Urantia Book

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Chapter 24
Beloved Saint Patrick - June 15, 1962

Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1962
Inspired in
Mark L. Prophet
Elizabeth Clare Prophet

24  Beloved Saint Patrick - June 15, 1962

Vol. 5 No. 24 - Beloved Saint Patrick - June 15, 1962
The Summit Lighthouse
Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as
Pearls of Wisdom

     "Thy seed shall bruise the serpent's head"1, was the word of God to the unregenerate manifestation symbolized in the Adamic creation. I am calling today to the precious lifestreams occupying space upon the earth star to govern the life-force that flows through their beings in the manner of an avatar and of the Christ expression of God. This compassionate control of energy can never harm any part of life; rather does it bring forth untold blessings of creation to all who will grip within their right hands the staff of being and knowing. Your spinal ladder is a staff through which Light energy is raised by the radiant wings of divine magnetism to glorify God and retain for all time the treasured fullness of the power of the sacred fire within the four lower bodies.

     Some of the students already understand that when a certain initiation is reached, the intake of energy such as food presently consumed by human beings becomes wholly unnecessary. Beloved Saint Germain lived for centuries without eating a morsel, and fulfilled the law of precipitation before the crowned heads of Europe - yet as is often the case, "they knew him not"! Many others have demonstrated this particular facet of mastery over divine energy by drawing their light and life solely from the universal light of their own Mighty I AM Presence.

     It ought to be understood that the Ascended Masters, who in their finer bodes possess no organs below the heart, occasionally partake of the divine essences by eating specially prepared food which dissolves in their throats after the blessing of assimilation has been experienced. However, biblical accounts record numerous instances when great beings contacted unascended men who offered them food as an act of grace. The great beings usually touched the food with a staff and it immediately was consumed with sacred fire: thus it returned to the universal substance from whence the Master himself came and bestowed the blessing of a grateful cosmos upon the human donor.

     "Hallowed be thy name" is a divine ritual, imbued with the thought of God-reverence. It is the spiritual responsibility of all upon earth to pay allegiance to the holy name of God, I AM! Failure to exercise spiritual privileges or to avail oneself of divine grace is self-punitive, depriving the soul who is remiss, of the blessing which would otherwise descend.

     I am made increasingly aware of the fact that one of the deepest pits of human fallacy lies in the false momentums of mortals which have been built up for centuries and during many embodiments. Some of these habits propel humankind to the brink of psuedo-religious arts offering little more than a mere pageantry of ritual bereft of the original devotional intent which was to carry waves of adoration to the very heart of heaven. The imposition of religious exercise upon the hearts and minds of the young is in part responsible for this "letter without the spirit" - but not wholly so for I think that such training is good if it can be conveyed to children in a manner which would engender within them a sincere feeling of love for God. But, the fountainhead of error is in the hypocrisy of those would-be teachers whose bad examples so belie the holy purposes they profess to advocate.

     Beloved Jesus' words, "By their fruits ye shall know them,"2 stand as the strongest indictment against such moral impiety and religious dishonesty ever recorded. Yet, I would not encourage men to sit in the seat of the scornful nor in judgment of one another. Far too many innocent men and women have suffered as the result of false accusation and by karmic law far too many of their critics - whose judgment was false - have suffered, for me to recommend judging the heart of another by appearances.

     I advocate a return to that chaste mind which assumes the world innocent of harm until it is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that its purposes are contrary; and then, when armed by the right and might of divine law, I recommend that no quarter be shown towards the invasion of negative energy itself! You may through the exercise of free will show divine mercy to the critic, but blessed children of the Light, do not absorb the vibrations of discord or make the mistake of picking it up and amplifying it, thereby drinking of the poisoned cup.

     Rather, let your tube of Christ Light repel all discord! The cosmic law operates to return all energy, both positive and negative, to its source. The one sending forth the energy must redeem that which he or she has misqualified.

     A militant defense of the Christ Light is in divine order when one's attitude is impersonal, objective, and free from hatred or a spirit of rejoicing in evil happenings. Beloved students, always act to completely retain the dearest spirit of Christly brotherhood.

     The Christ example living in you is an immortal image carved upon the hillsides of the world, transmuting the errors of the Adamic race into the law of love of the I AM race (AM ER I CA). Let every action prove to those who look on that God is All and in you all, moving his mighty victory as close to your soul as the soul is willing to accept his Presence and the dignity of your freedom - to be and to have the fullness of our Father's unfailing grace which redeems man's eternal inheritance of limitless blessings!

     I AM lovingly, vigilantly


     This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members.

     This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, P.O. Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C.


1 Gen. 3:15.
2 Matt. 7:20.