Urantia Book

Grupo de Aprendizes da Informação Aberta


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Chapter 1
Beloved El Morya - August 15, 1958 - A Constant Heart

Pearls of Wisdom - Year 1958
Inspired in
Mark L. Prophet

Beloved El Morya - August 15, 1958 - A Constant Heart

Vol. 1 No. 1 - Beloved El Morya - August 15, 1958
Charges Forth Herewith Its Radiant Beams Which Manifest as
A Constant Heart

     To Our Gracious Readers Dedicated to Love's Service the World Around:

     To Hearts Who Hope in Him with Constancy,

     It has been said, "`Tis hope, sweet hope, that keeps our constant hearts." My phrasing of this would be: `Tis hope that constantly keeps our hearts sweet; `tis sweet, `tis sweet to hope for constancy.

     Yes, it is true that "you never miss the water till the well runs dry." 1 (Perhaps some of you have thought on this a little recently since our weekly release to you of the living water of our instruction has been delayed.) The constancy of an ever-flowing spring is a blessed comfort to the thirsty traveler. And every one of you has been given opportunity by the great Karmic Board and your own Lord of Love, your own individualized I AM Presence, to fill a place of divine service to life.

     Now, my constant hope is great, some think too great; for it is my hope that in every place where we see the requirement for a constant server, there will we find one of you.

     This activity is intended to practically assist the earnest seeker after Truth as well as the dedicated server thereof. It is a channel and way by which the higher hopes of heaven may be communicated to those of earth. It is also an invisible (to the human) temple of Light and Love from which we of the ascended host may release to you God-wisdom from above in a cooperative endeavor to assist you in reaching up to us and our Light through the veil of maya.

     Thus will our combined energies find firm anchorage in the human realm and thus can we help you and all who will heed our words to avoid many of the pitfalls of human experience. Such help from us lovingly accepted by you will speed your spiritual evolution so that you will avoid much suffering. So too shall we gather the sheaves of works well done into God's storehouse of Love, offering them as our combined gifts to the Lord of the harvest.

     When one extracts from a wounded animal a thorn which has been causing that life distress, certainly it is not necessary to instruct the beneficiary of your service in the art of surgery. However, when a conscious chela comes to us seeking relief and release from his human distresses, requesting help for his spiritual advancement and desiring to serve his own God Presence I AM and us, it becomes a necessary service and a great joy to us to give him of our wisdom.

     This wisdom, of course, was finally attained by us when before our ascension we victoriously passed through the fires of human suffering as well as through the rhythmic practice of sublime attunement with our God Source during countless periods of meditation and contemplation upon his glory which is revealed in the very starry heavens themselves. In this way, as we reveal to the chela the ways and means of our own attainment, the chela becomes fully equipped by such knowledge with the practical means to help himself and others.

     Now, sweet and gracious reader, dream on if you will of fanciful physical journeys to our feet, seeing yourselves encamped with a little band in some exotic place in Tibet or India where you expect to hear the great word of initiation which many men suppose will set them free from every burden, instantly and magically.

     However, I assure you that in reality when with a constant heart you camp with us right where you are - listening to our loving guidance which we daily reveal to ears that are attuned to the arisen host, as we express our love through you to your fellowman - your visits to our campfires will be much more real and practical in their blessings than would be the mere glamour of physical travel.

     Remember, wherever you are, I AM. As you know, even with the comfort of air-conditioning in modern conveyances, physical travel can be wearying to the body and spirit not yet illumined by the selfless torch of sincerity and constancy in service.

     I trust you will forgive the delays which have occurred in the sending of our instruction to you recently, and I know this did not mean that you discontinued your endeavors to perfect your "invisible" attunement with your own beloved I AM Presence and us.

     Only by holding firmly to the hand of God, your own I AM Presence, and the ascended host in times of Darkness as well as in times of Light can you ever find the way, the Middle Way, which the beloved Gautama lived.

     Walking this Middle Way, one does not become so humble that he is subservient nor so exalted that he becomes blasphemous. In practicing the living of the Middle Way will you find full solace; for it brings the God-comfort of peace as you consciously, by the use of the violet transmuting flame, still the voices of vain desires.

     From the Darjeeling and the Himalayan temples there come to you now protective and healing currents as well as the sweet fragrance of flowers and cedarwood. And last but not least, through our divine friendship comes this missive of goodwill, God's will, to you!

Your Obedient Servant -

     Note: This blessing of the Ascended Masters' love is an expression of their desire to help you all the rest of your way Home. It is offered to you, gracious reader, as one who is sincerely interested in receiving such help. However, we who abide in this physical world and benefit from their service must bear the costs of paper, postage, and printing. As a grateful reader you are privileged to help in this regard according to the dictates of your own heart. According to cosmic law, which never changes, there must always be the balance of giving and receiving. And when a love gift is given to so assist in expanding the Masters' activities, the chela thus honorably balances his account with life.


1 "When the well's dry, we know the worth of water." Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanac (1746). "For you never miss the water till the well runs dry." Rowland Howard, You Never Miss the Water (1876).