Urantia Book

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Chapter 52
Beloved Jesus - December 25, 1964

Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1964
Inspired in
Mark L. Prophet
Elizabeth Clare Prophet

52  Beloved Jesus - December 25, 1964

Vol. 7 No. 52 - Beloved Jesus - December 25, 1964
The Temple of the Wise Master Builder

     Blessed Ones,

     The magnitude of God's Love which came to Me as it did long ago to Melchizedek, Priest of Salem, also spoke in the tender ministrations of my Mother Mary and my Father Joseph. The bonds of Holy Compassion, extending from the Heart of God, came to fruition in them both, manifesting the dual aspects of the Father-Mother God and endowing Me with a matrix of Holy Wisdom which brought into My Being the immortal strands of Heaven's Love and the many portions of Holy Writ which became an integral part of My Being.

     As I AM today standing forth in radiant Light to the world, renewing once again the ancient covenant of Hope, in Peace and Good Will upon Earth, I call to the youth and aged alike, to the Heart of India and America, beseeching all who will yet hear My Voice to look with greater consideration upon the tender grapes born of the Holy Vine and embodied among you. For there are many souls now aborning and others who have recently arrived upon this blessed Planet who come as Servitors of Great Light. Akin they are to Avatars and Christs of God, yet by reason of Karmic dispensations and a dearth of holy women and holy men such as were given to Me in Mary and Joseph, these new souls have been forced to accept parents whose thoughts and coarseness of consciousness are a far cry from the celestial utterances of the Divine One.

     As strangers in a lonely country, these blessed lifestreams both need and require a great outpouring of spiritual assistance, yea, even in greater measure than that given unto Me; for they, in many cases, have not attained to the same status as that to which I had attained prior to My birth in Bethlehem of Judea; neither have they manifested the great overcoming mastery which will enable them to penetrate into the Higher Octaves and draw forth their complete Divine Sonship in the full and rich measure which is reserved for them in the Heavenly Realms. Yet, I say unto you that if they be permitted to tap the resources of Holy Energies and if they can overome the bands of inequity which encompass them roundabout but are not of their own origin, they can do greater things than I did in My Galilean embodiment.

     And so I say to you all, pray for the youth of the world and especially for the Sons of Light that are scattered abroad as the good wheat among the human tares, in order that the Lord of the Harvest may bring into the great granaries of Righteousness a harvest called forth by all who have within themselves a seed of Faith and a Response to the great Light that sent them forth into the void of human concepts, that they too might become overcomers of all things of the flesh and heirs to Immortal Life and Destiny.

     The planets in their course have no truer orbit than these Sons of Light, for the great trackless expanse of Universal Consciousness is their portion and around them abide the Angels of God in infinite number, seeking to defend them against all conditions of oppression and outer darkness. Yet, beset as they are by outer conditions imposed upon them by the sons of Belial, they are often in peril and will continue so to be until they reach an age of greater maturity - unless some measure of holy assistance can be invoked for them that will counteract, as a gift of God, mankind's carnal expression.

     Now, on this Christmas Day, My solemn invocation goes out to all who understand that Life does not come to an end but is Immortal, to all who understand that the service in our Father's Vineyard is an Immortal Service which affords all who recognize the meaning of opportunity the full measure of that blessed gift that shall enable them to win for themselves spiritual laurels and Cosmic honors in the everlasting Kingdom. For only those gifts and graces attained by merit of soul and by devotion expressed through some form of service to Life bear the stamp of Divine Approval.

     When God, "in the Beginning," called forth the worlds without end from the Great Cosmic Void, it was an act of infinite Faith and Power which to this very hour communicates a spirit of liberation into the world of form. This release, like a mighty wind, reveals that Faith, by the manifest Power of works, is an affirmation of the Immortal Covenant between God and Man, having its base upon the plane of the world and its spires rising into celestial heights as yet undreamed of by mortal concepts, but dimly perceived in the hearts of the spiritually illumined pilgrims who in heavenly humility do acknowledge the presence and power of God's Righteousness to bring them Freedom here and now.

     These hold in check the reins of the steed of the human ego that would otherwise dash both chariot and charioteer over the precipice of reason and into the abyss of human nihilism. The musty concepts of humanity, then, must be discarded and every man must accept the crown of Life which will be placed by the Hand of God on the very brow of achievement where nobility and intelligence bring the fruit of spiritual advance into the magnificent present hour. Bursting like a new star of being, the moment of attainment brings honor and power and glory into the firmament of each man's Being, thus enhancing the world order as many Sons are brought from captivity into the Temple of the Wise Master Builder.

     My Christmas Message, then, is this: Let the vessels stolen from the Temple in the days of captivity be returned and let the vagabond spirit of desecration, that in thoughtless comment worketh evil upon his brother, be discarded for the spirit of Holy Charity. Let a renewed infusion of Permanent Love enter into the hearts of men and flow forth in an unbroken stream to touch each grain of sand passing through the glass with such radiance as to make of it falling golden dust of spiritual treasure laid upon the altar of Heaven.

     I cannot condone human error, but neither can I condone or approve of continuation of self-condemnation. I urge all, then, who seek their Immortal Freedom to accept their deliverance from the Hand of Life, that the vanity of wasted labours may be forgotten and the tears that have flown unrequited in self-pity may be wiped away by the Cosmic movement of God's Hand of Righteousness into the personal affairs of all who will accept His ministrations.

     Truly God is in thy Temple as in Mine. Truly God is born in thee anew. Truly God is thy very Holy Breath. Truly thou art a Son of God. By doing homage to Him, first in thought and then in deed, add thyself to the roll of conquerors to come, and know that I AM with thee until the end of thy overcoming service.

     In Victory's Name I AM your