Urantia Book

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Chapter 38
Beloved Jesus Christ - July 10, 1988

Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1988
Inspired in
Elizabeth Clare Prophet

38  Beloved Jesus Christ - July 10, 1988

Vol. 31 No. 38 - Beloved Jesus Christ - July 10, 1988
Saint Germain Stumps Portugal
The Call to the True Shepherds to Move among the People and to Shepherd Them
The Restoration of Your Divine Inheritance

     Lo, I AM come into your midst, O people of great faith. O my sons and daughters of the living flame of cosmic Truth, I am in your midst in this hour out of the profound love of the Father and the Son for your devotion to the Blessed Mother, for your devotion to Life and Truth, upon whatever course it [your devotion] has taken you.

     Know, then, that in the fullness of the joy of angels I come to gather my own unto the victory of Life everlasting, to call you and to call you again to return to my heart and to see me as I truly AM in the victory of the ascension - one who walks midst those who are of the Light and does not necessarily enter those paths of organized religion and orthodoxy [whose hierarchs] have closed out my Heart and my Teaching behind their garrisoned walls where they render themselves impervious to the cries of the people or to their proper role of challenging the evildoer.

     What has happened to the "Church Militant"1 on earth that does defend Life when Death and Hell move against the souls of a people? Where, then, are today's saints? They are outside of its walls, I tell you, for the true saints have long ago recognized that these walls cannot contain nor house my Great Causal Body.2

     And therefore, I must in protest come again to overturn the money changers in the temple.3 These are they who conspire with world movements of totalitarianism, who enter into compromise, and challenge and deny the true path of individual soul freedom and the rightful inheritance of every son of God to walk and talk with me and to commune with me as I walked and talked with my disciples for many years, even many years after my resurrection. For I did remain upon earth and the Gnostic text Pistis Sophia does bear witness to this even as does the Church Father Irenaeus, commenting that I was teaching well into the [fiftieth year. And it was so.]4

     Blessed ones, the mysteries I have taught have been banned and denounced as heresy, and therefore you are as shorn lambs today, having accepted the orthodox lie of sin and condemnation.

     Therefore, upon the hour and the brink of an age of destiny when the dark powers of this world are determined to make war and to destroy and to take this entire continent, I say to you, because they have not passed on to you the great teaching of my heart, therefore the true shepherds are not raised up. Thus, the wolves in sheep's clothing5 in Church and State have effectively taken from my own the great Truth of the ages.

     But I AM your brother and I come to your side in this hour of need and world crisis. I call you not only to be my disciples, [but] I call you [also] to be shepherds and to feed my sheep,6 to quickly devour by the Holy Spirit the teaching that is already set forth and therefore to put on and receive the mantle of apostleship - that you might know yourselves as shepherds and feed the children of God mouthful by mouthful that morsel of bread, that cup of cold water in my name that does return to them the inner resource of Light, the fount of that holy Christhood and the Presence of the I AM THAT I AM.

     This must be done quickly, beloved, for the fallen angels know that they have but a short time, but a narrow few years in which to move against the world that is about to deliver7 the mandate of the Universal Christ nation by nation.

     Blessed ones, it is an hour of great danger to the nations of Europe, and you must understand that it is because of the absence of the Christs. Each one who does follow me does become that Christ and this is the message written down by my apostles, such as Thomas and Philip and Mary Magdalene,8 that has either been lost or suppressed. Know, then, beloved, that the need of the hour is for those anointed ones, anointed of the Light, who are called Christs, to move among the people and to shepherd them.

     Let it be said, therefore, that this nation which has received so great a gift as my Mother's Fátima visitations shall also receive me in this hour and know that my appearance to you is every whit as personal and as present and as seeable and knowable as was the visitation at Fátima.

     Blessed ones, know this, therefore, that I come to this nation to minister to the poor in spirit that they might receive fully the fruits of my being, that they might truly know that the Spirit of God is upon them and therefore that they are equal to the task of challenging those false hierarchy impostors of my name both in Church and State.

     The hour is late! And so many have become accustomed to the oppressions of these false hierarchies that they take for granted the controls that are leveled upon them.

     Blessed hearts, when you expand the fire of God that is already within you, when you have the restoration of your divine inheritance, you will know that not the human but I with you and in you, God in you and with you is the deliverer of nations. Thus, it is to become a transparency for the One who sends you that is the goal of this path rather than to make the fatal error of believing that one's human self is the anointed one.

     The soul is anointed and you therefore become instruments of God. Forever the instrument, you shall not fail. But should you consider yourself as the originator of the Light, you will also go the way of pride, the spiritual pride of the fallen angels that has taken root on this continent from ancient times.

     Blessed hearts, this my dictation, then, is spoken to the world. I am therefore calling shepherds to arise quickly and understand the great dearth of true teaching and true teachers, the dearth of leaders and leadership. Understand, beloved, that the people need in you an example, an example of one who is positive in the walk of the Teaching and does serve the LORD at that altar and does go out, therefore, and challenge conditions in society.

     Blessed ones, I am here to challenge also the false teaching out of the East that those who are spiritual do not soil their hands [or their garments] by entering into the arena of politics or government. I tell you, it is the withdrawal of the Lightbearers from these areas that has given complete reign to the fallen angels to take over your nations, your destinies and your monetary systems.

     Thus, it is certainly an area of a low vibration and power struggles. But it is entirely possible for those of the Light to enter these fields and to make their statement once again as the great prophets of old, [just] as those who have sought to be statesmen in every nation have risen and therefore dedicated their empires and their nations and civilizations to a higher cause.

     Witness, therefore, Akbar of India, an incarnation of your beloved El Morya.9 In this life he set the stage of universality in India that has endured to the very present hour; and as you study his life you will know that those who are of the First Ray never shirk their responsibility to enter into the fray and to challenge the evildoers who decade by decade and generation by generation have a continuity of purpose, which is to enslave and imprison the children of the Light in their institutions and in their organizations and controls.

     Blessed ones, you can no longer sit back and watch the world crumble before you and watch the value of your money be destroyed by the manipulators of the system itself. You can no longer therefore think that those who quote me as being a pacifist and a socialist are speaking the truth. I tell you, I am not a pacifist nor am I a socialist! And therefore understand that the doctrines of Marx can never be justified through my parables or through my life, and I state it clearly!

     And therefore, let it be known that these doctrines do deny the path of individualism and the path of karma; and therefore through the redistribution of wealth by the state there is a nullification of [the law of] karma, [which decrees] that every man may sow and reap and receive according to his effort.

     Know, then, beloved ones, that as a man soweth, that shall he also reap,10 and no state or private agency, therefore, has the right to take from him and to give to another who has not sown.

     Therefore, if totalitarianism in these forms be allowed to continue on the planet, you will see that the path of initiation is ultimately denied for every individual upon this planet. And the day is at hand, for the powers that be have planned it, to control you, therefore, from space and to control every area of your life and every nation on this planet.

     Let it be understood, beloved ones, that the agents of hell spoken of by my Mother are truly in the land and they are moving against the freedom. And therefore, those who do not exercise free will, those who do not understand the embodiment of the Word and the Work of the LORD lose the sense of the divine spark within. They are no longer co-creators with God, for someone else does everything for them and metes out their portion of meal daily.

     Blessed ones, this is not life but death. And understand that all of the promises of the fallen ones for this ideal society of World Communism will come to naught, and you will understand that if they are allowed to continue, the earth will no longer have the approval of the Karmic Board to continue as a school of initiation of the Great White Brotherhood.

     For it is the requirement that each and every year one soul make the ascension from this planet, and if souls are not ascending and there is not freedom of religion guaranteed in every nation, then you will come to that day when all will be enslaved by the fallen ones who plan to take over this planet in this very hour.

     I speak to you, then, from the depths of my being and I say to you: Resist the encroachment that does take from you day by day the portion of your own I AM Presence!

     It is necessary, therefore, that you enter into life fully and become fully accountable for that which you have and that which you have not, and therefore each and every individual under God is accountable. And I will tell you, it is the fallen ones who have been cut off from the Light11 of the living Presence of God who have nothing and no Light, who therefore have thought up these schemes to receive the handouts and the light and the money and the care from those who labor yet in the Lord's vineyard.

     And therefore, you see, beloved, what is the true meaning of the haves and the have-nots on this planet is those who have the Light and those who have it not. And those who have it not may receive that Light by the very same means that those who have it do have it, and that is to bend the knee before the Universal Christ, to accept his laws, his God-government.

     And that Universal Christ, beloved, is supreme in the earth and they long ago did rebel against that Universal Christ. They were cast out of heaven by the Archangel Michael into the earth.12 They have never relented and never recanted their position and therefore they do not bend the knee neither to your I AM Presence or to my I AM Presence nor to your Christ Self or my own Christhood. And because of this, therefore, they have no Light, and the Light that they once had in their hearts is self-extinguished by their denial [of that Christ].

     Therefore, in that state of emptiness, of being hollowed out, they demand that those Lightbearers who serve the altar of God shall give to them all that they have because now they are the poor; and in piteous pleas they come begging, therefore, for everything that they need and demanding that the state, the people, the rich, et cetera, meet all of their wants.

     Beloved ones, this system has nothing to do with my call to feed the poor and the hungry and to feed the sheep. All have the right to receive [in Christ], and therefore where there is abundance in the earth it ought to be freely given by those who are able to give it.

     Blessed ones, I gave my teaching for the fulfillment of the Light in those who were on a path of discipleship. How can I call fallen angels to be my disciples, beloved, when they are the very ones who staged my mock trial and did crucify me?

     Can you understand, therefore, that there is a teaching for the children of the Light, who must come and repent of their sins and be forgiven and walk on the path of their personal discipleship unto the Light? And [that] there is a message of the descent of the woes upon the seed of the wicked and the fallen ones who demand that the children of God serve them?

     And the children of God, not having the true shepherds because you have not claimed that shepherd's crook from me, are therefore without true leaders, and they must therefore be subjected once again to the taskmasters who work them and live upon the fruit of their labors and build their empires and their money systems upon the very light and life-essence of my own.

     I tell you, the time is already come when the judgment of the LORD God has been proclaimed in New York City and on Wall Street on the very third of October 1987.13 And therefore the judgment of Wall Street and the moneylenders and money changers has descended, and this is the real reason for the October 19 crash.

     Know this, beloved, that the judgments are already descending upon the fallen ones, but it is the false leaders in Church and State who are preventing that judgment from descending, who take more light [as God's energy] and more money of the people to shore up their crumbling systems.

     Know, then, beloved ones, that it is the true shepherds, yourselves, to whom I call this day to enter in and to establish yourselves where you ought to be, where fallen angels have stolen your seats of authority from you, and to stand for a people who need you in this hour. Thus, let this dictation go down as the call to the true shepherds of the children of God.

     I am calling you as these true shepherds out of every nation throughout the world and I say, it is high time that you recognize that you may no longer allow the fallen ones to encroach upon and to abuse and oppress the children of God! Hear me, beloved! Those who have been these shepherds in the past, many of them have ascended and some are yet with you.

     Understand that there is such corruption across the governments of the nations that where to begin becomes the challenge of the hour, but I will tell you where to begin. That beginning is in the raising up of the true Light [as the Threefold Flame] in your heart. That beginning is to know me, to know my Word and to become it - and to fear not to assimilate my Body and my Blood, the fullness of the Omega-Alpha consciousness of the Father-Mother God. Fear not, therefore, to set aside the former things and to enter into the newness of the Spirit.

     The second thing, therefore, is to stand before the altar of God that you erect in your own home and to daily, hourly invoke the power and intercession of God and to ask to be his instrument and to call upon those Seven Archangels and Lords of the Seven Rays. Call upon all of us in heaven and we will come to your side and we will open the way for you to serve your nations and your communities. The hour is late, yet everyone must give his all to this calling.

     And therefore, I say to you, beloved, let those who plan on going to the United States go not in fear. For if fear is the motivation, then you must remain where you are and first conquer fear. For you flee nothing and no one, but you stand staunch and true to the call of Saint Germain and recognize that when he calls you he has very good reason, and he may not tell you all of those reasons nor may I. But we are not desirous of adding a momentum of the fearful ones and the anxious ones to our Inner Retreat.

     Therefore, I speak to one and all. If you think that you come to be cared for, perish this idea. For, beloved ones, when you come to the Mystery School you come to care for the Body of God on earth, you come to care for his little ones, you come to add your momentum of Christhood.

     Thus understand, beloved, that the standards are high and we expect true initiates who desire a path that leads straight up the mountain of God and [who,] by the spiral of that momentum, are determined that the purpose and reason for their being is to attain that reunion with God in this life. No lesser reason can be the foundation, beloved. Otherwise, if you are coming only for fear, you might as well remain here and become a part of that mass momentum of fear upon this continent.

     Therefore, I suggest that you make calls for the violet flame and to Archangel Michael to cut you free, that you might establish in your own heart your motive and that [that] motive be pure for service and for victory and for the preservation of the Work and the Word, the Path and the Teaching, the Sangha of the Buddha and the Guru incarnate.

     The preservation of the presence of the Great White Brotherhood in the earth is our determination, for upon that presence in the earth of that Brotherhood does depend the entire future of a planet.

     Therefore, should the dark years and decades come upon the earth, know, then, beloved, that in that period of darkness a Light shall truly shine and remain in the Western Shamballa. And therefore, for that Light remaining and the vigil that is kept and a path of initiation that is understood and entered into, there shall remain dispensations to the Lightbearers of earth. Therefore, above all callings, beloved, this is the highest calling.

     And therefore, come to serve. In the name of Nada, I serve. And remember my words, "The servant is not greater than his lord."14

     I come, therefore, with my legions of angels to cast out fear and doubt and death and anxiety, for these are [those demons of the mind and the feeling world] which beset you on the path of discipleship. And therefore, legions of Light and angels of the sacred fire: according to the light of the Lightbearers of Europe, bind therefore the momentums that I have named, bind therefore the momentums and the astral consciousness that the LORD God Almighty has decreed may be taken in this hour for the lightening of the load of the Lightbearers of these states.

     I, Jesus, have therefore sent my angels, and my angels move with those of the great beings who have addressed you, with Uriel and Gabriel, with Saint Germain. Therefore know that these legions of Light come, beloved, and they come with the legions of Omri-Tas and beloved Lanello. They come in the great mystery of the God Flame.

     And therefore their deliverance of the Presence of Mary and Raphael is this, that there will be done for this continent all that the Great Law allows according to and only according to the service and the ministration of the Lightbearers. For the Lightbearers are the only ones who are recognized by God as having lawful right to dispensation [from the courts of heaven] in this hour.

     Therefore I have come, beloved. I have placed my Electronic Presence here. The ascended disciples of my bands are with me and they reveal themselves to you at inner levels and they show themselves to you, beloved, that you might understand that you may be counted as one of them and in a few short decades attain to the victory of your ascension.

     Tarry not and do not take for granted that by many years of study or by none you will so easily enter into the gates of heaven once again. For every step must be fulfilled and that which has been sown must be reaped, and that by the sacred fire with all diligence.

     I believe that the ascended hosts and our bands have made abundantly clear the options of the hour. Therefore, beloved, I can tell you that our dictations and our discussions concerning these subjects will shortly be coming to a conclusion; and therefore the Lightbearers of the earth in the future will have to read these documents and will have to know that that which has been given has been given, what has been spoken has been spoken, what has been written has been written, and it must be used and it must be implemented for the further initiations to come.

     But of this thing I promise you and this one thing remember, that Maitreya's Mystery School reestablished in the Heart of the Inner Retreat does provide the individual who has embodied and assimilated our dictations of the past twenty-four months with the opportunity of very direct initiation in the personal encounter through the Messenger with Maitreya.

     Therefore know that the sign and the Presence of Maitreya is the Mystery School and the embodied Guru in the person of the Messenger, who is qualified as of God, God working through her, to deliver to you those very initiations, those very disciplines and those very loving teachings whereby seeing the way clearly you can mount as the mountain goats and the bighorn sheep up high, high into the mountains, high along the spiral that is ascending to your I AM Presence.

     Know, then, that because this Mystery School is open to all who will come and qualify themselves, earth has the greatest opportunity to survive what Saint Germain has called the International Capitalist/Communist Conspiracy. As Saint Germain has challenged those of East and West last eve, I say to you, they are doubly challenged by the office of the Universal Christ in the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood. We stand and support and reaffirm that challenge of Saint Germain.

     And I tell you, heaven is united in demanding a response and a recompense from the people of Light, for the LORD's hosts have served you long. And thus, it is the message of Fátima that long and long enough have humanity been given the opportunity to turn to the Light and to take the opportunity and to heed the warning of the prophets that have been sent.

     Therefore understand, beloved, that upon the decision of the true Lightbearers of Aquarius, those who understand my true coming, and upon your becoming a Christ and not merely a Christian, as Philip wrote down, upon this, beloved, does the thread of the future hang. Therefore, I say: May you be the LORD's compensation for those who have neglected so great a salvation, [for] those who do have a divine spark and do not act and do not serve and do not see and would rather follow the fallen ones than finally make an about-face and turn to the Light and walk toward the Sun.

     I give you now my Body and my Blood. I give you the wine and the bread of my being. I bless the Communion offering, beloved, and therefore know that I, Jesus, have come to you, as in the ritual of the sacrament of the Last Supper I did take the loaf of bread and I did break it, teaching all, "This is my Body of universal Light-substance15 which is broken for you."16

     Therefore, that portion of my universal Christhood I give again this day, not alone to twelve but to twelve million and more. For I call my souls of Light out of every nation and the call is strong, it is persistent and it is day by day; and as long as the Father does give me leave, I, the Son, shall pursue my own.

     Therefore, feel the intensity of the Love of my Sacred Heart that I give you in this hour and drink the wine of my Blood, the essential Light of my Being, which is surely shed for you in this hour as it was shed two thousand years ago.

     My beloved, I can come to you and I can speak to you and no orthodoxy shall prevent me from communing with my own, for this is the communion of the saints. And I AM at the center of the true Church Universal and Triumphant in heaven and I AM in the center of your heart and I will not be denied the oneness with my little ones. And therefore, no amount of doctrines and dogma will ever change the immortal Truth that thou art a son of God: this day has the LORD begotten thee, and this day shalt thou make thy decision to fulfill thy true reason for being.

     Come unto me, all ye who labor, then, with the burden of orthodoxy and the laws of mortality, for in the Light of my Presence I will give you Life. Remember, I AM your brother always. Call to me and I will answer. Knock upon the door of my heart and I shall open. And promise me this, beloved, that when I knock upon the door of your heart you will also open and allow me to enter in and to use you in a moment of personal or national crisis in your nation, in your planet, for I need your hands and heart. I need your temples for the deliverance of souls and I need your voice to speak to them the word of comfort.

     Receive me now, beloved, even as I receive you. Therefore, we are one and we are one in the beautiful prayer that has descended through the Messenger Mark, "Drink me while I am drinking thee";17 and this is the divine interchange taught to me by Maitreya. Therefore, as Above, so below, as the disciple self-empties, the Master enters in and the Master and the disciple are one and the disciple does declare, "I and my Father are one." And therefore, there is the divine interchange, and as in heaven, so on earth we experience God through one another's vehicles.

     I seal you and bless you for the victory of your whole life day by day, and the recording angels have outlined for you what is that just and perfect and holy calling for thy life in this hour. Day by day to the finish, to the end of mortality, to the soul's immortality! Day by day, thus the LORD calls you! Answer, answer and be free!

     O shepherd of souls, thou Universal Christ, descend now and be unto them their Divine Reality.

     This dictation by Jesus Christ was delivered by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, February 28, 1988, at the Cine Alvalade, Lisbon, Portugal, where she was stumping for Saint Germain's Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness. [N.B. Bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Jesus' direction for clarity in the published text.]


1 The Church Militant in Catholic theology is the Church on earth whose function is to engage in constant warfare against its enemies, the powers of evil, in contrast to the Church Triumphant, the Church in heaven whose members have achieved union with God.
2 This statement of the Lord does not imply that there are no saints within the Church. It is rather a generalization because the percentages left within the Church are very small by comparison to those who are without. In this case the exceptions prove the rule.
3 Overturning the money changers. Matt. 21:12, 13; Mark 11:15-17; Luke 19:45, 46; John 2:13-17.
4 Jesus' post-resurrection ministry. There were traditions in the first to third centuries of a long interval between the resurrection and ascension. The Church Father Irenaeus wrote, "From the fortieth and fiftieth year a man begins to decline towards old age, which our Lord possessed while He still fulfilled the office of a Teacher, even as the Gospel and all the elders testify; those who were conversant in Asia with John, the disciple of the Lord, [affirming] that John conveyed to them that information" (Against Heresies, c. 180). The third-century Gnostic text Pistis Sophia (1:1) states: "It came to pass, when Jesus had risen from the dead, that he passed 11 years discoursing with his disciples and instructing them." See The Lost Years of Jesus, pp. 4-5; The Lost Teachings of Jesus I, pp. 335-36.
5 Wolves in sheep's clothing. Matt. 7:15.
6 Jesus' call to discipleship and Christhood. See Jesus Christ, 1987 Pearls of Wisdom, pp. 269-76, 491-98, 577-82, 601-6; John 21:15-17.
7 a world in which the Lightbearers are about to deliver
8 True followers of Christ become Christs. In the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus is recorded as instructing his disciples: "I am not your master. Because you have drunk, you have become drunk from the bubbling stream which I have measured out. ... He who will drink from my mouth will become as I am: I myself shall become he, and the things that are hidden will be revealed to him. ... The Kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will realize that you are the sons of the living Father" (logia 13, 108, 3). See also the Gospel of Philip 67:26, 27; 61:29-35, quoted in 1988 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31 no. 37, p. 287 n. 2.
9 Akbar (1542-1605), Mogul emperor of India. See Lords of the Seven Rays: Mirror of Consciousness, Book One, pp. 21-27, 46, 57-59.
10 Gal. 6:7.
11 Christ consciousness
12 Fallen angels cast out of heaven. Rev. 12:7-9.
13 The judgment of the manipulators of the abundant Life in New York City. See Saint Germain, 1987 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 30 no. 55, pp. 484-88; vol. 30 no. 65, p. 545 n. 2.
14 The servant is not greater than his lord. John 13:16; 15:20.
15 Christ-essence
16 My Body which is broken for you. Matt. 26:26; Mark 14:22; Luke 22:19; I Cor. 11:23, 24.
17 See decree 60.06, "Beams of Essential Light," in Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness, Section I.