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Chapter 41
Beloved Mother Mary - October 21, 1990

Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1990
Inspired in
Elizabeth Clare Prophet

41  Beloved Mother Mary - October 21, 1990

Vol. 33 No. 41 - Beloved Mother Mary - October 21, 1990
The Lost Teachings of Jesus

     On Women's Rights at the Whole Life Expo in New York

     Event I

     A Message to the Women of the World on Their Divine Rights

     A Spiritual Revolution for Woman

     The Right of Woman to Be Woman Must Be Defended by Woman!

     O thou who art the beloved of God, I am welcome in this city by your presence, by your devotion and by your meditation upon the Law of the One, the indivisible whole of thy life. Therefore as one Mystical Body in this hour, you form the chalice, even the electrode, for the anchoring of my love unto the millions, not alone in this city but throughout planet earth.

     I come, O beloved, in a dark hour of earth's history that does precede the dawn of the birth of the Divine Manchild within you. Contemplate this mystery of the Saviour born in your heart this night. Celebrate with me the Christ Mass, for in each twenty-four-hour cycle I do celebrate the birth not only of my Son but also of your own true divine Sonship, which has been denied you by the label of "sinner" that has been pronounced too long and long enough!

     Therefore I come to break the curse of this appellation [that has been put upon] the children of the Light. You may have sinned, beloved, but this does not make of you "sinners." Know the difference. You may have lied in your life, but this does not make of you "liars." In both cases it means that you have transgressed the law of God. You have soiled your clothes. As every mother knows, when children play they get their clothes dirty. Yet you can wash the clothes and the soul can be cleansed and the purification can be made by partaking of Holy Communion.1

     Know this, beloved: You are children of the Light. You have been children of the Light from the beginning and [children of the Light you shall be] unto the ending. Yet you have soiled your garments and even the [fabric of the] soul herself. [You have sinned but you are not sinners.2]

     I come to wrap you in my swaddling garment, which [is made of] the very fabric of the true teaching of the Divine Mother that Jesus spoke, that Gautama spoke, that Maitreya spoke, that Lord Sanat Kumara spoke. Now you must speak it, for the time has come to loose your tongues.3

     I would loose them.

     Therefore receive the fiery baptism of the Holy Ghost this night if you will, for the Maha Chohan, the [Ascended Master who is the] representative of the Holy Spirit, does stand by to deliver that Light. Only welcome the fire and the purging, beloved, and know that there is a cleansing by water and there is a cleansing by fire and there is a cleansing by total immersion in the water [and the fire] of the Word itself.

     Therefore, beloved, [let] those who have stopped up your mouths that you may not speak the truth of your heart and your soul, let them now receive [back unto themselves] their cursing of the children of the Light. And let the Lightbearer stand forth and understand [what his role must be in this decade].

     [When you have been cleansed by water and by fire and you "go and sin no more," you are no longer called sinners but saints who comprise the Mystical Body of God on earth.] You, beloved, are the repository of the Christ. Your heart is that manger. Let the Manchild be born within you! For truly that Light of the incarnate one4 [is multiplied] many times over in those who consider themselves the poor and the downtrodden and the "huddled masses yearning to breathe free."5 These, beloved, are the repository of that Light. These are the hope of the world in a dark hour.

     The forces of karma are gathering in the Middle East. I say pray for all who are there. Pray for the servants of the Light in every nation and in every religion. Pray earnestly, beloved, that there might be a mitigation of the outcome of the configurations now forming.

     I, Mary, say to you, let the power of the Holy Ghost descend in judgment upon those who move to be the instruments of war to the death of my children! Do you think my children are only Christians? I tell you nay. They are Jew and Moslem and Hindu. They are Buddha's own.

     I truly mother the flame of Life and nourish that flame in all whether or not I am acknowledged [by them], whether I am cursed or misunderstood. May you do likewise and recognize that to become the mother of all life, as is my calling, is also your [calling. To fulfill that calling you must] raise up within yourselves that lost potential that must be found again, truly the potential of the soul to magnetize and to become all that God is.

     And where you are, there is that God! And the denial of that presence in you [by yourself or another] and the appellation given to you of "sinner" has allowed you to give up in [the sense of] hopelessness that you cannot become like the Son of God. Yet I say of you, as of Jesus, ye are all sons and daughters of God. But you have gone astray, far astray from the house of the Divine Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

     I am in the earth, yet I am an ascended being and truly the Archeia of the Fifth Ray. I come from the level of the Archangels, yet I come to minister, to call you Home. I come for the reparation of the Church and I come to speak to you of your right as man, as woman, as soul, as Light-emanation of the Godhead.

     The right of the soul is to be the fullness of that God-manifestation. The right of woman is to be mother. It is her greatest calling and her highest bliss to know the fusion of her being with God, to know the descent of that child that must be born in her to continue that walk with God, that experience-gathering that life on earth is.

     O the process of bringing forth the children of God upon earth! The right to be woman, the right to be love [as well as to love and be loved], the right to be free, the right to have proper education for her children and the right not to deny life aborning in her womb.

     Blessed hearts, no matter what the argument, no matter what the evidence, life begins at conception. And I speak of the conception of the soul in the heart of the Great Central Sun - of you and your twin flame in the beginning. Life on earth likewise begins at conception, and even at that moment does the spirit begin to weave itself as part of the fabric, even the warp and woof of that body. Therefore, beloved, woman has a right to bring forth that which is conceived by love and in love by God.

     May you know, beloved, that this [issue] which has become such a controversy in this nation may be dispensed with by the very simple teaching: Abortion in the physical sense is also abortion in the spiritual sense. [And] to abort the divine plan of a life, [whether physically or spiritually,] is a sin against the Holy Ghost.6

     Consider if your parents had aborted you. This room would be empty. The city would be empty, devastated. And souls would be deprived of their calling to be in embodiment in 1990 at this hour and this moment of worlds at a crossroads and worlds in transition.

     Blessed hearts, [abortion] is against the law of God [and it] always has been. Abortion, denying both the spiritual and physical destiny of a soul, is the murder of a God-potential. You have a right to bring forth children, and you also have a right to decide not to bring forth children and to see to it. You have that right, beloved. But you do not have the right to take from anyone the breath of life, the divine spark or the opportunity to live and breathe on planet earth.7 [And this right to be begins at physical conception.]

     Thus, beloved, there is a grave karma upon this nation and all nations that have accepted this lie of the fallen angels who have come [to planet earth] to see to it that those souls who should be in embodiment at the turn of the age of Aquarius are not in embodiment. [They determined to do this] by convincing woman that she has the right to privacy in her body [and that this right supersedes her right, yea, her duty before God,] to preserve life.

     Understand this, beloved, and recognize that it is the calling of all men and women to pray fervently to my Immaculate Heart that the vision of God might come upon this people and that this people might receive in joy the children of the Most High.

     Saint Germain has said, even my beloved Joseph, that abortion is allowed [only] in cases where the life of the mother is in jeopardy.8 This is as it should be. But, beloved, you must know that where there is conception there is indeed the divine hand and the divine will. And if conception take place by incest [or] by rape, let it be understood that that conception [is the will of God and] must be hallowed even though [that life at its] inception was not hallowed [by the parents]. It is God who sanctifies life; therefore [let those who so conceive] receive that sanctification [and not deny it].9

     Know, then, beloved, that it is the right of every woman to defend the right of souls to take embodiment. Whether you believe it or not, it is so that your soul [and every soul] requires many incarnations on earth to fulfill her divine plan.

     Think, then, what is the karma of abortion! The karma is that one day, should you pass from the screen of life not having fulfilled your mission [on earth] and not having balanced sufficient karma [to enter heaven's gates], which would have allowed you to pass through [the initiations of] the resurrection and the ascension, you yourself will be seeking entrée to the physical octave through the portals of birth. And at that moment, beloved, the karma of having performed or had an abortion may greet you with the denial [of opportunity] to once again enter earth's schoolroom because you have denied life to another. This is the law of karma. It is real and it is true.

     Therefore there be10 souls at inner levels, beloved, who have been denied that life who have a tremendous anguish and frustration that they are not in embodiment to help you meet the crisis of your cities and your nations [and] every [other] crisis that besets you this day. One of the principal reasons why there is such crisis is that those whom God has sent to be here when these challenges were to come upon earth are not in embodiment. They are crying on the astral plane and in the etheric octave because they do not stand [at your side] to assist you.

     Thus, the woes11 shall come upon this earth, beloved, for this karma of the nations. Therefore I ask you to pray to my Immaculate Heart and to give the New Age rosary as I have given it to this Messenger,12 which does avail much for yourself and much for the world. There are things that can be mitigated, beloved, and then there are freewill decisions made in spiritual blindness by those in embodiment that do upset the cycles of the turning of the ages.

     When you think of 23 million ["legal"] abortions in this nation alone,13 you can see how the course of this civilization has been altered [by the forbidding of] these souls [from] coming into embodiment to add their body of skill and knowledge and attainment and [eventually] their progeny as well. And thus, those who should be here are not here. Then there are those who are on the inner planes who are not [being allowed to] take embodiment [for a season] because of the karma of their unwillingness to sponsor life.

     [Abortion, which in its far-reaching ramifications has] upset the spiritual-cosmic ecosystem, has not been so rampant upon earth since the last days of Atlantis, when this abomination was practiced in the temples of God.

     Let those who hear me and feel my heart that is truly pierced by the sword on this occasion make yourselves a committee of one to go forth and turn around this practice that denies woman her right to be woman and the father to be father. Abortion is the desecration of the Father-Mother God and the father and mother in this life.

     Blessed hearts, there are many families who are childless who could easily absorb all unwanted children. There need not be unwanted children, for so many desire to have them. I speak on this issue not alone on behalf of those who have been silenced, whose cries are not heard, [for] their screams are silent. I speak on behalf of yourself. I speak on behalf of your future. I must do this where I have a mouthpiece.

     This is not a political issue. It is not a Catholic issue. It is the issue of life and the preservation of life. [Abortion] is the ultimate degradation of woman and the neutralization of her sensitivity to the things of God.

     Blessed hearts, let there be the healing of all fathers and mothers who have chosen this course. Let them receive the mercy of God. Let them receive Holy Communion. Let them atone [in a lifelong penance of] serving to set all life free. [Let them yet bring forth children if they are able and willing.] God is not in condemnation of the ignorant, who sin ignorantly, but of the fallen ones who move among you as [the embodied] fallen angels to [evilly] influence the very course and direction of life.

     Therefore we have called and the apostles ascended of Jesus Christ have called for apostles who will go forth from among you to be teachers and to preach the Word once again with the same fiery spirit with which it was delivered in the beginning.14

     I speak, then, of the right of woman to be on that pedestal. Since the feminine portion (i.e., the soul) of each lifestream, [male or female,] is that which has the superior oneness with God, you may see woman, [in whom the feminine attributes are dominant,] as leader and in a leadership capacity in both Church and State. Let man [also] be liberated to express his feminine potential, and let all be liberated to receive Christ [equally] into their temple.

     The manipulation of the economy of this nation has also been an abomination against woman. And where, as in so many households, there are single mothers or both parents working because of the tax structure and the manipulation of [the money system], there woman cannot fulfill her most important role as educator, as mother of culture; nor can she play a prominent role in government on behalf of her children.

     This suppression of all that is natural and holy concerning woman does deprive an entire civilization and all children coming into embodiment of their rightful inheritance of the true feminine potential.

     The right of woman to be woman must be defended by woman!

     Blessed hearts, it is not the subjugation of woman by man but it is the subjugation of woman by woman, who has allowed herself to come under the dominion of the fallen masculine, [that is at the heart of the issue of women's rights]. If woman would conserve the sacred fire and rise up [to take dominion over her self, her psychology and her household], no one would be able to put her down or detract from her presence. Let the women of this world know that the future of the entire course of civilization rests upon their correct attitude toward God, toward one another, toward fathers, sons, husbands, friends [and all children].

     Blessed hearts, it is woman who has allowed herself to be placed in the image of the sinful, of the sinner, of one who could not rise again. And this, as the Messenger has told you and as I have said before, is laid largely to the Church's denial of woman of her sacred role15 [and its failure to fulfill its responsibility to elevate her to the office of "Mother of the Universe," which my Son proclaimed for her].16

     Blessed ones, this dictation and the message [delivered prior to it by the Messenger] can be the start of a spiritual revolution for woman in this nation and the world. If you make it your cause and your revolution, it shall so become. Let you who truly hear me know that you come representing the Christ in you and in my Son - if you will obey the commandments of true love, if you will enter into the Holy Spirit, if you will correct your diets that are debilitating to both body and soul and the astral body.

     By wrong diet, beloved, you are placed in the frequencies of the astral plane and you do not contain the higher vibrations of the Holy Spirit. Even so, let the diet be the perfect balance of the yin and the yang principles within you. For in the physical sense, you are what you eat. And in the sense of infertility, in the sense of those many who cannot bear children, it has been diet [as well as karma] that has caused this; and yet this is not proclaimed as it should be by the medical and health professions. Correct the diet, beloved, and you will see healthier children coming forth who can focus their minds, who can learn what they must learn.

     Blessed hearts, it is a fact that the leadership of this nation (which happens to be largely male, but I will not lay the blame upon them as males but as individual souls) is largely responsible for the financial chaos and the loss of billions of dollars in loans and credits to foreign nations.

     This day, beloved, the American people one by one are poor by comparison to many [in the West and in Japan], and this is the [direct result of the leadership's] mismanagement of the abundant life God gave. And that abundant life is the gift of the Mother as well as of the Father and it is intended for all. And it has been stripped from this people by the manipulation of the stock market, by international bankers and by the sending of [the people's] monies everywhere upon earth in loans that will never be repaid.

     The spending of the people's money on [everything but] the welfare of the people is shocking, beloved. But what is more shocking is that the women of this nation have not risen up en masse to challenge this which shall deprive them and their offspring of a true life and a true harmony of the circle of the whole.

     I am definitely for children in the proper nursery schools, in the proper preschool situation. I do not believe that woman should be enslaved to her household twenty-four hours a day all the years of her life until her children are grown. I believe it is healthy for children to bond to one another as well as to their parents. Children at an early age, even at the age of two years, benefit from being in school together for a portion of the day that they may learn together and also be bonded to those of their generation.

     This gives woman the opportunity to develop herself professionally, to develop her skills and her mind. This opportunity can only bless her children and her household. There does not need to be a radical leaving of the household [by either parent], wherein the child is bonded to neither father nor mother and then becomes a psychological debtor upon society. You must understand that there is the balance of the yin and yang for every member of the family.

     And, fathers, I appeal to you: your children must know you! [They] must know your example and your courage and your strength and your wisdom. Ye are all rabbis! Ye are all ministers of the Word! Ye are all priests unto God, if you will understand your role and not accept the lie that sex itself has tainted you and made you miserable sinners and that therefore you cannot inherit the graces of my Son Jesus Christ. For he came to set an example for you that you might become truly the incarnation of the Divine Mother[ - of the Word that he was and is].

     You should not be shy about aspiring to this. You should not feel that it is something effeminate to worship the Divine Mother or to hallow the presence of your wives as the vessel of myself. There is room for spiritual adoration as well as for physical love. Comprehend this and be free this night by the violet flame of the Holy Spirit from all sin and the sense of sin, all struggle and the sense of struggle!

     O hear me, beloved, and know how you have been hindered, lo, for thousands of years by the condemnation of the fallen angels, who refuse to bend the knee before my Son and have sworn enmity with myself as the Woman17 and with all women. These fallen angels who have taken embodiment have gone forth to make war against your children; and therefore they are left to those who do not care for them properly.

     Child education begins at conception, beloved. You can teach your children the high elements of sound and music and meditation and the alphabet as you talk to them when they are in the womb.

     O the joy of being the co-creator with God! It is worth some sense of sacrifice, some sense of the power of abstinence, to attract the highest souls of Light to your union. Yes, beloved, the old-fashioned way is the way of victory, and that is the profound love which will liberate you to be man, to be woman.

     Let women make their decision to stop smoking and set the example and put the tobacco industries out of business entirely! Can anything stop the woman and the women of America from joining forces to take away from their children and their husbands these degrading substances of drugs, of alcohol, of tobacco - all these things working against the health and the holiness of incoming children?

     Ye are mothers of the universe. Ye are fathers of the universe. And this earth is a holy place that has been desecrated by those who have said, "There is nothing holy. There is nothing sacrosanct. There is nothing [godly]! All is debased."

     These are the cynics in life, beloved. But I tell you, that cynicism is only a cast of the mind and an overlay. And if you will feel my heart loving you with all of the love of a universe in this moment, if you will feel my presence and the intensity of my love for you, you will know the melting of that cynicism and that negative posture and you will enter into the positive spirals of the resurrection. You will find your life renewed and you will put all these things behind you.

     Let the women of this nation set aside these drugs introduced by fallen ones, such as caffeine and all that it represents. So many substances contain it.

     Will you not understand your power of example, O women of the world? Will you not understand that the age of the World Mother is come, that the World Mother is closer to the physical octave than ever before and that that World Mother is waiting to work a mighty work through you?

     Let women, therefore, stand between their husbands and families and war itself. And what can you do about war brewing in the Middle East? You can start with prayer. You can start with a vigil and a novena. And you can start with reading what are the options that I have seen to it that this Messenger has set forth in this book on The Astrology of the Four Horsemen.18

     Know that there are options that ought to be taken and that must be taken by this Congress and this government. There are things that the people ought to know that are not being told, that are hidden even by the president himself. All is not well in this government, beloved, and you know it and you should do something about it.

     Nations have fallen in the past and so have continents. Cataclysm has come upon the earth. Who can say what will be the will of God?

     You have a right to live. You have a right not to surrender your life to any force, to any cataclysm, to any economic debacle, to any war, nuclear or otherwise. You have a right to live and a right to live in a continuity of being.

     May you know that I have never ceased to minister to your soul, not since the hour of my Son's life in his final incarnation upon earth, not since the hour of your many embodiments on Atlantis. I have been the Mother presence, and others with me.

     We do not forsake you until you determine with finality that you have forsaken God and want none of him or his Christ. Because that is a freewill action on your part, we cannot intercede - we [who are] of the angelic hosts or of the ascended hosts. You must know this and understand, beloved, that your free will ordains at the superconscious level, the conscious level, the subconscious level and the unconscious level19 in the four quadrants of your being what will take place in your life.

     Therefore, Jesus knocks. You can open the door or you can lock it tight and bolt it from the inside. Neither God nor angel nor Master will revoke your free will. To do so would make you nothing but automatons and robots, which God did not create you to be in the beginning.

     Hear this, then, beloved. The reason that heaven does not enter into your life may be because you have not opened the door. Therefore begin with gratitude and thanksgiving and praise to God that you live in a physical body, for in these times, beloved, that physical body is a high-priced commodity. There are in excess of a billion souls who would like to be in embodiment for this grand finale of the Piscean age and they are not, for the aforesaid reason of abortion.20

     But you are in physical embodiment. You can change in the twinkling of an eye. You can reverse your course! You can be converted by the Holy Spirit to your God and to the religion of your choice. You can be converted to Truth and forsake all error. You can be converted to righteousness and forsake all sin. And you have a right, O men and women of this age, you have a right to receive the Holy Spirit and the power of Jesus Christ to assist you in overcoming every addiction and every habit that has enslaved your soul in this body!

     Sooner or later you must decide that you will have your victory over Death and Hell. Whether it is now or in ten thousand years, you must make that decision. You must right all wrongs, seek forgiveness from all whom you have wronged and surely pour forgiveness without end upon all who have ever wronged you. The mercy of God has given you life. Give to all life that mercy and pray for there to be the opening of the portals of birth to many souls who can yet contribute to this civilization.

     Pray, beloved. And pray without ceasing with a mantra in your heart:
I can do anything in God,
For with God in me all things are possible!
I can become who I really am.
I can become all that God has intended me to be.
I can become one with my twin flame.
I can fulfill my reason for being.
I do not have to be on the treadmill of a system
That has failed to enable the people to be free
To pursue the oneness of God.
I can be who I AM!

     This must become a burning reality within you. You must know that not even the Lord can intercede for you until you determine to intercede on behalf of the right of your own soul to be. The right to be in all octaves and the right to be God [in manifestation], this is woman's right as an example she can set. It is man's right in his lawful and honorable position of father and leader.

     I bless you, beloved ones. I trust you will know that I have spoken many words through this Messenger and through Mark Prophet. These may be read and studied by those who have been devotees of my heart. Likewise Jesus has spoken also for many, many years, giving his teaching and his Call of the hour to every one of you to become that Christ.

     Therefore, setting all doctrine and dogma aside, walk in the Light that ye are. Walk ye in it, beloved, and walk in the way of Truth. Be willing to pay the price, whatever it is, for no price - [whether it be] persecution or otherwise - could be nearly as costly as losing the right to eternal Life by forsaking that Truth.

     I am your Mother whenever and wherever you need me. Therefore, I would sing with you the Hail Mary as I have given it, that you might know that I give the adoration to the Ma-Ray - the Mother Ray, for which my name stands. As I am an incarnation of the Divine Mother, so I too worship the Divine Mother and the Divine Father.

     May you, then, play this prayer that has been set to music, that we might sing together and affirm our oneness in our love of the Word that was in the beginning with Brahman, the Word to which you too shall return.

     I am never absent from you. Peace. Peace. Peace.

     Hail, Mary, full of grace / the Lord is with thee. / Blessed art thou among women / and blessed is the fruit / of thy womb, Jesus. / Holy Mary, Mother of God / pray for us, sons and daughters of God / now and at the hour of our victory / over sin, disease, and death.

     This dictation by Mother Mary was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, October 26, 1990, at the Whole Life Expo at the Penta Hotel, New York City. The dictation followed a 1-1/2-hour lecture on "The Lost Teachings of Jesus on Women's Rights," in which the Messenger discussed the revolution Jesus started for woman through his ministry; the later denial by orthodox Christians of woman's rightful role in the Church; the principle of the Divine Feminine as presented in Hebrew, Gnostic and Hindu teachings; and the masculine and feminine natures in both man and woman. The lecture and dictation, which comprise Event I of four events conducted by the Messenger in New York, are available on both audiocassette (3 hr., A90030) and videocassette (3 hr., GP90096). The Messenger will also be giving a lecture on "The Lost Teachings of Jesus on Women's Rights" with a dictation by Jesus Christ at the Whole Life Expo in Pasadena on February 15, 1991.


1 Holy Communion. See The Astrology of the Four Horsemen, pp. 479-82, 496; The Lost Teachings of Jesus I, pp. 116-18; The Lost Teachings of Jesus II, pp. 426-27; and Ashram Ritual 1, The Unison Ritual, in Ashram Notes, pp. 12-13, and Ashram Rituals booklet, pp. 21-22.
2 "You have sinned but you are not sinners." The Ascended Masters teach that the fallen angels are the original sinners, who committed the original sin against God by challenging the Divine Mother and the Divine Manchild. They have led the children of God into paths of sinfulness in order to convince them that they are "sinners" and hence unworthy to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. The fallen angels have kept from the children of God the true understanding that God has endowed each of them with the Divine Image; instead they have taught them that they are forever stained by `original sin' and can never become Christlike or realize their own Christ potential. The fallen angels have thus promulgated the false doctrine that because the children of God are sinners, they can only be saved by grace, thereby denying the necessity for each one to "work the works of him that sent me," as Jesus declared of his own mission (John 9:4).
God has called us to forsake the sinful life of the fallen angels and to put behind us the sense of forever being sinners. We must accept forgiveness through Jesus Christ for our past transgressions and accept him as our Saviour. We must walk the true course set before us by the Lord, who said, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works shall he do because I go unto my Father" (John 14:12). This is made possible by the grace of Jesus Christ, which restores our oneness with him and with our own inner Christ potential. This grace affords us the opportunity to atone for our misdeeds and mistakes and pursue our own path of individual Christhood. (See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Astrology of the Four Horsemen, pp. 11-17, 47-48, 229-30, and Jesus and Kuthumi, Corona Class Lessons, pp. 145-205.)
3 Isa. 6:5-8.
4 the Light of the one who incarnates the Christ
5 From the poem "The New Colossus" by Emma Lazarus, inscribed on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island, New York Harbor.
6 Abortion as a sin against the Holy Ghost. See p. 361 and Matt. 12:31, 32; Mark 3:28, 29; Luke 12:10; Gospel of Thomas, logion 44.
7 This statement should not be misconstrued as a refutation of capital punishment. In a dictation given July 3, 1976, the Ascended Master Godfre, speaking on behalf of the Great Divine Director and the Karmic Board, ratified the Supreme Court decision affirming the death penalty in the United States. The teaching of the Great Divine Director on this subject was summarized in a dictation given April 15, 1981, by Lord Lanto: "The Karmic Board approves of the death penalty, for it represents a lesson to souls: that if they continue to take life, life will be taken from them. It teaches them that the end of the road of their activity is the second death; and by losing that physical life and being reborn again, they have the deepest record in their soul to reinforce in them the will to resist the marauding entities of evil that take over their temples to destroy life" (1981 PoW, Book I, p. 199). As explained by Godfre: "The Lords of Karma realize that the soul that goes through that ultimate punishment will be given very quickly an opportunity to reincarnate. And on the record of that soul will be that record of the judgment." Archangel Uriel on March 30, 1983, said, "The new beginning is the only hope for such individuals. And the only lesson whereby they may be deterred from the same crime again is to know the loss of their own life" (1983 PoW, p. 188).
8 See p. 363.
9 An October 4, 1990 article in the New York City Tribune, "Message from a Child of Rape: We Don't Deserve to Die," by Michael Henderson deals with the subject of conception by rape. Henderson tells the story of Julie Makimaa, a young, attractive and energetic Christian woman living in Michigan. Julie, who had been an adopted child, desired to know the identity of her true parents. After four years of searching, she finally made contact with her mother, Lee, who painfully revealed to her that she had been conceived as a result of a rape at an office party. Lee had been an 18-year-old virgin at the time and was encouraged by friends to forgo abortion and place the baby with an adoption agency. This message, rather than upsetting Julie, evoked a response of intense gratitude. "I was very sorry that my mother had to go through that terrible experience," she said, "but I am so thankful that I am here. For me, I feel that it doesn't matter how I got here; what's important is what I do now." Julie's husband told Lee: "I want to thank you for not aborting Julie. I don't know what my life would be without her and my daughter." Julie is the founder of Fortress, an organization dedicated to defending women who become pregnant and children conceived through sexual assault.
10 Ascended Masters' English usage. Frequently, English usage of past centuries comes into play in Ascended Master dictations. In this sentence, Mother Mary uses the verb be in place of are, as was common in the sixteenth century. In current usage, are would be used for the third person plural in the present tense. (See Webster's Dictionary of English Usage, s.v. "be.")
11 Woes. See pp. 353, 357 n. 8.
12 See Mary's Scriptural Rosary for the New Age, thirteen rosaries dictated by Mother Mary to the Messenger - one for each morning of the week and one for each evening, Sunday through Friday; on 10-cassette album A7326. The Sunday evening and seven morning rosaries are also published in My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord! pp. 135-224. See also A Child's Rosary to Mother Mary, 15-minute rosaries with scriptural readings from the New Testament for adults and children, on four 3-cassette albums, A7864, A7905, A7934, A8045.
13 The altering of the course of civilization through abortion. Since the 1973 Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion, at least 23 million abortions have been performed in the United States, which is about 9.2 percent of the current U.S. population. An estimated 40 million to 60 million abortions each year have been performed worldwide since 1973, making a total of between 680 million and 1.02 billion.
14 See pp. 483-96, 499-509.
15 Church's denial of woman's sacred role. See Mother Mary, April 21, 1987, in 1987 PoW, pp. 208-9. Also Jesus Christ, April 3, 1988, in 1988 PoW, Book I, p. 391.
16 Woman as "Mother of the Universe." See The Life of Saint Issa 12:10-21, in Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Lost Years of Jesus, pp. 215-16, 274-75.
17 Rev. 12:13-17.
18 See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Astrology of the Four Horsemen: How You Can Heal Yourself and Planet Earth, pp. 475-566.
19 These levels correspond to the etheric, the mental, the astral and the physical bodies, respectively.
20 Considering the number of babies aborted worldwide since 1973 (see note 12 above) and making a conservative estimate of the number of offspring that would have come through them, there are potentially over a billion lifestreams who have been denied embodiment by the decision to abort.