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Chapter 17
Beloved Archangel Gabriel - April 24, 1988

Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1988
Inspired in
Elizabeth Clare Prophet

17  Beloved Archangel Gabriel - April 24, 1988
    17.1  Beloved Lord Maitreya - April 24, 1988

Vol. 31 No. 17 - Beloved Archangel Gabriel - April 24, 1988
Saint Germain Stumps America
To Open the Way of the Divine Mother
I Announce the Opportunity for the Ascension
Hail, Sons and Daughters of God! Hail, Legions of Light!

     I AM Gabriel, which stand in the Presence of God!1 I have descended to this city and place for the calling Home of the Light, for the raising up of that Light in the servant-sons upon earth.

     Therefore, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, blaze forth thy Light! For I AM in the earth and I AM come the Archangel of the Annunciation. And I come to open the way for the Divine Mother and her return. And therefore, for the clearing of the highway of our God, for the making way for the Divine Mother, let the judgment descend upon the force of anti-Light moving against her little ones!

     I, Gabriel, come, sent by God for the dividing of the way of Light and Darkness and the Real from the Unreal. I pierce the illusion, then, of all those who believe that they are well and increased with goods when beneath all this there is the filthiness and there is the lack and the absence of the filling of the cup of Light.2 I come before the hour when none can turn back the LORD's appearance, none can turn back the white fire as the wrath of the Most High God.

     Therefore, I, Gabriel, am sent to you, O ye people of this state and way, for a quickening, for an awakening, for the clap and the thunder and the lightning from on high, as in the Holy of Holies the Light is released for a chemicalization in the earth that all that is of the Light might prevail.

     Blessed hearts, the hour is come for world change and for the melting of the elements with a fervent heat of sacred fire.3 Therefore, when you invoke that fire and become it, you move in the Spirit of God; but when you leave yourselves empty, therefore you are open to be tumbled and tossed and turned in the wave of oncoming karma.

     Blessed hearts of the Light, we have sent this Messenger for decades up and down these coasts and cities. Know, then, that the hour of the Divine Appearing of the LORD within you is upon you. May you see the Light and know the Light and realize that change is due upon a planet and upon a people who have walked in ignorance and not sought the Light of divine illumination.

     Happy are ye who have come to a fount of illumination so raised up in this place. Happy are ye whose chakras delight in the law of God and who receive the Blessed Virgin and know that the Immaculate Divine Mother is also thine own. For out of the Cosmic Womb, Omega, thou hast come forth for a fiery destiny. What will ye? Set it aside for the paltry pleasures of an age - an age revisited and relived ad nauseam in all past civilizations?

     You are made for greater things and callings. Therefore, I, Gabriel, announce to you the hour and the opportunity for the ascension. And by that power of the Holy Spirit, even by the power of the cosmic dance, Shiva! Shiva! Shiva! shatter, then, even the matrix of that desire that is untoward that leads not to Life but Death. And therefore, let the sweet smell of death and the success cult be cast aside as the Divine Reality of thy God does descend before thee as a fire infolding itself.4

     Ye are called and called again and called again, O beloved of the Light! Hear, then, and know that the Divine Light shall surely come upon a planet and a people. And as the harvest is nigh, lifetime by lifetime sow good fruits while there is yet the sowing and the reaping, that in this world and in the world to come the harvest of abundant treasure might find thee in the abundance of the abundant Life; and therefore a cup which runneth over may feed the millions of the unwashed masses.

     In the living light of the morning star, as we have gone before prophets and apostles of old and as they have gone before the face of the Archangels proclaiming our Word to a people, so we come again that you might know that the LORD's Spirit is in the land through his Archangels, sent and signified by a Messenger whom you may see and know and touch and understand to be your sister of Light.

     O come out from among them and release yourselves from all folly! For anyone who may be decided and decide himself to enter the fiery coil can be the instrument of the saving of a world. So may the Daystar from on high5 that has visited your forefathers of old be upon you and may the call be heard and answered, for the answer must be forthcoming from those upon earth who will then receive the emissaries of God and thereby know the presence of our comfort. Our consolation upon a people is an immensity out of the Immensity.

     O ye who do the will of God, blessed art thou amongst all people. And ye who know not the joy of the alignment with the fiery coil of Being, know, then, that I, Gabriel, come in this hour with mercy and peace, understanding and grace to all who will receive me in their homes.

     I AM the Angel of visitation. Lo, I AM come! For it is a reprieve and a surcease for the servants of God that they might know the loving care of one who calls you Home, for it is the hour of thy coming.

     Will you not, then, cry unto the One:

     "O my Father, O my Mother, I AM coming Home. I AM thy Son, long chosen to go forth in veils of maya. Now I wield the sword, flaming sword of Light, and I pierce all unreality that the children of Light might step through the veil and know thee face to face.

     "I remember my ancient calling, O my Father, O my Mother, to shepherd, to succor life, to give comfort. I shall be, then, the [instrument of the] Divine Helper, for I have seen the LORD's Spirit this night in the person of thy servant, Gabriel."

     Thus, beloved, heaven does pierce the night and enter earth's octaves in strange and mysterious ways, so they say. My coming is as miraculous and no more so than the natural extension of the branch of the Tree of Life to touch and bless the head of a child most holy. Let the children of the earth who are the holy ones of God receive me, for their hearts are pure, these little ones.

     O you who can be cosmic sponsors of life on earth, care for the innocents, care for the children; for in them is thy joy, thy peace and thy holiness preserved. And inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.6

     I seal you with the cosmic cross of white fire unto the day of your destiny and your path of initiation.

     O thou beauteous white rose of the Divine Mother, unfold in these hearts that they may not lose the touch of peace and the kiss of a Mother's love. Unto her heart I return with the swiftness of the infinite arrow shot from the bow of the Infinite Archer.

     Delivered following the Messenger's February 9, 1988 Stump at the Sheraton Universal Hotel, North Hollywood, Calif.

17.1  Beloved Lord Maitreya - April 24, 1988

Vol. 31 No. 17 - Beloved Lord Maitreya - April 24, 1988
Excerpt from a dictation by Beloved Lord Maitreya through the Messenger Mark L. Prophet

     THE POWER OF THE 10,000 TIMES 10,0007 given in Washington, D.C., July 1, 1961

     ... The greatest word of power that has ever been uttered was spoken into your consciousness within the framework of your being when the voice of God in you spoke and said, "Behold, I AM!"

     This being, which is the fiber of you, this existence of immortality, did not begin to be yesterday, nor shall it cease to be today, nor shall it cease to be forever. Anchor in yourself, therefore, a sense of the immortal consciousness of God and the immortal consciousness of Love. ...

     I, Maitreya, say to you today that the Ascended Masters, in the great deliberations and the councils of the Great White Brotherhood, have determined that human tyranny has too long held sway over the mass mind. Therefore we have asked for a great petition whereby the student body today shall be given that which is known as the full power of the ten thousand-times-ten thousand. From this day henceforward, every decree that you utter shall be increased by the power of the ten thousand-times-ten thousand!

     I, Maitreya, declare that those who give decrees from this day forward shall be creating a tremendous, impelling, swiftly moving acceleration which shall sweep through the earthly consciousness of mankind and compel this earth free.

     It is determined by the Great Cosmic Law that this earth shall not submit to the tyranny of human consciousness - which, in itself, while it is intelligent substance to a degree, is not Ascended Master discriminating intelligence. Therefore, it has no power! It has no power! It has no power! And I say that you must cut yourself free from that consciousness by a conscious, joyful entering in to our thought by entering in to the thought of God about you.

     You are thought of by God. Each and every lifestream here is a part of God. Each of you has a doorway to enter into God's consciousness. Each of you can expand the flame of the sacred fire on the altar of your own being. And no other lifestream can do it for you. No Ascended Master can do it for you. No one can do it for you, in the final analysis, but your own God Presence and Holy Christ Self.

     We can and we do give you our love! We can and we do give you our energy! We can and we do give you our strength! And we guide you and we direct you and we deliberate in our councils to bring to the earth and all of its environs the great enfolding love of the infinite Cosmic Christ-intelligence and the All-Father/Mother God.

     But, blessed and beloved ones, it is up to individuals to determine that they shall be one with God, one with Life, one with beauty, one with the Buddha, one with the Buddha of their own unfolding divinity, one with the mantrams of the Spirit - until they in God-victory are a part of God forevermore. ...


1 Luke 1:19. The angels of the Lord which "stand in the Presence of God" are "sent from God" as his messengers to transmit the Light (Christ consciousness) of that I AM THAT I AM to his sons and daughters for the accomplishment of those dispensations which they announce. Unto Moses was revealed the I AM Presence through "the angel of the Lord who appeared unto him in a flame of fire," which was the actual presence and personification of the I AM THAT I AM by Archangel Michael (Exod. 3:2).
2 Rev. 3:16-18.
3 II Pet. 3:10, 12.
4 Ezek. 1:4.
5 II Pet. 1:19.
6 Matt. 18:5, 6; 25:40; Mark 9:41, 42; Luke 17:1, 2.
7 Mentioned in the dictation by the Great Divine Director in Pearls of Wisdom, vol 31 no. 13, p. 132.
Note: The complete dictation by Lord Maitreya is printed in 1984 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 59-64. See also Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, "The Power of the Ten Thousand-Times-Ten Thousand," in The Science of the Spoken Word, pp. 78-79.