Urantia Book

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Chapter 23
Beloved Jesus Christ - June 9, 1985

Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1985
Inspired in
Elizabeth Clare Prophet

23  Beloved Jesus Christ - June 9, 1985

Vol. 28 No. 23 - Beloved Jesus Christ - June 9, 1985
Easter Conclave at Camelot

     "Come, leave your nets - I will make you fishers of men."


     The LORD's Day

     Jesus' Message for the Revolutionaries of the Spirit

     In the full Light of the resurrection, I, Jesus, bring to you that Light of your own resurrection which is indeed the enlightenment of the Spirit.

     The Meaning of the LORD's Day

     Beloved in the love of the Spirit on the LORD's Day, consider, then, what is the meaning of the LORD's Day.1 Why, it is the appearing of your own I AM Presence! It is the internalization of the Word within you! And these are not mere words that I speak but the promise of your Father from everlasting unto everlasting.

     And thus, the march of the Son of God moves on. Thus, the world, caught up in its usual compromises and dichotomies, is all around you. But in the midst of chaos, the fire infolding itself is the true Spirit of the Immortal One that you are. Now, as this is a Flame gathering more of itself, what we see is the equation of the soul entering in to the Flame-gathering process.

     Do you understand, my beloved, that this is the mighty work of the ages - for which work you have been given, time after time, cycle after cycle, the new body, the new vessel, into which you would pour the new wine of the Spirit?

     The Child Mind

     And thus, as the tiny babe comes forth, it is with full hope - hope within the soul that this time, in this embodiment, the renewal will take place. And the vow is made and the striving is begun and the child determines to master the movement of limbs, to master coordination, to go out and discover the whole world as that which is the world inside.

     Thus, the child is born with a quest for self-mastery. And, by and by, there is limitation placed upon that very concept of self-mastery as others do for the child what only the child can do for itself or as others lower the level of excellence that is required and do not allow that child to reach for the stars and to discover just how high the reach must be in order to grasp the union with the I AM THAT I AM.

     Let the systems of education contemplated by parents and teachers take into consideration that in the child mind there is no limitation. There is an acquaintance with Infinity. Time and space do not come easily to the child; and therefore, while you train him to work within these confines, do not forget to allow the spirit to soar and to contemplate dimensions that are indeed infinite: the largess of God Himself, the magnanimity of God, the generosity of Life - space wide and open, the vastness of the seas and the valleys and the mountains! Let the child see and know the wonder of this expanse that is his in which to create.

     Thus, beloved, understand that the balance between the indoor and the outdoor [activities] is the going within to the secret chamber of the heart, where the child may learn the inner disciplines of energy and the mastery of detail within the mind and within his world, and the going without to discover that there is an infinite potential in God, that there is an infinite potential in the fire infolding itself. And the challenge of life on earth is the wedding of the twain.

     Balance within the Realm of the Possible

     Thus, the divinity ensconced in the humanity is the mark of the individual who is balanced. And those who are unbalanced in this society and civilization, as always, have either an `over-sense' of self-importance as gods which they have made of themselves or an `under-sense' of importance of themselves as human beings.

     The equation, then, must be the realization of the hand in the glove: the glove being the body that you wear, the hand being that movable force of the Godhead that is yours also - a Power to be wielded, a Love that can be given, and a Wisdom that is the Bread broken for you.

     For this is indeed my Body of Light. My Body of Light, beloved, is that Light which quickeneth every cell of the mind.

     I come, then, for the breaking of the confines of your own version of orthodoxy - your own version of self-limitation and mortality and self-condemnation. For above and beyond and apart from that which the false pastors have chosen to give you is your own sense of self-limitation. And thus there is a doctrine of human values, the end of which is the exclusion in toto of the divine man or the divine woman.

     And thus, for all intents and purposes, the evolution of the soul ceases while the development of the human increases. And in that increase there is more of the development of the outer self that is present at any moment to snuff out the tender inspiration of the soul about to reach into the fires of creativity and break the mortal coil and self-transcend.

     Thus, it is a delicate balance, one concerning which you ought to pray. For this is the very mystery of Life:

     Weaving in and out of the responsibilities which deal with the realm of the possible, with the practical life which can be lived - given all the so-called limitations; and in the very midst of these to recognize none of them and to know that the spirit as the revolutionary of God will cut right through - will not in any way allow to be placed upon itself interference or blockage or even the put-down of one's own karma or astrology, but has the sense of the Infinite within itself, able to penetrate, able to go beyond, able to catch the wind of the Holy Spirit and move to that infinite Source.

     Signs of the Central Sun

     The stars have a goal and their goal is the Central Sun. They point the way to a Source no longer seen. You cannot see the Central Sun from your vantage, nor can you see the Sun behind the sun. And yet, every flower tells you there is a Central Sun. Every cell in your body tells you there is a Central Sun! And your physical, beating heart is the central sun of your temple and it also tells you that the repetition of centrality in the earth, even in the fiery core of its center, does remind and bespeak of the infinite Sun whence you came.

     Thus the mercy and the grace of the Father who does give you those crumbs of the loaf of Universal Consciousness which, when you take them into yourself, become the expansion of ancient self-knowledge and awareness of the foundations of Life. These things are the treasures in the heart, the very heart of a soul that is juxtaposed as delicately as a rose between time and space and infinity.

     Thus, care for the tender child, care for the tender soul. And know that there is nothing more delicate in time and space than the soul merging with the Divine, the soul about to become the full awareness of God.

     The Garment of My Self-Mastery

     O beloved hearts, so many things that are precious and delicate in life that are so easily lost! Thus, understand that the harshness of the world has become the ground of the fallen angels who by their harshness would take from you the delicate flower of hope or of faith or of charity - of gentleness and grace.

     Let us ease one another's burdens. Let us remember the vision of the inner man of the heart. Let us know that the soul whom we meet has a Shepherd also and we may identify with that Shepherd as we identify with the Christ in ourselves.

     I say "we," for I am truly a very living part of this community and of all the saints on the earth. For I must supply by love, by intimation of the soul, by comfort, by the Holy Spirit an infusion of the enlightenment of God that does not come through the normal channels of communication of religion. I must bypass tradition to convince, by the wooing of my heart, each and every soul whom I love that they have a right to be fully clothed in the garment of my self-mastery, fully apparent as heirs [heirs apparent] of the throne of grace of their own individual Christhood.

     My Message of Your Coequality with Me in God

     I come with a message which the fallen ones have declared to be blasphemy and which they have declared as blasphemy from the beginning.2 I preach it in the intimations of the heart to each and every soul of God. I come with a message of the living Christ within. And yet the outer preachers, with the shrill voice and with the subtle criticism, convince them that it is robbery for them to make themselves equal to my Light and Office and equal to God as I did.3

     Beloved, I am therefore grateful for the mouthpiece by which I can deliver to you the vibration of my love and my determination. For there are yet the moneychangers4 to be cast out of the temples of the world. There are yet the barren fig trees5 to be cursed [judged] and withered because they do not bring forth the fruit of the Spirit.

     You have the right to eat from a full fig tree each hour and day as you worship God. Each Sunday as you go to church, you have the right to eat from this tree. And therefore, if the pastors are the barren fig trees, let them be judged in this hour by the Universal Christ with them! For the Law itself does act and I, Jesus, do implement this Law. And yet, were I to withdraw from the universe, I tell you, the Law would still act.

     And yet, the benefit of the Ascended Masters with you and of yourselves embodying that Christ is that through the incarnate Word - the Word that has been claimed and made your own - there can come the acceleration of the cycles of Almighty God in the earth. Thus understand: in the very midst of proving the dimensions of my own Godhood I had to meet precisely what you must meet.

     Beloved ones, the conditions are present today. Yet, the challenging of those in authority seems almost to be a fruitless, a thankless, and a useless engagement of time and energy. Why not leave it all and go about your business or education, for what can one voice do? Beloved ones, you seem to forget that the earth was not so sparsely populated as you might think in the days two thousand years ago. And tyranny was enthroned and people were enslaved and injustice was abroad in the land.

     The Voice of the Living Word

     Now, you say, what did I accomplish - one voice? Well, I was not one voice. I was the voice of the living Word. I was the voice of God speaking. And that power and that voice has echoed from then backwards in time and space into the distant past and into the future of the present moment.

     You also are the instrument of the Word. And when the Word is spoken and the Truth is declared, it impresses itself upon your soul and unites with the Word in all other children of the Light. And it is heard, it is known, and there is a self-correcting force in the very fabric of society which, when the Word does impinge upon it, forces the alignment of atoms and molecules. And trends in society change and are remolded and aligned with the divine force of the Universal Word descending!

     Therefore, nothing is in vain and the challenging of injustice does go forth; and everywhere where that vibration of the Word is manifest on earth, there is the judgment of that point of injustice.

     Let the Shepherds Feed My Sheep

     Fear not, then. For there is an adjunct to this service and that is that the Word strengthens all those who allow themselves to be used by it. And the Word therefore becomes the life-force that increases the sacred fire of the spine whereby you have the authority of the Shepherd's crook not only to "feed my sheep" but to demand that those who have made themselves secular shepherds in government, in the economy, and in education also come into alignment with the Mediator, who is Christ.

     Let the shepherds rise up, then, and heal the people and challenge their oppressors! It is ever the work of the living Christ. This is the message: Feed my sheep. They must be fed first and foremost the spiritual Truth. They must be fed this Truth by a gentle teaching, a firm teaching, and a striving example on your part.

     Beloved ones, the example shows the way of Truth. Therefore, be the example. And when the example is given, they will recognize those who are not walking the path of Truth. And they will grow in strength by your manifestation of strength, and they will grow weak by your manifestation of weakness. And they are demoralized as you demoralize your own reason for being in compromising that Word.

     Perfect the Soul as the Bride of Christ

     Fear not, little flock, for it is the Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom of His Consciousness - of His Mind and Heart and Soul.6

     In the hour of greatest frailty or greatest error or greatest out-of-alignment state - whatever your burden may be - in that precise hour, my beloved, understand that this is the moment when God reveals Himself, when His Spirit conquers, when your temple is filled with the Holy Spirit and you find that it is so not because you have become a human god but because you have made Him room; it is, in fact, because of your human frailty that the LORD God has raised you up to be His instrument.

     Thus, perfect not the human but perfect the soul. And the perfection of the soul is known by God. Even when the exterior life may have burdens and problems and all manner of karmic challenges, it is the perfected soul as the bride that becomes the useful instrument.

     Thus, beloved ones, it is always so that in your extremity God suddenly appears. Thus, the preparation is for that moment. And then, you see, the wonder of it all is that God Himself is always the Doer. And when you observe yourself being His instrument, you know how gracious is our God - how bountiful, how beautiful, how majestic, how fulfilling of all the promises He truly is! And we know that "not by might ... but by my Spirit," saith the LORD.7

     The Path of Human Attainment vs. the Path of Spiritual Attainment

     Beware, then, those who come with a path of human attainment, human development of superhuman talents or mentalities. Beware of those who attempt to prove by science that there is no need for God. Beloved ones, God can never be contained in all of the extensions of human genetic engineering!

     It is the Spirit of the LORD, and that Spirit only, that does raise you up - that is the door to heaven. Seek Him diligently and seek Him in the following of the path of the prophets and the sages of East and West. Let the unascended Masters, then, be the example. Let those who have therefore known the power of the Spirit within go before you.

     Now, beloved hearts, your path of spiritual attainment is one to which you set yourselves diligently [to the realization of God] in the very midst of accomplishing the necessities of human life, yet not out of indulgence of that human but out of love - love of that consciousness of the soul working its way through the human plight and the human dilemma. And who can say, looking upon any man or any woman, what is the human and what is the divine? I counsel you truly: Judge not lest you be judged by powers higher than those of your neighbors.

     The Coming of the LORD into Your Temple

     Blessed hearts, you may never know the day and the hour of my coming in to the least of these my brethren whom you have thought to be beneath you or not worthy of notice. Beloved hearts, the coming of the LORD into the temple of the devotee is a most wondrous manifestation of the consummation of Love on the shore of Galilee.

     In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I point the way, then. The path of self-mastery is to fail not to challenge by the cosmic honor flame whatever of injustice toward my little ones may cross your path. All things that come to you each day are there for the reaping of your soul and for the plucking of the fruit of the Tree of Life as it is given by the Cosmic Christ.

     I promise you, as I have promised from the beginning, that before you enter a difficult situation, before you go forth in any way, if you will simply step back briefly and say, "Jesus, my brother, go before me," I will then go before you. I will go before you in the LORD's Spirit. I will draw you up in my garment. I will be one with you and in you. And I will, beloved, clear the way and prepare your soul. And in that moment of the soul's poising for the victory, I will stand back and you will have the victory through your inner tie to the heart of the Universal Christ.

     Thus, there is the wayshower and the example, and that I AM. But I never take from you the opportunity to prove the Law and to prove my Presence with you and to demonstrate the infinite Power, Wisdom, and Love available when you fulfill the law of grace and feed my sheep.

     The "I AM He" Affirmation Taught by the Great White Brotherhood

     Thus, there is an understanding of working with the Great White Brotherhood, of the cooperation and the commeasurement, as Above and so below - the realization where you are that "I AM He!"8 And this affirmation, "I AM He!" is the affirmation of Christ in you and the declaration that the true "I" within you is that Christ. This is the razor's edge of awareness of the divinity within the human.

     The human can never affirm, "I AM He." But then the soul merged with the Divine is no longer conscious whether of the human or the Divine, but merely conscious of the "I." And when the I AM THAT I AM becomes the "I" within you and you are not compartmentalizing yourself into the subconscious or the ego or the libido or the id or whatever titles and names you wish to designate, including the four lower bodies - when you see yourself as a divine wholeness and a shaft of Light interpenetrating the octaves, there will no longer be heaven or hell or up or down or earth or sea or sky. There will only be the pulsating Flame - and it will be You, it will be I, it will be the Universal One, beloved hearts.

     Enter the Universal Life - Possessed by Truth Alone

     Transcend and leave behind you the former sectarian and segmented consciousness of life. Enter, then, the universal way and the universal Life and be, in a universal sense, one with every part of being. This has a most practical application. And that practical application can be seen in my life as Jesus, in the life of John the Baptist, and in the lives of the prophets who did not fail.

     We could not fail, for we were possessed by Truth. We did not fail to challenge the lie, the Liar - the injustice, the oppression. And for this, many paid the price again and again of mockery and shame and imprisonment, beheading, crucifixion. All these things did come to pass, beloved, both as the judgment of those who perpetrated the deeds and as the warning to each and every one of you of what befalls the disciple who is determined to put on the mantle of his Christhood.

     Fear not, beloved. For the greater pain is truly to fail the Word that I AM, to fail the Light that you are, to lose the integrity of Being, to lose the integration with one's Inner Self because one has denied that Self through cowardness, through going away from the encounter and the confrontation whether with Christ or Antichrist.

     Fear Not, Move Forward, Stand on Principle

     Thus, my message of the Spirit of the Resurrection this day is to fear not, come what may: to move forward, to stand on the principle of Being and to be sure of that Principle, and then to not be concerned of the consequences. As one of my disciples has said, "Let the chips fall where they may!"9 Be unconcerned, for this day go forth to be who you really are.

     Fear not to express, then, the most intense love or the love that becomes the rebuke. And let your friends know where you stand in intense love for the beauty of their souls and Christ with them and in support of their own overcoming self-mastery every step of the way.

     Be a brother to my brothers and sisters. Be a child of the heart to all of my children. Be mother, be father, be teacher - but love Life free! And fear not the challenge; for I tell you they quake in their boots at the coming of the very step of the Son of God.

     Beloved hearts, in the international theater there are many disturbing situations. The Christ in you has perceived. I have perceived. Let us realize that the flaming Sons of God who allow themselves to reach that quintessence of Light, letting nothing deter them from that path, are able, as one with the universal Light, to yet hold the balance.

     Free Will of Fallen Ones Taking Nations Far Afield

     The Law Requires the People's Vote of Confidence for God's Kingdom

     I suppose you would say what concerns me most is the preponderance of free will of the fallen ones in another direction, in another social and economic philosophy that has taken the governments of the nations far afield from their reason for being. Free will, then, being the law of the octaves, we understand that it is the quickening and the acceleration to the white-hot heat of the Son of God, which does occur within these octaves, that is the very element in the body of God ("the body filaments") that can ignite the world consciousness and draw mankind into that alignment with Reality.

     It will take a vote of confidence of the people themselves for the kingdom of God to come upon earth and for Christ to reign in all hearts.

     Realize, then, that there is a commitment [on our part] to the transfer of this formula of identity, if you will, to many souls. There is a commitment [by the Ascended Masters] for the transmutation of darkness and bigotry and ignorance that is so entrenched as to deny the potential of divinity in all people of God. Thus, I tell you that this is the delicacy of the equation and the dire need that comes in the end of a two-thousand-year cycle when the karma that has been harvested must now be returned to the sower that he may reap his reward.

     The Word and the Judgment of the Revolutionaries of the Spirit

     Therefore, we see the Easter message as the power of the resurrection in this hour - we see that that message becomes the Word of the revolutionaries of the Spirit multiplied by the Power and the Law of the One across the whole face of the earth.

     And we also see within that heart of the Son of God the office of the judgment - the judgment by the apostles with the living Christ of the tribes of Israel and the tribes in the earth who mourn.10

     Let the force of Light, independent of your outer consciousness of judgment, therefore manifest through you by the power of the fohat of my Word this day. And let the judgment be the diminishing of the Light in those who have misused it and the increase of the Light in those who have used it wisely and well.11

     Understand that inasmuch as there is the spilling over from the astral plane - and out of the very depths of that astral plane itself - into the physical octave of the will of darkness and the destruction of the little children and the youth, those then who become the Christ must become that Christ in the full power and the office accorded to the apostles. And thus, let Christ in you be the Judge. And let the Word go forth and the Word be spoken for the shortening of the days of the elect of God12 and for the judgment of those who have misused that Light.

     The Effective Increase of the Light

     I AM in the counsel of the LORD on the LORD's Day. And I am with a council of Ascended Masters who look to intercede for mankind and who look to the outcome of this decade and the decades that are upon the earth. And thus our communication, one and all in agreement, is for the effective increase of the Light in those who have the Light, for the effective transfer of the Light to those who are receptive, and for the effective power of the Light in the binding of those who are determined to destroy both the Light and the little ones who should contain it and the very Message and the Teaching that is for the liberation of all souls.

     Thus, the Law does ever act. And thus you understand that as you use the Light to the glory of God, so the Light will increase. I promise you, then, in this hour that in the turning of the year and the turning of the tide of the resurrection this Easter 1985, there is increased the Light that is available, the Power of redemption, and the Power of resurrection.

     Resurrection is the step-up of Light from the transfiguration which has taken place within your body, beloved hearts.13 The transfiguration and the resurrection are the means whereby you transcend the world that is dense and dark. It is the position of the Rock of the Christ consciousness whereby you draw to that Rock14 those who are yet floundering.

     I speak in the name of my beloved Mother. I speak in the name of the Holy Spirit. I speak for the increase of love within and without the community - a noncompromising love that compels souls to a higher self-esteem in God. This is the meaning of feeding my sheep. Those who are of the Light must esteem their holy office in the Light and in the I AM Presence.

     The Religion of the Everlasting Gospel: The Dividing of the Way

     Therefore, my beloved, I bless you with the power of my heart. I send you renewed on that mission to which you were dedicated when you took embodiment. And I assure you that our oneness will now work as a leaven in the hearts of all for the religion of the Everlasting Gospel15 to be internalized and known, self-known, by the lightbearers. For to be free from the binds and the burdens of orthodoxy is the greatest boon and blessing that could come to all people upon earth.

     Therefore let it be known, as I have said: I came not to send peace but a sword.16 The sword becomes the necessity for the dividing of the way in each individual's consciousness. And this dividing of the way must come through fearlessness. But it is only perfect love that casts out fear.17

     This is the love that prepares the soul to understand my true doctrine of liberation. It is a liberation theology that has naught to do with the ideas of men and serpents. It is a liberation from that very orthodoxy which limits the individual's perception to defend himself, his right to be, his nation, and the New Jerusalem and the New Israel gathered here in North America.

     America, Not the Middle East, Is the New Jerusalem

     Let America return, therefore, to an understanding of God's holy purpose on her shores and in this land as the place prepared for the gathering of all the tribes from all the earth. Beloved ones, the conditions of the laggard races in the Middle East and their instability must reveal to you that no government, especially this government, ought to place the preponderance of their trust or their money or their military matériel in the hands of those who have betrayed the living Christ again and again and again.

     This is the citadel of the New Jerusalem. And therefore, let the people of America awake this day! awake in the fullness of the Cosmic Christ! awake to the fiery destiny of the holding of the balance of Light on earth! Truly the holding of the balance is the key. And the balance in this hour remains for you to forge and win.

     I commend you to your own victory in this hour. For upon your victory - I tell you truly from the very heart of the Father this day - upon your victory hangs the future of this nation, and upon this nation the future of the earth. Let all behold the signs of the times and recognize the ultimate need for the individualization of the God Flame now!

     It cannot wait, beloved. Therefore, fast and pray and be victorious. For I trust I will find you in the New Day where you must be to see that this earth is free in the Light. There are many lightbearers to be contacted, and there are many [false pastors] who have no right to deprive them of that Light[ - although they are attempting to do so].

     We Are Ready for Tremendous Expansion in This Activity

     See to it, then, for you have Archangel Michael, you have the holy angels and all of the servants of God in heaven in answer to your call. We are ready for the tremendous expansion in this activity which is the requirement of the hour. And the question is: Are the individual vessels ready? The answer is: God in you is ready! Christ in you is ready! The soul is poised to take its flight.

     Now, beloved, take the formula of the strength of Self in the vessel of selflessness and understand that God indeed will perform His mighty work through you in this age.

     In this hour, then, of the springtime, I say to one and all: A very happy, happy Spirit of the Resurrection! For joy is the sign of mastery. And I behold joy! I affirm it! And I AM that joy within you always and always and forever.

     The Judgment Call

     "They Shall Not Pass!" by Jesus Christ

     In the Name of the I AM THAT I AM,
I invoke the Electronic Presence of Jesus Christ:
They shall not pass!
They shall not pass!
They shall not pass!
By the authority of the cosmic cross of white fire
it shall be:
That all that is directed against the Christ
within me, within the holy innocents,
within our beloved Messengers,
within every son and daughter of God
Is now turned back
by the authority of Alpha and Omega,
by the authority of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
by the authority of Saint Germain!

     I AM THAT I AM within the center of this temple
and I declare in the fullness of
the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood:
That those who, then, practice the black arts
against the children of the Light
Are now bound by the hosts of the LORD,
Do now receive the judgment of the Lord Christ
within me, within Jesus,
and within every Ascended Master,
Do now receive, then, the full return -
multiplied by the energy of the Cosmic Christ -
of their nefarious deeds which they have practiced
since the very incarnation of the Word!

     Lo, I AM a Son of God!
Lo, I AM a Flame of God!
Lo, I stand upon the Rock of the living Word
And I declare with Jesus, the living Son of God:
They shall not pass!
They shall not pass!
They shall not pass!

     Posture for giving this decree: Stand. Raise your right hand, using the abhaya mudr , (gesture of fearlessness, palm forward), and place your left hand to your heart - thumb and first two fingers touching chakra pointing inward. Give this call at least once in every 24-hour cycle. Taken from a dictation by Jesus Christ, August 6, 1978, Camelot, California, "They Shall Not Pass!" published in Spoken by Elohim (Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 21), pp. 165-76. Also published on Rainbow Rays: Dynamic Decrees through Elizabeth Clare Prophet (2-cassette album A83018), cassette B83019.

     You Are a Child of the Light

     You are a child of the Light
You were created in the Image Divine
You are a child of Infinity
You dwell in the veils of time
You are a Son of the Most High!

     "The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom."

     This dictation by Jesus Christ was delivered through the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter Sunday, April 7, 1985, during the 5-day Easter Conclave at Camelot. The Messenger's Easter Sunday Sermon (from John 21 and Acts 1:6-12) and Holy Communion preceded the dictation. Service and dictation published on 12-cassette album Easter Conclave 1985 (A85072); single cassettes B85081, B85082.


1 Isa. 61:2; 62; 63; Rev. 1:10. See Jesus Christ, May 8, 1983, "The Second Advent: `The Day of Vengeance of Our God,"' Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 26, no. 43, pp. 511-19.
2 Matt. 26:63-65; Mark 14:61-64; John 10:22-39.
3 Phil. 2:5, 6.
4 Matt. 21:12, 13; Mark 11:15-17; John 2:13-17.
5 Matt. 21:18-22; Mark 11:12-14, 20, 21.
6 Luke 12:32.
7 Zech. 4:6.
8 John 18:4-8.
9 See El Morya, The Chela and the Path, in El Morya on Discipleship East and West (Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 18, no. 1), p. 1. Also in paperback: The Chela and the Path, Summit University Press, p. 13.
10 Matt. 19:28; 24:30; Luke 22:28-30; I Cor. 6:2, 3.
11 Matt. 13:12; 25:29; Mark 4:25; Luke 8:18.
12 Matt. 24:22; Mark 13:20.
13 See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, "Healing through the Transfiguration," Heart (Winter 1985), pp. 50-59, 119-23; 2-cassette album Healing through the Transfiguration (A84070); and "The Spirit of the Resurrection Flame," on 12-cassette album Easter Conclave 1985, single cassette B85074. "Healing through the Transfiguration" and "The Spirit of the Resurrection Flame" are also each available on 1/2" VHS video cassette (28 min. ea.).
14 I Cor. 10:4; Deut. 32:4, 18, 30, 31; Pss. 61:2.
15 Rev. 14:6. See Mark and Elizabeth Prophet, Climb the Highest Mountain: The Everlasting Gospel, Summit University Press.
16 Matt. 10:34.
17 I John 4:18.