Urantia Book

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Chapter 4
Beloved Akshobhya - January 23, 1994

Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1994
Inspired in
Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Beloved Akshobhya - January 23, 1994
    4.1  I AM the Witness - January 23, 1994

Vol. 37 No. 4 - Beloved Akshobhya - January 23, 1994
The Buddhas in Winter
Becoming Real!
In the Heart of Mirrorlike Wisdom
So I come in this hour in the blue light of the Divine Mother Omega, of the Divine Father Alpha.

     I am happy in the heart of Mirrorlike Wisdom, for the mirror that reflects the wisdom of God reflects all things as they are. Thus I teach the way out of maya by showing you unreality for what it is, by showing you reality for what it is and reflecting both unreality and reality to the soul who cradles the Buddha of the heart.

     The heart of wisdom knows no depths but only freedom. Those who have the courage to challenge unreality will know me as an element of self.

     Think of the Five Dhyani Buddhas as five chemical elements, as the mighty fruits of five wisdoms, counteracted by five poisons, restored by immersion in the magnificent jeweled antidotes.

     Think, then, of the five secret rays as five wisdoms. There is a color of golden wisdom for each of the Five Dhyani Buddhas. And within the spectrum of each color, be it white or blue or yellow or rose or green, you can see five aspects of that single color and therefore know gradations and tones of consciousness, nuances of beauty. You can know the detail with which the great Tibetan artists have portrayed the Buddhas and placed them on their tankas0 for meditation, for entering in to the precise geometric formula whereby there is unleashed to the cosmos increments of our Light and awareness.

     Those who fear reality embrace unreality. They partake of a cup of poisoned wisdom, no longer wisdom but a rancid concoction.

     Why lean upon that which has no enduring value? Only because there is a fear that one may have no enduring reality and therefore in place of it one must cling to unreality. What a pity!

     This takes place in some whose candles have been snuffed out by themselves or by others who have sent a blast of anger their way, and in return these victims have not defended the candle of the Buddha that burns on the altar. Yes, indeed, it needs a hurricane lamp to protect it.

     Protect the flame within the heart. Protect the heart that contains the flame. Protect the mind and the body, and do not go this way or that way.

     So many voices clamoring for your attention! Be not moved upon the rough seas of your own astral body. Let your mooring be that point of the vajra, the point of the diamond, the point of the brow that is furrowed in concentration that will not be moved to outer fringes of unreality.

     Reality is the vajra, the diamond of the heart.

     Om Akshobhya Hum. Say it, so simply:

     [Congregation joins Akshobhya:]

     Om Akshobhya Hum Om Akshobhya Hum

     Om Akshobhya Hum Om Akshobhya Hum

     Om Akshobhya Hum Om Akshobhya Hum

     Realization of the self in the sea of maya, this is the challenge.

     Oh, we are joyous! Oh, our laughter is released where there are none who are of the outside and the dark side who would attempt to unseat our disciples.

     Know that the Dhyani Buddhas contain levels upon levels of the Causal Body of God, that we welcome you to the levels of wisdom to which you aspire. Conquer the level you are on, then aspire to the next. The assimilation of wisdom is the taking in of the precious nectar of the Buddhas, and that nectar internalized is for the watering of the thousand-petaled crown chakra.

     So the Buddhas in manifestation manifest themselves infinitely in numberless numbers everywhere. Yet those who have not reached up to touch the hem of our garments, who have not entered in to our mantras have not known the geometry of our being. These dwell far removed from the realness that we focus in every possible dimension where human life struggles to discover the meaning of existence, to discover the meaning of the human self - only to realize that the human self is a placeholder for the Divine Self, which shall displace it.

     Oh, becoming real! It is the great call of the Great Divine Director to you. His statement "I AM Real" tells you all - all you can possibly know and much that you cannot possibly know of just how great is the Great Blue Causal Body of the great Buddha who is the Great Divine Director.

     So, beloved, cherish each morsel of reality you internalize and assimilate daily. Cherish it, beloved. For as you do and as you savor it, so you shall become it.

     The dangers of the vast canyons of the astral plane are very great and the karma that you make within the astral plane is dark and binding. There are things you should fear. As the fear of the Lord is the beginning of the wisdom of God,1 so the fear of the Evil One is also the beginning of the wisdom of those who must move among the forces of Darkness to rescue souls, not the least of which their own.2 So realize that these forces of Darkness are not to be underestimated.

     Enter, then, into thy God. Become that God. And with the sign of the earth-touching mudra, banish the forces of the night, who only have the power that you give them. Thus to dally in any form of astral unreality is to empower them. Thus be fearless. Thus be fearless in the wisdom of fearlessness flame.

     Thus know that we the Buddhas of the five secret rays move among you, through you and around you. Catch us! Catch our garments. Seek to fasten your chakras to our own. Seek to unite with us even if it be for a moment or five minutes of the recitation of one of our mantras. So know, beloved, that the infinite reality is but a finger touch away, just a finger touch away.

     Let the mind conform to the Mind of God. Then behold the great sphere of that Mind. Then reach up, open the door and enter into the Sun behind the sun, the inner sphere of being.

     Thus think of this as the gentle opening and entering in to the heart of God through the Buddhic Mind. Think of these steps as based on the simplicity of the purity of heart, the purity of desire, the purity of the soul, the purity of the mind.

     Purity is the antithesis of complexity.

     Thus in the simplicity of a pure heart, as a child, now enter in and let go, let go. Let go of all else but thine own reality. When you do this, you shall contain all reality of the Spirit-Matter Cosmos and all reality beyond it.

     The way seems intricate, but the intricacy is the intricacy of karma woven and rewoven. The intricate undoing of the threads of karma is what seems to make the Path so complicated. But when all is said and done and all of those components of the threads of karma are consumed in one great violet flame bonfire, you will come to know and you will remember one day that I have said the entering in is simplicity itself, humility itself, purity itself.

     Think upon these things, for I woo you to my heart of wisdom for the fructification of all true desire and the withering on the branch of the tree of life of all that is illusory desire, which will only hold you and bind you by ropes to lower levels.

     If you must indulge a desire in order to neutralize it, remember that though it be an experiment, all action equals karma, all inaction equals karma and all are responsible for doing, not doing, undoing or overdoing anything.

     In the sweetness of my love for you, I remind you that you are here to set the platform for our dictations. Strengthen the bastions and you shall behold the glory of the Lord.

     This dictation by beloved Akshobhya was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet in a candlelight service on New Year's Eve, December 31, 1993, during the four-day conference The Buddhas in Winter, held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. The dictation is available on video-and audiocassette. Videocassette (includes the dictations by Vairochana and Gautama Buddha): total 1 hr. 47 min., HP94004. Audiocassette (includes the dictation by Gautama Buddha): total 71 min., B94007. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Akshobhya's direction.] Sections printed in bold italic type indicate fiats, mantras, affirmations, prayers and decrees that you can use in your daily decree sessions. The Messenger recommends that each week when you receive your Pearl of Wisdom, you type or write these out and place them in a special section in your decree book. The Messenger also encourages you to compose your own fiats and affirmations based on the Teachings of the Ascended Masters given in the Pearls of Wisdom.

4.1  I AM the Witness - January 23, 1994

Vol. 37 No. 4 - I AM the Witness - January 23, 1994

     I AM the Witness

     El Morya's Pummeling Pin

     Dear Friends of the Light:

     This morning as I was in the process of doing my morning decrees, I had a wonderful experience.

     During the fall conference I had purchased the pin with El Morya's three dots on it. This was the pin El Morya had asked us to wear if we were willing to have the Messenger tell us what was holding us back on the Path. If we should cross paths with the Messenger at any time, the pin worn in full view would be a signal that we were willing to be instructed by her.

     El Morya had told us on January 1, 1993:

     I say to you, beloved, the Messenger is a Messenger. And if you desire to receive that acceleration on the Path, ... you must but so signify.

     I recommend that you create a little sticker or a little button or a symbolic pin that you can wear that tells the Messenger: "I want to be pummeled." "I want to hear the Truth." "I want to accelerate." Or, "You may speak to me at any time to instruct me, to love me, to chasten me, to correct me. I am open. So receive me." Thus each one goes on record, and that way our Messenger will not burden any who do not desire to hear what is the word of God for them in the hour.

     This morning before I started my decrees I placed the pin near El Morya's picture on my altar and proceeded as I usually do. When I came to his decree "I AM God's Will" I found I had difficulty saying it. There seemed to be a lot of tension in me and in my voice, so I stopped to tune in, for I assumed El Morya wanted my attention. I then realized that El Morya wanted me to wear the pin, not just leave it on the altar.

     So I put on the pin and, as I sat back and paid attention, a tremendous wave of understanding and emotion flooded over me. I could see something in my psychology that I had not been aware of before. I could now see very clearly how it had acted as a block to greater Light. With gratitude for this new understanding, I asked El Morya to assist me by removing this barrier and healing my psychology. I promised that I would also do my part.

     I was so thrilled to find that it would work to wear El Morya's pin at the altar. There are so many times when we do not have direct access to the Messenger for the corrections and pummeling that we so badly need if we are to make progress on the Path. It would seem, however, that the Masters are always ready to work with us if we just ask.

     I thought I would share this experience in the event that others would like to wear El Morya's "pummeling" pin at the altar and receive his feedback.

     N.B. El Morya's chelaship pin is available through Summit University Press, #3862.


0 tanka: a Tibetan religious scroll painting mounted on silk.
1 Job 28:28; Prov. 9:10.
2 "For fools rush in where angels fear to tread" (Alexander Pope, An Essay on Criticism, part 3, line 65).