Urantia Book

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Chapter 4
Beloved Archeia Hope - January 25, 1987

Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1987
Inspired in
Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Beloved Archeia Hope - January 25, 1987

Vol. 30 No. 4 - Beloved Archeia Hope - January 25, 1987
The Eternal Now Is My Hope
The Cosmic Conception of a Golden Age

     Unto all who have hope, hope is given, even as unto those who have shall more be added. Blessed hearts, a grain of hope can magnetize an ocean of hope. But those who are without hope, beloved, defile the honor of God, show their mistrust of him, and deny the trinity of faith, hope, and charity. Thus, the demons of despair, despondency and death come as destroyers of hope.

     Beloved, understand, then, why the flame of hope is my charge and destiny. For to keep alive but a flicker of hope in the hearts of the children of the Sun, this, then, is to preserve the opening for the entrée of the Lord Christ or any angel or Cosmic Being into the world of that one.

     The flowers and all of Nature, the stars, even the blue of the sky is a promise of present and future hope, beloved. Thus, God has painted the very canopy and backdrop of a universe to inspire hope that whispers in the heart, "All is not lost."

     Beloved, faith is the foundation of hope. Faith, then, in the absolute Good of tomorrow, if it is not evident today, allows hope to take the soul soaring to new heights of opportunity and potential.

     Blessed hearts, do you understand for how many of earth's evolutions there is no hope in this hour - no hope of a better tomorrow? Hope not only absent in their own hearts but hope absent by the economic systems under which they toil. Where there is famine, then, and poverty, where there is not even the strength of mind or will or heart to think upon a better future, hope is not only absent but hope is not even conceivable. It does not even exist as an option in the mind. To choose to be hopeful or not has long ago ceased to be.

     Thus, we come, beloved, in an hour of cynicism, fatalism, psychic prediction and all manner of prognostication that has declared the finality of death through the Four Horsemen and mankind's returning karma. We come, our angels of Light, Gabriel with me. We come, then, to expand a purity that is like steel. Can you imagine compressed light so fiery as to be stronger than the strongest wall, harder than the hardest hardness known? It is the concentration of light that does make the aura impervious to despair.

     Blessed ones, the opening of despair is through the drug culture and the rock music. This opening into the youth of the world is followed by all forms of masquerading suicide entities. Do you realize, beloved, that in the moment of the decision to take one's life, the only hope held is of death itself, which is a perverted self and a perverted hope?

     Know this, then, beloved - that the fire of Astrea, that the calls for the continual clearing of the astral plane and the naming of these entities day after day will surely reap the harvest of Lightbearers sought by beloved Saint Germain. Though the human cannot be guaranteed, the Lightbearer who is free from all illusions and entanglements with the fallen ones can almost of a certainty be guaranteed to receive the light.

     Now, beloved, there are hurdles to be passed to be sure, but once there is a clearing, and a certain crystal perception of consciousness occurs as though a peep into the infinite - a peep in the cosmic mirror as to what one may be like, how one may look when cleansed by the flaming presence of hope - this is enough.

     Beloved, the greatest preachers, evangelists, deliverers of the Word have been those who could deliver my flame of hope. Once the individual seizes hope based on an inner knowing and a belief in the laws of God and [a belief] that these exist to support his endeavor, to support him in moving forward away from past failure, he is seized again with newness of Life.

     Blessed ones, when people find hope and joy in the little things of life - when they even devise for themselves certain intricacies of thought that bring them nearer to our bands, whether children or adults - do not in an advanced awareness of the Path dash these precious though perhaps humble cups of hope from them. And even if they at times may hold hope focused in the wrong individual or the wrong system, we have concluded many times that rather than bring disillusionment to the soul, we would allow a little bit of error sprinkled in to preserve a way and a path that, because it embodies not only hope but Truth herself, will eventually lead that one out of the lower levels to the highest realms.

     You see, beloved, one reason that individuals follow psychic meanderings and lesser paths is that these vibrate exactly with their subconscious, with their electronic belt. Almost like a chameleon being the same color of a leaf, so these blend in with a false path and a false guru or perhaps one that is half and half.

     Our trust in the living flame of God is great. As you give the calls to Astrea for the youth and mankind, there is a lifting of veils of illusion and psychicism. And suddenly, by the power of the legions of Hope and Gabriel, our bands, they [people on paths which do not offer the fullness of Truth] realize in a moment's descent of the Holy Spirit that they have seen all that they can see with this or that teacher or this or that instruction. And as though the Holy Spirit would suddenly carry them to another place, they are brought face to face with the reality of the Archangels and the Sons of God ascended.

     So you see, beloved ones, the great miracle of hope as the flame of purity carried by all of us of the Fourth Ray is the wonder itself that so many, by comparison, of the evolutions of earth have indeed grasped the Teachings of the Ascended Masters. Many more than you realize have incorporated into their lives precepts of Truth tucked into our books that have become a leaven of hope.

     Hope is indeed a leaven, beloved, and it is expansive. My aura is expansive to include the stars, for I see hope everywhere in Cosmos and whatever I see, there I AM. And so, my angels who travel in my cosmic aura and mantle become also the components of my being of hope.

     Thus, I am known as the Divine Mother of Hope. And some who have ascended on this ray of hope, grasping hope above and beyond all else that did assail them, have become living representatives of my aura. They carry the tie to my Presence, beloved, in heaven itself. Thus, these saints and angels are continually ministering unto all lifewaves, intensifying some hope - some hope that will lead to the heart of God.

     Sometimes, then, stimulated by our light, individuals who have not cleared the aura may turn the energy of hope into false schemes - gambling, tying themselves to individuals who take them down other paths of illusion. Thus, it is then that we look to Astrea's legions and the full fire of the Holy Spirit to draw them back and point them in the direction of an upward path.

     False hope is dangerous, beloved - most dangerous. For when the disillusionment comes, there is very little left. Thus, you see, this is one of the plots of the sinister force - bringing individuals from disillusionment with their leaders, with their parents, with their friends who betray them, to then say, "If this or that one be not true, who can I trust, where can I go?" And many fall into a heap of hopelessness, often because they can find no self-worth.

     It is a mighty task, beloved, that is set before us. We seek swiftly to weave a layer of light twixt the individual and the returning karma of the year and the dark sphere. If we can place but a filigree of hope around each lifestream, but a veil, we can perchance prevent the assimilation of so much darkness returning. Thus, our legions are very, very occupied in this hour, beloved, preparing lifestreams, intensifying the full fire of Serapis Bey that those who are of the Light of God, those who are his children, might cling to that hope even though they understand not the law of karma of this age.

     Hope, then, enables the individual to weather the storms of life and to know even from Nature that the vilest of storms, and even cataclysm itself, does spend itself and pass and then the calm does return. So in the cycles of Nature and of Life becoming Life and passing on, one knows that the sine wave of hope is infinite.

     Now, beloved ones, the mighty purpose of our coming is to above all give hope to you who have been students of the Ascended Masters for many years, who have come, then, as it were, to the puzzle of life, the very conundrum of self - how to shed the snakeskin and yet in the process to retain an identity and to realize Christhood.

     This brings us, then, to the reason for the universities of the Spirit. We recommend that you take the book of the Lords of the Seven Rays and read Book One and Book Two simultaneously. When you have read the foundation of Morya's life, his past, his performances and his teachings, turn then to Book Two and read his dictations. Then, with the anchoring of the Alpha and the Omega of the Master, pursue the call of the will of God, pursue Morya with the greatest love, and know that it is self-knowledge and the application of the Law itself that enables one to maintain the flame of hope.

     And what is hope but the ascension flame itself? What is hope but life itself? Life without hope is not life at all. Every newborn child comes with hope - hope of surmounting the past incarnation, hope for the clean white page that is given and the new opportunity. One can see this hope on the brow of the newborn child. One can see hope in the baby's cry, for the cry signifies that the child still bears hope that the cry will be answered.

     Beloved ones, it is when the individual ceases to cry that one ought to be concerned - ceasing to cry out to God, saying instead, "What's the use? He will never answer anyway." Thus, beloved, neglect not our flame when you pray for those oppressed.

     And remember, dearest hearts, that the goal of the ascension is not merely a goal of reunion with God, but the goal of the ascension is to intensify ascending currents in the aura, in the garment, in the sacred fire that rises upon the spinal altar. This blazing, accelerating flame that swirls around one's presence becomes that very garment, first of the transfiguration, then the resurrection, then the ascension.

     The goal of the ascension, beloved ones, is to be the living presence of the ascension flame on earth. As you set for yourself this goal, recognize, then, as you have been taught, that it too is a magnet and therefore it must be sustained in a mighty way.

     The ascension flame as the flame of the hope of the Divine Mother, beloved, is a communicator and a receiving station of communication with all worlds in the Matter cosmos and worlds above. For this flame is pure light! light! light! light! light! that expands as from the Goddess of Light, the Queen of Light, and the Goddess of Purity. These beings with myself, beloved, and others of the Archeiai and the ladies of heaven have appeared to many a child as a fairy godmother, as a fairy queen with trooping elementals.

     And do you know, this is the greatest delight of little children, and they love to hear stories of fairy queens and fairy godmothers and goddesses. It is because we carry this flame of white fire, divine hope, and the child can see the pattern of the ascent.

     Thus, if you would wear the garment that heals on contact, beloved, know that this garment must be free from psychicism, which is the antithesis of hope and the ascension flame, free of Death and Hell and astral substance. And psychicism, beloved, is not merely the mark of those who go after the spirits that mutter and peep and other sources of lower entities for their daily guidance. It is much more than this, beloved. It includes the idolatrous cult, the selfish self, the self engaged in too much misuse of the sacred fire and expending of the life-force.

     There are many psychics in the world, beloved, who have never gone to see a psychic and would not term themselves psychic and yet they are. Many of these consider themselves in direct contact with the Ascended Masters. For them, wishing has been the belief that the wish has come true. But it takes more than wishing, beloved. It takes attainment and prayer. It takes a divine contact that may begin with hope but must increase through the expansion of this mighty cable to the heart of God, expanding and pushing back the lower vibrations.

     The fire of the ascension flame, beloved, as hope, does indeed therefore bring to you the quickening of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially all discernment of spirits that is coming through Paul the Venetian and the Holy Spirit. Understand, then, that it is the white flame of purity that enables you to know exactly the vibrations that come upon you or upon the earth. The all-knowing Mind of God is truly present in the flame of purity.

     The flame of purity, then, that is the living presence of hope begins in the heart. One must love. It is always the beginning, as Morya has said. It is a path of the heart and the Presence face-to-face. Thus, we say simply, "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they do see God."

     Now, there are illusions whereby people entertain the belief that they are pure in heart; but again, beloved, unless one be cleansed by Astrea, unless the Divine Mother is thy love and goal, you shall find, then, there is yet lurking behind the individual's self-image of purity the record of the hatred of the Mother of Purity. See, then, that thou be not fooled.

     Take, then, the opportunity as Jesus did at Luxor to follow the very first steps. Would you not desire to go over his footsteps? Would you not desire, beloved, to be absolutely certain that you have left nothing within the heart or aura or mind that the force can catch you on - a point whereby a clever and mischievous demon may cause you grief?

     Grief, blessed, is followed by the weeping entity. Grief is an absence of hope as the absence of the loved one. Internalize hope. Internalize the essence, the heart, the attainment of the one departed.

     Is it not beautiful that God has sent wondrous presences into mortal form? Some are like beautiful flowers plucked early with the first breath of summer, but not before all who are intended to see and know them have had the experience of placing the fingers of the mind upon that blessed flame, flower of hope. And when they are gone, one retains the vision, one retains the hope, not only of a hereafter but of a here and now where one says:

     I AM THAT I AM! I claim the full mantle of hope and purity and light and ascension's flame of this one who has tarried with me as my friend. And I shall be a friend to that one departed by embodying all hope that that one had for the fulfillment of life here and hereafter.

     Thus, to incorporate, to embody other parts of the Mystical Body not seen is the purpose of living and passing through the veils of time and space.

     Beloved ones, have you ever noticed that as long as there is an accomplished pianist around, everyone listens to that pianist and does not bother to play himself? But when that one is no longer present someone must fill the vacuum. And as Nature abhors the vacuum, so one is raised up.

     When there are those who do things for you, including to carry the Light and hold back the Darkness and be the embodiment of the Great White Brotherhood, it is easy to remain the chela and to have or retain no necessity of hope of being the Master. But when the Master ascends, beloved, Necessity, who is always the Mother of Hope's invention, does come and say, "Unless you be the master of this situation, all these little ones will be scattered, will be gone astray, will have no hope. You are our only hope!"

     So she says to you. And so you say to yourself - and the one who has self-worth says this in the confidence, the strength, the boldness, and the humility of the God-enfired son: "I AM the hope of this my family, my community. Lo, I AM the hope of the world! I AM the hope of the world, for I AM an Archeia of Hope."

     But, beloved, remember the law as Jesus said it. He said, "So long as I AM [the I AM of me is] in the world, I AM the Light [Christ consciousness] of the world." Many have forgotten this qualifying statement.1 Therefore, taking into account the eventual absence of his physical incarnation, Jesus did say, "When the I AM of me is ascended, ye are the Light [Christ consciousness] of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid."

     This city of light cannot be hid. It is a city of hope. Does not each and every one of you hope for many things regarding this Community? Ye are indeed the hope of a world that may yet know not that you exist. Yet they have contacted the vibration on inner planes and they lean upon that light of hope of your aura as though it were a staff, as though it were a real and physical support.

     O let the Body of God be infused with hope in this hour! Let all the earth know that by hope, multiplied by the Cosmic Christ and all God qualities, the full golden age can, does, and shall manifest!

     O blessed hearts, do you know one thing that you have absolute and complete control over? It is this - that the golden age can manifest in this hour where you are! Where the individualization of the God flame is in you, the golden age can already be in session and progress in your aura. Would you not like to entertain angels and children and say, "Come into my house. Here is a circle of a golden sphere which I have lowered into manifestation"? Would you not like those who seek hope to have a hope of a future better world for themselves?

     Blessed ones, the avatars who have ascended, even the saints who have not balanced their karma, have inspired this hope upon all downtrodden - that somewhere there is a golden age happening. You have viewed it as the etheric cities of light. Now, beloved ones, see it as your aura expanding. Be inside a giant globe. Visualize and position the mountains, the streams, the paradise, the beautiful ones, the happiness. Hear the birds of hope singing.

     Blessed ones, I said: You have the absolute control of the manifestation of your life. And this is a statement of my hope - a hope that is never future. For when I hope, beloved, it is done. I have only to begin to send forth hope and the object of my hope is instantaneously precipitated. For I refuse to acknowledge past, present, or future. The Eternal Now therefore is my hope, and therefore moment by moment my hopes are satisfied.

     Blessed ones, it is important to hope in the realm of the possible. For if you continually hope for that which cannot be, for it violates the Law - it is not practical nor probable nor possible according to all calculations - you will soon be lost in daydreams and fantasies where nothing comes to pass. Thus, beloved, the secret of hoping and rejoicing in hope is to hope for those things which you know can, should, must, shall, and are now presently possible for you.

     The present, beloved, is the matrix, or womb, of hope. The Eternal Christ descends. You have a hope in your aura. It is the most powerful matrix. In the human sense you may pass through cycles of time and years. Have you not come to a place where something magnificent has suddenly come into your life and then remembered that three years ago or a decade ago you once had a hope, and since that hope you forgot the hope but your life took a course whereby it was indeed fulfilled?

     Have you not noticed that there has been in reality no time? Time is collapsed. The moment of the hope and its fulfillment are one. All sorrow is past. You live in the bliss of a hope that is now.

     Therefore, beloved, set the greatest, most powerful matrix of hope which I give to you, which is also presently possible. And it is the golden-age happening of your aura! Do you understand this, beloved? It is a happening now!

     Imagine, then, with golden robes and golden spheres of light, how hope, then, becomes illumination's flame, which is why the trinity of the threefold flame is called faith, hope, and charity. Illumine the world with golden wisdom's flame of hope, beloved. Understand the white fire core is there.

     You need no longer speculate, "Will the golden age come to earth?" It is here in me. That I know, O God. It is where I am, and more than this I cannot even desire. For I am with Hope filling Cosmos with my golden age.

     What is the golden age, beloved? Is it age one or ten or twenty-five or fifty or a hundred? The golden age, beloved, is the age when you find consummation in the Mind of Sanat Kumara. He, the Eternal Youth, has inspired upon this earth the eternal hope.

     Blessed hearts, I seal you in this mystery of the world and the universe of your microcosm. And I say by the fiat of Almighty God of the Fourth Ray, I draw a circle of hope around you as the base of your ovoid of light. I seal you in white-fire hope protection. And I impress upon you the unit of golden age that is solely, uniquely your individualization of the God flame.

     O Lord Gautama Buddha, thou who art Shamballa, Lord Gautama Buddha, thou who dost ensoul a planet with thy Buddhas incarnate, with thy bodhisattvas, thou who dost here and now embody the golden age of earth, intensify the Great Central Sun Magnet of golden-flame illumination's light, white-fire purity and manifest now in thy aura budding golden yellow-white centered lotuses of these thy Keepers of the Flame!

     Now, Gautama, let their lotus blossoms expand in the preordained positions they hold in the very heart center and cosmic rings of causal body of golden age of earth!

     So, beloved, expand the cosmic conception of the golden age. See, then, Gautama Buddha centered in his own causal body and see how he fills not only the earth but universes beyond. See yourself, then, suspended - each one, individual God flames of hope, individual units of Hierarchy of golden age.

     O God and Goddess Meru, thou who hast set the power and the foundation, I, then, with Gabriel beloved do manifest here with Alpha and Omega our twin flames, twin pillars of white-fire hope, life, ascension!

     These pillars, beloved, are sealed as twin pillars of living flame, electrodes of light. They are pillars of the ascension, beloved, and they are in the fastnesses of these wilderness lands. Beloved ones, those who shall take their initiations of Maitreya unto the hour of the complete absorption unto ascension's flame shall be sealed, healed, and assisted mightily by our twin pillars of living fire.

     Let those who fear and doubt have these demons of the night bound and cast into the lake of sacred fire! Now I say to all of you, if you re-create your fear and doubt, then I shall say, Woe to you! For ere I come again, the Law may descend that requires both thee and thy fears and doubts to be removed from this place.

     Therefore, in the name of the Cosmic Council I speak to you, beloved. Legions of Astrea and my bands strip from you in this twenty-four-hour cycle all fear and doubt concerning thy reason for being and all else. Therefore, accept it. Fill the aura with life, light, hope, faith and charity! And know, beloved, that never, never, never again in all eternity, which is now, need you ever accept a needless fear or doubt. So, it is done and sealed by the Great Central Sun Magnet, by the white fire core of being.

     I say, in the name of Saint Germain, let this Body of God, universal and triumphant, be healed of all schism caused by fear and doubt! I have decreed it, O beloved. Will you accept it? ["Yes!"]

     Will you receive me into your heart that I may abide there forever as the living flame of hope? ["Yes!"]

     Then will you trust, beloved, that if hope's call is not answered, for karma's adversity must first be passed, that from the beginning unto the ending, after you have crossed the abyss and the wide chasm, there shall be the fulfillment of promise and the rainbow shall declare it? Will you thus have the patience to let Hope have her perfect work in you? ["Yes!"]

     Do not weary, my beloved. Attend thy LORD and thy God, who shall perfect thee even as thou dost seek to be perfected in his Word and Work.

     I love you with an all-consuming Love, out of which the Father/Mother God taught me in the very beginning to fashion a flame of living hope. Hope, then, is the gift of the Divine Mother's love. Unto Love, then, I return, beloved. May you follow the white petals of the rose of hope to the pink petals of eternal bliss.

     In the name of the Cosmic Christ, I seal you forever. And I implore you, in the name of Saint Germain, give my hope to all. Let my name be known. Let The Healing Power of Angels be in the hands of those who need it most.

     O beloved, there are some who will not last too much longer without that teaching. Bear it to them as a lamp, as the power of a spoken word, a written word sealed. But, above all, beloved, bear them the flame of hope with good cheer, joy, comfort, and illumination that will lock their hearts into a point of the Law that proves to them God will never, never, never forsake the soul who yet has hope.

     "The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom."

     This dictation by Archeia Hope was delivered through the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, January 2, 1987, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Montana.


1 The qualifying statement of the oft-quoted "I AM the Light of the world" is "So long as I AM in the world," which is to say "So long as the Christ of me is in embodiment," i.e., "So long as I am in physical incarnation."