Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1961 Inspired in Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet ****** Contents ****** 1 Beloved Gautama Buddha - January 6, 1961 2 Beloved Djwal Kul - January 13, 1961 3 Beloved Djwal Kul - January 20, 1961 4 Beloved Djwal Kul - January 27, 1961 5 Beloved Lady Master Nada - February 3, 1961 6 Beloved Lady Master Nada - February 10, 1961 7 Beloved Saint Germain - February 17, 1961 8 Beloved El Morya - February 24, 1961 9 Beloved Hilarion - March 3, 1961 10 Beloved Lord Maitreya - March 10, 1961 11 Beloved Jesus the Christ - March 17, 1961 12 Beloved Kuthumi - March 24, 1961 13 Beloved Jesus the Christ - April 1, 1961 14 Beloved Kuthumi - April 7, 1961 15 Beloved Jesus the Christ - April 14, 1961 16 Beloved Kuthumi - April 21, 1961 17 Beloved Lord Lanto - April 28, 1961 18 Beloved Lord Lanto - May 5, 1961 19 Beloved Lord Lanto - May 12, 1961 20 Beloved Lord Lanto - May 19, 1961 21 Beloved Saint Germain - May 26, 1961 22 Beloved Mother Mary - June 2, 1961 23 Beloved El Morya - June 9, 1961 24 Beloved Kuan Yin - June 16, 1961 25 The Mighty Elohim Cyclopea - June 23, 1961 26 The Beloved Goddess of Liberty - June 30, 1961 27 Beloved Pallas Athena - July 7, 1961 28 Beloved Portia - July 14, 1961 29 Beloved Ascended Lady Master Nada - July 21, 1961 30 The Great Divine Director - July 28, 1961 31 Beloved El Morya - August 4, 1961 32 Beloved El Morya - August 11, 1961 33 Beloved Saint Germain - August 18, 1961 34 Beloved Archangel Uriel - August 25, 1961 35 Beloved Lord Maitreya - September 1, 1961 36 Beloved Lord Maitreya - September 8, 1961 37 Beloved El Morya - September 15, 1961 38 Beloved El Morya - September 22, 1961 39 Beloved El Morya - September 29, 1961 40 Beloved El Morya - October 6, 1961 41 Beloved El Morya - October 13, 1961 42 Beloved El Morya - October 20, 1961 43 Beloved El Morya - October 27, 1961 44 The Beloved Saint Germain - November 3, 1961 45 Beloved Mother Mary - November 10, 1961 46 Beloved Kuthumi - November 17, 1961 47 Beloved Jesus the Christ - November 24, 1961 48 Beloved Kuthumi - December 1, 1961 49 Beloved Jesus the Christ - December 8, 1961 50 Beloved Kuthumi and Jesus the Christ - December 15, 1961 51 Beloved Kuthumi - December 22, 1961 52 The Beloved Archangel Gabriel - December 29, 1961 ****** Chapter 1 Beloved Gautama Buddha - January 6, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 1 - Beloved Gautama Buddha - January 6, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom Beloved Gautama - Lord of the World: The immortal words of Rudyard Kipling - "East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet" - are dissolved in God unity! The radiant healing peace of the Prince of Peace spreads East to West and thence again East to cover the earth with swaddling raiment of peace, reaching through time from his Bethlehem manger to the very present hour. As Siddhartha Gautama, I AM known throughout the world as one who in like manner gives his attention to peace. The God of Peace, the Mighty I AM Presence, the Be-ness of life, creator, sustainer and preserver of all consciousness, is first last and always peace - and even his love itself is vested in a mantle of this most comfortable all-enfolding feeling which even the most struggling and discordant inwardly long for and seek. Grateful then I am that beloved Jesus and others of the great ascended ones can continually meet in a joint service on behalf of the planet earth. As Lord of the World, this My New Year's message pertains to the amplification of a spirit of unity throughout the world. Too long have the admonishments for unity amongst diversity gone unheeded in spirit and in action although acknowledged as true by men's minds and lips. The building of the Great Wall of China could never have been accomplished were it not for the unfailing constant service and labors by many to one common purpose. It is truly regrettable, however, that force has often been used to compel unwilling cooperation among peoples. The very tenets of the Great White Brotherhood prevent the use of coercion or force by us in the bringing about of that unity we would so like to see manifesting solely for the sake of mankind themselves. Therefore, for years, decades and centuries We have observed mankind muddling through life while pointing accusing fingers at one another and holding thoughts in their hearts of insincerity and doubt. Such as these have never made great progress but have returned to the schoolrooms of life again and again to take the same lessons over. The recent dispensation for the laggards has permitted for the first time a more critical adjustment of karma in securing for the masses of mankind a greater surcease from distress so that the Higher Mental Body or Holy Christ Self of each lifestream can illumine that one concerning the errors of life which they have already committed, so that their wish to find real freedom may lead them "beside the still waters" and restore their own soul to a state of tranquility! You see, the meaning of much that occurs on the world's outer scene is lost on the average man who is usually not too skilled in sociology, anthropology and a host of the necessary objective sciences. However, we who see with inner vision are able instantly to note the pressures for world changes as they occur. We stand encouraged at this hour, but solemnly warn all chelas of the Great Ones to watch as never before the emotional body and the feeling world so that all may "nip in the bud" any state of consciousness which even tends to produce unhappiness or rob you of your God Peace. Blessed ones, I do not say that you should fear to do, or dare to do, for you must do for the sake of general world progress regardless of the consequences. Remember, the Christian martyrs, saints who gave themselves to God and man for a purpose, were not in vain! Recently at Christmas 1960, ecclesiastical warfare broke out on the very spot reputed to be the place where Jesus was born in Bethlehem. There, rival factions of Christian churches disputed about the rituals to honor his name, and the violence which ensued desecrated in spirit the very spot so hallowed by pilgrim feet throughout the preceding days and years. Surely, if peace is to become anchored among mankind, criticism and gossip about one another must cease, be transmuted and ended for aye. Religious differences too must be perceived as simply the result of intolerance and failure to practice the faith in God which all faiths profess. It is also the result of men's misuse of free will in interpreting the scriptures and sacred writings which were left as landmarks by the godly men who inspired them. While peace at any price is not desired, yet is there a middle way whereby individuals may live and let live - for this is so wise until straight knowledge from "behind the veil" is truly made manifest and replaces that which presently is seen through a glass darkly (behind the veil of matter). Mankind may doubt if they will; they may speculate about the hereafter, but let them all rest assured good is its own reward and those who shall honor their fellow men with the blessed golden rule used in previous golden ages, "Do unto others as you would they should do unto you," will certainly receive according to their works. There are no exceptions to this, for there are no valid reasons why men should ever practice the sin of harmful expressions to or about one another. Freedom from this practice is but a beginning step on the way, for great souls have been hindered by this very snare and the trap of justifiable punishment which is simply the expression of a petulant child and ought to be permanently abolished upon earth so that the greater Light could outpicture most fully through all men. The blessed Pearls of Wisdom which are released through the beloved Darjeeling Council are iridescent manifestations of the thoughts of great Ascended Masters clothed in words and printed, as are the scriptures of the world. They constitute a current release of light and knowledge which affords the prudent contact with us and our ideas, better enabling them to cope with the stringencies of life upon earth in the present hour and all the days to come. Released at inner levels, they become polished spheres of solidified light substance, bringing happiness and instruction to all those who, free from sloth, will take the time to peruse these pages with deep anticipation and reverence which automatically attunes the consciousness of the reader with the power behind the outer manifestation, leading directly to the world of the releasing Master and his effulgent love rays! All who can find within themselves the awareness of their own Mighty I AM Presence, who recognize the need for accepting universal love and the need of the Ascended Masters to have a pure channel through which to release as much of their love and light as the Great Law will allow in the present hour of need, will see that, regardless of previous loyalties, the loyalty which they give to their own God Presence "I AM" and to The Summit Lighthouse as representative of a high and holy channel for the greater light will positively draw themselves and all mankind in the direction of more universal love of the full illumination of the golden age and the peace for which every man, woman and child feels an inner, sometimes hidden, hunger. In advancing through the coming year and decade, I urge greater loyalty to this Light as our channel on the part of all sincere chelas and disciples who unselfishly dedicate themselves above and beyond personalities (fine though they may be) to the divine principle which nourishes the entire body of the planet with God's own substance which will expand the intelligence, harmony, beauty, tolerance, happiness and peace which God already is and which also I AM by his grace! I am holding open the gates of Shamballa for each one of you as opportunity's door - Blessings! Your GAUTAMA (The Ascended Master - Lord of The World) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 2 Beloved Djwal Kul - January 13, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 2 - Beloved Djwal Kul - January 13, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom The pursuit of knowledge is carried on ever so often for mere sundry human reasons bordering on vanity - but the sincere student of Ascended-Master Light is solely interested in seeing the Light of the soul expand and be the luminosity of God (Good) Himself, so that the higher vibratory action of the divine principle does penetrate through the maze of human concepts, misconcepts and tiresome vacillations, to find an anchor point for peace, straight knowledge and truth which cannot help but achieve more of the divine purpose. It must be recognized by the aspirant, regardless of his or her advancement or supposed position in spiritual development, that through years of physical embodiment wherein wrong patterns of thought have been developed and strengthened through practice, illusions have often been created or sustained by individuals simply because of faults builded into the human instrument itself. It can be shown by the grinding of an optical lens that if distortion is created by poor workmanship it is likely to result in faulty visionary perception by the user, unless such a person will continually use the discriminatory powers of the inner nature to see that the glass itself is at fault and needs adjustment or correction. Now, many illusions serve to divide the world, to prevent happiness from flooding the minds and hearts of individuals with God awareness simply through "seeing" the pain and unhappiness which, for example, the original mass hysteria of the West has produced. In a world of incredible materialism where rockets and candy occupy the desire mind of millions, there is little room for the pursuit of quiet meditation upon God or little time to assess future possibilities if the Presence of God be dynamically called into action to transmute and change human error into Light. The "illusion of time" shall occupy a portion of my first discourse on the illusions and travesties of the present age. Time is but the mainspring of eternity unwinding an infinite power, a tiny portion of which touches each lifestream. It is the awareness of this unwinding that makes for a comprehensive chain of experiences or sequences which compose ordinary or natural life. In drama these are composed of acts and scenes - in life they are hours, days and years. Sleep claims a necessary portion of life's allotted moments while economics (for most people) makes giant inroads into the balance. Travel consumes most of the remaining with but a pittance left for each individual to use as they say "for themselves"! Much of this is spent on amusement or seeking to be amused. Of late this Western habit has spread almost maddeningly to the Orient and so the whole world lies heavily bemused by pleasure seeking. The city of God - the universe of God - the plan of the Eternal Father is a reality whose scope is usually unknown, unperceived and unheard of by the average lifestream except through nebulous and vague religious ideas. So hypnotic have the race habits become that individuals declare with conviction they have no time to study the laws of God - no time to master the thoughts and feelings, no time to pursue the spiritual, fearing that in its pursuit they may find no reward at the end. Thus they prefer to eat, drink and be merry while they live in neglect of the spiritual. This is dangerous "mania" of the age and it is to precisely to the erasing of this misconception that men must dedicate themselves if they will truly become the masters of their destiny which God intends them to be. Perceive then how wrong human thought is. All religion which men do easily accept teaches that heaven and God are common goals to be earnestly sought. If heaven is then a glorious goal, it should be the first and foremost objective of all. Therefore, Heaven - or a state of oneness with the Mind of God now - is to be preferred above all human entanglements, pleasant or otherwise. If it is to be preferred, then all must conclude that pursuit of just earthly pleasures is in itself but a lesser role and somewhat a waste of "time!" Now, faith is God's gift - to be diligently sought. It is the needed panacea for both East and West! It creates a climate of ease where men become quite naturally God-centered in all that they do. Men gladly exchange old lamps for new simply because they give more light, and outworn devices of human thought - shadowy illusions - regardless of their popularity among the mankind of earth, must be exchanged for the greater light, which is the only means whereby escape from human thralldom can become a reality - the only means whereby the illumination of the Christ spirit can truly endow men with contact with their Higher Self, until by complete identification with that God Self the individual can flower spiritually in the full manifestation of spiritual mastership which God intends. The illusions of "time" are many. There is the illusion of age - it often declares, "You are too young. Wait until you are older to seek God." There is another cry - "You are too old and it is too late. Wait and perhaps God will be merciful and even give you that which you do not deserve," for you would never give "time" to it. Then there are the calls of family and earthly possessions. One human call, which compels the seeking of ties where none exist - is the illusion of loneliness. Another calls for the sustaining of human values even at the cost of losing spiritual standards. The call for material possessions is also a very deceptive illusion of "time." It demands that you seek to possess ... another compels the attention on all that which is already the possession of the seeker - so much so that one can often truly say the possessions are the possessor of that one's soul. And there are others ... The cure for all lies in divine illumination. This must be diligently sought. To some, this illumination seems to come easily and go just as easily under the heat of pressure (this is the seed on stony ground of which Jesus spoke - for it has no roots). To others, illumination is slow and tedious, yet these often prize the gift more. But to all, true illumination is an absolute necessity if the soul is to prosper and expand. Those who venerate meditation, who insist on time to give to prayer and study, who insist on time to give to aid and assist one another in the various by-ways of life, are not so far from our Way. Everything is so right about enjoying divine friendship, all is right about enjoying nature and the unfolding wonders of life, for all is good - all is God. Uniting with universal consciousness brings only humility and diligence, which multiplies spiritual fruit with almost miraculous speed. Even the proverbial "slowness" of the Orient is then vested with almost instantaneous manifestation by the power of God when faithfully invoked and called into action. The rash, sometimes hectic, vacillations of the West are desperately effective in preventing a manifestation of the very miracles of grace which would forever make vacillation itself unnecessary. Human probing into divine processes which are not always fully understood by all seekers equally can easily make a betrayer out of those whose human reactions will not let them freely accept the Christ-intelligence, whose love-wisdom - given time enough - would have healed the very wounds that compel their doubts. To all illusions we say - let us write "Finis" - but do not destroy the fabric of the soul upon which God may inscribe illumination and peace. By Gautama's "middle way" preserve your balance until, wholly God-centered, nothing can upset you! Illumine Self for God, keep humble before advancing spiritual stations and always prefer good to evil. Then shall life's illusions be dispelled one by one and the reality of eternity, the happiness found only in God, shall be known as the only permanent happiness for both East and West! Hurrah for the good life - this the spoilers who constantly walk among men to hurt and deceive simply cannot spoil! Faithfully I AM DJWAL KUL The Ascended Master Djwal Kul This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 3 Beloved Djwal Kul - January 20, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 3 - Beloved Djwal Kul - January 20, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom Now hope is amplified and great assistance given the hosts of Light presently serving to help in raising or evolving mankind whenever the mass delusions and illusions of earthy thought are shown up in clearer perspective by the revealing light of understanding itself. Of course, human relations are the most serious problem men face today. As long as people seek to fix blame upon one another for their ills and do not consider that perhaps they themselves may have some responsibility in the matter if life is not wholly to their liking, they will often remain unjust, unfair and unhappy. As an ascended being whose memory of life upon earth is still very vivid, I feel that without question the so-called sacred writings are ever so important if they are correctly understood. The words of Jesus suggesting that he (Jesus) came to set men against their father, mother, sister, brother, etc. (Matt. 10: 34-35), in order to be his disciple bears much consideration, for it has been fully established by other scriptures that God wants people to love one another - and yet in this scripture it appears not to be true. The real meaning is simply that no human relationship was intended to be a yoke which would interfere with one's own relationship with their very own God Presence I AM! The implication is clear that no matter how precious these relationships may be, they are at best only transitory by comparison with one's closeness to their own individualized God Presence. We have known any number of cases where people vow to serve a "cause" or unite with an endeavor because some friend or loved one in whom they had great confidence would do so. Later, if the sponsoring one would forsake the spiritual path, they would follow the human rather than the Light and find it easy to rationalize the whole matter. It is always a mistake to let anyone or anything interfere with one's personal progress in the eternal Light. The scriptures say that friendship with the world is enmity with God - and this is always true when the "world" usurps the divine authority. However, when friendship with God or any one of his creatures either ascended or unascended results in an extension of divine grace and love into the world enhancing and hallowing all outer relationships, thereby imparting to them a quality of spiritual permanence, then the dependability of heaven is charged into them. Such associations are no longer subject to mere human whims, moods or the fickle tendencies men so often express. Human propensities have often caused intense and bitter heartache when someone is apparently forsaken by one whom they loved dearly (often as the result of simple misunderstanding or the equally foolish gossip which is based on such misunderstanding). Reflection on this will show that if friendship be genuine it is not so easily sundered. Those who lean upon their own God Presence will not wish to be swayed by human concepts or whisperings. You see, real divine friendship always produces universal stability in all it touches - especially once it is recognized by both parties as such! In the golden age which mankind are presently entering, the golden rule shall come into absolute universal use; then recourse to the courts of law shall be relied on less and less to find real justice, for first in thought, then followed by word and deed, people shall inwardly wish and outwardly do only good to one another. I cannot help but stress the beauty of divine friendship! By divine friendship I do not mean a studied aloofness or indifference to one's fellowmen simply because divine heights are reached. On the contrary we advocate a natural warmth which is always generated by cosmic fires ... yet, divine summitry must be consistently practiced. By this I mean precisely that all unascended beings are yet (until ascended) combinations of both light and shadow in the world of form; they usually combine elements of the high road and of the low, but it is to the best elements one must give recognition! If friendship becomes a mere yoke fashioned to link the personality of one lifestream to another piecemeal, it may tie both the good and so-called bad manifestations together in one package - resulting in a state of spiritual lukewarmness. When a real divine summitry is called into action, the "yoke" unites the chela first to their own God Presence I AM in an attitude of happy surrender whereby that chela is willing to go through the door to eternal life alone if need be, and keep such God-determination in action as to ignore the doubts, unbelief and mockery of the whole world, right while still holding an immaculate concept for all men by keeping the faith in his (or her) own summit as the basis for every other association! This would tend to discount forever those elements which lead men astray from peace, light and love and would give preeminence where it is due. Exalting the divine elements in one and all, it would always create and sustain that true love which is true harmlessness, which forever denies power to destructive human qualities and cuts all men and women consciously free from every banal influence - while expanding their souls to magnify the Lord, thus correctly interpreting in the daily stream of existence Jesus' admonishment to forsake all earthly relationships and follow him by upholding the good in one another! Of course the spoilers must be left to walk their sorrowful way alone until they can, through the hammer blows of returning karma, perceive that God is ever just. The true chela cannot fail to advance spiritually by dispelling all false illusions about human friendships, which unfortunately are often only the result of mutual self-seekings, and see clearly that friendship which has value to light and truth always exalts the soul. Such who are aware of this will also be aware of the joy of God, whose eternal spirit of undying happiness and bliss travels from East to West, from a measured inner unfoldment of the soul into the conscious outer side of existence where it abides to inspire men with the need to set aright the foundation of friendship with God, upon which he (God) has declared "I will build my temple!" Friendship with God and truth does not or cannot weaken so-called true human friendship or relationships, whether parental or otherwise. It only serves to enhance, to elevate, to ennoble every phase of man's existence. Your own God Presence is not in reality impersonal to you. How could it be? for it is the sole eternal reality of life which will walk beside you and in you through every valley of shadowed illusion unto your eternal freedom, which will cause you to lose all fear of evil, which will anoint the Christ spirit within your being with the sacred oil of the Holy Spirit, whose rod of power and staff of divine strength will comfort you in the face of every evil-appearing illusion, giving you always both right and constant eternal directions on the path to your own mastery upon every avenue of the endless treasure of many days, leading to the everlasting! Toward eternal clarity of God's laws I AM your Brother in Illumination's Flame - Djwal Kul (the Ascended Master) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 4 Beloved Djwal Kul - January 27, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 4 - Beloved Djwal Kul - January 27, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom O, the yearning in our heart to see every one of you God-free and sealed in an ever-expanding globe of divine wisdom composed of Ascended-Master Light substance and the full power of the flame of divine illumination from the heart of God in the Great Central Sun! To this end I bring you a very special message in this Pearl of God's wisdom. The most subtle and yet transcendent illusion is centered around individuality and the manifestation of each person in the universe as a distinct separate identity. Blessed ones, I refer now to the grand illusion of separation. Let me hasten to assure you that there is absolutely no separation in the universe whatsoever! Let me hasten to assure you that, of all delusions, this is the most painful to unascended beings and the root cause of most all unhappiness! Can you see, therefore, why the Darjeeling Council has given special attention to the clearing up of much misunderstanding about this matter? I shall go once again to the great World Teacher Jesus and refer to a statement he made during his Galilean embodiment previous to his ascension. The one I am going to use is the statement he made which caused the largest number of his followers to actually forsake him and go back into their former way of life - for as he himself said, "This is a hard saying," and indeed it was at that time of theological evolution. Even to the present day it has not been made clear to many people. "Unless ye eat my flesh and drink my blood, ye have no life in you" is the statement. And its meaning shall be revealed here to all who have ears to hear and a heart to understand. I shall make this in God's name I AM in as simple a manner as possible so as to make it understandable to as many people as possible - for translation into as many languages as qualified teachers and chelas may wish to devote their time to and for release through any and all religious channels of the world who desire to expand that truth which sets men free from outworn concerns and human error. As men dwell within their physical body temples and look out upon the world with God's consciousness, they "see" through their eyes, "hear" with their ears and otherwise are made aware of the world through the sensory organs of their physical form - yet it is the inner being who is really made aware of all that is going on both within and without who interprets the sensations received and makes them intelligible to all. Mankind have often discussed "If a tree fell and no one were present to `hear' it fall - would there be any sound?" Let us say, of course the reverberations of the tree striking the ground and disturbing the air would occur, but it would not be translated into "sound" as men know it unless an ear were there to cognize and screen these vibrations, making them aware of the "crash" of the falling object. So it is the perceiving intelligence (the in-telling of God) which makes for orderly recognition of the many diverse manifestations of life. Unquestionably there is a universal natural consciousness and intelligence in nature itself - which interpenetrates the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms - coming in closest proximity to "self-awareness" in the animal world, but only in mankind attaining true semi-self-awareness. Certainly the natural world could go on producing, the trees growing, the flowers blooming, the birds soaring and sub-human evolutions expressing, without anyone on earth being present to perceive it because that is cosmic law, and never, never in all eternity would these material phases attain to a higher self-conscious evolution unless somehow raised and exalted by so-called human "consciousness" - which is but a link between the divine height and the natural world. Simply put, blessed ones, if God is light and love and can be thought of as a great blazing sun of eternal substance, then every electron is likewise a miniature blazing sun of eternal substance. Inasmuch as the high intention of God is to bless all his creation with an endowment of the "best" of himself, which is all intelligence and God-awareness, it follows logically that just because a sun is larger in mass and an electron smaller in no way affects its quality status in the scheme of things. The wonder of the entire universe is that God gave himself - the cosmic universal Be-ness, the I AM of life to the smallest electron, so much so that whether located at the periphery of the universe or at the heart of that myriad creation of eternal Be-ness itself, the self-same perceptions and cosmic honors are granted as ever-expanding opportunities. These are offered to each electron to participate in a limitless expansion of God's love, wisdom and intelligence by either choosing a voluntary anchored constancy in time and space or a cosmic "exchange program" whereby electrons flow in the interstellar scheme traveling here and there to assist in forming the many different manifestations of light. Beloved ones, there is in God's consciousness which has an eternal outreach, no sense of "human limitation." Human limitation is somewhat the result of human creation combined with the natural law governing expansion of individualized planetary manifestations. Therefore, a great key lies in understanding that there is never any separation anywhere in the universe! God loves every part of himself far too much - the cohesive power of God's love is far too great - to ever permit any part of himself to play a "lesser" role. Therefore, God-consciousness is a golden strand of life's eternal Christ consciousness flowing through the whole universe, which makes certain that no one is ever separate from one another or from God even for an instant! This is the meaning of Jesus' statement "Unless you eat my flesh and drink of my blood you have no life in you" - for unless you partake of the same God-life as he did and does, and unless you derive your existence from the same conscious source, you have no life in you! That you do, that you say "I AM" is self-evident proof. Do you see? You have being, you declare and say "I AM" - and therefore you are partakers of the common yet ever-exalted and exalting life of God, which is the inspiration, aspiration and consecration of every ascended being, angel or Cosmic Being! You need never feel or be alone again if you will realize this. The master key is awareness which rises above individualization to enfold and be enfolded in the divinity the Father who endows it with the preciousness of eternal existence. Whether you are awake or sleeping, you must know, then, that you are always an eternal part of this great divinity. You must see that the only danger to look out for is the human creation, which can misuse the great creative energy of God and manufacture false standards, illusions, shadows and phantoms of unhappiness to obscure the great Light, which always is a golden lining behind every clouded earthly appearance. To say to human creation, "You have no power" is ever so wise, for this tends to discharge and set free the electrons "frozen" in shadowed human enclosures; but the best way is not to build illusions to begin with - and that is why We have this study, this contact with the Darjeeling Council - so as to coordinate our earthly endeavors for and on behalf of millions who do not even dream, as you blessed readers do, of the real state of things. They do not realize that life is already immortal - they yet look for immortality to be given them as a reward in some future state; they do not sense that they must claim it now in order to have and keep it nullifying the errors of past human thinking. The shadow does not have a genuine reality of its own - it simply blocks the penetration of the Light, being composed of densified misqualified light substance itself. That great cosmic Masters exist - that these beings once lived upon earth in bodies such as mankind now wear - seems to many a myth or fairy tale which they look upon askance - yet truth, blessed ones, in one sense, can be said to be stranger than fiction indeed! The life you use is the life you are. To say "I AM" is to be "I AM"! The true holy communion or sacred eucharist is given in this Pearl. Beloved Jesus' declaration concerning his flesh and blood showed the common blessing of the mass itself! For even the sacred mass or "eucharist," supposed by the church to contain the living body and blood of Christ, is living symbolism. The mass of eternal substance is God-creation. Composed of eternal light, fashioned by cosmic intelligence, it represents every electron, every atom, every portion of the eternal substance, whether material, spiritual or mental vibration! It represents the total mass of God-being, the full power of the "I AM," which in the sacred rite of the ascension mankind automatically enters into. To daily ascend in thought into a sense of universal oneness is to do as Jesus did and as every Ascended Master has done. "In remembrance of me" is to acknowledge God and to imbibe consciously at the Lord's table! Blessed ones, why must you ever feel jealous of one another? Under divine wisdom, if a portion of the eternal substance be used to form the heart of your body and another portion the head, are not all serving in beautiful harmony in order to maintain your physical form in perfect health and awareness so that the beauty of the universe can be manifest to you and through you? All are destined to mastery! In a city where a king ruled, but one could be king at a given time, yet in a universe of light each photon, each electron, would cosmically know that it is the eternal scheme that counts - for the head of this eternal scheme, who has an eye upon the sparrow, has an eye upon thee! My brothers upon earth, never be lonely again, never be proud with human pride - never be cast down. Learn the way of the Ascended Masters, and the eternal opulence of heaven shall be your legacy forever! You do not even need to shed your physical forms in order to realize this; you can make your ascension from the bodies you now wear, regardless of how much karma you may have, if you are willing to accept the pressure of the Light, the purification of the violet fire and the infinite truth that you are a divine being! Then call for and accept God's perfect plan for your eternal freedom! There is no need to curtail joy and happiness in your life when you see so clearly that God is your joy and happiness! That the true "Christ-mass" is your daily salvation and that to drink into it daily is to partake as Jesus did of eternal love, eternal life, eternal wisdom, and the immortal power of God which keeps you automatically in touch with that universal life which as you assimilate it floods you with the full sense of God's eternal being, strength, fire and flame, to consume and transmute all lesser misqualified substance until you are at last free to know, to dare to do and to be consciously "one" with the heart of the great, great silence which never, never, never fails - is never separate, is ever joyously, everlastingly aware of its true self which "I AM"! The joy we share is "Joy to the World" every hour! Lovingly DJWAL KUL (The Ascended Master) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. ****** Chapter 5 Beloved Lady Master Nada - February 3, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 5 - Beloved Lady Master Nada - February 3, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom Far beyond the ken of "primitive" mind lies even a basic understanding of the material sciences of the West. Hence, very ordinary aspects of life to many of these seem miracles, while in the so-called "materialistic" West even miracles seem most ordinary! O God, give Love's balance to the earth! Abundant and economical sources of power have already removed so much of that drudgery from life which in former times consumed most of each day in the very art of existence. With the changing times a materially superior standard of life is possible for many who would otherwise be denied many comforts and blessings. Yet to this day the charm and appeal of a rustic scene set in a garden or farm remains ever so pleasing to the nostalgic sense of both men and women. Oxen in yoke plowing an ancient furrow give way to more familiar settings of today's mechanical progress spelled out in strong, sometimes harsh and raucous "words" of steel or iron, and the miracles of electronics. In a material sense changes sweep from "West" to "East" in reverse of the ancient "currents of the Spirit" which have for so long flowed out of the mystic East toward the Western culture. Now, in the very face of progress, life-expectancy rises so that men and women look forward hopefully to longer and more useful periods of embodiments, endowed with more abundant health and that "keenness" of the Spirit which adds relish and zest to mankind's daily experiences. Yet an ever-present danger is the propensity to vegetate, to lose sight of spiritual goals as tangible and real purposes - to permit by complacency and indifference a rise in crime and sorrow which comes into special prominence when either youth or age are neglected. Those too young to "know," and those no longer able to summon their full vitality look for protection to that segment of society who are crowned with the vital God-maturity of the age! Those who do have true spiritual understanding of responsibility then see each day as an opportunity to respond to all who need assistance. Such are divinely guided to find their pleasure and happiness in service and cooperation with the forces of Light! I know how great is this need! I AM certain that "true" love is neither self-seeking, self-serving nor even self-effacing, but acts instead so as to harness the light and power of the oversoul in a great spiritual project to unite and draw together the very fabric, sinews and nerves of the whole world to that state of harmonious action where the problems of the many become the problems of each one. Then, as more and more understand the need to live above the finite self to the glory of the infinite Self, the brotherhood of man under the fatherhood of God is suddenly wondrously predominantly all over the world! No really wise person would ever think of automobiles, television, airplanes or modern conveniences as a means of entering the kingdom of God. Yet, I am also equally certain that an illumined person touched by God's love will know that all these things are the gifts of God from the eternal presence of life itself, which, in the present high state of mankind's scientific advancement, ought to be regarded as simply a diluted foretaste of glory divine! Electricity symbolizes the speed which the Ascended Masters use hourly in precipitating their wants and needs - but the great illusion that all material things are carnal, earthy, ungodly or "worldly" in an evil or negative sense must be dissipated by God-understanding. Beloved ones, "The earth is the Lord's and the 'fullness' thereof," hence there are no real "gods" of iron! Men need not abuse the "world of natural progress" - they should be grateful for it daily and share it with one another as they would their spiritual bread, which also came down from heaven! It is never wrong to properly enjoy the abundant fruit of life and love; it is a mistake to be immersed in material things to the hurt or neglect of the soul. So-called material "energy" is, of course, spiritual in origin and it is amplified by the power of love the world around for the specific purpose in this golden age of giving men and women more time to make spiritual progress, so they can more quickly enter an era of expanding culture, music, sculpture and drama wherein the radiant eternal glory and beauty of life as known on so many other stars and systems of worlds can become a reality here and now for the multitudes whom we love so much in God's name "I AM"! You can understand, blessed ones, that almost all men and women easily and naturally become interested and hopeful when higher standards of scientific or political progress are discussed to enhance the cause of "Freedom" - for it is but the natural expression of universal emancipation wherein "the least of these my brethren" are able to enjoy the blessings of God in a larger measure! Likewise it is a doorway to greater planetary freedom as the floodtide of life sweeps all on earth toward greater peace, prosperity and enlightenment! As one of your popular poets once said, "All your strength is in your union, all your danger is in discord"! The Great White Brotherhood therefore issues through me today as an absolute fiat that we of the Universal Brotherhood have determined by the holy Light of God that does not, cannot fail, to see all the downtrodden areas of the earth blessed with the real abundance of the great Ascended Masters as a natural and spiritual outpouring! In real union, hemispheral solidarity will fuse to become worldwide oneness! The free society can only remain free as it accepts its responsibility to attain a divine mutuality which in both the Father's name and love extends its hands willingly to one another all over the world as God's hands. This age is and must become one of magna-struction - a great universal constructivism wherein all men are united against all that which is not love and together hold high the banner of all that is genuine cooperative love reaching between heaven and earth! As the ascended ones daily serve, so may all do who are presently unascended. This, too, is the will of God, and it is also his love! Remember "I AM" the practicality of God made manifest which gives to all that needs both love and substance as the Father's hands in action - all ways! Yours in Christ Consciousness, NADA (The Ascended Lady Master - Chohan of the Sixth Ray) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. ****** Chapter 6 Beloved Lady Master Nada - February 10, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 6 - Beloved Lady Master Nada - February 10, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom Nada, Beloved One - The golden aurora of the dawn, the sweet-throated bird notes, the quiet stillness, the traceries of silhouetted trees, shrubs and myriad shadow-shapes stand out from the coming Light - yet brooding over all in quiet majesty is a serene sense of the love God intended expressed through Nature. Gazing on this momentary beauty, sacred, hushed and awe-inspiring - the clash of ringing sword-play, the pain of mental cruelty, the struggle for power and human glory seems afar off. Yet on this rolling world of form, sand, sea, sky and man, destined to be a home of love, a struggle is going on. The age of iron, brass, steel, and electricity pales into insignificance beside this Armageddon-like conflict - this struggle between the positive, constructive power of Love and the negative, foreboding, beclouded action of human fears. Control - psychological, hypnotic, psychic, astral - is sought by the ignorant and learned alike - who, warped in their views, pragmatic only in imitation of their contemporaries who are spiritually ignorant, seek, by and through fear, threat and intimidation, to have controlling power over the minds and worlds of men and of one another. Fear is a powerful weapon. It presupposes loss of something good. In the hands of both psychologically wise people and in the hands of primitively ignorant ones, it successfully wages a cold and sometimes hot war of terror and intimidation where individual liberties are at stake. It does not hesitate to fashion the "lie" - neither does it hesitate to upset those who are not strongly rooted - even to the destruction of their own soul-labors of lifetime good. It does not heed the pull of cosmic justice - and ruthlessly seeks to destroy. When beloved Jesus, my predecessor as Chohan of the Sixth Ray, stood in Pilate's hall of judgment, "it" called to the raging mob to decide whom they would prefer - Christ or the murderer, Barrabas. Yet Pilate had just declared, symbolizing the justice of that day - "I find no fault in this man!" Such is the sometimes pious, sometimes diabolical religious frenzy of humanity when they are not rooted in the rudiments of cosmic love - the fullness of cosmic grace! Although the inward, impartially acting law of love is written by the finger of God upon the pure screen of each man's heart, yet it is often clouded over with human fear and duress and a network of discordant crosscurrents which create a state of temporary confusion in the mind, making for double-mindedness or human instability. Dominion is the law of love and freedom. It is God-given. It seeks not to destroy but to heal, not to hate but to love. Liberty, then, thrives where attention is paid to justice and love and where fear is driven out! One of the early American patriots, Patrick Henry, epitomized this truth in his "immortal" words which played so important a part in the early American struggle for Freedom: "Give me liberty or give me death!" Yes, dear hearts, the "death" of love in life is a greater loss than mere physical death from whence there is hope of either a resurrection or a new embodiment. When love appears to die in the human consciousness, it is in reality a cloaking of its power with fear and negativism. This was the case on Golgotha. When the very sky was dark for hours, the sun was then still shining, but human fear had, by mass control, temporarily obscured the light of the "Christ," the light of the "Sun of God" so that the place of the skull (Golgotha) was a place of human desolation indeed! The only reality of all eternity is God. The manifold religions of the world have, through the declarations of their many leaders, constantly affirmed this through the centuries. Countless lives have risen from obscurity and even infamy to become world leaders, saints, and great Lights. Yet, masses of people, as much a part of the caravan of God as these seeming "exceptions" to "human law," have continued to seek but to save their own life, until death did then separate them eventually, one and all, from the screen of life, with the rare exception of ascended beings, whose attention to the exaltation of their own God Presence I AM caused them to follow the pillar of fire of that Presence through the long night of human consciousness until they found the "Last Rose of Summer," the "Lily of the Valley," the "Divine Aurora," the Light never found on land or sea - the shining reality of God! By contrast to human struggle toward its own precious divinity, the spoilers, the careless, the drifters, the idle, the pleasure bound, the skeptics, have continued in the pain of a mad round of fear. It must someday end. And end it will! I, Nada, Chohan of the Sixth Ray declare today in God's name, I AM, the fear of man no longer has any power for those who will put on the radiant garments of Light (and I saw a Woman Clothed with the Sun - Rev. 12:1). The creation must put off vestments of fear and put on Light. And inasmuch as love is Light and light is love, then, let love triumph over fear! Let all tyranny tremble before the precipitated power from on High, the God-power almighty to give liberty, freedom, and blessing to every lifestream who will put their hands, their minds, and their hearts to the plow to serve the cause of the Brotherhood of Light, and unite mankind by plowing that straight furrow that prepares the land for seedtime, harvest, and the victory age for our dear earth! When physically embodied many years ago, I served unknown to mankind to put others first. My family (some of whom became worldly famous because of my help) knew not my position or spiritual attainment. I gave fame to them rather than seek to receive it myself, and I AM today the Chohan of the Ray of Ministration and Peace, seeking to bestow upon people of both West and East a sense of the power of love to heal the grossest of human hurt and to give peace to those who are most cruelly disturbed. The religions of the world must, by individual determination in the hearts of their members, yield their sovereignty manifest in separate designation, to a supreme sense of union and unity wherein the standard of morality and the right use of heaven's gifts through the power of love become like one mighty pillar of witness to which all alike pay tribute. Accent must not be placed on conflict of differences but upon the common ground of freedom under God to seek for peace in both work and worship, to seek for an end of world and personal conflict, and to do socially, economically, materially and spiritually the necessary things that will speedily accelerate and produce at least a relative degree of heaven's will for perfection upon earth here and now, and before it is too late! The Ascended Masters' love for the earth is very real, but let me tell you, beloved ones, the forces of shadow - the astral, the psychic, and the misqualified mass-mind of the world which functioned so ignorantly in Pilate's hall and on Good Friday, have relentlessly sought to the present day the destruction of every good and constructive organization which we have ever sponsored. Nor for the causes that the individuals who were their "tools" thought (for they were simply deceived into believing "a lie" about the representatives of the Light), but solely to do the bidding of the sinister ones who prefer shadow and pain to Light and "Joy to the World"! When Theosophy, Christian Science, Rosicrucianism, New Thought, and a host of other activities of the new age came forth, every destructive move possible was made against them, "boring from within" and without to confuse and destroy. The original founders of the I AM Movement, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ballard, were likewise vilified, tried before the outer-world courts, and eventually, of course, exonerated. Let me remind, however, that Jesus was so treated also. This force of unrest moves constantly to attempt the disturbance of our channels of valid communication before Light can gain a foothold over darkness. It does not want you to have your freedom. It moves now against The Summit Lighthouse, its staff and its Messenger. One who but a short time ago professed undying love and adoration for the activity and its Messenger - who followed him from city to city recording the Ascended Masters' addresses on tape - has unknowingly become a "tool" of the sinister force. She has employed an attorney and is commencing action against this organization for the recovery of a freewill love gift which originally she gave to further the work. She now seeks to drag before the courts if necessary those who are innocent of any harm and to discredit before men this activity. The Darjeeling Council in emergency session because of this unconscionable act, and the equally thoughtless act of one other who formerly sought to serve as a legal representative of the activity, has decided in the name of Almighty God to advise our readers, friends and the constructive people of the world of this fact - because this time we do not intend to submit to human nonsense! This is but a human tempest in a "human" teapot. Let these betrayers beware and call upon the Law of Forgiveness before it is too late! Abel had Cain, Jesus had Iscariot and every age seems to produce this folly, whose purpose is only anti-Christ in character. As the forces of freedom marched at the famous Boston tea party, so I am sure the patriots of God everywhere will decree daily to stop this or any other foolishness which should ever arise against this wholly constructive activity or its leaders and will, by their continuing loyalty and support to the unfailing Light of God, realize more and more the need for love to triumph over fear in all areas of life! God's kingdom shall manifest here someday, blessed ones, and you have in this very embodiment a real opportunity to make it come just that much closer in the face of all human distress. Rally, then, to the eternal cause of love alone. It is never in vain, and someday all must know what it means to suffer for the kingdom of God's sake. But I think those who are still bound in fear have a lesser part by far than those who temporarily suffer that they may find peace and everlasting life and love. O cup of light from the universal I AM Presence, fill me now to overflowing with the dynamism of God's love, which triumphs over all shadow and human fear to unite the sundered world in such God-unity as overcomes forever and for all, turning all discord into peace! "I AM" Faithful to God, NADA (The Ascended Lady Master -Chohan of the Sixth Ray) ****** Chapter 7 Beloved Saint Germain - February 17, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 7 - Beloved Saint Germain - February 17, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom Although dictated before Saint Valentine's Day, most of you will receive this too late to consider it a cosmic Valentine, but I AM certain that you will know it comes to you from my heart with all the love which a cosmic Valentine ought to embody, conveying beyond all words my own God-feeling of the power of the violet ray to set and keep your worlds free from all that disturbs mankind - and abundantly give you that overcoming power which every Ascended Master wields for and on behalf of the common weal! Among the heritage of the free world are treasures of document, of precious lives and of love's labors. To see that these never become love's labors lost, people must learn with greater diligence the safeguarding of the gifts and privileges of Life and protection of their own feelings of God-happiness. A Constitution, a Magna Charta, a Bill of human Rights, a doorway through which our words come (many of which are a heritage and an actual windfall from the love of someone else's service and labors in God's name) is only of value as long as esteemed valuable by a world of free men willing to defend if necessary these hard-won blessings for themselves and their posterity. The lives of George Washington (now the Ascended Master Godfre) and Abraham Lincoln do sublimely remind all men of the need to live for a principle regardless of human opinions or criticisms. The power of one man for good is best illustrated and measured in the thirty-three short years of beloved Jesus' earthly ministry. Today each reader, because of this heritage of the past, has a better opportunity to do "greater things than I do"! Safeguarding all these treasures of the immortal Spirit is to perpetuate God's love among men. It further insures that love's labors shall themselves expand! In fact, each year's loving service increases the size of my permanent cosmic Valentine! Each year this living symbol of cosmic freedom thus becomes more magnificent! As a giant purple fiery heart from the Great Central Sun, it enfolds all who will plunge without fear into its fiery depths so saturated with my own heart flames of God- freedom and transmutation. Therein all shall find release - the opportunity to begin again a greater service for God - a real "labor of love!" However, people should understand that self-justification is one of the greatest dangers in the world; it blinds men to truth and the beauty of clear vision. Humility is completely otherwise; it seeks not so much the power of condemning judgment or the pastime of listening to the vain words of humans who "talk" for want of something better to do, but rather the drawing forth of the real beauty of love as a cosmic bond of truth far above all human personality, which lies even within the reach of a babe who in faith reaches out to touch it! Religious history, as so many know, has a long record of infamy spread among its virtues. The godly, who in physical appearance often looked no differently than their opposites, have often been shamefully abused, stoned, vilified, misunderstood, spat upon and hated. Yet in most every case, their revilers felt self-justified in so doing! The real meaning of love, then, is best understood by those who take a real interest in expanding God's kingdom upon earth by spreading kindness, good thoughts and constructive ideas. These people are too busy with God's Work to listen to grumblings, false statements, idle gossip or questioning doubts about truly insignificant matters. In their dedication to God, they outpicture a nobler state like unto every Ascended Master Whose burning Love, like My own, speaks out for Freedom, Truth, Humility and Beauty, thus drawing into and instilling into every lifestream that is pliable, those qualities which all should emulate and love. We are divine men, living still within easy reach of your hearts! I AM the expanding power of the violet flame SAINT GERMAIN (The Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 8 Beloved El Morya - February 24, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 8 - Beloved El Morya - February 24, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom The tall pines on the mountaintops speak of ruggedness, of endurance, of perennial freshness. When one of these is set apart on a gentler hill among "trees" of lesser stature it appears mightier still. In our octave we stand not in awe of one another as do mankind who hear of our wonderful exploits and powers. All the powers of the Ascended Masters will be given to mankind just as soon as they demonstrate to the cosmic law that they have learned the lesson of harmlessness! However, as long as men and women seek to pulverize one another's ambitions in preference to cooperatively giving aid to one another, they cannot advance far! Like a cancer, they consume their own "life force" whenever they seek to harm one another either by deliberate acts of offense or the more static state standing idly by when able but willing to help one another by extending aid in God's name. Together, these, then, are the sins of omission and commission! The lesson of the "Towel" taught by beloved Jesus to his disciples and occurring before the feast of the Passover (see John, Chapter 13, verses 4 to 17) was the best insurance to them that they should be like him! It serves an equally practical purpose to the present generation. The Darjeeling Council is well aware of the transcendent classes we can have with yet unascended beings right here in our retreat when we can get people to forget their pettiness, which often resembles little sharp bramble bushes at the foot of God's lovely trees, which themselves stretch hopeful arms of the Spirit toward their own Mighty I AM Presence radiant in the air above. As long as you hate "one of these my brethren" you are doing that hating to your own Christ Self and there is no power in the universe that can alter you spiritual accountability for this act! I urge people everywhere to cease gnawing at one another's imperfections (even as rodents on cheese) and to settle down to the kind of behaviour which will move you into an orbit like our own where God dwells. Then, of course, your presence at our sacred conclaves will be most welcome! Otherwise, some of you would come at night when your physical body sleeps, with selfishness which is so dampening as to almost extinguish the radiance in our outer antechamber! After all, whether good or naughty, you are a part of God, and when you misuse his power it must be counteracted - which does require energy better used to heal the innocent! I do not say you are any less welcome when you have problems, but I see no reason why I must continually repeat the same admonishments over and over concerning tolerance, patience, gossip, etc., to those would-be chelas - some of whom have know of us for years, but apparently have never really known us! Those who are yet real Buddhists, Christians or Mohammedans, ought never to behave so petulantly! If you will all begin to do your work as though already Ascended Masters, I rather think you will find there is almost no limit as to where you can go with your spiritual attainment. I patiently await that day! I AM the radiance of the day - El MORYA (The beloved Ascended Master Morya) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 9 Beloved Hilarion - March 3, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 9 - Beloved Hilarion - March 3, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom For years, chelas of the Ascended Masters' activities receiving the Pearls of Wisdom have been aware of the phenomena of so-called "flying saucers." Now, we have spoken little through the Pearls concerning space and the regions beyond earth's atmosphere. There has been a definite reason for our silence. First, as we have indicated previously, while the material released through the Summit Lighthouse is usually couched in easily understood language, we have consistently expounded sustaining truth, enlightenment and revelation through this source. Second, we have stressed the need for personal perfection for all sincere chelas of the Ascended Masters, so that genuine and excellent examples would stand out on the world screen. Cooperation is thus increased together with a real expansion of God's own design through this avenue of Light. We have always preferred to have our chelas specialize in externalizing God-virtue rather than become too speculative concerning mysterious phenomena or those questionable adventures into the so-called unknown (which may or may not be valid) and can result in mere satisfaction for a curious appetite. Blessed ones, there is, however, a genuine and healthy curiosity about life which under the direction of the Holy Spirit will indeed guide you into all Truth. The danger point lies in the realm of morbid sensation which continually diverts the attention from God's Presence into concern for that which does not help you to make your own ascension in the Light. It is, however, our opinion that a little light could well be shed upon this current and vital subject from our standpoint and through the Darjeeling Council. Hence, I am expressing in this Pearl some of our current thought on this subject for your study, contemplation and information. As I learned so well when embodied as Saul of Tarsus, it is hard to kick against the pricks, and therefore truth ought to always serve to enlighten when taken in unified completion of its many facets. Otherwise, if disconnected parts of a whole picture are thought to be the whole, it resembles an incomplete jigsaw puzzle whose value is almost worthless until the missing pieces are supplied; if this is not known - that pieces are missing - mistaken premises often result in lopsided vision which can seriously interfere with "seeing" as God sees. Yes, there are flying saucers - if you wish to call them that. Also there are beings from other planets who are able to navigate the spacial realms in the physical body structure (comparably speaking). Yes, some of them do occasionally work with the Cosmic Hierarchy for the earth, just as earth people in their finer vehicles sometimes work with the Cosmic Hierarchy on other planets. Yet, there are "others" who come to earth merely in exercise of their free will and to make an excursion into the atmosphere of this planet much as submarines plunge beneath the waves of earth's oceans to study marine life. Just as oceanography is a vital subject to man, so knowledge of the earth seems vital to these interplanetary explorers. Their guidance from the Ascended Master rulers of their own planets has told them in advance, however, of the present warlike nature predominant in mankind of earth; therefore, with rare exceptions, they have heeded the solar rulings for earth "observations." They are not ascended beings, but in the main represent a highly selective and advanced society of God-free men. As time passes, it may be our desire to reveal more real authenticated information on these interstellar visitors, but for the present I am admonished by the Council to point out that man must not become involved in unfamiliar doctrines reported as emanating from these "visitors" which are out of logic or out of keeping with the religious, esoteric, and cosmic knowledge which has been evolved for mankind upon earth under the direction of the Hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood for the supreme purpose of hastening the earth's own planetary evolution. To do so is to invite personal confusion in many cases (not that these beings themselves would release misinformation - but rather, the reporting ones among earth's own people might and have done so) - although this does not necessarily apply to those few blessed exceptions who pioneer under our direction, to coordinate interspacial preparations. Yet, the mainstream of thought should still be devoted to the outpicturing of Christ consciousness here and now, thus bringing the paradise of God into manifestation upon earth. With malice toward none but God-victory to all upon this lovely planet earth, I salute from our Cretian Retreat dedicated to Truth the men of spacial science, spacial exploration and cosmic vision! May all these ever cleave to the divine! All hail, I AM Your brother in evolving God consciousness for the earth - HILARION (the Ascended Master -Chohan of the Fifth Ray) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 10 Beloved Lord Maitreya - March 10, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 10 - Beloved Lord Maitreya - March 10, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom With the coming of the New Age, old things shall indeed have passed away! Men have thought destruction for so long that the main part of the whole prophecy mentioned above, upon which most have thought, has been in connection with destruction - and especially planetary destruction or the downfall of civilization. Let me hasten to assure all mankind that while cataclysms do occasionally manifest by natural law, the passing away of the old order is purposefully to clear the way for the building of the new! This always brings the birth in consciousness of the Christ tendencies, or divine propensities. You have perhaps heard it said even by your earthly mothers, "As the twig is bent - so the tree is inclined to grow." You see, the inner intent of the heart in man is in part inherited. Of course, whenever the war entities or hate entities and other mass-created, malign influences which cause the world so much personal and planetary unhappiness are removed or transmuted, the world or individual breathes free for a moment - but only long enough for someone to again start the chain reaction of misqualified free will in the same old discordant pattern which for centuries and millenniums has made suffering on the earth and in mankind's experiences. Therefore, only by universal acceptance by the world at large can final victory come to the earth and its multitudes, and only by rising in consciousness to your own ascension can you find personal escape. There is no other way! The inner intentions of the heart are developed only in two ways: either by hallowed attunement with your own God Presence "I AM," or by listening to the mass voices of discord from the megatons of misqualified energy which mankind have created. Seed produces in kind. Therefore, the only safe counsel comes from above, where all cosmic virtue and purity are born. That which raises you into your ascension comes from above, that which pulls you down into discord is from below. It is that simple. Forget, then, personality, even injustices, forget even your own needs for a moment, if need be, and concentrate on service to others in the holy name and power of the Christ. Do this and you shall find life even among the illusions of so-called death. The great law cannot be broken! Every day is a "portion" of the holy season of eternity. Through externalization of God's kingdom in your own hearts and upon this dear earth, you shall in dignity and wonder unravel the sweet mystery of life which is my own keynote! (Victor Herbert's "Ah Sweet Mystery of Life" is beloved Lord Maitreya's keynote) Rending the cosmic veil you shall come face to face with your own Divinity without end, and in the magic circle of the Presence of God you shall know that charmed existence which, while making all life one, also gives to each one an endowment of such peace, power and protection as only God can give. Remember, I had like existence upon earth to your own present state and by the transcended power of my own God Presence was raised to where I now wear such garments of eternal life as you shall one day wear. It is absolutely essential then that you do not "faint" or become immersed in states of hopelessness where you begin to feel out of touch with God, for all such feelings are only the result of too much thought about the illusions of "self" and mundane life, with not enough contact with the reality of your own Holy Christ Self and Great God Presence "I AM." The remedy must be applied constantly. You did not wander away from the Light in a moment - sometimes it takes more than a moment to find your way home - but it is dangerous to delay the journey when life offers such grand opportunities. So blessed ones who have delayed or postponed, begin again, and you who have long plodded continue! Keep on, and on and on! The most shadowed hour is just before the dawn of initiation. Many of you are nearing great cosmic initiations. Hold fast the Light, the doorway into the eternal day of God. I AM Your Friend, Companion and Brother LORD MAITREYA (The Buddha) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 11 Beloved Jesus the Christ - March 17, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 11 - Beloved Jesus the Christ - March 17, 1961 TRANSFIGURATION Corona Class Lesson 13 Light "God Is Light" I AM the Resurrection and the Life! Yes, and I AM also the preceding Transfiguration! Blessed and Beloved Ones Who Love Light As Though You Were Adoring God - How right you are, for God is truly Light,{1} and in him is no darkness at all!{2} Now, I am certain that thoughtful men and women will immediately recognize the difference between the uses of light in Nature and the uses of spiritual light in man. I refer to the fact that in Nature the outline of manifestation is achieved by a little more shading here and a little more light there, thus portraying on the canvas of life scenes of heaven and earth painted in a variety which is outpictured in sunlight and shadow, green leaf and bright marigold, and the marine blue of the deep - white foam and cloud, eternal movement of sky and sea. Yet, blessed ones, this is a phenomenon entirely different from the vibrations of the Holy Spirit manifesting within and about man as the essence of God, the Mighty I AM Presence, in cosmic action. For in the perfection of God's light, there is no darkness whatsoever - no shading, no subtlety - only the pure radiance of the Most High. Nature requires that atomic matter be clothed with various molecular patterns locking in vibratory levels which define every type and combination of material manifestation necessary to the evolution of a peculiar lifewave. You see, divine Law originally intended the creation to unfold in the physical octave that cosmic beauty which was outpictured in the Mind of God and given from God's own hand to the Silent Watcher{3} on behalf of child-man. The reason the sons of God consider their God to be a flame or a universal fire (Moses identified our God as "a consuming fire"{4}) is that, whereas Nature exhibits vibratory changes by a light stimulus or force from without, the soul of the son of God has the potential to self-realize the pure God-power of the cosmic fires from within himself. The creative fires are at the very core of being, and the ancient memory scored in electronic life is that the spirit of man was born out of the very sacred fires by which Elohim gave birth to cosmos. The sons of God simply cannot forget that they came forth from the Great Central Sun to sow the fires of the Christic seed everywhere in the matter worlds - and to endow their Father's creation with the light of Life. Because they are made of the same stuff, they know their Father is a consuming fire. Were they not essential fire beings, the sons of God would not have survived "all the fiery darts of the wicked"{5} (fallen angels' sendings of malice) to the present hour - nor could they have been successful co-creators with Elohim throughout their long trek through the galaxies. By divine direction, therefore, the son of God can draw around those inner fires of the heart that specific God-activity which his I AM Presence gave to the Silent Watcher to externalize for his lifestream alone, made wholly in the divine image. In the immaculate purity of this perfect light and perfect image, the birthright of every soul born of God, there is no darkness whatsoever - nor any of the gradation required in the natural manifestations of the footstool kingdom.{6} However, some of the 'gods' have wrested the secrets of creation to alter the inner nature of man (both his soul and his genes) to conform to an inverted pattern. Through his inharmonious habits of thought and feeling man became vulnerable to this treacherous violation of the nucleus of self. Therefore, because these gods were dishonorably motivated in their genetic enslavement of lesser endowed evolutions to a mechanistic control, when I was embodied as Jesus of Nazareth I spoke unto these manipulators of life, saying, "You are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father will ye carry out."{7} (This lust was for the Light of the Christ sealed in the blood of the children of Elohim and equally for the Light of Christic attainment radiating from the chakras of the sons of the Great I AM.) I referred, then, to the abortions of cosmic principles by the godless, the deadly inversion of divine Law by the fallen ones who used the sacred gift of free will to turn God's purposes upside down at human levels and, with malice intended, created pain and sorrow for the children of God. By such devices, they added to their heavy burden a karma self-incurred by prior dis-obedience to the LORD God and to his subsequent Edenic judgments rendered upon the race through the Great Initiator, Lord Maitreya. Contradicting and rebelling against the divine intent, Atlantean archdeceivers, as well as geneticists who had begun their synthetic imitations of the creation of Elohim in pre-Lemurian epochs, moved to subject mankind to the whims of their diabolical will.{8} Transfiguration is the means devised by the Godhead to free man from (1) all manipulations and degrading changes intended to de-evolutionize the race and (2) all that is not in complete unity with the seed-essence of God himself and with the sacred fire of the Mighty I AM Presence. Through the acceleration of the electronic fire rings of the Presence that occurs during the initiation of the transfiguration, individuals are 'stepped up' in vibration and clothed with the seamless garment{9} of electronic light. This transfiguring light comes from the heart of God and passes through all illusion and human density which, cloudlike and cunning, seeks to conceal from their gaze, in a thousand allures and subterfuges, the latent divinity of the seed of Christ. When this action of the transfiguration is initiated by the Presence and received by the soul in the fullness of God-awareness, a state of consciousness is entered into by the disciple wherein he no longer considers himself Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Mohammedan, or a member of a separate religious sect. Neither is he conscious any longer of racial characteristics stamped on the outer form; but, in the joy of the divinely blessed transfiguring experience, he is one (as I AM) with the pure, electronic white light of God's sacred fire. This is the true initiation of the Holy Spirit through each one's Holy Christ Self. The effect of God's light upon man's consciousness is great joy and peace. When the light and fire of God flow through him like a crystal-clear river of Life,{10} washing away the former impressions of unhappiness, the glory and freedom he feels are boundless! Every son of God can and should pass through the initiation of the transfiguration - not merely as an Easter ritual, but as the once-in-a-lifetime mountaintop experience with the Ascended Masters Moses, Elijah, and myself, witnessed by the apostles.{11} This is the gift of God to permanently change one's life and to prepare the soul for succeeding initiations on the path of Christhood ere the resurrection can be attained. The power of the transfiguration to change one life exemplifies the action of the sacred fire, whose transforming light is the miracle worker day by day, until the soul and four lower bodies of the disciple are prepared for the fullness of the all-enveloping transfiguration. Such as these, proving the Law of Love step by step, descend the mountain and go forth (return to service at human levels) better equipped to render real assistance to their own friends, loved ones, and a world that hungers as never before to be filled with righteousness - the knowledge of the "right use" of all God's powers. These are truly the meek who, full of divine strength, shall inherit the earth. I AM showing the Way to eternal Life, Jesus the Christ [Taken from the book version, Corona Class Lessons.] ****** Chapter 12 Beloved Kuthumi - March 24, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 12 - Beloved Kuthumi - March 24, 1961 TRANSFIGURATION Corona Class Lesson 14 Acceleration "We Shall All Be Changed ..." Beloved Who Would Teach Men the Way of Transfiguration - Beloved Jesus has told you of the need of every son of God for personal transfiguration such as he experienced both day by day, with the Spirit making all things new,{12} and on the mountaintop when the anointing of the Piscean avatar was attended by ascended and unascended initiates witnessing in heaven and on earth to his commission as World Saviour and Teacher. Spoken directly from the Father, the divine approbation was heard: "This is my Beloved Son, in whom I AM well pleased: Hear ye him!"{13} (This is the incarnation of myself, the One Sent to you in whom the I AM Presence dwells. Be God-taught of me through him and follow him all the way in the regeneration.{14}) Jesus emphasized that the intensity of this wondrous whiteness of the sacred fire, permeating the consciousness with God-happiness and freedom from the bondage of the senses, would, as a side effect to the permanent change wrought, engender the soul's desire to retain the Light and to remain in its God-exalted estate. The Master also stressed the need to descend the mountain after each successive exaltation in God, once again to enter into loving service to a world in great need. I am desirous of giving assistance to all who truly desire the rite of transfiguration to take place in their own being and consciousness as a genuine cosmic initiation which is ordained by the Father for all of his children. First, it is well to understand that the verb transfigure breaks down into the prefix trans, meaning "change" (across, beyond, through, so as to change), and the word figure from the Latin, meaning "to shape, fashion, figure." Hence, to transfigure is "to change the form or appearance of," or "to metamorphose." Figure, in our analysis of the soul's preparedness for this initiation, refers to each one's state of being as he approaches the event. The form or appearance currently manifesting shows that portion of the figure of Christ, the image of the hidden man of the heart, actually being outpictured by the soul - representing each one's present spiritual state. To transfigure thus connotes the shedding of the human image as the soul identity is accelerated in the putting on of a tangible electronic garment, or life-essence, which can never be requalified (or lowered in vibration) to the level of the former state. In the ongoing transfiguration process our disciples experience the spiritual substitution of every human failure with God-dominion, God-creativity, and God-victory, as every manifest virtue and attribute of the Godhead displaces habitual submission to the synthetic programming of the human. Those who have been stuck in the mud know how tenacious the soggy earth can be, how relentless it is in not releasing anyone from its grip. When the release comes and one emerges into the sunshine and wind, there is usually a drying of the caked dirt on clothing and skin, necessitating a thorough washing so the clumps of mud will not remain to spoil the day. Even so, the one so blessed as to find escape from earth's binding habits through a divine experience must not allow the clods to mar the temple garments. Now, in transfiguration there is an actual expansion of the light of God that never fails. From within every cell and atom of the physical body, this expansion occurs under circumstances whereby the mud of one's former sullied state is itself dissolved and cannot cling longer round the atoms and cellular structure, for it is permanently changed (transmuted) by the Light. Every thought, whether of conscious direction or unconscious drift, whether personal, racial, or cellular (yes, there is even such a thing as a subconscious cell thought!), is then,through transfiguration, brought to a state of God-bliss, and the millions of thoughts that are the components of consciousness become as cups of light running over with cosmic joy and divine wisdom. Each God-thought, then, becomes a radiating orb charged with the radiance of heaven which the Father desires to share with all Life in the entire cosmos - through you! The Sun of God, the Christ within and above, continues to pour into the chalice of your heart (chakra) its Life-giving properties. This concentrated action of the sacred fire flushes out from the innermost regions of the mind (including the subconscious) every quality less than Light itself and releases any and all tenacious misqualified substance from each one's world. In the ritual of the transfiguration, there is a cosmic release to all other unascended beings so fortunate as to be near the initiate when he is passing through the divine experience. This transfer of light surges to a peak, tapering off only after adjusting the body's electronic structure to its high frequencies. The purpose of this acceleration is to prepare each one for his own ascension in the Light. We are acquainting our students with this knowledge for a good and sufficient reason. We trust that those who think they already know these things will meditate more deeply upon them, while those new to the concept of the personal transfiguration seek understanding from God, their own Mighty I AM Presence. Thus, let all seek divine assistance in preparing for this most blessed experience of the expansion of the Light (Christ) in the four planes (four lower bodies) of their own personal world. Remember, you must ask for heaven's treasures if you would truly receive them! I AM your cosmic teacher in God's love, Kuthumi [Taken from the book version, Corona Class Lessons.] ****** Chapter 13 Beloved Jesus the Christ - April 1, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 13 - Beloved Jesus the Christ - April 1, 1961 TRANSFIGURATION Corona Class Lesson 15 Possibility "Arise, Shine! for Thy Light Is Come" Beloved Who Walk in the Light As I AM in the Light - In the midst of man's preparation for entrance into his cosmic victory and the state of life God intends all to enjoy and to have, I am confident that sincere souls will understand the need for faith, the need for persistence, or constancy, and the need for devotion combined with intense gratitude. My own manifestation of the eternal radiance upon the mountaintop was but a prelude to the victory of my ascension. Blessed ones, the drama of Good Friday, the hours in the tomb, and the resurrection{15} were made comparatively lighter because of the blessing of the transfiguration. I hope that having accepted the reality of this initiation in my life's history, you will see its possibilities in your own life and will make it a part of your history, too. It is a perfectly natural spiritual manifestation - as simple and sweet as the sunshine itself. It is quite effortless, for once you get the full realization of just what your own Mighty I AM God Presence can actually do for you, you just stand back and let the Presence act in your world as it is wont to do. Then, when you call to your own dear God Presence, you will sense God's interest in you as your own heavenly Father - even as I did - and you will know, first of all, that God wants to transfigure you. Being convinced that this is so will help you journey from the consciousness of possibility to the state of realization. Let no man tell you otherwise, for I know and have experienced these glorious transitions from human thought to divine reality. When I say, "Lo, I AM with you alway," I speak from eternal realms of existence where I am still able to reach out and contact your own world of thought and feeling. Blessed ones, did I not say that every plant which my Father did not plant must be rooted up?{16} This is the meaning of the change that takes place when God's light glorifies you. You see, no matter how much glory we of the ascended hosts may sense or absorb, the only way for you to enter completely into a state of God-victory as we did is through the conscious way which I AM - in other words, the "I AM" Way! This puts each individual squarely before the door of his own beloved Holy Christ Self that he may knock and be admitted.{17} Being itself is the "AM" of existence, my beloved. But in order for you (the "I" individualized) to enter in, you must become the "I" of the "I AM" and experience for yourself the wonders of the glory of God. Do you see, blessed ones? Oh, do meditate on this point of the Law! Let your whole being become, therefore, increasingly conscious of God's great light! Be conscious that his light is a reality all around you at all times and that it is the reality of existence. Sense that you can contact the Light and that it can contact you. Sense that it is the life-force in every budding flower, every sweet scent, every ray of sunshine, every feeling of hope in the human heart. Sense that it is the eternal bond between heart and heart, that it is the avenue of Ascended Master communication, that it is the light of thousands of suns shining in their strength. Sense that God can - by the power of making himself large or small, by the power of the "I AM" - put all of this radiance of himself into every cell of you and into your whole being! Call for the intensification of the cosmic flame of the transfiguration and for the amplification of your faith in it. Be constant in your application. And then, with heartfelt devotion and gratitude, await the sudden expansion of the perfect love and light that casts out all fear.{18} Welcome into your lifestream with open arms and grateful heart the flow of God's light without limit until, like me, you abide in God's arms of transfiguring mercy where you always know the full meaning of God-freedom which all of you should share - and one day shall! All blessings of the cosmic dawn to you! Your Jesus the Christ [Taken from the book version, Corona Class Lessons.] ****** Chapter 14 Beloved Kuthumi - April 7, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 14 - Beloved Kuthumi - April 7, 1961 TRANSFIGURATION Corona Class Lesson 16 Obedience "The LORD Is My Light" Beloved Who Are Light in the LORD and Walk as Children of Light - I especially want the students of the Light everywhere to attain a conscious awareness of the real meaning of transfiguration. To have this experience is a blessing of great magnitude! Think of it, blessed ones - only a comparatively few unascended beings have ever experienced it! Nevertheless, it can be called forth from the Great Law by the faithful living in a high state of God consciousness. When your devotion to Love reaches a certain intensity, the yearning of the Light for itself automatically moves the light within each cell to expand from the center outward in concentric spirals to contact the divine radiance present in the very atmosphere. This takes place, beloved, when the Presence of the All-Father issues the command. Some do not fully comprehend what the real meaning of this blessing is. Simplicity is necessary in order to grasp the principle and fix it firmly in mind; but when this understanding comes to you personally, it is not through a mere conscious willing but by the direct gift of the Father himself, your own beloved I AM Presence. Blessed one, the ascension is the final sacred rite that enables you to enter into your eternal God-estate with beloved Jesus and those of us who have won our freedom; when it takes place, the change is permanent and the victory is complete over everything human. Therefore, transfiguration is made possible to unascended beings as a prelude to their being raised into the high estate of the ascension. Every so often we hear people say they prefer to remain in embodiment or to reembody upon earth because they know that someone has to do the work and anchor a focus of light among mankind for the Ascended Masters to work through. It is true that we need calls from your octave in order to take action in your world or to intercede on behalf of humanity - for cosmic law demands that the call which compels our answer be forthcoming from unascended mankind in physical embodiment. But, blessed ones, far too few from this planet have won their ascension victory, and the whole world is waiting for the sunrise when thousands ascend in one day to fulfill their God-destiny! Do you know what it will mean to our dear earth and yours when so many attain their victory? The increase of our ranks, the swelling of the cosmic chorus, the soul-touching gratitude and praise poured out to God the Mighty I AM Presence by the ascending ones - going forever out of mortality into immortality, out of all shadow into the glory and comfort of the absolute Light of God{19} - will be beyond words to describe. The net gain of light to the cosmos and all sentient beings is incomparable! Why, every molecule of matter is charged with the currents of the ascension flame released through the ascending ones! Those who witness their everlasting victory in the rapture of Love may then claim the mantle (attainment) of their brothers and sisters who have advanced beyond mortal dimensions (for the laws of mortality could no longer bind them). This transfer of light, as in the scenario of Elijah and Elisha,{20} can take place only if some make the 'sacrifice' to "come up higher" and others remain to "teach men the Way." While both fulfill the law of the Master/disciple (Guru/chela) relationship, their mutual acceleration impels the remnant through the Doorway of Light. The momentum thus generated as each lifewave, each graduating class, ascends will provide a continuing upward pull until one day in the not-too-distant future (as cosmic cycles are reckoned) all earth's evolutions will be ascended in the Light and free, and earth herself shall ascend into golden octaves of light and peace - worlds without end. May you invoke the divine timetable for your ascent, for God knoweth the hour of your translation. I want to convey, then, to those who now see the transfiguration as the next step in their soul's fiery destiny, the first essential to becoming transfigured as beloved Jesus was: it is obedience to the Voice and the Law of your own beloved God Presence, as applied by your Holy Christ Self - the Teacher - to meet every situation and test, human and divine. You see, some students do not feel the need or the desire to surrender their will completely to God, thinking to retain, by right, some control. Blessed ones, in examining the cosmic record of centuries, I have never found one case in which human control exceeded or even equaled the wisdom and perfection of God-control and God-guidance. And I do not think I shall! However, the most humble, ordinary-appearing persons may be vested with such a radiance as the result of being God-guided that even the worldly, steeped in human concepts, can sense that there is something very special and wonderful about these devotees who do surrender their will to God and are blessed in return with the power of the greater will. This investment of God (notice, I say "in-vest-ment") is an act of the supreme guiding intelligence that controls every star in the sky. Here God's investment becomes man's investiture as the Father invests the power of his will in his sons and daughters who surrender their will to him and vests them therefore with a mantle of authority and responsibility to expand his kingdom below as above. This precept is still taught by Jesus in his parable of the talents: Thou hast been faithful (i.e., obedient, responsible, trustworthy) over a few things, I will make thee ruler (a co-creator with me) over many things.{21} Thus, obedience is the first simple step that must be taken. It is the threading of the eye of the needle for God's handiwork to come - cosmic Selfhood, divine, illumined, free. Truly you create yourself by allegiance (obedience) to your inner blueprint and the Voice within who so lovingly guides you into all Truth. When working in harmony with God's will, you must consciously think on Light from a divine standpoint. By and by, quite suddenly, you will find your whole being feeling lighter. This is because what you think on, you shall become. In this case, through thinking on God's light you are becoming that light in action everywhere you move. This is an automatic process which can attune your mind to God's Mind as well as tune the mind like a spiritual instrument, a divine harp, to harmonize with every other 'instrument' in the cosmic orchestra. When the light streams radiantly forth in a brilliant outpouring of harmonious music, and heavenly choruses travel on lightbeams from your God Presence directly into your world and affairs, you will know that the Initiator draweth nigh. At first you will begin to develop the sense of the transfiguration as Jesus did, and then you will begin to know, as he did, that this sensitivity to the daily transfusing light of the Presence, this attunement with the flow of the creative Word, is an experience drawing you nearer unto the Father, your own God Self, and to the full-orbed initiation of the transfiguration through beloved Lord Maitreya. May it be so! I bless you with this knowing. May your heart make it plain! In Illumination's Flame, I AM Kuthumi [Taken from the book version, Corona Class Lessons.] ****** Chapter 15 Beloved Jesus the Christ - April 14, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 15 - Beloved Jesus the Christ - April 14, 1961 TRANSFIGURATION Corona Class Lesson 17 Power "All Power Is Given unto Me ..." To You Who Must First Be Transformed by the Renewing of Your Minds - When I stood on the mountain with blessed Peter, James, and John, the world seemed far behind and God very near! That is the beauty of mountaintop experiences. Because I learned how to still the sounds of all human discord, it was possible for me to speak the words "Lo, I AM with you alway." These words were my promise that the I AM of me, focused on earth in the flame of my 'sacred heart', would remain constantly with each disciple as the guardian Light. And truly the I AM of me is with you today as you seek and find me through your own threefold flame. And I AM the Saviour of that Light, even as I AM in that Light. And that threefold flame is "the true Light which lighteth" every manifestation of God which descendeth into the physical plane! Some feel that I did not struggle to attain. Blessed ones, everyone who has ever entered the atmosphere where human discord (evil as the energy veil, or maya) dwells has had to face some measure of struggle. But, as your blessed Saint Germain has told you, it is the sense of struggle that makes the struggle.{22} Hence, the immaculate concept my blessed mother held for me, the periods of solitude when I withdrew from the discord of the mass mind, the interludes of fasting and communion with the Father were contributing factors that enabled me to draw from my God Source, whenever I needed it, the energy to heal, the strength to escape human limitations, and the wisdom to constantly keep in tune with the Power from on high. Blessed Kuthumi told you last week of the first step to transfiguration. He said it is obedience to the Voice and the Law of your own beloved God Presence. We both know that the human ego does not like to be told the simple and blunt Truth. But only Truth can make you free! Therefore study the Law and learn to know the Voice of God which speaks from out the flame of your heart. In this activity of The Summit Lighthouse, the Darjeeling Council has determined to set forth a high standard. The goal of your ascension is the highest goal of life. It demands excellence of striving and character - above all, the keeping of one's word; therefore do not give it lightly. We have already attained the goal of the ascension - my blessed mother has attained it, your blessed Saint Germain has attained it, and when you attain it, it will make you one with the immortals. I do not think, then, that anyone should gamble with such an opportunity. All of us were obedient to God as we made our way up the mount of transfiguration. We counted it the highest honor to so be and to so attain, and so it is. Kuthumi also spoke of thinking on Light, and that is the second step. The third is like it - thinking on Power. This Power is never human and must never be humanly appropriated: it is the all-Power of God. It is his "omnipotence." Doing these three things while repeating the "I AM" Lord's Prayer as I am reciting it here with you can raise your consciousness greatly: Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name, I AM. I AM thy kingdom come I AM thy will being done I AM on earth even as I AM in heaven I AM giving this day daily bread to all I AM forgiving all Life this day even as I AM also all Life forgiving me I AM leading all men away from temptation I AM delivering all men from every evil condition I AM the kingdom I AM the power and I AM the glory of God in eternal, immortal manifestation - All this I AM. The Light of God within you and the Power of God within you will assist you in expanding the Light (Christos) in every molecule of your being, until your own Presence floods forth its light rays to the center of each cell and to your heart center itself to glorify you as a Sun of God even as was done for me! What I tell you may seem to your outer minds but little, yet it is enough, blessed ones. The wise shall use it to attain transfiguration. After all, the Voice that spoke saying, "This is my beloved Son in whom I AM well pleased," was the Voice I had long obeyed. Peace be unto you, my peace I give unto you. Be, then, that peace! I AM the living Christ, Jesus [Taken from the book version, Corona Class Lessons.] ****** Chapter 16 Beloved Kuthumi - April 21, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 16 - Beloved Kuthumi - April 21, 1961 TRANSFIGURATION Corona Class Lesson 18 Wisdom "Give Thy Servant an Understanding Heart" Beloved Who Would Approach the Mount of Transfiguration with Him - Ascended Master words are cups of light indeed - of this you may be certain. Beloved ones, our Pearls of Wisdom on this vital subject, transfiguration, have not been as long as usual. This is for a reason. We are more interested in your getting the feeling of what this blessing will mean to you personally and to those fortunate enough to be associated with you when you have this experience (which automatically attunes you more completely with God) than we are in your intellectual conception thereof. We realize that some men and women who read these words may not fully understand the scriptures on these sacred subjects or even the purposes of God, due to the unfortunate effect of early training in this lifetime. Then, too, bitter lessons learned in the schoolrooms of life have left their scars upon their natures. Also, the truths of heaven have grown dim within their soul memory, whispering in syllables that seem forgotten symbols to the outer consciousness. Yet they are so rich in meaning to the immortal consciousness of the Holy Spirit who feeds the inner man{23} with the true manna (spiritual bread) of God that expands all that is of God within the soul. Blessed ones, to have our guidance may not seem important to those who like to feel that they are a law unto themselves (and they usually are). But you who have truly utilized the knowledge we have conveyed have almost always found it possible to avoid pitfalls and to make a more rapid as well as a safe progress in the perfections and wonders of the Divine. Not the least of man's gifts is wisdom. Solomon sought it above all and received in addition all the treasures of earth.{24} Following from afar in admiration of the Christ and the Ascended Masters may be interesting and informative, but to practice the laws of God as we did and to attain to a practical demonstration of our spiritual techniques is the surest path to victory and freedom - not only for the individual but for the entire planet! Those who wish to continue to think in the thoughtforms of children may do so; those who are not content with such a gait are the more energetic builders who rank among the constructive people of every age. These come into the vanguard of divine experiences and become either potential candidates for the ascension at the close of this embodiment or future saints and sages to show the way back Home to other seekers everywhere, who are also God's children. To change, then, from the limitations of human thought and feeling and to unite with your own God Presence before your ascension is to contact the Light that initiated all creation, both material and spiritual. It is to provide untrammeled avenues of thought to the radiance of God and to deny the waves of discordant energy entry into your feeling world. It is to transform this energy by the violet flame's transmutation, charging it with such a magnitude of God's light, love, and power that it shall never again be requalified with human conditions or limitations. This is a permanent, wholly constructive initiation which, once experienced, brings new understanding to the scriptural passage referring to Jesus' garments during the transfiguration, "white as snow, whiter than any fuller could white them."{25} The transfiguration is a living gift to each man and woman so honored, so immaculately clothed by God in the white light! Together, blessed Jesus and I await your externalization of this gift. May the excellence of the Light and the Power be yours, our pupils who shall soon be, by your example, qualified instructors of the Christian mysteries. I AM your progressive attainment in the unfailing Light - Your brother, Kuthumi [Taken from the book version, Corona Class Lessons.] ****** Chapter 17 Beloved Lord Lanto - April 28, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 17 - Beloved Lord Lanto - April 28, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom The radiance of God - which is every man's portion, whether he is conscious of it or not - is a divine gift whose energy, composed of eternal substance, ought to be husbanded with sincerity and distributed with wisdom so as to bring forth the beauty of all ages and eternity itself into the present moment of time as a lovely flow of wisdom and God-dexterity which, directing the conscious mind, the subconscious control factors, and the choice or desire mind of each lifestream, will sculptor in living energy the dominant beauty of the Holy Christ character! The students of the manifold religions of the world - in their individual responses to the divine voice calling within their own hearts - have made an attempt to develop the heavenly attributes in their own lives only to find that their "spirit of competition" in defense of their own particular ideology has intruded a discordant note of such proportions as to malign the entire image and permeate their feeling worlds with such sinister outpourings of hatred and projected discord as to confuse the youth of the world and thus strike a blow against the real God-ideals of life, which contain the best hope of mankind. The character of the Christ is the sometimes moot point of study on which men must concentrate, recognizing that the effects of the historical Jesus and other great masters are of little importance so far as they personally are concerned unless they do succeed in bringing into their own worlds, minds and affairs the God-powers which the great masters have always possessed yet have not always displayed to the eyes of the world. Confusion in religion is but a reflection of the distorted image composed of minute parts of the inflowing knowledge which men consciously retain but seldom assimilate and draw from either one or many diverse sources - which, although often sincere, are in themselves either incomplete or suffering from error in some of their basic or secondary ideas about God and the universal law. Confusion, then, symbolizes incompleteness or inaccuracy and should spur the sincere to ever new heights! Clarification or the clearing up of these whole matters would be easy enough if men would have faith in the Ascended Masters and could sit directly at our feet and receive the instruction we elect to give to those who do. Purposefully, a very orderly program has been set up by the Darjeeling and Indian Councils of the Great White Brotherhood for sequential release through the Pearls of Wisdom of The Summit Lighthouse. The goal of the Ascended Masters' councils is the promotion of greater understanding among the various religions of the world, so as to prepare the way for the desired unity in understanding which must enfold the world in the golden age. In that connection El Morya has inspired upon one of his devotees the creation of a Temple of Understanding to be built in Washington, D.C., the capital city of the United States, as a forerunner temple to the magnificent Temple of Victory which is to be so masterfully raised in the physical world from the Temple of Victory in the etheric realms at a later date, when certain steps now lacking are taken and the lovely forerunner Temple of Understanding is at last a reality. Mankind must recall, however, the words of the great Master Jesus concerning the temple of his own consciousness, "Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up" (John 2:19). The perfect body temple is representative of the focusing either consciously or unconsciously of accumulated divine energies in the realm of human density. The mental, emotional and memory worlds of man ought also to be considered as temples and therefore ought to be swept clean and free from all human debris of accumulated effluvia, which can never produce perfection. Parents who are able to effectively control the "intake" of their child's mind can avoid terrific hardship later in life and, by consciously selecting the good and the beautiful as a daily diet for the child, mold a character more readily adaptable to Christ consciousness in this very day. The lessons life teaches need not fall unfruitfully upon the one of more advanced experience in each embodiment - for, with the Mighty I AM Presence, each day is expanded to the dimensions of a thousand years and each thousand years contracted to the comfortable span of one perfect day! I am, therefore, at the request of the Darjeeling Council and the Brotherhood at the Royal Teton Retreat so mightily interested in expanding the divine cup which dwells in America's heart so that all the world may drink therefrom, preparing this - my first release in the Pearls - to call to the attention of the student body everywhere and all men of good will from every faith, creed and clime the wonderful opportunity available to all who will consciously desire the expression of the character of Christ in either the swaddling garments of "first understandings" or the more mature use of the radiance where the manchild in manifestation is the healing uplifting manifestation of Christ in character and also Christ in action! I AM sealing all who will accept it in the Flame of Divine Wisdom LANTO (Chohan of the Second Ray) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 18 Beloved Lord Lanto - May 5, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 18 - Beloved Lord Lanto - May 5, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom "Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul" - -Our immortal inspirations which abide in realms of light have been frequently drawn down into human consciousness, there to be clothed in poetic or lyric words by advanced men of the race such as Oliver Wendell Holmes, who are thus able to direct mankind in their present-day search for happiness which transcends or rises above human privation or self-imposed deprivation. Embodied in those words is much pertaining to the "building" or "constructing" side of Christlike character, particularly where Christ is realized to be synonymous with Light ("I AM" the Light of the world) and where the appellation "Son of God" is realized as being every man's portion or inheritance rather than a unique individualization of the Godhead. In the realm of God-Freedom, life affords each portion of itself with an equal opportunity to rise from the prodigal, fallen, or undeveloped state into all of the fullness of God which manifested so beautifully in the character of Jesus. For men to attain this is but the fulfillment of his own words and in no way detracts from his Christhood or the Godhead itself (which is strengthened by each ascension or "rising" in action to do even "greater things than I do"!). Consciously determining to become a living Christ and willingness to study to show one's self approved unto God is a goal worthy of the highest cosmic honor and may be pursued by men, women and even children at almost any reasonable age or state of development. Like, yet unlike, the demands of the study of the law, medicine, or science, such divine studies pertain to the highest priesthood of the Spirit from whence are drawn those ministering to the immortal requirements or needs of this planet. Blessed ones - the tiny "blooms" in the windowsills of life have in the past been nourished by countless loving feminine as well as some masculine hearts and adored by the appreciative eyes of the children of all ages. The evolving sometimes fragile floral beauty has been guarded and assisted so much by the invisible elemental gardeners of the Father's kingdom. Many of the lovely plants you presently enjoy may have forerunners which graced the Garden of Eden, flourished in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, or adorned the humble cottage of Joseph and Mary at Nazareth. Who shall declare the ultimate abode of these floral emissaries of the spirit of life? Mankind, too, are tender plants - hence, how many of you know in your outer human consciousness just what you may one day become? Or just what one of these seemingly insignificant "little ones" of God - whom men reject for a trifle - may become? Nurture, therefore, these tender plants of life which the Father has planted upon earth. Remember, "No man can pluck them out of the hand of immortal life (the Father)!" Beholding the principle of growth in Nature - which is also obvious in the body of a young child whose tiny spine soon assumes the proportions of manhood - you must realize that, invisible though it may seem to the outer mind and consciousness, the character of men, women and children is continually being molded by ofttimes invisible influences (in-flowing concepts, precepts and recepts from somewhere), either by conscious invitation or otherwise, which act to harness and use the constant flow of power God gives so as to form the image according to the pattern of thought or feeling each man may assume as governed so frequently by these external influences. Those thoughts which are held for but a moment carry far less weight of effect than those upon which men dwell at length. It is difficult at some stages for evolving chelas on the path to stop the negative thoughts from passing through or before the consciousness, coming as they do from human thinking and feeling and constantly finding in someone fertile soil in which to grow; but it is possible to control them by giving them minimum attention and dismissing them as soon as possible by the energy of love released in a wave of the hand and the Master's thought - "Get thee hence, 'I AM' about my Father's business!" The character of Christ is builded, then, by diligence and by continuous and conscious recognition of God's image, and represents each man's degree of receptivity to this divine gift of abundant life. The cohesive power by which a central idea becomes the magnetized core embodying life's desirable qualities is utilized in drawing and holding close to one's own heart the qualities of the character of Christ to re-create in one's own self the image of God. This is the true "thinking upon the Presence"! It is Be-coming the power of the I AM Presence in daily action and the central theme of divine education that molds in Light around the core of the blessed seed idea, the whole virtue of God himself. (I and my Father are one.) Secular education is not contra-distinct from divine knowledge, for both are attainable in the same manner. Study, then, the sacred writings or study the accepted scientific texts, for both are pathways of learning for certain segments of facts. Yet, both spiritual and "human" knowledge can also be attained by meditative and other spiritual means whereby men and women become God-taught through attunement with the natural or cosmic wisdom in the Mind of God himself (the Universal Mind). The student, above all, must be aware that God is and that, because he is, one can rejoice in abundant life embodied so lovingly in the syllabizing of his name I AM and the consciousness that because he lives we do, too. (I AM) life, then, is not an arena where men as gladiators contend for an earthly prize, but it is rather a swiftly moving "chariot of fire," leaping into the boundless arms of eternal life, infinite magnitude, immortal love, and expanding God consciousness, whose capacity of ever-living care manifests in the All-Seeing Eye which envisions only the full perfection of life itself and the blessed happiness of that highest attainment of life - the excellence of the divine image and character the Christ for all until all shall chorus in unison, "I AM the light of the world, the hope of one brotherhood!" I AM amplifying with you the knowledge of God LANTO (The Ascended Master) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 19 Beloved Lord Lanto - May 12, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 19 - Beloved Lord Lanto - May 12, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom The bubbles of human vanities are easily shattered even when men desire to sustain them, yet the "pipes of habit" continue to blow what appears an endless stream of bubbles of hypnotic fascination and distraction which turns human attention away from the Light that is its sustainer and source, and keeps a running fever of excitement raging rampant through the strata of human mind and consciousness. When the desire to outpicture Christ consciousness in character is solidified so as to become a firm resolve or determination, all goes well while contemplating the idea, but when the tests of that character are met as the individual's consciousness meets in a head-on clash with other lifestreams and personalities, there is usually a strong pull to revert to the more primitive thoughts and feelings. Now, when in the radiation of the Ascended Masters, these waves of discord do not seem to have much effect. And when caught up in the beautiful idea of being a Christ, it seems to individuals as if nothing could sway them from the Path. Yet time after time lifestreams have gone down under the negative drag of human emotions, only to be rescued once again by the call of their own God Presence, which ever tries to lift the consciousness into its own realms of peace and harmony. Hence, the divine strategy must be planned. Outwitting the wiles of human qualities and momentums does not happen by chance. It can be attained by attunement and meditation, and these can be mightily aided and abetted by the study of a divine counterplan based on ascended-master education whose purpose and goal is the deliberate encouragement of all actions and techniques which have been found, through trial and error in the crucibles of spiritual and human studies, to have been efficacious in achieving the given end - in this case, the goal of manifesting the character of Christ to its fullness. Actually, the character of Christ is the spiritual counterpart of the seamless garment he wore. Made with the purpose of an enfolding covering, its white purity symbolized the inner beauty of his nature, which constantly held a transcendent image of God-perfection of all with whom he came in contact. His character was not developed with the idea of personal entertainment. He derived his happiness from exalting the God in all he contacted. He loved the elements and the forces of Nature; he attuned with the God in all things and thus had dominion over all things, because it is the God consciousness which is centrally omnipotent at the core of every manifestation. The basic structure of every cell of every brick, every stem and bud is the electronic elements of the divine electricities! To set men free, then, to show them how to find happiness, is the greatest blessing, the greatest goal and the greatest love for life possible. Divine education to this end must be developed within each chela who intends to do and be that which Jesus and other great Ascended Masters are! Miscellany - or diversion into a multitude of things - is the downfall of mankind; whereas oneness, centrality, universality or God-centeredness is the concentrated love, wisdom and power that educates the whole being of man so as to perceive in the heart of all the miscellaneous things which are in existence - the beauteous radiance of the intelligent electron controlling form so as to manifest diversely for the use of man - or the many. Now comes the right use of form, which is to serve the God-intelligence, the God-power, and the God-love of life in obeying its commands, which can only produce the happiness of perfection always. Most men are ruled, then, by a lesser character, a pseudo-character, which they and the forces of human thought have molded through millenniums of submission to a finite rule, custom, habit, and rebellious human stubbornness which has only produced sorrow. From this, men must be divinely educated to adorning and adoring the inner man of the heart - the Christ or Light of God whose minute flame embodied in all hearts must expand if they are to be free from human serfdom and stand as the exalted creation of God - a living Christ among men. Developing this character must be both from within out and from without in. God is everywhere and unless he is invoked and called into action, both within and without, the lesser, long-established human control through entrenched habit continues in command. Those who would begin their divine education, then, will do so first by the determined pursuit of the character of the Christ, which does not merely worship Christ but follows the highest covenant of his heart by imitating him! This is true, educative worship that expands and expands without limit until the whole Christ character in full command declares, "All power in heaven and earth is given unto me" - and it will be absolutely so for you! This is the will, which is also the wisdom, of God for you. I AM revealing A Goal of Transcendent Glory LANTO (The Ascended Master) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. ****** Chapter 20 Beloved Lord Lanto - May 19, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 20 - Beloved Lord Lanto - May 19, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom The love of God, in which I AM now permanently abiding since my ascension, was first consciously and intensely felt and known by me when embodied long ago in China. There, as a small boy walking barefoot in the temple gardens, 'neath Oriental skies, the same kindly radiance that reaches into and touches sincere hearts of both East and West today flooded my then young body with a happy light. It was this light of happiness with its simple inner beauty which enabled me to keep my faith with God's own righteousness - and especially that individually expressed righteousness which does not seek just its own self-good, but first pauses to ponder in its heart the best interests of others in the face of every danger! It is such a help, blessed ones, to develop a "knowing" that the ultimate and sole purpose of Life is grand and noble. This knowledge in itself is a spiritual lodestone and love star of hope for all who seek unceasingly to overcome so-called evil with good! I AM so intensely interested in assisting men and women everywhere in cultivating the character of Christ as a tangible quality which eventually then becomes so near and real as to be almost considered a "garment" or "raiment" of the Spirit - discernible also by anyone perceptive enough to recognize the divine fruit of others without requiring another's opinions to bolster up their own sagging spiritual abilities! To these perceptive ones, Christlike characteristics are of all gifts most desirable and priceless to their own reckoning. Such adornment is esteemed, then, by true hearts as being of heaven, and no imperfections from the past - no human doubts or fears of the present or any sense of apprehension whatsoever concerning the future - has any power to disturb the consciousness of Christ itself, which Christ consciousness is an ark of divine salvation to all those who are poised, anchored and centered in it rather than in human personality with its ceaseless idle chatter. True indeed and regrettable is it that periodic straying forth from this Christ-centered consciousness into human pastures of "thought" has often subjected the young lambs to the onslaughts of those "roaring lions" who ever seek to devour and malign by gossip all who truly serve the Light by creating distortion of fact and repeating of falsehoods based on human misinterpretation. Almost from the so-called beginning of time this has been so and was clearly described by Jesus himself when he told of the enemy coming and sowing tares among the good planting (among the children of Light - see Matthew 15:24-29). These peace-disturbing, tale-bearing enemies have no power except that which people give them, and they shall eventually utterly come to naught, as shall everyone who fails to recognize that divine justice is always found in the Ascended Masters' consciousness because they (the Ascended Masters) know the heart! Students of Light, however, must learn to stand alone in the victory of their own great God Presence and not rely on the human opinions of others - no matter how logical these opinions may seem to the human. The sinister side of life itself knows no honor whatsoever and does not for one moment hesitate to attempt to hurt, impede and destroy if possible the Ascended Masters' wholly constructive plans for the earth through the human viciousness of its tools - without any genuine cause! Now, the release of the Pearls of Wisdom is a divine gift for all men, and everyone associated with the Heart Center have given their all to the cause of Light for the planet earth and for every city and person upon it! They have unselfishly served the cause of freedom - and just because one person in their human thought does not see it or does not want to see it is no reason whatever for intrigue or falsehood to be spread by that one, which in reality is directed only against the Light! This is an old, old story - the sinister force always tries to impugn the channels God uses. Of Jesus they said he had an evil spirit, of Saint Germain (embodied as Lord Bacon) they accused him of theft. But divine justice, that knows all and sees all, always triumphs in the end. Often one person - because they are very destructive - can wreak seeming temporary havoc directly among those who permit themselves to be influenced and disturbed by such a one. I AM certain however that the Light of God does not fail, and will one day reveal all that has been done in secret in letters of living fire. Blessed ones, may I say in truth, wherever these Pearls have gone, or where our Messenger has gone, he has only spread abroad the message of love, light and life itself. He has sought no destruction whatever, only kindness and divine friendship to all, and has served our cause for many years. Those who sought the "limelight" for themselves by giving gifts to him and have then used the human media of gossip to broadcast their own virtue and try to tear him down because he accepted their gift in good faith, will one day gaze in life's great mirror to see the error of their own ways, and then shame and remorse shall come to them for all the carelessness and destruction they have expressed, which truly amounts to placing God last by trying to spread inharmony and vicious rumors among God's people, or attempting to discredit the one through whose conscious attunement with our council all these magnificent Pearls have been brought forth. I, Lanto, thank the students who have so faithfully kept up decrees for the protection of The Summit Lighthouse and its Messenger and staff. These shall be blessed and the end of impending evil shall come swiftly. Oh, it goes on for awhile and they keep rewarming the same old distortions and trying to put new twists in old errors just to keep a disturbance going, but it will not work, for the light of God never, never, never fails! Because this activity is builded so solidly upon the rock, I, Lanto, declare in wisdom's name - it shall stand to fulfill El Morya's dream, and those who have aided it shall be so grateful one day that they did, as they "see" just why Utopia did come into manifestation because of their cooperation, constancy and determination to be Christs in action and help drive from the temple of Life those moneychangers who are always seeking human goals because they lack understanding and absolutely do not know what they do. This holds even for the so-called intellectually wise! Blessed ones, remember this - the great masters have said, "The love of money is the root of all evil" and on earth this is absolutely true among mankind. Now, Jesus declared, in order to cut man free from dependence on others, "It is the Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom" - which clearly shows that God intends every one to possess all the good in creation. Beloved ones, you do not, then, need to cater to or submit to human pressures, to fears, doubts and someone's mere intellectual expressions, which all pass away, in order to obtain the real treasures of heaven. These treasures will come to you from your own God Presence here and now and also hereafter, and only human doubt and wavering can stop or delay their manifestation. The admonishment "If ye have the faith of a grain of mustard seed, etc., .... ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done for you," is still the answer! (Matthew 17:20) You do not need to look to a human source to receive your supply, for all will come to you from God - including your peace, your harmony and your salvation. Dedicate all your energies then to one purpose - the outpicturing of the character of Christ in all you do, think, feel or say. Do it first and you will soon see the truth behind the old, tested, tried-and-true statement that "God helps those who help themselves." Then you will draw closer to God and to dependence on him for all your needs. Do you not think so, blessed ones? Will this not help to eliminate petty human jealousies which create countless misdirections of motive, often in a most subtle manner? Clothe yourself, then, in the holy garments of Christ light, of divine action, Christ-power and true nobility, and then see for yourself that all weaving his garments in truth shall never lack what they really need. Remember the words, "The Lord has need of him" (spoken concerning the young colt which Jesus rode into Jerusalem. See Mark 11:2-3) Meditate on this until it is clear to you - God-revealed and inspiring! The garments of the Lord which all may wear also have other qualities of invulnerability, enabling your so-called "Tube of Light" to take on added strength as your God Presence draws nigh unto you whenever you adhere to the policy of doing as Jesus would do! Wearing these garments will help you manifest divine discernment for yourself, and when you do "see" as Jesus did anyone resembling an unfruitful fig tree, you will know within yourself that you or any other man can never again eat of that tree which has already withered away spiritually. Beloved ones, the secret of spiritual virility is here, for the life in the seed of the fruitful tree always insures and sees to it that not only shall it live, but that others also shall live and more abundantly in joy because of its own manner of living. So, then, direct your lives as sons and daughters of God, and I am sure that you will see for yourself a renewed and strengthened faith in the good in life and in all that is divinely constructive! On this, then, place your attention with safety! For thus shall you prosper and thus shall the kingdom of God unhindered become a reality to you "sooner than ye think"! "I AM" blessing you with God's abundant life forever! Lo - "I AM" with you always, LANTO (Chohan of be Second Ray) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 21 Beloved Saint Germain - May 26, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 21 - Beloved Saint Germain - May 26, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom Blessed ones- Those beauteous ribbons or bands of light rays which connect each lifestream with the Heart of their own God Presence deserve more attention and expansion; for with such expansion, increased good can flow directly into your world as greater God-supply, God-health, happiness and every wonderful thing which the Father longs to bestow upon you! Another purpose of this ribbon of connecting light is to unite or tie together all life in one great God-illumined whole, thus assuring every seemingly separate one that they are in reality never alone - for their lovely God Presence is the point of contact between their own consciousness and every individualized "spark" here in the world of form or on any other solar or cosmic body in any part of the entire Cosmos However, I suggest that every student of divine law realize the need for the law of God to fix the so-called bounds of habitation for mankind. This assures each person's locale in space and the justice of their cosmically-timed evolution for every embodiment in accordance with the factors of divine intent and their own reaction to the purposes of God. Such cosmically-controlled limitation is important to avoid chaos and guarantee to all that if they fall short of the mark of their destiny they need blame only themselves. I AM determined to declare this truth which, while self-evident, the students have often rationalized or attempted to rationalize away by blaming others for their own failures. Repeatedly we have requested the same obedience and because they have not heeded our request they have temporarily failed. The banns of human failure, even as a proposed marriage, broadcast themselves so rapidly, whereas God-success seems to be given little notice. Amplify, blessed ones, the things God loves and the blessings you have received, and assure yourself of their continuation! We want to do this and I AM certain - if you stop to think - you do, too. Let us follow beloved Lanto in his marvelous suggestions and forego the foolishness of human nonsense by outwitting the destructive forces, thus withdrawing power from them and giving them to God where they belong so that he can shower the earth with the rays of Light for the golden age without further delay. Such is our aim and we will do our part to see that it is carried out - can we depend on you? So frequently lifestreams fail to perceive the need for order above - which is heaven's first law. They accept that mankind need it here but seem to forget that divine order is born in our realm. God has a Hierarchy of beings to carry out his will. There is absolutely no human quality operative in divine octaves, for every being of heaven can be said to almost laugh for joy when they see victory and creative power manifesting its expanding perfection through any other part of heaven. We know that the victory of the universe is inexorably linked into one integrated whole - and the good for one is the good for all! We are not subject to human confusions or humanly conceived ideas or influences. I am certain many of you - if not most of you blessed readers of our words - would be ever so grateful to escape into the peace and beauty of our octaves, but we want you to know that to do so has its requirements and there is a price for immortality: it is your all. Jesus' words, "He who seeks to save his life shall lose it, and he that loses his life for my sake (Christ - the `Light's sake') shall find it again" - are absolute God wonder and truth! Their fulfillment is the blessed freedom of all eternity! Human discord and rebellion exert their influences on those who do not completely insulate themselves from the muddied state of confusion which the erstwhile or careless student may manifest no matter how long they may have studied in this or any other embodiment. It is the living of the life - not the knowing alone - that produces victory and freedom! True, each life is equally precious to God, but because all have free will and the power to choose for themselves - and because they do not all choose alike or necessarily aright - some fall so short of the mark that they do not even resemble human beings in their feelings but are more like beasts in the jungle. Yet they feel completely right, while they console themselves in the heady wine of self-righteousness and self-love. Such individuals are most uncomfortable to live with for all concerned, and because they are their own worst enemies they blindly cannot understand the source of their unhappiness. The right use of free will, then, is the essential difference between the spiritually exalted ones and those who are constantly whirled in a maelstrom of confusion. True peace, blessed friends of freedom, is in the heart of your own God Presence, and these words are a mandate of freedom to those who, shaking off human lethargy or thought, will arise to claim their own blessed liberty! You may call to your own blessed Holy Christ Self and to the Holy Christ Self of others, and help goes forth instantly at your call. However, if they continually reject him or the great law, that law, blessed ones, must go into action! For you, then, to stand in human sympathy or as a corollary to evil - or to be a mere human sycophant - is to interfere with this great law. You do more harm to the one you seek to protect when you stand between them and divine justice (to stay its manifestation) than you may even realize. Call instead for the divine plan to be fulfilled and quickly, and then know with certainty that the God-command you affirm is kind, just, mighty and real and that it will surely manifest in the fullness of time and with good fruit for that lifestream as God wills it! All, of course, are connected with us always, but all do not develop their own realization of this or live accordingly at all times. To demand, then, that your consciousness be firmly anchored in God in the face of every problem in life is helpful beyond measure. Affirm often - "I AM the only power in all creation." This statement when called into action is a real abiding blessing, far exceeding mere human desires or ambitions, and points the way unmistakably to life's eternal freedom! Next week Mother Mary speaks her heart with my own in a united service to the glory and power of the violet flame. I remain forever, SAINT GERMAIN (The beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 22 Beloved Mother Mary - June 2, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 22 - Beloved Mother Mary - June 2, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom Thought itself, blessed children of God everywhere who are so much a part of my blessed family, is a most wondrous manifestation when it is wholly directed by the great God Presence of each lifestream! At the present time the blessed process of thinking is so often interrupted in the consciousness of individuals simply because about 90 percent or more of its energy is in direct control most of the time of so-called "automatic" states of response to stimuli whereby the "governing frequency" is almost completely established by "conditioned" patterns of wrongly qualified habit as well as mere mimicry of other human beings. Concentration on the ideals of Christhood and the consciousness of Christ, and upon the lives of many of those blessed souls men call "Saints" from past ages, is a blessed means whereby you may establish in yourself enough divine compassion and spirit of concord with the thoughts of these blessed beings, thereby obtaining a more speedy release from jeopardizing human pits of stultified thought. Such transference of consciousness brings to all who will follow my suggestion a more highly organized estate wherein you can accept the complete naturalness of living as God intended. You see, blessed ones, the desire to be popular (which has caused so much delay and confusion) is often yielded to because of many visible and contemporary bad examples of human conduct which in themselves, through popular acceptance and use, seem harmless enough, whereas in reality are highly contrary to the magnificent eternal Be-ness of the hosts of heaven, whose good examples vibrate so rapidly as to be an unrecognizable "blur" for most people's limited human vision. Yet these dear ones of heaven, expressing so marvelously in the heavenly invisible realm, actually infinitely outnumber the multitudes of undesirable examples living on this dear earth. One day, as we have done, the mankind of earth will realize that the vales of earth are small and limited by comparison with the octaves of light's beauty and the goals of righteousness whose treasures are beyond compare. Wise, then, is the one who contemplates those who have entered into a state of God-freedom such as is truly known by those unascended Christ-resurrected ones, and those Christ-ascended ones forever. These are God-ordained examples whose reliability in spiritual matters is proven to the Ascended Masters themselves through tests won in the crucible of eternal victorious planetary experience. Blessed ones - the violet fire is most efficacious in freeing human thought processes so as to respond to the impulses of man's own God Self in an increasingly effective manner; yet I marvel how students who profess to yearn for freedom will give in to the abject habit of putting off making their "calls" to Light and for more violet fire simply because they encounter a state of mind where they temporarily suffer from a spiritual stalemate caused either by their own unredeemed karma crowding forward for redemption or the spirit of human monotony or "sameness" - which condition usually sets in just before the momentum of full victory over a condition is attained. At that point, the continued use of the violet fire would bring more permanent freedom and victory in the Light to that lifestream, with its attendant overcoming of a multitude of human problems by the power of the God Flame! But because of human lethargy this constructive action of the Spirit is aborted, together with the labors of righteousness which preceded it. You see, blessed ones, temporary escape from monotony is afforded through creating more negative karma which, moving from the deadness of center, swings the pendulum once again, breaking the stalemate, but moving in the wrong direction! There is no substitute for faith and faithfulness under most trying conditions. The women of the world excel in these qualities, but many men are learning the virtue of endurance as well. All move through initiation up the ladder of Light by the pressure of experience and the longing of their soul for progress. Eventually necessity compels the sincere student who is in the temporary grip -or coil and recoil -of unwinding karmic bondage to seek release from the condition which binds through either prayer or intercession, or by the use of the blessed violet fire of freedom's love. Blessed ones -a well-organized program is so vital in the present time of world distress when so many distractions and diversions attempt to take the mind of the aspiring chela from its God Source. Long ago when embodied in the era of Jesus' coming, when yet a tiny girl at play with beloved Elizabeth (later to be the mother of John the Baptist) the conditions of the world were so different. Our closeness, then, to all nature kept us more readily in tune with all the loveliness of Life. Today, however, all life needs the rhythm of regularity. And the well-established maxim "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again" is most symbolical of the needed constancy expressed by the true Brotherhood of Light! Lovingly face the violet fire without any fear, O my children. Would you have fear of God, who is ever your kind and loving Father? Then fear not the violet fire of his love either. It is true that all should honor God's laws and understand that the aspect of a fear bordering on trusting respect is the beginning of holy wisdom. Respect and devotion should likewise be held for the violet fire of God, which was created as a flame of mercy to transmute or change all discord into Light. Never fear, then, the invocation or calling forth of this fire, which is intended to cause the so-called "devils" of human miscreation (of which there are legion in your octave) to tremble! My son Jesus declared often "Get thee hence!" thus commanding all discord into the violet fire of mercy, forgiveness and forgetfulness. Go, then, and do thou likewise if you would progress on the pilgrim's eternal way that each saint, each chela, each disciple must lovingly, joyously, determinedly and unceasingly call for if they would speedily find the love and peace which they seek. "I AM" always your Cosmic Mother - every step of the way! MOTHER MARY (The beloved Ascended Master Mother Mary) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 23 Beloved El Morya - June 9, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 23 - Beloved El Morya - June 9, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom Decisive measures are required for satisfactory results. When men learn that the "measures" of the universe are accurate, they will cease to willfully or carelessly attempt to cheat the karmic scales! Vacillation and weak loyalty are poor substitutes for the gracious outpouring of heaven, whose eternal felicities are enjoyed in part by prince and pauper alike. I cater not to the ignorance of willful men and women who are not willing to pay the price of heavenly destinies. The love of one elemental being is worth more in a second than the selfishly oriented offerings of a lifetime for the curious dilettante. Let us, then, during the present lovely outpouring of Nature's glories turn our attention away from human nonsense and undertake the clarification of the many wonderful ideas concerning the Great White Brotherhood, which ought to be better understood by mankind so that greater cooperation with the current divine tide and the directed plans of the Ascended Masters is forthcoming from all of those students who in their professed love for us and the Light of God should realize that our plans are not only most practical but urgent for the protection and upliftment of the earth as well as the evolving of the high spiritual civilization which must accompany the release of greater numbers of the blessed incoming children of the seventh root race. It is quite natural that students should seek a richer measure of personal happiness and it is on this lure that many are led to an eventual first contact with us - also through such channels as the Darjeeling Council, the Pearls of Wisdom and the accompanying release of spiritual help and knowledge often imparted at inner levels which is frequently sensed by the more sensitive of our new chelas and the more seasoned old "campaigners." But still many who are truly beneficiaries do not yet fully comprehend the great outpouring of protection and Light which is directed to and through them during sleeping hours as well as during waking moments! Returning then to the idea of personal gain, i.e., greater health, wealth, happiness, etc., let the students understand that the mere mitigation of karma in itself does not bring these manifestations - for they must first be called forth - and the wisest will request these blessings for all mankind (not just themselves alone), thus riding the crest of the universal outpouring to come more quickly to a personal state of harmonium! To enter a more consciously active role for the Great Brotherhood ought to be the goal of every aspirant. And therefore the Darjeeling Council wishes during June and July to shed still more light on personal cooperation with these marvelous brothers of Light's perfection such as the Brothers of the Golden Robe, the Brothers of the Diamond Heart, etc. To this end, we have requested the Karmic Board to address you according to their greater wisdom. At this point we are assured of their cooperation and I AM looking forward to the release of most transcendent and helpful material of inestimable value to all who have ears to hear and a heart to understand. Though at times I may appear somewhat as almost an impatient Master, being the Lord of the First Ray (representing the will of God upon an earth, where so much human will runs rampant), I assure you each one that my purposes - every one - are all for your freedom and blessing, for I do love each of you and offer you the fullness, strength, direction, courage and freshness of the first outpouring direct from God's own Mind! I AM your First Ray friend eternal EL MORYA (The beloved Ascended Master - Lord of God's First Ray) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 24 Beloved Kuan Yin - June 16, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 24 - Beloved Kuan Yin - June 16, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom Precious ones of heaven's family upon earth - hope in almost any situation is a dazzling ray of Light piercing the sometimes monotonous or leaden human gloom. It is often the forerunner of the eternal mercy of God which is just around the corner, waiting to release those caught in seemingly intolerable human states. Mercy, which also means "thanks" - merci (French) - is indeed the gratitude of God for the "open door" of mankind's receptivity, which thus prepares the way for the Deity to bless mankind - and also the earth itself - with the more abundant fruit of the divine plan personally bestowed, with every possible goodness which will eventually eliminate from human consciousness, and then mortal affairs, all limitation and every unhappy experience! Because the pressures of divine desire want this brought about immediately, there is a continual radiation through space of a many-faceted action of the eternal law, which is trying valiantly to harmonize all of the many laws which operate in human affairs. Dear ones, in our octave there is never wasteful opposition to the law. You see, it is resistance, blessed ones, combined with misused free will which brings the manifest appearance of so much chaos and confusion upon earth as often seems the bane of mortal existence! Almost everyone understands some phase of the divine law's operation, but very few among mankind understand all of the many complex interactions which are possible. As a member of the Great Karmic Board I AM addressing you concerning the "quality of mercy which is not strained" but which blesses life with divine mercy as a gentle rain! Thus I joyously give my blessing to you, for it is my wish to bring you the wisest measure of assistance possible so as to comfort each reader by mercy and truth - and then amplify and expand that blessing of mercy and comfort out into the world of form where it is so sorely needed, so as to cover the earth with mercy's kindly radiance! You see, an inflexible law of the universe operating without mercy would be ever so destructive, and divine law is only constructive! Mercy is ever a divine quality and should always be brought into action in all your personal affairs - taking care, of course, not to let it draw you down into a state of mere "human sympathy" where discord gains control, but rather, by consciously directing the currents of God's will and the radiance of the divine Light into and around each and every situation, you will be causative in providing the divine compassionate answer to the call of all human hearts! All will then be well, as the Light does its perfect work. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the creation and establishment of the Great Karmic Board was itself an act of divine mercy which the world to the present day little notes or understands. Were the great law to function without our ministrations it would be "impersonal" indeed - so much so that many aspirants who are ever so sincere could well have been denied entrance to a higher way (even when they desired it) simply because of the oppressive weight of their own past karma. Thus it is God's will that this Board exercise its powers as his own to bless and direct the just course of events and the affairs of mankind upon earth - because we are well trained and qualified to so serve the divine hierarchy and plan of God. I wish to explain what may seem simple to some and difficult of comprehension (at first) to others. You see, God - the Mighty I AM Presence of all life, has no knowledge whatsoever of that which men and women call evil, of that which is vibrating at a rate less than heaven's own light. How, then, do you reconcile this, blessed ones, with the God who "knows" of even the sparrow's fall? I shall try to convey this truth to you, assuring you that the simple trusting mind of a little child will perhaps best grasp the idea - if it has adult comprehension. When creation stood complete - as recorded in Genesis of your bible - it is written that God saw the creation he had made and that it was good. Later, it is recorded that he witnessed the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah prior to their destruction by fire and saw the deeds of the people that they were evil. Again, in another place, you may read, "My eyes are too pure to behold iniquity!" The now contradictory answer, then, is simply found (as it is in fact) in dividing the stream of consciousness which flows from the "throne" (the seat of eternal conscious authority and direction) of God into a series of descending levels and then to realize that there is a point in the vibratory action of life below which the Deity does not descend (and yet, in which human consciousness almost wholly functions). Inasmuch as all life is God - being composed of the energies of his electrons, etc. - human densities retain the intelligence to operate below that point lowest in divine levels, which in the material realm is called "human consciousness." The Holy Christ Self of each man, however, is the mediator, vested with the authority to rise into the divine level and then again to descend and contact the human level of consciousness. Long ago the planet earth - by playing host to the laggards from other planets - and evolutions took on many of their retardant qualities, and does now vibrate at a much slower rate than was originally intended. Now, because the wholly impartial action of the law would actually have defeated the very purposes of the Godhead, the Great White Brotherhood, as an act of cosmic mercy, secured the necessary dispensations from the Supreme One so as to endow, sustain and invest our seven-member Board with the absolute responsibility and authority for the administering of divine justice to the entire planet earth. In these days of peril, in view of many individual and planetary complex human conditions, and so as to avoid any real miscarriage of justice and secure the protection of the great mercy of God, I was chosen to sit on this Board as representative of mercy. I AM well aware - as are the other members of the Board - of the great criticisms which are often leveled at all of us by those who do not realize what they are doing (and perhaps do not even know we exist), saying, "O, there is no justice anywhere!" You see, we have been acting for a long time as a buffer between the fire of divine perfection and the shame of human discord, often taking the brunt of untold misdirected human energy - yet we ourselves are simply delighted whenever We can blunt the pain and hurt of earth and then lead a lifestream, a city, a nation or an entire continent and world toward the highest way of Life. Blessed ones, some among mankind actually criticize the Father himself when they observe various destructive forces in action - or see the temporary prosperity of the "wicked" and note the difficulty many so-called good individuals encounter at times. We, however, who see every lifestream as a God Flame and read from the akashic records (the true spiritual records of the happenings of every separate life) the cause of every condition, have no difficulty in subsequently evaluating the causes of each seeming success or failure. But, blessed ones, neither human success nor failure are permanent! Life intends that all shall eventually rise to respond to its call! The law of the "cycles" of life must be heeded in the onward march of the spirit or else men are left behind in the current spiritual evolutions and fall back to move with another lifewave - thus further delaying their own good from manifesting! I have mentioned the Great Karmic Board by way of introduction, because I AM considered a more popular member thereof (as many call for mercy) and in China I AM also quite revered by the multitudes to the present day. However, blessed ones, the purpose of the current series of Pearls is to shed greater light on the many marvelous functions of the Great White Brotherhood and inasmuch as the Great Karmic Board is one of the most protective services of the Brotherhood and actually a real Divine advocate and friend for all, I am delighted to have had this little talk with you, although I have left a great deal unspoken. You will understand that through our service the purity and heights of heaven remain in a state of "all is well," whereas men on earth are assured that the wisdom of Solomon - which is really the wisdom of God - is ever present to make those right decisions which in the long run present the best hopes to every life and in whose hands all shall find mercy, comfort and a steadfast enfoldment, with increasing victory, increasing compassion, increasing understanding and a life forever more abundantly happy! In the interest of Greater Understanding, I AM, in mercy's name KUAN YIN (The Goddess of Mercy) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 25 The Mighty Elohim Cyclopea - June 23, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 25 - The Mighty Elohim Cyclopea - June 23, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom To the mankind of earth I bring the greetings of the Great White Brotherhood and the blessed all-enfolding consciousness of the All-Seeing Eye of God, which I represent in my special services to the Great Karmic Board! Mankind, functioning as they do in relative limitation, the grossness of which - like a veil - has isolated and separated the wonderfully made parts of creation into rival rather than harmonizing forces and has presently prevented the blessed people of earth from having the full enjoyment of those wonderful daily opportunities which exist so abundantly all around them! That supreme forces for their freedom are now operative, that the Mind of God and the All-Seeing Eye (consciously enfolding "all-knowing" presence of divinity) have from the beginning established and decreed their eternal victory and freedom "in the Light" seems poor consolation to these temporarily "bereaved" ones, whose painful separation from their divinity with its unlimited power seems so real while those same great powers seem so distant and unreal! Constantly, in our longing, we have directed mighty healing currents down into the chalice of the human heart! Beams of intelligent Light rays have swept the soul of man, probed the depths of human despairs and rendered untold blessings upon millions through the years of civilization's chronological existence. For example, often unprotected individuals in America little dream that strange and erratic impulses which are not divine in origin, often originating in some shadowed opium den in the Orient - nor do they realize that conversely, in the Orient some of the unrest they feel is the result of the thoughts and feelings of significant numbers of discordant feelings in the people of the Western hemisphere, who, seething with unrest, go out from the physical form at night and sometimes affect the one-half of the waking world adversely. The interplay of influence is tremendous, for we who work at inner levels know in reviewing the karmic records that this is so! Therefore, the Great Karmic Board wishes to stress the need for individuals to daily keep on visualizing themselves surrounded with the dazzling white light of their own God Presence and the calling forth of the violet fire so as to transmute any or all of the residue of past influences in their four lower bodies or immediate atmosphere which is of human discordant origin! Remember, it is reported of beloved Jesus that he was found in fashion as a man, but that he then humbled himself (abased the ego) and exalted his God Self (the Father) by rendering a cosmic obedience to Light. This is the way by which each lifestream must escape into the fullness of understanding and that degree of God illumination which is the complete enfolding of the human with the light of its own divinity (its Real Self). Such is to outpicture, as I do, the immaculate concept of God which the Presence holds constantly for each one individually! It is of great assistance if people will think upon the aspect of individualization and then realize that it is in truth an individing of God's man-i-festa-tions (many or "happy festive" expressions) which has made it possible for a part of the whole to render a special service to other parts of the same whole, and to be then the recipient of benefits from many sources and from the one rather than go down in the stream of idle human thought. To illustrate more fully, let me point out that Jesus' love for mankind which enabled him to walk the hillsides of Judea and serve the "few" with his personal Presence - was later amplified almost without limit when he ascended into a realm of seeming separation from them ("I go to prepare a place for you that where `I AM' there may ye be also") - yet it was after his passing from life's screen that history records for all to read - there was the expansion of the greater effect of Christianity (so-called). This is due in part to the tendency on the part of mankind to first revere their apostles of religious light - then later to turn against them and revile them - and much later still, when they no longer dwell in mortal form, to vest them with the Light acceptance! However, the vital point I AM desirous of making has to do with the fact that Jesus' love did not diminish after his passing, but rather increased by his union with the Father, his Mighty I AM Presence, in the fullness of cosmic radiance - which expanded his blessed love for mankind. He, therefore, to the present day, has continued to serve mankind and bless the earth with his presence. This has meant abiding often in an atmosphere of human destruction, confusion and hatred, and those qualities which are wholly foreign to the nature of God. It has also meant that in the glories of salvation attained, of the victories won, of the triumph of Golgotha, of the reality of the resurrection and then the splendid magnificence of the ascension - with its complete escape into freedom which is possible for all, yet presently attained by the few, that he has voluntarily returned to earth into the atmosphere of limitation and confusion (from whence he had completely escaped) and has continued year after year, century after century, to render cosmic service to the earth and its people! Is this not the greatest possible love? I cite beloved Jesus, for he is well-known the world around - and especially in the Americas and the West. Yet, when I speak of the Great White Brotherhood (to which Jesus belongs) I AM speaking, blessed ones, of victory, of salvation, of freedom, of unlimited power, of a breaking the sacred bread of the All-Father's Being - and still more - of offering one's self after achieving individual freedom after complete escape, to serve a cause - the full purposes and plans of the Great White Brotherhood! In the present service of the mankind of earth untold numbers of great illumined beings serve the Brotherhood in daily dissolving vortices of hate and despair, dissipating foci of negative energy - charging and assisting constructive individuals with Christ-power, illumination, wisdom, healing and strength and myriad tasks on behalf of the light. These are truly Brothers of the Diamond Heart and of the Golden Robe. This is the bodhisattva ideal of the Brotherhood, those devotees of God who love the earth so much they give up their own freedom for it and its evolutions, have given their whole allegiance to the Light and by their mighty light rays assist you and all men right now today! Now, let me pay tribute to those servants of God still in physical form, yet treading that "squirrel cage-like" existence where they remain bound to the karmic and dharmic wheel, trying all the while to find God and establish once again the full Light of heaven in the temporarily darkened rooms of their own souls, and yet, while still struggling with karmic ties of immense proportions, loving God and man enough to choose to be a focus of Light according to their highest and best understanding. These initiates, in various stages of development, comprise our physical body, the material anchorage for the activities of The Great White Brotherhood. Some are probationary chelas, others more advanced, yet all are going through countless tests to see if they will be able to rise above the mere vanity of outer personality worship and adore instead in the shrine of their own divinity and the divinity of one another. Some are destined to be full-fledged Brothers of the Diamond Heart or Golden Robe! Dear ones, the powers of heaven may be shaken - and they have been; the stars may be removed from their places - and they have been; but thou, O my son and my daughter, I see thee established in a house of light, wearing those white garments of the initiate and determining to serve those invisible holy causes and spiritual intelligences who are in reality far greater in advancement than the visible ones - for they are eternal and in one sense changeless - yet the so-called visible creation is temporal and changing constantly. In memory of that great spiritual race (the cyclops - with the third eye depicted in the middle of the forehead) I, Cyclopea, enjoin you to the heavenly vision, to understand that the spiritual power of the Great White Brotherhood is the power of God, and then to use it as one who is unafraid to know, to dare and to do! Truly, I AM come from my eternal home to do thy will, O God - and this then, stripped of human glamor but shining with the everlasting Life and conscious reality of God himself, is the exalted standard, in part, of the Great White Brotherhood. May its shining raiment invest and enfold all who read with understanding, with increasing "waves" of divinity flashing across the immortal shining sea in all beauty and glory which the Father ever holds at hand awaiting your readiness and victory! I AM your eternal vision of immortality made manifest for you CYCLOPEA (The Mighty Elohim) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 26 The Beloved Goddess of Liberty - June 30, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 26 - The Beloved Goddess of Liberty - June 30, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom Hail, O august associates of the Great White Brotherhood abiding still in human form, I salute you in the name of liberty and freedom to all the earth! My blessed co-servers on the Great Karmic Board have chosen to touch lightly upon many subjects. Their material, while not veiled, has by reason of its scope been given with such breadth as to be almost a healing panacea! I am grateful for this, for such a meditative study enables the student to discover much behind the covering of words and to drink for themselves the liquid light within the blessed cups of those words! I wish to be most direct as the spokesman for the Karmic Board, and I would like to first point out that individual expression is individual opportunity. Your so-called free will, blessed ones, is nothing unless it represents God-freedom. Only eternal love, light and wisdom when in vital decisive action can bring the earth the universal abundance for all, where no one is denied. Perspective, when applied to the Great White Brotherhood, will dispel some of the mistaken notions mankind have in error or ignorance applied to us. As the first simple thought (for so it may seem) let us take the term "white." As you know, white is not a color but rather a combination of colors. Each life usually expresses one predominant color, although white is the core of every ray which comprises the seven rainbow rays of promise. These classifications of color, stemming from the inner nature manifesting and developing in mankind according to the life cycles, are intended to be wholly constructive and harmonious. Those muddied colors, the insensitive and gross manifest through excess dealing in human vanity and emotions, are not the examples you will see in the octave of Light or in the world of the initiate of advanced degree. It is absolute truth, blessed ones, that each lifestream carries its own Light just as I do my torch, and if they put a screen of wrong intent between the Light and the one they meet, if the other individual has perception, it is possible that their most inner thoughts will be discovered by the quality radiating through the wrongly qualified screen, which spoils temporarily the marvelous scintillating beauty of the solar spectrum shining with the radiance of God's own presence and the impulses of the sacred fire. In order to be a probationary chela of the Great White Brotherhood, absolute purity of motive is needed. No compromise with real God-truth is possible. Individuals do, of course, retain their human motives and still walk in the Light as best they can; the weights and impedia take their toll, of course, and when they are judged it will also be in absolute justice. To consciously cooperate with the Great White Brotherhood through identification with us can create a problem in thought. For example, when mankind continually invoke us and use our name, whether they represent us in spirit and truth or not, they will eventually draw our attention and our power into their own worlds. Now, if they are not comfortable in the presence of great Light, then let them not so determinedly invoke it! We are beings of Light and when we reach into the world of the chela it is to inspire, sustain, fire, direct and raise them into all the perfection their world can possibly contain. The law of our energy will naturally disturb discord! To best serve us, our conscious chelas should always call forth the protection, energy and love of the great Ascended Masters and direct it into all human affairs, whether or not other individuals want it. This in no way interferes with free will, for when the Light expands around them, often they will see that it is wisdom and enjoy it enough to want to change. Our action is never hypnotic but always inspiring and uplifting. We never interfere with free will unless individuals ask us to help them overcome some weakness, or directly give us the authority in their worlds, and then we do so in order to bring them into a closer relationship with their own Great God Self. The Brotherhood is composed, of course, of ascended and unascended members (some of these are conscious this is so and others are not). By the latter, I refer to the fact that many individuals' lives are so directed and filled with love as to draw them into our circle while their physical forms sleep, yet intellectually they have never consciously heard of us or our service. Often such as these know of Jesus, Buddha, or some other one of the Masters, yet are not aware of the portals of Light or the fraternal brotherhood of Light which exists at heavenly levels and is daily so active by the principle and power of the Holy Spirit upon the earth and in the hearts of its people. During the days of the California gold rush, a fever seized the people and became known as gold fever. These people became so fired with enthusiasm that they scarcely counted the price, but dashed forth in any conveyance they could lay hold on and set out for the mountains of California. Blessed ones, many chelas, bless them all, are like this when it comes to pursuing the high office of being an initiate of the Great White Brotherhood; and still others stand quite aloof and profess they do not feel the need or desire to be initiates. Free will, as I said, is good, but God-free will is best! Now, our standards are not about to be lowered. If anything, I think they have been gradually raised during the past twenty years. Beloved Godfre, Leto, beloved K-17, Morya, Kuthumi and beloved Saint Germain have seen to that, but the peace, protection and power of our organization (which is centrally a spiritually active one) is second to none. The Lord of the World and all the great ascended beings are identified with us in some aspect of world or universal service to the cause of Almighty God. Not you nor anyone can invite yourself to enter our ranks, but you can so attune yourself with all that is constructive that in our broad sweep of conscious exploration of the people of earth we will see the igniting of your flame of infinite purpose, and thus direct our initial impulses toward you. Everyone who reads the Pearls of Wisdom slowly and sincerely finds a response with their heart and senses our presence behind the words. Reading deeply enough so as to absorb our thought, many of you may be reasonably confident that there is a pull and call from heavenly realms to be identified still more closely with us in the pathway of initiation. These firsts, when the soul of man is lifted either to a more than ordinary rapture, or even when the soul is tried with the fires of fierce trial, all indicate a testing and measuring of the Karmic Lords and the examining Keepers of the Record who report to the Indian Council of the Great White Brotherhood the names of those individuals who are potential candidates for service in our blessed brotherhood in varying capacities and services. With walls of eternal light I enfold you! With my torch I kindle in all who will accept it the desire to find the way, which always is a ray of light in the cosmic service to and for the heart of a nation, a city, a family, or even a brother, fallen or exalted, glorying still in the name of light and the God of light, who is also the God of liberty. I AM your Mother of cosmic independence The Goddess of Liberty This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, P.O. Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 27 Beloved Pallas Athena - July 7, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 27 - Beloved Pallas Athena - July 7, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom I AM Pallas Athena - known to many as the Goddess of Truth, and twin flame of the beloved Lord Maha Chohan. In the interest of God's Truth, I am delighted today to offer my energies in behalf of the Great Karmic Board and for and on behalf of mankind. Blessed people - God Truth is power and also the power to bring comfort into the lives of all mankind! Many do not realize or consider the possibility for life to be any different than the way they see it through their own eyes. They do not stop to consider that the traditions imparted to them by parents, family and religious teachers may - while sincerely given - be in error or contain within it elements of serious mistake. An excellent example is to be found in the legends which grow up around national or religious personages after their passing from earth life. If these servants of mankind were virtuous in truth, these virtues often become amplified out of all proportion to reality, and likewise, if they have made mistakes, these mistakes were accentuated - whereas in reality even the most undesirable of these in some cases did render truly great service to mankind, sometimes consciously and willingly and then again by reason of circumstance or the pressures of the times. Distortion is uncomfortable for many reasons - first of all, because introduced at the beginning, it warps the whole structure of the building from the foundation up; introduced later, it can rear an ugly appearance which often mars the beauty of the finished structure (especially for those who look only on the surface of life). I wish to particularly apply this to seemingly obscure individuals whose power of accomplishment may not always be so easily spotted on the surface. Blessed ones, it is almost a cosmic danger to underestimate the worth of another. I would far more recommend that excess virtue be imputed to a lifestream, which might prove as a gambit of inspiration than a negative appraisal, which might be so discouraging as to be the tiny straw which "broke the camel's back." All of our service of righteousness which we are offering during this summer season through the Pearls in clarification and preparation for greater service to our blessed brotherhood is in anticipation of the golden age and the more complete utilization of the students who are in physical bodies in anchoring as much of our radiation as possible in the affairs of this planet so as to produce the garments of a higher weaving and a more illuminating knowing, bringing in the wake of more wisdom the character, purpose, plan and coordination between lifestreams which makes possible world unfoldment in one vast land known as God's country! You know, of course, we do not actually become annoyed with humanity, for our strata of thought is above all that, but if it were possible to annoy us - the expression "not fit for man or beast" is one that could - just as the application of the expression "God's country" to the whole earth is most pleasing to us. This is in the light of Truth - for all conditions making a land barren or unfruitful are the result in truth of man's disservice to the elements and to one another. To make the desert blossom as the rose, then, is the responsibility of those who are privileged to wear a body of flesh that they may achieve eternal freedom from every previously existing cause of privation, and enter the doorway of everlasting abundant oneness with the Spirit of Life itself - which is always harmonious and never contrary to man's best interests. If individuals could visit us or would ask to be taken to the Halls of Karma at night while their body sleeps, they would have a different concept of divine Justice and Truth than they presently do. Visiting the supreme court of a nation gives some insight to the perceptive into the complexity of legal matters, but to enter the abode where the dispensations of a planet affecting the nations, the world and the individual are administered by those entrusted by the all-Father with the dispensing of divine Mercy, Justice and Truth - will be found to be an education beyond compare. I hope many of you shall avail yourselves of my invitation and will come to us free of all fear, asking (if you wish) to see your own record, but never failing to ask your Holy Christ Self to accompany you and, along with that sometimes amazing record, show you also the magnificent life-plan the Father actually has for you - if you will only make the effort to externalize it by that faith that moves mountains! I remember that "As above, so below" applies to God's government. The Hierarchy of heaven is actually quite complex and when you see how accurate we keep the record, it may serve to jostle you just enough until you will decide to remember why discretion is the better part of valor! You will not then be so eager to pick up the gauntlet when some thoughtless soul throws it down. Far from becoming lacking in courage or to take a stand for the Light, you will find that your stand is being taken for you by God himself and that you are beginning to respond more and more to the reins of Light which ushered all of the Ascended Masters into the victory of the ascension. As this is the goal for all Life, and the recreation of an Ascended Master civilization right here upon earth, some of you will begin to understand why we are beginning to give more and more attention to the God and Goddess Meru and the lovely landed areas of South America where the glorious seventh root race will flourish in homes of beauty and harmony - where the wheels of industry turning in electronic splendor, will be directed by an Ascended Master-appointed initiate in the beginning, and eventually to a full divine regency wherein the ascended ones, as in the Eden of old, step through the "veil" to bless all the earth with God's crowning Glory! During the week of July 1st to the 7th some of the ascended beings shall walk the streets of many of the nations of the world in preparation for a special outpouring of light to assist every sincere student and lifestream to be raised at least "one rung" on Light's ladder. Remember, dear hearts, the Cosmic Light is rendering a qualified service to the earth without equivocation, and we expect to anchor in the next twelve months at least one thousand new devotees of light who may swell the ranks of the Great White Lodge! I AM the Comforting Spirit of God's Eternal Truth Manifesting in You - PALLAS ATHENA (The Goddess of Truth) ****** Chapter 28 Beloved Portia - July 14, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 28 - Beloved Portia - July 14, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom A tribute is needed to those visible and invisible ones who have kept the faith under most trying circumstances. These have served as anchor and pivotal points around which great glorious concentric rings of light are focalized and then blazed forth to the cardinal points of the compass to cover the earth around with the power and radiance of divine love in its many attributes - one of which is divine justice! Seeing the occasional passing from the screen of life of the children and the young, men ponder on the apparent brevities of the phenomena they call life. At such times they may lose their perspective in their grief, wrongly sensing the pull of the unknown as a shroud to swallow them - whereas in reality this transition is but an action and outpicturing of the karmic law itself (which is always just and entirely free of retribution in intent). Many times those who leave the stage of life quite suddenly are in reality spared from much grief and are thus called to higher courts in order to obtain necessary training and preparation for a much greater opportunity whereby they eventually wear a new and strong physical form in an era of advancing hope. Therefore, in truth, so-called death is often a doorway into greater Life wherein the individual will be not only relieved from a sea of troubles but will be given - while awaiting re-embodiment - that inner training which either religious or other forms of prejudice would not allow them to take during life (on earth). The proof of the efficacy of our training and the teachings upon these disciples, dear ones, is so often found in the mounting spiral of attainment which subsequently comes to them during a renewed opportunity. Now, I AM not necessarily desirous of any of you shirking your present life responsibility or permitting any morbid ideas of escape to occupy your minds by reason of my statement, for I AM simply revealing truth to you. Do not fail, therefore, to keep on keeping on in doing your best to fulfill the mission of your own life and existence as long as you are able; and decree only to relinquish the standard when the clarion call from on high is unmistakable in its demand to call you to a higher plane where, free from worldly consciousness, you can more readily assimilate the preparatory material which will so immeasurably strengthen you for the return engagement when you will in truth win your ascension. Now, many of you will be able to do this from the platform of the present (win your ascension), and I ask that you bear in mind, then, that we are dealing with many types of chelas in this activity and wish to inspire and teach them all according to their needs and understanding of the hour. In connection with the mighty inner-plane activities of the Great White Brotherhood, let me show the great divine justice of the Great Karmic Board in utilizing to the fullest extent the services of the Brothers of The Golden Robe who serve hour after hour to instruct and purify those lifestreams who could not make the grade in one lifetime, and then enter the spiritual plane in various states of bitterness, rebellion or just plain ignorance and selfishness, to later find by loving ministration the understanding which removes from their consciousness the stigma of rebellion against divine justice or the action of karma (which is so often misunderstood by those who see only the effects of men's sins without knowing the underlying causes). My beloved twin flame, Saint Germain, has for so long now striven to acquaint mankind with the violet transmuting flame, which is God-life coursing consciously through the tree-like framework of man's form and then expand all around it so as to encompass and change all humanly created discord into the victory and beauty of the divine experience - that it would seem all on earth should have heard of its power and blessing. Yet, by comparison, so few have, and the Brotherhood today needs teachers who in humility and love will go forth and do the work of the Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Robe before their ascension, and thus win for themselves and all life they contact a greater assurance of Christ-victory for the earth and all its evolutions! All that has been done; all the love of great beings that has been poured out has not been wasted. But it is a great injustice that the world has heeded those instructors who have concentrated on material success - as important as this blessing is to mankind - while failing to exercise the same fervor in eternal matters! It is almost as though individuals expected to abide forever in the human state of consciousness and preferred to build tabernacles there in which to forever abide - while forgetting (at least for the time) that they are natives of eternity! I AM hopeful with Saint Germain that his flaming love, which means so much to me - as part of my very own self - will expand with my own flame of Cosmic Justice so as to awake in every heart a sense of great divine compensation and a desire to serve the immutable causes of God, thus creating on earth in the present era preceding the flowering of the golden age a new ordination of priests of Light after the Order of Melchizedek whose concern is not with generation alone, but with regeneration wherein a new race of sons of Light and love shall flood the earth with the song of the Cosmic Christ and the chorusing of the angels. This will inspire the shepherd teachers of the race to observe that the harvest fields are white indeed, but the laborers are few, therefore swelling the ranks of the Brotherhood with many who shall see the present as an opportunity for lifting and raising the fallen into the beauty of the Christ estate - the paradise of God. I AM your Just Perfection now manifesting instantly at your call - PORTIA (the beloved Goddess of Justice) ****** Chapter 29 Beloved Ascended Lady Master Nada - July 21, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 29 - Beloved Ascended Lady Master Nada - July 21, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom How garlanded the whole creation is with beauty! Open the eyes of men to see this, O, Holy Christ Self of all men! Little do men dream how often the "little foxes" devour the tender grapes of life's opportunities so that the new wine made from these same grapes does not manifest its abundance for them! They have chosen rather to tread the "winepress" of wrath and behold a God - made in their image, while failing to comprehend the meaning of Divine love or its message of eternal joy! Blessed ones, the Great White Brotherhood and the Karmic Board of this august body have consistently, momentarily and eternally flooded the earth with the swaddling garments of eternal love - trusting that the assimilation of this radiance of the spirit by mankind will in itself provide the needed instruction which leads to complete understanding. It is not the fault of the valiant efforts made, nor the precious ones who have poured out their priceless energies, that greater fruit has not manifested. Remember that, although the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, mankind have legally parcelled out its fields and pastures and divided the world itself with temporal deeds, grants and claims which can never be eternally established or inherited by nation or man until the earth expresses the fullness of that beautiful life plan which the creator has so lovingly entrusted in design to the blessed Silent Watcher for the planet. I am certain today that when the realization dawns upon man that a higher source has the power to confer a higher education of the spirit upon mankind, and that this source has the power to confer a higher education of the spirit upon mankind, and that this source is in truth the Great White Brotherhood - that man will seek increasingly to obtain "degrees" in these spiritual universities with the same faithful plodding which the sincere student manifests in the worldly halls of learning where the ivy twines around the ancient towers of mankind's accumulated knowledge, whose accretion is sometimes hailed as the halcyon of the New Age, but which unless accompanied by the laws of the Ascended Masters goes but a part of the way to the goal! Commending mankind, therefore, to the Ascended Masters as the greatest source of knowledge and power - the custodians of true treasures of the spirit - I, Nada, say to all upon earth, garner divine love as a miser does gold and know that none are so rich in its attainment that they can say "enough" - or none so deficient who live that they cannot find the first feeble flickerings within themselves on which to build a stairway to the stars that leads to universal harmony and reunion with those who long ago walked these dusty roads; those who with the Ancient of Days fashioned girdles of light to conserve their energy for divine love's purposes in building divine power so that their staff of life might blossom like Aaron's rod and invoke for all mankind the presence of Prometheus "unbound" that makes the earth and all thereon victorious and happy in serving God - in serving the Brotherhood, in chanting the mantrams of Light and in weaving the garment of Love for all to adoringly behold as the treasured robe of everlasting righteousness - the garment of the initiate - in truth! I love you always, Nada This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. ****** Chapter 30 The Great Divine Director - July 28, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 30 - The Great Divine Director - July 28, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom From out the inner spheres and orbs behind the blazing visible and invisible suns I AM come! Dazzling the consciousness of even many of the Ascended Masters, I step down my radiance for you blessed souls upon this planet so that you may receive and retain some greater measure of the infinite heartbeat of God and its meaning to your present-day existence! Well was it spoken, "It does not yet appear what we shall be, but when he shall appear we shall see him as he is for we shall be like him"! Mankind have constancy speculated upon the return of Christ to the earth - they have wondered at the manner of his appearing. The shepherds of old rejoiced, as did Simeon who, full of the spirit of God and of Light, rejoiced when first beholding the infant Christ.{26} I AM justice, wisdom, love, power and victory in perfect balance! A balanced action of the Law can only result by the committing of one's keeping to the Ascended Masters' care and an abiding in constant oneness with each one's own God Presence, the I AM, which is the flaming covenant of life that beats each heart! The Great White Brotherhood is no outer world organization, but is in reality the spiritual fountainhead whose various branches and endeavors spreading throughout human affairs are presided over by Ascended Master dignitaries of the Spirit and those humble initiates of great power (yet wearing physical forms) who together compose one body to function as moved by the spirit of the living God who is in truth all ways a dazzling Light. The journey into the country of Light - into the city of light - is wonderful experience! You must realize I AM speaking of a condition when you "escape" from the body during the night time hours of sleep and sense, then, no impediment of the flesh or thought processes. You are then able to tune into the vibratory actions of the Light itself and to move without restriction through the exhilarating spiritual atmosphere of the planet which is literally flooded with the Holy Spirit or Comforter and thus is so glorious as to be considered "heaven" itself. In reality it is but a focus of our action upon earth similar to that of Shamballa and other retreats of the Great White Lodge. The enjoying of these blessings is not one which perhaps you will find it easy to casually discuss with mankind in general - but that should not matter, seeing that we observe the rising of the solar fires within your consciousness - for in the final analysis we are the ones passing on your advancement. Study, then, to show thyself approved unto God who is wiser than mere human opinion - yet we recommend respect for authority providing it is not in conflict with the higher law of the Light itself. As Pilate was told by Jesus, "Thou hast no power except it were given thee from God." Let the wise then learn that in unity there is strength and because the Brotherhood has for so long successfully set free countless initiates into the victory of their ascension and other overcoming of limitation - would it not be ever so wise, blessed ones, to reverence the Great White Brotherhood and its visible and invisible representatives with enough respect to attract to you our attention - without which you will find difficult the task of successfully passing those cosmic initiations whereby you shall obtain your eternal victory? Brothers of the Diamond Heart are dedicated to the required hardness of the spirit which while in no way self-effacing or masochistic, is transmutive in action and eventually, then, when a full permeation of a lifestream's consciousness occurs, occasions the manifestation of the Sacred Fire wherein Christ consciousness as a living flame so pulsates within the four lower bodies as to automatically produce attunement with heaven's heart! These Brothers, then, by reason of attunement, had success in so living as our representative among mankind that their perspective in the beginning of its development may seem almost renunciate in action. Later, as they attain more God-control, they will be able to function in many capacities and will feel no need to renounce, but rather the need to direct (as I do) - the eternal radiance in its endless cyclic outpourings of beauty and love. This is the entering of the 'faithful servant' - whose diligence in a few things has made him ready to be a ruler over many things - in the joy of his Lord - his own Mighty I AM Presence! To this palace of light we welcome all who sensing its value desire to come! To our high standard and excelled estate we call the faithful of all nations! Come out from among the discordant, the unbelieving, the wayward and the deceitful - and be ye even as I am a director of God's great light rays! The Cosmic Light within you is all enfolding. It awaits the manifestation of your God invoked dominion - done in the fullness of cosmic wisdom, yet manifesting to mankind as the benefit of heaven bestowed upon all who are ready to receive it, and charging all others with the blessing the Divine One has bestowed upon you (which shall increase as the light of service in your heart expands) until filling all the earth, its cosmic victory radiance shall so unite each member of the Great White Brotherhood with one another that never again shall they be unable to sense the abiding presence of our protection and our love given to help, given to heal, given to encourage and received to exalt God! I AM the Initiator of the Faithful The Great Divine Director This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 31 Beloved El Morya - August 4, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 31 - Beloved El Morya - August 4, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom The consciousness of mankind is sometimes like a blotter, soaking up either the staining ink or smudging soot in its immediate vicinity. The power of the violet fire and the Tube of Light was intended to make men impervious to these undesirable elements and I implore you therefore - who would walk as we do - to determine to let the power of divine victory and God-inspired imaging flood your consciousness with its Light and peace so that all else ebbs away and by the sacred effects of transmutation returns once again to you as divinely charged energy never to wear a vibratory action less than Light itself! Beloved ones, I AM fully aware of the fact that so many of the students feel so inadequate in their understanding of our laws and the great divine laws of universal love governing the seeming complexities of life. Sometimes mankind's conflicting "readings" (which are for some a necessary part of the search) serve to confuse them temporarily; then again, they understandably long for the seemingly simple ideas of a comfortable orthodoxy which became almost "rote" to them from early childhood. Do not, however, concern yourselves unduly with these feelings, blessed ones. They are natural, somewhat nostalgic feelings which are a part of spiritually "growing up." The vastness of infinity itself is not even wholly cognized by the Ascended Masters in an individualized sense, for we who joyously rest in the arms of our own I AM Presence - which we have become - find there the peaceful solace of the Father-Mother God, and in regeneration of the eternal cycles we are content. Beloved Hilarion, when embodied as Saint Paul, wrote that "godliness with contentment is great gain," and I am sure the students will realize that Saint Germain and myself, together with the entire Great White Brotherhood, have one objective in mind for the entire earth and that is the glorifying of the earth with the eternal grandeur the Great Architect envisions and which as his co-servers we advocate and strive for in the highest spirals. Our efforts through early Christianity, Theosophy, Christian Science, Unity, Rosicrucianism and a host of other magnificent endeavors have been entirely slanted to this one aim. Sometimes to the isolated student this may seem like "shooting an arrow into the air" and not knowing just where it is falling to earth. Yet, were you to enter our retreat (the Retreat of God's Will) here at Darjeeling, your eyes would truly be opened. You would then know that the fault or delay does not lie with our endeavors but rather with human gossip, jealousy, resentment, inharmony, and a vicious priestcraft whose aims are wholly selfish (yet surrounded and composed of many who are truly sincere). This is anti-Christ (which does not sleep, lying in wait to deceive) directed at our constructive effort. The sifting of the chaff from the wheat is difficult for us. What must it be like for you! Yet, you must learn not to believe all human statements and be so gullible as to accept the false reports the enemies of the Light are so quick to spread in order to discredit our noblest efforts. Remember, when our body on earth shall resemble our heavenly order, Victory will be at the very door! The day of diligence and constancy is here today. Those who have already reached the summit heights on God's mountain of wholeness are your Teachers. We stand ready to lead! Are you ready to follow? I AM sending forth the divine call to the hearts of men of good will everywhere - El Morya - Vondir! This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 32 Beloved El Morya - August 11, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 32 - Beloved El Morya - August 11, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom How magnificent is the image of God in which man was and is made perfect! How can this beauty and this love know aught else but its own nature - the mighty light rays which God projects forth into the soul of man to form the matrix for each one's life energies to in truth create a chalice of such beauty that it would hardly seem probable that those who abide in the spirit and power of this loveliness could cease to register the great divine harmony of God's nature in their own lives. Yet to pitiful thoughts of human limitation men give power, while far too often regarding their Divine Self as remote in time and space. Shall a sense of sin, of inequity, of divine vengeance prevent mankind from accepting the intense love of the Father for the prodigal child embodied in mortal form? I AM in truth so concerned with the state of this earth at present - because of the critical world situation and the impending tipping of the karmic scales - so much so that I urge as never before the conscious realization by every child of Light of the need to maintain harmony and vigilance along with the needed progression of the ascending consciousness, which is, in honor, to be preferred above all that descends below the Christ-ordained standard of the spiritual man. The puny forces of anti-Christ, the pitiful peepings and mutterings of familiar spirits and the confusions of the psychic realm, have no power with those whose consciousness is exalted into the Ascended Masters' octave. Dear ones, far above the line of "humming insects" in the cradled purity of the lofty summit abides the consciousness of the Christ-estate. Let all who yearn to experience real freedom and the full power of an ascended being know this estate - the all of God! There is an ever-increasing need for expansion of the Ascended Masters' teaching in opposition to all anti-Christ distortions and errors, and it was with this end in view that we secured the permission from Helios and Vesta and the great Karmic Board to originally create The Summit Lighthouse - not in order to necessarily absorb religions or ideologies - but rather to serve as a cosmic springboard where the forte of Truth would be expanded and expounded our way, free from commercialization or exploitation by the ego, and wherein the many thirsty travelers would find such refreshment of the spirit in godly simplicity that a general expansion of divine world good would ensue quite naturally! Demonstration of the Ascended Master laws is our firm intention, and therefore the words of the Ascended Masters are recorded both Above and here below on the printed page, whose leaves are divinely intended for the healing of the nations. There is no reason why the full efficacy of God, whose ineffable light blazes forth right now today with all the brightness of eternity, cannot instantaneously heal you of every condition which is less than divine perfection. The pressure of your acceptance is all that is required - for the Light of God, in truth does never fail! Riders of the dawn, mount and go forth to victory! Morya speaks and the Word of God thunders from the mountains! I AM the will of perfection manifest in you, El Morya This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 33 Beloved Saint Germain - August 18, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 33 - Beloved Saint Germain - August 18, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom In the many facets of divine expression I hope the students will recognize that there is but one diamond of divine expression in the all of existence. This of course springs forth from the Great I AM Presence in the Great Central Sun - the Being and Source of all that is! Now, there is always a tendency on the part of some individuals to imagine that because the name of God I AM was and is used to denote a religious organization which I inspired and first fostered many years ago - that these words (I AM) are simply a play on words which lacks real power. Let those beware who would so wrongly comprehend the divine law and let them know that from the beginning and forever the name I AM is the everlasting name of God. It is the voice of immortality, the mantram of life and the source of eternal being. Mankind's immortality is achieved by their total identification with their own God Presence - their individualized I AM Presence - and there is no power in heaven or earth that can ever take from this blessed divine presence its power to heal and make whole the entire creation! The impulses of divine movement which manifest as God's mighty light rays, touch with eternal "fingers" of light and love the entire being of those receptive ones among mankind who in humility, reverence and love open the door to the Ascended Masters' octave and the realms of the great cosmic light. This tangible realm of heavenly reality is the real substance of heaven - and is in fact the only real substance in existence. All matter, in its changing mortality and rate of vibration, is finite and, like plastic material, reflects the idiosyncrasies of human error. Only the power of your own God Presence is so dependable that you may completely rely on it to always bestow upon you love, wisdom, power, divine attributes - wealth, strength, health, and every good and perfect gift, often without any other expectation except your acceptance of its perfect direction and intelligence as the consciousness of Christ himself assuming his rightful place in directing all your affairs. The hour of divine mastery is at the very door! The gods must walk the earth again in this dawning golden age! An Ascended Master nation requires not only Ascended Master youth, but Ascended Master maturity, and this is best expressed by the students of long-standing entering completely into the consciousness of our realm and octave. In view of the fact that the long-unrealized ambition of the ascension shall shortly come to many of the faithful, it is highly desirable that you, being now today, consider yourself as already unlimited ascended beings - thus becoming accustomed to thinking wholly as God does and as we do! So shall the example you leave behind add to the Holy Christ treasure of the world as a fountain of eternal love and youth everlasting of which all nations shall thus drink - finding their happiness not in sense, but in the divine culture of the spirit, as the Ascended Masters have directed. I say, may the perfume of the eternal presence of your own divinity envelop you with such fragrance as shall create in you an irresistible longing for the victory and glory of the God-life within you. May this expansion completely shatter by the full power of the I AM Presence your sense of finite limitation and give you the joys of expanding spiritual experience which we drink deeply of daily. Beloved Mary, Jesus and the hosts of heaven together with beloved Archangel Michael salute you in God's name I AM! Yours in the heart of the Presence, Saint Germain This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 34 Beloved Archangel Uriel - August 25, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 34 - Beloved Archangel Uriel - August 25, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom How graciously heaven has prepared itself to receive the prodigal offspring of earth, entering into the exaltation of the hour! I know how lovingly the minute spirits of spring, the devas of the flower kingdom, the sylphs of the air and the lovely undines of the water element have prepared the way for mankind's acceptance of all the natural beauty the master of spirits has intended to flood their consciousness. Absorption by the feeling body of mankind with the finite sense wherein the ego seems a central sun and the pseudo planets of other lifestreams are imagined to encircle it is a valley of shadow where the unhappiness of error hides the brightness of heaven, and the beauty which God ever is, from the consciousness of his creation. Magnification, exaltation, and praise of the deity, absorption by the consciousness of the divine memory, the infinite thoughts of the creator as all-consuming love will mightily assist in raising the consciousness of mankind toward the sunlight of existence and the light which never shone on the finite sea of matter or external creation, but rather, shone through them, yet often not consciously perceived! The angelic realm, though considered imaginary to those whose learning of the physical sciences seems so wholly provable, is in fact just as easily realized to be provable as are the mundane studies of nature by the deeper students. Our services are to magnetize all the virtue and kindness from God's own heart and to expand it, together with every good feeling everywhere among the creation. We constantly surround humanity with the most ethereal and lovely thoughts imaginable and, although they may not always sense it, they are ever so frequently beneficiaries of those feelings of great harmony and peace which is completely the nature of our Father - our God and your God. To be receptive, then, to the consciousness, power, and protection of the angelic realm, to invoke the guardianship of our bands of Light is not too difficult, but it is somewhat dependent on maintaining a pure desire within your heart to keep in tune with the spiritual thoughts of God, which you must recognize, feed, sustain, and uphold both in the visible and invisible creation. This means no longer depending on human reasoning for all you do, but acknowledging the power of love to transcend human invention or cleverness, finding, then, your safety in the everlasting arms which we know so well! Thy virtue is all in God, live in Him forever, O children of men. I AM your angelic friend, Archangel Uriel This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 35 Beloved Lord Maitreya - September 1, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 35 - Beloved Lord Maitreya - September 1, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom The fashion of a man, like the slowly changing evolution of the flowers and trees, will pass away, but the eternal verities of your own Holy Christ Self change not, remaining constantly anchored in the uplifting transcendence of your God Self. There is always a desire on the part of the students to advance and to make progress - and this is quite understandable to us. Yet we desire especially to point out that in the consciousness of the divine image you have already attained your victory! It is therefore the easiest and best way for you to recognize that you already possess all of God, do not need to wait for it, and have but to praise and bless into manifestation the full reality of your Divine Being! Condemnation, which seems much in vogue among mankind, is the most dangerous practice imaginable. If I may speak plainly, dear ones, more harlots and more lepers were created by those who pointed their fingers in accusation at other harlots and other lepers in past ages than can ever be imagined. The moment a lifestream misuses energy, which is all God-given, to castigate some other part of life, they immediately attract to themselves the selfsame temptation that other individual was facing. It is true the mills of the gods sometimes grind slowly and therefore they do not always reap the immediate effects of their acts, but sometime they will. Often they may find that they lack even an equal strength in withstanding the specific temptation which the person they condemned faced and are therefore more wanton in error consciousness than even the one whom they condemned! Numerous examples are found in the scriptures where seemingly dissolute or criminal figures seemed to center around the life of Jesus and find benefit thereby. There is the notorious figure of Dismas (the dying thief) to whom Jesus uttered the words of pardon, "Verily I say unto thee - today shalt thou be with me in paradise." Then there is the woman Magdalene, who became one of the chief lady disciples, and the Samaritan woman at the well, whose marriage status seemed questionable to the moral religionists of the day. All these found in Jesus solace, peace and friendship, attaining greater blessings than some of the self-righteous among mankind. This poses the question to some as to whether morality has value. Here let me say firmly and clearly yes, but only value to the conscience of each lifestream as it is true to the leanings of divine guidance, and then secondarily to the conscience of its neighbor by its use of divine love and care so as not to knowingly cast a stumbling block in his pathway. Yet, above all, it must stand out clearly that the development of each one's latent divinity is the purpose of life on earth, and does not or cannot include the authorized condemnation of others whose understanding and illumination may not be as great as the understanding the observing one has attained. Wise are they, therefore, who pray for the soul of all men, thus showing forth the divinity and friendship of Jesus for all, and never discriminate to condemn but only to personally avoid snares. The Ascended Masters feel that even the young disciple ought to be wise enough in Christ (the Light) to know that if God made all men by one spirit to a gloriously uncommon destiny - the ascension - then all ought to help one another to it, and never, no never in any wise, act so as to discourage or hurt any one of God's little ones, who are all knowingly or unknowingly seeking the path back Home. My message, therefore, for the hour is in the name of the Cosmic Christ (in which capacity I long served) and in the name of the Buddha (the budding and unfolding divinity of ourselves) you shall elect to be a Christ in manifestation and love! Stay the restless energies that retaliate, the sharp word, the angry thought, the sense of personal injustice - for all this is vanity. Replace it by the fullness of that love which - sweeping aside prejudice and error - lifts, exalts, heals, serves and is Godlike in manifestation even as it is Godlike in consciousness. I remain the standardbearer for the age, Lord Maitreya This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 36 Beloved Lord Maitreya - September 8, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 36 - Beloved Lord Maitreya - September 8, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom The so-called common status of mankind - that "life" which all are given in common among men - must be "stepped up" to fulfill the fiat of the Divine Ones who govern and direct the atmosphere of spiritual progress for the planet earth! I am well aware, as are the other members of the great Cosmic Councils, of the smothering lethargy which like a fog swirls about the children of men until they seem caught in an involved emotional whirlpool from which escape may seem impossible. I cite an example: - The constant attention by mankind to their past would almost indicate that in "it" rather than the future they expect to find their salvation, and yet in its changeless mores all life remains crystallized as karmic substance, returning only for redemption and purification - not for the senseless repetition of its lessons, which ought rather to be "mastered." It is to the future the spiritual aspirant must gaze with unalterable constancy, observing the standard of its Holy Christ Self, who is the criteria or all - the ever-beaming Sun (Son) of righteousness whose healing wings stretch over the whole human family with protecting guidance. The aura does reflect the past, it is true. Hence, those able to see the aura of another usually observe that which has been, rather than that which might have been. The spiritual science of the future indicates the importance of magnetizing the Holy Christ Self for another lifestream and calling upon it to descend into constant action in the outer personality, shedding its light and salvation to all. This is the invocation of that which is immaculate and pure; this is the weaving of the first strands of the seamless robe of the Christ as a garment for another. This is a karmaless way - for those who do this for another can never reap negative karma by so doing. Indeed, only good treasure is thereby stored up where thieves do not break in and steal, nor moths spoil - nor rust imperil - when one holds the concept of immortal good for another and then like the good Samaritan of old draws this coat of Light into another's aura to clothe their human form. Far too many gifted and spiritually perceptive ones have merely used the power of their sensitivity to ferret out the past human life-record of another - which has its purpose. But, unfortunately, in thus sidetracking their energy, they often fail absolutely to invoke the Christ image and thus leave the wounded one in the same state as before! It is the duty, responsibility, and action of love itself to seek the Masters' way in all that it does. As the sands of time then pass through the nexus of the glass of life, such ones draw nearer and nearer to the perfection which is their true source, finding in an overcoming wave of the future a hope in Christ who is in verity the illumination of God, the purity of God, the creativity of God and the fullness of the Father manifesting in the sun or son (within themselves) who thus remain eternally a focus for Light, life and love which in the final sense is good always. Yours truly - Lord Maitreya This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 37 Beloved El Morya - September 15, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 37 - Beloved El Morya - September 15, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom The finite mind too often thinks on beginnings and endings, and this is in itself indicative of its finiteness! A sense of the everlasting, of eternity, of forever, should speak of boundless freedom from all limitation, which in the divine sense is ever "at hand!" How could men live happily forever in limitation, irritation, resentment, or a state of confusion? To see, then, a need for "change" is to become receptive to new ideas. These are obtained at times by tuning into a new wavelength. Those continuing to receive in the comfortable channels of "custom" may find a creeping stultification entering into their ideas of religion and culture. Only the perfect is concrete, yet infinite purposes expand with elasticity! The law of the Lord should be the delight of every man and those who truly love this law will seek day by day to live it as best they can, reaffirming hourly the cosmic plan and infusing with necessary cosmic "tension" or firmness the shining everlasting purposes which thus manifest as their own life. Studied purpose becomes "steadied" when true balance is attained between the thought and feelings of mankind. So long as people allow themselves to be chastened by karma, they will continue to create it! The return - swift or slow - of that which is sent out often seems almost phenomenal when it occurs. Yet frequently people regard it with a sense of oppression or fear, at times, in their personal resentment, feeling that the purposes of God are thwarted by a seeming appearance of evil. This is, of course, the purpose of karma - to be either a bane or blessing, either a whiplash or cornucopia of delight - until people pause long enough to consider their roles and actions along with their attitudes, thus perceiving their part in creating vibrations of unhappiness and spreading them out from the antennae of their being to disturb the harmony of many with their own unjust feelings of insecurity or, in preference, creating sanctity, wholeness and courage and sending this forth in love. Caution can stay the "acts," and prayer and attunement remove the tendency to wrong thought; but replacement with right thought, feeling and action will remove the dangers of a vacuum which often leads to boredom. Eventually the backlash of negative karma must be broken, and the vicious circle stilled in the peace of transmutation, but obedience, as herein indicated, hastens the day. Men of faith have never desired to outpicture unhappy, obstructive thoughts or feelings. Knowing the danger in spreading such contagion, they have ignored personal feelings and desires by transcendently rising above both treasures and debits of their own making, seeking rather to obtain the qualities of God in greater quantity. Such aspire to a "spiral," and spiritual evolution draws them in truth nearer to "themselves" as they really are - how wonderful! I feel no need to picturize the earthly in this offering, for life itself has enough human pictures and characterizations of the lesser image. I am thus prodding the sincere chela to anchor more and more of the greater image in thought and feeling until such a wave of good feeling, kind thoughts and victorious accomplishment for others floods back on the returning current of one's own life energy sent forth in love - that overwhelming divine assistance is the just result for every lifestream obtained in some cases without even an audible invocation, prayer or entreaty, but simply by the shaping of one's life into a living "decree," lovingly offered to God in illumined obedience and ordered service. The fragrance of God manifests in the beautiful life. Such a manifestation overcomes self and raises and frees others until all life is outwardly as Godlike as the inner "Light" intends! Beloved ones, although the weak do not become stronger by yielding to weakness, nor the strong stronger by occasionally indulging in its foibles - the sincere should certainly know that the light of purpose must guide the mind and heart, making the reins subject to the direction of Light - which, when enthroned, "reigns" and thereby regains its rightful authority to exalt the will of God by revealing to the mind and heart the true meaning of God-Freedom - which is the exercising of authority by the Christ Mind of each lifestream so as to take dominion over the "finite" self as a God-discretion, which is ever the better part of valor! At 7 o'clock in the morning for a period of seven weeks from the date of this Pearl of Wisdom the entire Darjeeling Council will assemble in loving service to the entire earth following a sacred period of attunement to "broadcast" in a spiritual manner for a period of "seven minutes" each day a mighty radiation centered in the cosmic purpose and will of the cosmic purpose in creative manifestation in man (intended to be the MAN-ifestation of God). This will be and is a holy, conscious outpouring of the Darjeeling Council for all mankind, especially those who wish to cooperate with the Great White Brotherhood. Thus I AM anxious to expand this service to many others at this time. l suggest advising your spiritually minded friends of this opportunity of divine love, offered through The Summit Lighthouse from the Darjeeling and Washington axis. This broadcast will occur simultaneously in all time zones at 7:00 in the morning and there will be no need to adjust your zones accordingly, for your segment of participation will coincide with our own as we consciously direct. The sole need is to be receptive to our radiation; thus, it should follow your personal efforts at attunement. After seven weeks of our offering, it is our intention to allow the service to continue so long as our chelas are willing to give to thus sustain for the earth that which they shall receive during this holy period. May this service continue indefinitely and infinitely so long as loving chelas exist to direct their energy and then send it forth, charged with the great light and love of God. During the initial period we ask, of course, that you just receive following your personal attunement with your own God Presence, I AM! May all who seek, reach - the summit of God's holy will! Every cosmic wish for success in our strengthened attunement and Christ cooperation for the earth - El Morya This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 38 Beloved El Morya - September 22, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 38 - Beloved El Morya - September 22, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom ADMONITION - I hope no unascended reader shall overlook the import of this message, which, like a needle-sized golden arrow, is gently dropped in the "grass" of words. - The Great Divine Director The Beloved El Morya: The idea that God urgently desires each lifestream to quickly fulfill their necessary evolution and leave behind the confining consciousness of time and space to enter into limitless freedom and attain an ascended Master state is both reasonable and correct for every lifestream. It is true that mankind's lack of faith, courage and charity - and unwillingness to yield wholly to God - are factors which prevent the radiant manifestation of that limitless Life which God is so ready to bestow. It is vital, then, that the sincere know that the "key" to mass acceptance of the will of God is centered in believing and translating that belief or faith into a state where it manifests as an all-engulfing aura of pure love surrounding everything men do. Metaphysical speculation, psychic evaluation, reading countless words reported to emanate from heaven, and perusing religious scripture are not enough - neither is worship or meditation. The never-failing, accurate way is the Ascended-Master Truth of your own being, which in complete simplicity translates Life so that it shall never "see" death! The Ascended Master Enoch, who was my father long ago, was thus translated that he should not see death, and this is, in essence, the requirement of the hour for all mankind. The will of God is to bestow the gift of immortality upon all life. There is only one way this can possibly manifest and that is by mankind's acceptance of the will of God. The cosmic will for all creative evolution on earth or elsewhere - for all life is truly one! In connection with the receipt of the vibrations currently being sent from Darjeeling: Please know, therefore, that with the Maha Chohan, the Great Divine Director and Beloved Saint Germain, the entire council of your beloved Ascended Master friends are together invoking megatons of cosmic light and focusing it with amplified intensity among mankind through our chelas so as to hallow the consciousness of all who live upon earth at this auspicious moment. You will do well to receive our sending! Those sleeping later should call to their Holy Christ Selves to raise them into a receptive state during their hours out of the body, that the full benefit of this outpouring accrue to all. The will of God, then, is the full manifestation in man of love as God wills it, unqualified by any human concept thereof, which thus asserts the wisdom-power domination over life in order to bestow a blessing of the first magnitude! That you should have everlasting life now is the will of God - the full manifestation of God's love and wisdom for you are the will of God. All else must be recognized as secondary! May the Herculean task before you be implemented by the full impact of that divine will that makes you and all the family of earth in truth now free - this day and forever! I AM accepting for you the fullness of God's willing outpouring of Love, Wisdom and Power, El Morya This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 39 Beloved El Morya - September 29, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 39 - Beloved El Morya - September 29, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom The harvest fields are white ... Do ye know the present meaning of these words? Symbolical of their purity, I am summoning the sincere to the Summit! Now is the time, today is the hour. Spiritual men and women from every walk of life must recognize the need to assemble thirstily to drink together of our everlasting fountains, which belong to our all-loving Father! The time is now when invocations must be made not only for personal salvation and for the illuminating loving will of God to manifest upon earth individually, but also to reign in the family of nations. The crossroads of destruction are also the crossroads of culture! All that which may be used to destroy had rather be used to create. Enlightenment alone is not enough unless shared and expanded. An inheritance of the spirit applied to the earth enrichens all secular experiences and points the way to unparalleled happiness for mankind. The hope of a plowed field standing seedless in the sun is expanded by good seeding. By cultivation it lies enhanced, but by harvest it is near realization. Still, only assimilation of its fruits assures its rise again another day, for the infinite sun never fails, and spiritual seedtime and harvest shall never fail either! A thousand smoking Sodoms and Gommorahs, a thousand fallen Romes, a hundred sunken continents and lost civilizations are meaningless if today at last arises a new culture, the fruit of a determined effort snatched now from the brink by the highest statecraft, the best "professors" of knowledge in action, the smile of a billion rippling muscles bowed in service and cooperation and the love of billions of hearts! The individual readers of my words who would preserve the real must unite with others of like mind the world around. Meetings and decree services must be rhythmically maintained now, the time of summoning to the Summit is at the very door. The Darjeeling Council in the present hour of earth's peril offers its loving cooperation as always during the hour of danger. Not through fear but by the highest magnet of divine love do we call all lovers of Light, all lovers of the Christ, of the ideals of the Great White Brotherhood, to respond to the call for renewed and ever-increasing interest in building and maintaining our body upon earth! From the nucleus of one blossoms the focus of many. I urge the formation of Summit Lighthouse meeting groups everywhere possible to use our decrees, invoke God's Light and bless mankind. To this end give your energies, remembering that there is no higher loyalty than that to God. His goodness must be expanded and we have chosen to merge the Light of many men's hearts (involved in many sacred causes), into the "high tower" of this endeavor to form one giant crossbeam of cosmic purpose to shine across the darkened sea of human furor and bring peace to mankind in the holy name of God, I AM - for then all those who are many in the Christ purpose become one. I AM guiding you to do the Father's will always - Morya El ****** Chapter 40 Beloved El Morya - October 6, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 40 - Beloved El Morya - October 6, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom The implementation of our recent suggestions shall go into effect almost immediately, taking the form of charters which we will issue on application to many sincere chelas who will thus be authorized to begin regular group meetings on at least a weekly basis - if not more frequently - for the purposes of amplifying the Ascended Master radiation around the entire planet and its evolutions. These charters shall be released by our authority through the Summit Lighthouse staff in Washington, bearing both the approval of the Darjeeling Council and the Washington staff of The Summit Lighthouse. We shall grant these charters to groups numbering three (3) or more who will diligently seek to cooperate with us and The Summit Lighthouse in bringing more and more light to this planet. To do this properly we feel it needful to release very soon a group outline meeting with our approval. Secondly, we feel that uniformity of meeting standards should, wherever possible (making allowances for transitional periods), be the trend and goal, presenting a unified thoughtform to the Ascended Masters, which, in each area, we may feed and charge with a tremendous outpouring daily. (This will make it easier for us, and you as well; otherwise both must adjust constantly to changing thoughtforms for a number of differed groups who, though avowedly working for the same purpose, unquestionably in the past seemed to lack the will to unify and sublimate their individual projects for the cause of universal freedom.) All who contemplate assisting us in the future and all who presently wish to assist in this project for the freedom of mankind should write to our Washington office signifying their intent. Naturally, decisions will be made in the case of conflicting possibilities, and the authority for these decisions must remain unchanged except by the Summit staff or the Darjeeling Council. We strive to unify, to build in God's name, to obtain victory for a planet! We have no need of human pettiness, only Christ charity without limit! The fall class which is normally held each year has been withheld this year in order to make this "outreach" possible. It is our intention to authorize a wonderful New Year's class just after Christmas, making it possible for all who are able to attend to have a transcended beginning to a vital year - 1962. Mountaineers, attention! High climbers without fear, men and women of determination who are willing to brave the censure of the multitudes - to all with courage and will to do, I am addressing myself! The challenge of the ages is here! The establishing of the golden age is at hand - but the travail of its birth appears necessary. Our hand of freedom is to this cause herewith lovingly dedicated! Will you place your hand in ours and go forward in the name, Love, Wisdom and Power of God? I thank you. Ascended Master Morya El Chief Darjeeling Council This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 41 Beloved El Morya - October 13, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 41 - Beloved El Morya - October 13, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom Overwhelming is the response from the hearts of the true. I know of nothing like it. Sweeping like an avalanche from great heights it casts down and breaks the idols of the human ego and clears the way for Ascended Master love and light to establish that specific spiritual climate in which the spiritual seeds of cosmic purpose bring to fruition and harvest the men and women of the required character to truly keep the flame of their own divinity blazing until victory is their own. Countless cries through the years have been heard in heaven - "Oh, God, make us one!" The response of heaven, though beamed with Cosmic Christ intensification to the calling one and the earth itself, has often fallen on ears sometimes "deaf" because of the confusing clamor of a multitude of voices, when people seem unable to distinguish the one voice of truth distinct from all others! Blessed ones, always remember that not in personality or even organization is found the way - yet personalities and organizations ought to acknowledge to the way and to enter upon it (for such organizations and lifestreams are needed)! The Summit Lighthouse is presently a clear channel from on high to the earth and its people. All of its literature and instruction has thus far been kept relatively free from bias or error. It stands as a mighty Light to the earth and her people, for its beams are in truth connected directly with us. We are happy to tell you that we have taken steps recently (and previously) to see that this does continue, and we have been given assurances from above that it will, so long as responsive hearts perceive its import and dedicate their energies to the necessary expansion, even as we have our own. To men and women, then, of every faith or national origin, we appeal to you to see here an opportunity to express the highest tenets of your faith itself - which if it exists at all must be within your hearts - and therefore the end result of peace and victory which we hope to obtain shall not come about alone because of either personality or organization, but because of the response of men's hearts! Do you see? The Summit Lighthouse itself is the Summit Lighthouse because it elects to stand for the highest and best in all men, in people of every faith and nation, for the purest victory for the earth and her people. We intend not only the highest and best spiritually for all, but the release through this doorway of the finest and best educational material for all which will help men to live in happiness and harmony forevermore. No scriptural or Ascended Master release, no teaching of true divine origin was ever intended to bind the earth and its people through the power of war which can never achieve lasting harmony or peace for the earth or for its people. Those who interpret the scriptures as foretelling endless wars do not realize, know or wholly understand the divine plan, for it is to the abolishment of all conflict that the Prince of Peace, the Ascended Master Jesus the Christ, dedicated and to the present day dedicates his energies divine. That true peace is possible now for mankind, we fling into the very teeth of the lie that war is inevitable, and declare, in hope of averting conflict in the name of God, that it is not his will that any should perish or suffer this horror ever again! Arise, unite, decree and determine with us that in the immortal words of one of earth's own sons uttered in an hour of great peril - "Don't give up the ship" - there may be paraphrased these words, "Don't give up the earth"! I am certain that this brave man would join his energies today with the sons of heaven in helping to obtain for the earth and its evolutions a respite - a pause on the brink of destruction - so that the required sanity and clarity of thought which is needed to avert disaster and construct arks of salvation for everyone be forthcoming without delay. So may earth abide in our Father's will. I AM thankful for the providence that makes real love immortal action - El Morya This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 42 Beloved El Morya - October 20, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 42 - Beloved El Morya - October 20, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom As a bee gathering nectar from the flowers, so the sincere chela who loves good must determine to master every outer condition and extract the very essence of divine sweetness therefrom, storing up these benign experiences in memory's storehouse as in the "honeycomb." Be ready, then, to dispense the milk of human kindness in heroic quantities and rest in constant vigilance - the "guardian of the peace" that keeps the doorway of your consciousness. Beloved, your consciousness is you and reflects the guests - good or ill attired - you admit to its precincts so that all who run may ultimately read its lines etched on the mortal form. Serenity does not mean a limpid or stagnant pool; it is seen vividly in the sparkling waters of a dancing brook! The flow of happiness, the rhythm of the dancing hours, manifest daily in an abundant life flowing over with spiritual grace. I am summoning the sincere to radiate more happiness in your personal service to the King - your God Self in action - now. How can God fail? You go forth now to conquer by love, not to be conquered by that insidious nonsense that says it is loving when in reality it is not! The wayshowers of mankind must accept the task at hand. The Aquarian age needs harvest hands to gather in the seeds of the future, sowing far in advance the best possibilities, and healing in confidence the fruitless fears of the past which consume the vital energy and put to sleep the guardian at the gate of consciousness. I AM your Ever Vigilant MORYA This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 43 Beloved El Morya - October 27, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 43 - Beloved El Morya - October 27, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom The fascination of worldly living is an illusion from which all mankind must one day be awakened if they are ever to inherit the kingdom God intends to be theirs. The divine plan itself is so magnificent, so incomparable and all-loving that by contrast alone - if the divine be known in greater measure and sensed as clearly as are human ideas, the pallor of the latter would make it so utterly undesirable that the former would instantly be the sole and acceptable aim of all life! Meanwhile at present it is up to the Hierarchy of Light to bend the bow of effort on behalf of mankind and sweep aside every decaying notion of human religious error thought and false God-concepts, which, neither in two thousand years nor even a million years, have brought about the freeing of a planet, replacing it, then, by that correct understanding which will reveal those harmonizing evolutions that will positively change the world beginning right now today! To this end we of the highest Brotherhood of the Spirit, Sons of God and heralds of pure truth, stand ready with the blessed Karmic Board to assist mankind momentarily by the "gentle knocking of love at the heart's door" - and, when required, to use "karma's hammer blows" to shatter the decadent thoughtforms which bind mankind to a thralldom of mere sense consciousness. We need the sincere, the open doors, the loving hearts, the untiring burden-bearers whose love cannot be disturbed by the illusions of life - whose goal-sense exceeds their love of self so that these are ever willing to be wise as serpents, yet harmless as doves, thus outwitting the wiles of shadowed energy, whether manifesting in their own world, that of their brethren or anywhere on earth! These will arise with shining courage to know, to do, to dare and to be silent! Blessed ones, the razor's edge of divine discrimination will be seen by these. Gossip shall thus be abandoned - together with wasteful idle chit-chat, vain human opinions and analytic assessments of another which can at best only foresee the temporary struggles of a specific lifestream without actually knowing either the distant past of existence or the hidden future yet to come; in place of such use of energy by mankind for "just talking," it will be channeled to Ascended Master light and love dedicated to the glorious task of building a paradise on earth, thus bringing a "little bit o' heaven" to every land, which it needs and which the hearts of its people require! This is the surest way to ascend, as beloved Jesus did. To this end the blessing of all mankind at the 7:00 o'clock morning period is now lovingly placed in your hands after November 3rd. The spiritual council will then have fulfilled its end and heaven will have sent out its beauteous energies. Whether these were received or not has been somewhat the chela's own responsibility. However, I have stood by the side of Paul the Venetian, blessed Jesus, our Lord the Maha Chohan, the lovely Lady Nada, Mary the Mother of Jesus and other holy women and men of God while personally observing their added zeal in this service; I have seen it increase the hallowed look of their faces as in earnestness beyond compare They have given of their radiant energies to stay the ruthless human tide of battle and assist mankind this year of God 1961! Now, on November 3rd at 7:00 p.m., we pass the torch to you - yet not without our love and light but in the fond hope that you will every evening thereafter personally radiate from your own God Self by looking up to the God and Christ in you and then pulling down its love to qualify it with peace, joy, strength, beauty, the cosmic will of righteousness, and every God-quality which the earth requires in the promotion of the holy cause of freedom! Dear hearts, let the holy sun of freedom lavish its warmth, its fire, its pure energy upon the earth, banding together the hearts of all men of good will in a renewed and eternal vigor which refuses defeat in any of its forms and is that God success which makes of the many lifestreams on earth one - yet preserves intact the sacred idea of individual life expressing that equally cherished ideal prayer which breathed from the heart of God himself flashing alive in man yet continues to pray - "O God, make us one!" Sacrificing, then, no precious tenet of our sacred faith by this desire for unity, we continue to support this endeavor as being in essence representative of us. We uphold the good in all life everywhere but are firm in this knowledge that only when all on earth shall emulate the sons of heaven by joyfully acknowledging the need for "centrality" - for focused energy - shall the greatest good come to all on earth! Cease not the struggle, the reward is as unfailing as is God. The law itself can never be broken, and in the comfortable aura of the divine will none shall long remain beggars! Now, inasmuch as it is true that beggars cannot be choosers, the dignity of choosing a God-destiny shall be given you in greater measure as your love for others expands to exceed even your love of self! As has been so well spoken ... "Greater love hath no man than this - that he lay down his life for his friend ...," I AM now freely giving to you, freely receive, freely imbibe, thirstily, happily, abundantly until the current of divinity stirring from within your "being" and thence to the depths of your life carries on the Supreme function of exalting without limit the God-concept for every son and daughter of freedom and all those who do love the right to express that freedom as God or Good in action! It is the only way! I AM the Way ... the Life ... thy brother who continually doeth the will of God - Fervently, I AM your EL MORYA This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 44 The Beloved Saint Germain - November 3, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 44 - The Beloved Saint Germain - November 3, 1961 Genuine lightness of heart and spirit is intended to be a boon and blessing for all to enjoy. If then it fails to manifest, it is often held in abeyance simply because the human clings to outworn ideas. Blessed ones, Divine radiant energy, which has the POWER to make each day one of sheer DELIGHT for all mankind, must first be invoked or called into action and then allowed to fulfill its PERFECT WORK. When this does occur, human ideas become replaced by Divine ones and the living WAY is opened for that purity of purpose which is AKIN to God to come forth and reinforce that GOOD which is already present in the life of every individual and fills the Universal MIND so well! Yet there are so many considerations to be reckoned with when entering into a study of abstract or even practical metaphysical law that the Law itself has often confused rather than comforted the student who is seeking the fullness of the Light. One misconception centers around mankind's thoughts about so-called "conscience." Condemnation, sin, feelings of inferiority and that which depreciates the individual's sense of worth and thus lays waste man's power to achieve are not qualities of virtue and therefore fail to evoke real virtue in those who practice this "mis-sense" of "LIGHT," which is thus often mere nonsense! All that destroys the individual's sense of dignity and worth is hurtful to the permanent purpose. The use of the Light should be to make men see clearly the shadows on their own path - not to attempt to perceive briars on the pathway of their brother (unless requested to do so). The God Presence of each individual is best able to assist that one in working out each specific daily problem they may encounter, which, if surmounted, does bring a greater measure of good and a sense of spiritually enduring worth with its accompanying happiness to each one. Beloved ones, pause to consider, if the Mighty I AM PRESENCE or God created EACH LIFESTREAM and mankind then criticize, condemn or judge that part of life, it then becomes a case of individual conscious thought qualifying itself with a condemnation of Life or God Himself-Who after all does manifest everywhere! Oh, mankind themselves do not really MEAN to do these things to one another, but in reality they seem to do them just the same, and so by the Law of Karma-which is often a boomerang-they find that in creating unhappiness for another it flows back into their own world and produces there the very unhappiness they do not want either for themselves or their brother! Few men (by comparison at the present time) are aware of the fact that all energy comes back to them for purification and that it is up to them to consciously visualize the Violet Fire of Freedom and transmutation flowing forth its healing stream of Infinite Love and Power into each and every situation and setting free all the energy which is bound in temporary human delusion. That is just what it is, dear ones, temporary delusion; and for you-if you do not watch it as the years go by-the temporary can become entirely too permanent for the good of your own lifespan. Shake off then the lethargy and confusion introduced by a vibratory action which indiscriminately shakes the "finger of scorn" at another. Learn to practice as Christians of the `inner circle' really do (this includes the faithful of every faith) the Presence of Good for each lifestream you contact. Blessed ones, this does not mean that a link or tie stronger than that which life already asserts must be entered into by you. You are already your brother's keeper, but now you must practice the perfect thought of beholding the Good in him-strengthening it and calling for the transmutation of the wasteful misdirections of the past, until all are able as the Ascended Masters do to come up over all human conditions, and in the eternal Light of God to anchor your blessed perceptions forever. Then you will not sit as observers "in the seat of the scornful," but will with Beloved Mother Mary declare MY SOUL DOTH MAGNIFY THE LORD! The concerns of mankind often alternate between the sublime and the ridiculous and yet as children they all do seem to at least need simple spiritual guidance very frequently. We would love to discourse to the many advanced ones concerning the deeper, higher instructions ... but, oh how much practice is needed of all that which We have already given, which-simple and loving as it is-sometimes goes neglected, while the daily affairs with which you are so often concerned center in the "trivia" of life. Now then, arise and shine! Truly thy Light has already come in the Mighty I AM PRESENCE! The weaving of the net of Divine Love in the family of nations must begin with each lifestream; yet each one who loves strengthens the bond of eternal love and so gradually by elevation, step by step -nobility of soul, strength of character and the shaping of man in the Divine image goes on. Man shall arise victorious and free and the Novum Organum (New Order) of the Ages shall bloom as a "living rose" in the Father's fragrant garden! magnify the Lord and LIVE! Guard well then this image. I AM the Guardian Friend of Freedom's nobility - SAINT GERMAIN ****** Chapter 45 Beloved Mother Mary - November 10, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 45 - Beloved Mother Mary - November 10, 1961 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom Complete fascination for God or Good draws up the sometimes scattered consciousness into a state of oneness which enables the blessed seeking one to really feel the touch of God's hand and know instinctively within that the loving Father is sensitive to every inmost need of his children. I am presently so well aware of the many petitions from the mothers of the world on behalf of their sons and the cause of world peace. I am also perceptive at present of the mass of untransmuted energy, which accumulation daily threatens temporary engulfment of the noble aims of God-life as it seeks more complete expression in all those whom I love so dearly. Blessed ones, know that nothing human can ever assuage more than temporarily the waves of fear which presently threaten to engulf the nations of the earth in the turmoil of war or the terror of atomic holocaust. Yet the sincere, by their faithful calls to life, light and love, do compel an answer, and if mankind will persist long enough in demanding from life peace and freedom, they shall eventually have it. This demonstration may not always manifest as quickly as earth's children would like it. Quite frankly, blessed ones, it often falls short of heaven's schedule or mark of perfection; yet great beings such as Saint Germain, beloved Jesus and dear El Morya do continue to hold their faith steady in the ultimate harmony and triumph of light and love among mankind when eternal victory shall manifest for all in the golden age. Then mankind themselves shall dictate by their own demand that they prefer perfection to the present discord of the outer world. Then great comfort and love will come forth for all as individuals demonstrate their faith in the supreme principle which by its distinct reality can only produce after its kind all that is good and beautiful. Let nothing human, then, long hold sway in your world, blessed ones; for it has never proven a lasting or enduring comfort. As I review the temptations which I personally faced in the days preceding my own ascension during the boyhood of Jesus and also even after his ascension, I cannot but feel that mankind do need to have greater understanding of the ultimate aim and how that, in reality, this aim does completely and wholly surround the temporal appearances and all their thunder and roar! These temporal temptations and challenges, blessed ones, only prove truly valuable to your God-design or life plan when you do overcome them and successfully pass through each test. You then find for yourself that the passing appearances of the temporal have no reality whatsoever in the face of immortal life and its ceaseless tide which flows from the very heart of God! Now, the harvest did not always seem to manifest fully upon earth through all the magnificent Christ-sowing of the beloved Lord Maitreya, and yet never did he cease to pour out his love and service. I well realize, however, that from the eternal shores it is perhaps easier to hold the vision of victory. However, remember that when all the blessed ascended ones yet were embodied as you are, they, too, often felt caught between the sometimes vanishing reality of heaven's home and the strident delusions and illusions of the world. Dear ones, at times an inversion by mankind of their consciousness from right to wrong, which may occur spontaneously to temporarily terrify the mortal mind, but when the anchor is trusted to hold despite the slackness of the rope or the turbulence of the seas, then great good is accomplished, for with quietness and serenity the consciousness does return to the security of the Father's love, which becomes, then, more apparent than error; and by rushing into the vacuum occasioned by the temporary flight of faith, it floods the entire soul with wonderful feelings of gratitude to God for all the many blessings of his constantly enduring love! I know many of the students are quite concerned with the appearance world, as well they might from the standpoint of that appearance and beloved Morya's warning to the earth in July of this year. Yet, blessed ones, all must express balance; for the correction of those appearance, however grim they seem, shall only occur as an answer to the sincere, harmonious calls of the many lovers of Light, for this is the Law! Then, too, the time is so very much at hand for greater religious understanding, and that in itself will make for a better political understanding. Truly, the almost perennial vacillation and confusion in the religious world has disturbed the balance in the body politic of the entire earth and yet the present great need is and remains balance. As a step which I consider most loving, the Council of the Brotherhood has recommended to the brothers Jesus and Kuthumi the release at the present time of an important series of instructions as a part of that teaching called the Corona Class (for all who would teach men the way). The current series begins next week in the Pearls of Wisdom and shall deal with a subject which perhaps may seem strange to some but which in reality is most vital and necessary for mankind to understand correctly right now today. The subject is sin, and the series of lessons released should be of great value in righting many of mankind's wrong concepts, thus bringing greater personal peace and harmony with God, your Mighty I AM Presence, who shall seal all who will lovingly apply the blessed current instruction now forthcoming in his own great heart of Light! Call, then, to and for light, blessed ones, for the youth of the world, for the aged of the world, and for all in between. All mankind need God now as never before in the face of upset and balancing conditions, yet never has greater light and love been summoned to readiness, waiting release in answer to your calls. An early wish for a blessed holiday season and that harvest consciousness of wholesome abundance from, Your Mother Mary This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. This focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is presently located in America's national capital. All communications and freewill contributions for it should be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, P.O. Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 46 Beloved Kuthumi - November 17, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 46 - Beloved Kuthumi - November 17, 1961 SIN Corona Class Lesson 19 Law "With What Measure Ye Mete ..." To All Who Condemn Not the Word, but Hope in Him - The smoking censers of sweet incense swinging in the wilderness tabernacles of the children of Israel often commingled in the wind with the odor of sacrificial burnt offerings. These were sacrifices offered to appease a supposedly wrathful God in atonement for the many sins of the children of Israel committed during their wilderness wanderings.{27} The desire to appease God, the wish to find release from feelings of guilt and its attendant oppression, and the idea that forgiveness is possible occupy the minds of millions of God's children to the present day. Understandable, then, is the contrast between the sweet incense symbolizing prayer, love, and adoration and the somewhat odoriferous idea of animal or human sacrifice. Under the guidance of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood, beloved Jesus and I are currently releasing this series of lessons in order to create a climate of greater understanding of what sin is, what sin is not, and what effective countermeasures can be taken to neutralize its effects by removing its cause and core. The involvement of conscience and consciousness with sin, the high expectations God has for his offspring, and a general clarification of this entire subject is to be compressed into our Corona Class Lessons, sent to you with all our love. This sending should prove highly beneficial to those who carefully assimilate our instruction, for we are determined to put into it much needed assistance for all disciples who would teach Truth to the child heart. We are, however, well aware of the fact that some of our new students retain biased concepts or some religious bigotry. These we admonish to keep those old thought and feeling momentums under control until the completion of the course, in order to forestall any negative interference that would block the flow of our divine ideas into their worlds. For some this will not be difficult, but for others who may feel a false sense of loyalty to this or that doctrine or its proponent (as I did on occasion, prior to my ascension, when identified with various religious faiths), it may require greater restraint in order to attend that understanding which, by its nearness to God, will be the best self-evident proof of our teaching. Blessed ones, in connection with such matters as belief systems and religious faiths, remember that long before you reached your present understanding in this life, your concepts underwent change many times - and it is always possible that they will do so again in the course of the journey leading to the circle of understanding of the so-called mysteries of Life. These matters may seem "cut and dried" to those who are grounded in a specific teaching; but in order to obtain freedom from any or all error inherent in a human system, the price you must be willing to pay is simply to keep an open mind and heart. Pause, then, both to consider new ideas and to reexamine old ones in the blazing light of the forthcoming divine knowledge. In the world of science, the true scientist must be willing to keep open the avenues of receptivity and to constantly reevaluate long-established theories about the matter universe. By his eagerness to examine new evidence, even if it invalidate his former conclusions, he becomes a reliable channel for the progress of all men. Spiritual values and principles must also stand the supreme test of validity and demonstrability in time and eternity. It should be recognized, however, that people's concepts concerning the application of eternal truths can be both accurate and inaccurate. Admitting that to err is human, then, the ministering servant must examine his own spiritual progress as it corresponds to the new thoughts that flow from the heavenly octave where I AM - that there ye may be also.{28} The sincere students of Christian literature may well recall the biblical scene when beloved Jesus stooped down and carefully wrote in the sand those words which freed the supposedly sinful woman from the scorn of her would-be executioners. His statement, "He that is without sin among you - let him first cast a stone at her,"{29} is a classic reminder of the 'humanness' of sin and firmly supports the later remarks of Saint Paul who declared, "There is none righteous, no, not one."{30} David's statement in the Psalms "In sin did my mother conceive me"{31} is also apropos the idea that "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."{32} Now, blessed ones, dear Jesus often declared while yet embodied in physical form that the Son of man came not into the world to condemn the world, but that through him the world might find the path to eternal Life.{33} It is reasonable to assume that whatever sin may be, all men have either been guilty of it or have submitted to it at one time or another. It is correct - and I say far more so - to conclude that God as Spirit, as Law, and as the manifestation of the Shekinah glory{34} is not at all interested in the condemnation of earth's evolutions or in singling out individuals because of their present or past condition of sin. Rather is he supremely interested in freeing them from the ignorance of sin (and sinful ignorance) and the wiles of the Tempter. Usually when pondering the doctrines of sin formulated by men, people engage in one of two misconceptions: either they excuse themselves while condemning their brothers for the same error, or they create the image of an angry God made in their own likeness, sustained by their own feelings of guilt and the consequent need for punishment or atonement. The carnal mind derives satisfaction from contemplating this false picture of God only because it reinforces its own synthetic image and world view and allows it to hate and kill and maim in the name of its god. But the soul, knowing that the Father is in reality all-wise and all-loving, acts accordingly when free from the indoctrination (condemnation) of the serpent mind. It is true that before the birth of beloved Jesus much of the karmic retribution portrayed in Old Testament scriptures did tend to support the idea of an angry God (the harshness of the Law untempered by the grace of the Divine Mediator); and the carry-over from the old to the new dispensation, because of Christianity's roots in Judaic tradition, has in some quarters affected Christian thought to the present. If the eyes of men were opened to perceive the immensity of world pain returned upon them daily (by the law of karma) for redemption; if they could see that this pain and their attendant suffering is caused by their erroneous concepts concerning sin and condemnation - they would understand the urgent necessity for us to shed light upon every shadowy, unhappy thought concentration on the matter. Sincere study and the correct explanation from the office of the World Teachers removes from erroneous concepts the sting and strength of error. The orthodoxy of many religionists (most of whom are sincere people) may be trodden upon in this dissertation, but in the spiritual 'ivory tower' of my own ascension, I have no fear of human censure. And thus I am determined - with a fervor beyond the usual gentility imputed to me by many of the chelas - to alert the responsive and receptive ones to these accurate probings in Ascended Master Truth which lead to the promised land of freedom. There the milk and honey of spiritually sweetened thought is become that understanding which creates greater harmony with God, peace within oneself, and the power to promote goodwill among the blessed people of earth whom we dearly love in God's name, I AM. The biblical statement "the sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law"{35} is then brought forward for clarification. The idea that "the strength of sin is the law" is a key idea and contains the understanding which beloved Hilarion, as Saint Paul, recorded in his great wisdom. From one standpoint, the law of which he spoke is the law of mortality, man-made - which itself is strengthened by the law of karma. Death has a sting only where the individual has sustained his own mortality through his failure to absolve the record of sin. This he is obliged to do through balancing his karma by good works and the application of the violet flame in dynamic decrees.{36} The relative strength of sin is subject to the law of transmutation whereby through repentance and remission of sin one can transmute by the sacred fire the cause, effect, record, and memory of all error and thereby no longer be under the karmic weight of prior acts. Sin loses all power over the individual once he subjects it and himself fully and finally to the Law of Love. As you know, beloved ones, it seems there are as many motives as there are people, yet this is not true. For the itemizing of human motives soon terminates and it is quickly perceived that outside of a subtle shading in variety, human motives are quite basic. Furthermore, it will be found that for the most part human attitudes and motivations originate in a misunderstanding as well as in an understanding of the laws of God. Excessive feelings of hopelessness often overtake men when they contemplate the need to forsake their so-called sins. This, in turn, generates the feeling that they cannot live up to the high standard of the Law. Their perception of the "rigidity" of the Law seems to favor continuing in so-called sin and the way of all flesh because the goal of sinlessness appears nigh impossible. Thus at times it is, in fact, the blessed Law misunderstood, and its apparent inflexibility, which encourages and strengthens both the sense of sin and the act of sin! Now, we of the Great White Brotherhood in no way desire to see shadow amplified by false doctrine or false teaching, nor would we do aught but assist each soul to find its way back Home. Blessed ones, it is results that count in spiritual matters as well as material ones. And so, in divine practicality, I should point out that the blessed Law is in reality neither weak nor rigid: It is the statement of the purity of eternal Truth. It is the codification of immortal values and standards which by their very nature cannot be compromised by lesser principles - the latter by contrast, appearing at times almost evil. In truth, the Law is the greatest security in the universe, protecting the righteous and commanding the unrighteous to forsake the sinful unreality of their ways and come up higher. While affording ample opportunity for all to mercifully dismiss sin and the law of sin from their worlds, the Great Law also promises absolute God-justice to evildoers{37} who persist in their evildoings, blasphemous towards Christ and his Call. Your deliverance from all self-delusion is our goal in these Corona Class Lessons. In relation to the foregoing, your freedom from sin and the sense of sinfulness should liberate your soul from an oppressive apprehension of the hurdles of the Law - and what has seemed to be your own limitation in jumping over those hurdles. Understand, then, that there are eternal as well as temporal values. Surely God who is wholly perfect could not permit his permanent Law to uphold a standard less than absolute perfection. Life on earth reveals countless examples of the great mercy of God, daily bestowed with the infinite patience he extends to all his creation. Therefore, let none wrongly conclude that God is angry with them or with any part of Life. Neither let them foolishly conclude that, because he is not angry, the Lords of Karma who follow the perfect promptings of the Father of all will let pass deliberate or wanton acts of malice carried out against another part of Life. For Justice declares, "With what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again."{38} This is an operative law and relates to the conduct of men in their dealings with one another. However, in their personal relationship to their own Mighty I AM Presence and the eternal Law of Perfection, there is ever the guiding hand of the patient Father (extended through the Son) who without condemnation adores to see his children know the Truth that makes them free. No longer permit the high hurdles of the Law or your own temporary limitations to hinder your demonstration of the Law. Let the reach exceed the grasp, and strive by illustriousness of spirit to magnify your God-power for the accomplishment of righteousness - the right use (instead of the wrong use) of the Law among all children of the Light. Know that each small strength you summon expands the victory of your soul, measurably increasing the Light that illumines, blesses, and heals you. Each act which reinforces the honor of the Law strengthens the manifestation of the great causal Law of Love as it moves the entire creation, in measured cadence, into eternal tabernacles of the Spirit. It is the sweetness of Love immortal, like fragrant incense rising, that requires no shadow of animal or human sacrifice - only Christ-accomplishment which fulfills the whole Law for you, His grace multiplying your good words and good works. I thank you. Kuthumi Lal Singh [Taken from the book version, Corona Class Lessons.] ****** Chapter 47 Beloved Jesus the Christ - November 24, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 47 - Beloved Jesus the Christ - November 24, 1961 SIN Corona Class Lesson 20 Love "Thy Sins Be Forgiven Thee!" To the Blessed Who Have Suffered Guilt Too Long - The power men have given, inadvisedly, to the whole idea of sin must be broken ere the full perfection of God can be fully known. Humanity through force of habit continually re-creates feelings of guilt which mar the soul, shading the brilliant stream of divine illumination passing through, as it were, a pane of glass and depriving the 'lightstream' (lifestream) of the wondrous luminescence of God. I am determined to assist the beloved chelas and every sincere student of earth's schoolroom in bettering their understanding of the transcendent laws of Life by which the universe operates. For far too long the race has continued in a round of ceaseless condemnation of themselves and others, resulting in a habitual misqualification of energy. This has caused a false conscience to be created within the subconscious, inculcating feelings of guilt and unworthiness in self and others. These feelings reinforce in turn the false conscience which then overrides the inner voice of the Divine One, who is the only true and reliable conscience. My parable of the prodigal son{39} portrays God's true relationship with his beloved children. It makes clear that our Father never intended his sons and daughters to eat the husks of sin or to dwell in the limitations of sin as presently measured by human thought and feeling. Surely our Father never intended to see his son waste his energy in riotous living; yet by making wrong choices, the son did in fact enter into karmic conditions of servitude and bondage. This is not to say that whenever the erring one determines to arise and shake off his carnal shackles, the powers of Light will not immediately blaze forth the required assistance to welcome that beloved one Home, where forgiveness is complete. Indeed, it is so. Through the whirlpool of human consciousness, the downward pull of the senses, and the oft-repeated failure of the human to look up, mankind completely overlook this divine intent; and God's love, our love - which is a precious ointment - is often spilled in wasteful self-pity and selfish self-love. And more's the tragedy when one considers the loss of entire segments of a life-span and the misappropriation of energy which should rather have been used to fulfill the sacred mission of a life. The solution is simple: the misdirected attention must be refocused upon the Great God Source and kept there. By placing it on their problems, mankind have only multiplied them instead of diminishing them by the universal love and care which heaven is constantly pouring forth. This they have frequently failed to see simply because they were looking in the wrong direction - down, not up! While feelings of guilt may spur men to seek confession and penance, these feelings are never the means of setting them free. Do not be deceived by human foolishness! If guilt were from God who is all Good, the end result of this feeling would itself be good; but if it stem from human error, no matter how real seeming, it cannot produce any permanent good whatsoever in your world. Guilt is a vibration which is related to condemnation of self and others; and when you accept it or entertain it in any form, you become disturbed unless the thought be swiftly changed. Now, there is a voice of conscience and I certainly do not mean to discourage its use. I am, however, interested that the true chela understand the difference between that which alternately self-condemns and self-justifies and that which correctly instructs, inspires, and guides into all Truth, all Love, all Righteousness, and the fulfillment of God's divine plan for each precious life in accord with the Law of Love. You see, codification of the Law has been a human requirement. Moses' labor of love in communing with his own Mighty I AM Presence brought forth the Ten Commandments from the heart of the Ancient of Days. These have been and continue to be a mighty assistance in the development of human law and order, constricting human behavior so as to cause less destructive (and more constructive) world karma. Today the Law requires that individuals develop for themselves the inner sense of the Law of Love and then outpicture it in living for Truth. This I advocated during the final embodiment of my earthly mission and I remain constant in stimulating its emphasis in everyone's affairs. Now the Ten Commandments and much more are read from the inward parts of man where God has written the Tablets of the Law of personal Christhood built on the ten. Humanity's incorrect assimilation and practice of the divine plan may be compared to a misuse of the photographic process. First, in clicking the shutter they do not admit enough light. Second, in developing the divine image they adulterate the process so that the finished proof is altered to resemble laggard qualities more than the righteous expressions of the Divine One. Even today many people live in a primitive state of consciousness insofar as the Law of Love is concerned. Neither riches nor education can guarantee men's spiritual integrity. By sincere attunement with the law of harmony and the education of the heart through a mighty demonstration of the real love of God, the disciple is relieved of the severity of the dos and don'ts of the Law. Thus, by personal application the great warmth of the Law of Love acts to expand the spirituality of each lifestream. Endued with the fullness of the Spirit, the soul will naturally obey the Ten Commandments in an attitude of joy and freedom. Through the spiritual exercise of the Law, the security and protection of the Law is guaranteed to all who obey it. Beyond this, the grace and mercy of the Law also extend the blessings of higher octaves to the gracious and the merciful servants of the Law. The spiritual senses are best quickened by a pure spirit free from feelings of condemnation and guilt. To all sincere chelas of the Great Law, I AM therefore saying, Thy sins be forgiven thee! Greater peace in the feeling world and an intense desire to be in attunement with the omnipresence of God will be the first signs following your acceptance of this intercession of my grace. From the center of Christ-forgiveness, there blazes forth a delightful inner confidence that God's abundance is all around you - a feeling that God's love in you is so magnificent that sin and the record of sin are completely swallowed up by it! Thus are death and the "wages of sin" swallowed up in total victory.{40} While the world debates the politics of the day and hopes to obtain salvation in the social order, the power of the kingdom of heaven continues to express divine justice individually to each person on earth. America's spiritual destiny in the "inner world government" is to be the cupbearer of Light (of the Christ consciousness) to the world, the fount of Divine Liberty for the earth. By rightly understanding his divine Sonship, akin to my own, each disciple will help to make this universally possible for all nations and peoples. Thus, each life mission is important to the Father. It must be realized that distortions in connection with my mission have been almost overwhelming. The divine doctrine of the remission of sins, taught by John the Baptist before me,{41} is little understood. My words uttered both before and after my crucifixion conferring upon my apostles the power to remit or to retain sin{42} - to thus exercise the law of forgiveness as well as the law of the judgment - would indicate that even at that time blood sacrifice was not the necessary ingredient in this process. Quite the contrary, forgiveness is an alchemy of love, of repentance, of cleansing by the Word and of the healing of the desire to sin again. I spoke to many, saying, "Thy sins be forgiven thee,"{43} and again, "Go and sin no more"{44} - yet the world's religious delusion to which countless millions pay unfortunate allegiance (believing they do my will and the will of the Father) centers around this false idea that propitiation in the form of a painful punishment is required by a vengeful Deity. These see my crucifixion as sacrificial, my mission as unique, and my Sonship as greater than all, whereas to God every son is already one with the Father. You see, whenever error is accepted as though it were real, it becomes by the pressure of its acceptance a flaw in the foundation of the temple which each one is building. Such a flaw can throw the entire structure off plumb for a lifetime (and succeeding lifetimes) unless and until it is corrected. Let me begin, then, this correction on behalf of Truth. The "way of the cross" pertains to the meeting of God and man. It depicts the manifestation of God in man who is in the process of obtaining the perfection of his own ascension in the Light, even as I did. Eventually this "outer man" will be completely absorbed into his perfect Selfhood, but were he to merge prematurely with his God Self, which is an all-consuming fire,{45} it would destroy the very fabric of his soul-identity. Therefore, it is the mercy of the Great Law, which never lowers its standards or fails in its compassion, to create a wide spiral in the eternal cycles of time and space where the becoming God-likeness of man is nurtured by the wisdom-love of God. Hence, in the cruciform of life man finds an avenue leading to permanent victory, and the reality of the Father becomes known and understood as an act of complete, enduring love. If any sacrifice be required for man to return to his natural, spiritual Sonship, it is the sacrifice of wayward and willful human qualities. As beloved Kuthumi and I have stated before, the path to God is never so much a sacrifice as it is a sacrament, never so much sacrificial as sacramental. Go, then, and sin no more - to the best of your ability. But do not be tense about it, blessed ones. You see, your increasing spiritual strength and understanding ought never to be sapped by condemnation of self or others. If you abide in loving forgiveness, it will be much easier for you to find your complete freedom in the way of the Christ, through right understanding and the fullness of God which surrounds you now and forever. As the Psalms declare, "Whither shall I flee from thy presence?"{46} Therefore, in truth ye do know the Way: for I AM the Way, I AM the Truth, and I AM the Life. No man cometh to the Father (his God Presence) except through me (the Holy Christ Self of each one),{47} and this is the universal plan - the same for all. Face and overcome sin, condemnation, false conscience, and fear. To all these declare fervently and know that: I AM the fullness of God/Good! I AM walking into daily oneness with the Father. I AM made ever new in God's image, the similitude and likeness of all that is Good. I AM the justice of the divine Law which reaches out to fulfill the true spirit of both human and divine Law. I AM the manifestation of that sacred Law, and in the joy of the ascended Jesus Christ consciousness, I AM illumined to know that this living, inner Law is the Golden Rule! May peace and power attend thee always. I AM in Truth thy elder brother, Jesus the Christ [Taken from the book version, Corona Class Lessons.] ****** Chapter 48 Beloved Kuthumi - December 1, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 48 - Beloved Kuthumi - December 1, 1961 SIN Corona Class Lesson 21 Conscience "As a Man Thinketh in His Heart ..." To the Dear Seeker after the Thread of Consciousness - The consciousness of every man is keenly linked to memory, and it is the memory process which files an orderly sequence of events in the storehouse of being and ties together the past and the present (and even the future) into a rationally self-realized whole. The stream of consciousness flows into the mold of memory, and it is the resulting image which, when formed with the proper intensity of thought and feeling, becomes preserved as a record. We shall now show the relationship between consciousness and conscience. Using thought and feeling processes, man individually and collectively has evolved so-called behavioral norms which he regards as good or evil. Although the formula may change over the years, man persistently holds many basic concepts about what is and what is not acceptable. These evolve into social mores which, when reinforced by racial and religious habit patterns, become tradition. Tradition itself stems from both right and wrong attitudes of thinking and feeling, and is the result of human logic wrapped in emotional overtones which shape the emerging pattern. The results are never final and often lack both objectivity and equity. Seldom do they show forth the luster of either real humanity or divinity. Apart from these pressures of thought and feeling, there is a still stronger influence at work. This is the eternal voice of each one's own God Self. The God Presence of each lifestream ever strives to make its righteousness known by seeking to penetrate every human density and to correct every wrong idea. Bear in mind, blessed ones, that the perfection of the eternal spheres surrounds the material creation and is always amplified without limit by the wonderful angelic host, the devas and cosmic beings, including the entire hierarchy of heaven. This benign influence affecting all planes of being is marvelous to behold at inner levels, whether or not people are outwardly aware of it. (Of course, if they are, it makes cooperation easier! Hence, our explanations are forthcoming for all who require this instruction in order to make the most of Life's seen and unseen opportunities and blessings.) I am certain you are aware that in various ages, including the present, a number of these wonderful beings have appeared to the few and sometimes to the many in order to encourage them and to create in them a more resolute faith. Dear ones, divine conscience is the preceptor of each lifestream; it is activated in a special compartment of consciousness linked with the memory of inner-level experiences. Its function is to record within the soul and the outer self guiding reins from divine levels. These constraints emanate from the Holy Christ Flame - even the golden-yellow plume of illumination distilled by the 'hidden man of the heart' - assisting all who intuit its gentle but firm leadings to better fulfill their divine plan. The true divine conscience is sensitive to the intimations of the Christ Self, but sometimes (and quite often in many lifestreams) the human conscience responds to the pressures of the mass mind. Humanly accepted norms - those thought to be socially correct or religiously righteous - have a marked influence on many, which accounts for the differing levels of tolerance in various peoples and cultures. Thus, amplified and standardized through the human media, the mass mind has built up a set of values all its own. Though often mechanistic, these send forceful influences through the radiating power of the human aura which impinge upon that God-directed guidance ever-present within each one's true conscience, whether readily apparent or beneath the threshold of awareness. Because this admixture of the humanly acquired and the divinely endowed conscience is to be found in the majority of souls presently embodied, it is important in the face of pressures from all quarters for each disciple to understand the action of conscience, memory, and consciousness in his own being. If he will rightly understand this teaching and apply its knowledge, it will help much to eliminate a senseless round of personal criticism, condemnation, sin, and self-judgment. Dear students, realize that your God Self has given you the power of free will so that you will lovingly, joyously choose to meditate on your own life plan - to think about it, to invoke it, to pursue it, and to will it into manifestation. This process is intended to stimulate your own realization of and respect for divine values and enable you to more effectively establish in consciousness that conscience which is a truly sensitive instrument. This inner voice does not induce self-torture and anguish but offers guidance and comfort that enables you to decipher the true will of the Father and the Son always with you in your own I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self. Out of consciousness attuned to Divinity arises the right idea which transmutes the wrong idea, supplanting erring thought and emotions with the eternal banner of Truth, Light, and Right. This triple reinforcement of your Christ Self frees the soul from all past mistakes based on ignorance, dogma, doctrinal controversy, ecclesiasticism, 'situation ethics', the woeful misunderstanding of the life and mission of beloved Jesus, and all so-called evil vibrations. Then there is quickened within the heart the holy image of God revealed in each one's purified and true conscience as that reflected radiance, the divine gift to all who listen to God's voice of loving intelligence within. Foremost among the erroneous concepts of mankind is the ever-present memory of wrongdoing which causes them to equate that wrong with sin and then to suffer self-damnation from their conclusion. Beloved Jesus knew that on earth only the few are intentional wrongdoers. He taught that if men really understood the Law and the far-reaching consequences of their misdeeds, they would not persist in their gross violations of conscience. His prayer "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do"{48} embodies his merciful understanding toward the misguided multitudes. In the centuries since his blessed ascension, through his cosmic service to the earth, the Master has evolved many spiritually sound approaches to manifold human problems. With the objective of giving greater freedom to the children of the Sun of Righteousness, the offspring of the Most High, the World Teachers are desirous of communicating these solutions to all who will read and run with the good news, both hearing and doing His word. One of our grand solutions is to correct, one by one, every wrong idea of sin held in mind. Perceive: As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he;{49} therefore, one's thought, as the thinking process, held in mind and memory is ever a powerful part of one's consciousness as pertains to individual identity. This thought which so molds and limits the human personality includes all opinions, faulty premises and conclusions blindly held, as well as outright lies, fabrication and fantasy stubbornly adhered to regardless of all reason or evidence to the contrary. Consider the intense feelings of scorn held in the desire body which coalesce around many nonsensical notions concerning people, politics, mores, and religion! Inasmuch as all warping of reality exists only in human thought and feeling, it is from these areas of the conscious and subconscious mind that sin and the sense of sin must be cast out. Beloved, the correct thought about God is not always enthroned in the conscience of man. For example: God is eternal, Life is eternal; therefore God is Life and Life is God. By a like reasoning one can see that God is Mind and Mind is God and, as such, He is not only conscious, but He is also Consciousness itself. This Mind who is universal Consciousness embodies the Law and the Truth of being for every manifestation of Himself - made in his image and likeness. As the center of all Self-awareness, including that of his offspring, this Mind, then, is also the Divine Conscience - the discriminating intelligence of good and evil, right and wrong, Himself exercising (and enabling man to exercise) free will. Now, these thoughts are the correct thoughts about God. Going one step further, we see that the correct thought of God in man (i.e., the thoughts God thinks in and through man) is, then, man's only true or necessary conscience. And this Divine Conscience is God! With this understanding which thou shalt surely gain through oneness with the universal Mind, the first and only commandment the disciple would ever need is "Thou shalt have no other Conscience before me!"{50} God is all-powerful, all-wise, wholly pure. Sin can never be a part of this God who is your life, your spirit, your being. It can only be a part of you if you make it so by indulging the sense of sin, revolving states of error long forsaken and forgiven, or engaging in acts forbidden by the Great Law. Sin has only as much reality as your own mind or the mass mind gives it. A false conscience is a tinderbox piled high with theological, psychological, and illogical illusions. Many of the erroneous Judeo-Christian teachings are centered on the idea of sin, punishment, and propitiation by human or animal sacrifice. In the absolute Love of God for and in man, sin is entirely nonexistent. From the standpoint of the immaculate image held in the universal Mind, sin is not real! regardless of how many scriptural verses refer to it. Sin exists in the dead past, in pagan and superstitious ideas colored to look real - often distorted, mark you, by well-meaning and sincere people who, though acting in good faith, are full of misplaced loyalty. All of this unholy error must be transmuted by holy Truth. If the energy people have given to the wrong concept of sin, binding forever and forever binding the Father's beloved children to hellfire and damnation (think of this dreadful, truly sinful, doctrine!), had been used to reinforce the true metaphysical concepts of the soul's innate virtue, the earth would long ago have been free from the stain of repetitious sin - dyed in the wool, believed in, and therefore committed over and over again. Outworn traditions handed down from parents to children have for too long deceived the very elect.{51} Even those well grounded in the spiritual truths, who ought to know better, will through force of habit start the condemnation process all over again in their silent scorn - erupting now and again with vituperation and contumely. Frequently, such as these become depressed by their own self-condemnation periodically heaped upon others and they begin to believe that their lives are falling short of the mark. A moment's reflection on the thought that God is all around them and that in reality they cannot live life solely unto themselves (except it be in a delusory, vapory, human-miasma-type existence) will soon evaporate their self-deceit - sown in the bitterness of constant criticism - without a trace. So be it! Until the doctrine of sin is removed from the world, and especially from the world of the disciple, how can he successfully hold an immaculate concept of himself and of those to whom he would teach the way of forgiveness through noncondemnation? So long as one thinks that vile people exist anywhere in the realms of God's perfection, how can one's thought be immaculate? The false belief that sin or evil has a life of its own perpetuated by God must be cast into the sacred fires of Truth. Once you have fully and finally transmuted by the violet flame of purity the karmic debris and residual effects of this damnable concept, you will be ready to take the next step on the path of the ministering servant. As an act of grace, the God-magnificence of Life will come to the fore in your consciousness and, by the power of the Holy Spirit and your own joyousness, express itself through you to all who yearn for the sunshine of liberating Truth. Beloved, God is the high standard and the best rule by whom the creation and selfhood come into being. One who does not express the highest that he is capable of often permits himself to indulge a care-less attitude. Through the misuse of free will people remain entrenched in the lesser, or prodigal, role. The Golden Rule establishes the standard through your own Holy Christ Self that every motive and act be one of love by each part of Life toward every other part of Life. Sin, then, is never real. It is a laggard idea dealing in the blacks, whites, and grays of human consciousness, whereas God's consciousness, which is your Life, is all Light! Sin is never real, and therefore in obtaining freedom from it, men must identify it as nothing and God as all. There is a karmic ledger that must be balanced, and by karmic law human error must be adjusted and adjudicated before the Lords of Karma. Serving to set free every part of Life that has suffered by one's mistakes, healing old hurts, mending fences, and displacing human conduct by divine conduct is in accord with the justice of God meted out at human levels, and none shall escape so much as a jot or a tittle of the Law or his responsibility for each and every ungodly act toward any part of Life.{52} Mercy's flames give freedom to all through the diligent application of the violet fire and through hearts burning with eternal love which imputes not sin to any who truly love God and care for his flock, as did Abraham of old.{53} Build, then, in consciousness the celestial Christ-concept of all Good, and secure your victory. Such thinking will not lower your standards or carry you into byways of delusion; for by simple, direct contact with your own God Presence, you will unloose the limitless power to achieve the goal of sinlessness - without spot or blemish{54} marring the garment of the soul. The divergent angle between the human and God is best closed by realizing that with God all things are, in truth, possible.{55} True self-preservation is to keep active the divine Principle which animates the temple of being with the eternal heart flame of God. The perfection of God will become a sacred Eucharist on the heart's altar, where the sacred fire imbues each one with the tender truth of a loving Father dwelling in the loving heart of his obedient son. This is the revolutionary idea that makes of mortals immortals; of men, gods - and casts all, in Mercy's love and name, upon the Life of the eternal plan and the Wisdom of the eternal Good. I AM loving you free from all sin. In Wisdom's holy name, Kuthumi Lal Singh [Taken from the book version, Corona Class Lessons.] ****** Chapter 49 Beloved Jesus the Christ - December 8, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 49 - Beloved Jesus the Christ - December 8, 1961 SIN Corona Class Lesson 22 Sacrifice "Without Shedding of Blood ..." To the Deserving of the Path of Joy, Abundance, and Happiness - Foremost among God's ideas scintillating in the universe is the ever-living love that radiates joy to the world. The poor in spirit{56} as well as those deficient in this world's goods will always find enough in the cup of Christ's consciousness that runneth over.{57} His abundant Light fills every human need - and divine. I AM the source of all joy, of all abundance, of all! Why, then, do men seek to find happiness elsewhere? It is because in their sense of lack they amplify their need to possess that which in reality is already their own. This is a misunderstanding of the divine vision of universal Love which gives without limit to all. Religious movements are conceived in order that people might be happy in God in the present and that they might find happiness in God in the future. The security of heaven is an anchor for which men yearn. I am certain, then, that the Spirit of the Father flashes out in response to each blessed lamb with an intensity beyond that soul's yearning. God's love can be perceived shining through the foliage of Nature, in the electronic composition of matter, and as a light in the eyes of men. So little understood is God, so little is he known or realized by most men, that scarcely can they conceive of his outpouring of power which lies latent within their being. You see, blessed ones, by the law of the circle, when you apply limitation to another it returns to you for adjustment. When in ignorance people apply limitation to God, to others, or to themselves, this practice, which is most dangerous, causes the Great Law to withhold from them the very powers of Light which would give them their freedom. The statement that "truth is stranger than fiction" is often true. Just think of the hundreds of years that Christendom (which means "Christ's kingdom") has contemplated the sacrificial aspects of my crucifixion! But in this case, the truth about sacrifice could not possibly be stranger than the fiction that has been handed down concerning the crucifixion. Biblical writers, saints, prophets, and holy men have written and taught about the idea of appeasing an angry God through the blood sacrifice of his Son. Although these have acted with great sincerity, they have nevertheless been influenced by the strictly pagan practice handed down from distant days when men departed from the ancient religions of Atlantis wherein true communion with God was taught and experienced as the interchange (sacrificial emission) of light between the soul and the Spirit. Subsequently, the true art of sacrifice (self-giving unto God) degenerated into the sinister and perverted uses of the sacred fire in sexual rites performed at the altar. As a substitute for the ritual of self-sacrifice of the synthetic image (shedding the snakeskin of the serpent mind), the false priests offered temple virgins (in place of themselves) in sacrifices of appeasement to the gods. (It came to pass prior to the flood that young men were offered in place of women.) The malpracticing priesthood encouraged the bizarre and sensual in their subjects and, magnetizing the denizens of the astral world through nefarious incantations, cooperated with the black magicians who created the conditions which led to the Noachian deluge and the sinking of Atlantis. {58} The Canaanite idea of child sacrifice, "burning their sons and daughters in the fire,"{59} temple prostitution, and burnt offerings and sacrifices to Baal, imitated by the Israelites, recalled the last days of a decadent Atlantis. These abominations, of Nephilim{60} origin, were denounced by Jeremiah and Ezekiel, as well as by Isaiah, Amos, and Micah.{61} By and by, the substitution of the blood of sheep and other animals for that of human beings was deemed preferable in the rites of atonement practiced in the cultures of the Fertile Crescent. Yet, to this day, human as well as animal sacrifice can be found on the continent of Africa. In the knowledge of the foregoing historical facts and self-evident spiritual truths, consider how unreasonable it is that a formula for human or animal sacrifice or the shedding of blood could have been required or ordained by God for the propitiation (atonement, expiation, balance) of sin (i.e., karma). If, then, sacrifice is not required for the remission of sins, what does Life demand in order to balance humanity's debts? I am happy to clear up this point for all who adore the Truth that will make them free from such smoldering error which blind theology has kept active, thereby mutilating both the human and the divine image in man which would otherwise have been universally outpictured upon earth long ago. Let us together examine the mystery of the blood of the Lamb as the acceptable sacrifice which, we are told, meets with the divine approval in remitting the sins of mankind.{62} Life and God are synonymous terms and denote interdependence in the interchange between the divine and the human, for the life of man is God and God's Life flows in man's veins. The term life is equivalent to blood in the scriptural sense and is preferred to blood by the spiritual student, who rejects the idea of the shedding of blood as abhorrent and inconsistent with true humanity and certainly with Divinity. The scriptures declare that "without shedding of blood there is no remission" of sins.{63} I am declaring to you and to all men forever the truth concerning this biblical statement, herein quite simply revealed: without the shedding (casting off) of that life, or life-force, which has been misqualified with human foolishness, the sins of man can never be remitted (requalified with the love plan of God). Moreover, without the release of the life-essence (i.e., 'blood') of the Lamb who is your Holy Christ Self, you cannot balance your karma. Hence, it is by a continual requalifying, mastering, governing and controlling of energy through the Ascended Master Light of the individualized Holy Christ Self that men and women shall rise to the point where their former sins, which are solely error recorded in memory, are blotted out{64} by the Holy Spirit. This ritual of true sacrifice takes place as they invoke the violet fire of forgiveness, the white radiance of God-purity, and the comforting assurance that as they put off the old man with his deeds, the new man - the firstborn Son made in the image of God - comes into manifestation in the glory of reality.{65} The idea that God, your beloved I AM Presence, favors one child and rejects another is totally inconsistent with divine Law. My own life was offered to God to epitomize the Cosmic Christ, to prove that man and woman in physical embodiment can ascend out of Matter and remain close by in octaves of light (invisible, yet co-occupying the physical plane at a higher frequency) to mightily assist the earth and its evolutions in returning to the original divine plan of the abundant Life. This I am doing to the present day. Well may it be spoken of me - as it should be of every soul who is destined, whether one knows it or not, to be a Christ - "I AM" (the I AM Presence in me is) the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father but by the same path of personal Christhood which all who have embodied the Word have demonstrated. In the purified state man "sheds the light" of the I AM Presence through his sanctified (sacred) heart and other spiritual centers (chakras) for the transmutation of world sin (karma). In this release of light the initiate discovers the true meaning of the remission of sin by the "shedding of blood," noted by the mystic writer of Hebrews. However, the full force of this initiation is not experienced until after the records of personal sin (violations of the law of grace) are consumed by Love nor until personal karma (the obligations to Life incurred through disobedience to God's laws) is balanced by sacrificial service (words and works, including dynamic decrees for world transmutation). "Without shedding of blood ..." is then seen to be the flow of Life from God through the purified soul and temple of man. The pure life-essence of the Holy Christ Flame is released in "rivers of living water" from the `belly'{66} - and this refers to the solar plexus, or place of the sun - which becomes the fount (chakra) of Christ-peace in all who also believe in the Christ of me as the God-power in themselves. Yes, without the shedding of this `blood,' there is no world remission of sin by the Son of God incarnate in you! And for this cause you and I came into the world - to take upon the office of our Christhood the burden of world karma so that the lost sheep gone astray from the House of Reality might experience a deferment of their karma and a certain relief from suffering while they learn of me and my true burden, which is Light.{67} This Light, when internalized by themselves, will enable them in their turn to take full responsibility for their own burden of karma as they, too, follow the selfsame path of discipleship you are on: personal transformation through integration with Christ, the Light of your world. How fallacious is the idea that God respects men's persons or favors one of his sons while dishonoring another. Some do not see that it is mortal men who dishonor themselves, doing despite to their own cause before the courts of heaven. Yet I am not concerned with the changing human but with the changeless God Self and his intentions, which are to endow the Son of his manifestation with every honor and blessing that the soul prepares itself (qualifies itself) to receive. One of the first requisites the aspirant to Christhood must meet is to acquire the inner knowing that God is no respecter of persons{68} and that he is willing to bestow his powers without limit upon all of his children when they prove themselves trustworthy. Then he must accept the reality that Life is already manifesting through him with the fullness of Life's blessed God-powers. The knowledge of the correct use of these powers to the glory of God and for the healing of the whole Body of God from the cause and core of every disease and discomfort must follow. It is the Law! I AM the Christ-gift that lifts karmic burdens, heals all souls, and lights your way! Jesus the Christ [Taken from the book version, Corona Class Lessons] ****** Chapter 50 Beloved Kuthumi and Jesus the Christ - December 15, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 50 - Beloved Kuthumi and Jesus the Christ - December 15, 1961 SIN Corona Class Lesson 23 Atonement "Go and Sin No More!" To Believers in the Memory of God Who Would Quaff the Royal Liquid - All the love of God would have long ago abolished the mists which have clouded the human consciousness had man not abused his free will and persisted in basing his salvation on erroneous interpretations of the scriptures, codified by the blind leaders of the blind.{69} The introduction of error has made doctrinal accuracy difficult, and confusion has concealed God's plan for his creation. Neither beliefs nor belief systems can lend eternal verity to wrong concepts. The power of God unto every man's salvation lies in the Sun of God{70} - illumined Truth which alone can make man free. Because sin can have no real existence in the consciousness of God or, for that matter, within the divine nature of his offspring, it retains its quasi reality only in the memory process. In the human sense, the record of sin which is semipermanent is merely a chronology of the negative, or anti-Christ, acts of each lifestream. Anti-Christ here signifies that which is "against the Light" or impairs the full radiance of Light by densified shadow. This shadow is created solely by lowering the vibratory rate of thought or feeling to a point where it becomes gross, or dense, in nature. When energy is negatively qualified, the natural law determines that it should be returned to the Great Central Sun for repolarization; however, in magnetizing human qualities and sustaining them through habit, desire, restlessness, vanity, fear, doubt, et cetera, mankind continues to misqualify the newly `reclaimed' energies of the Sun according to the old patterns of negativity. This repetitive process explains how sin (although confessed) is re-created over and over again. Therefore, it must be pointed out that the memory of man is at present not the memory of God, for the old patterns and records of sin occupy its compartments. It must likewise be recognized that the memory of man can become the complete memory of God, the repository of the original soul blueprint; and in this possibility is the hope of salvation in the Light, the Christ who lighteth (illumines by his Mind) every man who comes into the world. Those who willingly open the door to this Mind/memory bank, containing the original patterns of things perfect in the heavens of one's Higher Consciousness,{71} admit the inflow of every good and perfect influence of the Holy Spirit. The soul (sole) requirement of every hour is complete release from the sin of harmful manifestations and the acceptance by each lifestream of the directing Christ-intelligence of his own Mighty I AM Presence. The merciful violet fire of freedom's love is the means whereby this may be accomplished permanently - unless the individual chooses by his own free will to re-create those very conditions which he has already eliminated. Beloved Jesus warned of this probability when he said, "Go and sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee."{72} Thus, "Stop sinning!" is the surest command of the Christ Self for the breaking of the self-perpetuating formulas of thy sinfulness. Our students who are so accustomed to the ready unguent of the violet fire to soothe life's hurts ought to remember that the majority of mankind have never even heard of the violet fire. Although the knowledge of the violet fire and its application are presently limited to the few, its service on behalf of earth's evolutions remains the active principle of the mercy of God. However, the uses of the violet fire are not entirely understood by many who do use it. Of note to all users and potential users is the statement made a number of years ago by the beloved Elohim Arcturus, who declared the violet fire to be the divine memory of God: Let me tell you that one of the greatest services of the violet transmuting flame lies in the truth that the sacred memory of God's perfection is held within this violet fire! When permitted so to do, this violet flame simply raises the vibrations of all it contacts until divine order is brought into manifestation through its merciful, forgiving and transmuting power of Divine Love. This violet fire is itself the memory of the perfection of what should be - in everyone, everything, every place and in every instance. Wherever and whenever this violet fire is called forth, it always leaves a residue of its substance, nature and feeling in every person, place, condition or thing it purifies.{73} Thus, you can begin to understand that by its inherent quality of divine mercy, the violet fire automatically transmutes, or changes, all else into the harmony of the Mind and Will of God. Theologically speaking, the sacrificial aspects of Christian propitiation have strengthened both sin and schism, creating confusion in man's understanding of God, his will, and the plan of Life. We would wipe away all that by teaching you that the use of the violet fire, when combined with the ritual of the sacred labor in daily service to Life, is the sole atonement Life requires. For those engaged in the ongoing service to Life, community, and family - who also love and forgive - the violet fire completely frees from sin: cause, effect, record, and memory. The cup which every son must drink is communion with the Godhead through the science of words and works in affirmation of his Presence - and the elimination thereby of all imperfection. Preceding the symbolic and actual Last Supper, beloved Jesus admonished the apostles, saying, "Ye shall drink of it."{74} I am declaring to all that to the present day this cup shall not pass from you{75} until you have been a partaker of its purification. This royal liquid violet fire, symbolized in the purple nectar of the grape, recalls the ever-newness of the eternal kingdom and the wonders of divine grace which wipe away all human sorrow, mistaken ideas, and confusion, replacing them with the glorious likeness of the Father's own image. Thus, the divine memory retains the pure perfection of the soul when the soul's image is stripped by the violet flame of all overlays of the human consciousness. You see, not only does the violet fire `destroy' what is unreal, but it perfectly preserves what is real - even as it re-creates the whole man. Truly, the violet fire is the Trinity of God in action as the eternal Creator, Preserver, and `Destroyer.'{76} Beloved ones, we have reached the apex of our current transmission concerning sin. We declare to you that by transmutation - by the love of the sacred fire which is God and by that obedience which is greater than sacrifice{77} - all shall come to the place in life where, in joyously freeing all others from the stigma and the sting of condemnation, they shall accept the mercy of God and draw forth enough violet fire to achieve complete victory and the fullness of Christ-accomplishment in their lives. In this manner, the Father's will, confirmed by the Son, shall overcome by the sacred fires of the Holy Ghost all so-called venial and mortal sins, increasing each one's sense of identification with the memory of God. This unity with the universal Mind is a pearl of great purity and great price, affording solace, harmony, and restoration to the soul. In this lovely consciousness every child of God shall find his heaven, his peace, his victory. Christ-absolution and every good and perfect thing shall be his in Jesus' name. I admonish you to forsake sin and its attendant suffering, to be gracious and childlike, failing not to warn the brethren of the wiles of devilish minds seeking to bind the redeemed (who have been washed clean by the blood of the Lamb{78}) to former states - of sins long since forgiven, forsaken, and canceled out by the law of mercy and compassion. Fully clothed with hope for the new day, I commend you to the ever-new consciousness of the Christ and the words of my beloved brother Jesus which follow. I AM ever your humble brother, Kuthumi Beloved Jesus Christ Mercy "Our God Is a Consuming Fire" To All Who Will Dissolve the Sins of Past Lives by the Violet Fire of Transmutation - Concerning the parable of the rich man and Lazarus{79} which I gave as a lesson on karma, I would call to your attention that many have misread into it glaring and terrible doctrinal errors which have caused great fear and suffering to the faithful. I am issuing this instruction to amend the contrived concept of everlasting punishment which is so far removed from the blessing which I had intended my own to have in the underlying message of this parable. Beloved ones, the dependency of mankind upon the elements, as well as their inability to control them, especially fire, has caused them to stand somewhat in awe and fear of Nature. The idea of eternal condemnation has appealed to some of the more zealous evangelists, whose concern for the souls of my Father's flock has led them to take a forceful and compelling stand (at times even violating free will) in order to save the flock from both ignorance and backsliding, and from entering a state which they perceive to be one of eternal torment. I am certain that no loving father on earth would ever create for his children so dire a situation as one from which there would be no escape from perpetual pain. Dear ones, the very fact that Life is so lovingly given to man speaks of the mercy of God in affording his children the opportunity to come to their rightful place of eternal happiness. The fact that millions have lived many lifetimes in error, solely by the mercy of God, in order that they might have opportunity upon opportunity to be God-taught and return to the fold of absolute Truth, would also prove that the Father, who would leave the ninety and nine to find the one lost sheep,{80} would upon his return never forsake the rest of the flock. Therefore know, blessed ones, that reembodiment is fact. It is the manifest mercy of God which eventually provides for each lifestream the certainty of escape from every record of sin and error. It is not enough to tire of the husks; you must develop a taste for the reality of heaven! You have lived long in human vanity and the vexation of your spirits.{81} Though you have sustained the sense of struggle, to God your life is a life of hope; for he has vested the entire creation, including you, with the energy and consciousness of his being. I am confident, then, that patience will show you how to climb graciously, without backtracking. Beloved ones, I now reveal to you a mystery. God has been spoken of as a consuming fire and indeed he is. The sacred fire is the being of God. The flames of God are all flames of freedom; for God is Truth, and the power of Truth does make all free through the fiery baptism of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, fear not, little ones, any manmade doctrine which purports that God desires aught but what is best for you! He does not desire to see you suffer perpetually or "forever and ever" but longs to see you become perfect and complete in him. The lake of fire, referred to in beloved John's recording, into which "the fearful and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars" are cast,{82} is a place of transmutation and change where the perpetually self-burning, all-consuming sacred fire, itself embodying the qualities of the masterful Divinity, does set all Life free from the painful memory of both the sinner and the cause, effect, record, and memory of sin. Sin is temporal and undignified. God is eternal and full of grace. Remember that my beloved apostle John declared in the Revelation he received on Patmos that the sea gave up its dead and that death and hell were then cast into the lake of fire - which burneth for ever and ever.{83} First let me say that the sea which gave up the dead is the astral plane, the lowest vibrating octave of planet earth, referred to as Gehenna or Hades. Those whose misuse of free will in the misqualification of divine energy has resulted in an unusually heavy karma take their lessons (at the conclusion of earthly life and prior to reembodiment) at this level of earth's schoolroom. Here, according to the merciful law of karma, they experience the effects of their wrongdoing, or "sin," that they might repent from their evil ways in the next round of opportunity afforded by reincarnation. Such was the plight of the rich man who cried out for mercy from the `Ascended Master' Abraham, who from the higher level of vibration and consciousness known as the etheric plane (referred to as paradise - which indeed it is, as compared to all other octaves of earth) was instructing him in the Law in preparation for his soul's next incarnation. The "great gulf fixed" between these two octaves, forbidding any interchange between Lazarus and the rich man, is the sealing of the place where evil dwells, confining the disobedient to the causes they have set in motion in order that they may learn, by directly experiencing the effects of their actions, what suffering they have brought upon Life - this, mind you, never to punish but to instruct and to inculcate the desire to love and be loved. Thus, their own karma becomes their teacher (for they would listen to no other) that they might relent and turn bane to blessing in their next life (physical embodiment). The denial by Abraham of the rich man's petition for mercy teaches that debts incurred in the physical octave must be balanced there. Reincarnation, then, becomes his only hope for salvation - i.e., self-elevation to the higher planes of consciousness. This he achieves through acceptance of the path of forgiveness, transmutation and love, worked out daily as he takes responsibility for past mistakes and misdeeds - born again to enjoy the blue sky and the stars at night and the verdant Mother Earth, happy to receive her prodigal son in new garments of opportunity. Thus, those assigned to the astral plane may not graduate from this schoolroom until the required lesson is learned and the karma (debts incurred) balanced. Even in their succeeding embodiments, they will bear the physical burden of the astral plane until they elect to avail themselves of the wondrous opportunity of casting their sins and sinful sense into the lake of violet fire. Though God forgives sin, man must enter into the Spirit of forgiveness. Forgiving himself and all whom he has wronged or who have wronged him, he must yet go and sin no more and perform good works of mercy until the Law is satisfied and those previously afflicted by his neglect or malice are healed. This is the true joy of the ongoing process of re-creating oneself in the image of Christ. This accountability of the Law, together with the violet fire, enables all who will, to escape the false doctrine of eternal torment - `eternal' only in the sense that the weight of karma seems endless until it is consumed by the sacred fire. The lessons of Life, impartial to all, decree that the individual must consciously engage in this process if he is to receive the LORD's promise of transmutation of karma: "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. ... For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more."{84} These dispensations are given to the children of Light who were lost in the wages of sin and are found again because they have found themselves in Christ (the best mediator) and accepted the reality of their own I AM Presence. What, then, is the second death "reserved for the devil and his angels" and those whose names are not found written in the Book of Life?{85} This, too, is the mercy of God to deliver the world from the consciousness of sin. You will find, blessed hearts, written in the Epistle of Jude and the books of our Father Enoch as well as in my Revelation to John a record of certain angels "which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation."{86} For their ungodly deeds, these fallen angels were consigned to physical embodiment by the decree of my Father - thus to be convicted by their own words and deeds, once uttered as blasphemy in the higher octaves whence they were cast out, now continuing in their mockery of my Word in these latter days.{87} Thus the mockers of my Church walk after their own ungodly lusts - these who separate themselves, "sensual," from my Mystical Body, "having not the Spirit." {88} Thus it is reserved unto the Last Judgment that these who have not and would not repent of their deeds cannot receive forgiveness - for they dash its cup, even when I myself offer it to them directly from my hand. Likewise, they reject the living witness, desiring not communion with the saints but only revenge against me and my own. Because they have desired not to be in God, taking my light from the innocent by subterfuge to consume it on their lusts{89} and only to prolong their evil ways, the great mercy of the Law fulfills the mandate of their nonbeing - their nonidentification in God - and the sacred fire cancels out the consciousness of sin, including the non-self of those who have completely identified with it. This is the second death: it is the canceling of further opportunity for repentance unto the wicked who desire no remission of sin and no reintegration with the Father through the Son or the Holy Ghost. Their experiment in free will has failed. They will not dwell forevermore in God's kingdom, neither will they suffer forever and ever in the lake of fire. Their end is swift and sweet, for they, too, have come to the end of their desire for struggle. They have been committing spiritual suicide for aeons and if Life itself would not mercifully `pull the plug,' they would, in the end of their evolutionary spiral, do it themselves. Try to understand, precious hearts, that the Father has already provided for the resolution of the dilemma of the unremitting evil of the fallen angels. Thus, when death and hell are cast into the lake of fire, it means that the end of the consciousness of death and hell is come - and all who embody that state by free will, all who occupy that lowest vibrational level of Hades, are judged according to the karmic record of their unrelenting works of infamy. Once they are judged and the plane which they occupy is cast into the lake of fire, they and their karmic condition are entirely transmuted (canceled out) in the sacred fires. Those "not found written in the Book of Life" are the ones who long ago lost (let go of) the divine spark through their abuse of the Light. These became the nameless ones, nonentities without identity in God. Their lost image (soul pattern) - lost because willingly forsaken by themselves - is likewise canceled out by the sacred fire of Alpha and Omega. When this takes place, the worlds in all octaves will be seen as a "new heaven and a new earth"{90} and there will be no more astral plane (sea) or dwellers of that plane, for the choices of all lifestreams will have been made and the golden age will be the reality of universal Life for all who have chosen to make it their own. About this, beloved, we will speak in another chapter of our ongoing work. For now, simply accept that these conditions of death and sorrow and crying and pain shall themselves be dissolved in the divine fire of living Mercy! For I am declaring to you today that in the perfection of God, the sea of human souls who are my own will give up its dead by surrendering its consciousness of death. And these souls quickened will express that Life eternal which is to be found in the sacred fire by all who accept this gift of God's transmutation in Love. I am also declaring the great truth that the elements of death and hell that have tainted the minds of my little ones are themselves cast into the lake of fire and are forever transmuted, leaving only the pristine perfection of the Mind of God as the true and original soul pattern of the children of the Light. Into the violet-fire lake of divine memory are cast all lesser human memories. The children of God, then, who were gone astray, have repented and returned to the Father's heart. These come forth in the holy name of God, charged with the mercy which Life offers to all who seek until they find.{91} Accept my enlightenment and study these lessons with care. Thus you, too, shall be free from every delusion concerning sin, free also from the power of discord yet generated in your "feasts of charity"{92} by the fallen angels. And as faithful children you shall apply yourselves more diligently to expressing those qualities which no being, ascended or unascended, can express for you or in your stead. One by one, you shall assist the Ascended Masters to bring the evolutions of earth Home and to make possible that God-peace among the seed of Christ which I am confident shall eventually enfold my children in light, love, and living beauty. May the Christ consciousness of the Eternal Mind dwelling within you - uniting with the Christ Light of every Ascended Master and cosmic being - express the fullness of God now and forevermore! Lo, I AM the Resurrection and the Life of your complete acceptance of the great light of the Divine Majesty within - Jesus the Christ Notes for "Atonement" Notes for "Mercy" [Taken from the book version, Corona Class Lessons.] ****** Chapter 51 Beloved Kuthumi - December 22, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 51 - Beloved Kuthumi - December 22, 1961 SIN Corona Class Lesson 24 Responsibility "Work Out Your Own Salvation" To the Identifiers with God in the Messianic Sense - The Holy Christ Self of each lifestream holds an immaculate and therefore sinless concept for the soul, regardless of whether or not the outer self desires or manifests it. Great assistance from on high can be given the individual through his recognition of this fact. The divine nature never has and never can be subject in any way to human control through discordant energies. It is true that the energy which man directs into discordant and therefore sinful thoughtforms is originally from the divine power source; hence, it is the misqualification by the human will which charges (changes the vibration of) such energy so as to sustain an overlay of impurity - the form itself sullied and appearing so unlike its former state as to be unrecognizable. The Keeper of the Records for each one's life automatically refers such actions to the Karmic Board, by whose hand the Law itself determines just how and where the re-action of karma shall afford the best possible lesson for each lifestream - by divine decree. The observation that divine justice is slow but sure was phrased by Longfellow in his "Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small; though with patience he is waiting, with exactness grinds he all."{93} But the suddenness of the descent of the Law is also seen as the mills act with the swiftness of a courier of light, hastening the redemption of mankind's misused energies. Ecclesiastes described the operational law of karma in this wise: I know that whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever. Nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it; and God doeth it, that men should fear before him. That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past. And moreover I saw under the sun the place of judgment, that wickedness was there; and the place of righteousness, that iniquity was there. I said in mine heart, God shall judge the righteous and the wicked; for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work.{94} The valiant, the victorious, are ever the ones who retain in consciousness the divine idea - the original image of God patterned for the perfect man, or manifestation of Himself. The formless Light directed into the `thoughtform' of creative expression manifests the winged image of each soul's own victory. To forget God, who is only Good, to prefer the imperfect pattern to that perfect pattern imaged forth by this magnificent Good, is to remain in a rut of chaos and confusion that is the product of the unprincipled, unordered mind. To sustain the image of God in mind is to sustain a powerful magnet - verily the inner blueprint of the divine will, which automatically sweeps out imperfection and draws more of the divine leaven (Christ consciousness) into the human loaf of egocentric existence where it raises every facet of expression.{95} The conclusion of the process must be the sinless state - which is the estate of Christhood - and the nurturing of that God-design which thrills the being of man with the full measure of his own divinity. Soon after realization blossoms, the reward of all endeavors of Love comes to fruition and the paradise of God is perceived to be alive within man at the central altar of his being. Not mere words but the essence of eternal reality - "The kingdom of God is within you"{96} - becomes the law and the key to the realization of Life's perfection. So glorious is the Christ-manifestation of every child of God that all efforts made to contact it, however long or arduous, are acclaimed "worth it all!" as one beholds the magnificent outpouring of Christ's living radiance face to face. If man continues to allow sin to have dominion over him, he must function in the realm of illusion and the willful separation of his identity from the God Presence. The carnal sense of the fabricated personality which is separate from God{97} is itself unreal and can never satisfy the true longings of the soul; therefore it is vague, vapory, and self-terminating. Spiritual continuity is the deathless portion of the lifestream who enters the sinless realm by accepting the dominion of his Holy Christ Self as central to all being and existence. The tiny babe of Bethlehem swiftly expands his light and limbs from infancy to the unspeakable grandeur of a living Christ. The accompanying God-success made known by the power to heal, the wisdom to heal, and the love to heal (as karmically and divinely intended) makes such a one a dominant figure on the world scene, whether recognized or not by mankind. In reality, the sinless Christ comes to the portal of each one's being to manifest Love's service without limit. The divine seed, represented in the Christ of each one, must wholly bruise the mere human intellect of serpent's head.{98} When by free will the soul allows this displacement of antichrist by Christ within consciousness, the figure of the historical Jesus becomes personally relevant as the archetype of the Messiah (deliverer, anointed one) who is the Holy Christ Self of each individual. Every lifestream who has been identified with the physical manifestation of God in the Adamic sense is now become completely God-identified in the Messianic sense. The vicarious atonement, as salvation through this One Sent, is perceived as the universal ideal to be fulfilled every day on the ongoing path of personal Christhood. All disciples contribute to this "at-one-ment" whenever they amplify the Light shining as the divine unity of the beloved of Christ, illumining the Way in the temporary obscurity of humanly divisive darkness. The star of the east is the Light of the I AM Presence within, which guides each soul to the state where, in loving adoration, he is able to humble himself as an individual manifestation of God and perceive the universal Messiah in eternal, living nativity within himself and others. This Light sheds its beams across the span of time and space to exalt each man, woman, and child beyond the stations of the cross to the heavenly state where all dross and density of the human nature are transmuted in the ecstasy of the ascension. In the Father's plan, no favoritism is bestowed, no escape from responsibility is possible. Rather does His full measure of grace illumine and raise each successful aspirant into full-orbed Sunship, erasing every sorrow and shadow, each blight of recessed sin. Truly His grace is the full power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes in divine justice in perfect balance and determines to hold to the love of his own God Presence without fail until complete and final freedom is achieved. This is working out your own salvation, not with fear and trembling{99} but in Wisdom's immortal way! I AM your cosmic teacher, Kuthumi [Taken from the book version, Corona Class Lessons.] ****** Chapter 52 The Beloved Archangel Gabriel - December 29, 1961 ****** Vol. 4 No. 52 - The Beloved Archangel Gabriel - December 29, 1961 Hail - O Immaculate Concept! The Nativity of a Divine Idea in IMMORTAL MANIFESTATION is measured by each one's comprehension of that blessed idea. At the portal of the New Year Cycle for the Planet Earth, I AM drawing nigh this day with a message of import for all who love Life, for all who are imbued with the thought that GOD intends ALL JOY for ALL THE WORLD! Now, TODAY, the IMMORTAL LIGHT OF GOD THAT NEVER FALLS reaches its internal zenith for the Planet Earth and the outward mark of its expression is herein declared. Long has an age of bondage held sway over the minds and hearts of men. I AM come this day to ANNOUNCE to the people of Earth that the day of limited concepts is past-that the time of the UNIVERSAL CHRIST has come! I AM announcing the conception within every woman of the perfect Divine man! I AM announcing to every man that the conception of God is alive in you forevermore. In your realization that GOD dwells within your mortal form and beats your heart-that God in you is the Christ Light which makes you His Son is the conception of Perfection for each man and woman. The Nativity of the Christ within EACH MEMBER of the human family makes, therefore, one unbroken Divine Circle of all of life and heralds to the people of Earth the need for redeeming themselves from outworn and warped religious concepts regardless of how long they have held to them or how long they have adoringly submitted to their incorrect expressions! The mission of the Christ of Galilee and Nazareth is implemented as He would have it be by all men accepting for themselves that they are in truth Sons of God also. PROCLAIM to the Earth the dawn of its GOLDEN AGE! Begin by pushing to the fore the RIGHT UNDERSTANDING OF GOD'S LAWS. Fear not, little children, it IS the FATHER'S PLAN to give you the Kingdom, which can never exist outside of HIMSELF. Acknowledge yourself as the CHRIST and you shall entertain Angels! Behold yourself as the Christ and you shall lay aside the outmoded garments of good and evil. In the sinless Perfection of God you shall behold the possibility of your own attainment. Think of yourself as an Ascended Being, as a Cosmic Being or even as an Angel! We are ministering Spirits of the Blessed Eternal Fire; as one of Us you serve God without ceasing. Mere acceptance of the idea of the Cosmic Universal Son shining within and through you ushers in your Spiritual rebirth. The Universal acceptance by all men upon Earth that they are God's children, and the unification of their religious concepts by discarding those elements which uselessly DIVIDE men's hearts from the ONE floods the Earth with the LIGHT OF IMMORTALITY. A Golden Age is preceded by the Golden Flame of Illumination which produces obedience to the Golden Rule. Such conducts the expression of the Christ. Individuals and societies so living partake of the Kingdom of Heaven here and now! It is futile to cling to limited hereditary and traditional religious thinking when the glorious Hosts of Heaven await to array mankind in the swaddling garments of a young Prince. How vain the retention of those concepts which while proclaiming good have not fulfilled the Love Plan of the Prince of Peace for all Nations upon Earth! OPEN THE GATES OF THE TEMPLE OF HAPPINESS within your own Heart, O mankind! See the sweeping beauty of the eternal as it pours out a special anointing this coming year. All of Life has long awaited the HOPE manifest this day! As you move into a New Cycle be as wise virgins. Keep the lamps of your Spirit trimmed and burning! From the Angelic Realm I AM come, and the potential Marys and Josephs shall always heed the Angelic message. Journeying with haste to the Manger at Bethlehem, they shall desire to manifest the Christ in all His fullness from DAY UNTO DAY. Their human qualities as shepherds kneeling shall adore the Divine within them-which is their REAL LIFE. Wisely they shall bring to this Adoration (as the Magi of old) the best gifts of the Golden Age, the Golden Christ Illumination without end, the myrrh of discrimination against all folly, and the frankincense of an adoring heart whose voice ceaselessly pours out its Praise to ETERNAL BEING, which knows, is known and is "I AM"! Adoring Thy God Presence-"I AM" announcing Thy own IMMACULATE CONCEPT attained by all, ARCHANGEL GABRIEL (This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters Darjeeling, India, Council of God's Will, of which ALL the Ascended Host are Members. ) ***** Bibliography ***** [1] Volume 4, Number 46, footnote 8. Shekinah (Hebrew for "dwelling" or "Presence"): the visible majesty of the presence of God which has descended to dwell among men; God's presence in the world as manifested in natural and supernatural phenomena. Examples of the Shekinah as seen in the Old Testament: the burning bush (Exod. 3:2), the cloud on Mount Sinai (Exod. 24:16, 17), the Divine Presence that rested over the mercy seat of the ark of the covenant (Exod. 25:21, 22; Lev. 16:2), and the glory of the Lord that filled the tabernacle (Exod. 40:34, 35) and later the Temple of Solomon (I Kings 8:10, 11). In the New Testament the Shekinah is seen in "the glory of the Lord" shining round the angel who appeared to the shepherds (Luke 2:9) and in the cloud on the mount of transfiguration (Matt. 17:5). Ultimately, it is seen by Christian theologians to be the glory of God which became incarnate in Jesus - "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth" (John 1:14). [2] Volume 4, Number 50, footnote 8. The eternal Creator, Preserver, and `Destroyer' - Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva - of the Hindu Trinity parallels the Western concept of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Brahma, as the Father figure and the First Person of the Trinity, is seen as the Immense Being - the Creator, Supreme Ruler, Lawgiver, Sustainer, and Source of All Knowledge. Vishnu, the Second Person of the Trinity, is the immortal Son, the Preserver of the divine design, the Restorer of the universe by Wisdom's light. Shiva, as the Holy Spirit and Third Person of the Trinity, is the Lord of Love outpicturing the dual nature of Destroyer/ Deliverer - the fearsome one who drives away sin, disease, and demons of delusion. According to the law of the conservation of energy, "energy can be neither created nor destroyed." Universal energy goes through successive stages of transformation. Technically speaking, the violet flame purifies, refines, and transmutes. To purify is a part of the process of creation, to refine of preservation, and to transmute of deliverance (`destruction') through the disassociation and repolarization of matter. All three functions change the electronic vibration of matter and consciousness. Hence, the alchemical action of the violet flame is a function of the Trinity: Creator, Preserver, Destroyer in their respective roles as Purifier, Refiner, Transmuter. [3] Volume 4, Number 11, footnote 1. Capitalization of the qualities of God. When attributes become personifications of the Deity or a member of the Trinity, they are capitalized. Often the distinction is moot as to whether or not a quality of God is, in fact, interchangeable with our conception of God personified in and through and as his attributes. Such words that come under this category are light, love, truth, mind, and being. It is up to the reader to discern for himself that God both owns these qualities and professes them. They are always his. He is his qualities and endows them with his personhood - e.g., God is Light, God is Love (both with a capital L). Contrast: God's light, God's love (lowercased). The Law (capitalized) is God in manifestation. In some cases, when embodied mankind manifest the attributes of God, they are lowercased. In other instances, a quality of God permeates both heaven and earth, God and man; and wherever it is seen it is clearly through that presence - that omnipresence - as well as that personal God. The absolute or relative nature of a quality or its infinite or finite nature may also determine whether or not it is capitalized. The choice of deference may vary from individual to individual. Every reader may maintain his own preference. He is welcomed to do so. If all qualities of God were capitalized, of course, it becomes clear that everything in the book could be capitalized! Thus, for readability, we have lowercased all but the most prominent manifestations of the Deity. The absence of capitalization, however, does not alter the meaning of the word itself - as in angel. [4] Volume 4, Number 46, footnote 10. For further teaching on the violet flame, dynamic decrees, and the science of the spoken Word, see the following Summit University Press publications and tape albums: Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, "The Violet Flame for God-Realization" in The Lost Teachings of Jesus II, pp. 395-490. "Violet Flame: Sacred Fire of Transmutation" in Kuthumi, Studies of the Human Aura, special color section following p. 98. Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Science of the Spoken Word. Jesus and Kuthumi, Prayer and Meditation. Mark and Elizabeth Prophet, The Science of the Spoken Word: Why and How to Decree Effectively, 4-cassette album (A7736). Elizabeth Clare Prophet, "I'm Stumping for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness!" 3-cassette album (A7917). Decrees and Songs by the Messenger Mark L. Prophet (introductory), 2-cassette album (A8202). Rainbow Rays: Out of the Mouth of the Messenger (intermediate), 2- cassette album (A83018). Mantras of the Ascended Masters for the Initiation of the Chakras, 36-page "Stump Booklet" and accompanying 5 cassettes of songs, decrees, and mantras. Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness, Sections I, II, and III (looseleaf). =============================================================================== **** Footnotes: **** {1} Capitalization of the qualities of God. [3] {2} I John 1:5. {3} one at the Elohimic level who holds the immaculate concept out of the divine image for the whole of creation {4} Deut. 4:24; 9:3. {5} Eph. 6:16. {6} The footstool kingdom. Isa. 66:1; Matt. 5:35; Acts 7:49. {7} John 8:44. {8} For more on the long-hidden history of the archdeceivers of mankind, creation of mechanization man, genetic experimentation, and laggard evolutions, see the following Summit University Press publications: the Great Divine Director, "The Mechanization Concept," 1965 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 8, nos. 3-26, pp. 9-142; Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Forbidden Mysteries of Enoch: The Untold Story of Men and Angels; Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Lost Teachings of Jesus II, pp. 300-332, 340-42, available in paperback and hardback; and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Life Begets Life, 16-cassette album (A83034). {9} Matt. 17:2; Mark 9:3; Luke 9:29; John 19:23. {10} Rev. 22:1. {11} The Transfiguration. Read Matt. 17:1-13; Mark 9:2-13; Luke 9:28-36. {12} II Cor. 5:17; Rev. 21:5. {13} Matt. 17:5. {14} Matt. 19:28. {15} For the Gospel accounts of Good Friday, the crucifixion, and the resurrection, read Matt. 27; 28; Mark 15; 16; Luke 22:66-71; 23; 24; and John 18:28-40; 19; 20. {16} Matt. 15:13. {17} John 10:7, 9; 14:6; Matt. 7:7, 8; Luke 11:9, 10. {18} I John 4:18. {19} I Cor. 15:53, 54; II Cor. 5:4. {20} II Kings 2:1-15. {21} Matt. 25:23. {22} See Saint Germain On Alchemy: For the Adept in the Aquarian Age, p. 171. {23} Eph. 3:16. {24} I Kings 3:5-15; II Chron. 1:7-12. {25} Mark 9:3. {26} Luke 2:25-35. {27} Incense and sacrificial offerings. Exod. 30:1, 7-10; 40:5, 6, 26-29; Lev. 1-7; Num. 15:17, 18, 22-31; 28; 29. {28} John 14:3. {29} John 8:7. {30} Rom. 3:10. {31} Ps. 51:5. {32} Rom. 3:23. {33} John 3:16, 17. {34} Shekinah (Hebrew for "dwelling" or "Presence"): the visible majesty of the presence of God which has descended to dwell among men; God's presence in the world as manifested in natural and supernatural phenomena. [1] {35} I Cor. 15:56. {36} For further teaching on the violet flame, dynamic decrees, and the science of the spoken Word, see the following Summit University Press publications and tape albums: [4] {37} Justice to evildoers. Jude 4-19; Ps. 37:1, 2, 9; Isa. 31:1, 2; Jer. 21:12; 23:2, 19. {38} "With what measure ye mete ... " Matt. 7:2; Mark 4:24; Luke 6:38. {39} Luke 15:11-32. {40} Isa. 25:8; Rom. 6:23; I Cor. 15:54. {41} Matt. 3:1-12; Mark 1:4; Luke 3:3. {42} Power to remit or retain sin. Matt. 16:19; 18:18; 19:28; John 20:23. {43} Matt. 9:2, 5; Luke 7:48. {44} John 5:14; 8:11. {45} God as a consuming fire. Deut. 4:24; 9:3; Heb. 12:29. {46} Ps. 139:7. {47} John 14:6. {48} Luke 23:34. {49} Prov. 23:7. {50} Exod. 20:3; Deut. 5:7. {51} Matt. 24:24; Mark 13:22. {52} Matt. 5:18; Luke 16:17. {53} Sin not imputed unto Abraham. Gen. 15:6; Rom. 4:3, 8, 20-24; James 2:23; Ps. 32:2. {54} I Pet. 1:19; Eph. 5:27. {55} With God all things are possible. Matt. 19:26; Mark 10:27; Luke 1:37; 18: 27. {56} Matt. 5:3. {57} Ps. 23:5. {58} Atlantean miscreations. See Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Lost Teachings of Jesus II (1986), pp. 300-304, available in paperback and hardback; and Edgar Evans Cayce, Edgar Cayce on Atlantis, ed. Hugh Lynn Cayce (New York: Warner Books, 1968), pp. 60-61, 68-72, 99-107, 131-32. {59} Child sacrifice. Lev. 18:21; 20:2-5; Deut. 12:31; 18:10; II Kings 16:3; 17:17; 21:6; 23:10; II Chron. 28:3; 33:6; Ps. 106:37, 38. {60} Nephilim [Hebrew "those who fell" or "those who were cast down," from the Semitic root naphal `to fall']: A biblical race of giants or demigods, referred to in Genesis 6:4 ("There were giants in the earth in those days ... "); the fallen angels who were cast out of heaven into the earth (Rev. 12:7-9). Zecharia Sitchin concludes from his study of ancient Sumerian texts that the Nephilim were an extraterrestrial race who "fell" to earth (landed) in spacecraft 450,000 years ago. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Forbidden Mysteries of Enoch: The Untold Story of Men and Angels (1983), pp. 61-67; the Great Divine Director, "The Mechanization Concept," 1965 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 8, no. 15 (1980), p. 80; Zecharia Sitchin, "The Nefilim: People of the Fiery Rockets" in The Twelfth Planet (New York: Avon Books, 1976), pp. 128-72, 410. {61} Child sacrifice denounced by the prophets. Jer. 7:31, 32; 19:1-6; 32:35; Ezek. 16:20, 21, 36; 20:26, 31; 23:37-39; Isa. 57:5; Amos 5:25, 26; Mic. 6:7. {62} Matt. 26:28; John 1:29; I Pet. 1:19; Rev. 7:14; 12:11. {63} Heb. 9:22. {64} Sin blotted out. Ps. 51:1, 9; Isa. 43:25; 44:22; Jer. 31:34; Acts 3:19; Heb. 8:12; 10:17. {65} "Put off the old man ... " Eph. 4:22-24; Col. 3:9, 10; Rom. 6:6. {66} John 7:38. {67} Matt. 11:30. {68} God is no respecter of persons. Deut. 10:17; II Sam. 14:14; Acts 10:34; Rom. 2:11; Eph. 6:9; Col. 3:25; I Pet. 1:17. {69} Matt. 15:14; Luke 6:39. {70} Mal. 4:2. {71} Heb. 9:23. {72} John 5:14. {73} Arcturus, January 1959, "Violet Fire - The Divine Memory of Perfection," The Lighthouse of Freedom, vol. 1, no. 3 (February 1959), pp. 12-13. {74} Matt. 20:23; Mark 10:39. {75} Matt. 26:39, 42; John 18:11. {76} The eternal Creator, Preserver, and `Destroyer' - Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva - of the Hindu Trinity parallels the Western concept of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. [2] {77} I Sam. 15:22. {78} Rev. 1:5; 7:14. {79} The rich man and Lazarus. Read Luke 16:19-31. {80} Matt. 18:11-14; Luke 15:3-7. See also Jesus' discourse on the Good Shepherd, John 10:1-18. {81} Vanity and vexation of spirit. Eccles. 1:14, 17; 2:11, 17, 26; 4:4, 16; 6: 9. {82} The lake of fire. Rev. 21:8; 19:20; 20:10, 14, 15. {83} Rev. 20:13, 14. {84} Isa. 1:18; Jer. 31:34. {85} The second death. Rev. 2:11; 20:6, 14, 15; 21:8; Matt. 25:41. {86} Angels who fell. Jude 6; Enoch 7-16; 19; 63; 68:1-18; 85-87; 89:32, 33; 105:12-14; Rev. 12:7-9. See also Isa. 14:12-17; II Pet. 2:4. {87} The latter days. Num. 24:14; Deut. 4:30; 31:29; Job 19:25; Jer. 23:20; 30: 24; 48:47; 49:39; Ezek. 38:16; Dan. 2:28; 10:14; Hos. 3:5; I Tim. 4:1; I John 2:18. {88} Mockers in the last days. Jude 18, 19; II Tim. 3:1-9; II Pet. 3:3. {89} James 4:3. {90} Rev. 21:1. {91} Matt. 7:7, 8; Luke 11:9, 10. {92} Jude 12; II Pet. 2:13. {93} Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, "Retribution," in Poetic Aphorisms, translated from Friedrich von Logau's Sinngedichte (1654), taken from the original Greek. {94} Eccles. 3:14-17. {95} Matt. 13:33; I Cor. 5:6-8; Gal. 5:9. {96} Luke 17:21. {97} Rom. 8:7; I Cor. 3:3. {98} Gen. 3:15. {99} Phil. 2:12.