Urantia Book

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Chapter 48
Archangel Gabriel - December 4, 1959

Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1959
Inspired in
Mark L. Prophet

48  Archangel Gabriel - December 4, 1959

Vol. 2 No. 48 - Archangel Gabriel - December 4, 1959

     To Our Gracious Readers Dedicated to Love's Service the World Around -

     Beloved Archangel Gabriel Speaks:

     "Lo that holy one that shall be born of thee shall be called the `Sun' of God?" So spoke I to Mary the Blessed Virgin, chosen for her own God purity to be the cup into which God poured forth the pure essence of his own divinity, changing even the physical form of that vessel into a chalice of living but eternal virtue! Blessed spirits - I can have no other but a divine concept of each and every lifestream - but unfortunately for them, many unascended beings seem to find difficult the acceptance of the Great Law of God which respects no man's person, bestowing an equal grace on all whenever they are ready to receive it! Think you that Jesus and Mary were selected because God respected their outer persons above all others who dwelt in the land of Judea? Nay, beloved children of earth - these blessed flaming spirits (Jesus and Mary) so zealously affirmed their own divinity and the sun or radiance of whole I AM light of the Presence that wherever they moved - at inner levels it was like the Presence of a burning star! On earth the pages of history to the present day flame with the glory of their lifestreams, and although mute to most earthly ears countless multitudes at inner levels compose anthems of such exquisite beauty and tone to their memory and eternal service to life as to fill with delight the angels of heaven - who have sung and heard some magnificent arias I tell you!

     Each Christmas season when so much of the attention of mankind is on the angelic host, enabling us to draw nigh to them, we cannot but send out our own God blessed feeling of gratitude and praise for that gift of life and consciousness which we have - which enables us to act with lightning speed to inspire and comfort the mankind of earth. Do not think for a moment we do not even walk among you - the service of the Ascended Master friends you love and the service of the angels is very great indeed - farther reaching than most men or women do realize while still unascended.

     Accept this my letter to you as a token of sacred memory from the heart chronicles of an archangel in memory of my annunciation to the blessed Mother (for each Christmas season at inner levels we re-enact that blessed scene, beaming the inspiration thereof through earth's atmospheres), and let it recall to your own memory that the Christ of God is universally loved everywhere because he is love! This is your true nature also, which you can today amplify without limit until retaining our God feelings of happiness the annunciation event will stir your spirits and revive your sometimes tired bodies until in oneness with your I AM Presence and the angelic host you too can behold God in Christ in you as a reality perceived equally clearly by you as though seen through the eyes of an angel!

     The season's peace and blessings upon you -

I AM - Archangel Gabriel