Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1960 Inspired in Mark L. Prophet ****** Contents ****** 1 Beloved Gautama Buddha - January 1, 1960 2 Victory - January 8, 1960 3 Saint Germain - January 15, 1960 4 Maha Chohan - January 22, 1960 5 Lord Maitreya - January 29, 1960 6 Lady Master Nada - February 5, 1960 7 Hilarion - February 12, 1960 8 K-17 - February 19, 1960 9 God Harmony - February 26, 1960 10 Saint Germain - March 4, 1960 11 Beloved Kuthumi - March 11, 1960 12 Beloved Jesus the Christ - March 18, 1960 13 Beloved Kuthumi - March 25, 1960 14 Beloved Jesus the Christ - April 1, 1960 15 Beloved Jesus the Christ and Kuthumi - April 8, 1960 15.1 Beloved Jesus the Christ and Kuthumi - April 8, 1960 Jesus' Victorious Crown 16 Beloved Kuthumi - April 15, 1960 17 El Morya - April 22, 1960 18 El Morya - April 29, 1960 19 El Morya - May 6, 1960 20 Great Divine Director - May 13, 1960 21 Great Divine Director - May 20, 1960 22 Beloved Helios - May 27, 1960 22.1 Cosmic Dispensation 23 Beloved El Morya - June 3, 1960 23.1 A Cosmic Dispensation 24 Beloved Saint Germain - June 10, 1960 25 Beloved Mother Mary - June 17, 1960 26 The Beloved Maha Chohan - June 24, 1960 27 The Beloved Goddess of Liberty - July 1, 1960 28 Beloved Jesus Christ - July 8, 1960 29 Beloved Pallas Athena - July 15, 1960 30 The Beloved Goddess of Purity - July 22, 1960 31 Portia - July 29, 1960 - The Balancing of Life's Energies 32 The Beloved Goddess of Light - August 5, 1960 33 Beloved El Morya - August 12, 1960 34 Beloved El Morya - August 19, 1960 35 Beloved El Morya - August 26, 1960 36 El Morya and Archangel Michael - September 2, 1960 36.1 The Beloved ARCHANGEL MICHAEL 37 Beloved Mother Mary - September 9, 1960 38 Beloved God Himalaya - September 16, 1960 39 Beloved Lord Maitreya - September 23, 1960 40 Beloved El Morya - September 30, 1960 41 Beloved El Morya - October 7, 1960 42 Beloved Mother Mary - October 14, 1960 43 Beloved Kuan Yin - October 21, 1960 44 Portia - October 28, 1960 - The Quality of Mercy in Justice 45 Beloved Saint Germain - November 4, 1960 46 Beloved Jesus the Christ - November 11, 1960 47 Beloved Kuthumi - November 18, 1960 48 Beloved Jesus the Christ - November 25, 1960 49 Beloved Kuthumi - December 2, 1960 50 Beloved Jesus the Christ - December 9, 1960 51 Beloved Kuthumi and Jesus the Christ - December 16, 1960 51.1 Mission - "A Priest Forever after the Order of Melchizedek" 52 Beloved Mother Mary - December 23, 1960 53 Beloved El Morya - December 30, 1960 ****** Chapter 1 Beloved Gautama Buddha - January 1, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 1 - Beloved Gautama Buddha - January 1, 1960 The Summit Lighthouse Charges Forth Herewith Its Radiant Beams Which Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom To Our Gracious Readers, Dedicated to Love's Service the World Around Our Beloved Gautama Speaks: As light comes from the East and travels westward each new day, so comes the radiance of the threefold flame of love, wisdom and power out from your heart's chalice to illumine your outer mind and affairs each new day. As the days are renewed so are the years made new for all as the seasons roll! As our Father projects forth his love from the East to West uniting all people in greater bands of unity, I AM ever so filled with special hope that a greater measure by far of the plan may be externalized this year which will make the desert blossom as the rose! There is much more than mere poetic form in the Oriental use of symbolism. The universal nature of the soul must like the lotus be unfolded everywhere I AM! While the heads of temporal governments tremble with concern about population explosions, the voice of Truth speaks to the conscience of many concerning what has not been done for the many underprivileged already here in the world, the thought of more to come seems appalling to those who cannot realize the infinite capacity of Light to provide not only temporal temples made with human hands (for the material and energy to do both come from God) but also the power to precipitate all their needs directly from the universal source of which only the few are presently cognizant. There is such a reservoir of good stored in your causal bodies, beloved ones, that I wish you would stop for a whole year looking at your so-called imperfections. Why treasure among your souvenirs that which makes you unhappy, detach the lesson value therefrom and learn not to repeat the error! If you will do this this whole year and will call directly to your Presence to open up the windows of heaven for you and pour out the abundance of good in your causal body, you will learn much of my peace and patience, for that is and has been my secret! The golden opportunities of life each year, day or hour ought to be appropriated by you in faith (that the good will manifest), in the highest wisdom (exercising tender wise care over your good by removing weeds of doubt); in love (God shines Light upon the good seed, that Light is love); by using love's flame all about you, and by resting in peace when you have followed the plan! From Shamballa I ask all who can cognize the universal perfection and peace from the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood to answer the call for more spiritual husbandmen who can and will make their own corner of Eden more like I AM ever making ours at Shamballa, thus stretching out the canopy of the Father's kingdom and watching joyfully as he fills and consecrates our handiwork with his Shekinah glory (the essence or light of Light that shone forth, the holy place in the tabernacle of the children of Israel during the wilderness wanderings). Thus we may crown your simplest endeavor with our beauty, our simplicity and our abundant love! May the I AM Presence multiply for you this year all your many virtues, as well as the ones I am showering on you now! Happy New Year from Shamballa! I AM the Lord of the World - Gautama O splendid jewel of jaded time Trembling o'er the brink of morn How shimmering with hope art thou, As each New Year is born! - Gautama, Lord of the World _________________________________________________ This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the Ascended Masters are members. Since this particular focus of the Ascended Masters' activity is at present located in America's national capital, communications and freewill contributions are to be addressed to The Summit Lighthouse, P.O. Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 2 Victory - January 8, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 2 - Victory - January 8, 1960 THE SUMMIT LIGHTHOUSE Charges Forth Herewith Its Radiant Beams Which Manifest As "PEARLS OF WISDOM" To Our Gracious Readers Dedicated to Love's Service the World Around - The Beloved Mighty Victory Speaks: The phrase "Once upon a time" ... which has been used so often in story or verse, carries meaning not only for children, if you think about it, but for all life - for it is a truth that once upon a time "God the Mighty I AM Presence" proposed the plan for all life upon this planet to use so that it might properly fulfill its destiny in divine order as Freedom's Star, and that all who live here might do so "happily ever after". Now this phrase "happily ever after" is the Victory God so lovingly intends for every one. I AM that Victory and your Mighty I AM Presence is that Victory, and you are intended to become that Victory! Conscious rejection of all self-created shadows which the unascended of mankind have drawn about them and the joyful acceptance of the light of your own cosmic victory will bring this to pass! I often observe how unascended beings - even those who have studied this light (the knowledge of the "I AM" law of life) still seek to find excuses as to why this or that particular plan of the ascended host could not succeed because of this "obstacle" or that "condition" (with which they qualify the plan) when all the while the self-same law of love is working successfully for us in our octave and will set you free too if you will let it do so! Most of you may be familiar with the Biblical account where a life was forfeited because a pair of "human" hands were placed unbidden upon the Ark of God (the Ark of the Covenant in the Mosaic Tabernacle). Though these hands were placed there with the best intention (to steady the Ark when trembling and shaking as the oxen pulled it along a rough pathway) they presumed to touch God's work and they fell from the Ark paralyzed and without life. You see beloved ones the Presence of God was and is able to care for the "Ark" which represents His dwelling place (the secret place of the Most High right within your heart) no matter how rough the going may be, and the lesson for mankind is clear - that men ought to have faith in the power of God to overcome all obstacles they cannot surmount themselves! Victory is given to men and women who dare to trust wholly in their own God Presence and refrain from placing human hands on his work of faith, wisdom and love once they have surrendered it to the Presence knowing that Presence will bring victory out of it - do you see? The Presence, you see, will never use harshness of Spirit and you should not either in dealing with mankind for the energy so misqualified and sent to any part of life will return to you in kind amplified with great momentum - therefore it is clear that a momentum of love is always best, for it brings back only a positive blessing to assist you and all life to the victory of your own ascension. Now just because some human may say it does not matter whether or not you practice self-control does not make it so! I declare to all I practice it and I can give you the blessing of my own victory of self-control anchored right within your beating heart if you but ask me for it! Beloved disciples of the Ascended Masters whose hearts are so full of seeking the truth, how much plainer can I speak than this? Is it not most desirable to possess a peaceful response to every problem of life, to possess Victory's poise, to feel that calmness that faces all life's tests with tranquility? You know one of the perplexing questions facing the unascended chelas of the masters today is that they cannot seem to fully understand why some of the divine plans and ideas of the ascended masters for and on behalf of mankind seem to go awry. It seems a mystery to some as to why the ascended host have so often tried to keep open a channel to their octave and in so doing have had to institute changes in plans, and reorganize some phases of their service to mankind in order to better meet changing situations. To each of these and to each of you I say I AM Victory and nothing, no nothing can halt or mar a plan divine in the safety of our octave! It is only when lowered for externalization that human exploitation sometimes occurs or the dominant impulse is for the human to "place their hands on the 'ark' " or to make God succeed! ... or some other equally foolish idea, for of course this is but human nonsense as God is all victory, he is success and it remains for man to accept his plan and carry it out! It may be true that there are many paths, but I tell you there is only one way! Beloved Jesus said "I AM the Way" - hence the truth which is that way is the same truth no matter through what school it may be manifesting, but the power of your own "I AM Presence" is your victory! Your Presence is the divine "pinnacle of discrimination" enthroned at the "Summit" of every man above all human personality - even each one's own. Now those of you who have the spunk (I use one of your own worldly expressions here) to stand up and face the human creation and say "you have no power" will enjoy the release of each precious "Pearl of Wisdom" as it clearly flows through our chosen channel, free from commercialization or exploitation of the credulous. Reading with the heart - not the head alone - these will find through attunement with us the "Pearl of great price" hiding just behind the written words. Our spirit of victory will overcome all human nonsense even as it did for one dear one in New York City who stood by her Presence. Not caring who might forsake her, she said "I know Morya wrote that letter for I could feel his very wonderful spirit behind it!" I tell you I will not forsake her and beloved Morya won't either! and I think all who will re-read his letter with heart attunement will feel his love and gentility flowing into their world also for they will no longer be qualifying with human opinions and the light of victory will shine through - this is my light so try and stop me! A cosmic being is a little difficult to stop as some individuals may one day see! The Pearls of Wisdom present to humanity the unfolding plan of the cosmic hierarchy in progressive steps as released from the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Lodge in the true Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood of divine love of which I am a cosmic emissary! This privileged gift shall become increasingly precious as I too lay there my own wreath of victory! Holding my hand your victory will manifest and no human can mar that - for, thank God, salvation is an individual process and while individuals may temporarily create human disturbances and hinder some lifestreams over whom they hold dominion or sway, no human can for long mar that plan for any lifestream, for that plan is God's story and it ever and always has his happy ending which is, you see, an ever new cosmic beginning! Now I am sure you do not expect your victory to manifest in just one hour although that is possible too as it was for David Lloyd (who made his ascension on Mt. Shasta in California following his drinking from a crystal cup proffered from the hand of the then-unascended Messenger Godfre - who is today your beloved Ascended Master Godfre), but remember David Lloyd's lifetime was a search for that same cup and for the man from whose hand he should receive it as was told to him years before in India. But I tell you now today your victory is possible - so won't you try with me to bring it about? While I am looking for many, I am looking as the song goes - for ten (symbolical of initiation) stouthearted men who will march with their own victory over rough terrain where other men said no man could go - who will hold the hand of the presence of God through the "thick of glory" and the "thin of earthly life" until the victory for which they call is made manifest. Men and women such as these make up the "material" which knows not defeat, by which the unmarred plan shall be externalized, preserved, protected, defended and presented to mankind as the "Summit" light of the most high - I AM your victory, I AM your friend, I AM your life without an end! I AM, I AM, I AM the God plan to defend! Your unfailing cosmic friend Victory (The Great Cosmic Being) This focus of the ascended masters activity is presently located in America's national capitol. All communications and free-will contributions for it should be addressed to - "The Summit Lighthouse," P.O. Box 1155, Washington 13, D.C. ****** Chapter 3 Saint Germain - January 15, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 3 - Saint Germain - January 15, 1960 To Our Gracious Readers Dedicated to love's Service the World Around - Our Beloved Saint Germain Speaks: I hasten to assure all my blessed chelas and disciples - many of whom have loved my service to light for so long - that I am more mindful today than ever before of the need to keep the fires of freedom blazing. When Victory is in sight (it) is not the time to slacken the pace or rest on your oars, for heaven's own blessed acceleration, for which you have so often called by the power of love, does bring ever nearer your own God-freedom, so dear to each heart! You know, dear hearts, whenever opposition is directed at any person, place, condition or thing because an expression is manifesting which is negative to the light, the energy used by the directing one, even though benign often, in stirring the conscious mind with the best intentions, almost inevitably raises the human dust of sympathetic attraction for the one opposed. And the director of the opposition, who always intended to be both illuminative and protective, is then face to face with an intensified negative condition. Thus, when we see a need arise to apprise our chelas of a negative situation, both beloved Morya and I hesitate in many cases to do so because of that law. However, when we do perceive a heightened need to speak out, it is always done with Ascended Master gentility so as not to harm any part of life in a stringent manner but rather to produce the best opportunity for freedom and good will to all - particularly that magnificent congregation - the majority of our worthy students of the I AM Law of Life! I heartily approve of every act and word which beloved Morya has found necessary, for I feel no need to remind my readers that every ascended being will only perform those acts which are in keeping with the highest principles of divine law and divine love. This has beloved Morya always fulfilled to the letter and without exception! May I also remind that to mankind living in the world of form, the law itself, even the cosmic laws of divine justice which are operative on this planet, may seem at times somewhat harsh. Now, actually there is no callousness present in the divine law itself, but an ever-present divine solicitude, and that which may appear severe is but the returning current of the karmic boomerang of whatever was sent out at some time by the one upon whom the law may be acting. There are many things which I could say to each one of you about certain recent events, but the sole and central theme I want to carry to your heart's door is that our beloved Messenger, though still unascended, has been known to beloved Morya and myself for a long time, covering many embodiments. At inner levels he is a master musician, but in depressing the keys to produce the harmonies of our radiant spheres, while he conceivably could strike one wrong key or one wrong note, the central theme, the whole passage, or even one bar of one harmonious thought would never be wrong, otherwise we would not have called upon him in the first place to act as the most perfect instrument possible for the release of our instruction. Now, no matter what some unascended beings may think or say, we who know the truth from those inner levels of God-purity tell you only truth as we know it and live in it. Our Messenger would derive no satisfaction whatsoever from acting as an instrument of deceit, for absolute sincerity and purity of motive is in his heart. This we know and every bit of it applies equally with full power to beloved Godfre, and was likewise the sweet and innocent gift of our Lord the Maha Chohan to the beloved Lady Geraldine when she commenced her noble service to life before human tampering and viciousness took their toll and hindered her blessed service. We love these messengers of light who, subject to human ridicule and scorn, dare to serve the Ascended Masters, and we will do all in our power to protect them and guard them from the destructive forces leveled at those still unascended. If it does not cease I will myself see that it is returned to its source! Beloved Morya has frankly and freely spoken and so have I, gracious ladies and gentlemen! Now regardless of human opinions we rest our case in arms of light and love and shall proceed toward the victory of Almighty God and the fullest service of light to set free all mankind! As you know so well, our desire is ever and always the radiation of only gentle goodness to all our chelas and to all mankind including those erring ones who, having made at least one wrong turn rather than admit to having done so, insist on their own rightness even all the while inwardly feeling the prick of conscience. Rationalization or self-righteousness should be avoided by all, for it is a most subtle shadow of which all on the path should be wary. Hence the most cultivated and innate personal honesty is needed to stand guard twenty-four hours a day to do battle with self-deceit! The greatest enemy of freedom, you see, often rises in one's own thinking and feeling world because of past negative momentums, past mistakes of thought and feeling, and also sometimes by reason of unrealized aspirations which, because they are not yet externalized, lead to some feelings of futility and at times feelings of helplessness which seem to form a spiritual vacuum during which time the individual tends to be extremely self-critical and may then vacillate from reason and truth to a mood whereby the onus of self-criticism is transferred to another lifestream in the vain human habit of avoiding the admission of personal failure. Dear ones, no one seems to enjoy admitting to failure, but such admission can be a catharsis of the highest type, for failure is never permanent if that one will go on toward overcoming. I failed many times in small ways before my ascension and when embodied as recently as Francis Bacon it was reported that I was always just one jump ahead of my creditors! This does not mean that I approve of any injustice to any part of life for I do not, nor does any ascended being, but imperfection ought not to judge the lot of any other part of life for the simple reason that it is impossible for any human consciousness while still unascended and itself imperfect to know or cognize with absolute certainty the full cosmic law of another's being without our assistance, do you see? Beloved ones, when Ascended Master Godfre (then known as Daddy Ballard) first went out to do the bidding of the ascended host, he was practically penniless and behind in his rent. But did he let that stop him? No, I think not, for he pressed forward to his own victory! This do and live! Now, I think the service beloved Victory (the great cosmic being from Venus) rendered last week is very great and incomparable, and I am most grateful for it. In the lives of both rich and poor (a mere relative distinction, for in our eyes you are all rich in God's heart- treasure of the equality of the threefold flame of love, wisdom and power) among our chelas, there are problems which need overcoming, and it is always good to know that your victory is ever at hand. Beloved ones, failure is never permanent unless you let it be so, and even then life acts to set changes into motion so as to place every part of life in a more propitious set of circumstances! This is Love or God in action in you! Hope is one of the greatest blessings of God. Now as we hope only for your highest good, may I say with divine fervor that we long for a celestial spirit of divine unity to sweep across the hearts of the students - setting them aflame with our love, our victory and the power of God-freedom! Today when so much emphasis is necessarily placed on unity by the ascended host, as well as by mankind in the outer world who are tired of wars and dissentions - and understandably so, I hasten to say that unity does not divide but ever raises all life it contacts without ever being unkind or critical in its feelings toward any part of life. This requires not only self-control in the accepted sense thereof, but God-Self control with the power of the Presence moving into action in the individual's own world. Those who find necessary the constant tearing down of someone else or something outside of themselves serve not the cause of freedom, for the fires of freedom would burn very low if tended by such as these. Freedom's fires burn only the bands that enslave or bind and then, in the dignity of freedom, lift on high for all to see and behold the exemplary image of a noble man or woman. This lovely transcendent effigy then serves to inspire our dear chelas until, completely free as we are in the glory of victory's ascension, the race is won! Until we meet then - sooner perhaps than some of you may even dream possible, or expect, for I am stepping through the veil in various parts of the world even in the present day, in answer to your calls - hold fast my admonishment to adore the light of freedom's love - holding fast to all good, for that in itself is everlasting freedom! I am ever and always, your Saint Germain (The Dearly Beloved Ascended Master) ****** Chapter 4 Maha Chohan - January 22, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 4 - Maha Chohan - January 22, 1960 To Our Gracious Readers Dedicated to Love's Service the World Around - The Beloved Maha Chohan Speaks: O that the graciousness of my sons and daughters of light - particularly my magnificent six sons and lovely daughter Nada who are presently serving as Chohans of the Seven Rays - could be transferred to every child of Earth intact with its immortal purity, immortal love, and immortal victory! How wonderful then would be the life- expression of each unascended one as they more fully manifested the light with which they were endowed and became vested with - the pure glory of the spiritual essence of the particular ray to which they belong, as its radiant coloring became thus their own daily vital spiritual magnetism! And this is possible! Behold, how perfect is the divine symmetry of the threefold flame as it softly blazes on the altar of your physical heart. As you salute the rising sun each new day, through practice each one of you can very easily attune with the radiance of beloved Helios and Vesta (God and Goddess of the physical sun) and thus add the energy of their blessings to the expanding God flame within you. This flame, you will find, will literally leap for joy as you set free the flowing, flaming Christ essence within you to expand the mighty talent of your own gift of eternal Christ substance. Your increased wish to do the will of God by walking in wisdom's ways will be enfolded ever in all love divine. Thus does the Christ move into action among mankind - in all so attired. Even those who remain longer upon their pillows can, upon rising, salute God's Great Fire of Love, thus likewise expanding their own blessed Holy Christ flame in action here. Think now with the Maha Chohan, for I invite you to do so. All through the day and all through the night, the comfort of my Holy Christ flame is pulsing life to every child of Earth. From nativity through early childhood and to the ripest age or maturity is your Christ- intelligence manifesting, and this should be your own qualification of life every moment - it can be! Adoration to God, the Mighty I AM Presence - poured forth from your own heart in gratitude for this gift of heaven's constant blessing right within you - if practiced faithfully - will evoke such a response from the great power of life as to make the most humble or lowly one being of divine wisdom and grace. Who can deny the eternal possibility offered to all those unascended who will unfailingly give God their attention and whose authoritative response enables them to become God in action! Those who will face the flame, avoid the shadow of discord, and adore the divine image (Thou shalt have no other God before me!) shall declare "Behold I make all things new"; and so it shall be, for within the "radiance chamber of their own heart" there will come into outer enthronement a manifestation of Immanuel (God is with us) which will act to renew heaven's grace everywhere they move! Remember from the first day when your own immaculately prepared heart temple (your own physical heart) received the God-bestowed fire breath from my own hand (which is the office of the Maha Chohan) it has never changed its quality ad it never will! (Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever) You see your Holy Christ Self in its wisdom sees all your requirements and is aware of each lesson your lifestream needs in order to fulfill its own life plan, and will give you daily the guiding ray of Christ intelligence which is constantly pouring forth from the Holy Christ Self above you - which is your mediator directly connected to your own heart's altar. You see the Presence of God is "of too pure eyes to behold iniquity" (inequity or unbalance) but all phases of earthly and heavenly states of consciousness can be equally perceived and understood by your own Holy Christ Self in its role of "mediator" between God and man! For this Christ Self descended from the Presence itself to act as God your Saviour - and is the only true mediator between God (The Presence of God I AM in you) and your own unascended individualized self. Revere then the service this Christ Self renders you my dear ones, for it is indeed unique! Who else can mediate between the fiery perfection of eternal life (that worthy to live or have immortal being forever) and your human self with its maze of changing impressions, in the evolutionary process and state of becoming more like unto the Presence Itself even while often in thought still far from immortal shores! Know then that God has placed right within your beating heart a blessed focus which can well be spoken of as the "anchor of heaven", a threefold flame of power, wisdom and love, and has further offered you the opportunity and responsibility for its triune expansion, so that the "whole-I" (Holy) Spirit may fill your entire being and world with its manifold radiance which then wherever you move automatically assumes God-control of your mind, world and affairs. Ought not then "every knee to bow" (human bowing before divine preeminence) and every tongue (symbolical of the vocalization by action and conduct of light's perfection) to confess that this Holy Christ Self whose threefold flame is anchored within is the true Lord of their being? When all shall do so, that blessed Holy Christ Self having fulfilled the purpose for which it descended shall dip its flame in adoration to the mighty perfection of the I AM Presence of all life, and as you have merged into oneness with it - which all shall one day do - so shall it ascend with you as one unto itself, and thus does God become or enfold and is in all - do you see? How could it be otherwise - that perfection should call ought except perfection into its blessed heart of fire? I am the conductor of the flame of the Holy Spirit for you as I now unfold my mantle of holy comfort with its blazing God flame all about each one of you, enthroning on your brow our holy flame of devotion and love for God to blaze there as a beacon to welcome every Ascended Master into the students world; our beacon of hope and friendship for one another of your unascended brethren; and our beacon of freedom and transmutation for all life - so-called animate or inanimate - in its many forms as it yearns to breathe free once more! Dearest freedom, holy brother Saint Germain (Sanctus Germanus) I salute you! May all who read these our words receive our assistance and blessing! Ever your own, MAHA CHOHAN (Great Chohan of the Seven Rays) _________________________________________________ We offer the following poem for your enjoyment - ESSE (To Be) Holy Spirit with each rising dawn Give me courage to go on. Fill my world with glory to be Light from over the shining sea. Expand the nature of the Christ within; Keep my world all free from sin That paradise may be once more Around the world at every door! Let no one fail to see the light "I AM!" expanding, shining bright. The threefold flame that lives in me Will one day make me all of thee! -H.W.L. ****** Chapter 5 Lord Maitreya - January 29, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 5 - Lord Maitreya - January 29, 1960 To Our Gracious Readers Dedicated to Love's Service the World Around - The Beloved Lord Maitreya Speaks: What is it you mirror, O children of Earth longing to be free? Is it the ephemeral fashions of the day or the eternal garments we wear? In this great duality of active life which derives its motion and energy from an inner flame, where goes your attention, beloved ones? Your petitions and requests pass often in review before me and I am so reminded at times in some instances of these words of two thousand years ago: "Ye know not what ye should pray for as ye ought (to know)"! To pray, to petition or to decree is all an attempt to call forth that which you desire. If your manifold desires mainly exclude the inner but include much of the outer, you are eating the husks of life even if you receive all that for which you ask. But if you turn your attention, beloved ones, more and more often upon the ascended host, ought it not to mean that you shall mirror us even if at times somewhat imperfectly? For it will still be our image, God's image, the Christ image, your own individualized flame of immortality which is being magnified within you for the pristine purpose of taking at last its rightful dominion which will set you free in accordance with the original divine plan! You see where your treasure is there will your heart (your full attention) be also. And inasmuch as the words "by their fruits ye shall know them" do unto the present day have patent meaning, so shall that meaning be exemplified and called forth into living reality by your own Christlike daily conduct, my earnest ones. Now the Great White Brotherhood is not a fable, nor is it a mysterious organization to be dangled before the uninitiated as something which sets you apart from others, or distinguishes you with temporal honor; neither is it intended to extinguish you in the ignominy of sincere but abject humility, but rather in the dignity of Divine Providence to provide an avenue or protected outlet where the Christ light of the many can go forth in ordered service, divine dignity and everliving purity. This will glorify that precious spirit of divine unity which good fortune has so wisely enscribed in these words from the Great Seal of the United States of America as E Pluribus Unum (One Out of Many) which in its greater meaning comes full-circle to read: Many Out of One in Unity of Action - political, educational and religious who shall draw nigh unto their Creator in a feeling of such oneness as will glorify the ageless Christ of all whose active unity is ever dwelling in the one light of every man! The coming days should be exalted as priceless days of opportunity when the cosmic seed of our endeavors should sprout and expand the results of the recent far-reaching deliberations of the Darjeeling Council which are presently being revealed in many ways to the eyes of every sincere and alert student of the light whose own zeal and faith thus widen the panorama of Life's love and the consequent loveliness of Life itself which will then expand to include the greater meaning of the lilies of the field and their glory; the sanctified life and its glory; the golden ripening grain and its glory; the heavenly manna and its glory; the Christ-victory that overcomes the world and its glory; and the nearness of the Presence of God to you hourly as you are held every moment in the keeping of his real and tangible holy angels and their glory! I, Maitreya, wish for each one that all these glories of God, and many more, may become daily more real to you than even the changing skies themselves or the climate of Earth! Behold, in the many planetary mansions of our Father and of his Christ, the light of every world twinkles its individual welcome across the starry realms of space right into each heart where that blessed anchored ray connects all with the same Christ-reality of immortal life. I AM ever your attention to God each day in the victory of freedom's unfoldment - Lord Maitreya (The New Buddha) ****** Chapter 6 Lady Master Nada - February 5, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 6 - Lady Master Nada - February 5, 1960 To Our Gracious Readers Dedicated to Love's Service the World Around - The Beloved Ascended Lady Master Nada Speaks: As the sweep of my consciousness moves at times with the rapidity of a swift jet plane and then again in slower motion as the gentle soaring of a white dove over the entire land of America and the inhabited portions of all the world, I cannot but observe the parallel contrasts in climate and consciousness, all the way from a snow-clad purity to faded brown and then again to those brighter verdures of redundant green. This pattern repeats also in human consciousness from the relatively barren personality of some lifestreams to the magnificent loveliness ensouled in those nearing the perfection we knew just previous to our own ascension. I am ever-so-sure after each such scanning trip, that I can feel more and more the real love and compassion of a Cosmic Mother while still serving as a spiritual sister to all humanity for the express purpose of assisting all who will call for my service with my own dear God-momentum of a very personal impersonal love - whose reality can easily be proven by calling to me to daily share with you my feeling of universal love which will be invaluable help to free this precious planet and all its people! The magnificent Darjeeling Council has so graciously honored me by choosing to release through my love on this occasion, the first of a current series of most candid advices which may well be forthcoming through this channel to the students and chelas of the Great White Brotherhood the world around. Many of the blessed members of that Council have expressed their views that regardless of our ever constant service of releasing great light in the past and clarification for mankind of the laws of life expressed in most diplomatic language, still our message of love may not always cut through the human consciousness of mankind to convey our intended thought because of the molasses-like density of human consciousness which sometimes lacks the finer understanding of the more subtle and delicate spiritual laws expressing as they do in almost featherweight perfect response to balance. Thus our love which is so forthright in the full richness of its intent - to bless you with all of Freedom - may fall a little short of the mark in either its aim of deterring you from committing an error or inspiring and comforting you by the vision of that potent truth which alone can make you free! So our love hopes to call a spade a spade as you say in your manner of speaking. So often individuals call for us to step through the veil and O, how we would love to do so (and at present may do so on some occasions) but I must say to those blessed seeking ones: remember you may not know what ye ask. For, in addition to the shock to your vehicles of expression - which presently vibrate far below the rate of our vibratory action - were we to manifest by physically stepping through the veil, to many a deep etheric record would be made and again there may be a somewhat severe penalty attached to those who when they are afforded such a glimpse of immortality as we embody, do not immediately respond by fully dedicating their all to that love which descends to so honor them! This, dearly beloved, is an impersonal action of the Law, for perfection is called down solely to raise life into its glory, not [to] entertain or mystify the human! Ascended beings and great Masters abide most often in solitude, after a fashion, (as has been done in the past) or seek the company of their own shining band. Then too, the unpredictable human when face to face with another's living divinity, has often been prone to cry "why I don't see perfection there." And gazing thus at a sacred form appearing simply as flesh, they direct criticism at perfection unknowingly and have often found out much later that they had a great deal more to handle than they had bargained for or knew in their outward consciousness. Do you see? We urge both those tutored and untutored in the Law to be alike - slow to speak of that imperfection they may see or think they see in the life of another even if their senses may declare it! In such matters call the Holy Christ Self into action to exercise love's discrimination which is Ascended-Master God-determination to purify all life they contact by violet fire, removing the cause and core of all human misery and all mankind's present discord until in the fullness of that great love which I AM - which can also be your own to also treasure - does manifest in your flesh as the highest endowment of Almighty God who ever seeks to bestow the grace of a humble heart whose vows to serve made at inner levels, in some cases between embodiments, go not neglected in the present day but whose feelings of love are never conditioned by human responses but instead take their cue from the Master who gracefully directs - using the baton of Holy Harmony that ever keeps the rhythm in that perfect balance which such embodied love is - ever inviolate before all as Christ's eternal flame of Love Divine! I AM constantly holding Love's Flame steady for you - Nada (The Beloved Ascended Lady Master - Chohan of the Sixth Ray) ****** Chapter 7 Hilarion - February 12, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 7 - Hilarion - February 12, 1960 To Our Gracious Readers Dedicated to Love's Service the World Around - The Beloved Ascended Master Hilarion Speaks: My dear followers of the unfailing Light, of all the human errors made, one of the greatest - if not the greatest - is to assume that love is unscientific! It is only the expertness and exactitude of true love that makes true science possible. Hence, in releasing to you today further advanced knowledge of the sacred fire and the love that it is, I am going to use an old, familiar, yet ever appropriate illustration. A small child by a pool of water throws stones one by one and watches the ever-widening circles of rippling waves which go out from the point of impact or center. Now in much the same manner does a thought or feeling conceived in the mind or rising from the heart center of an individual, transmit its impulses and exert its influences out into all the world! Now I tell you in a direct cosmic and scientific statement, which the scientists of the world will someday understand when they have more clearly perfected their knowledge to include the vibratory range of higher octaves, that these same thought and feeling vibrations of individuals connected as they are with the life of God pouring down the silver cord from their own God Presence, are charged with holy energy and then humanly requalified to affect human thought and feeling in a far more subtle manner even than a television or radio commercial. The aforementioned thought and feeling accumulation commingles to form a planetary effluvia of mixed affinities which presently on this dear earth contain the impoverishing vibration of human discord in abundance! Is it not then most fortunate, dear ones, that divine wisdom in ordaining the cosmic laws has decreed that "one righteous man," and therefore one right thought or action, can put ten thousand wrongs into flight! Use, therefore, the scientific power of God vested in you to do just that by saturating this planet with more violet fire and the power of the sacred fire to keep life eternally free from the subtle influence of human thought and feelings, than you have ever done before! Two things you must be ever mindful of if you would serve well the cause of the Ascended Masters in the great command to life which is constantly going forth from the Master Presence of the Universe. First, the eternal need to insulate yourself with your tube of light daily! Dear ones, would you leave your homes and offices without proper garments? Do not go forth unprotected into the outer world. Even ascended beings use the blazing armor of God - ought then humanity to play the fool where angels fear to tread? I think not, particularly where chelas of the great ones are concerned. You see the whole earth, far out into space, is completely insulated and protected with a band of Ascended Master light substance, so that earth's discord does not pass out through this ring-pass-not and contaminate space or other worlds with any mundane discordant vibratory action, but does transmit and pass vibrations based on divine law and love. The law, you see, provides that human discord be drawn down and gravitate close to the body of the earth itself. This accounts for that feeling of greater freedom which many people experience when flying or mountain climbing. Now, when human feelings and discord accumulate over a given area or portion of a continent over some period of time, often the forces of nature seek release from these uncomfortable and unnatural imposed conditions and hence a hurricane or storm results from nature's elemental effort to shake off human effluvia. When the storm has spent itself and balance is achieved once again it brings a feeling of release which is most refreshing to many lifestreams because this transmutation of the elements does restore harmony. Elemental life only appears capricious and destructive because of its natural eagerness and gathering momentum to discard human discord! Nature is scientifically very loving you see! The cause of all destruction lies in human causes and cores. Now the second and most vital service (once your guard is established daily, to prevent the inrush of human contamination which is legion) is the conscious, willing, joyful conception and generation of intense love poured forth to your own God Presence, Holy Christ Self and thence to the Ascended Masters for our use in purifying and blessing the entire earth and all thereon with God's great enfolding spirit of love which is, you see, so very scientific in its action - to mete out to all the exact measure of that which is given! (Quite a feat in calculation and record keeping for 3 billion lifestreams - and we don't even use Univac{1}!) Here are 3 vital actions of the pebbles in the world-pool! Even the total world health can be benefited by your personal maintenance of good health, for the physical influences go forth the world around from even the vibratory action of your physical appearance form! Your happy, intelligent, God-illumined mind is likewise a benediction to every mind and to all life the world around, and that blessed one who consciously acts as a direct channel of love permitting the good of his or her own God Presence to flow into the world of form is increasing the spiritual level of the whole planet! For the infallible truth to all is that vibrationally speaking, until all are free from dis-ease, none truly are safe (except in God). And until all have divine illumination, none are truly mentally free (except through the ascension), until all have spiritually and mentally ascended into their freedom, transmuting and raising the body as well. The spirit of the Buddha and the great dedicated world servers remain to serve in setting free all that which is bound. (How blessed a service!) Scientifically and spiritually the life of the planet is one: what harms one is the hurt of all, what helps one assists all life! Someday the many must understand that they cannot ignore the lot of their brother who may not dwell in their body, live in their community or worship in the same shrine. Someday men must know that this world is a great luminous globe of light belonging to all alike, and that each exclusion practiced physically or mentally against any other lifestream if made under a lesser sanction than the great cosmic law of wisdom itself, is a mere shadow o'er all the world which sooner or later will gather over that lifestream which first sent it forth. Now on the positive side of divine action, every son of light shall shine brighter and brighter as the scientific wisdom of the Ascended Masters takes greater God control in each lifestream's affairs in order to step up the tempo of planetary happiness in the interest of the general welfare and good will. All life was intended to be blessed with the conviction of certain immortality which I AM! The Presence itself of each one declares "because I AM, so you are like me" right now today if you will accept it - all-loving, all-knowing, all-powerful drawing forth from out the great cosmic light the blueprint (first ray) that begins with universal love, leads by love's universal wisdom and has a definite cosmic goal! Of a truth, as I wrote long ago when embodied as Saint Paul, "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him," who are the called (many are called - few choose) according to his purposes! This month when brotherhood and love are being stressed among mankind through Brotherhood Week, may the immeasurable reality of God's love which beats your heart be measured in great abundance to each one as our gift to you from the octave of life, to fill your heart cup to over-flowing with blessing which engenders allegiance to God alone! I am your Ascended Master friend of the power of precipitation of all good from your own God Presence into your world each day, in every way! This is our daily blessing and prayer from the Brotherhood at Crete that you may learn the daily hand-in-hand walk with God, the science of love! Hilarion (The Ascended Master Hilarion - Chohan of the Fifth Ray) __________ To fulfill beloved Hilarion's request for more violet fire, we offer you the following decree for your daily use: Lovely God Presence, I AM in me, Hear me now I do decree: Bring to pass each blessing for which I call Upon the Holy Christ Self of each and all. Let Violet Fire of Freedom roll Round the world to make all whole; Saturate the earth and its people, too, With increasing Christ-radiance shining through. I AM this action from God above, Sustained by the hand of heaven's Love, Transmuting the causes of discord here, Removing the cores so that none do fear. I AM, I AM, I AM The full power of Freedom's Love Raising all earth to heaven above. Violet Fire now blazing bright, In living beauty is God's own Light Which right now and forever Sets the world, myself, and all life Eternally free in Ascended Master Perfection. Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM! ****** Chapter 8 K-17 - February 19, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 8 - K-17 - February 19, 1960 To Our Gracious Readers Dedicated to Love's Service the World Around - The Beloved Ascended Master K-17 Speaks - I AM one of heaven's gentlemen, one of Saint Germain's dearest and best friends who have long served the cause of freedom. My service, as many of you may know, concerns the gathering of such secret intelligence information and data as vitally affects the mankind of earth today, and relaying that information to the Karmic Board and the various councils of the Great White Brotherhood specifically concerned. You see, that which is done in secret among mankind, much of which has a destructive contemplated action, would become almost a world disaster if it remained unchecked, which is why it is done in secret in the first place! Now, one of my duties is to gather pertinent information for the Council of Peace of the Great White Brotherhood (we have no war department, but we do have a peace activity). Whenever possible by cosmic law we prevent discord and destructiveness from taking any toll whatsoever on humanity. When that cannot be, we then seek to mitigate the unleashed forces of destruction and thus ease human misery in every way possible. Do you see now, blessed ones, how I can truly say "He who dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High abideth under the wings of the Almighty"? My service by the power of the I AM Presence in action here is to bring mercy and protection to the people of earth by prevention of discord before it is turned loose. I specifically work with the beloved Elohim Cyclopea (the all-seeing eye of God) and Lord Michael, Prince of the Archangels, to offer protection to every divine plan unfulfilled until it manifests in dignity and cosmic grace in the physical appearance world. Beloved Morya has asked me to write you this week because a real need exists for many chelas to serve together at the present time in loving cooperation for certain very specific purposes of the Brotherhood. Quite frankly, because of human recalcitrance the cosmic clock appears to be running later than we wish, and the entire council feels the need to speed up our service to the Earth. I am therefore especially honoring in this my letter to you the beloved Ascended Master Godfre who is the true father of his country - America (beloved Godfre was George Washington, the first president of that nation). Likewise we honor with him the blessed God of Freedom Saint Germain, and his lovely consort the beloved Portia Goddess of Justice, who offered so much assistance in the original founding of the thirteen states! In paying gracious homage to these blessed cosmic beings we have taken into account their services for and on behalf of humanity and have clothed their ideas in physical form in part by inspiring certain lifestreams to create a stamp bearing one of the truly great precepts of the Brotherhood under the seal Credo: "Observe good faith and justice toward all nations," signed George Washington. This stamp we asked the staff to use in mailing our Pearl to you this week wherever possible. You will note the red, white and blue colors symbolizing America, also the words of Washington which Saint Germain inspired upon him as words to live by today, and the blessed scales of divine justice which are symbolical of Portia, the beloved Goddess of Justice (which all the world sorely needs today in order to balance their affairs and insure permanent peace). At inner levels this stamp is done in blue, white and gold, and wherever the red appears, there gold is. Now we are especially interested in seeing both men and nations observing justice to one another in that spirit of the golden rule, which in the golden age was so widely used and loved. When mankind does obey Love's edicts, they will quite naturally express in daily living the good conduct of heaven, thus rightly attaining citizenship with the great cosmic light itself! Selfishness is the cause of all treachery among men and nations - and believe me I have cause to know! Most of you have heard it said that "money talks" and there are unfortunately a few big business men who are so short sighted as to think they can do business with the Communists. These have misused their power and influence and are secretly responsible for some of the lag in America's scientific progress. They are wrong and their judgment is warped, but they think otherwise. Someday they will find this out - I hope before it is too late. Therefore I ask you to call for the swift exposure of all who would betray the cause of freedom! Do this today! Give us the authority to guard and protect all that is near and dear to your heart. Also remember that discrimination and thought must be used by you in choosing just where you want to pledge your allegiance. You will never go wrong if you pledge your faith to the Mighty I AM Presence itself which is ever-safe and ever-ready rather than to the human which is never safe and never ready! One who was ever-ready to answer freedom's call was General George Washington. He was first in the love of his countrymen because his country was first in his love! His original intent was to establish a land where the foundations of a spiritual community would be laid, a place where freedom would flourish without limit and expand thence to all the world! Now let me tell you the true meaning of community (you live in one do you not? Is it a real community as I reveal here?), which came from the root of communal. Its meaning is "come you into unity", comm-u-nity or "come you into one-ness" - see? I am sure you realize that just because men may misuse a word does not alter its primal intended use, particularly where that use is both benign and significant. Now the word commune, which means to most enlightened people "to talk with (God)," has been wrongly identified with the godless forces of Communism. This is one reason why I am explaining the beautiful God-meaning behind that word to counteract this destructive intent. Do you see? As the edge of a razor divides the way, perfect balance ever walking on the edge thereof, so I call to your attention that I am an advocate of cosmic jurisprudence and a secret agent of Light itself (which governs so perfectly the ebb and flow of the tides, the diastole and systole of the heart, the diurnal movements of the earth and the concentric movements of the heavenly bodies). And inasmuch as the law of divine justice is both wise and fair, I speak to you in that self-same spirit of cosmic prudence to assure you that just as Communism can be exceedingly dangerous to Earth's people, so the appetites of human greed running rampant in even a so-called capitalistic nation can prove equally dangerous if uncontrolled. That is in truth the crux of many of the present world problems. Exploitation, deceit, false measure, political corruption, etc., acting in the framework of society among both communistic and capitalistic nations, should be abolished everywhere! Cosmic honesty must replace all error for it is the very essence and spirit of a true world community! When capitalism is unjust it is the surest way to play into the hands of the Communists - for more and more the so-called undeveloped and underprivileged of the world are coming to the knowledge that they have a right to expect and receive justice. When they are exploited and it is known, swift reaction follows. The power of freedom, so magnificent at inner levels or wherever truly expressing, when acting in unillumined men, does sometimes function by reason of misqualification and ignorance as a force for temporary liberation - where in many cases men merely exchange one master for another and human tyranny still remains to rule. Your Thomas Jefferson, Washington's good friend, said, "I have sworn on the altar of Almighty God, eternal hostility to every form of tyranny over the mind of man"! This is my report to you, my friends of the light, for I know the pent-up energy presently acting in mankind everywhere who are seeking freedom from every form of tyranny. I know too the statistics based on our cosmic census and so as a good friend I tell you and all the people of earth - wise is that man or that nation who will serve in the true spirit of the world community: - where all service is transformed into a form of worship and worship is no work! Joy is active there and serves as your "motor" as Saint Germain so often said - and it is ever so! Now here are the things that need to be done - and if Capitalism does not arise to accept this honor life has conferred upon it by doing these things then I hesitate to think what will happen. The future you see is an opportunity for men and women everywhere, for all were endowed with some measure of divine resource - whether in monetary credits or talents for service. All can realize with ease the vivid truth that the living standard of the world must be raised - and quickly - not necessarily by a gift (except as an emergency measure) but certainly as a real, ever-present opportunity for the people of every land. The world cannot continue to happily exist half-starved and half well fed in these days of rapid communication, and therefore as the standard of the Ascended Masters has been raised over America so must it be extended and expanded by the blessed people of America and all who love freedom in every land, so as to fulfill that precept of divine destiny which observes good faith and justice to all nations! The wisdom ray also must shine everywhere to properly educate men, women and children of every land so they will be prepared to take advantage of these opportunities - not neglecting the cultivation of a sense of beauty in all of them. The availability of good housing, hospitals and laboratories to all men must be improved upon immeasurably and not continue to remain linked to the economically prosperous areas of the world. The desert must bloom as the rose, the swords and spears must become plowshares and pruning hooks, and physical, mental and spiritual abundance flourish everywhere if the Ascended Master blessings God intends are to be properly realized by all life everywhere - which is one! Every Ascended Master will answer your call for the world triumph of right and freedom for all the earth and we need your call as our authority - do you see? America now free - citizens of freedom in every land, people of the earth, hear me now! The bells of freedom ring again, continually pealing forth not alone in Independence Hall but everywhere! The battleground of Valley Forge has become a world arena where new links of freedom and love's communion between nations and peoples help build a world community without guile! George Washington risked everything even his life in the cause of freedom. He was a wealthy man with a life of ease before him, yet he chose to suffer at Valley Forge, losing also much of his own fortune. His last years were full of economic problems and debt which contrast with former days he never considered a sacrifice, gladly offering all to the cause of freedom which communes and is communal! I salute the love that ever communes with God and is God - that self-same spirit which arises in God's likeness to build a better future world for all mankind, in the spirit of the Masterbuilders of the race! Know with certitude that even your own childhood was secretly watched over by angelic protection, yea even that your own spiritual novitiate has now prepared you blessed ones to answer in some measure the secret cries rising from many hearts! Join me now in rendering a "secret service" for the ages by engulfing all deceit and all that is done in secret in the sacred fire of cosmic honor! I AM that eternal good faith for you, which communes with the secret place of God in every heart, the Ascended Master K-17 (in the Cosmic Secret Service) ****** Chapter 9 God Harmony - February 26, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 9 - God Harmony - February 26, 1960 To Our Gracious Readers Dedicated to Love's Service the World Around - The Beloved Great Cosmic Being Harmony Speaks - Among the unascended, especially those who know not the efficacy of the violet transmuting flame and its power to alleviate human distress - or knowing of it do not use it or properly understand its use, few are the moments of perfect harmony experienced. True it is that they do experience temporary satisfactions in fulfilling their physical and mental wants, but these wants often prove to be perpetual "like a bottomless pit" which is never filled, leaving that one dependent on the social and economic elements for their bubbles of happiness, and never bringing the mighty triumph of victory which comes to all who are dependent on the Mighty I AM Presence (God) for their momentary and daily happiness. He (God) is the "Pearl of Great Price" which has that luster which knows no wane, but is an ever-expanding "shining" into a future bright with hope for all eternity! Locked in the memory of most of earth's people are idyllic moments from the "Album" (white light) of their own childhood where, to many, the sweet innocence thereof brought a different perspective than the present one, wherein the sky seemed bluer, the sunshine brighter, the bird songs sweeter, while life's little cares more easily drifted away like a breeze borne fleecy white cloud! With the coming of age came the mantle of increased responsibility with fewer and fewer of those moments where the burdens of life could be shed and that harmony which is the music of the spheres be heard. Like far-off strains of celestial music these melodic bars seemed to belong to a world of unreality, difficult for mankind to realize, whereas in truth this heavenly melody is that harmony of the planetary and celestial spheres themselves which is never still and never discordant, and which all knew long before they ever took physical form when they were yet in that marvelous Edenic state with the I AM Presence itself. Now difficult indeed is the conception of any harmony when men are seemingly surrounded with the sounds and appearances of discord. In the final earthly embodiment of the many now Ascended Masters, there have been times when by a mere touch from them the discord was stilled in the mind, world and affairs of an individual's life, and the immortal strains of life's harmony poured through the then-open windows of that one's earthly consciousness, sweeping waves of bliss over even their physical form and carrying their mind back to the memory of the living soul stirred from its repose of the ages. Do you think, beloved ones, that we have changed - or that we love you the less since we are ascended? Beloved, know that we are more concerned than ever with every dear seeker of the light of God whose sincerity and faith can reach behind the reasoning mind to touch the hem of our garment of light and receive right now, today, our touch of eternal healing so that whatsoever was turned out of the way by human discord - contrary to the will of God - may be restored to full awareness of all that which is ever good, and which always produces our feeling of God-harmony! Know, O beloved ones, with unquestioning faith, that as there is tangible reality and beauty in the physical appearance of the pine and the myrtle, that as the rose and the lily offer beautiful vestments to conceal the perfumes of eternity, so do there exist (although many are unseen by the physical eye) radiant spheres in illimitable number in God's universe which are "peopled" with lovely beings whose every moment is a "rhapsody of compatible harmony"! Recent astronomical discoveries of a very small planet, if you think about it, will prove even to your reasoning mind that much that is real is unseen until discovered! Now, when your memory of Elysian fields wanes by reason of the dungeon walls of human consciousness and human concepts which enclose men's minds and hearts like shadowed mountains of foreboding to shut off the greater light which yet seeks to pierce through and give your dear hearts all the blessings and freedom for which you long, try to feel that blessed bond of light which connects you with your own Creator (the silver cord leading to your own I AM Presence), whose image of perfect harmony is the fullness of that love which will be made manifest in due time - when your determination becomes great enough to demand of life its perfection! Beloved Morya says, "I am ever present and happy to bring to each one of you the radiance of the various great ones who come to visit our Darjeeling abode" - also, "Our brotherhood is one of action, and the recent letters of beloved Hilarion and the beloved Master K-17 have spurred many of our students through the forthright action of love's flame to enter into a new dimension of service and advancement!" This is so - and I have been asked to seal all you do for the cause of the light in my flame of cosmic harmony - which is the very essence of the cooperation of heaven whereby the worlds are framed and maintained by the Word of God, I AM, as it moves into outer action through the angelic and elemental kingdoms where such perfect harmony is outpictured in a natural outpouring from God through the Holy Spirit, the Silent Watcher Immaculata and our dear Lord the Maha Chohan! You are all musicians within and that is why there is such a universal response and appeal to music. It is truly the language of the soul, and so it is when harmony is extolled therein. It is well that artists depict angels playing the vibrant strings of a harp, for their instruments although made of light do look somewhat like a harp! Now the entire orchestration of heaven moves from the eternal preludes through the climactic crescendos of life with the wave-like joy of my cosmic harmony ever surging therein to new heights of glory - new anthems of praise and exultation for the One who raises all his creation by the light of his consciousness, his harmony, his beatitudes - into that blessed realization of the adept that in the many contacts and relationships of life experienced by each individual, only an attitude of God-like humility which is like unto a little child shall lead men through every shadow of discord to those great heights of the summit where God's voice calls each one to come all the way. As you ever strive to reach our octave, bear in mind well, the words of the early 17th century poet, William Austin, in his "To A Musician" which I am herewith holding as my immaculate concept for each one of you - "Therefore, O Lord! So tuned let me be Unto Thy word, And Thy ten-stringed Law, That in each part I may thereto agree, And feel my heart Inspired with loving awe; He sings and plays The songs which best thou lovest, Who does and says The things which thou approvest. Teach me the skill Of him whose harp assuaged Those passions ill Which oft afflicted Saul; Teach me the strain Which calmeth minds enraged, And which from vain Affections doth recall: So to the choir Where angels music make, I may aspire When I this life forsake." Fellow musicians in God's great orchestra, I love you and seal you in my own eternal flame of living, ever-present harmony. I AM God Harmony (The Great Cosmic Being) ****** Chapter 10 Saint Germain - March 4, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 10 - Saint Germain - March 4, 1960 To Our Gracious Readers Dedicated to Love's Service the World Around - Our Beloved Saint Germain Speaks: My precious students, chelas and friends, if you will try to realize right now how more than willing I am to draw you very close into my own heart, it will assist you ever so much in the performance of this simple instruction I am giving you herewith. First, make the calls for your Tube of Light and violet transmuting flame, and then visualize a violet tunnel whose walls of violet flame extend before you as though you were looking at railroad tracks into infinity. Then while holding this picture call to your own beloved I AM Presence first and then unto me. While your attention is fixed upon me, call and expect to receive my answer. I can assure you that I shall do my part to bring each one so doing faithfully for a few minutes each day, at least three times a day at about the same time, an immeasurable blessing from our octave and from my own cosmic hand in the name and by the power of God, your own blessed individualized I AM Presence anchored right within your heart and yet dwelling radiantly above you awaiting your ascension into God's heart! This "Tunnel of Light and Love" which you envision should extend from your physical forehead with a slight upward elevation and should penetrate through all human consciousness and discordant conditions, giving you easy access into the realms of light wherein we abide, and thus truly reach our octave of eternal light! Keep it simple and uncomplicated by human concepts but just receive our love and assistance without limit as you open your consciousness to the unfailing light of God. I am sure many of the recent Pearls have revealed to you, our blessed students and chelas of the "I AM Law of Life" - which is God's law for all the earth and the universe too - that we are standing with this activity, but I can assure you that the future as we have planned it shall prove it so grandly as to make even a "doubting Thomas" sit up and take notice. Now, the sinister force knows it too and that is why beloved Morya and I are both intensifying our love and the bulwarks of light's protection around The Summit Lighthouse activity. To do this and in order that the magnificent work we are preparing at present may be brought through without interference, I am taking you somewhat into my confidence: Beloved Morya stood shoulder to shoulder with me when I needed help on earth with my own many activities of light. I shall never forget the greatness of his love and light nor his good humor either; I tell you our love for one another is very real! So also is our love for you, and its tangibility will be more and more in evidence in your feelings and thoughts as you are further cut free from mere earthly thoughts and feelings in answer to your calls, entering into your own God-dominion over all substance and energy. Right now today, I am standing behind beloved Morya and his light of the Summit 100 percent - and you shall soon all know (if you do not already) that Saint Germain is pouring light through this endeavor with all of the glory and beauty, and then some, which we originally radiated forth in those early days in 1930, and subsequently, when the entire continent and world, whether conscious of it or not, was set aflame by the power of God in the "burning bush of the `I AM' activity"! In response to calls from some of you because recent Pearls have not been from beloved Morya - no, dear hearts, beloved Morya has not deserted you or this work but is busily engaged at inner levels laying a secret foundation for future action at the Summit which is so lovely it is as some of you would say, "almost breathtaking," and O so powerful, for the cause of that love from God which is sent to all the earth! Dear hearts, give our dear Morya your love and support 100 percent so that this time - even in the outer scheme of things - it shall not fail! Be patient, genteel and kind, for you will never regret the courtesy or understanding you show to life. The first phase begins almost immediately: beloved Jesus and Ascended Master Kuthumi (joint World Teachers) have agreed to release under the direction of Lord Maitreya and the Great Divine Director a series of letters through the Pearls of Wisdom which are a "must" for every spiritual teacher and student as well. If you know someone who should have them, you will render them and life the blessing of expanding God's kingdom on earth if you endeavor to acquaint those worthy ones with the service the Ascended Masters are presently offering through this channel. These letters shall continue until Easter and shall deal largely with communication between heaven and earth, our octave and yours. After Easter beloved Morya expects to resume his magnificent service to you, but requests that in the interim you render a specific service for him: Now because of the magnificence of this "endeavor," real protection is needed for our beloved Messenger 24 hours a day. Should we resume some degree of public dictation by the Ascended Masters to the students much of this momentum of protection must be built up. The "thread of contact" (as Morya calls the connecting link) is usually somewhat gossamer in appearance but must be made strong like diamond steel cables of light to be strong enough to resist completely the "din of dissonance" (as Morya often calls the voices of the brothers of the shadow) and strong enough, too, to conduct the mighty currents of God's glory as they flow through, bringing blessings to all the world to the glory of God and peace everywhere on earth to men of good will! I am sending you herewith three needed decrees with the hope you will faithfully give them and thus be not only a recipient of our blessing through this media for our words and radiation, but a transmitter of God's own light substance through the open door of your own blessed hearts, which I am surely blessing now as I place around your shoulders with arms of living light, my own violet-flame cape - a tangible article I am sure! Ever your holy brother, Saint Germain (The Ascended Master Saint Germain) ****** Chapter 11 Beloved Kuthumi - March 11, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 11 - Beloved Kuthumi - March 11, 1960 CORRESPONDENCE Corona Class Lesson 1 Brotherhood "Feed My Sheep!" To My Friends Who Have Espoused the Spiritual Life - There is so much in life you seem to just take for granted; and you are not alone in this, for in a sense all mankind, to a greater or lesser degree, may be found in this state of unawareness, few being altogether free from it. With almost childlike simplicity, those who in other respects are wise about many things seem to accept much of God's visible creation without considering the magnificent design behind the physical form/appearance. Eventually, all who ponder the truths of the visible and invisible cosmos come to a conscious desire to study the works of God's hands in greater detail. Now, some are quite naturally drawn to the study of Light and Truth from early childhood, and many of you in this class are among these. Some of you began along orthodox lines and perceived at one point, as we all have, the futility of being bound by roots of schism, a closed doctrine, or an uninspired ecclesiastical hierarchy. Your hearts became convinced of the oneness of all Life and you began to seek the unity behind the diversity of religious thought. Your search for Truth took you far afield from your point of origin and you began the journey toward a greater understanding of God's laws. Some of you were buffeted about and, finding no solace or peace in the pursuit of material goals, turned toward the spiritual life as toward one last hope. Whatever your beginnings or the bumpy road between then and now, it really matters not. The important fact is that you are here in harmony with the ascended ones. With blessed Saint Germain, you can declare, "I am here!" This is of paramount importance. For in so doing, you acknowledge the unity of the I AM Presence. And your desire to serve in expanding the Light and in spreading the message of the Father's kingdom among all people is made plain. Now, let me assure you that the Father's arms are open to all, to receive every seeker and to assist each aspiring one in the process of raising himself into the arms of his own God Presence - the only divine reality and haven of safety above the storms and trials of mundane life. To the present day, the help extended by the Ascended Masters to the people of earth continues to be of immeasurable value; yet it is not apparent to most men. Because we are graduates of life's schoolroom, well acquainted with its problems and their solution, and because the needs of earth are so very great, God uses many of us, your ascended brothers and sisters, as his hands and feet - his very heart extended as wisdom personified. Through our ascension we have attained a blessed oneness with Him. This we long to bestow upon each one of you as your own God Presence directs. Remember: God, the Mighty I AM Presence, does know the day and the hour of your ascension in the Light. This knowledge the Presence retains in its own safekeeping. You may be closer to your victory than you think, for the sign is not always outwardly given or made known to others. Beloved Jesus and I as World Teachers have undertaken this Corona Class by correspondence with an end in view - the multiplying of our own hands and feet. Is this not true correspondence in many ways? You see, through faith you become our hands, our feet, our presence on earth. You correspond to us by outpicturing our consciousness before mankind. Do you see? Your own hearts become chalices into which we pour the fragrances of our spiritual graces, thereby enriching everyone with receptive mind and spirit so fortunate as to come in contact with you. Thus, seeing you, these can begin to believe that God dwells in human form. Oh, I do hope you see this! For it is the secret of the love that has always existed between Master and disciple. The accomplished goal of the Corona Class will therefore reveal what (and whose) divine radiance encompasses the faithful. So many of earth's children, intrigued as they are by their study of God's laws, assume that by a magical or semi-magical process they will automatically be transformed into ascended beings or walking adepts. On this moot point many hirelings have gone forth to make a living by dispensing the gospel of a mere human brand of freedom - often not feeding the sheep of Christ the necessary spiritual food.{2} However, in all fairness, let it be said that through sincerity and honor in the hearts of the students, much good has been accomplished despite the hypocrisy of these hired shepherds. And certainly you would agree that some service is often better than none at all. Of course, each one is judged according to his own works;{3} and if he does well, good shall come.{4} The Law cannot be broken. Nevertheless, let it be made plain that we prefer the anointed teachers whose dedication has brought them to the feet of their own Holy Christ Self with hearts full of love and devotion and the humility to dispense our teaching with Ascended Master purposes held in mind. Not for all the world would we take from anyone his blessed hope or uproot him unnecessarily, even from a false teacher, unless we could benefit him thereby; neither would we wish that any false hope should lull him into a slumber of false security where much valuable time and energy could be lost pursuing nonexistent goals. Hence, our keen sense of discrimination, which we are willing to transfer to you, should be sought. We want nothing from you except an unselfed love, which you can give right now if you will. Think about this! We long to see you enjoy the selfsame beautiful freedom which we have. When I was embodied as Francis of Assisi, I came to realize through studying the birds and animals that my power of concentration, saturated as it was with the love of God and his love in man, would draw me into an understanding of the God-intelligence acting in Nature which earlier I had so studiously ignored. Oftentimes more concerned with pleasure-seeking than religious fervor, I had not formerly been aware of the great love of God and the joy which that love could bring, far exceeding any outer source. Then, too, my prior contemplation of the realm of Nature had led me to think of heaven as a place apart from earth. Imagine, if you can, the joy in my soul when I found that the lovely trees were endowed with spiritual beings, angelic overseers of great stature and beauty whose power guided the development of molecular form, pattern, luster of leaf, and inherent healing properties. I felt the radiant energy (life-force) reaching out from these silent sentinels capturing the heart - as did one majestic tree deva who inspired Joyce Kilmer to write his heartfelt poem "Trees."{5} I also found to my amazement that the tiny furry creatures of the forest had a life-intelligence all their own, reflective of the Creator; and I saw how the life in them responded to the Life in me. Oh, heaven was not apart from me! For I perceived all things visible to be but the hem of the garment of heaven. Touching just the physical hem, I was made whole!{6} What would happen when I touched the whole robe? I longed to know. Thus, in order to reach this transcendent goal, which I firmly believed was attainable - for I knew in my heart that God had ordained it - I set my mind to the path of spiritual illumination. Day by day, my mind was made holier still through contact with the spiritual realms. My one-pointed dedication to the Path and my contemplation of the holiness of all Life - and of the holiness of the God who had created all things to his delight, including man - were the keys to my assimilation of that holiness, which clearly seemed to permeate myself and everything around me. Dear hearts, there is something foreign to reality in the idea of God being separate and apart from his creation. No mere doctrinal pantheism is the affirmation of God as the All-in-all, but a truth that cannot be refuted. For, while it is true that the creation lies in God, it is also true that he is in his creation; but it is evident that his love, wisdom, and power cannot be contained therein. ("Behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house that I have builded?" said Solomon of old.{7}) Moreover, the fact that the God Presence, the individualized I AM, does far exceed the personal creation of the individual (and the macrocosmic creation as well) is proof of the dominion with which God has so lovingly endowed your Real Self, made in his image and likeness.{8} As my soul expanded in the transfusing light which God poured into me, I was exalted time and again by his glory expressed through the Nature kingdom. The seemingly dumb creatures of field and forest came into unity with me through God's love, and then at last I, too, could speak their language, calling them "brother." How much more should all children of the Light love one another and have reverence for the smallest part of Life (God)! Out of all these transcendental experiences, my soul was stirred with a great yearning to communicate to others the boundless wisdom vouchsafed to me by God. At this point in my spiritual awakening, I found that a literal wall of human resistance - denser and higher by far than any medieval castle - had gone up between me and my friends and the townspeople of Assisi. Most men I sought to reach could not understand my life, my aims, or my God-chosen ways - which to me were so self-evident, so plain to see, so logical! I became to them a poverello (one who voluntarily embraces Mother Poverty). It was then that I was abruptly cut off from family, friends, and funds. Fortunately, among my friends were some so sincere and devout as to continue to pray for me. And God (whose ways are not always understood by men{9}) winked at me in answering their prayers his way - by taking me deeper into his own heart and embrace even while they assiduously called for my return to the beaten orthodox path! Thus, I did not suffer disillusionment by the loss of my friends, nor did I return to the vanities of the material world. But, drawing ever closer to God to become a divine poverello, I drew around me by kinship of spirit those of like mind and wisdom and from them fashioned my holy order of brothers Franciscan. I have drawn briefly from my earthly experiences so that you will not be excessively concerned about those who seem disinterested or who may lack humility when you try to expound to them from your pure hearts the knowledge of God's laws. Remember that the Father tried long to reach you to give you all his love, and in due season took you from among the multitudes to draw you closer to his own heart and to his brotherhood of Light. Spend your energy, then, as we did, in interior correction and self-instruction, paying special attention to our current precepts as manna for your souls - until, like a great organ of expansive timbre and pitch, you stand as the perfect instrument through which the Divine One may play those exquisite harmonies of healing light and comforting tone, revealing to all, through a more perfect example, the efficacy of heaven's grace. As you lift up the Presence of God "I AM" in yourself, the Presence will draw all men to its greater Light.{10} Bear in mind, as beloved Morya has said, that we are a forthright brotherhood; and do not become weary in well-doing!{11} Jesus, who wept over Jerusalem,{12} has long poured his love to the tired, the hungry, the poor, and the bound - yearning, as I do, but to refresh, feed, enrich, and free in the dignity of the Holy Spirit all souls who love Light. (We would equally free those who, because they do not know the Light, do not love the Light.) And unto those men who love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil,{13} we would bring Light and the love of Light and an example of righteousness - through you, each and every one who would teach unenlightened men the way. Such is the ideal of the Great White Brotherhood. Such is the path of just men made perfect through the living image of Christ.{14} To this calling the Spirit of the Brotherhood leads you, that by expanding your light you may answer the call of Christ to "Feed my sheep!"{15} The salutation of the ascended Jesus Christ be with you, together with my own. Your cosmic teacher, Kuthumi _________________________________________________ [Taken from the book version, Corona Class Lessons.] ****** Chapter 12 Beloved Jesus the Christ - March 18, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 12 - Beloved Jesus the Christ - March 18, 1960 CORRESPONDENCE Corona Class Lesson 2 You "Whom Say Ye That I Am?" Beloved Students Who Would Teach the True Communion of Saints - The opening letter from blessed Kuthumi, my brother, has so beautifully described to you some of the sweetness of his own awakening to the power of God during his Franciscan embodiment. In his instruction, he wisely advocated the giving of the teachings of Light's perfection to every sincere seeker but stressed the need for every teacher to maintain his harmony, even if some men should choose to reject the teachings after hearing them.{16} He advised a closer walk with each one's own I AM Presence (the Father) and Holy Christ Self (the Son) as the antidote for every problem. Let us see why this is the best part of divine wisdom. You will perhaps recall that I spoke unto my disciples, saying, "Whom say ye that I am?"{17} Well, beloved hearts, you could ask the same question of your associates today. And what do you think the answer would be, or what would you have it be? Would you want them to describe you as just so much energy, so much accumulation of weight, of such an age or color of skin, with certain characteristics, mannerisms, and personal idiosyncrasies? Or would you prefer their description to include all the beauty, the ageless perfection and thrilling ever-new, ever-expanding dimensions of your own I AM Presence and its invincible power of Love's victory? The choice is clear, as you can plainly see; for Wisdom always chooses the better part wherein the eternal truth of what you are, the eternal hope of what you are to be, and the Father's eternal love of your soul's purest intent are in perfect harmony. This, our immaculate concept held for each one of you, is our everlasting instruction - eternal, changeless, yet full of glories untold, of melodies unsung, of reaches and expanses uncharted, unprobed even by the ascended. So deep is immortal Love that, lost in its depths, one finds solace supreme. Yet the joy of the eternal mystery remains even when all is made plain, for such is the nature of God's heart - the center of ineffable wisdom, the altar of eternal peace. As recipients of such a love, how can the cup of our zeal refrain from overflowing in the wish to call all Life to share the blessings and unity of our octave - the kingdom of heaven! What, then, is the best way for a teacher of the kingdom of heaven to reach people - especially where the zeal of that teacher is very great, reaching out arms of love to embrace the whole world?{18} As I proceed to answer this question, there is one concept I should like first to convey to each of you; for it concerns who and what you really are: Within every atom and system of worlds there is a central focus of great light. In the solar systems the magnitude of this light is easily perceived; but in a relative sense, when you are dealing with microscopic parts of the whole, it may seem but a spark of imagination to most of you, so small is this central focus. Yet to us it is still a flame from the Great Central Sun, no matter how tiny it may seem to be. Such is the divine spark within you - the threefold flame of Life burning on the altar of your heart. Though a mere sixteenth of an inch in height, it is the sun center and source of Life to your physical body. Now, all that is coalesced in form around this center should be instrumental in the fulfillment of your divine plan according to the original seed idea held in the heart of the tiny flame. This plan of your life's perfection is in-tended to expand through the world of form in concentric rings of living, God-joyous, God-radiant light and color; for the energies of the threefold flame, born of the eternal radiance,{19} sustain the entire physical creation! By contrast, the human misqualification of the power of the divine spark manifests as gross condensations of selfishness, accumulations of discord and earthly qualities that actually solidify around the flame as mental density, feelings of resentment, and physical disease. The buildup of discord in the body and the subconscious mind can be seen by the clairvoyant as shadowy clouds gathered round the central flame of being, blocking the penetration of the Light, whose healing, vivifying rays would naturally and swiftly disperse the grayness and heaviness of accumulated fear and doubt from the troubled hearts of humanity. This clearance will take place when human stubbornness - the altogether human reluctance to accept change ("putting off the old man and putting on the new" {20}) and the willful ignoring of the inner voice of the Real Self - ceases to muddy the pure stream of God's energy as it flows forth unceasingly from his Spirit to the souls of his own. Every one of us (the Ascended Masters) was compelled to leave behind this human consciousness and world view long before our ascension. We have given to the flame of God - to this precious focus of his intelligence which he has placed in us and in you - the authority for our individual worlds. Yes, beloved, we give allegiance to the flame of God in our life; and you can give allegiance to the flame of God in your life, if you will determine to do so with all your heart! What, then, is the course of worldly living engaged in by the masses of so-called society but weavings upon a temporal loom? Year after year, the shuttle of time weaves strands composed of living light misqualified by human thought and feeling. These retain all the old habits and momentums of the race which never have and never will bring men their God-freedom or even personal peace. Dear ones, so strong have been the dyes of human thought and feeling and so coated has the cloth become with astral dust that no matter how horrendous the completed tapestry, because of the hardened matrix people have continued to weave discordant patterns (even studying the lives of the infamous) in imitation of all that mocks and is contrary to heaven, outpicturing all that is anti-Christ (contrary to, or 'anti', the Real Self) and must therefore come to naught. The Holy Christ Self can never permit one's improperly executed art to be displayed in the universal gallery of divine art - and therefore, by cosmic law and mercy, has no choice but to consign such weavings of the lesser self to the flames of mercy and forgiveness, where their forms dis-integrate and their atoms return to the heart of the Great Central Sun for purification (repolarization). Now, it is sometimes difficult for unascended beings to understand how certain theologians when face to face with the transparent simplicity of Life as it stands almost self-evident have complicated the Father's teachings and laws so as to create great fear in men's hearts. Yet it is so, regardless of how good have been their intentions. God is often pictured as being the dispenser of human vengeance, desiring appeasement or sacrifice for the many sins of mankind, in the absence of which he should forever consign men to a most grim future from which there would be no escape (although it is written, "Vengeance [i.e., divine justice] is mine; I will repay, saith the LORD"{21}). Yet the scriptures these theologians are subjecting to their private interpretation eternally declare the mercy of God to be from everlasting unto everlasting.{22} O my beloved, my Galilean life was not sacrificial but sacramental. It was a freewill offering to God which you, too, shall one day make (and some of you have already begun the process) in the course of your journey back to God's heart. Blessed Hilarion, when embodied as the apostle Paul, clearly understood the matter of man's works - both his positive and negative karma - for he saw them being judged in the trial by fire when he declared: "Every man's work [karma] shall be made manifest: for the day [the 'Daystar,' {23} the blazing Sun of the I AM Presence] shall declare it because it shall be revealed by [spiritual] fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss; but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by [sacred] fire."{24} Only unprofitable patterns of karma, poorly woven garments of misqualified energy (such as thistles of human hatred and vengeful thoughtforms), and the clay whose molding lacks the Christic beauty to please the Eternal Potter are rejected. The blessed atoms that temporarily and lovingly sacrifice their life to compose and hold together (sometimes for aeons) such misshapen humanly created densities in man and Nature are not to blame for the mistakes and clumsy experiments of the learners in God's great school - where Life, as God, has destined waves (particles) of energy to obey the commands of his children who are engaged in the grand experiment of free will. Even though it appears to be otherwise, if the students of earth's schoolroom knew of the divine plan or were convinced with the conviction of God-certainty of Life's nobler purpose, they would not continue to bring any creation to the door of the temple of Life that was not a perfect work of art. Furthermore, we would help them to produce such perfect works - as we will you - if they would but ask our help.{25} When I cried, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do!"{26} I spoke not alone for the then-present multitude, but for the whole planetary evolution unto the present day. How can the human self, fashioned so often in images of imperfection and bowed down by its own self-created discords and densities (i.e., karma), be expected either to yield to or to respond to appeals of perfection? Did I not say, "Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles"?{27} Seldom, therefore, do appeals to the outer man produce the winning response, except where that man, as weaver of the garment of his soul, has wisely incorporated much devotion and love into his nature; for then he will respond spontaneously, naturally, and quickly to the truth that "I AM the Light of the world."{28} Address your appeals, therefore, to the Holy Christ Self of men, except when individuals express a natural willingness to learn. Only then give them our words and our teachings which are cups that carry light and salvation to all. The wisest on earth have much to learn. I myself took all the beginning initiations in the temple,{29} although from the inception of my Galilean embodiment it was known by the sages that I would be considered wiser than the doctors and the wise men of that day. I continually taught that he that would be great must be the servant of all.{30} As has been said, a great leader places himself above his followers only when it is a question of bearing responsibility. When you call with all the intensity of your being for your own perfection in the Light, believing beloved Victory when he tells you that your own victory is possible today - there and then you make it possible! Communion with us must be on our level, do you see? We cannot have communion with the changing outer self, which from day to day runs hot and cold, much of the time being lukewarm.{31} We appeal to and reach your soul through your Holy Christ Self. And, believe me, that is how we are reaching you right now. For this hallowed gift of personhood through the Son of God (represented by your Holy Christ Self, who is the 'Sun of Righteousness' shining in his strength in the very temple of your being{32}) descended from your own I AM Presence to act as your mediator in raising you to the fulfillment of your divine destiny. Your Holy Christ Self has the power to reach not only your outer mind and self but also the mind and psyche of any human on earth - as well as all of them! They cannot argue against it or resist its action, for their lifestreams also flow through the one Christ who is the Lord of all. Therefore, lift up the Christ Self in all souls and teach them the true communion of saints, that they may realize that the God Presence of each one is one with every other manifestation of the I AM Presence - worlds without end. Teach them the simple faith in the eternal Presence whose everlasting arms enfold them through their Holy Christ Self - resurrecting their thoughts, their minds, their worlds, their affairs, even their physical forms out of a prison house of stone (solidified human doubt and fear) into a world where we do not say, "I think, I believe, I want, I have," but declare with the Father: "I know, for I AM!" How I long to receive you into that Holy Communion of your own I AM Presence, which you ought to keep daily in remembrance of me{33} - I who am one with (the "I AM" in me who is one with) your own Holy Christ Self. Then the chaff (bad karma) of your nature will be separated from the wheat (good words and works) because you desire it even as do I. For the "fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge [purify] his [threshing] floor [your consciousness]."{34} Through all the eternal cycles, the seed, or divine idea, of the soul is planted with the express hope of its multiplication and harvest, that by the refinement of heat (sacred fire) it may become a sacramental loaf even as I did, declaring for all: I AM the bread which came down from heaven. ... Take, eat, this is my Body of eternally purified substance, molded willingly, consciously in the Father's image.{35} This Life which you call your own, flowing in your veins, is in truth the consecrated wine of the Father which he has sacrificed (sanctified) for you by placing the essence of his own Presence within it. The Father requires no suffering or loss save the surrender of that which is unreal, but gives to you his love and that temporal dominion over his Life which is your portion. This is his divine plan, conceived that you may of your own choice learn to drink the cup wisely and thus by free will enter into your eternal dominion and oneness with him. For, by your leave, he, acting in you as in us, will sanctify you with the gift of his love and eternal friendship in the Life everlasting. All students who are willing to drink of my cup (because they would be teachers of men){36} will assuredly call for the full implementation of the Law of Love which we the Ascended Masters offer. Thus, by our transforming power shall they verily drink that Communion which makes of every communicant the selfsame manifestation of the Son of God that I AM. To this table I welcome you evermore, brother or sister of Light. Again I say, Come, drink of the water of eternal Life freely!{37} I AM the Wayshower for you, one with your own Holy Christ Self - Jesus the Christ _________________________________________________ [Taken from the book version, Corona Class Lessons.] ****** Chapter 13 Beloved Kuthumi - March 25, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 13 - Beloved Kuthumi - March 25, 1960 CORRESPONDENCE Corona Class Lesson 3 Holy Christ Self "For God So Loved the World ..." Beloved Who Offer Your Life Willingly to God - Your own beloved I AM Presence is the fulfillment of every precious promise which the Father has ever made to his offspring throughout the ages. When beloved John (who has oft been quoted by clergy and laity, but seldom fully comprehended) wrote, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting Life,"{38} he set forth one of the most potent promises ever given. But, dear hearts, did God love the discord? Did he endow the discordant manifestation with the gift of everlasting Life? I think not, for it is plainly stated that the gift must be believed in and accepted in good faith in order to be effective; surely this anticipated belief must be more than a blind faith. {39} Surely this faith requires works as well,{40} particularly the inner service of opening the door of your heart and training your mind to be receptive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, who will guide you into all Truth.{41} You know, blessed ones, perfection is not nearly so far away as some would lead you to believe; for it dwells right in your God Presence, the I AM THAT I AM, often abiding just a few feet above your physical head - especially near when you draw nigh unto it.{42} Blessed Mary, when she was with child, declared in the wonderful wording of the Magnificat the power and presence of the Great I AM with her: "My soul doth magnify the LORD, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. ... For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name. ... He hath shewed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He hath put down the mighty from their seats and exalted them of low degree!"{43} Her song of praise unto the divine incarnation is a mantra of the Spirit of Motherhood that ought to be recited daily by expectant mothers (see Luke 1:46-55). Its repetition gathers unto itself and all who enter its song the devotion of the World Mother as well as the nearness of the I AM Presence of each member of the family - even the Divinity of the incoming soul! How wonderful is the power of the Presence of God as it works through the spoken Word answering both prayer and praise, often contrary to human concepts and opinions, to bring about the highest good for you and the most divinely practical solutions to every single problem. Many times only a few steps remain unto one's perfection, and then God can and does quickly bring up the valleys (raise the consciousness) to the mountain heights of perfection,{44} at the same time leveling those mountains of human egoism which so often shut off the individual's view so as to hinder his spiritual progress for centuries. The blessed Holy Christ Self is the Light, or Christos,{45} whose flow of love, wisdom, and power combined is the conductor of Life's energy from the Spirit (the I AM Presence) to the body, soul, and mind. As such, the Holy Christ Self is the illuminator of the heart of every man, woman, and child. The key to true wisdom need not be complicated, for it lies very simply in understanding what God has wrought. Individuality is a precious gift of God which makes you you! Whenever you feel alone, realize that your connection with God is identical to that of everyone else. As Saint Germain has told you, the chart of your I AM Presence is your 'eye picture' of your connection with the God of your being. Your divine rights throughout the creation are identical with those of Jesus the Christ and every other ascended being, once you accept and enter into your rightful place in the ordered plan of cosmos. Unfortunately, men's misunderstanding through the centuries has envisioned a Creator who would require appeasement and sacrifice to atone for violations of his Law. The abortion of the correct understanding of this Law came when men first violated the great commandment "Thou shalt not take life!"{46} whereas the true understanding of the acceptable offering to God has ever been found in the command "Thou shalt give life!" And so, God gave Jesus life, he gave you life as he gave all his children life that they might use the gift in love and grace and become thereby recipients of greater and greater power and glory, eventually entering into the full dominion of their own I AM Presence. Jesus offered his life willingly to God (through his I AM Presence), and at the river Jordan the Father accepted his offer made out of the purity of his lifestream, declaring for all to hear at his baptism from John, "Thou art my beloved Son. In thee I AM well pleased." (In thee the I AM Presence dwells, well pleased.){47} Now, the Universal Christ has existed from everlasting unto everlasting. It was this great truth that Jesus affirmed when he said, "Before Abraham was, I AM."{48} The Master Jesus was a singular incarnation of that Christ. He received his personal initiation of acceptance at Jordan, being anointed of his Presence for his soul's mission in the performance of the Word in his Galilean embodiment. This selfsame opportunity lies before every lifestream. In your love of God and devotion to his will, you, too, can receive the blessing of the Father, personified in your beloved I AM Presence, to perform the word and work of Christ in this life. Day by day, through practical and needful service to Life, you can put on the Christ Mind{49} and become one with your Holy Christ Self until one day, you, too, will hear the words of the Father spoken of you: "This is my beloved Son in whom I AM well pleased." Jesus has often said to me, "One of the greatest weaknesses of so-called Christianity lies in the fact that they have deified me as a god to worship or bow down to and to make wishful prayers to; yet my mission and message they often neglect, knowing not that their own Initiator waits with arms of love to bestow upon them all that I ever received from God." Beloved ones, none are unique, but all are given a unique opportunity to attain a supreme unity with God. In the parable of the prodigal son, men may learn much concerning the present state of world affairs.{50} Recently we assisted a mother and her daughter who were bound in an interesting karmic tie whereby the mother served for years in ministering to the daughter who was paralyzed and mute from the effects of poliomyelitis. One day the mother found herself removed from the octave of earth (through the change called death), whereupon she intensely petitioned God for help for her daughter, who remained for approximately six days without food or attention, helpless and despairing, feeling certain that her blessed mother had passed on. We secured a special dispensation from the Karmic Board through beloved Kuan Yin, the Goddess of Mercy, whereby the daughter (who after many days was found alone) also made the transition, being cut free from a condition of despondency to be reunited with her dear mother, thus affording them freedom from their binding physical karma. Their life plan for the future now presents all the aspects of hope which the opportunity for reincarnation allows. You would perhaps be surprised, if you could see the aura as clearly as we do (and you will when you can hold an immaculate concept as we do) at how many people resent many aspects of their lives and wish they were different. Some inwardly castigate the Deity and blame God for the state of personal or world affairs. They feel that because he has the power to correct conditions, he ought to use it. They no longer recall that sometime, somewhere, at inner levels they asked for the authority to govern their own affairs and then chose voluntarily to listen to voices other than the voice of the Presence of God. This is why God does not seek men; for the Law which they chose to ignore is not violated even by the Deity, who impartially dispenses the comfortable stability of its eternal constancy everywhere.{51} In returning to the Father's house (as the prodigal son did after spending his portion), men must decree for a restoration of the divine authority of God and the Ascended Masters in their own world, mind, and affairs - even being willing to be a servant (chela) before full Sonship is regained - as the most practical method on earth whereby anyone can return Home. Believe me, dear ones, it pays to hold our hand and nestle very close to your Presence! Trusting in human opinions, you will not go very far in the right direction. One of the claws of human creation is opinion, which is about as inconsistent as humanity can be. Usually when advice is sought and then not heeded, individuals become upset. Now, we are not so. If you choose to ignore our advice, we will not be upset, but you may find that you will be! One particular matter I would call to mind in connection with establishing greater communion with our octave is the feeling of self-condemnation people sometimes have when they become enclosed by a seeming wall of human creation and discord. Because of the old law of sin and retribution ("an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth"{52}) which was set aside many years ago, they don't feel good enough to pray, decree, study the teachings of the Ascended Masters, or perform charitable deeds which would direct them to us. Therefore, they place their attention on human matters for fear of desecrating us by placing their attention on us. Now, isn't this a paradox? We are directed by God to assist mankind, we are the freeing authority for this earth, and our way (which is Christ's way) is the only way they can ever escape human thralldom (for everyone who wants to escape must do it through the way of the ascension, which the Master Jesus demonstrated); yet the sinister idea is put out not to desecrate us! And what's worse, they accept it! Beloved ones, we ourselves made many mistakes prior to our own ascension; but we must have your sustained attention in order to hold contact with your soul long enough to channel a sufficient quantity of assistance into your world to set you free. Do not fail, therefore, when the heavens seem leaden, to keep on with your prayers and decrees - and when in urgent need of help, call to beloved Victory. He loves to respond. And, while we hope none of you will ever be in prison, I think he would even enjoy responding to you there. Ours is also a momentum of victory, you see, for we all share his love. What God loves in you is precious. Discord is not of his creation, it is of yours - and if you insist on clinging to it, you will never be free. We are the freedom for this earth, but the only way we can help you win your freedom is for you to invite us to do so. The stronger and more persistent the invitation, the greater the response we can give; for by cosmic law the wave of your energy must at least be equaled by our response: And the call compels the answer! Have you ever considered just how practical our instruction is? Why, it is the most practical gift on earth! Yet it can be stated so simply that even a child can understand it. And this is truly wonderful for the perceptive who do see it. For example, why do you think many of you are involved in mundane tasks - washing dishes, scrubbing floors, managing finances, gardening, marketing, helping people or ministering to the sick? Because it is an appropriate discipline, tried and proven, for your self-mastery of Life's energies which you might instead channel, ignorantly or otherwise, into the taking of heaven by force.{53} The true path of discipleship is the path of self-discipline through the Holy Christ Self. On this path you assist us, teaching and demonstrating the Way made plain as you assault the earthly bastions with your love, overcoming all things by the power of your God-given victory and, equally important, by the grace of assisting others to find the blessed way of hope. How many lepers do you think Jesus cleansed in his day, or how many spiritual lepers since his feet trod the shores of Galilee? Some of our chelas are like the little Dutch boy who kept his finger in the dike until help came, thus staying the riptides of the sea. These perform thankless tasks, all for the building of a divine momentum that will endure forty days in the human wilderness{54} and then, when lifted up (exalted), will refuse the sinister temptations of the wilderness or the wish for human recognition, showing forth that strength which Jesus knew full well at its apex in Gethsemane when his disciples slept.{55} You, too, must know that the meaning of disciple is "one who is self-disciplined," and you must still your restless energies for the supreme purpose of activating them aright. The full powers of your Presence will be given into your hand only when you are free from both the will to harm and the power to harm. Would God indeed defame heaven by entrusting its government to those who cannot even get along on earth? That is why initiation (the testing of the soul) is provided, and that is why few find the way.{56} To wear your seamless robe of white light,{57} you must daily open your heart and mind to the communion of heaven. This must be valued above earthly matters. People will not willingly be denied food. Let them refuse to be denied spiritual food! This is practical, unvarnished Truth, beloved ones. Let them wear robes of Christlike discipline with the same honor that we feel. Let not the children of human creation or human mockery affect your love for God, the Mighty I AM Presence! The hosts of the LORD actually outnumber the children of mammon as the stars of the heaven and as the sand upon the sea shore innumerable!{58} This is universally true. Remember, too, that the Presence is interested in everything that you do. If you lose a needle or lose your car keys, call to your I AM Presence to show you where they are. Learn to ever rely on the Presence, making the Father your confidant - and don't always tell people about your inner life; for they may laugh at you and tell others, thus amplifying your problem. In every way reorient your thinking back to your God Source and the realm of the Ascended Masters, and you will soon see the light begin to shine on your way. Cosmic miracles will happen, have no doubt of that! For some it will come quickly, for others it may require a little longer, but come it will as it did to us. One day you who came from heaven which is your Home, trailing clouds of glory, as the poet said,{59} will return to your glorious God-estate which awaits you. This happens not by chance but by Law, by determination, and by offering oneself to God. Know that every day, right while millions live in discord, we continue to have and enjoy harmony and Christ-communion in an atmosphere where the veil is removed and we see clearly the face of our God Presence and live.{60} As Above, so below - so may it be! Keep that flame blazing daily on your heart's altar, that many may also be lighted and inspired by your life. It is as much a part of God as I AM! Kuthumi _________________________________________________ [Taken from the book version, Corona Class Lessons.] ****** Chapter 14 Beloved Jesus the Christ - April 1, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 14 - Beloved Jesus the Christ - April 1, 1960 CORRESPONDENCE Corona Class Lesson 4 The Father "Before Abraham Was, I AM" My Beloved Who Have Called, I Bid You Come into My World Apart - I AM the Resurrection and the Life{61} - the faultless, matchless Presence who gives the sweetness of Life to every lifestream whether experienced, known, recognized, enjoyed, or accepted by him or not. I know so well that the divine intention (that Good which God intends for every lifestream) goes almost wholly unnoticed by the majority of mankind insofar as the true outpicturing of Life's perfection is concerned. Consider how many great scientists, educators, industrialists, or financiers life produces; yet, by comparison, how few of those we call saints or ascended beings. The natural plans of God intend the ascension to be the sole destiny of every man. Certainly this marvelous goal is of true worth and everlasting gain to each lifestream so honored by its fulfillment. For is not an ascended God-illumined, God-free being above the greatest scientist human life could produce? Did I not say that of unascended men John the Baptist was greatest, yet the least in the kingdom of heaven was greater than he?{62} Know also that the Father has an essence, or spiritual fragrance, with which he envelops persons, places, conditions, and objects (focuses) in a hallowed circle of his love whenever he is called upon with sincerity and reverence. Yes, each time you invoke the light of your heavenly Father with intense faith and love poured out to your I AM Presence, the Father's response is clothed with his essence. This essence is very real and its tangibility is sensed in wondrous ways by those advancing along the spiritual path. This path leads to the unfoldment of man's Christlike nature which I AM and which even now I embody. Naturally, the Father is more than his essence or emanation - although someday you will find out that the essence of the Father, in all its great purity, is likewise so much more than just a series of pleasing sounds or letters of the alphabet intelligently arranged. The Father of many manifestations is also the "Wheel of the Law," that ever-revolving, magnificent wheel of world dharma turning in its appointed rounds of the eternal cycles of Life. Hours fly hand in hand with the centuries, and the effects of human error and its corresponding human bondage still prevent many from realizing the ineffable sweetness, joy, and love of the Father, the Mighty I AM Presence, which I know so well. Turning now to the perennial parade of spring manifesting differently in the two hemispheres (according to natural law) and to the present universal feast of the resurrection which occupies the attention of all Christendom, I AM beholding the day when, by the pressure of your own demands upon Life, many will be obliged to acknowledge our presence among men as a tangible, ever-present reality that has spanned the centuries to this very day. I still walk among the old familiar surroundings even while I observe with you, dear hearts, new and different scenes on the world stage. Truly the drama of the ages is being outplayed. But I know that my true chelas will con-sider its climax near when, before their very eyes, I step through rainbow rays whose sunlit reality yet separates us, though by ever-thinning curtains of light's substance. Our octaves are so close! When in my luminous Presence I step through the veil into your octave, it will be to say to you as I do today: "Peace, be still!" and "My peace I give unto you."{63} As I draw back the substance of light which forms the veil{64} (curtain) dividing our realm from yours, you will know that the rose, whose petals are so wondrously soft as to exceed the finest velvet, symbolizes the gentle but symmetrically beautiful caress of God's love. The Father would give to every man, woman, and child the embrace of his nearness, his encouragement, his Law of Love, and even his very Life every hour. The fragrance of his heart is therefore an aromatic balm whose sweet savor is often sensed by you when your God Presence is rendering a very special service in your behalf. As with a fragrant perfume, your atmosphere is thereby blessed. His light and mighty love flow into your world like a vital current from your I AM Presence or the starry electrode of an Ascended Master's heart. Now, among all the practical accomplishments of the material world which you could ever perform, there is one toward which I would direct your earnest attention. Therefore I am come today in answer to your call - to call you, in turn, to come into my realm of practical spiritual experience. For I would acquaint you with the science and soul advancement of all eternity. Come into my world apart. Leave for a little while the temptations of the wilderness - that is, the outer world illusions. Leave behind the record and memory of strife and religious or secular intolerance. Still the restless energies which assail the peaceful heart and know, for a time at least, the meaning of true communion with the God-progress of your own heart's light. You see, ye call me brother, and so I am. Ye hope for a resurgent resurrection flame to confer upon you, when needed, eternal hope and immortal Life like unto my own. Ye hope for the call of your own God Presence to come up higher, yet ye tarry frequently in the memory of some of the elements of human decay. Like Lot's wife, who turned into a pillar of salt (her consciousness crystallized by her own recalcitrance) when she looked back at the burning Sodom and Gomorrah{65} (which symbolize the discordant elements of life in the process of transmutation by the sacred fire), you have pondered and dwelt upon, revolving over and over in the memory, the human elements of discord from which you have asked, or should have asked, to be delivered. Beloved ones, from Eden the voice of the LORD God who walked in the garden among the spiritual fragrances of your own God Presence has been heard by all but heeded only by the few: " ... Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it. For in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die."{66} The day when many shall turn to God is at hand!{67} It is at the very door! No one can ever deceive the Law; and the Father, known by any other name than Love, is just as sweet. Keep my commandments to love one another even as I have loved you; otherwise, how can ye be mine or the image which I AM?{68} Think back beyond the memory of human error or mortal discord to the pure Edenic state where "before Abraham was, I AM."{69} The life plan of the Father is like the most beautiful rose in existence, whose unfolding petals (the form) yield to Life's direction and become cups of fragrance offering golden liquid light which can enshrine in each lifestream all the joy and glory of the Masters' unfolding plan of the ages for that one. Life is God, Life is I AM, and it was intended to be beautiful, eternal, powerful, and happy. This can be so only through your outpicturing of all that is the power (will of God), the kingdom (wisdom of God), and the glory (love of God). There is no other way. The seven days of the week are manifestations, as are individuals, of the magnificent seven planetary color rays, the radiance (ray-d-ance, or 'ray-dance') of the Father's light. Every year during this holy season, I am drawn nearer and nearer to every human heart with as many blessings as the cosmic law allows. Truly, I AM with you always! Do not fail to watch with me, disciples of this hour,{70} for Life ever tests each aspirant, and I AM so willing to assist all who ask! May the highest sense of the beauty and perfection of the Presence enfold your hearts and lives this season and forever. I AM your ascended Jesus the Christ _________________________________________________ [Taken from the book version, Corona Class Lessons.] ****** Chapter 15 Beloved Jesus the Christ and Kuthumi - April 8, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 15 - Beloved Jesus the Christ and Kuthumi - April 8, 1960 CORRESPONDENCE Corona Class Lesson 5 Reciprocity "And I, If I Be Lifted Up ..." Beloved Hearts Who Give All and Receive the All of God - In the hour when the Father acknowledged the glorification of his name - I AM THAT I AM{71} - within me, I declared for all time and eternity: "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me."{72} And today I declare it again, that you might derive the higher confirmation of my Word in your life, for the import must not be lost. This, then, is the true meaning of this scientific statement of the Godhead dwelling bodily{73} in every one of his servant sons and glorifying his name within them, even as he has glorified them by the gift of the Mighty I AM Presence: As the I AM Presence is lifted up within me and I am lifted up with it, so do I draw all men unto the selfsame God Source of each one's life. You see, beloved, the 'I AM' Name and the 'I AM' Presence are the glory - one and the same - of the Son of man. Now ponder the reciprocity of the Father and the Son! Two thousand years ago I said, "It is finished!"{74} Aeons before, the Father said, "It is Good!"{75} and rested from the labors of his creation. Completion, then, is the end of an era, an age, a plan, or a phase. It is the fulfillment of the endeavors of God or man where constancy and effort have adhered to Principle or Purpose now self-realized. Completion signals the hour of the glorification of the Son of man - when the light of God is intensified both in man and in his manifest work. The glorification is the sealing and the raising up of man's offering of himself upon the altar of God - signifying that the Father is well pleased in his Son's outpicturing of Himself. Now, let us see how the Law of Love and the Law of Life - which are the best part of divine wisdom - provide an understanding of the necessary give-and-take on the Path which only true love and real life can afford. Dear ones, almost all love is given in expectation of reciprocity, and divine love is no exception. Today many people deceive themselves into believing that so-called impersonal love is unselfish (altruistic) and wants nothing in return. Some even believe it is wrong to have any wants or desires or preferences. This is not true if the wants or the desires or the preferences are necessary and beneficial, for then they are but God's own yearning for the expansion of his gifts to you which he communicates through you. Those who feed on spiritual manna will understand through my parable of the talents{76} God's statement of the I AM Presence concerning the man who had buried his talent in the earth. This unfortunate servant (chela) supposed that the law of God was unjust and haphazard, or indiscriminate, in the conferment of reward. Believing his lord (guru) to be "an hard man," reaping where he had not sown and gathering where he had not strawed, he acted accordingly. Hiding the talent entrusted to him and keeping it intact, he stultified the gain and hindered both his spiritual and his material progress. Thus he remained in a shadowed and painful state of resentment, burdened by his own sense of struggle and smarting injustice toward his lord - all this because of his misuse and misunderstanding of God's laws. You see, God does expect to receive from you good fruit after its kind.{77} He has planted good within you. Beloved Kuthumi and I have also planted good seed through these Pearls of Wisdom and we, too, expect good fruit to manifest through your application of the laws of God and your continuing spiritual progress. As you review our teachings and forge ahead with all the Ascended Masters, we expect to see those "signs following"{78} in your demonstration of physical and spiritual self-mastery. May your multiplication of the talents of your Holy Christ Self be abundant, filling you with the Ascended Masters' full understanding of the scriptures, free from human distortions. Now, this reciprocity of the Father and Son, Master and disciple, is witnessed in the push/pull, 'yin and yang', of the laws of Love and Life. Nevertheless, the unprofitable servant reflects the deceit born of greed and the inordinate desire to clutch and cling to the things of Spirit and Matter, stopping the flow of giving and receiving - of self-emptying and self-infilling. This he does through his ignorance of the law of the abundant Life which declares: I AM come that men might have Life - the fullness of God through the Mighty I AM Presence - and that they might have it - Him and the fruits of His Tree of Life - more abundantly.{79} Those who bargain with Love (God) for a penny{80} can expect no more, no less. Those who, like the widow with her two mites,{81} can open their hearts to give all of themselves cannot fail to receive the all of Love (God) - and ought to expect to do so. For, in order to receive from Life (God), who so often uses the human guise (illumined men become his hands and feet, his Presence, his love, cloaked yet in human form), men must give without reserve (to the divine beggar in disguise) that which Love has first given to them! - from glory unto glory.{82} I live today as surely as you do and I AM your friend for all eternity. You are never forsaken. Be not afraid. Be of good cheer, it is I who comfort you now - the One, the same I AM - who have overcome the world.{83} And that I AM is the Resurrection and the Life of all your Good. Therefore your good works and your good words shall live forevermore in the causal body of God. So lift up the Presence of the Father and the Son, by deeds exalt His name, and He will glorify (raise up and intensify) the I AM within you, drawing all men unto Himself through your blessed manifestation of His image! Do you see? Blessings in the glorification of the Son of man, Jesus the Christ _________________________________________________ ***** 15.1 Beloved Jesus the Christ and Kuthumi - April 8, 1960 ***** Vol. 3 No. 15 - Beloved Jesus the Christ and Kuthumi - April 8, 1960 CORRESPONDENCE Corona Class Lesson 5 Crown "Ye Shall Receive a Crown of Glory ..." Blessed Students of Wisdom's University - The darkening shadows of Good Friday symbolize humanity's crucifixion of their own God Self and the subsequent entombment of their pure Christ nature, following their feeble attempts to put aside or ignore the voice of the Law (Logos). This they do to the complete silencing of the Word in the agony of the crucifixion, thereby ignorantly, albeit willfully, destroying the Christ potential - the Light and Life of their own world! The resurrection of the soul sealed in the heart of the Christ Self is the only resolution of this dilemma. Not only does the resurrection prove the eternal truth of the I AM promises, which confirm the covenant of eternal Life, but it also demonstrates the soul's inevitable encounter with Christ and the logical conclusion of her attempt to escape the treadmill of rebirth. As in the case of Saul, the blinding of the mortal eyes that would not see mandates the choice either to come up higher or to continue to kick against the pricks of thy innate Christhood.{84} With or without the soul, that Christ by reason of its immortal nature will rise again! Thus, there is a choice to be made and an answer which must be forthcoming to the Christ who calls. When the fiat of Life - the voice of the Christ who raised the widow's son at Nain,{85} Jairus' daughter,{86} and Lazarus{87} - is heard in the sacred temple of one's own heart, its unmistakable leading, its infinite peace, and its promises of immortality pervade one's life. This the disciple must decide to make his own. To this he must surrender until the shadows and storms of struggles past are of no consequence on Easter morning. When at last the soul has ceased to crucify its own True Self, conquering instead the carnal mind and all enmity with the LORD,{88} the I AM THAT I AM, it is forevermore bound by cords of love to the cross of Self-giving/Self-receiving Love. The soul enters into the joy of the Presence. This is victory: all that matters, all that really counts is risen! To turn men to the way of peace and the way of wisdom is, then, the united goal of every ministering servant, every preacher of righteousness, no matter what exoteric or esoteric school he calls his alma mater. As the corona appears around the sun, revealing its flaming diadem as mighty light rays in divine action, so may each one of you bearing our light also be its crown. Light is king and Love is queen, but the scepter of Wisdom is used by both. While in a larger sense the Corona Class has only begun, our next lesson will conclude this first phase. When you are ready, we will summon you again without fanfare for the trek to a higher understanding. Ours is Wisdom's university, a refresher course freely given by the Ascended Masters of Light and Love. Privileged as you are to be the corona of the Sun of Wisdom, think carefully how best you can represent all that we are, bearing no defamation in conduct but ever honoring the risen Christ within you. Freely ye have received, freely give to Light the preeminence which Light always deserves to receive. My blessing for your victory this Easter, Kuthumi _________________________________________________ *** Jesus' Victorious Crown *** O Master Jesus, Love's sweet King - Within my heart to thee I sing! The Mighty I AM Presence fair Proclaims Love's victory everywhere. The crown of thorns which once thou wore Remove from mankind evermore. The thorn is but thy love aborted To take a shape and form distorted. The rose's fairer face we see As God intended life to be. His love now blazes round thy head To trace in outline symbol fair Not thorn, but crowning rose instead. Love itself transmutes all woe - Changes come and changes go - But none can mar the plan divine Nor take from me God's gift sublime. I AM the victor now with thee, I feel the spur of Life in me And know that raised I, too, shall be, By God's own hand thy Face to see. I AM thy child as are all men - O come thou, Lord, to earth again! That all breathe reverence in thy name To feel the balm that frees from pain. The thorns of life all broken then, Our life moves upward to the sun - Where coronation rays we wear:{89} We hear thy voice now say - "Well done!" _________________________________________________ Notes for "Crown" [Taken from the book version, Corona Class Lessons.] ****** Chapter 16 Beloved Kuthumi - April 15, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 16 - Beloved Kuthumi - April 15, 1960 CORRESPONDENCE Corona Class Lesson 6 Constancy "Faith without Works Is Dead" My Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Cosmic Light - In concluding the first set of the Corona Class Lessons, I would speak to you who aspire to be corona rays around the sun of divine wisdom about inconstancy - hardly a quality of the sun! Constant requests reach the Darjeeling Council from students and others telling us from their hearts of a love lost (a fleeting ecstasy which has not returned or which is sensed only seldom), of an affection which seems to have played itself out, and how they deplore the inconstant side of their nature. Now, beloved ones, that is just what it is: the inconstant side of their nature - the human side, where God's magnificent light flows through the imperfect human prism, revealing its sometimes mottled distortions. We answer these requests with the word to the wise that the perfecting of the instruments of their four lower bodies would permit, as it has for us, an unimpeded flow of God-purity and eternal happiness into their worlds - magnified by the prism of the Christ Mind. This is why every earnest student seeking the source of purity's fount must make correction on those lower bodies - vessels of thought and feeling, action and recorded memory. You will recall that the early Christian teachings declare that salvation is a gift of God, "not of works, lest any man should boast."{90} Yet the statements of James are also clear: "Faith [believing in the promise of the divine gift] without works is dead."{91} When the four lower bodies of man - physical, etheric (i.e., memory), mental, and emotional - are brought into a state of harmony by determined effort and sheer constancy of will, the divine service of the mercies and graces of God can flow naturally into one's world to break up patterns of human domination - old habits of thought and feeling which so frustrate the flowering spiritual aspirations of God-seekers. This clearance will alleviate a great deal of distress in the world of the unascended chela, giving him a lot less to handle, notwithstanding that opposition which he may encounter from those who feel the need to challenge him, as they did beloved Jesus and other teachers of righteousness in the past. The magnificent physical sun is surrounded by powerful emanations of solar energy, streaming rays of light's victory which warm and revivify Nature. Now, those who are able to comprehend the mystery of solar bodies and of the spiritual Sun behind the sun understand that this center of the solar system is the home of beloved Helios and Vesta, twin flames who are the God-parents of this planetary chain. Their spiritual fire, as well as the display of physical power, manifests as the constant corona and perpetual outpouring of light, calling each Easter season for the resurrection of all Life on earth. In a larger sense, this is the high calling of the Corona Class: to call the Children of the Sun to the resurrection in God's name, I AM, teaching them how to tap the spiritual light and radiance of their own God Presence and threefold flame as well as the beautiful flowers of their own divine memory, their divine identity, and their soul (solar) union with all that truly lives. How sad, dear hearts, that some do not know that we, the Ascended Masters, are more alive, more charged and infilled with the life-energy of the Great Central Sun than any unascended being. We truly live in the fullness of that Life which is undiluted God, for we have transmuted our entire human creation. Therefore our capacity to receive and retain Light's limitless energy is greater in the ascended state than yours is in the less-accelerated earthly state. What's more, until your four lower bodies are aligned and attuned with the inner blueprint, healed of all schism within their members, and the tears in their 'skins' carefully mended, you are still functioning with leaky vessels, not able to hold the available energy, therefore unable to store energy for a concentrated release of power. Then, too, you do not have as many coils (of spiritual fire) wound round the pole of being as we do. These are only some of the reasons why in the unascended state the life/ consciousness/ energy you experience is not the same as ours. Thus your ability to sustain the momentum of the Great Central Sun Magnet is also not as expanded as our own. Moreover, our capacity to communicate eternal Life is also greater than your own, and you feel the vibration of our transfer of love and illumination by the extraordinary power available to us. In our presence you experience the heightened sense of our reality, as well as your own, through our ability to sustain in you our energy level as you place your attention on the spoken and written word of our release. Your attention is the lever that connects your circuit to ours. So long as your attention is harmoniously sustained, you enjoy the closed circuit of oneness in Ascended Master love which we maintain twenty-four hours a day for and with our chelas. This will enable you to understand why one dear chela told our Messenger, "These words of Jesus and Kuthumi spoken today make me feel the presence of the beloved Master even more than reading the holy scriptures of the past. I feel the Master is speaking directly to me!" This is true, dear hearts - we are! Did not Jesus himself foretell this, saying, "If you believe in the Christ in me, placing therefore your attention on me, you will do greater works even than I did because I go to my Father"? {92} The Master opens the scriptures:{93} "As my light/energy/consciousness is accelerated today through my oneness with the Father in heaven, I am able to transmit to you through your loving tie to me greater power than when I was in the unascended state. Inasmuch as you also have access to the Holy Christ Self, as I did two thousand years ago, our combined effort can and shall produce through you greater works than were possible in the previous Piscean dispensation." Try to realize therefore the close, direct contact you have with us through our words. In God's love and name, realize, know, and understand that no one in this endeavor is concerned with aught else than bringing our words and radiance to all mankind for their upliftment and resurgent glory to the joy of the eternal Cause. This is, in a larger sense, Wisdom's cosmic university for all Life upon this planet - for all those willing to be molded into that perfect prism (which all men are at inner levels) for the projection of divine light rays through that eternally pure pattern of the Creator's original intent and plan. It matters not that you have made mistakes in the past. This is quite common on earth today. What really counts is that you are willing to become the purity of your own Godly nature. As you sustain this God nature, being "good-natured" with the constancy of a saint, meeting every trial and temptation with equanimity of heart, the love and pristine wholeness of your own I AM life-currents descending through your crystal cord will pass through the matrix of your Godly nature, thus multiplying the hands and feet of each Master (Chohan) of the Seven Rays of cosmic light. Each lifestream vibrates principally with one of the seven color rays - the blue, yellow, pink (rose), white, green, purple (ruby) and gold, or violet - expanding the qualities of the Godhead respectively as(1) the will of God,(2) the wisdom of God,(3) the love of God,(4) the purity of God,(5) the truth of God,(6) the devotion (service) of God, and(7) the freedom (alchemy/ transmutation/forgiveness) of God. By spiritual attainment, some people do embody several of the rays or even the full complement. I am concerned with the number of individuals who do want to intensify their love for God, who deplore their lack of progress on the Path, and who are not smug with a false sense of security regarding their spiritual life. It is a good sign if they do not sink into this sense but realize that wherever they are, God wants to raise them up. In that magnificent song "The Lost Chord"{94} we find expressed the feeling shared by many that some splendid ecstasy they once knew has passed them by or been lost. This is not so. It is they who have passed it by, choosing instead to externalize manifestations other than the divine graces; and in so doing, they may have in fact lost the formula for God-happiness. Now, therefore, they must become even more diligent, breaking down Jericho-like walls they have built which have become self-made, self-entombing sepulchres. They must replace human trivia with good works in the Master's name, and backbiting with constructive conversation in his honor. These will provide them with true spiritual treasure{95} - pearls of great price!{96} Then their attunement with us, which may come and go like an ethereal melody so easily drowned in human discord, will become stronger by far than any exterior forces because they will have verily contacted their own God Self, the I AM Presence, and those of us who are World Teachers. This is how you know when your victory is at the door - when unbroken constancy of attunement shows the pure life-wave of the Father in permanent manifestation. Faint heart never won fair victory.{97} Remember, the Life (God-force) in you is omnipotent. Only Life can declare, "I AM." Only that Life in beloved Mother Mary could crown her the handmaid{98} of the LORD.{99} Only that Life in Jesus could move from Bethlehem to Golgotha through countless Gethsemanes to the eternal victory of the resurrection and ascension in the Light. That Life is your victory if you will accept it! God is the eternal Father of all that is good. This is the message of a victorious Easter which ought to remain with you long after the season is past as a perennial inspiration from God for all the years to come. So it was intended. God in you declares, "I AM" - and this Life can never cease to be! This is your hope and eternal substance. This is your faith become a tangible reality. As a miner stakes his claim, you must plead for the power of the coronary light to flow from the heart of God into your world, making you a postulant for admission to the higher initiations of the Great White Brotherhood. May they be victoriously passed! May you go that way, even as we have. It is not enough to stake a claim to divine graces and gifts; such claims must be developed diligently, as a miner goes after his ore. I know of and have observed down through the Christian centuries countless saints of holy orders - including those in Christian, Tibetan, and even so-called heathen monasteries - who became disciples of Love's wisdom. Many of these labored with the weight of enormous karma, under abbots and superiors who could have been much more kind. Scarcely a word of approval did they hear in a lifetime until the Master's blessed voice said, "Well done." Yet, they were constant. You who enjoy the freedom of the outer world and belong not to holy orders - what opportunity is yours to overcome temptation and to be really strong for right and God! How you should welcome the opportunity, as have many disciples in the past who never made recorded history, remaining unknown, unhonored, and unsung. Nada, our beloved sister (Chohan of the Sixth Ray and member of the Karmic Board), was one of these until her ascension. In a number of embodiments, she chose to push others forward, while remaining the wellspring of divine invocation to call forth virtue in her family members and friends - which they scarce realized was transferred to them through her pure and loving heart. And in the meditation of her spirit upon the ancient maxim of the ascending ones, "He must increase but I must decrease,"{100} she won - she won forevermore! Speaking of divine mysteries and holy wisdom, it is difficult for mankind to realize that greater wisdom by far than was possessed by Einstein is present in a sunbeam. Many ask for great expansion of their light and wisdom beyond the offering we are currently giving or have given. The meaning of "a little child shall lead them"{101} and "except ye become as a little child, ye shall in no wise [with no wisdom] enter in"{102} completely escapes them. They ask to sit at the Master's feet, although they have passed by the wisdom he has already given them and they continue today to live in human shadow. They quarrel at trifles when Life (as God) cries out to end discord, and crisis looms ominously all over the planet. Yet the solution is simple! As children, some of them sang sweetly, "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam to shine for him each day."{103} They knew more the meaning then than now, for their immature gleanings remain unappropriated, unused, unapplied, and sometimes completely forgotten. I shall now trace in light, with my own consciousness blending as one with the Ascended Master Jesus Christ's own light, an affirmation, or decree, for you: I AM a created ray from the very heart of God. I AM shining each day with the lifting, living light of resurrection's eternal flame, awakening my divine memory to the infinite wisdom in a sunbeam, a ray-o-light within me, within all God's children! I glory in Light's apparent simplicity, knowing that therein lies locked the mightiest power, most profound wisdom, and greatest love of eternity. My own I AM Presence ever unlocks for me this wisdom-balanced power in daily manifestation of all the ascended Jesus Christ love, beauty, grace, and perfection now made manifest. In childlike humility, I sit at the feet of the gracious Ascended Masters until, sweetly crowned by them, I AM ever the sunbeam-ray which shines for them each day! Pax in te! Sicut parvulus in gremio matris suae, ita in me est anima mea. Pax vobiscum! Peace be within you! As a little child on the lap of its mother, so is my soul within me. Peace be with you! Peace be with you! Kuthumi Lal Singh In the name of the ascended Jesus Christ, to the glory of the Cosmic All-Christ! [Taken from the book version, Corona Class Lessons.] ****** Chapter 17 El Morya - April 22, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 17 - El Morya - April 22, 1960 Beloved Ascended Master Morya El - Children of eternity can never be lost in the vale of time - that is, can never be lost forever. Somehow, I think each one has something to say about just when they shall really find themselves! We make a continuous study of achievement and note with interest that many bankers prepare for service in the financial world with the diligence of a drill sergeant! Now, through the maya of wrong attachments, chelas do lose that finer sense which somewhat like "the whiskers on a cat brushing against a twig at night" gives each one a sense of right direction, a sense of knowing the way, that discernment which only the Presence of God can bestow. Aspiring children of the diamond heart, how beautiful are the Father's many manifestations. Once again I am relaxing here at Darjeeling and it seems good to be at home! Now some may not understand the unbroken thread of our eternal life and the extensive scope of its actions; neither do all presently understand that cosmic business occasionally calls us elsewhere in the universe - at which times trusted other Ascended Master friends are given added responsibility to help shoulder our particular service to life. Dear ones, the deeper I penetrate the far reaches of eternity which seems to many to be an outgoing, the more I have come to realize that infinitely speaking it is only an approach to the center - a homecoming or incoming to the good will of God which bodes so much of glory, so much of hope, so many, many blessings for each precious created ray on this planet such as your dear selves so willing to reach out the hand of acceptance to the Mighty I AM Presence, the source of your own life, and take the proffered gifts of expanding spiritual attainment. In truth, I stand more convinced than ever before that where every man is concerned, dalliance is folly! Surely every moment spent in folly is like pouring precious oil upon sand. However, the lure of imitation is great. If men must imitate then let it be the image of the Cosmic Christ in which the Almighty has already been glorified in preference to mere transitory human figureheads of the present age. To be steeped in effort or to loll in lassitude are of practically equal significance unless the plan be diligently pursued. Ladies and gentlemen on the upward path, a kingdom awaits you of such grandeur as can scarcely be imagined. Our effort is made on your behalf not in order to make a vicarious gift for you to the Godhead or to divest you of personal responsibility, but as brotherly assistance to you, as a service of love until your own wings are developed and strengthened enough for flight to the very promised land of those Elysian fields you hope for. Your constancy in loving that icon of light - the magnificent will of God - with consecration enough to voluntarily surrender the almost piteous and doubtful privilege of exercising your so-called free will will draw you unerringly to that state of complete trust in the Father's love above earthly wisdom, earthly allures, or earthly prestige to where God's will becomes infinitely sacred to you. And using that divine fiat you will obtain a God-approved, everlasting and supreme attachment for the most precious calling known or conceived of by any being, ascended or unascended - the destiny of your own higher Christ Self and the God-victorious reign of immortal life in you that knows no defeat. Need I say more to stimulate, intensify and elevate your devotion for the will of God to a level with my own? Blessings from our beautiful Himalayan retreat, a glimpse of which is shown on our letterhead. For the complete sway of God's will in you, unto your eternal overcoming victory - I AM - El Morya ****** Chapter 18 El Morya - April 29, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 18 - El Morya - April 29, 1960 Human chaos which like a cloud obscures the perpetually shining light needed to show men the way home is dispelled completely by the powerful currents of your own God Presence and the proffered gift of our assistance accepted without limit! Last week I spoke of "effort invoked" by constantly persisting in conscious good intentions. Now surely our chelas need not do as the patriarch suggested - "Go to the ant, thou sluggard, and learn his ways," in order to know about the sometimes valiant effort needed for even temporal achievement - for a nobler and better way by far is provided to learn how to sustain the God-created bond of eternal achievement through the alchemy of life's experiences and the love from those God-free hearts that make up our forthright Brotherhood of God's Will right here at Darjeeling! How often has that dear rendering "Home Sweet Home" stirred the hearts of men with such fond longings and brought them a wonderful feeling of warmth and understanding even when their blessed hearts were almost rent by the pain of much living and the inner sensing of being away from the mainspring and main current of "home!" Centered around those nostalgic memories in many cases concerning the early years of the present embodiment were memories of the precious love of parents and kind friends of earlier years. Truly how little the coldly materialistic realize the far-reaching value of kindness. To touch a chord in the heart of a child - which abides to delight his memory (etheric body) for perhaps eternity, is a matter of no small moment, and yet how often the reverse has been practiced by misinformed and malfunctioning beings whose poor thoughts revolve almost alone around the seeming vacant seat of the personal self where such individuals are truly the "lonely ones!" The Brotherhood recently met here at Darjeeling with my humble self presiding and the consensus of our opinion was that it is ever so needful for us to continue to guide our dear and blessed chelas in the "paths of righteousness - for His name's sake `I AM' ...!" The two matters we wish to pinpoint for you follow. First, quagmires must be pointed out and secondly, we find it needful to delineate the ever so safe higher ground on which you can stand as well! Our chelas ought permanently to learn how to use and master as we have the world which God created - without abusing the use thereof. The fine balance between so-called materialism and cosmic maternalism must be achieved! To merely "want" or even to have for the simple sake of possession under the stress of compulsion to upbuild the ego is wrong - to use the gifts of life as if they were children sprung from your own heart, loving them and their service, is a cosmic maternalism wherein life is indeed reverenced! The teachings of mysticism, occultism and the many religions of the world are intended to provide a means whereby mankind may escape the self-imposed bondage of their own recoiling energy (karma) and have restored to them the peace, power and victory they once knew at inner levels before taking human embodiment. Concerning the present many-faceted teachings, techniques and studies supposedly of this nature, let me say that some are harmful, placing men at a decided disadvantage; some are very helpful, ennobling and elevating the whole consciousness; and some are more or less neutral, doing very little except to occupy the attention and mind of man. The answer lies in Jesus' statement, "I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life," signifying that the Way lies within one's own world - the world of the Mighty I AM Presence awaiting release at your conscious call. The way of each one's own individualized God Presence "I AM" and the guidance of the ascended masters is the most excellent way which surpasses all others, and will never be surpassed until the day you are completely one with your own God Presence when you yourself become that which you are now in the state of becoming! If they say Christ is here and he is there - you need not go or seek further than the kingdom of God, the Mighty I AM Presence within you! Then too, you need not be ascetics, or recluses, accepting self-imposed disciplines such as the hair-shirt I once wore. This is a new and golden age of rapid advancement. Today you have the sacred knowledge of the violet transmuting flame, which is the pure Christ love of your God-self, changing all things into the natural purity of your own God nature and permanently charging them with our eternal love from God's heart. This is the overcoming victory and purity which has already overcome the world of discordant elements. Overcoming, then, is an omnipotent gift from your own God Presence made in answer to your conscious calls for its help and aided by our assistance through the rising tide of the mighty cosmic light which itself is taking dominion over everything human and changing all into Ascended Master light substance, as light's victory gains momentum on this planet by leaps and bounds. Dear ones, on behalf of all men thank you for your calls, keep them up, the light of God never fails you know! Though you may presently but dimly understand the real meaning of the deeper side of life, I ask you to shun those vague and vapory satisfactions men sometimes feel because they belong to the "chosen few" who will "certainly enter the kingdom" - in every age! Perceive instead the God-appointed unity of all hearts connected by that glorious golden thread of life which links every lifestream with its own source. Feel that bond of humility and divine gratitude similar to beloved Mother Mary's - which yearns with compassion only to see all men free, that rejoices at former earthy things left behind, and looks to the "prize" of divine mastery as revealed from your own mighty I AM Presence which will one day completely draw you into its own heart - that mighty lodestone of cosmic unity which is our common home, the common source whose gloriously uncommon light is the life of all men. There in oneness with us you will find your satisfactions in both perceiving and carrying out the divine plan - which intends every man, woman and child on this planet to be eternally God-free, in the victory of their own ascension in God's wonderful light! Inasmuch as so many of you in the past have read between the lines of my words and have therefore intensified your diligence and devotion to the cause of light, I wish to tell you that I have noted and observed it on each occasion and I rejoice in your service in God's name! I am also ever so pleased at your efforts to improve your environment and surroundings. That too has been the intended victory of this age. Science was intended to be enjoyed and to give more comfort and leisure to men to pursue their eternal destiny - not worshiped as the end, but rather known as a means to help find a cosmic goal! The American home and every home in every land is intended to be "sweet" because you make and keep it so! There is no substitute for a mother's and father's love - or for the milk of divine kindness! A "twinkle of mirth," a font of beauty and culture, all provide rich rewards which help to draw you closer to one another and closer into your personal orbit of divine destiny. We love surroundings of harmony, beauty and graciousness as do the blessed angels, so long as it is not accompanied by the conceit of the outer ego. Opulence is good, but let it be a divine opulence - equally flooding your world with balanced graciousness. Make your "home sweet homes" on earth focuses of Love's eternal home above. You can you know! The body temple is likewise the "home of your soul" - which though sometimes "bone weary" from many cramping embodiments still reaches out like a lost child to its own God Presence with indescribable longings and travail, until it is at last set free in God-victory over all circumstance. The mind, too, should be a garnished abode swept free of old and dusty furnishings or of despondent thoughts and abounding instead with the architecture of constructivism - the fiat of the new age! Now the home of your memory (your etheric body) should likewise be completely renovated, becoming far more noble than them all, embracing and holding the whole together in divine love - for therein is stored "whatsoever you presently think, have ever thought, whatsoever you now do or have ever done; now experience or have ever experienced." Only through the transmuting violet fire of freedom's love can you make it a home of love wherein God abides. Qualify your homes, then, only with love and you cannot fail - all will then be "home sweet homes of light." Dear hearts and gentle people, forget not to brighten the corner of earth or heaven where you are! Know that I love the old tune that says of "Old Ireland" (Our land) - "A little bit of heaven fell to earth one day" and I wish a great deal of the charm of my home in Darjeeling to fall from the hands of your very own God Presence right into your world now, making you happy, peaceful and diligent. Nothing can long deter you - may you therefore faithfully attain your own Christ victory as we have. Being free from earthly impediments and obscurities you will then in even a grander manner assist us in that marvelous service of "bringing home the sheaves" - which God has planted in such hope - with songs of eternal rejoicing! May all the fire and inspiration of your own God Presence unite with all my love and the love of the entire Brotherhood at Darjeeling - whose credo is "I will" - to show to you the God-revealed inner knowledge of fohat (the sacred fire) which will make and keep you ever humble, ever grateful and constantly in tune with us, drawing forth then from God's own heart not only passports to heaven's home sweet home, but brightening each of your present days with the blessing of the sacred will of God which wants only to give to all its own magnificent perfection now made manifest! "I AM" ever yours to command Morya El ****** Chapter 19 El Morya - May 6, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 19 - El Morya - May 6, 1960 Beloved Ascended Master Morya El - "I AM the open door" - Beloved Ones, I want each of you to hold in regard these Pearls of Wisdom for what they really are - "an open door" into our Ascended Master realm. I know from my own experience before my ascension how easy it is to accept a feeling of monotony concerning any familiar person, place, condition or thing. This feeling, if allowed to grow, sometimes veils the transcendent glory inherent in many virtuous things simply because individuals consciously (and even often unconsciously) use their power of qualification to so qualify them with whatsoever conditions they themselves feel or even whimsically wish to feel, no matter how realistic or unrealistic their feelings may be. Indiscriminate or careless judgments are often "father" to much future unhappiness as individuals either tend to falsely glamorize or unwittingly rob themselves of the opportunity attained by patience of receiving the keys of freedom! For example, there are actually some individuals who expect the miracle of their own ascension to occur in a year or two after they first hear of the Ascended Masters. I do not say this is impossible, for with God your Mighty I AM Presence all things are possible. I don't want you to be disappointed or cease to study our instruction simply because after reading the "Pearls" of our wisdom you do not become ascended beings almost overnight. If you do not, the fault does not lie with the instruction. Diligence, humility, patience and faith are needed; and more of our light which will help you to better understand both your own and other lifestreams in the same manner as we do. Dear hearts, do you think any worthy lifestream having its root or origin in God can be probed or known in a moment? Often misinformed children of mankind seeking only to use other lifestreams for their own selfish purposes will - in moments of frustration - discard those they seek to plunder as one might throw aside the pulp of a luscious grape which served so well to retain the nectar, yet is so often cast off as nothing. Unfortunately, some students grow weary of what seems to them sameness in our approach. Little do they realize that just as 26 letters in the English language make up every book, no matter how profound or simple, so there are only a limited number of expressions and combinations thereof we can use to convey our message, until such a time as each individual's own expansion of light opens up new avenues in them for the flow of greater cosmic rhythms! They little take into account the radiation of our love and the fashioning through repetition of their otherwise impoverished consciousness into a garden of loveliness such as is the mind and heart of every ascended being! O dear ones, do not allow yourself to be trapped by the rhythms of monotony. There is so much of review that you need to anchor in your consciousness - and often a different approach will touch a chord in your heart which has needed adjustment and tuning for centuries! Press into the Kingdom through reading our every word with eagerness. You can not over-indulge in Ascended Master material if you always call to the Presence of God, I AM in you, to anchor our radiation and protection in your four lower bodies and keep your attention on the Presence of God which is the only power that can then act in your world if you will accept it! Now the Pearls may look the same from day to day - but I assure you that they bear fresh from God's hand - as the new day itself - our current release, radiance and love. Ought not such an open door into heaven's realm to be loved, honored and cherished - and would it not be ever so wise for our chelas to treasure our words, our radiation, and our love released therein by striving to make those blessings a part of their own mind, world and affairs? As I have told you, I am going to point out both pitfalls and points of inspiration through the days ahead. Another pitfall is found in the subtle expectations humanity often has toward one another. If someone does not react in just the manner expected - the ego is pricked to the heart and anger or stirred-up feelings result. Now most of this feeling is the result of putting too much emphasis on the "self" and not enough on the "Source" of each one's own life - the Mighty I AM Presence! Through attention on the self, individuals tend to realize their manifest shortcomings, and feeling inferior they seek for approval of themselves - desiring to command the attention of others. When others do not come forth with the expected approval a blind rage is sometimes unleashed which almost always makes an unfortunate etheric record. There are two ways of handling this: First - always keep the attention of the Presence and the life-plan God has for you; second, if you should slip a bit and find your feelings become disturbed, call instantly to the Presence to govern and control the situation, producing divine order everywhere. Until the answer comes, however, govern as best you can, realizing that effort rightly directed builds good habits and momentums which are found so valuable in passing the real tests and initiations of the Great White Brotherhood. Learn to give to others the same patience you expect the Father to give to you - for how can a constant and forthright Brotherhood serve except through the golden thread of love? You are that thread - that is to say the Ascended Master light which passes through you is, and one by one, week by week, these Pearls are being placed thereon, releasing into your lifestream our iridescent offering of rainbow light (the pure white carrying the lovely mother-of-pearl pink of our love) - jewels from the sacred hearts of the ascended ones! That which has been, that which presently is, and that which shall be may seem the same (so may each day seem the same - but you so often find that they are ever so frequently greatly varied) for all is God, and in the diamond facets of a glittering eternity we see no monotony at all - but the ever so welcome dazzling light of eternal creativity (there shall be no night there) of peace, wisdom, comfort, compassion and lasting joys! Thrice welcome these to refresh body celestial or terrestrial - mind, feelings, and memory! I am hopeful that our treasured offerings, regarded so well by so many of you, will be increasingly made known and regarded by all as an open door to our realm, our heart, where the sheer joy of discovery makes each word awaited! I AM your patient Morya ****** Chapter 20 Great Divine Director - May 13, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 20 - Great Divine Director - May 13, 1960 The Beloved Great Divine Director - Excellence in all one does denotes a candidate for the ascension. Let no one dwell upon mortal imperfection as though it were the rule of the day. Do not the heavens declare the glory of God while the earth alone remains a blessed but sorrowful star? The cries for deliverance heard around the planetary body with increasing clamor have assumed all the proportion of a cosmic travail, and I think the Universal Mother awaits with intense expectation the maturing of those individuals who long ago entered the kingdom and became as little children, accepting then simplicity and humility, knowing full well that heaven's everlasting dominion over all things human would one day be their lot! So many of you know that it was my great divine privilege to be the teacher of beloved Morya as well as precious Saint Germain. I am the original founder of the House of Rakoczy, often referred to as the Master "R", but in the annals of my own memory two of my most precious experiences connected with unascended mankind were the raising of these two dear sons to their God-free estate. Now their love is nigh incomparable, and you, O mankind, are privileged indeed to receive that love and their endeavors on your behalf! What is it that makes the difference between an ascended being and one still functioning in a sphere of limitation? Men say the same God created both. Yes, and I say He, the Creator, perceived an equal good in all his creation. The unfortunate point is that individuals do not see this good in themselves but perceive instead the aborted image of human creation (their own and others' misuse of energy and creative authority), thus beholding life as evil (as through a [e] veil) instead of seeing the ever-present reality which God is! When Jesus long ago declared that men love darkness rather than light - because their deeds were evil - he referred to this point. Dear Jesus with many others has been so woefully misinterpreted and misunderstood both as to mission and message that this statement is no exception. Now, most men do not actually love evil - rather, they love the veiling (e-veil) more than they love the unveiling power of light because they sense within themselves the call of light to divine obedience and know they have disobediently lived in the shadow of human creation! The right action there required, then, is that men determine to love the light more than all else. With the process reversed, it becomes, then, no longer a matter of doing, but becomes automatic for those who love the source of their life - "light," knowing that two masters (light and darkness) cannot be served, they choose light, and it becomes then but a matter of time before the law of their being moves into action to give them their ascension in the light to which they belong and from whence they originally came. This is the law fulfilled - do you see? With a view to assisting every lover of both good and light - I must respond by cosmic law to the many requests from individuals to visit the retreat of beloved Morya at Darjeeling and sit at beloved Morya's feet. (This has been intensified since the release of the letter masthead incorporating a glimpse of this retreat by The Summit Lighthouse.) I joyfully announce that I have secured a grant from the Karmic Board of which I am a member to hold "open house" at beloved Morya's retreat during the balance of May and the month of June for the purpose of increasing the number of lifestreams who will dedicate themselves to revering the will of God, as the expression of all that is benign and kindly to earth's unfolding evolutions. Perhaps it is not necessary that I state that certain standards must be met by those aspiring to this privilege. Yet, absolute sincerity of motive, faith in God's eternal goodness, humility toward obedience, confidence in God's universal impartiality for all men including the downtrodden and misunderstood (whether the result of their karma or not), and a selfless desire to serve light are reasonable requirements which the faithful should not have too much difficulty in meeting. Call to mind that we do not ask for your self-righteousness or self-created perfection, only acceptance by you of the purity of your own Mighty "I AM" Presence which is able to harmonize every being when called upon by the great law to do so! The Law requires that in addition to meeting the standards for the journey (made while your physical body sleeps) you must consciously ask that you may receive this blessing. I think it well that you call to your own God Presence first, then write a letter to Beloved Morya and send it to the Summit Lighthouse in Washington in preference to burning it. I have examined this activity carefully at inner levels and my present confidence is your assurance providing you always first ask your own God Presence for its approval, which guarantees eternal accuracy in the face of earth's changing situations. You see, the return current is stronger where the actual physical letter is written and forwarded by you to our beloved Messenger. Then the tie of our sending is united with the receiving pole and a more direct measure of contact is maintained, do you see? While on this subject let me here and now express my Ascended Master Light to you, O mankind privileged to receive these communications. Only the few among mankind have been willing, as have these blessed hearts (who utilize their physical and spiritual energies which make possible the release of the Pearls of Wisdom each week) to offer a service free from commercialization (which is similar to an action of service rendered by my own lifestream to mankind ages ago before my ascension) - and that sometimes without one word from some of the dear ones receiving these ministrations of love. Remember, that in this Summit Lighthouse activity these blessed souls have never asked you for a dime, leaning instead directly on their own Mighty I AM Presence to sustain them as well as the activity. However, inasmuch as we of the ascended host see fit to release a minimum of four letters each month through the Darjeeling Council, and take our energy and time to assist with hastening the day of mankind's victory wherein the wonders of the golden age of enlightenment will manifest, enlisting but your willing efforts therein, I feel it but a reasonable request (for your own benefit) that you write at least one letter a month to beloved Morya and the Darjeeling Council expressing at least your gratitude and thanks for the privilege of receiving their hallowed offering! I do thank all of you who knowing the Law have already fulfilled its requirements so graciously - also all who intend to do so! Precious children of the Light, if I sound a little fierce, consider in the blessed light of Eternal Wisdom - would you prefer to face the future result of your human indifference by knocking at the door and then just waiting while the cosmic law (unless abated by the Goddess of Mercy) silently watched the sand of unexpressed gratitude run out, before responding to you? What some do not seem to apprehend (at least to the point of acting thereon) is that receiving our direct word is a privilege which the Great Law is under no compulsion to continue on either an individual or collective basis - for it is a conditional dispensation. Now, if you do not believe me you ought not in any case to tempt the Law by trifling with our words by misqualifying in your human consciousness that which we send out in such faith for the assistance of all mankind! I AM sure most of you do believe me - would it not be well then to give the little obedience we require to assist you on your way to your eternal freedom? As the little servant girl said to Naaman (captain of the armies of the Syrian king), "it is a small thing the Master asks of you. Why not obey him and see?" Truly, it should not be necessary for me to give this type of instruction, but it is at present, and I must respond to the need. So many remain for so long babes in a spiritual sense but seem so grown up in a material way. I have determined, however, not to let the factor that laggards carelessly straggle along the path slow down those devotees of light who long for the real advancement at the Summit which will positively bring them to their own ascension. ... just as surely as the truth stands that David Lloyd, Cardinal Bonzano and many others have positively been so elevated in your present era. We are planning on using this activity - because of the depth of its sincerity and the God-penetration involved - as a springboard for the most advanced teachings of the new age, and this is no idle human statement. The planet earth is teeming with life, many crying for the Light which you have before you. Not too long shall we tarry in releasing this instruction to those who do not show enough determination and sincerity to the Light to express their gratitude to beloved Morya and others of the Ascended Host without whom this endeavor would not be possible. How can we build a Brotherhood to be our hands and feet unless the cohesive force of Divine Love shall cause them to plunge together into the ocean of God's love, and love for one another - knowing that he who watches the sparrow's fall, searching the intent of every heart shall reward them openly right now today for every service freely rendered the Great Law of Love! The Council has deferred to me and therefore next week I shall continue with more vital information to all who love the Light. The earth has too long submitted to the indignity of man's inhumanity to man and we who serve at cosmic levels do expand, too, you know! We have at last received from Helios and Vesta a dispensation unparalleled in planetary history, of which I hope to tell you soon. I AM God Progress made manifest. The Great Divine Director. ****** Chapter 21 Great Divine Director - May 20, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 21 - Great Divine Director - May 20, 1960 The Beloved Great Divine Director - May I convey to you now today - first - my love? The confusions of mind which so many dear hearts feel from time to time when face to face with the seeming sharp differences of the appearance world is well understood by me. So often, fear plays a villainous role in blocking the full acknowledgment of truth by some individuals. Naturally, most believers are ever so sincere in wanting to do the will of God, as best they understand it. It is a little difficult for them, however, to accept ideas which are in conflict with long-established principles which they have been told are so from early childhood. Much of mankind's so-called religious truths are purely theoretical, yet these are so often referred to as absolute - being simply based on tradition received from parents and handed down therefrom, remaining unproven from personal experience in the life of either parent or child! Another fact which stops mankind from accepting much of the deeper laws of life is the question of popularity! It is presently so often considered unpopular to accept the deeper laws of life, which are considered strange, not yet being accepted by the masses. This was so in the early days of the Christian dispensation when it was extremely unpopular to be a Christian. Today Christianity is quite popular, but the seeker who is not satisfied with every explanation of orthodox authority is often ostracized almost as in the old days, and the deepest seekers are sometimes accused of being followers of the powers of darkness (and given other equally unpleasant labels). These, of course, mean nothing to the true seeker who is determined to hold his or her attunement with their own Mighty I AM Presence - for such a chela will only call most lovingly to the Holy Christ Self of the dear one who misunderstands, asking for their God-illumination and the transmutation of all shadow from their worlds, sending out love in place of all resentment of their conduct (the word resentment simply means re-sent-ment - or returning the same quality sent out). Now, this is what you must do, determining to hold your tube of light intact, using the cleansing power of the violet fire to purify the world of your accusers or those who oppose the higher light, not knowing its source - or authenticity - as well as your own world. Thus does light overcome shadow. Many of the truly great truths which are declared in the mighty law of the I AM Presence as it is written on the golden leaves in the magnificent records located in the record room in the Grand Teton retreat in Wyoming, have never been universally accepted - as is intended - for some of the foregoing reasons. So few realize that only the truth which is applied in a very practical way in the affairs of daily thinking and living is really assimilated and taken up as a credit by your own causal body for safekeeping as the treasures of heaven! True it is that there is always a great deal of unused knowledge of the Great Law which wise men study and ponder (not so much to be thought wise as to be ready to offer life assistance at any time when the great need arises). Now, beloved ones, is this not a most loving and practical explanation, wholly free of the more selfish motives that originally prompt so many dear souls to begin their personal search for truth? I want to stress again that perfect love - as the early Christian teachers declared - does cast out fear, and it is this acceptance of perfect love for one's own God Presence I AM that enables individuals to find their freedom by accepting truth and giving it the required obedience! The Great Karmic Board has long recognized the problems in reaching mankind and communicating with them in accordance with cosmic law. You see, dear ones, even if God is on the other end of the telephone line, unless you accept that, you might hang up and break the connection. True it is that the Father would probably try again to call you, but unless at some time there is recognition by you the line and instrument serve no worthy purpose to your lifestream. This has posed quite a problem for us because we are somewhat limited to find proper instruments in this world - and then further limited too in securing universal acceptance of those we do find. So many feel the need to determine at once as to whether a channel is true - often before they have yet developed sufficiently themselves; others search for flaws and sooner or later usually find one - or at least they think so, not knowing that the Great Law never contradicts even if it seems to do so. Often, instead of remaining neutral, individuals gossip or talk with other lifestreams, depending on opinion or mood, rather than calling for assistance from their own God Presence I AM. Sometimes a little patience and sometimes a great deal of faith will assist in determining for each lifestream just what truth is - wisely remembering as Jesus so lovingly declared, "A city set on a hill cannot be hid"! The Summit light is set on a hill of God-illumination and it cannot long remain hid from truly illumined mankind; neither can it fail to fulfill its destiny of illumining those lovers of God-freedom who have determined to let nothing interfere with the business of their eternal Father. Of course, our chelas have a role to play, too, in spreading the Great Light as well as calling forth their own victory in that Light! Almost every religion started out nobly to help mankind establish a closer communion with their own God-self. However, when the segregated faiths of the world began to vie with one another, entering into strife, the thread of their God-communion was lost in the noise and din. Many blessed individuals have survived after a fashion because their hearts were pure and apparently they had no place else to go - but the God-intended plan lay mainly unused while at least one thousand maps were drawn to show men how to find the way to the Holy City above! Human personalities often noisily intruded their sincere but mistaken opinions of persons, places, conditions, and things holy, while the seeker, ever more confused, often returned to the original training of early childhood - and somewhat ostrich-like place their wounded heart and head of feelings in the sand rather than face the almost incomprehensible confusion which seemed to burst around them. Some fled to the comparative emptiness of agnosticism - where our dear Hilarion assists to free such ones - while the comparatively few solitary climbers pursued the high road that leads to victory! Now, for the Ascended Masters, who equally love all - this is regrettable. Surely we would see heaven's best glory the lot of all God's children. Surely we who have won our ascension would enjoy nothing quite so much as universal acceptance of light's glory and its accompanying freedom for all! We long to serve not only the cosmic "few" - but the many of life's children. We have long awaited deliverance for and on behalf of mankind. We have keenly wished for a central outer focus on which we could rely. (Knowing as Saint Germain has told you that the human ungoverned is worse than a wild animal in the jungle, this has seemed quite difficult to bring about in your world - much as we would have liked to do so.) Considering the many foregoing thoughts which embrace many aspects of life, we want you to see as clearly as possible, dear hearts, that we have considered every angle of solution to the correction of every discord in the appearance world and every inharmony among the many manifestations of the One Truth. Now at last we can by cosmic law reveal two grants which are both new and which herald to the mankind of earth the mounting pressure of love from the heart of beloved Helios and Vesta (The God Parents of this solar system). As you may know, long ago this dear planet Earth and her lovely people offered to be host to lifestreams from other planets and systems of worlds who were considered laggards because they misused their free will, determining to resist the tides of cosmic evolution. These laggards refused to keep pace (or keep up) with the spiritual advancement of their own planet and its people in accordance with the God-design provided for their world. They preferred to function in the field of separate, self- and personal control of their own energy; preferred also credit and honor for accomplishments, and domination over others rather than obey the universal law of love by praising the common source of the good of all. The Cosmic Councils having the responsibility of securing acceptance of these lifestreams by the councils of earth and the solar system were convinced that the lovely state of Eden would serve to inspire these laggards and help create in them a desire to take up their development where they had left off. (Many of these came from worlds of advanced and exquisite design and were therefore very fair to look upon outwardly.) The early Sons of God - who enjoyed the God-liberty of the golden age then manifesting, chose to take the fairest of these laggards as members of their own family in order to propagate the external "fairness" which they desired at that time to imitate, thereby introducing shadow and pain to the otherwise God-pure strain of early mankind. Thus, in part, is the "fall of man" from his original Edenic estate recorded! As you know, by cosmic law no one can act vicariously for another in complete expiation of their mistakes, for all must meet the fruit of their own sowing as either blessing or curse. (This is part of the meaning of God's word to Adam in first Genesis - "cursed be the ground for thy sake" - meaning "the natural world has imposed upon it a curse by reason of your mistake.") Only by the violet fire of freedom's love and forgiveness can mankind's individual or collective mistakes be transmuted by him to set life free. The cup from which Jesus drank contained the purple liquid violet fire - symbolizing the rite of purification that the Prince of the World (the ruler of pomp of the outer world) had nothing to find in him inasmuch as he had already been set free from possessive attraction long since by the use of the sacred fire of eternal God-freedom. All avatars and Christs have universally proclaimed to men the way, using their life energy to declare that each man was given life through the Light of his own Holy Christ Self and must follow its way of purity, living by the Law of his inner being. Only in this century, however, have mankind in the outer world been given the marvelous law of the tube of light and violet fire. Now, how shall men escape their self-created bondage unless they avail themselves of these great implements of opportunity? Right now today in May 1960 - because of the world confusion, both religious and secular; because of the surge of incoming lifestreams and the impending threats of war among mankind - the Karmic Board has renewed its long search for a means within the Great Law whereby the law of freewill would not be altered - yet the masses of mankind could attain some measure of liberation from human thralldom and eventual complete freedom from the influence of the laggards (all the while still assisting them - the laggards - to their freedom as was originally intended. These are like a child who will not drink the purple nectar of the grape even if it is needed for its well being!) In view of all the foregoing, I joyfully tell you that sometime ago a kind, earnest, unascended physician, with intense inner love and foresight, petitioned the Great Karmic Board concerning the responsibilities of those worlds from whence the laggards originally came. He believed they should presently retain some responsibility and accountability for the laggards and that earth and earth's people should not bear it all. Now there were many angles to this dear one's petition, though the cosmic law does not permit me to tell all at this instant. (I hope someday we can.) Beloved Hilarion, however, was so pleased with this petition that he championed it while it moved like a bill before your Congress through almost a maze of cosmic councils. After much inner-level consultation and appeals, our lovely Lord Helios and his blessed consort, the lovely Lady Vesta, have at last given us not one but two cosmic decrees in answer to this original petition born from one of earth's own hearts! These decrees ought to have such intense and far-reaching effect as to bid fair to give earth her freedom more quickly than any can even dream of! It has been thought best to let beloved Helios himself describe the first decree. And while I was honored with the privilege of announcing the second decree, I am lovingly awarding that honor to your beloved Morya. Therefore, next week [laughter] we are promised - for the first time in the Pearls - a letter from Helios, the God of our System of Worlds, followed by a magnificent revealment from dear Morya of the second grant of the solar, cosmic, galactic and universal hierarchies! O, thou Light most excellent! Thou great mirror of the eternal plan which reflects no shadow but only dazzling Light, enfold all who read these words in the flame of love from their own God Presence, let nothing human interfere! Thou wondrous I AM speaking from the heart of the sacred fire, blaze thou the diamond determination in those who read to call upon the eternal anchor of their own silver cord of Ascended Master light substance to draw forth such perfection as has never before manifested in their outer worlds of expression! Truly I AM the Light of all the worlds! Peace be unto you my children. The Great Divine Director. ****** Chapter 22 Beloved Helios - May 27, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 22 - Beloved Helios - May 27, 1960 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom All-loving God Helios: I AM Helios, Lord of the Dawn, sending peace, greetings and infinite light from my heart and that of my beloved consort and presiding solar deity beloved Vesta, to the mankind of earth everywhere! In accepting my radiance you will find not only warmth, protection and happiness flooding your world daily, but also the pressure of expansion from our octave raising you into our era of eternal progress wherein your conscious knowledge and attunement is such that you are always aware of your divine identity which is your own individualized God Presence "I AM" - close as life itself! Upon the planet earth among men, the statement "to vegetate" is often used to describe a state of becalm where nothing moves on life's sea, all remaining in the same old familiar station rather than sailing on into realms of greater light and discovery! Because the nature of God is to produce and sustain nought but happiness, we - like the Eternal Father - joyously fulfill our destiny which is to transmit to you true comfort, grace and love - age-old blessings of which you never tire. Also familiar to you are "ruts" which are in reality "pits of delay," consuming your precious days of opportunity in each embodiment, throwing you a little "out of step" with universal love and becoming actually - through joint accumulation of many lifestreams - a planetary handicap in the process of raising earth to the lovely state of becoming a God-intended star of freedom! It is well known by our advanced chelas that we all long to raise you by your God-given gift of light to this stage of individual development where you may by mere conscious will climb (as on a ladder of penciled sunbeams) to our home of love whose solar radiance is yours to share, to enjoy with every Ascended Master friend of this solar and cosmic evolution! Impartiality is a standard of the cosmic law best expressed as "I AM the Light of all the world!" We actually extend via sunbeams billions of cosmic "hands" into the atmosphere of earth in order to raise all who respond, to that level of spiritual attainment where they can best fulfill the destiny our Father has so kindly offered to all who deem themselves worthy to accept daily without fail the statement, "I AM the full activity of God - all else has no power to move me - nought else shall ever pass into my world, mind and affairs, surrounded right now as I am by my God-given, God-created 'ring-pass-not', the canopy of the sacred fire!" To best fulfill your own divine life plan, the whole Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood has in the unity of God-cooperation together created a new God-approved plan, and secured withal two magnificent cosmic decrees - perhaps better understood by most of you as two cosmic dispensations - whose twin benefits complement one another and mightily magnify our activity on the planet earth, while ushering in with full power the long-awaited golden age of peace and enlightenment in the face of every present day conflict! How was this achieved? By "togetherness" on the part of so many of our blessed chelas of the "I AM" law of life you have through the Summit Lighthouse decrees pleased the Karmic Board, fulfilled the law's requirements and drawn from the heart of beloved Alpha and Omega in the Great Central Sun a cosmic smile of approval for your valiant efforts in the face of even human shipwreck, to forge a cosmic unity upon this blessed planet from which no lifestream need ever draw back with either a personal sense of rejection, or discontent with the service and love which you are so joyously offering your God Presence, the ascended beings and all mankind! You have likewise begun to express such love for one another as has justified in a large measure the faith beloved Morya placed in so many of you when he came before Vesta and myself pleading the cause of earth's children, securing progress for his chelas by pledging tokens of his own life's earnest accomplishment. The original proposal of the kind physician (a Boston resident) referred to in the beloved Great Divine Director's letter of last week received implementation from many hearts both ascended and unascended, many of whom have long served the cause of freedom! Therefore, I say let grace now abound! Many know the story of the "laggards," but how many know that untold numbers of the starry worlds even visible to your physical eyes contain solar systems where whole civilizations and evolutions are made up of ascended beings and infinite Christs of universal love? From many of these came the "laggards," the Esaus who despised their birthright, preferring a mess of material pottage and the dubious privilege of being "self-made" men! While they dallied on earth their brothers - free of their discord - went on to become ascended beings and were raised in luminous clouds of cosmic glory to the shining delight of abiding in goodwill among heaven's many mansions! Earth has rightly honored beloved Jesus and others of my Sons such as beloved Gautama the present Lord of the World, who have become such magnificent champions of Light! These are individually but one of many Sons of God throughout the whole cyclic round of life's eternal cycles! ***** 22.1 Cosmic Dispensation ***** I, Helios, grant by the power of the Solar Logos, the "Word" of God, an eternal fiat, declaring this day May 17, 1960 that a new dispensation is given to the people of earth in Mighty "Victory's" name, to assist the earth in attaining cosmic liberation from self-created discord and bondage so that the fealty of eternal happiness may take possession of the minds, worlds and affairs of mankind, producing perfection and sustaining civilization's great light during the coming golden age whose presently approaching "glow" shall now expand limitlessly to the glory of the Eternal Father! Therefore, in order to loosen the hold of the "laggards" and secure the blessing of freedom to all earth's posterities, in order also to anchor the spirit of liberty which is victor over "every form of tyranny over the mind of man," {104} this gift is now given to all sincere students and chelas of the Ascended Masters who apply their hearts to their own God Presence "I AM," asking that they be made a divine channel through which the power and presence of one or more of the Universal Christs located on other systems of worlds shall flow during hours of sleep - or even consciously as the Great Law directs - shall promptly and without delay be vested with our power in accordance with the cosmic law in order to enable these Christs to anchor their radiation and presence in the physical, thinking, feeling and memory worlds of such volunteers so as to provide a means whereby a Cosmic Christ can be assigned to each "laggard" on this planet (they are legion) individually in order to help control the spread of discord and transmute their thoughts and feelings to love for the Light! Mathematically at present the number volunteering shall be divided by the number of "laggards" there are as known to the Keeper of the Records, so that many million Cosmic Christs will use the "coaxial" cable of the volunteering consciousness as a means to reach these of whom Jesus said, "Father forgive them - they know not what they do!" As the number of volunteers increase, so shall the number of Christs using each lifestream as a point of anchorage decrease until eventually we hope for each Christ to use one chela - and reach one "laggard" thereby, using the power of the three-times-three to produce and sustain perfection here. Now, I AM the safeguard for every lifestream so serving, for the Law provides that only good shall flow from the starry realms through you - and nothing which is not of the Light can return to you. It should be understood that you are responsible for using your tube of light and the violet fire daily as usual in order to protect yourself from human effluvia which every day occupies the atmosphere of the planet! Rest assured the "laggards" will be unable to consciously know of this action except in accordance with cosmic law when they too enter to serve the Light. Know too that while these Cosmic Christs have no authority to interfere with free will, they are hereby given full authority to enlighten, heal, bless and guide each lifestream firmly even to the extent of adjusting karma through the Karmic Board - acting thus as a wise parent who chastens at times the ones they love, till all are once again at home in realms of light, wholly ascended and free as beloved Jesus is! I further declare that all so serving as channels for this service are afforded full protection from Lord Michael the Archangel and Mighty Astrea's legions! Let this service be without limit as to time and place, continuing to function as an activity of divine love until all "laggards" are - with the earth itself - at last free! Let this be done from this day forward with increasing God-speed until as Samuel Morse, the inventor of the telegraph, said in its first message - "What God hath wrought!" Now, let the cosmic teachers appear! The holy Mother Vesta, dwelling in (clothed with) the sun, sends forth to earth her sons and cosmic shepherds, the balanced cooperation of heaven's spheres! Man's redemption draws nigh and is a reality by the power of love! Now let the visible teachers swiftly appear - not remaining removed in a corner (of the universe) but speaking directly through channels of love to every wandering heart! Now let the knowledge of the Lord (the Great Law) cover the earth as the sea does the dry land, until all shall know me (the Mighty "I AM" Presence) from the least unto the greatest! The Lord is the salvation of all the earth and her people, the calls of unascended chelas serving the cause of love's victory have compelled the answer! Earth's victory draws near! Be unafraid as the signs of that victory manifest! For right with the earth itself is beloved Victory himself to see that this is done! Morya El, my Son of Light and goodwill, shall, by our authority, next week release the second portion of this victorious dispensation from the heart of the sacred fire. Facing the golden age - I, Helios, say - "Let there be Light!" I AM the Christ Victory now made manifest (God) Helios ****** Chapter 23 Beloved El Morya - June 3, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 23 - Beloved El Morya - June 3, 1960 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom Gratitude to thee, my beloved Father, thou Great Divine Director, for Helios and Vesta's love and your confidence! From the inner spiritual government of this planet, the Council of God's Will here at Darjeeling, I, who so hopefully represent government, which has but one meaning (God-over-men - or Gods "overmen" - with the "G" in government standing for God when referring to individual authority or governMENtal service) declare that in my humble Ascended Master opinion beloved Helios' current dispensations represent the finest opportunity to make things right here on earth that has come forth in at least two thousand years! The angels declared long ago "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace and goodwill to men!" Blessed Jesus hallowed the very language when he stated "Blessed are the peacemakers," and the appellation "Prince of Peace" rightly applied to Jesus shows clearly the value God places on peace! Most men know, however, that peace should not be at any price and will not compromise where personal liberty is at stake, but wise men always gladly afford others the freedom they desire for themselves. Understanding well the blessing thereby invoked, these often "whisper" within their hearts these words: "Sweet land of Liberty - of thee I sing" while calling forth this blessing for their own nation. Another melodic statement is "God of our fathers whose almighty hand sends forth in beauty all thy starry band of shining worlds in splendor through the skies!" In that connection, those who sincerely volunteer to render service to mankind and their own God Presence "I AM" and call to beloved Helios as he so kindly requested, offering themselves as channels for God's grace, serving as anchors for the magnificent ascended Cosmic Christs projecting earthward, will know more and more of the reality of these other shining worlds and many mansions of God! I am certain too that the advent of these blessed Christs projecting earthward will bring the mission of beloved Jesus into greater focus, and call to memory the greater meaning of his words, "The things that I do shall ye do also, and greater things because I go to my Father!" Also, the second coming of Christ should now be better understood by many people. The karmic laws of cause and effect will be more clearly perceived as divine justice and men will better understand the love of God - which seems so simple, yet has certainly not been properly understood by many among mankind through the centuries. How then could they be expected to know his will? These dispensations shall likewise insure eventual freedom for all "laggards" and will thus perform the greatest missionary service ever hitherto undertaken on this planet. (No wonder blessed Hilarion - who was Saint Paul in a previous embodiment - was so very zealous over this idea!) Now, since Atlantean days no such opportunity has been granted as the second phase revealed below. Therefore, may I present "the good news" from the blessed eternal Hierarchy with all the love of my ascended heart and my devotion to the cause of goodwill? ***** 23.1 A Cosmic Dispensation ***** By the authority of the great Karmic Board and in the name of beloved Helios and Vesta the following grant is given to the mankind of earth - To Wit: - The earth has been blessed by the presence of a mighty number of advanced souls, avatars and divine personages through the ages, manifesting as cosmic teachers, founders of great religions and revelators of divine truth, including the rather universally acknowledged Jesus Christ, Gautama Buddha and Mohammed as well as many other magnificently God-endowed beings sent to earth by the Eternal Father for mankind's enlightenment and blessing. Wholly unaware is the mass-mind still of the proper veneration and allegiance they ought to pay to the supreme God, the Eternal Father, their personal individualized God Presence "I AM!" Therefore, to the present day confusions abound, allegiance is divided and strife continues concerning the holy purposes avowed by men universally as the will of God, the wisdom of God, et cetera. Likewise, in the arena of politics and government, the ruling personages of the world continue to engage in so-called diplomatic exchanges - some necessary and some not - which keep the status quo of the nations in a continually disturbed state. Without attempt to fix blame, we who know the divine law because we have syncretized ourselves with it, make certain recommendations in connection with this cosmic grant which is given to Earth by the same loving Father who long ago sent forth blessed Jesus in the land of Judea and the city of Bethlehem to make his first world advent. The Father has declared to us "I AM" in heaven (the divine consciousness) and all is right with the world when they attune constantly with my goodwill! Therefore, because all religious strife and intolerance is incompatible with God's will; because wars and warfare are diametrically opposed to the purposes of the Prince of Peace we offer a gift to earth which is set forth below: When peace and harmony are achieved religious-wise and secularly among the family of nations, in the whole body politic, to be just it must be under the direction of Almighty God, and when that occurs it will be a magnificent victory for both God and men! Therefore, the grant to mankind from the ascended host is to give to the world a genuine outer focus of the Great White Brotherhood without concealment or secrecy! A mighty Temple of Victory is to be built in this nation for all mankind, dedicated to the presence of Almighty God! It shall be called "I AM" the Temple of Life's Victory (Remember Solomon builded him a house and that name is clearly seen to mean Solomon - "solar-man": Christ-illumined men full of the sun of divine wisdom) The pattern for this vast temple is now being lowered from the blessed Silent Watcher into the etheric realms and the action will be completed by July lst - in time for a celebration of our cosmic declaration of independence for this blessed earth from all imposition of tyranny or bondage! That is what we are doing - regardless of human appearances. We are affirming the freedom of earth by establishing the first temple of the Great White Brotherhood known to the outer world since Atlantean days. What is the meaning of this whole dispensation? Beloved ones, Saint Germain shall describe this blessed building to you in next week's "Pearl" - together with a more complete explanation thereof. Meanwhile I want you to take stock with me of how blest we are to secure this joint dispensation. First, an opportunity to heal the "laggard" breach of discord, and then the glory of Victory's Temple on earth where our communion can be established right "through the veil" and wherein the radiance of heaven can begin to produce upon earth that scientific, spiritual and political life which represents the will of God as a glorious opportunity for all to share in building the golden age. That now the door is open is the significant factor! The tools are here, the energy, the authority and the blessed people to execute the plan - all are here. Hence, like the master mason of old, standing with the blueprints of a pyramid eternal, I stand now full of great hope, and a silent inner assurance that this time you will not fail. You have long known that the light of God never fails! Discouragement in the face of old human mistakes, gossip, tearing down of lives and strife among brethren have not deterred those whose love could see beyond the surface tensions. False glamour and human egoism have not prevented our true chelas from putting first things first! Because this activity has placed God first, all things shall be added unto it! Come my beloved, let us hallow his holy will (thy will be done) Let us remove and transmute the causes and cores of unhappiness the world around, let us purify the whole climate and atmosphere of earth, the four elements withal and then on the green sward raise his temple symbolical of the treasure of heaven which is the glorious common goal to which each lifestream is destined - to be a temple within whose hallowed walls the infinite can bestow the complete Sonship, stewardship and unity which makes of each one of you dear ones a cornucopia of instantaneous precipitation, God happiness and victory manifest at your call! Remember, hearts that have truly loved, never forget. I AM your memory of the power of goodwill, El Morya Kahn Vondir! _________________________________________________ This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's Will, of which all the ascended host are members. Ode to the Spheres O Cosmic Christs of other spheres To you I call beyond the years Whose light rays from so far away Are beamed through me right now today! Through valiant effort we will win Vict'ry over pain and sin Transmuting all the woes of earth And freeing men for Light's new birth! The magnet of the holy sun The "I AM" Presence of each one Will lift men from the dust of stain To where love's glory lives again. And when the tears at last are dry Wiped by God's image from our eye Our vict'rys bloom an ode will be To life's celestial harmony. The efforts made forgotten then Will all be changed by vision fair The music of the spheres we'll sing Shall gladden all life everywhere So come then blessed radiant ones Thy councils wise shall purify As angel songs now fill the skies To lead men back to paradise. - by Lanello ****** Chapter 24 Beloved Saint Germain - June 10, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 24 - Beloved Saint Germain - June 10, 1960 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom Man made like unto the intricate yet soft delicacy of a flower is the immaculate God-concept of all creation, especially they who are aware that they are made in his own likeness! Hence, to be formed in "fashion as a man" could indeed be an honor, if men revere the divine image! From either an almost wanton ignorance (to ignore or bypass the law) or many inaccurate perceptions of human thinking stemming from acquired dullness of spirit - in both the dim and the near past - "human" error has had false dominion. Now, the day of freedom is here! I AM here! Thank God we are cooperating with you, our blessed chelas, and really doing something that shall immediately secure results - and literally "move mountains" when necessary! The unfolding of the divine nature shall become the "pastime" of mankind once again, as in the golden ages past, and the flowering of true social grace and culture flourish as originally intended, thus replacing the shadows of past errors. I know so well, even full well, the longing almost to the point of desperation which has taken hold of so many of God's children - especially our chelas. These have intensely desired to attain personal perfection and freedom from all bondage of both spirit and form. They have cried out night and day calling forth for unconcerned individuals - in their own immediate families and outside of them - the mercy of Life! Do you think Life shall fail to answer? I think not, for the original solicitude of God is not tempered by man's intolerance or even conditioned thereby. The sun shines on both just and unjust alike, desiring only the perfection and attainment of Christ consciousness by all those who bask `neath its solar wings and radiance! Nobility, courtliness, honor, sincerity, serenity of spirit, gratitude, chivalry, generosity, bravery and a host of other positive qualities all belong to my chelas and the disciples of the Great White Brotherhood who, in accepting the fiat of Almighty God, joyfully focus their attention on their own divinity. The eye-picture of the "Chart" with which all students of the "I AM" law of life are already familiar is a blessed assistance in holding that "vision" which will connect you with your own "divine image" - your own God Presence, but what about countless millions of mankind who know not the power of the name of God "I AM" or the use of his sacred fire? Is it foolish for us of the ascended host to "count on" something less than "missionary zeal" from our chelas in spreading the great light and comfort abroad in the face of every entrenched or outworn opposition to greater light? Are we wrong to expect that our chelas have a greater zeal even than those beloved "Christian missionaries" who toiled so faithfully in bygone days to spread the doctrine of Christianity the world around? Shall not this magnificent expansion of God's light and this magnificent expansion of the law which flowed through many faiths including Christianity go forward, bringing greater happiness and expansion to men of every faith - seeing one divinity, one brotherhood, one cosmos exists solely because of the fiat of the Eternal Father and his illimitable Light - the Universal Cosmic Christ? Let us now diligently prepare to bring and share the blessing of this light by unfolding the divinity of our chelas to the full magnificent expansion of the power and victory over even death as it is revealed by attainment of the ascension whose glory wipes out every memory of the crucifixion and the attendant pain and tears thereof! How precious a dispensation beloved Helios and Vesta have given! What a cosmic victory is sent to earth! All who grasp the significance of this grant and are serving as channels must sense that victory which is literally flooding the world and all mankind. This is the long-called-for light of a thousand suns from the radiance of millions of Cosmic Christs who now in answer to your calls have descended and will remain until life's perfection is restored to all. While this action for mankind's benefit goes on right now it is more or less unspeakable to the outer world, but, God be thanked, the second phase of the dispensation can be given recognition in the outer world and can be used as a focal point for the expansion of not only our outer action but also the enlightenment of all our chelas and those we will later draw out to serve the expansion of the light in this very day! Surely if temporal government can demand of mankind the material substance to "arm the earth" with instruments of destruction, the lovers of peace and freedom who are multitudinous in every land - will respond to the great privilege of "laying many stones" in this outer temple designed in such lofty spiritual grandeur at inner levels! When it is complete I am planning on giving my greatest gift to America and the world, for therein I am going to actually anchor the full focus of my freedom flame! Do you see now why I have labored so long for America's "freedom" so that the whole world may kindle its own fires of freedom on America's torch, that from the great heart of its people grace may flow to all the family of nations - for all are the Lord's and the fullness thereof. The first floor of the temple (and there are three above the earth level) is Victory's Temple. It is the largest, and is completely circular, surrounded by huge Corinthian columns on the outside and granite artwork as lovely as the Taj Mahal itself, all within the beauty of its towering columns. Around the circular amphitheater will be glorious paintings of the great Chohans themselves and also including beloved Jesus and Mary, the Archangels and many others of the familiar members of the ascended host. Services here will be open to all mankind without restriction as to creed or race in keeping with the traditions of the Brotherhood. The second floor is dedicated to the "Holy Spirit" and as such is an "upper room" vast though it may be, dedicated to the magnificent LORD the Maha Chohan. Here the most sacred rituals shall be performed, including those which are calculated to represent the "ceremonial action" of this age over which I now preside. The anchoring of the "freedom flame" here is a gift of divine wisdom! A huge focus of "a snow-white dove" will also be anchored in this temple within which the Masters of Light shall precipitate several sacred tokens and "foci" of the sacred fire to assist in amplifying the action of the Holy Spirit within the lives of mankind - and especially those who study the laws of the sacred fire and sincerely seek to apply themselves to the unfolding of that flame of God life within the chalice of their own sacred heart! The third floor is closed to all except the most advanced chelas and is under the direction of the great Ascended Master Serapis, whose stricter disciplines lead to the freedom of the ascension! It is circular, too, but smaller than the other temples. We expect to permit here the use of an ascension chair - located directly above the freedom flame focus on the second floor which is, in turn, above Victory's altar on the first floor! This temple is strictly dedicated to the ascension and is for the use of those nearing that achievement. In this temple we will actually step through the "veil" in our tangible bodies and assist in completing the earthly victory of our most faithful chelas as we did in the Cave of Symbols and other sacred retreats. Thus this circular "pyramid" of victory honors the name of God by a means whereby the various "stages of evolution" may come into a practical focus which will not be too sharply delineated so as to separate men from one another, except to inspire them and elevate them by world-renowned beauty and the vibratory action of the great Brotherhood itself as it now moves once again into fiery world action in the outer visible unconcealed realm! Further descriptions may be given from time to time, but we are not presently so concerned with the form as with the gift of the temple. Its approval is God's gift from our realm of light. Its creation, then, is a cosmic gift externalized by the acceptance of mankind. We will assist in its externalization from time to time but the law requires that you balance our gift by serving the law of your being, and calling forth your own God perfection while doing also as we do and assisting all life to find their own victory! Remember we have attained and yet still serve the earth often even as we did before our ascension. I recently took on a visible tangible body, in order to assist a member of the French government who needed greatly to be inspired and helped during the "Summit crisis" - I actually walked the streets of Paris just a few weeks ago and many a miracle was performed then for unascended beings who came within the compass of my immediate aura! Are we so far away? I trust you will all understand the need for "doing your part" and thus will God-magnificence be born anew - because you have in his name called it forth - in his name breathed your sustaining love into it, and in his name determined that nothing shall interfere with its completion until as a lily breathes its fragrance into space, so may the fleur-de-lis of your own and all men's threefold flame of God purity, victory and love reign supreme over all the earth! - I AM your eternal friend of freedom's light Saint Germain This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all ascended host are members. ****** Chapter 25 Beloved Mother Mary - June 17, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 25 - Beloved Mother Mary - June 17, 1960 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom I am so grateful to see the beginning of a new era of hope in world religious affairs brought on by the advent of Mighty Helios' new dispensations of love and the attendant opportunity they represent. These are very real, the coming of the Cosmic Christs in answer to your calls, with their great momentums of purity is a silent service to the ages and to the children of earth! Already, marvelous results are being brought about and the duration of these dispensations (till every child of earth is free) is assurance that continued progress shall be made. All who give their love to the Light through volunteering for this transcendent service shall receive my personal blessing. I am also deeply impressed by the great cosmic possibilities connected with the raising on earth of one universal temple of such magnificent grandeur which shall be truly hallowed by the love and sacrificial graciousness of the multitudes of earth cooperating with heaven, in its construction! This monument of achievement to victory as mankind's acceptance of God's love is a real panacea for peace over all religious differences and intolerances, representing a perpetual novena, an ever-burning candle to the Lord of gigantic implications, vesting then all the world with the living, pulsing, glory of pure divine love and religious freedom. This good news preceding the Independence Day holiday and the annual Teton conclave of the Great White Brotherhood at the Grand Teton in Wyoming will surely intensify the action of the Holy Spirit the world around! In thought I am enraptured by the wonder of it all! It is as if from a place of exquisite beauty I sit beholding a planetary Bethlehem, with all the world a stable or a throne where human consciousness by accepting its divinity can qualify life with the wonders of an eternal nativity. In reviewing the scenes of Jesus' childhood, I see again his first tiny steps, his use of Joseph's (Saint Germain) carpenter tools as a boy, his subsequent role as World Saviour where as a "world carpenter" he sought to frame and fashion a universal temple of receptive consciousness in mankind so all could be receptive to God's message of love even if they would not receive him. Overlooking now the pages of history since those days of the early Christian dispensation I see the fervent fires of individual saints' lives, as somewhat resembling flickering fireflies on the somber canopy of night extending through the so-called Dark Ages so overshadowed with the pall of the crusades, holy wars, persecutions, trials of heresy, martyrdom and manifold oppressions practiced in my Son's name but certainly not with his approval, bereft as they were of sanity and love. The adamancies of this period are to the present day like sharp granite peaks in a pit which bruise the tender feet of men still seeking the highway leading to peace and victory through God's love over the sheer ruin of the past! Now, let not your heart be troubled with past or present errors, for those days were not empty of magnificent glory drawn forth and magnetized by individuals who had the courage to be men of God in truth, holding high the standard of decency and tolerance at a time when the price was much higher to individual liberty than it is today. To this present time great Lights continue to burn in every nation and the earth is the fortunate receptor of many magnificent lifestreams who continue to serve as anchors for the radiation and freeing love of God! Are you all not part of this band? If not, you can be! Thus is the Light called forth and intensified because men do of a truth love the Light! This Jesus did! This was his great momentum which caused him to declare so often "I AM the light of the world!"{105} This do and be my children! The world still struggles and retains a sense of its struggle in the grip of economic and ideological travails. Religious persecutions have gone now somewhat underground, but spasmodically erupt to remind men that intolerance and anti-Christ feelings still smolder in many men's hearts. Many years ago I appeared at Fátima, speaking my warning to the world through those innocent children to whom I poured out my love! Now this blessed year (1960) I am speaking once again to men and women of every nation, imploring that for the sake of the Light, for the sake of the Christ of their own being, the only bringer of hope and beauty, men will implement the power of the United Nations so as to end all tension and world strife! I also ask in the name of the Cosmic Christ that all men shall desist from strife and resentment over religious matters. Let all men live for truth as they see it best, knowing that often their present understanding is in direct conflict with their own former light and that the present light of many people will one day prove to be that in which they will not wish to abide! May men desire to reach up to God for greater wisdom, even that which transcends time and space and is one with eternal Life and eternal Light! O Summit of hope ... Thou newness of Christ Show me the way to Everlasting Life! I am breathing this prayer for all my children that all in unison may one day soon sit down together at the feet of their Holy Christ Self and say in the peace of full knowledge, knowing themselves also, even as they are known of God, "I AM the way!" Your eternal Cosmic Mother, Mother Mary (The Ascended Lady Master and Mother of Jesus) ______ This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. ****** Chapter 26 The Beloved Maha Chohan - June 24, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 26 - The Beloved Maha Chohan - June 24, 1960 The Summit Lighthouse of Freedom Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom The statement " `I AM' the wings of the morning" can be of tremendous assistance each morning in lifting and raising the consciousness daily to a point above the human level to where the assistance your own Holy Christ Self longs to give you can be used in your spiritual advancement. This shall be done with the blessing of every Ascended Master whose attention is ever and always directed into the consciousness of the aspiring student who in turn looks to our octave of perfection for our daily rhythmic blessing! It must be borne in mind that just as a "lifeline" may be thrown from a ship of mercy to a sinking man, so do our rays of light's assistance pour forth - yet it remains for the one in distress to take a firm hold on this which is truly their own "lifeline" and then to hang on while being raised! No power on earth can make the contact or hold it for you unless you have the willpower and determination to do it for yourself! It is true that on rare occasions one of the great Ascended Masters does descend on this "lifeline" and actually "tie it" around a sinking one, sustaining and aiding that lifestream until a rescue can be effected even though such a one may be wholly unconscious of the very real assistance being given. Even then when the strength has returned to such a one it is expected that the individual shall learn to shift for themselves in calling forth and sustaining their progress in God's kingdom. (This is performed in Nature as the mother bird "un-nests" the young in order to teach them to fly!) When it happens that personal assistance is given by an ascended being it is usually because of a previous connection with that lifestream, past service rendered the light; a case of the spirit being willing while the flesh seems weak, or simply a special dispensation in some few cases. No one however should count on a "special attention," but each one ought to be serious enough about the "Father's" business to do for themselves all that they possibly can. To render tireless service to the Great Law by assisting others and to call with calm assurance for the release of our energy and aid in solving every problem is God's will - knowing that the call does compel the answer. Understand, we are willing to do this (release our aid by light rays) for each one and for all mankind. However, we do so want you to be masters of your own energy, and learn not to lean needlessly on life or on others when you can instead be a source of inspiration to others by your sincerity, your love for the Light and your attunement with your own God Presence as the only acting authority in your life! If I seem a bit stern try to forgive me and understand that we are trying so often to help you expand your light as we have done - so that you too can share our blessings firsthand! Of course we will help you if you really need it. Beloved ones, feel free to call upon us at any time! Remember I represent the Holy Spirit, a vital part of the Trinity and a very practical part of mankind - capable of blessing without limit! I am so grateful for our place in the Great Temple of Life's Victory - which is given to the amplification of the light of the Holy Spirit! As time goes by you will hear much more about this activity and find that building the "Lord's Temple" is a spiritual diversion calculated to center mankind's attention on holy objects and thus withdraw it from the diversifications of material concepts and from the trivial affairs which although meaningless do draw so much of mankind's energy into a "sea of waste." So many have often had time a-plenty for self, but so little for the kingdom. It would seem they do not wholly cognize our gifts of light! Do they think ours is the worthless side of life? I could tell them for I have seen both! Ever onward, ever upward to complete enfoldment in the Holy Spirit - my children! I AM Your Director to Perpetual Wholeness! The Maha Chohan (This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's Will, of which all the ascended host are members.) _________________________________________________ Beloved Ones - We offer here with the approval of beloved Morya a poem by one of his unascended chelas who has long made God's will the polestar of her life! The Mount of Attainment The Mount of Attainment seems rugged and rough - 'Tis only the brave climb over the bluff Of waves of confusion of doubt and fear; That come to the surface as we draw near. Yet now with the greater light piercing the gloom, We rise high with courage, with freedom our boon. Slowly, serenely, higher and higher - Leaving forever on a burning pyre Of violet flames merciful love for mankind, All human creation we leave far behind - And press toward the summit with victory in sight, Our love of freedom has shown us the light. All ashes of doubt, confusion and fear - Are swept all asunder, because they're not real, Now only God's voice around us - within - The glorious light of a New Day begins, The Mount of Attainment just over the way - Beckons us on to speed the New Day. - A.B.N. _________________________________________________ In the name of our beloved Ascended Masters we salute our lovely neighboring country and its many lovers of freedom who will soon celebrate their precious "Dominion Day." A very real part of the continent of America's heart is beloved Canada whose symbol of the maple leaf reminds us of sturdy hearts in which the threefold flame forever expands. These loving their own country find its divine qualities overflow their borders to send Ascended Master light around the world. Go and do thou likewise ...! - The Messenger ****** Chapter 27 The Beloved Goddess of Liberty - July 1, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 27 - The Beloved Goddess of Liberty - July 1, 1960 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom To what heights of present and eternal happiness the spirit of liberty can inspire man! Beloved ones, the weight of one's human karma ought not to be of such great concern as it is - for men ought rather to instead reckon with their daily responsibility to their own Great God Self! So many say, "Oh, it is my karma!" May I (as a great comforting Cosmic Mother to life) ask the mankind of earth - What is the price you are willing to pay for your liberty? I seem to hear an echo from your own history - "Give me liberty or give me death!" How many today are willing to make the best choice - how many are still not willing? Beloved Jesus sweating in Gethsemane spoke his fervent plea to God thus - "Not my will but thine be done" - which shows so clearly that a price is placed on liberty of spirit. Even this great avatar, this magnificent Son of God, had to struggle in his own heart of perfection that he might overcome the impact of human momentum not even his own - which encased his very spirit with a wall of flesh and atomic substance vibrating in earth's octave of consciousness while his mighty spirit soared free far above the lovely clouds! I do not say to you my children that it is easy to escape human thralldom; neither can I say it is too difficult - for the "way" has been made much easier today than in ages gone by. I do say that God's way is real cosmic worth and as such is priceless! All who have attained their ascension report in rapture the glory of its estate, which should serve to inspire men to seek continuously above every outer goal for their own ascension in the light with Christ and others of the heavenly host including in your time beloved Rex, Pearl, Nada and beloved Bob. This ascension is an entering into the liberty of eternal Life. Each embodiment, dear hearts, draws to a close in a few short years. Each day often proves to unascended mankind to be somewhat a treadmill existence - especially to those not attuned closely enough to their own God Presence "I AM." Come closer to me, your Cosmic Mother, emulate me by holding high your standards! Let your "torch" shine before men that they may truly glorify God in you! Enter into the deeper meaning of liberty. Shun the mere license to do what you will based on compulsions of habit or imitation of human vanity. The violet fire of freedom's love is blessed Saint Germain's gift for two thousand years to assist in transmuting or changing all binding habits of earth into Ascended Master light substance - becoming thus requalified with the divine image stamped in the place where dwells the human impostor! Our life is no idle play! It is victorious life! Call to me, look to me and know that my gaze is steadily fixed on the highest spartan standards of divine glory - which gives life the precious gift and blessing of a divine meaning daily. Learn to read in the "holy light" visible in some men's eyes - the glory of God! See the liberty in a sunbeam - a drop of dew - a fresh bouquet. Melt yourself with "divine fervor" until you blend into that spirit which itself is God liberty, if you would truly know its meaning! United we can stretch arms of love over the world - until no spot on earth remains in shadow but all are conscious recipients of liberty's holy flame - sent forth in "freedom's name!" Then you, my cosmic son or daughter shall be a true son or daughter of America - or whatever land you call your "native land!" In your divine independence you shall know the dignity of a Godly inter-dependence under the Fatherhood of God until you are wholly dependent on God whose directions of interdependence coordinate the cosmos and make all men brothers in that love which overcomes the world! (The illusion of human creation.) Remember always, I AM liberty's flame eternally blazing in you! The Goddess of Liberty This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. _________________________________________________ Mother of Exiles Far from the visible world she seems, Speaking to those still lost in dreams! Bidding all end their exile here and find The way that leads to her sphere! Silent and strong is her pull on our heart, Calling us then to God's world apart. Deep in concern men have strayed from the track, Still hear her voice! It's calling us back! Confusion and care may rest on our brow The woes of the world seem to cover us now, But Liberty's voice as through history before Speaks to the exile as in days of yore! To heed the great call and offer your all Is a step up the "ladder" to heaven for you; The proof soon you'll see as onward you go For victory in Light will be your own view! The torch in her hand blazes light all the way Her smile is the strength of our days. A mother sublime to all of mankind, who "cares" As our hearts and minds seek the way; She comforts in pain and raises in victory All those who trust her might. Freedom's dependence on God is her goal She kindles on our own torch of light! Blessed and lovely is thy dear name, Blessed and lovely is thy God Flame! Goddess of Liberty, friend of all men Thine is the power God longs to bestow, Thine is the kingdom to which we would go, Keep us then ever and always apart Draw us upward and onward into thy heart. - Lanello ****** Chapter 28 Beloved Jesus Christ - July 8, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 28 - Beloved Jesus Christ - July 8, 1960 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom Peace be unto you! I specifically urge the students not to underestimate the power of our release through this media. Sometimes we use many words to intelligently convey a special knowledge to the student body - then again in few words we are able through radiation, condensation of our light substance, and by the power of our love to release great wisdom into your world. The assimilation or absorption of our radiance does depend on your attention however. Those who do not even read the words may benefit imperceptively through the world radiance accompanying our weekly instruction, but the full benefit does require your loving consecrated and concentrated attention to our words. Love for your God Presence "I AM" and for us individually does draw from the Ascended Master realm, however, a more intense and specific radiance! I AM the "key" to life's Temple of Victory. Therefore all who shall truly desire to visit our new (presently etheric) temple - which you shall externalize - may call to your own God Presence "I AM" asking to be taken to it while your physical body sleeps. As so many of the sons of heaven, together with the angelic host, are presently engaged in lovingly "inspecting" and consecrating its sacred halls and rejoicing in its divine beauty, I am sure you shall too! (The temple was first opened to mankind July lst and will remain open until further notice, perhaps even permanently - after all, it is our gift to you in answer to your many calls.) To help fit you for new dimensions of service and to anchor the instruction of the many previous years, I wish to describe for you in my role of cosmic teacher, a pictorial illustration which should help you to regain and retain all the God-control for which you have long called. Ask and you shall receive is a promise ever fulfilled! Therefore, receive my love in this the answer of heaven! For illustrative purposes imagine a scale or ruler 24 inches long. Divide this in half and mark the symbol zero (0) at the center. Consider everything to the left of the zero symbol (12 inches) as negative, everything to the right (12 inches) as positive. Now try to realize that most people's feelings fluctuate in an area 3 inches left and 3 inches right on this imaginary scale, alternating between periods of some disappointment and some happiness. Bear in mind that all emotions or feelings which are positive can have negative counterparts. Love sometimes begins with mild affection, intensifying to love and yet still deeper love. In its negative aspects, the same attention which expresses as love falls from mild dislike, which Saint Germain has told you is a form of hate, to the most intense negative feelings. Jealousy is but the opposite of admiration of another's accomplishment. Just as there is no such true condition as "hot" or "cold" - but rather only "temperature" which is always relative to the person, place or condition - so feelings are nothing else than qualities or rates of vibration! It is true that all "left of zero" is unreal; that all "right" of it is a rising manifestation of the expanding yet evolving power of infinite love! As this is pure truth, would it not be well then to determine to watch the feelings using your consciousness and find your freedom and God liberty by never permitting the scale to fall below the "zero line?" This I consciously did, using as a guard the statement "I AM the resurrection and the life" in order to counteract the pull of the human octave. Now, concerning those who slip. Remember that a pendulum will "swing" to the same degree left that it has moved to the right - unless controlled. Thus the true disciple who is often subject to more than ordinary pressure while rising in light closer to God's heart must consciously set the guard so as to refuse absolutely the power of moving or swinging into a negative condition. Let such chelas create a mental and spiritual backstop of invincible light substance to hold the kinetic energies which "rebound" from their "flight into the heights!" Let all my children live and love one another in peace as they progress in the kingdom! Our brotherhood is far more than words. It is the practicality of Almighty God - the manifestation of absolute "Christ victory" which does overcome the world! I AM your brother in Light - Jesus the Christ (The Ascended Master Jesus Christ) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. ****** Chapter 29 Beloved Pallas Athena - July 15, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 29 - Beloved Pallas Athena - July 15, 1960 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom The respect mankind claim for truth far exceeds the ability they have expressed to manifest it. The admittance of basic and simple ideas into the consciousness when they are based alone on obvious God truth is extremely vitalizing to the "spirit" of truth! The entertaining of thoughts of conflict and doubt is likewise debilitating to the individual holding such negative concepts. The fact that all truth is God connects the realities of the spirit with the consciousness of man through illumination's flame. The fact that ideas are sometimes conflicting stems from the individual's own misinterpretations rather than the statements and laws proffered to mankind by the great Cosmic Beings and Ascended Masters. Enjoy the sunshine, love the elements (earth, air, water and fire), feel attuned with Nature and keep harmonious with as much of life as possible. This is so much more important than merely embracing a dogma. Much of mankind's distress comes from the wish to feel important. Now, in an egocentric way so many individuals do embrace a dogma in order that they may be considered the sponsors and dispensers of salvation to others, thus giving themselves a special importance in the universe. If feelings of pride were profitable to them personally, or to us of the ascended host, we would not only condone but encourage it. However, when its dilatory effects create so much unhappiness, we can do no less than decry it and advise the spiritual aspirant to hold humble feelings and simple God-concepts of love and purity, especially at the beginning of the Path, and always return to these simple concepts whenever the "water" appears too deep to safely escape should a sudden "cramp" of conflict arise. Truth exists to heal and is best acquired through absorption of the active principle in everyday affairs. This does not mean an abandoning of the search, but a postponement occasionally while the individual takes stock of talents and of self, analyzes situations and plans for a brighter future, which is always more light. In this connection, I cannot emphasize enough the need for our chelas to call forth and hold the vision of intense cosmic light around their mind, world and affairs. Nothing is so productive of truth as light. Finding God, one finds truth. Finding conflict, one can be easily detoured and not know it! The conscious cultivation of harmony, the sustaining of divine radiance, is never an accident. To understand truth you must become truth through living in the radiance of whatever measure of purity God has given to you. Expanding it further by conscious effort you will find at last a "thinning of the veil" and eventually the peaceful valley will prove to be no mirage, for you will have entered into the Shangri-La or world of divine perfection which the Father is! This is heaven and heaven is truth! The earth is holy and wholly God's, but its taking on of man's shadows has given the false coloring of discord even to Nature here. Every day the beauty of God is revealed to some soul with the command "tell no man" - for the heavens themselves are a silent witness of glory. How fortunate are they who continue the search - dauntless and unafraid, with full faith. These, like rugged mountaineers, shall attain the heights from which the majestic view unrolls its scroll like a golden screen upon whose surface are traced, by the finger of God, truth! I AM your own Flame of Truth, Pallas Athena (The Ascended Lady Master - Goddess of Truth) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. ****** Chapter 30 The Beloved Goddess of Purity - July 22, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 30 - The Beloved Goddess of Purity - July 22, 1960 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom In the earthly lives of all mankind countless opportunities are offered to hold, sustain and expand all the God-purity which was a part of the first sacred fire breath initiating and outpouring life in the sphere of individual consciousness. One of the reasons why individuals seldom do take full advantage of these many opportunities is because they do not fully understand the meaning of God-purity. So often mankind have misqualified many sacred matters which by all divine intent were created to be holy and wholly God's with some of their own misgivings concerning purity - which unfortunately is often based on a pseudo-puritanical understanding - without ever considering or taking time "to be holy!" The apostle Peter once had a vision in which he saw many unclean creeping and crawling things, "Let down in a sheet" and heard a voice saying, "Rise Peter, slay and eat!" Peter replied, "Not so, Lord, for I have never eaten anything common or unclean." The voice replied, "That which God has cleansed that call not thou common or unclean!" Know therefore that grave danger exists in "feeding" the condemnatory forces of the world. Self-righteousness is so subtle that it often permits one saint to find fault with another without qualms of conscience. The words concerning blessed Jesus - "The Son came not into the world to condemn the world, but that through him they might find eternal Life," contain the true eternal purpose so clearly stated yet often forgotten when people begin the impurity of gossip or condemnation concerning some other part of life. Be dispensers of life to others by calling for perfection and God-purity wherever you see it is needed. If it is already there, call for its expansion! Now, the best way, blessed eternal hearts, to do this is to do it for all life - starting with yourself. Call to the Fire Breath I AM I AM I AM the fire breath of God from the heart of beloved Alpha and Omega. This day I AM the immaculate concept in expression everywhere I move! Now I AM full of joy for now I AM the full expression of divine love. My beloved I AM Presence seal me now within the very heart of the expanding fire breath of God; let its purity, wholeness and love manifest everywhere I AM today and forever! I accept this done right now with full power; I AM this done right now with full power. I AM I AM I AM God-Life expressing perfection all ways at all times! This which I call forth for myself, I call forth for every man, woman and child on this planet! (3x) Intolerance of intolerance is but another shadow on the pathway to spiritual harmony. Because these laws are so practical I am pointing out to men and women who desire to know "little ways" in which you can protect yourself against criticism, condemnation and judgment - which are very human qualities. Divine purity and love are not Pollyanna, but they plainly say, "Neither do I condemn thee - go and sin no more!" The straightened shoulders, the stronger heart, the clearer eye of divine vision ever point the way to bearing one another's burdens by the bond of eternal understanding. This subdivision of the load makes "my burden 'light!' " This is God's way, this is the way of the Brotherhood. All have erred in earth's spheres, yet the Master's admonishment "Love one another" must be fulfilled. It is the way of forgiveness, the divine catharsis of heaven's light of God-purity and mercy! I AM pure in heart and see in you God - alone! The Goddess of Purity This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. ****** Chapter 31 Portia - July 29, 1960 - The Balancing of Life's Energies ****** Vol. 3 No. 31 - Portia - July 29, 1960 The Balancing of Life's Energies As the twin flame of blessed Saint Germain, I am so grateful for opportunity to speak to the many readers of the lovely Pearls of Wisdom which are so rhythmically sent forth from the hearts of all the Ascended Masters and cosmic beings. Have you thought about the balancing of life's energies, dear ones? Nature is perhaps the finest balancer operative in the visible realm. The water supply of the planet is usually well distributed and redistributed; although it is constantly flowing onward, so many parts of the world are recipients of just the right amount of rain so as to neither drown the crops nor dry them up. Now you, too, can call balance in your mind, world, and affairs and between your thinking and feeling bodies. All through life, balance is needed. The mental and feeling worlds of mankind have sorely suffered most, with few being in proper balance. Most conflicts occur because of this, and it serves the nefarious ends of some men to keep parts of life in a semidisturbed or unbalanced state. In the holy name of Freedom, in blessed Saint Germain's dear name, I ask you, children of the Light, should we be content to see this be so? Let us rally our energies to take full advantage of the opportunity Life offers to unascended beings and ascended beings to work together in the truly magnificent service of freeing a planet and its people. Personal freedom is, of course, necessary for all, but it is seldom understood. Now, so many hearts are so contrite, so many hearts are so good and want so much to do right yet continue on in a vicious and binding habit sheerly for lack of proper understanding. Notice that I say "proper understanding," which shows that things ought to be carried out the Ascended Masters' way rather than for the personal or human glory of individuals. Beloved Jesus once declared that all who had left father, mother, sister, and brothers for the kingdom's sake, that is to say, had sought first for the kingdom of heaven and its right use of Life's energies, would not only have the good of the kingdom but all these things added unto them also. I want to remove from the consciousness of the students any conception that a loss of freedom or a loss of treasure is brought about through serving the Light. The Divine Law can never err, and God's perfect balance declares that all who serve the Light in due time shall find that the Light will turn and serve them. During these few weeks we Lady Masters have desired to come forth with a few words of assistance and healing gleaned from our wisdom. Therefore, you are now hearing from several of us who have been so honored because of our momentums as to be called the Goddess of one or another particular blessed quality of the Godhead. We developed quite a capacity for understanding and amplifying that particular and specific quality which became, then, our appellation. Because Saint Germain has so amplified Freedom and expanded it on earth, it is my wish to contribute to the expansion of both Justice and the Opportunity to receive it for all. Our joint service is one of Freedom and Opportunity under the Spirit of Divine Justice. The blessed Goddess of Liberty told the recent New York class that she would welcome anyone who wished to ask for the privilege to the Halls of Karma (the hierarchial Supreme Court) where all adjustment and balance of mankind's requests and cases are decided. She said the deliberations there were fair, wise, and helpful to every lifestream. I add my invitation to hers to all who believe in Justice - and even those who do not. Go and see, dear hearts, if you wish. Just ask and receive. The universe is your home. Regardless of appearances at times in earth's valleys, Justice, Mercy, and Love always ultimately triumph! Yours in eternal vibrant Hope, I AM The Goddess of Justice, Portia ****** Chapter 32 The Beloved Goddess of Light - August 5, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 32 - The Beloved Goddess of Light - August 5, 1960 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom I am so happy to be able to speak to you today. The words "The people who sat in darkness saw a great Light" are so meaningful to me. Often people find an unreal quality to life on earth. This is partly because life is not being lived as God intended. Inasmuch as he is the Life of all, the fullness of eternal happiness can only blaze forth where his "Light" is cherished! Most men realize the necessity for progress. They know that when things are substandard or below standard it is necessary to bring them up toward a standard if their "progress potential" is to be realized. As much - if not all - on earth needs to be raised, and as shadow and pain do not produce either happiness or perfection (although sometimes pointing out the need for correction or change in course) men know that God's light - which is a specific vibratory action of the Cosmic Christ - is the eternal hope of the world! "I AM the light of the world" is so magnificent a statement that men never tire of repeating it again and again. All holy mantrams and invocations to the Light do bear fruit, but those preceded by God's name "I AM" are of all most potent! Sometimes men and women pursuing the spiritual path become discouraged or cast down temporarily. This is understandable, for patience is needed everywhere to work out a pattern. Diligence in serving the unfailing light of God cannot but eventually produce perfect manifestation. Often some men have ceased to call just a few hours before perfect manifestation was scheduled to take place and the whole plan was then aborted, together with hours or years of service, just for want of a little perseverance! I have personally experienced the need to be humble in the midst of great spiritual confidence. Dear hearts, your real light is ever from your Holy Christ Self and magnificent God Presence I AM! If this light is to express in your affairs it requires daily (almost hourly) invitation to counteract the pull of the senses and the activity of human thought and feeling which abound on the planet in the lower atmosphere. True, the violet fire has been and is a cosmic blessing of great magnitude; true, so many calls for assistance have been answered, but the discordant energies of millions misdirected are a force to be reckoned with, although no match for God's cosmic light. The triumph some individuals have achieved in making their ascension should serve to spur men to still greater and greater accomplishments through the invocation of God's light. Many do not yet understand that what is not physically visible is still active and real! Just as shadow encloses and shuts off the feelings of happiness, so light releases and frees, bringing feelings of happiness which are always sustained when the life expression is of the Light and thus is loved by God and every Ascended Master. I am a friend to all who love Light! When you are in despair - if you truly love and prefer the Light - call unto me and I will answer you. Your daily attention to me is your bond of divine freedom. Our service is very real - try me and see! Remember, the full manifestation of God will be made visible in and by the cosmic light - which is eternal! Remember "the light of God" never fails and I AM the illuminator of all who call unceasingly, The Goddess of Light (The Beloved Ascended Lady Master) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. ****** Chapter 33 Beloved El Morya - August 12, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 33 - Beloved El Morya - August 12, 1960 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom Blessed be the pursuit of happiness! How through you men are led on toward the paths of righteousness for the sake of the name of God "I AM!" A little bit of happiness seems to be the goal of the teeming millions on earth, yet the Father intends not a little, but a great cosmic abundance lavishly poured forth to all who are able and willing to expand their consciousness of receptivity - while holding on firmly to the hand of their own "I AM Presence!" Now, no other way is really possible, for although some men do ignorantly and spasmodically invoke the Great Law of their being and call forth from the universal the resulting "answer" to all their needs, still other men are more fortunate, "knowing what they do" and thus are able to constantly and consciously have identical results at will in answer to their calls. I would all would come to this point of instantaneous manifestation, yet bestow cosmic patience on all! Now, of all the graces given to men to aid in expanding God's will, divine knowledge and the right use thereof are perhaps the most potent. As men want the power of goodwill, let them explore more often the universal pathway of love and wisdom - the philosophy and true "try-osophy" of the threefold flame of love, wisdom and power in perfect balance. Countless books have been written and many lecture platforms used to expound to mankind a means or "key" to release the God-power from on high into their mind, world and affairs, producing then an abundance of every good thing daily. Some have achieved marvelous results by these means and others "satisfactory manifestation of abundance," while many continue to seek, without ever seeming to achieve the expected measure of God-abundance they would so very much like to have. Dear hearts, the Law itself never can, never does fail. Individuals not yet aware of the many facets of the Law, of its extensions from early simplicity to a divine and more complex codification of justice, simply are not illumined enough to realize that the fault (if it can be rightly so called) does not lie with the Law, but with either their own application or simply their lack of understanding. The ancient injunction "Apply thy heart unto the Lord for understanding" was given not without reason and bears study today. I am anxiously, for the sake of expanding goodwill, pointing to the glorious service rendered by beloved Kuthumi and blessed Jesus in acting as World Teachers to mankind at this time. Remember, I AM the Chohan of the First Ray, and I think goodwill can always be better externalized where divine wisdom is both loved and used! How can this be, except it be a vivid possession of the individual? To possess a knowledge of the Law and an understanding of the spiritual lexicon of God is to unroll the "scroll of infinity" and expand the consciousness of mankind toward the vital golden flame of Christ illumination. Personally, I do not see how individuals who understand the plan of God do otherwise but love and externalize it! Remember, we - like the Father Eternal - love every part of creation; and would give, bequeath and bestow all that we are and have to the cause of freedom. We deplore all lack and limitation. We would quench every fire of malice or hate, and kindle on every heart-altar the jeweled sacred fire of our love! Speaking of gems - the magnificent "little jewels" which the goddesses of heaven have offered in recent "Pearls" have graced the precious treasure chest of our current year's offering. To them we express our thanks! To their love as the weeks roll by shall be added other lovely offerings of shining radiance! The fall season seems to be a joyous gathering-in of "current sheaves!" A mounting harvest in preparation for the greatest "seeding" of the age - next year! All who bow to and adore the capacity to love, hear me now! I AM the majesty, the blue lightning love of the Father's joy in perfect manifestation, producing and sustaining his bonds of eternal goodness everywhere there lives a responsive heart! I love you each one eternally and hope you too shall graciously, willingly, joyfully think of me - or call me if you wish, "Father Morya" - with full credit going first to "our Father" - your own God Presence "I AM" - - I AM in all good cheer on the pathway radiant, Yours constructively, Morya El (The Beloved Ascended Master Morya) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. ****** Chapter 34 Beloved El Morya - August 19, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 34 - Beloved El Morya - August 19, 1960 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom The chelas will forgive me a smile as I behold the credulity of some, the skepticism of others and - somewhere in between - the vacillation of the many whose conscious yet at times personally distressing alternation between faith and doubt reveals an "adulteration" whose very "lukewarmness" renders ineffectual any aid we send in reply to their anxious requests. Salvation - if it could be compounded and reduced to a crucible, would long ago have been "bottled" and marketed under divine guidance! Thus would grace have been made equally and easily available to all, which it really is - minus human factors! If one could chemicalize divine love then perhaps this could be, but in all spiritual honesty, my chelas, I cannot conceive of the Holy Spirit limiting mankind quantitatively or otherwise to one gram or many of its vital energies so needed to produce in heavenly simplicity a "God-man" by and through the forthright action of the limitless Christ light expanding in every heart, whose open door is God's invitation to enter and abide! To bandy around "words" of holy origin, thus attempting to give credence to human ideas, is but human error which those who can love God impersonally should easily see through! Any worded expression unless accompanied by a "release" of the divine energies occurring within the heart is but a blatant - at times humanly subtle - hypocrisy practiced consciously (and at times unconsciously) by many who are still unaware of the glorious universal standard which we raise! In this connection let me say emphatically that Maitreya's banner has never waved over selfishness, greed, or any consciousness unable to include the divine possibilities of the Godhead for other lifestreams in their thoughts. To claim the protection of the Brotherhood is to rest serene in one's own God Presence "I AM" - yet those who deem themselves insecure, uncertain or entertain feelings of a vindictive nature for imaginary wrongs, often feel the need to attack other avenues of "light" or channels which were not of their own choosing. These, I say, who are so lacking in scruples do not hesitate to confuse the "faithful" with idle tales calculated to control and direct the thinking of the seekers in their own favor. Because the fiat of the day is truth, and further for love of those chelas who look to me for guidance, I charge you by all that is holy - look to God who does not serve as the author of confusion, but the disseminator of all light and love together with heavenly peace and understanding! In the day of human battle when the path of decision seems difficult - for roses seem in abundance and thorns well concealed - know as ever I AM the path of righteousness, peace, understanding and love. Ponder this and subsequent letters of guidance, for I AM directing you wisely and well! The light of God does not fail and "I AM" that unfailing light and love! Those who know the meaning of real love understand that the Great White Brotherhood has many avenues through which to express its many beautiful activities, and refuses in the holy name of freedom and liberty to be limited in its approach to planetary assistance by mere human ideas of the self-styled elect! As I have intimated before, the Brotherhood has only within the past few months and years begun to externalize through the Summit Lighthouse some of our most hopeful ideas and plans for humanity. Our great hope is to create a haven of such light that no human quality can ever enter in or abide. Wise men will understand its "live and let live" policy as being of our making. They will not foolishly deem its attitude Pollyanna or weak, seeing rather that in unity with God, truth and the Ascended Masters' way there is strength victorious! As a potent, expanding facet of the Brotherhood, The Summit Lighthouse is one of our greatest avenues. The wise chela also will certainly realize that to sustain such a goal great service, cooperation, harmony, energy, decrees and constancy will be needed. Also, wise ones know that some peril is involved, for it is and has long been an earthly trait for men to attack that which they did not personally create or bring forth - or that which does not seem to them to serve their own personal ends. We are presently forming a magnificent diamond heart - not carelessly or hastily but with tests and perfectionment not hitherto known upon this earth. Saint Germain's golden age shall be glorified in its attainment, and for this Mother Mary calls without ceasing! There is a somewhat acid test useful to the chelas who can accept the wisdom present in heart simplicity: it lies in the childlike act of placing the "laurel wreath of pure gratitude" as a "credit" for all virtue upon God - when all around would place it on your own human head. Believe me, I know and advocate humility and simplicity in pinning your faith on your own "I AM" Presence alone - who is big enough to include all in his heart of eternal love and light! I AM victoriously yours, El Morya (The beloved Ascended Master) - Vondir! This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. ****** Chapter 35 Beloved El Morya - August 26, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 35 - Beloved El Morya - August 26, 1960 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom The responsibility which I feel to each student or friend of the Light of God is very great. This is, however, a blessing which is shared with the other Chohans and with the entire Hierarchy of the Great White Lodge, for which I am most grateful. In the Darjeeling Council the sincere student or chela has an unfailing source of inspiration, counsel, wisdom and guidance. Every week we give you either the results of current deliberations and important inner-level facts, or release specific instruction of either a general or personal nature for some one or many of our beloved disciples or friends of Light on this planet. These we release through the Pearls of Wisdom, and I want you to know that going forth with each copy thereof is our personal ray and blessing to the dear one receiving. Some of you already know that 25 percent of this release is "words" and 75 percent thereof is our radiation of light and love. In extracting the essence of our instruction, therefore, it is vital that attunement be maintained with our standard of Light. If at times individuals do not live according to their own highest "Light" - and therefore, being a little "out of tune," do not fully comprehend the meaning of our words - it is of great assistance if they will reread and study our instruction at a later date, reviewing the intense "between the line" guidance which we have consecrated within the fabric of our at times seemingly simple releases. Earlier this year the great Karmic Board made known certain facts concerning a dispensation to assist the laggards and the planet itself. The inclusion of a magnificent Temple of Victory for all mankind in honor of their forthcoming cosmic victory is and was a cause of great rejoicing. We have intimated that periodically more and more light would be released on these matters - and so it shall. However, I am sure most of you realize that God's work is so intricate in one sense that many matters must be attended to at once and some deferred temporarily. We utilize the Pearls of Wisdom in a way that seems best to us at the time of release. We calculate to reach as many of mankind as possible with the most good. Quite frankly, if you pause to consider, there are really only two ways (in one sense) that God and the Ascended Masters can utilize to reach mankind individually. One is through the direct contact of "in-spiration," and the other - through the written or spoken "word" as channeled through sensitive and reliable lifestreams whose attunement and preparation to act as mediators between the higher realms of light and earth's children is a gift for which, in most all cases, real preparation has been made at inner levels. These gifted and cosmically ordained "prophets" are God's "telephone" or a divine instrument through which the Masters of Light may speak without human interference. Now, if anyone so chosen should either carelessly or purposefully tamper with the holy word sent through them and introduce selfish or human ideas motivating their own gain, it would of course eventually lead to their own destruction in the sense that they would find themselves hopelessly entangled in a web of their own weaving. The Law cannot be broken. As every thesis seems to have an antithesis - truth can mean different things to different people. However, basic truth - the law of your own "I AM Presence," karma, reembodiment, the sacred fire and the violet fire of freedom and forgiveness - together with the glorious goal of the ascension as taught and understood by the Ascended Masters themselves - are hopes in which all who love light can share. Unfortunately ofttimes men are pleased to seek interesting and curious bits of information to "tickle their ears" in much the same manner as gourmets enjoy tickling their palate with exotic food. The relish with which these dilettantes enjoy such questionable delicacies will not always be in the stomach itself - for what may seem sweet in the mouth may be found to be bitter indeed in the belly. I caution therefore the average student against accepting any idea or statement which does not meet with the approval of their own God Presence as that blessed Presence daily pours out its love to those chelas who give veneration and adoration to God daily - rhythmically and happily! You will recall Mr. Lincoln is reputed to have once said, "You can fool all the people some of the time, some of the people all the time, but you can't fool all the people all of the time!" This is true and therefore a "remnant" by reason of dedication, love and humility always remains who are able to discern the great love of God as it moves into action in the world of human affairs. These perceive truth as love in action to produce obedience to their own I AM Presence and give them always peace that passeth human understanding. We do not wish to specifically act to warn against untrue or unsafe channels who seek to deceive by name at this time, for two reasons. First, this channel of the Pearls has been kept highly pure of such intrigue, and secondly some of these presently unsafe channels were formerly used of us and have since become derelict and irresponsible through yielding to earthly (human) impulses. As some of the work released through them previously bears our blessing - which blessing to the "work" cannot be repudiated - we ask our chelas to act as a wise ant who seizes the "sugar of eternal sweetness" while bypassing the sand and clay of human innuendo and selfish, distorted or motivated ideas. Remember, you are being tested to see of what mettle you are made. If you stay close to the light of the Great White Brotherhood nothing can move you far from God's will, and your initiations will come close and glorious, raising you, then, to God's heart where in due time you shall reach far above the storms and trials of life. Next week, I hope to bring you a message from Archangel Michael in connection with my own precious release which should serve to stimulate your faith immeasurably. Keep moving diligently onward for our plan is moving forward past all opposition with great strides. Suddenly on the horizon a "new star" is born! I AM keeping the faith for you - Your Morya (The Beloved Ascended Master Morya El) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. _________________________________________________ The Haven O, to be right, the young man shouted For this alone I'd give my all For purest truth cannot be flouted And for this boon, unceasingly I call. I deeply feel the need to be secure For this I've firmly prayed, That evermore I am made sure - The right choice I have made! In the uncertainties of life's dream All seems at times a stormy sea I do not fully see thy truth Or clearly hear thy "follow me" Some people state in accents bold That the waves' caprice is the hand of fate, But then I list keenly as I am told From thy dear heart - "be still and wait!" O, justice of life's victory Thou truth's immortal light Thy fairness balanced over all Makes known the path of right The God "I AM" is life and love No matter if the "mask" be painted For when unmasked I AM the proof That knows within that even "I AM" sainted! The haven of peace then is found at last In God's own love abiding, Whenever men confuse the truth or choose To do deriding. I then declare in Mercy's name, This selfsame truth which all should frame, I AM God's own child forever free As his arms of love enfold me The billows' roll can't sink my soul, If God and heaven hold me!!! - Lanello ****** Chapter 36 El Morya and Archangel Michael - September 2, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 36 - El Morya and Archangel Michael - September 2, 1960 As the similarity of each individual's lot is realized by that one, so then does GOAL-FITTING become recognized as the "Hand" of God - or Life's eternal destiny in action - directing through the Holy Christ self of each lifestream and producing right now, sooner by far than would otherwise be possible, that perfection which God intends all to be and have! Ponder this: The ETERNAL Fiat of Perfection spoken by God the Mighty "I AM" PRESENCE at the "instant" of visible Creation has taken millions of years to partially express perfection - yet IT IS NOW and always has been PERFECT! Now, correspondence, "likeness" or "similitude" require concentration and consecration by the one calling them forth! To evoke satellite thoughts and clothe them with the perfection at the "center" requires concentration in order to produce in the area of the periphery the same nature of "LIGHT" as is found at the center. All diffusion or dispersion of energy in the satellite realm which is not first "sent" to the center or source is but a misuse of life's opportunities and a "waste" of energy. It can be argued that sameness is boring and that men need diversion and recreation. This is truth, but seldom understood. Do men think Our services boring, or Our state of consciousness one of inertia? Let them think again. How can LIFE - which is God - be in the unhappy state of boredom? Hence, re-creation or recreation is a diversified action of the mind which must make use of the quality of consecration in order to bring VICTORY into conscious manifestation for each lifestream. Consecration can be understood quite well in the statement "I AM USING LIFE'S ENERGY FOR A SPECIFIC AND SINGULAR PURPOSE in accordance with the Divine Plan for me"! To do this consciously makes you a co-creator with God, a Master Artist and Master-builder, drawing, then, upon life's friends -the earth, the water, the air and the Sunshine to LIVE and BREATHE BEAUTY into everything, everywhere! Now, to set apart a people for the Diamond Heart -to set aside a people through whom We can perform a great planetary service by anchoring in unascended lifestreams the capacity for cooperative effort between Gods, Angels and men is a VALIANT service. You, then, who are chosen and choose to respond in dignity are a special people. Individuals should recognize that although none are unique and all have equal opportunity, the LAW has offered many positions of Cosmic import to individuals - positions which in themselves are unique opportunities. These stewardships make possible an intense acceleration of personal evolution, permitting lifestreams to make their ascension much earlier and to advance far more rapidly afterwards to realms of greater glory and service - worlds without end. Religion in its highest sense has always been a means to "draw nigh unto God" - thru mere outward show unscrupulous persons in every age have sought mere outer gain by appearing to "fast" or observe the laws of God. Conversely, Saints have been lied about and described as gluttons or "winebibbers" while those destitute of real spirituality were honored. For these reasons I have pointed out in recent "Pearls" the need for attunement with your own God Presence. There is never any substitute for the beautiful daily ritual of tuning in with LIFE EVERLASTING. When you neglect this I AM sure you miss it!!! The Great White Brotherhood in its efforts to acquaint mankind with the need for world unity hopes to create through example and radiation that Utopian Climate which is productive of the greatest expansion of eternal understanding in matters which for so long a time have been recognized and disputed about even by those men who while advocating their establishment, still could not seem to subdue their animal-like tendencies long enough to "cooperate" in the many areas which avowedly they do hold in common agreement with others. For example, some Christians would not assist a recognized constructive plan if it was conceived by Moslems - and vice versa. Understandable is it that each organization demands some form of loyalty of its adherents, but unfortunately "all or nothing at all" seems to be the requirement of many religious orders. ONLY YOUR MIGHTY "I AM" PRESENCE has the right to ask ALL of any part of life! Loyalty to Truth, to your friends, and high standards or principles is good, but no one should ever permit themselves to be dominated or controlled by any person, place, condition or thing EXCEPT the Ascended Masters and their own God Presence "I AM." Yet, of course, those of like mind should ever be willing to lovingly assist one another in effecting the many aspects of the Eternal purposes. It does not appear to be clear to many people how that the Ascended Masters and the Great White Brotherhood often have ordained or directed individuals in the past - even assisting them in forming an organization or group through which the Masters and the Brotherhood could disseminate information and render a profound service - and then find that at a later date the "control" of these same groups or organizations was wrested away from the Masters and the Brotherhood while the "activity" degenerated into a mere outer "husk" or shell of its former self. One thing that has made this particularly confusing is the fact that often these religious orders or philosophical groups continue to grow and prosper outwardly, still disseminating many of the truths of the Great Ones. The Key to all of this, dear hearts, lies in the FREE WILL which unascended beings have to choose what they will do. No Master or Brotherhood - even the Greatest of all - has the Cosmic right to hold control over individuals unless they are requested by them to do so! God, the Mighty I AM Presence, has of course upheld His own edict and has not enforced His Perfect Will upon man - although certainly most men will acknowledge that at times it would appear to be better if He had! Often unbelievers or materialists creep into organizations and the Sinister force always seeks to gnaw at the Heart center of all constructive organizations sponsored by the Great Brotherhood. Individuals seeking God's Light are no exception and real Protection is need for all in KEEPING THE FAITH! I want to particularly point out that I do not want to seem an alarmist in issuing this information: on the other hand, I do feel it is good to discuss these aspects of Truth with the student body in order to keep them informed and under God-guard at all times. Whatever harmonizes and produces Peace with dignity and Truth is of God; whatever divides for selfish intent is of deceit! I AM confident the true-hearted chela will recognize the need to have an honest heart full of love for all - yet still be unafraid to make decisions for the Light's sake. In the beginning of this activity I was well aware from previous experience that it would require My constant care and Shepherding as well as a great deal of energy. This I have given. Many of you have followed through and given also, but I say with regret that some have held back a part of the price - having shortchanged no one but themselves. The need for expansion of this Activity is great. I can provide the spiritual impetus and assist in many both subtle and practical ways, but the typing, the office work and the physical labors together with the financing thereof remains in your octave. I AM thankful for the many who have put their shoulders to the wheel in part - or better still, with whole heart - but I AM confident that a more intensive effort is needed. Several books are waiting dictation, beautiful rituals from Saint Germain for this Age are in the ethers, Our Temple must be built, and so much more! This cannot be placed entirely at the feet of the staff who have so lovingly served for long hours under great duress. I AM hopeful that ALL will recognize the privilege to be a part of this expression of Our beauty and will assist this endeavor more forthrightly in the future. If men have FAITH let each one show it by their WORKS if GOD'S WILL is to leap into action! I prefer not to leave it alone to those few dedicated ones to uphold Our endeavors but to see a Great Divine Unity with the tiniest part responding to God's blessings in sweet and simple gladness. Who is willing to answer Our call? I AM standing with you for expanding GOOD WILL EVERYWHERE - Yours lovingly, MORYA (The Beloved Ascended Master) ***** 36.1 The Beloved ARCHANGEL MICHAEL ***** Hear, O Children of men who have desired to "keep the Faith"! The Sword of Blue Flame which I have so long wielded has literally on occasions surrounded individuals with a "wall of blue flame -A WALL OF LIVING FAITH" against the encroachment of any negative condition upon their lifestream and those they love! Just as behind every lovely fleecy white cloud is the backdrop or canopy of Heavenly blue - so everywhere I AM called into action do I create from My own Heart's energy the feeling of FAITH in the eternal purpose which is so necessary if men are to escape the momentums of futility and amusement which have for so long occupied the paramount place in earthly consciousness. Mary, the Beloved Mother of Jesus, and the Lovely Lady Venus have asked Me to form a Triangle of Faith for the next three months and pour special love and protection to all the Children of the World. I AM asking those of you who have responsive hearts to CALL DAILY to all three of Us and direct that We use your hearts' energy in the eternal purpose, protecting, guiding and directing the young and tender as well as those more mature students in finding "meaning and purpose" in Life. Call likewise for the sealing of the coming elections in the United States in a Wall of Blue Flame to instantly prevent damage to the young minds by the political innuendo and viciousness of muddied comments so prevalent in past "campaigns". Ask that the Great Divine Director may have the Victory of the Candidate for President best fitted in accordance with His Ascended Master knowledge! It may surprise you that I, an Archangel of God, should show an interest in human politics, but I assure you Our interest is very Divine, for the less discord created by unfortunate human decisions the quicker earth shall have her Victory! LIFE is ONE and this is the first precept Our tiny cherubs must learn. Blessed children of God, Our reality, the reality of Heaven, is so near and so clear at Heart levels that easier by far than switching on your Television is the process of attuning with Us and vicariously experiencing Our Faith! It is so much easier of course to walk by sight than by Faith yet this substance of things hoped for, this evidence of things not seen as yet IS SEEN, IS WITNESSED by myriad Angels of God and Ascended Beings every moment! You who will take time to "be WHOLLY GOD'S" cannot fail to know and become yourselves the proof of LIVING FAITH in action! The world needs Christs, Saints, True sages and laborers in the Vineyard Eternal! Call to Me daily, asking Me to cut you free from all doubt and to give you My feeling of IMMORTAL FAITH! Ask for My Shield of Protection all about you and those you love! Its efficacy will in itself be an external proof of Our answering nearness, Our Love, Our constancy and of OUR FAITH IN ACTION. I LOVE YOU! ARCHANGEL MICHAEL (This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling (India) Council of God's Will, of which ALL the Ascended Host are Members.) ****** Chapter 37 Beloved Mother Mary - September 9, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 37 - Beloved Mother Mary - September 9, 1960 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom How seldom do men pause to realize the harvest of beneficence bestowed upon them daily - else they would more often enter into that spirit of the "Magnificat" which so completely enraptured my own consciousness when the full realization of my opportunity to house the form and consciousness of beloved Jesus for nine whole months dawned upon me! Now, gratitude to be genuine should spring from the heart, and if this is to be, life must pause to ponder and to observe with reverence the many lovely manifestations and graces given and used by men every day! Not only is earthly parenthood a great blessing and opportunity, but spiritual "parenthood" (the sponsorship of other individuals in here and now entering into the eternal kingdom) is yet a more glorious honor and privilege to all lovingly engaged in this needed divine service. Beloved children of love's consciousness, your natural estate is one of love, and all else is against nature. The blessed Ascended Masters are spiritual parents to so many and would be to all men if permitted. As they serve, so may you daily serve - preparing the receptive "cup of your consciousness" to be a holy chalice for more of heaven's energies and thoughts to manifest and expand through you - quickening, then, in others our radiance and evoking in them a response to the "call of eternal love." Blessed ones, eternal love is not far removed because it is everlasting; it frees today from despair, discouragement and discomfort. It heals and alters the confusing patterns manifesting in so many of earth's children. Now, blessed Morya's intent in the Summit Lighthouse is to keep this activity a channel free from those undesirable aspects which have for ages interfered with some of our many kind channels, who usually began so nobly but sooner or later heeded the pull of the physical senses and the patterns of human confusion - thus becoming unfit to serve the highest good of the Brotherhood. Did not beloved Jesus say, "By their fruits ye shall know them"? Therefore, while we would not encourage you to concentrate on seeing ought else but an immaculate pattern for all - we find it more advantageous today, in selecting lifestreams to serve together, to examine the four lower bodies with care, probing much more deeply into previous associations and the intent of the heart than we ever did heretofore. This is a raising of our standard of "inner intentional purity" - which is often not remotely connected with "outer" manifestations. From this selection of individuals to form a diamond heart, we expect to offer to the world through "The Summit Lighthouse" the most advanced transcendent and clarified teachings of the ages. Dear ones - I love "temples" - because in a very real sense every life is a temple and every heart an "altar" where adoration can expand life's flame! In dedicating itself to forging a diamond heart, we expect the Summit Lighthouse will serve to inspire the raising of our universal temple, the creation of the climate of peace to all nations; the dissemination of the knowledge of the Lord which shall cover the earth as a sea of wisdom until, in taking full advantage of such opportunity to learn, all life will advance with the tides of the age until the "floodtide" or noonday of the golden age remains permanently externalized as an everlasting pinnacle of achievement crowning the past ages with victory over any and all circumstances or adversities. As always, the approaching harvest season this year inspires gratitude for the fruits of the year - not the least of which is the spirit of thankfulness itself! Dear ones, quite often the fullness of the word "overlook" is itself "overlooked!" Men overlook their blessings by plunging their consciousness into a sea of self-created troubles - when they can instead overlook the human by "looking over" the wall of human creation to the heights of heaven from whence cometh their help! I am full of hope that the past mistakes of men will be overlooked and that no one will continue to be retarded by the effect of either their own or other men's past mistakes. The future can be and is opportunity expanding out of past with many, many blessings. God, you know, has been in his heaven a long time and because of his blessing so much is right with the world every day! My children, be more grateful for one another! Be unafraid to take your stand with the Light and with heaven's host. Those who do - looking neither right nor left - will be shown by their own Presence and by us how to walk, whom to help and, above all - the way of fiery perfection from the heart of God's own immaculate concept of each lifestream. Remember always that I am your advocate in time of need. I do not ever condemn you, but always speak those healing words - as did my Son - "Go and sin no more!" Persevere - as Bernadette, as Saint Theresa - you too can live daily in heaven's way if you will! Arise and shine for thy Light has come! I AM your, Mother Mary (The beloved Ascended Lady Master Mother Mary) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. ****** Chapter 38 Beloved God Himalaya - September 16, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 38 - Beloved God Himalaya - September 16, 1960 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom The God Himalaya - The Temple of the Blue Lotus Turn from self, behold Nature - the splendid pulsations of flaming Life; the radiant beauty, the almost enigmatic diversity, surrounded always with magnificence and to the eyes giving a daily message of good cheer! Read aright - O men - the message of Nature and it will make you gods! It will give you a noble mind, a compassionate heart, and it will give you peace! Your own worlds are not as they seem to be; the illusions of life have altered them; robes of peace have become garments of distress; the crown of victory, one of thorns. The divine intent locked in the mystical circle of life has never been translated into the dimensions of the square - except in the lives of those victorious few whom you call the Ascended Masters. (Squaring the Circle) When the pulsating light of God - as a giant finger - probed the darkness and touched the earth below, it created in the heart of man a shining chalice, spun from heart flames of living light! Like glorious filaments - like the turned-up cups of the sacred lotus - its petals surround the chalice, yet rising from the center is the pulsating blue lotus flame of eternal goodwill, illumination and peace! As an ambassador from on high it ever beckons from within; and men and women who respond to it - we call "true blue!" Your beloved Saint Germain, when embodied as Francis Bacon, said - "Above all, to thy self be true." Pause now to consider to what self men ought to be true. To the changing, varied, multi-colored kaleidoscopic patterns which like a quilt of many colors so questionably garbs those idle dreamers who are caught in the snares and delusions of their mere human self where eddying around them are pitfalls of misery, quagmires of sorrow, and those poignant disappointments found in an empty and meaningless life - or to the shining victory of their God Presence as it assumes its dominion over life, nature and mind, permeating all with God peace? The best-laid plans of men must ultimately go astray unless and except they coincide with God's will! This is no dictatorship - this is not even compulsion - it is the law in action - otherwise, perfection would now manifest everywhere on earth! The fact that it does not is proof enough for those who require it that God has given free will to men. Only men of goodwill can return the gift to God by loving obedience and eternal determination! From my heart - in the Temple of the Blue Lotus in the heart of the mountain ranges bearing my name - I, Himalaya, encompass the world now with the radiance of my blessing. I bring men peace, in the name of the Prince of Peace! In the name of eternal felicity I endow in God's name "I AM" all men who love life and truth, with the blessing of the sacred blue lotus! Tangible and real, living and eternal is this outpouring! I trust, then, the brave and the diligent shall endeavor now to come as on swift currents of the air to my retreat, while their physical body sleeps - there to personally receive my blessing! All the sons of heaven, all the children of earth, ought to ask me to seal them daily in the great enfolding peace - which we in our retreat hold so precious and which we so freely and lovingly offer to you today. Will you accept our gift? May God's light, which pervades the universe, pervade thy consciousness, making it absolutely at-one-ment with thy own God Presence. Then with holy men of old, you shall in verity declare, "The Lord is my shield," as even the memory of fear itself is blotted out! Thrice-illumined men and women - rise to the power of the three-times-three! Rise to square the infinite circle by the mastery of your own life in all dimensions. I AM forever, Himalaya (The God Himalaya - Manu of the fourth root race) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. ****** Chapter 39 Beloved Lord Maitreya - September 23, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 39 - Beloved Lord Maitreya - September 23, 1960 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom Thought must ever be governed in order to produce the harvest of perfection intended by the Father of all life - and yearned for by so many unascended today! The etheric record, the span of memory from each individual's first and earliest embodiment until the present day, contains within it an indelible record which must either "outpicture" on the screen of life in order to produce cosmic balance and justice in the affairs of mankind, or else be transmuted by spiritual alchemy or by a mystical process such as the blessed and proper use of the violet fire of freedom's love and forgiveness! While many men idle away hours in "developing their negatives" (that is, their human tendencies - much in the same manner in which a photographer develops a photographic plate), mankind would do well to use instead every method which God affords whereby they may transmute, heal and bless the "Book of their Life" (their own etheric "memory" body). To begin again - to begin anew countless times - is better by far than to be "blown off course," or to follow the whims of those blind leaders of the blind who refuse to hearken to the voice of conscience or to listen to the voice of God! Truly, the laborers are few, and the harvest is plenteous. The time of threshing, the time of purging and of purification in this golden age is at the very door! Love, however, not fear, should be the welcome to draw men to the harvest festival with rejoicing. The cultivation of joy in contemplation of divine possibilities which are the blessed hopes of heaven is a wise way of expanding the light activities of our dear chelas who understand the hourly need to bring the practicality of a mystical Christianity into daily action before men that they may see the good works of the children of Light, and desire to be like them! I AM the smile of God bestowed on all the Children of Faith - Maitreya (The Lord Buddha) From a chela's letter - (quoted at the request of beloved Morya) "Diving and finding no pearls in the sea, Blame not the ocean - the fault is in thee!" * * * May instantaneous cosmic healing come to all from out the Great Central Sun - open the door of the temple - receive its healing rays! - Hilarion (The Ascended Master) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. ****** Chapter 40 Beloved El Morya - September 30, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 40 - Beloved El Morya - September 30, 1960 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom When men in a sense of their personal individuality at times feel alone, let them assuage their pain, small or great, in the common realization that all who go out from the heart of the Infinite - in fact almost every other unascended being - has at times like perceptions of aloneness: but those in the ascended state have refused to recognize limitations, therein having perceived instead opportunity, and have passed through the doorway of individuality into the limitless region of the whole "I AM" light! This blessed light - which concentrates in "centers" and radiates to every periphery of life - is universal and the beauty of this realization dawns on men when they see that the intent of heaven is to lovingly bestow on all who will ask to receive, the fullness of God's wealth, health, life and blessings that they too may further amplify within their own consciousness the expanding beauty of the divine sense, linking them to an Ascended Master state of being right here and now! My "family" has multiplied so rapidly within the past few months and years that were I living in the unascended state and unable to spread the "band" of my own consciousness so as to include these many fine new additions, it would indeed be a pity! However, God be thanked that there is room in our heart for all and that without limit! For this reason let those with an evangelistic spirit take heart! The time of expanding the Summit Lighthouse as a mighty but benign avenue of the Great White Brotherhood is at hand! The foundation stands as solid as the rock, and now the whole structure shall be embellished and strengthened as the light rays emanating from our tower become intensified almost without limit so as to meet the varied needs of present-day humanity. The Pearls of Wisdom which so many of you enjoy shall continue to provide comfort and assistance to you and many, many additional blessed ones, bearing our blessing and communion to men. Our spoken addresses which are now being offered frequently in New York City, Philadelphia, and elsewhere in the world, shall expand. Many of these shall appear in print for an amplification of blessings to the many, and for purposes of study and advancement. I want to take this occasion to tell you also that we are preparing currently releases of great magnitude so as to help the beginning student and to assist the advanced ones in correlating all they have been taught and assimilated during the past few years. These releases in the form of "class lessons" should make it possible for the many to become proficient in the use of the highest and best techniques of the Brotherhood in such a manner as to make an effective manifestation of the divine principle possible among many of mankind - thus fulfilling beloved Maitreya's wish that men and women of spirit would live so as to be "lights indeed" to all mankind, thus glorifying the God in all men regardless of what "faith" they were born into or what religion they may presently follow. I want to personally thank all who in response to my request offered to be of assistance to the Light. To say the least - it is gratifying to the cosmic law and cheers my own heart to see so many willing to sponsor that to which we have for so long given our all! Again, I thank you! How wonderful the response to your decrees for the children, the Cuban, African and Communist situations. Someday men may universally realize the power in decrees. The Brotherhood thanks you for assistance to so many, and for your response with alacrity! Now, to expand the light of the Christ among mankind requires the services of many devoted chelas. Perfidy is unnecessary and must be gotten rid of in all our would-be devotees. There is no longer any excuse for deliberate or careless error. Inadvertent mistakes and occasional petulancy we can understand, but malice or discord belongs to the shadowed ones. We are ready now to give you that for which you have long called. The mankind of earth do not know this, but I am revealing it to the "few" who can understand the real meaning of Brothers of the Diamond Heart!!! In concluding this missive, let me say I hope it does not "miss" its mark but goes straight to where it is needed and brings comfort, understanding, purpose, a sense of identity and above all unity to the forces of light still unascended. If you will all put your shoulder to the wheel and forget past discouragements (which after all are only "human" nonsense and shall surely pass away), you can yet forge such high "links of the Spirit" as shall serve as signposts to millions yet unborn, and as "manna" to those presently hungering and thirsting after righteousness and the wondrous consolation of knowing with certitude that they belong to God. Give them, then, in his name "I AM" this succor, this need of the hour, and surely heaven's hands will not fail to reward you openly for all you do for the Light both openly and in secret! I AM your own unfolding vision of expanding hope in action - El Morya Khan Lux Regis! (The beloved Ascended Master Morya El) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. ****** Chapter 41 Beloved El Morya - October 7, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 41 - Beloved El Morya - October 7, 1960 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom Like the strata of rock or the rings of trees the faith of the ages is recorded layer upon layer. Mounting and irrefutable evidence, tangible and precious fragrance - the hallowed, ineffable love of being itself surrounds all life - yet some people continue to doubt, saying "Where is the source of Life? From whence do we come?" I marvel at times how the pressures of mounting evidences in the lives of even our advanced chelas still do not always seem to be enough to supply that absolute assurance which is true divine comfort as God would bestow! Is balance needed? Then let mankind seek within their own hearts first - and, in the blessed assurance of their own hearts, reach arms of supplication toward the sun of their being - their own "Mighty God Presence I AM!" All the treasures of the ages vibrate in living light substance awaiting the attitude of receptive faith. "Could not ye watch with me one hour" becomes an ageless rebuke to spur the chela when needed and intended to evoke enough determination in the disciple so as to fix their attention on the faith that knows, the faith that is, the faith that shall be sufficient for every need! Above and beyond human capacities stands the Divine One awaiting invocation. None stand alone, but all are one (all-one). In the inner sense of God-union lies the strength that overcomes the world - that comes up over every discouraging condition in final victory (achieved sometimes on the installment plan)! Whether lack of health or wealth, weakness or fatigue, all must respond to the "touch of God's hand!" Accept it and be free! God wills nothing save victory for all! When you consciously align with that specific character of the divine anchored within you in the very spirit of victory you, too, will be healed and blessed with your eternal victory! Draw together now, my chelas of God's unfailing light! Sense your opportunity breathed upon with the breath of the Eternal! The cosmic hour has struck, the moment of victory is born daily as men arise from beds of petulancies to ascend daily for the blessings of communion! Thus by a multitude of "little adorations" is the fire of eternity kindled. The Christ light is amplified without limit because men believe in the power of harmony and see in the strivings of God with man a record full of evidence of eternal care regardless of temporary appearances! I tell you again - "He watches the flight of even the tiniest sparrow!" Rise on arms of faith into your victory! In God's name - do we not live? In God's name can you not declare "I AM" eternal Life's victory which in full faith overcomes the world? I AM vigilantly affirming your faith El Morya (The beloved Ascended Master Morya El) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. ****** Chapter 42 Beloved Mother Mary - October 14, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 42 - Beloved Mother Mary - October 14, 1960 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom Far from human imagination is the wondrous consciousness of celestial bliss! It is, however, the mercy of God that draws mankind from the humdrum daily affairs of the mass mind and exalts the senses themselves so as to bless the one so raised with divine awareness. How truly the heart of most men yearns for the fullness of its divine freedom - yet paradoxically continues to seek elsewhere on earth for it. As a Cosmic Mother, it becomes my natural concern to inspire all the dear souls on earth, reminding them also of the precious gifts which the Father has prepared and holds in store for all who trust him enough to believe in and invoke his mercy! At first the idea of trust as a prerequisite to receive the grace of mercy may seem a little farfetched to some, yet I guarantee to all that the greater trust one has, the more easily the mercy of God is obtained and can act in one's world. You see, the character of God (the Mighty "I AM" Presence) is universal and embodies all the lovely qualities of the Godhead which have served to enamor the saints down through the ages. Among these, mercy is but one blessed quality, and on earth today it is sorely needed wherever the karma is gross and wherever the sense of trust is either slight or wavering. The fact is that wavering feelings (or lack of trust) act so as to prevent the full aspect of God's mercy from springing into action to assist the one requiring it! Sometimes individuals feel that their conduct or thoughts have offended us or the Godhead. The sinister side of life usually attempts to tempt or unseat the disciple at such times. We therefore lovingly advocate that all our chelas obtain now and daily "by request" (by asking their own God Presence for it) a very real sense of divine trust. In times of personal and world peril such as presently face all of mankind - poised as they are on the brink of world evolution (of the spirit), or world revolution of the so-called godless forces of materialism - this quality of mercy is needed more than ever! Fortunately, those who seek God-happiness will find it in the will of God - and those who do the will of God will naturally find God-happiness therein! Simplicity of phrasing is needed here to give all our devotees a real sense of our meaning. You see, the inner motive of all who love the Light is identical - the life plan may vary - the karma may vary; the daily situations encountered may vary from one lifestream to another, but all receive benefit from the balm of mercy! Hence, although the universe thrives on love and "loves mercy," the one who would benefit most must take action in thought to stand out from beneath the "shade of mere personality" even of self - looking into the sunshine of God's merciful face! I assure all of you that God knows not evil - your Mighty "I AM Presence" knows not so-called evil - neither can see in you aught but perfection. Therefore, the great laws of karma move into action without bias, dispensing fairness to all impartially in accordance with law - or justice - whose blindness (Justice is reputed proverbially blind) only signifies that the Godhead sees no evil in creation here - acting with closed eyes while inner eyes envision only loveliness so as to maintain only the good in action! When my Son Jesus declared so lovingly on the Judean hillsides that "except ye become as little children ye can in nowise enter in" - it was a truth which endures to the present. Little children do not usually doubt with the callousness peculiar to so-called adults. (Unless of course they have been cruelly and wrongly mistreated ... and even then there is so much more malleability of spirit in the very young whose doors of receptivity are kept open toward faith in heaven - toward the sun and stars!) Childlike trust is never wrong! No degree of sophistication can ever replace the spiritual values of life or the great power of trust to release mercy's balm to individuals or the world. Inner knowing, loving certainty and a sense of "nearness" to God such as beloved Jesus had is a priceless aid! Emulate him, then, if you will - emulate any of heaven's sons or daughters - but in God's name fear not to be one of his "little ones." We can help raise you - your own Presence will do it - but it is human effluvia and human terror that will pull down toward the degradations of the outer world's shadow. The mercy of God nullifies the force of gravity active in human creation - the pull of the senses and the degradation of the mass mind! Then, when free to seek the mind of the saints - the lovely Ascended Master state - do not hesitate to do so by rising consciously with all Boldness! I AM your Cosmic Mother - as much interested in each one of you who loves your own God Presence and feels your divine kinship with us as I am in beloved Jesus! This is not unnatural - but very natural. Therefore, I advocate a like sense of unity with us. Think of us as your neighbors, your friends, and your loved ones - for so we are! Then will the expanding power of God within you seek to magnify the Lord in you and in all life, and you will be exalted by the Most High. The mercy of the Lord endureth forever. Let all who look to God know the truth of this, for no wisdom - esoteric or secular - can ever change that or make ineffective the blessed mercies of God. I tell you truly, the mercy of God shall usher in the golden age! Not that all men merit this by their deeds, but because love always responds to the calls of the few as well as the many. Thus shall the earth be made free to enjoy the magnificent golden days to come! Then shall the olive branches of eternal peace wave over all the earth because God liveth in all, as in you! O, men and women of living destiny - I AM your Cosmic Mother! I urge then the invocation of the "spirit of mercy" over all the earth by a perpetual novena to the God of mercy, by a spirit of thanksgiving that shall sweep the earth free of fear - free of doubt, and receptive to all that is benign and helpful. I AM Your Mother Eternal of Perpetual Help - Mother Mary (The Ascended Lady Master - Mother Mary - Mother of Jesus) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members. ****** Chapter 43 Beloved Kuan Yin - October 21, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 43 - Beloved Kuan Yin - October 21, 1960 How inspiring is the thought of MERCY! It gives new hope to those who might otherwise feel bereft of it by reason of what could be wrongly called the shapeless TIDES of destiny. Yet I tell you in God's own name "I AM" that few have correctly understood the nature of mercy or why it is so much a part of the Godhead manifesting on earth. The first humble stirrings of human life often fill the minds and feelings of earthly parents with wonderful hope, magnificent courage and such delight in most cases - that very little if any of the coming more austere pressures of responsibility seem at first to distress their minds. The first carefree days of lisping speech or faltering steps present only the hope of greater utterances and the promise of muscular firmness that can make a "broader jump" in the arena of life! Fortunately, in God's eyes, mortal men are still considered "His children" regardless of the number of years other individuals or "time" may seem to tack onto them. Fortunately, too, God yet awaits their spiritual attainment in fondest parental HOPE! You see, His children all are Gods in embryo - if this is not so in their own eyes it but indicates the sway of the attention to the weight of human discord which constantly weighs down mankind through the pressures of so-called BINDING habits, and the weight of unredeemed karma! The goals of men often seem like mirages on Life's deserts. Even temporary oases of "granted prayers" afford the weary traveler but temporary and remote comfort in comparison to the thought of eternal mercy in a land flowing with milk and honey (symbolizing the supply of eternal nutrients and the "DIVINE SWEETNESS" inherent within Life itself). Now, of all sweetness given the mankind of earth, the release afforded by MERCY is greatest, because it not only supplies the man who has much good karma with an outpouring of abundance until "his cup" runneth over, but it (mercy) acts to aid the tired, poor, intemperate individual who seems to struggle hopelessly against overwhelming odds - thus giving them additional time to overcome, often deferring the payment of karmic debt until they are better able to bear it. So then does DIVINE mercy temper the cold wind to the shorn lamb! Mercy also becomes of special value to mankind en masse as well as individually. At the present time it is the "Balm of Gilead" to the earth's complex civilization, pockmarked as it presently is by the effects of its own humanly created destructive causes and wrong accents. Plagued by greed, the economic marts are choked with distortions. Excessive surcharges, cheating and attempted thievery take their toll in the commercial world. Careless diplomacy represented by a warped pragmatism threatens the structure of the United Nations - yet only in UNION UNDER GOD is any real or everlasting strength possible for men individually or among diverse social groupings. On this scene of Babylonian confusion - reminiscent of the "last days" - men now see the coming of the eternal CHRIST PRESENCE as the only power on earth capable of providing a permanent solution. This too is God's mercy - a manifest talisman in the LIVING CHRIST WHO CARES enough to watch over the civilization which God so nobly created, and subsequently so lovingly entrusted to His own children as the legacy of Life and the inheritance of the ELECT. Last week Mother Mary - whose blessed heart should mean so much to all people - spoke on "Mercy." As the Goddess of Mercy I here give a few additional thoughts. The conclusion of the Darjeeling Council's discourse - or "trilogy" - on MERCY, shall be offered next week with a lovely release from the Heart of our Own Beloved PORTIA, the Goddess of Justice. I AM sure you shall eagerly await Her words. In Darjeeling the present consensus of opinion of the Ascended Beings assembled here is that only by an act of Cosmic Mercy can human calamity now be averted - only by invoking the power of MERCY from the Godhead can the destruction mankind have unleashed be restrained from destroying many of them. We urge, therefore, by all OUR WISDOM and OUR LOVE that you intensify your calls for Mercy to this earth and her evolutions. This, the Cosmic Christs have so recommended in Their reports to the Hierarchy. I offer you NOW My momentum of the Quality of Mercy from God's own Heart to help relieve the present tensions and prepare for a Great Cosmic push whereby through the SUMMIT LIGHTHOUSE and all other constructive agencies of the Holy Spirit, unlimited good shall come to all mankind! Freely you have received, freely give of Our Love and Our Mercy which are God's - to all life here! Flood the earth with more Violet Fire of Mercy and Forgiveness which will then grant this earth a shortened span to accomplish more for the LIGHT by the Power of the Cosmic Christ than had been hitherto thought possible! Remember, His mercy does endure forever even to the present hour and I AM His mercy now made manifest! For all who hunger and thirst, for all who yearn and remain in an unfulfilled state of grace, for all who aspire to LIGHT, for all who would love Life mercifully free - I AM your unfailing Ascended Master Friend of Heaven - Your Fount of Mercy and Forgiveness to all the Earth! Kuan Yin (The Ascended Lady Master - The Goddess of Mercy) _________________________________________________ (This instruction comes to you thru the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling (India) Council of God's Will, of which ALL the Ascended Host are Members.) In MERCY'S name and on behalf of the youth of the world we ask you to assist once again this year in counteracting the release of fear thoughts and human hideousness to the children at Halloween. We call for God Beauty to rule supreme everywhere I AM. (Copy of appropriate decree is sent you herewith) ****** Chapter 44 Portia - October 28, 1960 - The Quality of Mercy in Justice ****** Vol. 3 No. 44 - Portia - October 28, 1960 The Quality of Mercy in Justice That God is just is perhaps the most wonderful fact in the universe, at least to mankind living on the earth today. On the blessed planet earth, individuals seem to feel that life at times is hard, cold, and unresponsive. I am so joyful to tell you that but a glimpse into our consciousness would show you how contrary to truth this is, for we see only the glorious heart of God pulsing with all the love of eternity, radiating out rainbowlike ribbons and streamers of light and love everywhere every hour. If you, then, would enter more often into the Ascended-Master state of being, you would soon find an answer to your every quest. You would soon know the faith that lives to dispel every doubt, somewhat as the rising sun disperses the dew upon the ground. To rise in consciousness with the Ascended Jesus Christ and others of our lovely band is to know and to be All-Light. Then the pangs you presently feel at times when you see mankind's struggling under a weight of temporary despair and confusion are all vanquished in a blaze of God's beauty. Now, inasmuch as Mercy is so very much a part of Justice - that is to say, of true Justice, which is God's Law - I am confident that those of you today who will give my words your full attention will never again know a sense of frustration in connection with the dispensing of justice or balance by Divine Law to mankind through their own self-created karma - known also as the Law of the Circle, which always returns to the sender whatever is sent out. You see, then, all who send out only love can receive only love in return. Those who send out an opposing quality must by Law receive back what they have sent, which returns to them for redemption and requalification as the mercy of Life. This affords mankind an opportunity to make things right when mistakes are made. That is why I am called the Goddess of Opportunity as well as the Goddess of Justice. You see, I am a real being, and I tell you with blessed assurance that the Law always presents an opportunity with every experience in order to provide a way of escape for everyone from all binding conditions or situations, persons, places, or things into the realm of their own blessed God-freedom. This is the merciful (full of mercy) aspect of the Law of God. This is the self-evident divine intent manifesting its Love wherever consciousness manifests in human forms, no matter how deluded or troubled that lifestream may be. Love has the infinite capacity to enfold its entire creation within the flames of its own heart, where the very pulse of salvation rises and is sent forth as the quality of mercy which lives eternally and beautifully in the mind and heart of God. Were it not for this quality in the universe operative as universal Law, whenever consciousness dipped below the standards of the infinite purposes, it would flame out and be no more. It is, therefore, Love's mercy that perpetuates life in many bodies, on many spheres, even in many substandard states, until, by the pressures of wholehearted acceptance, individuals can love God more than the finite changing self, thus overcoming that self and drawing into their being all those capacities and virtues of the Godhead which will automatically give them their own ascension into that perfection from which they sprang. This Jesus and others did. It is Mercy, you see, and Wisdom that create space and time as conscious spans of eternity in which individuals can work out their own salvation - eventually without fear and trembling! For perfect love casts out all fear. As Matter scientifically cannot be destroyed or created but can only change form, so life cannot be destroyed or created because it is God. True Justice, then, would have men create in their own consciousness, by mercy, a God made in the image of the Most High. Mankind have too long created in their own image, and that without mercy to one another. The fostering upon this planet and its evolutions of all qualities of horror, fear, or illusion have only served to make men sick. However, regardless of the present accumulation of human effluvia, the mercy of God has let health prevail during the numbered days of most men and women. A form of happiness and some hope (after a fashion) prevails, too, through most men's mortal days, but it is the divinely inspired and whispered hope of immortality that stirs the hearts of men and fans its fires. "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit" is a mantram to Divine Mercy, Trust, and Justice. It is the committing of all life manifesting through one's consciousness into the care of the Eternal with the full confidence and faith of the heart. It produces results because it is Divine Law in action, producing a balanced justice which thus becomes Divine Opportunity flowering equally for every one as heavenly hope. Fear no longer the Great Law, but rather revere it intensely, seeing it as God-Love and God-Mercy in action. By so looking upon the Law of God as just and as love in action, men will no longer find a sense of frustration or chastisement therein, but rather will see Justice and Law as the doorway of Mercy, daily opening its portals through every experience of their lives, which thus leads them from initiation to initiation, from glory unto glow-ray into the Promised Land, connecting them now by rainbow ribbons of electronic light substance to God's own heart. No sense of an unjust universe ought to exist. No sense of separation ought longer to hurt or destroy, and it shall not in the holy mount of attainment. Justice always rises to become opportunity. Fear becomes, through love, the consciousness of enfolding mercy until, at last, committed hearts offer to God, the I AM Presence, all that they are without reservation. Then do hands of divine confidence draw from the head (which is Christ, the Light) all that the lifestream so doing requires to fulfill its plan and purpose and win its victory of the ascension right now today. I AM God's merciful Justice affording you daily opportunity to be raised into the Light. Your own, Portia Goddess of Justice and Opportunity, Twin Ray of Saint Germain ****** Chapter 45 Beloved Saint Germain - November 4, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 45 - Beloved Saint Germain - November 4, 1960 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom Among mankind, as the student should know, there is much unbelief. In addition to many having never even heard My name, it is a fact that many still have not heard the name of the Ascended Master Jesus, regardless of the fact that Christianity has for two thousand years now been telling the message of his mission. You will not be surprised, then, that many have not heard of me, and that among those who have, some still do not believe in my reality (that is, with the depths that would enable me to do a real work for them). Oh, many individuals like the "assurance of insurance" just in case I really do exist and they would not want to offend me. I assure them that my gifts are readily available to all those who can summon enough faith to believe in their own total existence, for then I AM certain they will not deny me existence either. Blessed ones, many do not even believe in their own existence, although they have the gift of the five physical senses to prove its reality! Surely it is easy to see why they require physical-dimensional experience, and yet, paradoxically, do not, while having such experience, seem to acquire the so necessary "little faith" in the so very real yet commonly termed "invisible" side of creation. The problem before us, then, is how shall such as these who so clearly require fourth-dimensional and cosmic experience acquire it, seeing "Faith" is the key to open the door into our magnificent world of spiritual yet "invisible" reality? There is a way, however, for many of you will recall the ancient prophecy declaring, "Your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams before the Great and Notable Day of the Lord shall come to pass." Know, then, that our Council has secured yet another blessing for mankind of special importance to the coming age: Its purpose to intensify the power of spiritual vision in proper God-control through the assistance given to mankind right now by the Mighty Elohim Cyclopea, representing the All-Seeing Eye of God. Those of you who would assist me in loving cooperation will, by your calls and the energy released for and on behalf of mankind, do much to hasten this day of increased spiritual vision the world over and the full tangible manifestation, then, of this blessed grant, the results of which will manifest in the advent of increasingly more young men seeing visions of Ascended Master Light substance and more "old men" (symbolizing spiritual maturity) dreaming dreams of Ascended Master guidance and attunement while the physical form yet sleeps, thus living in two worlds at once and enjoying both so much more! The magnificent Darjeeling Council begins next week the summoning of all those who would teach men the Way and so the "Corona Class" is convoked once again. This class, as most of you know, is taught by blessed Jesus and Kuthumi themselves, the World Teachers for the entire planet earth in this day. I give my benediction as does beloved Morya. I once again urge the recruitment of those who love Light from among every group so that many shall receive the benefit of this special blessing in coordinated world service. The Great White Brotherhood shall not fail in their endeavor to unite by Light and illumine all as to the meaning of true Christ consciousness. - I AM with you always, - Saint Germain - (The Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain) (This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling (India) Council of God's Will, of which all the Ascended Host are Members.) ****** Chapter 46 Beloved Jesus the Christ - November 11, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 46 - Beloved Jesus the Christ - November 11, 1960 PURPOSE Corona Class Lesson 7 Perfection "Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled ..." To My Blessed Who Love and Worship - The present worldwide turbulence is in fact a general hypnotic condition, widespread by reason of advanced means of travel and communication. In the archives of history are to be found proportionately as many examples of tyranny as there are in the present day. Let not your heart be troubled.{106} The peace which I AM and which I yet give to my disciples is the direct opposite of the disturbed state. If individuals are to more quickly escape from the pull of every unhappy situation - personal, domestic, or so-called foreign - they must universally recognize the root causes underlying their unhappiness and then try to uproot these causes with our assistance and intercession. I would point out that occasionally individuals without this understanding are found to be living in such a harmonious way solely from the inner Light of their own lifestreams as to naturally counteract the effects of mass unhappiness. Such as these are like self-luminous sunshine; they contribute much to mankind wherever they are and add to the general sense of worldwide well-being. For the average person who is easily disturbed or basically controlled by his feelings, who is yet desirous of being a real student of Truth capable of understanding first principles, we recommend that he first endeavor to come to a realization of the truth of his own being. This will enable him to better understand the essential differences between people, at the same time perceiving the great common heritage which all have universally received from the Creator. To this end, beloved Kuthumi and I in our role as World Teachers wish to make known the present purposes of the Brotherhood concerning mankind and those particular goals which every teacher or would-be teacher of spiritual truth ought to emphasize and exemplify to the best of his ability each day. The familiar idiom "having an ax to grind" is reminiscent of the statement I made long ago in Judaea that every tree that does not bring forth good fruit is cut down and cast into the fire.{107} We of the Great White Brotherhood who have "clean escaped"{108} from the wiles of the world and its control do not have personal axes to grind - neither from a political, a religious, nor a commercial vantage. Rather, we seek to outpicture in vibration those holy truths which from time immemorial have had the power to set men free.{109} Now, if in the process of setting men free, the cosmic law in its great wisdom and discriminating intelligence sees the need to hew down the fruitless tree, then mankind should understand it as God's will for perfection in manifestation which always terminates in time and space all qualities which do not merit permanence. This will to perfection is always balanced against man's so-called free will, which brought the onus of imperfection into temporal manifestation in the first place. Countless individuals visiting the religious shrines of the world, such as Lourdes, Fátima, and others (many of which were established by my blessed mother, Mary, for the hope and healing of men's hearts), have realized for the first time the awesome futility of life without God. The great influx of the magnetic attraction of the Divine has thrilled their souls with such an outpouring of light, such a sense of nearness to the Presence, as to flush out of the electronic structure of their flesh all the inharmonious patterns they had previously established through the misuse of free will. This has produced what mankind call a miracle but which I declare again to be simply the reestablishment of the Father's love - which never should have been usurped by human discord in the first place! Today, when the lingering desire for recognition is fed and amplified by the human race but seldom understood (even by the psychologists who seem unable to justify their theories based on half-truths{110}), it becomes increasingly important that the distinction accorded one part of Life or the temporary extinction of another part of Life be likewise comprehended. The Ascended Masters hold in common a sense of humility in recognizing themselves as omnipresent facets of the Godhead dedicated as One to the service of the All. As such they are always obedient to the cosmic intelligence of the Mighty I AM Presence in the Great Central Sun, yet humble and compassionate enough to respond to the heart calls of the most discordant or intemperate human on earth. Every ascended being is likewise solicitous of every other ascended being, expressing kindness with Ascended Master gentility, which is quite unaffected and very natural to our estate. I tell you truly - in place of saying, "Oh, we're only human, you know!" you ought to declare more often: "Oh, we're really divine, you know!" and furthermore that you are likewise capable of expressing your own natural estate, which is the same as our own. The mere wearing of flesh bodies does not change your Spirit! As the ancient Bhagavad-Gita declares, "Never the Spirit was born; the Spirit shall cease to be never; ... Death [mortality] hath not touched it at all, dead [extinct] though the house of it seems."{111} Not, then, as bodies having appetites or unappeasable longings should men regard themselves, but rather as sparks of the Infinite, longing for reunion with the glory of the cosmic fires of Home. Well do we know that our shores may seem very distant to mankind, formed and informed as they are in the mold of the human consciousness. But I am equally certain that the initial adventure of becoming embodied and losing the freedom of the Edenic world was likewise a cause of much inner longing for the return to Elysian comforts in the power and the glory of the kingdom. Cathedrals have been built by countless hands and by the efforts of many hearts united in ordered service who never sought to carve their names on any stone and who were satisfied with the memorial: "To the glory of God, who is the All of us and more - all that we ever shall be and more!" So much achievement today is sought for the forthcoming recognition. To do and to do with infinite care and skill is to worship in the doing. The first principle of achievement, then, as pertains to the individual path of self-mastery lies in active love and worship. Wouldst thou create, endow, or ennoble life? Love and worship while you spin, weave, paint, sculpt, build, teach, heal, write, serve, play, and sing! Love and worship as you enjoy family relationships and heart ties with one another. Endow your life with love and worship as you expand the teachings of The Summit Lighthouse or other constructive endeavors; for then you shall be fitted to be temple masterbuilders,{112} and I am certain the Temple of Life's Victory will be more speedily externalized.{113} Becoming immersed in love and worship, you shall do as I have done and be as I AM - the Light of the world.{114} Your individual 'lighthouses', patterned after the Summit, the highest of every man, shall make you beacon lights everywhere you move.{115} Loving and worshiping in the bonds of peace, you shall increase your skill and care without tension. You build, then, not for name and fame but to externalize God. I am certain that none of you will take from the foregoing an excuse for callous indifference, withholding your praise of others. Praise amplifies and expands. Thus, while seeking no praise for yourself, continue to give it to others whenever and wherever it is deserved. Thus, by law shall the love you send out return to you free from karma (and freeing you from karma). As a cosmic flame, ever welcome, ever Christ's consciousness in the universal spirit of one accord, this love gives all recognition to God, the Mighty I AM Presence. By allowing the Presence to take full dominion in your life, you will experience an expansion of Christ consciousness equal to (and I hope greater than) that which manifested in me during my thirty-three years (and more) of focusing the sacred fire in the temple of my then-unascended body. Everlasting peace be unto you, Jesus the Christ _________________________________________________ [Taken from the book version, Corona Class Lessons.] ****** Chapter 47 Beloved Kuthumi - November 18, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 47 - Beloved Kuthumi - November 18, 1960 PURPOSE Corona Class Lesson 8 Sainthood " ... How Sayest Thou, Show Us the Father?" To Joyful Hearts Who Extol the Love That Is God - Various lifestreams I have known and with whom I have served in numerous embodiments have suffered much from the malady of overconcern. Among these blessed but most unfortunate individuals were some who were determined to be sober of face to the point of stiffness - so much so that nothing ever seemed to make them laugh. It was as though they were afraid that if they should even smile, it might crack the mirror of the universe! I recall one blessed sister of a holy order with whom I once served. She had been born and spent her girlhood in a home of great wealth and therefore had the feeling that she had given up a great deal to serve the Lord. She tried very hard to conceal this from the other sisters, so much so that toward the close of her embodiment she spent most of her free time in prayer, interceding for her own soul that it would cease to be puffed up.{116} Experiencing alternate periods of depression and ecstasy, she would feel encouraged even by a little sign of progress, only to be plagued by the haunting specter of more of the same self-importance whenever a new sister arrived. Surely she must not show this new sister her own greatness - and therefore behind the mask of great austerity and a sober face, she concealed the depth of her personal suffering and her struggle to be virtuous and humble. Toward the close of her embodiment, she became extremely distressed when a vivacious young novice arrived. Her smiling face and delightful sense of humor stemmed from an attitude of not taking herself too seriously. Therefore, she did her best to see the good in every situation - even to the point of finding humor in some of the holy rituals. This, of a truth, stemmed from no lack of devotion but from her blithe young spirit desiring to bring cheer to others in the midst of the sometimes somber atmosphere of monastic life. The older sister, whose name was Veronica, was abashed to discover that the younger sister's nature seemed to grate on her very soul, bringing to her at a moment when she had thought that victory was in sight, alas, the greatest trial of her life! So discordant did she become and so distressed, that her attention, inverting upon herself, attracted to her person a fatal illness and she soon passed on. When her case was reviewed in the spiritual realm, the Karmic Board decided on the basis of her good intentions to give her extensive training at inner levels in order to reduce the probability that such wasteful and introverted self-attention should divert her soul's pure service to the Light (her heart's true desire) in her next embodiment. She actually spent more than twenty-seven years at inner levels in the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood reviewing the psychological aspects of her own case, taking training from the Ascended Masters so as to prevent a recurrence in her next life of excessive self-consciousness. All this took place before she was summoned by the Lords of Life, according to the necessity of her karma, to enter once again the gates of birth. The happy ending to my story, beloved, and one that holds a promise of hope to all, is that she became a real saint in her very next embodiment! So does heaven ceaselessly bring its blessings the Ascended Masters' way to every part of Life, even when that part seems to fall short of the mark.{117} Truly, heaven has many remedies! Now, countless millions of well-meaning individuals seem to lack the common sense that distinguishes the saint from those who never quite measure up to the desired standards of their inward aspirations. Most of this is caused by paying too much attention to the outer personality and not placing enough upon the great discriminating Cosmic Christ Intelligence of their own being, their Holy Christ Self - also known as the Higher Mental Body, the Higher Consciousness, and the Mediator between God and man. It is extremely difficult for men and women schooled in the various religions of the day to set aside their fear of dire consequences should they be found even considering any idea which is not "absolutely correct" in a doctrinal sense. Yet common sense should tell them that their own religious beliefs, whatever they are, comprise but one of thousands of sects or divisions of sects. The average Christian is bound to the tradition of the historical Jesus being the chosen, anointed, and "only begotten" heir of the favor of God. He does not seem to realize that God created only favorites in all his children and that he expects all of his sons and daughters to strive for the one supreme standard of perfection which is innate within the divine image of each and every one. This is the true image of the Christ out of which all were made as children of the Light. Jesus' "I AM" affirmations were spoken of his Christ Self, the Universal One who is the true and only Son of God. The image of the Son "with us," the Immanuel{118} (manifest as each one's Christ Self), is the true Self, i.e., the true Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.{119} When the Master said, "I AM the Light of the world,"{120} he affirmed the Son Presence as that Light. And he promised that as each one would lift up this Son (i.e., Sun or Light) of man within himself, he would also know that Son in Jesus: Then shall ye know that I am he - and that the I AM in me, as the I AM in you, is the Light of my world and your world and is the All of cosmos. Then shall ye know that I AM He - that I am the incarnation of the Word, the Christ. When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I do nothing of my (outer) self; but as my Father, the Mighty I AM Presence, hath taught me, I speak these things. He that sent me - the Mighty I AM Presence - is with me: the Father hath not left me alone. When ye shall have lifted up the Son of man within your own soul and temple, then shall you also know the Father, as I do, through the Presence and Person of the I AM THAT I AM. And this is the Word that is made flesh in me. Hence, I am Jesus the Christ. I AM He. If ye continue in this Word, then are ye my disciples indeed. And ye shall know the Truth, for you shall have become the Truth that I AM, and that Truth shall make you free.{121} "I AM the Resurrection and the Life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live"{122} is spoken of the Holy Christ Self, who is not a historical figure or even a human personage but rather the Divine Person, or Personhood, of every child of the Light. This Divine Person is an 'electronic' manifestation of the Presence of God, vibrating at times at a rate beneath that of the Presence (the Father) in his role of reaching out to assist the evolving soul directly, being capable of both ascent and descent in vibration whenever necessary. Thus, the Holy Christ Self of each son and daughter on earth is able at will to become one with the absolute Presence of God above (the I AM, or Father) - or the embodied soul below. When the soul realizes the full impact of this gift of love, it is like a beautiful melody which amplifies over and over with each listening that GOD IS LOVE{123} and that He is quite unwilling to have men and women perish, to remain in delusion, or to be forever bound by unhappy situations. Know, then, that by concentration upon the Holy Christ Self, anyone can let go of the delusion of separation - which, as Ecclesiastes declares, is only vanity (a human conditioning of the human consciousness). Anyone can rise above the need for psychoanalysis or for soul-saving by the sawdust trail or the via dolorosa, finding instead in his beloved Christ Self, who is the Light-manifestation of God which never fails, the hope of the universe in unending portion freely given for the integration of the whole man. The human problem of self-love, self-pity, or self-delusion (and this includes every addiction, binding human habit, and predilection to sexual perversion) is no longer of concern to those who abide in the true knowledge of the indwelling Father and Son. No malady of over self-concern exists for them - with its attendant sinful state and sense of struggle - to hinder or further delay their progress or trap their energies while they painfully speculate, and woefully, as to whether or not they have found favor with God and man.{124} It is much easier for those completely free from self-love to spread the balm of happiness everywhere than it is for those who are still bound by this dreadful disease (dreaded, that is, only so long as one is its slave; unreal and unfeared when one is its master). Thus, souls on the path of selflessness, overcoming their too, too self-importance, become lost in a giant concern for both the Love and the Plan of God (which they know is waiting revealment in their own Christ Self). These seek to be like the little brothers of Jesus, or to unite with the little brothers of Saint Francis, or to be even a little unknown brother of love, simply loving the blessed earth, the trees, the sky, the sound of sweet music, and the song of the Lord. Such as these have found peace, have found God. Listen, then, to the voice of your Holy Christ Self, the Father's gift of eternal salvation to you. The Christ is all these things: the wise Master-builder whose name is called Wonderful, whose wisdom (wise dominion) makes him Counsellor, whose vibrations make you feel so peaceful and calm because they emanate from The Prince of Peace.{125} His omnipresence is the ever-nearness of The Mighty God, saying, "He that has seen me has seen the Father"{126} - the Everlasting One, your own individualized focus of divinity, the Mighty I AM Presence! Try to be ever full of joy. Magnify the LORD in silence or audibly as your heart dictates, but let all be done with the wisdom of God in reasonable perfection before men, so that all may glorify God as they behold you. Let this be your goal. So do beloved Jesus and I, as World Teachers, direct you. So do thou and so teach, that all men may smile even at themselves - at the human because they should not take it too seriously, and at the Holy Christ Self because they ought to take it very seriously - with an ever-present smile of welcome. So is Love extolled, so does greater love exert its power of elevation upon your spirit. So is the Father revealed on the path of sainthood. I AM Wisdom's fount of heavenly affection, kissing your pathway daily with peace and spiritual light which knows no wane. Gently but fondly, Kuthumi _________________________________________________ [Taken from the book version, Corona Class Lessons.] ****** Chapter 48 Beloved Jesus the Christ - November 25, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 48 - Beloved Jesus the Christ - November 25, 1960 PURPOSE Corona Class Lesson 9 Example " ... And the Father Is in Me" Eager Ones Who Rejoice in the Transfer of the Father's Flame - Go ye into all the world and proclaim the good news!{127} It is generally accepted, blessed ones, that the proclaimers of great truths ought themselves to follow them. This is logical inasmuch as all men love the comfort of assurance, which blessed assurance always brings release from the pain of uncertainty with its wavering and instability. True though it be that the best teaching is the good example (Latin, ex `out of', and sample denoting a representative portion of the whole; hence, a part drawn out of the whole of the teacher's life and consciousness), vacuous individuals, devoid of a spirit of justice or fairness, whether by ignorance or carelessness, often excuse their own shortcomings by finding fault with the teachers of Truth, thereby impugning their service. Beloved ladies and gentlemen who would teach Truth, I am certain none of you intend to be anything but the perfect example; yet until you have attained, you must either have the courage to do your best, knowing you have made a few mistakes, or else do nothing. Now, I think better of those who know they have made mistakes and yet dare to do their best than of those who fearfully hide their talents in a handkerchief, feeling that the law of God is too harsh or exacting and their own personal errors too gross. Blessed teachers, do not expect any quarter from the misguided ones who would not summon the courage to go out and proclaim the love of God themselves yet have the rashness to decry the conduct of those who do even though they retain a few petty shortcomings. Let each one strive for the highest and the best. So shall freedom come more quickly to all! All souls created by the same God were originally endowed with an equal portion of his power, his wisdom, and his love - no matter how far they have wandered from the moment of their cosmic birth. Concerning offenses, the question has often been asked, "Shall I forgive my brother indefinitely for continuing wrongs against me?" When I spoke in Judaea and Galilee on this subject, my answer recorded in the Gospels was all-embracing, taking into account every situation - both the sin of foreknowledge and the sin of ignorance. The timeless message "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do"{128} and "Forgive them even seventy times seven"{129} is plainly uttered, and yet much understanding is needed on the matter. The best way to forgive others is first to forgive oneself for all errors and then to expand this forgiveness infinitely to all. Be sure to cover every circumstance, make no exceptions. If God be a flaming fire and all of his offspring divine sparks, why should not one spark forgive another, no matter how much the sacred fire may have been misused? True, one requires special wisdom in the solving of certain problems - and, whereas forgiveness is in order, one ought to wisely avoid exposing oneself unnecessarily to the dangers inherent within human vanity. Yet love must and will prevail when the Presence is wholly relied upon. Now, not everyone has or holds the same balance of love, wisdom, and power. Some have an excess of one and much lack of the others. For example, if men lack wisdom, no matter how much they may love, their well-intended acts may seem to go amiss. If they lack power, no matter how wise and loving they may be, their good may not be far-reaching to the mark or as effective as they would like it to be. If they lack love, no matter how much wisdom and power are manifesting, they may find that their acts are oft aborted, their energies rendered partially or wholly useless to the great cosmic purposes. Find your balance, then, in a triangle of perfection, a holy trinity which produces the most intense action of all three within the heart of man and the heart of creation. Here the great wisdom of the discriminating Holy Christ Self calls upon the mighty light rays of the Presence to draw forth and focus the God-power which in itself is invincible. Here the all-loving heart of the Presence seals the balanced flame of wisdom and power in a penetrating sheath of divine love which can never be requalified with human nonsense or avarice. Free, then, from deceit, the threefold flame represents, as beloved Morya so often says, "a thrust for a purpose." (Let all who deny purpose in creation take heed!) Certainly, then, no cosmic teacher of Truth should be unduly criticized. I do not say that their fruits should fall far from the parent tree; yet remember, it is easy to see in others the very same qualities that are acting in one's own world. Even when I manifested perfection, some wise men (intellectually wise) and some quite devout men (religiously devoted) saw me as possessed with an evil spirit and profane.{130} All who would teach men the Great Law of God must even in this day be prepared to suffer some misunderstanding and false accusation.{131} If there is no cause to bring this to pass, the sinister force will try to manufacture one and, having so done, will begin to fabricate its chain of lies. If there be even the slightest cause, this unrighteous force (mentally aggressive and seething with malice) proceeds to distort and twist facts by gossip so as to disturb as many people as possible and thus prevent the saints from carrying on their great mission and service of love to Life. Take heart and be diligent! Be wise to this deception - hold the faith. The life of the Light is, above all, transcendent and worthy of any suffering or inconvenience for the sake of my name, I AM. After two thousand years of Christianity, the clamor and confusion centering around "What must I do to be saved?"{132} still rages, and seekers for more light often become so engrossed in the search that the goal itself is lost sight of. Beloved ones, your ascension is your goal! It is that simple. If all the energy you have ever misqualified by misusing Life's precious substance is requalified and transmuted by the violet fire of freedom's love and by forgiveness in action, what then can prevent your ascension or the attainment of your goal? Yet your own Presence alone knows the day and the hour when it shall occur. How can any action take place except the Great Law be aware of it? The visible and invisible universe is the Body of God, and surely he in all his wisdom and intelligence is ever aware of every transaction, no matter how insignificant it may seem. Did I not say, "The very hairs of your head are all numbered"? Did I not declare that not even a sparrow falls to the ground without the awareness of God the Father (the I AM Presence)?{133} Hence, all so-called accidents are, without exception, actions of the law of cause and effect. And this is the law of karma, which one day you will come to understand as the instrument of your freedom from bondage. Those who would do as we did and attain their own cosmic victory must be willing to govern Nature and themselves by the power of the Godhead. (Govern: G equals God, over signifies dominion, n denotes Nature; hence, God-over-Nature. Thus, the sons of man are commanded by God to govern by taking dominion in the earth through the light rays from the Presence, according to natural law.) This includes taking God-control over the action of causes (and causation) in your life in order to achieve the desired effects. The cause of your ascension is the victory of your Presence called into action by you in all your affairs! Now, if individuals feel they can best instruct the Presence in how to govern their affairs, I am certain that the Presence will carry out their instructions as a 'blind action' of the Law; yet the individual, not the Presence, will be responsible for causes set in motion by this misuse of God's power producing the effects of human ignorance. This abuse of the Law and the Divine Decree is the cause of all trouble and confusion yet remaining in the world today. And never in all eternity shall the children of God change for the best and return to the fold until they prove the Law for themselves by giving all power and dominion to the Presence of God. The Father automatically gives full illumination to every mind and heart just as swiftly as he is called into action to perform his perfect work and will. This is how I attained my own victory. I knew that I came forth from God and that I must return to him. I perceived that the surest way to do so was the I AM way; hence, I declared: "I AM in the Father and the Father is in me. He that hath seen me hath seen the Father. The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works."{134} This is the true and only formula for the exemplar who would demonstrate his dominion over "these things" of the earth. Surely, the Great White Brotherhood needs teachers who can be good examples, yet even the best examples do not of necessity draw men to the divine course. For the element of free will comes into play, and some do not even respond to miracles. However, if the Ascended Masters and the cosmic hierarchy were to await the full manifestation of absolute perfection before sending out teachers to proclaim the truth of God's light and love, mankind might have to wait a long time to be free! I am grateful, therefore, for those who are both honest and humble enough to admit to mistakes, yet zealous and hardy enough to submit to human criticism by going forth to do the best they can to serve in the Father's vineyard. Many of those who suffer the most severe criticism shall go further to attain their victory than man may think. Their heart's right motive and prayerful attitude, seen and heard at higher levels, will in due course attract a higher state of perfection until at last they attain the cosmic consciousness of the immortals - though their critics remain sidetracked and bound in limitation and self-created confusion. Yet we would have none thus fail. Let all be vigilant! Ours is a universal service of love to the whole earth. The Christ message is alive! The search for peace on earth, good will (God's will) toward men{135} goes on in all exalted pursuits - both religious and secular. The goal of universal brotherhood has even today mightily invaded the very political framework of society. I am once again standing in the temple (of God's high estate and purpose) to reinforce the bulwarks of freedom's holy light against every godless communistic scheme, whether altruistic-appearing or not. The hearts and minds of men, women, and children have unfortunately become a battleground where the media of press, television and radio, and the personality cult seek to capture and indoctrinate the people of the earth with biased concepts and human nonsense, served up as a gargantuan commercial cocktail - heady, high-minded, deceitful, and full of greed. Once again I, Jesus, take the scourge in hand to purify the people of the earth so that as heaven's instruments they will unite to seize the pen and spiritual sword (even the two-edged sword{136} which involves personal victory) while they continue also to fight in the worldwide conflict for the triumph of Good over Evil. Only by taking heroic measures to counteract the apathy and godlessness of the present day can my disciples give to my message and mission of two thousand years ago a new and effective voice in this hour. Let them win the hearts of today's men and women for the radiant personal love of God, their own Mighty I AM Presence. Let them win for the worldwide dawn of peace in the golden age, when goodwill shall blaze forth through all hearts from the magnificent cosmic heart of God - who even now loves the whole earth as one great Son (Sun)! So shall it be! With the entire hosts of heaven, I AM beckoning my Christ-filled soldiers Onward! Jesus the Christ _________________________________________________ [Taken from the book version, Corona Class Lessons.] ****** Chapter 49 Beloved Kuthumi - December 2, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 49 - Beloved Kuthumi - December 2, 1960 PURPOSE Corona Class Lesson 10 Heart "Ye Are the Light of the World" Beloved Who Would Form the Diamond Heart of Mary and Morya - The reverberations of the bells whose sweet and solemn tones gently stir the hearts of men continue to ring out a higher message of Love's own voice calling the sons of men to an eternal Angelus. And God's peace settles over cities, towns, and villages covering all with a gleaming mantle of splendid and holy light whose weaving waxes stronger with each passing year unto that perfect day when the perfection of Christ shall rule in every human heart. This can be a reality when trust in God (as freedom's motto states, "In God We Trust") becomes the watchword of every man and woman who will firmly, wisely, lovingly reach out through the dense fog of human calamities toward the peace of spiritual calm. When called into action, this calm produces hallowed feelings of unity and the sweet whisper of Life's ever-new opportunities. Beloved ones, peace and love are presently evasive to humanity, whose continuous generation of turbulence has delayed their perfection both personally and on a planetary scale. When these qualities reign in the heart, the beauty of human teamwork in loving cooperation with God will make men their own architects in the golden age. To the end of maintaining world peace and love, I have spent countless hours before the magnificent organ in my home here at Shigatse, in Tibet, consciously uniting the love of my own heart with that omnipresent love of God which blazes through the entire cosmos and is the life-energy of every star in the vast starry sea of sky. Drawing this universal energy into my own being in almost infinite quantities, I have created music of a sublime character, full of healing love rays, which magnetizes myriad lovely angel devas who travel joyfully on wings of song with my music. Seated at my organ, I consciously direct and radiate (broadcast) through my heart tender, uplifting and powerfully transforming strains to all who are bowed down with depression, sorrow, pain, and every enclosing material force. As you well know, these conditions shut out the Christ Light and prevent God's healing peace from manifesting for my many little brothers - from those with weary, dust-covered frames to those anointed with sweet oils and such fragrant perfume as is reminiscent of the first Christmas with our special gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.{137} Many dear hearts have wished one another a merry Christmas while others have thought about the need for an eternal Christmas which abides through the whole year. Know, blessed ones, that the Christ Mass, the tangible focus of invisible yet spiritual Light, or Christos, is ever within all men. As beloved John the apostle declared, "This is the Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world." Hence, this Light of great magnitude who is the Christ of every man shall one day be to all people the salvation of the earth.{138} Every day increasing numbers of God's followers are beginning to understand his greater plan for them and can therefore more readily fathom the so-called mysteries of Christianity and other world religions. Thus, religious study is emerging from a mode of relative obscurity (full of mystery to many) to one of almost popular appeal among those willing to face the reality that tradition is no substitute for Truth and that general acceptance is not either. The simple yet beautiful idea of each one's heart as a creche (cradle) into which the tiny Holy Christ Flame descends to abide and guide (as the "hidden man of the Heart,"{139} i.e., the hidden manifestation of God) further reveals that the heart of man has focused within it God's Life on the human level (in the physical octave), making it truly a Holy Grail constantly brimming with the effulgence of divine love. When this Love is set free to flow unhampered by human thoughts and feelings, it will wash away every error, correct every adverse condition, and act with a healing resurgence of unlimited compassion. Today some correctly perceive the role of beloved Jesus as the drama of every man's quest for Godhood. If people accept the negative idea that God requires human or divine sacrifice as a propitiation for world sin (karma) - whether they see the crucifixion as a vicarious atonement, retroactive, for their sins committed after the fact or they accept the idea that they, too, must undergo the agony of Gethsemane and Calvary - they ought to be compelled by the logic of their belief system to accept vicariously every positive expression of the Christ as well. And thus, they ought rightly to prefer above all to ponder these words - "Thou art my beloved Son; this day have I begotten thee"{140} - as also applicable to themselves and to their reality as sons of God. I am certain that when men fully enter into the kingdom (consciousness) of God, they no longer have tears or a sorrowful heart but dwell continually in a state of listening grace where the positive love of the Holy Spirit for all creation is the only music heard in the heart or mind. In this great spiritual sensing, death is swallowed up in victory.{141} On such as these does the complete meaning of God as synonymous with Good dawn as reality. In lesson 8, I pointed out the dangers of selfish overconcern which keeps people bound to a round of self-condemnation. Blinded by preoccupation with self in any form, talent goes unused for God's glory while people ride the human merry-go-round, and opportunity for true God Self-realization is denied its rightful place. Wrapped in a napkin of selfish exclusiveness, those yielding to the impulses of self-love frequently deny themselves true freedom and justice. Determining to have their own way apart from God's, they carve out a life of idolatry and pleasure, oblivious of the planetary needs or the fields white to the harvest{142} of countless millions awaiting our message, praying for the chance to learn more of Truth and the cosmic purposes of Almighty God. The greatest measure of spiritual and - I can rightly say - even material security is vouchsafed to those who turn to serve the Light; for one day, when least expected and wholly unannounced, all will see in fact that the Light is actually serving them! Sometimes people unknowingly forsake the guidance, temporarily, of their own God Presence I AM, hoping to find in some other phase of life's complex experiences and educational offerings the assistance they require to overcome their problems and get ahead. I say in absolute God Truth, your own God Presence is the fullness of all that you desire. And should you weary of hearing this, your own Christ-intelligence will try to reach you and lovingly say, "Be still, and know that I AM God."{143} You see, your Presence wants to help you to do all things well. Therefore it directs you through your Christ Self to silence mere human qualities and to develop that vital quality of listening grace where, in love's meditation upon God, you diligently seek to know and be his will and wisdom in action. Precious ones, if you would overcome as the saints have done, not vain effort or undue strain but the practice of a gentle submission is the requirement whereby you welcome the gift of heavenly virtue - responding always to the heavenly constraint of the gentle Presence, whose guidance is unfailing when your desire for Truth is uncompromising. Everyone persisting in selfish error stands out in bas-relief, as did Lot's wife (who became a pillar of salt), as an example of misplaced human attention. Instead, lift up your eyes to the hills, as the people Israel have chanted for thousands of years: "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD ... the I AM THAT I AM, who is my Light, my Beloved, my I AM Presence"{144} - never late and never in short measure, regardless of human concepts; for the Divine Helper is an agent of cosmic law and must perforce answer the all-compelling call of souls in distress. Beloved Morya and other Masters of the Great White Brotherhood are desirous of creating a worldwide spiritual unity through the activity of The Summit Lighthouse. Naturally, the opposition will try to defeat our very purpose, which is all for the Light. However, the Light of God shall not fail! (That is why Micah, the angel of the LORD, the blessed Angel of Unity, recently stood tangibly on the platform of the Washington National Cathedral.) Therefore, the truehearted - our blessed, most determined chelas - will readily understand the need for loyalty to a cause and to a purpose. Likewise they will understand with clear intentions, a correct perspective, and common sense the need for group decrees for the protection of the fulfillment of this goal. The Darjeeling Council is sponsoring the activity of The Summit Lighthouse to be a great clearinghouse of light, a haven of refuge in future days for all who love the Christ Light and are able to see the need for such a central agency holding within its framework the dedicated services and purity of the Order of the Diamond Heart. You see, a heart is universally needed as a focus through which to channel energy to any body or group effort. This is true from the Great Central Sun down to the centrosome of a cell or the nucleus of an atom. Therefore, you will understand why the light rays of this diamond heart of planetary dimensions are to be under the direction of the blessed Mother Mary and the Chohan of the First Ray, El Morya, whose purpose it is to bring about as speedily as possible the edicts of those angels who under divine guidance long ago chorused, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."{145} Those who understand the need for an organization to serve as a framework or structure through which the Ascended Masters and their chelas can function, those who can also understand that some organizations once under our guidance have suffered from the hardening of their spiritual arteries and are no longer entirely useful to us, will then lovingly and joyously give their obedience to the Light and will offer themselves to be the backbone, the heart, and the radiance of our purpose to externalize the Christ Light and to teach all peoples how to do likewise - especially those who seek and want the whole Truth. Thus, our diamond heart will be God-chosen and it shall manifest to the benefit of all. Teachers who will honor the Christ 365 days a year will by and by see shining down the avenue of the years a blazing sun of Love's wisdom radiating large and beautiful through the trees of life. True-blue chelas of the will of God who have taken up the path of the Second Ray of Illumination in order to fill the urgent need of the hour to be teachers of Jesus' calling unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel{146} and Judah will be personally crowned with the rays of the Corona Class. When our lessons are meditated upon by you (from the first through the forty-eighth), they will give you such insight and in-depth understanding of the path of individual Christhood as The White Lodge{147} deems essential to your victory in this life and to the opening of heaven's door thereby unto the multitudes through the blessed Summit Lighthouse. Taking the completed work as a manual in hand for study and reference as you first try on, then wear with dignity and compassion the mantle of the ministering servant, you will have a solid foundation of knowledge and a cornerstone of justice to assist you to be both wise and effective in helping us guide and direct the spiritual affairs of God's children. By your conscious cooperation with us, we shall together lead all children of God to greater planes of advancement, soul progress, and personal development free of the pitfalls of the past. With the holy Christmas season drawing nigh as this is being written, I trust you will recall that we have often referred to your calling amongst God's people. You are indeed called to represent the ascended host and the Darjeeling Council to the many; and therefore, you ought to apply to El Morya for training that you might perform this service in wisdom's way. Most men are no more familiar with us than they are with the angels! With all due charity, teach them the way of the Ascended Masters. Blessed ones, through your Holy Christ Self (by ample adoration poured out to the Beloved as "the only begotten of God,"{148} i.e., the only part of you created solely by God, in contrast to your human consciousness), you ought to seek diligently to externalize the treasures of Higher Consciousness upon earth, knowing that you will thereby draw forth the identical benedictions and ministrations of the angels as blessed Jesus did and as every Ascended Master has done in his final embodiment on earth. Then men will see your good works;{149} for the light of your aura glowing in strength like Jesus' aura will draw to itself, by the power and radiance of God's love poured out without limit upon the whole cosmos, those spiritual realities which took tangible form long ago one wondrous night in Bethlehem of Judaea, and which today - this day - await rebirth in you! O angels of God, our holy brothers, bless all children of the Light and especially our readers. Bless all seekers for Truth and especially all doers of Good who shall bring Peace to this loving earth. I AM your friend and celestial musician, My melodies are unceasingly yours to command - Kuthumi _________________________________________________ [Taken from the book version, Corona Class Lessons.] ****** Chapter 50 Beloved Jesus the Christ - December 9, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 50 - Beloved Jesus the Christ - December 9, 1960 PURPOSE Corona Class Lesson 11 Innocence "God Sent Not His Son to Condemn ..." To My Own Who Seek the Powers of the Holy Ghost Lawfully - An outlook to the future with the expectancy of a better tomorrow is the only hope that many people have. This is all well and good, providing their future does not manifest, through carelessness in the present, as a mere mirage on life's desert. I am reminding all of the obligation Love keeps to the present through the vibratory action of your own God Presence. Your beloved I AM Presence is flooding your world daily - yea, even hourly - with a beautiful stream of God's consciousness blazing into your world through the silver cord which connects you with your own Divine Self, conveying to your heart and sacred centers (chakras) manifold blessings of the Light. Blessed ones, today is yesterday's future. It is already here. You do not have to wait for it. This is Life - eternally present. When I was a small boy playing and working in the carpenter shop at Nazareth, like many of the children in the neighborhood, I developed a real affection for the tools and equipment we used. I learned to take sweet delight in fashioning various objects suitable as gifts or household articles for the use of my dear mother or others in the spiritual community. By applying myself to carving wood or constructing purposeful items, I became quite skillful in the trade. The point I would make is that no matter how engrossed I was in the action of mind and hands, how delighted my eye with the creation unfolding before me, I was always able to listen and to hear the hum of the universe and my heavenly Father's heartbeat, to feel the waves of his love sweeping into my being and then flooding back on the return current like the ebb and flow of the tide. Much later, when the woman who needed healing and had searched everywhere for it without success touched the outer hem of my garment, my childhood meditation stood me in good stead; for I felt the instantaneous response to this pull on my life in the surge of God's consciousness which, like a charge of electricity, flowed from the heart center of my being into hers to give her immediate relief and complete healing.{150} You see, the sensitivity of my soul was the means to keep me in tune with the Father's heart and to build up the charge of his great love and power in my body and sacred centers. So must all do who would be healers and comforters to Life - keep sensitive to God and oblivious to human hurt, and hold a sense of God's omnipresence as the only reality, when all around are concerned with the baubles and glitter of mere mortal intelligence, popular opinions, and human feelings that wax hot and cold. The message of the Holy Christ Self does not bespeak condemnation, blessed ones. If sometimes you read into our messages what may seem to be a criticism of human qualities, bear in mind that we are essaying to develop in you Christ-discrimination whereby you can learn to choose the best and highest alternative, not by trial and error but by attunement with the will of God. You must be God-taught what is right and wrong in order to claim victoriously as God's children your rightful heritage - a culture of the Spirit where you can make right choices because you have learned to distinguish between what is constructive and what is destructive to your divine plan, what is helpful to the soul's re-creative process and what is distressful and detrimental to the immediate or future endeavor. None really know what the meaning of Pandora's box is until they see that all pain and sorrow were released upon mankind when people began to regard life as an admixture of good and evil. Holy innocence, dear hearts, was never the state of being naive or gullible; otherwise, God himself would be considered to be so. Rather, holy innocence is and always will be the outpicturing of the Christ Mind in the soul's search for the fullest expansion of the infinite Mind of God. This is the rapture of real Being! Innocence is the inner sense of the little child, one with the Spirit of God. In order to accomplish the `outpicturing' of the Christ Mind, one must translate the stream of messages from the infinite Mind and Heart of God into practical action in one's daily affairs. This requires attunement - the inner sense of right and wrong, i.e., 'innocence' - and discrimination, another faculty of innocence which is the wisdom to choose by the inner standard of the Christos: "This, not that." If you will assiduously exercise attunement with your I AM Presence and discrimination through your Christ Self, you will increase your inner sense of the divine will as well as your discernment of what is right or wrong for you as you follow the path of the ministering servant. The goal of your striving, blessed heart, is that the song of the Holy Spirit proclaim its message of goodness and ever-unfolding joy to the world through your own sacred labor, so that through your effort many may be freed from the power of misqualified energy and from a distorted viewpoint of everything and everybody - much of which has been brought about through dabbling in the shadowed forces of psychic phenomena and the introversions of psychoanalysis without benefit of Ascended Master guidance. Those who have entered the heart of Christ and been assumed unto the I AM Presence through self-identification with that God Self in the ritual of the ascension - we who are the Ascended Masters - are the most qualified teachers available to illumine the mind and heart of those whose goal is reunion with God and who are determined to achieve it by attunement and discrimination applied to the path of Love. Blessed ones, holy innocence is that state of listening grace referred to by my magnificent colleague Kuthumi in his last release. It is a state to which men are happy to return even as they are happy to be free of their outworn earthly perspective of persons, places, conditions, and things. This freedom is true holy innocence and the pure quality of God's own mind. This state cannot be compared to that of an ostrich with its head in the sand or a condition of naivete; but if it could, then I should hope that more people would become so! You see, I well know of the existence of scribes, hypocrites, and Pharisees - having had my share of dealing with them through the centuries - whose malice aforethought was surely the antithesis of holy innocence. They would have made far less karma had they been more naive than evil. But such was not the case. Blessed ones, all of this yet remains in the human octave; therefore I must remind you again that when you are busybodying, discussing people from the critical human viewpoint, analyzing their motives and conduct from some superior chair,{151} predicting what they will or will not do under a given set of circumstances, deploring their mistakes, et cetera, you are certainly not very able to find time to be really happy! If, however, you do find happiness in deprecating others, I tell you quite frankly, it is but a carrion appetite which mankind develop through gossip momentums and by going against nature in lusting after exotic or occult satisfactions which are far from the Christlike path. The nature of God's Spirit, of the angelic hosts and the Ascended Masters and cosmic beings, is the true image and inner pattern in which every living soul embodied upon earth was originally created. This lovely image is your own God Self and, as your God Self, it is the most powerful magnet to raise you to the plane of your Real Self and to draw you toward heaven's exalted purposes which can be fulfilled on earth right now, today, as the most transcendent goal of all eternity. I know that the whole world is aware of the so-called shadow of death, yet most all seem to find comfort in the Psalm of David, "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me."{152} Blessed ones, to live daily in the Thou-art-with-me consciousness is to live in the certain knowledge that your own Mighty I AM Presence is walking right within you and helping you to do the perfect thing always. Oh, I know the human inclination well. It wants you to be angry, to say sharp things, to be exalted because of the virtue you have already externalized or the skills you have developed - yes, and for many other subtle reasons which make people strut like peacocks with their human pride! And then later, by the law of the circle, they meet face to face the energy they have so misqualified. This is the round of human karma from which I AM able to deliver you. How many of my readers and auditors can see that this message is for you today? How many of you can see that it is not intended merely to tickle your ears or cause you to have a false sense of security so that you will not know your own God Presence when he cometh? The Holy Christ Self is the bridegroom indeed, and the marriage feast is the communion by the Sacred Heart with all similarly exalted hearts of Light.{153} The imminence of that hour, which is portrayed in my parable of the five wise and five foolish virgins,{154} is intended to keep people alert to initiation and awake through the inner sense of Life, so as to watch with their own Holy Christ Self every hour. It is our intent that through the Corona Class Lessons you will learn to build two ways: one, through creating good karma by doing good works; the other, by keeping the heart flame blazing through steadfast attunement with, and dynamic decrees to, the great God Source, our beloved Father. By humility and steadfastness of purpose, through thinking faith, hope, love, and God (Good), you will soon begin to outpicture in greater measure the things of the Spirit upon which your heart meditates and dwells. You will not long remain a helpless introvert dwelling in a world withdrawn from reality; neither will you be a callous, selfish extrovert dwelling in the surface foam of life. Instead, you will be balanced, capable of reaching up mind and heart to God and yet with love and tenderness able to reach down with helping hands, free of pride, to your brothers and sisters yet in a state of bondage. Herein lies the failure of most religious activities in the present age. The sobering message from my blessed mother, Mary, which was released at Fátima (to be opened in 1960 in Rome), concerning the failure of Christianity to espouse the motto "I AM my brother's keeper," was her response to that condemnation heaped upon condemnation by those corrupt ones in Church and State who walked in shadow. And, to a far less degree, it was her rebuke to the credulous who succumbed to the tactics of the brothers of the shadow due to their lack of holy innocence.{155} For holy innocence is the natural immunization of believers against the wiles of serpents who have invaded the religious societies of the world. Religion in some quarters has become an accomplishment of pride wherein some men look coldly upon others as fallen ones and, like the Pharisees of old, call out in prayer, "God, I thank thee that I am not as other men!"{156} The need, then, for the innocence of noncondemnation{157} is so apparent and almost pitiful that I hope many who do not have it will be led into acquiring the true and right perspective which I gave to my disciples, quoted in the scriptures as "The Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them."{158} All condemnation is of the destroyer and not of me or my own. It is anti-Christ in that it moves against the delicate developing soul and its internalization of the Christ consciousness through its native holy innocence. The Satanic source of condemnation is not innocent but malicious in its murderous intent, cunning to destroy hope, honest effort, and the zeal to overcome one's shortcomings on the road to self-perfection. Ministering servants, I send you forth in the name of God as Sons of Light to deliver my children from the wiles of Serpent; therefore remember your calling, "for God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."{159} It has often been said that the greatest men are the most humble, that the best contacts are to be had not with minor officials, puffed up in self-importance, but with the highest representatives of a company or government, who have a broader world view. This has often proven true. Thus, be ever magnanimous and shun rigidity and intolerance. Teach men the way of the Christ so that through communion with the Holy Spirit they may go out and acquire the power to heal, the power to open the blinded eyes, the power to cast out demons of misqualified energy (which have returned to their sender and bound him), the power to command the elements and the forces of Nature, and, above all, the power to ascend while affirming to all men, even as I did: Lo, I AM with you alway, even unto the end of the (Piscean) age (the age when your karma shall be outplayed and fully balanced if you will it so)!{160} O beloved ones, all mysteries shall be revealed unto the humble who are truly meek, who fear not, knowing they shall inherit not only the earth{161} but also the kingdom of spiritual power to exercise dominion over all the creation. You see, when the Father calls, "Come up higher"; when the Father beholds your true inner compassion, your longing which is only for God-victory over human causes and effects; when the Father sees the vital, absolutely determined intent of your heart to be one with your Holy Christ Self and Mighty God Presence I AM, then I do not think it shall be long in coming! I know it was not for me. Whom God loveth he sometimes chasteneth,{162} but he will never allow or give you to bear more than you are able. By preserving everlasting glory through serving God's name I AM, you yourself will find the hidden meaning of the words of my own beloved Teacher: "He who loseth himself (the life of the lesser self) for my sake shall find himself (the Life of his Higher Self) again." Did I not once declare that he who seeks to save his life shall lose it, but he that loseth his life for my sake (letting go of, i.e., 'loosing', the human tendencies for the sake of the Light) shall find his true Life again (in the renewing of spiritual momentums)?{163} This meaning should now become clear to all. The Life men claim by free will, the Life they selfishly grasp and hold on to with clenched fists, is already lost through misqualification. The Life which the personal consciousness of each one releases and sets free to obey the loving fiats of his own blessed God Self shall return to the giver - the blessed one who has learned at last the first principle and lesson of God: It is more blessed to give than to receive.{164} These have understood the character of our Father who art in heaven. Such I call "brother." Together let us scale the stars, God's radiant orbs of twinkling hope, love, and Life - his many mansions!{165} Thank you for your attention upon my words. It has enabled me to give you my Christmas gift - the gift of my own Self ... Jesus the Christ For lo, I AM with you always. Your Counsellor and Prince of Peace, _________________________________________________ [Taken from the book version, Corona Class Lessons.] ****** Chapter 51 Beloved Kuthumi and Jesus the Christ - December 16, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 51 - Beloved Kuthumi and Jesus the Christ - December 16, 1960 PURPOSE Corona Class Lesson 12 Recognition "My Kingdom Is Not of This World" Blessed Ones Growing Up to Be King of Your Own Domain - What is the real wonder of you? Have you ever thought about the heavenly gift of individual identity that you have been given which makes it possible for you to choose to be either a little or a big brother to all Life? Many have said, "If I were king ..." Speculating in this wise, people think that they could run the universe better, or at least that they would run it differently, if they were king - not realizing that they are already king of their own world, possessing, as they do, the potential to master the Father's gift of Life and individual identity. The gift of absolute dominion belongs to men and women with the faith, the will, and the wisdom to accept and externalize this God-given right - this choice to individualize the God flame uniquely, to shape one's destiny according to Life's profound purpose. Those who govern themselves well, managing their resources of time, space, and energy as sands in the hourglass - particles of light descending the crystal cord - are more fitted to rule a kingdom than those who do not; likewise, those who do not attempt to control the happenings of their personal worlds are surely unfit to govern the universe. These remain among the learners, no matter how much they may think they are qualified to show others how to live. Nevertheless, growing up into the Christ-estate - once the soul determines to change for the better and organize the endeavor - need not be a long process; for some saints have achieved this (not unaided) almost overnight. Truly, self-mastery is the intended unfoldment of every man's original God-given endowment. A sense of limitation, fear of many different things, depressions of the mind and emotions as well as every unhappiness arise solely because the lifeline of cosmic supply guaranteeing light, illumination, abundance, and love to all is pinched, whether by ignorance of the Law or by selfishness. Seeking their own gain, the shortsighted choke off the material or spiritual supply of others, sometimes knowingly (selfishly) and at times unknowingly (ignorantly), and in the process (by the law of karma) clamp their own arteries. Circulation, blessed ones, originates in the heart of God and is designed to provide for the unceasing flow of light through the universal body - the entire matter cosmos. The Great White Brotherhood has long held the tenet of Unity as expressing in one word the essential quality of God, teaching Oneness as the identifying quality of Be-ness: "I AM the eternal Source of all Good and your unfailing supply of every good thing." The wonder of the Christ message - which caused the morning Stars to sing together and all the Sons of God to shout for joy,{166} while the angelic hosts rang out their glorias, touching the hearts of shepherds and blazing from the East in the nova of Bethlehem drawing the Wise Men from afar{167} - was wholly its universality! Here mere drops of hope became streams, and streams of hope swelled into mighty rivers, and rivers carried men's souls into one great ocean of an infinite parental care. That "God is Love" was believed when Christ was born. Hope was alive in the beating hearts of mortals and the cup of Love ran over; they danced for joy and piped their songs of delight across the hills and valleys of Judaea. The knowledge that all men can be king - and that the only "if" is the one which humans accept or create for themselves - taught to the present day by the true shepherds of the people, gives to all an untarnished hope which we of the Ascended Masters' realm have already realized (outpictured in the physical), following in the footsteps of the Master Jesus to achieve our own ascension in the Light. That the consummate Christ-intelligence within you has already begun the process of maturation is a sign of hope for the appearing of the full identity of your God Self in the flesh. Remember, some men are yet in the infant stage, others are in spiritual boy or girlhood, while still others face with equanimity the multitudes' fickle cries of a joyful "Hosanna!" (acceptance) or an angry "Away with him!" (rejection).{168} Bear, then, with the evolving spirit of man; so shall all receive help as the need be. Be kindly, be tolerant. God has given to all, whether they are aware of it or not, a most precious gift of himself: eternal Light. The Light seems brightest in contrast with the deepening darkness; and at the Mithraic time of the year, at winter solstice, men celebrate with joy and feelings of peace the coming of the greater Light. Beloved ones, recognition is the key! Recognition chorused by the Sons of the morning, echoing over the fields in the harmonized rapture of the angels. Recognition nestled peacefully in Mother Mary's heart to be long pondered; recognition steady as a rock in the strong arm of Joseph. Let all learn recognition of God's gift. Yes, it is more blessed to be God and give than to be man and receive. Yet, as God receives the precious gift of man's love sent to him in boundless awareness of the gifts he has already given, God himself becomes the recipient and all creation receives the greater blessing. In this shining circle of Light's unity drawn around all people of goodwill on earth, the Christ in all is fairest! Humbly, I AM Kuthumi ***** 51.1 Mission - "A Priest Forever after the Order of Melchizedek" ***** Blessed Disciples of Today Who Recognize the Mission for What It Truly Is - The significance of the journey is never found in the transient joys of scenery or pleasant companionship along the way, enjoyable though these may be. The real meaning lies in the defined goal whose very process, self-realized at journey's end, assists all Life in climbing cycles' infinite stairs. The mission of every life is twofold. First there is the universal purpose in which God intends all his creation to share; then there is the unique contribution of each lifestream based on those special inner qualities which only the individual can give. Blessed are the lovely pine, spruce, and evergreen trees which men take into their homes to inspire them with remembrance this holy season. I am ever and always with you, and to draw very near to me you have but to draw close, by recognition, to the Christ flame within you which is the animating principle of your life. As the highest mountains are not scaled by one leap but by many well-placed footsteps of small victories and great, so in your patience possess ye your souls.{169} Place your feet wisely on the rock as you also pray - looking neither downward nor backwards but fixing your gaze upon the summit heights - and you shall see that the "corona of hope" is in all, externalizing and becoming step by step the nimbus of the Son of God, the radiance around the head of a Christ in action. To our holy order of Sons of the Most High, priests of God with Melchizedek {170} and brothers of Light, I, Jesus, welcome all. Kneel to your own God Presence I AM, drinking daily into the communion of saints. For to this end were all borne by the Holy Spirit from realms of Light - that fair flowers though we may be or become upon earth, fairer still shall we be in the heart of the Father. As your hearts now beat with his higher hope, maintain our communion spirit. Hold fast to the image and guidance sent to you daily by your own Holy Christ Self; then shall each day be for you a natal day of cosmic expansion into ever-new birth. As you toil in our vineyard, you shall soon see that the thin veil now separating us is becoming more gossamer until in the victory of the golden age the glory of the Light shall bid welcome to the LORD with the beauty of a daily Christmas. You shall see that the stir within every heart shall be the holy hush of man's sunset as mere man - and a rising sun for all who love and adore as I do the divine image, the Christ of every man! Lo, I AM your brother always, Jesus the Christ _________________________________________________ [Taken from the book version, Corona Class Lessons.] ****** Chapter 52 Beloved Mother Mary - December 23, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 52 - Beloved Mother Mary - December 23, 1960 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom "It can be"! With God all things are possible and these blessed words are a great hope to the present and coming age, and they are also my hope for each one of you, for men and women of every race, dwelling in every clime as citizens of every nation. Blessed ones, the cradling of a Christ was alone never enough in itself, for I gloried in the joy of observing his growth year by year, watching him stretch his then tiny limbs and at last seeing him running forth in youth, maturity and then Christhood! So often people are gripped by the human feeling of isolation from the reality of the kingdom of God. They seem to temporarily lose their sense of oneness with the Ascended Masters or their own God Presence. Even when reading Ascended Master words, including those spoken by my son or myself, they do not feel all of the Truth or deep love in them. At times they tend to apply the meaning to others in an almost abject humility, and do not accept our deeper loving feelings and personal consideration which we have for every part of life - which is, after all, God - as their very own. Blessed ones, this is one of the prime joys of winning your ascension, being able to cradle the hearts of men in arms of love and light as a Divine Mother. With the compassion of the Infinite, I am drawing forth from within the heart flames of all men who will respond to my ministration, the same beautiful God-qualities which I nurtured in Jesus and which so distinguished every other Son or Daughter of Light through al the ages! As you pause at the threshold of this coming New Year, as you set about the task of appropriating the many opportunities of the season joyously, seek to ponder my message personally: I am your cosmic mother and I am ever so willing to envision you as accepting the reality that nothing is ever impossible with God, that nothing need ever block you from accepting and manifesting all the victorious spiritual qualities which beloved Jesus did and which are in reality the same loving Father's gifts to you today! This is the same Father of yesterday, who is today willing and able to bestow the fullness of the Kingdom upon you whenever you are ready to accept it. If this can be, and of that I am convinced, then would it not be well for us to resolve to see that it becomes a personal reality, for you, for the world, and for that blessed Holy Spirit whose energy we all use? - I AM keeping the Covenant of the Christ for you - through every day this coming year - - YOUR MOTHER MARY - (The Ascended Lady Master, Mother Mary) (This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling (India) Council of God's Will, of which all the Ascended Host are Members.) ****** Chapter 53 Beloved El Morya - December 30, 1960 ****** Vol. 3 No. 53 - Beloved El Morya - December 30, 1960 The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom As I observe how great Cosmic Beings from other planets and systems of worlds tangibly bless us of the Darjeeling Council privately and abundantly with a radiant communion between our various spheres - which actually manifests on the sacred altars of the Brotherhood in some of our lovely Cave Temples near Darjeeling as spherical globes of luminous fire in many colors of the rainbow, containing a symbolical language whose very effect is salutory on our whole nature and a blessing also to the entire planet - I feel an intensified wish to see all men on earth share the great glory and beauty of the Father's kingdom as we do, that they all may speedily stand no longer in limitation and uncertainty. You see, fohat (a manifestation of divine fire) is a tangible reality to all ascended sons of Light which has been witnessed by a few while still in mortal form. It is a communion of nature with its God. Now, every blessing of the kingdom will be given to every man when all do collectively reach a state of ultimate love. Conditional love, which declares, "I will do for you if you will do for me," lacks the outgoing universal radiance which is a quality of the divine giver. Only by developing this actual quality of God's own heart shall men invoke automatically the amplified faith which speaks its commands to the mountain and sees obedience on the instant! The time is now ripe for an expansion of this activity and after New Year's I am determined to see a great impetus given to The Summit Lighthouse. You see, in many places we have already forged great links of unity. The whole world of Christendom already feels the cosmic pressure of a united spirit which the more sensitive already detect. Even the political factions sense that they stand in a "no-man's land" of impasse. Victory is now impossible, at least permanent victory, for personalities who participate in a power struggle, and the world is soon to examine the whole fabric of sociology. Without the cultivation of the Spirit, men cannot perceive the necessary fiery icon of the I AM Presence as it appeared to Moses in the burning bush. Training is needed in thought, action and control. Communion with us is essential. The former measures, although under our direction and significant, shall be absorbed in our more heroic tempo of the golden age. As the caravan moves on, some will fall by the wayside for trifles of inattention or transposed attention to the ephemeral vanities of the outer world of cause and effect. Hence Morya calls for a strengthening of the highest magnets. God wants none to fail! As the host is elevated by a priest in practicing transubstantiation, so must our chelas learn the more simple means of invoking the universal aid. The call to being is the call to "I AM!" Nature is God in manifestation. Let our chelas then perceive the need for redeeming their thoughts about weeds or malignant plants. Love transmutes and is the panacea of nature and spirit! At the gateway to the new year perceive God as pure in heart - to emulate him is to record deeds which I am convinced will denote progress. Either openly or in secret, progress shall be made this year. So has Life commanded and therefore the pitiful spirals will dissolve short of the mark. Yet Beauty and Hope clasp hands. We keep our fresh linen clean, then, by avoiding dust and loving cleanliness! Hopefully I AM, EL MORYA (The Beloved Ascended Master) This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters' Darjeeling, India, Council of God's will, of which all the ascended host are members.) ***** Bibliography ***** [1] Volume 3, Number 12, footnote 22. Born of the Shekinah glory of the I AM Presence. Shekinah [Hebrew for "dwelling" or "Presence"]: the visible majesty of the presence of God which has descended to dwell among men; God's presence in the world as manifested in natural and supernatural phenomena. Examples of the Shekinah as seen in the Old Testament: the burning bush (Exod. 3:2), the cloud on Mount Sinai (Exod. 24:16, 17), the Divine Presence that rested over the mercy seat of the ark of the covenant (Exod. 25:21, 22; Lev. 16:2), and the glory of the LORD that filled the tabernacle (Exod. 40:34, 35) and later the Temple of Solomon (I Kings 8:10, 11). In the New Testament the Shekinah is seen in "the glory of the Lord" shining round the angel who appeared to the shepherds (Luke 2:9) and in the cloud on the mount of transfiguration (Matt. 17:5). Ultimately, it is seen by Christian theologians to be the glory of God which became incarnate in Jesus - "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth." (John 1:14). =============================================================================== **** Footnotes: **** {1} New calculating device used by government and industry (similar to equipment to be used to compute the current census) {2} John 10:1-18. {3} Each one judged according to works. Ps. 62:12; Prov. 24:12; Jer. 17:10; 32: 19; Matt. 16:27; Rom. 2:5-13; Rev. 2:23; 20:12, 13; 22:12. {4} Gen. 4:7. {5} "Trees." "I think that I shall never see / A poem lovely as a tree. / A tree whose hungry mouth is prest / Against the earth's sweet flowing breast; / A tree that looks at God all day / And lifts her leafy arms to pray; / A tree that may in summer wear / A nest of robins in her hair; / Upon whose bosom snow has lain; / Who intimately lives with rain. / Poems are made by fools like me, / But only God can make a tree." Joyce Kilmer (1913) {6} Touching the hem of the garment. Matt. 9:20-22; 14:35, 36; Mark 5:25-34; 6: 56; Luke 8:43-48. {7} I Kings 8:27; II Chron. 6:18. {8} Gen. 1:26-28. {9} Isa. 55:8, 9. {10} John 12:32. {11} Weary not in well-doing. Gal. 6:9; II Thess. 3:13; I Cor. 15:58. {12} Luke 19:41. {13} John 3:19. {14} Heb. 12:23. {15} John 21:15-17. {16} Acts 28:17-31. {17} Matt. 16:15. {18} My outreach has been so beautifully outpictured in the magnificent statue Christ the Redeemer, which provides a wonderful focus in Rio de Janeiro for my love to the people of South America. {19} Born of the Shekinah glory of the I AM Presence. [1] {20} Eph. 4:22-24; Col. 3:9, 10. {21} "Vengeance is mine ... " Deut. 32:35; Rom. 12:19; Heb. 10:30. {22} God's mercy everlasting. Pss. 103:17; 118:1-4; 136; I Chron. 16:34, 41; II Chron. 5:13; 7:3, 6; Ezra 3:11. {23} II Pet. 1:19; Rev. 2:28; 22:16. {24} I Cor. 3:13-15. {25} "Ask and ye shall receive." Matt. 7:7-11; 21:21, 22; Mark 11:23, 24; Luke 11:9-13; John 14:13, 14; 15:7, 16; 16:23, 24; James 1:5; I John 3:22; 5:14, 15. {26} Luke 23:34. {27} Matt. 7:16; Luke 6:44. {28} John 8:12; 9:5. {29} Serapis Bey, Hierarch of the Ascension Temple at Luxor, Egypt, has described how the Master Jesus came to Luxor as a very young man and knelt before the Hierophant "refusing all honors that were offered him" and asked to be initiated into the first grade of spiritual law and mystery. "No sense of pride marred his visage - no sense of preeminence or false expectation, albeit he could have well expected the highest honors." See Serapis Bey, Dossier on the Ascension (Livingston, Montana: Summit University Press, 1979), p. 33. {30} "Whosoever will be great ... " Matt. 20:26-28; 23:11; Mark 9:35; 10:43-45; Luke 22:26, 27. {31} Rev. 3:15, 16. {32} Mal. 4:2; Rev. 1:16. {33} Luke 22:19; I Cor. 11:24, 25. {34} Matt. 3:12. {35} John 6:33-35, 48-58; Matt. 26:26. {36} Matt. 20:20-23; 26:27, 28; Mark 10:35-40. {37} Drink of the water of Life. John 4:10-14; 7:37, 38; Rev. 21:6; 22:1, 17. {38} John 3:16. {39} The requirement of faith. Matt. 8:5-13; 9:18-30; 15:22-28; 17:19, 20; 21: 21, 22; Mark 5:22-43; 9:17-27; 10:46-52; 11:22-24; Luke 7:2-10, 50; 8:41-56; 17:19; 18:35-43; John 11:21-45; Heb. 11. {40} James 2:14-26. {41} John 16:13. {42} James 4:8. {43} Luke 1:46-52. {44} Isa. 40:4; Luke 3:5. {45} The word Christ is derived from the Greek Christos, meaning "anointed," from chriein, "to anoint." {46} "Thou shalt not take life!" Exod. 20:13; 21:12, 14, 20-23; Lev. 24:17, 21; Num. 35:16-24, 30, 31; Deut. 19:11-13; Matt. 5:21; Rev. 13:10. In Buddhism, the first of the Ten Precepts is translated as "Refrain from destroying life." According to the doctrine of the Jains, who strictly adhere to the Eastern principle of ahimsa (harmlessness, non-injury, non-killing of life), even the unintentional killing of an ant through carelessness may have severe consequences on the soul. The foundation of Hindu law is the Code or Institutes of Manu, an ancient collection of laws based on custom, precedent and the teachings of the Vedas. This highly revered code defined the rules of conduct and their application to all the classes of the community. According to the code, the taking of life warranted the death penalty in order to reduce violence in society by deterring others from committing the same crime and to allow for expiation of sin. {47} Luke 3:22. {48} John 8:58. {49} Phil. 2:5. {50} The prodigal son. Read Luke 15:11-32. {51} Impartiality of the Deity. Matt. 5:45; Acts 10:34, 35; Rom. 2:11; Eph. 6: 8, 9; Col. 3:25. {52} "An eye for an eye ... " Exod. 21:23-25; Lev. 24:19, 20; Deut. 19:21; Matt. 5:38. {53} Matt. 11:12. {54} Forty days in the wilderness. Matt. 4:1-11; Mark 1:12, 13; Luke 4:1-13. {55} Jesus in Gethsemane. Matt. 26:36-46; Mark 14:32-42; Luke 22:39-46. {56} Matt. 7:14. {57} Matt. 22:11, 12; Rev. 19:7, 8. {58} "I will multiply thy seed ... " Gen. 13:16; 15:5; 22:17, 18; Jer. 33:22; Heb. 11:12. {59} Trailing clouds of glory. "Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting: / The Soul that rises with us, our life's Star, / Hath had elsewhere its setting, /And cometh from afar: / Not in entire forgetfulness, / And not in utter nakedness, / But trailing clouds of glory do we come / From God, who is our home ... " William Wordsworth, "Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood," stanza 5 (1807). {60} Exod. 33:20. For teaching on this verse, see Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Lost Teachings of Jesus II (1986), pp. 121-22. {61} John 11:25. {62} Matt. 11:11; Luke 7:28. {63} Mark 4:39; John 14:27. {64} The veil. Exod. 26:31-33; 40:3, 21, 22, 26; Lev. 16:2, 12, 15; 21:23; 24: 3; Heb. 6:19; 9:3; 10:20. {65} Gen. 19:26. {66} Gen. 2:16, 17. {67} Ps. 22:27; Dan. 12:1-3; Luke 1:16. {68} "Love one another ... " John 13:34, 35; 15:9-17; I John 3:11-24. {69} John 8:58. {70} "Watch with Me." Matt. 26:36-46. In 1964 the Master Jesus inaugurated the "Watch with Me" Jesus' Vigil of the Hours - a one-hour worldwide service of prayer, affirmation, and song for the protection of the Christ consciousness in every son and daughter of God. This service commemorates the vigil Jesus kept alone in the Garden of Gethsemane when he said: "Could ye not watch with me one hour?" The Lord Jesus has called students of the Ascended Masters to give this Watch individually or in group action once a week, at the same time each week, so that at every hour of the day and night someone some-where is keeping the vigil. Originally, a chart was kept at The Summit Lighthouse headquarters showing who had volunteered and to see to it that at no time would there be a vacancy in this unceasing watch for world peace and freedom. Available in 32-page booklet; on single cassette B83143; and with healing lecture on 2-cassette album "Physician, Heal Thyself!" (A83143). {71} Exod. 3:13-15. {72} John 12:23, 28-32. {73} Col. 2:9. {74} John 19:30. {75} Gen. 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31. {76} Matt. 25:14-30. {77} Good fruit after its kind. Matt. 3:8, 10; 7:16-20; 12:33; Luke 6:43-45; John 15:1-17. {78} Mark 16:20. {79} John 10:10. {80} Matt. 20:1-16. {81} Mark 12:41-44. {82} II Cor. 3:18. {83} "Be of good cheer ... " Matt. 9:2; 14:27; John 16:33; Acts 23:11. {84} Acts 9:5; 26:14. {85} Luke 7:11-17. {86} Mark 5:22-24, 35-43. {87} John 11:1-44. {88} Rom. 8:7. {89} Corona-tion denotes the action of the Light-emanation of the corona, or halo, of the Teacher now transferred to the disciple as a crown of life. {90} Eph. 2:8, 9. {91} James 2:17, 20, 26. {92} John 14:12. {93} Luke 24:27, 32, 45. {94} "The Lost Chord." Words by Adelaide A. Procter, music by Arthur Sullivan (1878): "Seated one day at the organ, I was weary and ill at ease, /And my fingers wandered idly over the noisy keys; / I know not what I was playing, or what I was dreaming then, /But I struck one chord of music like the sound of a great Amen, / Like the sound of a great Amen. / It flooded the crimson twilight / Like the close of an angel's Psalm, /And it lay on my fevered spirit / With a touch of infinite calm; / It quieted pain and sorrow like love overcoming strife, / It seemed the harmonious echo from our discordant life. / It linked all perplexed meanings into one perfect peace, / And trembled away into silence as if it were loth to cease. / I have sought, but I seek it vainly, that one lost chord divine, / Which came from the soul of the organ and entered into mine: / It may be that Death's bright angel will speak in that chord again; / It may be that only in Heaven I shall hear that grand Amen." {95} Matt. 6:19-21. {96} Matt. 13:45, 46. {97} "Faint heart never won fair lady." Old English proverb. {98} female attendant, or servant, feminine chela; soul, bride {99} Luke 1:26-38, 46-55. {100} John 3:30. {101} Isa. 11:6. {102} "Except ye become as a little child ... " Matt. 18:3; Mark 10:15; Luke 18:17. {103} From the hymn "I'll Be a Sunbeam," words by Nellie Talbot, music by Edwin O. Excell (1900). {104} Statement of Thomas Jefferson inscribed within his memorial and presently appearing on the Brotherhood-inspired credo stamp of the United States. {105} John 9:5. {106} John 14:1, 27. {107} Matt. 3:10; 7:19. {108} II Pet. 2:18. {109} John 8:32. {110} The soul versus the ego. Much of psychology has supported the ego and denied the parallel path of the soul. The distinction accorded the ego has extinguished the path of the soul: the soul yearns to come back into alignment with Reality but psychology has given recognition neither to the soul nor to the God Presence. Its theories are based on "lower mind" concepts and sexual and aggressive drives. The ego seeks recognition from other egos. The soul seeks recognition from the I AM Presence. Ironically, the root psyche, from which this brand of study derives its name, means "soul." {111} Sir Edwin Arnold, trans., The Song Celestial or Bhagavad-Gita (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1948), p. 9. {112} I Cor. 3:10. {113} The Temple of Life's Victory. On June 3, 1960, the Ascended Master El Morya announced an unprecedented dispensation from the Karmic Board: "A mighty Temple of Victory is to be built in this nation for all mankind, dedicated to the Presence of Almighty God. It shall be called `I AM' the Temple of Life's Victory" - the "first temple of the Great White Brotherhood known to the outer world since Atlantean days." The pattern for this magnificent, vast temple was lowered into the etheric realms of earth, but it requires the acceptance of the gift and the full appreciation of its significance by the sons and daughters of God before it can be externalized in the physical plane. {114} John 1:9; 8:12; 9:5; 12:46. {115} Matt. 5:14-16. {116} That the soul be not puffed up. I Cor. 4:6, 18, 19; 8:1; 13:4; Col. 2:18. {117} Rom. 3:23; Phil. 3:14. {118} The name Immanuel means "God with us." See Isa. 7:14; 8:8, 10; Matt. 1: 23. {119} John 1:9. {120} John 8:12; 9:5. {121} John 8:28-32. {122} John 11:25. {123} I John 4:8, 16. {124} Favor with God and man. I Sam. 2:26; Prov. 3:1-4; Luke 2:52. {125} Isa. 9:6. {126} John 14:9. {127} Mark 16:15. {128} Luke 23:34. {129} Matt. 18:21, 22. {130} Jesus accused of being possessed. Mark 3:22; John 7:20; 8:48, 52; 10:20. {131} Persecution to be expected. Matt. 5:10-12; Luke 11:49, 50; 21:12-19; John 15:18-21. {132} "What must I do to be saved?" Matt. 19:16, 25; Mark 10:17, 26; Luke 10: 25; 13:23; 18:18, 26. {133} Matt. 10:29-31. {134} John 14:9, 10. {135} Luke 2:14. {136} The two-edged sword. Ps. 149:6; Heb. 4:12; Rev. 1:16. {137} The Ascended Masters El Morya, Kuthumi, and Djwal Kul were embodied as the Three Wise Men (Matt. 2:1-12). El Morya (Melchior) brought to the Christ Child the gift of gold, Kuthumi (Balthazar) the gift of frankincense, and Djwal Kul (Caspar) the gift of myrrh. {138} John 1:9; Luke 2:10, 11. {139} I Pet. 3:4; Eph. 3:16, 17. {140} "Thou art my beloved Son ... " Ps. 2:7; Acts 13:33; Heb. 1:5; 5:5. {141} Isa. 25:8; I Cor. 15:54. {142} John 4:35. {143} Ps. 46:10. {144} Ps. 121:1, 2. {145} Luke 2:14. {146} Matt. 10:6; 15:24. {147} synonym for the Great White Brotherhood {148} John 1:14; 3:16, 18; I John 4:9. {149} Matt. 5:16; I Pet. 2:12. {150} Mark 5:25-34. {151} Ps. 1:1; II Thess. 3:11; I Pet. 4:15. {152} Ps. 23:4. {153} Mark 2:19; John 3:29; Rev. 19:7-9. {154} Matt. 25:1-13. {155} The Fátima message. See Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Lost Teachings of Jesus II, available in paperback and hardback. {156} Luke 18:11. {157} Noncondemnation. See the Ascended Master El Morya's teaching on criticism, condemnation, and judgment in A Report, reprinted from his October 26, 1962 Pearl of Wisdom (vol. 5, no. 43); 10-page pamphlet. {158} Luke 9:56. {159} John 3:17. {160} Matt. 28:20. {161} Ps. 37:11; Matt. 5:5. {162} "Whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth ... " Prov. 3:11, 12; Heb. 12:5-11; Rev. 3:19. {163} "Whosoever will save his life ... " Matt. 10:39; 16:25; Mark 8:35; Luke 9:24; John 12:25. {164} Acts 20:35; Luke 14:12-14. {165} John 14:2. {166} Job 38:7. {167} Luke 2:8-20; Matt. 2:1-12; Rev. 22:16. {168} "Hosanna!" "Away with him!" Matt. 21:9, 15; Mark 11:9, 10; 15:13, 14; Luke 23:18-21. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, March 27, 1983, "The Acceptance and the Rejection of the Living Christ," Conclave of the Friends of Christ, 16-cassette album (A83063), The Summit Lighthouse or single cassette B83063; and 1983 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 26, no. 37, pp. 393-418. {169} Luke 21:19. {170} Priesthood of Melchizedek. Gen. 14:18; Ps. 110:4; Heb. 5:5-10; 6:20; 7.