Urantia Book

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Chapter 7
Beloved Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus - February 17, 1991

Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1991
Inspired in
Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Beloved Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus - February 17, 1991
    7.1  Beloved Lady Master Venus
    7.2  Beloved Sanat Kumara
    7.3  I AM the Witness - February 17, 1991

Vol. 34 No. 7 - Beloved Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus - February 17, 1991

     New Year's

     I AM the Light of the World



     Let the Fire of God Descend!

     You Are the Light of the World

     You Are Mighty Deliverers

     A New Era for Summit University

     Let the fire of God descend! Lo, it is done! And Seven Holy Kumaras, one after the other to the Central Sun, form a holy chain of Light for that fire descending.

     And I receive it in the cup of my heart, this heart, your heart.

     As [you are] such who can receive it, beloved, so I say, form your chalice and let that Light descend this New Year's Day! For this is a day of opportunity. It is a day of opportunity to increase Light, Light, Light for all the Lightbearers of the world.

     And it is a day when Darkness shall increase, increase, increase in those who have sown it and who will [therefore] find that this year is the turning around and the coming full circle of that which they have sent forth. It can no longer be stayed.

     Whether the press has treated our Messenger well or badly, the fact remains that the opportunity has been presented [to the world] to contact the Path and the ascended hosts. Thus especially are the seed of the wicked aware of the presence of the Messenger in the earth.

     And therefore, beloved, they have received the option from Archangel Gabriel, with Hope, who has appeared to them again and again, preaching to them and teaching and giving to them the understanding of the fruits of their sowings and what should happen if they do not repent before the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved from the Death and Hell of their own making.

     Yes, beloved, everyone upon this earth and neighboring planets and those aligned with this system has been contacted. Therefore, I tell you, the day has come. And they shall not escape their karma,1 nor shall the Lightbearers be deprived of the fruits of their harvest of sowings.

     Therefore, let us sow and reap quickly, quickly, quickly, beloved; for the time is short and many must be gathered. Therefore be seated as I discourse with you this day.

     I welcome all of my children, my chelas this day to the marriage supper of the Lamb, truly the feast of Light when the Alpha and Omega of the Body and Blood of Jesus and Magda and of Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus may be shared with you. It is a joyous occasion, beloved, made joyous by the accomplishment of the beloved Magda in the balancing of 100 percent of her karma.2

     Therefore we four greet you from this altar in the joy of the love of Venus, the morning and the evening star, the star of your first breath and your last; for this home of Light, beloved, is to you a place of abode, both while in embodiment and between incarnations.

     As Jesus and Magda have also descended from our planetary home, our evolutions rejoice this day in the consummation of their mission. They rejoice also, as we do, that you are prepared to go forward because of the initiation of the new year of solar opportunity for each one.

     Therefore, beloved, we also rejoice that prior to the giving of this dictation this day, you accomplished the full completion of your labors regarding the Twelfth Planet! [35-second standing ovation]

     Now you know the meaning of this conference, the I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD conference.

     Beloved hearts, I desire you to affirm that now as an affirmation of yourselves as victors. I ask you to affirm it in the full knowledge that by the Christ of your heart and your being, by the authority of that Word, you have spoken, you have given the fiat and you have ignited a world and displaced the Darkness that has occupied it from this Twelfth Planet. Therefore, let all the sons and daughters of heaven and earth rejoice and say with Jesus and Magda:

     [Congregation affirms with Sanat Kumara:]

     I AM the Light of the World! I AM the Light of the World!

     I AM the Light of the World! I AM the Light of the World!

     I AM the Light of the World! I AM the Light of the World!

     I AM the Light of the World! I AM the Light of the World!

     I AM the Light of the World! I AM the Light of the World!

     As you affirm this, beloved, you are affirming the office and mission of Jesus Christ. Jesus desires to transfer to you the fullness of that office. He also did say to you two thousand years ago, "Ye are the Light of the world!"3

     Therefore understand that you will come into the full manifestation of that office when you shall have attained fusion with your Holy Christ Self. One with that Holy Christ Self, you may affirm in the heart of Jesus, with you also, that you are manifesting the Light of the world of your Lord and Saviour through your Holy Christ Self and through his Ascended Master Light Body that is placed over you and sealed upon you once you attain that fusion.

     Understand, then, beloved, that as the Darkness decreases in the earth in certain quarters by your fiat, so by the very law of God your Light does increase. And when your Light does increase and the fire thereof and the fervor and the very desiring to see these forces vanquished, you are building that inferno of Love in your heart, you are building that furnace of Light. And therefore the quickening will come just as soon as you demonstrate to the Seven Holy Kumaras that you can indeed hold the balance for Power, for Wisdom, for Love.

     Each of these three [attributes] of the Trinity in their greatest manifestation brings initiation. Each brings initiation, beloved, for we must know that you can hold the balance against the most grotesque and gross forms of opposition and aggressive mental suggestion.

     [We must know that] when the force is so moving you to destroy yourself or your peace or your work or your livelihood or your family or your entire reason for being so that you can feel that bombardment assailing the mind and the body with all intensity, you can stand fast and still stand and say, "Let the fiat of my LORD be with me!" and know that God is where you are and be still and be not moved and not speak but hold your peace while the forces rage and you make the call silently within your heart for them to be dispelled.

     Blessed ones, when there is a fury of [the forces of] hell attacking you, it is wise not to speak until you can speak in total God-control, lest they begin to speak through you.

     Thus, beloved, as you are receiving these labors and as you continue together in our love of the labors, you will find that you will be increasing the ingredients of Light in your heart whereby you will attain that fusion [with your Holy Christ Self]. We desire it for you, beloved, as nothing else that we desire, because we know it will unleash all of your cosmic forces for a physical victory. And it is a physical victory that earth needs this day!

     Beloved ones, the Death Rider rides.4 That rider moves in the earth. And the karma of death is upon the nations, the karma of death, beloved, and of the aborting of life in the womb, the aborting of life - any part of life that is God, any part, beloved. This crime of the age that you have discussed this day5 surely comes back upon those who have set it in motion.

     We desire to see you speak out. We desire to see you study and know the facts and know your material and not get up and speak until you do. It is important to speak one by one to reach all whom you can through our teachings already published, through our latest book and other dictations. Take these also, for indeed it is the right of woman to bear the Manchild! And every woman is archetype of the Divine Mother, and every woman must know that her highest crown and glory is to give birth to life that is God.

     Blessed hearts, may you decree for the judgment of the source of Death and Hell, the source of abortion, which is again the fallen ones and again the fallen ones of the Twelfth Planet. There are many lines of hierarchies that come from that place, beloved. Let us be about the business of our Father-Mother God and go after them! For this is a most critical situation, as you have been told again and again and again.

     Today you have the opportunity to contemplate life that suffers, life that is brutally murdered in the womb - helpless life, life that knows and is aware, life that is in torment therefore and life that is scarred and must needs be healed before it can enter life again wholly renewed and purified and ready [to pursue its mission on earth] in the joy of the infant child Jesus.

     Blessed hearts, these scars are traumatic indeed upon those who come and come again and may finally arrive through the portals of birth. I tell you, beloved, it is important that you remember life. It is important that you keep a picture of a child or even of abortion close by, that you will not let twenty-four hours go by that you do not cry out to me and to all of heaven to deliver these children and to bind the seed of the wicked and put an end to the fallen ones who have made politics and merchandise of the bodies and souls of Lightbearers and all evolutions assigned to this planet.

     Blessed ones, the karma shall fall! We desire to see it fall upon those who have committed the crime. Yet it is so widespread, how shall the judgment of God escape even the whole of the planet for this infamy against the Lord of Life Himself/Herself?

     Now, my beloved, I speak to you of the acceleration of the decade. I speak to you of this year as a new quantity and a new qualification of energy and Light. You may see it on the one o'clock line. You may see the charting of it on the line of Aquarius. And truly the Aquarian hosts and forces of Light have descended!6

     It is necessary, therefore, that energies not be allowed to be dissipated, that they not be set aside. My beloved, will you focus on your daily tasks? Will you establish your schedules? Will you not waste time? For you must do all that you can possibly do in a given day to bring the message of the Ascended Masters to every corner of the earth, most of all in this nation itself, which must be saved if it can be saved - and by "this nation" I mean the people themselves.

     For the earth may tremble and the nations dissolve and all things become liquid upon earth but the souls of a people, of a mandala, a people of Saint Germain and Portia, who have not risen to the two-thirds level of the pyramid,7 they must be saved in whatever octave [they are found] - to come again, to be born again, to live again, to atone for the sin of abortion, even the abortion of the divine plan of this nation under God, [which is to manifest] through the heart of beloved Saint Germain.

     Now then, beloved, it is absolutely essential that every one of you form a committee of one to see to it that these Teachings go abroad. We will train you at Summit University. We are determined that you will have the skills. But you must understand that a greater work must be done by those who have the Teaching.

     You know the story of the wall [that enclosed] the circle of the Buddha and his devotees.8 And those who found it and climbed over it did not go back out to tell the world of their discovery, all but one. And one returned to deliver that message and therefore you have that message today.

     Beloved, all of you must be counted among these ones. [For you are just such a circle of devotees with the living Guru, who have built a wall of light around yourselves.] You must recognize that you are in a point of retreat here that allows you to be withdrawn from the world. I say, let it be a withdrawing for a purpose - for the preparation of the soul and the mind and the heart!

     But let thy goings forth be as the petals of the daisy, from the center of the Cosmic Clock to each line of that Clock, 360 degrees. May you go forth and return, from the Alpha center to the Omega periphery [and back again].9 And may the world hear you and know you, and may it know you as persons, as hearts of Light, as friends, as brother and sister. Let them know the message because they know it personally from your lips and from your heart!

     Understand this, beloved: it is most important that there be a human and a divine face that delivers this Teaching. You must represent it! You must embody it! You must bear the fire of the heart that is the very love of your being, the love of your being for God and all of his children!

     You must know how essential you are to God and that when you speak with the conviction of experience [gained] from a path of sorrow and pain - some have lost children, some have lost husbands and wives, all have known a deep pain in this life or in other embodiments - and from understanding [the karmic causes of] pain, you can pour forth compassion as none other can.

     Therefore you have shared in the sorrows of the path of this world that you might give consolation to them that mourn,10 to those who are burdened this day, for certain loved ones are no longer with them and they must walk alone, trusting that these ones are in the arms of God. Others have those with long illnesses whom they tend. Others are in a state of terminal illness.

     Beloved, you will not find anyone upon earth who does not have at some level of his being some malaise, some burden of psychology. And you will know that those who seem to be totally absent that burden, beloved, are those whom the Lord does not chasten, for he does not chasten the bastard sons.11 And they, therefore, are the fallen ones and they will go the way of the flesh, for they have no Spirit of God or Life in them even though they portray themselves as sparkling, having all of the lightning of Satan and Lucifer.

     Yes, beloved, your word, your witness, spoken or written, is most important. Therefore sharpen the pen! Learn to use it! Read books that teach you how to write better, how to express yourselves better, and take those courses that enable you to speak better.

     You can receive this [training] at Summit University or wherever you live across the nation. It is so important when you are going to give the message that you give it in an organized way, that you give it in a way whereby you can go right to the heart of the burden of a loved one and give him that special crumb of Life that will feed him, that will heal him, that will make him whole.

     And your music, beloved, your songs to Mother Mary and to the angels, this is a gift of your hearts which the angels use. Therefore keep on keeping on and send forth the music! Send forth the Light! Send forth the Love!

     And when you deliver one of the new books to your friend, so point him to a [certain] page and tell him what it means to you [or write to him about it when you send it through the mail]. It is upon you, the members of this Community, to take The Astrology of the Four Horsemen and to send it to those whom you are certain will have an open heart and ear and mind for it. Do not think that [these souls will be reached] merely through the normal course of events of [books] being sold in bookstores. You must go after that one which is lost! You must be the shepherd!

     Yes, I AM the Shepherd of the earth. I AM the Shepherd of all evolutions of Light, beloved. And I also receive those who have been converted from the evolutions of Darkness, those who truly have been converted and have confessed the Son in Jesus Christ. They are given their opportunities and we nurture them.

     But, beloved, let not your Light be shared with those who have sworn enmity against the Woman and her seed! They are in embodiment. They are in this very county and state and planet.

     Let them therefore know that the Light will stand and still stand and that the Light will have its Victory! And as long as the victory of the Light is delayed, they have the opportunity to deal justly with their fellowman. And when they do not deal justly, beloved, so that same injustice that they have meted out will be meted unto them again.12

     I speak to those who know that they are the poorinspirit.13 You are blessed, beloved, for only those who know that they are wanting in the fullness of the Spirit of the I AM THAT I AM long for it, desire it, pant after it!14 Therefore, beloved, so you are blessed, for the Spirit of God shall come upon you because you recognize that you are empty and that you must be filled.

     Therefore you have come this day to be filled. And so I say to you, be emptied now! Empty yourself, for my angels come to you with sacks that they might fill them with the debris, with the emotions, with the sorrows, with the records, with things you cannot let go of.

     Let this New Year's Day be the day of the turning of the page of your book of life. If you desire that page to be clean, then I say, throw into these bags now all residual substance. Let go of it! I give you the opportunity to do it now and to make your fiats concerning it. Let go of everything except your Divine Reality and see what God will do for you from this moment on! [Invocations offered by the congregation as they "make a joyful noise unto the LORD."]

     My Lady Venus does speak to you now.

7.1  Beloved Lady Master Venus

Vol. 34 No. 7 - Beloved Lady Master Venus

     Out of the Retreat of the Divine Mother15 I come. And we are grateful to be with you together on this joyous yet solemn occasion. I come now with the fire of my heart of the Central Sun and I inaugurate a new era for Summit University.

     Blessed ones, this is the opening of the door. And from this day forward, you shall see the increase in courses and in tutoring of souls and in preparing of souls so that one day this Summit University might also be an accredited school of theology and liberal arts.

     Blessed hearts, we are gathering the teachers, the professors, the counsellors. We are gathering those who will truly teach the science of all the world's religions and the true spiritual foundations of all the world's science. This is an hour, beloved, of the stepping up of instruction and it does come from the heart of Lord Maitreya, whose Mystery School it is.

     Therefore the four beings of the Ruby Ray - Lords Jesus, Maitreya, Gautama, Sanat Kumara - do sponsor this foundation of the Ruby Ray for this institution of learning. Let all Lightbearers of the world know that to fulfill their high calling they must come and receive this training.

     Now, you who are in charge and you who direct these courses on behalf of the Messenger, make yourselves worthy of this calling. For we can send to you but those whom you will receive. And if you step up the level of your instruction and your standards, so we may send those of higher and higher standards and of spiritual qualifications.

     Let the course of yoga then proceed, for it is a necessary adjunct in the balancing of the physical body. We desire to see individuals walking forth from Summit University who are examples of the path of the Bodhisattva under Jesus, Maitreya, Gautama, Sanat Kumara. We desire to see them understand all points of balance in their four lower bodies and the raising up of the Spirit. We desire to have material here of those who have the fire of an undivided loyalty to their I AM Presence - those who are undivided, beloved, and therefore can quickly carry a flame of healing and wholeness for others.

     We desire that those who are apostles of God should come and be prepared for their missions and that those who have gifts of the Holy Spirit might go forth and use those gifts in the context of the larger circle of the teaching of the Everlasting Gospel.16

     My beloved ones, the ladies of heaven are joining you and all who attend. We are here, beloved, absolutely determined that you will be infired and organized and so God-taught that you may yet make a dent in this civilization.

     I have come that you might see my Presence and witness to me and know that the Retreat of the Divine Mother over this place, known as the New Jerusalem, is indeed vast and does extend far beyond even the physical counterpart of this retreat. Beloved ones, this place is a place of culture and learning and it is the focal point that does draw the saints of East and West at inner octaves and those in embodiment.

     Expand the mind, beloved! For we would see pilgrims coming from every nation as ambassadors of Light to bring back to their nations the Path and the understanding and the Word. We desire to see this Teaching known in every nation before the end shall come, and this is the meaning of the word in scripture.17 It must be done, beloved! The seeds must be planted that none upon earth shall ever lose again the path of Lord Maitreya's Mystery School.

     You have the power to do it, beloved! Let those who have the funds and the resources come and place them upon the altar. It is the hour when the world can receive the Light. And when it does, beloved, those Lightbearers shall be holding the balance for the karma that must descend ere the golden age of Aquarius can come forth in all of its glory.

     We ask you, mothers, to become teachers every day for more and more souls, for children around the world. We ask you to determine how you can go here and there to various places to bring the true understanding of how to read and write and all that has been brought forward by Montessori and others whose methods you have incorporated.

     Blessed ones, it is an hour of the quickening. Let all recognize how many souls are wasting for waiting for the coming of the deliverer. Not only are you the Light of the world but you are mighty deliverers! You are the remnant of Venus and of Sanat Kumara's bands who came, and among you are others who have come from other Manus and evolutions who have had a similar training.

     Blessed ones, you may look to yourself and say, "Who am I that I can do any of these things?" It is only because of your limited concept of yourself. Therefore I formally extend to you [my invitation] to be present at Summit University on [Saturdays and] Sundays, when training shall be given in how to preach and teach the Word. On those days, beloved, you are welcome to come in and to give your time so that you will polish your skills.

     I trust you will understand that skills are a chalice into which there must be poured the Holy Spirit. Therefore provide the chalice! We will give the skills to strengthen the chalice. And we will pour forth the Holy Spirit as you present yourself a house that is not divided, a house that is one - one-pointed in one love, one goal, one purpose, and that is to serve to set life free with the greatest talent that God has given you and that you have perfected in previous lifetimes.

     Blessed ones, it matters not if your single talent is the talent of the little juggler,18 for juggling the problems of the world and the labors is something in itself! And if you are one who will keep the Flame at the altar of this court, then so be it; for those who go forth will not make it on an empty court. The court must be filled!

     Therefore let the walls of hatred come tumbling down!

     I AM the Ascended Lady Master Venus. And I have somewhat to pronounce this day upon the fallen ones who move against the Lightbearers:

     This is the day the LORD hath made!19 This is the day when you are reduced and you go down and there is no longer opportunity, for you have had this opportunity to repent for five million years.

     Therefore the Law has said: This is divine mercy upon you. And you have languished in your serpent consciousness, sucking the very lifeblood of our children for this long.

     Therefore the day of liberation is come! And the day of the binding of such as you is already upon the earth. You will not stop it! You will not stay the hand of the LORD!

     For upon this day the Four Horsemen ride.

     Even as the Death Rider now narrows the distance from the previous one, so we say, beloved, the Four Horsemen are moving and they are on the move and may you stay close to the God Star.

     I ask that you accept the assignment of giving the call to beloved Surya forty times daily.20 It is for your personal protection in this mission and the dispensations we bear. It is for the protection of the earth and the divine plan and the buying of time to contact the Lightbearers and for you to settle your karmic debts and fully ensconce yourselves in the place that God has prepared for you neath the canopy of our retreat overshadowing your service.

     Therefore, let the fallen ones know that it is the Divine Mother who descends this day as the Great Kali, the Great Durga, the Great Sarasvati, the Great Lakshmi - the Parvati!

     Therefore, the Divine Mother has come, and it is the hour prophesied when the Divine Mother comes as the judge in the earth. And now her chelas and now her sons and daughters shall fully embrace and embody her, for there shall no longer be any schism between the psyche of the children of the Light and the sons and daughters of God and the Divine Mother.

     I, Lady Venus, proclaim it!

     And my angels stand before you and they stand in my Electronic Presence. And they now take from you, if you will let go of it, beloved, all burden that has ever beset you between yourself and the Divine Mother and any human mothers in any lifetime.

     I say, let go of it!

     I come to you. I AM your Divine Mother. I come to you, beloved, and I do not leave this place or the Retreat of the Divine Mother. Therefore, you are always at home with me at the Royal Teton Ranch. You are always at home in the Inner Retreat and in the etheric octave of the Mother's retreat.

     Think about it, beloved. Let it go! Let all substance that has molded your personality in a warped way as a reaction of negation toward [the human] mother [or the Divine Mother] be taken. Let the images of the "bad mother" [lodged in the subconscious] that you have learned about in your Messenger's lectures21 be taken also.

     Blessed ones, I will take the pattern and some of the substance, then you will work daily with the violet flame and Astreas to take the rest. This is your work and it is mine also. Yet you have worked a mighty work for the LORD. You have decreed hours and years and embodiments. You are due something for that, and the LORD God has decided that the gift of greatest need, of greatest necessity, is to have removed from you all barriers to the heart of the Mother and the Mother Flame.

     Therefore, as you hold the Flame of the Mother, the forces will not be able, no one - not even you - will be able to prevent the children of the Light from making their trek to the holy mountain of God. And it shall be the city that is set on an hill; therefore, it cannot be hid.22

     Let your Light so shine in this city and before all men that they will see that Light and they will come to the altar of God. They will come to the secret place of the Most High in their own hearts!

     Blessed ones, all is in position. Simply take up the shepherd's crook and go forward once you have been fully trained.

     This is my message, beloved. May you feel the fervor of my heart, the love of my heart for you; [may you see] the beauty that I see in your souls and in your faces! You are beautiful. You are beloved of me and all hosts of heaven.

     I desire you to know this and to know this love and [to know] that your response should be that because you feel and know this love, you, then, will do better. You will not become as spoiled children now having received a favor from your mother, but rather, in profound humility and joy and tears of joy that wash away all sorrow and all sense of aloneness and all hurt, you will truly come in to a Guru-chela relationship with me. I desire to give this to you, beloved. I desire to give it to your children, that Love might be the healing of all conditions of your consciousness.

     Do you have a spiritual crisis in your life? Love will heal it but not love for the human self or the human patterns - love for the Higher Self and the love that enables you to break away from that human consciousness though it may pain you, though it may wound you, though it may set you aside and you may swoon.

     So be willing to be delivered of every seed of Satan and force thereof for the very love of the Divine Mother. Is not the Divine Mother the heart, the open door to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit?

     O beloved, I am all Love excelling in your heart. Receive me now! Receive my angels! And pray, as you will, as this manifestation is taking place. [Congregation prays.]

     This process will continue, beloved, for as long as is necessary. It is as a surgery on your finer bodies. Therefore accept it through the day and through the night and until it is complete during this week.

     May you rejoice that you are beloved of the Divine Mother and that your soul, as a tiny babe in her arms, does also love. Visualize this soul and this babe growing, waxing strong, rising to a stature of Christ at the ages of seven and twelve and eighteen. See that one emerging now. See your soul becoming the fullness of the Lord who is Christ.

     Blessed ones, I speak to you sternly! You are that Christ. That Christ is your identity. Accept no other! Do not compromise. Do not step down for the world. Let the world step up to you!

     Raise the world, beloved! Be not cowards and compromisers, not that I have ever seen you as such, but as the world goes there are many who are manifesting as role models - cowards and compromisers on every point of the Law and every truth until all civilization shall be leveled; for nothing shall stand without Principle as its undergirding.

     Blessed ones, do not step down for the world. Let the world step up to you! This is my admonishment. If you [hold your own], it will happen.

     Now I return you to our beloved Sanat Kumara.

7.2  Beloved Sanat Kumara

Vol. 34 No. 7 - Beloved Sanat Kumara

     Yes, my beloved, do not march to the step of the world! Let them learn your step and learn to move with the forces of Light. Do not march to their drummer but let your own drummer set that beat for the march into heaven. Lead them to octaves of Light! Our angels will assist you mightily.

     Therefore in this hour as we survey the scene, we see karma descending and Light liberating. Reinforce your Light and you will see how the blessings will come and you will be closer to your Victory and in greater preparation to help others.

     Let the sin against the Holy Ghost23 be not committed! Let the misuse of the sacred fire cease! May you meditate in the bija mantras24 and raise up that sacred fire, beloved, for you will need it in the days ahead.

     Now, beloved, as our performers bring to you the story from the heart of Francis Bacon of The Taming of the Shrew,25 remember this: it is about the taming of the dweller-on-the-threshold for the liberation of the soul in the sweetness of God.

     Learn the way of sacrifice that is willing to deal with the one you love and many loved ones until that dweller is broken and the soul emerges as the true bride of Christ. This is a lesson in the sacrifice of every guru, who is every husband. And therefore understand that the bride of the husband must become worthy and the husband must be worthy to become the guru.

     Look at your beloved Lanello and El Morya and all of those in heaven. Look at how we have not spared you the correction and the necessary fire. And look at how when we have given it, often you have lashed back at our very mouthpiece; and some have left, declaring the mouthpiece a fraud.

     But, beloved ones, the mouthpiece is relentless! For there is that wrestling, there is that fire, there is that fury of the Great Kali that must come upon you in those hours and moments when your pride is at its peak and you are not aware of how you will stumble in the very next step unless you are rescued.

     Therefore know that every successful son and daughter of God has had that love of a living Guru, that love of an Ascended Master that would not let that one continue to walk in the density or the pride or the rebellion of the ages.

     Therefore, take heart! You have a Guru in your midst who is relentless, who will never take a backseat when the time comes to deliver the word of Morya or of Shiva or of the Great Divine Director. This Messenger is under the commission not to inform you what Master is speaking to you when you receive that correction; and therefore, you react to the Messenger and to what you perceive as a human person.

     Beloved ones, the Messenger is humble. The Messenger will not put herself into the situation [of invoking the Masters' names to reinforce a point of the Great Law]. You are always receiving the word of the Brotherhood. Therefore know that the Messengership is an office and it is a twenty-four-hour occupation.

     Listen for the word, beloved! Listen for the word you need! For there are many who need this word and the Messenger may not always see [in person] those who need it. Those of you who receive it must pass it on appropriately to those whom you meet. There must be a mutual [soul] correction and reinforcement. You should not be burdened when a fellow chela speaks to you [with an admonishment] but know that you require that Light that descends from our octave to the Messenger for that sharpening of the sword of your own Spirit.

     Therefore, beloved, receive us! And receive the message of The Taming of the Shrew and recognize that a part of you, of everyone, has at one time or another been the shrew. And the only reason you are not today is that some angel or some representative of the Mother or of the Guru has come to you, has wrestled with you, has refused to allow you to continue hell-bent for destruction in that mode of consciousness.

     Blessed ones, you will see as this story unfolds that there was not any, including her father, that could tame this shrew, only one who loved her soul. When you meet the one who loves your soul enough to be crucified by your carnal mind, know, beloved, that you have met the representative of the Great White Brotherhood.

     Therefore, crucify on! The Messenger will never cease to go after you to separate you from the "shrew consciousness." May you have the courage to so do it with one another and lose your popularity for a time until the soul does embrace you and thank you for that blessing. [In the short term it may be] a thankless job, beloved, but be not concerned: your reward is with you both on earth and in heaven.

     I AM the Guru of this planetary home and I say to you: You have enough teaching to help one another, to correct one another. Please, wait no longer for the Messenger to come by. There are too many lifestreams, too many chelas in this organization to catch the Messenger's eye. Those of you who know better must speak out!

     Do not fear to speak out, beloved, and do not fear the reaction to your speaking. Let us help one another be prepared. For the husband is the Christ and the Christ does come, and the shrew will never, never recognize him until and unless she be transformed.

     Therefore, let us get on with the music and the celebration! For this moment does mark the commencement of the marriage supper of the Lamb, the feast of Light.

     God bless you all. I AM the Ancient of Days.

     [66-second standing ovation]

     This dictation by Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on New Year's Day, January 1, 1991, during the six-day New Year's I AM the Light of the World Conference held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. The service and Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus' dictation are available on 120-min. videocassette (HP91017) and on 90-min. audiocassette (B91011). [N.B. Throughout this Pearl, bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus' direction for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom.

7.3  I AM the Witness - February 17, 1991

Vol. 34 No. 7 - I AM the Witness - February 17, 1991

     I AM the Witness

     I began seeking in my teens, as did many of us. But I was particularly diligent - I looked everywhere. I looked in mainstream religion and, my desire not satisfied, I looked in the occult and in new-age religions. Finally someone told me that when I would find the "Celestial Hierarchy" all my questions would be answered. I studied, I searched, I meditated - I even called libraries in this country and in Europe for information on the "Celestial Hierarchy," but to no avail.

     Mostly I hoped. I had a vague awareness that there was a group of people on earth who knew the real meaning of life and whose mission it was to communicate this awareness not in the old tradition of secrecy but in the new vibration of freedom, telling all who would listen. I felt I had to be with them, but first I had to find them.

     In my desire I must have said a prayer, although I don't remember it. But after years of waiting I had an experience that changed my life forever.

     One Sunday morning I awoke very early to send my husband and his friends off on a fishing trip. Once they were gone I had the house to myself, except for my little girl, who would nap through the morning. When I lay down for a short rest I fell into a deep sleep. From some other realm a strong personal presence spoke to me. This "person," who I now understand was an Ascended Master, gave me a message so vivid I can remember it to this day.

     The Master showed me a woman whom he said was currently in embodiment. He explained to me that she had been embodied numerous times on earth. Through those lives she had learned many lessons and had earnestly dedicated herself to a path of service. In each lifetime she attained greater purification until by her example she had qualified herself to become a representative of the "Celestial Hierarchy" in this life.

     The Master further showed me that, after thousands of years of the old dispensation, this was the age for woman to come into her true identity and that the Hierarchy needed this example to show the Christ as Woman. He told me that today this woman was actually wearing the mantle of Vicar of Christ, a statement which stands out in my memory because, not having been raised Catholic, the title meant very little to me at the time.

     The Master charged me to seek and find this Christed one, stating that she held the key to my own divine feminine and to the fulfillment of my personal divine plan. Finally he told me I would know her by the name "Mother."

     As I awoke I lay still for several minutes trying to comprehend all I had been shown. I was profoundly moved that someone cared enough about me to actually come to me and answer my deepest questions. Now I had only one mission left - to find "Mother."

     In excitement I walked into my living room. On the coffee table a friend had left a book on the Secret Teachings of the Ages. I grabbed it, hoping to find my first clue. I flipped through the pages and suddenly stopped on the article on Hypatia, the great female scholar of ancient Greece. As I began to read her story I exclaimed, "It's her! This is the woman I shall find! This is Mother!" I later came to know that this was indeed one of the past embodiments of my mentor.

     As the weeks went by I asked everyone I met if they knew Mother. I got some interesting responses. One woman who considered herself a teacher offered to be that "Mother" for me, but I knew she was not the one. My search continued until I was instructed in another dream to go to a certain church where classes were being taught on new age teachings. There, I was told, I would meet a black man who would lead me to the greatest treasure on earth.

     I obediently began attending sessions there. I wasn't impressed by the teacher and did not meet anyone particularly impressive except for a black couple who seemed to have an extra sparkle of joy in their auras. After a few weeks I was ready to quit but decided to attend one more session.

     As we were milling around before class I faintly heard from across the room the word "Mother." All ears, I turned to hear this black couple discussing a coming event with another classmate. I ran across the room. "Do you know Mother?" "Yes," they replied. In answer to my questions they told me that "Mother" was Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood, and that she would be teaching at a conference near my home the next week.

     They agreed to take me, and of course I knew my search was over when I laid eyes on her. I will never forget the bonding I felt when she looked into my eyes and shook my hand. I knew I had finally come home to my Guru and ultimately to the fulfillment of my own divine plan.

     In the fifteen years since I met Elizabeth Clare Prophet she has indeed given me precious keys essential to the fulfillment of my divine plan. I have never stopped thanking the "Celestial Hierarchy" for the gift of her personal presence in my life and for these precious teachings, truly the greatest treasure on earth.

     A few winters back, I was spending some time with my family. My dad had rented a van for something and it got stuck in their driveway because it had just snowed. (New England winters can be pretty bad!)

     He tried rocking it, to no avail. So he had me get behind the wheel and he went out to push. Still no luck. I got out and we both pushed. The more we tried, the deeper it seemed to get stuck. There was quite a rut there now. After about half an hour of this, I thought, "Enough is enough." I told him to get back in the van and start rocking again while I pushed. He fussed a little but finally went.

     Meanwhile, I made an intense call to Archangel Michael to place his Electronic Presence over me and to push this van. In less than a minute, it was out of the rut and back on the road again. My Dad got out, totally perplexed at how his 5'3" daughter could have pushed this big ol' van out of the rut all by herself when the two of us together couldn't even do it! I told him it wasn't me, it was Archangel Michael! He looked at me for a few seconds kind of dumbfounded and, in silence, got back into the van.

     I had been in the teachings approximately one year when an appearance from Archangel Michael secured forever my devotion to this path and locked me into the genuineness of the Messengership.

     Our July Conference 1976 was held in Washington, D.C., in honor of the Centennial. The days were packed with anticipation as the Masters in each dictation set the tenor for the next hundred years.

     I was staying with a number of other conferees at George Washington University. The second night there I remember having a vivid and terrifying nightmare wherein I was forcibly locked up in a deep cave. There were demons all around tormenting and torturing me while on the other side of a wall of prison bars I could see my body sleeping. I was crying out and pleading to my body to wake up, but to no avail. Finally in desperation I remembered the simple call to Archangel Michael: "Lord Michael before, Lord Michael behind. ..."

     Instantly I was back in my body. Sitting up in my bed, the fear began to subside as I glanced around at familiar surroundings. My roommate was still sound asleep, but around his bed and mine a blur of blue angels was rapidly pursuing a shadowy mass that soon left through the open window and disappeared from sight followed closely by the angelic pursuers. This entire process, taking no more than several seconds, left me somewhat stunned.

     Redirecting my gaze to the foot of my bed, I then saw him standing there: his golden hair wafting in solar breezes from another dimension. He held his sword before him filling the entire space from floor to ceiling. The angular, youthful face of a warrior; brilliant golden armor and heavenly wings; all radiating and interpenetrated with the transparent, vibrant, cobalt blue of the fearless leader of God's armies.

     Within moments my emotional state had progressed from terror, to relief, to surprise and now to reverent awe at this magnificent and privileged experience. I let my soul drink deeply of the angelic vision as my eyes spoke gratitude to his. If a man's eyes are windows to his soul, then an Archangel's eyes are portals to the entire cosmos - past, present, and future. Every moment of man's strife and victory seemed recorded in his ageless, radiant visage. In his gaze I felt comfort, peace and transcendent love. No harm could ever come to me with Michael as my guardian.

     I lay back safe as a child in the arms of the Divine Mother. I did not see him leave. I know he never will. I have only to close my eyes to see his face and feel his power and love about me. For this no words can ever express my gratitude.

     My first lecture on the Teachings was at a conference called "The Healing Power of Angels" in Vancouver, B.C., May 1986. I had heard about the Great White Brotherhood through outer sources and wanted to find out more about what the Great White Brotherhood was. None of the spiritual organizations I had previously visited were able to explain to me who the Great White Brotherhood was and I had visited quite a few.

     When I saw the poster for "The Healing Power of Angels," I was about one block away from it but I knew that there was something on that poster for me to see. I approached it and the first thing I read was "Find out who the Great White Brotherhood is." That was enough for me, I was going to those lectures.

     As usual, I was very careful in taking in these lectures. In the first 15 minutes I had formed about 15 questions in my head. In the next hour, Mother answered all of the questions that I had in a very specific manner. Afterwards, a question would automatically be answered by Mother. That same evening I felt a fire burning in my heart for the first time in this life; and of course what followed was Mother's explanation of the threefold flame, the Divine Spark in the heart.

     As the weekend went on, God unfolded Himself to me through my experience and through His Messenger, Elizabeth Clare Prophet. The second night of the seminar, we learned about "the Call," that angels and archangels do not come uninvited. One thing that Mother said that night that freed me forever from the Orthodox religions' "dos and don'ts" was "You don't have to believe what I am telling you, you can make the call and prove the law in your own life."

     When I was walking home that night at about 1 a.m., I remembered that the outside light to the basement where I lived was burned out. I had had a fear of darkness before, which I felt again that night. So I remembered Mother's teaching and called to Archangel Michael to place His Presence around me, to clear the way from all fear and to show himself to me. When I arrived home, my outside light was on but it was not an ordinary light; it was so bright I could hardly look at it. I don't remember installing a 1500-watt bulb outside.

     I left that light on and went to bed. As I was trying to sleep, pillars of blue light kept appearing beside my bed. I remembered that I had called to Archangel Michael to show Himself but I was not expecting a light show.

     Then I called to Archangel Michael to take me in my etheric body to His retreat at Banff, Canada, while I slept. That night I had a very peaceful sleep and woke up naturally at 5 a.m. charged and ever full of vitality. I finally discovered what was missing in my diet: the Blue Ray of Archangel Michael and the Holy Spirit.

     The statement "When the student is ready, the Master appears" was starting to manifest in my life. Although I did not know I was ready, El Morya and the Archangels knew! Thanks to our Messenger, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, for bringing these precious beings into the physical octave to be our teachers.

     Dear Friends,

     I would like to witness to what I believe was dramatic intercession and protection by Lord Michael.

     For various reasons, I have come to believe that the Lord has wanted me to begin my self-mastery on his blue flame. I have always felt close to Lord Michael and so began to give fiery calls and decrees to Him for guidance and protection.

     For a number of years, I had a job delivering newspapers. I spent three hours a day driving and therefore felt particularly vulnerable to accidents. I always tried to remember Archangel Michael's "Traveling Protection" call and I believe he stepped in to assist me at least two times.

     One particular day, I was at a stop sign waiting to make a left-hand turn. I saw a car coming at me from my left with his right-hand signal flashing. Believing he was going to turn right, I proceeded to make my left-hand turn. As I reached the middle of the path of this vehicle, I realized that he was going too fast and therefore had no intention of turning. To top it off, the driver was not looking at the road but seemed to be fiddling with his radio! In that second everything seemed to go into slow motion and I remember feeling great fear and physical weakness, knowing I was to be struck on the driver's side by a vehicle going 40-45 mph!

     Without thinking, I stepped on the gas pedal as hard as I could. At that same second, the other driver looked up, saw what was about to take place and stepped on his brake as hard as he could. He came so close to hitting me that, to this day, I can still see the horror on his face and feel the same on mine. Were it not for the split-second timing of each of our actions, it's possible one or both of us could have lost our lives. I truly believe that Lord Michael's hand prevented that accident from occurring.

     This is only one of a number of incidents regarding near-accidents that "uncannily" did not happen. I look upon them as miracles of God through beloved Lord Michael.

     I feel that I must be needed by the Lord to do his work in some way and I pray that I will be worthy and able to answer his call when it comes, just as He answered mine when I needed it.

     Before I knew the Masters and their Teachings, I would have thought it was pure luck that I was saved. Now I know that the Lord guides our every step. I am so grateful to Saint Germain, to our beloved Messengers and to all who serve the Light for the self-sacrifices you all lovingly make so that Lightbearers the world around will receive the Teachings. I love you.

     Yours forever in Christ our Lord,

     P.S. I think the "I AM the Witness" section of the Pearls is such a wonderful idea. I so look forward to this "extra" in the Pearls. I feel it brings me so much closer to the worldwide community of Keepers and Lightbearers. Thank you!!

     Beloved Mother,

     There is an instance that I have wanted to testify to you about. It occurred in very late 1984, or early 1985, when we were still at Camelot. I know I had been a Keeper of the Flame for only about 7 or 8 months. Following a Saint Germain Service, I walked to the parking lot to my car in order to return home to West Los Angeles, where I was living at the time. I got to my car only to find that my left rear tire was completely flat.

     I was very frustrated with myself when I saw the tire because for more than three weeks I had been driving my car without a spare tire. I had been telling myself to go to my mechanic and check with him and find out if, when he had been working on my car several weeks earlier, he had inadvertently misplaced my spare. I never went to see him, however, because I was always too busy at the moment. "I'll take care of it tomorrow," I kept saying.

     So, there I was, in the parking lot at Camelot, about 11:00 p.m. on a Saturday night, no one around me and about 25 miles to go to get home. I thought to myself, "Would I be better off trying to get to the Ventura Freeway about 7 miles north, or would I be better off going the 8 or 9 miles to the Pacific Coast Highway?" I decided that either direction was bad since I would be driving on a flat tire, but I finally determined that the Pacific Coast Highway would be better because, once there, I would probably have better fortune getting help from AAA.

     I got in the car and started to drive out the main gate, trying to think if I had any other option. The car was making this clunking sound all the way out because of the flat tire. I drove slowly and made my turn out of the front gate, heading toward the light at Malibu Canyon Highway. But the sound of the car running on this flat tire was very bad, and so I pulled over to the side of the road across from the gate and got out to look at the tire.

     It had not improved from the drive down the entrance. I felt a sinking in my heart, and I said to myself that I would just have to drive very slowly down Malibu Canyon and hope and pray that the tire would last long enough for me to get to the Pacific Coast Highway, where I would be able to get some help. I was resigned to this because there clearly was no other option open.

     Just at that moment, I remembered the mantra "Lord Michael before, Lord Michael behind. ..." I said to myself, "Maybe, if I just start saying that mantra as fast as I can, my mind will think of some other solution to this mess." Even though the problem was entirely my fault, due to procrastination, I thought, "Maybe this decree will help Archangel Michael to get me down the hill safely. So, just drive real, real slowly, even if it takes you all night to get home. The important thing is to get home safely."

     I felt, Mother, that I was kind of in a twilight zone and I kept verbally kicking myself for not having gone to get my spare tire for all of those weeks. I looked at my watch and it was about 11:15. I knew that things were not going to improve if I just sat there. I knew I needed some kind of miracle to get me safely down that hill to the Coast Highway but I truly felt in a state of near total despair; my unspoken prayer to Archangel Michael was just to get me down the hill safely. I did not really care if the tire was destroyed in the process. I just had to get to someone who could help me.

     I was not very confident but I began to speak the mantra. Mother, I do not believe I had spoken the mantra more than a few times (and not very loudly, because I was feeling quite depressed) when I began to hear a soft hissing sound coming from the left rear of the car, and I felt a very subtle but nevertheless distinct lifting or raising of the left rear of the car.

     My first thought was to get out of the car and see what was going on but something in my heart told me, "Stay put and just keep repeating the mantra as fast as you can and as loudly as you can." I decided for one of the few times in my life, to that point, to be obedient and I did as I was told.

     I drove to the intersection there, of Mulholland and Malibu Canyon, and stopped at the light. I noticed as I was driving that the clunking of the tire had disappeared. I remember I had a kind of smile on my face but, at the same time I felt like what was actually happening could not possibly be happening; but yet, I knew it was happening.

     When the light changed, I turned left and started down the highway. I kept listening for the clunking sound of the tire as my car picked up speed and the sound just was not there. Before I knew it, I was driving at 50 miles an hour down the road and nearly yelling the mantra to Archangel Michael, over and over.

     As the car was coming down the final hill, approaching Pepperdine University and Seaver Road where I was going to turn to get to the Unocal Station across the Pacific Coast Highway, all of a sudden the tire went flat again and started the clunking sound. I slowed down as fast as I could and drove the last mile or so very slowly and pulled into the Unocal Station. I asked the man working there if he could repair my tire. He said that he did not have a spare tire that would fit my car and that his equipment was not working right. I then went to the phone and called AAA. I explained the situation and where I was and they said that someone would be along to help me in about an hour.

     I stood there, thinking about the whole situation for a minute, and I decided, "Look, the mantra to Archangel Michael got you safely down from Camelot; do the mantra again and see if there is any way of getting this situation speeded up a little." Within probably a couple of minutes - I am not exactly certain how long it took - the man came out to where I was and said, "You know, I think I probably can fix your tire 'cause I just found a new tire that will fit your car." He did so and in about 10 minutes I was on my way home. The entire delay was probably no more than 30 minutes.

     Needless to say, during the years since this occurred, I have found myself questioning, "Did that really happen to me?" Well, Mother, I know that it did. I know that I had a flat tire. I know that I had no spare to use. The only way I got down that hill safely and the only way I got home in good time was through the intercession of Archangel Michael.

     Whenever my faith is tried - which seems to be frequent these days - I go back to this experience and realize that this was only one of countless times in my life that this most blessed of God's servants has stepped in personally to remind me of his presence, of his strength and of his trustworthiness. I have not seen him with my physical eyes but I know his presence in my life. As I daily give his Covenant of the Chela, I know that one day - soon - I will see him face to face.

     God bless you, Mother, for being the embodied truth of God's reality in me.

     I must witness to the power and most immediate, physical presence of the angels. I was getting ready to drive cross-country to be on staff at the Ranch. I had packed up two big trunks with everything I could cram into them. My dad helped me put them into my car, the biggest in the trunk and the other in the back seat, so I could drop them off with the friends I was driving with (they had to have them by a certain time so they could load up the bus).

     One trunk was so heavy that my dad and I together strained with every bit of our strength to drag it into the trunk. It was quite a scene. I think it took half an hour just to put it in my trunk! (We had to lift it up and over the big lip of the trunk.) He was about to give up and say "to heck with it" because we were having so much trouble. I think he was contemplating throwing things overboard. (He tends to be of the opinion that ladies always pack more than they need when they go someplace. In this instance, he was sure I was living up to that "reputation"!)

     Meanwhile, I was making calls and, by God's grace, we finally got it into the trunk of my car. So I drove to my friend's house and rang the bell. To my horror, there was no answer. Now what? I had to leave them there because they had to be loaded up. But I was counting on the two to three big strong men who lived there to get them out of my car for me.

     The scene of the trouble my dad and I had kept going through my mind. "There's absolutely no way I can get these out by myself," I thought. I tried lifting one. It barely budged. Getting it out would be worse than getting it in because of the angle of the trunk. I tried the doorbell again. Still no answer.

     I thought for a few minutes. There wasn't time to drive away and come back again. I didn't have time to wait. The only choice was to somehow get them out by myself. So, I made a desperate call to the angels and told them how desperate I was and that I needed them to get the trunks out for me. I started lifting the first one. To my amazement, I felt like someone was inside of the trunk, lifting and pushing the other end, and it came out like a piece of cake! Still amazed, I went and got the other trunk out of the back seat. I dragged them off to the side and, as I prepared to leave, the lady of the house came out!

     I realized that the whole situation had been a "set-up" to show me the wondrous presence and power of the beloved angels, just waiting for our calls!

     Dear Mother,

     I would like to share with you an experience I had with our Beloved Saint Germain and tell you how he helped me to break my addiction to nicotine.

     In February of 1988, I started attending a weekly introductory session at the Boston Chartered Study Group. Our discussions revolved around various subjects and were usually free-flowing. This allowed us the freedom to explore many subjects. We could also borrow materials from the library such as books, tapes or videos and pursue further in-depth study during the week. Since I lived some distance from Boston, I was able to do violet flame decrees in the car to and from work and the study center.

     I had been a smoker for about fourteen years and had tried to quit unsuccessfully several times. On occasion I was able to go a few days without smoking. However, I would usually light up again using some sort of invalid justification for continuing to smoke. It became increasingly more difficult for me to go without a cigarette and I realized that I needed help to "break free."

     During my studies, I learned that the astral forces work against those who smoke and unless you do the spiritual work it can be increasingly difficult to quit. Each excuse I manufactured only added to the growing pile of invalid justifications. I picked up a video one night on "A Course in Self Mastery" with Saint Germain's dictation "May You Pass Every Test." Saint Germain told us we could break habits by affirming that we would no longer allow ourselves to be tied to this or that habit. He said we needed to take a strong stand.

     Well, I was always good at taking stands, by God's grace, so I thought "OK, I'll try this." So I rewound the tape, listened to the dictation again and when I felt that I was mentally ready to give it all I could, I walked outside into the night air. I took a deep breath, summoned the full fire of my being, concentrated as hard as I could and said with a loud voice, "I won't take this any more! GET OUT OF ME! DO YOU HEAR? NOOOOOOWWW!!"

     Since I was straining, I had my eyes closed, and then the most incredible thing happened. I saw very clearly Saint Germain from the waist up in profile. He was drawing off of me into his heart chakra a thick black cloud that had been around me. I was so surprised to see this that I watched in total amazement as he took on that burden and instantaneously transmuted it with his heart flame. The scene disappeared and I stood alone in the night again. Needless to say I was stunned. That was the most incredible thing I had ever seen!

     The next day I had one slight urge to smoke. When I picked up a cigarette I couldn't even tolerate holding it. From that day on I have not smoked and all residual desire diminished very quickly. I truly believe in the power of God to break any and all addictions. This experience taught me many things about my own determination and our alignment to God's will whereby all things not of His world can be transmuted by our own application of His will to that end.

     I had quit drinking alcohol and coffee and had finally refrained from any indulgences in drugs before coming to the Teachings. But for me smoking proved to be a tough one. I know that I received divine intercession from Saint Germain because I had put forth the prior effort and truly committed myself to cleaning up my act.

     This experience has helped me to continue to strive even harder to go farther and higher on the Path. I owe Saint Germain my life and eternal thanks. Truly, any and all things are possible with God.

     In November of 1988, my youngest son, William, who isn't in the Teachings, my daughter, Marie, who had been in the Teachings for six months, and I were flying from Denver, Colorado, to Newark, New Jersey, to attend my nephew's rehearsal dinner and wedding.

     Marie dropped us off at the check-in counter with the baggage and went to park the car in long-term parking. We thought we had left ample time for her to get to the parking lot, park the car and take the shuttle back to the airport. William and I got to the gate and checked in and waited for Marie to return. Thirty minutes later they called last boarding. There was no sign of Marie.

     I asked the boarding clerk if they could wait a little longer. She said they could hold the plane but only for a few minutes. "That will be fine," I said, "I know she'll be here any minute." William and I continued our vigil of looking down the terminal, repeating, "Come on Marie!" and asking, "Where can she be? What can be taking her so long?"

     The boarding clerk told us, "We can't hold the plane up any longer. You will have to take the next flight out in three hours." "That won't do. We'll miss the rehearsal dinner by then," I replied. She apologized and closed the door leading to the plane.

     Marie was still not in sight. Five minutes later the door to the plane opened. Three men emerged carrying trays of food. Carol, our boarding clerk, announced, "You have a few more minutes. We somehow got the wrong food on board."

     I whispered my prayers of gratitude to God and William and I continued our vigil. There was no sign of Marie. Ten minutes later the door was shut again with further apologies from Carol.

     At this point William was becoming very impatient with Marie and I was resigned to the fact we would be taking the later flight. Marie was nowhere to be found. The door to the plane opened one more time. "The latch on the baggage section isn't closing, and you can still board if your daughter arrives in the next few minutes," Carol told us.

     "Thank God, the break we needed! She's bound to show up now." We resumed our cheering session, "Come on Marie!" Marie didn't arrive. The door was shut. They prepared for take off.

     In a few minutes the door opened again. "The engine light came on. We have to check it out," Carol said, "but perhaps it will work to your advantage."

     William announced, "There she is!" Marie was running toward us down the terminal.

     "I couldn't find long-term parking and then the shuttle back didn't come for the longest time. I kept calling to Lanello asking him to do something to hold up the plane until I got here."

     We boarded the plane and it took off without further delay.

     The painting of Jesus and his disciples walking and talking together on the road to Emmaus certainly evokes serene beauty to the soul. To think that these two disciples who walked with him did not even recognize that it was Jesus until he broke bread with them, then he vanished out of their sight. Thus their proclamation ..."Did not our heart burn within us while he talked with us by the way ..." reveals to us that they should have recognized him not by his appearance but by the burning of their heart, which they must have experienced many times before as he preached.

     This burning in the heart and the closeness of the Ascended Masters with us has been experienced by myself many times and in many different ways while I have been serving on the staff of the Messenger. It is truly this burning in the heart or this grace of God that sustains us on the path. I have two short accounts that demonstrate the tender regard that the Masters have for us.

     One Christmas I was home visiting my family. My brother who had recently been hired at a new job wanted to show me where he worked. Since he had a key to the building, we went in to inspect his work place. It was an old building with wood floors and very dusty. As we were walking down the stairs from the second floor a very powerful ray of light anchored in my heart and started burning. Immediately I turned my head. There was a clock. I noted the time and thought to myself Jesus must be dictating. I thought a moment of the irony of this cosmic event occurring within me amidst this crusty old building - in a way, somewhat symbolic of my own temple that needed cleaning.

     My brother was still talking while my heart was now ablaze with fire. He did not notice - I smiled. I later listened to the replay and noted the time of the dictation. My experience had occurred within that time frame. In addition, Jesus had made the statement that he was sending a ray of light from his heart to the heart of his disciples the world around. To think that the Master considered me his disciple and that his light had reached me in an instant many miles from its point of origin was an awesome revelation.

     On another occasion, while the Church headquarters was at Camelot, I was working at a department that was 20-30 miles from Camelot. Many times we would be working out there during conferences, but we would have a phone hookup so we could stop and listen to the dictations as they were given.

     One conference, Jesus again was dictating and I prayed to the Master, "O Jesus fill me with your desire to be one with God." Not a moment had passed after my thought prayer when there was a pause in the dictation and Jesus resumed, saying, "I am now filling you with my desire to be one with God." What!! I was so startled it took me a few moments to gain my composure and then I was lost deep in thought and in the bliss of the feeling of the Master's tender regard for my soul.

     These two experiences always remind me of the Master's promise "I am with you always even until the end." If we could keep in mind how close and real is that "always," we would never be ungrateful.

     I am grateful to the Masters for their presence with us always and their constant striving to raise us above that which we can see now to a higher vision of selfhood. And I am grateful to Mother for being the Messenger as a clear pane of glass that we might look into the higher octaves and behold that which we are to become - and that the eternal light rays may pass through her and reach us here below to teach, to bless, to heal and guide us on our homeward journey. The person who fills that job in hierarchy surely has to be humble - humble indeed.


1 "And they shall not escape their karma." I Thess. 5:3. See The Lost Teachings of Jesus I, p. 74; Climb the Highest Mountain, 2d ed., p. 470; The Astrology of the Four Horsemen, pp. 17-18, 187-88; Introduction in 1988 PoW, Book I, pp. 3-4.
2 See Jesus Christ, November 22, 1990, in 1990 PoW, pp. 583-86, 589; and Magda, December 27, 1990, pp. 1, 3-4, 13 n. 3, this volume.
3 Matt. 5:14; John 8:12; 9:5.
4 Death Rider. Rev. 6:7, 8. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, "Prophecy for the 1990s III," in 1990 PoW, pp. 46, 97, 104-11, 162, 167. See also Elizabeth Clare Prophet, "My Vision of the Four Horsemen," in The Astrology of the Four Horsemen, pp. 189-204.
5 Prior to the dictation, Scott McBride, a Keeper of the Flame and former vice president of the California Pro-Life Council, gave a report, "An Exposé on Abortion." His presentation included the ABC Nightline "The New Civil War," an update on abortion facts and figures, and suggested courses of action for Keepers of the Flame. Available on 90-min. audiocassette, B91012.
6 See pp. 39-42.
7 The two-thirds level of the pyramid. See 1979 PoW, Book I, p. 124; 1983 PoW, p. 684; 1985 PoW, Book I, p. 31; 1986 PoW, Book II, p. 677; 1990 PoW, pp. 388, 394-95, 422, 423, 435.
8 The wall and Buddha's devotees. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Great White Brotherhood in the Culture, History and Religion of America, pp. 59-60.
9 See "The Ritual of the Atom," on 8-cassette album The ABC's of Your Psychology on the Cosmic Clock, 83-min. audiocassette (B85063). Also published on 8-cassette album Mother's Chakra Meditations: From My Heart to Buddha, 80-min. audiocassette (B82167).
10 Isa. 61:1-3; Matt. 5:4.
11 Heb. 12:5-8.
12 Matt. 7:2; Mark 4:24; Luke 6:38.
13 Matt. 5:3.
14 Ps. 42:1.
15 Retreat of the Divine Mother. See 1986 PoW, Book I, pp. 70-72, 178, 220; 1988 PoW, Book I, pp. 355, 358; Book II, p. 409; 1989 PoW, pp. 425, 746-48, 756 n. 5; 1990 PoW, pp. 308, 483, 511, 514.
16 Rev. 14:6.
17 Matt. 24:14; Mark 13:7, 10.
18 The juggler. According to one version of an ancient French legend handed down by oral tradition, there once lived a monk whose single occupation was juggling. Since he had failed in all of his tasks in the bakery and the fields, the only gift he could bring to the altar was his talent of juggling. One day the abbot found him in the chapel juggling before the statue of the Blessed Virgin - an act which he considered to be sacrilegious. But all at once the statue began to move, and Mother Mary reached over and wiped the sweat from the juggler's brow.
19 Ps. 118:24.
20 You may give forty Suryas on forty consecutive days for the victory of our Church, our nation and our planet - and your own soul. By this ritual, many sons and daughters of earth have conquered the seeming unconquerable foe.
21 Elizabeth Clare Prophet, December 29 and 31, 1990, "The Psychology of Zailm: A Study of Reincarnation and Karma," published on both video-and audiocassette (see p. 22 n. 6).
22 Matt. 5:14-16.
23 Matt. 12:31, 32; Mark 3:28, 29; Luke 12:10.
24 Bija mantras. See "Bija Mantras to the Feminine Deities" and "Bija Mantras for Chakra Meditation" in Heart, Head and Hand Decrees booklet, nos. 46-47, p. 35; Church Universal and Triumphant Book of Hymns and Songs, nos. 643, 644; and Mantras of the Ascended Masters for the Initiation of the Chakras booklet, nos. 14, 62-64, pp. 4, 17. Accompanying audiocassettes B85135, B85137.
25 The Shakespearean play The Taming of the Shrew was performed by the staff of the Royal Teton Ranch following the celebration of the marriage supper of the Lamb. Francis Bacon (1561-1626), an embodiment of Saint Germain, was the true author of the plays attributed to William Shakespeare. See Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lords of the Seven Rays: Mirror of Consciousness, Book One, pp. 266, 312 n. 14.