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Chapter 20
Beloved Heros and Amora - May 14, 1989

Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1989
Inspired in
Elizabeth Clare Prophet

20  Beloved Heros and Amora - May 14, 1989

Vol. 32 No. 20 - Beloved Heros and Amora - May 14, 1989
An Easter Convocation for Cosmic Christ Illumination
In the heart of the Ruby Ray may you abide forever. In the center of the crystal of the Ruby Ray may you realize who is the Inner Buddha, who is the Inner Christ, and who are you, O my soul.

     We the Elohim of the Third Ray come, for you have called. You have come in time. You have come also in space. Best of all, beloved, you have come in the true spirit of Divine Love and Love's Holy Spirit.

     Thus do you know that the Maha Chohan and his many angels tend you more, for that Gentle Presence may draw nigh to you because you have drawn nigh to that Holy Spirit and because you have shunned other lesser spirits that have assayed to take over the mind or the soul, the psyche.

     Blessed hearts, happy are ye when ye are victorious by the sword of the Ruby Ray. When you wield it in giving this [judgment] call I promise you that the devils tremble1 and that there is always a net gain on the planet. And inasmuch as there is a rising tide of the astral plane on the entire planetary sphere,2 beloved, your effort to keep the flame of this judgment call (number 33.00)3 does have the reverse effect, causing that tide to be lowered somewhat and to be consumed.

     Thus there is the gaining of opportunity through Divine Love and Love's intensity of the Ruby Ray for souls who otherwise would not arrive at the gate of their own individual Christ consciousness in this hour. Keep on keeping on, beloved ones.

     We rejoice that the invocations to Cosmic Christ illumination have gone forth, for we understand that true Love is a divine understanding. True Love is illumined action. True Love, of course, is founded upon the righteousness of the will of God. Therefore you clear the way, as Jophiel and Christine do clear the way, for the legions of Light to come forth.

     Now, then, as we have set our desire to be with you in the quadrants of the year, we are able to arc the ray from the autumn to the spring equinox.4 We are able to come, beloved, and the more for the call and the steadfastness of your hearts, to bring to the planet a certain sealing action.

     You may visualize a sphere of ruby color the thickness of eggshell surrounding the entire planet now. Its effect is in fact a chilling effect against the astral plane sweeping so suddenly into the physical.

     The astral consciousness is attempting to pour through the worst programming in series television since television has become the popular mode of communication in this country, ever more witchcraft and black magic through rock music. And we see how there has been a challenge by some to remove from television that which ought not to be before the children of America, those scenes which should not be a part of their training. Therefore let the misuses of the body in man and woman and the misuse of dress not be modeled on television in these shows, beloved. Let there be the judgment, for they also abort the purity of heart of these little ones.

     We come, then, in this hour when in some areas of the earth the dawn does re-create anew the stepping forth from the tomb of the Lord Christ Jesus and the meeting there of beloved Magda, the twin flame. You can understand the profound rejoicing and the profound relief of these twin flames [in] the victory of resurrection's flame over Death and Hell. But instead of a mission ending, beloved, it was a mission beginning.

     So it will be in the hour of your own resurrection. There are many beginnings and endings in life, but the resurrection itself does loose you and set you free to be that Christ to many, many souls.

     Blessed hearts, the initiation whereby you receive the attainment of resurrection's flame is the descent into hell.5 You have been told by the Messenger that there are thirty-three levels, descending in vibration, of hell,6 just as there are thirty-three levels of initiation moving into the higher etheric octaves unto the ascension.

     I unveil for you, then, a labyrinth of the layers of hell upon this earth, and as they proceed downward it is almost as though you would travel through the catacombs. Those of you who have traveled through the catacombs in Rome and have had to understand how the Christians could survive there must also know that these faithful ones (many of whom have been waiting in the etheric octave in the resurrected state until you should also come to that place [on the path of your soul's initiation in the resurrection flame])7 were [simultaneously] undergoing this initiation of the descent into hell; yet some of them spent the remainder of their lifetimes [in the catacombs] in those conditions of darkness and cold.

     Know, then, that this descent into hell by the Lord Jesus Christ was [a descent] into every one of the thirty-three levels; and he did preach the rebuke of the living flame of Truth unto all [who dwelt in] them. Whatever the station or state of consciousness [he found them in], the Lord did preach his message into the very teeth of their viciousness, into the very darkness and depths thereof.

     Blessed ones, one must go forth to counter the lie of the Liar, to counter the murder of the Murderer and all infamy that issues from these cardinal sins against the LORD God. In order to descend into these places, beloved, you must have ample experience in life. But, you see, much of the areas of the world, in fact a very high percentage, are congruent in the physical octave with [various levels of] the astral plane.

     Thus you have experienced "hell on earth" in many situations and conditions of your life in this embodiment and [in] previous incarnations. Some of you have experienced various levels of the astral plane (which is a better word for these thirty-three levels) between embodiments, as you have been told, not having gathered enough momentum to ascend on the upward spiral of the path of initiation [to enter even the lowest levels of the etheric octaves]. Some, therefore, who have arrived at the first level in the downward descent of the astral plane have missed very narrowly the first level ascending upward to etheric octaves of Light.

     The line is drawn, beloved, it is drawn by the Lords of Karma and by the Holy Christ Self of each one. For we would not have you [descend too low or ascend too high in consciousness either during or between embodiments] without the full cup of experience, the full cup of overcoming, and the full cup of the Victory.

     Thus, beloved, [in] your encounters with astral experiences - as you have been taken there whether through drugs of many kinds, whether through rock music, whether through individuals who were of the Darkness, whether through all types of violation of the laws of God and density itself, whether through facing your own astral karma - you have [in most cases] been strengthened and that is the intent of these experiences.

     Thus once again I come, when you have the opportunity to accept that portion of the resurrection [flame] that you are able to receive, to remind you that you must not sense guilt or sorrow or a sense of lost opportunity or a sense of failure [through] episodes of this lifetime or the past that seem to be revolving through the mind or the memory. Remember, each and every one of these was for the lesson to be learned.

     The lesson to be gained, beloved, is to make the absolute and final God-determination to withdraw from the astral plane and all its allure - even those temptations that may provide pleasure, that may provide amusement, that might provide glory for the human ego or success or wealth or riches. All of these things did Satan offer to the Lord Christ and all of these things he rejected, for he understood that to accept any of them was to get hooked in the downward spiral that leads in "the ways of death."8 And when the scripture and the teachings speak of the ways of death, beloved, it is the downward spiraling staircase of the astral plane where many are entombed.

     But alas, beloved, there are some Lightbearers, and not a few, who are also caught in these levels between embodiments and they are no longer able to extricate themselves even though they desire to be set free. It is much more difficult to experience this [out of the body], beloved, than it is to experience it in the physical octave. The concreteness, the physicality of the body itself, the availability of places in the earth where great light is released, such as this one, the opportunity to move about, to balance karma, to decide at any moment to walk away from that Darkness is here when you are in embodiment. It is not there when you are in the astral plane [after the change called death].

     For one thing, beloved, at the conclusion of a lifetime you are assigned by the Lords of Karma to the level of your achievement, the level of your vibration, the [karmic] level that is deserving of your action or inaction [in that lifetime and even previous lifetimes]. Thus, once assigned to that level, if it is the astral plane, you must [on your own] augment, intensify, and build [up] the Light within your heart. [For] there in these [lowest] levels [of the astral plane] there are not gurus, there are not guides, there are not Lightbearers; and the angels come [there] only in answer to the call of those in embodiment to rescue [souls caught in the grips of the momentums of Death and Hell].

     Thus we observe [that] there are Lightbearers in these lower octaves [of the astral plane], even [those who are] tied as twin flames to those in this movement, and they are not able to get to the octaves of Light and will not be able to do so until the call is made for them.

     Thus, beloved ones, when you consider the [initiation of the] descent into hell to preach the word of the Everlasting Gospel, you may also see it as the activity of the Messenger, who has gone forth to the major cities of this country and the world to deliver that message, oftentimes into the very teeth of those who would physically attack and shout and hurl invective and even have the intent to kill and destroy.

     This, then, is an example, and that example you must see as something that is an initiation that you, too, will fulfill sometime and somewhere. If you are not able to preach the Word in an organized fashion to the comfort of life, you surely may do so [in an unorganized fashion]. And you surely may take the books that have been written and see that they are not only given to others but that as you give them you [also] impart the Holy Spirit and the desire for others to imbibe that teaching.

     We come, therefore, with the understanding that there must be a sealing and a sealing off of the astral plane from the earth if some souls yet in embodiment are to clean escape9 that descent [into hell (unprepared to face it, whether as the judgment or as the initiation)] when and if they should pass from the screen of life in an untimely manner.

     We come to you, beloved, so that you may practice, as practice makes perfect, speaking the Truth into the lie and not being silent. You will meet many upon the road of life who are convinced, either by false teachers or their own egotism, of systems and doctrines that are simply not correct and not of the Light. It is not just that you should remain silent, for did not the Lord say on Palm Sunday, "If these should hold their peace, the very stones should cry out"?10

     And therefore there is a time to witness to the Truth and there is a time to rebuke the lie and to know that the Holy Spirit, of which we are a part, is able to descend to deliver that one of the error! But because that one is locked in an error that does not allow the Logos or the living Word to deliver reason, to deliver illumination, to deliver the action of the sacred fire, then, beloved, you must understand that [in order] to free [that] one from his ignorance or his error that one must [be given to] understand the step-by-step process of the very logic of the Word and of the Teaching itself.

     It is the proverbial situation where the individual cannot find his way out of a paper bag. And many people are beset by great burdens of error and absence of enlightenment which to yourselves might appear to be simplistic [in logic and foundation] and you may not be able to understand how someone could believe something that is so un[founded in the Great Law]. But as long as they believe it they are the prisoner of it. And any form of error becomes the lie; and the lie, then, becomes within them the force of Antichrist that does move against their individual Christhood.

     Thus you see, when the explanation is given - and the full explanation as it comes from the Messenger so often - an individual is liberated in all of the chakras and in all of the seven levels of being. He is liberated to know the Truth; and that Truth does set him free from someone else's concept, whether of religion, whether of politics, whether of defense, whether of what is coming upon the earth, whether [of] why it is not good to have rock music, [or] what is the [correct or incorrect] use of the sacred fire - all of these many, many questions.

     I daresay, beloved, we would recommend a book that consists of the questions that have been asked the Messenger and the answers that have been given, put together topically. And I enlist anyone here who has the editorial skills and the typing skills to so do it. For, beloved, the world is hungry for answers and they have not the answers and the answers have gone forth.

     And I tell you, it is a wondrous achievement - that teaching which has gone forth from this altar to be published abroad in the world. But then again, there is a certain karmic accountability, a karmic responsibility not only on the part of the Messengers but [on the part of] the entire Community to see [to it] that more of the teaching that has gone forth [from the altar] is given to the world and that that teaching which seems advanced is stepped down to those who must receive it at the earliest steps, [even] as [infants] and toddlers come into our nursery and begin to understand the alphabet.

     And that alphabet becomes a spiritual alphabet until [by and by] they have a spiritual understanding; and by the time they are in the sixth grade they can truly commune with the adepts, with the angels and with the Ascended Masters, for they know the Law, beloved. And it is the very purpose of our teaching and the very purpose of our lessons in reading that they should not only know the alphabet of language but that they should know the alphabet of the language of the heart, which is the language of the Ruby Ray.

     Most blessed and beloved ones, let not your hearts be troubled, yet keep the vigil. It is the two-edged sword - to know in peace that divine justice will be done and yet to exert yourselves and to awaken yourselves and to sacrifice yourselves that the call may be given [by you] in the hour that it is needed by one who is beset by fallen ones and devils [who would] tear that soul from the Light!

     Blessed hearts, I commend you for your Community spirit, for it is the spirit of Divine Love! I commend you for your concern! I commend you for your understanding that thousands upon thousands of souls upon this planet if they knew of this activity would be here!

     And therefore I come with a mighty sword of the Ruby Ray to dispel the lie, beloved, to absolutely dispel the lie that there are not [very] many Lightbearers and [that] there are not very many who will take this teaching, and therefore we have done all that we can! There are tens upon tens of thousands! And some of these, beloved, have not come because they have heard the lie before they have heard the Truth and they have no one there to counter that lie.

     And yet we have our angels; and the fierceness of these angels of the Ruby Ray, the fierceness of the angels of white fire as they represent the Body and Blood of Christ is unmatched in cosmos. And they go after those fallen ones and they bind them all and they remove them from the planet entirely. And the devils themselves, they are cast into the lake of sacred fire,11 beloved. And those who once had the threefold flame, they must stand trial before the Court of the Sacred Fire.12

     Blessed ones, it is the time of spring. It is the time when the blood must be purified. And thus we come with the Ruby Ray to offer you our support in that attempt by yourselves [that you shall make] at purification of the temple [through prayer and fastings preparing thereby to] receive the Lord Christ and the Divine Mother. We come, beloved, for the Ruby Ray must be anchored. We come, beloved, for the Light of Chamuel and Charity must shine forth, for Chamuel and Charity do bring forth the Light of the Judgment.

     We come in the time when The Summit Lighthouse itself in this year and at the end of this decade must live to fulfill its fiery destiny. Thus, founded upon the rock of Divine Love with charity as its signet, this activity is intended to be that Divine Love in action and in manifestation that shall draw every Lightbearer in the world to his own Mighty I AM Presence, that tower of power upon the Rock.

     So this is our goal, beloved. And it has never, never been the goal of any Ascended Master or of our Messengers to seek to attach the followers of this magnificent teaching to our person but only to extend our mantle of attainment and that descent of Hierarchy given and those dispensations to hold up those who have such a burden of karma, such a disease in the psyche, such a momentum [in the astral plane] that they cannot overcome that we [therefore] extend our hand in Love, in Forgiveness, in Support - the hand of the Holy Ghost that does transfer that sacred fire of the Holy Spirit. So it has ever been that the higher does assist the lower, and the lesser, then, does take and receive [from the greater] the gift that is extended.

     O beloved hearts, may all the world know the intercession of angels! And may you go forth as angels, may you be comforted, may you be accelerated! This is my deliverance of the Ruby Ray.

     Elohim, beloved, are God in manifestation. Elohim itself is the plural noun of God.13 Thus we are fully God in manifestation in the Alpha, in the Omega. Wherever you stand in the Presence of Elohim who are one - as Heros and Amora, as those of the seven rays whose names you have understood [and been given] - know, then, that you are fully enveloped in the Presence of God. So it is true of the Archangels and so it is true to a lesser extent, beloved, of the Ascended Masters [and of their] capacity to hold the [fullness of the] Great God Consciousness.

     Elohim are the Seven Spirits of God who did create all physical universes in the beginning by the Mind of God within us. Thus understand the dimensions of our being and consciousness and understand that as you give the calls to us we are able to do much for the holding back of the spilling out in the earth of that [astral sewer of] Darkness. May much of it be transmuted and bound.

     But I tell you, beloved, those who live in the astral plane who are in physical embodiment, those who have chosen the astral way and the downward path and the self-destruction path, they, beloved, will have to experience the fruits of their choices. And when the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse does fully ride in his time, that pale horse, they will know the meaning of the astral plane, they will know the meaning of Death and Hell. And this law cannot be turned back!

     I pray you, come apart from among them. Come apart from all taint of their vibration and energy. And use this time while you have it to be in the etheric octave while you are in physical embodiment.

     You may understand, therefore, why the Lord Christ did choose this place, [the Inner Retreat and the entire Royal Teton Ranch]. Do you not know and do you not think, as he spent those hours upon the cross, that he did look to the future, to the mission, to his sacrifice and Victory - that his eyes did scan the future to two thousand years and know that you would come to this mountain of the LORD, set aside in the great West, where the twelve tribes and the souls reincarnated would make their pilgrimage? All of this has come to pass and all of this he did foreknow.

     Don't you understand, beloved ones, that this great gathering,14 then, is that you might while in physical embodiment be in the etheric octave? Do you not notice and see that that etheric octave and [that] etheric present is most evident around your Messenger?

     It is around yourselves when you are in your decrees, when you are exalted in the LORD in the very songs that you sing, when you are in the presence of the dictations - which is why, by your leave, I remain and tarry with you to speak to you, to sustain this vibration that you might feel it in an unending manner and know that it is in this temple of God, truly the temple of Elohim, that you shall abide forevermore when you fulfill all requirements to realize the victory of the Light in your ascension to the I AM THAT I AM.

     Beloved one of the living Flame, fear not, for perfect Love does cast out fear. And in this year we desire to see the grand teachings of the decades that have come forth through the Two Witnesses to be published in a more accelerated manner and to this task we have set our Messenger. We ask for helpers to apply to be a part of this staff that these books and teachings might go forth and be recorded.

     Beloved ones, it is such a key to the age! It is a key to Aquarius: Aquarius, the age of Divine Love as Divine Love becomes the tributaries of [the] violet flame of freedom in both science and religion. It is the age of the wedding of science and religion, and by science and religion shall all who are of the Light take dominion over the four lower bodies, the four elements, and the fifth.

     Understand the meaning, then, of the Victory. Understanding [who and] what God is in your heart, you can see what you can accomplish by the Ruby Ray.

     Thus this Ruby Ray focus is held before you. Personally I, Heros, with Amora stand before each one for the sealing of the third eye. I ask you to focus your attention at the point of the brow at that third eye, visualizing the opening of that orifice and the receiving of a ray of ruby light. It shall be given to you according as you are able to receive it. Allow nothing to move you, to disorient you, or to disturb you, beloved ones, for you know that the forces of hell would desire to unhinge the mind to bring you to the point of insanity. They have no power!

     I, Heros, seal you. Watch and pray. [40-second pause]

     It is done, beloved. You may know that you have drunk of the Blood of Christ, that it is infused into your bloodstream, sealed in your heart. May you follow a disciplined path in the physical octave and thereby know the greatest reward and the greatest blessing.

     And now, beloved, the fullness of the Judgment of Chamuel and Charity delivered from the Most High God does descend upon those among the seed of the Wicked One upon earth whose time is finished. With the tolling of the bell of this Eastertide, after hundreds of thousands and millions of years of moving against the Light, they have no longer opportunity, for they have turned all Light God gave [them] to Darkness.

     Thus mighty legions of angels of the Ruby Ray, fierce legions of the Lord Shiva and all his hosts go forth in the earth now, binding these individuals who surely do resist, who gnash their teeth15 in anger. They and their demons and those who have supported them as astral hordes are taken. The harvest is great. We say, let the vacuum be filled by seraphim, angelic hosts and Christed ones and Keepers of the Flame who know that they must rise to the point of Christhood to displace the former activities of these black magicians.

     Thus it is, as it were, a group trial of many, beloved. May you know that they have left their seeds and their tools in the systems they have set up, the systems of the Cain civilization. These must be undone by the defenders of Truth in every area.

     May you appeal to God Surya to receive the understanding of God-government in the earth and the perfect way in all branches of human knowledge and endeavor. May you leave this earth far better than you found it and leave just stewards in your place to take over the Lord's work in the Lord's vineyard.

     Thus, once again you have come to know Elohim in the gentleness of the Presence and in the still small voice. Know, then, that we shall depart to deliver the lightning and the thunder, and by that release this planetary body shall know the alchemy of change this night. We count on you, beloved, to hold the balance for that change.

     With a mighty sign of the ruby cross be sealed. You are the beloved of Christ as his bride, even his waiting bride, beloved, even as his Church. So know that thou art worthy to be loved of all of heaven.

     Enter into the worthiness of Love. Enter into the worthiness of Love's keeper.

     This dictation by Heros and Amora was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet at the conclusion of the Saturday night vigil on Sunday, March 26, 1989, 12:53-1:27 a.m. MST, during the five-day conference An Easter Convocation for Cosmic Christ Illumination held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Available with dictation of Surya on 90-min. audiocassette K89020. [N.B. Bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Heros and Amora's direction for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom.


Volume 32, Number 20, footnote 5. The initiation of the descent into hell. It is a Christian belief that between his crucifixion and resurrection Jesus descended into hell where he preached and brought salvation to souls imprisoned there. Christian tradition states that this was not "hell" as the state of eternal punishment for sin but a realm where all the dead abided. The tradition of Jesus' triumphant descent into hell, also called the "harrowing of hell," became a part of the Church's theology as affirmed in the Apostles' Creed, the statement of the fundamental tenets of Christian belief that in its earliest form can be traced back to the second century. The Roman Catholic version of the creed states that Jesus "was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day he arose again from the dead." I Pet. 3:19 states that Christ "preached unto the spirits in prison."
In his exegesis on this verse in The Interpreter's Bible, Archibald M. Hunter points out that "exegetes have differed about the interpretation of every word. ... The simplest meaning is that our Lord descended between his passion and resurrection, to preach to certain spirits imprisoned in Hades. ... But who were the imprisoned spirits? Just possibly the fallen angels of Gen. 6:1-4. Much more probably Peter meant the spirits of the rebellious generation who perished in the Flood." Hunter says that the early Christians may also have been concerned about "the fate of those who had died before the gospel was preached. ... Christ went down 'in the spirit,' says Peter, into Hades, ... in order to offer salvation to sinners who had died without hearing the gospel and getting a chance to repent. ... In the apocryphal Gospel According to St. Peter (ca. a.d. 130), among the wonders attending the Crucifixion we read the question, 'Hast thou preached to those who have fallen asleep?' To which the answer was heard from the Cross, 'Yes.' And in the Middle Ages the harrowing of hell was a common theme in popular poetry and theology." (The Interpreter's Bible, 12 vols. [Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1957], 12:132, 133.)
In a dictation delivered on Easter Sunday, April 6, 1969, through the Messenger Mark L. Prophet, Jesus said he had come to exhort us with the same sermon he had preached to "the rebellious spirits that in the days of Noah were disobedient unto God. ... I preached and repreached and spoke again and again to each soul that I could find there who was in chains of bondage and despair. Many gazed upon me with dullness in their eyes, the dullness of despair, the centuries of timeworn care and fear and doubt. The very light of God seemed to them [to be] put out and I sought to rekindle it then as I do today to rekindle it in you God's way." Dictation on 4-audiocassette album Only Mark 16, 90-min. cassette B88148; entire album, A88146, 6 hr.


1 Devils tremble. James 2:19.
2 On October 10, 1988, Hercules announced that the bottomless pit had been opened and as a result there was a rising tide of the astral plane on the planet. 1988 PoW, vol. 31 no. 80, pp. 622-24, 625-26.
3 Decree 33.00, "The LORD's Judgment by the Ruby Ray through Archangel Chamuel and Charity," from a dictation delivered July 7, 1985 (see 1985 PoW, 39, pp. 475-86).
4 Desire of Heros and Amora to return each quadrant of the year. 1988 PoW, vol. 31 no. 60, p. 470. Heros and Amora last dictated on October 11, 1988, during the Harvest class (1988 PoW, vol. 31 no. 81, pp. 635-42).
5 The initiation of the descent into hell. [4]
6 Thirty-three levels of the astral plane. 1988 PoW, vol. 31 no. 88, p. 700 n. 15.
7 Souls slain for the word of God. Rev. 6:9-11.
8 The ways of death. Prov. 14:12; 16:25; Rom. 6:21-23.
9 Clean escaped from them who live in error. II Pet. 2:18.
10 If these should hold their peace. Luke 19:40.
11 Lake of fire. Rev. 19:20; 20:10-15; 21:8.
12 Court of the Sacred Fire. Rev. 4.
13 Elohim. See glossary in Saint Germain On Alchemy, pp. 398-400.
14 The gathering together of his elect. Matt. 24:31; Mark 13:27.
15 Gnashing of teeth. Ps. 112:9, 10; Matt. 8:10-12; 13:41, 42, 49, 50; 22:11-14; 24:48-51; 25:30; Luke 13:23-28.