total 170 min.), A93053. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under the Maha Chohan's direction.] ***** 31.1 I AM the Witness - August 1, 1993 ***** Vol. 36 No. 31 - I AM the Witness - August 1, 1993 I AM the Witness Finding the Master of My Childhood at a Summit Lighthouse Study Group Meeting Dear Mother, I wanted to share the story of my search for you and the Masters. I hope it will bring an awareness to parents that children are quite often chelas on the Path, totally unbeknownst to their parents. When I was ten years old an inner voice I heard at night before I would go to sleep urged me to meditate and taught me exercises in meditation. I practiced every morning and every night. When I became proficient at these exercises and could hold at will a deep state of meditation, a "man" appeared to me and held out his hand. What struck me was how very young and beautiful he looked for a man. I took his hand and thus began my two years of adventures in traveling with him and learning from him out of the body. Every afternoon when I would get home from school, I would meditate in my room and he would appear to me and teach me. He took me to places that I now recognize as the retreats of the Brotherhood, and he introduced me to many other beautiful, loving beings. He also taught me much of the teachings of the Brotherhood about psychology - especially about how people's past lives influence who and what they are today. He even helped me with my homework, and I began to get straight A's and to love school. My teachers were astounded. Then one day my mother found me in meditation and asked me what I was doing. She became very upset when I told her and made me promise never to do it again. I pleaded with her, saying that she didn't understand these "people" and that they were so kind and loving and advanced that they couldn't be evil, as she was telling me they must be. I had felt totally embraced in love by just being in their presence. The people I knew on earth seemed so cruel in comparison. My mother was not convinced and although it broke my heart, I was obedient and stopped meditating. But I never forgot those beautiful "people," especially the man who had been my teacher, and I wondered if my mom was wrong. My mother took me for a psychological evaluation. The evaluators just thought I was daydreaming or had schizophrenic tendencies. They didn't seem to think my problem was anything severe, so they didn't pursue it. My mother forgot about it, but I didn't. Years later in my twenties, I was studying yoga techniques and fasting for health reasons. A chronic kidney condition had necessitated my move from medical to self-treatment. Other than temporary relief from a two-year chronic kidney infection, I had received no relief from medical treatment. I decided to study health on my own and simply changed my diet, removing dairy and red meat. My kidney problem left and never returned. I began reading books of the lives of the saints at this time and when I had exhausted the city library, which was fairly substantial, I decided to try the Catholic church library. The father there explained that books could not be removed, but I was welcome to read in the library. I picked out a book and sat down. It was a book of saints. I cannot describe the feelings I felt when I turned a page and there in that book, in black and white, was the "man" I had known so long ago who had taught me so much. It was the one I now know as the Master K.H. - or, as he was identified in the book, Saint Francis. I knew then that I had not been daydreaming or schizophrenic or anything of the sort but that this man was or had been real. I had to find him. I began searching every church, but there just was not anyone who taught much about him, not even the Catholic Church. And nothing came even close to explaining my childhood experiences. I looked for years and left many churches disappointed. Finally one day at a healing gathering in Oregon, I went to a lecture on elementals with my sister. The lecture was given by the leader of the Summit Lighthouse Portland Study Group. We were thrilled to find that someone knew about such things as elementals. The lecturer didn't speak of the Masters then, but we were amazed to find out that there were others who had beliefs similar to our own and who recognized what we had always known as Truth. He and his group invited us to come to their church. (I still had not made the connection between this group and the "man" I had known as a child, but it was coming.) The man who had given the lecture seemed to be everywhere I went for the next few weeks. It was uncanny! Since I knew he wasn't doing it on purpose, I decided that maybe God was trying to tell me I should go to his church. So I went to the Study Group for a Sunday service. I said to God as I walked into the house, "If this is where I belong, let them show me something about the `man' (Saint Francis) whom I knew as a child." Well, God answered and fast, because the entire service was on the Master K.H. and his embodiments, including Saint Francis! The man giving the lecture told us that the Master K.H. was in charge of working with children. Well, he definitely was in charge of working with me when I was a child! I sat through that service in total awe. I had found my home and my friends of light again. It is interesting that a year or so later my mother came running up to me one day with a green book in her hand called The Magic Presence by Godfré Ray King. "You have to read this!" she said. "It tells all the things you told me when you were a child." That was a very healing day for both of us, as you can well imagine. My mother and sister have since embraced these Teachings. I am grateful to have found them. What amazes me is that it took me over twenty-two years of my life to see a picture of Saint Francis. It is so important to show pictures of the Masters to children so that they recognize them on inner planes even if they don't in their outer awareness. I hope by my writing this, some other children won't have to wait so long. Mother, thank God you are here or I may never have found my way home! Love, ****** Chapter 32 The Beloved Maha Chohan - August 8, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 32 - The Beloved Maha Chohan - August 8, 1993 Healing the Earth FREEDOM 1993 A GLOBAL CONFERENCE DEDICATED TO THE SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE PLANET 1 The Power Whereby Worlds Can Be Transformed A Time for Singleness of Purpose How Free Are You to Love? This is the day when America must know that the initiations of the Holy Spirit must be met and met head-on. Some of you have heard of the arrest in New York of individuals who were ready to bomb the United Nations, the FBI building, the Holland and Lincoln tunnels. Thus, the people of New York and America must now face the point of vulnerability that comes when a nation does not cleave unto her God but is the slave of the money beast and of all manner of indulgences and inordinate desire. What will you do, America? You are confronted by the initiation that at any time, anywhere, individuals who have a distorted understanding of Allah and of the God Principle within and of America herself and all that she stands for may appear here and there. For America is the open door of liberty to all who come to her shores seeking a way of life for their families whereby they might prosper in the spirit and in their material well-being in the heart of this grand dispensation of Saint Germain and the Goddess of Liberty. Know, then, ye who are counted as the capstone of the pyramid that is the symbol of America, that you must provide the balance almost by an overcompensation of calls to the sacred fire and the All-Seeing Eye of God to expose the treachery and intrigue of those individuals who perhaps count themselves as religious zealots or as the disenfranchised, those who have not that which appears to be the reality of the American dream. Blessed hearts, it is time now to take out the Ritual of Exorcism, given to you by the Holy Spirit, given to you by Sanat Kumara and the Ruby Ray Buddhas. For this Ritual of Exorcism, when acted upon and pronounced by you in this tabernacle{302} of the LORD, can avail much in purging the earth of those infesting demons and discarnates that take hold of the minds of those who are not centered in the law of God, whatever their religion may be. Those who conspired to bomb New York have a fanaticism that descends from many past embodiments and antedates their embracing of the religion of Mohammed. They come into incarnation with fanaticism. Fanaticism has no part with real religion or true government under God. It can never prosper, for ultimately it is based upon hatred and spiritual blindness and an absence of the true and living Spirit of the LORD. Thus I say to you, if you would heal the earth and heal America, then call for the binding of fallen angels in your midst and in embodiment who move against all of the principles given by God in the Ten Commandments and in the codes of the world's major religions. You must understand that insanity enters the brain and the being of individuals by many routes. So, across the miles, individuals have distorted minds. Perhaps it is drugs. Perhaps it is the food they eat. Perhaps it is their karma. Perhaps they are vulnerable by the very fanaticism that causes them to become houses filled with spirits who are not just and who embody that hatred of all that America stands for as the last best hope of the world, as imperfect as she is. So, beloved, you should consider these reports in the perspective of world history, the history of this century and the history that is projected from 1990 for this twelve-year cycle of the descent of karma. See, then, that these conditions can either be kept under control by law-enforcement agencies, by community action groups and by the prayers of the righteous or be allowed to mushroom. We have seen Keepers of the Flame rally in New York and other cities throughout this nation and the earth to give calls to the Ascended Master El Morya. If ever there were a time, beloved, when your calls were needed, it is in this hour! International terrorism must stop. For these things ought not to be, and they will continue unless you stop them through your dynamic decrees. For even if some fanatics are imprisoned, others will come forth to take their place, carrying the same malintent to destroy the cities of America, until only the very living Spirit of the Holy Ghost upon the people en masse will be the defense of the cities of this nation and the cities of the earth. Each day decisions are being made and you are walking forward, marching on the time line of the decade unto the year 2002. You must see that at every hand those things that come upon the people as karma can either be turned back and cast into the sacred fire and consumed, such as the last plagues, such as AIDS, or be allowed to continue to mushroom until these plagues shall not escape a single household! All of you must understand the equation of life: that the flame that burns within your heart is the Holy Spirit, is the Father-Mother God, is the living Christ, is the seed of the Buddha, is the Atman, focus of Brahman. So, beloved, know that that potential of God within you, that one manifestation of that tiny flame, is able, as in the heart of David, to slay the Goliath of teams of fallen ones who would destroy all that is good and holy and righteous, all that is free and that embraces the flame of liberty upon earth. There are many, many conflicts in the earth. There is much karma descending and elemental life is burdened. Praise God that the Darjeeling Council has chosen to dedicate this conference to the healing of the earth. Consider, therefore, all levels of the earth and the records of mankind's karma that are layered there. Consider that people who are in Europe and on other continents are walking on the records of ancient bloodbaths where wars have been fought down the centuries again and again and again until the earth is literally layered with the akashic records of conflict. Know, then, that one of the keys to the spirit of freedom and the spirit of brotherhood that you find in America is that this land has not had bloodbaths as recently as the European nations and other nations of the earth. For before the colonists settled America (aside from the wars of the native Americans) and since the Civil War, this soil has been virtually free of military conflict. Because the records of this soil were relatively clear, Saint Germain could act to sponsor the Lightbearers so that civilization might begin anew in this land and that you might write a new history, a new statement of purpose of freedom for every man, woman and child upon this planet. Whether or not you realize it, you are now at the crossroads determining whether that freedom shall be guaranteed to every child in America and to every child that is born upon this planet. If you do not decide to so guarantee the freedom of the souls who inhabit this continent and this planet, there may well be a reverting to dark ages where freedom herself is no longer free because of such upheaval, even in this society and in this civilization of America. And there could be such threats to this civilization that more and more government controls will be accepted until you move from democracy to socialism and finally to dictatorship for fear of the inability of the people, the self-government of the people, by the people, and for the people to hold the reins of Darkness that threaten to control that which is America. Why, beloved ones, everywhere you turn you see children of younger and younger age having guns, killing one another, killing their teachers, killing their parents. Each day it continues in the streets of the major cities. Those who do not live in the major cities, you who are blessed to live here on the border of America's wilderness lands and in the northern Rockies are not dealing head-on with the issue of children and teen gangs carrying weapons in the streets of the major cities. But ultimately no town or city may be free of this plague of murder and mayhem amongst the youth. Understand that people become accustomed to violence. They become accustomed to upheaval. And they gradually adapt to new levels of terror, terrorism and the violence that is portrayed on television and in the films produced by the motion picture industry. Blessed hearts, these things ought not to be! And individual by individual, those who make decisions for art, for music, for government, for the economy, for the care of the sick, for the education of the children and what their children shall see and hear are also facing the initiation of the Holy Spirit. I ask you to turn your attention to your beloved Thomas More. When he had to decide whether it was worth perjuring his soul to agree with Henry VIII and thereby gain his life or it was worth giving up his life to stand for Christ Truth, there was no question in his mind. He determined that he would take his stand for Truth and know eternal life rather than take his stand for a lie that would result in the compromise of his soul. Would to God that all people on earth were such men and women for all seasons as was Thomas More! Yes, beloved, you are his disciples and therefore you can draw the line in your own life: You can wipe out cowardice. You can wipe out your reticence to speak out in defense of what is right in society, and you can take your stand for the living Christ who lives in every child of God. You can take your stand for the Holy Spirit's descent into your temple. And you can recognize that if you are to be a walking instrument of the Holy Spirit as the ancient prophets were, as they were the mouthpiece even of the mighty Archangels, you cannot enter into compromise of any kind. You cannot say, "I will not get involved. I will not attach my name to this unpopular cause even though it be right." Blessed ones, the sands in the hourglass do run out. And this is your moment and your hour. Look around your neighborhoods. Look into your schoolhouses. Look into your Scout troops. Look into your civic organizations. And look to your community responsibility. Take a stand for Truth and stand by those who stand for Truth by going into your closet to pray,{303} to give your decrees and to give the calls to God and the heavenly hosts whereby you take the right action and set the example by defending causes that should be defended by all. Support all constructive lifestreams and make the calls for the binding of the forces of Darkness that move unseen on the astral plane to tempt even the best of the sons and daughters of God away from the Lord's table at the Last Supper. Yes, that table is prepared for you in this wilderness. Yes, the Lord Christ does come, and in his name I serve you Holy Communion this day. For I would break the bread and I would pass the cup of wine that you might understand that you can take Communion daily and experience the miracle of the Eucharist, even as you have seen on film the great miracles of the Eucharist that have occurred in recent centuries proving that the Host itself does become the actual Body of Christ and that the wine itself does become his Blood.{304} This process of transmutation by spiritual alchemy is known as transubstantiation.{305} Yes, beloved, the Lord Jesus Christ has manifested himself in the Eucharist. May you partake of Holy Communion, and do so daily if you so desire, with the acceptance that as you partake of the Body and Blood of Christ your soul is being bonded to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. So may your words and works be consistent with those of one who would put on and be part of that Mystical Body of the Lord. Yes, beloved ones, as this Messenger observed over thirty years ago, the problems of this world are not solved by the United Nations. They are solved by the individual united with God. Believe me, this is true. One individual who is united with God can be the igniting of a world and the upliftment of a world. So aspire to that goal and then work in any profession or calling you feel compelled to follow. But first and foremost, always know that if you are not plugged in to God and plugged in through the Holy Spirit to your Mighty I AM Presence every day and every hour of the day, you as an individual will not be able to stand up against the planetary forces of Darkness. Who has called you to do so, you say. Well, I say I, for one, the Maha Chohan, have called you to do this, for I recognize that God in you is the all-power of God. Whether his power be in you who are imperfect and not fully tutored or trained or developed in your self-mastery, it matters not, because God is the allness of you and in you when you determine to turn your life over to him, to turn your body temple over to him, to receive the Holy Ghost, to receive the living Christ and to know that you walk the path of the Bodhisattvas. This is a time for singleness of purpose, for understanding that when the LORD God lets his mantle descend upon you, when your great I AM Presence descends upon you, you then have the empowerment of God to challenge the forces of Evil, beginning with those you have allowed to lodge within yourself and moving on to those that prey upon those nearest you. Thus you may assist your loved ones, reinforcing them with the strength you have because you daily commune in prayer, in love and in service with your God. So understand that when King David determined to number the Israelites, God punished Israel with a pestilence that killed seventy thousand.{306} But when the Israelites relied upon the LORD and were not concerned with numbers but only concerned that they were right with God, they prospered and were victorious in battle. As Jonathan said before the battle of Michmash, "There is no restraint to the LORD to save by many or by few."{307} To this I call you, America! To this I call you, people of the world who are of God! Understand that wherever you live, in whatever city, you are a pillar of fire! You are the representative of the Holy Spirit where you are so long as you keep the commandments of God and shun all fanaticism and come to love the very heart and soul of everyone, even if that one is your worst enemy. There is a seed of God in all. Tie into it. Attach yourself to it and let the Light flow through you, for the Light is greater than the Darkness. And as the Light flows through you and goes into an individual because you refuse to focus upon his negatives, you refuse to tie into his argument or even his war, but you remain steadfast, anchoring your love in the point of Light that is God in that individual, beloved ones, that Light will swallow up the Darkness. And you will see by your heart and flame that people have been converted by the Holy Spirit because you have dared to wear my mantle, to walk with me, to know the Lord, to know the Holy Spirit and to recognize that that is the empowerment that God gave to Jesus Christ and that he desires to give to you. Be not afraid to qualify yourself to receive that Light and that Power! Be not afraid to change - to change your habits, change your life-style, change what is important to you. I tell you, a world is hanging in the balance! And only a very small percentage of the people of this world have even the slightest understanding of the commitment necessary to be a bearer of the Light twenty-four hours a day - yes, to have that fountain rising within them so that if one comes and asks for water, they will have the water of everlasting life stored in their `pitchers'{308} so that they can give a message of love and hope that is charged with the Holy Spirit, that is transforming to the one who receives it. Do not look at your sins and say, "I am not worthy, for I have sinned." I say, God in you is worthy! God in you is able to forgive you in this moment and in this hour. And for that reason I have come to serve you Holy Communion, and I desire that before you partake of it you shall confess your sins to your Holy Christ Self and cast them into the sacred fire and be not too proud to receive the forgiveness of God. When you receive the forgiveness of God and you have that absolution, beloved ones, what happens? What happens is that you are free! You have wiped the slate clean. God has wiped the slate clean. You have promised your Holy Christ Self before the altar of God to go and sin no more. You are free once again to be a servant of God. Well, note the psychology of the carnal mind, beloved ones. It says to you: "You cannot be forgiven and God is not willing to forgive you. And even if he were, you would not allow him to forgive you, so you will remain forever a sinner sitting on a heap of sins and refusing to budge from where you are in consciousness. And in that frame of mind you will not be able to make a move to the right, to the left, forward or backwards, for you are stuck! You are a miserable sinner." Well, beloved ones, if you do not wish to make progress on the Path, then your own carnal mind has given you a very good excuse as to why you can't go forward in any direction. So you see, it takes courage and it takes the binding of all cowardice to receive God's forgiveness and then to defy the Tempter who comes along and tells you, "Aha! aha! You have committed this sin twenty-four years ago and God will never forgive you. And therefore you, being a miserable sinner, cannot come along and preach to the multitudes and tell them what standards they must hold when you yourself have not kept your standards." Beloved hearts, you can go round and round on this merry-go-round for lifetime after lifetime. If you are willing to be God's representative in your family, then you must be willing to forgive, to receive forgiveness, to put your sins into the violet flame of the Holy Spirit and to start the new day saying: God has washed me clean. God has baptized me with his Light. The Holy Spirit has come into my room. And I have received the forgiveness of God. And therefore in that forgiveness of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, I will go forward this day! I will not remember the sin of another. I will not remember my own sin, save as a reminder that I shall not sin again. And I will not hold against anyone anything that he has done to me in our entire existence. And I pray that those against whom I have sinned will not hold my sins against me. By your resolution to forgive, and to forgive "seventy times seven" as Jesus taught,{309} you cut yourself free from those who hold grudges against you and you send them love, love, love that pours forth perpetually! Remind yourself of love by playing the love songs that we have recorded for you,{310} those mystical songs of Divine Love that bring you back to the realization that your only reason for being is to love and to love wisely, to love with the knowledge of the will of God and the laws of God and the laws of man, to love with the intelligence to know that some laws of man must be taken down and others must be put in their place - to love with the dedication to live in a free world where you can make the difference, you can run for office, you can write articles for a newspaper, you can do anything you want to get out your message so long as it is within the law of God and you do it on the foundation of the flame of the Holy Spirit that yet burns on the altar of your heart. I transmit to you now an intensity of ruby fire from my heart through the Messenger's heart. And this ruby fire is so intense, beloved, that it does cause the Messenger's physical heart to pound in the very presence of this love. Now I apportion it unto you, heart by heart by heart, that you might know what it is to walk with the flame of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ your Lord burning within your breast and know that he has called you to be like him and not to remain miserable sinners. And therefore you can walk not with your head in the sky but level, observing both the earth and the heavens and being practical in ways in which you can make a difference, such as turning back terrorism or contemplated terrorism and defending children from the harm that befalls them every day on their playgrounds and in the streets of the cities of this nation. Blessed ones, I tell you, the measure of your service, the measure of your discipleship will always be how free you are to love. Free up the fires of love in your own being! I have given you a transfusion of love out of the fire of my heart, but you must keep that fire banked with good works and love repeated again and again that multiplies again and again. Understand, beloved, that this love in your heart is the real power whereby worlds can be transformed and those things that look dark upon the horizon can be dissipated as easily as the wind dissipates the clouds. Yes, beloved, love does not appear to be the easy solution when you look at the challenges faced by the people of every nation today. But I tell you, the most difficult way to solve human problems is through the human consciousness. Human problems defy solutions. Wherever you go you hear people say: "How can we solve this problem? We can't solve it this way and we can't solve it that way. We can't solve the problem of the deficit. We can't solve the problem of health care. We can't solve the problem of the North American Free Trade Agreement or this or that or the next thing." The problems of the nations defy solution because they appear to be bigger than anyone or any group of human beings can resolve. But any group of angels of God and ascended hosts and all elemental life working together with sincere good folk on earth can bring about planetary transformation through the violet transmuting flame. I ask you to be that spark of the Holy Spirit that ignites a world with the violet flame and ignites you for the victory of your ascension. I seal you in the heart of God. May you also seal God in your heart. I AM the Maha Chohan, so very close to you. Remember, I am as close as the very breath of life and the flame upon the altar of being. I have come to ignite you. Guard the flame! This dictation by the Maha Chohan was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, June 25, 1993, during the ten-day conference FREEDOM 1993: "Healing the Earth," held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Prior to the dictation, the Messenger delivered her lecture "Teachings of the Maha Chohan on the Initiations of the Holy Spirit for Those Who Would Become Keepers of the Flame of Life." The lecture and dictation are available on audiocassette (also includes the June 25 dictation by Paul the Venetian): 3 cassettes, 4 hr. 15 min., A93056. Also available separately: Lecture, 2 cassettes, 2 hr. 45 min., B93056, B93057. Dictations, 1 cassette, 90 min., B93058. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under the Maha Chohan's direction.] ****** Chapter 33 Beloved Paul the Venetian - August 15, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 33 - Beloved Paul the Venetian - August 15, 1993 FREEDOM 1993 A Global Conference Dedicated to HEALING THE EARTH 2 The Love of God Is the Divine Solution I Make a Plea for Chalices of Love Chelas of the Third Ray of God's Love, I am honored to be called by the Darjeeling Council to speak to you with our Lord the Maha Chohan for the opening of FREEDOM 1993. Blessed ones, truly the Love of God is the divine solution. Truly the Love of God begins with your loving of your own soul and spirit, your own Christ Presence and all that is real about you. Love is truly cloven tongues of fire that divide in you the Real from the Unreal.{311} You can love the Real; you can cast the Unreal into the violet flame. And that energy liberated can return to you so that every part of your manifestation can be in the geometry of Divine Love. At all periods of history when nations and empires have passed through straits such as you now face, it has been those who have carried the flame of Love who have been willing to make major sacrifices for their civilization. When these have come forward, beloved, they have borne a fire of Love that has overcome all else. I speak of a love that is enlightened, that is wise, that is knowledgeable in the things of God and in the things of this world. How you admire the prophets! How they understood the political equations of their times! And according to all the information they had access to, they would report the untoward conditions of the times to the I AM Presence. Then they would lend their heart and ear to the LORD God, and the Archangels would prophesy through them. And as the mouthpiece of God, the prophets would deliver to the princes, kings, leaders and people of Israel and Judah that which the LORD God commanded them to do. Those commands often went unheeded and, as a consequence, Israel and Judah ultimately were led captive into exile in Assyria and Babylon. And the lost tribes, save for a remnant, were scattered abroad in the earth and have not yet known or understood the true communion of the Holy Spirit, whereby they might also make their mark in this age. Therefore there did come a time when the people left off listening to their God, and their councils decided that God was no longer talking to man and that man's problems and deliberations were in fact no business of God's. Then came the ridicule of those who communed with God, to whom God had spoken; for God has not ceased to speak to his own throughout all ages. Failure to commune with God or to make excuses why man should not commune with God is the work of fallen angels and of the Devil himself. God has freely communed with imperfect men and women. I remind you of this. Moses was not perfect. He had slain the Egyptian taskmaster{312} and yet God appeared to him. He was called, he was chosen to be the instrument of the deliverance of the people of God. I repeat, then, what the Maha Chohan has said. Your sense of your being not prepared, not ready, not having enough attainment is in fact a lie, because who is the doer within you but God, but the living soul and the living Spirit? Thus to postpone a work of the Lord in this decade can be ultimately fatal to you and those whom you love. I never speak to incite fear or doubt or anxiety, though it may sound so to some because the leaders in Church and State today would tremble before they should tell the people what truly is coming upon the earth and what is happening in this nation alone, let alone the nations abroad. They fear to tell the people all that they know. Well, when the Ascended Masters speak, they speak to those who have come prepared to hear the truth, to hear what is reality, for they are no longer content to avoid all confrontation by dwelling in illusion and surfeiting themselves, whether in television or partying or drugs, et cetera, et cetera. We speak the truth because you have come for the truth. And the truth is that problems do not just go away! Problems continue like viruses and diseases. They mushroom around the planet. And therefore someone, somewhere must stand up in the wood, by his cabin or wherever he may be, on his farm or in his skyscraper, and simply say: "Thus far and no farther! I will stand for Truth and defend Truth with all that I AM, God willing and God with me, so that this that is Darkness might be set aside and that the Light solution can come forth!" As you know, I preside not only over the arts but over music, sculpture and even drama. But much that we see as art and music today in the popular culture causes the scrambling of the inner engrams of the blueprints of past golden-age civilizations and etheric cities and retreats, where there is a pristine manifestation of the geometry of being and where the likeness of the inner patterns is brought forth in magnificent works of art. Art ought to be a representation of the potential of each and every one - what man can do, what man can become, what he can aspire to! Art should represent the next level of ideas, creativity and invention instead of the degradations of the depressed, the chaotic, those who do not have an integrating fire, for they long ago snuffed it out. To call chaos art is to be asleep to the fact that chaos in any discipline, whether it be science or art, must lead to the chaos of the mind and the chaos of civilization. Let those of you who have the least talent in art, who may not be trained but who have that sense of balance and that attunement with beauty, meditate upon the inner realms of Light. Ask to be taken to the university of the Spirit that is the Temple of the Sun over New York City, presided over by the Goddess of Liberty. Ask to be taken to the Château de Liberté, my retreat on the Rhone River in southern France.{313} Go there, beloved. Go there and attend classes that you might bring forth into the physical in your waking hours that which you have seen of the etheric octave, of the golden cities of Light and of the spiritual temples and even of the records of the heyday of Atlantis and Lemuria. Study, then, at the inner retreats and bring forth, for children to feast their eyes on, the symmetry, the beauty, the luster of divine art. Conduct the experiments that we conduct in our retreat, and bring forth the same inventions that we have produced from those experiments - inventions that have not been reinvented on earth since the days of Atlantis. Blessed hearts, it is of utmost concern to us who work with the All-Seeing Eye of God that we are seeing the inner sight of children being ruined because they are constantly bombarded with chaotic images, chaotic sounds, chaotic everything in their environment, including the outrageous misuse of guns among children. Beauty, then, is for the calming of the soul, true music for the upliftment of the spirit. And even the body itself will conform to new patterns, especially when the diet is also corrected. Blessed ones, where there is no longer beauty to gaze upon, how shall mothers who are pregnant look upon pure designs and translate these to the molecules of substance? I make a plea for chalices of Love! Chalices of Love come in art and drama, architecture and sculpture and in all of the many avenues that are open to you in design, even in the presentation of the Masters' teachings as you set them forth in books and periodicals. But my work goes far beyond art, beloved. I enter the art of politics. I enter the art of economics as a student and a teacher of the economists of the nations, in cooperation with the Darjeeling Council. I am therefore here to tell you that unless the consciousness of the people is raised to a new understanding of the availability of the power of God to work change, you will see civilization, at best, remain at this level or, at worst, continue its downward spiral. Let all ye who gather here know that the Universal Christ - call him what you will, call him Krishna - who is apportioned unto you in your Holy Christ Self, is able to lead you in the right direction, whereby you may not only fulfill your divine plan and gain a greater mastery than you now have but balance your karma because you see Love as the key to the turning of worlds and the turning of this civilization. I leave you, then, to ponder all of this as you now come forward to receive Holy Communion, administered to you by the Maha Chohan himself. I seal you in the matrix of Love and in the beauty of your soul. And I invite you to our retreats that you might bring back the keys - the very keys that will turn around the decadence in some corners of this civilization. For the victory of earth and for the healing of your four lower bodies, for the healing of broken hearts and for the healing of the mind, I am come. And I seal you with a pink rose superimposed upon the golden cross that I place upon you and before you. Blessing of Holy Communion by the Maha Chohan O Holy Spirit of God, I, the Maha Chohan, send forth this Light as cloven tongues of fire. So this bread and this wine receive the blessing of the Holy Spirit. Partake, then, of the Body of Christ and the Blood of Christ and know that transformation of the human becoming the divine. So let it be done. Let it be done in the name of the Four and Twenty Elders, the Solar Logoi and all of the cosmic councils who hold session in this hour. For the hierarchy of Light gather to assist in determining the fate of issues at hand and they set themselves to the task of the upliftment of humanity through the kindling of those hearts whose fire can ignite the many. In the purest Love of God, I, the Maha Chohan, receive you and I receive you in the name of the bride of the Holy Spirit, the holy Mary, Mother of Jesus. May you sing to my bride as you come forward to receive Holy Communion. [Congregation sings Sanctissima album of hymns to the Blessed Mother during the ritual of Holy Communion.] This dictation by Paul the Venetian was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet following the dictation by the Maha Chohan on Friday, June 25, 1993, during the ten-day conference FREEDOM 1993: "Healing the Earth," held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Before the dictations, the Messenger delivered her lecture "Teachings of the Maha Chohan on the Initiations of the Holy Spirit for Those Who Would Become Keepers of the Flame of Life." For a richer understanding of the two dictations, you will want to hear this lecture. (See ordering information, p. 490.) [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Paul the Venetian's direction.] ****** Chapter 34 Beloved Astrea - August 22, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 34 - Beloved Astrea - August 22, 1993 Freedom 1993 A GLOBAL CONFERENCE DEDICATED TO Healing the Earth 3 "Here Am I. Send Me." Accept Your Seraph as Teacher, Initiator and Dearest Friend In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. And one cried unto another and said, "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts. The whole earth is full of his glory." And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried and the house was filled with smoke. Then said I, "Woe is me! for I am undone because I am a man of unclean lips and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts." Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar. And he laid it upon my mouth and said, "Lo, this hath touched thy lips, and thine iniquity is taken away and thy sin purged." Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then said I, "Here am I. Send me." - Isaiah 6:1-8 Are you ready for the seraphim of God to place the live coal upon your mouth? ["Yes!"] Maybe yes and maybe no, yet it is well that you aspire to this goal. For the LORD God seeks you and he will pursue you as the hound of heaven until he can mold you and shape you to be his instrument, yea, to be his mouthpiece. And so the prophets did go forth. And the prophets knew the presence of Elohim and the prophets knew and did receive from the Archangels even the presence of I AM THAT I AM. Fear not, then, for the purging fire shall only deliver you to a new level of the concentration of the will of God within your being. The will of God is the blueprint of cosmos. It is the higher way. It transcends all failures of the human way and does restore to you in your inner being, O beloved, even the very essence of the Divine Mother. You are at that place now where you can wholeheartedly embrace the will of God, which is not only the blueprint of cosmos but the blueprint of your soul. And you can be restored to the plane of your divine plan as year upon year the rings of light in your Tree of Life increase. Thus, it has been said and I say it again: I urge you not to entertain in any way the consciousness of sin or failure or worthlessness. Nevertheless, in the face of the LORD God and his seraphim, even the highest initiates of earth have covered themselves with the sense that they were not worthy to stand in the Presence of God and his holy angels. But you should also know that there is an element of human pride in entertaining the sense of not being worthy: for only God can make you worthy and he alone shall judge your unworthiness. And if he choose to make you worthy, then I say, step into those shoes of worthiness and wear them! Wear them in the name of your God and see how in this life you can yet achieve resolution in all things within yourself and how you can make a mark on this scene that shall be for others who come after you a signpost that says: Indeed all can enter the kingdom if they follow the path of initiation and understand well the rules whereby the soul does take each successive step. You have read the legend of the child Mary and how she did ascend the stairs of the degrees at the tender age of three. So too, the child within you, the child whom you would heal, is also mounting that staircase with great hope that the Christ of you will liberate that child from bondage and allow that child to grow and wax strong in the wisdom of God and in the fervor of his Spirit and in the knowledge of the Law so that you are also able to discourse with the doctors in the temple. I wield my sword of blue flame and with it my circle of blue flame! I come for a mighty clearing in the earth. And I am grateful that such as ye gather to form your own circle about me whereby the Great Law does allow me to descend, to inhabit your bodies and to give you the inheritance that is truly yours but that you have denied yourselves and that well-meaning teachers have denied you by handing down to you what was handed down to them: incorrect knowledge and incomplete knowledge. And so, ignorance begets ignorance until the Lords of Karma send enlightened souls, Christed ones and avatars to dispel the maya that has settled on all of humanity. The spiritual paths of the world's religions contain a high degree of truth but those who would control the evolutions of earth have inserted just enough error to take mankind from the course of full God-realization. And all the while, the fallen angels point the finger and say, "It is blasphemy to so attempt to attain God-realization. What's more, you cannot talk to God and he cannot talk to you." I tell you, it is neither blasphemy nor idolatry to so attempt to attain God-realization, for God has made you in the image and likeness of himself. And in order that you might attain God-realization, God has opened the channels of communication between you and him, and he will withhold nothing from you so long as you dwell in consciousness in that image and likeness. Now, how can you, pray tell, be made in the image and likeness of God and not be the manifestation of God himself? I tell you it is impossible. And the simple logic of the child does challenge the convoluted logic of those who would keep mankind bound to the sense of sin just enough so that they believe the lie that they can never win, they can never win - that no man is good enough to sire the Christ Child, that no woman is good enough to bear that Child. Thus all are weighted down with the sense of sin. This is the blasphemy of fallen angels - to belittle the creation of God, for whom they have disdain and whom they have kept in subjection for centuries. It does take spine, indeed, as the sacred fire raised up in you to challenge all that moves against the path of those who know that the ultimate goal of life is to walk in the footsteps of the Lord Christ, then to receive his mantle, then to be one with him in the fullness of his Sacred Heart. Yes, this goal of life you can see because the Lord left an historical record for you. You can see, as some have said to the Messenger, that the way is hard. But the way is not that hard. For with every temptation, the Lord does provide a way to overcome it, as it is written.{314} If, then, you are willing to go through what your Lord went through, you shall also win the coveted prize of personal Christhood and the crown of everlasting life. It is an endurance test, and he that endures to the end of the travail of his karma shall receive that crown.{315} You know, it is a cast of the mind that says, "Such and such is hard. Such and such is easy." Is it not all relative? Is it hard to be a Tibetan Buddhist monk and to have Chinese hordes come down and destroy your entire civilization, all that you have preserved of Buddha's teachings for the world? Is it hard to see your nuns and sisters, your wives and mothers raped and debased to this lowest shame of shames? Is that hard, beloved? Indeed it is hard. Could you withstand it? Sometimes we wonder, for you have been pampered in a nation sponsored by the hosts of Light, where you have not seen such a raping of souls and minds and bodies and of an entire culture. But look up and receive the warning of Elohim, for those things are coming upon the earth and upon America to test you one and all! For your souls must be strengthened ere you meet your Adversary and meet your Christ and pass the initiations of both encounters. So then, your outlook as to what you think is hard and what you think is easy is relative. It is relative to the disciplines that parents and teachers have put upon you or the total absence of discipline (meaning discipleship) you may have received. And as a result, the least little thing or the least little task an employer or supervisor requires of you may evoke a reaction in defense of your ego, which resents being told what to do by anyone, anytime, anywhere. Yes, beloved, there are those who would be their own boss and then there are those who recognize that the greatest boss of all is their own Higher Self, the Christ Presence. If you listen to that inner voice and follow that inner voice unerringly, you will find that, although the way may be steep, every carefully calculated step of the climb is worth the effort. If you will set your sights on your spiritual goal and make your mark in the earth that says I will accomplish this and this in my life, you will reach the summit of being in this life, you will enter into that union with God, Elohim, whom you knew in the Beginning. Do not count anything as too hard, for with the LORD all things are possible! And with the LORD you can make light of persecution. With the LORD you can unburden yourself of the weight of world karma by calling to God and his august emissaries to effect world transmutation through your thunderous calls to the violet flame, punctuated by those bolts of blue lightning you release from the hierarchs of the First and Fourth Rays to break up the recalcitrant records of humanity's miscreations. You can live in the Light-Joy of your Lord and take it with you when for a cycle you must descend to the depths of Death and Hell in the astral plane to balance some crusty, callous karma made so long ago that you have no memory of it. Yes, you can keep his Light-Joy with you - else, if you do not, you will receive from him that look that says, "Have you lost my Light and my Joy, O my beloved?" For this is Jesus' great desiring for you - that his Light-Joy should remain in you and that your Light-Joy might be full.{316} Are you not out of step with your Lord when you let anything take from you his Light and Joy? Do you not rejoice to see souls coming into their own God-reality, to see the mayic clouds of illusion transmuted in the violet flame by the Cosmic Christ through the sun of Helios and Vesta? The circle and sword of blue flame that you wield in my name each time you give my decree 10.14, beloved, does keep from you all sorts of discarnate and addictive entities and calamities and karmas that would otherwise ensnare you in their traps. Broaden your horizons and do not weary in invoking the Power, Wisdom and Love of Elohim! For you will find yourself on the front lines with legions of seraphim and legions of blue lightning angels under the command of Archangel Michael. And they will take you (your soul clothed in your etheric body after you put your physical body to sleep at night) to Archangel Michael's retreat at Banff, where you will join one of the many armies of heaven to rescue the little children in every nation. Blessed ones, there is so much that you can do for the victory of your Community and your planet without having to rearrange your life too much. Yes, a little bit of rearranging of the furnishings of your life will suit you well, and so will a cutting down of all unnecessary encumbrances. I, Astrea, say to you, consider yourself in spring training with battalions of angels who drill and drill to be able to meet the rising levels of descending karma and the forces of Evil. They know that their time is almost up and they accelerate their moves against the children of Light. Thus John wrote: "Therefore rejoice, ye heavens and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time."{317} There is a major confrontation taking place in this age and decade between the forces of Light and the forces of Darkness. It is not the end of the world, but for some it may be the end of unreality and the dawn of God-Reality. And those who do not act in time may be required by the Law of Love to return to embodiment so that they might prove once and for all that they can be victors and A students in earth's schoolroom. Beloved hearts, you know your assignment. You know what it means to be a pillar of fire in the earth and to be there when you are needed. Take the tools that you have been given. Call to Purity and Astrea. Know that we have come today to give you through the Messenger this extended teaching on wielding the spiritual sword because you need it, because times are accelerating and you must deal with your karma and dispatch{318} those demons. We do not give you teaching unless that teaching is needed by some and by all. Let us return, then, to the vision of the seraph descending with a live coal and placing it on Isaiah's tongue, initiating him for his calling to be a prophet of God and his mission to save Israel and Judah. And when he was purged, God said, speaking to the heavenly council, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" And without hesitation, before the council could respond, came Isaiah's reply: "Here am I! Send me." How many millions of people mock the notion that man can commune with God and God can commune with man! It is the prerogative of God and man to talk to each other. Let none deny it! For all who deny this teaching and deny it to their flocks will suffer the karma for the sin against the Holy Ghost. Oh, the scoffing by those who are compelled to deny the natural communication between Creator and creation! Yet God speaks to the heart of his own through the still, small voice of conscience. This is the voice of each one's Holy Christ Self. And the Holy Christ Self does in turn transmit to the Mighty I AM Presence the prayers, the implorings of the soul. People deny it because they know that if they should hear the voice of God, they should be compelled to follow it. They do not want to hear the voice of God because they do not want to obey it. They know that if they heard it they would rail against it and in their railing incur a mountain of karma. When Saint Stephen rebuked the Sanhedrin, they gnashed on him with their teeth. And when he then exclaimed "Behold, I see the heavens opened and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God," they stopped their ears and stoned him{319} - not only because they could not stand the Light released in his communion with God but because in their clever carnal-mindedness they sought to fool the karmic law by not hearing the voice of God or Saint Stephen. So even today they close their ears and they close their chakras that no sound of God's voice or the voice of interceding angel from higher octaves may descend to them for their quickening, for they desire not the quickening but the things of this world. Let them have them! Let them be satiated! Let them ultimately come to that place where, as it is written, they will cry out to the mountains, "Fall on us!" and to the hills, "Cover us!"{320} And they will hide in the caves from the judgment and the wrath of the descent of the LORD, the Ancient of Days. Not so in your case, beloved. You are eager to hear the voice of God; therefore you subscribe to the teachings we send you through the Messenger. But know that you, too, may drown out our admonishments with cares and occupations and some, perhaps unconscious, twinge of fear that says: "Well, I do desire to hear the voice of my Lord, my Holy Christ Self, but, then again, what if? What if he tells me to do something I cannot do, I do not desire to do, I won't do? Best that I preoccupy myself in doing good works and more good works and more good works until I fill all of my life with good works." Yes, you can be "careful and troubled about many things,"{321} or you can decide that this is the day when you separate out from the dreary depression of the gray ones and enter into the joy of the Lord. And in that joy you will also know the sorrow that comes before but not after the resurrection. Yes, beloved. At this moment there is no undue pressure upon you from God or the angelic hosts or the saints who have gone before you, but I do bring to your attention the pressing in of karmic events that are descending at the physical level. In the very least, be prepared to deal with these pressing karmic events and to maintain the peace-commanding presence in the center of your household whereby you can say to all the negative forces that threaten nations and cities and communities and families: Peace, be still and know that the I AM of me is God! When you gain a momentum in offering the resurrection mantras on behalf of all servants of God and elemental life, as Jesus has given you through the Messenger the Ritual of the Resurrection Flame,{322} I tell you that you will be empowered by the Spirit of the Resurrection, who is a Cosmic Being from out the Great Central Sun.{323} Events beyond the control of any angel or Cosmic Being, events that show the consistency and the impartiality of God's Law, events that are the cycling and recycling of planetary karma - these are not abrogated save one such as Moses should plead for the mercy of God on behalf of a wayward people. And so you have been told that when you invoke the violet flame and you call for the mitigation of the descending woes and karmas, there is indeed a mitigation of individual and world karma proportionate to the number of devotees invoking the violet flame on behalf of the people. In this role you intercede before the Holy of holies as did the Levitical priesthood and as do the members of the priesthood of Melchizedek and Lord Zadkiel. We have said and we say it again: There is yet time for you to invoke that world transmutation! There is yet time for the sacred fire to descend upon you through the agency of the seraphim as it descended on Isaiah. This is the hour when you can call upon God to send that seraph for the purging of your soul. And when you receive him, you do your part by calling to the violet flame to transmute all records of sin. Then, when you have set your house in order as a violet flame house, you can call to him again. And this time, by your decrees, that seraph will come to you as initiator, as teacher, as dearest friend. You need not fear the seraphim. That single seraph assigned to you, beloved, will not burn your tongue with a hot coal but he will purge your throat chakra to the extent allowed by the Great Law. And he will bit by bit, day by day require of you that you cast some morsel of misqualified substance into the violet flame and that you change certain thought patterns, certain emotional patterns and certain lower vibrations that you have carried for far too long. That single seraph assigned to you will assist you and deliver you, if you so desire his assistance and his deliverance. These seraphim have gathered here in the Heart of the Inner Retreat by leave of Elohim of the Fourth Ray. They will be assigned to each one who desires to receive the initiations outlined. I only counsel you thus: God has sent angels to your side in the past. You have gone forth from such dictations with a vibration so high that you could scarcely remember what was said. And by and by you have forgot that angels or elementals were assigned to you and you have forgot to command them in the service of the Holy Christ Self of all sons and daughters of God on earth. So this time, beloved, write down the following, if you will, in your daily planner or calendar: On this day and date and hour [Saturday, June 26, 1993, at 6:10 p.m.] a seraphim has come to me, assigned by Elohim of the Fourth Ray. I have accepted him as my tutor and my initiator and I will strive daily to rise to new levels of my own God Presence dwelling in me bodily, even as the LORD God dwelt bodily in my Lord and Saviour. I will follow my Lord all the way to Golgotha and beyond. I will follow him to the East, to India. I will follow him unto the resurrection and unto eternal life! If you desire to do these things and to affirm them daily, write them down before you retire this night so that you will remember that you have entered into an association with a seraph sent from the throne of God to deliver you that you might deliver others. This is the calling, beloved. This is the reason for being. Let your flesh be filled with Light! Let your chakras be filled with Light! But know also that a day and date and hour comes to all when the opportunity for ultimate victory in this particular lifetime draws to a close. Set your goal for what you desire to accomplish on the spiritual path and what you desire to accomplish in your profession and in relation to your secular and karmic responsibilities. Set your timetables, set your lifelines. And see to it that when this earthly life span is through (and you enter the gates of the heaven-world once again, as you have entered them many times before) you have books of good record under your arm that you or your recording angel have kept in the library of your etheric body so that you may open them before the Lords of Karma and say, "See, day by day by day I have done thus and such in the service of my God." The Keeper of the Scrolls will bring you the scrolls of record from the archives of the Brotherhood. And you will know that this was not a lifetime spent in vain but that the Light that you invoked was also anchored in the earth. You will know that for the healing of the earth you came and for the healing of earth's evolutions you came, and the record will show that you have played your part and therefore you will have no regrets. I see before me the life records of all of you and millions of others who at one time or another have been on the path of the Great White Brotherhood, going back many, many lifetimes, but for this or that reason have departed from it. And what is the overwhelming feeling of those souls who have concluded a lifetime apart from the beaten trail of Lord Maitreya's Mystery School and now stand before the Lords of Karma? One word: regret. "Oh, I could have done so much more! Oh, why did I waste my time in idle chatter and gossip? Oh, why did I not pursue giving greater love in a more tangible way to those who so needed my love?" And so on and so forth. Thus, many beg for the opportunity to come again to fulfill their reason for being, which they neglected for other things. In the beauty of this place set apart long ago by Archangels for the coming of the Mystery School, we are gathered. These are precious moments that all look forward to in heaven and on earth. Therefore, beloved, in this hour and moment I am silent that you might speak to God, to his Christ, and receive, if you so choose, this seraph as your tutor. He is ready to stand with you for the rest of this lifetime if you will it. [Congregation prays softly to God and to his Christ.] So, it is enough. If you are undecided, you may take your time to decide until the hour of midnight. This, then, is the greeting of God to your soul, sent and sealed, delivered by the presence of a seraph who will walk with you and counsel you day by day. In the Light of Purity, in the Light of Astrea, I AM THAT I AM the sealing of the servants of God in their foreheads. So, it is done. Purusha. - [24-second standing ovation] This dictation by beloved Astrea was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, June 26, 1993, during the ten-day conference FREEDOM 1993: "Healing the Earth," held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Before the dictation, the Messenger delivered her lecture "How to Use the Sword of the Spirit and the Word of God to Fulfill God's Plan for You." The lecture and dictation are available on audiocassette (includes dictation by Archangel Michael, which followed): 3 cassettes, A93061. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Astrea's direction.] ****** Chapter 35 Beloved Archangel Michael - August 29, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 35 - Beloved Archangel Michael - August 29, 1993 FREEDOM 1993 A GLOBAL CONFERENCE DEDICATED TO Healing the Earth 4 Planetary Cataclysm or World Transmutation: You Decide The Earth Is the Lord's and the Fullness Thereof, the World and All They That Dwell Therein Hail, legions of Light! Hail, sons and daughters of God! I AM descended into your midst for a purpose that is holy, that is truthful, that is scientific. I AM here to serve you in God's name! [35-second standing ovation] Be seated, then, in the company of my legions. We have come, beloved, for a clearing action, wielding the sword of blue flame in God's name and evermore penetrating new layers of being that you open up to us by the dynamism of your decrees so that we might deliver you for your own divine plan. We are marching across the margents of the earth - north, south, east and west - and we go deeper and deeper into the astral plane for the binding of those denizens of Darkness who pit themselves against the children and the youth of the world, plotting to take from them that sacred sword, that fire of God whereby they might conquer and bring in a higher civilization. Now then, my purpose in wielding the sword in your behalf and in coming to you this day is to impart to you the holiness of your own holy encounter with God, to set before you that scene on the plains of Mamre where you commune with God as Abraham communed with God.{324} So see the scene, beloved, and yourself there waiting upon the LORD. For in that enveloping Light and that Word of God, there is that transformation that every true soul yearns for. Holiness unto the LORD! Holiness unto the LORD! Holiness unto the LORD!{325} Even so, LORD God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments!{326} Judgments are like the descent of lightning, thunder and the downpour of rain. When the storm is over, the air is clear. So when the karmas descend that are the judgments upon the people and they are forced by the karma of circumstance to grapple with them, there is a clearing of the air and new opportunity for choices to take the path upward and to ascend. So, beloved, true and righteous are the judgments of God. Do not resist them, but walk with them and see to it that you process all that comes to you. In the holiness of the consciousness of the Paraclete and the Christ of you, you can walk above the waves of the astral sea and the mounting karma of the earth. Holiness. Holy, holy, holy, LORD God Almighty, thou art holy in manifestation in man. So goes the mantra. If you seek and find holiness, it shall be almost as a metal shining, reflecting as with the brilliance of a burnished platinum. The consciousness of holiness is an aura of protection and it keeps you apart from those who would lead you astray. For truthfulness I come. Truthfulness is right seeing, seeing by the third eye, clearing the eye, refusing to use it to see evil in others but definitely using it to discriminate between Light and Darkness so that you should not be tricked by another. Discrimination of the Holy Spirit and the Christ consciousness will bring you to the point of that Truth that shall make you free.{327} Truthfulness in all your being is another sword you can wield. The power of Truth is all-compelling - all-compelling, blessed hearts. Thus, there is the Light of the sacred fire that does descend. Thus, there is the empowerment of the sword itself. Angels of Archangel Michael working with the legions of K-17 in the Cosmic Secret Service move throughout the earth to bring to the attention of governments and nations those evil things that some would accomplish, for they know only the way of destruction. But it is not the destruction wrought by the Destroyer, Shiva, but rather the tearing down of all that God and his sons and daughters have built. I AM Michael! I place my sword in your hand. It is a sword to be wielded and not to be left unused. I AM Michael! And I may cut you free throughout this conference from many burdens, and this, after all, is one reason why you have come. You have come, beloved, because there is an action of the mysteries of God descending; for the Holy Spirit is pouring out the fire of God upon his people, and the Light does intensify. Let us concentrate on the Light and know that when that Light touches the Darkness, it does consume it. Let us see the Light and meditate on the Light and emphasize the Light day after day. And therefore know that the earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof, the world and all they that dwell therein.{328} The earth is the LORD's! The earth is the LORD's! [Congregation affirms with Archangel Michael:] The earth is the LORD's! The earth is the LORD's! The earth is the LORD's! The earth is the LORD's! And because it is the LORD's, you must claim it for him and his offspring. You must retake it from those who have claimed it who do not have lawful ownership of it but who have taken ownership of both the earth and your souls, and even you know it not. Such is the treachery and the wiles of those who are determined to see to it that souls are lost. And the Blessed Mother has asked you to pray on behalf of those who may be lost or are in the process of being lost, and in response you have given your rosaries and your Fátima prayers with devotion. And so, know that the saving of souls is by the grace of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Mother as you make your heart one with hers and understand that some souls who are precious souls are nevertheless weak, for they have passed from the screen of life without having truly been grounded in their Mighty I AM Presence. And not having a physical body, they are subject to the deviltry of those on the astral plane who mean them no good. This is an hour for deep consideration of the real meaning of life. It is also an hour when you can know the joy of fulfillment of your reason for being, of your divine plan and of all that you came to accomplish. It is an hour when you can know that there is room in life for joy and freedom and carefreeness. By simply locking in to your decrees at a certain time of day that you set aside to keep the flame (the earlier the better), you can then engage in many activities that fulfill your human needs as well as the divine needs of your soul. The purpose of this conference is to tackle the assignment of invoking healing for planet earth, for all elemental life - the beings of fire, air, water and earth, who bear upon their backs much of the burden of mankind's karma. Healing the earth is indeed a challenge but it is not so great for you and millions of others who catch the sparks of the violet flame you invoke. And when you invoke the violet flame and feel the joy of the elementals and angels working together with sons and daughters of God, there is a lightness, there is a happiness, there is laughter, there is the absolute conviction that through Almighty God this earth can and shall be healed if enough people who understand the science of the spoken Word and the science of the sword come together and say: We will do it! We will do it now! We will do it because we take those healing decrees and the sign of the All-Seeing Eye of God and the Emerald Matrix, and we place that earth in that matrix. And with Mary the Mother and the Bodhisattva Kuan Yin, we will hold that immaculate concept for the earth! And we will give their rosaries and hold their hand and call to them every day and pray that they superimpose the healing thoughtform over the earth. And we will make light work of this! And we will not be defeated, for we will remember Omri-Tas and the inhabitants of the violet planet, who in their hour of crisis took their stand and said, "We will turn back those who would destroy our planet!" And they invoked the violet flame and they invoked it heartily. They invoked it with such joy, such happiness and such thoroughness that they did defeat on their planet the very ones who in your day would, if you were to allow it, destroy this planet by the destruction of the environment itself. The Seven Archangels work directly with elemental life, and shortly you will be giving your calls and prayers to them, delineating specifically those areas of greatest desecration of the earth body and the bodies of mankind and animal life. Remember, you must be specific in your calls. Hit the nail on the head, as they say, and challenge the four delineations of "animal magnetism" that cause people to become dense and ineffective in the march for the purification of the four lower bodies of earth and her people. The four misuses of these four lower bodies are, then: (1) malicious animal magnetism (criticism, condemnation and gossip) blocking and misqualifying the light of the etheric body, (2) ignorant animal magnetism (disobedience, stubbornness and defiance of the Law) blocking and misqualifying the light of the mental body, (3) sympathetic animal magnetism (commiseration with the human consciousness) blocking and misqualifying the light of the astral, or desire, body, and (4) delicious animal magnetism (sensuality, selfishness and self-love) blocking and misqualifying the light of the physical body. And so you see, it is sons and daughters of God in the earth who must make the call and give us the authority to act in their behalf. For God has given unto you free will and by free will you must invoke us and accept our coming, for this is the domain of the sons and daughters of God. And all heavenly hosts attend to the prayers of the righteous and of the many who pray, not knowing the paths of righteousness and therefore not knowing how to walk in them for the LORD's sake. We the heavenly hosts enter in to the personal situations of the lives of the people, especially when they are specific in their calls for our intercession. We also tackle with gusto the seemingly unsolvable planetary problems. The more hearts of Light make the call, the greater is our empowerment to intercede in your behalf on a planetary scale. Beloved ones, let us from this hour forward, and especially throughout FREEDOM 1993, dig in with our decrees with the understanding that there is no greater power than the power of the spoken Word to effect permanent change. Let the science of the Word be for the sharpening of the sword of blue flame so that by holiness, truthfulness and science itself you can see what is the chemistry needed for the resolution of earth's problems and what is the spiritual formula for resolution at inner planes. You all will agree, I sincerely believe, that the problems of the environment on a world scale cannot truly be solved without the intercession of God and his hosts. We believe this and that is why we have tarried with the earth to help those who haven't quite figured out what problem-solving can be when you include God and his hosts in the equation. I tell you, conditions much worse than those you now have on planet earth have been turned around because the body of the remnant of the seed of the LORD have said, "We will stand fast. We will stand fast and we will see this job to the end!" [34-second standing ovation] Enough, then, of the blue lightning and the white fire and the sword of blue flame this day! You have built a bulwark of faith that is comforting to the elementals. I bid you, during your recess take out the tapes to the elementals, sing songs with them, teach them how to pray and decree, for they need you as instructors. Invite them into the tent and make them merry in the spirit of the violet flame. Teach them of the burden of the LORD and let them take refuge in the mantle of your I AM Presence. Let all elemental life know that you have joined with them with determination to lift their burden through violet flame transmutation of world karma. Let them know that people from all walks of life who may not know about the science of decrees have nevertheless joined forces with them and worked with them that this body of Mother Earth might also become the Body of God and the receptacle for the LORD's descent in his "Second Coming." For on that day when he does suddenly come into your temple, you will know the appearance of God, first in the form of the LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ, then again in the fulfill-ment in your being of that Holy One of God who is your Holy Christ Self. I call, then, to Oromasis and Diana, Aries and Thor, Neptune and Luara, Virgo and Pelleur, beloved Omri-Tas and all the heavenly hosts who work with elemental life. Come, then! Come marching with your legions of Light! Gather, then! For we are here for the purification of the earth body and we would see it accomplished sooner than even our chelas imagine it can be done. For remember, we are the original scientists, we are the original architects. We can take those deadly chemicals and radioactive isotopes, which apparently have the potential to destroy or alter life for centuries, and insert the missing element into the equation, the universal alchemical solvent - the violet flame. And we affirm that the violet flame can and does transmute these toxins, these pollutants, these by-products of the misuses of nuclear energy. Yes, a planet can be cleaned up, beloved ones, and there are two possible routes whereby the earth might once again become habitable: (1) planetary cataclysm and (2) world transmutation. May your choice be the latter because you the people take stock of your planet and respond to her need and act in time and by the sacred fire of God determine to bring redemption to the earth body and her people by world transmutation and without planetary cataclysm. I trust I know what your choice will be. [24-second standing ovation] Hail, sons and daughters of God here and in all dimensions of being throughout this universe! I salute you! I call you and I compel you to come now from the highways and byways of the universes, to come to the crossroads of planet earth and to show a universe and a cosmos that, empowered by the cosmic cross of white fire, converging lifestreams can do something, can do everything that God allows, to see a miracle of transmutation by the ancient and modern alchemists and by the apprentices of Saint Germain, Hierarch of Aquarius with Portia. Thus, in this name and in this victory and by all opportunities made known to us by God, I say: Seize the torch of Victory! Seize the torch of Liberty! Seize the torch of Cosmic Christ Peace and be free! [32-second standing ovation] This dictation by Archangel Michael was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet following the dictation by beloved Astrea on Saturday, June 26, 1993, during the ten-day conference FREEDOM 1993: "Healing the Earth," held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Before the dictations, the Messenger delivered her lecture "How to Use the Sword of the Spirit and the Word of God to Fulfill God's Plan for You." The lecture and dictations are available on audiocassette: 3 cassettes, A93061. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Archangel Michael's direction.] Sections printed in bold italic type can be used as fiats, mantras, affirmations and decrees. The Messenger recommends that each week when you receive your Pearl of Wisdom, you type these up and place them in a special section in your decree book. You are also encouraged to compose your own fiats and affirmations based on the teachings given in the Pearls of Wisdom. ****** Chapter 36 Beloved Jesus Christ - September 1, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 36 - Beloved Jesus Christ - September 1, 1993 FREEDOM 1993 A GLOBAL CONFERENCE DEDICATED TO Healing the Earth 5 The Path of the Builders I Am Sent to Hold the Line of the Initiation of Your Christhood Hail, Maitreya, my beloved Guru! Hail, Lord Gautama! Hail, Lord Sanat Kumara! I openly acknowledge thee unto the world. And may the world know that I have descended from the great Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, sent by them on the mission, lo, of these two thousand years, for the manifestation of the living Christ. May my disciples, therefore, acknowledge the lineage by whom I am sent and acknowledge also Padma Sambhava, my own disciple, through whose heart you, one and all, commune with me in glory. So I bow to the Light that God has placed in your hearts and to the God Presence with you. And I welcome you to the company of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who have set themselves to be the underpinnings of this Community. [37-second standing ovation] I have spoken through this Messenger. I shall speak through her again. Now be seated in the flame of my unfailing love. It is an hour when I come to you. For I come for the quickening of your heart. I come for the washing of the soul and her purification. I come to draw you to my heart, closer again and closer again each time we come together in this vigil of the hours. So, beloved, consider your life as a walk with me and each direct encounter through my dictations as beckoning you closer to my Sacred Heart, preparing you, giving you the initiations your soul requires. Do not go out from this tabernacle this year and forget that we have come close - as close as those of higher octaves can come to those in the earth. You know the paths of devotees down the ages whose hearts have been so one with mine that I have taken them to be my brides and I have received them in the ritual of the bonding of the heart.{329} Blessed ones, I am pivotal in this age and in the conclusion of the age, and I am the keystone in the arch of the hierarchy of Sanat Kumara that is tending the earth. And through my Heart, that Sacred Heart of God that I have made my own, there is the open door whereby you may pass through into the glory of your own Christhood. God therefore has sent me as a testing, a testing and a testing again. For many will say, "Why do we need Jesus?" The answer, beloved, is that the initiator must come. Lord Maitreya, one with me, is the initiator of hearts; and then again Gautama Buddha and Sanat Kumara are initiators. But many among the evolutions of earth are not ready for them because they have not received me. They have descended to levels not only below the level of the Sacred Heart of the Son of God but also below the level of the great Dharmakaya of the Buddhas. Thus they must enter in at the strait gate{330} and bend the knee before the God who dwells within them, the God whom they have forsaken and separated out from. And until they do enter in at the strait gate and bend the knee, they cannot claim the God of very gods as their own living, vibrant identification in reality. Those, then, who have separated out from the reality of the soul, the reality of their Inner Christ and their Inner Buddha, must now enter in through the hearts of initiates, such as Padma Sambhava, who have held that flame and kept that flame. It is the bending of the knee that is required, and in that bending of the knee there must be that acknowledgment by the soul that I have gone out of the way. I have sinned. I come now as penitent. I come to confess all of the spots and blemishes of my being, and I desire to take the humble steps of the most humble pathway back to God. And because I have forfeited the intercession of the one whom God sent for the ransom of my soul, because I have forfeited the bonding of my soul to my own Christ Self, I will submit wholly and lovingly to the path of the return and I will agree to meet whatever are the requirements for my return. Do you understand, then, beloved, that there is a need for the chain of sponsors who go back to that Lord of lords, Sanat Kumara, who is the sponsoring Guru of earth and her evolutions? Understand, beloved hearts, that there are many who do good and have goodness in their hearts. Yet I have become the stone of stumbling.{331} For they cannot accept that God has sent me not only to save their souls but, by my accord, to bear their karma of many thousands of years unto this hour. So understand the meaning of the only begotten Son of the Father, the Mother, God. The only begotten Son is the one Son begotten of the Light, who is the Universal Christ. And that Universal Christ, apportioned as the whole loaf, is broken; and crumb by crumb the manifestation of that Christ is as a sealed being, the sealed God within the breast of the human form - that Adam Kadmon, {332} whose blueprint is stamped on the soul and the etheric memory of every son and daughter of God who has descended to lower levels of manifestation and must rise again. So, then, come to the understanding that the return to the throne of glory requires the retracing of all footsteps. And inasmuch as God has sent me to represent to you the only begotten Son of God and I have accepted that high and holy office, I can assure you that it is not my desire to be a stone of stumbling in anyone's pathway; and yet, this I am, this I have become. Yet it is not my doing but souls' reaction to my doings that is the stone of stumbling. I am sent by Lord Maitreya to hold the line of the initiation of each one's Christhood - to hold the line, to hold the line, beloved! So may you know that the signs of the times and the changing signs of the times do not in any way change the standards of the law of your personal Christhood that have been from the Beginning. Therefore, take care that you do not attempt to redefine the Path or its requirements, to somehow step down those requirements, making way for sin itself to enter in by justification of this or that human condition. There is always atonement until there is the tolling of the bell and the last trump does sound. Therefore sin is forgivable by the Holy Ghost, by the purifying fires and by the trial by fire{333} itself that comes to all of you. If it has not already come lifetime after lifetime, I assure you that the purging by fire is an initiation that you will not escape and it will not escape you. You, then, can know the path of being the builders, building day by day, building firm foundations, building that platform whereby you may rise and rise again and again in increments. And so you see one or you see another. You see the saint hallowed in the white light. And just a little greater increment and a little greater increment and all of a sudden you see the saint entering in to the great mighty whirlwind of the LORD God, entering in to the whirlwind that took up Elijah, that took up myself, that whirlwind that does transport, whether it be Enoch or another, unto the realms of glory. So little is your perception of those souls in your midst who are rising day by day to that new level of the holiness of God and the consciousness of God that you scarcely take note of just how many candidates for the ascension there are to be counted among this worldwide Community of the Holy Spirit. Being a candidate does not mean that you have fulfilled all requirements but that you are moving toward your balancing of 51 percent of your karma and beyond. And as you balance that karma, you develop a taste for the holy bread, the holy wine, the holy Body of God, and you desire your entire being to become that manifestation of the holiness of God. And that holiness is as a flame that bursts and sings and expands and pulsates the very nuclei of atoms and cells and even the very marrow of your bones! Thus the ascension process is gradual, beloved. And when you come to the fulfillment of this lifetime - if you have cared for the vessel of the body (and I speak of the four lower bodies), if you have tended it, if you have made it lighter day by day - you will know that your translation will be more perceptible to others than had you not done so; and therefore they may have the vision through their own inner sight of your soul ascending in glory. When I call you to the path of the ascension, I call you to a life lived in the fullness of joy and good works and love and comradeship with all my disciples through the Holy Spirit. I look to the ascending ones to set the example. There are many myths about the Path and the resurrection and the ascension process. I say, let us replace all myths with reality that none can deny. And therefore, let us make it possible for those who stand by and behold the ascending one to see the transparency of that one and to see that one rising, beloved. Whether it be a physical or a spiritual ascension, it matters not. For you who have eyes to see and who will clear the chakras of the weighty substances you have formerly partaken of, you who will clear the way for that divine vision, you shall behold many things in this life and some of those things you shall share with others. But above all, write down that which you behold, secure it and let it become a part of the archives of the saints who have graduated from earth's schoolroom, from this body and from this Church Universal and Triumphant. I call upon you not to make haste to ascend but to make haste to be ready, to make haste to purify your soul and your four lower bodies that you might walk the earth as an example that many may follow for years to come. There is a great dearth of leadership in all fields, secular and spiritual - a great dearth of leadership, beloved ones. And why is it so? Because the majority of humankind have decided to so lower the standards of life for what is and is not acceptable that the people can scarcely walk upright, for the levels of their Kundalini have dropped along with their morals. It is almost as though they would crawl on their hands and knees in a narrow subbasement, so little room have they left in their lives to stand erect and show forth the fullness of the stature of the blazing Christ that ought to be manifest in their temples. I also come for the healing of the earth. Am I not the presence of the healer and the resurrected one? Am I not also the burden-bearer and the one who does contain the cauldron of violet flame for forgiveness? I come in many roles. I come first and foremost for the healing of your earth bodies and the four lower bodies of a people who will respond to me. Now let them disassociate themselves from those chemical substances that surely do compromise their spiritual senses. For such substances dull their senses and prevent them from penetrating the fine filigree threads that make up the sheaths of their etheric bodies whereby, if they were free from drugs, alcohol, nicotine, sugar, et cetera, they could make contact with higher worlds and higher beings and receive their intercession. What a pity. So many wallow in the personality cult. How many organizations in the world today fall apart because their members become so caught up with the personalities of the leaders and each other? Why, it is a mutual admiration society that we find! And why is it so? Simply because they have not deigned to take up the teachings of the path of the Ascended Masters, which say that there is an element of darkness in the human mind, about which the apostle Paul knew and which he said caused the warring in the members of the individual.{334} Therefore he taught that the force of Antichrist must be bound within the human psyche so that the Christ might appear. The force of the dweller-on-the-threshold must be bound and egos must be bound and the carnal mind must be bound that the soul might rise up and know her true Redeemer, her Lord who does live in her very temple. And you must invoke this binding in my name. I AM that Redeemer and I have come to redeem your souls! I have come to raise up the Christ Child in you that that child might grow and wax strong in the LORD and come to the firmness in the temple of being that is meet for the sons and daughters of God. And therefore on this night I, Jesus, shall receive candidates who will come forward to receive First Holy Communion - seven-year-olds, older children and adults. I, Jesus, tarry to receive the little children unto my Sacred Heart and to personally give them the Communion of my Body and my Blood. And as I reenact the ceremony of the Last Supper, serving Communion to each one who has participated in the many months of preparation, these children shall go forth from this altar this night having upon them the Electronic Presence of my own Christ Child at an age equivalent to their own, that they might feel and know the presence of the Christ, as many of them already do, and that they might have the sense of what it is to have their Holy Christ Self abiding in their temple by increments, as some of them already do. It is a wondrous thing to see how children can rise up in such a dedicated community as this. And I speak of the entire world of communicants of this Church and Keepers of the Flame: See how you can give to children a path and a teaching and they will not forsake it all the days of their lives, especially when you yourselves set the example! Yes, this Heart of the Inner Retreat and this entire property is the cradle of a new civilization, and I do not mean teeming numbers of individuals settling here. I speak of the new civilization of the age of Aquarius, when children shall walk with wise ones and shall know the things of the Spirit and shall be prepared to walk and talk with angels as easily and comfortably as they walk and talk with those of the evolutions of this planet. Yes, beloved ones, there is no blasphemy in your affirmation of the living Christ in every temple. The blasphemy is to deny it! And the fallen angels who have come in my name and insinuated themselves into the churches and the temples, the cathedrals and the mosques of the world and who do preach at the altars of the world's religions are the ones who have told the people: "You may not become the living Christ or the living Buddha. You may not realize Godhood, for it is blasphemy." I wipe out that lie by the sweep of my arms of Light this day! Therefore, by the sword of Truth defend Truth in the earth, for Truth is my second name. I AM Christ Truth incarnate. You are Christ Truth incarnate, if you will it so every day. Thus I speak to you of the path of discipleship as that inner walk with God to which I have called you, to which Alpha and Omega have called you. Run to greet my Messenger! Run, then, to be apprised of those conditions that are not acceptable in your world yet that can be transmuted by the sacred fire of the Holy Ghost in the twinkling of an eye. Yes, you do not need to wait and wait and wait and wait for the Holy Ghost while you nurse those shortcomings along! Yes, there is a fire of the Holy Ghost! It did descend upon Pentecost and the apostles were all filled with the Spirit; for they had tarried in Jerusalem until they should be empowered from on high, as I had so instructed them.{335} And the Holy Spirit that was upon me did come upon them and did empower them to go forth and preach the message of salvation. I say, with all thy getting, get the Holy Spirit, beloved! For the Holy Spirit is that portion, that apportionment of God, that is the power of conversion. You may speak all day in your intellectual cadences in your description of the Path and the Teaching and it will make sense and the intellect will respond, but it is the soul who must ascend. Therefore it is the soul whom you must reach. It is the soul who must be quickened and turned around and converted by the Holy Spirit! And if you would be my instrument wherever you are and the instrument of those who have sent me, if you would be the instrument of that Holy Spirit, then I say, do all in your power to divest yourselves of those things that are an offense unto that Spirit and receive that Spirit now, for it does descend upon you. For you have gathered, you are my disciples. And I am sending you forth to the four corners of the earth to deliver the Word of God, and I mean it, beloved! This is a calling in which you must not fail, else the world shall know that period of darkness it knew in the Dark Ages.{336} Yes, a dark age can come again and if it does, the only light in that age will be the Light of the living Christ in you. I will send you! Come, be trained by me this summer, for I have come on a mission from the Great Central Sun, from my Father, from my Mother. I am here to receive you, to mold you, to pummel you, to love you, to restore to you the fullness of all that God gave you and made you in the Beginning, my beloved! [47-second standing ovation] Yes, come, leave your nets of karmic entanglement! Leave those nets and learn of me. I am meek, I am lowly of heart, yet my burden is Light, Light, Light. {337} I give that Light that you might know how to carry the burden of the LORD, the burden of the LORD! The burden of the LORD is Light! Who will be the bearer of that Light and suffer the consequences of the world's condemnation? Who will carry the burden of the LORD?{338} [audience responds: "I will!"] I will see to it, then, by the leave of the Holy Spirit, that an increment of Light shall come upon you a little bit at a time, beloved, so that you can adjust your heart, your being, broaden your shoulders and feel the fiery flame of love that leaps forth to enfold you even as you are willing to bear the burden of that Light. (Be seated, beloved ones.) The burden of the Light is truly the burden of our God this day. For God would flood the world with Light, yet God, according to his own law, will not deliver that Light where it shall be trampled upon, squandered and misqualified. And therefore the burden of our God this day is that God is a beggar in the streets of the world. Up and down the streets of the cities he cries: "To whom shall I give this Light?" And the few saints who are willing to turn their worlds around for this calling carry more and more of the burden of Light while the rest of mankind, somehow dizzied by the maya of the Kali Yuga, go about their ways and dance their nights away when they could be in the inner chamber, in the caves of the Himalayas physically with the Lord Christ, the Christ of Buddha, the Christ of Maitreya, the Christ of Manjushri. Yes, there are plenty of teachers, beloved, and I come to prepare you for those teachers. I would see you go forth so shielded in the resplendent armour of God that from this day forward for the rest of your lives you will not be moved from your centeredness in your Mighty I AM Presence. I would see you have that strength and strong tie to me whereby you simply will not be compromised by any trick of the subconscious or unconscious, any trick of the sinister force or of the fallen angels who are the masterminds out of hell. Yes, beloved ones, I desire to see you walk with the mantle of the apostle Paul or of the apostle John or of the others, each of you in your own turn becoming more and more of myself until you are fully prepared for the ascension as I was by the time I did reach the age of eighty-one. Having fulfilled my worldwide mission from my base in Kashmir, I took my ascension from Shamballa, the retreat of the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara. I was ready, for any number of souls had become my twin; and therefore, the imprint of my Christhood, my face, my body, my being, was impressed upon them. And this is why some of these disciples have reincarnated to the present hour and may be even the little child in your midst, for that imprint of the profile of the Christ of the Piscean age must become the profile that you seek and fill in and wear so that you may move on and blend with it the profile of the Christ of Aquarius. So, beloved, in the earth I do have my twins. Yes, I have my twins and they are here and there, in any or no religion. They are those who walk the divine path of Love and have such a momentum of the Christ Light and the Christ Consciousness through their own Holy Christ Self and the law written in their inward parts{339} that they are obedient to the laws of God - some of them without even having studied them. Some are not outwardly tutored, but within they are sure. They are sure in the two-edged sword. They know the dividing of the way of the Real and the Unreal. These are the great lovers of God. And these are the ones that God takes to his bosom nightly, rocking them in the cradle of his arms and returning them to their battleground where they have drawn the line and said: "I will stand here and I will keep the flame for these starving ones, these oppressed peoples, these ones here and there on the earth who have no advocate before the Father." Blessed ones, there are magnificent souls in the earth. Yet some who are magnificent still need to be clothed upon with the mantle of a path and a teaching, for the way is indeed hard. And the Devil himself, who will tempt every one of you with the temptations in the wilderness that I received,{340} must be reckoned with. It is well to know and study the psychology of the fallen ones, for thereby you will know their limitations. And they do, by all means, have severe limitations, beloved hearts. In reality, they are no match for you, yet until you know that you carry the scepter of your own Holy Christ Self, you will not realize that they fear you far more than you fear them though they put on the best possible front. [14-second applause] All over the world millions of hearts, in profound devotion to me and to my blessed Mother, pray the rosary and keep a vigil at her shrines as they wait for her appearance, for her words, for her comfort, for her prophecy. I give you the assignment, then, to pore over my Mother's dictations and my own, not only those given through this Messenger but those given through Mark Prophet, and discover for yourselves what those teachings and prophecies have been since the founding of this movement. Study and understand what we have said. Compare our messages to what is reported by some who are indeed the instruments of my Mother. And know, then, that you are moving on in a century wherein certain requirements of the Law, which are the requirements of the Holy Ghost himself, must be met. And if the remnant meet these requirements, the door will open and the opportunity for the golden age of Aquarius will come. And if they do not, the door will remain closed. For a golden age must have heart chalices to contain it ere it can manifest in the physical octave. I can assure you that my Father would not have commissioned me to teach at Summit University this summer were my Presence not absolutely vital to key individuals in this organization and to every single one of you who may assimilate some portion or all of the teachings I give. It is essential that you in your physical, waking earthly form and consciousness walk with that aura and halo of self-knowledge in Christ - my Christ, your Christ. This, then, is the reason for my coming. It is for a world's awakening, and this awakening must come about through your hearts. For all that we have taught you must be known by millions so that those millions whose hearts are right with God and one with heaven might have a fair and fighting chance to also defeat their karma, their depression, their burden of sin and its doctrine and come to the awareness of the spiritual wickedness in high places{341} that will attempt to take them from their precious love in Christ. Blessed ones, I counsel you to detach yourselves from individuals - whether they are in the field of religion, politics, education or any other field - who are possessed with demons of fanaticism. Those who are fanatics for any cause are not balanced in the threefold flame and they have not entered into the higher walk with me and my Father. I have never been a fanatic. My true disciples have never been fanatics. But there are many false disciples who are fanatics and possessed of vicious entities. Hear well the word I have given to my Messenger that fanaticism is based on an imbalance of the heart and on utter hatred for the Christ at many levels of consciousness. Fanatics, who are often possessed of spirits of fanaticism, do me a great disservice. Walk not in their way! Walk not in their way! For in so doing, you will separate yourself from my heart and from the heart of Saint Germain. I have come for Summit University. Summit University began the first day of this conference. Therefore, beloved, I AM here and I AM here to stay! I give you this cup. Drink ye all of it! - [55-second standing ovation] Archangel Uriel and the Elohim Apollo and Lumina dictated following Jesus' dictation. After their dictations, at 7:30 p.m., June 27, 1993, Jesus performed the ceremony through the Messenger of receiving and blessing the candidates for First Holy Communion. Following is his blessing: In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, I, Jesus, receive my own. I receive you unto my Sacred Heart. I break the bread of Life with you. I serve you the cup of Communion in my Blood. I receive you to my heart. Know, then, that this is my Body, my Ascended Master Light Body, which is broken for you. The universal Body of God is given unto all that all might partake of that holy supper and in so doing be restored to the heart of the Tree of Life. Each time you take this Communion, do so in remembrance of me and know that I serve it through my lawfully appointed representatives in the earth. Know, then, that this portion of my Body and my Blood is for the quickening in you of your path of personal Christhood. Know, then, that the Eucharist is my Body and in some places the wafer is imprinted with my Blood. This miracle I have caused to be done that you might know that with each celebration of Holy Communion there is a physical transubstantiation whereby I pour myself into the chalice of holy bread, consecrated bread, and holy wine, consecrated wine. Though not always evident to the eye in the physical substance, nevertheless the spiritual alchemy is complete. Receive me, then, O children of the Light, for I AM come to hold you in my arms and send you forth victors in life. This is my Body which is broken for thee - Alpha unto Omega, Omega unto Alpha. Thus I give my life in this bread and wine that you might have everlasting Life. Now come unto my heart, children of the Light. For I, Jesus, your Brother, your Teacher, your Master, your Saviour, your very own heart, would receive you now. [Jesus serves First Holy Communion through the Messenger.] The Builders by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow All are architects of Fate, Working in these walls of Time; Some with massive deeds and great, Some with ornaments of rhyme. Nothing useless is, or low; Each thing in its place is best; And what seems but idle show Strengthens and supports the rest. For the structure that we raise, Time is with materials filled; Our to-days and yesterdays Are the blocks with which we build. Truly shape and fashion these; Leave no yawning gaps between; Think not, because no man sees, Such things will remain unseen. In the elder days of Art, Builders wrought with greatest care Each minute and unseen part; For the Gods see everywhere. Let us do our work as well, Both the unseen and the seen; Make the house, where Gods may dwell, Beautiful, entire, and clean. Else our lives are incomplete, Standing in these walls of Time, Broken stairways, where the feet Stumble as they seek to climb. Build to-day, then, strong and sure, With a firm and ample base; And ascending and secure Shall to-morrow find its place. Thus alone can we attain To those turrets, where the eye Sees the world as one vast plain, And one boundless reach of sky. This dictation by Jesus Christ was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, June 27, 1993, during the ten-day conference FREEDOM 1993: "Healing the Earth," held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Before the dictation, the Messenger delivered her lecture "Teachings of Jesus Christ on Your Path of Personal Christhood." The lecture and dictation are available on audiocassette (includes dictations by Archangel Uriel and the Elohim Apollo and Lumina, which followed): 3 cassettes, A93064. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Jesus' direction.] Sections printed in bold italic type can be used as fiats, mantras, affirmations and decrees. The Messenger recommends that each week when you receive your Pearl of Wisdom, you type these up and place them in a special section in your decree book. You are also encouraged to compose your own fiats and affirmations based on the teachings given in the Pearls of Wisdom. ****** Chapter 37 Beloved Archangel Uriel - September 5, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 37 - Beloved Archangel Uriel - September 5, 1993 FREEDOM 1993 A GLOBAL CONFERENCE DEDICATED TO Healing the Earth 6 Initiation Is Anywhere, Anytime Special Initiation of the Crown Chakra The Initiation of the Judgment Hail, legions of the Great Central Sun! Hail, legions of Uriel Archangel! Enter now this tabernacle! Enter in full force, for the glory of the golden Sun of Righteousness does descend! And I, Uriel, servant of the living God, servant of his Son Jesus Christ, come, then, with a mighty sword of the Spirit once again to cleave asunder the Real from the Unreal and to bring to the judgment seat that which can be separated out from the evolutions of this earth. Therefore the earth shall rise! Therefore my own shall be cut free! I AM here! I AM Uriel! And I will not be moved from this altar until my legions have throughly prepared you for the descent of the Sixth Ray of sacred fire of gold, purple and ruby. Rejoice, beloved, for the legions of Uriel and Aurora have arrived! [40-second standing ovation] You see, it is the law of God that each and every one in the earth must suffer a time the burden of his karma, suffer a time the burden of his sin. This is true whether one chooses to continue in that karma-making condition and in that sin or whether one would, by his own inner resolve, his own communion with his God, set aside and put off that karma and that sin by diligent, daily violet flame transmutation and walking in the way of the immortals. Therefore, month by month, year by year, there does come to all that initiation of the judgment. And what is the meaning of the judgment? The judgment signifies that the individual who has gone out of the way of the law of the Mighty I AM Presence, who has not confessed and repented of that going out of the way in the times and the seasons afforded him by God, must now experience his karma and his sin become "permanent" in his being. This sin shall remain until in another round and in another cycle he may cast himself on the rock of Christ and be broken, pick up the pieces, confess, repent, balance his karma and pay the debt to life he has incurred by that sin.{342} Therefore the judgment descends, and it descends with increasing intensity in this Dark Cycle, when 25,800 years of karma is falling due upon the evolutions of earth. And so the day does come to every man when he must face the judgment whereby if he has not transmuted his karma day by day, it descends upon him in full force and ferocity. And that one must walk in the full consequence of his cursing of God through his misdeeds. Therefore, God says to him in profoundest love, "You have created this burden. Now you must carry it." Additionally, each time this cycle of judgment comes around and you greet the Archangel and Archeia of the Sixth Ray once again, there is a corresponding relief for those who are the servants of God. And their judgment becomes the removal of those increments of karma that can be taken from them by our bands acting under the direction of the Lords of Karma. For these have forsaken the wrong path, espoused the right path and the Light, and therefore they shall no longer carry certain elements of their karma. The violet flame has played its part, and thus the soul who does give that service to the violet flame and does serve again and again receives what is called the positive judgment, as opposed to the negative judgment. So you see why I am here and you see why El Morya does speak of removing from you those karmas that can be taken. [25-second standing ovation] Please be seated, beloved hearts. Surely it is timely that we come so that you might receive the Holy Ghost{343} following the exercise of these twenty-four hours and the next. Within forty-eight hours, then, the descent of the Holy Ghost into your midst shall be accomplished and some of you shall know a new freedom. There is also opportunity this night for you to be in prayer, for you to make known to your God that you have come to a resolution at the altar and that this is the hour you have chosen, as God has designated it, to at last surrender certain momentums that you have been toying with, that you have been keeping as a part of your personality that you would not let go of. This, then, is the hour, beloved, for there are cycles. Thus the Messenger has recommended that you make your peace with your God by this year's summer solstice. I trust many of you have done so. Others who have not heard this teaching may hear it now. And you may know that whenever you see my name listed on the program as one who shall come to address you, it is surely time to make your peace with God, for I AM the Angel of Peace. And it is surely time to join with the legions of Peace in making war against the hordes of war, for I go forth with my legions in that role. Who can quench war except those whose members are totally filled with Peace, who are saturated with Peace, empowered with Peace, as Jesus was empowered? The empowerment of the Lord Christ was the full empower-ment of the commanding presence of the Peace of God, against which no human consciousness can stand. And no human consciousness will be able to stand against you either, when you are that full incarnation of the Peace of the Christ Jesus of the Sixth Ray! [12-second applause] When you remember who is God and who you are, you will be humble before that power of Peace if you receive that power and empowerment. And you will never, never succumb to the flattery of those who proclaim themselves to be in the echelons of the Brotherhood and yet have compromised the most basic principles of honor in human life. Who shall accompany you when you go forth called of Jesus, having learned your lessons true? Who shall accompany you to this and that area of the world where you would go, where your heart is pulled, where those in need beckon and you know that the Christ in you, the Christ in you is able to save? I will tell you who will go with you. Angels of Uriel will go with you! For we also are the forerunners of the living Christ Jesus and of his disciples. We will go with you when you go. This is a promise as you promise to set your house in order and to study the details of the Teaching, which are like leaping flames that go before you, flame by flame by flame, for the quickening and the illumination of minds. And so we come to the Mind of God, and so we come to the moment of that special initiation of the crown chakra. Beloved Apollo and Lumina of the Second Ray have come for this occasion, for it is they who sponsor the quickening of the minds of the servants of God and the Lightbearers of an evolution. Therefore, beloved, in the flaming presence of the LORD God, I, Uriel, send forth an intense fire from my heart that now does touch your heart chakra. It combines for a moment with your threefold flame and brings to that flame what increase, what balance you are able to receive based on days and years and lifetimes past that now bring you to the moment of opportunity for initiation. Before I take my leave of you, beloved, I remind you that initiation is anywhere, anytime. Whether it be through the Great Initiator, Lord Maitreya, whether it be through an Archangel or the Holy Ghost or your Lord himself, know that as fast as you receive initiation and plow through it and pass it and move on to the next level, letting go all of the past, just so fast will come the next and the next initiation. You have asked for this. You determine the cycles. You determine the timetable by your very actions. A failed test means taking the grade and the initiation over. Determination to pass the test takes you to the next rung of the ladder. Who can know how many steps of the ladder are beneath him? Don't look down, beloved. You might fall as the fallen angels fell in their pride, for they saw themselves at great heights of glory. And do not look up, for in looking up you might see the face of Almighty God in such intensity as to almost blind you and give you the false sense of security that now you no longer need to pass your tests alone. Therefore keep your eye on the level where you are. Be practical in that level. You have many challenges and problems in this physical octave. Keep your eye level with these tests, and do not miss a day and do not lose an appointment with your God and with your karma. For thereby, each day you will seal a level of your life, nevermore to go back to it, for you have dealt with it justly and you are moving on in the cycles of your Victory. Yes, moving on, beloved! We are moving on, but we will tarry through this conference till every last one of you has had that opportunity to mesh with the inner spiral of the Sixth Ray of your own being, to become a part of God, to become holy. Holy, holy, holy, LORD God Almighty! Thou art holy in manifestation in God, in angel, in man and in elemental life. Holiness unto the LORD! [Congregation joins Archangel Uriel:] Holiness unto the LORD! Holiness unto the LORD! Holiness unto the LORD! - [33-second standing ovation] This dictation by Archangel Uriel was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet following the dictation by Jesus Christ on Sunday, June 27, 1993, during the ten-day conference FREEDOM 1993: "Healing the Earth," held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. The dictations of Jesus, Archangel Uriel and the Elohim Apollo and Lumina are available on audiocassette, B93066. [N.B. Archangel Uriel's dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Archangel Uriel's direction.] Sections printed in bold italic type can be used as fiats, mantras, affirmations and decrees. The Messenger recommends that each week when you receive your Pearl of Wisdom, you type these up and place them in a special section in your decree book. You are also encouraged to compose your own fiats and affirmations based on the teachings given in the Pearls of Wisdom. ****** Chapter 38 Beloved Apollo and Lumina - September 8, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 38 - Beloved Apollo and Lumina - September 8, 1993 FREEDOM 1993 A GLOBAL CONFERENCE DEDICATED TO Healing the Earth 7 A Quickening of the Minds of the People by the Mind of God Through the Mighty Touching of the Crown Chakra Love, Love, Love of the Divine Mother Alpha and Omega have decreed: There must come a quickening of the minds of the people by the Mind of God. Thus they have decreed; thus we have responded with our answer from the level of Elohim. Elohim therefore come this day, grateful, grateful, grateful! For we find amongst the peoples of the earth and in all spiritual gatherings (including this company but not limited thereto) devotees, earnest souls, those who think they are atheists but know God at inner levels wherever they may be. We find those who have consecrated the mind of their being unto working the works of God unto the benefit of people and society and nations and children and those who are burdened and broken in their bodies and hearts. Those, then, who have selflessly dedicated the chalice of the mind in the service of Light, in the service of Love, in the service of Wisdom - such ones among you and among all peoples receive in this moment the mighty touching of the crown chakra, delivered by the angels of our bands and angels of Jophiel and Christine. So they come. And there is therefore the measuring of the heart chakra and the crown. There is therefore the ampule of golden oil and you are anointed. You are anointed, beloved ones, at the point of the crown at spiritual levels. And gradually you will assimilate and absorb this holy oil. And you should note the quickening of the Mind of God within you, and you should pursue it with all fire of the heart. Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhih Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhih{344} [Congregation joins Apollo and Lumina:] Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhih Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhih Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhih Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhih Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhih Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhih Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhih Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhih Ommmmmmmmmmmmmm Assimilate, assimilate, assimilate the Word, the living Word with Brahman, and know the Peace that surely passeth all understanding.{345} Apollo and Lumina embrace the planet in the chalice of yellow fire [the crown chakra of the Elohim of the Second Ray] for the quickening now of all people that they might come to the God-solution of every human problem and need - from the healing of the individual to the healing of the planet. Be quickened, then, for the fire of God comes in a way and a manner to each and every one, even if it be not the full initiation of the quickening of the crown. The only hope, beloved, is love, love, love of the Divine Mother, raising up the sacred fire of the Divine Mother and, therefore, assisting souls to rise to the crown, whence they shall know the wisdom of God in place of the ignorance of men. I seal you in the Light! Our God is with us. So be it. - [35-second standing ovation] This dictation was delivered following the dictation by Archangel Uriel on Sunday, June 27, 1993. ***** 38.1 I AM the Witness - September 8, 1993 ***** Vol. 36 No. 38 - I AM the Witness - September 8, 1993 I AM the Witness Healing My Inner Child and Discovering the Joy of Being Alive Beloved Mother, In the spring of 1979 my inner child and I went to Camelot for a session at Summit University. Unlike many of the students around me, I had learned about my inner child long before I found the Ascended Masters' Teachings. The home where I had chosen to enter life was so devoid of love that at less than two months of age I decided that the only way to survive in this family was to live without feelings. Right or wrong, I did a thorough job of forcing them into repression. I experienced total rejection in this family and somehow managed to survive, but it was an empty life and the time came when the lid I'd put on the volcano of feelings exploded. But the Ascended Masters were watching my life and they led me to an exceptional doctor. Every feeling I had stowed away had to be pulled out, recognized, struggled with and finally accepted. It was often a tortuous journey, admitting to all the human frailties and learning to handle them, but sometimes it was a rewarding one as I began to toy with the idea that I might have a little love inside myself, love to give and share with others. How I wish I had known about the violet flame in those days! In time my doctor introduced me to the idea of reembodiment. I found a copy of The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran and eventually learned about The Summit Lighthouse. My soul leaped in recognition. I was on my way Home! There were many pitfalls along the way as my inner child began to grow. The Little One had never been able to defend herself, and now she decided that this was a great idea. I must have bristled menacingly at anyone who stepped on my toes those first months at Camelot, but I began to experience something new: the joy of being alive. All these years, Mother, I have been absorbing your wonderful teachings, hearing the Masters' dictations, and working with other chelas on the staff, listening, studying, decreeing - and growing inside. In time I found that there was no need to defend a frightened child. My original parents were replaced by my real Father and Mother, and the joy I have learned to know is almost unbelievable. There are not enough words to express my love and appreciation for all you and the Ascended Masters have given to me. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! With deepest love, A Security Deposit Returned in the Amount Requested Dear Mother, When I received the letter from you and Edward stating the problems with the IRS and requesting $1,000 from each member to assist with legal costs, I wondered where on earth I could possibly get this money. I really did want to help. I decided to take the problem to my altar and gave a heartfelt plea for help, stating that I very much wanted to do my part to help the cause. As I only work on an on-call basis, which means about two days per week, there was no way I could possibly manage this. About three months later, I received a check in the mail for exactly $1,000. I could hardly believe it! This was a check I had given to secure a piece of land that I later found I was unable to purchase. It was also 2-1/2 years ago! I have never heard of a realtor returning monies that were used in this manner as down payment. What tears of joy I had and what a pleasure to be able to send my contribution. My only regret is that when the money was converted to U.S. funds it was considerably less. With ever-expanding love in this wonderful faith, I am Your grateful chela, ****** Chapter 39 Beloved Shiva and Parvati - September 12, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 39 - Beloved Shiva and Parvati - September 12, 1993 FREEDOM 1993 A GLOBAL CONFERENCE DEDICATED TO Healing the Earth 8 I AM Shiva Everywhere Love That Is True Is Fierce Heaven and earth may pass away, human beings may come and go, and the flux of the ages as the sine wave progresses may note alternatives to the Matter cosmos. Yet I, Shiva, I, Shiva, do live forever and forever in the heart of the devotee. Though the devotee be in any octave above or below, yet that spark of devotion, that steadiness of devotion, that purity of devotion in God does establish the love tie to my heart and, through my heart, to Parvati.{346} It is love, then, whereby the consorts of Shiva do gather and do make their manifestation. Love that is true is fierce. Fierce love is the defense of true tenderness in every part of life. The fierceness and the sternness of love that does return karma to those who have gone out of the way is surely the reassurance of God that Shiva lives to care for each one, to bring illumination where illumination will not come in any other way except by the descent of karma. Treasure, then, the lessons of karma. Exhaust those lessons until you have dissected them down to the very point of the nucleus of atoms and cells that form the core of beginning and ending. I AM Shiva! I send out to you, each one, flash of pink-lightning love in the heart. I regulate the physical heart. I move on to the secret chamber of the heart. I come to the altar of being. I set the altar by points of light, precious stones and rocks and things that my elementals have gathered that are treasures in themselves, though perhaps not valued by human beings. Flashing fire goes forth, now yellow ray, to each heart. I come to bring you illumination. For I AM the Guru, I AM Shiva, and I am in love with God and in love with God in you ... for I AM God. Therefore I am a brooding one and I come to brood over my own. For so many times you are not able to receive the word that would bring you into alignment with your God from some person or messenger that appears to you to be imperfect and so you say, "How can they know, how can they know, how can they know?" Well, open your eyes for a moment! Look everywhere around you. Look into the faces of everyone you can see across this tabernacle. And as you glance at each face, say now, "Shiva!" [Congregation gives the fiat with Shiva:] Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! I see you have caught the idea! The idea is that there is none but Shiva, always Shiva. When you speak to the Shiva imbedded in the heart of one, call to Shiva to act through that one. Then listen. Listen to the word. Be reminded by gesture or tone of voice. Be reminded of me, that I dwell in the temples of all and that I, too, come as the exorcist. I come, and when you bid me enter (and sometimes bid me or not), I enter by the very bent of your life's desiring for purification. Thus the love ray descends in droplets of morning dew. Thus the love ray descends as ruby-fire lightning. Thus I come as Shiva! I say to one and all, see what a work I may work in my day and in your day for the raising up of your soul to new levels of consciousness of Divine Love as the fierceness, the friendliness, as the fire, as all that loves you, as the Divine Parents come and therefore show you those things that ought not to be and those other things that are the true priorities in your lives. Shiva is the dividing of the way by the Power/Wisdom of Love. Shiva is the dividing of the way! Do not think that you can always determine the outcome of your life or your goal or what will happen in the next round. Beloved hearts, it is well to commune with Shiva. I look forward to your having the bhajans available again that I might pour my love and life through you as you sing them. For I, as well as all Cosmic Beings and manifestations of the Godhead, do desire to see you have that level of God consciousness whereby you need not make any more errors on the Path or left turns or right turns inadvisedly. Rather, accept the leadings of your God consciousness, who will lead you step by step to your victory by the intuitive faculties of the soul, by perfect knowledge, inner and outer, and perfect conception of God and of yourselves. This is not hard when you include me in the process - that is, the process of going through and refining and defining your individuality in God, your individuality in God, beloved! Walk the earth and know that some of you have already developed quite a personality in God. And those who have the personality of God in some area of their lives may often be an offense to others, for they may be abrupt and they may also have very definite opinions about many things. And these opinions, though you may not think so, do reflect the will of God. Many do not expect the manifestation of God to be terse, to be yang, to be fierce and fearsome, do not expect therefore the word to come forth with such power as to almost bolt them aside. Let your hearts understand. When you see those who come into such intensity of fire, let them be. Let them be the fiery ones in your midst! For they shall command your respect by their words and their works and by the tenderness of heart that comes along with the fierceness that is a part of my heart, as I have said - the fierceness of being determined not to let any foul or unclean devil or demon rest upon you, mar you or take you from that great and glorious road to the perfectionment of the Son of God within you. It is well to come apart in the Heart of the Inner Retreat. It is well to encounter yourself. It is well to encounter your God! It is well to encounter Shiva! And it is well for Shiva to encounter you - just in case you may be trying to avoid me. Well, you shall not, beloved ones! And therefore look at your life and those things that happen or do not happen. And do not be so sure that some of these things are not the result of my determination that, for the perfecting of love in your heart, you need some discipline and some spanking and some very sharp sword of word coming your way. For thereby you might truly have broken and shattered certain illusions, certain mayic contemplations that you entertain as though you had visualized for yourself an entire fantasy world, a picture that would contain every dream of the human mind that the human mind could ever dream in the "happily ever after" scenario. Well, beloved, the "happily ever after" scenario is a very dull, dull, dull way of life. For, you see, if one has only happiness, one is skipping across the top of the sine wave, never dipping into the deeper levels of being and there finding both treasure and skeleton, both etheric body and corpse, both soul and the victor supreme in the mighty Spirit of the LORD. Yes, all of these contrasts and all of these opposites and all of these antitheses to the firm foundations of God you must encounter. You must deal with them. You must see the reality of life in all of its reality and the reality of unreality when unreality is not checked by God-Reality. Unreality becomes real and remains real as long as people would rather dream their dreams and live out their dreams and not be rudely awakened to the exigencies of life and the sharpness of the fire that does descend to impel Home those who are the Sons and the Daughters of the Solitude, those who have taken their training in the advanced mystery schools and who have come again. Why do you look back? Why do you look back to the carefree days before you were ever an initiate, before you were anybody in particular, when you were only a moth or a butterfly just emerging from its cocoon? Well, you cannot go back to the initial cells of your inception in the Mind of God when already you walk the earth with your Christhood with you. Yet you resist that Christhood as though somehow you had been cheated from indulging every other fantasy that you could have possibly engaged in to ultimately surfeit yourself and exhaust all possibilities. It is time to know that there is a certain redundancy in following every butterfly and moth across the sky that happens to come in May and June and July. Yes, beloved, it is time to say: "I have known the road. I have known the road of life. I am a pilgrim on the road of life. I know whence I came, whither I go, for I am walking in the mantle of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. "And, lo, my Lord has placed his mantle upon me, and I know the Lord and I know Shiva and I know the Holy Spirit! And I know that I am drenched with Light and endued with Power and Wisdom and Love. "And, lo, therefore I discover now the mighty purity of my soul within my being. And now I see that I must restore that pearl of great price to that place in the resurrection world, in the resurrection flame. "I have come, therefore, to be the pearl diver, to dive into the depths of the sea of maya, the maya of my own creation. And I will dive and I will dive again and again! And there at last, beneath the waters, in the sands under the sea, I will find that pearl of great price, which is my own God-identity. "How could I have let it slip from my fingers? How could I have allowed my soul to descend to levels of maya for the sake of pleasure and seeking, seeking, seeking what? "I do not even remember what I was seeking, but now I remember what I have lost and that I must seek and find. Therefore I shall take the pearl and I shall hold it close to my heart, and I shall press it between my hands that the Dhyani Buddhas might once again fashion out of this pearl the five points of Light, the five points that are the nuclei of the origin of identity and identification in God. And thereupon, I shall look unto the Divine Mother to weave and weave and weave again, round and round again from the center of the Tree of Life, from the base of the Tree of Life unto the top, the veil of the soul. "Therefore I know Tiferet. Therefore I know Malkhut/Shekhinah. Lo, I know Keter! Lo, I know Hokhmah, Binah!{347} "Lo, I know that I AM THAT I AM and that these are the counterpoints of my life and that I must nourish my soul, I must return, I must weave the holy garment, I must find again the ten sefirot and I must bring myself into that centeredness of that Christ who I AM, who I was, whom I lost. "Yes, I come again, O Lord, and I know that I have forsaken the pearl of great price, my soul, and my soul's opportunity to once again be the bride of my husband. Therefore I would come. Therefore on my knees I now crawl from the place where I am to the place of the Holy of holies at the altar of God's being within me. "Therefore I go and I approach - I approach with awe and with the fear of God that living flame, the Unfed Flame that has burned continuously in the thirty-three octaves of the heaven-world awaiting my coming. And I look within and I see still flickering upon the altar of my heart that same Unfed Flame. "How it does flicker! How I must fan the flame by the breath of the Holy Spirit that it might be a flame unfed, fed only by the Light of my I AM Presence that will increase day by day! "And this flame, then, is the burning and the consuming of all that is less than love in me. And I know that love is the key, love is the return, love is in the heart of my Father-Mother God, love is in the heart of the Mediator. "And I now see as I am embraced and upheld, secured and held in the arms of Shiva, as I am in the arms of that one, lo, I am safe - I am safe in the heart of Shiva. And I know that through and by the heart of Shiva I shall make my way back to my Father, to my Mother, to my God. "Yes, I shall know the return to oneness and I shall accomplish this by following the example of Shiva. I shall be fierce with all human creation, with the dullards in my own being and the dullards in another's being. I shall be fierce! I shall be sharper than the two-edged sword! I shall not allow myself to be trampled upon, to be used, to be denied, to be belittled. "I shall go forth. I shall defend one soul - my own. And as I so do and as I enter the consciousness of God, I shall defend a billion souls! "I will go forth out of the body into the astral sea, into the etheric octave. I will go forth with the legions of Shiva, with the legions of the Ruby Ray. I shall go forth on the rescue mission and I shall impart the fierceness of the Ruby Ray. I shall impart it to all who have allowed themselves to be doormats to this and that and this and that and this and that. I will go to them. I will say: Stand up for your God this day! Stand up for your victory this day! Pull your sword from its sheath! Now wield that sword in the name of King Arthur! Wield it now in the name of the great Guru Shiva! Wield it now, O souls of Light! Come, therefore! I lend you the sword of the sacred fire of my Goddess Kundalini raised up. I lend it to you for the magnetization of your own spinal altar. And I impart to you the whole blessed view of the panorama of cosmos and of the heaven-world opened and of the sea of light and beyond the sea of light the stars that are in the firmament, the stars that are in the heavens, the stars of the Great Causal Bodies of all. "So I go! So I AM God-centered and where I AM is the center of cosmos. And in the eye of that center, lo, I am an extension of my Lord. I am an extension of my Lord Shiva and Parvati and I will seek to save that which is lost. I will save that which is lost, by the grace of God. "I AM the Saviour Shiva. I AM the Saviour Parvati. And I, with full intensity of my being, now do offer myself to them. Oh, receive me, divine ones of the Holy Ghost! Receive me now!" Thus I do receive the soul who has known such enlightenment, who is quickened by purity of heart and by desiring to know the one true path that is the path of life, not paths many but one path, mighty, glorious, victorious in the Ruby Ray of Shiva. Unto Parvati, then, I commend you, for she, my consort, has much to teach you. And when you have learned from her, go then to Durga! Go then to Kali! Go then to each and every manifestation of the Divine Mother, for you cannot learn too much from these incarnations of the Divine Mother and others, beloved. For it is the Divine Mother who bears the sword, who places it in your hand, and it is the Divine Mother who teaches you how to triumph in all things in the Matter cosmos, over every detail of life and of the larger concerns of solar systems and lifewaves abiding on this earth. Yes, I AM Shiva everywhere. I AM Shiva everywhere! I AM Shiva everywhere. - [35-second standing ovation] This dictation by beloved Shiva and Parvati was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, June 28, 1993, during the ten-day conference FREEDOM 1993: "Healing the Earth," held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Before the dictation, the Messenger delivered her lecture "Shiva: Cherished Friend of Disciples on the Path of Divine Love." The lecture and dictation are available on audiocassette (includes the dictation by the Five Dhyani Buddhas and Vajrasattva, which followed): 3 cassettes, total 4 hr. 4 min., A93067. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Shiva and Parvati's direction.] Sections printed in bold italic type indicate fiats, mantras, affirmations, prayers and decrees that you can use in your daily decree sessions. The Messenger recommends that each week when you receive your Pearl of Wisdom, you type or write these out and place them in a special section in your decree book. (You may want to xerox the prayer on pp. 543-46 of this Pearl.) The Messenger also encourages you to compose your own fiats and affirmations based on the Teachings of the Ascended Masters given in the Pearls of Wisdom. "Keys from Judaism - the Kabbalah and the Temple of Man" Videocassette: 4 cassettes, total 4 hrs., GL92056. Audiocassette: 4 cassettes, total 6 hrs. (includes the dictation by El Morya as the Patriarch Abraham, which followed), A92050. Keepers of the Flame: Write for information on Lanello's Library discount opportunities. You only need to buy eight audiotapes to start receiving a 15 percent discount! ****** Chapter 40 Vajrasattva: Spokesman for the Five Dhyani Buddhas - September 15, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 40 - Vajrasattva: Spokesman for the Five Dhyani Buddhas - September 15, 1993 FREEDOM 1993 A GLOBAL CONFERENCE DEDICATED TO Healing the Earth 9 Becoming the Gentle Ones Vials of Antidotes for the Five Poisons Certain Karmas Are Lifted from El Morya's Chelas One, two, three, four, five - Five Dhyani Buddhas, Five Dhyani Buddhas, Five Dhyani Buddhas! So we come, sent by the right hand of God, Brahman with the Word. We come at the call of the unascended bodhisattvas who have called to us and called again and again and again, pulling upon the five inner voices, the five inner voices of the Five Dhyani Buddhas: Om Vairochana Om Om Akshobhya Hum Om Ratnasambhava Tram Om Amitabha Hrih Om Amoghasiddhi Ah And the synthesis of the five: Om Vajrasattva Hum Yes, we have come. Therefore the black and the white keys, the yin and the yang and the sounding of the five symbols and syllables of Light. So we come, and we come as it is our office.{348} And it is our office to come in this hour, for you have pulled and pulled and tugged and tugged. And each time you have recited our bija mantras, you have pulled us to the very levels of the earth, you have pulled us to the very levels of the astral plane, you have pulled us to the lowest levels of incarnation of all souls who are karmically tied to you, beloved. For it is the Law that when you give the mantra, when you give the mantra, when you give the mantra, that mantra therefore does go forth and touch those who are at any level in the earth body who are yet alive, who are yet breathing, whose flames have not gone out. Yes, beloved, the mantras you have given unto us have reached the depths of the levels of Death and Hell, the thirty-three levels descending, as well as the heights of the etheric octave, the thirty-three levels ascending. Beloved ones, you may know that many schools of Buddhism in this day have preferred to engage in meditation, often meditating day and night rather than reciting the ancient mantras. And in some cases they have altogether left off the recitation of the mantras of the Buddha and the mantras of Kuan Yin; and therefore, they have inadvertently left off using the science of the spoken Word. Do you know, beloved, that all mantras of the Buddhas do invoke the violet flame? Therefore when you give the Buddhist mantras, you are calling forth the violet flame. Om Mani Padme Hum [Congregation joins in giving the mantra:] Om Mani Padme Hum Om Mani Padme Hum Om Mani Padme Hum Om Mani Padme Hum Om Mani Padme Hum Om Mani Padme Hum Om Mani Padme Hum Om Mani Padme Hum ... Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Flash forth, violet flame! Flash forth, violet flame! Flash forth, violet flame! Let the Light descend, then! Therefore we follow the mantra. We follow the point of origin of the Word. We follow those who give the recitation of the bija mantras, the seed syllables unto the Divine Mother, unto the Goddesses, unto the Dhyani Buddhas, unto the entire hierarchy of Buddhas. Therefore the point of the sounding of the mantra calls the one whose mantra it is to that point. Thus, you have successfully called us to the depths of the astral plane, beloved ones, by the remaining ties that you have to lifestreams who are abiding in those levels. We consider this to be a great boon! For unless the Law would dictate otherwise unto us, we are subject to that law whereby we cannot descend any lower in the planes of earth than where there is a tie to one of our disciples. If one of us does have a disciple with a tie to a certain level, then we all may descend to that level. For are we not as a hand, the five fingers on the hand, beloved, four plus the thumb? So we are extensions, Light-emanations, by the five secret rays of the hand of Almighty God, yes, of the hand of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and of Brahman from the Beginning. And even so, we function from those inner secret-ray spheres surrounding the Holy of Holies of the I AM THAT I AM. Know, then, beloved, that you have now carried us and our bodhisattvas and our disciples and chelas to all levels. And therefore we have duplicated ourselves as we have manifested our presences in a million different points of Light at all levels of evolution in the Matter cosmos. This has not happened, beloved, for a very, very, very long time. Therefore, we bow to the Light within you, for we are on the move midst all evolutions and lifewaves and we are getting used to it again! [23-second standing ovation] We are most grateful that in commemoration of our coming you have created the five cards to the Five Dhyani Buddhas and that you have lovingly placed the descriptions of who is who and their mantras on these cards.{349} In addition, we are grateful that you have seen to it that these cards, along with many others depicting beings of Light, have been placed in the bookstalls and marts of the world. And therefore, when along comes this or that one who may have known us ten thousand years ago and who instantly recognizes that figure of the Buddha, that figure of each one of us, and does take that card, there is the focus whereby we may enter. Thus dance with them, beloved! Take the five, put them in a frame together or string them on a string and hang them about your neck when you meditate; and see how we will do all that we can, as you do all that you can, to accelerate the activation of Mighty Cosmos' five secret rays within you. There is a dearth of soul development on these rays, which we embody; for scarcely ever does humankind find itself able to master even one of the seven rays, much less two or five or seven of those rays. Hence, it is not meet that they should proceed to internalize the five secret rays. Accordingly, we have not revealed the inner color tones of the five secret rays, although traditional Buddhism assigns a color tone to each of us. So you see, because you have worked with the fundamentals of the seven rays and have established a certain equilibrium of grace within your heart and a respect for the Chohans and for the rays themselves, for the Light itself and the Law itself, you, then, are becoming the gentle ones and as such you blend your hearts with our hearts and thus enter the five secret rays. We are gratified that the Messenger with staff have put together the teachings of the Great Tao, for out of the Great Tao there also proceeds the retinue of the Five Dhyani Buddhas. And so, in the gentleness of the Tao, in the ultimate power of the Tao and the universal presence of the Tao, you find a balancing of the five elements within you and you discover a way of thinking that is Oriental, which some understand and some do not - and yet the riddles, the enigma, the koan of the Zen mind are there to challenge your inner self. Perhaps you should engage in a greater exercising of both sides of the brain and both sides of the body that you might know a greater balance in your four lower bodies for a greater comprehension of those things that are inner in the five secret rays (right brain) and those things that are outer in the seven rays (left brain), all of which are a part of your very being and yet you have not learned to access them. Many ways are opening up to you. Many pathways are allowing you to see how you can balance not only both hemispheres of the brain but also the lower mental body with the Higher Mental Body so that ultimately the mental body might be the vessel of the Higher Mind and so that the Mind of God that was in and is in your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ might be in you always.{350} The Mind of God is present in you, beloved, when you have keen awareness and an absolute foreknowledge of conclusions that must be made, of decisions, of the future itself. The opening of the Mind of God within you has to do with your calling to Mighty Cosmos for the five secret rays. Hitherto you did not have our names. Now you have our five names: Vairochana, Akshobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha, Amoghasiddhi. Our names are attached to the five rays of Mighty Cosmos. And so if you will call to Cosmos and give our names at the beginning of that decree, along with the name Vajrasattva, you will know the stimulation of those five rays, those five spiritual senses, and other dimensions of your own being by which you will profit and by which others may profit. For you will see into the distant past, and the distant past will be projected upon the distant future. And you will see how ancient history does repeat itself and repeat itself until it is played out and played out again, until the karma is balanced and the lessons are learned. Now look at mankind and be prophets under the tutelage of the Five Dhyani Buddhas. Simply ask the question that is on your heart and listen for a time, a week or two, and then answer it yourself out of your own Higher Mind. Ask yourself the question: "Are certain individuals of the mankind of earth or of the community or the nation whence I have come at a level where they are ready for a step they might take to improve their lot and the lot of their country? Are they ready?" Assess, then, the people who come from your hometown or the town where you live today, where you have taken up your calling and your profession in life. Say to yourself: "Now, if these people could just grasp this one single truth or perhaps this one affirmation, would they accept it? And if they did, would there be a raising of their consciousness to a new level of vision, of sensitivity, of insight, of foresight? If they would apply one truth and one affirmation, could they not meet the crisis that is before them?" I bid you make a study of certain groups of people, of societies, of those of varying levels of education and specialization, of those who are more to the Right, to the Left or in the center in their viewpoint of life. And think about these people and think of their goodwill, of their intelligence, of their desire to help people and help the world and heal the world. Think of them and ask yourself: "If I were a shepherd, called of my Lord Maitreya, called of my Lord Jesus Christ, what one thing, what nucleus or seed of truth, might I give to this certain group of people that might bring them to a deeper recognition of the God within them, of the power of that God to work a work through them in their day, to heal schisms and old feuds, to raise the level of vision of the youth and bring to them a finer education and a finer spiritual path?" What spiritual path would you bring to them? What is the first thing you would teach them? Would it be beloved Kuthumi's "I AM Light" decree or the tube of light or the violet flame? Think, then, of morsels. Think of Holy Communion. Think of the bread. Think of the wine. Think: In that bread and wine is the whole Body and Blood of the living Christ. In the morsel, in the fragment is contained the whole. I ask you: What fragment of the whole body of the Teaching of the Law, of the Great Dharma, of your own Causal Body, beloved, would you now say is the prescription for the opening of the mind and the heart of one who has been in a state of doggedly following a materialistic civilization and way of life for God knows how long? Yes, people can change in the twinkling of an eye. People can change in a moment's insight when they see an event happening, when they have a sudden revelation, perhaps through a motion picture, a book or a scene of people interacting. Yes, beloved, in a moment through a point of Light, the very right point of Light, souls may be awakened, they may be quickened, they may come to a deep realization because you are the catalyst! You are the catalyst! - not necessarily knowing in your outer consciousness but always following the inner guidance and the inner direction that says: "Yes, give this little something to that one. Give this little something to another." And suddenly, someone's world turns around, someone's world is changed. O beloved, take out of your pocket that precious tool that is called ingenuity, ingenuity, and think of something that applies so immediately to the situation at hand that it will reach that one who is in a state of despondency. Blessed hearts, in this the Five Dhyani Buddhas excel. We excel in helping you to unlock your inner being, the secret chamber of the soul that has been sealed off to the soul by karma and inordinate desire. We unlock inner doors, and the right door, I tell you, is the open door to all the rest. Once the soul has the courage and you prompt her, support and direct her and bathe her in love and compassion, she will open that door and walk through. And because you have tended her needs, your soul will know her own Inner Christ. That soul will say: I have found it! I AM Home free at last! Now I must turn and face the Sun and walk in the footprints of my former karmas, retracing every step of the way that I walked away from the Son. O my Father, O my Mother, I AM coming Home! To assist you, beloved ones, in this effort, in this wondrous opportunity that we bring, we have brought with us this night vials of strong antidotes for the five poisons and the sixth, which each of you must antidote in yourself and which every lifestream must antidote in himself. As you know, the five poisons are: (1) ignorance, antidoted by Vairochana's All-Pervading Wisdom of the Dharmakaya, (2) anger, hate and hate creation, antidoted by Akshobhya's Mirrorlike Wisdom, (3) spiritual, intellectual and human pride, antidoted by Ratnasambhava's Wisdom of Equality, (4) the passions - all cravings, covetousness, greed and lust - antidoted by Amitabha's Discriminating Wisdom, and (5) envy and jealousy, antidoted by Amoghasiddhi's All-Accomplishing Wisdom, the Wisdom of Perfected Action. And the sixth poison is non-Will and non-Being - fear, doubt and non-belief in God, the Great Guru - antidoted by Vajrasattva's Wisdom of the Diamond Will of God.{351} When you call upon all five of us in the preamble to any decree, you thereby invoke us and our powers to antidote the five poisons; and when you call to Vajrasattva to antidote the sixth, we will come in the formation of the six-pointed star. We will apply the antidotes as you would apply a disinfectant to an open wound. We will apply them to you, to your soul, your spirit, to your four lower bodies and to your chakras. We will apply the antidotes to those souls who are in the grips of Death and Hell because they are the slaves of the poisons. For these poisons have infested the mind, the desire body, the physical body until souls can no longer see or think or redirect their minds and therefore only divine intercession will help them consume those poisons by the sacred fire of the Five Dhyani Buddhas. You see, the poisons, beloved, are the product of the misuse of the five layers, the inner sheaths of being, and the five elements. And so it is that a certain portion of the being of the individual has been devoured by the poisons, and this devouring of the inner sheaths through the partaking of the poisons is extremely dangerous. You may take in the poisons that are the antithesis of the qualities of the seven rays without as great a harm as if you took in the poisons of the five secret rays. For the five secret rays are very close to the nucleus of self, and therefore the poisons penetrate the sheaths and they begin to eat away at the core identity of the individuality that is left, which may indeed be shrinking by an astral cancer that is produced by the five poisons and the sixth. And thus the soul must be alerted, the soul must be awakened! And that is why I say to you, use your ingenuity to awaken a soul to something better, something higher! And give that soul some lift of your mantle, some lift of your own empowerment, some lift of that which you have agreed to carry of the Light itself, which is the burden of the LORD. You see people today who are dying in great fear, and their bodies are weak and their minds are weak and they can scarcely think. Beloved, when a soul is weakened because the body is weak, she is surely not in a position to say: This day I will be the champion of the LORD! This day I will go out and forge my Victory! Well, beloved, as you see individuals dying in the physical sense, know that souls also die because they rot away, for none have come forward to care for them. But in a roundabout way, you have come forward - you have come forward to care for them in that you have invoked our names. You have invoked the Five Dhyani Buddhas and, as I have said in the beginning, we have therefore penetrated all levels where our disciples are and where they offer our mantras. {352} So you have begun the process that is necessary for you to be on the wavelength of the five secret rays, whereby you can rush in as an emergency crew. You come as a crew and you administer mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, and you begin to apply the unguents that will be for the healing of those five delicate layers of being that surround the soul that is yet fragile and yet perhaps in a grave state of soul malady. Thus you come. You come as physicians of the spirit for the healing of souls. That is what the Guru is: the doctor of souls. Come, then, beloved, and understand that these souls can turn around. Their courses can reverse. Their diseases of the spirit, their maladies of the central nervous system, their maladies that permeate all thinking areas and clog up the avenues of the spiritual senses - all of these can be turned around. Turn them around by the positive spin of your decrees! And never, never, never, never, never again let yourselves go into a negative spiral! For when you allow yourselves to be in a negative spiral, you are transmitting that negative spiral to others who are already in a negative spiral. And therefore, you are hastening the day of their demise and you are not even conscious of it, beloved ones! Well, it is so, and remember this: when you have access to the Five Dhyani Buddhas, you also have access to our Causal Bodies and to the possibility of calling forth the five secret-ray spheres of our Causal Bodies for the healing of the lifewaves of the earth and for the healing of the earth body itself. Do you understand, beloved, the responsibility with which we come? For when you maintain a positive spin in your chakras, mind, heart and soul, you are bequeathing that momentum, moment by moment, day by day, to the entire evolution of planet earth. And conversely, when you indulge yourselves in bouts of depression and self-pity and self-degradation and you enter into alliances in which you are not careful with the Light of God, I tell you, you are contributing to the downward course of many, many, many, many lifestreams. Do not make this karma. Do not make this karma, beloved ones. And sometimes those who care for you, who watch over you from above, will not intercede before some karmic calamity that is about to come upon you. And for good reason: to stop you in your tracks so that you will stop and think that it is better that you get on that positive spin again and leave behind you some of those negatives that are scintillating in their sparkling, but it is a sparkling that is of the astral plane. Beware, then, of those spirits that sparkle on the astral plane that would lure you to their levels. Do not tarry with them when you are out of the body in soul travel but move on to the octaves of the etheric plane. We, the Dhyani Buddhas, have come to earth. We, the Dhyani Buddhas, have come here in support of El Morya. It is El Morya for whom we stand and every chela of the will of God, every chela of the Messenger, everyone who will stop this hesitation, stop this fear and doubt, who will deal with it in his psychology and in his five secret-ray calls and who will come to that position where, come what may, he will say: I will be a chela of El Morya! I will be a chela of the Messenger! I will take advantage of those ones in my very midst who have walked the Path with the immortals and who are tarrying with me now. Therefore we do come. Therefore we do honor the beloved El Morya this day and we honor his chelas as well. And therefore we and our retinue do form circles about you now and we are applauding you, beloved ones. [38-second standing ovation] So now the beloved El Morya comes and he stands as the representative of all chelas of the will of God upon earth. I trust, I trust, beloved hearts, that you have made your peace with beloved El Morya and with his Messenger so that you may know and understand that by the lineage by which they have descended through the heart of Padma Sambhava so they come and so they do sponsor you. And therefore, beloved ones, with the coming of the Archangel Uriel with the judgments described to you last evening, there has been the reinforcement of the judgment of Darkness, which is the negative judgment, and the reinforcement of Light, which is the positive judgment. And those of you who have received the positive judgment have your reward with you this day for certain mighty acts of courage, of sacrifice on behalf of the Great White Brotherhood, on behalf of this movement and this Path and Teaching that is indeed for the salvation of the whole world of Lightbearers. And therefore, for{353} the judgment that is come, for the Holy Spirit that has come and for you yourselves that have come, certain karmas are now lifted from the chelas of El Morya. And in this moment the angels of the Five Dhyani Buddhas are lifting these karmas. Therefore be still and know that the I AM THAT I AM within you is God, that it is all reality. It is the reality of the Eternal Now, the now of past, present and future. Thus, beloved, it is a moment of reward. And is it not written that the hour does come for the reward of the prophets and the saints and the holy ones in the earth?{354} And therefore this is awards night at the Royal Teton Ranch for chelaship on the path of fiery devotion, purity of heart and willingness to go the extra mile. Those who would embody the living flame of Melchizedek, king of Salem and priest of the Most High God, those who would walk in the paths of righteousness of our father Enoch, those of you who know in your hearts the deepest inner striving of your souls, you may now know that you receive the lifting of certain karmas. Therefore, in the fullness of the Holy Ghost of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, I, Vajrasattva, have spoken to you as their spokesman. And I AM here and I AM in the way with you. I AM adorned and in the center of the Tree of Life. May it be so for you always. I look to your Victory this day. I look to your Victory every day. I look to the Victory of planet earth because you have dared to open the mind and to receive enlightenment from the Five Dhyani Buddhas no matter what the cost. I congratulate you on your path and your mission. Onward! Onward! Onward! Onward! Onward! - [1-minute 10-second standing ovation] This dictation by Vajrasattva, Spokesman for the Five Dhyani Buddhas, was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, June 28, 1993, during the ten-day conference FREEDOM 1993: "Healing the Earth," held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. The dictation is available on audiocassette (includes the dictation by Shiva and Parvati): 1 cassette, 85 min., B93069. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under the direction of Vajrasattva.] Sections printed in bold italic type indicate fiats, bija mantras, affirmations, prayers and decrees that you can use in your daily decree sessions. The Messenger recommends that each week when you receive your Pearl of Wisdom, you type or write these out and place them in a special section in your decree book. The Messenger also encourages you to compose your own fiats and affirmations based on the Teachings of the Ascended Masters given in the Pearls of Wisdom. ****** Chapter 41 Beloved El Morya - September 19, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 41 - Beloved El Morya - September 19, 1993 FREEDOM 1993 A GLOBAL CONFERENCE DEDICATED TO Healing the Earth 10 The Victory of the Will of God A Cause That Is Right Hail, chelas of the victory of the will of God! the victory of the will of God! the victory of the will of God! [22-second standing ovation. Congregation gives the salutation:] Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! Hail, El Morya! So, then, let us not waste a moment but delve into this victory flame, the lily itself, the lily of the threefold flame within your heart. Yes, the victory of the will of God is on my mind! Chelas of that victory, be seated now. So know, then, that I come into your midst, for it is the hour when each and every one of you must decide that this is the day, this is the moment in cosmic history, this is your life as God's life in the earth when you will score that golden white-fire victory - that golden white-fire victory of the resurrected Christ and the soul resurrected in you. Oh, how grateful I am to God for those who espouse his will throughout the earth and beyond! I am grateful for Keepers of the Flame. I am grateful for the consciousness that does embody the spirit of victory that casts out all doubt and fear and simply affirms: Where I AM, there I know that my God liveth. Yes, beloved, know the flame. Know the rod. Know the scepter. Know the rod of Aaron itself! And know that where you are is the full potential for victory in God's will, victory in God's divine plan and blueprint for this earth. How can the earth be healed except there be a blueprint? Well, indeed there is a blueprint. I ask you to invoke it from the heart of the Great Divine Director, who has a master plan for the healing of the earth. And he has presented that plan to the Darjeeling Council and we are in accord. And therefore as we look at the great grid of life, even at the thoughtform of the mighty sphere of Church Universal and Triumphant, we see that at every crossing of that grid there is the victory manifestation of the Christed son of God who is ready to hold the line of Light and to continue to hold that line of Light and who is not willing to be moved by the assailing Darkness. So I come to you, beloved, with great enthusiasm. From this day forward, from this day backward, there is only victory! There is only victory and there is the love of that victory whereby you resolve all forces of anti-victory within your being. I would woo you. I would woo you to the heart, the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I would woo you to see earth, then, in the immaculate matrix of her heart and her womb and her mind. See the earth healed by the Healing Thoughtform as you place that Healing Thoughtform over the earth. See the earth becoming what that earth must be and recognize that spokesmen are necessary for the divine plan. Therefore I bid you enter into a very close oneness with the Christ of you, your own Higher Self. And I bid you receive from that Higher Self each day the intimations of wisdom, of direction, of love, of the next step that must be taken by you that you might accomplish your goals in this life. If you are not certain of those goals, then let us reason together and let us understand that no matter how great or worthwhile a goal is, if it is not practical to the human situation, to the human dilemma, to what is happening now at the crossroads of life in this country and every nation upon earth, it is not the need of the hour. The need of the hour is for careful spokesmen who may study the issues and study them well, who may also study the art and the craft of setting forth for public consumption those articles, those chapters, those books that may give an understanding of the pros and cons of the issues, of what is burdening the planetary body and what is burdening the bodies of the people. Blessed ones, you may know many facts, but if you do not have the ability to deliver a message with the full empowerment of the Holy Spirit whereby people can be galvanized to a cause that is right - and I stress a cause that is right - if you are not able to do this, if you are not able to write and speak convincingly concerning the issues of your time, then you might as well be blind and mute! Do you understand, beloved? You must see a vision and you must be able to impart that vision. You say, "Well, some have a gift for writing and others do not." I say nonsense! All can learn. All can sharpen the quill. All can begin to write - to write creatively and intelligently and to bring to the forefront of the minds of the world those issues that must be tackled. But before they can be tackled, they must be untangled by wise ones who understand that if matters are to get better, they must first come to a screeching halt. Because the leadership of the nations cannot figure out what to do about Bosnia-Herzegovina or other places on the globe. There is no meeting of the minds because they do not have the Mind of God, and few are willing to take the responsibility for right decision through earnest resolve. Nations united are useful when they are united in the Mind of God and in the Christ of God. But when they are united in politics alone and are represented by statesmen who are not statesmen but who meet only to save their reputations and their offices and do nothing to save suffering humanity, well, beloved ones, it will be more than Yugoslavia that is lost! It will be nation after nation after nation who does fail to challenge the force of Antichrist wherever it appears and against whomever it does strike. So know, beloved ones, that the crystal-clear Mind of God is apparent in the legions of Mercury. Yes, Mercury's ones come with a flash and fire of the mind of Hermes, they come with the clear understanding of what is the Real and what is the Unreal. They see clearly what is happening. They who are the communicators see that some who mean well across the nations are not tutored, are not educated, are not able to speak before large assemblies or to write so that their writings will be read. Blessed ones, there are many who know and understand what the forces of Darkness are doing to the bodies of the people and to the body of the earth. But if they cannot proclaim the message, if they cannot make their mark as revolutionaries of this decade and the next, then what will become of all of our efforts for the healing of the earth? I ask you: What shall become of those efforts? It is this, beloved: They will come to naught. And therefore what is needed is a spiritual army of Lightbearers who recognize that they must study and burn the midnight oil and know the issues and be able to discuss them intelligently. This spiritual army must be able to break the bread of Life and show that there is really only one solution and that solution is universal cooperation among all people. This army must work to eliminate ulterior motives of land use control, resource control and seek legitimate means to preserve the balance of nature so that people can prosper and earth can sustain all souls destined to be born and ascend here. For the sake of her divine plan, the resources of earth must be kept pure, they must be protected. Human life must be protected from the last plagues that are coming upon the body of the earth and the bodies of the people. You must therefore see yourselves in areas of specialization. One by one or in committee, you must take up one of the central issues of our time and you must become experts on that issue, even as the speakers who speak to you are experts. And then you must also wield the sword of the Spirit as experts as you give your dynamic decrees and make your calls for the setting free of this organization and the setting free of all people of goodwill to answer the call of elemental life and angels and all who suffer the burden of the karmic weight of the earth body and its pollution. Yes, beloved, you must be able to wield that sword of the Spirit and that science of the spoken Word in support of all others who move forward, who give their messages. For again and again the power politics and the politicians destroy the best hopes and the best plans for the rescuing of the earth body. Let it be known, then, that all of these areas that will come to your attention through our guest speakers are areas of vital concern to the Darjeeling Council. Beloved ones, take seriously the platform of earth as a platform of evolution. Consider the future of your children and children's children. You need not advance the mind more than several generations to recognize that much can come about in the earth to make it almost uninhabitable or even dangerous for families to stray far from the dwelling places they have secured. It is time, then, that you understood that it will not be enough to discuss the will of God in writing, in books, in talks, in conversations or in promises to do better. The will of God will be satisfactory as a standard and a measure of progress in the earth only if her people embody it, along with the indomitable spirit of victory! Therefore it is the victory of the will of God that is my message. You may add to the mighty blue flame that golden yellow color of victory and know that these two ribbons, the blue and the gold, are the sign of the conquerors. And let the base of those two ribbons be a Ruby-Ray, rose-colored pink heart, that you might know that by love you can fulfill the will of God and fulfill it in victory. Let it be the sign of those who have determined to restore the earth to the pristine foundations that Elohim have intended. Remember to have compassion for all life and all elemental life. Keep the trust of that which is yours and keep the trust of your own bodies. Beloved ones, I come to you aware of many situations in the earth, including those that have been made known to you and that are astounding even to yourselves. There is upheaval in individual hearts. There is upheaval and judgment in the nations. There is the rise and fall of governments, where this one is in and that one is out and entire governments are driven out of power. Blessed hearts, it is a time of great change and you should anticipate change and meet it with the violet flame each day. Let violet flame consume the cause and core of the burdens in the earth and the karma that does descend! Let the lightning of the Mind of God separate the Real from the Unreal! And let those who are chelas of the will of God come to the fore and know that it is an hour when I call you as I have never called you before, for earth must be turned around and the decade moves on and therefore the time in which to do it is shortening. I say, lengthen the time by filling some portion of your day with the words that are Holiness unto the LORD! Holiness unto the LORD! Holiness unto the LORD! Holiness unto the LORD!{355} I AM Morya and I have many devotees who are ascended ones and ascending ones. I have many devotees on the etheric octave who are shining ones, Buddhist monks and nuns, those who have come lately from the screen of life who have been tortured and killed by those who have ravaged Tibet and the Tibetan community. Yes, beloved, there are many in etheric octaves who would give even their eyeteeth to be in embodiment in your midst that they might also be pillars of fire. I say open the gates and let them enter! Let them be born and let the succession of the chelas of El Morya and of the will of God and of the victory of the will of God go marching on! Yes, let Truth go marching on! Let the will of God go marching on! And find in yourselves that ingenuity, that will to present to a world true and viable solutions for the very least to the greatest of public health problems, both on a planetary scale and within the family. Let health begin, then, with a positive spin of victory in the will of God and a heart of compassion for a whole world! It is time to open the floodgates of your heart and let that great compassion of the Cosmic Christ overflow to a planetary body as you count the blessings you have received from the mighty Archangels in your defense, in your protection, in your upliftment. Count your blessings and let the blessings spread to all! For the blessings are mighty indeed and the opportunities are great, both for balancing karma on a personal and planetary level and for making that positive good karma that adds to the great positive spin of the planetary body. I AM Morya. I move in your midst. I will speak to you again during this conference. In this moment, however, I cede my place to the blessed one, Hermes Trismegistus - yes, the one God Mercury, who is the sponsor of my own path and the path of the Messengers and all the Mercurians who bring forth the writings of the deep things of God, of public issues, setting forth that which comes forth from that diamond-shining Mind of God for the edification of the root races. So, beloved, I bid you adieu for a while but I shall return. Therefore receive the beloved Master now. - [26-second standing ovation] This dictation by El Morya was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Tuesday, June 29, 1993, during the ten-day conference FREEDOM 1993: "Healing the Earth," held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Before the dictation, the Messenger delivered her lectures "A Profile of Thomas More" and "Mysteries of Hermes Trismegistus, Master of Masters and Scribe of the Gods." Both lectures and the dictations of El Morya and Hermes Trismegistus are available on a 2-audiocassette album: total 2 hr. 56 min., A93078. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under El Morya's direction.] Sections printed in bold italic type indicate fiats, mantras, affirmations, prayers and decrees that you can use in your daily decree sessions. The Messenger recommends that each week when you receive your Pearl of Wisdom, you type or write these out and place them in a special section in your decree book. The Messenger also encourages you to compose your own fiats and affirmations based on the Teachings of the Ascended Masters given in the Pearls of Wisdom. ****** Chapter 42 Hermes Trismegistus - September 22, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 42 - Hermes Trismegistus - September 22, 1993 FREEDOM 1993 A GLOBAL CONFERENCE DEDICATED TO Healing the Earth II The Guild of God Mercury: The Sword and the Pen Most gracious sons and daughters of God, I greet you in the flame of that diamond-shining Mind of God. And I am grateful to be with you during this conference, for I am a Messenger of the Gods and I have a message that I must deliver to your hearts. And now, therefore, be seated. I speak of the lineage of the initiates of Mercury{356} - those who have fashioned their skill by the sword and the pen, those who have acquainted themselves with the Mind of God and have claimed that Mind, who have come from a lineage that antedates myself. Truly there is a lineage of those who have been called Hermes, the name being the title of an office.{357} Thus there is a descent of those whose craft has been to set forth in writing and in other forms of communication that which is real, that which is unreal, that which is necessary information to the body politic round the world that they might know and understand the way to go. Blessed ones, the descent to earth of these who are chelas par excellence under El Morya has been the cause of a great increase in communication at all levels. As you know, communication out of the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood concerning the spiritual path and teaching, set squarely on the foundations of the law of God, is one thing. And the communication of human knowledge and world events precipitating day by day (called "the news") is another. There is also the communication of history, parable and story, fiction and nonfiction, which teach lessons of character and heroism, lessons of human misery and human joy. All who have effectively mastered the written and spoken word have been schooled in the great temples of Light that are under the guardianship of the great beings of Light who came from the planet Mercury and beyond. Know, then, beloved ones, that among you there are any number of lifestreams who have written effectively in the past, who have brought forth teachings from many fields based on their expertise in the craft and their mastery of certain categories of subject matter. Some of you have come into embodiment in this century and in this time having left the tools of your trade behind you, often because you have not had qualified teachers to once again reawaken your talent and mastery in the use of those tools. Others of you have been blessed with that training. And some of you, although you have not been formally trained, yet sense that you have an ability to write and communicate what is so vital in the world today from the perspective of the Great White Brotherhood. I bid you, then, understand that the second blessing, second to your training under the Master Jesus (and a necessity for Summit University 1993 and continuing) is the opportunity for those of you who must reacquire the skills of the writers' guild of Mercury to receive training in writing at Summit University. For you have these skills on the tip of the mind and the tip of the pen at inner levels but you have not sharpened them in this life. You must sharpen your tools, beloved ones! You have no time or ink to lose. You must relearn how to communicate by the spoken and the written word. Therefore I require that Summit University convene a special summer course for those who are willing to work and work hard to sharpen the pen of the mind and join the fraternity of those who will once again bring knowledge to the world through the printed word - not only knowledge of what is and what is not but knowledge of the greater mysteries of God that we have handed down and that have been lost and that must be found again. This is why we send messengers. This is why we send Messengers of the Ascended Masters. It is to compensate for the loss in situations such as the burning of the library at Alexandria and for other losses through war and cataclysm and the sinking and rising again of continents. For in times of such upheaval, the great wisdom of the ancients, as well as scientific knowledge, has been temporarily lost to mankind. Of course, it is in the archives of the universities of the Spirit in the etheric octave, but it is generally inaccessible to most of mankind. This is partly in order to put a brake upon those who are now the false-hierarchy counterparts of the God Mercury. For these have taken their knowledge of communication and of the transmission of knowledge only to put forth lies and untruths regarding our best servants and regarding those things that all mankind should have access to, such as new discoveries in health and in healing and in the formation/development of the spirit, the mind, the soul, the heart - all things pertaining to the commonweal. Blessed ones, this information is not universally available to the people, whereas other things are available to them that are harmful. Thus, the facts about many products that are destructive to the health of mind, soul and body must be communicated. And so you see, there are those who have formed a false hierarchy, who make up an anti-force against the legions of Mercury, and then there are those whom I myself have trained under my mantle as God Mercury. We who bear the shield and the armour of the Sun must therefore go up and down the nations of the earth and call out those who have the original communication skills, who practiced those skills in ancient times and on ancient continents and are willing to once again take the lead in the dissemination of the truth and in exposing error. You must come forward! For the truth must be made known by willing hearts who see the power of the press, the power of public relations, the power of the power elite who mold public opinion and control the media as they deliberately distort the truth and destroy the reputations of individuals and organizations. If things continue as they are, not even Jesus Christ when he walks the earth as an Ascended Master in his Second Coming will be portrayed for who he is and what he stands for. Many interest groups in Church and State are working against the bringing forth of the great teachings of old that are coming down again through the Messengers. This is because they know that the Truth, rather than set them free, will expose their manipulation of the people. Unless you become proficient in crafting the word of the Logos for educated and common folk alike, you run the risk of seeing in your own lifetime the disintegration of the true path and of the understanding of discipleship unto the individualization of the God flame in every living soul upon this planet. Unless you become the incarnation of this path and this understanding in your life and in your spoken and written word, beloved, you will see this path grown over with the dense weeds of materialism. And the souls who are looking for it will not find it! I shun to call it public relations, but that is the term that is used these days. What I am talking about is the need for you to speak to a world and demonstrate to a world, by many means and carefully planned measures, what is the profile of one who walks in the footprints of El Morya and Kuthumi and Serapis Bey and Saint Germain. For they are the true role models for all students in the mystery schools, both here at Maitreya's retreat and in the etheric octave. They embody the love, the courage and the discipleship that supply the pattern for all who descend through those schools on the seven rays. I come, therefore, pleading for those who will come out from among you and form a trade association, as it were, such as the ancient guilds of Europe, and work together under experts to polish their skills and transmit the word at every level. It is not enough that the Messenger publish. There are many more documents of higher teachings that must be published, not only in the spiritual field but also in all fields, as Morya has said. For this is an hour when the world must know what it is that is really causing the pollution of the earth body - the toxic aura of man's inhumanity to man, of the Cains killing the Abels at every hand and the blood of brothers defiling the earth. Pollution is also caused by the misuse of technology. So many problems could be solved if mankind would just apply the specific antidotes to the poisons lodged in the soul and in the soil! Therefore I call you. And I call you to Summit University. And I call for a course to be set up for you under a professional who has the expertise to teach the art of communication, public relations and principles of marketing as these ought to be taught. Then you will see those who are enlightened, those who have the aura of the sacred fire, those who have the Mind of Christ able to divide by the power of the pen the truth from the untruth, the Real from the Unreal. Set forth the message! Set forth the platform for its delivery in your area of expertise! And if you think you have no expertise, go out and get it, and study and prove yourself to be one who will make that statement and make that name, not only for yourself but for God and all the ascending ones. I AM Hermes and I say to you: I shall overshadow any of you, each and every one of you, who will learn these disciplines. But teachers we must have in the flesh! Therefore let the professors come forth, let the teachers come forth and let the communicators of the word become known as the guild of the God Mercury. And let them go forth with the wings of the mind of Mercury to speak to a world! For Jesus has said, "I will send you!"{358} He will send all of you who come to Summit University, those of you who have attended, those of you who would represent the Teachings of the Ascended Masters or your favorite secular causes. For it matters not whether you choose to focus on spiritual or secular causes. Let the power of the spoken Word be not only the power of the dynamic decree. Let it be the power of Truth whereby the Truth does transmute error: Truth herself in the person of Pallas Athena, Truth in the person of your own Christ Self. Truth is a divine decree and it must be embodied and spoken with conviction. How can it be spoken if you have not rightly divided the word of Truth{359} within your being and if you are not facile with the facts within the professional discipline of your choice? I say, how can you affirm the truth when you do not know it? Thus I come to you with a call and I say, El Morya and all of the ascended hosts and the Seven Archangels will not leave you at some level where you may sit on a tree stump and watch the world go by. For, beloved ones, it is time to get off that stump and enjoin the battle that is raging in the streets of the world! For the battle is raging for the minds of the people, for the bodies of the youth and for the love of their hearts. May you hear the call from higher octaves of many who have gone before you. And may you answer in a very special way after you have communed with your God and come to the realization in your heart as to what is that mighty work of the Lord that is yours to accomplish before you allow the mantle of your calling in this life to drop from your shoulders and you move on into the octaves of Light. I AM with you. I have been with you from the Beginning. I have been with you long thousands of years. I AM yet your friend. I AM yet Hermes and I live in the flaming center of Truth. And that flaming center, I declare, burns on the altar of your being from this time forth and even unto the fullness of your mission. - [41-second standing ovation] This dictation by Hermes Trismegistus was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet following the dictation by El Morya on Tuesday, June 29, 1993, during the ten-day conference FREEDOM 1993: "Healing the Earth," held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Before the two dictations, the Messenger delivered her lectures "A Profile of Thomas More" and "Mysteries of Hermes Trismegistus, Master of Masters and Scribe of the Gods." The lectures and dictations are available on a 2-audiocassette album: total 2 hr. 56 min., A93078. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under the direction of Hermes Trismegistus.] ***** 42.1 I AM the Witness - September 22, 1993 ***** Vol. 36 No. 42 - I AM the Witness - September 22, 1993 I AM the Witness Thanksgiving Day November 25, 1993 Thanksgiving for Blessings Worth More Than All the Gold in the World Dearest Mother, Words cannot express what you, the Ascended Masters and our Community have meant to me throughout the years. As I meditated to the music of Mother Mary on the Sanctissima album, my heart overflowed with love for you. Two days ago I had a miscarriage, and although my heart yearns deeply to hold the child we are to bring forth, I realize in the depth of my soul that this is an opportunity to come up higher. This is the miracle of our teachings: Hope is always at our side and Love is her companion. It is such an amazing experience to be writing to a prophet. I feel and have always felt your closeness to me and my family, and I know that you would do anything to help anyone if you could. At the same time, I stand in awe of your accomplishments, your relationship to God, and what a miraculous blessing it is to know you. I also understand how much you give so that we may feel the same profound love of Christ within our hearts. It is to you I owe much, this day of Thanksgiving, for bringing the love and joy of God into my life. I am eternally grateful. I've been wanting to tell you so for so many years, from my heart to yours. I love you. Recently you sent a letter disclosing the dire financial needs of our Church at this time. Mother, I know that we will get through this storm - we always do by the grace of God. Although my husband and I do not have extra cash on hand, I have secretly stored a small amount of money away. I've been contemplating what to buy for several weeks. It is such a small amount, $316.50, yet it is all that I have. It is given with much humility. Hopefully next year will be a better year for our business and we will be able to give much more. What I have received in this lifetime from the heart of God is worth more than all the gold in the world. We will be VICTORIOUS! My prayers are with you and our beloved Church always. All my love and gratitude to you, ****** Chapter 43 Elizabeth Clare Prophet - September 26, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 43 - Elizabeth Clare Prophet - September 26, 1993 Meeting the Challenge of World Karma on the Cusp of the Twenty-First Century Seven Planets in Capricorn, January 11, 1994: Turning Challenge into Opportunity On January 11, 1994, there will be a rare planetary alignment in the heavens. Seven planets will form a conjunction in the sign of Capricorn. Those planets are the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Uranus and Neptune.{360} I call this seven-planet conjunction a "megaconjunction." (See fig. 1.) [pearls1993-n43-fig1a.jpg] [pearls1993-n43-fig1b.jpg] It will be the seventh time since the year 1700 that seven planets have been within a 20-degree arc of space as seen from the earth. The coming megaconjunction in Capricorn is the tightest and most powerful of these seven-planet conjunctions. On January 11, 1994, the seven planets will be within 9 degrees of each other. I have taught that the planets have a weight other than the mass. The astral weight of a planet is the accumulation of the negative karma made by the evolutions who have lived there. This forms what we refer to as the planet's electronic belt. Correspondingly, every planet has a collective Causal Body, where all the good works and positive karma of all evolutions who have lived there are stored. What we are seeing with this tight megaconjunction of seven planets is the force of seven electronic belts - the total momentum of all energies of those planets that have ever been misqualified through karma. In addition, we see the combined positive momentums of their Causal Bodies. Because of the interchange of energy between the core of each of those planets and the core of our planet, there is a type of symbiotic relationship, if you will. There is an interaction, and we will definitely feel the momentum of those seven planets in relation to our own planet. As the astrology changes, the very atmosphere changes. And I am talking about the atmosphere of consciousness, of moods, of the psyche, of the unconscious and the subconscious. All life on earth is affected by the energies that interchange not only between earth and the other planets of our solar system but between earth and all stars, all suns and all celestial bodies, known or unknown. So this is why we take up the study of astrology. We understand that there is an interplay and that there are influences. The influences of this megaconjunction, for instance, will affect the earth as a whole and every person on earth. It will impact every one of us, depending on our individual karma and our astrological birth and progressed charts. We will feel it uniquely and we will certainly participate in it collectively. None of the other seven-planet conjunctions were closer than 16 degrees. And only one of the other seven-planet conjunctions had all the planets in one sign. We know, then, that this is a rare and powerful conjunction. The hard part of my subject today is: What does it all mean? We cannot really know what it all means. That's simply because megaconjunctions are so infrequent and so different from each other that it is hard to determine precisely what a future one may bring. Four Planets in Capricorn, February 1988 To get a better understanding of what the coming megaconjunction portends, let's look at the conjunction of Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn that took place February 22-23, 1988. (See fig. 2.) The core of this conjunction was the Saturn-Uranus-Neptune conjunction, a planetary alignment that happens only once every 700 to 1,500 years. [pearls1993-n43-fig2a.jpg] [pearls1993-n43-fig2b.jpg] Saturn-Uranus-Neptune conjunctions mark major turning points in the history of the world. The last one took place in 1307, but its influence was felt throughout the fourteenth century and beyond. In my book The Astrology of the Four Horsemen, I wrote: "The Saturn-Uranus-Neptune conjunction of 1307 inaugurated a century of woe. It was characterized by unenlightened leadership, exorbitant taxation, the breakdown of social institutions, immorality, religious ferment and persecution (including the slaughter of Jews), destruction of farms and villages by bands of marauding mercenaries, peasant uprisings and anarchy."{361} The fourteenth century experienced a violent shift in global weather. It was a period of extreme cold known as the Little Ice Age. It was a time of famine and a time when corruption in the Church reached new levels. It was also a time of conflict, which included the Hundred Years War between France and England and the Ottoman Empire's expansion into Europe. The worst disaster of the fourteenth century was the Black Death, an outbreak of bubonic plague that killed one-third of the population of Europe. Historian Barbara W. Tuchman suggests in her book A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous Fourteenth Century that we have much to learn about the present by studying the fourteenth century. It is not hard to see parallels: bad leadership and heavy taxation, a lingering recession, a rash of natural disasters, religious persecution (otherwise known as ethnic cleansing) and the modern Black Death, AIDS. The fourteenth century was also a time of transformation. Some of the changes ultimately led to the Renaissance. The Saturn-Uranus-Neptune conjunction caused a revolution in military technology that brought the feudal period to a close and hastened the rise of monarchies. The mortality caused by the Black Death started an economic revolution by consolidating wealth in fewer hands. In the 1988 Saturn-Uranus-Neptune conjunction, Mars, the fourth planet, acted as a trigger. As I pointed out in The Astrology of the Four Horsemen, this four-planet conjunction marked "the formal starting point of a period of upheaval and change on the planet. ... During this period we are likely to see the reform, disruption or dissolution of economic and political systems, revolution, major cataclysm and war." I explained that along with a number of other configurations this conjunction showed that the period of time between 1988 and 2000 would be a time of karmic summing-up. That teaching comes from the Ascended Masters and it is easily read in the stars. As you know, I have often used astrology to confirm prophecy or prophecy to confirm astrology. If you study the quatrains of Nostradamus and the predictions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, you will come up with the same answers. God has not given us merely one means to know the future and how to prepare for it. On February 22, 1988, in Beverly Hills, the Maha Chohan delivered through me a dictation of great import. He spoke on the four-planet conjunction in Capricorn, occurring that very day: You have heard the interpretation of the four planets in Capricorn. One must understand that they represent the deliverance of the Holy Spirit's initiations to a planet; and as the result of the consequences of the violation of the Holy Ghost in little children, in Nature and in the defilement of the body and the soul, you will see that unless these things are turned around and a people invoke the Light of their God and fulfill the Law of Love, those things projected will come to pass. This astrological configuration is the testing of the four lower bodies of a planet and a people.{362} I remember this moment well as a point in the history of my own life. I was standing on the platform in a Beverly Hills hotel delivering my Stump message and afterward the Maha Chohan delivered this judgment of the Holy Spirit. The judgment of the Holy Spirit is a more intense action than either the judgment of the Father or the judgment of the Son. It comes with the sacred fire. And this judgment, along with the judgment of the Divine Mother, is a heavy burden upon a planet and a people. I felt in my very bones and to the very core what the consequences of that judgment would be if the people did not turn and serve their God. I knew that if they did not take the Light released and turn it into positive action, they would experience it as negative action, or judgment. The Maha Chohan said that Mars, as the fourth planet in Capricorn, denoted the triggering in the physical plane of all that had gone before (in the Piscean age) in the etheric, mental and desire bodies of mankind.{363} And so, the Holy Spirit came to test us and we are all being tested daily. We are mindful of the tests, we are grateful for them, we watch for them and we make certain that we pass them. The Karma of 25,800 Years Is Cycling into the Physical Plane: Twelve-Year Period, April 23, 1990-April 22, 2002 On April 23, 1990, the physical karma of 25,800 years{364} began cycling into the physical plane. It had been held in abeyance through an entire cycle around the zodiac, principally because Jesus Christ, the great Piscean avatar, and other great avatars bore the burden of our karma. The full karma of the 25,800 years (the Piscean age plus the eleven preceding ages) was due to descend at the beginning of the Piscean age. Jesus' sacrifice made it possible for this karma, instead of descending all at once, to be meted out in increments over the 2,150-year Piscean age. The first karma to descend was the karma made in the etheric plane. The next to descend was the karma made in the mental plane and then the karma made in the astral (emotional) plane. April 23, 1969, marked the beginning of the return of karma made in the astral plane. It initiated a period of the intensification of the return of karma known as the Dark Cycle. April 23, 1990, marked the beginning of the return of karma made in the physical plane. On that day it began descending into the physical octave and will continue for twelve years, ending April 22, 2002.{365} This period of karma becoming physical is the backdrop for all these astrological portents I am discussing. In May of 1990, just after this twelve-year period began, India and Pakistan were on the verge of a nuclear war, unbeknownst to us all. The Bush administration sent Robert Gates, then deputy national security advisor, to India and Pakistan to diffuse the situation. Gates apparently succeeded, but the Bush administration kept the matter a secret because it had allowed nuclear weapons technology to flow to Pakistan. A nuclear war between India and Pakistan could have been what experts call a "catalytic nuclear war." It could have drawn China, the Soviet Union and the United States into it. Gates was quoted as saying: "Pakistan and India seemed to be caught in a cycle that they couldn't break out of. ... I was convinced that if a war started, it would be nuclear."{366} And Richard Kerr, former deputy CIA director, described the confrontation as "the most dangerous nuclear situation we have ever faced. ... It was far more frightening than the Cuban missile crisis. ... There was no question in my mind that we were right on the edge [of a nuclear war]."{367} This was the period, if you will recall, of increased press awareness, of reporters from all over the world flocking to the ranch to have me tell them about the heightened danger of nuclear war in the month of April and the twelve years following. Of course, I did not consciously know that such a situation was brewing between India and Pakistan. I simply had the word of El Morya and his prophecy to go on. To be at the brink of nuclear war and not know it and then to know it after the fact a number of years later is something that brings upon us a delayed shudder. It took about three years for the information about this near miss between India and Pakistan to become public. When I read the news account of it earlier this year, I realized just what we had been dealing with and that there are perhaps other similar situations that we are not aware of. Saint Germain and El Morya had told us that the preparation of the Lightbearers in the earth was the key that would deter and prevent nuclear war. On November 27, 1986, Saint Germain said: Secure the underground shelters, preserve the food, and prepare to survive. And if it be an exercise proven unneeded, then bless God that it did not go unheeded. For beloved, my word and your response, your very preparedness, is the one condition that can prevent the almost inevitable scenario of nuclear war. Beloved ones, preparedness is the key. If you do not think and act in terms of survival, then surely, surely, I say, you will not survive!{368} And on April 8, 1990, when many of us had finished our shelters, El Morya said: "You have paid in advance for your survival. You have secured it. You have obeyed Saint Germain, who told you that preparedness is the key. Your very preparedness itself has forestalled certain events."{369} So it is interesting to look at what astrology and prophecy have meant in the past, even though we've lived through those times and not known all the things that were going on in the earth. And even today, in the midst of this twelve-year cycle, we do not know all that is going on in the earth. January 1994 Megaconjunction The January 1994 megaconjunction in Capricorn follows in the wake of the 1988 conjunction. The 1988 and 1994 conjunctions can be seen as a sequence, one tripping the other. The 1994 megaconjunction amplifies and sustains the power of the first conjunction and also initiates its own influences. The Seven Mighty Elohim came to the Inner Retreat during our Easter conference 1993 to hold the balance for this conjunction. Cyclopea said: "We the Seven Elohim come in this hour as a counterweight to the positive and negative momentums [the seven planets in Capricorn in 1994 will] deliver. [We do this] that you might have the foundations established to meet this auspicious conjunction of the planets next January and that you might build upon the foundations that we will lay in this conference."{370} During this conference we gave perpetual decrees to the Elohim to anchor their Causal Bodies in the earth as a means of support and reinforcement to help us meet the challenges of the January megaconjunction. Like the 1988 conjunction in Capricorn, the 1994 megaconjunction in Capricorn could produce economic woes and warfare. It also indicates the prospect of major earthquakes and disruptive weather patterns or storms. It has many other portents, including changes, for better or worse, in political liberty. We could see the establishment or overthrow of dictatorships, the increase or decrease of spy and secret-police activity, and the rise or fall of nations and power blocs. The megaconjunction also indicates the danger of widespread plague and famine and danger from radioactivity, possibly from nuclear war. Some of this configuration's most important influence falls in two areas - social power and restructuring. Capricorn rules social power and social structures. Social power is the power wielded by governments, institutions, corporations, churches, organizations, communities, families and individuals. Saturn Rules Capricorn The planet Saturn rules the sign Capricorn. The ruler of a sign influences the character and function of the sign. Saturn is our tester, our teacher, our initiator in the zodiac. It governs the principle of limitation in its positive and negative expression, and it can show where it is necessary and beneficial to set limits. For instance, the limits on governmental powers are a function of Saturn. Saturn also rules the immune system, which limits the capacity of pathogens to make you ill. But Saturn can also be expressed as physical, psychological, social or spiritual obstacles and limitations. These include the sense of pessimism or guilt that inhibits successful action. Saturn has other dimensions. It rules structure, concentration, crystallization and form. In the social or political sphere, it shows how power is organized and is indicative of a nation's constitution. Saturn shows how a person, organization or nation gains through discipline, responsibility, perseverance, practicality, organization and wisdom. Conversely, it shows how people and nations may suffer from loss, delay and restriction if they do not embody these qualities. Saturn and Capricorn give people and nations the challenge to "do it right" or suffer the consequences - sometimes long-term consequences. Because Saturn rules Capricorn, the influences of Saturn are expressed through Capricorn. Therefore, whatever is happening to Saturn as it transits through the heavens is expressed through the planets in Capricorn. Keep in mind that we are in the penumbra, or the shadow, of this megaconjunction. This means that we are already experiencing the megaconjunction. It will not just fall on our heads like an apple from the tree on January 11. Some of the things I've mentioned are already happening. Some have been happening since the 1988 conjunction and before that in the penumbra of that conjunction. So as we look at these portents, let us bear in mind that they are upon us. They are only going to get stronger when January 11 comes up on our calendar. On January 11, when the megaconjunction takes place, Saturn will not be in its home sign of Capricorn. It will be in Aquarius. Aquarius's influence is just the opposite of Capricorn's. Capricorn is conservative and tends to preserve the status quo. Aquarius is innovative, evolutionary and sometimes revolutionary. It contains the impulse for freedom and occasionally provokes anarchy. Good governments under a Capricorn influence produce the greatest freedom by establishing and maintaining a social order that prizes harmony, discipline and respect for authority and established institutions. Such governments gain through wise leaders, hard work and a correct organization of political power. Good governments under an Aquarian influence produce the greatest freedom by improving a social order that prizes freedom, scientific and social experimentation, the worth of the individual, the transformation of the status quo and widespread participation in the political process. Systems under the influence of both Capricorn and Aquarius can produce freedom, but they can also produce tyranny. It is easy to see how Capricorn can be expressed as tyranny because of its emphasis on centralized control and an authoritarian structure, but what about freedom-loving Aquarius? Aquarians or leaders under an Aquarian influence can prize freedom of thought for themselves but can be highly dogmatic towards others. They can love freedom so much that they usurp it and keep it all for themselves. Saturn (the planet of restriction) in Aquarius (the sign of innovation) may seem like a contradiction in terms, but it is not. When Saturn is in Aquarius, individuals, nations and all other organizations must combine order with innovation. They must combine Capricornian respect for institutions with Aquarian celebration of personal liberties. They must also allow Aquarian forces to transform the status quo without degenerating into anarchy, tyranny or violent revolution. While Saturn in Aquarius is not a contradiction in terms, it is not an easy fit. This placing can create a lot of tension. And this tension will be transferred to the seven planets in Capricorn - the sign that Saturn rules. Saturn-Pluto Square But there is another dimension to this. At the time of the megaconjunction, Saturn in Aquarius will be square to Pluto in Scorpio. (See fig. 1.) This square is a major challenge in itself and will heavily influence the expression of the megaconjunction. Saturn rules structure and Pluto rules transformation. This square shows the need for people to restructure their lives and reorganize their priorities. Nations and organizations must reorganize their policies or even their basic structure. They must set new priorities. The failure of a nation to properly restructure could mean the fall of the government or the destruction of the nation. Pluto rules transforming, and frequently destructive, power. It mobilizes forces from the realms of the unseen, including unconscious angers and hatreds. Pluto rules unseen toxic forces and plutonium, a critical ingredient in nuclear weapons. It also rules the power of plutocrats - that is, political power derived from great wealth. The need of governments to restructure is likely to run into conflict with the agenda of the power elite. Scorpio introduces a new set of factors into the equation. It rules a wide range of financial matters, including debt, taxes and corporate or partnership finances. It also governs certain aspects of warfare, science, art, management and health or health care. Because Scorpio rules joint finances, it rules health care in situations where someone else pays the bill, such as governments or corporations. Saturn crystallizes the energies of Pluto in Scorpio and makes them a matter of social or governmental concern. It is no accident that the Clinton administration is trying to restructure the government finances in order to manage the national debt and that health care reform is a major part of it. It is also no surprise that the administration is facing serious delays and restrictions. If the Clinton administration and Congress don't find the proper formula, there are likely to be severe economic consequences at the time of the megaconjunction or in the months that follow. These could include another major economic downturn and debt liquidation. The Saturn-Pluto square also shows that the Clinton administration and the world may have to deal with terrorism, warfare, disease, and accidents involving toxic or nuclear substances, along with intense economic problems. A major problem that derives from the Saturn-Pluto square is the crystallization of hatred and anger directed against government through terrorism. The bombing of the World Trade Center on February 26 took place on one of Pluto's power points, a Pluto retrograde station. A retrograde station is the point where a planet appears to stop its forward motion along the zodiac and to begin to move backward as seen from the earth. It is a power point because pent-up energies are released with great force. In the case of the bombing of the World Trade Center, pent-up unconscious as well as conscious Scorpio anger, combined with Pluto's destructive energies, was released and crystallized by Saturn. Pluto was square to Saturn at that time and will remain so until spring 1994. When Saturn crystallized the energies of Pluto in Scorpio, they literally exploded at the World Trade Center and again two days later when the BATF made its first assault on the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas. Explosions are a release of tremendous anger, often unconscious. The fact that both events happened as Pluto in Scorpio went retrograde indicates that there are hidden causes and circumstances associated with them that are still unknown. In any case, we may see more tragic events as the energies of this Saturn-Pluto square express through the megaconjunction. These could include terrorist attacks, large-scale loss of life, warfare and conflict. We can also expect to see governments react to limit freedom if they cannot or will not evolve new ways of solving these problems. Under this Saturn-Pluto square, all of us have to deal with the emergence and the crystallization of unconscious anger and hatred. And "all of us" means all of us. It means you need to be working on your inner child, examining flashes of anger that you may feel coming up from somewhere unknown. You need to deal with these in therapy, in study and in decrees. You must be certain that you are not a focal point for world energies of anger. You cannot allow these energies to pass through you and to trigger what's in your subconscious. Remember Jesus' words: "The prince of this world cometh and hath nothing in me."{371} Jesus couldn't be tempted by anything of the world because he had nothing of the world in him. The best way to batten down your hatches and get ready for changes in the earth is to be certain that no element of outer darkness can tie into any subconscious or unconscious anger that is within you. Although we think we are justified in consciously targeting our hatred and our anger against this one or that one, at the core we are really directing our hatred and our anger against God. It is because of our nonresolution with God that we find ourselves evolving here on earth. We seek resolution with God through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We must seek that resolution now. We must understand that it is our karma and our inordinate desire that have placed a wedge between ourselves and our God. And we must do something about that separation now. When this anger against God interacts with Aquarian energies at a personal level, people become excessively dissatisfied with their circumstances. They sometimes get an intense desire to experience greater personal freedom, as though it were the most important thing in the world to them, and this blinds them to all other responsibilities. Sometimes their desire for freedom is blocked by responsibilities, finances, psychological limitations or an inability to figure out what they want to do. Sometimes they simply want to throw off responsibility and restriction and do their own thing. They can become eccentric and feel "I gotta be me!" and that becomes the driving force in their life. They often feel angry, tired, depressed, pessimistic and overburdened. They want to set limits but don't know how to innovate, as Aquarius says they can, in order to meet their responsibilities, as Capricorn says they must. Whatever is hidden, toxic and governed by Scorpio is likely to be brought to the surface. You can anticipate these situations and transmute them or wait for them to explode. Either way, you will be dealing with them. It is almost certain they will emerge, because Saturn deals with necessity and Pluto with coercion and involuntary circumstances. The process of creative change on a personal level can best be achieved by letting the anger and hatred go into the violet flame - and by letting the cause and core go into the violet flame. But we must also transmute the returning cycles of anger and hatred on a world scale, and this can prove to be a great challenge. You can start to meet that challenge - and all of the challenges of the 1994 megaconjunction in Capricorn - by setting aside thirty minutes a day to give violet flame decrees to transmute all blocks, within and without, to your union with God. The Church to Face Major Challenges Like all other organizations, Church Universal and Triumphant will face major challenges. The Church will continue to face a financial challenge. This is related to a second challenge: resolving our differences with the Internal Revenue Service. Both of these challenges may involve some restructuring by the Church. In fact, as Edward Francis has pointed out, we have already done some of this restructuring. The goal is to be in advance of prophecy and in advance of astrology. What does that mean? It means that you need to decree for the transmutation of the negative astrological portents before they are about to land on your head! You need to get a running momentum on the Capricorn megaconjunction before it precipitates out of the etheric, the mental and astral planes into the physical. By so doing, you can transmute a large percentage of the personal and planetary portents of negative karma that the megaconjunction is dumping on the earth and her evolutions. By decreeing in advance, you literally turn the avalanche of karma back up the mountain. And what finally hits the physical octave is a small percentage of the sound and the fury of what might have been. Wise ones will do this. And this is why at the turning point of the new year I urge you to update your personal astrology by looking at how the transits at the time of the megaconjunction impact your birth and progressed charts so that you know specifically what your personal challenges will be. The Saturn-Pluto square and the megaconjunction show a new phase in our public relations and a major shift in the way the public perceives the Church. These two configurations also show a major challenge related to the staff of the Church and possibly to important, precedent-setting litigation. These challenges can have positive outcomes, negative outcomes or both. Uranus-Neptune Conjunction: Core of the Megaconjunction The core of the megaconjunction is a Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn. The two planets are only one degree apart. Uranus is at 22 Capricorn. Neptune is at 21 Capricorn. (See fig. 1.) Uranus-Neptune conjunctions take place about once every 172 years. These conjunctions inaugurate social, political, technological and spiritual revolutions. In the long run, mankind tend to benefit from these conjunctions. In the short run, Uranus-Neptune conjunctions can create havoc. Uranus in Capricorn can shake up governments. Combined with Neptune, it can drive a government out of power or change the form of government. Since Neptune rules socialism, it can show the sudden rise or fall of socialist governments. It will probably breathe new life into the old Soviet bureaucracy or deal them a powerful blow. In any case, the Uranus-Neptune conjunction may give rise to mass movements, including the unpredictable movement of refugees with unsettling influences. This configuration could have a big impact on the U.S. economy. Bill Clinton had better get presidential fast! [7-second applause] Clinton's popularity, already in decline, is likely to take a big dip around the first of the year. If we take a look at Clinton's birth chart in relation to the megaconjunction and the Saturn-Pluto square, we see that the square is likely to impact his Sun in Leo on January 1 and 2, 1994. The Saturn-Pluto square has already been the harbinger of challenges he has not been able to meet. This will be a time of trial for the president. And if the economy runs into trouble, Clinton is in for a rough time. It is possible that Clinton or someone else will unexpectedly grab some power. With Uranus and Neptune at the core of the megaconjunction, it is also possible that someone will think up some brilliant solutions to our problems. But it is much more likely that we will try to muddle through and get caught in a series of social, financial, political, military and geophysical problems that will be difficult to solve. As I said, we are in the penumbra of this megaconjunction right now. The influence of the megaconjunction is likely to last for at least eighteen months (through July 1995) and possibly much longer. I believe that this configuration will affect life for decades if not centuries to come, because it has so much power to put so many things in motion. And turning those things around may literally take decades or centuries, depending on what nation you're talking about. In sum, the megaconjunction can help us restructure our lives, our organizations and our nations. This restructuring when done well and solidly will make it possible for us to grow and evolve. But if we as an organization, as a Community, as a nation and as a planet fail to properly reorganize ourselves, we may suffer severe consequences as the old order crumbles, perhaps violently, before giving way to the new order of the age of Aquarius. Elizabeth Clare Prophet delivered the lecture "Meeting the Challenge of World Karma on the Cusp of the Twenty-First Century: Seven Planets in Capricorn, January 11, 1994: Turning Challenge into Opportunity" on Sunday, July 4, 1993. The lecture was part of the ten-day conference FREEDOM 1993: "Healing the Earth," held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. It has been edited for publication in the Pearls of Wisdom. Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom. ****** Chapter 44 Beloved Pallas Athena - September 29, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 44 - Beloved Pallas Athena - September 29, 1993 FREEDOM 1993 A GLOBAL CONFERENCE DEDICATED TO Healing the Earth 12 As I Did Send the Messenger, So Now I Send You to Be the Vanguard of the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness "What's in a name?" they say. My name is Pallas Athena. What is your name? [Congregation responds: "Pallas Athena."] What is your name? [Congregation responds: "Pallas Athena!"] No, that is my name! What is your name? [Congregation gives various responses.] Pronounce your given baptismal birth name, if you will. [Congregation pronounces their given birth names.] So, my name is I AM THAT I AM! What is your name? [Congregation responds: "I AM THAT I AM!"] Truly, truly it is so. And with some burden you have pronounced your human name, and with great strength you have pronounced your I AM name! So what is in the name? Well, I will tell you, beloved. For one thing, karma is in the name. Then there is the positive spiral of attainment for which the name is the chalice in this life. Names engraven upon emerald tablets and tombstones ... Yes, beloved, the name that lives forever and is your name forever is truly the name of God. But until you become the full realization of that name, you go by the name of your birth and you bear the burden of the karma of this life through your name. And, if you are a woman, you change your name when you marry and take your husband's surname. And sometimes a husband adds his wife's surname to his own, thereby creating a new hyphenated surname composed of both names. When you are baptized or confirmed you may take the name of a saint. Choose carefully that saint or Ascended Master or Cosmic Being, beloved, for you are calling upon that one to assist you in bearing the burden of karma and the burden of Light that is your calling in this life. Therefore, I AM THAT I AM Pallas Athena. And my name that is echoed down the corridors of Truth is infired by the Holy Spirit, as yours shall also be. And the name that no man knoweth save the Father and the Son is that holy inner name whereby you are called of your Father-Mother God to come up the spiral staircase of initiation from the base-of-the-spine chakra to the crown, sealing your soul in the Holy Christ Self. For as your soul rises, she does prepare, as the bride adorned for her Husband, for the ultimate union with the I AM Presence. I speak of the name this day because I do call you each one by name. I know your inner name not only from the great records of the Keeper of the Scrolls but from our personal associations through the ages. And I call you by that inner name. And one by one, so called and so named, we celebrate the seventeenth anniversary of my announcement of the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness, when I unfurled its flag at the celebration in Washington, D.C., of the two-hundredth anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.{372} So we were there! So we are here! And so I say, as I did send the Messenger, so now I send you. I come to call you, to sponsor you, to go before those of you who would go two by two to the nations. You will require the knowledge of the Teaching and the Law. You will require the getting of that knowledge and, above all, the getting of the Holy Spirit. You will require initiation. You will require great joy in your heart that can never be quenched by all the fiery darts of the wicked ones.{373} You will also require the coin of the realm to carry you here and there. All these things come by the Fifth Ray of the precipitation of Truth and Honor and the Holy Spirit of God - the precipitation of all things you need in this octave to go forth in the name of the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness. Thus, I am signaling this hour as the hour of the coming of the revolution in Higher Consciousness for each individual chela of El Morya, the chela of the will of God, the chela of the living flame of Christ Truth and the chela of the peace of the Buddha. Know, then, beloved, that your hour will also come when the fullness of the Light descends upon you and you have earned a sponsorship whereby those who could not be converted by any other means will be converted by the great presence of the Holy Spirit that you bear in the fullness of cosmic honor. Fear not, I say. Fear not! For the Lords of Karma enter and we, the seven, commit ourselves again to the fulfillment of the fire of Community here, to the fulfillment of the fire of Community in the heart of every chela and in the collective of the saints known as the Mystical Body of God. May you stand strong as pillars of sacred fire and keep your lamps burning and not let the drafts of wind out of Death and Hell blow out the candle of identity. Stand strong and increase the fire! Protect the flame within the glass! Let it be a hurricane lamp, beloved, for the hurricane does move and it does move against all that is holy in religion in the world at large and in this movement. There is as never before an attack upon religion in America and every nation upon earth. For the pyramid of religion comes to that quintessential moment when the sons and daughters of God place the great capstone upon its foundation. And that capstone is aglow when the individual merges with the All-Seeing Eye of God, knowing the Truth of being as I AM THAT I AM, having laid well the foundations. Yes, in the invincible manifestation of Cosmic Truth, I come in the defense of your soul's right to realize that fullness of the portion of the Godhead which is yours and which shall descend to dwell in you bodily if you so prepare yourselves as Jesus Christ prepared himself in many incarnations before his final incarnation. Lo, the Son of God! And, lo, he cometh! And he has been a part of this earth over many, many long centuries as the Lord and Saviour, as the one who is there for every soul. So know that one who is there. So know that in keeping the flame of the Cosmic Christ in the earth he has nurtured your souls to this hour when you must claim your own Higher Self as your Real Self and your only true self and identify with the lesser self only as an appendage that you temporarily wear and carry, not as the dominant self but as the least dominant self. Let the LORD God descend suddenly into his temple! And let the temple that is consecrated to the Divine Mother, even to the Goddess of Truth, become your own. Become the living temple of the Divine Mother and realize how the great strength of the Divine Mother, the Word in the Beginning with Brahman, beloved, is that power of all creation. Therefore the sealing of the Light of the Mother is my purpose. The sealing of the Light of the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness is my purpose. The sealing of the Light of the path of Truth is my purpose. The Light of the path is the white light. That light is the glow of the aura of every angel and Ascended Master who does come to you to lighten your way until you are God-illumined from within and until the great God-flame within your heart contains and is surrounded by the mighty corona of the sun of Helios and Vesta, of Alpha and Omega, verily the sun that is your I AM Presence. So let the internal Light that you nourish and sustain and increase be for you the ultimate gratification and fulfillment of that Christed reality that is yours. Yes, it will take a revolution in Higher Consciousness for the people of the world to rise up from a dead and dying doctrine that from the beginning never was the doctrine of the great avatars. So let the sacred fire go forth! Let it go forth from the Western Shamballa! And let the mighty Buddhas and Bodhisattvas unleash it in this hour! And mark it well, for the unleashing of the fire of those who have carried the flame of Sanat Kumara is for the consuming of the debris. It is the debris of old doctrine and dogma that simply never was (and never could be) a support but has rather been a hindrance to all souls. Let all souls of the earth be liberated by Cosmic Truth this day, all representatives of the Divine Mother in or on all worlds whatsoever, including every living soul! For whether you are in a male or female body, the Word is in you even as a seed that one day shall become the fullness of the incarnation of God when you are ready. So, therefore, all beings of Light stand as champions of the Divine Mother and of the seed of the Mother and of the children of the Sun. All throughout this cosmos they send forth that momentum and that power of the Divine Mother to be electrified within the chakras of her sons and daughters and to electrify them that they might receive her impetus to right all injustices in the earth: to literally scour the earth with light and to rescue the children from every new drug that does come along to torment their minds and bodies. Yes, I come in defense of all children and every naked soul who has not put on the wedding garment. For that soul that does not wear her wedding garment{374} is surely naked before God and man, and if that soul is to survive in the dignity of cosmic worth, she does need the royal robes of the priests and priestesses of the temples of Helios and Vesta and the temples of Truth of all ancient civilizations. The Kali Yuga began long ago, beloved hearts. And there have been relative periods of enlightenment and renaissance and then technology and more discoveries of technology while the soul has dried up, as a dried-up seed, and has not been nourished and has not nourished herself from the Tree of Everlasting Life. And therefore, true Light, and the enlightenment of the soul by the auras of those immortals who are of the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, is for that revolution in Higher Consciousness. Thereby all the world, if they so elect, if they so will it, will be able to rise above the mediocrity of self-ignorance, the ignominy of self-ignorance and all that goes along with the dense nonawareness of the Divine Self or even of the unreal self. O beloved ones, the Light does shower its rays and the Truth does intensify. Let Christ Truth expose the Antichrist as the Liar and the Lie within you! And when you see Antichrist for what it is (the Liar and the Lie), bind it and cast it out and call to me! For I have my spear and I do shake it!{375} And therefore that which is the vestige of the former reptilian consciousness within you that is the residual lower mind of primitive man - I seize it! I consume it! I speak to each and every one of you who does know that you have fallen prey to that subtlety of the serpent mind at one time or another. If you would be rid of it, if you would at last obey the commandment of God to: "Let that Mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, in Lord Krishna, in Lord Buddha, in Lao Tzu and all the mighty Lights of history" - if you will allow it, it will happen! But the Christ Mind will not cohabitate with the serpent mind. Therefore this day, in this moment, may you shout your fiats of Truth and affirm that you stand in judgment of the not-self of your own being! [Congregation shouts fiats of Truth without exercising God-control. Therefore Pallas Athena gives the following instruction:] Now, beloved ones, I would counsel you always to command in the name Jesus Christ, your Mighty I AM Presence and all hosts of the LORD in the voice of the peace-commanding Presence. It is not necessary to be frantic (or fanatical) in making these calls. It is not necessary to shout at a level where you do not have your God-control. But say as I say now: In the name of Almighty God, I command: Peace, be still! And I do bind that dweller-on-the-threshold of my being in the name of the LORD my God! Now speak with authority as the Son of God would speak and let us hear that power of the authority of your God Presence speaking through you in this command. [Congregation gives the command and powerful fiats.] Thus say to the carnal mind: Peace, be still in the name I AM THAT I AM; forever! [Congregation affirms with Pallas Athena:] Peace, be still in the name I AM THAT I AM forever! Peace, be still in the name I AM THAT I AM forever! Peace, be still in the name I AM THAT I AM forever! It is done! It is finished! It is sealed! [Congregation affirms with Pallas Athena:] It is done! It is finished! It is sealed! It is done! It is finished! It is sealed! It is done! It is finished! It is sealed! In the name of my inner name and in the name I AM THAT I AM, Amen. [Congregation affirms with Pallas Athena:] In the name of my inner name and in the name I AM THAT I AM, Amen. Be seated, blessed ones. Know, then, that the serpent mind will never, never concede your victory. Thus, the science of mantra is given so that each day by the power of the mantra, and the mantras I have just taught you, you will silence any and all attempts of the serpent mind to displace your Christ Mind. This you must do, whatever the source of that serpent mind, whether it be within yourself or another or whether it be from the momentums of the populace at large or from astral floating grids and forcefields that carry the weight of planetary malevolence and miscreation. Yes, beloved, in the name of your Holy Christ Self command the carnal mind, whatever form or guise it takes, to be still; then call to me to bind it and to my legions of Truth to take it from the planet. Thus will God dwell within you now and forever, and you shall know the joy in your God Presence to stand with the shield and the sword of Truth, to wear the garments that I wear, the helmet of Truth and the breastplate of righteousness, having the aegis,{376} beloved, the authority of God, to defend Truth in all. Let this be your treasure, that by the power of the spoken Word, by the wisdom of the spoken Word, by the love of the spoken Word, you stand guard in defense of all those who do not yet have their defenses in place and therefore look to you to stand between them and the enemy of their souls. Some pray at one hour, some at another. At every hour of the day and night angels of Truth use your prayer momentums in defense of the servants of God and all children of the earth. So, beloved, I count you, one and all, as part of the legions of Truth who move with me and other unnamed incarnations of God, avataras, in all octaves of Light. For Truth I have come. And I tell you, Truth is the healing of all schism. Truth is the power that resolves the division within one who is set at naught against another. Truth, beloved, is love and joy and the fullness of being and the reason for being. Truth, yes, Truth shall be the healing of the earth. And Truth as it is in its fullest manifestation is the key to your freedom. I, Pallas Athena, pledge myself with the Lords of Karma this day to the defense of Church Universal and Triumphant, every communicant, every child, every Keeper of the Flame. I pledge to you the defense of this holy city and this citadel of freedom. I ask you to join me in a perpetual vigil of the heart until this Community of the Holy Spirit and this Church Universal and Triumphant are evermore free to proclaim the Teachings of the Ascended Masters to all the world so that all the world might have the opportunity to choose the Truth that shall set them free {377} or to choose the Lie that shall bind them to itself. I AM Pallas Athena. Call to me daily and hourly, for this is the hour to vanquish all opposition to the eternal Light and its flowering in the hearts of humanity. Let us celebrate this day as we enter a golden age of Aquarius! Let us claim this day as the opening of that golden age! Let us not admit or even consider that that age should not be a golden age. For as long as there are Keepers of the Flame in the earth bearing that flame in the fervor by which I now speak, beloved, there shall in no way come again upon this earth a dark age. I want you to know that I have pledged myself to the establishment of Truth at the deepest levels of the earth on behalf of all who serve the Light or would serve the Light if they only knew better. I have placed my office, my life and my dispensations on the line for Truth in you this day and I pray that you shall hear my call as you have never heard it before, though you have heard it a number of times. I ask you to respond in the greatest crystal clarity of the Mind of God in you, to rise above the pettiness of day-to-day existence and know that God has endowed you with his mighty living shield of Truth and flame of Truth and whole armour of Truth that you might in your day prove that God is greater than all forces attempting to destroy this old world! So I AM your friend forever as long as you are the friend of Truth - Pallas Athena with the Maha Chohan.{378} I am surely here and here to stay, almost physical with my Lord, the Maha Chohan! - [43-second standing ovation] This dictation by beloved Pallas Athena was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Wednesday, June 30, 1993, during the ten-day conference FREEDOM 1993: "Healing the Earth," held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Before the dictation, the Messenger delivered her lecture "Portrait of Pallas Athena: Defender of the Righteous and Bearer of Truth." (See ordering information, p. 610.) [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Pallas Athena's direction.] Sections printed in bold italic type indicate fiats, mantras, affirmations, prayers and decrees that you can use in your daily decree sessions. The Messenger recommends that each week when you receive your Pearl of Wisdom, you type or write these out and place them in a special section in your decree book. The Messenger also encourages you to compose your own fiats and affirmations based on the Teachings of the Ascended Masters given in the Pearls of Wisdom. ****** Chapter 45 Beloved Hilarion - October 3, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 45 - Beloved Hilarion - October 3, 1993 FREEDOM 1993 A GLOBAL CONFERENCE DEDICATED TO Healing the Earth 13 The Revolution of Truth "So Great a Gift, So Great a Salvation" Let the Holy Spirit upon You Be for the Conversion of Many Change is the alchemy of Truth! So I come. You know me as the apostle Paul.{379} Yet I did live again, following that incarnation, as the one who came to be known as Saint Hilarion. I bid you read of me and of my works as a healer in that final embodiment of my soul, beloved.{380} Remember, then, that we, the apostles of Christ, did come under the dispensation of the Law that required that one balance 100 percent of one's karma ere the soul enter the ascension in the Light. Thus, I was required to atone in my life as the apostle Paul and in my next life as Saint Hilarion for the sins I had committed before I received my Lord. For my Lord did pursue me as I made my journey on the road to Damascus.{381} Yes, beloved, I was blinded not by his Light but by my own sin and the alchemy of his Light penetrating the record of sin in my being. Thus I was turned around, converted by the Spirit of the Lord in the full manifestation of Jesus Christ upon me. Yes, I am to you the apostle Paul and so I come in my service on the Fifth Ray. I did go forth to proclaim his name. And is it not true, beloved, and should you not ponder in this hour how so great a salvation, so great a grace, so great a healing that came to me can also come to every one of you by that Lord and Saviour? And for that salvation, that grace and that healing, should you not therefore proclaim his word, his truth and all of the lost teachings of Jesus of which the people have been deprived, almost to the utter ruin of Western civilization? For where there is no fiber of truth, no fiber of the message of the direct encounter between the Master and the disciple or the one who would be his disciple, how can that fire ongoing be passed heart to heart, generation to generation, in the holy lineage of Sanat Kumara? I tell you, when we spoke the truth of the living Word and of the Master, we spoke it in the undiluted, true fundamental teaching, even in the sacred mysteries of Gnosticism. And yet at times when I spake to my students of delivering that Word of God, I taught them the necessity of speaking that truth in a mystery.{382} Yes, the mysteries were sealed and some are sealed to this hour. You know the mystery of Christ's coming to you empowering you to be his twin, to be like him, to share in that Mystical Body that he is and was, and to raise up within you that full stature of the Christ. This, too, is the mystery that the churches will not promulgate. And therefore, not in cathedrals do you come but in the tabernacle{383} of the LORD, as the Israelites of old. Thus you have raised up your tent in the wilderness of America, so directed by your Lord, your Saviour. And thus you go back to primitive Christianity, primitive Judaism and to the very roots of Hinduism and Buddhism and to the original fiery faith of Zoroaster. Yes, you have come in the tradition of Lao Tzu. Yes, you have come, beloved, for you know that at the root and at the heart of these world religions was that fiery one, that avatara, that incarnation of God, who did impart mouth to mouth, chakra to chakra the living word of Truth. I come in all of the fervor of my being, therefore, to expose the false doctrine that has bound the children of the Light to false pastors, wolves in sheep's clothing, yes. Let, therefore, the hellions be cast out of the pulpits of the world! And let the churches return to the living God! And let the people rise up and know that they do have an everlasting contact with the living Word and the LORD God and that that contact is direct within the heart. And therefore, let them espouse the divine doctrine and throw off all other fanciful notions of requirements that have naught to do with true piety and holiness, true generousness of heart, true laying down of one's life for one's friend. Yes, you know the walk with God. Oh, you know the walk with God, you know it well! I say to you, beloved, in gratitude for all that you do know, give all that you do know to those who are ready to hear it, taking care not to cast your pearls before swine. And when you give away that which you have, beloved, I tell you, the Lord shall come himself to deliver to you mysteries upon mysteries. And he shall give you those which you are prepared to internalize, to become, that the mystery might become a part of a flesh and blood that is not wholly of the earth earthy but is becoming transformed by the transubstantiation of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in Holy Communion, whereby the Lord is present in his sacrament and therefore present in you when you partake of it with profound reverence. And you do know that the Lord Jesus Christ lives physically in you each time you physically partake of Holy Communion. Is this not the great wonder of God, beloved? [Congregation responds: "Yes!"] So great a gift, so great a salvation! Therefore, rejoice and leap as though seven devils had been cast out of you,{384} for indeed they have been cast out in this life! [Congregation leaps to their feet and shouts praises to the Lord. (33-second standing ovation)] Yes, do not be stingy in sharing your cup. And always have the seven cups of your chakras filled with the elixir of Life so that you may impart it to those who are able to bear it and not spill it. Yes, beloved, give and give and give again! And when you give by the Holy Spirit do not set yourself up in human pride, vaunting how much you know of the things of the Spirit, but truly in all humility before the wonder of God give full recognition to the glory of him who has made you what you are. And when you go forth in that spirit of humility and the Holy Spirit is upon you, that Holy Spirit shall therefore be for the conversion of many through you. For the weights and the shackles of old doctrines and dogmas that have festered in the earth too long shall drop from those to whom you give the living truth with joy, with love, with understanding, with support and with the Gentle Presence of the I AM THAT I AM. Let the Holy Spirit be upon you always. Sing to the Holy Spirit! Sing to the LORD God! Sing praises unto the gifts of the Holy Spirit and, above all, remember to sing unto the gift of charity that is love, that is compassion, that is kindness, that is forgiveness, forbearance and mercy. Oh yes, beloved hearts, become that joy flame! Become it because your body has been strengthened, because the individual members of your body are chalices moving toward the union of all chalices into the one, the Holy Grail that is the receptacle of the threefold flame that burns upon the altar of your heart. Yes, I AM the apostle Paul, and I move through the houses of worship and I place my Electronic Presence in the churches of all the religions in the earth. And, beloved ones, I weep with many who have been the forerunners of the world's religions or who have carried the word of the founders of those religions. For the children have subscribed to a syrupy religion that does not give them the undiluted fire for the casting out of all human self-sympathy and the entering into the strong and rugged compassion of a living Christ who does not fear to rebuke the darkness in another. Even if that one you rebuke might become from that day no longer the friend, yet that one will remember the rugged compassion of a living Christ. Oh, be the instrument of the Lord's impartation of Truth and know that the power of the Holy Spirit will be upon you! Therefore settle all matters of untruths within yourself. Cast them into the fire and resolve forevermore not to speak the untruth but to speak truth or to be silent if truth is not what is called for in that particular moment. I come, then, for I tell you that there are sealed ampules containing mysteries of God that you may receive only when you have passed certain initiations. Do not think because you have been associated with this movement and this Teaching for many years that somehow you do not have initiations to pass, that somehow you know it all and in knowing it all you have become it all. And there is the rub, beloved! For to know something is to realize that something within oneself. You do not know it until you have become it. And you will not know the mighty Cosmic Truth until you have undone the lie that the fallen ones have foisted upon you lifetime after lifetime. Is this not the age and the moment to declare that you are a revolutionary in the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness and that your revolution is called Truth - truth everywhere and anywhere, up and down, to the right, to the left? Let Truth reign in the earth! Will you not have it that way or not have it at all, beloved? [Congregation responds: "Yes!" (23-second standing ovation)] Yes, I AM the apostle Paul. I AM everywhere in the consciousness of God! And when these fallen angels think that they have gotten rid of this one and that one of whom they have made martyrs, well, these so-called martyrs spring up again, they return to life, they reincarnate. And the fallen angels have quite a time putting out the candles of all those saints who return to the earth and all those saints who are ascended who move among them throughout the earth. Why, I tell you, beloved, they have not gotten rid of any one of us! Not one single one of us have they done away with! We are staying with the earth, we are staying with those who hold the Light in the earth. And we draw the line of Truth, beloved. We are here. We are alive forevermore! Do not think, then, that all these martyrs are dead and in heaven, for the majority of them have said: "We are going back! We are reembodying! We are not going to take this lying down! We will come back and take our stand for Life!" And I submit to you that over 50 percent of you in this audience this day have at one time or another been martyrs for Truth. And therefore I laud your mighty inner being and I say, bring it forth and let it blossom as the lilies of the field once again! [20-second standing ovation] And I make this fiat to you this day, beloved: Nevermore shall you be martyred but rather shall you become the master of yourself and of your aura and of your being! You shall invoke that violet flame with new zeal, the zeal that says: I will become invincible/invulnerable because I will balance my karma by sacrifice, by service, by surrender, by selflessness - by coming into the path of initiation and invocation on the Ruby Ray. I will invoke the violet flame! I will serve and I will balance that karma! And therefore I will be karma-free! And I will put on the whole armour of God! And I will see to it that I balance every aspect of my four lower bodies, my mind, my soul, my heart and my being. And therefore, I will stand in the earth. And I will have my God-mastery. And I will make my ascension in God's good time and not at the call of this one or that one who does determine that my candle should be snuffed out ahead of time. I will guard that flame on the altar of being! I will increase it! I will impart it! I will be a champion of Truth! And I will go in the name of the apostles of Christ and in the name of the Lord Christ. And I know that they will be with me. And therefore, in the name Jesus Christ, I cannot fail! I will not fail! And I will know the fulfillment of all of my mission in this life. I shall rejoice, for I AM the bearer of joy! And none can quench my flame of joy this day or forevermore, for I AM in the heart of Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ is in the heart of me. [22-second standing ovation] So I have said all that is necessary to be said in this hour. For the rest, your own Higher Self does give unto you that fountain of living waters whereby ye may know life that is eternal here and now. Ever I AM your brother on the Path, consoling you, walking with you, conferring with you, discussing the mysteries of scriptures written and those kept in the retreats. Ever I AM your obedient servant, your protector and friend, Paul. - [28-second standing ovation] This dictation by beloved Hilarion was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Wednesday, June 30, 1993, during the ten-day conference FREEDOM 1993: "Healing the Earth," held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. The dictation is available on audiocassette (includes the dictation by Pallas Athena): 90 min., B93083. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Hilarion's direction.] Sections printed in bold italic type indicate fiats, mantras, affirmations, prayers and decrees that you can use in your daily decree sessions. The Messenger recommends that each week when you receive your Pearl of Wisdom, you type or write these out and place them in a special section in your decree book. The Messenger also encourages you to compose your own fiats and affirmations based on the Teachings of the Ascended Masters given in the Pearls of Wisdom. ****** Chapter 46 Beloved Lord Brahma - October 6, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 46 - Beloved Lord Brahma - October 6, 1993 FREEDOM 1993 A GLOBAL CONFERENCE DEDICATED TO Healing the Earth 14 Light Up the World! Let the Good Swallow Up the Not-Good I AM Available O beloved of the Creator, I AM come for one purpose this day. For I AM the lowering of myself, the Great God Self, into levels of being one by one, into the waiting chalices of millions who look to the dawn of their union with Brahma. I come, then, to anchor by Word, by vibration of my spoken Word (resonating in this plane through the Messenger) my heralding to many that I AM available unto you even as you have made yourselves available unto me. I descend to the levels of purification to which you have attained, to the levels of love - profound and dignified love, love that is the immersing of being in the totality of God. Thus throughout the earth I AM everywhere, known in form yet formless. I descend, then, for I come for the harvest of souls of Light and I may now occupy heart chalices upraised until the fullness of that Light is manifest. This bhajan you have given{385} is a mantra for the balancing of the threefold flame in the Trinity. Give it, then, for by that balanced threefold flame you will know more and more of your God Self. Some of you have succeeded mightily in a twelvemonth to set aside momentums of the human consciousness that you have held for ages. I laud your effort and I have praised this day my sons and daughters, the ascended host, who have given to you through El Morya, through Saint Germain such practical teaching made plain through the Messengers. Now then, beloved, if you can turn off the old and put on the new with such delight, such eagerness, such concentration, think, as you look back to where you were a year or a decade ago, what you can build in a decade! You have walked out of Darkness into Light by the call of Krishna and all hierarchs of Light. So there is rejoicing, for on this day we affirm the Good and let the Good swallow up the not-Good. We shall not give it another name this day but call it the not-Good. Therefore enter in, O beloved. Enter in with the smile of the heart, the perpetual smile. Now observe persecution against the birth of the Manchild within you. I precede his coming. Know, then, that the darkest hours in the earth are marked by the movement against the Son of God incarnating again and again, the movement against the Second Coming of the Lord Christ and his dwelling bodily within those who have cleared their temples. For this we celebrate! For this we rejoice! For this we put on the armour of God. For this we invoke the Divine Mother, the Great Kali. For this we invoke Durga, Parvati, Lakshmi, Sarasvati. Now know, then, that the Divine Mother within you is the key to all incarnations of the Word. And inasmuch as the Word is incarnate in all avataras, it is the Divine Mother who descends to the very base-of-the-spine chakra of the Tree of Life, the Malkhut/ Shekhinah.{386} And so the descending Divine Mother does rise again - and therefore the dawn and the sunset, the rising and the setting of the sacred fire. Oh, the earth, though it is in the trouble of the day of trouble foretold by the prophet Daniel, yet there is an inner lining of peace. For though Daniel prophesied: "And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people, and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time,"{387} yet I say to you: Hold to that peace! Hold to that strength! Hold to Brahma! Hold to the Creator and know that you are being re-created day by day by day. So is the transforming prophecy that you shall also see come to pass that "at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book."{388} So, my little ones, so, my precious souls, so, my sons and daughters, come into the arms of Brahma and know me as the figure of one who creates and re-creates and re-creates so that the whole of creation is in that process of being born again and reborn and reborn until the fullness of being is discovered - and the fullness of purpose of a blade of grass, of the tiniest elemental, of an angel, of a star is made known. The re-creation of worlds happening before your very eyes, season after season unfolding, must tell you of the evolution of systems of worlds and the movement of entire mandalas{389} of chelas who are one at inner levels to new heights and levels of the octaves of heaven even while they dwell in mortal form. Understand that life has myriads of manifestations. Though you may not perceive them, yet the signs of nature tell you that the order of cosmos is change and not stagnation, not sameness. But each day and moment and hour the Shining One becomes brighter and you become accustomed to his brightness. Now then, let the Shining One descend in you and upon you, and know yourself in this moment as all Light, all Light, all Light. And this Light proceeds out of sacred fire that does consume the Darkness. Let the darkest hour precede the dawn, for the dawn in the earth, beloved, is surely the dawn of the incarnation of the Lord Christ. Remember this and prepare him room in your heart, for surely he does come. Surely he does come, and the sign has always been the greatest Darkness preceding the greatest Light. Light up the world, beloved. Light up the world! So light up the world and be myself in action. I AM Brahma - Vishnu, Shiva with me - in the Divine Mother. Jaya Guru Omkara JAYA GURU OMKARA JAYA JAYA SADGURU OMKARA OM BRAHMA VISNU SADA SIVA HARA HARA HARA HARA MAHADEVA English Translation: Glory to the Guru who is the very sound of the sacred Om. Glory and victory to the true Guru, To Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, Lord Shiva, destroyer of the ego, O great God! This dictation by Lord Brahma was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thursday, July 1, 1993, during the ten-day conference FREEDOM 1993: "Healing the Earth," held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Before the dictation the Messenger delivered her lecture "Krishna, the Divine Lover and Healer of Your Soul." The lecture and dictation are available on audiocassette (includes the dictation by Lord Krishna, which followed): 2 cassettes, total 2 hr. 50 min., A93084. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Lord Brahma's direction.] ****** Chapter 47 Beloved Lord Krishna - October 10, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 47 - Beloved Lord Krishna - October 10, 1993 FREEDOM 1993 A GLOBAL CONFERENCE DEDICATED TO Healing the Earth 15 The Dharma of Healing the Earth To Raise Up a New Way of Life, a New World and a New Age Peace, Be Still and Know That I AM God! Krishna I AM! Krishna I AM! Krishna I AM within you the Light of the Central Sun! Oh, come unto me and I shall give you now from my heart truly the healing Light - healing Light for souls, for earth, for elementals, for all life. Yes, in you I AM Krishna and in you you are Krishna. [26-second standing ovation] Let us dispense with error, let us dispense with the unreal and let us do it with dispatch! There are problems in the earth this day that must be addressed and I ask you to continue to address them as you have been doing. For all of heaven waits for the opportunity to answer the calls of this assembly, which has come together to raise up a new way of life, a new world and a new age, even while the old age continues to press upon the green shoots of the new. (Please be seated, beloved hearts, and so remain.) In this my visitation to you I bring Light and I continue on the theme of inner healing. I continue on that theme by delivering to you Light - Light that does manifest in this hour through the form and outline and manifestation of Brahma. Brahma, who has preceded me, has thus created the vessel, the identity, the mold in which I might pour that which is essential for you and all who yearn to be one with God. No matter what the path or the walk in life, blessed ones, to attain that union with God is the goal. I proclaim it to you! I nurture you. I draw you into the heart of Atman. And I say, beloved, now let the healing begin to move as a spiral. Visualize what I give to each one of you here and each one upon earth who is ready, no matter what his background. I place upon the solar plexus of your being a turning, involuting spiral nebula. And so there is established that spiral infolding itself, drawing you back to the moment of your original creation in the Great Central Sun when the ideal pattern of twin flames went forth; I am drawing that now into manifestation in your solar plexus, the "place of the sun." You see, through the solar-plexus chakra you have the possibility of soul-identification with the Sun. Understand that when you establish the blazing sun of God in your solar plexus and you invoke the mighty protection of the disc of Light and you enter into the mastery of the Prince of Peace and Lord Gautama Buddha, the power of peace you can sustain in that chakra, when you hold your peace come what may, does connect you to the Great Central Sun. Then the solar plexus becomes a mirror, mirroring here below all that was with you in the Beginning with God, all that was real and true and the hope of your Father-Mother God. Know, then, that you can receive this. And as you see the vortex of Light turning, drawing and infolding itself into your solar-plexus chakra, you see the image of Krishna, you see the image of the Lord Christ and you see the divine image and likeness in which you were made. To this you desire to return. In your recitations and your singing of the bhajans{390} to me this day, you have allowed me to enter deeply into your psyche through the seat-of-the-soul chakra. Beloved ones, it is normal for you to feel at times a certain disturbance, a certain aggravation or anxiety, if you will, as the Light that I pour from my heart through the bhajans begins to activate and open up vortices of toxins in the astral body, thus stirring up the emotions and ancient momentums heretofore sealed in the unconscious mind. If you endure this uncomfortability, know that my Light will continue to scour, will continue to transmute, will continue to deliver to you my Presence and the outline of my form as well as that of Brahma. Now then, beloved, for you to have the conveyance of the full attainment and empowerment of the Prince of Peace from the Sacred Heart of your Lord Jesus Christ to your solar plexus, you must establish and know his peace-commanding Presence in that chakra. And in your heart and in your mind you must pronounce the fiat often to the lower emotions of self and thus say in the Word: PEACE, BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD!{391} This is a momentous call. When you give it, you are affirming that the reality of you, the "I AM" of you, is God and you are commanding all emotions that are not of the highest sort to be still, to move into a pattern of equilibrium, and for that quietude to return. Yes, in the name of your Higher Self, command the forces of your being to conform to the original blueprint. In this way you will have in your solar plexus a magnet of right desire in place of wrong desire, and that magnet will draw to you what is the desiring of God. What a difference the Sun can make when it lights up the solar plexus, lights up the electronic belt and allows you to systematically exorcise from your subconscious all maya that you have allowed yourself to take on. This is the reason for our coming this day. We announce it to you so that each of you in your own individual sessions, according to your place on the Path and your understanding of the Teaching, may make the necessary invocations to receive Brahma, to receive that which I am able to bring to you in Light according to your individual receptivity. I come also for the healing of the soul and the seat-of-the-soul chakra, a step down from the solar plexus. For you see, when the solar plexus is bright and shining as the sun, because you have invoked the Great Sun Disc to protect it, then your soul can rise to that place of the sun, rise to the level of right desire and be clothed upon with the light of the Great Central Sun. For the soul to rise even to that level, the soul must have already developed the sense of self-worth in God, in the Lord Christ, the sense of self-worth that can affirm: I AM worthy to be a son, a daughter of God. Yes, I AM worthy and I shall put on the peace of my Lord. So step by step enter in to the divine reality you once knew, which is yours to claim once again. I therefore intensify the tie between hearts of twin flames who may be separated wherever they are on this world or other worlds. That tie is reinforced so that each of you who knows not the twin flame may experience a greater wholeness, a greater reality, a greater love tie and a completeness for the mission of your dharma.{392} Dharma is the call of the hour, and you will not leave these planes of incarnation until you have not only balanced your karma but fulfilled your reason for being. Since that reason for being includes your service to life with your twin flame, I have come to strengthen the tie and to strengthen you as you rock your own blessed soul, your own blessed inner child, in the cradle of your heart. I have come that you might find companionship on the pathway of life where there is no possibility of your working directly with your twin flame in this octave. I will bring to you not only companions but cohorts of Light who have formed groups of souls, mandalas, patterns of those who come together in a service for God. So, beloved, our purpose this day, as I recapitulate, is for you to receive your Creator Brahma, for you to receive the essence of the Krishna of yourself and for you to recognize that by sincere effort and striving you have accomplished much and therefore you can rise and rise again and see the star of hope before you. Know that in that hope there is the glory of God, there is the new soul appearing - appearing in her wedding garment, yes, in the image of her blessed Christ Self. We hope for you, we love for you and we have faith for you that you shall accomplish all things and that you shall recognize that in God every single step of the way outlined to you by the Ascended Masters is possible. It is possible for you to attain your victory! It is possible for you to attain your self-mastery! It is possible for you to replace all hate and hate creation with Divine Love and to meet every human need with that Love! Yes, all things are possible to you in God! Simply determine what you would do. Determine that it is consistent with the law of God, the will of God, the wisdom and the love of God, and it shall be done! Yes, beloved, know, then, that you are immersed in the cosmic sea of light and all that appears to you as maya and illusion is not! It is the play of the Divine Mother until you can pierce it, see through it, punch through to the other side and know that in the golden reality there is no time and space, there is nowhere to go to be in God, there is nothing to look forward to in the sense of entering higher octaves, for in the absolute state of being you are already in the higher octaves. Death is not the portal to eternal Life! But here and now you are glistening ones, shining. And you may receive the initiation of the transfiguration, as Jesus did, when the Light fills all of your body and even your raiment{393} is glistering white.{394} Yes, beloved, the initiation of the transfiguration is for you also and you are changing your garments day by day, exchanging the rags of your human consciousness for your Deathless Solar Body. Oh yes, beloved ones, aim to achieve all of these steps in life, even the simple steps Morya has outlined in the "Heart, Head and Hand Decrees."{395} You will find the patterns of your chakrasbeing restored through those simple yet all-powerful mantras as you give them from the violet flame to the ascension flame. Know, then, that day by day, chakra by chakra, by your decrees you are raising up the flame of eternal Life, which is the flame of the Divine Mother. I AM Krishna and I live in the hearts of many in the earth, even some who would banish me if they should have to hear my name or my bhajans. Such a pity! Nevertheless, it is true that the wrong associations are made by those who point the finger at those of differing religions. Yet, beloved, it matters not what anyone will call me. There is one God, one universal being, one Lord of all, and so each of us is both the part and the whole of that entire body. I AM here answering the call to whatever name the disciples may call, for I come through Maitreya, Gautama, Sanat Kumara. I come through any saint. But if you know me for who I AM, if you see me for who I AM and then you say, "Come not near me! I reject you!" I shall bow to the Light within you and I shall withdraw. In the meantime, beloved ones, I stand as the great defender of all true religious movements in the earth whether or not I am recognized within their doctrines. I stand for freedom of religion. I stand for the voice of conscience. I stand for clarity and truth and forthrightness in all of your actions. I stand for the right of every individual upon earth to worship his God according to the dictates of Love - Love, therefore, being the fulfilling of the whole law.{396} Trust, then, as I shall trust, that your love shall know new spirals of being and a detachment from the lesser self until it be subsumed by the Greater Self and yet shall know total attachment to the dharma of healing the earth and your souls. I AM Krishna. I hold you in my arms of Love. I AM demagnetizing from you now all maya that you can let go of and even then some. Let the violet flame roll through you as you enter your celebrations unto the Lord Omri-Tas and Saint Germain on the second and third of the month, and as you enter your celebrations unto the Lord Morya El on the fourth of the month. I AM here, beloved, and I am closer to your hearts than you realize. I extend cosmic comfort and joy. Remember to endure, for you must yet endure temptations and initiations and testings whether of the seed of Satan or of the seed of Christ. Remember and always carry with you the promise that is written: "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man. But God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able, but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that ye may be able to bear it."{397} So receive temptation in the sense of gratitude that you are worthy to receive it, that you may deal with it and therefore be strengthened and strengthen others. I AM in the victory of your heart, and I shall never leave you except you banish me from the kingdom of your heart. In the precincts of the being of God, I AM and I remain Lord Krishna. - [43-second standing ovation] _________________________________________________ This dictation by Lord Krishna was delivered by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet following the dictation by Lord Brahma on Thursday, July 1, 1993. The two dictations are available on audiocassette B93085: 84 min. Great Sun Disc This decree was released with the dictation by the Elohim of Peace given January 3, 1965. The Elohim of Peace expressed his desire that all connected with The Summit Lighthouse and with Saint Germain learn how to place the Great Sun Disc over the solar plexus. He said: "I would like you to learn how to magnify the power of that disc of Light so that you are not so vulnerable to the onslaughts of others. ... When peace has gone, everything has gone and there is nothing left. And only when you come to a point where once again, through the power of interior equilibrium, you have found your balance does the power of peace begin to flow and do you start again to build those wondrous castles in the air - castles of hope - that may well materialize into the blessings you seek because you have kept the peace." Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, beloved Holy Christ Self and beloved Jesus the Christ: Blaze your dazzling Light of a thousand suns in, through and around my four lower bodies as a mighty guardian action of the Light of God that never fails to protect the peaceful outpicturing of God's plan through my every thought, word and deed. Place your Great Sun Disc over my solar plexus as a mighty shield of armour that shall instantaneously deflect all discord whatsoever that may ever be directed against me or the Light for which I stand. I call now in the name of my Mighty I AM Presence to the Elohim of Peace to release throughout my entire being and world the necessary action of the mighty flame of Cosmic Christ Peace that shall sustain in me the Christ consciousness at all times, so that I may never be found engaged in a release of misqualified energy to any part of life, whether it be fear, malice, mild dislike, mistrust, censure or disdain. I call to beloved Saint Germain to seize all energy that I have ever released against my brethren and that has caused them any form of discomfort whatsoever. And in the name of my Mighty I AM Presence I command that that energy be removed from their worlds - cause, effect, record and memory - and transmuted by the violet flame into the purity and perfection that is the sacred-fire essence of God, that the earth and all elemental life might be cut free forever from human creation and given their eternal Victory in the Light! I accept this done right now with full Power! I AM this done right now with full Power! I AM, I AM, I AM God-Life expressing Perfection all ways at all times. This which I call forth for myself I call forth for every man, woman and child on this planet! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! MANTRA: O disc of Light from heaven's height, Descend with all your perfection! Make my aura bright with freedom's Light And the Masters' love and protection! (9x) Use the Disc of Light mantra to amplify the power and memory of this decree as you go about your daily activity. Remember - visualization of the Great Sun Disc over the solar plexus is your great defense! See it as a large round shield of heavy armour reflecting the dazzling, blinding Light of the Great Central Sun in all directions, sealing you in the protection of the Elohim Peace and Aloha and the Great Central Sun Magnet. Copyright 1965, 1992, 1994 Church Universal and Triumphant, Inc., Box 5000, Livingston, MT 59047-5000. ****** Chapter 48 Sanat Kumara Spokesman for the Seven Holy Kumaras - October 13, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 48 - Sanat Kumara Spokesman for the Seven Holy Kumaras - October 13, 1993 FREEDOM 1993 A GLOBAL CONFERENCE DEDICATED TO Healing the Earth 16 Gentle Is the Path A Mission of Light to Heal the Earth Discipleship in the Lineage from Padma Sambhava to Sanat Kumara O gentle hearts, compassionate hearts, strong hearts, hearts filled waiting to be emptied, hearts raised up, I sing to you the song of the Holy Kumaras! I sing the song of Venus, our home. And I sing the song of those masterful beings who come to Earth in this hour who look for Lightbearers through whom they may incarnate; and so they abide side by side with the Lightbearers, their prospective parents, until their descent into form should take place. I speak to you, then, of sponsors of Light and I reminisce with you of the day and the hour when you, the 144,000 Lightbearers now scattered throughout the earth, did assemble, did make the journey from Venus to Earth, knowing not when you should return to your home star.{398} And as you can see, beloved, you have not yet returned to that point of your embarkation. It was an embarking upon a mission of Light, and Light to the earth. And so ye did come with me and so we are still here. Let us discuss that very fact, beloved - that we are still here. [Congregation receives Sanat Kumara with a standing ovation.] Arguably, you might wish to be elsewhere but only for a moment, a brief episode now and then when you cannot untie the knots of karma and crisis is clearly before you. But then you look up, then you remember the evening star. Take a walk in the evening and look at the brightness of the glory of the aura of that home star. And know that it shall be your destination when you shall have won all your victories, when love as creativity in every form shall be in masterful hands and many shall have been converted in the very presence of your Light. I wish to increase the Light. I wish to commend those who have stood steadfast even through their mistakes, even through their miscalculations and wrongdoings. The best plans of mice and men, yes, do oft go awry. But then again, you can return to the scene of your wrongdoings and make them right. For you have life, you have hope, you have faith and, above all, you have the charity of Christ. Therefore come to me now, for it is an hour for discipleship. You are called in love, called in the flame of peace, called and recalled to the ancient memory, called for the quickening of your minds. I am here for one purpose: it is to assemble those of you who have the sense of having had an almost indefinite past on Earth and who now have the deep desire to saturate the earth, and every footprint you have made upon it, with violet flame and to enter into a course of training under your Venusian brother, the Lord Jesus Christ. And I trust I do not offend those who are attached to the Lord Christ and therefore would not have him associated with such a doctrine as that which I bear of the hosts of Light of Venus. Nevertheless, I must speak the truth for those who will hear it. And those who at first reject it may one day in this life or another come round to that resolution of understanding that life is ongoing, life is real, life is the cosmic reality of being that is the Atman within each one. Oh, I sense the peace of God within you! I sense it in this conference as I have not seen it for many long decades upon Earth. And why is it so? It is the blessing of the Holy Spirit. It is the blessing of angels. And it is the blessing of having among you not only Venusian Masters but also seraphim of God and legions of Light. For there is indeed Divine Justice in this cosmos and that Divine Justice, beloved, is the sign of the cross. It is the sign of Christ transfigured, crucified, resurrected, transformed and ascended right where you are. There is peace in the assurance that you all have - perhaps recognizing it, perhaps not - gentle, enfolding angel wings comforting you, leading you on and telling you again and again: "Our God is worthy. Be ye therefore worthy unto him. Our God is worthy. He shall not forsake you." Whatsoever ye ask in the name Padma Sambhava, Jesus Christ, Lord Maitreya, Manjushri, Gautama Buddha, Sanat Kumara and the Holy Kumaras, it shall be answered according to your oneness with the living Christ within you, your righteousness in love, your submission of all your requests to the will of God. This is the gift unto the disciples of the living Christ. I come, then, in glory and in white fire. I come to give you peace, to prepare you for initiations to come, to clothe you with another raiment that is the mantle of the disciple, or bodhisattva. I come to give you that peace and that inner strength whereby you feel confident in your God who is with you and in you and around you - before, behind, to the right, to the left, above, beneath and throughout all the earth. Recognize, then, that presence of peace, that presence of strength, that presence of surety in your God. You may be required, as Christ recommended, to render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's.{399} But what of it, beloved hearts? You are also required to render unto God the things that are God's. Do both and you will find that Caesar will not be able to thwart your efforts and God will be in command. Be certain, then, that each day you balance the karma of yesterday and yesterlifetime. Be certain that you can turn a page each night. For the page of the dawn is a clean white page, and your first writings upon it should be intimations from the angels of the dawn who accompany your soul back to the physical temple you wear. Strength in the LORD. Trust in the LORD. Balance. Balance is what you achieve by the memory of decade upon decade and lifetime upon lifetime of walking in the service of God, of encountering all the challenges that David encountered, be it Goliath or King Saul or this or that army of the Nephilim. Yes, beloved, the point is that in all encounters with the enemies of your soul, when you have walked in the presence of your God, none have been able to take you from your appointed goal. Though they have tried, though they have screamed, though they have shrieked, yet the forces of Death and Hell have not left so much as a paw print on your arm. I AM Sanat Kumara. The earth is filled with the glory of God, the glory of Krishna, the glory of the hosts of the LORD! Come, then, into conformity with your true inner being. Espouse, if you will, as the Messenger has, the present awareness of the diet of the Eastern adepts. Espouse, then, that path whereby you recognize that all things have consciousness. From the mosquito who lands on your arm to the ant or the worm, all things have consciousness. The leafy green vegetables you eat also have consciousness, as does every other food. Thus consider yourself to be made up of the various consciousnesses of the substances of which you have partaken. Shun, therefore, those meats of red blood but rather prefer the fish of the sea that are in abundance and readily available, that can balance your four lower bodies when you include the proper complements of grains, vegetables and seaweeds. And thereby you might one day know the freedom, if it be your choice, unless you have concluded that a specific condition in your body requires them for a time of not having to necessarily continue to eat fish, for you will know the strength of God within you. Thus, there is consciousness in the feet, there is consciousness in the hands, there is consciousness in the brain. And that consciousness shifting in the three gunas,{400} from the top to the bottom, does tell you whether you are centered truly in the white fire of God or whether you are centered at some lower place, almost always because of the food you have partaken of or the foods of previous lifetimes that have resulted in the karmas of today's conditions and conditionings in the body. Be not bored with my speaking, for I always speak thus as I begin to talk to the disciples who would affix themselves to the masterful ones of Venus. We must begin with the physical platform, for we are here indeed as physical as physical can be on a physical planet, attempting to preserve the earth body, to heal the earth and the layers of the earth's bodies. So why should we not speak of purification? Why should we not speak of prana and the destruction of prana by so many airborne toxins? Yes, beloved ones, if we are here to salvage the physical evolution and the incarnation of souls of Light who must incarnate, then we must speak of the practical end of things. Perhaps your emotional body can wait, your mental body or the etheric, but your physical body cannot wait. It will become diseased if you mistreat it and allow substances of the wrong vibration to be placed in it. Fortification of the physical body, then, provides the chalice for the soul and the Atman. And I, Sanat Kumara, promise you this: I will inhabit the physical body of anyone who does prepare that body and who does maintain the mind that is more yang than yin. I will inhabit that body, portion by portion of myself, even as you increase your God consciousness portion by portion. I know truly that the God in you is the same God that I AM. It is you who must know it and who must understand that I simply cannot fit into your dress or suit or slacks unless they fit the body that is fitting for Sanat Kumara. So understand, beloved, you need not be fully whole, but you must be on the right track. And first and foremost you must have the will and the spirit and the fire within to maintain the yang force and the yang mind and the balance in the yin that does enable the Mother to bring forth the power of Kali; and thus you must have not a weak yin but a strong yin, not an inflexible yang but one that bends and yet is not moved by the human consciousness. Yes, beloved, you can establish this in your aura with determination and the arm of the Lord, sometimes more quickly than with food and diet, which take some time to change. It is the will of the mind and heart, after all, that determines your forcefield. Yet some of the best bodies in the world are often the habitation of snakes and demons and dark ones. Yes, many allow their astral and physical bodies to be the point of entry for demons and dark ones who cohabitate within their forcefield. So let us not enter into a flesh and blood consciousness but rather into the understanding of the balance of the Body and Blood of the Lord Christ, of the power of transubstantiation and of the rule of hierarchy that the true adept must maintain his physical temple unto the coming of the Lord. Yes, he must maintain it unto the coming of his own golden age and unto the moment of his soul's return to the octaves of Light, when another shall take his place. For he shall have so fulfilled his mission that those who follow in his footsteps must merely put their feet into his slippers as he moves on and they move up the peerage of the spiritual hierarchy of Earth. So, beloved hearts, gentle is the Path, gentle by way of inner strength, gentle by way of the soft word that turneth away wrath.{401} This world may be filled with the crosscurrents of power trips taken by the power elite but, I tell you, there is none that is a match for the Mighty God Presence. Let that God Presence, then, be in you. Fulfill, then, the inner vow and calling, and be at peace. Be at peace! You have come a long, long way on a long, long road. But the reality is that you are here and we are here in the Western Shamballa, in the Heart of the Inner Retreat, in the Place of Great Encounters! And you are here encountering your God, your True Self, your Atman! Is this not a wondrous manifestation of the Eternal Now? [Congregation responds: "Yes!" (26-second standing ovation)] The Holy Kumaras bid me say to you, let not your horses be saddled with events of the past. Think: "There are six horses behind my own, making the seventh. They trail behind me." And what are they bearing, beloved? They are your six horses bringing up the rear, bearing the load of karma, bearing the load of regret, bearing the load of the worn-out past. You need not enter this tabernacle another time in this lifetime with that sense that you are bearing the burden of the past. Cast it into the living flame, beloved! Cast it into the living flame! Let all horses become as one and let the animal of self no longer be on all fours but rise up as a mighty stallion. Let it rise up because the flame burns in your heart! Let it rise up because Karttikeya does go to battle for you, does do battle with your own dweller-on-the-threshold. And I tell you, when you and I, with the Holy Kumaras, do put that one in chains and bind that one, you will then be able to defeat the dweller-on-the-threshold in the enemy without. You think you wage war with this or that established situation. Beloved hearts, you wage war with only one: it is the enemy within. Do not neglect to vanquish that one each day! I have taught the Messenger and the Messenger does hear me say this to you, each one: Give yourself a talking-to. Simply command yourself to withdraw from this or that lust or greed or envy or jealousy or some dark sticky substance. Rebuke yourself! Rebuke the soul for her weakness and self-indulgence. Bind the carnal mind! When you, in the peace-commanding presence of the Christ within you, do command the lesser forces of being, your four lower bodies, your momentums of your electronic belt to "Be still!" I say in the name Sanat Kumara, they shall be still! They shall be still! You must hear your own inner God-free being and God-free voice commanding you to rise from depression, rise from sorrow, rise from mourning and take up the calling of being a disciple unto the Lord! Do you understand, beloved? I have taught this technique to the Messenger. Why, the Messenger has performed this. And the body elemental does come into line when commanded to simply rise and take dominion of the body. You must understand that every part of your body will respond to the command of your own Christhood. I speak through the Messenger. I speak through the Messenger's own Christhood, and you feel the power of her Christhood multiplied by my own presence within her. You can have this too. Raise up the Christ within you! Let the Christ become the dominant personality of your being instead of letting the ego or the carnal mind dominate your being. Do you see, beloved? It is a matter of having the mind, the will and the determination to assert your right and to acknowledge that God in you is in control and that the power of God can command the atoms and cells of your being to not be sick, to not be weary, to not be cranky, to not be fretful, to not be argumentative, et cetera, et cetera. Why, you must treat yourself and the parts of yourself as a child that must be disciplined or as an adult that must be disciplined. But whoever you are and whatever stage of evolution you are at, know this: All of your being will respond to the power of the spoken Word when you exercise that power. Now then, be still. For I call to your I AM Presence, I call to your Holy Christ Self and I ask you to speak in the authority of the spoken Word - not in fear, not in shrillness, not in harshness, but simply in the authority of the name I AM THAT I AM. Speak in this level, beloved, without becoming frantic or frustrated or perhaps angry at those whom you perceive as enemies. Simply speak the Word of the living Christ within you and command all of your members to submit to the God of Love. [Congregation speaks calmly in the authority of the spoken Word.] Ho! Ho! Ho! So, beloved, know that the reality of God in you reigns supreme and that your soul and heart have a connection to that reality. And even if all your members are not marching to the divine plan of your being, you can bring them into alignment and you can do so in the beauty of the one Jesus Christ, who is the resurrection and the life of your own Christhood. Lo, he said, lo, his mantra: I AM the Resurrection and the Life! That mantra, beloved hearts, is for you to give to affirm your union with God forevermore. Therefore visualize each and any problem, no matter what the scope, as a little rock on the table before you. Rise into the dimensions of your God-free being. Be unmoved! Let love pour forth from you and heal the earth by love in action! I am calling to those who desire true discipleship in the lineage from Padma Sambhava to myself. To you who have responded to the call of Jesus, I say this is the year for a tangible manifestation of your discipleship, for going forth when you have learned your lessons well to speak to the people of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters and in the process to learn more about them yourselves. For we are doers, not merely hearers, of the Word!{402} And we will not have you only hearing at Summit University but doing right then and there and continuing to do until you see and behold the Holy Ghost descend upon you and the powers of hell bound. And you may transfer heart to heart and cup by cup the elixir of the living waters - the living waters that Jesus would have given to the woman at the well.{403} And yet she was not ready, she was not ready for everlasting life. You are getting ready. And I come with a simple message: You can indeed attain it! Know, then, beloved, that the message is simple but the human mind complexifies it and makes it become the most complex algebraic formula that could take lifetimes to solve. Blessed ones, that is why God-realization, as opposed to empirical knowledge of God, is the crux of the whole Path. We may say a thousand times in many ways that the union with God is before you. What, then, does make of this path a challenge, a point of daily rejoicing and daily measuring-up? It is each of you placing yourself willingly in juxtaposition with each Master, with each angel and with your teachers. For in the process of doing, of exercising free will, of perhaps entering into a path of error, then recognizing it and taking the path of truth, life is won in the very midst of action. That is where you learn the greatest lessons - in the fire itself, the fire that tries you and purifies you and makes you white.{404} If you allow them as they teach you and as they move with you and speak with you, so the Masters may touch key chords of your being and strings that are broken that you must mend with their help. Yes, beloved, this is the understanding of the Master-disciple relationship. Apprentice yourselves to the Lord and know that that bonding, that unity, that day-to-day praising the Lord and entering in to that intimacy in conversation with him as his disciples did on the road to Emmaus{405} - know that this is the nature of the Path. It has been going on for lifetimes. Now we say, receive the ascended hosts and know that this bonding can take place here and now as never before. For some of you there is a parting of the veil, for others a thinning. For others of you, more violet flame is needed ere the fog is lifted from you. But one and all can enter into the creation of the cloud{406} and the coalescing of light in the aura. There are many such exercises that you can accomplish for the growth of your soul. Above all, in Love I am and I remain. And I counsel you to guard the heart in yourself and in all others, for the heart is indeed the secret place of the Most High in the earth. Guard the heart. Guard the flame! And do not do anything that will require you to take the grade over and over again in Earth's schoolroom. Today I pronounce you Victors-to-be! Tomorrow I shall crown you. I AM your Lord Sanat Kumara, Forever the servant of the Light within you. [42-second standing ovation] [The Messenger: Let the servers of Holy Communion come forward for the blessing of the bread and the wine. This celebration of Holy Communion is part of the dictation whereby we receive the cleansing, purifying action of the Lord Christ Jesus in the presence of the lineage of Sanat Kumara. Please receive this Holy Communion as you receive the Light of his lineage. We will be singing hymns to the blessed Mother of Jesus from our Sanctissima album while we partake of Communion.] Blessing of Holy Communion by Sanat Kumara This day I, Sanat Kumara, with the Holy Kumaras, do bless this bread and this wine as the ancient ritual of the priesthood of Melchizedek. It is a ritual that goes back to our planetary home (Venus). So I bless the bread and the wine from my heart to the heart of Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Christ Jesus, Padma Sambhava and your own Holy Christ Self. Thus in all levels and octaves of being, receive the Body of God, receive the Blood of God and know that this is the sacrament whereby the Great Tao is balanced within you. And so the pattern of the yin and the yang is set and there is that transfer to you of sacred essence, of eternal being. Because your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the Son of God, did come to Earth, did demonstrate the magnificence of the mission of Christ from ancient times unto the present hour (although these events are no longer recorded in the sands or in the history books but in the akashic records), so know that the Son of God in him is that Son of God who is in you. And that Son has said: "This is my Body of universal Light, which is broken for you. Take, eat, this is my Body. And this wine is the Blood of the new and everlasting testament of Christ incarnate in the sons and daughters of God. Drink ye all of it." [Hymns 94, 91, 97, 92, 96, 99, Ritual of Holy Communion] This dictation by Sanat Kumara, Spokesman for the Seven Holy Kumaras, was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, July 2, 1993, during the ten-day conference FREEDOM 1993: "Healing the Earth," held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Before the dictation, the Messenger delivered her lecture "The Many Faces of the Great Guru, Sanat Kumara." The lecture and dictation are available on audiocassette A93098: 2 cassettes, total 1 hr. 57 min. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Sanat Kumara's direction.] Vol. 36 Nos. 49 - 69 have not been published. ****** Chapter 49 Beloved Mother Mary - December 29, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 70 - Beloved Mother Mary - December 29, 1993 The Ineffable Love of Our Oneness The Challenge of Every Day Is to Separate the Unreal from the Real The Reward of Your Labor Is Adeptship Christmas Eve Address 1993 I AM your Mother of Love. And into the dimensions of cosmic love I draw your soul, each one. O sons and daughters of my heart, I hold you now as newborn babes, as the Manchild. Thus, nestle to my heart. Receive the impression of my Immaculate Heart and my immaculate conception of your soul. I come to hold you and to heal you. Enter in to the ineffable love of our oneness. It is good to be the little child for a season, for some hours, even once a day throughout the year, to feel your helplessness and to know when you place your hand in mine or in the hand of Saint Germain or El Morya that everything will come full circle, all will come to resolution and you will know that sense of freedom as if you were free-falling, knowing that we will catch you. Thus, by this exercise of love and devotion, you let go of being the responsible one, the one that must take care of everything and everyone. Why, to think this, beloved, creates in itself a certain separation from the heavenly hierarchy as you are so immersed in your daily responsibilities. Therefore I say, pause for a moment and remember who is the doer within you and who is the liberator and how it is the sense of struggle that makes the struggle. And if you would be a hero or a heroine or a knight in shining armour, remember that only God can work the work through you. Therefore, self-effacement is empowerment. Why, who among you has the greatest power of all? It is the little child. It is the little child! That little child shall lead you{407} when you heal the little child, when you embrace the little child and hold that one until that child dissolves into the threefold flame of your heart and then steps forth in exaltation of the Divine Mother as your true reality. So, except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom, the consciousness, of God.{408} Yes, there are burdens too hard to bear, whether for heads of state or representatives of the people or for those who have great responsibilities in commerce and large corporations or for those such as yourselves who are committed to transmit our teachings throughout the earth. Those who are locked in and engaged both to the Mighty I AM Presence and to the Divine Manchild within are the ones who succeed, beloved, whereas those who are dependent on the human mind cannot let go and let God work through them. What a pity! What a sorrowful state to have that human mind be the only mind that you depend upon! So let us lean not on the arm of flesh or fleshly notions. Let us lean upon the arm of God. I bring to you, then, out of the Fifth Ray this day the crystal-clear stream, that mighty crystal action, white-fire crystal of Cyclopea and Virginia and all the servants of the Fifth Ray. Oh, take the crystal ray this day, I beseech you! Won't you have something of pure rock crystal to remind you how crystal clear is the Mind of God to bring all to resolution? That crystal ray, beloved, is what you receive when you invoke the Fifth Ray. The emerald ray and the crystal ray go hand in hand. Thus the matrix of all things is impressed on the ethers by the Fifth Ray, but the crystal ray does make that which ought to become permanent crystallize as a crystallization of the God-flame. Some of you walk about with crystal in your auras, magnificent formations of stalactites, stalagmites. You see, beloved, for tens of thousands of years and longer you have been crystallizing the thoughts, the ideations, the patterns of Elohim, of the Mind of God. And so you have built about yourselves a permanent home of Light, a cocoon, a retreat where you may bid others enter. Take care, then. See to it that you keep the aura clear as crystal so that the mind is not befuddled, the emotional body is not invaded by lying demons and all types of diversions and perversions of the true Path. The crystallization of the Mind of God within you will enable you to have almost upon the instant that contact with higher realms of Light, etheric retreats. Ask to be taken, then, to the crystal antechamber of the retreat of the Elohim of the Fifth Ray. Ask to be taken there for meditation and purification. Do not be so much attached to self or the reasoning of the self or the justification of the self. Do not be so much attached to assert: "I am right. He is wrong." Such assertions come from the relative state of the human consciousness. "Let God be true but every man a liar," the apostle said.{409} And it is so, for how can those in embodiment having yet a dual consciousness know the plumb line of Truth, erring neither to the right nor to the left but keeping centered in the Christ Mind? If you become as a little child in the wonder of it all - the wonder of the creation, the wonder of the precious blessings of life - how grateful you become for little things and how nonattached to the accumulation of human objects, human wealth, human this or that, such as stature or greatness in the eyes of the world. Return, then, to the center of the Great Tao. Oh yes, beloved, my Son and all great avatars understood the deep things of God that have been bequeathed to the world through Eastern adepts, specifically those who have sponsored the teaching of the Tao Te Ching, the teaching of the Way and of Virtue. So, beloved, you become the All when you know you are nothing. Nothingness is a vacuum and when you enter it you are filled with the All. For the Great Tao abhors the vacuum. You can let go of the patterns of the human consciousness. The fads of the human consciousness change by the month, by the year. You can never keep up with the fads. This way and that way - now it is correct to do this, next year it will be incorrect. Who can move by the folly of those who have so little going for them that they must continually make a new statement with fashion, with this or that new-fangled thing, by being with the trends? I say, the great trend of life is the sea of light, the sea of cosmic bliss. Become as we were - content with such a vast, vast contact with the cosmos. Those who have that contact are less likely to push forward their personalities, to thrust in this direction or that direction whereby they might become so very important or attempt to become important in the eyes of their peers. Look about you for those whom you almost never take note of, the quiet ones, those who work day by day, day by day and are in tune with the rhythm of the stars. They need not have continuous loud and raucous conversation, continuous stimuli from this and that source of entertainment. For they know that all these things will come to naught. I flash upon the screen of your third eye now your image as a skeleton. When all the flesh is gone and life has left the mortal frame, what will there be? A shining one that can move instantly from the limitations of earth to becoming a cosmic co-server with the Darjeeling Council, with El Morya and the angels of Light? Yes, weave the Deathless Solar Body. And remember that this dark, dark night of the year is also a symbol, beloved, of the dark night of the soul and the Dark Night of the Spirit. None shall escape these. You shall walk through these initiations with your own candle burning as you send forth decrees from your heart; or you shall walk through them in torment, in anger, in rebellion against God because you have not prepared for them. The dark night of the soul comes again and again when you pass through the valley of the shadow of intense karma. The Dark Night of the Spirit comes when you have banked the fires of the heart with the God-flame and thereby you can sustain that threefold flame when the Sun of your I AM Presence is temporarily eclipsed and apparently not even there. It is when you sense that supreme aloneness that you know that all you have to lean upon is that God within you and that God who is the little child in the heart and that God who is that masterful Messiah, the presence of the living Christ. There are fanatics and those filled with entities and demons who apply this teaching to themselves yet are not prepared to walk through either the dark night of the soul or the Dark Night of the Spirit; for they yet dwell in the astral plane because they have not come into balance within their own higher beings. These seek every religious movement and are within and without them, this one being no exception. Thus, beloved, beware of being off-balance to the extreme, living on the outer edge of the aura instead of centered in God, in Christ. Leave off your isms. Leave off your ideologies and become as the little child. I, your Mother, so counsel you, for it is when you become that one who is no longer the little child that you make serious mistakes and lose your way and then, as Little Red Ridinghood, you face the wolves of the astral plane and you are not able to defend yourself against them. Take up, then, the simple and humble study of the teachings of my Son, the teachings of the Buddha and the teachings of the Eastern Masters. Enter in to that walk, beloved, and join the adepts of East and West. One and all, you have the opportunity for adeptship. You must only decide that that is your goal. To be an adept means to have a certain mastery for the holding of Light, for the crystallization of the God-flame within you and for the entering in to the Mind of God. It means, beloved, that you are moved neither to the right nor to the left, neither up nor down by circumstances, by whatever negative is hurled at you. Adeptship is to be unmoved, to be in the center of the T'ai Chi, to know oneself supremely as God but never as a human god - for God has displaced the human. This is your goal of union. You have the Teachings, beloved, but you must understand that it is in the depths of your heart in holy prayer and deep communion that you find the keys that all saints have found. You may read a sequence of sentences and paragraphs in the Pearls of Wisdom directed to you. But their purpose is to lead you to the point of entering in to the starry space and nonspace where you alone know God, without words, unspoken, yet you have touched the hem of the garment of your own immortality. Remember, then, beloved, why you have sacrificed, why you are here. If you forget, your service will become drudgery, monotonous. You will begin to question all the little, unimportant things. And pretty soon you will not be able to hold on to the mighty Light, the flame of the ark of the covenant that burns on the altar here and on the altar of being. I ask you, then, to think through 1993 during these last days of the year. Put things in perspective, write down your order of priorities, what is important and what is not. You can fulfill many desires that are natural and God-ordained in the human scene and yet never let go that stronghold of your being, that center pole of Life that is in you. You know what part of you is unreal. You certainly know what part of you is real. The challenge of every day is to separate the unreal from the real so that the real can be made permanent and the unreal can be transmuted or transformed. Now, if you are not centered in your own star of God-Reality, you will sooner or later make the error of affirming that your real is unreal and that your unreal is real. Alas, most of the world is in that state of confusion. When we come to be in your midst, we find those who have far greater clarity of mind than others and yet they still need the tutoring of the heart and the soul - they still need the fine-tuning. Just when you think you know all the Teachings, for you have heard them for many, many years, that is the time to be on guard and to say: Now, O Lord, I have assimilated thy Word. Now I would assimilate thy Being. Now I would become Thyself. Receive me. Come with humility, beloved. For pride goeth before a fall.{410} That pride says: "I will solve this problem. I will take care of this. I will come to the rescue," et cetera, et cetera. So, beloved, with God all things are possible; with man nothing is possible. {411} Therefore, it is good to know oneself when one is reduced to what is real, because that, my beloved, is all that you will have to take with you when you embark upon your final journey across the sea of samsara. Are you ready to cross the sea of the astral plane, beloved? Are you ready to cross it alone in your own little bark, crossing that sea to the land of Light? This traversing the astral sea will one day be an initiation as you take your leave of this octave. Well, you can do it. As Jesus demonstrated to Peter, you can walk upon the water,{412} the water that may be the depth and width of the Pacific Ocean. You can walk upon the water and rescue all those who are sinking beneath the waves, or you can neglect this most important preparation and find yourself in your little bark sinking. Co-measurement, beloved. Put the point of light in your heart and the point of light in your hand and place your hand at the point of the farthest star. Then plan your journey. Plan your journey, beloved, for that journey will one day be upon you. I bring to you the deep things of God. For the world and all that it offers sometimes takes from you your contemplation of the deeper mysteries: "Who am I? Why am I here? And inasmuch as I have given so much devotion and so much service, is it not meet that I should not also have gained through all of this that certain level of self-mastery whereby I am not moved by any events of the human condition?" These are my thoughts this Christmas Eve, when so many throughout the earth suffer. I therefore now place upon you the full Electronic Presence of my Son at the age of thirty-three. Beloved ones, know that masterful Presence. Desire to become it. Fear not the initiations but know that through your heart of Christ and through your life and mission many shall be saved, should you decide to become that masterful Presence. Precious hearts, I recommend that you do. For you labor in love, in such worthiness, in such sacrifice, in such long-suffering. You labor in all these things. Your labor has its reward, but you must claim the reward. And that reward is adeptship. I make the sign of the crystal cross for the crystallization of the God-flame within you. May you never be moved again by the turbulent astral sea, but know that you walk on the water with your Lord. This dictation by Mother Mary was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet during the Christmas Eve Candlelight Vigil, December 24, 1993, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Before the dictation, the Messenger read Luke 2:1-20 on the birth of Jesus. The dictation is available on video-and audiocassette: Videocassette (includes the dictations by Lanello and Jesus): 1 hr. 53 min., HP94002. Audiocassette (includes the service before the dictation): 73 min., B94002. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Mother Mary's direction.] ****** Chapter 50 Beloved Lanello - December 30, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 71 - Beloved Lanello - December 30, 1993 Be My Watchmen! Christmas Eve Address 1993 You Can Shine as the Supporting Stars of the Bethlehem Pageant We Have All Been Orphans: Once We Were Lost, Now We Are Found O holiest night of the year, so sanctify these hearts and souls. For I come. And I come bearing the Saviour in my heart as you also bear him in your heart, for you have made room for him in the inn of being. I have taken Mitchell Mandell{413} to a place of rest. I have taken care of him to remove from him the burdens of a mind estranged from his soul and from his heart and from his own Christhood. Thus, in the Father's house are many mansions and the perfect place for each one. Know, then, beloved, that this awful happening need not have been. It need not have been, I say! Therefore be watchmen on the wall of our Community, watchmen on the wall, I say! Watch for those astral entities that lurk to twist and turn the mind at any moment until the mind is seized and then convinced by voices other than those of angels or Ascended Masters that a certain way is right. You know it is written, "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death."{414} So you have seen the way that seemed right to Mitchell Mandell, outpictured this week in grave tragedy. Now then, know that tragedy is always possible. It always lurks to catch you off guard and to trap you in your own momentums - emotional momentums that cloud the mind. You can never be too much on guard. There are those who say: "The day is good, the sun is shining! No ill wind shall blow this day. I shall work instead of saying my prayers." Well, this is folly, beloved. For the days are darkening in the Dark Cycle. The Dark Cycle continues. Do not deny it. Accept the fact that you live in this era, that most of you volunteered and that those of you who did not were volunteered by your own karma and you had very little to say about it. So make the most of it, beloved. You can either pile high a mountain of garbage or clear the garbage each day and put it in the fire. Thus is opportunity. Thus is opportunity! Each one of you can look at those with great attainment and accomplishment in all fields and ask yourself the questions: "For how many aeons has this great singer sung, has this great scientist had the genius to bring forth invention out of the etheric octave? How many tens of thousands of years has my own soul been building for her moment on the stage of life at the end of the twentieth century?" Well, beloved, you may have some special momentum that you have gained or you may not. And if you do not, this one thing is true: You can begin today and decide what that momentum will be.{415} In this I echo the words of the Blessed Mother. The greatest momentum you can build on is that of spiritual reality, wherein you know you are in that reality and you will not be convinced by the carnal mind that your unreality is real. Thus, beloved, choose what virtue shall be your momentum of grace that you may give to others. I advise you to select that momentum of grace that comes most easily to you in this hour and that you can direct toward the saving of souls. Once you were lost, then you were found. I was lost. My Saviour found me. Elizabeth was lost. El Morya sought and found her and picked her up and carried her on his steed to the home of the adepts. Orphans of the Spirit are ye all!{416} Know it! Know reality about yourselves and what your needs are. Do not resist getting down upon your knees, imploring God and casting into the sacred fire all that you have woven about yourselves as your human image. It is difficult to keep up the human pretense of greatness. And down the centuries how many so-called great ones have fallen as idols? You see the politicians of the day, you see those in ancient Rome, you see those on Atlantis. They are popular for a day or a season and then they are mobbed and stoned and their statues are cast down. So the carnal mind can spend all of its waking and sleeping guarding its sense of self-importance. And beyond that, beloved, you see parading in Russia and other nations today leaders who are literally insane with pride, who have no moorings in Christ and therefore are willing to place before the world threats of nuclear war, nuclear weapons and direct conflict with the United States. Blessed ones, never take for granted or consider idle the words of a tyrant, the words of an insane tyrant, the words of a godless tyrant. Am I not describing each one's dweller-on-the-threshold? Are you aware moment by moment throughout the day and the night who is governing your life, who is the real man within you and who is the tyrant? Make no mistake, beloved: Knowing at all times who is the real you is the most subtle challenge, as well as the greatest challenge, you will have in this embodiment. So, blessed hearts, now you read the handwriting on the TV screen. You read it, beloved. You look at one such as Zhirinovsky and others who are making their threats. You look at a nation - a nation, I tell you, that I am very familiar with, the nation of Russia, Mother Russia. Yes, beloved, I know what has invaded so many of the people, and that invasion has been the genes of darkness such as were in the likes of Rasputin and other evil ones who have embodied in that society due to the vulnerability of the karmic patterns of the people. That society, beloved, is not going to suddenly be democratized after more than seventy years of Communism and centuries of absolute tyranny of the czars. You can pour billions into that nation but you will not see an instantaneous conversion to the path of individual and economic freedom. And those who rule and those who have in their hands the full power of the armed forces are not necessarily servants of the Light and many still espouse World Communism. Read the signs of the times on the television screen and on the screen of your own third eye. Predict the future yourselves and see that the twelve years of this cycle are not yet through. The unexpected can happen overnight. Thus, obeying the motto of Saint Germain to be prepared begins with spiritual preparedness and ends with spiritual preparedness. And in that spiritual consciousness, you value above all else your four lower bodies, especially your physical body and the health of your physical body as well as the soundness of your mind functioning through that body. For you know that you cannot work the work in our day that is planned if that body is not centered and sound because it is imbalanced by astral substance or improper food or whatever else contaminates the body. The body is your most precious gift. Where was the Manchild? The Manchild was always there, but the birth of the Saviour Jesus Christ made that Manchild physical, tangible and real to mortals. "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us ..."{417} Therefore he came to the stable (or to the cave, as some would have it). So he was born in a lowly place. But he came to serve all levels of humanity, thus to manifest the Christ that all might see that Christ and know that that was the true Light, which lighteth every man, woman and child that cometh into the world.{418} Ye are kindled by that Light! Ye are kindled by that Light! Remember this! But if the Light that is in thee be turned to Darkness by human pride, then I say, how great is that Darkness!{419} Remember those words of your Lord and remember that there is a Light that is turned to Darkness in many and that Darkness flashes forth as a glitter and glamour, as a magnetism that fools many. Make attunement with your heart, beloved. Do not be fooled but recognize that your worth as a Christed being, your worth on the stock market of life is far greater when you are in physical embodiment than when you are in heavenly octaves. For you can be seen, you can be touched! You can talk to souls! You can deliver them by the momentum of your Light. For souls who do not have the spiritual receptors are not able to tie themselves back to their Holy Christ Self without the help of someone they can see or hear. Thus, your worth on earth is supreme. Therefore take note of the dregs of the year and recognize that you see them at the end of every year. Every year, therefore, be my watchmen upon the wall. {420} Be my watchmen. You could have been greater watchmen upon the wall in the past weeks, seeing the signs of the times and what was coming upon you. Recognize, then, that your absence of spiritual astuteness is now causing you to pay a heavy price in this tragedy. Learn from it, beloved! Pray to God for forgiveness for whatever sin of omission or commission you may have entered into, even if you were far removed from the events that led to the death of Mitchell Mandell. For once any member of the Community of the Holy Spirit opens the door to astral forces, the door is open and the entire Community is vulnerable until it closes the door and seals (or exorcises) the place where evil dwells. And in this case, many people were open doors, including the victim himself. Let each one mend his nets! We are not ready to go a-fishing. Therefore mend the nets and prepare them to hold a weight of mighty fishes. Let your net of consciousness have the mark of purity, of strength, of empowerment, of determination and, above all, of realism and not rise and fall every other day - shall I do this? shall I do that? shall I do the next thing? Fix your gaze upon the star of Bethlehem and know that Christ was one-pointed in his mission. You cannot be all things to all people, but you can shine as the Christmas Rose. You can shine as the supporting stars of the Bethlehem pageant and together be the true lighthouse whose beacon leads all home to the heart of their I AM Presence. Yes, it is true, we have all been orphans. Once we were lost, now we are found. Why were we called? Why were we plucked? Why were we taken? Were we any better than anyone else? I say not. Perhaps our time had come, our turn. So, beloved ones, do not think that it was for some superior merit of your own that God plucked you from where you were and brought you here. Be humbler than that. Consider that God gave you the opportunity to pay a debt and render a service. It is best that each of you think of yourself as the lowliest of all rather than as the greatest. Then you will keep things in perspective and allow God to crown you rather than crowning yourself day by day as you see yourself in that mode of self-importance. Well, beloved hearts, there really is no room for pride before or after one becomes perfected in God. For what is there, after all, to be proud of in the human condition except that remnant of the carnal mind, that relic from the age of dinosaurs and woolly mammoths that lurks in the brain and convinces you that you are some sort of a magnificent creature? Put into the flame in this hour pride and all condemnation, criticism and judgment. To these I should add gossip itself. Start the new year as a humble servant, judging not. When you judge not, you shall not be judged.{421} If you judge, so the Lords of Karma shall judge you equally. Mercy is the key, beloved. And inasmuch as I was also born on this holy night, I have cherished my days in the earth in my recent life as a gift from my Saviour Jesus Christ. But I will tell you again, my life was difficult every step of the way. It was hard, beloved. It was almost unbearable. And thus, in concluding my remarks on this my birthday, I pay tribute to the Blessed Mother, for without her I would not have made it. It is true, beloved - I would not have made it. Since I was not born into the Catholic faith or a Catholic family, I came to recognize the Blessed Mother only when I set my foot on the path of the spiritual adepts under El Morya. Then I knew her face to face. Then I loved her. Then unabashedly I worshiped her. Then she became my all and my Mother. And truly as a little child I placed my hand in hers, and therefore I was saved. I was saved because she saved me. The determining factor in whether one is saved or not saved in this round, in this life, beloved, may be the decision one makes in a matter of moments. And so, no tragedy must pass without each and every one searching his own soul and heart and saying: "Was I the watchman on the wall who fell asleep or abandoned his post? Did I really do all that I could do to protect this Community in that hour?" The purpose of soul-searching is not to arrive at the point of self-guilt but to arrive at the point of resolution: "I may have failed my Lord wholly or in part. Therefore I solemnly resolve not to fail him again." These things need not be, yet the Community must take the lesson, each one individually. Let none say, "I was not to blame." For we know that the complexities of ancient karma and present-day path may be seen to reveal a responsibility that is always individual and that is always collective. You live on a world of billions of people. It is a collective experience, beloved. Aside from the insulation of your tube of light, your Astreas, your calls to Archangel Michael and your violet flame, you are tied to the whole of humanity. Think of it, beloved, and remember the call "Come out from among them and be ye separate, and touch not the unclean thing (immorality in any vein); and I will receive you."{422} This is the key of the Manchild: Either you desire to be a part of "them" and the world and the world's consciousness, and therefore not be able to stand in the way to prevent tragedy for anyone, or else you take the path as it is given and not as you outline it, the path of coming apart and being a separate people unto God. And in that separation, you are one with all Lightbearers - one with all Lightbearers. This is indeed the key. In the Christmas flame, in the Christmas Rose, I salute you. And I thank God and the Blessed Mother and dear El Morya for giving me my opportunity to make it in my final incarnation. Yes, beloved, it was hard for me and to this day I am still balancing ancient karma from the ascended octaves. But I am bright and shining. And I have espoused the Radiant One and I am saturated in his Light, and he has blessed me. Therefore I move among you always to love you, to comfort and console you and to raise you up by my shepherd's crook. In the love of our Saviour, I bid you a joyous and sacred Christmas. The Messenger: In concluding this service, let us take our books and sing "Amazing Grace" to Mitchell Mandell. Number 55. Please call to the angels in his behalf and on behalf of all souls who have made the transition in this season. Amazing Grace Amazing grace! how sweet the sound That saved a soul like me! I once was lost, but now am found Was blind, but now I see. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear And grace my fears relieved; How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed! Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come; 'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far And grace will lead me home. The Lord has promised good to me His word my hope secures; He will my shield and portion be As long as life endures. Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail And mortal life shall cease, I shall possess, beyond the veil A life of joy and peace. When we've been there ten thousand years Bright shining as the sun, We've no less days to sing God's praise Than when we first begun. Please be seated. Let us have our love offering as we sing hymns from Sanctissima, beginning with "The Bells of Saint Mary's." Praise God for the consolation of Israel, for the consolation of our Community. Praise God for his intercession and the opportunity we have for the heavens to open and for us to hear from those who have gone before us. Such a great, great gift! We thank you, O God, for these dictations. Blessing of the Love Offering Dear God, receive the love offering of our hearts, the offering of our light from each one of our chakras, the offering of our souls. This we give for the sustaining of our Church, for outreach and for bringing in those souls just beyond the reach of the tips of our fingers. Let them be cut free, O God! Let our Causal Bodies unite as one - all Lightbearers of the world. And let the Lightbearers reinforced by legions out of the great cosmic heights bring the souls of Light who have a mission in this day to the feet of their Mighty I AM Presence and the path that can lead them to their victory. Bless and multiply this offering, O God. Multiply the servers in our midst and throughout the earth. Multiply grace and protection for all youth and children everywhere from the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Dear Jesus, take care of the children of all ages. They need you now in this hour, and we pray for them to be loved and cared for that they might fulfill their mission. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, we seal this offering. And we say to you, Mitch: "Good-bye. Be on your way. Godspeed. May the portals of opportunity be opened to you again. We all wish we would have known you better, but this we do know - that your heart was and still is devoted to our blessed Mother Mary, that according to your highest understanding you were and still are devoted to the path of the Ascended Masters, that you were and still are a strong supporter of our beloved Church and that your generous heart, full of compassion for the sick and the downtrodden, will be the star by which we remember you and recognize you on the cosmic highway. Till we meet again, God be with you." In Jesus' name, Amen. This dictation by beloved Lanello was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet during the Christmas Eve Candlelight Vigil, December 24, 1993, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. The dictation is available on video-and audiocassette: Videocassette (includes the dictations by Mother Mary and Jesus): 1 hr. 53 min., HP94002. Audiocassette (includes the service following the dictation): 60 min., B94003. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Lanello's direction.] ***** 50.1 I AM the Witness - December 30, 1993 ***** Vol. 36 No. 71 - I AM the Witness - December 30, 1993 I AM the Witness By Faith the Widow's Mite Becomes the Full Tithe Beloved Mother, I had not been tithing for about two years and on the very day, at the very moment, that I got out my paperwork in order to figure out how much I owed in back tithes, the phone rang and I was informed that I would be receiving a large amount of money that day. (I had just been wondering how I was ever going to be able to pay my tithes!) I was so happy that I ran to my altar and knelt down and gave all the gratitude I could pour forth to the Masters for this wonderful blessing. I was able to pay all of my back tithes at once and to clear myself completely out of debt. I cannot find the right words to express my gratitude to you and the Masters for this and all the wonderful blessings and dispensations we receive through this magnificent Teaching. All my Love, ****** Chapter 51 Jesus Christ - December 31, 1993 ****** Vol. 36 No. 72 - Jesus Christ - December 31, 1993 "Render unto Caesar the Things That Are Caesar's and unto God the Things That Are God's" Our Lord's Christmas Day Address 1993 Worthy Is the Lamb The Messenger's Pre-dictation Invocation: O Light of the Central Sun, beloved Mighty I AM Presence, Holy Christ Self of each one, Holy Christ Flame within our hearts, expand and consume now all darkness within and without! Let the brightness of our Lord and Saviour be upon us. Lord Jesus, place your Electronic Presence over us for the purging within us of all that is unlike thee. Our Father-Mother God, we thank thee for sending unto the earth the only begotten Son of God, our Lord and Saviour, who came not to condemn the world but that the world through him might have eternal life. We seek that eternal life and we seek daily, O God, to replace the nets of mortality that are upon us with the eternality of our being. Through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ we ask this. And now we call to the Seven Archangels and hosts of the Lord to defend our Lord's right to deliver his message to our hearts this day, our Lord's right to deliver this message to the heart that is upraised as the chalice of Divine Love in all Lightbearers of this world. May they receive from his Communion cup in this hour his Body and his Blood and know the glory of the Lord in their own true being. Oh, let the Lightbearers be one! This is our prayer. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, Amen. The Messenger's Pre-dictation Scriptural Readings: Jesus has asked me to read to you from the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as a foundation for his teaching today. Those of you who love the scriptures, who study the New Testament, know that Jesus continually affirmed that he came not to destroy but to fulfill the law and the prophets. He came to build on the foundation of the law of Moses. And so we begin with the Old Testament and Moses' words from the Book of Deuteronomy, chapter 11: Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse; A blessing, if ye obey the commandments of the LORD your God, which I command you this day: And a curse, if ye will not obey the commandments of the LORD your God but turn aside out of the way which I command you this day to go after other gods which ye have not known. Deuteronomy 11:26-28 From the New Testament, Matthew 5, we read Jesus' teaching in the Sermon on the Mount: Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:17-20 Here Jesus clearly sets apart his disciples, those who bear his Light in their hearts, from those who are the scribes and Pharisees and the rulers of this world. Because he has called us out from among them, our Lord expects us to do better. We read in Mark 12 Jesus' confounding of the Pharisees and the Herodians: And they send unto him certain of the Pharisees and of the Herodians to catch him in his words. And when they were come, they say unto him, Master, we know that thou art true and carest for no man: for thou regardest not the person of men but teachest the way of God in truth: Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not? Shall we give, or shall we not give? But he, knowing their hypocrisy, said unto them, Why tempt ye me? Bring me a penny, that I may see it. And they brought it. And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? And they said unto him, Caesar's. And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him. Mark 12:13-17 This is Paul's teaching to the Christians in Rome, which he himself received directly from Jesus: Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? Do that which is good and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. Romans 13:1-8 These are the teachings of the apostle Peter to Jew and Gentile believers alike: Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: As free, and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness, but as the servants of God. Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king. Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward. For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully. For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? But if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God. I Peter 2:13-20 Our Lord's Christmas Day Address 1993 My beloved, this Christmas season is an hour of burden unto many. In fact, beloved, though some may be insensate, surfeited in their merrymaking, all are burdened this day with the weight of world karma and their own karma. Pity unto the nations! Pity unto the rulers of the nations and the peoples of the earth! For surely the wrath has come and the karma does descend and you in your own souls agonize at what you have seen and what you have experienced directly, close at hand and personally in your lives, one by one. Yes, worthy is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.{423} So understand, beloved, that through all that has transpired in the Dark Night of the Spirit that has characterized the dark ages since my crucifixion, my resurrection and the fulfillment of my reason for being, supreme, there has always been an individual upon earth in whom the Lamb has dwelt and therefore in whom I have dwelt. And thus, that one has suffered the condemnation of the world as I suffered it when I was on earth. For the slaying of the Lamb or the attempt to slay the Lamb, the Christ, has been the cause of Antichrist from the beginning of sin on earth. I, then, have placed my Electronic Presence over this Messenger that you may do what you will with her. But I tell you, beloved, it is in the very imperfection, in the very humanness of the saints that the Lamb does appear. And those who look for perfection do not understand that perfection is not the key to the manifestation of the Lamb. For there is no such thing as a perfect human being, but there is every such thing as the pure in heart who shall see God.{424} There is every such thing as forgiveness, as mercy, as the conversion of souls who have been the enemy of Christ but are now ready to repent and to receive the Holy Ghost. Thus understand, beloved, that if you will see faults and pick at faults and enumerate the faults of the Messenger, you only fault yourselves and default yourselves of the greatest privilege of all - simplicity - the simplicity of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. The mantle of the Lamb is not given except it be accepted by the one called. Therefore understand that persecution is real, crucifixion is real. Yet, for that purpose the Lamb has come into the world: to be slain that the Christ might shed the Light, i.e., the Blood, of the universal and cosmic conception of the Christhood of every man, woman and child. Thus, beloved, if you are tempted to deny the word or the ordinances of the Messenger - because "the Messenger is a simpleton," "the Messenger could not, of course, be worthy, for the Messenger is a sinner," "the Messenger is not too bright, you know," and all such things that may be said - well, you will miss the greatest encounter of your life. You will miss having recognized the chalice of the Lamb, the chalice worthy that is yet imperfect. How shall you, then, become the fullness of that Lamb and be worthy to be the Lamb if you say, "I shall first become humanly perfect"? Those who strut about in the affirmation of their human perfectness are missing the glory of God. They have missed my very humanness as I walked the earth unto the age of eighty-one and then took my ascension.{425} I was not perfect in many incarnations, beloved, but I will tell you this: The Lamb within me is and was perfect, and the Holy Christ Flame within you that burns brightly this Christmas day is perfect. That is the key, that is the key to your Christhood. Therefore walk humbly with your God and know that there is nothing wrong with this Messenger that would in and of itself bring down upon this house persecution and condemnation and lawsuits, and so on. All things must be fulfilled. And the Father (Mother) God does not withdraw the trials and testings but does, of course, chasten whom he loves{426} and does bring into the fold of the divine consciousness whom he loves. Yes, the Father and the Mother, the Father-Mother God as one, do this. And so, beloved, either you will deal with Moses as the children of Israel dealt with Moses, who was the living Guru, and therefore in breaking the law and the commandments of God receive your karma, or you will enter in to the understanding that I myself insisted upon: the understanding of the hierarchy of governments, of institutional systems and of the relationship of teacher and student. For I did insist that there be an orderly structure in the lives of all who were my followers, from the least unto the greatest. Why did I say, then, "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's"?{427} It is for this, beloved ones: I did not come to be crowned a human king over Jerusalem and the Roman Empire.{428} And many were disappointed that I came into Jerusalem riding the foal{429} of an ass.{430} They expected me to rise up in the full omnipotence of God and challenge the entire empire. They had lost sight of the mission. Judas and many followers lost sight of the mission because I would not come in the pomp and power of the human condition but rather in the stillness of the Presence of God that is the only real power there is. I forbade all to challenge the laws of Caesar and the governors and the rulers in the land. Why, beloved? Because this was not our cause. Our cause was not to reform human governments, human hierarchies and potentates. Nay, we came for the conversion of the human spirit, for the rescue of the soul, to show the way back to God through my own Sacred Heart. We came to reveal the path of mysticism. We came to make of our disciples mystics who would be capable of discovering the Inner Christ through our example and who would therefore mirror that Christ and live with the goal of becoming my twin. This was the goal Lord Maitreya set before me, beloved, and as my Father Maitreya worked with me, so I worked to accomplish that foundation of the Piscean age. Therefore while ye are in the world, yet not of the world, I admonish you to obey the laws of the nations even if these laws be unrighteous. If ye would seek redress and move to have unrighteous laws overturned, then do so lawfully, within the framework provided for citizens such as it may be in your nation. Judge not the rulers of this world under whose powers ye serve but measure your necessary submission to their authority as a mark of your own karma. For I tell you, it is incumbent upon you to submit yourselves to human hierarchs inasmuch as long ago you rejected your spiritual hierarchs. And therefore the LORD God did remove from you the direct contact you had with your spiritual hierarchs and you have been long time now in the drudgery of being under human hierarchs. Yet I say, what drudgery can it be, compared to the slavery of Africa, the slavery of Rome and the enslavement of the Hebrews four hundred years under the Egyptian pharaohs? They had no recourse. You do not have the perspective of your ancient state of servitude in previous lifetimes. But I tell you, by comparison to that ancient servitude, you enjoy great freedom this day in America and in other countries of the world. You are free and able to be "kings and priests unto God,"{431} and yet what do you do? You miss the opportunity presented by your spiritual hierarchs come again and you go out to fight battles, to beat the air, as though these paltry human gains should in any way award you the consciousness of God! Far from it! Instead of having the consciousness of God, you are entangled in your own human pride. You think you will rally the forces to defeat the injustices of the governments of this nation and other nations. And in so thinking, you miss the Cause entirely. You render neither to Caesar that which is Caesar's nor to God that which is God's. Thus you miss the spiritual path and you miss Saint Germain's great sponsorship of a nation so imperfect (because its people are yet imperfect) and yet whose laws afford its people the greatest spiritual freedom, the greatest economic freedom, the greatest personal freedom and privacy in their homes and in their right to practice the religion of their choice - and especially this religion! Think of it: this religion that you openly profess today would not have survived even a century ago! Nor would any of you have survived had you practiced it openly: you would have been burned at the stake! Yes, beloved, have you forgot why your ancestors came here? They came first and foremost for freedom of religion - the freedom to worship God as they saw fit. And that should be your rallying cry, your battle cry: to defend your right to practice your religion free from persecution and to spread abroad the Teachings of the Ascended Masters. Or is it true that you intend to spend the next aeon on earth and therefore you prefer to fight your earthly battles and forsake your spiritual cause? You cannot effectively engage in both, beloved. For either one will take all of your focus and all of your energy. And if you attempt to engage in both, it is the spiritual path that will suffer. Therefore I speak as the spokesman of Gautama Buddha and I speak for myself. For this is the Church Universal and Triumphant of Gautama Buddha and of Jesus Christ. And I say to you, beloved, the order and the rules of our Church do not depart from the basic foundations of the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and the texts of the Buddha when those scriptures are properly understood. Thus I speak to those of you who, first of all, have decided that you do not have to be obedient to the mantle of the Guru Moses, which mantle has been and still is upon the Messenger. To defy the laws of the Community and to defy the laws of the Church is to be in a state of insubordination before your spiritual hierarchs. Those of you who do this, beloved, are not centered in your own Christhood. And there are many of you who are not centered in your own Christhood because you have gone the way of the gainsaying of Core, who challenged Moses and challenged his mantle.{432} I would point out to you the long-suffering of the Messenger. The Messenger has not spoken out to you who have violated the laws of this Community and even the laws of the land, for the Messenger does not speak out unless I speak through her. Thus, we have been long-suffering and this is the day that I draw the line in the sand. For there is a connection between those who have allowed a spirit of fanaticism to enter their temples and recent tragic events in Glastonbury. There are some who have poisoned the minds of others in this Community by misleading them into a cause célèbre, that cause being the challenging of the Sixteenth Amendment of the Constitution,{433} the income tax amendment. Blessed hearts, this is precisely why the teachings the Messenger read to you prior to my speaking are written in the scriptures and why I gave to my disciples both the law and the prophets and the new covenant.{434} For if you read all of my words of the New Testament, you shall see from two thousand years ago unto the present my vision of what should come to pass when Saint Germain, my father, should sponsor this nation. Thus, the law of Moses and the word of Christ remain the doctrine of this Church, steadfast in the hearts of its communicants. Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's. That is, pay your tribute {435} as it is due. Get out of Caesar's way and pursue your spiritual path. For ere decades have passed, many of you engaged in the unlawful causes of this world will find yourselves on the astral plane, not having woven your wedding garment, having no sheath of that bridal veil whereby your soul might enter the etheric octave. For when you disobey this law that I have set forth - "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's" - as well as the law of Moses, you separate yourselves from the community of devotees and you cut yourselves off from this altar. And then behold! you become empowered by your own dweller-on-the-threshold. You become empowered by demons of fanaticism. You are no longer of our path. You are no longer of our Church. You are no longer of this Community. And therefore, you will choose this day whom you will serve.{436} And if it be not the living Christ within you, if it be not the mantle of Moses, if it be not the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world (whom you have seen before you day after day and week after week being slain from this corner and that corner), if it be none of these, beloved, then I say give answer. Give answer this day, O hearts who were once hearts of Light, for the light in you has gone out: it has been replaced by fanaticism. Though you yourselves have no longer place or position in this movement, you stay and stay, creating a fragmentation and a division in the Body of God. And there is no reason why hearts of Light, who are joyously obedient to the Word of God that they hear echoing in the chamber of their own hearts, should carry the burden of your darkness that you have allowed into this Community, into this Church and into Glastonbury. You have spread your message around the world. You have communicated it to other Keepers of the Flame. And by the very momentum of the consciousness of Death and Hell that has spawned this entire tax protest movement, you have drawn into your circles those who were well on the path to their spiritual victory. I, Jesus, say to you, I will draw this line, I have drawn the line and I will not stand for this blight on our members any longer! Fanaticism will be exorcised from this movement! And those of you who would go your way and continue on the path of your choosing, to you I say: Go in peace! Go in peace! And do not attempt to do battle with the Messenger or with those who are of the hierarchy of this Church. Hear me now, if you have never heard me before. Sense - if you can still sense the vibration of Light and divide it from Darkness - that I am here, that I have stepped into the very human level of the Messenger that you might see my aura around her and you might respect that presence in yourselves and you might get on with your original purposes for which you came out from the world to sit at the feet of the Ascended Masters, to sit at the feet of your Mighty I AM Presence. And now you have failed to challenge the unreality within yourselves and the momentum of unreality in your dweller-on-the-threshold. And therefore, without even realizing it you have exchanged Christ for Antichrist. I cannot save you unless you renounce your disobedience to the laws of God and man, humble yourselves and settle down to a life of worthfulness, of purpose, of spirituality, of one-pointedness to the cause of Saint Germain and your own victory. This is the community of Bethany. This is the community who went with me to Kashmir. Ye are come again. Ye are bringing into this Community high souls of Light. And the Community is vulnerable for this schism in the midst, caused by those who have decided to challenge whether the intelligence or the integrity of the Messenger. Well, it is not the intelligence or the integrity of the Messenger that is in question, beloved ones, but the Mind of God that ye are without and the mind that you have displaced it with! And therefore ye see all things awry and askew. Therefore know that some of those who have rationalized their breaking the laws of the land have done so in the name of patriotism, to the shame of Saint Germain. To those who think they have in some way hidden from me or the Messenger or perhaps thought that the Messenger should catch on one of these days to the government's "betrayal" of the people, I say: the Messenger caught on long ago to the human dilemma. And she recognized the footsteps that souls on the Path take who reach the place where they must wrestle with the pride of Lucifer and the satanic vibrations of Antichrist and who refuse to do so but rationalize their behavior as being of the Light. And thus they change like chameleons, sometimes overnight, and are no longer my students or my disciples. Therefore, as I have said, let those who want their own way and their own path in exception to the sponsorship of this hierarchy go their way in peace. I send you in peace. May it be so. Thus, I have spoken this day on a matter that is entirely relevant to the death of Mitchell Mandell. This you must understand: Weak minds, noncomprehending minds can easily be taken over by others who, when it comes to these issues, are possessed of demons. I do not say that Mitchell Mandell was weak or strong of mind, but I say that every Lightbearer who comes to this Community has a right to believe and to know that the path which is embraced by the members is the path taught by the Ascended Masters, that the teachings which are embodied by the devotees are the teachings taught by the ministers and teachers, and that the lives and actions of those in the Community attest to the truth and the practicality of the Path. Yes, they have a right to believe that the Community is of one heart and service to the purposes of the Great White Brotherhood and that in all matters the members follow the lead of the founder and sponsor, El Morya. We shall not have many gods in this Community! We shall have one God. And we shall remember and put into perspective what is our service, what is our calling and what is the outline of the purposes of this Community. Let those who wish to live another way of life do so, for this is a nation of freedom - yes, freedom of religion. Go elsewhere, then, if your religion has become the fanaticism of challenging the laws of the land and those who do administer those laws, though sometimes imperfectly and unjustly. Thus, beloved ones, you who would sincerely bear the burden of the Lord, which is my body of Light, as well as the burden of your karma, will leave off from these things and return to your original estate of holiness, your innocence and wonder at the glory of God. You cannot be one with Belial and also be of Christ. Why have you allowed Belial to enter in and turn you from your first love and the firstfruits that blossomed from your tree of life and that you saw in yourself when you followed that path as a little child? Now you have another agenda. And if you would be free from it and if you would understand what I have said this day, then you must make your way back to my heart through fervent decrees to Astrea and the resolve to leave off those causes that are not the causes of Light but the causes of Darkness. Such causes are swallowing up souls across America and they take from you your lawful service in the defense of children, of families, of a nation that is karmically burdened - burdened to such a great extent that one wonders how much more it can take before the most basic of institutions are toppled. Yes, hordes of anger and demons roam the land and you in your pride trifle with these causes. I am ashamed of those who have so engaged themselves and I say, make your peace with the Messenger. The Messenger has offered in writing to receive letters from you concerning unresolved issues. A few have come forward to accept her invitation. Yet in many hearts there does lurk criticism, a continual analysis and faultfinding with actions or nonactions of the Messenger or those who serve with her. These are burdens, then, that all must bear and they interfere with our principal cause of sending these teachings of Light to hearts of Light who can hardly wait to find their own Mighty I AM Presence because they know that somewhere, somewhere this Community exists. Well, I should be ashamed to lead them to our Community, where they should find those who are fanatics not only in the tax protest movement but in the field of health. Beloved hearts, these matters we shall take up one by one. But this week, ere this year has passed and come to a close, I desire that those individuals who are not right with me shall make their decision one way or the other and shall do so out of the profound sincerity of their hearts. Therefore, I send forth mighty light rays into the core of the anger of those individuals who for some time now have been taken over by the demons of anger. You did not come here this day to hear a Christmas message on this subject. But I tell you, unless this darkness be exposed, there shall only be a wider and wider schism until you shall revisit the events in the life of Moses where those who went against him saw the earth open up and swallow them.{437} Know, beloved, that it is not by the Messenger or me that you may be swallowed up in darkness but by your own karma. Thus, I choose not to speak further on the events of nations, on the events of this Community but to alert all that this is the primary problem that faces the Darjeeling Council this day. And if you do not wish to see a repetition of recent events, if you do not wish to see tragedy recur, then I say, let this cancer of fanaticism and disobedience to the laws of the land be excised by every man, woman and child and let us move forward as one Body of Christ. Truly, worthy is the Lamb who is slain from the foundation of the world. I AM Jesus, the Lord of those who receive me according to the law and the love of God. You cannot receive me and entertain me at the same table at which you are entertaining Belial or the seed of Satan or the seed of Lucifer. So then, beloved, wake up! Wake up! Wake up in the name of God. I seal you in my Sacred Heart. And let those who cannot enter there, for they have violated their own hearts, turn quickly and seek the conversion of the Holy Ghost. Thus I authorize this Messenger to dismiss from this Church those who will not accept this message and move onward in courage. I am with Gautama Buddha, Lord of the World, one in the heart of the Dhyani Buddhas. We desire this matter to be settled for their coming, for it is a great privilege that an entire conference should be dedicated by them to the upliftment of the Lightbearers of the earth. In the name of God, I AM your Lord, your Master, your Servant, your Friend. [33-second standing ovation] This dictation by Jesus Christ was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Christmas Day, December 25, 1993, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. The dictation is available on video-and audiocassette. Videocassette (includes the Christmas Eve dictations by Mother Mary and Lanello): total 1 hr. 53 min., HP94002. Audiocassette (includes the Christmas Day service): total 1 hr. 20 min., B94004. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Jesus' direction.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom. ***** Bibliography ***** [1] Volume 36, Number 5, footnote 9. The Pure Land. In his December 13, 1992 dictation delivered at the Royal Teton Ranch, El Morya said, "I am determined ... if you are determined, to see to it that there is a pillar of fire in this place, which we call the Pure Land" (see 1992 PoW, pp. 761, 763). According to the teachings of Mahayana Buddhism, a Pure Land (or Buddha-field) is a spiritual realm or paradise presided over by a Buddha. A Pure Land is first conceived when a Bodhisattva, out of compassion for sentient beings, makes a vow that after he has attained supreme Buddhahood he will establish a Pure Land where conditions will be ideally suited to the attainment of enlightenment. The most famous Pure Land is Sukhavati, the Western Paradise of the Buddha Amitabha. As related in Mahayana sutras, Amitabha established this Pure Land for all who would simply invoke his name in faith or, according to one sutra, live by certain precepts and perform good deeds. In A Survey of Buddhism, Buddhist monk and scholar Sangharakshita explains that Sukhavati may be "thought of as a kind of cosmic Sangha, unthinkably vaster and infinitely more perfect than the institution which is ... its shadow here on earth. One who [is reborn] in this spiritual kingdom is free from the evil destinies; he has no more to fear rebirth ... as a tormented being. Problems of food, clothing and means of livelihood perplex him not. His whole concern is with the attainment of Enlightenment." The Pure Lands are described in Buddhist writings as beautiful abodes, rich and fertile, inhabited by gods and men; they are devoid of all pain or sin as well as the problems of everyday existence. Traditionally, these paradises are believed to actually exist geographically but they are also seen as representing aspects of the awakened mind. According to Buddhist teaching, there are countless Pure Lands; and it is believed that another Pure Land will be brought forth by the Future Buddha Maitreya. [2] Volume 36, Number 7, footnote 1. See vol. 36, no. 7, p. 94. Make a divine chart as Benjamin Franklin did. In her lecture "Ignorance of the Law Is No Excuse," delivered in five segments during this conference, the Messenger presented nine habits we should cultivate in order to break the habit of ignorance. In her discussion of habit 6 - Engage in Self-Examination: Root Out Your Flaws - she outlined ways to systematically overcome faults, including a method devised by Benjamin Franklin. As Franklin relates in his autobiography, he determined in his twenties that he "wished to live without committing any fault at any time." He made a list of thirteen moral virtues he desired to embody and kept a book of charts whereby he could daily evaluate himself on these virtues. Following are the thirteen virtues as listed in his autobiography: 1- Temperance: Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation. 2- Silence: Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation. 3- Order: Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time. 4- Resolution: Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve. 5- Frugality: Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself, i.e., waste nothing. 6- Industry: Lose no time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions. 7- Sincerity: Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly and, if you speak, speak accordingly. 8- Justice: Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty. 9- Moderation: Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve. 10- Cleanliness: Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes, or habitation. 11- Tranquillity: Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable. 12- Chastity: Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another's peace or reputation. 13- Humility: Imitate Jesus and Socrates. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, "Ignorance of the Law Is No Excuse," Part IV (available soon on video-and audiocassette); and Benjamin Franklin: The Autobiography and Other Writings (New York: Viking Penguin, 1986), pp. 90-103, available through Summit University Press. Send for your own copy: Benjamin Franklin: The Autobiography and Other Writings Paperback. =============================================================================== **** Footnotes: **** {1} Rev. 20:11. {2} Isa. 9:6. {3} II Tim. 2:15. {4} Throughout Mother Mary's dictation, the congregation held candles lit from the flame on the altar. {5} Matt. 28:18. {6} On December 15, 1985, Sanat Kumara announced the opening of the door of the Retreat of the Divine Mother in the etheric octave over the Royal Teton Ranch. Sanat Kumara described this retreat as "a vast temple of Light, ... the place of the gathering of the culture of all nations and peoples." See Sanat Kumara, "The Retreat of the Divine Mother at the Royal Teton Ranch," in 1986 PoW, Book I, vol. 29, no. 10, pp. 70-72. {7} Cathedral of illumination's flame. On August 23, 1992, in a dictation delivered at the Royal Teton Ranch, Lord Lanto announced: "Myriad angels of illumination's flame form with their bodies of light and the brightness of the golden [aura] of the sun a cathedral of light around this place, ... a cathedral of the Second Ray of illumination's flame whereby the power of the great minds of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, the World Teachers and their disciples might anchor here that living presence and that place at inner levels which is a part of the Retreat of the Divine Mother, the ca thedral itself." See 1992 PoW, vol. 35, no. 47, pp. 583, 584, 589. {8} In his final incarnation, Lanello was embodied as the Messenger Mark L. Prophet. He was born Christmas Eve 1918, in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. {9} See the Book of Proverbs and the Book of Wisdom (in the Apocrypha). {10} Heb. 11:5, 6. {11} Trial by fire. Mal. 3:1-3; I Cor. 3:13-15; I Pet. 1:7; 4:12. {12} Or siddhis [Sanskrit], supernatural powers acquired through the practice of yoga, such as clairaudience, clairvoyance, levitation, supremacy over the body and mind, knowledge of a previous birth, dominion over the elements, vision of perfected beings, and the power of making oneself invisible. The supreme siddhi is enlightenment. {13} See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, October 13, 1991, "A Profile of Ernon, Rai of Suern," in 1991 PoW, vol. 34, no. 60, pp. 659-67; and the Ascended Master Ernon, Rai of Suern, October 13, 1991, "Lessons Learned," in 1991 PoW, vol.k 34, no. 61, pp. 669-78. The Messenger also highly recommends that every chela read: A Dweller on Two Planets by Phylos the Tibetan Hardbound (Borden Publishing Company, 1952) Available through Summit University Press. {14} For the story of Ernon and the Chaldean soldiers, see Phylos the Tibetan, A Dweller on Two Planets, pp. 115-21 (hardbound); or 1991 PoW, vol. 34, vol. 60, pp. 660-62. {15} In Saint Germain On Alchemy, Saint Germain warns against the "misuse of the powers of the universe for selfish ends." See Saint Germain On Alchemy, Book One, pp. 4-5. {16} Send for your copy of: The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis trans. Leo Sherley-Price (London: Penguin Group, 1952) Available through Summit University Press. {17} Song of Sol. 2:1. {18} The sun is in Capricorn from December 21, 1992 (7:43 a.m. MST) to January 19, 1993 (6:23 p.m. MST). The sign of Capricorn is charted on the 12 o'clock line of the Cosmic Clock. On the 12 o'clock line, under the Great Divine Director and the solar hierarchy of Capricorn, we receive the initiations of God-Power. The perversions of God-Power manifest as criticism, condemnation and judgment and all black magic. {19} In connection with Lanello's teaching on Community, the Messenger recommends that you read the book New Era Community, published by the Agni Yoga Society: New Era Community (U.S.A.: Agni Yoga Society, 1951) Available through Summit University Press. {20} Focus of the threefold flame in the obelisk in Washington. In a dictation given September 30, 1962, the Ascended Master K-17 announced: "There has been held a beautiful and wonderful session at Chananda's retreat in India and a decision was made on the part of beloved Paul the Venetian whereby there was transferred from his retreat in France this day, at the hour of eleven o'clock your time, the full pulsation of the great Liberty Flame. This flame was permanently placed within the forcefield of the Washington Monument; and the pulsations of the Liberty Flame are intended to grace the heart of America as a gift from the Brotherhood and from the heart of beloved Paul the Venetian. ... It is given as a treasure from the heart of France, from the spiritual government of France to the spiritual government of America. ... The Liberty Flame is a gift of greater magnitude than the former gift of France, the Statue of Liberty, as a tribute to that great being, the Goddess of Liberty. It is incomparable, for the flame itself shall penetrate the structure of the monument, rising high into the atmosphere above it; and all who visit there shall become, even without knowing it, infused by the pulsations of the Liberty Flame within the heart of America." (The Liberty Flame is another name for the threefold flame.) See Lords of the Seven Rays: Mirror of Consciousness, Book One, pp. 132-33. {21} Liberty Flame in the heart of the Temple of the Sun over Manhattan. The Temple of the Sun is the retreat of the Goddess of Liberty on the etheric plane over Manhattan, New York. The Goddess of Liberty focuses the flame of Liberty (the threefold flame) on the central altar, which is surrounded by twelve shrines dedicated to the twelve hierarchies of the Sun. {22} The decrees of Divine Love are printed in the pink section of Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness. Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness Section I (includes 6 pink decrees). Section II (includes 7 pink decrees). Section III (for Keepers of the Flame, includes 6 pink decrees). See also the pink section of the Angels booklet, a color-coded booklet of prayers, decrees, affirmations, hymns and mantras dedicated to the Seven Archangels. This booklet is designed to assist you in your meditation upon the angels and in invoking their intercession: Angels booklet. {23} The Sacred Ritual for Transport and Holy Work (Ashram Ritual 5) assists the soul in performing world service while out of the body during the hours of rest. See Ashram Notes, pp. 41-59; or Ashram Rituals booklet, pp. 33-34, 39-52. Ashram Notes by the Ascended Master El Morya Hardbound. Ashram Rituals, 64-page booklet. Audiocassette: 2 cassettes, 2 hr., A90028. {24} Opportunity to draw the image of your Holy Christ Self. In a dictation on October 14, 1974, Paul the Venetian invited us to his retreat in southern France, the Château de Liberté. Beloved Paul said: "I will take you by the hand and show you my castle. I will show you the works of art that have been brought forth by chelas unascended and ascended. And we will go through many rooms, and lastly I will take you to the room where there is that frame that hangs. In some cases it will be an empty frame, in some cases it will have a canvas in it. It will be your frame, the frame of your identity waiting for you to bring forth the genius of your soul. And when you see that frame, if it is empty, you will want to fill it. And so I will take you to that place, 'The Atelier,' where you can work with other artisans who are learning the art of living Love by the discipline of the hand and the discipline of expression so that you can draw the image of your own Christ-perfection. And when it is the best that you have to offer, it will be placed in your frame. And when you come again before that frame after many months of purging and self-purification, you will say undoubtedly, 'Beloved Paul, may I have another opportunity to express my Christhood, to draw the image of myself? For I have perceived a new aspect of that image, and I would like to have this, my best offering, now placed in my frame.' And, of course, you will have the opportunity." See Paul the Venetian, "The Art of Living Love," in Lords of the Seven Rays: Mirror of Consciousness, Book Two, pp. 112-13. {25} Opportunity for elementals to earn a threefold flame. In a dictation on June 30, 1988, the Elohim Heros and Amora promised the elementals that they could earn a threefold flame by assisting the sons and daughters of God. Addressing the elementals, Heros and Amora said: "Those whom you ... serve who do attain the ascension ... shall in turn endow you with a threefold flame. ... The hour draws nigh when those to whom you have given so much may turn and give to you what they have long desired to give." See 1988 PoW, Book II, vol. 31, no. 60, pp. 469-70. {26} Jesus' gift of the resurrection flame to elemental life. In a dictation given March 29, 1964, Jesus Christ announced that he was endowing elemental life with the flame of his momentum of the resurrection and that, from that day forward, the elementals would "never again have the sense of death." Jesus said: "They shall feel my flame always. A portion of that flame resting in them shall remove for all time ... all fear that they have outpictured." {27} Fiats of the LORD printed in bold italic type are to be used by the disciples of Christ as mantras and dynamic decrees in the science of the spoken Word. Keepers of the Flame are encouraged to compose their own affirmations based on the teachings given in the Pearls of Wisdom. {28} Matt. 26:27. {29} Matt. 21:44; Luke 20:18. {30} James 1:17. {31} Call to Lanello to descend the spiral staircase for thirty-three nights. See Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 24-25. {32} Traditionally on New Year's Eve, Ascended Masters and tens of thousands of unascended souls gather in the etheric amphitheater at the Royal Teton Retreat to hear the New Year's Eve address of Gautama Buddha. The message is broadcast at inner levels to devotees around the world. {33} "Step out of the old mold." See Omri-Tas, 1992 PoW, vol. 35, no. 64, p. 722. {34} The "golden emperor" is a reference to Huang-ti, the Yellow Emperor, who is believed to have ruled China from 2696 to 2598 b.c. According to tradition, he reigned over a golden age and was one of the founders of Taoism. The classic Chinese treatise the Nei Ching (also called The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine) is attributed to him. The Messenger has taught on the Yellow Emperor in her lecture series How You Can Celebrate Your Immortality Every Day of Your Life. (See 1992 PoW, vol. 37, no. 7, p. 73 n. 10.) {35} "Current dispensation of the 51 percent." In the past, individuals were required to balance 100 percent of their karma while still in embodiment in order to make their ascension. Under the new dispensation of the Aquarian age, granted by the Lords of Karma in this century, individuals may ascend after balancing 51 percent of their karma; they must balance the remaining 49 percent from inner levels. {36} Spiritual trial by fire. Mal. 3:1-3; I Cor. 3:13-15; I Pet. 1:6, 7; 4:12, 13. {37} Traditionally on New Year's Eve, students of the Ascended Masters write personal petitions to the Karmic Board. See 1992 PoW, p. 72 n. 1. {38} Fiats to Sanat Kumara and the hosts of the Lord. See 1992 PoW, vol. 35, nos. 49 and 65, pp. 619-24, 625, 731-32. {39} Gal. 6:9; II Thess. 3:13. {40} Omri-Tas' Violet Flame Day on the third of each month. See 1991 PoW, vol. 34, no. 65,pp. 749-50; and 1992 PoW, vol. 35, nos. 8, 37, 64, pp. 78, 84 n. 1, 485-86, 722, 724. {41} Refers to the film George Washington - The Man Who Wouldn't Be King. See note above. {42} America, those who have the I AM THAT I AM and its flame burning in their hearts. {43} Release of the dispensation for the golden age of Aquarius. See Saint Germain, October 12, 1992, in 1992 PoW, vol. 35, no. 65, pp. 733-36. {44} Thoughtform for the Year 1993: The All-Seeing Eye of God. See vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 45, 47. {45} See El Morya, December 13, 1992, "A Report," in 1992 PoW, vol. 35, no. 68, pp. 761-80. {46} El Morya, Lord of the First Ray: Dynamic Decrees with Prayers and Ballads for Chelas of the Will of God 1-4 Four 90-min. audiocassettes with accompanying booklets, B88125, B88126, B88127, B91102. {47} Saint Germain's grant from the Lords of Karma and the Cosmic Council. See Saint Germain, August 30, 1992, in 1992 PoW, vol. 35, no. 45, pp. 561-64. {48} "The Covenant of the Magi," decree 30.08 in the pink section of Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness (Section II). For ordering information, see vol. 36, no. 3, p. 37 n. 3. {49} El Morya was embodied as Melchior, one of the three wise men who paid homage to the Christ Child. See also El Morya's Christmas letter, Winter Solstice 1980, "Stars of His Appearing," in 1980 PoW, pp. 381-84. {50} The Pure Land. [1] {51} For more on the Dark cycle, see 1988 PoW, p. 561 n. 3, 1989 PoW, pp 205-6, and 1990 PoW, pp. 71, 73-86, 120-21, 225-27. {52} See Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Science of the Spoken Word, pp. 78-82. N.B. Testimonies of disciples of Jesus Christ and the Ascended Masters stating their witness to the power of Truth in their lives will regularly appear in this column in the Pearls of Wisdom. if you would like to witness to the power of Truth in your life brought about through the Ascended Masters and their Messengers, we welcome your testimony for publication. Your letter will be kept on file in our archives but your name will be withheld from this page to protect your privacy and your progress on the Path. {53} See, vol. 36, no. 6, p. 81. The labors of the chelas of Hercules. In August 1989 the Messenger requested decree assignments from El Morya to accomplish "meritorious deeds" that would help the Great White Brotherhood, El Morya, the Church and the Lightbearers of the world. During the 1989 fall conference, The 12 Labors of Hercules, Archangel Michael announced that Hercules and the Seven Elohim had come to give us spiritual labors. He said: "They come to give you those assignments whereby this world may be delivered of certain increments of karma and certain manifestations of the fallen ones whose time is up." During the conference the Messenger and chelas worked on 12 spiritual labors corresponding to the 12 labors of Hercules in Greek mythology. Beloved Hercules and El Morya have continued to give us labors for the binding of astral forces and fallen ones attacking the Lightbearers. These decree assignments, as the Messenger has explained, are also for penance, initiation and the balancing of karma. {54} See vol. 36, no. 6, p. 82. Rev. 13:8. {55} See vol. 36, no. 6, p. 83. Elohim, the "Divine Us." Elohim is a Hebrew word meaning God, used 2,500 times in the Old Testament. It is a uni-plural noun that refers to the twin flames of the Godhead - the "Divine Us" who created male and female in their image and likeness. The Elohim embody the Light of the Father-Mother God, whom they personify on each of the seven rays. These seven sets of twin God-flames are the "seven Spirits of God" referred to in Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6. {56} See vol. 36, no. 6, p. 83. "O Hercules, Thou Elohim," decree 10.05 in Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness, Section I. For ordering information, see vol. 36, no. 3, p. 37 n. 3. {57} See vol. 36, no. 6, p. 84. Gen. 1:27. {58} See vol. 36, no. 6, p. 84. For more on Ein Sof, the sefirot and the Hebrew Tree of Life, see the Messenger's June 26, 1992 lecture: {59} See vol. 36, no. 6, p. 84. Call to Lanello to descend the spiral staircase for thirty-three nights. See pp. 24-25. {60} antahkarana [Sanskrit, "internal sense organ"]: the web of life; the net of light spanning Spirit and Matter connecting and sensitizing the whole of creation within itself and to the heart of God. {61} See vol. 36, no. 6, p. 91. John 14:2. {62} Pearls Readers: As part of your meditation on the Elohim through this Pearl, you can recite the words to the "Adoration to the Great Central Sun" and sing to "Beloved Cyclopea and Virginia." The melody is "When Day Is Done" by Robert Katscher. {63} See vol. 36, no. 7, p. 94. [2] {64} See vol. 36, no. 7, p. 94. Petitions to the Karmic Board. Biannually, at the turn of the year and at summer solstice, the Lords of Karma meet at the Royal Teton Retreat (in the heaven-world at the site of the Grand Teton near Jackson Hole, Wyoming) to review petitions from unascended devotees and to grant dispensations of sponsorship to worthy souls for constructive purposes. Traditionally, students of the Ascended Masters write personal petitions to the Karmic Board on New Year's Eve and the Fourth of July. In handwritten, sealed letters that are consecrated at the altar and then burned, they offer their service upon the altar of God and ask for divine intercession in their personal lives, the Community of the Holy Spirit, the nation and the world. The letters are then delivered by angels to the Royal Teton Retreat, where they are read and acted on by the Lords of Karma. If you have not yet written your New Year's petition to the Karmic Board, you still have the opportunity to do so. As recommended by the Great Divine Director in this dictation, you should carefully consider what you desire to petition for, keeping in mind "that which is practical, that which is good for one and good for all, that which is good for Community and the expansion of the Church and that which can accomplish truly the forward march in the revolution in education that we seek in America [and the world]." After writing your letter, you can consecrate it at your altar and burn it in your fireplace or a safe receptacle. You may also want to keep a copy of your letter in your Bible for reference - to be sure you keep your promises to God and the Masters - and to use in daily decrees for your stated goals. {65} See vol. 36, no. 7, p. 95. Hierarchies of the twelve Suns. There are twelve signs of the zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Each year, as the Sun moves through the signs of the zodiac, it spends approximately one month (30 degrees) in each sign, entering a new sign around the twenty-first or twenty-second of the month. During the time the Sun is in Capricorn, we say we have "a Capricorn Sun"; during the time it is in Aquarius, we say we have "an Aquarius Sun"; during the time it is in Pisces, we say we have "a Pisces Sun," and so on throughout the twelve signs. For each sign, there is a solar hierarchy, and for each hierarchy there is the focus of the Great Tao, symbolized in the yang and yin of the T'ai Chi. Likewise we see Alpha and Omega, our Father-Mother God, centered in the Suns of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Hence, through the yang and the yin the twelve becomes the twenty-four, marking the twenty-four points of the Great Divine Director's twenty-four-pointed star. {66} See vol. 36, no. 7, p. 95. Matt. 28:18. {67} chela (from Sanskrit ceta, literally 'slave', 'servant'): disciple. The chelas are the gopis of Krishna. In Hinduism, the gopis (Sanskrit, literally 'cowherdesses') are the playmates and Krishna; they represent the soul's intense love of God. {68} See vol. 36, no. 7, p. 100. Decree 10.08, "The Great Divine Director," in Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness, Section I. This decree is also recorded on audiocassette both as a song and as a decree so that you can give it along with the tape. See "Divine Director, Come!" on Save the World with Violet Flame! by Saint Germain 4. Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness Section I. Save the World with Violet Flame! by Saint Germain 4, 93-min. audiocassette with accompanying booklet (B88117). {69} Retreat of the Divine Mother, occupying a vast territory over the Royal Teton Ranch and surrounding mountains and wilderness. See vol. 36, no. 1, p. 9 n. 6. {70} A Dweller on Two Planets by Phylos the Tibetan. For price and ordering information, see vol. 36, no. 2, p. 26 n. 5. During the conference, the Messenger continued her lecture series on A Dweller on Two Planets, delivering her lecture "Ignorance of the Law Is No Excuse" in five segments, January 1-3, 1993. In Part I, given January 1, her teaching focused specifically on the book A Dweller on Two Planets and the psychology and deeds of the key figures. See: A Summit University Extension Course On A Dweller on Two Planets by Phylos the Tibetan A Lecture Series by Elizabeth Clare Prophet 16 "Ignorance of the Law Is No Excuse" Part I: "The Karma of Ignorance: A Portrait of Zailm Numinos, the Saldees and the Suernis" Videocassette: 1 cassette, 87 min., HP93004. {71} Cathedral of illumination's flame. See vol. 36 no. 1, p. 9 n. 7. {72} For the story of Sanat Kumara and the sons and daughters of Venus who accompanied him to earth, see 1979 PoW, Book I, vol. 22, no. 14, pp. 82-86. {73} Friends of Light from many planetary spheres determined to be here on earth. In another dictation, given February 4, 1962, Lady Master Venus announced the birth on earth of many holy Christ children. She said these children, who would be born that very day, were avatars who in their maturity would "assist the mankind of earth to find their way back to the heart of God" and guide them in the great golden age. In a dictation given October 14, 1973, Lord Maitreya also announced the coming of avatars. He said: "To you I make known this hour that the comet of the century [Kohoutek] comes to foretell the birth of many Christed ones, many souls who are to descend within the coming twelvemonth." (See 1984 PoW, Book II, vol. 27, no. 45 pp. 371-73.) {74} See vol. 36, nos. 7 and 8, pp. 95, 100, 107 n. 3. {75} See 1990 PoW, vol. 33, no. 24, p. 308, and 1991 PoW, vol. 34, no. 7, p. 96. {76} Rev. 13:8. {77} See the violet pages of the Angels booklet, a color-coded booklet of prayers, decrees, affirmations, hymns and mantras dedicated to the Seven Archangels. The Messenger says, "Everyone should have one! - because it's a handy booklet containing all you need to keep you in close touch with your Mighty I AM Presence." To order your copy, send for: Angels booklet {78} Mercy seat. The throne of God above the ark of the covenant, regarded as the place of divine access, communion and propitiation. See Exod. 25:17-22 and The Scofield Reference Bible, p. 101 n. 1 and p. 1195 n. 2. {79} Rev. 20:1-3, 7-10. {80} Matt. 26:28; Heb. 9:22. {81} Reinforcements of legions of angels of the Second Ray. In his 1991 New Year's Eve address, Gautama Buddha announced that "angels of far-off worlds who serve the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, the Christed ones on the Second Ray of God's illumination" were moving toward the earth. Gautama said: "I cannot even tell you the rejoicing in the earth of the angels of the Second Ray, who now have tenfold their own numbers to reinforce them in all that they must accomplish for the youth of the world, for the enlightenment of the people, for the transfer of knowledge of what is and is not real in the land, for the rescuing of so many from self-ignorance, self-imposed and self-willed. ... It is the assignment to planet earth, for an indefinite number of decades, of these reinforcements of the Second Ray. And, oh, how they are bright and filled with hope! ... Whatever happens to be your field of endeavor, your calling in life, these angels and their legions of Light can open doors and doorways into octaves unprobed by most of the people in embodiment today. By making contact [with them] through the yellow sphere of golden illumination's flame of your own Causal Body, you can open doors of retreats and of heaven with these angels." (See 1992 PoW, vol. 35, no. 7, pp. 69-71.) {82} Wise dominion in the earth. "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion ... over all the earth" (Gen. 1:26). "Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion ... over every living thing that moveth upon the earth" (Gen. 1:28). {83} The Wisdom of God. Luke 11:49 reads: "Therefore also said the wisdom of God, I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they shall slay and persecute." Some biblical scholars have believed that the "Wisdom of God" is the name of a lost apocryphal text. Archangel Jophiel confirms here that the Wisdom of God was indeed a book that "once existed" and "must reappear." {84} John the Baptist, a "voice in the wilderness" preparing the way of the Lord. Isa. 40:3-5; Mal. 3:1-3; Matt. 3; 11:7-15; Mark 1:2-11; Luke 1:13-17; 3: 1-22; 7:24-29; John 1:6-34; 3:25-30. {85} John 14:12. {86} Another round in the war against the tobacco industry. In a dictation given September 9, 1963, Archangel Jophiel announced that the Lords of Karma would "in due course of time" take action against "the great tycoons of the cigarette industry" and that the karmic law would require them to pay to the last farthing the burden they had imposed "upon the youth of America and the world." (See 1982 PoW, Book II, vol. 25, no. 46, pp. 439, 444 n. 2.) In her lecture before this dictation, the Messenger reviewed the events since Archangel Jophiel's 1963 dictation that have led to a major turnaround in smoking in America. (See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, February 20, 1993, "How Angels Help You to Contact Your Higher Self.") {87} Targeting of youth by the tobacco industry. In her lecture "How Angels Help You to Contact Your Higher Self," the Messenger reported that many people believe certain tobacco companies, such as R. J. Reynolds, specifically target minors in their advertising campaigns. Cigarette sales to minors are illegal in 46 states. However, since the appearance of Old Joe Camel in Reynolds' ads in 1988, Camel cigarette sales to minors have risen from $6 million a year to a current level of $476 million. As related on the August 1, 1992 CNN Headline News, anti-smoking activists contend that tobacco companies also target the black community by advertising heavily in black neighborhoods. Critics charge that children are especially influenced by such ads. {88} "But whosoever shall offend one of these little ones ... " Matt. 18:6; Mark 9:42; Luke 17:1, 2. {89} Rev. 12:7-17. {90} Nicholas Roerich, Shambhala, rev. ed. (Rochester, Vt.: Inner Traditions International, 1990), pp. 150-51, 154-55. Available through Summit University Press. {91} Dan. 12:2. {92} Matt. 25:21, 23; Luke 12:42-44; 19:17. {93} Saint Germain's grant from the Karmic Board and the Cosmic Council. See Saint Germain, August 30, 1992, and October 12, 1992, in 1992 PoW, vol. 35, nos. 45 and 65, pp. 561-64, 731-32. {94} Gen. 28:10-12. {95} Lenten fast. If you did not fast during the Lenten season (between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday), you can still do a fast in preparation for Pentecost. (This year Pentecost is celebrated on May 30.) Be sure to fast only under the advice of a health practitioner. {96} Configuration of planets in January 1994. On January 11, 1994, seven planets - Mars, Venus, Neptune, the Moon, the Sun, Uranus and Mercury - will form a tight "megaconjunction" between 17 and 26 Capricorn. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Astrology of the Four Horsemen, pp. 214-16. Send for your copy: The Astrology of the Four Horsemen {97} I Thess. 5:2, 3. {98} Josh. 22:5; 24:14-24. {99} Nine steps of Saint Germain's alchemy. See Saint Germain On Alchemy, pp. 49-50, 57-78; and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, May 28, 1986, "Saint Germain On Alchemy," delivered in Portland, Oregon: Saint Germain On Alchemy (paperback) Back in print! (available mid-May) {100} II Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15. {101} John 9. {102} John 5:2-4. {103} John 21:22. {104} Rev. 11:18. {105} Heb. 13:2. {106} Col. 2:9. {107} Jer. 31:33; Heb. 8:10; 10:16. {108} Matt. 7:13, 14; Luke 13:24. {109} Fiats of the Lord printed in bold italic type are to be used by the disciples of Christ as mantras and dynamic decrees in the science of the spoken Word. Keepers of the Flame are encouraged to compose their own affirmations based on the teachings given in the Pearls of Wisdom. {110} Matt. 17:20; 21:21, 22; Mark 11:22-24; Luke 17:6. {111} See 1992 PoW, vol. 35, nos. 49 and 65, pp. 619-24, 625, 731-32. {112} Explosion at the World Trade Center in New York. On Friday, February 26, 1993, at 12:18 p.m., a massive bomb blast rocked the twin towers of the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan, causing extensive damage. Six people were killed and over 1,000 injured in the explosion. It was the most destructive terrorist attack ever to occur within the United States. Two Palestinian immigrants have been indicted for the bombing and deaths, and law-enforcement officials are searching for others who participated in the bombing. {113} John 13:10. {114} Luke 1:26-38. {115} The Lord cometh as a thief in the night. Matt. 24:42-44; Luke 12:36-40; I Thess. 5:2-8; II Pet. 3:10; Rev. 3:3; 16:15. {116} Heb. 4:12. {117} Col. 1:27. {118} Matt. 26:27. {119} Return to the heart of your own inner child. To assist you in working on your psychology and healing your inner child, the Messenger recommends the following books, available through Summit University Press: The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth by M. Scott Peck Healing Your Aloneness: Finding Love and Wholeness through Your Inner Child by Erika J. Chopich and Margaret Paul Inner Bonding by Margaret Paul The Inner Child Workbook: What to Do with Your Past When It Just Won't Go Away by Cathryn L. Taylor Your Inner Child of the Past by W. Hugh Missildine Healing the Child Within: Discovery and Recovery for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families by Charles L. Whitfield The Invisible Partners: How the Male and Female in Each of Us Affects Our Relationships by John A. Sanford Children of Trauma: Rediscovering Your Discarded Self by Jane Middelton-Moz Healing the Shame That Binds You by John Bradshaw Embracing Our Selves: The Voice Dialogue Manual by Hal Stone and Sidra Winkelman Healing the Family Within by Robert Subby Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life by Susan Forward with Craig Buck Making Peace with Your Parents: The Key to Enriching Your Life and All Your Relationships by Harold H. Bloomfield with Leonard Felder The Messenger also recommends the following lecture, available on audiocassette: {120} Sections printed in bold italic type can be used as fiats. The Messenger recommends that you keep a special section in your decree books for fiats and affirmations of the Ascended Masters. Each week when you receive your Pearl of Wisdom, you can type up the bold fiats and place them in your decree book. You are also encouraged to compose your own fiats and affirmations based on the teachings given in the Pearls of Wisdom. {121} Gen. 32:24-30. {122} Rock of Christ. I Cor. 10:4; Matt. 21:42, 44; Luke 20:17, 18. {123} Luke 1:19. {124} Phil. 3:14. {125} Matt. 12:43-45; Luke 11:24-26. {126} Priesthood of Melchizedek. Gen. 14:18; Ps. 110:4; Heb. 5:5-10; 6:20; 7. {127} Phil. 4:7. {128} the dweller-on-the-threshold {129} Karma descending in increments each twenty-third of the month. In his New Year's Eve address, December 31, 1992, Gautama Buddha announced that henceforth on the twenty-third of each month there would descend upon every creature on earth "a fine powder, ... a dust of karma." Gautama said that much of this karma dust could be transmuted by the violet flame. See vol. 36, nos. 4 and 5, pp. 52, 74. {130} Ps. 82:6; John 10:34. {131} Exod. 3:1-15. {132} "Well done, thou good and faithful servant ... " Although this statement was made by Jesus in parables (see Matt. 25:21, 23; Luke 19:17), these words were also spoken to him at the conclusion of a prior incarnation. {133} "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Matt. 3:16, 17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21, 22. {134} See "Anxiety and the Anxiety Syndrome," in Saint Germain On Alchemy, pp. 218-26. Order your own copy (it's back in print!): Saint Germain On Alchemy {135} Ps. 23:4; 139:1-13. {136} Rev. 16:7; 19:2. {137} "Fall on us!" Rev. 6:15-17; Hos. 10:8; Luke 23:27-30. {138} Prov. 14:12; 16:25. {139} Karma of 25,800 years. See 1989 PoW, vol. 32, nos. 29, 32, 36, pp. 414, 468-69, 509-10; 1990 PoW, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 63-64, 73. {140} Gal. 6:5. {141} Matt. 23:37; Luke 13:34. {142} The dispensation of the Healing Thoughtform was announced by Archangel Raphael on March 28, 1964. See Archangel Raphael, "The Healing Thoughtform: The Crystalline Star of Understanding," in 1982 PoW, Book II, vol. 25, no. 49, pp. 461-65 (excerpted in 1991 PoW, vol. 34, no. 4, p. 49 n. 11). See also: "The Healing Thoughtform: The Perfect Picture of the Divine Design," decree 50.04A in Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness, Section I. For further teaching and color illustration, see "My Visualization for the Healing Thoughtform," pp. 144-48 in: The Science of the Spoken Word by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet Wallet-size laminated card of the Healing Thoughtform {143} The venom of Samael. In her lecture "How Angels Help You to Heal Yourself, Your Family and Friends," the Messenger revealed that Samael is the false hierarchy impostor of Archangel Raphael. According to Kabbalistic sources, Samael means "venom of God" - i.e., virulent speech, thought or other spiritual poisons. The Messenger explained that Samael actively delivers the "venom of God" in the form of viruses, bacterias and terminal diseases, such as cancer and AIDS. These can be antidoted by right diet, right living and the application of the science of the spoken Word, especially dynamic decrees to the violet flame. Applications of medical science and Nature's alternatives are also in order and often life-saving. {144} Rev. 12:12. {145} I Pet. 5:8. {146} Phil. 2:5. {147} The iniquity of the fathers visited upon subsequent generations. Exod. 20:5, 6; 34:6, 7; Num. 14:18; Deut. 5:9, 10. {148} since Roe v. Wade {149} Videocassettes on life in the womb and abortion, available through Summit University Press: Ultrasound: "A Window to the Womb," Educational Center for Life (45 min., #2906.) The Miracle of Life, WGBH Educational Foundation (60 min., #2911.) The Silent Scream, American Portrait Films (28 min., #2912.) Eclipse of Reason, Bernadell, Inc. (27 min., #2913.) Meet the Abortion Providers, Pro-Life Action League (58 min., #2914.) See also Elizabeth Clare Prophet, March 30, 1991, "Life Begets Life," a seminar on the right to life and the Ascended Masters' teachings on abortion: {150} City of the heart. The heart chakra of America is focused in Chicago. In a dictation given in Chicago on October 30, 1987, Gautama Buddha placed a focus of his heart, "the threefold Flame of the Lord of the World," over Chicago. (See Gautama Buddha, "The Heart Chakra of America," in 1987 PoW, vol. 30, no. 72, pp. 569-72.) The crown chakra is focused in Boston, the third-eye chakra in New York City, the throat chakra in Washington, D.C., the solar-plexus chakra in Detroit, the seat-of-the-soul chakra in Los Angeles, and the base-of-the-spine chakra in Miami. {151} Godfre Ray King and Lotus Ray King were the pen names of Guy and Edna Ballard. The Ballards were Messengers of Saint Germain, through whom he founded the I AM Activity in Chicago in the early 1930s. Both have now ascended and are known and loved as Godfre and Lotus, their Ascended Master names. {152} See Archangel Zadkiel, November 25, 1987, "The Vision of a Future That Could Be," in 1987 PoW, vol. 30, no. 77, pp. 591-95. {153} Prophecy to be fulfilled unless there is an ongoing conflagration of violet flame. See Mother Mary, December 30, 1992, see vol. 36, no. 1, p. 2, {154} In connection with your research and decrees on crime, the Messenger recommends that you see the new motion picture Hoffa, directed by Danny DeVito and starring Jack Nicholson, 20th Century Fox, 1992. Available through your local video store. {155} Keepers of the Flame must make the calls for the binding of the elements of organized crime in their cities, states and nations worldwide. Organized crime pulls the consciousness and the vibration of the cities to the lowest levels of the astral plane - the very depths of Death and Hell. {156} Rev. 6:1-8. {157} Rev. 6:17. {158} Great Central Sun Ritual: O Cosmic Christ, Thou Light of the World! (Ashram Ritual 2). See Ashram Notes, pp. 16-18; or Ashram Rituals booklet, pp. 25-27: Ashram Notes by the Ascended Master El Morya Hardbound. Ashram Rituals 64-page booklet. Audiocassette: 2 cassettes, 2 hr., A90028. {159} Omri-Tas' dispensation for the multiplication of 15 minutes of violet flame. See Omri-Tas, July 7, 1984, "Saturate the Earth with Violet Flame!" in 1984 PoW, Book II, vol. 27, no. 50a, pp. 139-40; and "I AM the Witness," vol. 36, no. 5, p. 75. An excerpt of Omri-Tas' dictation is printed, along with additional violet flame dispensations, in The Science of the Spoken Word (new edition, 11th printing). See pp. 181, 150-194: The Science of the Spoken Word by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet {160} For more on the perversions of music and how these affect your spiritual development, see: The Science of Rhythm for the Mastery of the Sacred Energies of Life by Elizabeth Clare Prophet Audiocassette: 2 cassettes, 2 hr. 5 min., A7834. Rock and Roll in America: Open Warfare by the Seed of Darkness upon the Children of Light by Sean C. Prophet Audiocassette: 4 cassettes, 4 hr. 57 min., A87069. {161} Dan. 12:1-3. {162} "Weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth." Matt. 8:12; 13:41-43, 49, 50; 22:11-14; 24:50, 51; 25:29, 30; Luke 13:28. {163} The exact number of hours Jesus hung on the cross is not known. According to Mark 15:25, Jesus was crucified at the third hour (9:00 a.m.), but John 19: 14 indicates that Jesus was not even condemned to death until about the sixth hour (noon). Matt. 27:46, Mark 15:34 and Luke 23:44 concur that Jesus died about the ninth hour (3:00 p.m.), which would mean Jesus suffered on the cross for about six hours at most. He was taken down from the cross and buried before sunset. {164} Matt. 26:26-28. {165} "Put off the old man with his deeds." Eph. 4:17-32; Col. 3; Rom. 6. {166} John 12:24. {167} via dolorosa [from Latin, literally 'sorrowful road']: The path Jesus walked from the place where he stood before Pilate to the place where he was to be crucified on Golgotha. A painfully difficult route, passage, or series of experiences. {168} I Cor. 15:26. {169} "Walk the earth in the Spirit of the Resurrection." In his Christmas Day Address 1990, Jesus Christ said: "Understand that you may walk the earth in the Spirit of the Resurrection, but the true initiation of the resurrection will come to you only after you have sought and achieved that fusion [of your soul] with your Holy Christ Self and that fusion with myself." Beloved Jesus gave us important teaching on the resurrection and encouraged us to use the resurrection mantras to prepare our temples to receive the fires of the resurrection. (See 1990 PoW, vol. 33, no. 49, pp. 619, 622, 625-27.) The Ritual of the Resurrection Flame by Jesus the Christ - including decrees, songs, mantras and prayers to the resurrection flame - is recorded on audiocassette. You will want to order your own copy and join the Messenger and devotees at the Royal Teton Ranch in giving this devotion to the resurrection flame: Ritual of the Resurrection Flame by Jesus the Christ on 94-minute audiocassette (ritual: 47 minutes) cassette includes Jesus' Easter Day Address 1992 B92040. {170} seraphims is an alternate plural form of seraphim. (See Isa. 6:2, 6, KJV.) {171} As the Ascended Masters use the word Reality with a capital R, it is a synonym for God. They use it to refer to the constancy of absolute God-Reality in contrast to the ebb and flow of events on earth. The word actualities refers to things as they are, in flux at any moment. The rise and fall of the human consciousness in the undulations of its positive and negative karma produces the "actualities in the earth." {172} John 9:5. {173} Lanto, Lord of the Second Ray: Dynamic Decrees with Prayers and New Age Songs for Chelas of the Wisdom of God 1. 94-min. audiocassette with accompanying booklet, B89052. {174} Jophiel's legions and their reinforcements. See vol. 36, no. 10, pp. 115, 123 n. 1. {175} John 9:4; 12:35. {176} Seven planets in Capricorn in January 1994. See vol. 36, no. 11, p. 136 n. 6. {177} Ride of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Rev. 6:1-8. Prior to Cyclopea and Virginia's dictation, the Messenger read Revelation 6. {178} the white fire of purification that the impre experience as God's 'anger' {179} The great winepress of the wrath of God. Rev. 14:14-20; 19:15; Isa. 63:1-6. {180} New creature in Christ. II Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15. {181} Deut. 30:19. {182} The Martian perversions include aggression, anger, arrogance, argumentation, accusation, agitation, apathy, atheism, annihilation, aggravation, aggressive mental suggestion; family mesmerism; criticism, condemnation and judgment; malicious, ignorant, sympathetic and delicious animal magnetism; and all anti-Americanism, anti-Father, anti-Mother, anti-Christ and anti-Holy Spirit manifestations in the four quadrants of Matter. For teaching on the Martian perversions, see 1992 PoW, vol. 35, no. 57, p. 661, notes from Pearl, vol. 35, no. 55, n. 1. {183} Jesus lived in the East after the crucifixion. See 1984 PoW, Book I, Introduction I, p. 11. {184} Franklin Day Planners are available from the Franklin International Institute, Inc., 2200 West Parkway Boulevard, West Valley City, Utah 84119-2331. For information, call Customer Service: (800) 654-1775. In Canada, write to the Franklin International Institute, Inc., 1165 Franklin Boulevard, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada N1R 8E1, or phone (519) 740-2580. {185} Matt. 18:21, 22. {186} John 15:13. {187} Matt. 28:18. {188} Mark 9:41; Matt. 10:42. {189} Exod. 2:16-20; 3:1. {190} Persecutions must come. John 15:18-21; Mark 10:29-30; 13:8-13; II Tim. 3: 12. {191} Rev. 13:8. {192} Lifestream. The stream of life that comes forth from the one Source, from the I AM Presence in the planes of Spirit, and descends to the planes of Matter, where it manifests as the threefold flame anchored in the heart chakra for the sustainment of the soul in Matter and the nourishment of the four lower bodies. Used to denote souls evolving as individual "lifestreams" and hence synonymous with the term "individual." {193} Matt. 18:21, 22. {194} Luke 23:34. {195} Gen. 28:10-12. {196} Phil. 3:14. {197} Announcement of the ascension flame rising in the Messenger Mark L. Prophet. In a dictation delivered through the Messenger Mark L. Prophet on October 7, 1962, the Ascended Master Hilarion announced: "The Messenger that stands before you has had a special anointing of the sacred fire preparatory to this address this day which has caused the very physical atoms of his body to change. And within him an action has taken place in preparation for his own ascension. Yet he shall walk among you for a time." Hilarion made this announcement more than ten years before Mark Prophet made his ascension on February 26, 1973. In a dictation delivered through Elizabeth Clare Prophet on May 4, 1991, the Ascended Master Amen Bey said: "Let not a day conclude, beloved ones, that you do not claim an increment of your ascension. How well I remember the initiation given to Mark Prophet years before his ascension, when that flame was established, beginning at the feet and at the legs and anchored there. And thus, you who are preparing to enter that flame sometime in this century or the next as the years of your life span unfold, know that if you are a candidate for the ascension, you do receive increments of that fire. And thus, as though you were being built and rebuilt stone upon stone, now of lively stones replacing the rays of mortality with the rays of immortality, so you will find that the capstone upon your pyramid of being shall be the culmination of the full and intense action of the ascension flame" (see 1991 PoW, vol. 34, no. 29, pp. 379-80). {198} Mark L. Prophet served in the U.S. Army Air Corps from September 29, 1942, to October 27, 1945. {199} "The bag carried by the very special Buddha." In Chinese Buddhism, Lord Maitreya is sometimes portrayed as "the Hemp-bag Bonze," or Laughing Buddha. (A "bonze" is a Buddhist monk.) In his role as the Hemp-bag Bonze, Maitreya appears as a plump, jolly, pot-bellied Laughing Buddha. He is often shown sitting and holding a sack, with happy children climbing all over him. To the Chinese, he represents prosperity, material wealth and spiritual contentment; the children represent the blessing of a large family. In Buddhism in China: A Historical Survey, Kenneth Ch'en writes: "One feature of his appearance singled him out - he carried a hemp bag wherever he went. Into this bag was deposited whatever he received, and for this reason the bag became an object of intense curiosity, especially among the children. They would chase him and climb all over him, and force him to open his bag. On such an occasion he would place the bag on the ground, empty the contents one by one, and just as methodically put them back into the bag. The expressions attributed to him were all enigmatic and exhibit [Zen] characteristics. ... Once a monk asked him about his bag; he replied by placing it on the ground. When asked what this meant, he shouldered the bag and went away. Once he was asked how old the bag was, and he replied that it was as old as space." The Messenger has explained that the bag demonstrates the mystery of space and the miracle of space under the dominion of the Buddha. Its timelessness shows the Buddha's mastery of segments of eternity, hence eternity itself, through the flame of Mother. See "A Portrait of Maitreya as the Hemp-Bag Bonze," in 1984 PoW, Book II, Introduction II, pp. 37-40. {200} See Saint Germain, July 6, 1984, "May You Pass Every Test!" in Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lords of the Seven Rays, Book Two, pp. 249-74; and 1984 PoW, Book II, vol. 27, no. 49, pp. 413-28. {201} Prov. 14:12, 16:25. {202} Heb. 11:35. {203} Purity and Astrea are referring here to the second death. See Rev. 2:11; 20:6, 11-15; 21:7, 8; and Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Lost Teachings of Jesus II, pp. 75, 117-19, 386-89 (hardbound and trade paperback). Or pocket book version: Book 2, pp. 277-78; Book 3, pp. 50-52; Book 4, pp. 113-17. {204} Mark 1:23, 24; Luke 4:33, 34. {205} Gen. 3:21. {206} "We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced." Matt. 11:16, 17; Luke 7:31, 32. {207} Luke 22:17-20; I Cor. 11:23-26. {208} Dharmakaya. See 1992 PoW, vol. 35, no. 20, p. 271 n. 3. {209} The Messenger recommends the Franklin Day Planner. See vol. 36, no. 21, p. 289 n. 1. {210} Calls to Sanat Kumara and the hosts of the Lord. See 1992 PoW, vol. 35, nos. 49, 65, 67, pp. 619-24, 625, 731-32, 757-58; and vol. 36, nos. 4 and 12, pp. 50-51, 151-52. {211} Buddhist tale about the wall. See 1992 PoW, vol. 35, no. 57, pp. 656, 661 n. 1. {212} sensor [from Latin sentire `to perceive']: a device that responds to a physical stimulus (as heat, light, sound, pressure, magnetism, or a particular motion) and transmits a resulting impulse (as for measurement); also: sense organ. {213} II Tim. 2:15. {214} "Do all to the glory of God." I Cor. 10:31. In her intimate communion with God the Father, Saint Catherine of Siena (1347-1380) received the understanding of the principle of dedicating one's life and service "to the glory of God" and acknowledging Him as the source. As recorded in her mystical treatise, The Dialogue, God the Father tells Catherine: "The root of discretion is a real knowledge of self and of My goodness, by which the soul immediately, and discreetly, renders to each one his due. Chiefly to Me in rendering praise and glory to My Name, and in referring to Me the graces and the gifts which she sees and knows she has received from Me. ... The tree of love feeds itself on humility, bringing forth from its side the off-shoot of true discretion ... from the heart of the tree, that is the affection of love which is in the soul, and the patience, which proves that I am in the soul and the soul in Me." See Algar Thorold trans., The Dialogue of the Seraphic Virgin Catherine of Siena, pp. 51-52, 54 (available through Summit University Press, paperback). {215} The ten vows of Kuan Yin are printed in Kuan Yin's Crystal Rosary booklet, pp. 16-18; the Church Universal and Triumphant Book of Hymns and Songs, no. 647; and the violet section of the Angels booklet, p. 16, no. 52. {216} Fruit for the feast of Maitreya. In both Buddhism and Hinduism, the disciple makes various offerings to the deity or guru in a ritual called puja. In Tibetan Buddhism there are seven traditional material offerings: water bowls, flowers, fragrant incense, lamps, scented water, fruit or other food, and music. Besides these, the disciple is encouraged to offer those things he most cherishes in the world. By concentration, he multiplies his offerings. Thus, offerings are both material, or outer, and mental, or inner. In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna states: "He who offers to me with devotion only a leaf, or a flower, or a fruit, or even a little water, this I accept from that yearning soul, because with a pure heart it was offered with love. ... Give me thy mind and give me thy heart, give me thy offerings and thy adoration; and thus with thy soul in harmony, and making me thy goal supreme, thou shalt in truth come to me" (9.26, 34). {217} fitted: alternative past form of fit, used chiefly in British English. {218} rubbage: obsolete or dialect variant of rubbish. {219} For more on the tales of ancient Atlantis told by Phylos the Tibetan and the golden age of Jesus Christ on Atlantis, see: A Dweller on Two Planets by Phylos the Tibetan Paperback (Borden Publishing Company) Available through Summit University Press. {220} devachan [Sanskrit, "dwelling place of the shining ones"]: The Ascended Masters teach that devachan is the first three levels of the etheric octave. It is the place of wish-fulfillment, where the soul may be assigned between embodiments to play out unfulfilled desires and prepare for the next incarnation. {221} Refers to a poem in Mahatma Letter No. XLIII: "Does the road wind up-hill all the way?" / "Yes to the very end." / "Will the day's journey take the whole long day?" / "From morn to night, my friend." {222} "I and my Father are one." John 10:30, 38; 14:9-11, 20; 17:21-23. {223} akasha [Sanskrit, from the root kas `to be visible, appear', `to shine brightly', `to see clearly']: All that transpires in an individual's world and all events in the physical universe are recorded in an etheric substance and dimension known as akasha. Akasha is defined as primary substance, the subtlest, ethereal essence, which fills the whole of space; etheric energy vibrating at a certain frequency so as to absorb, or record, all of the impressions of life. The akashic records can be read by adepts or those whose soul (psychic) faculties are developed. The Messenger has explained that an Ascended Master or an unascended adept can look at a record just the way an archaeologist would look through layers of the earth. He can look through layers of records and pinpoint any age or time since the earth was created and read the record of what happened at that particular point in time and space. The Messenger Mark L. Prophet said: "Man makes a record every time he thinks or speaks or feels. Just like a clock ticking twenty-four hours a day, the computers of heaven are ticking off and recording the events of our lives and bringing back to our own personal doorstep exactly what we send out." {224} Unrecorded sayings of Jesus. Jesus' words on the cross "Lo, I AM Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending," were not recorded except in akasha. John 19:30 records Jesus' words "It is finished" - which are only a fragment of the poignant prayer Jesus offered to the Father on the cross. Our Lord's "It Is Finished!" was written down in 1963 by the Messenger Mark L. Prophet from akasha. See "It Is Finished!" decree 60.02 in Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness, Section II. {225} Ein Sof, the Hebrew Tree of Life and the sefirot. See 1992 PoW, vol. 35, no. 59, p. 683 n. 2, and the Messenger's June 26, 1992 lecture "Keys from Judaism - the Kabbalah and the Temple of Man." Available on both video-and audiocassette (see p. 106 n. 6 for ordering information). On July 20, 1993, at Summit University, the Messenger continued her teaching on this subject in her lecture "The Palm Tree of Deborah." {226} "Lo, here is Christ, or, lo, he is there!" Matt. 24:23-26; Mark 13:21, 22; Luke 17:21-23. {227} "With God all things are possible." Matt. 19:26; Mark 10:27; Luke 1:37; 18:27; John 5:30; 14:10. {228} Cain rejected by Lord Maitreya for his sin. See Gen. 4:1-16. Lord Maitreya was the Guru in the Garden of Eden. In Gen. 4:7, after rejecting Cain's offering, Lord Maitreya said to him: "If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? And if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door." Cain then slew his brother, Abel, incurring the Lord's judgment. (It goes without saying that we love the Atman within. But unless the soul has bonded to the Atman, it is self-excluded from that love. Yes, the wicked must repent from his wickedness and sow seeds of righteousness ere he receive the love of the Father-Mother God.) {229} The barren fig tree. Matt. 21:18-20; Mark 11:12-14, 20, 21. {230} "Every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit" Matt. 3:10; Luke 3:9. See also Matt. 7:15-20; Luke 13:6-9. {231} Matt. 18:19, 20. {232} Twenty-four-hour El Morya vigil on the fourth of each month. See "I AM the Witness", vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 70, 71, 77-80. The Messenger recommends including in your vigil the decrees and songs from the four El Morya tapes - El Morya, Lord of the First Ray: Dynamic Decrees with Prayers and Ballads for Chelas of the Will of God 1-4 - and the Hail to the Chief! song cassette. You may also want to give Archangel Michael's Rosary for Armageddon, the Surrender Rosary, Ashram Ritual 3: Sacred Ritual for Attunement with God's Holy Will, as well as Mother Mary's Scriptural Rosary celebrating the Joyful Mysteries on the First Ray. {233} Prov. 22:6. {234} "Jesus the Nazarene." The term Nazarene was one of several appellations given to Christians in the early centuries a.d. Helena Blavatsky writes in Isis Unveiled that both Jesus and John the Baptist were Nazarenes. She numbers the early Nazarenes among the Gnostic sects. Confusion has arisen in the translation of the word Nazarene. It has traditionally been translated as "of Nazareth," but there is no record that Nazareth existed at the time Jesus lived. Some scholars suggest that the word Nazarene means that Jesus was a Nazirite [Hebrew nazir, from nazar, `separate', `consecrate', `abstain']. The Nazirites were men and women who were consecrated to the service of God, either through their own vow or that of a parent. Blavatsky views the Nazarenes as the spiritual descendants of the original Nazirites, referred to in the Old Testament. {235} Jesus' pledge to heal the inner child. In a dictation on July 5, 1991, Jesus said: "You may call to me in the steps and stages of the unfoldment of my God-free being, from the Manchild in the womb unto the Son of God, from the infant Christ newborn to the child of seven and twelve. In all these steps you may call to me, for each step of my initiation corresponds to a step of your own. ... I will take you at inner levels through the steps of development from your physical body's conception in the womb. I will take you through those skipped steps until your soul is satisfied that you have fulfilled each step that God has ordained for you as your inalienable right" (see 1991 PoW, vol. 34, no. 41, pp. 483, 484-86, 487). And in his Christmas Day Address 1991, Jesus said: "To the little child within you, to you yourself, in each year of your life on each birthday, [I give the kiss of the Christmas Rose and] I seal you, each and every year unto the present, beloved. Know that my love is sufficient unto you to resolve every unresolved problem - a spiritual problem, a problem in the psyche or in your psychology, a problem of the mind or the heart or the desires. This kiss, beloved, is there for you to accept and, with it, to accept the healing of the experiences of that year of your life" (see 1991 PoW, vol. 34, no. 67, pp. 769-70). {236} Krishna's pledge to heal the inner child. On October 10, 1992, in Atlanta, Georgia, the Messenger conducted a "Meditation for the Dissolving of Painful Memories." She gave teaching from Lord Krishna on using the recordings of his mantras and bhajans for the healing of the records of pain. She said: "What Krishna teaches you is to visualize his Presence over yourself at the age when you experienced emotional trauma, physical pain, mental pain, anguish - all records of pain, any records that flash to you from this or a previous lifetime. You can ask for these events in your life to pass before your third eye like slides moving across a screen or even a motion picture of the events. Assess the age you were at the moment of the trauma. Then visualize Lord Krishna at that age - six months old, six years old, twelve years old, fifty years old - and see him standing over you and over the entire situation. If there are other figures in this scene through whom the pain has come, see the Presence of Lord Krishna around them also until in this devotional mantra you are pouring such love to Lord Krishna that he is taking your love, multiplying it through his heart, passing it back through you and transmuting that scene and that record. If you see every party to the problem, to the anger, to the burden, as being superimposed with Lord Krishna, you can understand that you can affirm in your heart that there really is no reality but God. Only God is real and God is placing his Presence over that situation through the personification of himself in Lord Krishna." {237} Phil. 4:13. {238} Benjamin Franklin's prophecy. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) wrote his own epitaph: "The body of Benjamin Franklin, printer, like the cover of an old book, its contents torn out and stripped of its lettering and gilding, lies here, food for worms. But the work shall not be lost; for it will, as he believed, appear once more in a new and more elegant edition, revised and corrected by the Author." In his final incarnation, Benjamin Franklin was embodied as Edna Ballard. Guy and Edna Ballard were Messengers of Saint Germain, through whom he founded the I AM Activity in the early 1930s. See also vol. 36, no. 8, p. 106 n. 1 on Benjamin Franklin's system of daily self-evaluation and vol. 36, no. 21, p. 289 n. 1 on the Franklin Day Planner, recommended by the Messenger. {239} John 6:53-58. {240} Phil. 3:14; I Cor. 9:24. {241} Jesus' twin. See 1992 PoW, vol. 35, no. 61, 66, 67, pp. 704 n. 2, 743-44, 752. {242} You are required to balance 51 percent of your karma in order to ascend. See vol. 36, nos. 4 and 23, pp. 54 n. 4, 310-12. {243} "My words shall not pass away." Matt. 24:35; Mark 13:31; Luke 21:33. {244} Prophecy of the second death. Rev. 20:6, 11-15; 21:8. {245} The LORD Our Righteousness. Jer. 23:5, 6; 33:15, 16. {246} Cathedral of illumination's flame. See p. 9 n. 7. {247} "Father, not my will but thine be done." Luke 22:42; Matt. 26:39; Mark 14:36. {248} "Some will understand." After Gautama Buddha's enlightenment under the Bo tree, the tempter Mara tried to dissuade him from his mission. Mara said: "How can your experience be translated into words? Return to nirvana. Do not try to deliver your message to the world, for no one will comprehend it. Remain in bliss." Gautama replied, "There will be some who will understand." He then journeyed to Benares and delivered his first sermon, revealing the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. Gautama continued to preach throughout India for forty-five years. (See 1989 PoW, vol. 32, no. 30, pp. 443-45.) {249} "The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." Isa. 11:9; Hab. 2:14. {250} Matt. 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13. {251} "Get in line with the sun of Helios and Vesta" by giving Ashram Ritual 2 - Great Central Sun Ritual - and their mantras, "Salutation to the Sun of God" and "Mantra to Helios and Vesta" (decrees 20.20 and 20.21; also printed as nos. 8 and 11 in the Angels booklet, yellow section). {252} Steven Acuff's healing seminars. On April 12 and 13, 1993, Steven Acuff, internationally acclaimed macrobiotic consultant and lecturer, conducted a two-day Special Seminar on Practical Healing at the Royal Teton Ranch. Day one included an introductory lecture, five one-hour intensives on "Healing with the Five Transformations (Elements)," and a question and answer session. Day two included three lectures on selecting the correct foods to increase one's life force ("chi"), to support male and female energy and polarity, and to promote spiritual development. It concluded with questions and answers on the correct macrobiotic diet for pregnancy, mothers and children. The entire seminar will be available soon on audiocassette. At Summit University Summer Session 1992, Mr. Acuff gave another excellent seminar - Oriental Diagnosis: How to Evaluate Your Health. This three-day seminar is available on videocassette and is a must for everyone who values his health. See p. 260 for a complete listing of topics and price and ordering information. {253} Evil eye. An eye or glance held capable of inflicting harm; also, a person believed to have such an eye or glance. (Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary.) See also 1989 PoW, vol. 32, no. 54, p. 703 n. 2; and Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Lost Teachings of Jesus I, pp. 152-55. {254} Matt. 15:11. {255} Eph. 6:11-17. {256} II Cor. 12:9. {257} James 1:22-25. {258} Assimilate the Word! See pp. 374-75, 388-90; and Josh. 1:8; Ps. 1:1-3. {259} Satan was bound by Archangel Michael in 1968. On January 27, 1982, he was remanded to the Court of the Sacred Fire, resulting in his final judgment and second death. (See Jesus Christ, "The Final Judgment of Satan," in 1982 PoW, Book I, vol. 27, nos. 24 and 25, pp. 185-96.) Lucifer was bound on April 16, 1975, and taken to the Court of the Sacred Fire, where he stood trial before the Four and Twenty Elders for a period of ten days. He was sentenced to the second death on April 26, 1975. (See Alpha, July 5, 1975, "The Judgment: The Sealing of the Lifewaves throughout the Galaxy," and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, July 6, 1975, "Antichrist: the Dragon, the Beast, the False Prophet, and the Great Whore," in The Great White Brotherhood in the Culture, History and Religion of America, pp. 234-36, 239-49.) When a fallen one is bound and taken to the Court of the Sacred Fire, the next ranking false hierarch assumes his office and title. Satan and Lucifer are the original names of these two antichrists. Their underlings go by these names and use them as titles. Thus we must still anticipate, as Hercules says, the initiations of "Satan" and "Lucifer" handed down through their lieutenants, who invoke their mantles even though they have ceased to exist. The "seed," i.e., consciousness, of Satan and Lucifer remains a force to be dealt with by the Lightbearers so long as there are those on the left-handed path who embody and propagate it. {260} Dan. 12:1-3. {261} "Weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matt. 8:12; 13:41-43, 49, 50; 22:11-14; 24:50, 51; 25:29, 30; Luke 13:28. {262} Dispensations restricted to the Lightbearers. See Alpha: "A Proclamation" by Alpha in Gautama Buddha, May 13, 1987, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 30, no. 24, pp. 243-46; "Alpha's Agenda," July 5, 1987, vol. 30, no. 38, pp. 382, 384-85; "The Fourth Woe," July 1, 1992, vol. 35, no. 33, p. 438. Alpha and Omega: July 3, 1988, vol. 31, Book II, no. 68, pp. 523, 527. Gautama Buddha: July 3, 1988, vol. 31, Book II, no. 67, p. 517; December 31, 1988, vol. 32, no. 3, p. 22; May 10, 1990, vol. 33, no. 17, pp. 246, 247-48; May 17, 1992, vol. 35, no. 20, p. 258; December 31, 1992, vol. 36, no. 4, p. 52. Helios: July 4, 1991, vol. 34, no. 40, pp. 469-70. {263} 1987 Pearls of Wisdom (vol. 30, no. 24), pp. 243-44. {264} Not "racial" but divine discrimination. Those who bear the Light of God in their hearts and chakras are called Lightbearers. They are also referred to as the "I AM Race" because they have not forfeited their tie to their Holy Christ Self or I AM Presence. Hierarchs of Light at the level of the Solar Logoi determine what quotient of Light can be entrusted to the evolutions of earth. In his May 13, 1987 proclamation, Alpha decreed that the Light should be entrusted only to those who had proven themselves trustworthy in holding the Light in their chakras and not misqualifying it. This is consistent with the statement by Jesus Christ two thousand years ago: To him that hath shall more be added. From him that hath not shall be taken away that which he hath. (See Matt. 13:12; 25:29; Mark 4:25; Luke 8:18; 19:26; and Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, "Momentum," in The Lost Teachings of Jesus I, pp. 133-34; or pocket book edition, Book 1, pp. 177-79.) {265} Ps. 1:1-3. {266} I Cor. 2:4-14. {267} Gen. 4:16-24. {268} Guru-Chela relationship. When the word chela has a capital C, it indicates that the Chela is sharing a relationship of coequality with the Guru, wherein the Guru represents the Alpha polarity and the Chela represents the Omega polarity. Such a Chela is capable of holding the balance for the Guru in the earth. The Chela who has earned a capital C holds a high office opposite the Guru. {269} Life with a capital L is a synonym for God. {270} See "Kuan Yin Mantras for the Woman and Her Seed: The Fourteen Stations of the Aquarian Cross" in Kuan Yin's Crystal Rosary: Devotions to the Divine Mother East and West, pp. 25-29 of booklet, and cassette two of album. Single cassette: B88085. Entire 3-audiocassette album, 4 hr. 40 min. {271} Rom. 3:8. {272} John 10:1, 2, 7, 10. {273} Twenty-four-hour El Morya vigil on the fourth of each month. See pp. 70, 71, 77-80, 367, 379 n. 12. {274} Wisdom's retreat. The retreat of Apollo and Lumina is located in the etheric plane over Lower Saxony, Germany. {275} Violet flame sea. See 1991 PoW, vol. 34, nos. 26 and 65, pp. 353-55, 356, 742; 1992 PoW, vol. 35, no. 64, pp. 723, 727 n. 5; 1993 PoW, vol. 36, no. 5, p. 76; and The Science of the Spoken Word (11th printing), pp. 189-91. {276} See "Omri-Tas' Day: A 48-Hour Opportunity," in 1993 PoW, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 72-76. {277} Tours to the Violet Planet. On October 14, 1991, Omri-Tas, Ruler of the Violet Planet, announced a thirty-three-day dispensation in which he would remain on earth to give us "a boost" and multiply our decrees to the violet flame. Omri-Tas said: "In this thirty-three days, beloved, you may prepare yourselves through saturation of the violet flame so that at the end of that time I may be able to take a company of you [to the Violet Planet. It is my desire to take] an entire group of souls of planet earth who are practicing their Ashram rituals and are practicing the Ritual for Transport and Holy Work. [We will go] on a journey out of the body. ... For I desire you to have a firsthand, eyewitness account so that you can bring back from inner levels to those in the etheric octave as well as to those in physical embodiment a direct knowledge of events and how they are transpiring and of life on that planet. ... I [desire to] show you these things, beloved, so that you can see firsthand and have the record in your being that those things which are projected to manifest on earth need not be and that they are not insurmountable, as Saint Germain has told you." See 1991 PoW, vol. 34, no. 65, pp. 740-41. {278} The power of the ten thousand-times-ten thousand. See 1984 PoW, Book I, vol. 27, no. 7, p. 63; 1992 PoW, vol. 35, no. 64, p. 728 n. 9; and The Science of the Spoken Word, pp. 78-79. {279} Fiats to Sanat Kumara and the Seven Archangels. See 1992 PoW, vol. 35, nos. 49 and 65, pp. 619-24, 625, 731-32. {280} Saint Germain leaves Washington, D.C. On November 29, 1987, in Washington, D.C., Saint Germain announced: "It is the last time that I shall appear in this nation's capital unless and until those who know better do better - until those who have seen my calling and heard my word respond to it and postpone not the day of our God's appearing. ... For America has abdicated her role as the nation of Christhood. ... I shall not be here, beloved, to deliver to you another statement of my word or my call unless the representatives of the people, from the highest office in the land to the least, shall take their stand for the defense of Freedom." See 1987 PoW, vol. 30, no. 81, pp. 611-12. {281} The outline of a Maltese cross wherever two or three gather in Saint Germain's name. See 1991 PoW, vol. 34, no. 26, pp. 348-49, 356; 1993 PoW, vol. 36, no. 5, p. 76; and The Science of the Spoken Word (11th printing), pp. 187-89. {282} Saint Germain's grant from the Karmic Board and the Cosmic Council. See 1992 PoW, vol. 35, nos. 45 and 65, pp. 561-64, 731-32. {283} Nine steps of Saint Germain's alchemy. See vol. 36, no. 11, p. 136 n. 9. {284} Dan. 12:1-3. {285} This action of the Holy Spirit is an annual Pentecost event. All souls in all octaves of planet earth should prepare themselves from study of the scriptures and dynamic decrees to receive the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Read Acts 2:1-41. {286} I Cor. 3:13-15. {287} Mal. 3:1-3. {288} I Tim. 6:12; II Tim. 4:7. {289} I Cor. 2:16. {290} Buddhist term for the I AM Presence and Causal Body {291} Heb. 13:8. {292} "I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind" Rom. 7:15-25. See also Gal. 5:16-26; James 4:1-10; I Pet. 2:11. {293} Isa. 11:6. {294} "My Word shall not pass away." Matt. 24:35; Mark 13:31; Luke 21:33; I Pet. 1:24, 25. {295} "Whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be saved." Joel 2:32; Acts 2:21; Rom. 10:13. {296} In the past, individuals were required to balance 100 percent of their karma while still in embodiment in order to make their ascension. Under the new dispensation of the Aquarian age, granted by the Lords of Karma in this century, individuals may ascend after balancing 51 percent of their karma; they must balance the remaining 49 percent from inner levels. {297} John 21:22. {298} Phil. 2:5-8. {299} Acts 8:22, 23. {300} II Cor. 12:9. {301} John 3:16, 17. {302} Tabernacle [from Latin tabernaculum 'tent']: The tabernacle of the LORD (also called the "tent of the congregation") was the portable sanctuary constructed by the Israelites at God's behest to house the ark of the covenant (see Exod. 25-27). FREEDOM 1993: "Healing the Earth" was held in a huge tent, or `tabernacle', in the Heart of the Inner Retreat at the Royal Teton Ranch. {303} Matt. 6:6. {304} This Is My Body, This Is My Blood: Miracles of the Eucharist. A moving film on the presence and power of Christ in the Eucharist. Narrators Bob and Penny Lord take the viewer to the sites of Eucharistic miracles that occurred hundreds of years ago in Italy. Available through Summit University Press: #3060. {305} Transubstantiation is defined in Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition, as "the miraculous change by which ... the Eucharistic elements at their consecration become the Body and Blood of Christ while keeping only the appearances of bread and wine." {306} II Sam. 24:1-16; I Chron. 21:1-15. {307} I Sam. 14:6. {308} chakras {309} Matt. 18:21, 22. {310} Mystical songs of Divine Love. For a selection of these, order your copy of The Crowning Rose: Songs of Love for All Seasons, sung by Excelsior. Includes the classics "Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life," "Because," "I Love You Truly," "And This Is My Beloved," "Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms" and "The Harp That Once through Tara's Halls" as well as original compositions. Twelve songs recorded on 45-min. audiocassette, B8213. {311} Real, with a capital R, refers to that which is Absolute Good; Unreal, with a capital U, refers to that which is Absolute Evil. {312} Exod. 2:11, 12. {313} Paul the Venetian's retreat is in the etheric octave and has a physical counterpart, a privately owned French château. {314} "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it" (I Cor. 10:13). {315} "He that endureth to the end" Matt. 10:22; 24:13; Mark 13:13; II Tim. 4: 7, 8; James 1:12; Rev. 2:10. {316} John 15:11. {317} Rev. 12:12. {318} dispatch: to kill with quick efficiency. {319} The stoning of Stephen. Acts 6:8-15; 7. {320} "Fall on us!Cover us!" Luke 23:27-30; Hos. 10:8; Rev. 6:15-17. {321} Luke 10:38-42. {322} The Ritual of the Resurrection Flame by Jesus the Christ is printed on vol. 36, no. 18, pp. 243-48 and is recorded on audiocassette. The audiocassette includes Jesus' 1992 Easter Day Address (total time: 94 min.), B92040. See also vol. 36, no. 17, p. 231, n. 18. {323} The Spirit of the Resurrection has delivered two dictations through Elizabeth Clare Prophet: March 17, 1974, and December 5, 1976. {324} Gen. 18. {325} "Holiness unto the LORD!" Exod. 28:36-38; 39:30, 31; Jer. 2:3; Zech. 14: 20, 21. {326} Rev. 16:7; 19:2. {327} John 8:32. {328} "The earth is the LORD's" Ps. 24:1; Exod. 9:29; Deut. 10:14; I Cor. 10: 26, 28. {329} In the ritual of the bonding of the heart, we are bonded to the heart of Jesus and, through him, to our own Holy Christ Self. {330} Matt. 7:13, 14; Luke 13:24. {331} Stone of stumbling. Isa. 8:13-15; Rom. 9:31-33; I Pet. 2:6-8. {332} Adam Kadmon (Primordial Man). In the Kabbalah, Adam Kadmon is the original archetype of man - an ideal conception of man, the first to be created and the model for all future humanity. He is the spiritual man, the heavenly man, who contains in perfect form all the divine attributes. {333} Trial by fire. Mal. 3:1-3; I Cor. 3:13-15; I Pet. 1:6, 7; 4:12, 13. {334} Warring in the members. Rom. 7:15-25; Gal. 5:16-26; James 4:1-10; I Pet. 2:11. {335} Luke 24:49; Acts 1:1-14; 2. {336} Dark Ages. This term refers to the early Middle Ages, the years from about a.d. 476 to 1000. It denotes the period in western European history between the fall of the Roman Empire and the rise of medieval civilization. {337} Matt. 4:18-22; 11:28-30. {338} The burden of the LORD. Read Jer. 23:30-40 and Lam. 2:14 on those who falsely claim the "burden of the LORD." {339} Jer. 31:33, 34; Heb. 10:16, 17. {340} Jesus' temptations in the wilderness. Matt. 4:1-11; Mark 1:12, 13; Luke 4:1-13. {341} Eph. 6:12. {342} Archangel Uriel is telling us here that for certain lifestreams the karma and sin become "permanent" only for this cycle of judgment. Some who have not repented of their deeds and who receive this judgment will have another opportunity in another cycle to choose to repent, balance their karma and atone for their sins. For others, the end of the Piscean age is their final opportunity. {343} Jesus, in his dictation prior to Archangel Uriel's, announced the descent of the Holy Spirit. He said: "If you would be my instrument wherever you are and the instrument of those who have sent me, if you would be the instrument of that Holy Spirit, then I say, do all in your power to divest yourselves of those things that are an offense unto that Spirit and receive that Spirit now, for it does descend upon you. For you have gathered, you are my disciples. And I am sending you forth to the four corners of the earth to deliver the Word of God, and I mean it, beloved!" (See vol. 36, no. 36, pp. 520-21.) {344} Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhih is a mantra of Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of Wisdom. It can be given to help develop wisdom, memory and the understanding of the scriptures. The final syllable, Dhih, is Manjushri's bija, or seed syllable. The essence of a cosmic being is concentrated in his bija. The bija may be given alone or repeated as many times as possible after the final repetition of the mantra. {345} Phil. 4:7. {346} Some Hindus give devotions primarily to Shiva and thereby establish the love tie to Parvati through his heart. Others give devotions primarily to Parvati (or Kali or Durga) and thereby establish the love tie to Shiva through the heart of his Shakti. {347} In the Kabbalah, Tiferet, Malkhut, Keter, Hokhmah and Binah are among the ten sefirot of the Hebrew Tree of Life. The sefirot are aspects of God's being that manifest from Ein Sof ("the Infinite"). See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, "Keys from Judaism - the Kabbalah and the Temple of Man," available on videocassette and on audiocassette: {348} Vajrasattva [Sanskrit, lit. "Diamond Being"] embodies the five secret rays, the five elements, and the five personalities of the Five Dhyani Buddhas. He is the synthesis of the five and has the attainment of the five. Therefore, each time you see mentioned the Five Dhyani Buddhas, their virtues and antidotes to the five poisons, keep in mind that the sixth aspect is the synthesis of the five through Vajrasattva. {349} Send for your wallet-size laminated cards of the Five Dhyani Buddhas. The cards are beautiful reproductions of finely crafted Tibetan statues from the thirteenth to fifteenth centuries, photographed from museums and private collections. The back of each wallet-size card gives a description of the Dhyani Buddha, his bija mantra, symbol, mudra, and the poison his Wisdom antidotes - all you need to know to invoke his presence! The Messenger suggests that you create a mobile with the five cards by punching a hole in the top of each one and stringing them together. Add little bells and chimes to call the Buddhas. You can hang it in your breakfast nook or over your baby's crib. Card order numbers: Vairochana, #3759; Akshobhya, #3758; Ratnasambhava, #3692; Amitabha, #3760; Amoghasiddhi, #3761. {350} Phil. 2:5. {351} For mantras to the Five Dhyani Buddhas and Vajrasattva and their Wisdoms, see Ashram Ritual 5, Sacred Ritual for Transport and Holy Work, in Ashram Notes by El Morya, pp. 50-51, or Ashram Rituals booklet, pp. 43-44. You can give the Ashram Rituals with the Messenger and 500 students! Order your Ashram Rituals audiocassette album: 2 cassettes, 2 hr. {352} A disciple is not a disciple of any Guru unless he recites the Guru's mantra. {353} because of, on account of {354} 4. Rev. 11:18 {355} "Holiness unto the LORD!" Exod. 28:36-38; 39:30, 31; Jer. 2:3; Zech. 14: 20, 21. {356} The Ascended Master Hermes Trismegistus is also known as God Mercury. {357} Lineage of those called Hermes. Hermes is confirming here the theory of modern scholars. As the Messenger explained in her lecture before the dictation: "[Scholars] believe that a whole line of teachers or a priesthood may have written under the name Hermes. The prevailing theory is that the Hermetic writings may span several centuries, dating as late as the first or second century a.d." {358} "I will send you!" See Jesus Christ, June 27, 1993, vol. 36, no. 36, p. 521. {359} II Tim. 2:15. {360} Astrologers understand that the Sun and Moon are not planets, but they sometimes refer to them as such for convenience. {361} Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Astrology of the Four Horsemen, p. 111. {362} The Maha Chohan, February 22, 1988, "The Mandate of the Holy Spirit: Love's Testing of a Planet and a People," in 1988 PoW, Book I, vol. 31, no. 29, p. 225. {363} Ibid., vol. 36, no. 17, pp. 225-26. {364} 25,800 years is roughly equivalent to twelve astrological ages, or one cycle around the zodiac. (Each age is approximately 2,150 years.) {365} For an in-depth explanation of the Dark Cycle and the return of mankind's karma of 25,800 years, see Elizabeth Clare Prophet, "Prophecy for the 1990s III," in 1990 PoW, vol. 33, nos. 6 and 8, pp. 63-64, 71, 73-86, 120-21. See also Saint Germain, April 15, 1990, in 1990 PoW, vol. 33, no. 15, pp. 225-27. {366} Robert Gates, quoted in "World `Close' to Nuclear War in '90," The Arizona Republic, 22 March 1993, p. A12. {367} Richard Kerr, quoted in "World `Close' to Nuclear War in '90," The Arizona Republic, 22 March 1993, p. A12. {368} Saint Germain, November 27, 1986, "A Prophecy of Karma of the United States of America," in 1986 PoW, Book II, vol. 29, no. 62, p. 648. {369} El Morya, April 8, 1990, "Bonded to the Lord of the First Ray: The Initiation of the Bonding of Guru and Chela," in 1990 PoW, vol. 33, no. 13, p. 212. {370} Cyclopea and Virginia, April 7, 1993, "In His Footprints, Walk Ye! Seven Elohim Prepare You for Right Decision," vol. 36, no 20, p. 261. Now is the time to reread the messages of the Seven Mighty Elohim delivered at Easter Retreat 1993. See vol. 36, nos. 20-23, and 28-30, pp. 261-325, 397-446. {371} John 14:30. {372} Pallas Athena inaugurated the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness on June 30, 1976 - exactly seventeen years to the day of her delivery of this dictation. In a momentous dictation delivered in Washington, D.C., at the Freedom Class Higher Consciousness, she said: "I dedicate this conference to the Coming Revolution. Call me a revolutionary if you will, and I will say: `Yes, I AM!' I AM the Goddess of Truth! I AM the incarnation of the Feminine Ray! I AM at the front of the battle! ... I AM in this land the fervor of Truth. I AM touching the spectrum of consciousness from the left unto the right. I AM touching all who love Freedom and Truth and those who do not. For I will not be turned back. ... From this day and forevermore, I claim you for the cause of Truth because you have made that cause your own. In the living flame of Truth, I am grateful for your love of Truth, of Liberty, for your courage and your self-sacrifice. I am grateful, and I bow before the flame of Truth within you. And I will use that flame to light a nation and to light a world!" During the seventeen years since Pallas Athena announced the Coming Revolution, the Messenger has stumped over 100 cities across America and Canada as well as cities in Ghana, Liberia, India, Europe, the British Isles, Australia, the Philippines and Mexico. She has also conducted numerous seminars, lectures and classes at the Royal Teton Ranch and across America. {373} Eph. 6:16. {374} Matt. 22:11-14. {375} "I have my spear and I do shake it!" The ancient Greeks often portrayed Pallas Athena holding a spear in her right hand to strike at a serpent near her feet. It has thus been said that she wields the spear of knowledge against the serpent of ignorance. The Greeks called her the Spear-shaker. They placed her statue on their temples, and when the rays of the sun would dance on her spear, it looked as if she were shaking it. Francis Bacon, author of the Shakespearean plays, founded a secret literary society in her honor. It is believed he used the name Shakespeare partly in tribute to Pallas Athena, the "shaker of the spear." {376} The aegis. In art, Pallas Athena is represented as a stately figure, clothed in armour, wearing a golden helmet and bearing her breastplate, the aegis, which no arrow could pierce. In the Odyssey, Athena's aegis is her emblem of war and symbolizes her special powers. A 40-foot statue of Athena, sculpted by Phidias, stood in the Parthenon in ancient Athens. The city of Nashville, Tennessee, has constructed a magnificent full-scale replica of the Parthenon and placed within it a 42-foot replica of the original statue. The statue was sculpted by Nashville sculptor Alan LeQuire and took eight years to complete. {377} John 8:32. {378} Pallas Athena is the twin flame of the Maha Chohan. The Maha Chohan presides over the Seven Chohans of the Rays and is the representative of the Holy Spirit to earth and her evolutions. {379} Apostle Paul. For an understanding of the life and mission of the apostle Paul, read Acts 7:58-8:3; 9:1-31; 12:25; 13-28. Modern scholars attribute seven epistles in the New Testament to the apostle Paul: Romans, I and II Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, I Thessalonians and Philemon. Six additional epistles have traditionally been attributed to Paul but many scholars now question their authorship: Ephesians, Colossians, II Thessalonians, I and II Timothy, and Titus. The Book of Hebrews was also once attributed to Paul but scholars no longer accept that he was the author. {380} Saint Hilarion. Read about the life of Saint Hilarion in Lords of the Seven Rays: Mirror of Consciousness by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Book One, pp. 204-7, 208. See also Butler's Lives of the Saints, s.v. "Saint Hilarion" (feast day, October 21). {381} Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus. Acts 9:1-21; 22:1-16; 26:9-18. {382} I Cor. 2:6-8. {383} tent {384} Mark 16:9; Luke 8:2. {385} In preparation for the dictation, the Messenger led the congregation in singing "Jaya Guru Omkara," a bhajan to Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva (see above). {386} Malkhut/Shekhinah. See vol. 36 no. 39, p. 547 n. 1. {387} Dan. 12:1. {388} Dan. 12:1. {389} mandala [Sanskrit, literally "circle," "sphere"]: a group, company or assembly; a circle of friends; an assembly or gathering of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Also a circular design containing images of deities symbolizing the universe, totality, or wholeness; used in meditation by Hindus and Buddhists. {390} bhajan [Hinduism]: a devotional song; a prayer set to music. Order your copy of Devotions to Lord Krishna: The Maha Mantra and Bhajans, 90-min. audiocassette, A92070 (includes booklet). {391} Mark 4:39; Ps. 46:10. {392} dharma [Sanskrit, literally `carrying', `holding', `that which holds one's true nature']: In Hinduism, dharma is seen as the way of life to be followed according to one's nature and station in life; conformity to one's duty and nature. The Ascended Masters teach that one's dharma is one's duty to fulfill one's reason for being. It is the divine plan, which runs as a thread through all lifetimes, culminating in the mission fulfilled and the soul's liberation from the round of rebirth. {393} raiment (Middle English rayment, short for arrayment): clothing, garments. {394} Jesus' transfiguration. Matt. 17:1-9; Mark 9:2-9; Luke 9:28-36. {395} "Heart, Head and Hand Decrees" by El Morya, decree 1.30 in Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness. The "Heart, Head and Hand Decrees" are also printed in the Angels booklet, no. 5, p. 2; and in the Heart, Head and Hand Decrees booklet, no. 1, pp. 3-6. {396} Rom. 13:8-10; Gal. 5:14. {397} I Cor. 10:13. {398} For the story of Sanat Kumara and the 144,000 sons and daughters of Venus who accompanied him to earth, see Sanat Kumara, "The Dispensation Granted," in 1979 PoW, vol. 22 no. 14, Book I, pp. 82-86. {399} "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's ... " Matt. 22:15-21; Mark 12:13-17; Luke 20:19-25. {400} The Messenger discussed the three gunas in her lecture "The Many Faces of the Great Guru, Sanat Kumara." Guna is a Sanskrit word meaning "fundamental quality." As taught in Hinduism, the three gunas are the three qualities, or types of energy, in all nature - sattva, rajas and tamas. Sattva expresses itself in one's mind, mood or character as goodness, harmony, uprightness, purity and peace. Rajas expresses itself as energy, passion and restlessness. Tamas expresses itself as darkness, ignorance, inertia, laziness and stupidity. Thus, man's character and mood vary according to which guna is predominating. {401} Prov. 15:1. {402} James 1:22-25. {403} John 4:6-39. {404} Spiritual trial by fire. Mal. 3:1-3; I Cor. 3:13-15; I Pet. 1:6, 7; 4:12, 13. {405} Luke 24:13-35. {406} The creation of the cloud. In Intermediate Studies in Alchemy Saint Germain teaches you how to magnetize millions of "focal points of light" into a brilliant pulsating "cloud of infinite energy" that can be directed into personal and planetary problems for the healing of specific conditions, including disease, pollution, crime and war. See Saint Germain On Alchemy, pp. 191-251, or Intermediate Studies in Alchemy, pp. 38-87. You can create the cloud with the Messenger. Elizabeth Clare Prophet leads you through all the steps on audiocassette: The Creation of the Cloud by Saint Germain and Meditations on the Alchemy of Constructive Change and the Control of the Aura by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, 2-audiocassette album, total 3 hr., A8063. Abbreviated version for Keepers of the Flame: 65-min. audiocassette (45-min. ritual with 20 min. of supplemental invocations to the beings of the elements), A83050, includes accompanying booklet. {407} Isa. 11:6. {408} "Except ye be converted and become as little children ... " Matt. 18:3; Mark 10:15; Luke 18:17. {409} Rom. 3:4. {410} Prov. 16:18. {411} "With God all things are possible ... " Matt. 19:26; Mark 10:27; Luke 18: 27. {412} Matt. 14:22-33. Because of the timely nature of the Christmas dictations of Mother Mary, Lanello and Jesus Christ, we are sending you these, the last three Pearls of the year, before having completed the remainder of the 1993 Pearls. Since these three Pearls are being sent out of sequence, the pages are numbered in italic numerals beginning with the number 1 on the first page of this Pearl. Pearls of Wisdom nos. 49-69 have not been published. 10-97 {413} Mitchell Mandell. See the January 1994 issue (vol. 6, no. 1) of the Royal Teton Ranch News. {414} Prov. 14:12; 16:25. {415} Your special momentum: selecting a single virtue. At the conclusion of the July 3, 1991 service, the Nameless One from out the Great Central Sun delivered a dictation in which he said that he was placing a seed of light in the crown chakra of "those who will accomplish the path of the mystical union with God in this flesh they now wear." He asked that we embody the name of a virtue and said: "May the name of that virtue become the label on the seed that I have placed that might grow in the crown chakra if you nurture it. May you strive to become the God-identification, the God-embodiment of that virtue. And may you be so, that when you graduate from earth you may be acknowledged for your attainment upon that single virtue. Meditate a moment now and see the title of a single virtue that does descend upon your crown chakra with the seed of light." (See 1991 PoW, vol. 34 no. 37, pp. 438, 441.) And in a dictation given August 11, 1991, Gautama Buddha gave further teaching on selecting a virtue: "Your Holy Christ Self will tell you what is the special virtue on which you have a momentum and what is that same virtue that you must therefore complete. You should not select a virtue in which you have no attainment. This would not be wise. Therefore, realistically assess yourself. Step apart from yourself. Observe yourself in your daily service. What one quality comes to mind that you know you embody when all else fails? That is the one, beloved. That is the one. It is something that others will count on in you, something that you may already be known for among your fellow bodhisattvas." (See 1991 PoW, vol. 34 no. 52, pp. 588-90.) {416} In his "White Paper from the Darjeeling Council Table," El Morya wrote: "The orphans of the Spirit are our concern." (See Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lords of the Seven Rays: Mirror of Consciousness, Book Two, p. 53.) {417} John 1:14. {418} John 1:9. {419} Matt. 6:23. {420} Watchmen upon the wall. Isa. 21:5-12; 62:6; Ezek. 3:17; 33:7. {421} Matt. 7:1-5; Luke 6:37, 38. {422} II Cor. 6:17. {423} "Worthy Is the Lamb That Was Slain" from Handel's Messiah was played as the meditation music before Jesus' dictation. See Rev. 5:12; 13:8. {424} Matt. 5:8. {425} Jesus' ascension at the age of eighty-one. See 1984 PoW, Book I, Introduction I, hardbound volume, p. 11. {426} "Whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth." Prov. 3:11, 12; 13:24; Heb. 12:5-8; Rev. 3:19. {427} "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's" Matt. 22:15-21; Mark 12:13-17; Luke 20:19-25. {428} "My kingdom is not of this world." John 6:15; 18:33-37; Matt. 27:11; Mark 15:2; Luke 23:3. {429} foal: the young of an animal of the horse family or other various animals, especially under one year. {430} Jesus' entry into Jerusalem. Zech. 9:9; Matt. 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-10; Luke 19:29-38; John 12:12-15. {431} Rev. 1:6; 5:10. {432} Num. 16; Jude 11. {433} The Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America: "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration." {434} The new covenant. Jer. 31:31-34; Heb. 8:6-13; 9:11-15; 10:16, 17; 12:24; Matt. 26:28; I Cor. 11:25. {435} tribute: rent or homage paid in money or an equivalent by a subject to his sovereign or a vassal to his lord; a tax, rental or tariff imposed by a government, sovereign, lord or landlord. {436} Josh. 24:15. {437} Those who went against Moses were swallowed up by the earth. Num. 16; Num. 26:9, 10; Deut. 11:6; Ps. 106:16-18.