Urantia Book

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Chapter 11
Archangel Gabriel - March 18, 1979

Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1979
Inspired in
Elizabeth Clare Prophet

11  Archangel Gabriel - March 18, 1979

Vol. 22 No. 11 - Archangel Gabriel - March 18, 1979
Mysteries of the Holy Grail

     Beloved Who Are Chosen of Him,

     Ordained to Bring Forth the Fruit of the Word,

     There is yet many a chapter that I would write concerning the scribes and the Pharisees and the network of the false hierarchy of the fallen ones that interpenetrates the astral and the physical planes of this solar system and beyond. But I would also write of the great hierarchy of light, of magnificent God-free beings whom you know so well at inner levels, your own native bands with whom you came trailing clouds of glory1 from your own natal lands.

     You who were chosen out of this world by the Ancient of Days and his son Jesus Christ are not of this world, as he told you.2 But you came from afar with a hope and a dream to make earth a glorious freedom star to the glory of God - her continents to hold the earth currents of violet flame, her seasons the cycles of Life becoming life in a never-ending transmutation as each successive stage of evolution transcends the last and life, O life is unveiled more noble than the last.3

     The mineral, vegetable, animal, and human kingdoms reveal the expansion in complexity and design of Alpha-and-Omega Consciousness evolving in and through every phase of the material/spiritual progressions of the Law. The great bodies of water, the great blue aqua deep, are the counterpoise of the light of Alpha within the Omega sphere.

     The light that is here in the seven seas is the sacred fire of the seven rays of Alpha that, reflected in Omega, has become liquid energy of life for the children of the sun evolving as children of the earth. First they were fashioned as living spirits from fire to fire. Now see how they are clothed upon with coats of skins from `dust to dust'.4 Now see how the blessed water of life, Mother life, is the agent of transition in this Holy Spirit baptism wherein the soul moves in the alternating current of Alpha and Omega from heaven to earth and earth to heaven.

     In the alchemy of the Holy Ghost, the all-chemistry of God, the four elements - fire (+), air (-), water (-), and earth (+) - are symbols of four planes of God's consciousness. They are noted as the four quadrants of the sphere of heaven mirrored in the four quadrants of the sphere of earth. The alchemical notations of the fire (+,+) and air (+,-) quadrants indicate the nature of the positive polarity (the plus half) of the spheres while those of the water (-,-) and earth (-,+) quadrants indicate the nature of the negative polarity (the minus half) of both the upper and lower spheres. (See diagram)

     'Water' and `earth', manifest as the sea and the land of the planetary body, provide a platform of evolution to teeming millions, the necessary environment for the formation of the links in the evolutionary chain - from the amoeba to the Omega in the body of Mother God. `Fire' and `air' manifest as the sun centers of solar and molecular systems suspended in atmospheric or nonatmospheric `space'. They interact with `water' and `earth' to provide the balance of the necessary ingredients to the sustainment of life.

     Physical fire, or `Matter fire', is the carrier, or conductor, of the sacred fire, or `Spirit fire'. Physical air, or `Matter air', is the carrier of the breath of the Holy Ghost (prana), or `Spirit air'. Physical water, or `Matter water', is the carrier of the waters of eternal Life ('Spirit water') containing 144 elemental properties to hold the balance of the 144 virtues of the Twelve Solar Hierarchies in the four lower bodies of a world and its lifewaves. Physical earth, or `Matter earth', is the conductor of life-giving currents of the central sun ('Spirit earth'), polarizing human, animal, and elemental life in nature's own Alpha-to-Omega energy interchange.

     The perpetual motion of waves of Life in Spirit becoming life in Matter is a figure-eight flow that can be traced through the signs of the elements and the seasons of their transmutation - fire, water, air, earth on the north/south axis, and fire, water, earth, air on the east/west axis. (See diagram)

     This, my beloved, is but a glimpse of the wondrous interaction of Life as God in Father and Mother multiplying the Christ consciousness in the sons and daughters of Life. This ritual of the Alpha and Omega of the Creator is reflected within the creation, as Above so below, in the multitudinous plus/minus interchanges occurring in the cells of microscopic and telescopic worlds.

     We have touched upon a facet of Saint Germain's vast teaching in the science of alchemy5 because the laws governing energy and its cycles in the cosmos also reveal mysteries of the Holy Grail, especially those pertaining to the incarnation of the Word and the dilemma of God, Good, and the energy veil which we have discussed in this series. Though the musings of an archangel may not be the musings of mortals, initiates on the path of God consciousness will grasp a deeper meaning than words can convey.

     Meditating upon the Word they will remember the ascended master's word to Isaiah: "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."6 And by and by if they are diligent in loving application of the Word, the initiation of the gift of wisdom will come to them through the Person of the Holy Ghost who is the agent of their own Christ Self.

     The archangels and ascended masters serving humanity as the LORD's hosts are the very personal representatives of the Holy Spirit, the veritable ensoulment of the promised Comforter to God's children. Our purpose in coming to you through the printed word of the Pearls of Wisdom7 is to deliver to you the contents of the "little book" so that you may be ready to receive the initiations God has so tenderly prepared for souls ascending back to the Source of their own beloved I AM Presence whence they came.

     Now we must speak of circumstances of life and conditions of consciousness which, though unreal in the Absolute, must be dealt with in the relative flux of good and evil, where their temporary influence upon souls may become `permanent' through an uneducated, unprincipled use of free will. Let us return then to the subject at hand. For its resolution will also be to you, dear chela, a soul resolution of undreamt proportions.

     As the pollution of the consciousness and the souls of the people of earth has caused them to descend to a relative good and evil, so the pollution of fire, air, water, and earth has also caused a deceleration and a consequent densification of misqualified energy within the planetary body. This men have likewise called pollution.

     The pollution of fire occurs through the abuse of the light of Alpha and Omega in the nucleus of the atom of Matter in the destructive uses of atomic energy, resulting in the violation of the balance of the four cosmic forces within the Matter sphere. The records of the galaxy reveal that some have successfully harnessed the light of Alpha and Omega in the sun of even pressure that holds the balance of fire within the center of the planets, while others have even harnessed the light of the suns of solar systems.

     Whereas sons and daughters of God have used this central-sun energy constructively for the building of new worlds in their multiplication of God's consciousness,8 the fallen ones who have taken the left-handed path have used the very same energy that is God in polarity in the manifest Omega/Matter spheres to destroy and diminish rather than replenish life with the Christ consciousness.

     Some with Lucifer created synthetic planets with synthetic evolutions computerized, robotized, functioning as the outermost satellite of a solar system (e.g., Pluto) or as the moons of so-called legitimate planets. These stations, astral/physical in vibration, have served from time to time in the history of the galaxies to hold computers for the programming of the lifewaves of a solar system in a mass mechanization and manipulation of their own solar/soul energies.

     To counteract the relentless wave of love sent by God for the perpetual ritual of the creating and re-creating of the soul in a buoyant, free spirit of joie de vivre, the fallen ones manned their anti-Matter stations with generators generating waves, or currents, of psychic (astral) mind-bending and mind-altering vibrations. Such vibrations, aimed by the Luciferians at the planetary targets of their successive wars of conquest, were merely the perversion of the normal Alpha/Omega interchange in the white fire core of the atom.

     Lest some be affrighted by my message in which the fantasy of science fiction suddenly becomes a fact of galactic life, let me first remind you, precious ones, that although I am Gabriel, bearer of good tidings of great joy,9 I am also sent to warn those who would receive the incarnate Word of that which opposes the Light of the Incarnation wherever it is destined to appear in God-manifestation. I am sent by God as co-creator with the Keeper of the Scrolls, and I would read to you from the scrolls of the Mother that record the uses and abuses of the light of the Mother in these several systems of worlds.

     Our purpose is to acquaint you with the psychology of embodied Evil, the nature of the psyche of those who chose to personify Evil in place of Good, and then to illustrate to you, both within the microcosm and the Macrocosm of being, that which has been the logical, or rather illogical, consequence of the choice of some evolutions not only to manifest the vibration of anti-God but to attempt to extend it over vast sections of this and other galaxies.

     That which is written in the scrolls of the Mother is also written within your own subconscious and the subconscious memory of all who have evolved within the Matter spheres both during and since the Great Rebellion. The records of the destruction of the planets Hedron and Maldek (asteroid belts closest to the sun and between Mars and Jupiter) reveal in their first stages the destruction of the balance of the polarity of Alpha and Omega, mind and heart, soul and body, within their evolutions. This was accomplished by the projection of psychic and physical energies, perverting the elements of water and earth, thus polluting the emotional and physical bodies of their civilizations.

     Next was the alteration of the cycles of fire and air, distorting the memory and mind not only by chemical means but ultimately by the imprisonment of the elementals of fire, air, water, and earth. The imprisonment of these servants of God in nature, these regulators of the fourfold flow, plus/minus, minus/plus, was the method used by the fallen ones to imprison Matter molecules, to invert their polarity, thence to polarize the people in a right/left hatred of opposing sides that would spend itself in self-destruction and the death of their world or system of worlds.

     Thus the modus operandi of death is to invert Life. Invert the components of Life - fire, air, water, and earth - and you have created a spiral and an interchange that is anti-Life. The diseases and disorders of the subconscious and the conscious mind as well as of the emotional and physical bodies, prevalent and increasing in the evolutions of earth, ought to be a warning to the true shepherds of the people of aliens in your midst.10

     These fallen ones who were present in the previous civilizations of Lemuria, Atlantis, South America, and the African continent and are reincarnated today are working in the laboratories of the Soviet Union, China, and the West where they continue to tamper with the electronic energies of Life and the balance of yin and yang in man and nature.

     The so-called scientists who busily turn their psychotronic11 generators and gadgets, sophisticated and not, on everything from the weather and the earth currents to the DNA chain and the chakras of their victims, are the insane seed of the Wicked One whose time and space are very short12 and who must yet be judged before Christ and his apostles. Some of the effects of influences you have observed, often attributing them erroneously to natural causes, are from outer space and space vehicles, their mother ships and satellite planets. But much is directed from the space within earth, projected from surface as well as subsurface levels.

     All of this is presented not to alarm the children of the light but to arm them with true knowledge. Surely there is no greater gift from the heart of an archangel than the true knowledge of Good and the true knowledge of Evil. In my next letter I shall deal with the specific antidote for the Darkness that is misqualified Light and for the programmings and the programmers of spawned evil.

     And the Light shall consume the Darkness, and the Darkness shall be no more.

     I AM






     Salutation: John 15:16.


     DIAGRAM 1


     In the alchemy of the Holy Ghost, the all-chemistry of God, the fourelements-fire (+), air (-), water (-), earth (+) - are symbols of four planes of God's consciousness. They are noted as the four quadrants of the sphere of heaven mirrored in the four quadrants of the sphere of earth.

     In the diagram, the first sign in the parentheses indicates the polarization, plus or minus, of the half of the circle in which the quadrant is Located; the second sign indicates the charge of the element of which the quadrant consists.

     Thus we say that fire is a "plus, plus" because fire is located in the plus, or Alpha, half of the circle and it has a plus, or masculine, charge. We say that air is a "plus, minus" because it is located in the plus, or Alpha, half of the circle and it has a minus, or feminine, charge. We say that water is a "minus, minus" because it is located in the minus, or Omega, half of the circle and it has a minus, or feminine, charge. We say that earth is a "minus, plus" because it is located in the minus, or Omega, half of the circle and it has a plus, or masculine, charge.

     A set of parentheses around these notations with a plus or minus preceding it will indicate whether the quadrant is in the upper or lower sphere, as `Spirit fire' or `Matter fire', etc.


     The Four Quadrants of Matter

     Are A Mirror Reflection

     Of the Four Quadrants of Spirit


     DIAGRAM 2


     The perpetual motion of waves of Life in Spirit becoming life in Matter is a figure-8 flow that can be traced through the signs of the elements and the seasons of their transmutation-fire, water, air, earth on the north/south axis, and fire, water, earth, air on the east/west axis.

     This is but a glimpse of the wondrous interaction of Life as God in Father and Mother multiplying the Christ consciousness in the sons and daughters of Life. This ritual of the Alpha and Omega of the Creator is reflected within the Creation, as Above so below, in the multitudinous plus/minus interchanges occurring in the cells of microscopic and telescopic worlds.


     Direction of Figure-8 Flows within the Upper and Lower Spheres:

north/south fire, water, air, earth east/west fire, water, earth, air south/north air, earth, fire, water west/east earth, air, fire, water


Volume 22, Number 11, footnote 11. A growing body of evidence indicates that the Soviet Union has developed and may already be using advanced techniques of psychic warfare that have the power to manipulate or harm populations. The term "psychotronics" has been used to describe the machine-age application of telepathy, hypnosis, and telekinesis as well as novel uses of low-frequency radio waves, microwaves, and other technologies. A 1981 U.S. Army study referred to psychotronics as the "projection or transmission of mental energy by individual or collective mental discipline and control, or by an energy-emitting device - a kind of mind jammer." Using electronic generators to broadcast energy over long or short distances, psychotronic weapons can alter the mind, emotions, and physical state of an individual. Some experts claim that these weapons can generate earthquakes, control the weather, modify behavior patterns, and even induce disease or death. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, 2-cassette album Psychotronics: "The Only Way to Go Is Up!" (A7890); Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, Psychic Discoveries behind the Iron Curtain (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1970); Paul Brodeur, The Zapping of America: Microwaves, Their Deadly Risk, and the Cover-Up (New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1977); John B. Alexander, "The New Mental Battlefield: `Beam Me Up, Spock,"' Military Review 12 (1980): 47-54; Thomas E. Bearden, Excalibur Briefing (San Francisco: Strawberry Hill Press, 1980); "Psychotronic Warfare in the 80s: Rising above the Crossfire," The Coming Revolution: A Magazine for Higher Consciousness 2 (Spring 1981): 55-56; and Martin Ebon, Psychic Warfare: Threat or Illusion? (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1983).


1 William Wordsworth, "Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood," stanza 5.
2 John 17:16.
3 Oliver Wendell Holmes, "The Chambered Nautilus," stanza 5.
4 Genesis 3:19, 21.
5 For further teaching on the science of alchemy, see Saint Germain, Studies in Alchemy: The Science of Self-Transformation and Intermediate Studies in Alchemy: Alchemical Formulas for Self- Mastery; 2-cassette album The Creation of the Cloud by Saint Germain and Meditations on the Alchemy of Constructive Change and the Control of the Aura by Elizabeth Clare Prophet (A8063); and the Sacred Ritual for the Creation of the Cloud, booklet and cassette (B83050).
6 Isaiah 55:8, 9.
7 Pearls of Wisdom are weekly letters from the ascended masters sent to their students throughout the world. Since 1958, the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood has sponsored the release of their teachings in this format through the messengers Mark and Elizabeth Prophet. These letters are the intimate contact, heart to heart, between the Guru and the chela. They contain both fundamental and advanced teachings that illumine the path of the mystics East and West with practical application of spiritual truths to personal and planetary problems. Write for an introductory series of the Pearls of Wisdom, $5.00; annual subscription rate, $40.00. Get your name on the list today!
8 Genesis 1:22, 28.
9 Luke 1:19; 2:10.
10 See the Great Divine Director, "Law," "Man," and "Non-Man," in The Mechanization Concept: The Mysteries of God on the Creation of Mechanized Man, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 8 (1965), pp. 70-71, 79-81, 83-87.
11 A growing body of evidence indicates that the Soviet Union has developed and may already be using advanced techniques of psychic warfare that have the power to manipulate or harm populations. [16]
12 Matthew 24:22.